use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use futures_util::{stream::SplitSink, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::Value; use tokio::{ select, sync::{mpsc, oneshot}, time::timeout, }; use crate::{ call::{MultiCall, MultiResponse}, Call, Error, Reply, Result, RpcError, SmallString, }; type WSMessgae = tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::Message; type WSStream = tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream>; pub trait NotificationCallback { fn on_notification(&self, method: SmallString, gid: SmallString); } struct EmptyCallback; impl NotificationCallback for EmptyCallback { fn on_notification(&self, _method: SmallString, _gid: SmallString) {} } struct RawClient { // Sender for request message_tx: mpsc::Sender, // Receiver for shutdown signal _shutdown_rx: oneshot::Receiver<()>, token: Option, } struct RpcRequest { method: &'static str, params: Value, handler: oneshot::Sender, } enum RpcResponse { Success(Value), Error(RpcError), } impl RpcResponse { #[inline] fn into_result(self) -> Result { match self { Self::Success(v) => Ok(v), Self::Error(e) => Err(Error::Rpc(e)), } } } pub struct ConnectionMeta { pub url: String, pub token: Option, } impl RawClient { async fn connect( meta: ConnectionMeta, channel_buffer_size: usize, notification_cb: CB, ) -> Result { let (ws, _) = tokio_tungstenite::connect_async(&meta.url).await?; let (message_tx, message_rx) = mpsc::channel(channel_buffer_size); let (shutdown_tx, _shutdown_rx) = oneshot::channel(); tokio::spawn(async move { Self::background(ws, meta.url, message_rx, shutdown_tx, notification_cb).await }); let client = Self { message_tx, _shutdown_rx, token: meta.token, }; Ok(client) } async fn background( ws: WSStream, url: String, mut message_rx: mpsc::Receiver, mut shutdown_tx: oneshot::Sender<()>, cb: CB, ) { let mut handler_mapping = HashMap::new(); let (mut sink, mut stream) = ws.split(); // loop to handle message and reconnect loop { // loop to handle message(recv, send) loop { select! { _ = shutdown_tx.closed() => { tracing::info!("background task shutdown"); return; } Some(msg) = message_rx.recv() => { let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string(); handler_mapping.insert(uuid.clone(), msg.handler); if let Err(e) = timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), Self::send_request(&mut sink, &uuid, msg.method, &msg.params)).await { tracing::error!("send request error: {e}"); break; } } Some(msg) = => { let text = match msg { Ok(WSMessgae::Text(text)) => text, Ok(_) => { continue; } Err(e) => { tracing::error!("websocket error: {e}"); break; } }; Self::handle_response(text, &mut handler_mapping, &cb); } } } // loop to reconnect. handler_mapping.clear(); loop { if shutdown_tx.is_closed() { tracing::info!("background task shutdown"); return; } match timeout( Duration::from_secs(10), tokio_tungstenite::connect_async(&url), ) .await { Err(e) => { tracing::error!("reconnect error: {e}, will retry in 10 seconds"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; } Ok(Err(e)) => { tracing::error!("reconnect timeout: {e}, will retry in 10 seconds"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; } Ok(Ok((ws, _))) => { let (new_sink, new_stream) = ws.split(); sink = new_sink; stream = new_stream; break; } } } } } async fn send_request( sink: &mut SplitSink, uuid: &str, method: &str, call: &Value, ) -> Result<()> { #[derive(Serialize)] struct Request<'a> { id: &'a str, jsonrpc: &'a str, method: &'a str, params: &'a Value, } let rpc_req = Request { id: uuid, jsonrpc: "2.0", method, params: call, }; sink.send(WSMessgae::Text(serde_json::to_string(&rpc_req)?)) .await?; Ok(()) } fn handle_response( text: String, handler_mapping: &mut HashMap>, cb: &CB, ) { #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] enum Response { Resp { id: String, result: Value, }, Notification { method: SmallString, params: NotificationParam, }, Err { id: String, error: RpcError, }, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct NotificationParam { gid: SmallString, } match serde_json::from_str::(&text) { Ok(Response::Resp { id, result }) => { if let Some(handler) = handler_mapping.remove(&id) { let _ = handler.send(RpcResponse::Success(result)); } } Ok(Response::Notification { method, params }) => { cb.on_notification(method, params.gid); } Ok(Response::Err { id, error }) => { if let Some(handler) = handler_mapping.remove(&id) { let _ = handler.send(RpcResponse::Error(error)); } } Err(e) => { tracing::error!