use arkiv::Archive; use std::path::Path; type Error = Box; type Result = std::result::Result; #[allow(unused)] fn test(path: impl AsRef) -> Result<()> { let mut archive = Archive::open(path)?; let mut expected = vec!["sample/", "sample/sample.txt"]; let mut actual: Vec = vec![]; for entry in archive.entries_iter()? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path().display().to_string(); if path == "sample/" { assert!(entry.is_dir()); assert!(!entry.is_file()); assert_eq!(entry.size(), 0); } else { assert!(entry.is_file()); assert!(!entry.is_dir()); assert_eq!(entry.size(), 7); } actual.push(path); } /// call a second time to check that the rewind is done properly assert!(archive.entries_iter().is_ok()); actual.sort(); expected.sort(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "zip")] fn zip_archive() -> Result<()> { test("tests/sample/") } #[test] #[cfg(all(feature = "gzip", feature = "tar"))] fn tar_gz_archive() -> Result<()> { test("tests/sample/sample.tar.gz")?; test("tests/sample/sample.tgz") } #[test] #[cfg(all(feature = "bzip", feature = "tar"))] fn tar_bz2_archive() -> Result<()> { test("tests/sample/sample.tar.bz2") } #[test] #[cfg(all(feature = "xz", feature = "tar"))] fn tar_xz_archive() -> Result<()> { test("tests/sample/sample.tar.xz") } #[test] #[cfg(all(feature = "zstd", feature = "tar"))] fn tar_zstd_archive() -> Result<()> { test("tests/sample/sample.tar.zstd")?; test("tests/sample/sample.tar.zst") }