Gameboy Advance / Nintendo DS / DSi - Technical Info - Extracted from no$gba version 2.8f
About this Document

 GBA Reference

GBA Technical Data
GBA Memory Map

Hardware Programming
GBA LCD Video Controller
GBA Sound Controller
GBA Timers
GBA DMA Transfers
GBA Communication Ports
GBA Keypad Input
GBA Interrupt Control
GBA System Control
GBA Cartridges
GBA Unpredictable Things

ARM CPU Reference
BIOS Functions
External Connectors
 NDS Reference

DS Technical Data
DS I/O Maps
DS Memory Maps

Hardware Programming
DS Memory Control
DS Video
DS 3D Video
DS Sound
DS System and Built-in Peripherals
DS Cartridges, Encryption, Firmware
DS Xboo
DS Wireless Communications

BIOS Functions
ARM CPU Reference
External Connectors
 DSi Reference

DSi Basic Differences to NDS

New Hardware Features
DSi I/O Map
DSi Control Registers (SCFG)
DSi XpertTeak (DSP)
DSi New Shared WRAM (for ARM7, ARM9, DSP)
DSi SoundExt
DSi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
DSi Cartridge Header
DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller
DSi I2C Bus
DSi Cameras
DSi SD/MMC Protocol and I/O Ports
DSi SD/MMC Filesystem
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Interface
DSi Atheros Wifi Internal Hardware
DSi GPIO Registers
DSi Console IDs
DSi Unknown Registers
DSi Notes
DSi Exploits
DSi Regions

 CPU Reference

General ARM7TDMI Information
ARM CPU Overview
ARM CPU Register Set
ARM CPU Flags & Condition Field (cond)
ARM CPU 26bit Memory Interface
ARM CPU Exceptions
ARM CPU Memory Alignments

Further Information
ARM Pseudo Instructions and Directives
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor
ARM CPU Instruction Cycle Times
ARM CPU Versions
ARM CPU Data Sheet

 CPU 32bit ARM Mode

ARM 32bit Opcodes (ARM Code)
ARM Instruction Summary
ARM Branch and Branch with Link (B, BL, BX, BLX, SWI, BKPT)
ARM Data Processing (ALU)
ARM Multiply and Multiply-Accumulate (MUL, MLA)
ARM Special ARM9 Instructions (CLZ, QADD/QSUB)
ARM PSR Transfer (MRS, MSR)
ARM Memory: Single Data Transfer (LDR, STR, PLD)
ARM Memory: Halfword, Doubleword, and Signed Data Transfer
ARM Memory: Block Data Transfer (LDM, STM)
ARM Memory: Single Data Swap (SWP)

 CPU 16bit THUMB Mode

ARM 16bit Opcodes (THUMB Code)
When operating in THUMB state, cut-down 16bit opcodes are used.
THUMB is supported on T-variants of ARMv4 and up, ie. ARMv4T, ARMv5T, etc.
THUMB Instruction Summary
THUMB Register Operations (ALU, BX)
THUMB Memory Load/Store (LDR/STR)
THUMB Memory Addressing (ADD PC/SP)
THUMB Memory Multiple Load/Store (PUSH/POP and LDM/STM)
THUMB Jumps and Calls
  GBA Reference

GBA Technical Data
GBA Memory Map

Hardware Programming
GBA LCD Video Controller
GBA Sound Controller
GBA Timers
GBA DMA Transfers
GBA Communication Ports
GBA Keypad Input
GBA Interrupt Control
GBA System Control
GBA Cartridges
GBA Unpredictable Things

ARM CPU Reference
BIOS Functions
External Connectors

  GBA Technical Data

CPU Modes
  ARM Mode     ARM7TDMI 32bit RISC CPU, 16.78MHz, 32bit opcodes (GBA)
  THUMB Mode   ARM7TDMI 32bit RISC CPU, 16.78MHz, 16bit opcodes (GBA)
  CGB Mode     Z80/8080-style 8bit CPU, 4.2MHz or 8.4MHz  (CGB compatibility)
  DMG Mode     Z80/8080-style 8bit CPU, 4.2MHz (monochrome gameboy compatib.)
Internal Memory
  BIOS ROM     16 KBytes
  Work RAM     288 KBytes (Fast 32K on-chip, plus Slow 256K on-board)
  VRAM         96 KBytes
  OAM          1 KByte (128 OBJs 3x16bit, 32 OBJ-Rotation/Scalings 4x16bit)
  Palette RAM  1 KByte (256 BG colors, 256 OBJ colors)
  Display      240x160 pixels (2.9 inch TFT color LCD display)
  BG layers    4 background layers
  BG types     Tile/map based, or Bitmap based
  BG colors    256 colors, or 16 colors/16 palettes, or 32768 colors
  OBJ colors   256 colors, or 16 colors/16 palettes
  OBJ size     12 types (in range 8x8 up to 64x64 dots)
  OBJs/Screen  max. 128 OBJs of any size (up to 64x64 dots each)
  OBJs/Line    max. 128 OBJs of 8x8 dots size (under best circumstances)
  Priorities   OBJ/OBJ: 0-127, OBJ/BG: 0-3, BG/BG: 0-3
  Effects      Rotation/Scaling, alpha blending, fade-in/out, mosaic, window
  Backlight    GBA SP only (optionally by light on/off toggle button)
  Analogue     4 channel CGB compatible (3x square wave, 1x noise)
  Digital      2 DMA sound channels
  Output       Built-in speaker (mono), or headphones socket (stereo)
  Gamepad      4 Direction Keys, 6 Buttons
Communication Ports
  Serial Port  Various transfer modes, 4-Player Link, Single Game Pak play
External Memory
  GBA Game Pak max. 32MB ROM or flash ROM + max 64K SRAM
  CGB Game Pak max. 32KB ROM + 8KB SRAM (more memory requires banking)
Case Dimensions
  Size (mm)    GBA: 145x81x25 - GBA SP: 82x82x24 (closed), 155x82x24 (stretch)
Power Supply
  Battery GBA  GBA: 2x1.5V DC (AA), Life-time approx. 15 hours
  Battery SP   GBA SP: Built-in rechargeable Lithium ion battery, 3.7V 600mAh
  External     GBA: 3.3V DC 350mA - GBA SP: 5.2V DC 320mA


Original Gameboy Advance (GBA)
   ____/    :  CARTRIDGE  SIO   :    \____
  | L       _____________________  LED  R |
  |        |                     |        |
  |  _||_  |   2.9" TFT SCREEN   |    (A) |
  | |_  _| | 240x160pix  61x40mm | (B)    |
  |   ||   |    NO BACKLIGHT     |  ::::  |
  |        |                     | SPEAKR |
  | STRT() |_____________________|  ::::  |
  |____  OFF-ON  BATTERY 2xAA PHONES  _==_|

   _______________________                                 _
  | _____________________ |                               / /
  ||                     ||                              / /
  ||   2.9" TFT SCREEN   ||                             / /
  || 240x160pix  61x40mm ||                            / /
  ||   WITH BACKLIGHT    ||                           / /
  ||                     ||     GBA SP SIDE VIEWS    / /
  ||_____________________||                         / /
  |  GAME BOY ADVANCE SP  |   _____________________(_)
  |_______________________|  |. . . . . . . .'.'.   _|
  |_|________|________|_|_|  |_CARTRIDGE_:_BATT._:_|_| <-- EXT1/EXT2
  |L    EXT1     EXT2    R|
  |          (*)      LEDSo   _____________________ _
  (VOL_||_           (A)  o  |_____________________(_)
  |  |_  _| ,,,,,(B)      |  |. . . . . . . .'.'.   _|
  |    ||   ;SPK;         |  |_CARTRIDGE_:_BATT._:_|_| <-- EXT1/EXT2
  |         '''''      ON #                         _ _____________________
  |       SLCT STRT    OFF#   _____________________(_)_____________________|
  | CART.  ()   ()        |  |. . . . . . . .'.'.   _|
  |_:___________________:_|  |_CARTRIDGE_:_BATT._:_|_| <-- EXT1/EXT2

Gameboy Micro (GBA Micro)
     | L      __________________      R |
     |       |     GBA-MICRO    |       |
     | _||_  |  2.0" TFT SCREEN |    (A)| +
     ||_  _| |240x160pix 42x28mm| (B)   |VOL
     |  ||   |     BACKLIGHT    |       | -
     |       |__________________|  ...  |
       PWR   <--- CARTRIDGE SLOT ---> PHONES

Nintendo DS (NDS)
    |        _____________________        |
    |       |                     |       |
    |       |    3" TFT SCREEN    |       |
    |       | 256x192pix  61x46mm |       |
    |       |      BACKLIGHT      |       |
    | ::::: |    Original NDS     | ::::: |
    | ::::: |_____________________| ::::: |
   _|        _          ______   _        |_  <-- gap between screens: 22mm
  |L|_______| |________|      |_| |_______|R|     (equivalent to 90 pixels)
  |_______   _____________________   _______|
  |  PWR  | |                     | |SEL STA|
  |   _   | |    3" TFT SCREEN    | |       |
  | _| |_ | | 256x192pix  61x46mm | |   X   |
  ||_   _|| |      BACKLIGHT      | | Y   A |
  |  |_|  | |    TOUCH SCREEN     | |   B   |
  |       | |_____________________| |       |
  |_______|             NintendoDS  |_______|
  |         MIC                LEDS         |
       VOL        SLOT2(GBA)     MIC/PHONES

Nintendo DS Lite (NDS-Lite)
    |        _____________________        |
    |       |                     |       |
    |       |    3" TFT SCREEN    |       |
    |  ...  | 256x192pix  61x46mm |  ...  |
    |  ...  |      BACKLIGHT      |  ...  |
    |       |      NDS-LITE       |       |
    |       |_____________________|       |
    |___  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____|   <-- gap between screens: 23mm
   L| _ |_____________MIC____________|LEDS|R
    |   _    _____________________        |
    | _| |_ |                     |   X   |
    ||_   _||    3" TFT SCREEN    | Y   A |PWR
    |  |_|  | 256x192pix  61x46mm |   B   |
    |       |      BACKLIGHT      |       |
    |       |    TOUCH SCREEN     |oSTART |
    |       |_____________________|oSELECT|
       VOL        SLOT2(GBA)     MIC/PHONES

Nintendo DSi (DSi)
    |        _____________________        |
    |       |                     |   O o | <-- CAM (O) and LED (o)
    |       |   3.25" TFT SCREEN  |       |     (on backside)
    |       | 256x192pix  66x50mm |       |
    |       |      BACKLIGHT      |       |
    |  __   |         DSi         |   __  |
    | (__)  |_____________________|  (__) |
    |___  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____|  <-- gap between screens: 23mm
   L|LEDS|__________CAM__MIC_________| __ |R                   (88 pixels)
  + |   _    _____________________        |
 VOL| _| |_ |                     |   X   | <-- SD Card Slot
  - ||_   _||   3.25" TFT SCREEN  | Y   A |
    |  |_|  | 256x192pix  66x50mm |   B   |
    |       |      BACKLIGHT      |       |
    |       |    TOUCH SCREEN     |oSTART |
    | POWERo|_____________________|oSELECT|

Nintendo DSi XL
  As DSi, but bigger case, and bigger 4.2" screens

Gameboy Player (Gamecube Joypad) (GBA Player)
       L____-------         -------____R
       /   ___   \           /   (Y)   \Z
      /   / O \   | (START) |        (X)\   Z      = Gameboy Player Menu
     |    \___/    \_______/      (A)    |  X or Y = Select button
     |\         _   \     /    (B)      /|
     | \___   _| |_  \   /   ___    ___/ |  optionally X/Y can be
     |    |\ |_   _| /   \  / C \  /|    |  swapped with L/R (?)
     |    | \  |_|  /     \ \___/ / |    |
     |    |  \_____/       \_____/  |    |  analogue sticks = ?
      \__/                           \__/

Gameboy Player (Gamecube Bongos) (GBA Player)
       _______     _______
      /   Y   \   /   X   \   Y/B = left bongo rear/front side
     | . . . . |_| . . . . |  X/A = right bongo rear/front side
     |    B    |R|    A    |  S   = start/pause button
     |\_______/|_|\_______/|  R   = microphone (triggers R button)
     |         |_|         |  (the X/Y inputs can be assigned to
     |\_______/| |\_______/|  GBA R/L inputs in GBA player setup)
      \_______/   \_______/

The GBA's separate 8bit/32bit CPU modes cannot be operated simultaneously. Switching is allowed between ARM and THUMB modes only (that are the two GBA modes).
This manual does not describe CGB and DMG modes, both are completely different than GBA modes, and both cannot be accessed from inside of GBA modes anyways.

Gameboy Player
An GBA Adapter for the Gamecube console; allowing to play GBA games on a television set.
GBA Gameboy Player

GBA SP Notes
Deluxe version of the original GBA. With backlight, new folded laptop-style case, and built-in rechargeable battery. Appears to be 100% compatible with GBA, there seems to be no way to detect SPs by software.

Gameboy Micro (GBA Micro)
Minituarized GBA. Supports 32bit GBA games only (no 8bit DMG/CGB games). The 256K Main RAM is a bit slower than usually (cannot be "overclocked via port 4000800h).

Nintendo DS (Dual Screen) Notes
New handheld with two screens, backwards compatible with GBA games, it is NOT backwards compatible with older 8bit games (mono/color gameboys) though..
Also, the DS has no link port, so that GBA games will thus work only in single player mode, link-port accessoires like printers cannot be used, and most unfortunately multiboot won't work (trying to press Select+Start at powerup will just lock up the DS).

iQue Notes
iQue is a brand name used by Nintendo in China, iQue GBA and iQue DS are essentially same as Nintendo GBA and Nintendo DS.
The iQue DS contains a larger firmware chip (the charset additionally contains about 6700 simplified chinese characters), the bootmenu still allows to select (only) six languages (japanese has been replaced by chinese). The iQue DS can play normal international NDS games, plus chinese dedicated games. The latter ones won't work on normal NDS consoles (that, reportedly simply due to a firmware-version check contained in chinese dedicated games, aside from that check, the games should be fully compatible with NDS consoles).

  GBA Memory Map

General Internal Memory
  00000000-00003FFF   BIOS - System ROM         (16 KBytes)
  00004000-01FFFFFF   Not used
  02000000-0203FFFF   WRAM - On-board Work RAM  (256 KBytes) 2 Wait
  02040000-02FFFFFF   Not used
  03000000-03007FFF   WRAM - On-chip Work RAM   (32 KBytes)
  03008000-03FFFFFF   Not used
  04000000-040003FE   I/O Registers
  04000400-04FFFFFF   Not used
Internal Display Memory
  05000000-050003FF   BG/OBJ Palette RAM        (1 Kbyte)
  05000400-05FFFFFF   Not used
  06000000-06017FFF   VRAM - Video RAM          (96 KBytes)
  06018000-06FFFFFF   Not used
  07000000-070003FF   OAM - OBJ Attributes      (1 Kbyte)
  07000400-07FFFFFF   Not used
External Memory (Game Pak)
  08000000-09FFFFFF   Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (max 32MB) - Wait State 0
  0A000000-0BFFFFFF   Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (max 32MB) - Wait State 1
  0C000000-0DFFFFFF   Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (max 32MB) - Wait State 2
  0E000000-0E00FFFF   Game Pak SRAM    (max 64 KBytes) - 8bit Bus width
  0E010000-0FFFFFFF   Not used
Unused Memory Area
  10000000-FFFFFFFF   Not used (upper 4bits of address bus unused)

Default WRAM Usage
By default, the 256 bytes at 03007F00h-03007FFFh in Work RAM are reserved for Interrupt vector, Interrupt Stack, and BIOS Call Stack. The remaining WRAM is free for whatever use (including User Stack, which is initially located at 03007F00h).

Address Bus Width and CPU Read/Write Access Widths
Shows the Bus-Width, supported read and write widths, and the clock cycles for 8/16/32bit accesses.
  Region        Bus   Read      Write     Cycles
  BIOS ROM      32    8/16/32   -         1/1/1
  Work RAM 32K  32    8/16/32   8/16/32   1/1/1
  I/O           32    8/16/32   8/16/32   1/1/1
  OAM           32    8/16/32   16/32     1/1/1 *
  Work RAM 256K 16    8/16/32   8/16/32   3/3/6 **
  Palette RAM   16    8/16/32   16/32     1/1/2 *
  VRAM          16    8/16/32   16/32     1/1/2 *
  GamePak ROM   16    8/16/32   -         5/5/8 **/***
  GamePak Flash 16    8/16/32   16/32     5/5/8 **/***
  GamePak SRAM  8     8         8         5     **
Timing Notes:
  *   Plus 1 cycle if GBA accesses video memory at the same time.
  **  Default waitstate settings, see System Control chapter.
  *** Separate timings for sequential, and non-sequential accesses.
  One cycle equals approx. 59.59ns (ie. 16.78MHz clock).
All memory (except GamePak SRAM) can be accessed by 16bit and 32bit DMA.

GamePak Memory
Only DMA3 (and the CPU of course) may access GamePak ROM. GamePak SRAM can be accessed by the CPU only - restricted to bytewise 8bit transfers. The SRAM region is supposed for as external FLASH backup memory, or for battery-backed SRAM.
For details about configuration of GamePak Waitstates, see:
GBA System Control

VRAM, OAM, and Palette RAM Access
These memory regions can be accessed during H-Blank or V-Blank only (unless display is disabled by Forced Blank bit in DISPCNT register).
There is an additional restriction for OAM memory: Accesses during H-Blank are allowed only if 'H-Blank Interval Free' in DISPCNT is set (which'd reduce number of display-able OBJs though).
The CPU appears to be able to access VRAM/OAM/Palette at any time, a waitstate (one clock cycle) being inserted automatically in case that the display controller was accessing memory simultaneously. (Ie. unlike as in old 8bit gameboy, the data will not get lost.)

CPU Mode Performance
Note that the GamePak ROM bus is limited to 16bits, thus executing ARM instructions (32bit opcodes) from inside of GamePak ROM would result in a not so good performance. So, it'd be more recommended to use THUMB instruction (16bit opcodes) which'd allow each opcode to be read at once.
(ARM instructions can be used at best performance by copying code from GamePak ROM into internal Work RAM)

Data Format
Even though the ARM CPU itself would allow to select between Little-Endian and Big-Endian format by using an external circuit, in the GBA no such circuit exists, and the data format is always Little-Endian. That is, when accessing 16bit or 32bit data in memory, the least significant bits are stored in the first byte (smallest address), and the most significant bits in the last byte. (Ie. same as for 80x86 and Z80 CPUs.)

  GBA I/O Map

LCD I/O Registers
  4000000h  2    R/W  DISPCNT   LCD Control
  4000002h  2    R/W  -         Undocumented - Green Swap
  4000004h  2    R/W  DISPSTAT  General LCD Status (STAT,LYC)
  4000006h  2    R    VCOUNT    Vertical Counter (LY)
  4000008h  2    R/W  BG0CNT    BG0 Control
  400000Ah  2    R/W  BG1CNT    BG1 Control
  400000Ch  2    R/W  BG2CNT    BG2 Control
  400000Eh  2    R/W  BG3CNT    BG3 Control
  4000010h  2    W    BG0HOFS   BG0 X-Offset
  4000012h  2    W    BG0VOFS   BG0 Y-Offset
  4000014h  2    W    BG1HOFS   BG1 X-Offset
  4000016h  2    W    BG1VOFS   BG1 Y-Offset
  4000018h  2    W    BG2HOFS   BG2 X-Offset
  400001Ah  2    W    BG2VOFS   BG2 Y-Offset
  400001Ch  2    W    BG3HOFS   BG3 X-Offset
  400001Eh  2    W    BG3VOFS   BG3 Y-Offset
  4000020h  2    W    BG2PA     BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter A (dx)
  4000022h  2    W    BG2PB     BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter B (dmx)
  4000024h  2    W    BG2PC     BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter C (dy)
  4000026h  2    W    BG2PD     BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter D (dmy)
  4000028h  4    W    BG2X      BG2 Reference Point X-Coordinate
  400002Ch  4    W    BG2Y      BG2 Reference Point Y-Coordinate
  4000030h  2    W    BG3PA     BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter A (dx)
  4000032h  2    W    BG3PB     BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter B (dmx)
  4000034h  2    W    BG3PC     BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter C (dy)
  4000036h  2    W    BG3PD     BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameter D (dmy)
  4000038h  4    W    BG3X      BG3 Reference Point X-Coordinate
  400003Ch  4    W    BG3Y      BG3 Reference Point Y-Coordinate
  4000040h  2    W    WIN0H     Window 0 Horizontal Dimensions
  4000042h  2    W    WIN1H     Window 1 Horizontal Dimensions
  4000044h  2    W    WIN0V     Window 0 Vertical Dimensions
  4000046h  2    W    WIN1V     Window 1 Vertical Dimensions
  4000048h  2    R/W  WININ     Inside of Window 0 and 1
  400004Ah  2    R/W  WINOUT    Inside of OBJ Window & Outside of Windows
  400004Ch  2    W    MOSAIC    Mosaic Size
  400004Eh       -    -         Not used
  4000050h  2    R/W  BLDCNT    Color Special Effects Selection
  4000052h  2    R/W  BLDALPHA  Alpha Blending Coefficients
  4000054h  2    W    BLDY      Brightness (Fade-In/Out) Coefficient
  4000056h       -    -         Not used
Sound Registers
  4000060h  2  R/W  SOUND1CNT_L Channel 1 Sweep register       (NR10)
  4000062h  2  R/W  SOUND1CNT_H Channel 1 Duty/Length/Envelope (NR11, NR12)
  4000064h  2  R/W  SOUND1CNT_X Channel 1 Frequency/Control    (NR13, NR14)
  4000066h     -    -           Not used
  4000068h  2  R/W  SOUND2CNT_L Channel 2 Duty/Length/Envelope (NR21, NR22)
  400006Ah     -    -           Not used
  400006Ch  2  R/W  SOUND2CNT_H Channel 2 Frequency/Control    (NR23, NR24)
  400006Eh     -    -           Not used
  4000070h  2  R/W  SOUND3CNT_L Channel 3 Stop/Wave RAM select (NR30)
  4000072h  2  R/W  SOUND3CNT_H Channel 3 Length/Volume        (NR31, NR32)
  4000074h  2  R/W  SOUND3CNT_X Channel 3 Frequency/Control    (NR33, NR34)
  4000076h     -    -           Not used
  4000078h  2  R/W  SOUND4CNT_L Channel 4 Length/Envelope      (NR41, NR42)
  400007Ah     -    -           Not used
  400007Ch  2  R/W  SOUND4CNT_H Channel 4 Frequency/Control    (NR43, NR44)
  400007Eh     -    -           Not used
  4000080h  2  R/W  SOUNDCNT_L  Control Stereo/Volume/Enable   (NR50, NR51)
  4000082h  2  R/W  SOUNDCNT_H  Control Mixing/DMA Control
  4000084h  2  R/W  SOUNDCNT_X  Control Sound on/off           (NR52)
  4000086h     -    -           Not used
  4000088h  2  BIOS SOUNDBIAS   Sound PWM Control
  400008Ah  ..   -    -         Not used
  4000090h 2x10h R/W  WAVE_RAM  Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (2 banks!!)
  40000A0h  4    W    FIFO_A    Channel A FIFO, Data 0-3
  40000A4h  4    W    FIFO_B    Channel B FIFO, Data 0-3
  40000A8h       -    -         Not used
DMA Transfer Channels
  40000B0h  4    W    DMA0SAD   DMA 0 Source Address
  40000B4h  4    W    DMA0DAD   DMA 0 Destination Address
  40000B8h  2    W    DMA0CNT_L DMA 0 Word Count
  40000BAh  2    R/W  DMA0CNT_H DMA 0 Control
  40000BCh  4    W    DMA1SAD   DMA 1 Source Address
  40000C0h  4    W    DMA1DAD   DMA 1 Destination Address
  40000C4h  2    W    DMA1CNT_L DMA 1 Word Count
  40000C6h  2    R/W  DMA1CNT_H DMA 1 Control
  40000C8h  4    W    DMA2SAD   DMA 2 Source Address
  40000CCh  4    W    DMA2DAD   DMA 2 Destination Address
  40000D0h  2    W    DMA2CNT_L DMA 2 Word Count
  40000D2h  2    R/W  DMA2CNT_H DMA 2 Control
  40000D4h  4    W    DMA3SAD   DMA 3 Source Address
  40000D8h  4    W    DMA3DAD   DMA 3 Destination Address
  40000DCh  2    W    DMA3CNT_L DMA 3 Word Count
  40000DEh  2    R/W  DMA3CNT_H DMA 3 Control
  40000E0h       -    -         Not used
Timer Registers
  4000100h  2    R/W  TM0CNT_L  Timer 0 Counter/Reload
  4000102h  2    R/W  TM0CNT_H  Timer 0 Control
  4000104h  2    R/W  TM1CNT_L  Timer 1 Counter/Reload
  4000106h  2    R/W  TM1CNT_H  Timer 1 Control
  4000108h  2    R/W  TM2CNT_L  Timer 2 Counter/Reload
  400010Ah  2    R/W  TM2CNT_H  Timer 2 Control
  400010Ch  2    R/W  TM3CNT_L  Timer 3 Counter/Reload
  400010Eh  2    R/W  TM3CNT_H  Timer 3 Control
  4000110h       -    -         Not used
Serial Communication (1)
  4000120h  4    R/W  SIODATA32 SIO Data (Normal-32bit Mode; shared with below)
  4000120h  2    R/W  SIOMULTI0 SIO Data 0 (Parent)    (Multi-Player Mode)
  4000122h  2    R/W  SIOMULTI1 SIO Data 1 (1st Child) (Multi-Player Mode)
  4000124h  2    R/W  SIOMULTI2 SIO Data 2 (2nd Child) (Multi-Player Mode)
  4000126h  2    R/W  SIOMULTI3 SIO Data 3 (3rd Child) (Multi-Player Mode)
  4000128h  2    R/W  SIOCNT    SIO Control Register
  400012Ah  2    R/W  SIOMLT_SEND SIO Data (Local of MultiPlayer; shared below)
  400012Ah  2    R/W  SIODATA8  SIO Data (Normal-8bit and UART Mode)
  400012Ch       -    -         Not used
Keypad Input
  4000130h  2    R    KEYINPUT  Key Status
  4000132h  2    R/W  KEYCNT    Key Interrupt Control
Serial Communication (2)
  4000134h  2    R/W  RCNT      SIO Mode Select/General Purpose Data
  4000136h  -    -    IR        Ancient - Infrared Register (Prototypes only)
  4000138h       -    -         Not used
  4000140h  2    R/W  JOYCNT    SIO JOY Bus Control
  4000142h       -    -         Not used
  4000150h  4    R/W  JOY_RECV  SIO JOY Bus Receive Data
  4000154h  4    R/W  JOY_TRANS SIO JOY Bus Transmit Data
  4000158h  2    R/?  JOYSTAT   SIO JOY Bus Receive Status
  400015Ah       -    -         Not used
Interrupt, Waitstate, and Power-Down Control
  4000200h  2    R/W  IE        Interrupt Enable Register
  4000202h  2    R/W  IF        Interrupt Request Flags / IRQ Acknowledge
  4000204h  2    R/W  WAITCNT   Game Pak Waitstate Control
  4000206h       -    -         Not used
  4000208h  2    R/W  IME       Interrupt Master Enable Register
  400020Ah       -    -         Not used
  4000300h  1    R/W  POSTFLG   Undocumented - Post Boot Flag
  4000301h  1    W    HALTCNT   Undocumented - Power Down Control
  4000302h       -    -         Not used
  4000410h  ?    ?    ?         Undocumented - Purpose Unknown / Bug ??? 0FFh
  4000411h       -    -         Not used
  4000800h  4    R/W  ?         Undocumented - Internal Memory Control (R/W)
  4000804h       -    -         Not used
  4xx0800h  4    R/W  ?         Mirrors of 4000800h (repeated each 64K)

All further addresses at 4XXXXXXh are unused and do not contain mirrors of the I/O area, with the only exception that 4000800h is repeated each 64K (ie. mirrored at 4010800h, 4020800h, etc.)

  GBA LCD Video Controller

LCD I/O Display Control
LCD I/O Interrupts and Status
LCD I/O BG Control
LCD I/O BG Scrolling
LCD I/O BG Rotation/Scaling
LCD I/O Window Feature
LCD I/O Mosaic Function
LCD I/O Color Special Effects

LCD VRAM Overview
LCD VRAM Character Data
LCD VRAM BG Screen Data Format (BG Map)
LCD VRAM Bitmap BG Modes

LCD OBJ - Overview
LCD OBJ - OAM Attributes
LCD OBJ - OAM Rotation/Scaling Parameters
LCD OBJ - VRAM Character (Tile) Mapping

LCD Color Palettes
LCD Dimensions and Timings

  LCD I/O Display Control

4000000h - DISPCNT - LCD Control (Read/Write)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-2   BG Mode                (0-5=Video Mode 0-5, 6-7=Prohibited)
  3     Reserved / CGB Mode    (0=GBA, 1=CGB; can be set only by BIOS opcodes)
  4     Display Frame Select   (0-1=Frame 0-1) (for BG Modes 4,5 only)
  5     H-Blank Interval Free  (1=Allow access to OAM during H-Blank)
  6     OBJ Character VRAM Mapping (0=Two dimensional, 1=One dimensional)
  7     Forced Blank           (1=Allow FAST access to VRAM,Palette,OAM)
  8     Screen Display BG0  (0=Off, 1=On)
  9     Screen Display BG1  (0=Off, 1=On)
  10    Screen Display BG2  (0=Off, 1=On)
  11    Screen Display BG3  (0=Off, 1=On)
  12    Screen Display OBJ  (0=Off, 1=On)
  13    Window 0 Display Flag   (0=Off, 1=On)
  14    Window 1 Display Flag   (0=Off, 1=On)
  15    OBJ Window Display Flag (0=Off, 1=On)

The table summarizes the facilities of the separate BG modes (video modes).
  Mode  Rot/Scal Layers Size               Tiles Colors       Features
  0     No       0123   256x256..512x515   1024  16/16..256/1 SFMABP
  1     Mixed    012-   (BG0,BG1 as above Mode 0, BG2 as below Mode 2)
  2     Yes      --23   128x128..1024x1024 256   256/1        S-MABP
  3     Yes      --2-   240x160            1     32768        --MABP
  4     Yes      --2-   240x160            2     256/1        --MABP
  5     Yes      --2-   160x128            2     32768        --MABP
Features: S)crolling, F)lip, M)osaic, A)lphaBlending, B)rightness, P)riority.

BG Modes 0-2 are Tile/Map-based. BG Modes 3-5 are Bitmap-based, in these modes 1 or 2 Frames (ie. bitmaps, or 'full screen tiles') exists, if two frames exist, either one can be displayed, and the other one can be redrawn in background.

Blanking Bits
Setting Forced Blank (Bit 7) causes the video controller to display white lines, and all VRAM, Palette RAM, and OAM may be accessed.
"When the internal HV synchronous counter cancels a forced blank during a display period, the display begins from the beginning, following the display of two vertical lines." What ?
Setting H-Blank Interval Free (Bit 5) allows to access OAM during H-Blank time - using this feature reduces the number of sprites that can be displayed per line.

Display Enable Bits
By default, BG0-3 and OBJ Display Flags (Bit 8-12) are used to enable/disable BGs and OBJ. When enabling Window 0 and/or 1 (Bit 13-14), color special effects may be used, and BG0-3 and OBJ are controlled by the window(s).

Frame Selection
In BG Modes 4 and 5 (Bitmap modes), either one of the two bitmaps/frames may be displayed (Bit 4), allowing the user to update the other (invisible) frame in background. In BG Mode 3, only one frame exists.
In BG Modes 0-2 (Tile/Map based modes), a similar effect may be gained by altering the base address(es) of BG Map and/or BG Character data.

4000002h - Undocumented - Green Swap (R/W)
Normally, red green blue intensities for a group of two pixels is output as BGRbgr (uppercase for left pixel at even xloc, lowercase for right pixel at odd xloc). When the Green Swap bit is set, each pixel group is output as BgRbGr (ie. green intensity of each two pixels exchanged).
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Green Swap  (0=Normal, 1=Swap)
  1-15  Not used
This feature appears to be applied to the final picture (ie. after mixing the separate BG and OBJ layers). Eventually intended for other display types (with other pin-outs). With normal GBA hardware it is just producing an interesting dirt effect.
The NDS DISPCNT registers are 32bit (4000000h..4000003h), so Green Swap doesn't exist in NDS mode, however, the NDS does support Green Swap in GBA mode.

  LCD I/O Interrupts and Status

4000004h - DISPSTAT - General LCD Status (Read/Write)
Display status and Interrupt control. The H-Blank conditions are generated once per scanline, including for the 'hidden' scanlines during V-Blank.
  Bit   Expl.
  0     V-Blank flag   (Read only) (1=VBlank) (set in line 160..226; not 227)
  1     H-Blank flag   (Read only) (1=HBlank) (toggled in all lines, 0..227)
  2     V-Counter flag (Read only) (1=Match)  (set in selected line)     (R)
  3     V-Blank IRQ Enable         (1=Enable)                          (R/W)
  4     H-Blank IRQ Enable         (1=Enable)                          (R/W)
  5     V-Counter IRQ Enable       (1=Enable)                          (R/W)
  6     Not used (0) / DSi: LCD Initialization Ready (0=Busy, 1=Ready)   (R)
  7     Not used (0) / NDS: MSB of V-Vcount Setting (LYC.Bit8) (0..262)(R/W)
  8-15  V-Count Setting (LYC)      (0..227)                            (R/W)
The V-Count-Setting value is much the same as LYC of older gameboys, when its value is identical to the content of the VCOUNT register then the V-Counter flag is set (Bit 2), and (if enabled in Bit 5) an interrupt is requested.
Although the drawing time is only 960 cycles (240*4), the H-Blank flag is "0" for a total of 1006 cycles.

4000006h - VCOUNT - Vertical Counter (Read only)
Indicates the currently drawn scanline, values in range from 160..227 indicate 'hidden' scanlines within VBlank area.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Current Scanline (LY)      (0..227)                              (R)
  8     Not used (0) / NDS: MSB of Current Scanline (LY.Bit8) (0..262)   (R)
  9-15  Not Used (0)
Note: This is much the same than the 'LY' register of older gameboys.

  LCD I/O BG Control

4000008h - BG0CNT - BG0 Control (R/W) (BG Modes 0,1 only)
400000Ah - BG1CNT - BG1 Control (R/W) (BG Modes 0,1 only)
400000Ch - BG2CNT - BG2 Control (R/W) (BG Modes 0,1,2 only)
400000Eh - BG3CNT - BG3 Control (R/W) (BG Modes 0,2 only)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-1   BG Priority           (0-3, 0=Highest)
  2-3   Character Base Block  (0-3, in units of 16 KBytes) (=BG Tile Data)
  4-5   Not used (must be zero)
  6     Mosaic                (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  7     Colors/Palettes       (0=16/16, 1=256/1)
  8-12  Screen Base Block     (0-31, in units of 2 KBytes) (=BG Map Data)
  13    Display Area Overflow (0=Transparent, 1=Wraparound; BG2CNT/BG3CNT only)
  14-15 Screen Size (0-3)
Internal Screen Size (dots) and size of BG Map (bytes):
  Value  Text Mode      Rotation/Scaling Mode
  0      256x256 (2K)   128x128   (256 bytes)
  1      512x256 (4K)   256x256   (1K)
  2      256x512 (4K)   512x512   (4K)
  3      512x512 (8K)   1024x1024 (16K)
In case that some or all BGs are set to same priority then BG0 is having the highest, and BG3 the lowest priority.

In 'Text Modes', the screen size is organized as follows: The screen consists of one or more 256x256 pixel (32x32 tiles) areas. When Size=0: only 1 area (SC0), when Size=1 or Size=2: two areas (SC0,SC1 either horizontally or vertically arranged next to each other), when Size=3: four areas (SC0,SC1 in upper row, SC2,SC3 in lower row). Whereas SC0 is defined by the normal BG Map base address (Bit 8-12 of BG#CNT), SC1 uses same address +2K, SC2 address +4K, SC3 address +6K. When the screen is scrolled it'll always wraparound.

In 'Rotation/Scaling Modes', the screen size is organized as follows, only one area (SC0) of variable size 128x128..1024x1024 pixels (16x16..128x128 tiles) exists. When the screen is rotated/scaled (or scrolled?) so that the LCD viewport reaches outside of the background/screen area, then BG may be either displayed as transparent or wraparound (Bit 13 of BG#CNT).

  LCD I/O BG Scrolling

4000010h - BG0HOFS - BG0 X-Offset (W)
4000012h - BG0VOFS - BG0 Y-Offset (W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-8   Offset (0-511)
  9-15  Not used
Specifies the coordinate of the upperleft first visible dot of BG0 background layer, ie. used to scroll the BG0 area.

4000014h - BG1HOFS - BG1 X-Offset (W)
4000016h - BG1VOFS - BG1 Y-Offset (W)
Same as above BG0HOFS and BG0VOFS for BG1 respectively.

4000018h - BG2HOFS - BG2 X-Offset (W)
400001Ah - BG2VOFS - BG2 Y-Offset (W)
Same as above BG0HOFS and BG0VOFS for BG2 respectively.

400001Ch - BG3HOFS - BG3 X-Offset (W)
400001Eh - BG3VOFS - BG3 Y-Offset (W)
Same as above BG0HOFS and BG0VOFS for BG3 respectively.

The above BG scrolling registers are exclusively used in Text modes, ie. for all layers in BG Mode 0, and for the first two layers in BG mode 1.
In other BG modes (Rotation/Scaling and Bitmap modes) above registers are ignored. Instead, the screen may be scrolled by modifying the BG Rotation/Scaling Reference Point registers.

  LCD I/O BG Rotation/Scaling

4000028h - BG2X_L - BG2 Reference Point X-Coordinate, lower 16 bit (W)
400002Ah - BG2X_H - BG2 Reference Point X-Coordinate, upper 12 bit (W)
400002Ch - BG2Y_L - BG2 Reference Point Y-Coordinate, lower 16 bit (W)
400002Eh - BG2Y_H - BG2 Reference Point Y-Coordinate, upper 12 bit (W)
These registers are replacing the BG scrolling registers which are used for Text mode, ie. the X/Y coordinates specify the source position from inside of the BG Map/Bitmap of the pixel to be displayed at upper left of the GBA display. The normal BG scrolling registers are ignored in Rotation/Scaling and Bitmap modes.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Fractional portion (8 bits)
  8-26  Integer portion    (19 bits)
  27    Sign               (1 bit)
  28-31 Not used
Because values are shifted left by eight, fractional portions may be specified in steps of 1/256 pixels (this would be relevant only if the screen is actually rotated or scaled). Normal signed 32bit values may be written to above registers (the most significant bits will be ignored and the value will be cut-down to 28bits, but this is no actual problem because signed values have set all MSBs to the same value).

Internal Reference Point Registers
The above reference points are automatically copied to internal registers during each vblank, specifying the origin for the first scanline. The internal registers are then incremented by dmx and dmy after each scanline.
Caution: Writing to a reference point register by software outside of the Vblank period does immediately copy the new value to the corresponding internal register, that means: in the current frame, the new value specifies the origin of the <current> scanline (instead of the topmost scanline).

4000020h - BG2PA - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter A (alias dx) (W)
4000022h - BG2PB - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter B (alias dmx) (W)
4000024h - BG2PC - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter C (alias dy) (W)
4000026h - BG2PD - BG2 Rotation/Scaling Parameter D (alias dmy) (W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Fractional portion (8 bits)
  8-14  Integer portion    (7 bits)
  15    Sign               (1 bit)
See below for details.

400003Xh - BG3X_L/H, BG3Y_L/H, BG3PA-D - BG3 Rotation/Scaling Parameters
Same as above BG2 Reference Point, and Rotation/Scaling Parameters, for BG3 respectively.

dx (PA) and dy (PC)
When transforming a horizontal line, dx and dy specify the resulting gradient and magnification for that line. For example:
Horizontal line, length=100, dx=1, and dy=1. The resulting line would be drawn at 45 degrees, f(y)=1/1*x. Note that this would involve that line is magnified, the new length is SQR(100^2+100^2)=141.42. Yup, exactly - that's the old a^2 + b^2 = c^2 formula.

dmx (PB) and dmy (PD)
These values define the resulting gradient and magnification for transformation of vertical lines. However, when rotating a square area (which is surrounded by horizontal and vertical lines), then the desired result should be usually a rotated <square> area (ie. not a parallelogram, for example).
Thus, dmx and dmy must be defined in direct relationship to dx and dy, taking the example above, we'd have to set dmx=-1, and dmy=1, f(x)=-1/1*y.

Area Overflow
In result of rotation/scaling it may often happen that areas outside of the actual BG area become moved into the LCD viewport. Depending of the Area Overflow bit (BG2CNT and BG3CNT, Bit 13) these areas may be either displayed (by wrapping the BG area), or may be displayed transparent.
This works only in BG modes 1 and 2. The area overflow is ignored in Bitmap modes (BG modes 3-5), the outside of the Bitmaps is always transparent.

--- more details and confusing or helpful formulas ---

The following parameters are required for Rotation/Scaling
  Rotation Center X and Y Coordinates (x0,y0)
  Rotation Angle                      (alpha)
  Magnification X and Y Values        (xMag,yMag)
The display is rotated by 'alpha' degrees around the center.
The displayed picture is magnified by 'xMag' along x-Axis (Y=y0) and 'yMag' along y-Axis (X=x0).

Calculating Rotation/Scaling Parameters A-D
  A = Cos (alpha) / xMag    ;distance moved in direction x, same line
  B = Sin (alpha) / xMag    ;distance moved in direction x, next line
  C = Sin (alpha) / yMag    ;distance moved in direction y, same line
  D = Cos (alpha) / yMag    ;distance moved in direction y, next line

Calculating the position of a rotated/scaled dot
Using the following expressions,
  x0,y0    Rotation Center
  x1,y1    Old Position of a pixel (before rotation/scaling)
  x2,y2    New position of above pixel (after rotation scaling)
  A,B,C,D  BG2PA-BG2PD Parameters (as calculated above)
the following formula can be used to calculate x2,y2:
  x2 = A(x1-x0) + B(y1-y0) + x0
  y2 = C(x1-x0) + D(y1-y0) + y0

  LCD I/O Window Feature

The Window Feature may be used to split the screen into four regions. The BG0-3,OBJ layers and Color Special Effects can be separately enabled or disabled in each of these regions.

The DISPCNT Register
DISPCNT Bits 13-15 are used to enable Window 0, Window 1, and/or OBJ Window regions, if any of these regions is enabled then the "Outside of Windows" region is automatically enabled, too.
DISPCNT Bits 8-12 are kept used as master enable bits for the BG0-3,OBJ layers, a layer is displayed only if both DISPCNT and WININ/OUT enable bits are set.

4000040h - WIN0H - Window 0 Horizontal Dimensions (W)
4000042h - WIN1H - Window 1 Horizontal Dimensions (W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   X2, Rightmost coordinate of window, plus 1
  8-15  X1, Leftmost coordinate of window
Garbage values of X2>240 or X1>X2 are interpreted as X2=240.

4000044h - WIN0V - Window 0 Vertical Dimensions (W)
4000046h - WIN1V - Window 1 Vertical Dimensions (W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Y2, Bottom-most coordinate of window, plus 1
  8-15  Y1, Top-most coordinate of window
Garbage values of Y2>160 or Y1>Y2 are interpreted as Y2=160.

4000048h - WININ - Control of Inside of Window(s) (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Window 0 BG0-BG3 Enable Bits     (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  4     Window 0 OBJ Enable Bit          (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  5     Window 0 Color Special Effect    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  6-7   Not used
  8-11  Window 1 BG0-BG3 Enable Bits     (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  12    Window 1 OBJ Enable Bit          (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  13    Window 1 Color Special Effect    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  14-15 Not used

400004Ah - WINOUT - Control of Outside of Windows & Inside of OBJ Window (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Outside BG0-BG3 Enable Bits      (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  4     Outside OBJ Enable Bit           (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  5     Outside Color Special Effect     (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  6-7   Not used
  8-11  OBJ Window BG0-BG3 Enable Bits   (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  12    OBJ Window OBJ Enable Bit        (0=No Display, 1=Display)
  13    OBJ Window Color Special Effect  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  14-15 Not used

The OBJ Window
The dimension of the OBJ Window is specified by OBJs which are having the "OBJ Mode" attribute being set to "OBJ Window". Any non-transparent dots of any such OBJs are marked as OBJ Window area. The OBJ itself is not displayed.
The color, palette, and display priority of these OBJs are ignored. Both DISPCNT Bits 12 and 15 must be set when defining OBJ Window region(s).