("parse response error: {e}, origin text: {text}"); } } } pub async fn call_value<'a, C: Call>(&'a self, call: &'a C) -> Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let token = self.token.as_ref().map(AsRef::as_ref); let method = call.method(); let params = call.to_param(token)?; self.message_tx .send(RpcRequest { method, params, handler: tx, }) .await .map_err(|_| Error::ChannelSend)?; let rpc_resp = rx.await.map_err(Error::from)?; rpc_resp.into_result() } pub async fn call<'a, C: Call + Reply>(&'a self, call: &'a C) -> Result { let value = self.call_value(call).await?; let reply = C::to_reply(value).map_err(Error::from)?; Ok(reply) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Client { inner: Arc, } impl Client { pub async fn connect(meta: ConnectionMeta, channel_buffer_size: usize) -> Result { let inner = Arc::new(RawClient::connect(meta, channel_buffer_size, EmptyCallback).await?); Ok(Self { inner }) } pub async fn connect_with_cb( meta: ConnectionMeta, channel_buffer_size: usize, notification_cb: CB, ) -> Result { let inner = Arc::new(RawClient::connect(meta, channel_buffer_size, notification_cb).await?); Ok(Self { inner }) } pub async fn call_value<'a, C: Call>(&'a self, call: &'a C) -> Result { self.inner.call_value(call).await } pub async fn call<'a, C: Call + Reply>(&'a self, call: &'a C) -> Result { } } struct CallWithRecv { call: Box, tx: oneshot::Sender>, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct BatchClient { batch: Arc>>, inner: Arc, _shutdown_rx: Arc>, } impl BatchClient { pub async fn connect( meta: ConnectionMeta, channel_buffer_size: usize, interval: Duration, ) -> Result { Self::connect_with_cb(meta, channel_buffer_size, interval, EmptyCallback).await } pub async fn connect_with_cb( meta: ConnectionMeta, channel_buffer_size: usize, interval: Duration, notification_cb: CB, ) -> Result { let raw = Arc::new(RawClient::connect(meta, channel_buffer_size, notification_cb).await?); let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = oneshot::channel(); let batch = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new())); let raw_clone = raw.clone(); let batch_clone = batch.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { Self::background(raw_clone, batch_clone, interval, shutdown_tx).await }); Ok(Self { batch, inner: raw, _shutdown_rx: Arc::new(shutdown_rx), }) } pub async fn call_instantly<'a, C: Call + Reply>(&'a self, call: &'a C) -> Result { let value = self.inner.call_value(call).await?; let reply = C::to_reply(value).map_err(Error::from)?; Ok(reply) } pub async fn call_value_instantly<'a, C: Call>(&'a self, call: &'a C) -> Result { self.inner.call_value(call).await } pub async fn call(&self, call: C) -> Result { let value = self.call_value(call).await?; let reply = C::to_reply(value).map_err(Error::from)?; Ok(reply) } pub async fn call_value(&self, call: C) -> Result { let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); self.batch.lock().push(CallWithRecv { call: Box::new(call), tx, }); let value = rx.await.map_err(Error::from)??; Ok(value) } async fn background( client: Arc, batch: Arc>>, interval: Duration, mut shutdown_tx: oneshot::Sender<()>, ) { let mut call_buffer = Vec::new(); let mut tx_buffer = Vec::new(); loop { // try send batch call { let mut batch = batch.lock(); if !batch.is_empty() { for CallWithRecv { call, tx } in batch.drain(..) { call_buffer.push(call); tx_buffer.push(tx); } } } if !call_buffer.is_empty() { tracing::debug!("batch call: len = {len}", len = call_buffer.len()); let mut multi_call = MultiCall { calls: std::mem::take(&mut call_buffer), }; match client.call_value(&multi_call).await.and_then(|value| { serde_json::from_value::(value).map_err(crate::Error::Decode) }) { Ok(values) => { for (value, tx) in values.0.into_iter().zip(tx_buffer.drain(..)) { let _ = tx.send(Ok(value)); } } Err(e) => { tracing::error!("batch call error: {e}"); } }; call_buffer = std::mem::take(&mut multi_call.calls); call_buffer.clear(); tx_buffer.clear(); } // wait select! { _ = shutdown_tx.closed() => { tracing::info!("background task shutdown"); return; } _ = tokio::time::sleep(interval) => {} } } } }