Window Priority
In case that more than one window is enabled, and that these windows do overlap, Window 0 is having highest priority, Window 1 medium, and Obj Window lowest priority. Outside of Window is having zero priority, it is used for all dots which are not inside of any window region.

  LCD I/O Mosaic Function

400004Ch - MOSAIC - Mosaic Size (W)
The Mosaic function can be separately enabled/disabled for BG0-BG3 by BG0CNT-BG3CNT Registers, as well as for each OBJ0-127 by OBJ attributes in OAM memory. Also, setting all of the bits below to zero effectively disables the mosaic function.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   BG Mosaic H-Size  (minus 1)
  4-7   BG Mosaic V-Size  (minus 1)
  8-11  OBJ Mosaic H-Size (minus 1)
  12-15 OBJ Mosaic V-Size (minus 1)
  16-31 Not used
Example: When setting H-Size to 5, then pixels 0-5 of each display row are colorized as pixel 0, pixels 6-11 as pixel 6, pixels 12-17 as pixel 12, and so on.

Normally, a 'mosaic-pixel' is colorized by the color of the upperleft covered pixel. In many cases it might be more desireful to use the color of the pixel in the center of the covered area - this effect may be gained by scrolling the background (or by adjusting the OBJ position, as far as upper/left rows/columns of OBJ are transparent).

  LCD I/O Color Special Effects

Two types of Special Effects are supported: Alpha Blending (Semi-Transparency) allows to combine colors of two selected surfaces. Brightness Increase/Decrease adjust the brightness of the selected surface.

4000050h - BLDCNT - Color Special Effects Selection (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     BG0 1st Target Pixel (Background 0)
  1     BG1 1st Target Pixel (Background 1)
  2     BG2 1st Target Pixel (Background 2)
  3     BG3 1st Target Pixel (Background 3)
  4     OBJ 1st Target Pixel (Top-most OBJ pixel)
  5     BD  1st Target Pixel (Backdrop)
  6-7   Color Special Effect (0-3, see below)
         0 = None                (Special effects disabled)
         1 = Alpha Blending      (1st+2nd Target mixed)
         2 = Brightness Increase (1st Target becomes whiter)
         3 = Brightness Decrease (1st Target becomes blacker)
  8     BG0 2nd Target Pixel (Background 0)
  9     BG1 2nd Target Pixel (Background 1)
  10    BG2 2nd Target Pixel (Background 2)
  11    BG3 2nd Target Pixel (Background 3)
  12    OBJ 2nd Target Pixel (Top-most OBJ pixel)
  13    BD  2nd Target Pixel (Backdrop)
  14-15 Not used
Selects the 1st Target layer(s) for special effects. For Alpha Blending/Semi-Transparency, it does also select the 2nd Target layer(s), which should have next lower display priority as the 1st Target.
However, any combinations are possible, including that all layers may be selected as both 1st+2nd target, in that case the top-most pixel will be used as 1st target, and the next lower pixel as 2nd target.

4000052h - BLDALPHA - Alpha Blending Coefficients (R/W) (not W)
Used for Color Special Effects Mode 1, and for Semi-Transparent OBJs.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-4   EVA Coefficient (1st Target) (0..16 = 0/16..16/16, 17..31=16/16)
  5-7   Not used
  8-12  EVB Coefficient (2nd Target) (0..16 = 0/16..16/16, 17..31=16/16)
  13-15 Not used
For this effect, the top-most non-transparent pixel must be selected as 1st Target, and the next-lower non-transparent pixel must be selected as 2nd Target, if so - and only if so, then color intensities of 1st and 2nd Target are mixed together by using the parameters in BLDALPHA register, for each pixel each R, G, B intensities are calculated separately:
  I = MIN ( 31, I1st*EVA + I2nd*EVB )
Otherwise - for example, if only one target exists, or if a non-transparent non-2nd-target pixel is moved between the two targets, or if 2nd target has higher display priority than 1st target - then only the top-most pixel is displayed (at normal intensity, regardless of BLDALPHA).

4000054h - BLDY - Brightness (Fade-In/Out) Coefficient (W) (not R/W)
Used for Color Special Effects Modes 2 and 3.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-4   EVY Coefficient (Brightness) (0..16 = 0/16..16/16, 17..31=16/16)
  5-31  Not used
For each pixel each R, G, B intensities are calculated separately:
  I = I1st + (31-I1st)*EVY   ;For Brightness Increase
  I = I1st - (I1st)*EVY      ;For Brightness Decrease
The color intensities of any selected 1st target surface(s) are increased or decreased by using the parameter in BLDY register.

Semi-Transparent OBJs
OBJs that are defined as 'Semi-Transparent' in OAM memory are always selected as 1st Target (regardless of BLDCNT Bit 4), and are always using Alpha Blending mode (regardless of BLDCNT Bit 6-7).
The BLDCNT register may be used to perform Brightness effects on the OBJ (and/or other BG/BD layers). However, if a semi-transparent OBJ pixel does overlap a 2nd target pixel, then semi-transparency becomes priority, and the brightness effect will not take place (neither on 1st, nor 2nd target).

The OBJ Layer
Before special effects are applied, the display controller computes the OBJ priority ordering, and isolates the top-most OBJ pixel. In result, only the top-most OBJ pixel is recursed at the time when processing special effects. Ie. alpha blending and semi-transparency can be used for OBJ-to-BG or BG-to-OBJ , but not for OBJ-to-OBJ.

  LCD VRAM Overview

The GBA contains 96 Kbytes VRAM built-in, located at address 06000000-06017FFF, depending on the BG Mode used as follows:

BG Mode 0,1,2 (Tile/Map based Modes)
  06000000-0600FFFF  64 KBytes shared for BG Map and Tiles
  06010000-06017FFF  32 KBytes OBJ Tiles
The shared 64K area can be split into BG Map area(s), and BG Tiles area(s), the respective addresses for Map and Tile areas are set up by BG0CNT-BG3CNT registers. The Map address may be specified in units of 2K (steps of 800h), the Tile address in units of 16K (steps of 4000h).

BG Mode 0,1 (Tile/Map based Text mode)
The tiles may have 4bit or 8bit color depth, minimum map size is 32x32 tiles, maximum is 64x64 tiles, up to 1024 tiles can be used per map.
  Item        Depth     Required Memory
  One Tile    4bit      20h bytes
  One Tile    8bit      40h bytes
  1024 Tiles  4bit      8000h (32K)
  1024 Tiles  8bit      10000h (64K) - excluding some bytes for BG map
  BG Map      32x32     800h (2K)
  BG Map      64x64     2000h (8K)

BG Mode 1,2 (Tile/Map based Rotation/Scaling mode)
The tiles may have 8bit color depth only, minimum map size is 16x16 tiles, maximum is 128x128 tiles, up to 256 tiles can be used per map.
  Item        Depth     Required Memory
  One Tile    8bit      40h bytes
  256  Tiles  8bit      4000h (16K)
  BG Map      16x16     100h bytes
  BG Map      128x128   4000h (16K)

BG Mode 3 (Bitmap based Mode for still images)
  06000000-06013FFF  80 KBytes Frame 0 buffer (only 75K actually used)
  06014000-06017FFF  16 KBytes OBJ Tiles

BG Mode 4,5 (Bitmap based Modes)
  06000000-06009FFF  40 KBytes Frame 0 buffer (only 37.5K used in Mode 4)
  0600A000-06013FFF  40 KBytes Frame 1 buffer (only 37.5K used in Mode 4)
  06014000-06017FFF  16 KBytes OBJ Tiles

Additionally to the above VRAM, the GBA also contains 1 KByte Palette RAM (at 05000000h) and 1 KByte OAM (at 07000000h) which are both used by the display controller as well.

  LCD VRAM Character Data

Each character (tile) consists of 8x8 dots (64 dots in total). The color depth may be either 4bit or 8bit (see BG0CNT-BG3CNT).

4bit depth (16 colors, 16 palettes)
Each tile occupies 32 bytes of memory, the first 4 bytes for the topmost row of the tile, and so on. Each byte representing two dots, the lower 4 bits define the color for the left (!) dot, the upper 4 bits the color for the right dot.

8bit depth (256 colors, 1 palette)
Each tile occupies 64 bytes of memory, the first 8 bytes for the topmost row of the tile, and so on. Each byte selects the palette entry for each dot.

  LCD VRAM BG Screen Data Format (BG Map)

The display background consists of 8x8 dot tiles, the arrangement of these tiles is specified by the BG Screen Data (BG Map). The separate entries in this map are as follows:

Text BG Screen (2 bytes per entry)
Specifies the tile number and attributes. Note that BG tile numbers are always specified in steps of 1 (unlike OBJ tile numbers which are using steps of two in 256 color/1 palette mode).
  Bit   Expl.
  0-9   Tile Number     (0-1023) (a bit less in 256 color mode, because
                           there'd be otherwise no room for the bg map)
  10    Horizontal Flip (0=Normal, 1=Mirrored)
  11    Vertical Flip   (0=Normal, 1=Mirrored)
  12-15 Palette Number  (0-15)    (Not used in 256 color/1 palette mode)
A Text BG Map always consists of 32x32 entries (256x256 pixels), 400h entries = 800h bytes. However, depending on the BG Size, one, two, or four of these Maps may be used together, allowing to create backgrounds of 256x256, 512x256, 256x512, or 512x512 pixels, if so, the first map (SC0) is located at base+0, the next map (SC1) at base+800h, and so on.

Rotation/Scaling BG Screen (1 byte per entry)
In this mode, only 256 tiles can be used. There are no x/y-flip attributes, the color depth is always 256 colors/1 palette.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Tile Number     (0-255)
The dimensions of Rotation/Scaling BG Maps depend on the BG size. For size 0-3 that are: 16x16 tiles (128x128 pixels), 32x32 tiles (256x256 pixels), 64x64 tiles (512x512 pixels), or 128x128 tiles (1024x1024 pixels).

The size and VRAM base address of the separate BG maps for BG0-3 are set up by BG0CNT-BG3CNT registers.

  LCD VRAM Bitmap BG Modes

In BG Modes 3-5 the background is defined in form of a bitmap (unlike as for Tile/Map based BG modes). Bitmaps are implemented as BG2, with Rotation/Scaling support. As bitmap modes are occupying 80KBytes of BG memory, only 16KBytes of VRAM can be used for OBJ tiles.

BG Mode 3 - 240x160 pixels, 32768 colors
Two bytes are associated to each pixel, directly defining one of the 32768 colors (without using palette data, and thus not supporting a 'transparent' BG color).
  Bit   Expl.
  0-4   Red Intensity   (0-31)
  5-9   Green Intensity (0-31)
  10-14 Blue Intensity  (0-31)
  15    Not used in GBA Mode (in NDS Mode: Alpha=0=Transparent, Alpha=1=Normal)
The first 480 bytes define the topmost line, the next 480 the next line, and so on. The background occupies 75 KBytes (06000000-06012BFF), most of the 80 Kbytes BG area, not allowing to redraw an invisible second frame in background, so this mode is mostly recommended for still images only.

BG Mode 4 - 240x160 pixels, 256 colors (out of 32768 colors)
One byte is associated to each pixel, selecting one of the 256 palette entries. Color 0 (backdrop) is transparent, and OBJs may be displayed behind the bitmap.
The first 240 bytes define the topmost line, the next 240 the next line, and so on. The background occupies 37.5 KBytes, allowing two frames to be used (06000000-060095FF for Frame 0, and 0600A000-060135FF for Frame 1).

BG Mode 5 - 160x128 pixels, 32768 colors
Colors are defined as for Mode 3 (see above), but horizontal and vertical size are cut down to 160x128 pixels only - smaller than the physical dimensions of the LCD screen.
The background occupies exactly 40 KBytes, so that BG VRAM may be split into two frames (06000000-06009FFF for Frame 0, and 0600A000-06013FFF for Frame 1).

In BG modes 4,5, one Frame may be displayed (selected by DISPCNT Bit 4), the other Frame is invisible and may be redrawn in background.

  LCD OBJ - Overview

Objects (OBJs) are moveable sprites. Up to 128 OBJs (of any size, up to 64x64 dots each) can be displayed per screen, and under best circumstances up to 128 OBJs (of small 8x8 dots size) can be displayed per horizontal display line.

Maximum Number of Sprites per Line
The total available OBJ rendering cycles per line are
  1210  (=304*4-6)   If "H-Blank Interval Free" bit in DISPCNT register is 0
  954   (=240*4-6)   If "H-Blank Interval Free" bit in DISPCNT register is 1
The required rendering cycles are (depending on horizontal OBJ size)
  Cycles per <n> Pixels    OBJ Type              OBJ Type Screen Pixel Range
  n*1 cycles               Normal OBJs           8..64 pixels
  10+n*2 cycles            Rotation/Scaling OBJs 8..64 pixels   (area clipped)
  10+n*2 cycles            Rotation/Scaling OBJs 16..128 pixels (double size)
The maximum number of OBJs per line is also affected by undisplayed (offscreen) OBJs which are having higher priority than displayed OBJs.
To avoid this, move displayed OBJs to the begin of OAM memory (ie. OBJ0 has highest priority, OBJ127 lowest).
Otherwise (in case that the program logic expects OBJs at fixed positions in OAM) at least take care to set the OBJ size of undisplayed OBJs to 8x8 with Rotation/Scaling disabled (this reduces the overload).
Does the above also apply for VERTICALLY OFFSCREEN (or VERTICALLY not on CURRENT LINE) sprites ?

VRAM - Character Data
OBJs are always combined of one or more 8x8 pixel Tiles (much like BG Tiles in BG Modes 0-2). However, OBJ Tiles are stored in a separate area in VRAM: 06010000-06017FFF (32 KBytes) in BG Mode 0-2, or 06014000-06017FFF (16 KBytes) in BG Mode 3-5.
Depending on the size of the above area (16K or 32K), and on the OBJ color depth (4bit or 8bit), 256-1024 8x8 dots OBJ Tiles can be defined.

OAM - Object Attribute Memory
This memory area contains Attributes which specify position, size, color depth, etc. appearance for each of the 128 OBJs. Additionally, it contains 32 OBJ Rotation/Scaling Parameter groups. OAM is located at 07000000-070003FF (sized 1 KByte).

  LCD OBJ - OAM Attributes

OBJ Attributes
There are 128 entries in OAM for each OBJ0-OBJ127. Each entry consists of 6 bytes (three 16bit Attributes). Attributes for OBJ0 are located at 07000000, for OBJ1 at 07000008, OBJ2 at 07000010, and so on.

As you can see, there are blank spaces at 07000006, 0700000E, 07000016, etc. - these 16bit values are used for OBJ Rotation/Scaling (as described in the next chapter) - they are not directly related to the separate OBJs.

OBJ Attribute 0 (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-7   Y-Coordinate           (0-255)
  8     Rotation/Scaling Flag  (0=Off, 1=On)
  When Rotation/Scaling used (Attribute 0, bit 8 set):
    9     Double-Size Flag     (0=Normal, 1=Double)
  When Rotation/Scaling not used (Attribute 0, bit 8 cleared):
    9     OBJ Disable          (0=Normal, 1=Not displayed)
  10-11 OBJ Mode  (0=Normal, 1=Semi-Transparent, 2=OBJ Window, 3=Prohibited)
  12    OBJ Mosaic             (0=Off, 1=On)
  13    Colors/Palettes        (0=16/16, 1=256/1)
  14-15 OBJ Shape              (0=Square,1=Horizontal,2=Vertical,3=Prohibited)
Caution: A very large OBJ (of 128 pixels vertically, ie. a 64 pixels OBJ in a Double Size area) located at Y>128 will be treated as at Y>-128, the OBJ is then displayed parts offscreen at the TOP of the display, it is then NOT displayed at the bottom.

OBJ Attribute 1 (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-8   X-Coordinate           (0-511)
  When Rotation/Scaling used (Attribute 0, bit 8 set):
    9-13  Rotation/Scaling Parameter Selection (0-31)
          (Selects one of the 32 Rotation/Scaling Parameters that
          can be defined in OAM, for details read next chapter.)
  When Rotation/Scaling not used (Attribute 0, bit 8 cleared):
    9-11  Not used
    12    Horizontal Flip      (0=Normal, 1=Mirrored)
    13    Vertical Flip        (0=Normal, 1=Mirrored)
  14-15 OBJ Size               (0..3, depends on OBJ Shape, see Attr 0)
          Size  Square   Horizontal  Vertical
          0     8x8      16x8        8x16
          1     16x16    32x8        8x32
          2     32x32    32x16       16x32
          3     64x64    64x32       32x64

OBJ Attribute 2 (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-9   Character Name          (0-1023=Tile Number)
  10-11 Priority relative to BG (0-3; 0=Highest)
  12-15 Palette Number   (0-15) (Not used in 256 color/1 palette mode)


OBJ Mode
The OBJ Mode may be Normal, Semi-Transparent, or OBJ Window.
Semi-Transparent means that the OBJ is used as 'Alpha Blending 1st Target' (regardless of BLDCNT register, for details see chapter about Color Special Effects).
OBJ Window means that the OBJ is not displayed, instead, dots with non-zero color are used as mask for the OBJ Window, see DISPCNT and WINOUT for details.

OBJ Tile Number
There are two situations which may divide the amount of available tiles by two (by four if both situations apply):

1. When using the 256 Colors/1 Palette mode, only each second tile may be used, the lower bit of the tile number should be zero (in 2-dimensional mapping mode, the bit is completely ignored).

2. When using BG Mode 3-5 (Bitmap Modes), only tile numbers 512-1023 may be used. That is because lower 16K of OBJ memory are used for BG. Attempts to use tiles 0-511 are ignored (not displayed).

In case that the 'Priority relative to BG' is the same than the priority of one of the background layers, then the OBJ becomes higher priority and is displayed on top of that BG layer.
Caution: Take care not to mess up BG Priority and OBJ priority. For example, the following would cause garbage to be displayed:
  OBJ No. 0 with Priority relative to BG=1   ;hi OBJ prio, lo BG prio
  OBJ No. 1 with Priority relative to BG=0   ;lo OBJ prio, hi BG prio
That is, OBJ0 is always having priority above OBJ1-127, so assigning a lower BG Priority to OBJ0 than for OBJ1-127 would be a bad idea.

  LCD OBJ - OAM Rotation/Scaling Parameters

As described in the previous chapter, there are blank spaces between each of the 128 OBJ Attribute Fields in OAM memory. These 128 16bit gaps are used to store OBJ Rotation/Scaling Parameters.

Location of Rotation/Scaling Parameters in OAM
Four 16bit parameters (PA,PB,PC,PD) are required to define a complete group of Rotation/Scaling data. These are spread across OAM as such:
  1st Group - PA=07000006, PB=0700000E, PC=07000016, PD=0700001E
  2nd Group - PA=07000026, PB=0700002E, PC=07000036, PD=0700003E
By using all blank space (128 x 16bit), up to 32 of these groups (4 x 16bit each) can be defined in OAM.

OBJ Rotation/Scaling PA,PB,PC,PD Parameters (R/W)
Each OBJ that uses Rotation/Scaling may select between any of the above 32 parameter groups. For details, refer to the previous chapter about OBJ Attributes.
The meaning of the separate PA,PB,PC,PD values is identical as for BG, for details read the chapter about BG Rotation/Scaling.

OBJ Reference Point & Rotation Center
The OBJ Reference Point is the upper left of the OBJ, ie. OBJ X/Y coordinates: X+0, Y+0.
The OBJ Rotation Center is always (or should be usually?) in the middle of the object, ie. for a 8x32 pixel OBJ, this would be at the OBJ X/Y coordinates: X+4, and Y+16.

OBJ Double-Size Bit (for OBJs that use Rotation/Scaling)
When Double-Size is zero: The sprite is rotated, and then display inside of the normal-sized (not rotated) rectangular area - the edges of the rotated sprite will become invisible if they reach outside of that area.
When Double-Size is set: The sprite is rotated, and then display inside of the double-sized (not rotated) rectangular area - this ensures that the edges of the rotated sprite remain visible even if they would reach outside of the normal-sized area. (Except that, for example, rotating a 8x32 pixel sprite by 90 degrees would still cut off parts of the sprite as the double-size area isn't large enough.)

  LCD OBJ - VRAM Character (Tile) Mapping

Each OBJ tile consists of 8x8 dots, however, bigger OBJs can be displayed by combining several 8x8 tiles. The horizontal and vertical size for each OBJ may be separately defined in OAM, possible H/V sizes are 8,16,32,64 dots - allowing 'square' OBJs to be used (such like 8x8, 16x16, etc) as well as 'rectangular' OBJs (such like 8x32, 64x16, etc.)

When displaying an OBJ that contains of more than one 8x8 tile, one of the following two mapping modes can be used. In either case, the tile number of the upperleft tile must be specified in OAM memory.

Two Dimensional Character Mapping (DISPCNT Bit 6 cleared)
This mapping mode assumes that the 1024 OBJ tiles are arranged as a matrix of 32x32 tiles / 256x256 pixels (In 256 color mode: 16x32 tiles / 128x256 pixels). Ie. the upper row of this matrix contains tiles 00h-1Fh, the next row tiles 20h-3Fh, and so on.
For example, when displaying a 16x16 pixel OBJ, with tile number set to 04h; The upper row of the OBJ will consist of tile 04h and 05h, the next row of 24h and 25h. (In 256 color mode: 04h and 06h, 24h and 26h.)

One Dimensional Character Mapping (DISPCNT Bit 6 set)
In this mode, tiles are mapped each after each other from 00h-3FFh.
Using the same example as above, the upper row of the OBJ will consist of tile 04h and 05h, the next row of tile 06h and 07h. (In 256 color mode: 04h and 06h, 08h and 0Ah.)

  LCD Color Palettes

Color Palette RAM
BG and OBJ palettes are using separate memory regions:
  05000000-050001FF - BG Palette RAM (512 bytes, 256 colors)
  05000200-050003FF - OBJ Palette RAM (512 bytes, 256 colors)
Each BG and OBJ palette RAM may be either split into 16 palettes with 16 colors each, or may be used as a single palette with 256 colors.
Note that some OBJs may access palette RAM in 16 color mode, while other OBJs may use 256 color mode at the same time. Same for BG0-BG3 layers.

Transparent Colors
Color 0 of all BG and OBJ palettes is transparent. Even though palettes are described as 16 (256) color palettes, only 15 (255) colors are actually visible.

Backdrop Color
Color 0 of BG Palette 0 is used as backdrop color. This color is displayed if an area of the screen is not covered by any non-transparent BG or OBJ dots.

Color Definitions
Each color occupies two bytes (same as for 32768 color BG modes):
  Bit   Expl.
  0-4   Red Intensity   (0-31)
  5-9   Green Intensity (0-31)
  10-14 Blue Intensity  (0-31)
  15    Not used

Under normal circumstances (light source/viewing angle), the intensities 0-14 are practically all black, and only intensities 15-31 are resulting in visible medium..bright colors.

Note: The intensity problem appears in the 8bit CGB "compatibility" mode either. The original CGB display produced the opposite effect: Intensities 0-14 resulted in dark..medium colors, and intensities 15-31 resulted in bright colors. Any "medium" colors of CGB games will appear invisible/black on GBA hardware, and only very bright colors will be visible.

  LCD Dimensions and Timings

Horizontal Dimensions
The drawing time for each dot is 4 CPU cycles.
  Visible     240 dots,  57.221 us,    960 cycles - 78% of h-time
  H-Blanking   68 dots,  16.212 us,    272 cycles - 22% of h-time
  Total       308 dots,  73.433 us,   1232 cycles - ca. 13.620 kHz
VRAM and Palette RAM may be accessed during H-Blanking. OAM can accessed only if "H-Blank Interval Free" bit in DISPCNT register is set.

Vertical Dimensions
  Visible (*) 160 lines, 11.749 ms, 197120 cycles - 70% of v-time
  V-Blanking   68 lines,  4.994 ms,  83776 cycles - 30% of v-time
  Total       228 lines, 16.743 ms, 280896 cycles - ca. 59.737 Hz
All VRAM, OAM, and Palette RAM may be accessed during V-Blanking.
Note that no H-Blank interrupts are generated within V-Blank period.

System Clock
The system clock is 16.78MHz (16*1024*1024 Hz), one cycle is thus approx. 59.59ns.

(*) Even though vertical screen size is 160 lines, the upper 8 lines are not <really> visible, these lines are covered by a shadow when holding the GBA orientated towards a light source, the lines are effectively black - and should not be used to display important information.

The LCD display is using some sort of interlace in which even scanlines are dimmed in each second frame, and odd scanlines are dimmed in each other frame (it does always render ALL lines in ALL frames, but half of them are dimmed).
The effect can be seen when displaying some horizontal lines in each second frame, and hiding them in each other frame: the hardware will randomly show the lines in dimmed or non-dimmed form (depending on whether the test was started in an even or odd frame).
Unknown if it's possible to determine the even/off frame state by software (or possibly to reset the hardware to this or that state by software).
Note: The NDS is applying some sort of frameskip to GBA games, about every 3 seconds there will by a missing (or maybe: inserted) frame, ie. a GBA game that is updating the display in sync with GBA interlace will get offsync on NDS consoles.

  GBA Sound Controller

The GBA supplies four 'analogue' sound channels for Tone and Noise (mostly compatible to CGB sound), as well as two 'digital' sound channels (which can be used to replay 8bit DMA sample data).

GBA Sound Channel 1 - Tone & Sweep
GBA Sound Channel 2 - Tone
GBA Sound Channel 3 - Wave Output
GBA Sound Channel 4 - Noise
GBA Sound Channel A and B - DMA Sound

GBA Sound Control Registers
GBA Comparison of CGB and GBA Sound

The GBA includes only a single (mono) speaker built-in, each channel may be output to either left and/or right channels by using the external line-out connector (for stereo headphones, etc).

  GBA Sound Channel 1 - Tone & Sweep

4000060h - SOUND1CNT_L (NR10) - Channel 1 Sweep register (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-2   R/W  Number of sweep shift      (n=0-7)
  3     R/W  Sweep Frequency Direction  (0=Increase, 1=Decrease)
  4-6   R/W  Sweep Time; units of 7.8ms (0-7, min=7.8ms, max=54.7ms)
  7-15  -    Not used
Sweep is disabled by setting Sweep Time to zero, if so, the direction bit should be set.
The change of frequency (NR13,NR14) at each shift is calculated by the following formula where X(0) is initial freq & X(t-1) is last freq:
  X(t) = X(t-1) +/- X(t-1)/2^n

4000062h - SOUND1CNT_H (NR11, NR12) - Channel 1 Duty/Len/Envelope (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-5   W    Sound length; units of (64-n)/256s  (0-63)
  6-7   R/W  Wave Pattern Duty                   (0-3, see below)
  8-10  R/W  Envelope Step-Time; units of n/64s  (1-7, 0=No Envelope)
  11    R/W  Envelope Direction                  (0=Decrease, 1=Increase)
  12-15 R/W  Initial Volume of envelope          (1-15, 0=No Sound)
Wave Duty:
  0: 12.5% ( -_______-_______-_______ )
  1: 25%   ( --______--______--______ )
  2: 50%   ( ----____----____----____ ) (normal)
  3: 75%   ( ------__------__------__ )
The Length value is used only if Bit 6 in NR14 is set.

4000064h - SOUND1CNT_X (NR13, NR14) - Channel 1 Frequency/Control (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-10  W    Frequency; 131072/(2048-n)Hz  (0-2047)
  11-13 -    Not used
  14    R/W  Length Flag  (1=Stop output when length in NR11 expires)
  15    W    Initial      (1=Restart Sound)
  16-31 -    Not used

  GBA Sound Channel 2 - Tone

This sound channel works exactly as channel 1, except that it doesn't have a Tone Envelope/Sweep Register.

4000068h - SOUND2CNT_L (NR21, NR22) - Channel 2 Duty/Length/Envelope (R/W)
400006Ah - Not used
400006Ch - SOUND2CNT_H (NR23, NR24) - Channel 2 Frequency/Control (R/W)
For details, refer to channel 1 description.

  GBA Sound Channel 3 - Wave Output

This channel can be used to output digital sound, the length of the sample buffer (Wave RAM) can be either 32 or 64 digits (4bit samples). This sound channel can be also used to output normal tones when initializing the Wave RAM by a square wave. This channel doesn't have a volume envelope register.

4000070h - SOUND3CNT_L (NR30) - Channel 3 Stop/Wave RAM select (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-4   -    Not used
  5     R/W  Wave RAM Dimension   (0=One bank/32 digits, 1=Two banks/64 digits)
  6     R/W  Wave RAM Bank Number (0-1, see below)
  7     R/W  Sound Channel 3 Off  (0=Stop, 1=Playback)
  8-15  -    Not used
The currently selected Bank Number (Bit 6) will be played back, while reading/writing to/from wave RAM will address the other (not selected) bank. When dimension is set to two banks, output will start by replaying the currently selected bank.

4000072h - SOUND3CNT_H (NR31, NR32) - Channel 3 Length/Volume (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-7   W    Sound length; units of (256-n)/256s  (0-255)
  8-12  -    Not used.
  13-14 R/W  Sound Volume  (0=Mute/Zero, 1=100%, 2=50%, 3=25%)
  15    R/W  Force Volume  (0=Use above, 1=Force 75% regardless of above)
The Length value is used only if Bit 6 in NR34 is set.

4000074h - SOUND3CNT_X (NR33, NR34) - Channel 3 Frequency/Control (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-10  W    Sample Rate; 2097152/(2048-n) Hz   (0-2047)
  11-13 -    Not used
  14    R/W  Length Flag  (1=Stop output when length in NR31 expires)
  15    W    Initial      (1=Restart Sound)
  16-31 -    Not used
The above sample rate specifies the number of wave RAM digits per second, the actual tone frequency depends on the wave RAM content, for example:
  Wave RAM, single bank 32 digits   Tone Frequency
  FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000  65536/(2048-n) Hz
  FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000  131072/(2048-n) Hz
  FFFF0000FFFF0000FFFF0000FFFF0000  262144/(2048-n) Hz
  FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00  524288/(2048-n) Hz
  F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0  1048576/(2048-n) Hz

4000090h - WAVE_RAM0_L - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
4000092h - WAVE_RAM0_H - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
4000094h - WAVE_RAM1_L - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
4000096h - WAVE_RAM1_H - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
4000098h - WAVE_RAM2_L - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
400009Ah - WAVE_RAM2_H - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
400009Ch - WAVE_RAM3_L - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
400009Eh - WAVE_RAM3_H - Channel 3 Wave Pattern RAM (W/R)
This area contains 16 bytes (32 x 4bits) Wave Pattern data which is output by channel 3. Data is played back ordered as follows: MSBs of 1st byte, followed by LSBs of 1st byte, followed by MSBs of 2nd byte, and so on - this results in a confusing ordering when filling Wave RAM in units of 16bit data - ie. samples would be then located in Bits 4-7, 0-3, 12-15, 8-11.

In the GBA, two Wave Patterns exists (each 32 x 4bits), either one may be played (as selected in NR30 register), the other bank may be accessed by the users. After all 32 samples have been played, output of the same bank (or other bank, as specified in NR30) will be automatically restarted.

Internally, Wave RAM is a giant shift-register, there is no pointer which is addressing the currently played digit. Instead, the entire 128 bits are shifted, and the 4 least significant bits are output.
Thus, when reading from Wave RAM, data might have changed its position. And, when writing to Wave RAM all data should be updated (it'd be no good idea to assume that old data is still located at the same position where it has been written to previously).

  GBA Sound Channel 4 - Noise

This channel is used to output white noise. This is done by randomly switching the amplitude between high and low at a given frequency. Depending on the frequency the noise will appear 'harder' or 'softer'.

It is also possible to influence the function of the random generator, so the that the output becomes more regular, resulting in a limited ability to output Tone instead of Noise.

4000078h - SOUND4CNT_L (NR41, NR42) - Channel 4 Length/Envelope (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-5   W    Sound length; units of (64-n)/256s  (0-63)
  6-7   -    Not used
  8-10  R/W  Envelope Step-Time; units of n/64s  (1-7, 0=No Envelope)
  11    R/W  Envelope Direction                  (0=Decrease, 1=Increase)
  12-15 R/W  Initial Volume of envelope          (1-15, 0=No Sound)
  16-31 -    Not used
The Length value is used only if Bit 6 in NR44 is set.

400007Ch - SOUND4CNT_H (NR43, NR44) - Channel 4 Frequency/Control (R/W)
The amplitude is randomly switched between high and low at the given frequency. A higher frequency will make the noise to appear 'softer'.
When Bit 3 is set, the output will become more regular, and some frequencies will sound more like Tone than Noise.
  Bit        Expl.
  0-2   R/W  Dividing Ratio of Frequencies (r)
  3     R/W  Counter Step/Width (0=15 bits, 1=7 bits)
  4-7   R/W  Shift Clock Frequency (s)
  8-13  -    Not used
  14    R/W  Length Flag  (1=Stop output when length in NR41 expires)
  15    W    Initial      (1=Restart Sound)
  16-31 -    Not used
Frequency = 524288 Hz / r / 2^(s+1) ;For r=0 assume r=0.5 instead

Noise Random Generator (aka Polynomial Counter)
Noise randomly switches between HIGH and LOW levels, the output levels are calculated by a shift register (X), at the selected frequency, as such:
  7bit:  X=X SHR 1, IF carry THEN Out=HIGH, X=X XOR 60h ELSE Out=LOW
  15bit: X=X SHR 1, IF carry THEN Out=HIGH, X=X XOR 6000h ELSE Out=LOW
The initial value when (re-)starting the sound is X=40h (7bit) or X=4000h (15bit). The data stream repeats after 7Fh (7bit) or 7FFFh (15bit) steps.

  GBA Sound Channel A and B - DMA Sound

The GBA contains two DMA sound channels (A and B), each allowing to replay digital sound (signed 8bit data, ie. -128..+127). Data can be transferred from INTERNAL memory (not sure if EXTERNAL memory works also ?) to FIFO by using DMA channel 1 or 2, the sample rate is generated by using one of the Timers.

40000A0h - FIFO_A_L - Sound A FIFO, Data 0 and Data 1 (W)
40000A2h - FIFO_A_H - Sound A FIFO, Data 2 and Data 3 (W)
These two registers may receive 32bit (4 bytes) of audio data (Data 0-3, Data 0 being located in least significant byte which is replayed first).
Internally, the capacity of the FIFO is 8 x 32bit (32 bytes), allowing to buffer a small amount of samples. As the name says (First In First Out), oldest data is replayed first.

40000A4h - FIFO_B_L - Sound B FIFO, Data 0 and Data 1 (W)
40000A6h - FIFO_B_H - Sound B FIFO, Data 2 and Data 3 (W)
Same as above, for Sound B.

Initializing DMA-Sound Playback
- Select Timer 0 or 1 in SOUNDCNT_H control register.
- Clear the FIFO.
- Manually write a sample byte to the FIFO.
- Initialize transfer mode for DMA 1 or 2.
- Initialize DMA Sound settings in sound control register.
- Start the timer.

DMA-Sound Playback Procedure
The pseudo-procedure below is automatically repeated.
  If Timer overflows then
    Move 8bit data from FIFO to sound circuit.
    If FIFO contains only 4 x 32bits (16 bytes) then
      Request more data per DMA
      Receive 4 x 32bit (16 bytes) per DMA
This playback mechanism will be repeated forever, regardless of the actual length of the sample buffer.

Synchronizing Sample Buffers
The buffer-end may be determined by counting sound Timer IRQs (each sample byte), or sound DMA IRQs (each 16th sample byte). Both methods would require a lot of CPU time (IRQ processing), and both would fail if interrupts are disabled for a longer period.
Better solutions would be to synchronize the sample rate/buffer length with V-blanks, or to use a second timer (in count up/slave mode) which produces an IRQ after the desired number of samples.

The Sample Rate
The GBA hardware does internally re-sample all sound output to 32.768kHz (default SOUNDBIAS setting). It'd thus do not make much sense to use higher DMA/Timer rates. Best re-sampling accuracy can be gained by using DMA/Timer rates of 32.768kHz, 16.384kHz, or 8.192kHz (ie. fragments of the physical output rate).

  GBA Sound Control Registers

4000080h - SOUNDCNT_L (NR50, NR51) - Channel L/R Volume/Enable (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-2   R/W  Sound 1-4 Master Volume RIGHT (0-7)
  3     -    Not used
  4-6   R/W  Sound 1-4 Master Volume LEFT (0-7)
  7     -    Not used
  8-11  R/W  Sound 1-4 Enable Flags RIGHT (each Bit 8-11, 0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  12-15 R/W  Sound 1-4 Enable Flags LEFT (each Bit 12-15, 0=Disable, 1=Enable)

4000082h - SOUNDCNT_H (GBA only) - DMA Sound Control/Mixing (R/W)
  Bit        Expl.
  0-1   R/W  Sound # 1-4 Volume   (0=25%, 1=50%, 2=100%, 3=Prohibited)
  2     R/W  DMA Sound A Volume   (0=50%, 1=100%)
  3     R/W  DMA Sound B Volume   (0=50%, 1=100%)
  4-7   -    Not used
  8     R/W  DMA Sound A Enable RIGHT (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  9     R/W  DMA Sound A Enable LEFT  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  10    R/W  DMA Sound A Timer Select (0=Timer 0, 1=Timer 1)
  11    W?   DMA Sound A Reset FIFO   (1=Reset)
  12    R/W  DMA Sound B Enable RIGHT (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  13    R/W  DMA Sound B Enable LEFT  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  14    R/W  DMA Sound B Timer Select (0=Timer 0, 1=Timer 1)
  15    W?   DMA Sound B Reset FIFO   (1=Reset)

4000084h - SOUNDCNT_X (NR52) - Sound on/off (R/W)
Bits 0-3 are automatically set when starting sound output, and are automatically cleared when a sound ends. (Ie. when the length expires, as far as length is enabled. The bits are NOT reset when an volume envelope ends.)
  Bit        Expl.
  0     R    Sound 1 ON flag (Read Only)
  1     R    Sound 2 ON flag (Read Only)
  2     R    Sound 3 ON flag (Read Only)
  3     R    Sound 4 ON flag (Read Only)
  4-6   -    Not used
  7     R/W  PSG/FIFO Master Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Read/Write)
  8-31  -    Not used
While Bit 7 is cleared, both PSG and FIFO sounds are disabled, and all PSG registers at 4000060h..4000081h are reset to zero (and must be re-initialized after re-enabling sound). However, registers 4000082h and 4000088h are kept read/write-able (of which, 4000082h has no function when sound is off, whilst 4000088h does work even when sound is off).

4000088h - SOUNDBIAS - Sound PWM Control (R/W, see below)
This register controls the final sound output. The default setting is 0200h, it is normally not required to change this value.
  Bit        Expl.
  0     -    Not used
  1-9   R/W  Bias Level (Default=100h, converting signed samples into unsigned)
  10-13 -    Not used
  14-15 R/W  Amplitude Resolution/Sampling Cycle (Default=0, see below)
  16-31 -    Not used
Amplitude Resolution/Sampling Cycle (0-3):
  0  9bit / 32.768kHz   (Default, best for DMA channels A,B)
  1  8bit / 65.536kHz
  2  7bit / 131.072kHz
  3  6bit / 262.144kHz  (Best for PSG channels 1-4)
For more information on this register, read the descriptions below.

400008Ch - Not used
400008Eh - Not used

Max Output Levels (with max volume settings)
Each of the two FIFOs can span the FULL output range (+/-200h).
Each of the four PSGs can span one QUARTER of the output range (+/-80h).
The current output levels of all six channels are added together by hardware.
So together, the FIFOs and PSGs, could reach THRICE the range (+/-600h).
The BIAS value is added to that signed value. With default BIAS (200h), the possible range becomes -400h..+800h, however, values that exceed the unsigned 10bit output range of 0..3FFh are clipped to MinMax(0,3FFh).

Resampling to 32.768kHz / 9bit (default)
The PSG channels 1-4 are internally generated at 262.144kHz, and DMA sound A-B could be theoretically generated at timer rates up to 16.78MHz. However, the final sound output is resampled to a rate of 32.768kHz, at 9bit depth (the above 10bit value, divided by two). If necessary, rates higher than 32.768kHz can be selected in the SOUNDBIAS register, that would result in a depth smaller than 9bit though.

PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Output 16.78MHz / 1bit
Okay, now comes the actual output. The GBA can output only two voltages (low and high), these 'bits' are output at system clock speed (16.78MHz). If using the default 32.768kHz sampling rate, then 512 bits are output per sample (512*32K=16M). Each sample value (9bit range, N=0..511), would be then output as N low bits, followed by 512-N high bits. The resulting 'noise' is smoothed down by capacitors, by the speaker, and by human hearing, so that it will effectively sound like clean D/A converted 9bit voltages at 32kHz sampling rate.

Changing the BIAS Level
Normally use 200h for clean sound output. A value of 000h might make sense during periods when no sound is output (causing the PWM circuit to output low-bits only, which is eventually reducing the power consumption, and/or preventing 32KHz noise). Note: Using the SoundBias function (SWI 19h) allows to change the level by slowly incrementing or decrementing it (without hard scratch noise).

Low Power Mode
When not using sound output, power consumption can be reduced by setting both 4000084h (PSG/FIFO) and 4000088h (BIAS) to zero.

  GBA Comparison of CGB and GBA Sound

The GBA sound controller is mostly the same than that of older monochrome gameboy and CGB. The following changes have been done:

New Sound Channels
Two new sound channels have been added that may be used to replay 8bit digital sound. Sample rate and sample data must be supplied by using a Timer and a DMA channel.

New Control Registers
The SOUNDCNT_H register controls the new DMA channels - as well as mixing with the four old channels. The SOUNDBIAS register controls the final sound output.

Sound Channel 3 Changes
The length of the Wave RAM is doubled by dividing it into two banks of 32 digits each, either one or both banks may be replayed (one after each other), for details check NR30 Bit 5-6. Optionally, the sound may be output at 75% volume, for details check NR32 Bit 7.

Changed Control Registers
NR50 is not supporting Vin signals (that's been an external sound input from cartridge).

Changed I/O Addresses
The GBAs sound register are located at 04000060-040000AE instead of at FF10-FF3F as in CGB and monochrome gameboy. However, note that there have been new blank spaces inserted between some of the separate registers - therefore it is NOT possible to port CGB software to GBA just by changing the sound base address.

Accessing I/O Registers
In some cases two of the old 8bit registers are packed into a 16bit register and may be accessed as such.

  GBA Timers

The GBA includes four incrementing 16bit timers.
Timer 0 and 1 can be used to supply the sample rate for DMA sound channel A and/or B.

4000100h - TM0CNT_L - Timer 0 Counter/Reload (R/W)
4000104h - TM1CNT_L - Timer 1 Counter/Reload (R/W)
4000108h - TM2CNT_L - Timer 2 Counter/Reload (R/W)
400010Ch - TM3CNT_L - Timer 3 Counter/Reload (R/W)
Writing to these registers initializes the <reload> value (but does not directly affect the current counter value). Reading returns the current <counter> value (or the recent/frozen counter value if the timer has been stopped).
The reload value is copied into the counter only upon following two situations: Automatically upon timer overflows, or when the timer start bit becomes changed from 0 to 1.
Note: When simultaneously changing the start bit from 0 to 1, and setting the reload value at the same time (by a single 32bit I/O operation), then the newly written reload value is recognized as new counter value.

4000102h - TM0CNT_H - Timer 0 Control (R/W)
4000106h - TM1CNT_H - Timer 1 Control (R/W)
400010Ah - TM2CNT_H - Timer 2 Control (R/W)
400010Eh - TM3CNT_H - Timer 3 Control (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-1   Prescaler Selection (0=F/1, 1=F/64, 2=F/256, 3=F/1024)
  2     Count-up Timing   (0=Normal, 1=See below)  ;Not used in TM0CNT_H
  3-5   Not used
  6     Timer IRQ Enable  (0=Disable, 1=IRQ on Timer overflow)
  7     Timer Start/Stop  (0=Stop, 1=Operate)
  8-15  Not used
When Count-up Timing is enabled, the prescaler value is ignored, instead the time is incremented each time when the previous counter overflows. This function cannot be used for Timer 0 (as it is the first timer).
F = System Clock (16.78MHz).

  GBA DMA Transfers

The GBA includes four DMA channels, the highest priority is assigned to DMA0, followed by DMA1, DMA2, and DMA3. DMA Channels with lower priority are paused until channels with higher priority have completed.
The CPU is paused when DMA transfers are active, however, the CPU is operating during the periods when Sound/Blanking DMA transfers are paused.

Special features of the separate DMA channels
DMA0 - highest priority, best for timing critical transfers (eg. HBlank DMA).
DMA1 and DMA2 - can be used to feed digital sample data to the Sound FIFOs.
DMA3 - can be used to write to Game Pak ROM/FlashROM (but not GamePak SRAM).
Beside for that, each DMA 0-3 may be used for whatever general purposes.

40000B0h,0B2h - DMA0SAD - DMA 0 Source Address (W) (internal memory)
40000BCh,0BEh - DMA1SAD - DMA 1 Source Address (W) (any memory)
40000C8h,0CAh - DMA2SAD - DMA 2 Source Address (W) (any memory)
40000D4h,0D6h - DMA3SAD - DMA 3 Source Address (W) (any memory)
The most significant address bits are ignored, only the least significant 27 or 28 bits are used (max 07FFFFFFh internal memory, or max 0FFFFFFFh any memory - except SRAM ?!).

40000B4h,0B6h - DMA0DAD - DMA 0 Destination Address (W) (internal memory)
40000C0h,0C2h - DMA1DAD - DMA 1 Destination Address (W) (internal memory)
40000CCh,0CEh - DMA2DAD - DMA 2 Destination Address (W) (internal memory)
40000D8h,0DAh - DMA3DAD - DMA 3 Destination Address (W) (any memory)
The most significant address bits are ignored, only the least significant 27 or 28 bits are used (max. 07FFFFFFh internal memory or 0FFFFFFFh any memory - except SRAM ?!).

40000B8h - DMA0CNT_L - DMA 0 Word Count (W) (14 bit, 1..4000h)
40000C4h - DMA1CNT_L - DMA 1 Word Count (W) (14 bit, 1..4000h)
40000D0h - DMA2CNT_L - DMA 2 Word Count (W) (14 bit, 1..4000h)
40000DCh - DMA3CNT_L - DMA 3 Word Count (W) (16 bit, 1..10000h)
Specifies the number of data units to be transferred, each unit is 16bit or 32bit depending on the transfer type, a value of zero is treated as max length (ie. 4000h, or 10000h for DMA3).

40000BAh - DMA0CNT_H - DMA 0 Control (R/W)
40000C6h - DMA1CNT_H - DMA 1 Control (R/W)
40000D2h - DMA2CNT_H - DMA 2 Control (R/W)
40000DEh - DMA3CNT_H - DMA 3 Control (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-4   Not used
  5-6   Dest Addr Control  (0=Increment,1=Decrement,2=Fixed,3=Increment/Reload)
  7-8   Source Adr Control (0=Increment,1=Decrement,2=Fixed,3=Prohibited)
  9     DMA Repeat                   (0=Off, 1=On) (Must be zero if Bit 11 set)
  10    DMA Transfer Type            (0=16bit, 1=32bit)
  11    Game Pak DRQ  - DMA3 only -  (0=Normal, 1=DRQ <from> Game Pak, DMA3)
  12-13 DMA Start Timing  (0=Immediately, 1=VBlank, 2=HBlank, 3=Special)
          The 'Special' setting (Start Timing=3) depends on the DMA channel:
          DMA0=Prohibited, DMA1/DMA2=Sound FIFO, DMA3=Video Capture
  14    IRQ upon end of Word Count   (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15    DMA Enable                   (0=Off, 1=On)
After changing the Enable bit from 0 to 1, wait 2 clock cycles before accessing any DMA related registers.

When accessing OAM (7000000h) or OBJ VRAM (6010000h) by HBlank Timing, then the "H-Blank Interval Free" bit in DISPCNT register must be set.

Source and Destination Address and Word Count Registers
The SAD, DAD, and CNT_L registers are holding the initial start addresses, and initial length. The hardware does NOT change the content of these registers during or after the transfer.
The actual transfer takes place by using internal pointer/counter registers. The initial values are copied into internal regs under the following circumstances:
Upon DMA Enable (Bit 15) changing from 0 to 1: Reloads SAD, DAD, CNT_L.
Upon Repeat: Reloads CNT_L, and optionally DAD (Increment+Reload).

DMA Repeat bit
If the Repeat bit is cleared: The Enable bit is automatically cleared after the specified number of data units has been transferred.
If the Repeat bit is set: The Enable bit remains set after the transfer, and the transfer will be restarted each time when the Start condition (eg. HBlank, Fifo) becomes true. The specified number of data units is transferred <each> time when the transfer is (re-)started. The transfer will be repeated forever, until it gets stopped by software.

Sound DMA (FIFO Timing Mode) (DMA1 and DMA2 only)
In this mode, the DMA Repeat bit must be set, and the destination address must be FIFO_A (040000A0h) or FIFO_B (040000A4h).
Upon DMA request from sound controller, 4 units of 32bits (16 bytes) are transferred (both Word Count register and DMA Transfer Type bit are ignored). The destination address will not be incremented in FIFO mode.
Keep in mind that DMA channels of higher priority may offhold sound DMA. For example, when using a 64 kHz sample rate, 16 bytes of sound DMA data are requested each 0.25ms (4 kHz), at this time another 16 bytes are still in the FIFO so that there's still 0.25ms time to satisfy the DMA request. Thus DMAs with higher priority should not be operated for longer than 0.25ms. (This problem does not arise for HBlank transfers as HBlank time is limited to 16.212us.)

Game Pak DMA
Only DMA 3 may be used to transfer data to/from Game Pak ROM or Flash ROM - it cannot access Game Pak SRAM though (as SRAM data bus is limited to 8bit units). In normal mode, DMA is requested as long until Word Count becomes zero. When setting the 'Game Pack DRQ' bit, then the cartridge must contain an external circuit which outputs a /DREQ signal. Note that there is only one pin for /DREQ and /IREQ, thus the cartridge may not supply /IREQs while using DRQ mode.

Video Capture Mode (DMA3 only)
Intended to copy a bitmap from memory (or from external hardware/camera) to VRAM. When using this transfer mode, set the repeat bit, and write the number of data units (per scanline) to the word count register. Capture works similar like HBlank DMA, however, the transfer is started when VCOUNT=2, it is then repeated each scanline, and it gets stopped when VCOUNT=162.

Transfer End
The DMA Enable flag (Bit 15) is automatically cleared upon completion of the transfer. The user may also clear this bit manually in order to stop the transfer (obviously this is possible for Sound/Blanking DMAs only, in all other cases the CPU is stopped until the transfer completes by itself).

Transfer Rate/Timing
Except for the first data unit, all units are transferred by sequential reads and writes. For n data units, the DMA transfer time is:
Of which, 1N+(n-1)S are read cycles, and the other 1N+(n-1)S are write cycles, actual number of cycles depends on the waitstates and bus-width of the source and destination areas (as described in CPU Instruction Cycle Times chapter). Internal time for DMA processing is 2I (normally), or 4I (if both source and destination are in gamepak memory area).

DMA lockup when stopping while starting ???
Capture delayed, Capture Enable=AutoCleared ???

  GBA Communication Ports

The GBAs Serial Port may be used in various different communication modes. Normal mode may exchange data between two GBAs (or to transfer data from master GBA to several slave GBAs in one-way direction).
Multi-player mode may exchange data between up to four GBAs. UART mode works much like a RS232 interface. JOY Bus mode uses a standardized Nintendo protocol. And General Purpose mode allows to mis-use the 'serial' port as bi-directional 4bit parallel port.
Note: The Nintendo DS does not include a Serial Port.

SIO Normal Mode
SIO Multi-Player Mode
SIO General-Purpose Mode
SIO Control Registers Summary

Wireless Adapter
GBA Wireless Adapter

Infrared Communication Adapters
Even though early GBA prototypes have been intended to support IR communication, this feature has been removed.
However, Nintendo is apparently considering to provide an external IR adapter (to be connected to the SIO connector, being accessed in General Purpose mode).
Also, it'd be theoretically possible to include IR ports built-in in game cartridges (as done for some older 8bit/monochrome Hudson games).

  SIO Normal Mode

This mode is used to communicate between two units.
Transfer rates of 256Kbit/s or 2Mbit/s can be selected, however, the fast 2Mbit/s is intended ONLY for special hardware expansions that are DIRECTLY connected to the GBA link port (ie. without a cable being located between the GBA and expansion hardware). In normal cases, always use 256Kbit/s transfer rate which provides stable results.
Transfer lengths of 8bit or 32bit may be used, the 8bit mode is the same as for older DMG/CGB gameboys, however, the voltages for "GBA cartridges in GBAs" are different as for "DMG/CGB cartridges in DMG/CGB/GBAs", ie. it is not possible to communicate between DMG/CGB games and GBA games.

4000134h - RCNT (R) - Mode Selection, in Normal/Multiplayer/UART modes (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Undocumented (current SC,SD,SI,SO state, as for General Purpose mode)
  4-8   Not used     (Should be 0, bits are read/write-able though)
  9-13  Not used     (Always 0, read only)
  14    Not used     (Should be 0, bit is read/write-able though)
  15    Must be zero (0) for Normal/Multiplayer/UART modes

4000128h - SIOCNT - SIO Control, usage in NORMAL Mode (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Shift Clock (SC)        (0=External, 1=Internal)
  1     Internal Shift Clock    (0=256KHz, 1=2MHz)
  2     SI State (opponents SO) (0=Low, 1=High/None) --- (Read Only)
  3     SO during inactivity    (0=Low, 1=High) (applied ONLY when Bit7=0)
  4-6   Not used                (Read only, always 0 ?)
  7     Start Bit               (0=Inactive/Ready, 1=Start/Active)
  8-11  Not used                (R/W, should be 0)
  12    Transfer Length         (0=8bit, 1=32bit)
  13    Must be "0" for Normal Mode
  14    IRQ Enable              (0=Disable, 1=Want IRQ upon completion)
  15    Not used                (Read only, always 0)
The Start bit is automatically reset when the transfer completes, ie. when all 8 or 32 bits are transferred, at that time an IRQ may be generated.

400012Ah - SIODATA8 - SIO Normal Communication 8bit Data (R/W)
For 8bit normal mode. Contains 8bit data (only lower 8bit are used). Outgoing data should be written to this register before starting the transfer. During transfer, transmitted bits are shifted-out (MSB first), and received bits are shifted-in simultaneously. Upon transfer completion, the register contains the received 8bit value.

4000120h - SIODATA32_L - SIO Normal Communication lower 16bit data (R/W)
4000122h - SIODATA32_H - SIO Normal Communication upper 16bit data (R/W)
Same as above SIODATA8, for 32bit normal transfer mode respectively.
SIOCNT/RCNT must be set to 32bit normal mode <before> writing to SIODATA32.

First, initialize RCNT register. Second, set mode/clock bits in SIOCNT with startbit cleared. For master: select internal clock, and (in most cases) specify 256KHz as transfer rate. For slave: select external clock, the local transfer rate selection is then ignored, as the transfer rate is supplied by the remote GBA (or other computer, which might supply custom transfer rates).
Third, set the startbit in SIOCNT with mode/clock bits unchanged.

Recommended Communication Procedure for SLAVE unit (external clock)
- Initialize data which is to be sent to master.
- Set Start flag.
- Set SO to LOW to indicate that master may start now.
- Wait for IRQ (or for Start bit to become zero). (Check timeout here!)
- Set SO to HIGH to indicate that we are not ready.
- Process received data.
- Repeat procedure if more data is to be transferred.
(or is so=high done automatically? would be fine - more stable - otherwise master may still need delay)

Recommended Communication Procedure for SLAVE unit (external clock)
- Initialize data which is to be sent to master.
- Set Start=0 and SO=0 (SO=LOW indicates that slave is (almost) ready).
- Set Start=1 and SO=1 (SO=HIGH indicates not ready, applied after transfer).
  (Expl. Old SO=LOW kept output until 1st clock bit received).
  (Expl. New SO=HIGH is automatically output at transfer completion).
- Set SO to LOW to indicate that master may start now.
- Wait for IRQ (or for Start bit to become zero). (Check timeout here!)
- Process received data.
- Repeat procedure if more data is to be transferred.

Recommended Communication Procedure for MASTER unit (internal clock)
- Initialize data which is to be sent to slave.
- Wait for SI to become LOW (slave ready). (Check timeout here!)
- Set Start flag.
- Wait for IRQ (or for Start bit to become zero).
- Process received data.
- Repeat procedure if more data is to be transferred.

Cable Protocol
During inactive transfer, the shift clock (SC) is high. The transmit (SO) and receive (SI) data lines may be manually controlled as described above.
When master sends SC=LOW, each master and slave must output the next outgoing data bit to SO. When master sends SC=HIGH, each master and slave must read out the opponents data bit from SI. This is repeated for each of the 8 or 32 bits, and when completed SC will be kept high again.

Transfer Rates
Either 256KHz or 2MHz rates can be selected for SC, so max 32KBytes (256Kbit) or 128KBytes (2Mbit) can be transferred per second. However, the software must process each 8bit or 32bit of transmitted data separately, so the actual transfer rate will be reduced by the time spent on handling each data unit.
Only 256KHz provides stable results in most cases (such like when linking between two GBAs). The 2MHz rate is intended for special expansion hardware (with very short wires) only.

Using Normal mode for One-Way Multiplayer communication
When using normal mode with multiplay-cables, data isn't exchanged between first and second GBA as usually. Instead, data is shifted from first to last GBA (the first GBA receives zero, because master SI is shortcut to GND).
This behaviour may be used for fast ONE-WAY data transfer from master to all other GBAs. For example (3 GBAs linked):
  Step         Sender      1st Recipient   2nd Recipient
  Transfer 1:  DATA #0 --> UNDEF      -->  UNDEF     -->
  Transfer 2:  DATA #1 --> DATA #0    -->  UNDEF     -->
  Transfer 3:  DATA #2 --> DATA #1    -->  DATA #0   -->
  Transfer 4:  DATA #3 --> DATA #2    -->  DATA #1   -->
The recipients should not output any own data, instead they should forward the previously received data to the next recipient during next transfer (just keep the incoming data unmodified in the data register).
Due to the delayed forwarding, 2nd recipient should ignore the first incoming data. After the last transfer, the sender must send one (or more) dummy data unit(s), so that the last data is forwarded to the 2nd (or further) recipient(s).

  SIO Multi-Player Mode

Multi-Player mode can be used to communicate between up to 4 units.

4000134h - RCNT (R) - Mode Selection, in Normal/Multiplayer/UART modes (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Undocumented (current SC,SD,SI,SO state, as for General Purpose mode)
  4-8   Not used     (Should be 0, bits are read/write-able though)
  9-13  Not used     (Always 0, read only)
  14    Not used     (Should be 0, bit is read/write-able though)
  15    Must be zero (0) for Normal/Multiplayer/UART modes
Note: Even though undocumented, many Nintendo games are using Bit 0 to test current SC state in multiplay mode.

4000128h - SIOCNT - SIO Control, usage in MULTI-PLAYER Mode (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-1   Baud Rate     (0-3: 9600,38400,57600,115200 bps)
  2     SI-Terminal   (0=Parent, 1=Child)                  (Read Only)
  3     SD-Terminal   (0=Bad connection, 1=All GBAs Ready) (Read Only)
  4-5   Multi-Player ID     (0=Parent, 1-3=1st-3rd child)  (Read Only)
  6     Multi-Player Error  (0=Normal, 1=Error)            (Read Only)
  7     Start/Busy Bit      (0=Inactive, 1=Start/Busy) (Read Only for Slaves)
  8-11  Not used            (R/W, should be 0)
  12    Must be "0" for Multi-Player mode
  13    Must be "1" for Multi-Player mode
  14    IRQ Enable          (0=Disable, 1=Want IRQ upon completion)
  15    Not used            (Read only, always 0)
The ID Bits are undefined until the first transfer has completed.

400012Ah - SIOMLT_SEND - Data Send Register (R/W)
Outgoing data (16 bit) which is to be sent to the other GBAs.

4000120h - SIOMULTI0 - SIO Multi-Player Data 0 (Parent) (R/W)
4000122h - SIOMULTI1 - SIO Multi-Player Data 1 (1st child) (R/W)
4000124h - SIOMULTI2 - SIO Multi-Player Data 2 (2nd child) (R/W)
4000126h - SIOMULTI3 - SIO Multi-Player Data 3 (3rd child) (R/W)
These registers are automatically reset to FFFFh upon transfer start.
After transfer, these registers contain incoming data (16bit each) from all remote GBAs (if any / otherwise still FFFFh), as well as the local outgoing SIOMLT_SEND data.
Ie. after the transfer, all connected GBAs will contain the same values in their SIOMULTI0-3 registers.

- Initialize RCNT Bit 14-15 and SIOCNT Bit 12-13 to select Multi-Player mode.
- Read SIOCNT Bit 3 to verify that all GBAs are in Multi-Player mode.
- Read SIOCNT Bit 2 to detect whether this is the Parent/Master unit.

Recommended Transmission Procedure
- Write outgoing data to SIODATA_SEND.
- Master must set Start bit.
- All units must process received data in SIOMULTI0-3 when transfer completed.
- After the first successful transfer, ID Bits in SIOCNT are valid.
- If more data is to be transferred, repeat procedure.
The parent unit blindly sends data regardless of whether childs have already processed old data/supplied new data. So, parent unit might be required to insert delays between each transfer, and/or perform error checking.
Also, slave units may signalize that they are not ready by temporarily switching into another communication mode (which does not output SD High, as Multi-Player mode does during inactivity).

Transfer Protocol
- The masters SI pin is always LOW.
- When all GBAs are in Multiplayer mode (ready) SD is HIGH.
- When master starts the transfer, it sets SC=LOW, slaves receive Busy bit.
Step A
- ID Bits in master unit are set to 0.
- Master outputs Startbit (LOW), 16bit Data, Stopbit (HIGH) through SD.
- This data is written to SIOMULTI0 of all GBAs (including master).
- Master forwards LOW from its SO to 1st childs SI.
- Transfer ends if next child does not output data after certain time.
Step B
- ID Bits in 1st child unit are set to 1.
- 1st Child outputs Startbit (LOW), 16bit Data, Stopbit (HIGH) through SD.
- This data is written to SIOMULTI1 of all GBAs (including 1st child).
- 1st child forwards LOW from its SO to 2nd childs SI.
- Transfer ends if next child does not output data after certain time.
Step C
- ID Bits in 2nd child unit are set to 2.
- 2nd Child outputs Startbit (LOW), 16bit Data, Stopbit (HIGH) through SD.
- This data is written to SIOMULTI2 of all GBAs (including 2nd child).
- 2nd child forwards LOW from its SO to 3rd childs SI.
- Transfer ends if next child does not output data after certain time.
Step D
- ID Bits in 3rd child unit are set to 3.
- 3rd Child outputs Startbit (LOW), 16bit Data, Stopbit (HIGH) through SD.
- This data is written to SIOMULTI3 of all GBAs (including 3rd child).
- Transfer ends (this was the last child).
Transfer end
- Master sets SC=HIGH, all GBAs set SO=HIGH.
- The Start/Busy bits of all GBAs are automatically cleared.
- Interrupts are requested in all GBAs (as far as enabled).

Error Bit
This bit is set when a slave did not receive SI=LOW even though SC=LOW signalized a transfer (this might happen when connecting more than 4 GBAs, or when the previous child is not connected). Also, the bit is set when a Stopbit wasn't HIGH.
The error bit may be undefined during active transfer - read only after transfer completion (the transfer continues and completes as normal even if errors have occurred for some or all GBAs).
Don't know: The bit is automatically reset/initialized with each transfer, or must be manually reset?

Transmission Time
The transmission time depends on the selected Baud rate. And on the amount of Bits (16 data bits plus start/stop bits for each GBA), delays between data for each GBA, plus final timeout (if less than 4 GBAs). That is, depending on the number of connected GBAs:
  GBAs    Bits    Delays   Timeout
  1       18      None     Yes
  2       36      1        Yes
  3       54      2        Yes
  4       72      3        None
(The average Delay and Timeout periods are unknown?)
Above is not counting the additional CPU time that must be spent on initiating and processing each transfer.

Fast One-Way Transmission
Beside for the actual SIO Multiplayer mode, you can also use SIO Normal mode for fast one-way data transfer from Master unit to all Child unit(s). See chapter about SIO Normal mode for details.


This mode works much like a RS232 port, however, the voltages are unknown, probably 0/3V rather than +/-12V ?. SI and SO are data lines (with crossed wires), SC and SD signalize Clear to Send (with crossed wires also, which requires special cable when linking between two GBAs ?)

4000134h - RCNT (R) - Mode Selection, in Normal/Multiplayer/UART modes (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Undocumented (current SC,SD,SI,SO state, as for General Purpose mode)
  4-8   Not used     (Should be 0, bits are read/write-able though)
  9-13  Not used     (Always 0, read only)
  14    Not used     (Should be 0, bit is read/write-able though)
  15    Must be zero (0) for Normal/Multiplayer/UART modes

4000128h - SCCNT_L - SIO Control, usage in UART Mode (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-1   Baud Rate  (0-3: 9600,38400,57600,115200 bps)
  2     CTS Flag   (0=Send always/blindly, 1=Send only when SC=LOW)
  3     Parity Control (0=Even, 1=Odd)
  4     Send Data Flag      (0=Not Full,  1=Full)    (Read Only)
  5     Receive Data Flag   (0=Not Empty, 1=Empty)   (Read Only)
  6     Error Flag          (0=No Error,  1=Error)   (Read Only)
  7     Data Length         (0=7bits,   1=8bits)
  8     FIFO Enable Flag    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  9     Parity Enable Flag  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  10    Send Enable Flag    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  11    Receive Enable Flag (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  12    Must be "1" for UART mode
  13    Must be "1" for UART mode
  14    IRQ Enable          (0=Disable, 1=IRQ when any Bit 4/5/6 become set)
  15    Not used            (Read only, always 0)

400012Ah - SIODATA8 - usage in UART Mode (R/W)
Addresses the send/receive shift register, or (when FIFO is used) the send/receive FIFO. In either case only the lower 8bit of SIODATA8 are used, the upper 8bit are not used.
The send/receive FIFO may store up to four 8bit data units each. For example, while 1 unit is still transferred from the send shift register, it is possible to deposit another 4 units in the send FIFO, which are then automatically moved to the send shift register one after each other.

Send/Receive Enable, CTS Feedback
The receiver outputs SD=LOW (which is input as SC=LOW at the remote side) when it is ready to receive data (that is, when Receive Enable is set, and the Receive shift register (or receive FIFO) isn't full.
When CTS flag is set to always/blindly, then the sender transmits data immediately when Send Enable is set, otherwise data is transmitted only when Send Enable is set and SC is LOW.

Error Flag
The error flag is set when a bad stop bit has been received (stop bit must be 0), when a parity error has occurred (if enabled), or when new data has been completely received while the receive data register (or receive FIFO) is already full.
The error flag is automatically reset when reading from SIOCNT register.

Init & Initback
The content of the FIFO is reset when FIFO is disabled in UART mode, thus, when entering UART mode initially set FIFO=disabled.
The Send/Receive enable bits must be reset before switching from UART mode into another SIO mode!


This communication mode uses Nintendo's standardized JOY Bus protocol. When using this communication mode, the GBA is always operated as SLAVE!

In this mode, SI and SO pins are data lines (apparently synchronized by Start/Stop bits?), SC and SD are set to low (including during active transfer?), the transfer rate is unknown?

4000134h - RCNT (R) - Mode Selection, in JOY BUS mode (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-3   Undocumented (current SC,SD,SI,SO state, as for General Purpose mode)
  4-8   Not used     (Should be 0, bits are read/write-able though)
  9-13  Not used     (Always 0, read only)
  14    Must be "1" for JOY BUS Mode
  15    Must be "1" for JOY BUS Mode

4000128h - SIOCNT - SIO Control, not used in JOY BUS Mode
This register is not used in JOY BUS mode.

4000140h - JOYCNT - JOY BUS Control Register (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Device Reset Flag     (Command FFh)          (Read/Acknowledge)
  1     Receive Complete Flag (Command 14h or 15h?)  (Read/Acknowledge)
  2     Send Complete Flag    (Command 15h or 14h?)  (Read/Acknowledge)
  3-5   Not used
  6     IRQ when receiving a Device Reset Command  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  7-31  Not used
Bit 0-2 are working much like the bits in the IF register: Write a "1" bit to reset (acknowledge) the respective bit.
UNCLEAR: Interrupts can be requested for Send/Receive commands also?

4000150h - JOY_RECV_L - Receive Data Register low (R/W)
4000152h - JOY_RECV_H - Receive Data Register high (R/W)
4000154h - JOY_TRANS_L - Send Data Register low (R/W)
4000156h - JOY_TRANS_H - Send Data Register high (R/W)
Send/receive data registers.

4000158h - JOYSTAT - Receive Status Register (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Not used
  1     Receive Status Flag   (0=Remote GBA is/was receiving) (Read Only?)
  2     Not used
  3     Send Status Flag      (1=Remote GBA is/was sending)   (Read Only?)
  4-5   General Purpose Flag  (Not assigned, may be used for whatever purpose)
  6-31  Not used
Bit 1 is automatically set when writing to local JOY_TRANS.
Bit 3 is automatically reset when reading from local JOY_RECV.

Below are the four possible commands which can be received by the GBA. Note that the GBA (slave) cannot send any commands itself, all it can do is to read incoming data, and to provide 'reply' data which may (or may not) be read out by the master unit.

Command FFh - Device Reset
  Receive FFh (Command)
  Send    00h (GBA Type number LSB (or MSB?))
  Send    04h (GBA Type number MSB (or LSB?))
  Send    XXh (lower 8bits of SIOSTAT register)

Command 00h - Type/Status Data Request
  Receive 00h (Command)
  Send    00h (GBA Type number LSB (or MSB?))
  Send    04h (GBA Type number MSB (or LSB?))
  Send    XXh (lower 8bits of SIOSTAT register)

Command 15h - GBA Data Write (to GBA)
  Receive 15h (Command)
  Receive XXh (Lower 8bits of JOY_RECV_L)
  Receive XXh (Upper 8bits of JOY_RECV_L)
  Receive XXh (Lower 8bits of JOY_RECV_H)
  Receive XXh (Upper 8bits of JOY_RECV_H)
  Send    XXh (lower 8bits of SIOSTAT register)

Command 14h - GBA Data Read (from GBA)
  Receive 14h (Command)
  Send    XXh (Lower 8bits of JOY_TRANS_L)
  Send    XXh (Upper 8bits of JOY_TRANS_L)
  Send    XXh (Lower 8bits of JOY_TRANS_H)
  Send    XXh (Upper 8bits of JOY_TRANS_H)
  Send    XXh (lower 8bits of SIOSTAT register)

  SIO General-Purpose Mode

In this mode, the SIO is 'misused' as a 4bit bi-directional parallel port, each of the SI,SO,SC,SD pins may be directly controlled, each can be separately declared as input (with internal pull-up) or as output signal.

4000134h - RCNT (R) - SIO Mode, usage in GENERAL-PURPOSE Mode (R/W)
Interrupts can be requested when SI changes from HIGH to LOW, as General Purpose mode does not require a serial shift clock, this interrupt may be produced even when the GBA is in Stop (low power standby) state.
  Bit   Expl.
  0     SC Data Bit         (0=Low, 1=High)
  1     SD Data Bit         (0=Low, 1=High)
  2     SI Data Bit         (0=Low, 1=High)
  3     SO Data Bit         (0=Low, 1=High)
  4     SC Direction        (0=Input, 1=Output)
  5     SD Direction        (0=Input, 1=Output)
  6     SI Direction        (0=Input, 1=Output, but see below)
  7     SO Direction        (0=Input, 1=Output)
  8     SI Interrupt Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  9-13  Not used
  14    Must be "0" for General-Purpose Mode
  15    Must be "1" for General-Purpose or JOYBUS Mode
SI should be always used as Input to avoid problems with other hardware which does not expect data to be output there.

4000128h - SIOCNT - SIO Control, not used in GENERAL-PURPOSE Mode
This register is not used in general purpose mode. That is, the separate bits of SIOCNT still exist and are read- and/or write-able in the same manner as for Normal, Multiplay, or UART mode (depending on SIOCNT Bit 12,13), but are having no effect on data being output to the link port.

  SIO Control Registers Summary

Mode Selection (by RCNT.15-14 and SIOCNT.13-12)
  R.15 R.14 S.13 S.12 Mode
  0    x    0    0    Normal 8bit
  0    x    0    1    Normal 32bit
  0    x    1    0    Multiplay 16bit
  0    x    1    1    UART (RS232)
  1    0    x    x    General Purpose
  1    1    x    x    JOY BUS

  Bit    0      1    2     3      4 5 6   7     8    9      10   11
  Normal Master Rate SI/In SO/Out - - -   Start -    -      -    -
  Multi  Baud   Baud SI/In SD/In  ID# Err Start -    -      -    -
  UART   Baud   Baud CTS   Parity S R Err Bits  FIFO Parity Send Recv

  GBA Wireless Adapter

GBA Wireless Adapter (AGB-015 or OXY-004)
GBA Wireless Adapter Games
GBA Wireless Adapter Login
GBA Wireless Adapter Commands
GBA Wireless Adapter Component Lists

  GBA Wireless Adapter Games

GBA Wireless Adapter compatible Games
  bit Generations series (Japan only)
  Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django (Konami)
  Boktai 3: Sabata's Counterattack
  Classic NES Series: Donkey Kong
  Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario
  Classic NES Series: Ice Climber
  Classic NES Series: Pac-Man
  Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros.
  Classic NES Series: Xevious
  Digimon Racing (Bandai) (No Wireless Adapter support in European release)
  Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury (Atari)
  Famicom Mini Series: #13 Balloon Fight
  Famicom Mini Series: #12 Clu Clu Land
  Famicom Mini Series: #16 Dig Dug
  Famicom Mini Series: #02 Donkey Kong
  Famicom Mini Series: #15 Dr. Mario
  Famicom Mini Series: #03 Ice Climber
  Famicom Mini Series: #18 Makaimura
  Famicom Mini Series: #08 Mappy
  Famicom Mini Series: #11 Mario Bros.
  Famicom Mini Series: #06 Pac-Man
  Famicom Mini Series: #30 SD Gundam World Scramble Wars
  Famicom Mini Series: #01 Super Mario Bros.
  Famicom Mini Series: #21 Super Mario Bros.
  Famicom Mini Series: #19 Twin Bee
  Famicom Mini Series: #14 Wrecking Crew
  Famicom Mini Series: #07 Xevious
  Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games (Nintendo)
  Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, The (EA Games)
  Mario Golf: Advance Tour (Nintendo)
  Mario Tennis: Power Tour (Nintendo)
  Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman (Capcom)
  Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel (Capcom)
  Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar
  Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar
  Momotaro Dentetsu G: Make a Gold Deck! (Japan only)
  Pokemon Emerald (Nintendo)
  Pokemon FireRed (Nintendo)
  Pokemon LeafGreen (Nintendo)
  Sennen Kazoku (Japan only)
  Shrek SuperSlam
  Sonic Advance 3

  GBA Wireless Adapter Login

GBA Wireless Adapter Login
  rcnt=8000h    ;\
  rcnt=80A0h    ;
  rcnt=80A2h    ; reset adapter or so
  wait          ;
  rcnt=80A0h    ;/
  siocnt=5003h  ;\set 32bit normal mode, 2MHz internal clock
  rcnt=0000h    ;/
  passes=0, index=0
  passes=passes+1, if passes>32 then ERROR  ;give up (usually only 10 passses)
  recv.lo=siodata AND FFFFh    ;response from adapter
  recv.hi=siodata/10000h       ;adapter's own "NI" data
  if send.hi<>recv.lo then index=0, goto @@stuck  ;<-- fallback to index=0
  if (send.lo XOR FFFFh)<>recv.lo then goto @@stuck
  if (send.hi XOR FFFFh)<>recv.hi then goto @@stuck
  send.hi=recv.hi XOR FFFFh
  siocnt.bit7=1                        ;<-- start transmission
  if index<4 then goto @@lop
 @@key_string db 'NINTENDO',01h,80h    ;10 bytes (5 halfwords; index=0..4)

Data exchanged during Login
               GBA                         ADAPTER
               xxxx494E ;\     <-->        xxxxxxxx
               xxxx494E ; "NI" <--> "NI"/; 494EB6B1 ;\
  NOT("NI") /; B6B1494E ;/     <-->     \; 494EB6B1 ; NOT("NI")
            \; B6B1544E ;\"NT" <--> "NT"/; 544EB6B1 ;/
  NOT("NT") /; ABB1544E ;/     <-->     \; 544EABB1 ;\NOT("NT")
            \; ABB14E45 ;\"EN" <--> "EN"/; 4E45ABB1 ;/
  NOT("EN") /; B1BA4E45 ;/     <-->     \; 4E45B1BA ;\NOT("EN")
            \; B1BA4F44 ;\"DO" <--> "DO"/; 4F44B1BA ;/
  NOT("DO") /; B0BB4F44 ;/     <-->     \; 4F44B0BB ;\NOT("DO")
            \; B0BB8001 ;-fin  <-->  fin-; 8001B0BB ;/
                 \   \                      \   \
                  \   LSBs=Own               \   LSBs=Inverse of
                   \   Data.From.Gba          \   Prev.Data.From.Gba
                    \                          \
                     MSBs=Inverse of            MSBs=Own
                      Prev.Data.From.Adapter     Data.From.Adapter

  GBA Wireless Adapter Commands

Wireless Command/Parameter Transmission
  GBA       Adapter
  9966ppcch 80000000h   ;-send command (cc), and num param_words (pp)
  <param01> 80000000h   ;\
  <param02> 80000000h   ; send "pp" parameter word(s), if any
  ...       ...         ;/
  80000000h 9966rraah   ;-recv ack (aa=cc+80h), and num response_words (rr)
  80000000? <reply01>   ;\
  80000000? <reply02>   ; recv "rr" response word(s), if any
  ...       ...         ;/
Wireless 32bit Transfers
  wait until [4000128h].Bit2=0  ;want SI=0
  set [4000128h].Bit3=1         ;set SO=1
  wait until [4000128h].Bit2=1  ;want SI=1
  set [4000128h].Bit3=0,Bit7=1  ;set SO=0 and start 32bit transfer
All command/param/reply transfers should be done at Internal Clock (except, Response Words for command 25h,27h,35h,37h should use External Clock).

Wireless Commands
  Cmd Para Reply Name
  10h -    -     Hello (send immediately after login)
  11h -    1     Good/Bad response to cmd 16h ?
  13h -    1
  16h 6    -     Introduce (send game/user name)
  17h 1    -     Config (send after Hello) (eg. param=003C0420h or 003C043Ch)
  1Ch -    -
  1Dh -    NN    Get Directory? (receive list of game/user names?)
  1Eh -    NN    Get Directory? (receive list of game/user names?)
  1Fh 1    -     Select Game for Download (send 16bit Game_ID)

  20h -    1
  21h -    1     Good/Bad response to cmd 1Fh ?
  24h -    -
  25h                                       ;use EXT clock!
  26h -    -
  27h -    -     Begin Download ?           ;use EXT clock!

  30h 1    -
  35h                                       ;use EXT clock!
  37h                                       ;use EXT clock!
  3Dh -    -     Bye (return to language select)
Special Response 996601EEh for error or so? (only at software side?)

  GBA Wireless Adapter Component Lists

Main Chipset
  U1 32pin Freescale MC13190 (2.4 GHz ISM band transceiver)
  U2 48pin Freescale CT3000 or CT3001 (depending on adapter version)
  X3  2pin 9.5MHz crystal
The MC13190 is a Short-Range, Low-Power 2.4 GHz ISM band transceiver.
The processor is Motorola's 32-bit M-Core RISC engine. (?) MCT3000 (?)
See also:

Version with GERMAN Postal Code on sticker:
  Sticker on Case:
    "Pat.Pend.Made in Philipines, CE0125(!)B"
    "MODEL NO./MODELE NO.AGB-015 D-63760 Grossosteim P/AGB-A-WA-EUR-2 E3"
  PCB: "19-C046-04, A-7" (top side) and "B-7" and Microchip ",\\" (bottom side)
  PCB: white stamp "3104, 94V-0, RU, TW-15"
  PCB: black stamp "22FDE"
  U1 32pin "Freescale 13190, 4WFQ" (MC13190) (2.4 GHz ISM band transceiver)
  U2 48pin "Freescale CT3001, XAC0445"  (bottom side)
  X3  2pin "D959L4I" (9.5MHz)           (top side) (ca. 19 clks per 2us)
Further components... top side (A-7)
  D1   5pin "D6F, 44"   (top side, below X3)
  U71  6pin ".., () 2"  (top side, right of X3, tiny black chip)
  B71  6pin "[]"        (top side, right of X3, small white chip)
  ANT  2pin on-board copper wings
  Q?   3pin             (top side, above CN1)
  Q?   3pin             (top side, above CN1)
  D?   2pin "72"        (top side, above CN1)
  D3   2pin "F2"        (top side, above CN1)
  U200 4pin "MSV"       (top side, above CN1)
  U202 5pin "LXKA"      (top side, right of CN1)
  U203 4pin "M6H"       (top side, right of CN1)
  CN1  6pin connector to GBA link port (top side)
Further components... bottom side (B-7)
  U201 5pin "LXVB"      (bottom side, near CN1)
  U72  4pin "BMs"       (bottom side, near ANT, tiny black chip)
  FL70 ?pin "[] o26"    (bottom side, near ANT, bigger white chip)
  B70  6pin "[]"        (bottom side, near ANT, small white chip)
Plus, resistors and capacitors (without any markings).

Version WITHOUT sticker:
  Sticker on Case: N/A
  PCB: "19-C046-03, A-1" (top side) and "B-1" and Microchip ",\\" (bottom side)
  PCB: white stamp "3204, TW-15, RU, 94V-0"
  PCB: black stamp "23MN" or "23NH" or so (smeared)
  U1 32pin "Freescale 13190, 4FGD"      (top side)
  U2 48pin "Freescale CT3000, XAB0425"  (bottom side) ;CT3000 (not CT3001)
  X3  2pin "9.5SKSS4GT"                 (top side)
Further components... top side (A-1)
  D1   5pin "D6F, 31"   (top side, below X3)
  U71  6pin "P3, () 2"  (top side, right of X3, tiny black chip)
  B71  6pin "[]"        (top side, right of X3, small white chip)
  ANT  2pin on-board copper wings
  Q70  3pin             (top side, above CN1)
  D?   2pin "72"        (top side, above CN1)
  D3   2pin "F2"        (top side, above CN1)
  U200 4pin "MSV"       (top side, above CN1)
  U202 5pin "LXKH"      (top side, right of CN1)
  U203 4pin "M6H"       (top side, right of CN1)
  CN1  6pin connector to GBA link port (top side)
Further components... bottom side (B-1)
  U201 5pin "LXV2"      (bottom side, near CN1)
  U70  6pin "AAG"       (bottom side, near ANT, tiny black chip)
  FL70 ?pin "[] o26"    (bottom side, near ANT, bigger white chip)
  B70  6pin "[]"        (bottom side, near ANT, small white chip)
Plus, resistors and capacitors (without any markings).

Major Differences
  Sticker      "N/A"                     vs "Grossosteim P/AGB-A-WA-EUR-2 E3"
  PCB-markings "19-C046-03, A-1, 3204"   vs "19-C046-04, A-7, 3104"
  U1           "CT3000, XAB0425"         vs "CT3001, XAC0445"
  Transistors  One transistor (Q70)      vs Two transistors (both nameless)
  U70/U72      U70 "AAG" (6pin)          vs U72 "BMs" (4pin)
Purpose of the changes is unknown (either older/newer revisions, or different regions with different FCC regulations).

  GBA Infrared Communication

Early GBA prototypes have been intended to include a built-in IR port for sending and receiving IR signals. Among others, this port could have been used to communicate with other GBAs, or older CGB models, or TV Remote Controls, etc.

Anyways, the prototype specifications have been as shown below...

Keep in mind that the IR signal may be interrupted by whatever objects moved between sender and receiver - the IR port isn't recommended for programs that require realtime data exchange (such like action games).

4000136h - IR - Infrared Register (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Transmission Data  (0=LED Off, 1=LED On)
  1     READ Enable        (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  2     Reception Data     (0=None, 1=Signal received) (Read only)
  3     AMP Operation      (0=Off, 1=On)
  4     IRQ Enable Flag    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  5-15  Not used
When IRQ is enabled, an interrupt is requested if the incoming signal was 0.119us Off (2 cycles), followed by 0.536us On (9 cycles) - minimum timing periods each.

Transmission Notes
When transmitting an IR signal, note that it'd be not a good idea to keep the LED turned On for a very long period (such like sending a 1 second synchronization pulse). The recipient's circuit would treat such a long signal as "normal IR pollution which is in the air" after a while, and thus ignore the signal.

Reception Notes
Received data is internally latched. Latched data may be read out by setting both READ and AMP bits.
Note: Provided that you don't want to receive your own IR signal, be sure to set Bit 0 to zero before attempting to receive data.

After using the IR port, be sure to reset the register to zero in order to reduce battery power consumption.

  GBA Keypad Input

The built-in GBA gamepad has 4 direction keys, and 6 buttons.

4000130h - KEYINPUT - Key Status (R)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Button A        (0=Pressed, 1=Released)
  1     Button B        (etc.)
  2     Select          (etc.)
  3     Start           (etc.)
  4     Right           (etc.)
  5     Left            (etc.)
  6     Up              (etc.)
  7     Down            (etc.)
  8     Button R        (etc.)
  9     Button L        (etc.)
  10-15 Not used
It'd be usually recommended to read-out this register only once per frame, and to store the current state in memory. As a side effect, this method avoids problems caused by switch bounce when a key is newly released or pressed.

4000132h - KEYCNT - Key Interrupt Control (R/W)
The keypad IRQ function is intended to terminate the very-low-power Stop mode, it is not suitable for processing normal user input, to do this, most programs are invoking their keypad handlers from within VBlank IRQ.
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Button A        (0=Ignore, 1=Select)
  1     Button B        (etc.)
  2     Select          (etc.)
  3     Start           (etc.)
  4     Right           (etc.)
  5     Left            (etc.)
  6     Up              (etc.)
  7     Down            (etc.)
  8     Button R        (etc.)
  9     Button L        (etc.)
  10-13 Not used
  14    IRQ Enable Flag (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15    IRQ Condition   (0=Logical OR, 1=Logical AND)
In logical OR mode, an interrupt is requested when at least one of the selected buttons is pressed.
In logical AND mode, an interrupt is requested when ALL of the selected buttons are pressed.

In 8bit gameboy compatibility mode, L and R Buttons are used to toggle the screen size between normal 160x144 pixels and stretched 240x144 pixels.
The GBA SP is additionally having a * Button used to toggle the backlight on and off (controlled by separate hardware logic, there's no way to detect or change the current backlight state by software).

  GBA Interrupt Control

4000208h - IME - Interrupt Master Enable Register (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Disable all interrupts         (0=Disable All, 1=See IE register)
  1-31  Not used

4000200h - IE - Interrupt Enable Register (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     LCD V-Blank                    (0=Disable)
  1     LCD H-Blank                    (etc.)
  2     LCD V-Counter Match            (etc.)
  3     Timer 0 Overflow               (etc.)
  4     Timer 1 Overflow               (etc.)
  5     Timer 2 Overflow               (etc.)
  6     Timer 3 Overflow               (etc.)
  7     Serial Communication           (etc.)
  8     DMA 0                          (etc.)
  9     DMA 1                          (etc.)
  10    DMA 2                          (etc.)
  11    DMA 3                          (etc.)
  12    Keypad                         (etc.)
  13    Game Pak (external IRQ source) (etc.)
  14-15 Not used
Note that there is another 'master enable flag' directly in the CPUs Status Register (CPSR) accessible in privileged modes, see CPU reference for details.

4000202h - IF - Interrupt Request Flags / IRQ Acknowledge (R/W, see below)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     LCD V-Blank                    (1=Request Interrupt)
  1     LCD H-Blank                    (etc.)
  2     LCD V-Counter Match            (etc.)
  3     Timer 0 Overflow               (etc.)
  4     Timer 1 Overflow               (etc.)
  5     Timer 2 Overflow               (etc.)
  6     Timer 3 Overflow               (etc.)
  7     Serial Communication           (etc.)
  8     DMA 0                          (etc.)
  9     DMA 1                          (etc.)
  10    DMA 2                          (etc.)
  11    DMA 3                          (etc.)
  12    Keypad                         (etc.)
  13    Game Pak (external IRQ source) (etc.)
  14-15 Not used
Interrupts must be manually acknowledged by writing a "1" to one of the IRQ bits, the IRQ bit will then be cleared.

"[Cautions regarding clearing IME and IE]
A corresponding interrupt could occur even while a command to clear IME or each flag of the IE register is being executed. When clearing a flag of IE, you need to clear IME in advance so that mismatching of interrupt checks will not occur." ?

"[When multiple interrupts are used]
When the timing of clearing of IME and the timing of an interrupt agree, multiple interrupts will not occur during that interrupt. Therefore, set (enable) IME after saving IME during the interrupt routine." ?

BIOS Interrupt handling
Upon interrupt execution, the CPU is switched into IRQ mode, and the physical interrupt vector is called - as this address is located in BIOS ROM, the BIOS will always execute the following code before it forwards control to the user handler:
  00000018  b      128h                ;IRQ vector: jump to actual BIOS handler
  00000128  stmfd  r13!,r0-r3,r12,r14  ;save registers to SP_irq
  0000012C  mov    r0,4000000h         ;ptr+4 to 03FFFFFC (mirror of 03007FFC)
  00000130  add    r14,r15,0h          ;retadr for USER handler $+8=138h
  00000134  ldr    r15,[r0,-4h]        ;jump to [03FFFFFC] USER handler
  00000138  ldmfd  r13!,r0-r3,r12,r14  ;restore registers from SP_irq
  0000013C  subs   r15,r14,4h          ;return from IRQ (PC=LR-4, CPSR=SPSR)
As shown above, a pointer to the 32bit/ARM-code user handler must be setup in [03007FFCh]. By default, 160 bytes of memory are reserved for interrupt stack at 03007F00h-03007F9Fh.

Recommended User Interrupt handling
- If necessary switch to THUMB state manually (handler is called in ARM state)
- Determine reason(s) of interrupt by examining IF register
- User program may freely assign priority to each reason by own logic
- Process the most important reason of your choice
- User MUST manually acknowledge by writing to IF register
- If user wants to allow nested interrupts, save SPSR_irq, then enable IRQs.
- If using other registers than BIOS-pushed R0-R3, manually save R4-R11 also.
- Note that Interrupt Stack is used (which may have limited size)
- So, for memory consuming stack operations use system mode (=user stack).
- When calling subroutines in system mode, save LSR_usr also.
- Restore SPSR_irq and/or R4-R11 if you've saved them above.
- Finally, return to BIOS handler by BX LR (R14_irq) instruction.

Default memory usage at 03007FXX (and mirrored to 03FFFFXX)
  Addr.    Size Expl.
  3007FFCh 4    Pointer to user IRQ handler (32bit ARM code)
  3007FF8h 2    Interrupt Check Flag (for IntrWait/VBlankIntrWait functions)
  3007FF4h 4    Allocated Area
  3007FF0h 4    Pointer to Sound Buffer
  3007FE0h 16   Allocated Area
  3007FA0h 64   Default area for SP_svc Supervisor Stack (4 words/time)
  3007F00h 160  Default area for SP_irq Interrupt Stack (6 words/time)
Memory below 7F00h is free for User Stack and user data. The three stack pointers are initially initialized at the TOP of the respective areas:
The user may redefine these addresses and move stacks into other locations, however, the addresses for system data at 7FE0h-7FFFh are fixed.

Not sure, is following free for user ?
Registers R8-R12_fiq, R13_fiq, R14_fiq, SPSR_fiq
Registers R13-R14_abt, SPSR_abt
Registers R13-R14_und, SPSR_und

Fast Interrupt (FIQ)
The ARM CPU provides two interrupt sources, IRQ and FIQ. In the GBA only IRQ is used. In normal GBAs, the FIQ signal is shortcut to VDD35, ie. the signal is always high, and there is no way to generate a FIQ by hardware. The registers R8..12_fiq could be used by software (when switching into FIQ mode by writing to CPSR) - however, this might make the game incompatible with hardware debuggers (which are reportedly using FIQs for debugging purposes).

  GBA System Control

4000204h - WAITCNT - Waitstate Control (R/W)
This register is used to configure game pak access timings. The game pak ROM is mirrored to three address regions at 08000000h, 0A000000h, and 0C000000h, these areas are called Wait State 0-2. Different access timings may be assigned to each area (this might be useful in case that a game pak contains several ROM chips with different access times each).
  Bit   Expl.
  0-1   SRAM Wait Control          (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
  2-3   Wait State 0 First Access  (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
  4     Wait State 0 Second Access (0..1 = 2,1 cycles)
  5-6   Wait State 1 First Access  (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
  7     Wait State 1 Second Access (0..1 = 4,1 cycles; unlike above WS0)
  8-9   Wait State 2 First Access  (0..3 = 4,3,2,8 cycles)
  10    Wait State 2 Second Access (0..1 = 8,1 cycles; unlike above WS0,WS1)
  11-12 PHI Terminal Output        (0..3 = Disable, 4.19MHz, 8.38MHz, 16.78MHz)
  13    Not used
  14    Game Pak Prefetch Buffer (Pipe) (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15    Game Pak Type Flag  (Read Only) (0=GBA, 1=CGB) (IN35 signal)
  16-31 Not used
At startup, the default setting is 0000h. Currently manufactured cartridges are using the following settings: WS0/ROM=3,1 clks; SRAM=8 clks; WS2/EEPROM: 8,8 clks; prefetch enabled; that is, WAITCNT=4317h, for more info see "GBA Cartridges" chapter.

First Access (Non-sequential) and Second Access (Sequential) define the waitstates for N and S cycles, the actual access time is 1 clock cycle PLUS the number of waitstates.
GamePak uses 16bit data bus, so that a 32bit access is split into TWO 16bit accesses (of which, the second fragment is always sequential, even if the first fragment was non-sequential).

GBA GamePak Prefetch

The GBA forcefully uses non-sequential timing at the beginning of each 128K-block of gamepak ROM, eg. "LDMIA [801fff8h],r0-r7" will have non-sequential timing at 8020000h.
The PHI Terminal output (PHI Pin of Gamepak Bus) should be disabled.

4000300h - POSTFLG - BYTE - Undocumented - Post Boot / Debug Control (R/W)
After initial reset, the GBA BIOS initializes the register to 01h, and any further execution of the Reset vector (00000000h) will pass control to the Debug vector (0000001Ch) when sensing the register to be still set to 01h.
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Undocumented. First Boot Flag  (0=First, 1=Further)
  1-7   Undocumented. Not used.
Normally the debug handler rejects control unless it detects Debug flags in cartridge header, in that case it may redirect to a cut-down boot procedure (bypassing Nintendo logo and boot delays, much like nocash burst boot for multiboot software). I am not sure if it is possible to reset the GBA externally without automatically resetting register 300h though.

4000301h - HALTCNT - BYTE - Undocumented - Low Power Mode Control (W)
Writing to this register switches the GBA into battery saving mode.
In Halt mode, the CPU is paused as long as (IE AND IF)=0, this should be used to reduce power-consumption during periods when the CPU is waiting for interrupt events.
In Stop mode, most of the hardware including sound and video are paused, this very-low-power mode could be used much like a screensaver.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-6   Undocumented. Not used.
  7     Undocumented. Power Down Mode  (0=Halt, 1=Stop)
The current GBA BIOS addresses only the upper eight bits of this register (by writing 00h or 80h to address 04000301h), however, as the register isn't officially documented, some or all of the bits might have different meanings in future GBA models.
For best forwards compatibility, it'd generally be more recommended to use the BIOS Functions SWI 2 (Halt) or SWI 3 (Stop) rather than writing to this register directly.

4000410h - Undocumented - Purpose Unknown ? 8bit (W)
The BIOS writes the 8bit value 0FFh to this address. Purpose Unknown.
Probably just another bug in the BIOS.

4000800h - 32bit - Undocumented - Internal Memory Control (R/W)
Supported by GBA and GBA SP only - NOT supported by DS (even in GBA mode).
Also supported by GBA Micro - but crashes on "overclocked" WRAM setting.
Initialized to 0D000020h (by hardware). Unlike all other I/O registers, this register is mirrored across the whole I/O area (in increments of 64K, ie. at 4000800h, 4010800h, 4020800h, ..., 4FF0800h)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Disable 32K+256K WRAM (0=Normal, 1=Disable) (when off: empty/prefetch)
  1-3   Unknown          (Read/Write-able)
  4     Unknown          (Always zero, not used or write only)
  5     Enable 256K WRAM (0=Disable, 1=Normal) (when off: mirror of 32K WRAM)
  6-23  Unknown          (Always zero, not used or write only)
  24-27 Wait Control WRAM 256K (0-14 = 15..1 Waitstates, 15=Lockup)
  28-31 Unknown          (Read/Write-able)
The default value 0Dh in Bits 24-27 selects 2 waitstates for 256K WRAM (ie. 3/3/6 cycles 8/16/32bit accesses). The fastest possible setting would be 0Eh (1 waitstate, 2/2/4 cycles for 8/16/32bit), that works on GBA and GBA SP only, the GBA Micro locks up with that setting (it's on-chip RAM is too slow, and works only with 2 or more waitstates).

Note: One cycle equals approx. 59.59ns (ie. 16.78MHz clock).

  GBA GamePak Prefetch

GamePak Prefetch can be enabled in WAITCNT register. When prefetch buffer is enabled, the GBA attempts to read opcodes from Game Pak ROM during periods when the CPU is not using the bus (if any). Memory access is then performed with 0 Waits if the CPU requests data which is already stored in the buffer. The prefetch buffer stores up to eight 16bit values.

GamePak ROM Opcodes
The prefetch feature works only with <opcodes> fetched from GamePak ROM. Opcodes executed in RAM or BIOS are not affected by the prefetch feature (even if that opcodes read <data> from GamePak ROM).

Prefetch Enable
For GamePak ROM opcodes, prefetch may occur in two situations:
  1) opcodes with internal cycles (I) which do not change R15, shift/rotate
     register-by-register, load opcodes (ldr,ldm,pop,swp), multiply opcodes
  2) opcodes that load/store memory (ldr,str,ldm,stm,etc.)

Prefetch Disable Bug
When Prefetch is disabled, the Prefetch Disable Bug will occur for all
  "Opcodes in GamePak ROM with Internal Cycles which do not change R15"
for those opcodes, the bug changes the opcode fetch time from 1S to 1N.
Note: Affected opcodes (with I cycles) are: Shift/rotate register-by-register opcodes, multiply opcodes, and load opcodes (ldr,ldm,pop,swp).

  GBA Cartridges

GBA Cartridge Header
GBA Cartridge ROM

Backup Media
Aside from ROM, cartridges may also include one of the following backup medias, used to store game positions, highscore tables, options, or other data.
GBA Cart Backup IDs
GBA Cart Backup EEPROM
GBA Cart Backup Flash ROM
GBA Cart Backup DACS

GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)
GBA Cart Real-Time Clock (RTC)
GBA Cart Solar Sensor
GBA Cart Tilt Sensor
GBA Cart Gyro Sensor
GBA Cart Rumble
GBA Cart e-Reader
GBA Cart Unknown Devices
GBA Cart Protections

Other Accessoires
GBA Flashcards
GBA Cheat Devices

  GBA Cartridge Header

The first 192 bytes at 8000000h-80000BFh in ROM are used as cartridge header. The same header is also used for Multiboot images at 2000000h-20000BFh (plus some additional multiboot entries at 20000C0h and up).

Header Overview
  Address Bytes Expl.
  000h    4     ROM Entry Point  (32bit ARM branch opcode, eg. "B rom_start")
  004h    156   Nintendo Logo    (compressed bitmap, required!)
  0A0h    12    Game Title       (uppercase ascii, max 12 characters)
  0ACh    4     Game Code        (uppercase ascii, 4 characters)
  0B0h    2     Maker Code       (uppercase ascii, 2 characters)
  0B2h    1     Fixed value      (must be 96h, required!)
  0B3h    1     Main unit code   (00h for current GBA models)
  0B4h    1     Device type      (usually 00h) (bit7=DACS/debug related)
  0B5h    7     Reserved Area    (should be zero filled)
  0BCh    1     Software version (usually 00h)
  0BDh    1     Complement check (header checksum, required!)
  0BEh    2     Reserved Area    (should be zero filled)
  --- Additional Multiboot Header Entries ---
  0C0h    4     RAM Entry Point  (32bit ARM branch opcode, eg. "B ram_start")
  0C4h    1     Boot mode        (init as 00h - BIOS overwrites this value!)
  0C5h    1     Slave ID Number  (init as 00h - BIOS overwrites this value!)
  0C6h    26    Not used         (seems to be unused)
  0E0h    4     JOYBUS Entry Pt. (32bit ARM branch opcode, eg. "B joy_start")
Note: With all entry points, the CPU is initially set into system mode.

000h - Entry Point, 4 Bytes
Space for a single 32bit ARM opcode that redirects to the actual startaddress of the cartridge, this should be usually a "B <start>" instruction.
Note: This entry is ignored by Multiboot slave GBAs (in fact, the entry is then overwritten and redirected to a separate Multiboot Entry Point, as described below).

004h..09Fh - Nintendo Logo, 156 Bytes
Contains the Nintendo logo which is displayed during the boot procedure. Cartridge won't work if this data is missing or modified.
In detail: This area contains Huffman compression data (but excluding the compression header which is hardcoded in the BIOS, so that it'd be probably not possible to hack the GBA by producing de-compression buffer overflows).
A copy of the compression data is stored in the BIOS, the GBA will compare this data and lock-up itself if the BIOS data isn't exactly the same as in the cartridge (or multiboot header). The only exception are the two entries below which are allowed to have variable settings in some bits.

09Ch Bit 2,7 - Debugging Enable
This is part of the above Nintendo Logo area, and must be commonly set to 21h, however, Bit 2 and Bit 7 may be set to other values.
When both bits are set (ie. A5h), the FIQ/Undefined Instruction handler in the BIOS becomes unlocked, the handler then forwards these exceptions to the user handler in cartridge ROM (entry point defined in 80000B4h, see below).
Other bit combinations currently do not seem to have special functions.

09Eh Bit 0,1 - Cartridge Key Number MSBs
This is part of the above Nintendo Logo area, and must be commonly set to F8h, however, Bit 0-1 may be set to other values.
During startup, the BIOS performs some dummy-reads from a stream of pre-defined addresses, even though these reads seem to be meaningless, they might be intended to unlock a read-protection inside of commercial cartridge. There are 16 pre-defined address streams - selected by a 4bit key number - of which the upper two bits are gained from 800009Eh Bit 0-1, and the lower two bits from a checksum across header bytes 09Dh..0B7h (bytewise XORed, divided by 40h).

0A0h - Game Title, Uppercase Ascii, max 12 characters
Space for the game title, padded with 00h (if less than 12 chars).

0ACh - Game Code, Uppercase Ascii, 4 characters
This is the same code as the AGB-UTTD code which is printed on the package and sticker on (commercial) cartridges (excluding the leading "AGB-" part).
  U  Unique Code          (usually "A" or "B" or special meaning)
  TT Short Title          (eg. "PM" for Pac Man)
  D  Destination/Language (usually "J" or "E" or "P" or specific language)
The first character (U) is usually "A" or "B", in detail:
  A  Normal game; Older titles (mainly 2001..2003)
  B  Normal game; Newer titles (2003..)
  C  Normal game; Not used yet, but might be used for even newer titles
  F  Famicom/Classic NES Series (software emulated NES games)
  K  Yoshi and Koro Koro Puzzle (acceleration sensor)
  P  e-Reader (dot-code scanner)
  R  Warioware Twisted (cartridge with rumble and z-axis gyro sensor)
  U  Boktai 1 and 2 (cartridge with RTC and solar sensor)
  V  Drill Dozer (cartridge with rumble)
The second/third characters (TT) are:
  Usually an abbreviation of the game title (eg. "PM" for "Pac Man") (unless
  that gamecode was already used for another game, then TT is just random)
The fourth character (D) indicates Destination/Language:
  J  Japan             P  Europe/Elsewhere   F  French          S  Spanish
  E  USA/English       D  German             I  Italian

0B0h - Maker code, Uppercase Ascii, 2 characters
Identifies the (commercial) developer. For example, "01"=Nintendo.

0B2h - Fixed value, 1 Byte
Must be 96h.

0B3h - Main unit code, 1 Byte
Identifies the required hardware. Should be 00h for current GBA models.

0B4h - Device type, 1 Byte
Normally, this entry should be zero. With Nintendo's hardware debugger Bit 7 identifies the debugging handlers entry point and size of DACS (Debugging And Communication System) memory: Bit7=0: 9FFC000h/8MBIT DACS, Bit7=1: 9FE2000h/1MBIT DACS. The debugging handler can be enabled in 800009Ch (see above), normal cartridges do not have any memory (nor any mirrors) at these addresses though.

0B5h - Reserved Area, 7 Bytes
Reserved, zero filled.

0BCh - Software version number
Version number of the game. Usually zero.

0BDh - Complement check, 1 Byte
Header checksum, cartridge won't work if incorrect. Calculate as such:
chk=0:for i=0A0h to 0BCh:chk=chk-[i]:next:chk=(chk-19h) and 0FFh

0BEh - Reserved Area, 2 Bytes
Reserved, zero filled.

Below required for Multiboot/slave programs only. For Multiboot, the above 192 bytes are required to be transferred as header-block (loaded to 2000000h-20000BFh), and some additional header-information must be located at the beginning of the actual program/data-block (loaded to 20000C0h and up). This extended header consists of Multiboot Entry point(s) which must be set up correctly, and of two reserved bytes which are overwritten by the boot procedure:

0C0h - Normal/Multiplay mode Entry Point
This entry is used only if the GBA has been booted by using Normal or Multiplay transfer mode (but not by Joybus mode).
Typically deposit a ARM-32bit "B <start>" branch opcode at this location, which is pointing to your actual initialization procedure.

0C4h (BYTE) - Boot mode
The slave GBA download procedure overwrites this byte by a value which is indicating the used multiboot transfer mode.
  Value  Expl.
  01h    Joybus mode
  02h    Normal mode
  03h    Multiplay mode
Typically set this byte to zero by inserting DCB 00h in your source.
Be sure that your uploaded program does not contain important program code or data at this location, or at the ID-byte location below.

0C5h (BYTE) - Slave ID Number
If the GBA has been booted in Normal or Multiplay mode, this byte becomes overwritten by the slave ID number of the local GBA (that'd be always 01h for normal mode).
  Value  Expl.
  01h    Slave #1
  02h    Slave #2
  03h    Slave #3
Typically set this byte to zero by inserting DCB 00h in your source.
When booted in Joybus mode, the value is NOT changed and remains the same as uploaded from the master GBA.

0C6h..0DFh - Not used
Appears to be unused.

0E0h - Joybus mode Entry Point
If the GBA has been booted by using Joybus transfer mode, then the entry point is located at this address rather than at 20000C0h. Either put your initialization procedure directly at this address, or redirect to the actual boot procedure by depositing a "B <start>" opcode here (either one using 32bit ARM code). Or, if you are not intending to support joybus mode (which is probably rarely used), ignore this entry.

  GBA Cartridge ROM

ROM Size
The games F-ZERO and Super Mario Advance use ROMs of 4 MBytes each. Zelda uses 8 MBytes. Not sure if other sizes are manufactured.

ROM Waitstates
The GBA starts the cartridge with 4,2 waitstates (N,S) and prefetch disabled. The program may change these settings by writing to WAITCNT, the games F-ZERO and Super Mario Advance use 3,1 waitstates (N,S) each, with prefetch enabled.
Third-party flashcards are reportedly running unstable with these settings. Also, prefetch and shorter waitstates are allowing to read more data and opcodes from ROM is less time, the downside is that it increases the power consumption.

ROM Chip
Because of how 24bit addresses are squeezed through the Gampak bus, the cartridge must include a circuit that latches the lower 16 address bits on non-sequential access, and that increments these bits on sequential access. Nintendo includes this circuit directly in the ROM chip.
Also, the ROM must have 16bit data bus (or a circuit which converts two 8bit data units into one 16bit unit - by not exceeding the waitstate timings).

  GBA Cart Backup IDs

Nintendo didn't include a backup-type entry in the ROM header, however, the required type can be detected by ID strings in the ROM-image. Nintendo's tools are automatically inserting these strings (as part of their library headers). When using other tools, you may insert ID strings by hand.

ID Strings
The ID string must be located at a word-aligned memory location, the string length should be a multiple of 4 bytes (padded with zero's).
  EEPROM_Vnnn    EEPROM 512 bytes or 8 Kbytes (4Kbit or 64Kbit)
  SRAM_Vnnn      SRAM 32 Kbytes (256Kbit)
  FLASH_Vnnn     FLASH 64 Kbytes (512Kbit) (ID used in older files)
  FLASH512_Vnnn  FLASH 64 Kbytes (512Kbit) (ID used in newer files)
  FLASH1M_Vnnn   FLASH 128 Kbytes (1Mbit)
For Nintendo's tools, "nnn" is a 3-digit library version number. When using other tools, best keep it set to "nnn" rather than inserting numeric digits.

No$gba does auto-detect most backup types, even without ID strings, except for 128K FLASH (without ID "FLASH1M_Vnnn", the FLASH size defaults to 64K). Ideally, for faster detection, the ID should be put into the first some bytes of the ROM-image (ie. somewhere right after the ROM header).

  GBA Cart Backup SRAM/FRAM

SRAM - 32 KBytes (256Kbit) Lifetime: Depends on back-up battery
FRAM - 32 KBytes (256Kbit) Lifetime: 10,000,000,000 read/write per bit

Hyundai GM76V256CLLFW10 SRAM (Static RAM) (eg. F-Zero)
Fujitsu MB85R256 FRAM (Ferroelectric RAM) (eg. Warioware Twisted)

Addressing and Waitstates
SRAM/FRAM is mapped to E000000h-E007FFFh, it should be accessed with 8 waitstates (write a value of 3 into Bit0-1 of WAITCNT).

Databus Width
The SRAM/FRAM databus is restricted to 8 bits, it should be accessed by LDRB, LDRSB, and STRB opcodes only.

Reading and Writing
Reading from SRAM/FRAM should be performed by code executed in WRAM only (but not by code executed in ROM). There is no such restriction for writing.

Preventing Data Loss
The GBA SRAM/FRAM carts do not include a write-protect function (unlike older 8bit gameboy carts). This seems to be a problem and may cause data loss when a cartridge is removed or inserted while the GBA is still turned on. As far as I understand, this is not so much a hardware problem, but rather a software problem, ie. theoretically you could remove/insert the cartridge as many times as you want, but you should take care that your program does not crash (and write blindly into memory).

Recommended Workaround
Enable the Gamepak Interrupt (it'll most likely get triggered when removing the cartridge), and hang-up the GBA in an endless loop when your interrupt handler senses a Gamepak IRQ. For obvious reason, your interrupt handler should be located in WRAM, ie. not in the (removed) ROM cartridge. The handler should process Gamepak IRQs at highest priority. Periods during which interrupts are disabled should be kept as short as possible, if necessary allow nested interrupts.

When to use the above Workaround
A program that relies wholly on code and data in WRAM, and that does not crash even when ROM is removed, may keep operating without having to use the above mechanism.
Do NOT use the workaround for programs that run without a cartridge inserted (ie. single gamepak/multiboot slaves), or for programs that use Gamepak IRQ/DMA for other purposes.
All other programs should use it. It'd be eventually a good idea to include it even in programs that do not use SRAM/FRAM themselves (eg. otherwise removing a SRAM/FRAM-less cartridge may lock up the GBA, and may cause it to destroy backup data when inserting a SRAM/FRAM cartridge).

FRAM (Ferroelectric RAM) is a newer technology, used in newer GBA carts, unlike SRAM (Static RAM), it doesn't require a battery to hold the data. At software side, it is accessed exactly like SRAM, ie. unlike EEPROM/FLASH, it doesn't require any Write/Erase commands/delays.

In SRAM/FRAM cartridges, the /REQ pin (Pin 31 of Gamepak bus) should be a little bit shorter as than the other pins; when removing the cartridge, this causes the gamepak IRQ signal to get triggered before the other pins are disconnected.

  GBA Cart Backup EEPROM

9853 - EEPROM 512 Bytes (0200h) (4Kbit) (eg. used by Super Mario Advance)
9854 - EEPROM 8 KBytes (2000h) (64Kbit) (eg. used by Boktai)
Lifetime: 100,000 writes per address

Addressing and Waitstates
The eeprom is connected to Bit0 of the data bus, and to the upper 1 bit (or upper 17 bits in case of large 32MB ROM) of the cartridge ROM address bus, communication with the chip takes place serially.
The eeprom must be used with 8 waitstates (set WAITCNT=X3XXh; 8,8 clks in WS2 area), the eeprom can be then addressed at DFFFF00h..DFFFFFFh.
Respectively, with eeprom, ROM is restricted to 8000000h-9FFFeFFh (max. 1FFFF00h bytes = 32MB minus 256 bytes). On carts with 16MB or smaller ROM, eeprom can be alternately accessed anywhere at D000000h-DFFFFFFh.

Data and Address Width
Data can be read from (or written to) the EEPROM in units of 64bits (8 bytes). Writing automatically erases the old 64bits of data. Addressing works in units of 64bits respectively, that is, for 512 Bytes EEPROMS: an address range of 0-3Fh, 6bit bus width; and for 8KByte EEPROMs: a range of 0-3FFh, 14bit bus width (only the lower 10 address bits are used, upper 4 bits should be zero).

Set Address (For Reading)
Prepare the following bitstream in memory:
  2 bits "11" (Read Request)
  n bits eeprom address (MSB first, 6 or 14 bits, depending on EEPROM)
  1 bit "0"
Then transfer the stream to eeprom by using DMA.

Read Data
Read a stream of 68 bits from EEPROM by using DMA,
then decipher the received data as follows:
  4 bits - ignore these
 64 bits - data (conventionally MSB first)

Write Data to Address
Prepare the following bitstream in memory, then transfer the stream to eeprom by using DMA, it'll take ca. 108368 clock cycles (ca. 6.5ms) until the old data is erased and new data is programmed.
  2 bits "10" (Write Request)
  n bits eeprom address (MSB first, 6 or 14 bits, depending on EEPROM)
 64 bits data (conventionally MSB first)
  1 bit "0"
After the DMA, keep reading from the chip, by normal LDRH [DFFFF00h], until Bit 0 of the returned data becomes "1" (Ready). To prevent your program from locking up in case of malfunction, generate a timeout if the chip does not reply after 10ms or longer.

Using DMA
Transferring a bitstream to/from the EEPROM by LDRH/STRH opcodes does not work, this might be because of timing problems, or because how the GBA squeezes non-sequential memory addresses through the external address/data bus.
For this reason, a buffer in memory must be used (that buffer would be typically allocated temporarily on stack, one halfword for each bit, bit1-15 of the halfwords are don't care, only bit0 is of interest).
The buffer must be transfered as a whole to/from EEPROM by using DMA3 (only DMA 3 is valid to read & write external memory), use 16bit transfer mode, both source and destination address incrementing (ie. DMA3CNT=80000000h+length).
DMA channels of higher priority should be disabled during the transfer (ie. H/V-Blank or Sound FIFO DMAs). And, of course any interrupts that might mess with DMA registers should be disabled.

The EEPROM chips are having only 8 pins, these are connected, Pin 1..8, to ROMCS, RD, WR, AD0, GND, GND, A23, VDD of the GamePak bus. Carts with 32MB ROM must have A7..A22 logically ANDed with A23.

There seems to be no autodection mechanism, so that a hardcoded bus width must be used.

  GBA Cart Backup Flash ROM

64 KBytes - 512Kbits Flash ROM - Lifetime: 10,000 writes per sector
128 KBytes - 1Mbit Flash ROM - Lifetime: ??? writes per sector

Chip Identification (all device types)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=90h  (enter ID mode)
  dev=[E000001h], man=[E000000h]                  (get device & manufacturer)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=F0h  (terminate ID mode)
Used to detect the type (and presence) of FLASH chips. See Device Types below.

Reading Data Bytes (all device types)
  dat=[E00xxxxh]                                  (read byte from address xxxx)

Erase Entire Chip (all device types)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=80h  (erase command)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=10h  (erase entire chip)
  wait until [E000000h]=FFh (or timeout)
Erases all memory in chip, erased memory is FFh-filled.

Erase 4Kbyte Sector (all device types, except Atmel)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=80h  (erase command)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E00n000h]=30h  (erase sector n)
  wait until [E00n000h]=FFh (or timeout)
Erases memory at E00n000h..E00nFFFh, erased memory is FFh-filled.

Erase-and-Write 128 Bytes Sector (only Atmel devices)
  old=IME, IME=0                                  (disable interrupts)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=A0h  (erase/write sector command)
  [E00xxxxh+00h..7Fh]=dat[00h..7Fh]               (write 128 bytes)
  IME=old                                         (restore old IME state)
  wait until [E00xxxxh+7Fh]=dat[7Fh] (or timeout)
Interrupts (and DMAs) should be disabled during command/write phase. Target address must be a multiple of 80h.

Write Single Data Byte (all device types, except Atmel)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=A0h  (write byte command)
  [E00xxxxh]=dat                                  (write byte to address xxxx)
  wait until [E00xxxxh]=dat (or timeout)
The target memory location must have been previously erased.

Terminate Command after Timeout (only Macronix devices, ID=1CC2h)
  [E005555h]=F0h                            (force end of write/erase command)
Use if timeout occurred during "wait until" periods, for Macronix devices only.

Bank Switching (devices bigger than 64K only)
  [E005555h]=AAh, [E002AAAh]=55h, [E005555h]=B0h  (select bank command)
  [E000000h]=bnk                                  (write bank number 0..1)
Specifies 64K bank number for read/write/erase operations.
Required because gamepak flash/sram addressbus is limited to 16bit width.

Device Types
Nintendo puts different FLASH chips in commercial game cartridges. Developers should thus detect & support all chip types. For Atmel chips it'd be recommended to simulate 4K sectors by software, though reportedly Nintendo doesn't use Atmel chips in newer games anymore. Also mind that different timings should not disturb compatibility and performance.
  ID     Name       Size  Sectors  AverageTimings  Timeouts/ms   Waits
  D4BFh  SST        64K   16x4K    20us?,?,?       10,  40, 200  3,2
  1CC2h  Macronix   64K   16x4K    ?,?,?           10,2000,2000  8,3
  1B32h  Panasonic  64K   16x4K    ?,?,?           10, 500, 500  4,2
  3D1Fh  Atmel      64K   512x128  ?,?,?           ...40..,  40  8,8
  1362h  Sanyo      128K  ?        ?,?,?           ?    ?    ?    ?
  09C2h  Macronix   128K  ?        ?,?,?           ?    ?    ?    ?
Identification Codes MSB=Device Type, LSB=Manufacturer.
Size in bytes, and numbers of sectors * sector size in bytes.
Average medium Write, Erase Sector, Erase Chips timings are unknown?
Timeouts in milliseconds for Write, Erase Sector, Erase Chips.
Waitstates for Writes, and Reads in clock cycles.

Accessing FLASH Memory
FLASH memory is located in the "SRAM" area at E000000h..E00FFFFh, which is restricted to 16bit address and 8bit data buswidths. Respectively, the memory can be accessed <only> by 8bit read/write LDRB/STRB opcodes.
Also, reading anything (data or status/busy information) can be done <only> by opcodes executed in WRAM (not from opcodes in ROM) (there's no such restriction for writing).

FLASH Waitstates
Use 8 clk waitstates for initial detection (WAITCNT Bits 0,1 both set). After detection of certain device types smaller wait values may be used for write/erase, and even smaller wait values for raw reading, see Device Types table.
In practice, games seem to use smaller values only for write/erase (even though those operations are slow anyways), whilst raw reads are always done at 8 clk waits (even though reads could actually benefit slightly from smaller wait values).

Verify Write/Erase and Retry
Even though device signalizes the completion of write/erase operations, it'd be recommended to read/confirm the content of the changed memory area by software. In practice, Nintendo's "erase-write-verify-retry" function typically repeats the operation up to three times in case of errors.
Also, for SST devices only, the "erase-write" and "erase-write-verify-retry" functions repeat the erase command up to 80 times, additionally followed by one further erase command if no retries were needed, otherwise followed by six further erase commands.

FLASH (64Kbytes) is used by the game Sonic Advance, and possibly others.

  GBA Cart Backup DACS

128 KBytes - 1Mbit DACS - Lifetime: 100,000 writes.
1024 KBytes - 8Mbit DACS - Lifetime: 100,000 writes.

DACS (Debugging And Communication System) is used in Nintendo's hardware debugger only, DACS is NOT used in normal game cartridges.

Parts of DACS memory is used to store the debugging exception handlers (entry point/size defined in cartridge header), the remaining memory could be used to store game positions or other data. The address space is the upper end of the 32MB ROM area, the memory can be read directly by the CPU, including for ability to execute program code in this area.

  GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)

4bit General Purpose I/O Port (GPIO) - contained in the ROM-chip

Used by Boktai for RTC and Solar Sensor:
GBA Cart Real-Time Clock (RTC)
GBA Cart Solar Sensor
And by Warioware Twisted for Rumble and Z-Axis Sensor:
GBA Cart Rumble
GBA Cart Gyro Sensor
Might be also used by other games for other purposes, such like other sensors, or SRAM bank switching, etc.

The I/O registers are mapped to a 6-byte region in the ROM-area at 80000C4h, the 6-byte region should be zero-filled in the ROM-image. In Boktai, the size of the zero-filled region is 0E0h bytes - that probably due to an incorrect definition (the additional bytes do not contain any extra ports, nor mirrors of the ports in the 6-byte region). Observe that ROM-bus writes are limited to 16bit/32bit access (STRB opcodes are ignored; that, only in DS mode?).

80000C4h - I/O Port Data (selectable W or R/W)
  bit0-3  Data Bits 0..3 (0=Low, 1=High)
  bit4-15 not used (0)

80000C6h - I/O Port Direction (for above Data Port) (selectable W or R/W)
  bit0-3  Direction for Data Port Bits 0..3 (0=In, 1=Out)
  bit4-15 not used (0)

80000C8h - I/O Port Control (selectable W or R/W)
  bit0    Register 80000C4h..80000C8h Control (0=Write-Only, 1=Read/Write)
  bit1-15 not used (0)
In write-only mode, reads return 00h (or possible other data, if the rom contains non-zero data at that location).

Connection Examples
  GPIO       | Boktai  | Wario
  Bit Pin    | RTC SOL | GYR RBL
  0   ROM.1  | SCK CLK | RES -
  1   ROM.2  | SIO RST | CLK -
  2   ROM.21 | CS  -   | DTA -
  3   ROM.22 | -   FLG | -   MOT
  IRQ ROM.43 | IRQ -   | -   -

Aside from the I/O Port, the ROM-chip also includes an inverter (used for inverting the RTC /IRQ signal), and some sort of an (unused) address decoder output (which appears to be equal or related to A23 signal) (ie. reacting on ROM A23, or SRAM D7, which share the same pin on GBA slot).

  GBA Cart Real-Time Clock (RTC)

S3511 - 8pin RTC with 3-wire serial bus (used in Boktai)

The RTC chip is (almost) the same as used in NDS consoles:
DS Real-Time Clock (RTC)
The chip is accessed via 4bit I/O port (only 3bits are used for RTC):
GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)

Comparision of RTC Registers
  stat2       control     (1-byte)
  datetime    datetime    (7-byte)
  time        time        (3-byte)
  stat1       force reset (0-byte)
  clkadjust   force irq   (0-byte)
  alarm1/int1 always FFh  (boktai contains code for writing 1-byte to it)
  alarm2      always FFh  (unused)
  free        always FFh  (unused)

Control Register
  Bit Dir Expl.
  0   -   Not used
  1   R/W IRQ duty/hold related?
  2   -   Not used
  3   R/W Per Minute IRQ (30s duty)        (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  4   -   Not used
  5   R/W Unknown?
  6   R/W 12/24-hour Mode                  (0=12h, 1=24h) (usually 1)
  7   R   Power-Off (auto cleared on read) (0=Normal, 1=Failure)
Setting after Battery-Shortcut is 82h. Setting after Force-Reset is 00h.
Unused bits seem to be always zero, but might be read-only or write-only?

Datetime and Time Registers
Same as NDS, except AM/PM flag moved from hour.bit6 (NDS) to hour.bit7 (GBA).

Force Reset/Irq Registers
Used to reset all RTC registers (all used registers become 00h, except day/month which become 01h), or to drag the IRQ output LOW for a short moment. These registers are strobed by ANY access to them, ie. by both writing to, as well as reading from these registers.

Pin-Outs / IRQ Signal
The package has identical pin-outs as in NDS, although it is slightly larger than the miniature chip in the DS.
For whatever reason, the RTC's /IRQ output is passed through an inverter (contained in the ROM-chip), the inverted signal is then passed to the /IRQ pin on the cartridge slot. So, IRQ's will be triggered on the "wrong" edge - possible somehow in relation with detecting cartridge-removal IRQs?

  GBA Cart Solar Sensor

Uses a Photo Diode as Solar Sensor (used in Boktai, allowing to defeat vampires when the cartridge is exposed to sunlight). The cartridge comes in transparent case, and it's slightly longer than normal carts, so the sensor reaches out of the cartridge slot. According to the manual, the sensor works only with sunlight, but actually it works with any strong light source (eg. a 100 Watt bulb at 1-2 centimeters distance). The sensor is accessed via 4bit I/O port (only 3bits used), which is contained in the ROM-chip.
GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)

A/D Conversion
The cartridge uses a self-made A/D converter, which is (eventually) better than measuring a capacitor charge-up time, and/or less expensive than a real ADC-chip:
It contains a 74LV4040 12bit binary counter (clocked by CPU via the I/O port), of which only the lower 8bit are used, which are passed to a resistor ladder-type D/A converter, which is generating a linear increasing voltage, which is passed to a TLV272 voltage comparator, which is passing a signal to the I/O port when the counter voltage becomes greater than the sensor voltage.

Example Code
  strh  0001h,[80000c8h] ;-enable R/W mode
  strh  0007h,[80000c6h] ;-init I/O direction
  strh  0002h,[80000c4h] ;-reset counter to zero (high=reset) (I/O bit0)
  strh  0000h,[80000c4h] ;-clear reset (low=normal)
  mov   r0,0             ;-initial level
  strh  0001h,[80000c4h] ;-clock high ;\increase counter      (I/O bit1)
  strh  0000h,[80000c4h] ;-clock low  ;/
  ldrh  r1,[80000c4h]    ;-read port                          (I/O bit3)
  tst   r1,08h           ;\
  addeq r0,1             ; loop until voltage match (exit with r0=00h..FFh),
  tsteq r0,100h          ; or until failure/timeout (exit with r0=100h)
  beq   @@lop            ;/
The results vary depending on the clock rate used. In above example, ensure that IRQs or DMAs do not interrupt the function. Alternately, use a super-slow clock rate (eg. like 666Hz used in Boktai) so that additional small IRQ/DMA delays have little effect on the overall timing. Results should be somewhat:
  E8h  total darkness (including daylight on rainy days)
  Dxh  close to a 100 Watt Bulb
  5xh  reaches max level in boktai's solar gauge
  00h  close to a tactical nuclear bomb dropped on your city
The exact values may change from cartridge to cartridge, so it'd be recommened to include a darkness calibration function, prompting the user to cover the sensor for a moment.

  GBA Cart Tilt Sensor

Yoshi's Universal Gravitation / Yoshi Topsy Turvy (X/Y-Axis)
Koro Koro Puzzle (probably same as Yoshi, X/Y-Axis, too) (?)

Yoshi-Type (X/Y-Axis)
All of the registers are one byte wide, mapped into the top "half" of the SRAM memory range.
  E008000h (W) Write 55h to start sampling
  E008100h (W) Write AAh to start sampling
  E008200h (R) Lower 8 bits of X axis
  E008300h (R) Upper 4 bits of X axis, and Bit7: ADC Status (0=Busy, 1=Ready)
  E008400h (R) Lower 8 bits of Y axis
  E008500h (R) Upper 4 bits of Y axis
You must set SRAM wait control to 8 clocks to access it correctly.
You must also set the cartridge PHI terminal to 4 MHz to make it work.
Sampling routine (typically executed once a frame during VBlank):
  wait until [E008300h].Bit7=1 or until timeout ;wait ready
  x = ([E008300h] AND 0Fh)*100h + [E008200h]    ;get x
  y = ([E008500h] AND 0Fh)*100h + [E008400h]    ;get y
  [E008000h]=55h, [E008100h]=AAh                ;start next conversion
Example values (may vary on different carts and on temperature, etc):
  X ranged between 0x2AF to 0x477, center at 0x392.    Huh?
  Y ranged between 0x2C3 to 0x480, center at 0x3A0.    Huh?
Thanks to Flubba for Yoshi-Type information.
Unknown if the Yoshi-Type sensors are sensing rotation, or orientation, or motion, or something else? In case of rotation, rotation around X-axis would result in motion in Y-direction, so not too sure whether X and Y have which meaning?
Most probably, the sensors are measuring (both) static acceleration (gravity), and dynamic acceleration (eg. shaking the device left/right).
The X/Y values are likely to be mirrored depending on using a back-loading cartridge slot (original GBA), or front-loading cartridge slot (newer GBA SP, and NDS, and NDS-Lite).

  GBA Cart Gyro Sensor

Warioware Twisted (Z-Axis Gyro Sensor, plus Rumble)

Wario-Type (Z-Axis)
Uses a single-axis sensor, which senses rotation around the Z-axis. The sensor is connected to an analogue-in, serial-out ADC chip, which is accessed via lower 3 bits of the GPIO,
GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)
The four I/O Lines are connected like so,
  GPIO.Bit0 (W) Start Conversion
  GPIO.Bit1 (W) Serial Clock
  GPIO.Bit2 (R) Serial Data
  GPIO.Bit3 (W) Used for Rumble (not gyro related)
There should be at least <three sequential 32bit ARM opcodes executed in WS0 region> between the STRH opcodes which toggle the CLK signal. Wario uses WAITCNT=45B7h (SRAM=8clks, WS0/WS1/WS2=3,1clks, Prefetch=On, PHI=Off).
The data stream consists of: 4 dummy bits (usually zero), followed by 12 data bits, followed by endless unused bits (usually zero).
  mov  r1,8000000h      ;-cartridge base address
  mov  r0,01h           ;\enable R/W access
  strh r0,[r1,0c8h]     ;/
  mov  r0,0bh           ;\init direction (gpio2=input, others=output)
  strh r0,[r1,0c6h]     ;/
  ldrh r2,[r1,0c4h]     ;-get current state (for keeping gpio3=rumble)
  orr  r2,3                     ;\
  strh r2,[r1,0c4h] ;gpio0=1    ; start ADC conversion
  bic  r2,1                     ;
  strh r2,[r1,0c4h] ;gpio0=0    ;/
  mov  r0,00010000h ;stop-bit           ;\
  bic  r2,2                             ;
 @@lop:                                 ;
  ldrh r3,[r1,0c4h] ;get gpio2=data     ; read 16 bits
  strh r2,[r1,0c4h] ;gpio1=0=clk=low    ; (4 dummy bits, plus 12 data bits)
  movs r3,r3,lsr 3  ;gpio2 to cy=data   ;
  adcs r0,r0,r0     ;merge data, cy=done;
  orr  r3,r2,2      ;set bit1 and delay ;
  strh r3,[r1,0c4h] ;gpio1=1=clk=high   ;
  bcc  @@lop                            ;/
  bic  r0,0f000h                 ;-strip upper 4 dummy bits (isolate 12bit adc)
  bx   lr
Example values (may vary on different carts, battery charge, temperature, etc):
  354h  rotated in anti-clockwise direction (shock-speed)
  64Dh  rotated in anti-clockwise direction (normal fast)
  6A3h  rotated in anti-clockwise direction (slow)
  6C0h  no rotation                         (stopped)
  6DAh  rotation in clockwise direction     (slow)
  73Ah  rotation in clockwise direction     (normal fast)
  9E3h  rotation in clockwise direction     (shock-speed)
For detection, values 000h and FFFh would indicate that there's no sensor.
The Z-axis always points into same direction; no matter of frontloading or backloading cartridge slots.
Thanks to Momo Vampire for contributing a Wario cartridge.

X-Axis and Y-Axis are meant to be following the screens X and Y coordinates, so the Z-Axis would point into the screens depth direction.

DSi Cameras
DSi consoles can mis-use the built-in cameras as Gyro sensor (as done by the System Flaw DSi game).

  GBA Cart Rumble

Warioware Twisted (Rumble, plus Z-Axis Gyro Sensor)
Drill Dozer (Rumble only) <-- and ALSO supports Gameboy Player rumble?

GBA Rumble Carts are containing a small motor, which is causing some vibration when/while it is switched on (that, unlike DS Rumble, which must be repeatedly toggled on/off).

In Warioware Twisted, rumble is controlled via GPIO.Bit3 (Data 0=Low=Off, 1=High=On) (and Direction 1=Output), the other GPIO Bits are used for the gyro sensor.
GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)
Note: GPIO3 is connected to an external pulldown resistor (so the HighZ level gets dragged to Low=Off when direction is set to Input).

Unknown if Drill Dozer is controlled via GPIO.Bit3, too?

DS Rumble Pak
Additionally, there's a Rumble Pak for the NDS, which connects to the GBA slot, so it can be used also for GBA games (provided that the game doesn't require the GBA slot, eg. GBA multiboot games).
DS Cart Rumble Pak

Gamecube Rumble
Moreover, GBA games that are running on a Gameboy Player are having access to the Rumble function of Gamecube joypads.
GBA Gameboy Player

  GBA Cart e-Reader

GBA Cart e-Reader Overview
GBA Cart e-Reader I/O Ports
GBA Cart e-Reader Dotcode Format
GBA Cart e-Reader Data Format
GBA Cart e-Reader Program Code
GBA Cart e-Reader API Functions
GBA Cart e-Reader VPK Decompression
GBA Cart e-Reader Error Correction
GBA Cart e-Reader File Formats

  |   ShortStrip   |
  |L              L|
  |o    Center    o|
  |n    Region    n|
  |g              g|
  |  may contain   |
  |S   pictures,  S|
  |t instructions t|
  |r     etc.     r|
  |i              i|
  |p              p|

  GBA Cart e-Reader Overview

The e-Reader is a large GBA cartridge (about as big as the GBA console), with built-in dotcode scanning hardware. Dotcodes are tiny strips of black and white pixels printed on the edges of cardboard cards. The cards have to be pulled through a slot on the e-Reader, which is giving it a feeling like using a magnet card reader. The binary data on the dotcodes contains small games, either in native GBA code (ARM/THUMB), or in software emulated 8bit Z80 or NES/Famicom (6502) code.

The e-Reader Hardware
The hardware consists of regular 8MByte ROM and 128KByte FLASH chips, two link ports, a custom PGA chip, the camera module (with two red LEDs, used as light source), and some analogue components for generating the LED voltages, etc. The camera supports 402x302 pixels with 7bit monochrome color depth, but the PGA clips it to max 320 pixels per scanline with 1bit color depth.

Link Port Plug/Socket
The e-Reader's two link ports are simply interconnected with each other; without connection to the rest of the e-Reader hardware. These ports are used only on the original GBA (where the large e-Reader cartridge would be covering the GBA's link socket). When trying to insert the e-Reader into an original NDS (or GBA-Micro), then the e-Reader's link plug will hit against the case of the NDS, so it works only with some minor modification to the hardware. There's no such problem with GBA-SP and NDS-Lite.

There are 3 different e-Reader's: Japanese/Original, Japanese/Plus, and Non-Japanese. The Original version has only 64K FLASH, no Link Port, and reportedly supports only Z80 code, but no NES/GBA code. The Plus and Non-Japanese versions should be almost identical, except that they reject cards from the wrong region, and that the title strings aren't ASCII in Japan, the Plus version should be backwards compatible to the Original one.

The Problem
Nintendo's current programmers are definetly unable to squeeze a Pac-Man style game into less than 4MBytes. Their solution has been: MORE memory. That is, they've put a whopping 8MByte BIOS ROM into the e-Reader, which contains the User Interface, and software emulation for running some of their 20 years old 8bit NES and Game&Watch titles, which do fit on a few dotcode strips.

  GBA Cart e-Reader I/O Ports

DF80000h Useless Register (R/W)
  0     Output to PGA.Pin93 (which seems to be not connected to anything)
  1-3   Unknown, read/write-able (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  4-15  Always zero (0)

DFA0000h Reset Register (R/W)
  0    Always zero              (0)
  1    Reset Something?         (0=Normal, 1=Reset)
  2    Unknown, always set      (1)
  3    Unknown, read/write-able (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  4-7  Always zero              (0)
  8    Unknown, read/write-able (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  9-15 Always zero              (0)

DFC0000h..DFC0027h Scanline Data (R)
Scanline data (40 bytes, for 320 pixels, 1bit per pixel, 0=black, 1=white).
The first (leftmost) pixel is located in the LSB of the LAST byte.
Port E00FFB1h.Bit1 (and [4000202h].Bit13) indicates when a new scanline is present, the data should be then transferred to RAM via DMA3 (SAD=DFC0000h, DAD=buf+y*28h, CNT=80000014h; a slower non-DMA transfer method would result in missed scanlines). After the DMA, software must reset E00FFB1h.Bit1.
Note: The scanning resolution is 1000 DPI.

DFC0028h+(0..2Fh*2) Brightest Pixels of 8x6 Blocks (R)
  0-6  Max Brightness (00h..7Fh; 00h=All black, 7Fh=One or more white)
  7-15 Always zero
Can be used to adjust the Port E00FF80h..E00FFAFh settings.

DFC0088h Darkest Pixel of whole Image (R)
  0-7  Max Darkness   (00h..7Fh; 00h=One or more black, 7Fh=All white)
  8-15 Always zero
Can be used to adjust the Port E00FF80h..E00FFAFh settings.

E00FF80h..E00FFAFh Intensity Boundaries for 8x6 Blocks (R/W)
The 320x246 pixel camera input is split into 8x6 blocks (40x41 pixels each), with Block00h=Upper-right, Block07h=Upper-left, ..., Block27h=Lower-left. The boundary values for the separate blocks are used for 128-grayscale to 2-color conversion, probably done like "IF Pixel>Boundary THEN white ELSE black".
  0-6  Block Intensity Boundaries (0..7Fh; 7Fh=Whole block gets black)
  7    Always zero
The default boundary values are stored in FLASH memory, the values are typically ranging from 28h (outer edges) to 34h (center image), that in respect to the light source (the two LEDs are emitting more light to the center region).

E00FFB0h Control Register 0 (R/W)
  0    Serial Data       (Low/High)
  1    Serial Clock      (Low/High)
  2    Serial Direction  (0=Input, 1=Output)
  3    Led/Irq Enable    (0=Off, 1=On; Enable LED and Gamepak IRQ)
  4    Start Scan        (0=Off, 1=Start) (0-to-1 --> Resync line 0)
  5    Phi 16MHz Output  (0=Off, 1=On; Enable Clock for Camera, and for LED)
  6    Power 3V Enable   (0=Off, 1=On; Enable 3V Supply for Camera)
  7    Not used          (always 0) (sometimes 1) (Read only)

E00FFB1h Control Register 1 (R/W)
  0    Not used          (always 0)
  1    Scanline Flag     (1=Scanline Received, 0=Acknowledge)
  2-3  Not used          (always 0)
  4    Strange Bit       (0=Normal, 1=Force Resync/Line0 on certain interval?)
  5    LED Anode Voltage (0=3.0V, 1=5.1V; requires E00FFB0h.Bit3+5 to be set)
  6    Not used          (always 0)
  7    Input from PGA.Pin22, always high (not used by e-Reader) (Read Only)
Bit1 can be SET by hardware only, software can only RESET that bit, the Gamepak IRQ flag (Port 4000202h.Bit13) becomes set on 0-to-1 transitions.

E00FFB2h Light Source LED Kathode Duration (LSB) (R/W)
E00FFB3h Light Source LED Kathode Duration (MSB) (R/W)
Selects the LED Kathode=LOW Duration, aka the LED=ON Duration. That does act as pulse width modulated LED brightness selection (the camera seems to react slowly enough to view the light as being dimmed to medium, rather than seeing the actual light ON and OFF states). The PWM timer seems to be clocked at 8MHz. The hardware clips timer values 2000h..FFFFh to max 2000h (=1ms). Additionally, the e-Reader BIOS clips values to max 11B3h. Default setting is found in FLASH calibration data. A value of 0000h disables the LED.

Serial Port Registers (Camera Type 1) (DV488800) (calib_data[3Ch]=1)
All 16bit values are ordered MSB,LSB. All registers are whole 8bit Read/Write-able, except 00h,57h-5Ah (read only), and 53h-55h (2bit only).
  Port     Expl.               (e-Reader Setting)
  00h      Maybe Chip ID (12h) (not used by e-Reader BIOS) (Read Only)
  01h                          (05h)    ;-Bit0: 1=auto-repeat scanning?
  02h                          (0Eh)
  10h-11h  Vertical Scroll     (calib_data[30h]+7)
  12h-13h  Horizontal Scroll   (0030h)
  14h-15h  Vertical Size       (00F6h=246)
  16h-17h  Horizontal Size     (0140h=320)
  20h-21h  H-Blank Duration    (00C4h)
  22h-23h                      (0400h)  ;-Upper-Blanking in dot-clock units?
  25h                          (var)    ;-bit1: 0=enable [57h..5Ah] ?
  26h                          (var)    ;\maybe a 16bit value
  27h                          (var)    ;/
  28h                          (00h)
  30h      Brightness/contrast (calib_data[31h]+/-nn)
  31h-33h                      (014h,014h,014h)
  34h      Brightness/contrast (02h)
  50h-52h  8bit Read/Write     (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  53h-55h  2bit Read/Write     (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  56h      8bit Read/Write     (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  57h-58h  16bit value, used to autodetect/adjust register[30h] (Read Only)
  59h-5Ah  16bit value, used to autodetect/adjust register[30h] (Read Only)
  80h-FFh  Mirrors of 00h..7Fh (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
All other ports are unused, writes to those ports are ignored, and reads are returning data mirrored from other ports; that is typically data from 2 or more ports, ORed together.

Serial Port Registers (Camera Type 2) (calib_data[3Ch]=2)
All 16bit values are using more conventional LSB,MSB ordering, and port numbers are arranged in a more reasonable way. The e-Reader BIOS doesn't support (or doesn't require) brightness adjustment for this camera module.
  Port     Expl.             (e-Reader Setting)
  00h                        (22h)
  01h                        (50h)
  02h-03h  Vertical Scroll   (calib_data[30h]+28h)
  04h-05h  Horizontal Scroll (001Eh)
  06h-07h  Vertical Size     (00F6h)    ;=246
  08h-09h  Horizontal Size   (0140h)    ;=320
  0Ah-0Ch                    (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
  0Dh                        (01h)
  0Eh-0Fh                    (01EAh)    ;=245*2
  10h-11h                    (00F5h)    ;=245
  12h-13h                    (20h,F0h)  ;maybe min/max values?
  14h-15h                    (31h,C0h)  ;maybe min/max values?
  16h                        (00h)
  17h-18h                    (77h,77h)
  19h-1Ch                    (30h,30h,30h,30h)
  1Dh-20h                    (80h,80h,80h,80h)
  21h-FFh                    (not used by e-Reader BIOS)
This appears to be a Micron (aka Aptina) camera (resembling the DSi cameras).
My own e-Reader uses a Type 1 camera module. Not sure if Nintendo has ever manufactured any e-Readers with Type 2 cameras?

Calibration Data in FLASH Memory (Bank 0, Sector 0Dh)
  E00D000 14h  ID String ('Card-E Reader 2001',0,0)
  E00D014 2    Sector Checksum (NOT(x+x/10000h); x=sum of all other halfwords)
Begin of actual data (40h bytes)
  E00D016 8x6  [00h] Intensity Boundaries for 8x6 blocks ;see E00FF80h..AFh
  E00D046 1    [30h] Vertical scroll (0..36h)  ;see type1.reg10h/type2.reg02h
  E00D047 1    [31h] Brightness or contrast    ;see type1.reg30h
  E00D048 2    [32h] LED Duration              ;see E00FFB2h..B3h
  E00D04A 2    [34h] Not used?   (0000h)
  E00D04C 2    [36h] Signed value, related to adjusting the 8x6 blocks
  E00D04E 4    [38h] Not used?   (00000077h)
  E00D052 4    [3Ch] Camera Type (0=none,1=DV488800,2=Whatever?)
Remaining bytes in this Sector...
  E00D056 FAAh Not used (zerofilled) (included in above checksum)

Flowchart for Overall Camera Access
 call ereader_power_on
 call ereader_initialize
 for z=1 to number_of_frames
  for y=0 to 245
   Wait until E00FFB1h.Bit1 gets set by hardware (can be handled by IRQ)
   Copy 14h halfwords from DFC0000h to buf+y*28h via DMA3
   Reset E00FFB1h.Bit1 by software
  next y
  ;(could now check DFC0028h..DFC0086h/DFC0088h for adjusting E00FF00h..2Fh)
  ;(could now show image on screen, that may require to stop/pause scanning)
 next z
 call ereader_power_off
 [4000204h]=5803h   ;Init waitstates, and enable Phi 16MHz
 [E00FFB0h]=40h     ;Enable Power3V and reset other bits
 [E00FFB1h]=20h     ;Enable Power5V and reset other bits
 [E00FFB1h].Bit4=0  ;...should be already 0 ?
 [E00FFB0h]=40h+27h ;Phi16MHz=On, SioDtaClkDir=HighHighOut
 [E00FFB0h]=04h    ;Power3V=Off, Disable Everything, SioDtaClkDir=LowLowOut
 [DFA0000h].Bit1=0 ;...should be already 0
 [E00FFB1h].Bit5=0 ;Power5V=Off
 IF calib_data[3Ch] AND 03h = 1 THEN init_camera_type1
 [E00FFB0h].Bit4=1 ;ScanStart
 IF calib_data[3Ch] AND 03h = 2 THEN init_camera_type2
 Copy calib_data[00h..2Fh] to [E00FF80h+00h..2Fh]  ;Intensity Boundaries
 Copy calib_data[32h..33h] to [E00FFB2h+00h..01h]  ;LED Duration LSB,MSB
 [E00FFB0h].Bit3=1                                 ;LedIrqOn
 Set Sio Registers (as shown for Camera Type 1, except below values...)
 Set Sio Registers [30h]=x [25h]=04h, [26h]=58h, [27h]=6Ch
 ;(could now detect/adjust <x> based on Sio Registers [57h..5Ah])
 Set Sio Registers [30h]=x [25h]=06h, [26h]=E8h, [27h]=6Ch
 Set Sio Registers (as shown for Camera Type 2)

Accessing Serial Registers via E00FFB0h
      Begin   Write(A) Write(B) Read(C) Read(D) End     Idle    PwrOff
  Dir ooooooo ooooooo  ooooooo  iiiiiii iiiiiii ooooooo ooooooo ooooooo
  Dta ---____ AAAAAAA  BBBBBBB  xxxxxCx xxxxxDx ______- ------- _______
  Clk ------_ ___---_  ___---_  ___---_ ___---_ ___---- ------- _______

Flowchart for accessing Serial Registers via E00FFB0h (looks like I2C bus)
  Wait circa 2.5us, Ret
  SioDta=1, SioDir=Out, SioClk=1, Delay, SioDta=0, Delay, SioClk=0, Ret
  SioDta=0, SioDir=Out, Delay, SioClk=1, Delay, SioDta=1, Ret
 SioRead1bit:   ;out: databit
  SioDir=In, Delay, SioClk=1, Delay, databit=SioDta, SioClk=0, Ret
 SioWrite1bit:  ;in: databit
  SioDta=databit, SioDir=Out, Delay, SioClk=1, Delay, SioClk=0, Ret
 SioReadByte:   ;in: endflag - out: data
  for i=7 to 0, data.bit<i>=SioRead1bit, next i, SioWrite1bit(endflag), Ret
 SioWriteByte:  ;in: data - out: errorflag
  for i=7 to 0, Delay(huh/why?), SioWrite1bit(data.bit<i>), next i
  errorflag=SioRead1bit, SioDir=Out(huh/why?), Ret
 SioWriteRegisters:  ;in: index, len, buffer
  SioWriteByte(22h)        ;command (set_index) (and write_data)
  SioWriteByte(index)      ;index
  for i=0 to len-1
   SioWriteByte(buffer[i]) ;write data (and auto-increment index)
 SioReadRegisters:   ;in: index, len - out: buffer
  SioWriteByte(22h)        ;command (set_index) (without any write_data here)
  SioWriteByte(index)      ;index
  SioWriteByte(23h)        ;command (read_data) (using above index)
  for i=0 to len-1
   if i=len-1 then endflag=1 else endflag=0
   buffer[i]=SioReadByte(endflag)  ;read data (and auto-increment index)
Caution: Accessing the SIO registers appears highly unstable, and seems to require error handling with retries. Not sure what is causing that problem, possibly the registers cannot be accessed during camera-data-scans...?

The e-Reader BIOS uses WAITCNT [4000204h]=5803h when accessing the PGA, that is, gamepak 16.78MHz phi output (bit11-12=3), 8 waits for SRAM region (bit0-1=3), gamepak prefetch enabled (bit14=1), also sets WS0 to 4,2 waits (bit2-4=0), and sets WS2 to odd 4,8 waits (bit8-10=0). The WS2 (probably WS0 too) settings are nonsense, and should work with faster timings (the e-Reader can be accessed in NDS mode, which doesn't support that slow timings).

e-Reader Memory and I/O Map (with all used/unused/mirrored regions)
  C000000h-C7FFFFFh  ROM (8MB)
  C800000h-DF7FFFFh  Open Bus
  DF80000h-DF80001h  Useless Register (R/W)
  DF80002h-DF9FFFFh  Mirrors of DF80000h-DF80001h
  DFA0000h-DFA0001h  Reset Register (R/W)
  DFA0002h-DFBFFFFh  Mirrors of DFA0000h-DFA0001h
  DFC0000h-DFC0027h  Scanline Data (320 Pixels) (R)
  DFC0028h-DFC0087h  Brightest Pixels of 8x6 Blocks (R)
  DFC0088h           Darkest Pixel of whole Image (R)
  DFC0089h-DFC00FFh  Always zero
  DFC0100h-DFDFFFFh  Mirrors of DFC0000h-DFC00FFh
  DFE0000h-DFFFFFFh  Open Bus
  E000000h-E00CFFFh  FLASH Bank 0 - Data
  E00D000h-E00DFFFh  FLASH Bank 0 - Calibration Data
  E00E000h-E00EFFFh  FLASH Bank 0 - Copy of Calibration Data
  E00F000h-E00FF7Fh  FLASH Bank 0 - Unused region
  E000000h-E00EFFFh  FLASH Bank 1 - Data
  E00F000h-E00FF7Fh  FLASH Bank 1 - Unused region
  E00FF80h-E00FFAFh  Intensity Boundaries for 8x6 Blocks (R/W)
  E00FFB0h           Control Register 0 (R/W)
  E00FFB1h           Control Register 1 (R/W)
  E00FFB2h-E00FFB3h  LED Duration (16bit) (R/W)
  E00FFB4h-E00FFBFh  Always zero
  E00FFC0h-E00FFFFh  Mirror of E00FF80h-E00FFBFh
Mind that WS2 should be accessed by LDRH/STRH, and SRAM region by LDRB/STRB.
Additionally about 32 serial bus registers are contained in the camera module.

Camera Module Notes
The Type 1 initial setting on power-on is 402x302 pixels, the e-Reader uses only 320x246 pixels. The full vertical resolution could be probably used without problems. Port DFC0000h-DFC0027h are restricted to 320 pixels, so larger horizontal resolutions could be probably obtained only by changing the horizontal scroll offset on each 2nd scan.
The camera output is 128 grayscales (via parallel 7bit databus), but the PGA converts it to 2 colors (1bit depth). For still images, it might be possible to get 4 grayshades via 3 scans with different block intensity boundary settings.
No idea if the camera supports serial commands other than 22h and 23h. Namely, it <would> be a quite obvious and basic feature to allow to receive the bitmap via the 2-wire serial bus (alternately to the 7bit databus), if supported, it'd allow to get 7bit images, bypassing 1bit PGA conversion.
When used as actual camera (by cutting an opening in the case), the main problem is the 1bit color depth, which allows only black and white schemes, when/if solving that problem, focusing might be also a problem.

Either the camera or the PGA seem to have a problem on white-to-black transitions in vertical direction, the upper some black pixels are sorts of getting striped or dithered. For example, scanning the large sync marks appears as:
  Actual Shape    Scanned Shape
     XXXXX            X  X
    XXXXXXX           X  X X
   XXXXXXXXX        X X  X XX
   XXXXXXXXX        X X  X XX
    XXXXXXX          XXXXXXX
     XXXXX            XXXXX
That appears only on large black shapes (the smaller data dots look better). Probably the image is scanned from bottom upwards (and the camera senses only the initial transition at the bottom, and then looses track of what it is doing).

  GBA Cart e-Reader Dotcode Format

Resolution is 342.39 DPI (almost 10 blocks per inch).
Resolution is 134.8 dots/cm (almost 4 blocks per centimeter).
The width and height of each block, and the spacing to the bottom edge of the card is ca. 1/10 inch, or ca. 4 millimeters.

   XXX            BLOCK 1             XXX            BLOCK 2             XXX
  XXXXX                              XXXXX                              XXXXX
  XXXXX                              XXXXX                              XXXXX
         ..........................         ..........................
         ...... 3 short lines .....         ..........................
    A....      26 long lines       ....A........ X = Sync Marks   ........A..
    A....  (each 34 data dots)     ....A........ H = Block Header ........A..
    A....(not all lines shown here)....A........ . = Data Bits    ........A..
    A..................................A........ A = Address Bits ........A..
         ...... 3 short lines .....         ..........................
         ...(each 26 data dots)....         ..........................
   XXX   ..........................   XXX   ..........................   XXX
  XXXXX                              XXXXX                              XXXXX
  XXXXX                              XXXXX                              XXXXX
   XXX                                XXX                                XXX
             <ca. 35 blank lines>

Address Columns
Each Column consists of 26 dots. From top to bottom: 1 black dot, 8 blank dots, 16 address dots (MSB topmost), and 1 blank dot. The 16bit address values can be calculated as:
  addr[0] = 03FFh
  for i = 1 to 53
    addr[i] = addr[i-1] xor ((i and (-i)) * 769h)
    if (i and 07h)=0 then addr[i] = addr[i] xor (769h)
    if (i and 0Fh)=0 then addr[i] = addr[i] xor (769h*2)
    if (i and 1Fh)=0 then addr[i] = addr[i] xor (769h*4) xor (769h)
  next i
Short strips use addr[1..19], long strips use addr[25..53], left to right.

Block Header
The 18h-byte Block Header is taken from the 1st two bytes (20 dots) of the 1st 0Ch blocks (and is then repeated in the 1st two bytes of further blocks).
  00h      Unknown              (00h)
  01h      Dotcode type         (02h=Short, 03h=Long)
  02h      Unknown              (00h)
  03h      Address of 1st Block (01h=Short, 19h=Long)
  04h      Total Fragment Size  (40h) ;64 bytes per fragment, of which,
                                      ;48 bytes are actual data, the remaining
  05h      Error-Info Size      (10h) ;16 bytes are error-info
  06h      Unknown              (00h)
  07h      Interleave Value     (1Ch=Short, 2Ch=Long)
  08h..17h 16 bytes Reed-solomon error correction info for Block Header

Data 4-Bit to 5-bit Conversion
In the Block Header (HHHHH), and Data Region (.....), each 4bit are expanded to 5bit, so one byte occupies 10 dots, and each block (1040 data dots) contains 104 bytes.
  4bit  00h 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h 09h 0Ah 0Bh 0Ch 0Dh 0Eh 0Fh
  5bit  00h 01h 02h 12h 04h 05h 06h 16h 08h 09h 0Ah 14h 0Ch 0Dh 11h 10h
That formatting ensures that there are no more than two continous black dots (in horizontal direction), neither inside of a 5bit value, nor between two 5bit values, however, the address bars are violating that rule, and up to 5 continous black dots can appear at the (..A..) block boundaries.

Data Order
Data starts with the upper bit of the 5bit value for the upper 4bit of the first byte, which is located at the leftmost dot of the upper line of the leftmost block, it does then extend towards rightmost dot of that block, and does then continue in the next line, until reaching the bottom of the block, and does then continue in the next block. The 1st two bytes of each block contain a portion of the Block Header, the remaining 102 bytes in each block contain data.

Data Size
A long strip consists of 28 blocks (28*104 = 2912 bytes), a short strip of 18 blocks (18*104 = 1872 bytes). Of which, less than 75% can be actually used for program code, the remaining data contains error correction info, and various headers. See Data Format for more info.

Interleaved Fragments
The Interleave Value (I) specifies the number of fragments, and does also specify the step to the next byte inside of a fragment; except that, at the block boundaries (every 104 bytes), the step is 2 bigger (for skipping the next two Block Header bytes).
  RAW Offset  Content
  000h..001h  1st 2 bytes of RAW Header
  002h        1st byte of 1st fragment
  003h        1st byte of 2nd fragment
  ...         ...
  002h+I-1    1st byte of last fragment
  002h+I      2nd byte of 1st fragment
  003h+I      2nd byte of 2nd fragment
  ...         ...
  002h+I*2-1  2nd byte of last fragment
  ...         ...
Each fragment consists of 48 actual data bytes, followed by 16 error correction bytes, followed by 0..2 unused bytes (since I*40h doesn't exactly match num_blocks*102).

  GBA Cart e-Reader Data Format

Data Strip Format
The size of the data region is I*48 bytes (I=Interleave Value, see Dotcode Format), the first 48-byte fragment contains the Data Header, the remaining (I-1) fragments are Data Fragments (which contain title(s), and VPK compressed program code).

First Strip
  Data Header  (48 bytes)
  Main-Title   (17 bytes, or 33 bytes)
  Sub-Title(s) (3+18 bytes, or 33 bytes) (for each strip) (optional)
  VPK Size     (2 byte value, total length of VPK Data in ALL strips)
  NULL Value   (4 bytes, contained ONLY in 1st strip of GBA strips)
  VPK Data     (length as defined in VPK Size entry, see above)

Further Strip(s)
  Data Header  (48 bytes)
  Main-Title   (17 bytes, or 33 bytes)
  Sub-Title(s) (3+18 bytes, or 33 bytes) (for each strip) (optional)
  VPK Data     (continued from previous strip)

Data Header (30h bytes) (1st fragment)
  00h-01h  Fixed         (00h,30h)
  02h      Fixed         (01h)     ;01h="Do not calculate Global Checksum" ?
  03h      Primary Type  (see below)
  04h-05h  Fixed         (00h,01h) (don't care)
  06h-07h  Strip Size    (0510h=Short, 0810h=Long Strip) ((I-1)*30h) (MSB,LSB)
  08h-0Bh  Fixed         (00h,00h,10h,12h)
  0Ch-0Dh  Region/Type   (see below)
  0Eh      Strip Type    (02h=Short Strip, 01h=Long Strip) (don't care)
  0Fh      Fixed         (00h) (don't care)
  10h-11h  Unknown       (whatever) (don't care)
  12h      Fixed         (10h)     ;10h="Do calculate Data Checksum" ?
  13h-14h  Data Checksum (see below) (MSB,LSB)
  15h-19h  Fixed         (19h,00h,00h,00h,08h)
  1Ah-21h  ID String     ('NINTENDO')
  22h-25h  Fixed         (00h,22h,00h,09h)
  26h-29h  Size Info     (see below)
  2Ah-2Dh  Flags         (see below)
  2Eh      Header Checksum (entries [0Ch-0Dh,10h-11h,26h-2Dh] XORed together)
  2Fh      Global Checksum (see below)
Primary Type [03h] is 8bit,
  0      Card Type (upper bit) (see below)
  1      Unknown (usually opposite of Bit0) (don't care)
  2-7    Unknown (usually zero)
Region/Type [0Ch..0Dh] is 16bit,
  0-3    Unknown (don't care)
  4-7    Card Type (lower bits) (see below)
  8-11   Region/Version (0=Japan/Original, 1=Non-japan, 2=Japan/Plus)
  12-15  Unknown (don't care)
Size Info [26h-29h] is 32bit,
  0      Unknown            (don't care)
  1-4    Strip Number       (01h..Number of strips)
  5-8    Number of Strips   (01h..0Ch) (01h..08h for Japan/Original version)
  9-23   Size of all Strips (excluding Headers and Main/Sub-Titles)
         (same as "VPK Size", but also including the 2-byte "VPK Size" value,
         plus the 4-byte NULL value; if it is present)
  24-31  Fixed              (02h) (don't care)
Flags [2Ah-2Dh] is 32bit,
  0      Permission to save (0=Start Immediately, 1=Prompt for FLASH Saving)
  1      Sub-Title Flag     (0=Yes, 1=None)    (Japan/Original: always 0=Yes)
  2      Application Type   (0=GBA/Z80, 1=NES) (Japan/Original: always 0=Z80)
  3-31   Zero (0) (don't care)
Data Checksum [13h-14h] is the complement (NOT) of the sum of all halfwords in all Data Fragments, however, it's all done in reversed byte order: checksum is calculated with halfwords that are read in MSB,LSB order, and the resulting checksum is stored in MSB,LSB order in the Header Fragment.
Global Checksum [2Fh] is the complement (NOT) of the sum of the first 2Fh bytes in the Data Header plus the sum of all Data Fragment checksums; the Data Fragment checksums are all 30h bytes in a fragment XORed with each other.

Titles (3+N bytes, or N bytes)
Titles can be 33 bytes for both Main and Sub (Format 0Eh), or Main=17 bytes and Sub=3+18 bytes (Formats 02h..05h). In the 3+N bytes form, the first 3 bytes (24bit) are are used to display "stats" information in form of "HP: h1 ID: i1-i2-i3", defined as:
  Bit    Expl.
  0-3    h1, values 1..15 shown as "10..150", value 0 is not displayed
  4-6    i3, values 0..7 shown as "A..G,#"
  7-13   i2, values 0..98 shown as "01..99" values 99..127 as "A0..C8"
  14-18  i1, values 0..31 shown as "A..Z,-,_,{HP},.,{ID?},:"
  19-22  Unknown
  23     Disable stats (0=Show as "HP: h1 ID: i1-i2-i3", 1=Don't show it)
The N bytes portion contains the actual title, which must be terminated by 00h (so the max length is N-1 characters, if it is shorter than N-1, then the unused bytes are padded by further 00h's). The character set is normal ASCII for non-Japan (see Region/Version entry in header), and 2-byte SHIFT-JIS for Japanese long-titles (=max 16 2-byte chars) with values as so:
  00h          --> end-byte
  81h,40h      --> SPC
  81h,43h..97h --> punctuation marks
  82h,4Fh..58h --> "0..9"
  82h,60h..79h --> "A..Z"
  82h,81h..9Ah --> "a..z"
And 1-byte chars for Japanese short-titles,
  00     = end-byte
  01     = spc
  02..0B = 0..9
  0C..AF = japanese
  B0..B4 = dash, male, female, comma, round-dot
  B5..C0 = !"%&~?/+-:.'
  C1..DA = A..Z
  DB..DF = unused (blank)
  E0..E5 = japanese
  E6..FF = a..z
  N/A    = #$()*;<=>@[\]^_`{|}
Additionally to the Main-Title, optional Sub-Titles for each strip can be included (see Sub-Title Flag in header). If enabled, then ALL strip titles are included in each strip (allowing to show a preview of which strips have/haven't been scanned yet).
The e-Reader can display maximum of 8 sub-titles, if the data consists of more than 8 strips, then sub-titles aren't displayed (so it'd be waste of space to include them in the dotcodes).
The Main Title gets clipped to 128 pixels width (that are, circa 22 characters), and, the e-Reader BIOS acts confused on multi-strip games with Main Titles longer than 26 characters (so the full 33 bytes may be used only in Japan; with 16bit charset).
If the title is empty (00h-filled), and there is only one card in the application, then the application is started immediately. That, without allowing the user to save it in FLASH memory.
Caution: Although shorter Titles do save memory, they do act unpleasant: the text "(C) P-Letter" will be displayed at the bottom of the loading screen.
On Japanese/Original, 8bit sub-titles can be up to 18 characters (without any end-byte) (or less when stats are enabled, due to limited screen width).

Card Types (Primary Type.Bit0 and Region/Type.Bit12-15)
  00h..01h  Blank Screen (?)
  02h..03h  Dotcode Application with 17byte-title, with stats, load music A
  04h..05h  Dotcode Application with 17byte-title, with stats, load music B
  06h..07h  P-Letter Attacks
  08h..09h  Construction Escape
  0Ah..0Bh  Construction Action
  0Ch..0Dh  Construction Melody Box
  0Eh       Dotcode Application with 33byte-title, without stats, load music A
  0Fh       Game specific cards
  10h..1Dh  P-Letter Viewer
  1Eh..1Fh  Same as 0Eh and 0Fh (see above)
The 'Application' types are meant to be executable GBA/Z80/NES programs.

  GBA Cart e-Reader Program Code

The GBA/Z80/NES program code is stored in the VPK compressed area.
NES-type is indicated by header [2Ah].Bit2, GBA-type is indicated by the NULL value inserted between VPK Size and VPK Data, otherwise Z80-type is used.

GBA Format
Load Address and Entrypoint are at 2000000h (in ARM state). The 32bit word at 2000008h is eventually destroyed by the e-Reader. Namely,
  IF e-Reader is Non-Japanese,
  AND [2000008h] is outside of range of 2000000h..20000E3h,
  AND only if booted from camera (not when booted from FLASH?),
  THEN [2000008h]=[2000008h]-0001610Ch ELSE [2000008h] kept intact
Existing multiboot-able GBA binaries can be converted to e-Reader format by,
  Store "B 20000C0h" at 2000000h   ;redirect to RAM-entrypoint
  Zerofill 2000004h..20000BFh      ;erase header (for better compression rate)
  Store 01h,01h at 20000C4h        ;indicate RAM boot
The GBA code has full access to the GBA hardware, and may additionally use whatever API functions contained in the e-Reader BIOS. With the incoming LR register value, "mov r0,N, bx lr" returns to the e-Reader BIOS (with N being 0=Restart, or 2=To_Menu). No idea if it's necessary to preserve portions of RAM when returning to the e-Reader BIOS?
Caution: Unlike for normal GBA cartridges/multiboot files, the hardware is left uninitialized when booting dotcodes (among others: sound DMA is active, and brightness is set to zero), use "mov r0,0feh, swi 010000h" to get the normal settings.

NES Format
Emulates a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) console (aka Family Computer).
The visible 240x224 pixel NES/NTSC screen resolution is resampled to 240x160 to match the smaller vertical resolution of the GBA hardware. So, writing e-Reader games in NES format will result in blurred screen output. The screen/sound/joypad is accessed via emulated NES I/O ports, program code is running on an emulated 6502 8bit CPU, for more info on the NES hardware, see no$nes debugger specifications, or
The e-Reader's NES emulator supports only 16K PRG ROM, followed by 8K VROM. The emulation accuracy is very low, barely working with some of Nintendo's own NES titles; running the no$nes diagnostics program on it has successfully failed on ALL hardware tests ;-)
The load address for the 16K PRG-ROM is C000h, the 16bit NMI vector at [FFFAh] is encrypted like so:
  for i=17h to 0
   for j=07h to 0, nmi = nmi shr 1, if carry then nmi = nmi xor 8646h, next j
   nmi = nmi xor (byte[dmca_data+i] shl 8)
  next i
  dmca_data: db 0,0,'DMCA NINTENDO E-READER'
The 16bit reset vector at [FFFCh] contains:
  Bit0-14  Lower bits of Entrypoint (0..7FFFh = Address 8000h..FFFFh)
  Bit15    Nametable Mode (0=Vertical Mirroring, 1=Horizontal Mirroring)
   (NES limitations, 1 16K program rom + 1-2 8K CHR rom, mapper 0 and 1)
   ines mapper 1 would be MMC1, rather than CNROM (ines mapper 3)?
   but, there are more or less NONE games that have 16K PRG ROM + 16K VROM?
The L+R Button key-combination allows to reset the NES, however, there seems to be no way to return to the e-Reader BIOS.

Z80/8080 Format
The e-Reader doesn't support the following Z80 opcodes:
  CB [Prefix]     E0 RET PO   E2 JP PO,nn   E4 CALL PO,nn   27 DAA    76 HALT
  ED [Prefix]     E8 RET PE   EA JP PE,nn   EC CALL PE,nn   D3 OUT (n),A
  DD [IX Prefix]  F3 DI       08 EX AF,AF'  F4 CALL P,nn    DB IN A,(n)
  FD [IY Prefix]  FB EI       D9 EXX        FC CALL M,nn    xx RST 00h..38h
That is leaving not more than six supported Z80 opcodes (DJNZ, JR, JR c/nc/z/nz), everything else are 8080 opcodes. Custom opcodes are:
  76 WAIT A frames, D3 WAIT n frames, and C7/CF RST 0/8 used for API calls.
The load address and entrypoint are at 0100h in the emulated Z80 address space. The Z80 doesn't have direct access to the GBA hardware, instead video/sound/joypad are accessed via API functions, invoked via RST 0 and RST 8 opcodes, followed by an 8bit data byte, and with parameters in the Z80 CPU registers. For example, "ld a,02h, rst 8, db 00h" does return to the e-Reader BIOS.
The Z80/8080 emulation is incredibly inefficient, written in HLL code, developed by somebody whom knew nothing about emulation nor about ARM nor about Z80/8080 processors.

Running GBA-code on Japanese/Original e-Reader
Original e-Reader supports Z80 code only, but can be tweaked to run GBA-code:
   ld bc,data // ld hl,00c8h      ;src/dst
   ld a,[bc] // inc bc // ld e,a  ;lsb
   ld a,[bc] // inc bc // ld d,a  ;msb
   dw 0bcfh ;aka rst 8 // db 0bh  ;[4000000h+hl]=de (DMA registers)
   inc hl // inc  hl // ld a,l
   cp a,0dch // jr nz,lop
  mod1 equ $+1
   dw 37cfh ;aka rst 8 // db 37h  ;bx 3E700F0h
  ;below executed only on jap/plus... on jap/plus, above 37cfh is hl=[400010Ch]
   ld a,3Ah // ld [mod1],a                  ;bx 3E700F0h (3Ah instead 37h)
   ld hl,1 // ld [mod2],hl // ld [mod3],hl  ;base (0200010Ch instead 0201610Ch)
   jr retry
  mod2 equ $+1
   dd loader         ;40000C8h dma2sad (loader)            ;\
   dd 030000F0h      ;40000CCh dma2dad (mirrored 3E700F0h) ; relocate loader
   dd 8000000ah      ;40000D0h dma2cnt (copy 0Ah x 16bit)  ;/
  mod3 equ $+1
   dd main           ;40000D4h dma3sad (main)              ;\prepare main reloc
   dd 02000000h      ;40000D8h dma3dad (2000000h)          ;/dma3cnt see loader
   .align 2          ;alignment for 16bit-halfword
  org $+201600ch     ;jap/plus: adjusted to org $+200000ch
   mov r0,80000000h  ;(dma3cnt, copy 10000h x 16bit)
   mov r1,04000000h  ;i/o base
   strb r1,[r1,208h] ;ime=0 (better disable ime before moving ram)
   str r0,[r1,0DCh]  ;dma3cnt (relocate to 2000000h)
   mov r15,2000000h  ;start relocated code at 2000000h in ARM state
   ;...insert/append whatever ARM code here...

  GBA Cart e-Reader API Functions

Z80 Interface (Special Opcodes)
  db 76h       ;Wait8bit A
  db D3h,xxh   ;Wait8bit xxh
  db C7h,xxh   ;RST0_xxh
  db CFh,xxh   ;RST8_xxh
  ld r,[00xxh]       ;get system values (addresses differ on jap/ori)
  ld r,[00C2h..C3h]  ;GetKeyStateSticky (jap/ori: 9F02h..9F03h)
  ld r,[00C4h..C5h]  ;GetKeyStateRaw    (jap/ori: 9F04h..9F05h)
  ld r,[00C0h..C1h]  ;see Exit and ExitRestart
  ld r,[00D0h..D3h]  ;see Mul16bit
For jap/ori, 9Fxxh isn't forwards compatible with jap/plus, so it'd be better to check joypad via IoRead.

GBA Interface
  bx [30075FCh] ;ApiVector ;in: r0=func_no,r1,r2,r3,[sp+0],[sp+4],[sp+8]=params
  bx lr         ;Exit      ;in: r0 (0=Restart, 2=To_Menu)

The various Wait opcodes and functions are waiting as many frames as specified. Many API functions have no effect until the next Wait occurs.

Z80 RST0_xxh Functions / GBA Functions 02xxh
  RST0_00h FadeIn, A speed, number of frames (0..x)
  RST0_01h FadeOut
  RST0_02h BlinkWhite
  RST0_03h  (?)
  RST0_04h  (?) blend_func_unk1
  RST0_05h  (?)
  RST0_06h  (?)
  RST0_07h  (?)
  RST0_08h  (?)
  RST0_09h  (?) _020264CC_check
  RST0_0Ah  (?) _020264CC_free
  RST0_0Bh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_0Ch N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_0Dh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_0Eh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_0Fh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_10h LoadSystemBackground, A number of background (1..101), E bg# (0..3)
  RST0_11h SetBackgroundOffset, A=bg# (0..3), DE=X, BC=Y
  RST0_12h SetBackgroundAutoScroll
  RST0_13h SetBackgroundMirrorToggle
  RST0_14h  (?)
  RST0_15h  (?)
  RST0_16h  (?) write_000000FF_to_02029494_
  RST0_17h  (?)
  RST0_18h  (?)
  RST0_19h SetBackgroundMode, A=mode (0..2)
  RST0_1Ah  (?)
  RST0_1Bh  (?)
  RST0_1Ch  (?)
  RST0_1Dh  (?)
  RST0_1Eh  (?)
  RST0_1Fh  (?)
  RST0_20h LayerShow
  RST0_21h LayerHide
  RST0_22h  (?)
  RST0_23h  (?)
  RST0_24h ... [20264DCh+A*20h+1Ah]=DE, [20264DCh+A*20h+1Ch]=BC
  RST0_25h  (?)
  RST0_26h  (?)
  RST0_27h  (?)
  RST0_28h  (?)
  RST0_29h  (?)
  RST0_2Ah  (?)
  RST0_2Bh  (?)
  RST0_2Ch  (?)
  RST0_2Dh LoadCustomBackground, A bg# (0..3), DE pointer to struct_background,
           max. tile data size = 3000h bytes, max. map data size = 1000h bytes
  RST0_2Eh GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  RST0_2Fh  (?)
  RST0_30h CreateSystemSprite, - -   (what "- -" ???)
  RST0_31h SpriteFree, HL sprite handle
  RST0_32h SetSpritePos, HL=sprite handle, DE=X, BC=Y
  RST0_33h  (?) sprite_unk2
  RST0_34h SpriteFrameNext
  RST0_35h SpriteFramePrev
  RST0_36h SetSpriteFrame, HL=sprite handle, E=frame number (0..x)
  RST0_37h  (?) sprite_unk3
  RST0_38h  (?) sprite_unk4
  RST0_39h SetSpriteAutoMove, HL=sprite handle, DE=X, BC=Y
  RST0_3Ah  (?) sprite_unk5
  RST0_3Bh  (?) sprite_unk6
  RST0_3Ch SpriteAutoAnimate
  RST0_3Dh  (?) sprite_unk7
  RST0_3Eh SpriteAutoRotateUntilAngle
  RST0_3Fh SpriteAutoRotateByAngle
  RST0_40h SpriteAutoRotateByTime
  RST0_41h  (?) sprite_unk8
  RST0_42h SetSpriteAutoMoveHorizontal
  RST0_43h SetSpriteAutoMoveVertical
  RST0_44h  (?) sprite_unk9
  RST0_45h SpriteDrawOnBackground
  RST0_46h SpriteShow, HL=sprite handle
  RST0_47h SpriteHide, HL=sprite handle
  RST0_48h SpriteMirrorToggle
  RST0_49h  (?) sprite_unk10
  RST0_4Ah  (?) sprite_unk11
  RST0_4Bh  (?) sprite_unk12
  RST0_4Ch GetSpritePos
  RST0_4Dh CreateCustomSprite
  RST0_4Eh  (?)
  RST0_4Fh  (?) sprite_unk14
  RST0_50h  (?) sprite_unk15
  RST0_51h  (?) sprite_unk16
  RST0_52h  (?) sprite_unk17
  RST0_53h  (?) sprite_unk18
  RST0_54h  (?)
  RST0_55h  (?) sprite_unk20
  RST0_56h  (?)
  RST0_57h SpriteMove
  RST0_58h  (?) sprite_unk22
  RST0_59h  (?) sprite_unk23
  RST0_5Ah  (?) sprite_unk24
  RST0_5Bh SpriteAutoScaleUntilSize, C=speed (higher value is slower),
           HL=sprite handle, DE=size (0100h = normal size,
           lower value = larger, higher value = smaller)
  RST0_5Ch SpriteAutoScaleBySize
  RST0_5Dh SpriteAutoScaleWidthUntilSize
  RST0_5Eh SpriteAutoScaleHeightBySize
  RST0_5Fh  (?)
  RST0_60h  (?)
  RST0_61h  (?)
  RST0_62h  (?)
  RST0_63h  (?)
  RST0_64h hl=[[2024D28h+a*4]+12h]
  RST0_65h  (?) sprite_unk25
  RST0_66h SetSpriteVisible, HL=sprite handle, E=(0=not visible, 1=visible)
  RST0_67h  (?) sprite_unk26
  RST0_68h  (?) set_sprite_unk27
  RST0_69h  (?) get_sprite_unk27
  RST0_6Ah  (?)
  RST0_6Bh  (?)
  RST0_6Ch  (?)
  RST0_6Dh  (?)
  RST0_6Eh hl=[hl+000Ah]  ;r0=[r1+0Ah]
  RST0_6Fh  (?)
  RST0_70h  (?)
  RST0_71h  (?)
  RST0_72h  (?)
  RST0_73h  (?)
  RST0_74h  (?)
  RST0_75h  (?)
  RST0_76h  (?)
  RST0_77h  (?)
  RST0_78h  (?)
  RST0_79h  (?)
  RST0_7Ah  (?)
  RST0_7Bh  (?)
  RST0_7Ch  (?) _0202FD2C_unk12
  RST0_7Dh Wait16bit ;HL=num_frames (16bit variant of Wait8bit opcode/function)
  RST0_7Eh SetBackgroundPalette, HL=src_addr, DE=offset, C=num_colors (1..x)
  RST0_7Fh GetBackgroundPalette(a,b,c)
  RST0_80h SetSpritePalette, HL=src_addr, DE=offset, C=num_colors (1..x)
  RST0_81h GetSpritePalette(a,b,c)
  RST0_82h ClearPalette
  RST0_83h  (?) _0202FD2C_unk11
  RST0_84h  (?)
  RST0_85h  (?)
  RST0_86h  (?)
  RST0_87h  (?) _0202FD2C_unk8
  RST0_88h  (?) _0202FD2C_unk7
  RST0_89h  (?)
  RST0_8Ah  (?) _0202FD2C_unk6
  RST0_8Bh  (?) _0202FD2C_unk5
  RST0_8Ch GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  RST0_8Dh GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  RST0_8Eh  (?)
  RST0_8Fh WindowHide
  RST0_90h CreateRegion, H=bg# (0..3), L=palbank# (0..15),
           D,E,B,C=x1,y1,cx,cy (in tiles), return: n/a (no$note: n/a ???)
  RST0_91h SetRegionColor
  RST0_92h ClearRegion
  RST0_93h SetPixel
  RST0_94h GetPixel
  RST0_95h DrawLine
  RST0_96h DrawRect
  RST0_97h  (?) _0202FD2C_unk4
  RST0_98h SetTextColor, A=region handle, D=color foreground (0..15),
           E=color background (0..15)
  RST0_99h DrawText, A=region handle, BC=pointer to text, D=X, E=Y
           (non-japan uses ASCII text, but japanese e-reader's use STH ELSE?)
  RST0_9Ah SetTextSize
  RST0_9Bh  (?) RegionUnk7
  RST0_9Ch  (?) _0202FD2C_unk3
  RST0_9Dh  (?) _0202FD2C_unk2
  RST0_9Eh  (?) _0202FD2C_unk1
  RST0_9Fh Z80: (?) - GBA: SetBackgroundModeRaw
  RST0_A0h  (?)
  RST0_A1h  (?)
  RST0_A2h  (?) RegionUnk6
  RST0_A3h GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  RST0_A4h GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  RST0_A5h  (?)
  RST0_A6h  (?)
  RST0_A7h  (?)
  RST0_A8h  (?)
  RST0_A9h  (?)
  RST0_AAh  (?)
  RST0_ABh  (?)
  RST0_ACh  (?)
  RST0_ADh  (?) RegionUnk5
  RST0_AEh [202FD2Ch+122h]=A
  RST0_AFh [202FD2Ch+123h]=A
  RST0_B0h [202FD2Ch+124h]=A
  RST0_B1h  (?)
  RST0_B2h  (?)
  RST0_B3h GBA: N/A - Z80: Sqrt   ;hl=sqrt(hl)
  RST0_B4h GBA: N/A - Z80: ArcTan ;hl=ArcTan2(hl,de)
  RST0_B5h Sine                   ;hl=sin(a)*de
  RST0_B6h Cosine                 ;hl=cos(a)*de
  RST0_B7h  (?)
  RST0_B8h  (?)
  RST0_B9h N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_BAh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_BBh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_BCh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_BDh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_BEh N/A (bx 0)
  RST0_BFh N/A (bx 0)
  Below Non-Japan and Japan/Plus only (not Japan/Ori)
  RST0_C0h GetTextWidth(a,b)
  RST0_C1h GetTextWidthEx(a,b,c)
  RST0_C2h  (?)
  RST0_C3h Z80: N/A (bx 0) - GBA: (?)
  RST0_C4h  (?)
  RST0_C5h  (?)
  RST0_C6h  (?)
  RST0_C7h  (?)
  RST0_C8h  (?)
  RST0_C9h  (?)
  RST0_CAh  (?)
  RST0_CBh  (?)
  RST0_CCh  (?)
  RST0_CDh N/A (bx lr)
  RST0_CEh ;same as RST0_3Bh, but with 16bit mask
  RST0_CFh ;same as RST0_3Eh, but with 16bit de
  RST0_D0h ;same as RST0_3Fh, but with 16bit de
  RST0_D1h ;same as RST0_5Bh, but with 16bit de
  RST0_D2h ;same as RST0_5Ch, but with 16bit de
  RST0_D3h ;same as RST0_5Dh, but with 16bit de
  RST0_D4h ;same as RST0_5Eh, but with 16bit de
  RST0_D5h  (?)
  RST0_D6h  (?)
  RST0_D7h ;[202FD2Ch+125h]=A
  RST0_D8h  (?)
  RST0_D9h  (?)
  RST0_DAh  (?)
  RST0_DBh ;A=[3003E51h]
  RST0_DCh ;[3004658h]=01h
  RST0_DDh DecompressVPKorNonVPK
  RST0_DEh FlashWriteSectorSingle(a,b)
  RST0_DFh FlashReadSectorSingle(a,b)
  RST0_E0h SoftReset
  RST0_E1h GetCartridgeHeader     ;[hl+0..BFh]=[8000000h..80000BFh]
  RST0_E2h GBA: N/A - Z80: bx hl  ;in: hl=addr, af,bc,de,sp=param, out: a
  RST0_E3h Z80: N/A (bx 0) - GBA: (?)
  RST0_E4h  (?)
  RST0_E5h  (?)
  RST0_E6h  (?)
  RST0_E7h  (?)
  RST0_E8h  (?)
  RST0_E9h ;[2029498h]=0000h
  RST0_EAh Z80: N/A (bx 0) - GBA: InitMemory(a)
  RST0_EBh  (?) BL_irq_sio_dma3
  RST0_ECh ;hl = [3003E30h]*100h + [3003E34h]
  RST0_EDh FlashWriteSectorMulti(a,b,c)
  RST0_EEh FlashReadPart(a,b,c)
  RST0_EFh ;A=((-([2029416h] xor 1)) OR (+([2029416h] xor 1))) SHR 31
  RST0_F0h  (?) _unk1
  RST0_F1h RandomInit     ;in: hl=random_seed
  RST0_F2h                         (?)
  Below Japan/Plus only
  RST0_F3h  (?)
  RST0_F4h  (?)
  RST0_F5h  (?)
  RST0_F6h  (?)
  RST0_F7h GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  Below is undefined/garbage (values as so in Z80 mode)
  Jap/Ori: RST0_C0h      N/A (bx 0)
  Jap/Ori: RST0_C1h..FFh Overlaps RST8 jump list
  Non-Jap: RST0_F3h..FFh Overlaps RST8 jump list
  Jap/Pls: RST0_F8h..FFh Overlaps RST8 jump list

Z80 RST8_xxh Functions / GBA Functions 01xxh
  RST8_00h GBA: N/A - Z80: Exit       ;[00C0h]=a ;(1=restart, 2=exit)
  RST8_01h GBA: N/A - Z80: Mul8bit    ;hl=a*e
  RST8_02h GBA: N/A - Z80: Mul16bit   ;hl=hl*de, s32[00D0h]=hl*de
  RST8_03h Div                        ;hl=hl/de
  RST8_04h DivRem                     ;hl=hl mod de
  RST8_05h PlaySystemSound            ;in: hl=sound_number
  RST8_06h  (?) sound_unk1
  RST8_07h Random8bit                 ;a=random(0..FFh)
  RST8_08h SetSoundVolume
  RST8_09h BcdTime                    ;[de+0..5]=hhmmss(hl*bc)
  RST8_0Ah BcdNumber                  ;[de+0..4]=BCD(hl), [de+5]=00h
  RST8_0Bh IoWrite                    ;[4000000h+hl]=de
  RST8_0Ch IoRead                     ;de=[4000000h+hl]
  RST8_0Dh GBA: N/A - Z80:  (?)
  RST8_0Eh GBA: N/A - Z80:  (?)
  RST8_0Fh GBA: N/A - Z80:  (?)
  RST8_10h GBA: N/A - Z80:  (?)
  RST8_11h DivSigned                  ;hl=hl/de, signed
  RST8_12h RandomMax                  ;a=random(0..a-1)
  RST8_13h SetSoundSpeed
  RST8_14h  hl=[202FD20h]=[2024CACh]
  RST8_15h  hl=[2024CACh]-[202FD20h]
  RST8_16h SoundPause
  RST8_17h SoundResume
  RST8_18h PlaySystemSoundEx
  RST8_19h IsSoundPlaying
  RST8_1Ah  (?)
  RST8_1Bh  (?)
  RST8_1Ch  (?)
  RST8_1Dh GetExitCount               ;a=[2032D34h]
  RST8_1Eh Permille                   ;hl=de*1000/hl
  RST8_1Fh GBA: N/A - Z80: ExitRestart;[2032D38h]=a, [00C0h]=0001h  ;a=?
  RST8_20h GBA: N/A - Z80: WaitJoypad ;wait until joypad<>0, set hl=joypad
  RST8_21h GBA: N/A - Z80:  (?)
  RST8_22h  (?) _sound_unk7
  RST8_23h  (?) _sound_unk8
  RST8_24h  (?) _sound_unk9
  RST8_25h  (?) _sound_unk10
  RST8_26h Mosaic     ;bg<n>cnt.bit6=a.bit<n>, [400004Ch]=de
  RST8_27h  (?)
  RST8_28h  (?)
  RST8_29h  (?)
  RST8_2Ah  (?) get_8bit_from_2030110h
  RST8_2Bh  (?)
  RST8_2Ch  (?) get_16bit_from_2030112h ;jap/ori: hl=[20077B2h]
  RST8_2Dh  (?) get_16bit_from_2030114h ;jap/ori: hl=[20077B4h]
  RST8_2Eh  (?)
  RST8_2Fh PlayCustomSound(a,b)
  Below not for Japanese/Original
  (the renumbered functions can be theoretically used on japanese/original)
  (but, doing so would blow forwards compatibility with japanese/plus)
  RST8_30h (ori: none)      GBA: N/A - Z80: (?)
  RST8_31h (ori: none)      PlayCustomSoundEx(a,b,c)
  RST8_32h (ori: RST8_30h)  BrightnessHalf   ;[4000050h]=00FFh,[4000054h]=0008h
  RST8_33h (ori: RST8_31h)  BrightnessNormal ;[4000050h]=0000h
  RST8_34h (ori: RST8_32h)  N/A (bx lr)
  RST8_35h (ori: RST8_33h)   (?)
  RST8_36h (ori: RST8_34h)  ResetTimer ;[400010Ch]=00000000h, [400010Eh]=A+80h
  RST8_37h (ori: RST8_35h)  GetTimer   ;hl=[400010Ch]
  RST8_38h (ori: none)      GBA: N/A - Z80:  (?)
  Below is undefined/reserved/garbage (values as so in Z80 mode)
  (can be used to tweak jap/ori to start GBA-code from inside of Z80-code)
  (that, after relocating code to 3000xxxh via DMA via IoWrite function)
  RST8_39h (ori: RST8_36h)  bx 0140014h
  RST8_3Ah (ori: RST8_37h)  bx 3E700F0h
  RST8_3Bh (ori: RST8_38h)  bx 3E70000h+1
  RST8_3Ch (ori: RST8_39h)  bx 3E703E6h+1
  RST8_3Dh (ori: RST8_3Ah)  bx 3E703E6h+1
  RST8_3Eh (ori: RST8_3Bh)  bx 3E703E6h+1
  RST8_3Fh (ori: RST8_3Ch)  bx 3E703E6h+1
  40h-FFh  (ori: 3Dh-FFh)   bx ...

GBA Functions 03xxh (none such in Z80 mode)
  RSTX_00h Wait8bit  ;for 16bit: RST0_7Dh
  RSTX_01h GetKeyStateSticky()
  RSTX_02h GetKeyStateRaw()
  RSTX_03h  (?)
  RSTX_04h  (?)

  GBA Cart e-Reader VPK Decompression

  collected32bit=80000000h  ;initially empty (endflag in bit31)
  for i=0 to 3, id[i]=read_bits(8), next i, if id[0..3]<>'vpk0' then error
  dest_end=dest+read_bits(32)     ;size of decompressed data (of all strips)
  method=read_bits(8), if method>1 then error
  tree_index=0, read_huffman_tree, disproot=tree_index
  tree_index=tree_index+1, read_huffman_tree, lenroot=tree_index
  ;above stuff is contained only in the first strip. below loop starts at
  ;current location in first strip, and does then continue in further strips.
  if read_bits(1)=0 then                   ;copy one uncompressed data byte,
    [dest]=read_bits(8), dest=dest+1       ;does work without huffman trees
    if disproot=-1 or lenroot=-1 then error  ;compression does require trees
    if method=1   ;disp*4 is good for 32bit ARM opcodes
      if disp>2 then disp=disp*4-8 else disp=disp+4*read_tree(disproot)-7
    if len=0 or disp<=0 or dest+len-1>dest_end then error ;whoops
    for j=1 to len, [dest]=[dest-disp], dest=dest+1, next j
  if dest<dest_end then decompress_loop

  mov  data=0
  for i=1 to num
    shl collected32bit,1   ;move next bit to carry, or set zeroflag if empty
    if zeroflag
      src=src+4            ;read data in 32bit units, in reversed byte-order
      carryflag=1          ;endbit
      rcl collected32bit,1 ;move bit31 to carry (and endbit to bit0)
    rcl data,1             ;move carry to data
  next i

  while node[i].right<>-1  ;loop until reaching data node
    if read_bits(1)=1 then i=node[i].right else i=node[i].left
  i=node[i].left           ;get number of bits
  i=read_bits(i)           ;read that number of bits
  ret(i)                   ;return that value

  if read_bits(1)=1 then tree_index=-1, ret  ;exit (empty)
  node[tree_index].right=-1                  ;indicate data node
  node[tree_index].left=read_bits(8)         ;store data value
  if read_bits(1)=1 then ret                 ;exit (only 1 data node at root)
  push tree_index                     ;save previous (child) node
  jmp data_injump
  push tree_index                     ;save previous (child) node
  if read_bits(1)=1 then parent_node
  node[tree_index].right=-1           ;indicate data node
  node[tree_index].left=read_bits(8)  ;store data value
  jmp load_loop
  pop node[tree_index].right          ;store 1st child
  pop node[tree_index].left           ;store 2nd child
  if sp<>stacktop then jmp load_loop
  if read_bits(1)=0 then error        ;end bit (must be 1)
The best values for the huffman trees that I've found are 6,9,12-bit displacements for method 0 (best for NES/Z80 code), and two less for method 1, ie. 4,7,10-bit (best for GBA code). And 2,4,10-bit for the length values. The smallest value in node 0, and the other values in node 10 and 11.

The decompression works similar to the GBA BIOS'es LZ77 decompression function, but without using fixed bit-widths of length=4bit and displacement=12bit, instead, the bit-widths are read from huffman trees (which can also define fixed bit-widths; if data is located directly in the root node).
Unlike the GBA BIOS'es Huffman decompression function, the trees are starting with data entries, end are ending with the root entry. The above load function deciphers the data, and returns the root index.
With the variable bit-widths, the VPK compression rate is quite good, only, it's a pity that the length/disp values are zero-based, eg. for 2bit and 4bit lengths, it'd be much better to assign 2bit as 2..5, and 4bit as 6..21.

The e-Reader additionally supports an alternate decompression function, indicated by the absence of the "vpk0" ID, which supports compression of increasing byte-values, which isn't useful for program code.
Bit15 of the VPK Size value seems to disable (de-)compression, the VPK Data field is then containing plain uncompressed data.

  GBA Cart e-Reader Error Correction

The Error Correction Information that is appended at the end of the Block Header & Data Fragments consists of standard Reed-Solomon codes, which are also used for CD/DVD disks, DSL modems, and digital DVB television signals. That info allows to locate and repair a number of invalid data bytes.

Below code shows how to create and verify error-info (but not how to do the actual error correction). The dtalen,errlen values should be 18h,10h for the Block Header, and 40h,10h for Data Fragments; the latter settings might be possible to get changed to other values though?

  for i=dtalen-1 to errlen  ;loop across data portion
    z = rev[ data[i] xor data[errlen-1] ] ;
    for j=errlen-1 to 0     ;loop across error-info portion
    if j=0 then x=00h else x=data[j-1]
      if z<>FFh then
        y=gg[j], if y<>FFh then
          y=y+z, if y>=FFh then y=y-FFh
          x=x xor pow[y]
    next j
  next i

  for i=78h to 78h+errlen-1
    x=0, z=0
    for j=0 to dtalen-1
      if y<>FFh then
        y=y+z, if y>=FFh then y=y-FFh
        x=x xor pow[y]
      z=z+i, if z>=FFh then z=z-FFh
    next j
    if x<>0 then error
  next i
  ;(if errors occured, could correct them now)

  for i=0 to len-1, data[i]=rev[data[i]], next i

  for i=0 to len-1, data[i]=pow[data[i]], next i

  for i=0 to len-1, data[i]=data[i] xor FFh, next i

  for i=0 to len-1, data[i]=00h, next i

  for i=0 to (len-1)/2, x=data[i], data[i]=data[len-i], data[len-i]=x, next i

  x=01h, pow[FFh]=00h, rev[00h]=FFh
  for i=00h to FEh
    pow[i]=x, rev[x]=i, x=x*2, if x>=100h then x=x xor 187h
  next i

  for i=1 to errlen-1
    for j=i downto 0
      if j=0 then y=00h else y=gg[j-1]
      x=gg[j], if x<>00h then
        x=rev[x]+78h+i, if x>=FFh then x=x-FFh
        y=y xor pow[x]
    next j
  next i
With above value of 78h, and errlen=10h, gg[00h..0Fh] will be always:
So using a hardcoded table should take up less memory than calculating it.

The actual error correction should be able to fix up to "errlen" errors at known locations (eg. data from blocks that haven't been scanned, or whose 5bit-to-4bit conversion had failed due to an invalid 5bit value), or up to "errlen/2" errors at unknown locations. The corrected data isn't guaranteed to be correct (even if it looks okay to the "verify" function), so the Data Header checksums should be checked, too.

More Info
For more info, I've found Reed-Solomon source code from Simon Rockliff, and an updated version from Robert Morelos-Zaragoza and Hari Thirumoorthy to be useful. For getting started with that source, some important relationships & differences are:
  pow = alpha_to, but generated as shown above
  rev = index_of, dito
  b0  = 78h
  nn  = dtalen
  kk  = dtalen-errlen
  %nn = MOD FFh (for the ereader that isn't MOD dtalen)
  -1  = FFh
And, the ereader processes data/errinfo backwards, starting at the last byte.

  GBA Cart e-Reader File Formats

.BMP Files (homebrew 300 DPI strips)
Contains a picture of the whole dotcode strip with address bars and sync marks (see Dotcode chapter) in Microsoft's Bitmap format. The image is conventionally surrounded by a blank 2-pixel border, resulting in a size of 989x44 pixels for long strips. The file should should have 1bit color depth. The pixels per meter entry should match the desired printing resolution, either 300 DPI or 360 DPI. But, resolution of printer hardware is typically specified in inch rather than in meters, so an exact match isn't supported by Microsoft. Most homebrew .BMP files contain nonsense resolutions like 200 DPI, or 300 dots per meter (ca. 8 DPI).

.JPG Files (scanned 1200 DPI strips)
Same as BMP, but should contain a dotcode scanned at 1200 DPI, with correct orientation (the card-edge side at the bottom of the image), and containing only the dotcode (not the whole card), so the JPG size should be about 3450x155 pixels for long strips.
No$gba currently doesn't work with progressive JPGs. Scans with white background can be saved as monochrome JPG. Scans with red/yellow background should contain a correct RED layer (due to the red LED light source) (the brightness of the green/blue layers can be set to zero for better compression).

.RAW Files
Contains the "raw" information from the BMP format, that is, 2-byte block header, 102-byte data, 2-byte block header, 102-byte data, etc. The data portion is interleaved, and includes the full 48-byte data header, titles, vpk compressed data, error-info, and unused bytes. RAW files are excluding Address Bars, Sync Marks, and 4bit-to-5bit encoding.
Each RAW file contains one or more strip(s), so the RAW filesize is either 18*104 bytes (short strip), or 28*104 bytes (long strip), or a multiple thereof (if it contains more than one strip) (although multi-strip games are often stored in separate files for each strip; named file1.raw, file2.raw, etc).

.BIN Files
Filesize should be I*30h, with I=1Ch for short strips, and I=2Ch for long strips, or a multiple thereof (if it contains more than one strip). Each strip consists of the 48-byte Data Header, followed by title(s), and vpk compressed data. Unlike .RAW files, .BIN files aren't interleaved, and do not contain Block Headers, nor error-info, nor unused bytes (in last block). The files do contain padding bytes to match a full strip-size of I*30h.
Caution: Older .BIN files have been using a size-reduced 12-byte header (taken from entries 0Dh, 0Ch, 10h-11h, 26h-2Dh of the 48-byte Data Header; in that order), that files have never contained more than one strip per file, so the filesize should be exactly I*30h-36, the size-reduced header doesn't contain a Primary Type entry, so it's everyone's bet which Card Type is to be used (hint: the 12-byte headers were based on the assumption that Primary Type would be always 01h on Short Strips, and 02h on Long Strips).

.SAV Files
Contains a copy of the e-Reader's 128Kbyte FLASH memory. With the saved e-Reader application being located in the 2nd 64K-bank, the data consists of a header with title and gba/nes/z80 format info, followed by the vpk compressed data. The FLASH memory does also contain e-Reader calibration settings, the remaining 100Kbytes are typically FFh-filled.

  GBA Cart Unknown Devices

GBA Infra-Red Port (AGB-006)
No info?

  GBA Cart Protections

Classic NES Series
These are some NES/Famicom games ported or emulated to work on GBA. The games are doing some uncommon stuff that can cause compatibility problems when not using original GBA consoles or cartridges.
- CPU pipeline (selfmodifying code that shall NOT affect prefetched opcodes)
- STMDA write to I/O ports (writes in INCREASING order, not DECREASING order)
- SRAM detection (refuses to run if SRAM exists; the games do contain EEPROM)
- ROM mirrors (instead of the usual increasing numbers in unused ROM area)
- RAM mirrors (eg. main RAM accessed at 2F00000h instead of 2000000h)
Note: These games can be detected by checking [80000ACh]="F" (ie. game code="Fxxx").

  GBA Flashcards

Flashcards are re-writable cartridges using FLASH memory, allowing to test even multiboot-incompatible GBA software on real hardware, providing a good development environment when used in combination with a reasonable software debugger.

The carts can be written to from external tools, or directly from GBA programs.
Below are pseudo code flowcharts for detect, erase, and write operations.
All flash reads/writes are meant to be 16bit (ldrh/strh) memory accesses.

 configure_flashcard(9E2468Ah,9413h)    ;unlock flash advance cards
 turbo=1, send_command(8000000h,90h)    ;enter ID mode (both chips, if any)
 maker=[8000000h], device=[8000000h+2]
 IF maker=device THEN device=[8000000h+4] ELSE turbo=0
 flashcard_read_mode                    ;exit ID mode
 search (maker+device*10000h) in device_list
 total/erase/write_block_size = list_entry SHL turbo

 FOR x=1 to len/erase_block_size
  send_command(dest,20h)        ;erase sector command
  send_command(dest,D0h)        ;confirm erase sector
 IF wait_busy=okay THEN NEXT x
 enter_read_mode                ;exit erase/status mode

 FOR x=1 to len/siz
  IF siz=2 THEN send_command(dest,10h)  ;write halfword command
  IF siz>2 THEN send_command(dest,E8h)  ;write to buffer command
  IF siz>2 THEN send_command(dest,16-1) ;buffer size 16 halfwords (per chip)
  FOR y=1 TO siz/2
   [dest]=[src], dest=dest+2, src=src+2 ;write data to buffer
  NEXT y
  IF siz>2 THEN send_command(dest,D0h)  ;confirm write to buffer
 IF wait_busy=okay THEN NEXT x
 enter_read_mode                        ;exit write/status mode

 IF turbo THEN [adr+2]=val

 send_command(8000000h,FFh)     ;exit status mode
 send_command(8000000h,FFh)     ;again maybe more stable (as in jeff's source)

  stat=[8000000h] XOR 80h
  IF turbo THEN stat=stat OR ([8000000h+2] XOR 80h)
  IF (stat AND 7Fh)>0 THEN error
  IF (stat AND 80h)=0 THEN ready
  IF time-start>5secs THEN timeout
 UNTIL ready OR error OR timeout
 IF error OR timeout THEN send_command(8000000h,50h)    ;clear status

configure_flashcard(adr,val): ;required for Flash Advance cards only
 [802468Ah]=1234h, repeated 500 times
 [802468Ah]=5678h, repeated 500 times
 [802468Ah]=ABCDh, repeated 500 times

init_backup: ;no info how to use that exactly

device_list: (id code, total/erase/write sizes in bytes)
  ID Code    Total   Erase  Write  Name
  -??-00DCh      ?       ?      ?  Hudson Cart (???)
  00160089h     4M    128K     32  Intel i28F320J3A (Flash Advance)
  00170089h     8M    128K     32  Intel i28F640J3A (Flash Advance)
  00180089h    16M    128K     32  Intel i28F128J3A (Flash Advance)
  00E200B0h      ?     64K      2  Sharp LH28F320BJE ? (Nintendo)

All flashcards should work at 4,2 waitstates (power on default), most commercial games change waits to 3,1 which may work unstable with some/older FA flashcards. Intel FLASH specified to have a lifetime of 100,000 erases, and average block erase time 1 second (up to 5 second in worst cases).
Aside from the main FLASH memory, Flash Advance (FA) (aka Visoly) cards additionally contain battery buffered SRAM backup, and FLASH backup, and in some cases also EEPROM backup.
Turbo FA cards are containing two chips interlaced (at odd/even halfword addresses), allowing to write/erase both chips simultaneously, resulting in twice as fast programming time.
Standard Nintendo flash carts have to be modified before you can actually write to them. This is done by removing resistor R7 and putting it at empty location R8.
Mind that write/erase/detect modes output status information in ROM area, so that in that modes all GBA program code (and any interrupt handlers) must be executed in WRAM, not in ROM.

Thanks to Jeff Frohwein for his FAQ and CARTLIB sample in FLGBA at

  GBA Cheat Devices

Codebreaker (US) aka Xploder (EUR).
Gameshark (US) aka Action Replay (EUR).

GBA Cheat Codes - General Info
GBA Cheat Codes - Codebreaker/Xploder
GBA Cheat Codes - Gameshark/Action Replay V1/V2
GBA Cheat Codes - Pro Action Replay V3

  GBA Cheat Codes - General Info

Cheat devices are external adapters, connected between the GBA and the game cartridge. The devices include a BIOS ROM which is, among others, used to prompt the user to enter cheat codes.
These codes are used to patch specified memory locations for a certain GBA game, allowing the user to gain goodies such like Infinite sex, 255 Cigarettes, etc.

ROM and RAM Patches
For ROM Patches, the device watches the address bus, if it matches a specified address then it outputs a patched value to the data bus, that mechanism is implemented by hardware, aside from the Hook Enable Code some devices also allow a limited number of cheats to use ROM patches.
Most cheat codes are RAM patches, each time when the hook procedure is executed it will process all codes and overwrite the specified addresses in RAM (or VRAM or I/O area) by the desired values.

Enable Codes (Must Be On)
Enable codes usually consist of the Game ID, Hook Address, and eventually a third code used to encrypt all following codes. The Game ID is used to confirm that the correct cartridge is inserted, just a verification, though the device may insist on the ID code.
The Hook Address specifies an address in cartridge ROM, and should point to an opcode which is executed several times per second (eg. once per frame, many codes place the hook in the joypad handler). At the hook address, the device redirects to its own BIOS, processes the RAM patches, and does then return control to the game cartridge.
Note: The hook address should not point to opcodes with relative addressing (eg. B, BL, LDR Rd,=Imm, ADD Rd,=Imm opcodes - which are all relative to PC program counter register).

Addresses for 16bit or 32bit values should be properly aligned.

  GBA Cheat Codes - Codebreaker/Xploder

Codebreaker Codes
  0000xxxx 000y  Enable Code 1 - Game ID
  1aaaaaaa 000z  Enable Code 2 - Hook Address
  2aaaaaaa yyyy  [aaaaaaa]=[aaaaaaa] OR yyyy
  3aaaaaaa 00yy  [aaaaaaa]=yy
  4aaaaaaa yyyy  [aaaaaaa+0..(cccc-1)*ssss]=yyyy+0..(cccc-1)*ssss
  iiiicccc ssss  parameters for above code
  5aaaaaaa cccc  [aaaaaaa+0..(cccc-1)]=11,22,33,44,etc.
  11223344 5566  parameter bytes 1..6 for above code (example)
  77880000 0000  parameter bytes 7..8 for above code (padded with zero)
  6aaaaaaa yyyy  [aaaaaaa]=[aaaaaaa] AND yyyy
  7aaaaaaa yyyy  IF [aaaaaaa]=yyyy THEN (next code)
  8aaaaaaa yyyy  [aaaaaaa]=yyyy
  9xyyxxxx xxxx  Enable Code 0 - Encrypt all following codes (optional)
  Aaaaaaaa yyyy  IF [aaaaaaa]<>yyyy THEN (next code)
  Baaaaaaa yyyy  IF [aaaaaaa]>yyyy THEN (next code) (signed comparison)
  Caaaaaaa yyyy  IF [aaaaaaa]<yyyy THEN (next code) (signed comparison)
  D0000020 yyyy  IF [joypad] AND yyyy = 0 THEN (next code)
  Eaaaaaaa yyyy  [aaaaaaa]=[aaaaaaa]+yyyy
  Faaaaaaa yyyy  IF [aaaaaaa] AND yyyy THEN (next code)

Codebreaker Enable Codes
Hook Address 'aaaaaaa' is a 25bit offset in ROM-image (0-1FFFFFFh).
Flag byte 'y' (usually 0Ah), Bit1=Disable IRQs, Bit3=CRC Exists.
Code Handler Store Address 'z' (0-7, usually 7) (8000100h+z*400000h).
Checksum 'xxxx' for first 64Kbytes of cartridge (no$gba pads by FFh if ROM is smaller than 64K). Calculated, by using unsigned 16bit values, as such:
  for i=0 to FFFFh
   x=byte[i] xor (crc/100h)
   x=x xor (x/10h)
   crc=(crc*100h) xor (x*1001h) xor (x*20h)
  next i

Codebreaker Encryption
Encryption can be (optionally) activated by code "9xyyxxxx xxxx",
  for i=0 to 2Fh, swaplist[i]=i, next i
  randomizer = 1111h xor byte[code+4]                              ;LSB value
  for i=0 to 4Fh
    exchange swaplist[random MOD 30h] with swaplist[random MOD 30h]
  next i
  halfword[seedlist+0] = halfword[code+0]                          ;LSW address
  randomizer = 4EFAD1C3h
  for i=0 to byte[code+3]-91h, randomizer=random, next i           ;MSB address
  word[seedlist+2]=random, halfword[seedlist+6]=random
  randomizer = F254h xor byte[code+5]                              ;MSB value
  for i=0 to byte[code+5]-01h, randomizer=random, next i           ;MSB value
  word[seedlist+8]=random, halfword[seedlist+12]=random
  ;note: byte[code+2] = don't care
The above random function works like so:
  randomizer=randomizer*41C64E6Dh+3039h, x=(randomizer SHL 14 AND C0000000h)
  randomizer=randomizer*41C64E6Dh+3039h, x=(randomizer SHR 1  AND 3FFF8000h)+x
  randomizer=randomizer*41C64E6Dh+3039h, x=(randomizer SHR 16 AND 00007FFFh)+x
Once when encryption is activated, all following codes are decrypted like so:
  for i=2Fh to 0
    bitno1=(i AND 7), index1=xlatlist[i/8]
    bitno2=(j AND 7), index2=xlatlist[j/8]
    exchange [code+index1].bitno1 with [code+index2].bitno2
  next i
  word[code+0] = word[code+0] xor word[seedlist+8]
  i = (byte[code+3]*1010000h + byte[code+0]*100h + byte[code+5])
  i = (halfword[code+1]*10001h) xor (word[seedlist+2]) xor i
  i = (byte[seedlist+0]*1010101h) xor (byte[seedlist+1]*1000000h) xor i
  j = (byte[code+5] + (byte[code+0] xor byte[code+4])*100h)
  j = (byte[seedlist+0]*101h) xor halfword[seedlist+6] xor j
  word[code+0] = i, halfword[code+4] = j
The above xlatlist is fixed: xlatlist[0..5] = 3,2,1,0,5,4

  GBA Cheat Codes - Gameshark/Action Replay V1/V2

Gameshark RAW Codes (These codes must be encrypted before using them)
  0aaaaaaa 000000xx  [aaaaaaa]=xx
  1aaaaaaa 0000xxxx  [aaaaaaa]=xxxx
  2aaaaaaa xxxxxxxx  [aaaaaaa]=xxxxxxxx
  3000cccc xxxxxxxx  write xxxxxxxx to (cccc-1) addresses (list in next codes)
  aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa  parameter for above code, containing two addresses each
  aaaaaaaa 00000000  last parameter for above, zero-padded if only one address
  60aaaaaa y000xxxx  [8000000h+aaaaaa*2]=xxxx (ROM Patch)
  8a1aaaaa 000000xx  IF GS_Button_Down THEN [a0aaaaa]=xx
  8a2aaaaa 0000xxxx  IF GS_Button_Down THEN [a0aaaaa]=xxxx
  80F00000 0000xxxx  IF GS_Button_Down THEN slowdown xxxx * ? cycles per hook
  Daaaaaaa 0000xxxx  IF [aaaaaaa]=xxxx THEN (next code)
  E0zzxxxx 0aaaaaaa  IF [aaaaaaa]=xxxx THEN (next 'zz' codes)
  Faaaaaaa 00000x0y  Enable Code - Hook Routine
  xxxxxxxx 001DC0DE  Enable Code - Game Code ID (value at [0ACh] in cartridge)
  DEADFACE 0000xxyy  Change Encryption Seeds

Enable Code - Hook Routine
Hook Address 'aaaaaaa' is a 28bit ROM address (8FFFFFFh-9FFFFFFh).
Used to insert the GS code handler routine where it will be executed at
least 20 times per second. Without this code, GSA can not write to RAM.
 y=1 - Executes code handler without backing up the LR register.
 y=2 - Executes code handler and backs up the LR register.
 y=3 - Replaces a 32-bit pointer used for long-branches.
 x=0 - Must turn GSA off before loading game.
 x=1 - Must not do that.

ROM Patch
This type allows GSA to intercept ROM reads and returns the value xxxx.
 y=0 wait for the code handler to enable the patch
 y=1 patch is enabled before the game starts
 y=2 unknown ?
Note: V1/V2 hardware can only have up to 1 user-defined rom patch max. V3 can have up to 4. Some enable code types can shorten the amount of user-defined rom patches available.

Gameshark Encryption
A=Left half, and V=Right half of code.
  FOR I=1 TO 32
    A=A + (V*16+S0) XOR (V+I*9E3779B9h) XOR (V/32+S1)
    V=V + (A*16+S2) XOR (A+I*9E3779B9h) XOR (A/32+S3)
Upon startup, the initial encryption seeds are:
  S0=09F4FBBDh S1=9681884Ah S2=352027E9h S3=F3DEE5A7h
Upon DEADFACE 0000xxyy, the S0..S3 seeds are changed like so:
  FOR y=0 TO 3
   FOR x=0 TO 3
    z = T1[(xx+x) AND FFh] + T2[(yy+y) AND FFh]
    Sy = Sy*100h + (z AND FFh)
   NEXT x
  NEXT y
All calculations truncated to unsigned 32bit integer values.
T1 and T2 are translation tables contained in the gameshark cartridge.

  GBA Cheat Codes - Pro Action Replay V3

Pro Action Replay V3 - RAW Codes
  C4aaaaaa 0000yyyy  Enable Code - Hook Routine at [8aaaaaa]
  xxxxxxxx 001DC0DE  Enable Code - ID Code [080000AC]
  DEADFACE 0000xxxx  Enable Code - Change Encryption Seeds
  00aaaaaa xxxxxxyy  [a0aaaaa..a0aaaaa+xxxxxx]=yy
  02aaaaaa xxxxyyyy  [a0aaaaa..a0aaaaa+xxxx*2]=yyyy
  04aaaaaa yyyyyyyy  [a0aaaaa]=yyyyyyyy
  40aaaaaa xxxxxxyy  [ [a0aaaaa] + xxxxxx ]=yy   (Indirect)
  42aaaaaa xxxxyyyy  [ [a0aaaaa] + xxxx*2 ]=yyyy (Indirect)
  44aaaaaa yyyyyyyy  [ [a0aaaaa] ]=yyyyyyyy      (Indirect)
  80aaaaaa 000000yy  [a0aaaaa]=[a0aaaaa]+yy
  82aaaaaa 0000yyyy  [a0aaaaa]=[a0aaaaa]+yyyy
  84aaaaaa yyyyyyyy  [a0aaaaa]=[a0aaaaa]+yyyyyyyy
  C6aaaaaa 0000yyyy  [4aaaaaa]=yyyy              (I/O Area)
  C7aaaaaa yyyyyyyy  [4aaaaaa]=yyyyyyyy          (I/O Area)
  iiaaaaaa yyyyyyyy  IF [a0aaaaa] <cond> <value> THEN <action>
  00000000 60000000  ELSE (?)
  00000000 40000000  ENDIF (?)
  00000000 0800xx00  AR Slowdown : loops the AR xx times
  00000000 00000000  End of the code list
  00000000 10aaaaaa 000000zz 00000000  IF AR_BUTTON THEN [a0aaaaa]=zz
  00000000 12aaaaaa 0000zzzz 00000000  IF AR_BUTTON THEN [a0aaaaa]=zzzz
  00000000 14aaaaaa zzzzzzzz 00000000  IF AR_BUTTON THEN [a0aaaaa]=zzzzzzzz
  00000000 18aaaaaa 0000zzzz 00000000  [8000000+aaaaaa*2]=zzzz  (ROM Patch 1)
  00000000 1Aaaaaaa 0000zzzz 00000000  [8000000+aaaaaa*2]=zzzz  (ROM Patch 2)
  00000000 1Caaaaaa 0000zzzz 00000000  [8000000+aaaaaa*2]=zzzz  (ROM Patch 3)
  00000000 1Eaaaaaa 0000zzzz 00000000  [8000000+aaaaaa*2]=zzzz  (ROM Patch 4)

  00000000 80aaaaaa 000000yy ssccssss  repeat cc times [a0aaaaa]=yy
   (with yy=yy+ss, a0aaaaa=a0aaaaa+ssss after each step)

  00000000 82aaaaaa 0000yyyy ssccssss  repeat cc times [a0aaaaa]=yyyy
   (with yyyy=yyyy+ss, a0aaaaa=a0aaaaa+ssss*2 after each step)

  00000000 84aaaaaa yyyyyyyy ssccssss  repeat cc times [a0aaaaa]=yyyyyyyy
   (with yyyy=yyyy+ss, a0aaaaa=a0aaaaa+ssss*4 after each step)

Warning: There is a bug on the real AR (v2 upgraded to v3, and maybe on real v3) with the 32bit Increment Slide code. You HAVE to add a code (best choice is 80000000 00000000 : add 0 to value at address 0) right after it, else the AR will erase the 2 last 8 digits lines of the 32 Bits Inc. Slide code when you enter it !!!

Final Notes
The 'turn off all codes' makes an infinite loop (that can't be broken, unless the condition becomes True). - How? By Interrupt? Huh?
ROM Patch1 works on real V3 and, on V1/V2 upgraded to V3.
ROM Patch2,3,4 work on real V3 hardware only.

Pro Action Replay V3 Conditional Codes - iiaaaaaa yyyyyyyy
The 'ii' is composed of <cond> + <value> + <action>.
  <cond>           <value>            <action>
  08 Equal =       00 8bit zz         00 execute next code
  10 Not equal <>  02 16bit zzzz      40 execute next two codes
  18 Signed <      04 32bit zzzzzzzz  80 execute all following
  20 Signed >      06 (always false)     codes until ELSE or ENDIF
  28 Unsigned <                       C0 normal ELSE turn off all codes
  30 Unsigned >
  38 Logical AND
For example, ii=18h+02h+40h=5Ah, produces IF [a0aaaaa]<zzzz THEN next 2 codes.

Always... Codes
  For the "Always..." codes:
  - XXXXXXXX can be any authorised address except 00000000 (eg. use 02000000).
  - ZZZZZZZZ can be anything.
  - The "y" in the code data must be in the [1-7] range (which means not 0).
  typ=y,sub=0,siz=3   Always skip next line.
  typ=y,sub=1,siz=3   Always skip next 2 lines.
  typ=y,sub=2,siz=3   Always Stops executing all the codes below.
  typ=y,sub=3,siz=3   Always turn off all codes.

Code Format (ttaaaaaa xxxxyyzz)
 adr mask = 003FFFFF
 n/a mask = 00C00000 ;not used
 xtr mask = 01000000 ;used only by I/O write, and MSB of Hook
 siz mask = 06000000
 typ mask = 38000000 ;0=normal, other=conditional
 sub mask = C0000000

Pro Action Replay V3 Encryption
Works exactly as for Gameshark Encryption, but with different initial seeds,
  S0=7AA9648Fh S1=7FAE6994h S2=C0EFAAD5h S3=42712C57h
And, the T1 and T2 translation tables are different, too.

  GBA Gameboy Player

The Gameboy Player is an "adapter" for the Gamecube console. It's basicly is a GBA in a black box without LCD screen and without buttons, connected to an expansion port at the bottom of the Gamecube. The Gamecube is then capturing the GBA video output (and passing it to the television set), and in the other direction, passing the Gamecube joypad input to the GBA inputs.

Unlocking and Detecting Gameboy Player Functions
Both unlocking and detection requires to display the 240x160 pixel Gameboy Player logo (44 colors) for a number of frames... maybe at least 3-4 frames? not sure if it checks the color of the logo... so maybe it can be hidden by using dark gray on black background?
While displaying this logo, the joypad data will switch between values 03FFh (2 frames duration) and 030Fh (1 frame duration). The latter value (left, right, up, down all pressed) indicates that it's a Gameboy Player.

Knowing Nintendo, they've probably not reproduced the blurred GBA colors (?), so the games won't look as desired on the TV screen. Unless the game does detect the Gameboy Player, and adjust the colors accordingly by software.

The only known existing special function is the joypad rumble function, controlled by sending data through the serial port (the normal GBA port, even though it also has the connectors).

The Game Boy Player added a rumble feature to certain Game Boy Advance games when played with a GameCube controller. Those games included:
 Drill Dozer (supports BOTH handheld-rumble and GBP-rumble?)
 Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
 Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire
 Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru Advance: Kokugo Sansu Rika Shakai
 Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru Advance: Kanji Keisan
 Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari: Hajimari no Ishi
 Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3

Fredrik Olsson (aka Flubba) has implemented rumble in 3 applications now RumblePong (FluBBA) (homebrew)
  Remudvance (FluBBA) (homebrew)
  Goomba (FluBBA) (8bit Gameboy Color Emulator for 32bit GBA) (homebrew)
  and, supposedly in "Tetanus on Drugs" (Tepples) (homebrew)

The GBP can also use some of the extra controllers for the GC like the Bongas
from Donkey Konga.

The logo requires at least 256 colors, it doesn't matter if you use a tiled
screen mode or a bitmapped one, the logo can be ripped from either
"Pokemon Pinball" or "Super Mario Advance 4".

After detecting/unlocking the Gameboy Player, init RCNT and SIOCNT to 32bit normal mode, external clock, SO=high, with IRQ enabled, and set the transfer start bit. You should then receive the following sequence (about once per frame), and your serial IRQ handler should send responses accordingly:
  Receive  Response
  0000494E 494EB6B1
  xxxx494E 494EB6B1
  B6B1494E 544EB6B1
  B6B1544E 544EABB1
  ABB1544E 4E45ABB1
  ABB14E45 4E45B1BA
  B1BA4E45 4F44B1BA
  B1BA4F44 4F44B0BB
  B0BB4F44 8000B0BB
  B0BB8002 10000010
  10000010 20000013
  20000013 40000004
  30000003 40000004
  30000003 40000004
  30000003 40000004
  30000003 400000yy
  30000003 40000004
The first part of the transfer just contains the string "NINTENDO" split into 16bit fragments, and bitwise inversions thereof (eg. 494Eh="NI", and B6B1h=NOT 494Eh). In the second part, <yy> should be 04h=RumbleOff, or 26h=RumbleOn.

If it's having a similar range of functions as the 8bit Super Gameboy, then the Gameboy Player might be also able to access analogue joypad input, and to access other features of the Gamecube hardware, up to possibly executing code on the Gamecube CPU...?

  GBA Unpredictable Things

Most of the below is caused by 'traces' from previous operations which have used the databus. No promises that the results are stable on all current or future GBA models, and/or under all temperature and interference circumstances.
Also, below specifies 32bit data accesses only. When reading units less than 32bit, data is rotated depending on the alignment of the originally specified address, and 8bit or 16bit are then isolated from the 32bit value as usually.

Reading from BIOS Memory (00000000-00003FFF)
The BIOS memory is protected against reading, the GBA allows to read opcodes or data only if the program counter is located inside of the BIOS area. If the program counter is not in the BIOS area, reading will return the most recent successfully fetched BIOS opcode (eg. the opcode at [00DCh+8] after startup and SoftReset, the opcode at [0134h+8] during IRQ execution, and opcode at [013Ch+8] after IRQ execution, and opcode at [0188h+8] after SWI execution).

Reading from Unused Memory (00004000-01FFFFFF,10000000-FFFFFFFF)
Accessing unused memory at 00004000h-01FFFFFFh, and 10000000h-FFFFFFFFh (and 02000000h-03FFFFFFh when RAM is disabled via Port 4000800h) returns the recently pre-fetched opcode. For ARM code this is simply:
  WORD = [$+8]
For THUMB code the result consists of two 16bit fragments and depends on the address area and alignment where the opcode was stored.
For THUMB code in Main RAM, Palette Memory, VRAM, and Cartridge ROM this is:
  LSW = [$+4], MSW = [$+4]
For THUMB code in BIOS or OAM (and in 32K-WRAM on Original-NDS (in GBA mode)):
  LSW = [$+4], MSW = [$+6]   ;for opcodes at 4-byte aligned locations
  LSW = [$+2], MSW = [$+4]   ;for opcodes at non-4-byte aligned locations
For THUMB code in 32K-WRAM on GBA, GBA SP, GBA Micro, NDS-Lite (but not NDS):
  LSW = [$+4], MSW = OldHI   ;for opcodes at 4-byte aligned locations
  LSW = OldLO, MSW = [$+4]   ;for opcodes at non-4-byte aligned locations
Whereas OldLO/OldHI are usually:
  OldLO=[$+2], OldHI=[$+2]
Unless the previous opcode's prefetch was overwritten; that can happen if the previous opcode was itself an LDR opcode, ie. if it was itself reading data:
  OldLO=LSW(data), OldHI=MSW(data)
  Theoretically, this might also change if a DMA transfer occurs.
Note: Additionally, as usually, the 32bit data value will be rotated if the data address wasn't 4-byte aligned, and the upper bits of the 32bit value will be masked in case of LDRB/LDRH reads.
Note: The opcode prefetch is caused by the prefetch pipeline in the CPU itself, not by the external gamepak prefetch, ie. it works for code in ROM and RAM as well.

Reading from Unused or Write-Only I/O Ports
Works like above Unused Memory when the entire 32bit memory fragment is Unused (eg. 0E0h) and/or Write-Only (eg. DMA0SAD). And otherwise, returns zero if the lower 16bit fragment is readable (eg. 04Ch=MOSAIC, 04Eh=NOTUSED/ZERO).

Reading from GamePak ROM when no Cartridge is inserted
Because Gamepak uses the same signal-lines for both 16bit data and for lower 16bit halfword address, the entire gamepak ROM area is effectively filled by incrementing 16bit values (Address/2 AND FFFFh).

Memory Mirrors
Most internal memory is mirrored across the whole 24bit/16MB address space in which it is located: Slow On-board RAM at 2XXXXXX, Fast On-Chip RAM at 3XXXXXXh, Palette RAM at 5XXXXXXh, VRAM at 6XXXXXXh, and OAM at 7XXXXXXh. Even though VRAM is sized 96K (64K+32K), it is repeated in steps of 128K (64K+32K+32K, the two 32K blocks itself being mirrors of each other).
BIOS ROM, Normal ROM Cartridges, and I/O area are NOT mirrored, the only exception is the undocumented I/O port at 4000800h (repeated each 64K).
The 64K SRAM area is mirrored across the whole 32MB area at E000000h-FFFFFFFh, also, inside of the 64K SRAM field, 32K SRAM chips are repeated twice.

Writing 8bit Data to Video Memory
Video Memory (BG, OBJ, OAM, Palette) can be written to in 16bit and 32bit units only. Attempts to write 8bit data (by STRB opcode) won't work:
Writes to OBJ (6010000h-6017FFFh) (or 6014000h-6017FFFh in Bitmap mode) and to OAM (7000000h-70003FFh) are ignored, the memory content remains unchanged.
Writes to BG (6000000h-600FFFFh) (or 6000000h-6013FFFh in Bitmap mode) and to Palette (5000000h-50003FFh) are writing the new 8bit value to BOTH upper and lower 8bits of the addressed halfword, ie. "[addr AND NOT 1]=data*101h".

Using Invalid Tile Numbers
In Text mode, large tile numbers (combined with a non-zero character base setting in BGnCNT register) may exceed the available 64K of BG VRAM.
On GBA and GBA SP, such invalid tiles are displayed as if the character data is filled by the 16bit BG Map entry value (ie. as vertically striped tiles). Above applies only if there is only one BG layer enabled, with two or more layers, things are getting much more complicated: tile-data is then somehow derived from the other layers, depending on their priority order and scrolling offsets.
On NDS (in GBA mode), such invalid tiles are displayed as if the character data is zero-filled (ie. as invisible/transparent tiles).

Accessing SRAM Area by 16bit/32bit
Reading retrieves 8bit value from specified address, multiplied by 0101h (LDRH) or by 01010101h (LDR). Writing changes the 8bit value at the specified address only, being set to LSB of (source_data ROR (address*8)).

  NDS Reference

DS Technical Data
DS I/O Maps
DS Memory Maps

Hardware Programming
DS Memory Control
DS Video
DS 3D Video
DS Sound
DS System and Built-in Peripherals
DS Cartridges, Encryption, Firmware
DS Xboo
DS Wireless Communications

BIOS Functions
ARM CPU Reference
External Connectors

  DS Technical Data

  1x ARM946E-S 32bit RISC CPU, 66MHz (NDS9 video) (not used in GBA mode)
  1x ARM7TDMI  32bit RISC CPU, 33MHz (NDS7 sound) (16MHz in GBA mode)
Internal Memory
  4096KB Main RAM (8192KB in debug version)
  96KB   WRAM (64K mapped to NDS7, plus 32K mappable to NDS7 or NDS9)
  60KB   TCM/Cache (TCM: 16K Data, 32K Code) (Cache: 4K Data, 8K Code)
  656KB  VRAM (allocateable as BG/OBJ/2D/3D/Palette/Texture/WRAM memory)
  4KB    OAM/PAL (2K OBJ Attribute Memory, 2K Standard Palette RAM)
  248KB  Internal 3D Memory (104K Polygon RAM, 144K Vertex RAM)
  ?KB    Matrix Stack, 48 scanline cache
  8KB    Wifi RAM
  256KB  Firmware FLASH (512KB in iQue variant, with chinese charset)
  36KB   BIOS ROM (4K NDS9, 16K NDS7, 16K GBA)
  2x LCD screens (each 256x192 pixel, 3 inch, 18bit color depth, backlight)
  2x 2D video engines (extended variants of the GBA's video controller)
  1x 3D video engine (can be assigned to upper or lower screen)
  1x video capture (for effects, or for forwarding 3D to the 2nd 2D engine)
  16 sound channels (16x PCM8/PCM16/IMA-ADPCM, 6x PSG-Wave, 2x PSG-Noise)
  2 sound capture units (for echo effects, etc.)
  Output: Two built-in stereo speakers, and headphones socket
  Input:  One built-in microphone, and microphone socket
  Gamepad      4 Direction Keys, 8 Buttons
  Touchscreen  (on lower LCD screen)
Communication Ports
  Wifi IEEE802.11b
  Built-in Real Time Clock
  Power Managment Device
  Hardware divide and square root functions
  CP15 System Control Coprocessor (cache, tcm, pu, bist, etc.)
External Memory
  NDS Slot (for NDS games) (encrypted 8bit data bus, and serial 1bit bus)
  GBA Slot (for NDS expansions, or for GBA games) (but not for DMG/CGB games)
Manufactured Cartridges
  ROM: 16MB, 32MB, or 64MB
  EEPROM/FLASH/FRAM: 0.5KB, 8KB, 64KB, 256KB, or 512KB
Can be booted from
  NDS Cartridge (NDS mode)
  Firmware FLASH (NDS mode) (eg. by patching firmware via ds-xboo cable)
  Wifi (NDS mode)
  GBA Cartridge (GBA mode) (without DMG/CGB support) (without SIO support)
Power Supply
  Built-in rechargeable Lithium ion battery, 3.7V 1000mAh (DS-Lite)
  External Supply: 5.2V DC

Slightly smaller than the original NDS, coming in a more decently elegant case. The LCDs are much more colorful (and thus not backwards compatible with any older NDS or GBA games), and the LCDs support wider viewing angles. Slightly different power managment device (with selectable backlight brightness, new external power source flag, lost audio amplifier mute flag). Slightly different Wifi controller (different chip ID, different dirt effects when accessing invalid wifi ports and unused wifi memory regions, different behaviour on GAPDISP registers, RF/BB chips replaced by a single chip). Slightly different touch screen controller (with new unused input, and slightly different powerdown bits).

NDS9 means the ARM9 processor and its memory and I/O ports in NDS mode
NDS7 means the ARM7 processor and its memory and I/O ports in NDS mode
GBA means the ARM7 processor and its memory and I/O ports in GBA mode

The two Processors
Most game code is usually executed on the ARM9 processor (in fact, Nintendo reportedly doesn't allow developers use the ARM7 processor, except by predefined API functions, anyways, even with the most likely inefficient API code, most of the ARM7's 33MHz horsepower is left unused).
The ARM9's 66MHz "horsepower" is a different tale - it seems Nintendo thought that a 33MHz processor would be too "slow" for 3D games, and so they (tried to) badge an additional CPU to the original GBA hardware.
However, the real 66MHz can be used only with cache and tcm, all other memory and I/O accesses are delayed to the 33MHz bus clock, that'd be still quite fast, but, there seems to be a hardware glitch that adds 3 waitcycles to all nonsequential accesses at the NDS9 side, which effectively drops its bus clock to about 8MHz, making it ways slower than the 33MHz NDS7 processor, it's even slower than the original 16MHz GBA processor.
Altogether, with the bugged 66MHz, and the unused 33MHz, Nintendo could have reached almost the same power when staying with the GBA's 16MHz processor :-)
Although, when properly using cache/tcm, then the 66MHz processor <can> be very fast, still, the NDS should have worked as well with a single processor, though using only an ARM9 might cause a lot of compatibility problems with GBA games, so there's at least one reason for keeping the ARM7 included.

  DS I/O Maps

ARM9 I/O Map
ARM9 Display Engine A
  4000000h  4    2D Engine A - DISPCNT - LCD Control (Read/Write)
  4000004h  2    2D Engine A+B - DISPSTAT - General LCD Status (Read/Write)
  4000006h  2    2D Engine A+B - VCOUNT - Vertical Counter (Read only)
  4000008h  50h  2D Engine A (same registers as GBA, some changed bits)
  4000060h  2    DISP3DCNT - 3D Display Control Register (R/W)
  4000064h  4    DISPCAPCNT - Display Capture Control Register (R/W)
  4000068h  4    DISP_MMEM_FIFO - Main Memory Display FIFO (R?/W)
  400006Ch  2    2D Engine A - MASTER_BRIGHT - Master Brightness Up/Down
ARM9 DMA, Timers, and Keypad
  40000B0h  30h  DMA Channel 0..3
  40000E0h  10h  DMA FILL Registers for Channel 0..3
  4000100h  10h  Timers 0..3
  4000130h  2    KEYINPUT
  4000132h  2    KEYCNT
  4000180h  2  IPCSYNC - IPC Synchronize Register (R/W)
  4000184h  2  IPCFIFOCNT - IPC Fifo Control Register (R/W)
  4000188h  4  IPCFIFOSEND - IPC Send Fifo (W)
  40001A0h  2  AUXSPICNT - Gamecard ROM and SPI Control
  40001A2h  2  AUXSPIDATA - Gamecard SPI Bus Data/Strobe
  40001A4h  4  Gamecard bus timing/control
  40001A8h  8  Gamecard bus 8-byte command out
  40001B0h  4  Gamecard Encryption Seed 0 Lower 32bit
  40001B4h  4  Gamecard Encryption Seed 1 Lower 32bit
  40001B8h  2  Gamecard Encryption Seed 0 Upper 7bit (bit7-15 unused)
  40001BAh  2  Gamecard Encryption Seed 1 Upper 7bit (bit7-15 unused)
ARM9 Memory and IRQ Control
  4000204h  2  EXMEMCNT - External Memory Control (R/W)
  4000208h  2  IME - Interrupt Master Enable (R/W)
  4000210h  4  IE  - Interrupt Enable (R/W)
  4000214h  4  IF  - Interrupt Request Flags (R/W)
  4000240h  1  VRAMCNT_A - VRAM-A (128K) Bank Control (W)
  4000241h  1  VRAMCNT_B - VRAM-B (128K) Bank Control (W)
  4000242h  1  VRAMCNT_C - VRAM-C (128K) Bank Control (W)
  4000243h  1  VRAMCNT_D - VRAM-D (128K) Bank Control (W)
  4000244h  1  VRAMCNT_E - VRAM-E (64K) Bank Control (W)
  4000245h  1  VRAMCNT_F - VRAM-F (16K) Bank Control (W)
  4000246h  1  VRAMCNT_G - VRAM-G (16K) Bank Control (W)
  4000247h  1  WRAMCNT   - WRAM Bank Control (W)
  4000248h  1  VRAMCNT_H - VRAM-H (32K) Bank Control (W)
  4000249h  1  VRAMCNT_I - VRAM-I (16K) Bank Control (W)
ARM9 Maths
  4000280h  2  DIVCNT - Division Control (R/W)
  4000290h  8  DIV_NUMER - Division Numerator (R/W)
  4000298h  8  DIV_DENOM - Division Denominator (R/W)
  40002A0h  8  DIV_RESULT - Division Quotient (=Numer/Denom) (R)
  40002A8h  8  DIVREM_RESULT - Division Remainder (=Numer MOD Denom) (R)
  40002B0h  2  SQRTCNT - Square Root Control (R/W)
  40002B4h  4  SQRT_RESULT - Square Root Result (R)
  40002B8h  8  SQRT_PARAM - Square Root Parameter Input (R/W)
  4000300h  4  POSTFLG - Undoc
  4000304h  2  POWCNT1 - Graphics Power Control Register (R/W)
ARM9 3D Display Engine
DS 3D I/O Map
ARM9 Display Engine B
  4001000h  4    2D Engine B - DISPCNT - LCD Control (Read/Write)
  4001008h  50h  2D Engine B (same registers as GBA, some changed bits)
  400106Ch  2    2D Engine B - MASTER_BRIGHT - 16bit - Brightness Up/Down
ARM9 DSi Extra Registers
  40021Axh  ..  DSi Registers
  4004xxxh  ..  DSi Registers
  4100000h  4    IPCFIFORECV - IPC Receive Fifo (R)
  4100010h  4    Gamecard bus 4-byte data in, for manual or dma read
ARM9 DS Debug Registers (Emulator/Devkits)
  4FFF0xxh  ..   Ensata Emulator Debug Registers
  4FFFAxxh  ..   No$gba Emulator Debug Registers
ARM9 Hardcoded RAM Addresses for Exception Handling
  27FFD9Ch   ..  NDS9 Debug Stacktop / Debug Vector (0=None)
  DTCM+3FF8h 4   NDS9 IRQ Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address)
  DTCM+3FFCh 4   NDS9 IRQ Handler (hardcoded RAM address)
Main Memory Control
  27FFFFEh  2    Main Memory Control
Further Memory Control Registers
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor

ARM7 I/O Map
  4000004h  2   DISPSTAT
  4000006h  2   VCOUNT
  40000B0h  30h DMA Channels 0..3
  4000100h  10h Timers 0..3
  4000120h  4   Debug SIODATA32
  4000128h  4   Debug SIOCNT
  4000130h  2   keyinput
  4000132h  2   keycnt
  4000134h  2   Debug RCNT
  4000136h  2   EXTKEYIN
  4000138h  1   RTC Realtime Clock Bus
  4000180h  2   IPCSYNC - IPC Synchronize Register (R/W)
  4000184h  2   IPCFIFOCNT - IPC Fifo Control Register (R/W)
  4000188h  4   IPCFIFOSEND - IPC Send Fifo (W)
  40001A0h  2   AUXSPICNT - Gamecard ROM and SPI Control
  40001A2h  2   AUXSPIDATA - Gamecard SPI Bus Data/Strobe
  40001A4h  4   Gamecard bus timing/control
  40001A8h  8   Gamecard bus 8-byte command out
  40001B0h  4   Gamecard Encryption Seed 0 Lower 32bit
  40001B4h  4   Gamecard Encryption Seed 1 Lower 32bit
  40001B8h  2   Gamecard Encryption Seed 0 Upper 7bit (bit7-15 unused)
  40001BAh  2   Gamecard Encryption Seed 1 Upper 7bit (bit7-15 unused)
  40001C0h  2   SPI bus Control (Firmware, Touchscreen, Powerman)
  40001C2h  2   SPI bus Data
ARM7 Memory and IRQ Control
  4000204h  2   EXMEMSTAT - External Memory Status
  4000206h  2   WIFIWAITCNT
  4000208h  4   IME - Interrupt Master Enable (R/W)
  4000210h  4   IE  - Interrupt Enable (R/W)
  4000214h  4   IF  - Interrupt Request Flags (R/W)
  4000218h  -   IE2  ;\DSi only (additional ARM7 interrupt sources)
  400021Ch  -   IF2  ;/
  4000240h  1   VRAMSTAT - VRAM-C,D Bank Status (R)
  4000241h  1   WRAMSTAT - WRAM Bank Status (R)
  4000300h  1   POSTFLG
  4000301h  1   HALTCNT (different bits than on GBA) (plus NOP delay)
  4000304h  2   POWCNT2  Sound/Wifi Power Control Register (R/W)
  4000308h  4   BIOSPROT - Bios-data-read-protection address
ARM7 Sound Registers
  4000400h 100h Sound Channel 0..15 (10h bytes each)
  40004x0h  4   SOUNDxCNT - Sound Channel X Control Register (R/W)
  40004x4h  4   SOUNDxSAD - Sound Channel X Data Source Register (W)
  40004x8h  2   SOUNDxTMR - Sound Channel X Timer Register (W)
  40004xAh  2   SOUNDxPNT - Sound Channel X Loopstart Register (W)
  40004xCh  4   SOUNDxLEN - Sound Channel X Length Register (W)
  4000500h  2   SOUNDCNT - Sound Control Register (R/W)
  4000504h  2   SOUNDBIAS - Sound Bias Register (R/W)
  4000508h  1   SNDCAP0CNT - Sound Capture 0 Control Register (R/W)
  4000509h  1   SNDCAP1CNT - Sound Capture 1 Control Register (R/W)
  4000510h  4   SNDCAP0DAD - Sound Capture 0 Destination Address (R/W)
  4000514h  2   SNDCAP0LEN - Sound Capture 0 Length (W)
  4000518h  4   SNDCAP1DAD - Sound Capture 1 Destination Address (R/W)
  400051Ch  2   SNDCAP1LEN - Sound Capture 1 Length (W)
ARM7 DSi Extra Registers
  40021Axh  ..  DSi Registers
  4004xxxh  ..  DSi Registers
  4004700h  2   DSi SNDEXCNT Register  ;\mapped even in DS mode
  4004C0xh  ..  DSi GPIO Registers     ;/
  4100000h  4   IPCFIFORECV - IPC Receive Fifo (R)
  4100010h  4   Gamecard bus 4-byte data in, for manual or dma read
ARM7 WLAN Registers
  4800000h  ..  Wifi WS0 Region (32K) (Wifi Ports, and 8K Wifi RAM)
  4808000h  ..  Wifi WS1 Region (32K) (mirror of above, other waitstates)
ARM7 Hardcoded RAM Addresses for Exception Handling
  380FFC0h  4   DSi7 IRQ IF2 Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address) (DSi only)
  380FFDCh  ..  NDS7 Debug Stacktop / Debug Vector (0=None)
  380FFF8h  4   NDS7 IRQ IF Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address)
  380FFFCh  4   NDS7 IRQ Handler (hardcoded RAM address)

  DS Memory Maps

NDS9 Memory Map
  00000000h  Instruction TCM (32KB) (not moveable) (mirror-able to 1000000h)
  0xxxx000h  Data TCM        (16KB) (moveable)
  02000000h  Main Memory     (4MB)
  03000000h  Shared WRAM     (0KB, 16KB, or 32KB can be allocated to ARM9)
  04000000h  ARM9-I/O Ports
  05000000h  Standard Palettes (2KB) (Engine A BG/OBJ, Engine B BG/OBJ)
  06000000h  VRAM - Engine A, BG VRAM  (max 512KB)
  06200000h  VRAM - Engine B, BG VRAM  (max 128KB)
  06400000h  VRAM - Engine A, OBJ VRAM (max 256KB)
  06600000h  VRAM - Engine B, OBJ VRAM (max 128KB)
  06800000h  VRAM - "LCDC"-allocated (max 656KB)
  07000000h  OAM (2KB) (Engine A, Engine B)
  08000000h  GBA Slot ROM (max 32MB)
  0A000000h  GBA Slot RAM (max 64KB)
  FFFF0000h  ARM9-BIOS (32KB) (only 3K used)
The ARM9 Exception Vectors are located at FFFF0000h. The IRQ handler redirects to [DTCM+3FFCh].

NDS7 Memory Map
  00000000h  ARM7-BIOS (16KB)
  02000000h  Main Memory (4MB)
  03000000h  Shared WRAM (0KB, 16KB, or 32KB can be allocated to ARM7)
  03800000h  ARM7-WRAM (64KB)
  04000000h  ARM7-I/O Ports
  04800000h  Wireless Communications Wait State 0 (8KB RAM at 4804000h)
  04808000h  Wireless Communications Wait State 1 (I/O Ports at 4808000h)
  06000000h  VRAM allocated as Work RAM to ARM7 (max 256K)
  08000000h  GBA Slot ROM (max 32MB)
  0A000000h  GBA Slot RAM (max 64KB)
The ARM7 Exception Vectors are located at 00000000h. The IRQ handler redirects to [3FFFFFCh aka 380FFFCh].

Further Memory (not mapped to ARM9/ARM7 bus)
  3D Engine Polygon RAM (52KBx2)
  3D Engine Vertex RAM (72KBx2)
  Firmware (256KB) (built-in serial flash memory)
  GBA-BIOS (16KB) (not used in NDS mode)
  NDS Slot ROM (serial 8bit-bus, max 4GB with default protocol)
  NDS Slot FLASH/EEPROM/FRAM (serial 1bit-bus)

Even though Shared WRAM begins at 3000000h, programs are commonly using mirrors at 37F8000h (both ARM9 and ARM7). At the ARM7-side, this allows to use 32K Shared WRAM and 64K ARM7-WRAM as a continous 96K RAM block.

Undefined I/O Ports
On the NDS (at the ARM9-side at least) undefined I/O ports are always zero.

Undefined Memory Regions
16MB blocks that do not contain any defined memory regions (or that contain only mapped TCM regions) are typically completely undefined.
16MB blocks that do contain valid memory regions are typically containing mirrors of that memory in the unused upper part of the 16MB area (only exceptions are TCM and BIOS which are not mirrored).

  DS Memory Control

Memory Control
DS Memory Control - Cache and TCM
DS Memory Control - Cartridges and Main RAM
DS Memory Control - WRAM
DS Memory Control - VRAM
DS Memory Control - BIOS

Memory Access Time
DS Memory Timings

  DS Memory Control - Cache and TCM

TCM and Cache are controlled by the System Control Coprocessor,
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor

The specifications for the NDS9 are:

Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
  ITCM 32K, base=00000000h (fixed, not move-able)
  DTCM 16K, base=moveable  (default base=27C0000h)
Note: Although ITCM is NOT moveable, the NDS Firmware configures the ITCM size to 32MB, and so, produces ITCM mirrors at 0..1FFFFFFh. Furthermore, the PU can be used to lock/unlock memory in that region. That trick allows to move ITCM anywhere within the lower 32MB of memory.

  Data Cache 4KB, Instruction Cache 8KB
  4-way set associative method
  Cache line 8 words (32 bytes)
  Read-allocate method (ie. writes are not allocating cache lines)
  Round-robin and Pseudo-random replacement algorithms selectable
  Cache Lockdown, Instruction Prefetch, Data Preload
  Data write-through and write-back modes selectable

Protection Unit (PU)
Recommended/default settings are:
  Region  Name            Address   Size   Cache WBuf Code Data
  -       Background      00000000h 4GB    -     -    -    -
  0       I/O and VRAM    04000000h 64MB   -     -    R/W  R/W
  1       Main Memory     02000000h 4MB    On    On   R/W  R/W
  2       ARM7-dedicated  027C0000h 256KB  -     -    -    -
  3       GBA Slot        08000000h 128MB  -     -    -    R/W
  4       DTCM            027C0000h 16KB   -     -    -    R/W
  5       ITCM            01000000h 32KB   -     -    R/W  R/W
  6       BIOS            FFFF0000h 32KB   On    -    R    R
  7       Shared Work     027FF000h 4KB    -     -    -    R/W
Notes: In Nintendo's hardware-debugger, Main Memory is expanded to 8MB (for that reason, some addresses are at 27NN000h instead 23NN000h) (some of the extra memory is reserved for the debugger, some can be used for game development). Region 2 and 7 are not understood? GBA Slot should be max 32MB+64KB, rounded up to 64MB, no idea why it is 128MB? DTCM and ITCM do not use Cache and Write-Buffer because TCM is fast. Above settings do not allow to access Shared Memory at 37F8000h? Do not use cache/wbuf for I/O, doing so might suppress writes, and/or might read outdated values.
The main purpose of the Protection Unit is debugging, a major problem with GBA programs have been faulty accesses to memory address 00000000h and up (due to [base+offset] addressing with uninitialized (zero) base values). This problem has been fixed in the NDS, for the ARM9 processor at least, still there are various leaks: For example, the 64MB I/O and VRAM area contains only ca. 660KB valid addresses, and the ARM7 probably doesn't have a Protection Unit at all. Alltogether, the protection is better than in GBA, but it's still pretty crude compared with software debugging tools.
Region address/size are unified (same for code and data), however, cachabilty and access rights are non-unified (and may be separately defined for code and data).

Note: The NDS7 doesn't have any TCM, Cache, or CP15.

  DS Memory Control - Cartridges and Main RAM

4000204h - NDS9 - EXMEMCNT - 16bit - External Memory Control (R/W)
4000204h - NDS7 - EXMEMSTAT - 16bit - External Memory Status (R/W..R)
  0-1   32-pin GBA Slot SRAM Access Time    (0-3 = 10, 8, 6, 18 cycles)
  2-3   32-pin GBA Slot ROM 1st Access Time (0-3 = 10, 8, 6, 18 cycles)
  4     32-pin GBA Slot ROM 2nd Access Time (0-1 = 6, 4 cycles)
  5-6   32-pin GBA Slot PHI-pin out   (0-3 = Low, 4.19MHz, 8.38MHz, 16.76MHz)
  7     32-pin GBA Slot Access Rights     (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7)
  8-10  Not used (always zero)
  11    17-pin NDS Slot Access Rights     (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7)
  12    Not used (always zero)
  13    NDS:Always set?  ;set/tested by DSi bootcode: Main RAM enable, CE2 pin?
  14    Main Memory Interface Mode Switch (0=Async/GBA/Reserved, 1=Synchronous)
  15    Main Memory Access Priority       (0=ARM9 Priority, 1=ARM7 Priority)
Bit0-6 can be changed by both NDS9 and NDS7, changing these bits affects the local EXMEM register only, not that of the other CPU.
Bit7-15 can be changed by NDS9 only, changing these bits affects both EXMEM registers, ie. both NDS9 and NDS7 can read the current NDS9 setting.
Bit14=0 is intended for GBA mode, however, writes to this bit appear to be ignored?
DS Main Memory Control

GBA Slot (8000000h-AFFFFFFh)
The GBA Slot can be mapped to ARM9 or ARM7 via EXMEMCNT.7.
For the selected CPU, memory at 8000000h-9FFFFFFh contains the "GBA ROM" region, and memory at A000000h-AFFFFFFh contains the "GBA SRAM" region (repeated every 64Kbytes). If there is no cartridge in GBA Slot, then the ROM/SRAM regions will contain open-bus values: SRAM region is FFh-filled (High-Z). And ROM region is filled by increasing 16bit values (Addr/2), possibly ORed with garbage depending on the selected ROM Access Time:
  6 clks   --> returns "Addr/2"
  8 clks   --> returns "Addr/2"
  10 clks  --> returns "Addr/2 OR FE08h" (or similar garbage)
  18 clks  --> returns "FFFFh" (High-Z)
For the deselected CPU, all memory at 8000000h-AFFFFFFh becomes 00h-filled, this is required for bugged games like Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars (which is accidently reading deselected GBA SRAM at [main_ram_base+main_ram_addr*4], whereas it does presumably want to read Main RAM at [main_ram_base+index*4]).

  DS Memory Control - WRAM

4000247h - NDS9 - WRAMCNT - 8bit - WRAM Bank Control (R/W)
4000241h - NDS7 - WRAMSTAT - 8bit - WRAM Bank Status (R)
Should not be changed when using Nintendo's API.
  0-1   ARM9/ARM7 (0-3 = 32K/0K, 2nd 16K/1st 16K, 1st 16K/2nd 16K, 0K/32K)
  2-7   Not used
The ARM9 WRAM area is 3000000h-3FFFFFFh (16MB range).
The ARM7 WRAM area is 3000000h-37FFFFFh (8MB range).
The allocated 16K or 32K are mirrored everywhere in the above areas.
De-allocation (0K) is a special case: At the ARM9-side, the WRAM area is then empty (containing undefined data). At the ARM7-side, the WRAM area is then containing mirrors of the 64KB ARM7-WRAM (the memory at 3800000h and up).

  DS Memory Control - VRAM

4000240h - NDS7 - VRAMSTAT - 8bit - VRAM Bank Status (R)
  0     VRAM C enabled and allocated to NDS7  (0=No, 1=Yes)
  1     VRAM D enabled and allocated to NDS7  (0=No, 1=Yes)
  2-7   Not used (always zero)
The register indicates if VRAM C/D are allocated to NDS7 (as Work RAM), ie. if VRAMCNT_C/D are enabled (Bit7=1), with MST=2 (Bit0-2). However, it does not reflect the OFS value.

4000240h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_A - 8bit - VRAM-A (128K) Bank Control (W)
4000241h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_B - 8bit - VRAM-B (128K) Bank Control (W)
4000242h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_C - 8bit - VRAM-C (128K) Bank Control (W)
4000243h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_D - 8bit - VRAM-D (128K) Bank Control (W)
4000244h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_E - 8bit - VRAM-E (64K) Bank Control (W)
4000245h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_F - 8bit - VRAM-F (16K) Bank Control (W)
4000246h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_G - 8bit - VRAM-G (16K) Bank Control (W)
4000248h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_H - 8bit - VRAM-H (32K) Bank Control (W)
4000249h - NDS9 - VRAMCNT_I - 8bit - VRAM-I (16K) Bank Control (W)
  0-2   VRAM MST              ;Bit2 not used by VRAM-A,B,H,I
  3-4   VRAM Offset (0-3)     ;Offset not used by VRAM-E,H,I
  5-6   Not used
  7     VRAM Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
There is a total of 656KB of VRAM in Blocks A-I.
Table below shows the possible configurations.
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   ARM9, Plain ARM9-CPU Access (so-called LCDC mode)
  A       128K  0    -     6800000h-681FFFFh
  B       128K  0    -     6820000h-683FFFFh
  C       128K  0    -     6840000h-685FFFFh
  D       128K  0    -     6860000h-687FFFFh
  E       64K   0    -     6880000h-688FFFFh
  F       16K   0    -     6890000h-6893FFFh
  G       16K   0    -     6894000h-6897FFFh
  H       32K   0    -     6898000h-689FFFFh
  I       16K   0    -     68A0000h-68A3FFFh
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   ARM9, 2D Graphics Engine A, BG-VRAM (max 512K)
  A,B,C,D 128K  1    0..3  6000000h+(20000h*OFS)
  E       64K   1    -     6000000h
  F,G     16K   1    0..3  6000000h+(4000h*OFS.0)+(10000h*OFS.1)
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   ARM9, 2D Graphics Engine A, OBJ-VRAM (max 256K)
  A,B     128K  2    0..1  6400000h+(20000h*OFS.0)  ;(OFS.1 must be zero)
  E       64K   2    -     6400000h
  F,G     16K   2    0..3  6400000h+(4000h*OFS.0)+(10000h*OFS.1)
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   2D Graphics Engine A, BG Extended Palette
  E       64K   4    -     Slot 0-3  ;only lower 32K used
  F,G     16K   4    0..1  Slot 0-1 (OFS=0), Slot 2-3 (OFS=1)
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   2D Graphics Engine A, OBJ Extended Palette
  F,G     16K   5    -     Slot 0  ;16K each (only lower 8K used)
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   Texture/Rear-plane Image
  A,B,C,D 128K  3    0..3  Slot OFS(0-3)   ;(Slot2-3: Texture, or Rear-plane)
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   Texture Palette
  E       64K   3    -     Slots 0-3                 ;OFS=don't care
  F,G     16K   3    0..3  Slot (OFS.0*1)+(OFS.1*4)  ;ie. Slot 0, 1, 4, or 5
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   ARM9, 2D Graphics Engine B, BG-VRAM (max 128K)
  C       128K  4    -     6200000h
  H       32K   1    -     6200000h
  I       16K   1    -     6208000h
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   ARM9, 2D Graphics Engine B, OBJ-VRAM (max 128K)
  D       128K  4    -     6600000h
  I       16K   2    -     6600000h
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   2D Graphics Engine B, BG Extended Palette
  H       32K   2    -     Slot 0-3
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   2D Graphics Engine B, OBJ Extended Palette
  I       16K   3    -     Slot 0  ;(only lower 8K used)
  VRAM    SIZE  MST  OFS   <ARM7>, Plain <ARM7>-CPU Access
  C,D     128K  2    0..1  6000000h+(20000h*OFS.0)  ;OFS.1 must be zero

In Plain-CPU modes, VRAM can be accessed only by the CPU (and by the Capture Unit, and by VRAM Display mode). In "Plain <ARM7>-CPU Access" mode, the VRAM blocks are allocated as Work RAM to the NDS7 CPU.
In BG/OBJ VRAM modes, VRAM can be accessed by the CPU at specified addresses, and by the display controller.
In Extended Palette and Texture Image/Palette modes, VRAM is not mapped to CPU address space, and can be accessed only by the display controller (so, to initialize or change the memory, it should be temporarily switched to Plain-CPU mode).
All VRAM (and Palette, and OAM) can be written to only in 16bit and 32bit units (STRH, STR opcodes), 8bit writes are ignored (by STRB opcode). The only exception is "Plain <ARM7>-CPU Access" mode: The ARM7 CPU can use STRB to write to VRAM (the reason for this special feature is that, in GBA mode, two 128K VRAM blocks are used to emulate the GBA's 256K Work RAM).

Other Video RAM
Aside from the map-able VRAM blocks, there are also some video-related memory regions at fixed addresses:
  5000000h Engine A Standard BG Palette (512 bytes)
  5000200h Engine A Standard OBJ Palette (512 bytes)
  5000400h Engine B Standard BG Palette (512 bytes)
  5000600h Engine B Standard OBJ Palette (512 bytes)
  7000000h Engine A OAM (1024 bytes)
  7000400h Engine B OAM (1024 bytes)

  DS Memory Control - BIOS

4000308h - NDS7 - BIOSPROT - Bios-data-read-protection address
Used to double-protect the first some KBytes of the NDS7 BIOS. The BIOS is split into two protection regions, one always active, one controlled by the BIOSPROT register. The overall idea is that only the BIOS can read from itself, any other attempts to read from that regions return FFh-bytes.
  Opcodes at...      Can read from      Expl.
  0..[BIOSPROT]-1    0..3FFFh           Double-protected (when BIOSPROT is set)
  [BIOSPROT]..3FFFh  [BIOSPROT]..3FFFh  Normal-protected (always active)
The initial BIOSPROT setting on power-up is zero (disabled). Before starting the cartridge, the BIOS boot code sets the register to 1204h (actually 1205h, but the mis-aligned low-bit is ignored). Once when initialized, further writes to the register are ignored.

The double-protected region contains the exception vectors, some bytes of code, and the cartridge KEY1 encryption seed (about 4KBytes). As far as I know, it is impossible to unlock the memory once when it is locked, however, with some trickery, it is possible execute code before it gets locked. Also, the two THUMB opcodes at 05ECh can be used to read all memory at 0..3FFFh,
  05ECh  ldrb r3,[r3,12h]      ;requires incoming r3=src-12h
  05EEh  pop  r2,r4,r6,r7,r15  ;requires dummy values & THUMB retadr on stack
Additionally most BIOS functions (eg. CpuSet), include a software-based protection which rejects source addresses in the BIOS area (the only exception is GetCRC16, though it still cannot bypass the BIOSPROT setting).

The NDS9 BIOS doesn't include any software or hardware based read protection.

  DS Memory Timings

System Clock
  Bus clock  = 33MHz (33.513982 MHz) (1FF61FEh Hertz)
  NDS7 clock = 33MHz (same as bus clock)
  NDS9 clock = 66MHz (internally twice bus clock; for cache/tcm)
Most timings in this document are specified for 33MHz clock (not for the 66MHz clock). Respectively, NDS9 timings are counted in "half" cycles.

Memory Access Times
Tables below show the different access times for code/data fetches on arm7/arm9 cpus, measured for sequential/nonsequential 32bit/16bit accesses.
  NDS7/CODE             NDS9/CODE
  N32 S32 N16 S16 Bus   N32 S32 N16 S16 Bus
  9   2   8   1   16    9   9   4.5 4.5 16  Main RAM (read) (cache off)
  1   1   1   1   32    4   4   2   2   32  WRAM,BIOS,I/O,OAM
  2   2   1   1   16    5   5   2.5 2.5 16  VRAM,Palette RAM
  16  12  10  6   16    19  19  9.5 9.5 16  GBA ROM (example 10,6 access)
  -   -   -   -   -     0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 32  TCM, Cache_Hit
  -   -   -   -   -     (--Load 8 words--)  Cache_Miss

  NDS7/DATA             NDS9/DATA
  N32 S32 N16 S16 Bus   N32 S32 N16 S16 Bus
  10  2   9   1   16    10  2   9   1   16  Main RAM (read) (cache off)
  1   1   1   1   32    4   1   4   1   32  WRAM,BIOS,I/O,OAM
  1?  2   1   1   16    5   2   4   1   16  VRAM,Palette RAM
  15  12  9   6   16    19  12  13  6   16  GBA ROM (example 10,6 access)
  9   10  9   10  8     13  10  13  10  8   GBA RAM (example 10 access)
  -   -   -   -   -     0.5 0.5 0.5 -   32  TCM, Cache_Hit
  -   -   -   -   -     (--Load 8 words--)  Cache_Miss
  -   -   -   -   -     11  11  11  -   32  Cache_Miss (BIOS)
  -   -   -   -   -     23  23  23  -   16  Cache_Miss (Main RAM)
All timings are counted in 33MHz units (so "half" cycles can occur on NDS9).
Note: 8bit data accesses have same timings than 16bit data.

*** DS Memory Timing Notes ***

The NDS timings are altogether pretty messed up, with different timings for CODE and DATA fetches, and different timings for NDS7 and NDS9...

Timings for this region can be considered as "should be" timings.

Quite the same as NDS7/CODE. Except that, nonsequential Main RAM accesses are 1 cycle slower, and more strange, nonsequential GBA Slot accesses are 1 cycle faster.

This is the most messiest timing. An infamous PENALTY of 3 cycles is added to all nonsequential accesses (except cache, tcm, and main ram). And, all opcode fetches are forcefully made nonsequential 32bit (the NDS9 simply doesn't support fast sequential opcode fetches). That applies also for THUMB code (two 16bit opcodes are fetched by a single nonsequential 32bit access) (so the time per 16bit opcode is one half of the 32bit fetch) (unless a branch causes only one of the two 16bit opcodes to be executed, then that opcode will have the full 32bit access time).

Allows both sequential and nonsequential access, and both 16bit and 32bit access, so it's faster than NDS9/CODE. Nethertheless, it's still having the 3 cycle PENALTY on nonsequential accesses. And, similar as NDS7/DATA, it's also adding 1 cycle to nonsequential Main RAM accesses.

*** More Timing Notes / Lots of unsorted Info ***

Actual CPU Performance
The 33MHz NDS7 is running more or less nicely at 33MHz. However, the so-called "66MHz" NDS9 is having <much> higher waitstates, and it's effective bus speed is barely about 8..16MHz, the only exception is code/data in cache/tcm, which is eventually reaching real 66MHz (that, assuming cache HITS, otherwise, in case of cache MISSES, the cached memory timing might even drop to 1.4MHz or so?).
ARM9 opcode fetches are always N32 + 3 waits.
  S16 and N16 do not exist (because thumb-double-fetching) (see there).
  S32 becomes N32 (ie. the ARM9 does NOT support fast sequential timing).
That N32 is having same timing as normal N32 access on NDS7, plus 3 waits.
  Eg. an ARM9 N32 or S32 to 16bit bus will take: N16 + S16 + 3 waits.
  Eg. an ARM9 N32 or S32 to 32bit bus will take: N32 + 3 waits.
Main Memory is ALWAYS having the nonsequential 3 wait PENALTY (even on ARM7).
ARM9 Data fetches however are allowed to use sequential timing, as well as raw 16bit accesses (which aren't forcefully expanded to slow 32bit accesses).
Nethertheless, the 3 wait PENALTY is added to any NONSEQUENTIAL accesses.
Only exceptions are cache and tcm which do not have that penalty.
 Eg. LDRH on 16bit-data-bus is N16+3waits.
 Eg. LDR  on 16bit-data-bus is N16+S16+3waits.
 Eg. LDM  on 16bit-data-bus is N16+(n*2-1)*S16+3waits.
Eventually, data fetches can take place parallel with opcode fetches.
 That is NOT true for LDM (works only for LDR/LDRB/LDRH).
 That is NOT true for DATA in SAME memory region than CODE.
 That is NOT true for DATA in ITCM (no matter if CODE is in ITCM).

NDS9 Busses
Unlike ARM7, the ARM9 has separate code and data busses, allowing it to perform code and data fetches simultaneously (provided that both are in different memory regions).
Normally, opcode execution times are calculated as "(codetime+datatime)", with the two busses, it can (ideally) be "MAX(codetime,datatime)", so the data access time may virtually take "NULL" clock cycles.
In practice, DTCM and Data Cache access can take NULL cycles (however, data access to ITCM can't).
When executing code in cache/itcm, data access to non-cache/tcm won't be any faster than with only one bus (as it's best, it could subtract 0.5 cycles from datatime, but, the access must be "aligned" to the bus-clock, so the "datatime-0.5" will be rounded back to the original "datatime").
When executing code in uncached main ram, and accessing data (elsewhere than in main memory, cache/tcm), then execution time is typically "codetime+datatime-2".

NDS9 Internal Cycles
Additionally to codetime+datatime, some opcodes include one or more internal cycles. Compared with ARM7, the behaviour of that internal cycles is slightly different on ARM9. First of, on the NDS9, the internal cycles are of course "half" cycles (ie. counted in 66MHz units, not in 33MHz units) (although they may get rounded to "full" cycles upon next memory access outside tcm/cache). And, the ARM9 is in some cases "skipping" the internal cycles, that often depending on whether or not the next opcode is using the result of the current opcode.
Another big difference is that the ARM9 has lost the fast-multiply feature for small numbers; in some cases that may result in faster execution, but may also result in slower execution (one workaround would be to manually replace MUL opcodes by the new ARM9 halfword multiply opcodes); the slowest case are MUL opcodes that do update flags (eg. MULS, MLAS, SMULLS, etc. in ARM mode, and all ALL multiply opcodes in THUMB mode).

NDS9 Thumb Code
In thumb mode, the NDS9 is fetching two 16bit opcodes by a single 32bit read. In case of 32bit bus, this reduces the amount of memory traffic and may result in faster execution time, of course that works only if the two opcodes are within a word-aligned region (eg. loops at word-aligned addresses will be faster than non-aligned loops). However, the double-opcode-fetching is also done on 16bit bus memory, including for unnecessary fetches, such like opcodes after branch commands, so the feature may cause heavy slowdowns.

Main Memory
Reportedly, the main memory access times would be 5 cycles (nonsequential read), 4 cycles (nonsequential write), and 1 cycle (sequential read or write). Plus whatever termination cycles. Plus 3 cycles on nonsequential access to the last 2-bytes of a 32-byte block.
That's of course all wrong. Reads are much slower than 5 cycles. Not yet tested if writes are faster. And, I haven't been able to reproduce the 3 cycles on last 2-bytes effect, actually, it looks more as if that 3 cycles are accidently added to ALL nonsequential accesses, at ALL main memory addresses, and even to most OTHER memory regions... which might be the source of the PENALTY which occurs on VRAM/WRAM/OAM/Palette and I/O accesses.

In some cases DMA main memory read cycles are reportedly performed simultaneously with DMA write cycles to other memory.

On the NDS9, all external memory access (and I/O) is delayed to bus clock (or actually MUCH slower due to the massive waitstates), so the full 66MHz can be used only internally in the NDS9 CPU core, ie. with cache and TCM.

Bus Clock
The exact bus clock is specified as 33.513982 MHz (1FF61FEh Hertz). However, on my own NDS, measured in relation to the RTC seconds IRQ, it appears more like 1FF6231h, that inaccuary of 1 cycle per 657138 cycles (about one second per week) on either oscillator, isn't too significant though.

GBA Slot
The access time for GBA slot can be configured via EXMEMCNT register.

VRAM Waitstates
Additionally, on NDS9, a one cycle wait can be added to VRAM accesses (when the video controller simultaneously accesses it) (that can be disabled by Forced Blank, see DISPCNT.Bit7). Moreover, additional VRAM waitstates occur when using the video capture function.
Note: VRAM being mapped to NDS7 is always free of additional waits.

  DS Video

The NDS has two 2D Video Engines, each basically the same as in GBA, see
GBA LCD Video Controller

NDS Specific 2D Video Features
DS Video Stuff
DS Video BG Modes / Control
DS Video OBJs
DS Video Extended Palettes
DS Video Capture and Main Memory Display Mode
DS Video Display System Block Diagram

For Display Power Control (and Display Swap), and VRAM Allocation, see
DS Power Management
DS Memory Control - VRAM

  DS Video Stuff

DS Display Dimensions / Timings
Dot clock = 5.585664 MHz (=33.513982 MHz / 6)
H-Timing: 256 dots visible, 99 dots blanking, 355 dots total (15.7343KHz)
V-Timing: 192 lines visible, 71 lines blanking, 263 lines total (59.8261 Hz)
The V-Blank cycle for the 3D Engine consists of the 23 lines, 191..213.
Screen size 62.5mm x 47.0mm (each) (256x192 pixels)
Vertical space between screens 22mm (equivalent to 90 pixels)

400006Ch - NDS9 - MASTER_BRIGHT - 16bit - Master Brightness Up/Down
  0-4   Factor used for 6bit R,G,B Intensities (0-16, values >16 same as 16)
          Brightness up:   New = Old + (63-Old) * Factor/16
          Brightness down: New = Old - Old      * Factor/16
  5-13  Not used
  14-15 Mode (0=Disable, 1=Up, 2=Down, 3=Reserved)
  16-31 Not used

The LY and LYC values are in range 0..262, so LY/LYC values have been expanded to 9bit values: LY = VCOUNT Bit 0..8, and LYC=DISPSTAT Bit8..15,7.
VCOUNT register is write-able, allowing to synchronize linked DS consoles.
For proper synchronization:
  write new LY values only in range of 202..212
  write only while old LY values are in range of 202..212
DISPSTAT/VCOUNT supported by NDS9 (Engine A Ports, without separate Engine B Ports), and by NDS7 (allowing to synchronize NDS7 with display timings).
Similar as on GBA, the VBlank flag isn't set in the last line (ie. only in lines 192..261, but not in line 262).
Although the drawing time is only 1536 cycles (256*6), the NDS9 H-Blank flag is "0" for a total of 1606 cycles (and, for whatever reason, a bit longer, 1613 cycles in total, on NDS7).

VRAM Waitstates
The display controller performs VRAM-reads once every 6 clock cycles, a 1 cycle waitstate is generated if the CPU simultaneously accesses VRAM. With capture enabled, additionally VRAM-writes take place once every 6 cycles, so the total VRAM-read/write access rate is then once every 3 cycles.

DS Window Glitches
The DS counts scanlines in range 0..262 (0..106h), of which only the lower 8bit are compared with the WIN0V/WIN1V register settings. Respectively, Y1 coordinates 00h..06h will be triggered in scanlines 100h-106h by mistake. That means, the window gets activated within VBlank period, and will be active in scanline 0 and up (that is no problem with Y1=0, but Y1=1..6 will appear as if if Y1 would be 0). Workaround would be to disable the Window during VBlank, or to change Y1 during VBlank (to a value that does not occur during VBlank period, ie. 7..191).
Also, there's a problem to fit the 256 pixel horizontal screen resolution into 8bit values: X1=00h is treated as 0 (left-most), X2=00h is treated as 100h (right-most). However, the window is not displayed if X1=X2=00h; the window width can be max 255 pixels.

2D Engines
Includes two 2D Engines, called A and B. Both engines are accessed by the ARM9 processor, each using different memory and register addresses:
  Region______Engine A______________Engine B___________
  I/O Ports   4000000h              4001000h
  Palette     5000000h (1K)         5000400h (1K)
  BG VRAM     6000000h (max 512K)   6200000h (max 128K)
  OBJ VRAM    6400000h (max 256K)   6600000h (max 128K)
  OAM         7000000h (1K)         7000400h (1K)
Engine A additionally supports 3D and large-screen 256-color Bitmaps, plus main-memory-display and vram-display modes, plus capture unit.

Viewing Angles
The LCD screens are best viewed at viewing angles of 90 degrees. Colors may appear distorted, and may even become invisible at other viewing angles.
When the console is handheld, both screens can be turned into preferred direction. When the console is settled on a table, only the upper screen can be turned, but the lower screen is stuck into horizontal position - which results in rather bad visibility (unless the user moves his/her head directly above of it).

4000070h - NDS9 - TVOUTCNT - Unknown (W)
  Bit0-3  "COMMAND"  (?)
  Bit4-7  "COMMAND2" (?)
  Bit8-11 "COMMAND3" (?)
This register has been mentioned in an early I/O map from Nintendo, as far as I know, the register isn't used by any games/firmware/bios, not sure if it does really exist on release-version, or if it's been prototype stuff...?

DS-Lite Screens
The screens in the DS-Lite seem to allow a wider range of vertical angles.
The bad news is that the colors of the DS-Lite are (no surprise) not backwards compatible with older NDS and GBA displays. The good news is that Nintendo has finally reached near-CRT-quality (without blurred colors), so one could hope that they won't show up with more displays with other colors in future.
Don't know if there's an official/recommended way to detect DS-Lite displays (?) possible methods would be whatever values in Firmware header, or by functionality of Power Managment device, or (not too LCD-related) by Wifi Chip ID.

  DS Video BG Modes / Control

4000000h - NDS9 - DISPCNT
  Bit  Engine Expl.
  0-2   A+B   BG Mode
  3     A     BG0 2D/3D Selection (instead CGB Mode) (0=2D, 1=3D)
  4     A+B   Tile OBJ Mapping        (0=2D; max 32KB, 1=1D; max 32KB..256KB)
  5     A+B   Bitmap OBJ 2D-Dimension (0=128x512 dots, 1=256x256 dots)
  6     A+B   Bitmap OBJ Mapping      (0=2D; max 128KB, 1=1D; max 128KB..256KB)
  7-15  A+B   Same as GBA
  16-17 A+B   Display Mode (Engine A: 0..3, Engine B: 0..1, GBA: Green Swap)
  18-19 A     VRAM block (0..3=VRAM A..D) (For Capture & above Display Mode=2)
  20-21 A+B   Tile OBJ 1D-Boundary   (see Bit4)
  22    A     Bitmap OBJ 1D-Boundary (see Bit5-6)
  23    A+B   OBJ Processing during H-Blank (was located in Bit5 on GBA)
  24-26 A     Character Base (in 64K steps) (merged with 16K step in BGxCNT)
  27-29 A     Screen Base (in 64K steps) (merged with 2K step in BGxCNT)
  30    A+B   BG Extended Palettes   (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  31    A+B   OBJ Extended Palettes  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

BG Mode
Engine A BG Mode (DISPCNT LSBs) (0-6, 7=Reserved)
  Mode  BG0      BG1      BG2      BG3
  0     Text/3D  Text     Text     Text
  1     Text/3D  Text     Text     Affine
  2     Text/3D  Text     Affine   Affine
  3     Text/3D  Text     Text     Extended
  4     Text/3D  Text     Affine   Extended
  5     Text/3D  Text     Extended Extended
  6     3D       -        Large    -
Of which, the "Extended" modes are sub-selected by BGxCNT bits:
  BGxCNT.Bit7 BGxCNT.Bit2 Extended Affine Mode Selection
  0           CharBaseLsb rot/scal with 16bit bgmap entries (Text+Affine mixup)
  1           0           rot/scal 256 color bitmap
  1           1           rot/scal direct color bitmap
Engine B: Same as above, except that: Mode 6 is reserved (no Large screen bitmap), and BG0 is always Text (no 3D support).
Affine = formerly Rot/Scal mode (with 8bit BG Map entries)
Large Screen Bitmap = rot/scal 256 color bitmap (using all 512K of 2D VRAM)

Display Mode (DISPCNT.16-17):
  0  Display off (screen becomes white)
  1  Graphics Display (normal BG and OBJ layers)
  2  Engine A only: VRAM Display (Bitmap from block selected in DISPCNT.18-19)
  3  Engine A only: Main Memory Display (Bitmap DMA transfer from Main RAM)
Mode 2-3 display a raw direct color bitmap (15bit RGB values, the upper bit in each halfword is unused), without any further BG,OBJ,3D layers, these modes are completely bypassing the 2D/3D engines as well as any 2D effects, however the Master Brightness effect can be applied to these modes. Mode 2 is particulary useful to display captured 2D/3D images (in that case it can indirectly use the 2D/3D engine).

character base extended from bit2-3 to bit2-5 (bit4-5 formerly unused)
  engine A screen base: BGxCNT.bits*2K + DISPCNT.bits*64K
  engine B screen base: BGxCNT.bits*2K + 0
  engine A char base: BGxCNT.bits*16K + DISPCNT.bits*64K
  engine B char base: BGxCNT.bits*16K + 0
char base is used only in tile/map modes (not bitmap modes)
screen base is used in tile/map modes,
screen base used in bitmap modes as BGxCNT.bits*16K, without DISPCNT.bits*64K
screen base however NOT used at all for Large screen bitmap mode
  bgcnt size  text     rotscal    bitmap   large bmp
  0           256x256  128x128    128x128  512x1024
  1           512x256  256x256    256x256  1024x512
  2           256x512  512x512    512x256  -
  3           512x512  1024x1024  512x512  -
bitmaps that require more than 128K VRAM are supported on engine A only.

For BGxCNT.Bit7 and BGxCNT.Bit2 in Extended Affine modes, see above BG Mode description (extended affine doesn't include 16-color modes, so color depth bit can be used for mode selection. Also, bitmap modes do not use charbase, so charbase.0 can be used for mode selection as well).

for BG0, BG1 only: bit13 selects extended palette slot
                   (BG0: 0=Slot0, 1=Slot2, BG1: 0=Slot1, 1=Slot3)

Direct Color Bitmap BG, and Direct Color Bitmap OBJ
BG/OBJ Supports 32K colors (15bit RGB value) - so far same as GBAs BG.
However, the upper bit (Bit15) is used as Alpha flag. That is, Alpha=0=Transparent, Alpha=1=Normal (ie. on the NDS, Direct Color values 0..7FFFh are NOT displayed).

Unlike GBA bitmap modes, NDS bitmap modes are supporting the Area Overflow bit (BG2CNT and BG3CNT, Bit 13).

  DS Video OBJs

DS OBJ Priority
The GBA has been assigning OBJ priority in respect to the 7bit OAM entry number, regardless of the OBJs 2bit BG-priority attribute (which allowed to specify invalid priority orders). That problem has been fixed in DS mode by combining the above two values into a 9bit priority value.

OBJ Tile Mapping (DISPCNT.4,20-21):
  Bit4  Bit20-21  Dimension Boundary Total ;Notes
  0     x         2D        32       32K   ;Same as GBA 2D Mapping
  1     0         1D        32       32K   ;Same as GBA 1D Mapping
  1     1         1D        64       64K
  1     2         1D        128      128K
  1     3         1D        256      256K  ;Engine B: 128K max
TileVramAddress = TileNumber * BoundaryValue
Even if the boundary gets changed, OBJs are kept composed of 8x8 tiles.

Bitmap OBJ Mapping (DISPCNT.6,5,22):
Bitmap OBJs are 15bit Direct Color data, plus 1bit Alpha flag (in bit15).
  Bit6 Bit5 Bit22 Dimension    Boundary   Total ;Notes
  0    0    x     2D/128 dots  8x8 dots   128K  ;Source Bitmap width 128 dots
  0    1    x     2D/256 dots  8x8 dots   128K  ;Source Bitmap width 256 dots
  1    0    0     1D           128 bytes  128K  ;Source Width = Target Width
  1    0    1     1D           256 bytes  256K  ;Engine A only
  1    1    x     Reserved
In 1D mapping mode, the Tile Number is simply multiplied by the boundary value.
  1D_BitmapVramAddress = TileNumber(0..3FFh) * BoundaryValue(128..256)
  2D_BitmapVramAddress = (TileNo AND MaskX)*10h + (TileNo AND NOT MaskX)*80h
In 2D mode, the Tile Number is split into X and Y indices, the X index is located in the LSBs (ie. MaskX=0Fh, or MaskX=1Fh, depending on DISPCNT.5).

OBJ Attribute 0 and 2
Setting the OBJ Mode bits (Attr 0, Bit10-11) to a value of 3 has been prohibited in GBA, however, in NDS it selects the the new Bitmap OBJ mode; in that mode, the Color depth bit (Attr 0, Bit13) should be set to zero; also in that mode, the color bits (Attr 2, Bit 12-15) are used as Alpha-OAM value (instead of as palette setting).

OBJ Vertical Wrap
On the GBA, a large OBJ (with 64pix height, scaled into double-size region of 128pix height) located near the bottom of the screen has been wrapped to the top of the screen (and was NOT displayed at the bottom of the screen).
This problem has been "corrected" in the NDS (except in GBA mode), that is, on the NDS, the OBJ appears BOTH at the top and bottom of the screen. That isn't necessarily better - the advantage is that one can manually enable/disable the OBJ in the desired screen-half on IRQ level; that'd be required only if the wrapped portion is non-transparent.

  DS Video Extended Palettes

Extended Palettes
When allocating extended palettes, the allocated memory is not mapped to the CPU bus, so the CPU can access extended palette only when temporarily de-allocating it.

Color 0 of all standard/extended palettes is transparent, color 0 of BG standard palette 0 is used as backdrop. extended palette memory must be allocated to VRAM.

BG Extended Palette enabled in DISPCNT Bit 30, when enabled,
 standard palette --> 16-color tiles (with 16bit bgmap entries) (text)
                      256-color tiles (with 8bit bgmap entries) (rot/scal)
                      256-color bitmaps
                      backdrop-color (color 0)
 extended palette --> 256-color tiles (with 16bit bgmap entries)(text,rot/scal)
Allocated VRAM is split into 4 slots of 8K each (32K used in total), normally BG0..3 are using Slot 0..3, however BG0 and BG1 can be optionally changed to BG0=Slot2, and BG1=Slot3 via BG0CNT and BG1CNT.

OBJ Extended Palette enabled in DISPCNT Bit 31, when enabled,
 16 colors x 16 palettes --> standard palette memory (=256 colors)
 256 colors x 16 palettes --> extended palette memory (=4096 colors)
Extended OBJ palette memory must be allocated to VRAM F, G, or I (which are 16K) of which only the first 8K are used for extended palettes (=1000h 16bit entries).

  DS Video Capture and Main Memory Display Mode

4000064h - NDS9 - DISPCAPCNT - 32bit - Display Capture Control Register (R/W)
Capture is supported for Display Engine A only.
  0-4   EVA               (0..16 = Blending Factor for Source A)
  5-7   Not used
  8-12  EVB               (0..16 = Blending Factor for Source B)
  13-15 Not used
  16-17 VRAM Write Block  (0..3 = VRAM A..D) (VRAM must be allocated to LCDC)
  18-19 VRAM Write Offset (0=00000h, 0=08000h, 0=10000h, 0=18000h)
  20-21 Capture Size      (0=128x128, 1=256x64, 2=256x128, 3=256x192 dots)
  22-23 Not used
  24    Source A          (0=Graphics Screen BG+3D+OBJ, 1=3D Screen)
  25    Source B          (0=VRAM, 1=Main Memory Display FIFO)
  26-27 VRAM Read Offset  (0=00000h, 0=08000h, 0=10000h, 0=18000h)
  28    Not used
  29-30 Capture Source    (0=Source A, 1=Source B, 2/3=Sources A+B blended)
  31    Capture Enable    (0=Disable/Ready, 1=Enable/Busy)
VRAM Read Block (VRAM A..D) is selected in DISPCNT Bits 18-19.
VRAM Read Block can be (or must be ?) allocated to LCDC (MST=0).
VRAM Read Offset is ignored (zero) in VRAM Display Mode (DISPCNT.16-17).
VRAM Read/Write Offsets wrap to 00000h when exceeding 1FFFFh (max 128K).
Capture Sizes less than 256x192 capture the upper-left portion of the screen.
Blending factors EVA and EVB are used only if "Source A+B blended" selected.
After setting the Capture Enable bit, capture starts at next line 0, and the capture enable/busy bit is then automatically cleared (in line 192, regardless of the capture size).

Capture data is 15bit color depth (even when capturing 18bit 3D-images).
Capture A: Dest_Intensity = SrcA_Intensitity ; Dest_Alpha=SrcA_Alpha.
Capture B: Dest_Intensity = SrcB_Intensitity ; Dest_Alpha=SrcB_Alpha.
Capture A+B (blending):
 Dest_Intensity = (  (SrcA_Intensitity * SrcA_Alpha * EVA)
                   + (SrcB_Intensitity * SrcB_Alpha * EVB) ) / 16
 Dest_Alpha = (SrcA_Alpha AND (EVA>0)) OR (SrcB_Alpha AND EVB>0))

Capture provides a couple of interesting effects.
For example, 3D Engine output can be captured via source A (to LCDC-allocated VRAM), in the next frame, either Graphics Engine A or B can display the captured 3D image in VRAM image as BG2, BG3, or OBJ (from BG/OBJ-allocated VRAM); this method requires to switch between LCDC- and BG/OBJ-allocation.
Another example would be to capture Engine A output, the captured image can be displayed (via VRAM Display mode) in the following frames, simultaneously the new Engine A output can be captured, blended with the old captured image; in that mode moved objects will leave traces on the screen; this method works with a single LCDC-allocated VRAM block.
DS Video Display System Block Diagram

4000068h - NDS9 - DISP_MMEM_FIFO - 32bit - Main Memory Display FIFO (R?/W)
Intended to send 256x192 pixel 32K color bitmaps by DMA directly
 - to Screen A             (set DISPCNT to Main Memory Display mode), or
 - to Display Capture unit (set DISPCAPCNT to Main Memory Source).
The FIFO can receive 4 words (8 pixels) at a time, each pixel is a 15bit RGB value (the upper bit, bit15, is unused).
Set DMA to Main Memory mode, 32bit transfer width, word count set to 4, destination address to DISP_MMEM_FIFO, source address must be in Main Memory.
Transfer starts at next frame.
Main Memory Display/Capture is supported for Display Engine A only.

  DS Video Display System Block Diagram
             _____________               __________
  VRAM A -->| 2D Graphics |--------OBJ->|          |
  VRAM B -->| Engine A    |--------BG3->| Layering |
  VRAM C -->|             |--------BG2->| and      |
  VRAM D -->|             |--------BG1->| Special  |
  VRAM E -->|             |   ___       | Effects  |
  VRAM F -->|             |->|SEL|      |          |          ______
  VRAM G -->| - - - - - - |  |BG0|-BG0->|          |----+--->|      |
            | 3D Graphics |->|___|      |__________|    |    |Select|
            | Engine      |                             |    |Video |
            |_____________|--------3D----------------+  |    |Input |
             _______      _______              ___   |  |    |      |
            |       |    |       |<-----------|SEL|<-+  |    |and   |-->
            |       |    |       |    _____   |A  |     |    |      |
  VRAM A <--|Select |    |Select |   |     |<-|___|<----+    |Master|
  VRAM B <--|Capture|<---|Capture|<--|Blend|   ___           |Bright|
  VRAM C <--|Dest.  |    |Source |   |_____|<-|SEL|<----+    |A     |
  VRAM D <--|       |    |       |            |B  |     |    |      |
            |_______|    |_______|<-----------|___|<-+  |    |      |
             _______                                 |  |    |      |
  VRAM A -->|Select |                                |  |    |      |
  VRAM B -->|Display|--------------------------------+------>|      |
  VRAM C -->|VRAM   |                                   |    |      |
  VRAM D -->|_______|   _____________                   |    |      |
                       |Main Memory  |                  |    |      |
  Main   ------DMA---->|Display FIFO |------------------+--->|______|
  Memory               |_____________|
             _____________               __________           ______
  VRAM C -->| 2D Graphics |--------OBJ->| Layering |         |      |
  VRAM D -->| Engine B    |--------BG3->| and      |         |Master|
  VRAM H -->|             |--------BG2->| Special  |-------->|Bright|-->
  VRAM I -->|             |--------BG1->| Effects  |         |B     |
            |_____________|--------BG0->|__________|         |______|

  DS 3D Video

DS 3D Overview
DS 3D I/O Map
DS 3D Display Control
DS 3D Geometry Commands
DS 3D Matrix Load/Multiply
DS 3D Matrix Types
DS 3D Matrix Stack
DS 3D Matrix Examples (Projection)
DS 3D Matrix Examples (Rotate/Scale/Translate)
DS 3D Matrix Examples (Maths Basics)
DS 3D Polygon Attributes
DS 3D Polygon Definitions by Vertices
DS 3D Polygon Light Parameters
DS 3D Shadow Polygons
DS 3D Texture Attributes
DS 3D Texture Formats
DS 3D Texture Coordinates
DS 3D Texture Blending
DS 3D Toon, Edge, Fog, Alpha-Blending, Anti-Aliasing
DS 3D Status
DS 3D Tests
DS 3D Rear-Plane
DS 3D Final 2D Output

3D is more or less (about 92%) understood and described.

  DS 3D Overview

The NDS 3D hardware consists of a Geometry Engine, and a Rendering Engine.

Geometry Engine (Precalculate coordinates & assign polygon attributes)
Geometry commands can be sent via Ports 4000440h and up (or alternately, written directly to Port 4000400h).
The commands include matrix and vector multiplications, the purpose is to rotate/scale/translate coordinates (vertices), the resulting coordinates are stored in Vertex RAM.
Moreover, it allows to assign attributes to the polygons and vertices, that includes vertex colors (or automatically calculated light colors), texture attributes, number of vertices per polygon (three or four), and a number of flags, these attributes are stored in Polygon RAM. Polygon RAM also contains pointers to the corresponding vertices in Vertex RAM.

Swap Buffers (Pass data from the Geometry Engine to the Rendering Engine)
The hardware includes two sets of Vertex/Polygon RAM, one used by the Geometry Engine, one by the Rendering Engine. The SwapBuffers command simply exchanges these buffers (so the new Geometry Data is passed to the Rendering Engine) (and the old buffer is emptied, so the Geometry engine can write new data to it). Additionally, the two parameter bits from the <previous> SwapBuffers command are copied to the Geometry Engine.
Data that is NOT swapped: SwapBuffers obviously can't swap Texture memory (so software must take care that Texture memory is kept mapped throughout rendering). Moreover, the rendering control registers (ports 4000060h, and 4000330h..40003BFh) are not swapped (so that values must be kept intact during rendering, too).

Rendering Engine (Display Output)
The Rendering Engine draws the various Polygons, and outputs them as BG0 layer to the 2D Video controller (which may then output them to the screen, or to the video capture unit). The Rendering part is done automatically by hardware, so the software has little influence on it.
Rendering is done scanline-by-scanline, so there's only a limited number of clock cycles per scanline, which is limiting the maximum number of polygons per scanline. However, due to the 48-line cache (see below), some scanlines are allowed to exceed that maximum.
Rendering starts 48 lines in advance (while still in the Vblank period) (and does then continue throughout the whole display period), the rendered data is written to a small cache that can hold up to 48 scanlines.

Scanline Cache vs Framebuffer
Note: There's only the 48-line cache (not a full 192-line framebuffer to store the whole rendered image). That is perfectly reasonable since animated data is normally drawn only once (so there would be no need to store it). That, assuming that the Geometry Engine presents new data every frame (otherwise, if the Geometry software is too slow, or if the image isn't animated, then the hardware is automatically rendering the same image again, and again).

  DS 3D I/O Map

3D I/O Map
  Address  Siz Name            Expl.
  Rendering Engine (per Frame settings)
  4000060h 2   DISP3DCNT       3D Display Control Register (R/W)
  4000320h 1   RDLINES_COUNT   Rendered Line Count Register (R)
  4000330h 10h EDGE_COLOR      Edge Colors 0..7 (W)
  4000340h 1   ALPHA_TEST_REF  Alpha-Test Comparision Value (W)
  4000350h 4   CLEAR_COLOR     Clear Color Attribute Register (W)
  4000354h 2   CLEAR_DEPTH     Clear Depth Register (W)
  4000356h 2   CLRIMAGE_OFFSET Rear-plane Bitmap Scroll Offsets (W)
  4000358h 4   FOG_COLOR       Fog Color (W)
  400035Ch 2   FOG_OFFSET      Fog Depth Offset (W)
  4000360h 20h FOG_TABLE       Fog Density Table, 32 entries (W)
  4000380h 40h TOON_TABLE      Toon Table, 32 colors (W)
  Geometry Engine (per Polygon/Vertex settings)
  4000400h 40h GXFIFO          Geometry Command FIFO (W)
  4000440h ... ...             Geometry Command Ports (see below)
  4000600h 4   GXSTAT          Geometry Engine Status Register (R and R/W)
  4000604h 4   RAM_COUNT       Polygon List & Vertex RAM Count Register (R)
  4000610h 2   DISP_1DOT_DEPTH 1-Dot Polygon Display Boundary Depth (W)
  4000620h 10h POS_RESULT      Position Test Results (R)
  4000630h 6   VEC_RESULT      Vector Test Results (R)
  4000640h 40h CLIPMTX_RESULT  Read Current Clip Coordinates Matrix (R)
  4000680h 24h VECMTX_RESULT   Read Current Directional Vector Matrix (R)

Geometry Commands (can be invoked by Port Address, or by Command ID)
Table shows Port Address, Command ID, Number of Parameters, and Clock Cycles.
  Address  Cmd Pa.Cy.
  N/A      00h -  -   NOP - No Operation (for padding packed GXFIFO commands)
  4000440h 10h 1  1   MTX_MODE - Set Matrix Mode (W)
  4000444h 11h -  17  MTX_PUSH - Push Current Matrix on Stack (W)
  4000448h 12h 1  36  MTX_POP - Pop Current Matrix from Stack (W)
  400044Ch 13h 1  17  MTX_STORE - Store Current Matrix on Stack (W)
  4000450h 14h 1  36  MTX_RESTORE - Restore Current Matrix from Stack (W)
  4000454h 15h -  19  MTX_IDENTITY - Load Unit Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
  4000458h 16h 16 34  MTX_LOAD_4x4 - Load 4x4 Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
  400045Ch 17h 12 30  MTX_LOAD_4x3 - Load 4x3 Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
  4000460h 18h 16 35* MTX_MULT_4x4 - Multiply Current Matrix by 4x4 Matrix (W)
  4000464h 19h 12 31* MTX_MULT_4x3 - Multiply Current Matrix by 4x3 Matrix (W)
  4000468h 1Ah 9  28* MTX_MULT_3x3 - Multiply Current Matrix by 3x3 Matrix (W)
  400046Ch 1Bh 3  22  MTX_SCALE - Multiply Current Matrix by Scale Matrix (W)
  4000470h 1Ch 3  22* MTX_TRANS - Mult. Curr. Matrix by Translation Matrix (W)
  4000480h 20h 1  1   COLOR - Directly Set Vertex Color (W)
  4000484h 21h 1  9*  NORMAL - Set Normal Vector (W)
  4000488h 22h 1  1   TEXCOORD - Set Texture Coordinates (W)
  400048Ch 23h 2  9   VTX_16 - Set Vertex XYZ Coordinates (W)
  4000490h 24h 1  8   VTX_10 - Set Vertex XYZ Coordinates (W)
  4000494h 25h 1  8   VTX_XY - Set Vertex XY Coordinates (W)
  4000498h 26h 1  8   VTX_XZ - Set Vertex XZ Coordinates (W)
  400049Ch 27h 1  8   VTX_YZ - Set Vertex YZ Coordinates (W)
  40004A0h 28h 1  8   VTX_DIFF - Set Relative Vertex Coordinates (W)
  40004A4h 29h 1  1   POLYGON_ATTR - Set Polygon Attributes (W)
  40004A8h 2Ah 1  1   TEXIMAGE_PARAM - Set Texture Parameters (W)
  40004ACh 2Bh 1  1   PLTT_BASE - Set Texture Palette Base Address (W)
  40004C0h 30h 1  4   DIF_AMB - MaterialColor0 - Diffuse/Ambient Reflect. (W)
  40004C4h 31h 1  4   SPE_EMI - MaterialColor1 - Specular Ref. & Emission (W)
  40004C8h 32h 1  6   LIGHT_VECTOR - Set Light's Directional Vector (W)
  40004CCh 33h 1  1   LIGHT_COLOR - Set Light Color (W)
  40004D0h 34h 32 32  SHININESS - Specular Reflection Shininess Table (W)
  4000500h 40h 1  1   BEGIN_VTXS - Start of Vertex List (W)
  4000504h 41h -  1   END_VTXS - End of Vertex List (W)
  4000540h 50h 1  392 SWAP_BUFFERS - Swap Rendering Engine Buffer (W)
  4000580h 60h 1  1   VIEWPORT - Set Viewport (W)
  40005C0h 70h 3  103 BOX_TEST - Test if Cuboid Sits inside View Volume (W)
  40005C4h 71h 2  9   POS_TEST - Set Position Coordinates for Test (W)
  40005C8h 72h 1  5   VEC_TEST - Set Directional Vector for Test (W)
All cycle timings are counted in 33.51MHz units. NORMAL commands takes 9..12 cycles, depending on the number of enabled lights in PolyAttr (Huh, 9..12 (four timings) cycles for 0..4 (five settings) lights?) Total execution time of SwapBuffers is Duration until VBlank, plus 392 cycles.
In MTX_MODE=2 (Simultanous Set), MTX_MULT/TRANS take additional 30 cycles.

  DS 3D Display Control

4000060h - DISP3DCNT - 3D Display Control Register (R/W)
  0     Texture Mapping      (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1     PolygonAttr Shading  (0=Toon Shading, 1=Highlight Shading)
  2     Alpha-Test           (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (see ALPHA_TEST_REF)
  3     Alpha-Blending       (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (see various Alpha values)
  4     Anti-Aliasing        (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  5     Edge-Marking         (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (see EDGE_COLOR)
  6     Fog Color/Alpha Mode (0=Alpha and Color, 1=Only Alpha) (see FOG_COLOR)
  7     Fog Master Enable    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  8-11  Fog Depth Shift      (FOG_STEP=400h shr FOG_SHIFT) (see FOG_OFFSET)
  12    Color Buffer RDLINES Underflow (0=None, 1=Underflow/Acknowledge)
  13    Polygon/Vertex RAM Overflow    (0=None, 1=Overflow/Acknowledge)
  14    Rear-Plane Mode                (0=Blank, 1=Bitmap)
  15-31 Not used

4000540h - Cmd 50h - SWAP_BUFFERS - Swap Rendering Engine Buffer (W)
SwapBuffers exchanges the two sets of Polygon/Vertex RAM buffers, that is, the newly defined polygons/vertices are passed to the rendering engine (and will be displayed in following frame(s)). The other buffer is emptied, and passed to the Geometry Engine (to be filled with new polygons/vertices by Geometry Commands).
  0     Translucent polygon Y-sorting (0=Auto-sort, 1=Manual-sort)
  1     Depth Buffering  (0=With Z-value, 1=With W-value)
        (mode 1 does not function properly with orthogonal projections)
  2-31  Not used
SwapBuffers isn't executed until next VBlank (Scanline 192) (the Geometry Engine is halted for that duration). SwapBuffers should not be issued within Begin/End. The two parameter bits of the SwapBuffers command are used for the following gxcommands (ie. not for the old gxcommands prior to SwapBuffers).
SwapBuffers does lock-up the 3D hardware if an incomplete polygon list has been defined (eg. a triangle with only 2 vertices). On lock-up, only 2D video is kept working, any wait-loops for GXSTAT.27 will hang the program. Once lock-up has occured, there seems to be no way to recover by software, not by sending the missing veric(es), and not even by pulsing POWCNT1.Bit2-3.

4000580h - Cmd 60h - VIEWPORT - Set Viewport (W)
  0-7   Screen/BG0 Coordinate X1 (0..255) (For Fullscreen: 0=Left-most)
  8-15  Screen/BG0 Coordinate Y1 (0..191) (For Fullscreen: 0=Bottom-most)
  16-23 Screen/BG0 Coordinate X2 (0..255) (For Fullscreen: 255=Right-most)
  24-31 Screen/BG0 Coordinate Y2 (0..191) (For Fullscreen: 191=Top-most)
Coordinate 0,0 is the lower-left (unlike for 2D where it'd be upper-left).
The 3D view-volume (size as defined by the Projection Matrix) is automatically scaled to match into the Viewport area. Although polygon vertices are clipped to the view-volume, some vertices may still exceed to X2,Y1 (lower-right) boundary by one pixel, due to some sort of rounding errors. The Viewport settings don't affect the size or position of the 3D Rear-Plane. Viewport should not be issued within Begin/End.

4000610h - DISP_1DOT_DEPTH - 1-Dot Polygon Display Boundary Depth (W)
1-Dot Polygons are very small, or very distant polygons, which would be rendered as a single pixel on screen. Polygons with a depth value greater (more distant) than DISP_1DOT_DEPTH can be automatically hidden; in order to reduce memory consumption, or to reduce dirt on the screen.
  0-14  W-Coordinate (Unsigned, 12bit integer, 3bit fractional part)
  15-31 Not used                 (0000h=Closest, 7FFFh=Most Distant)
The DISP_1DOT_DEPTH comparision can be enabled/disabled per polygon (via POLYGON_ATTR.Bit13), so "important" polygons can be displayed regardless of their size and distance.
Note: The comparision is always using the W-coordinate of the vertex (not the Z-coordinate) (ie. no matter if using Z-buffering, or W-buffering). The polygon is rendered if at least one of its vertices is having a w-coordinate less or equal than DISP_1DOT_DEPTH. NB. despite of checking the w-coords of ALL vertices, the polygon is rendered using the color/depth/texture of its FIRST vertex.
Note: The hardware does round-up the width and height of all polygons to at least 1, so polygons of 0x0, 1x0, 0x1, and 1x1 dots will be all rounded-up to a size of 1x1. Of which, the so-called "1dot" depth check is applied only to the 0x0 dot variant (so "0dot" depth check would be a better name for it).
Caution: Although DISP_1DOT_DEPTH is a Geometry Engine parameter, it is NOT routed through GXFIFO, ie. changes will take place immediately, and will affect all following polygons, including such that are still in GXFIFO. Workaround: ensure that GXFIFO is empty before changing this parameter.

4000340h - ALPHA_TEST_REF - Alpha-Test Comparision Value (W)
Alpha Test can be enabled in DISP3DCNT.Bit2. When enabled, pixels are rendered only if their Alpha value is GREATER than ALPHA_TEST_REF. Otherwise, when disabled, pixels are rendered only if their Alpha value is GREATER than zero. Alpha Test is performed on the final polygon pixels (ie. after texture blending).
  0-4   Alpha-Test Comparision Value (0..31) (Draw pixels if Alpha>AlphaRef)
  5-31  Not used
Value 00h is effectively the same as when Alpha Test is disabled. Value 1Fh hides all polygons, including opaque ones.

  DS 3D Geometry Commands

4000400h - GXFIFO - Geometry Command FIFO (W) (mirrored up to 400043Fh?)
Used to send packed commands, unpacked commands,
  0-7   First  Packed Command (or Unpacked Command)
  8-15  Second Packed Command (or 00h=None)
  16-23 Third  Packed Command (or 00h=None)
  24-31 Fourth Packed Command (or 00h=None)
and parameters,
  0-31  Parameter data for the previously sent (packed) command(s)
to the Geometry engine.

FIFO / PIPE Number of Entries
The FIFO has 256 entries, additionally, there is a PIPE with four entries (giving a total of 260 entries). If the FIFO is empty, and if the PIPE isn't full, then data is moved directly into the PIPE, otherwise it is moved into the FIFO. If the PIPE runs half empty (less than 3 entries) then 2 entries are moved from the FIFO to the PIPE. The state of the FIFO can be obtained in GXSTAT.Bit16-26, observe that there may be still data in the PIPE, even if the FIFO is empty. Check the busy flag in GXSTAT.Bit27 to see if the PIPE or FIFO contains data (or if a command is still executing).
Each PIPE/FIFO entry consists of 40bits of data (8bit command code, plus 32bit parameter value). Commands without parameters occupy 1 entry, and Commands with N parameters occupy N entries.

Sending Commands by Ports 4000440h..40005FFh
Geometry commands can be indirectly sent to the FIFO via ports 4000440h and up.
For a command with N paramters: issue N writes to the port.
For a command without parameters: issue one dummy-write to the port.
That mechanism puts the 8bit command + 32bit parameter into the FIFO/PIPE.
If the FIFO is full, then a wait is generated until data is removed from the FIFO, ie. the STR opcode gets freezed, during the wait, the bus cannot be used even by DMA, interrupts, or by the NDS7 CPU.

GXFIFO Access via DMA
Larger pre-calculated data blocks can be sent directly to the FIFO. This is usually done via DMA (use DMA in Geometry Command Mode, 32bit units, Dest=4000400h/fixed, Length=NumWords, Repeat=0). The timings are handled automatically, ie. the system (should) doesn't freeze when the FIFO is full (see below Overkill note though). DMA starts when the FIFO becomes less than half full, the DMA does then write 112 words to the GXFIFO register (or less, if the remaining DMA transfer length gets zero).

If desired, STR,STRD,STM opcodes can be used to write to the FIFO.
Opcodes that write more than one 32bit value (ie. STRD and STM) can be used to send ONE UNPACKED command, plus any parameters which belong to that command. After that, there must be a 1 cycle delay before sending the next command (ie. one cannot sent more than one command at once with a single opcode, each command must be invoked by a new opcode). STRD and STM can be used because the GXFIFO register is mirrored to 4000400h..43Fh (16 words).
As with Ports 4000440h and up, the CPU gets stopped if (and as long as) the FIFO is full.

GXFIFO / Unpacked Commands
  - command1 (upper 24bit zero)
  - parameter(s) for command1 (if any)
  - command2 (upper 24bit zero)
  - parameter(s) for command2 (if any)
  - command3 (upper 24bit zero)
  - parameter(s) for command3 (if any)

GXFIFO / Packed Commands
  - command1,2,3,4 packed into one 32bit value (all bits used)
  - parameter(s) for command1 (if any)
  - parameter(s) for command2 (if any)
  - parameter(s) for command3 (if any)
  - parameter(s) for command4 (top-most packed command MUST have parameters)
  - command5,6 packed into one 32bit value (upper 16bit zero)
  - parameter(s) for command5 (if any)
  - parameter(s) for command6 (top-most packed command MUST have parameters)
  - command7,8,9 packed into one 32bit value (upper 8bit zero)
  - parameter(s) for command7 (if any)
  - parameter(s) for command8 (if any)
  - parameter(s) for command9 (top-most packed command MUST have parameters)
Packed commands are first decompressed and then stored in command the FIFO.

GXFIFO DMA Overkill on Packed Commands Without Parameters
Normally, the 112 word limit ensures that the FIFO (256 entries) doesn't get full, however, this limit is much too high for sending a lot of "Packed Commands Without Parameters" (ie. PUSH, IDENTITY, or END) - eg. sending 112 x Packed(00151515h) to GXFIFO would write 336 x Cmd(15h) to the FIFO, which is causing the FIFO to get full, and which is causing the DMA (and CPU) to be paused (for several seconds, in WORST case) until enough FIFO commands have been processed to allow the DMA to finish the 112 word transfer.
Not sure if there's much chance to get Overkills in practice. Normally most commands DO have parameters, and so, usually even LESS than 112 FIFO entries are occupied (since 8bit commands with 32bit parameters are merged into single 40bit FIFO entries).

Invalid GX commands
Invalid commands (anything else than 10h..1Ch, 20h..2Bh, 30h..33h, 40h..41h, 50h, 60h, or 70h..72h) seem to be simply ignored by the hardware (at least, testing has confirmed that they do not fetch any parameters from the gxfifo).

  DS 3D Matrix Load/Multiply

4000440h - Cmd 10h - MTX_MODE - Set Matrix Mode (W)
  0-1   Matrix Mode (0..3)
         0  Projection Matrix
         1  Position Matrix (aka Modelview Matrix)
         2  Position & Vector Simultaneous Set mode (used for Light+VEC_TEST)
         3  Texture Matrix (see DS 3D Texture Coordinates chapter)
  2-31  Not used
Selects the current Matrix, all following MTX commands (load, multiply, push, pop, etc.) are applied to that matrix. In Mode 2, all MTX commands are applied to both the Position and Vector matrices. There are two special cases:
  MTX_SCALE in Mode 2:                  uses ONLY Position Matrix
  MTX_PUSH/POP/STORE/RESTORE in Mode 1: uses BOTH Position AND Vector Matrices
Ie. the four stack commands act like mode 2 (even when in mode 1; keeping the two stacks somewhat in sync), and scale acts like mode 1 (even when in mode 2; keeping the light vector length's intact).

 vice-versa for the scale command.
For the above cases, the commands do always act like mode 1, even when they are i

4000454h - Cmd 15h - MTX_IDENTITY - Load Unit Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
Sets C=I. Parameters: None
The Identity Matrix (I), aka Unit Matrix, consists of all zeroes, with a diagonal row of ones. A matrix multiplied by the Unit Matrix is left unchanged.

4000458h - Cmd 16h - MTX_LOAD_4x4 - Load 4x4 Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
Sets C=M. Parameters: 16, m[0..15]

400045Ch - Cmd 17h - MTX_LOAD_4x3 - Load 4x3 Matrix to Current Matrix (W)
Sets C=M. Parameters: 12, m[0..11]

4000460h - Cmd 18h - MTX_MULT_4x4 - Multiply Current Matrix by 4x4 Matrix (W)
Sets C=M*C. Parameters: 16, m[0..15]

4000464h - Cmd 19h - MTX_MULT_4x3 - Multiply Current Matrix by 4x3 Matrix (W)
Sets C=M*C. Parameters: 12, m[0..11]

4000468h - Cmd 1Ah - MTX_MULT_3x3 - Multiply Current Matrix by 3x3 Matrix (W)
Sets C=M*C. Parameters: 9, m[0..8]

400046Ch - Cmd 1Bh - MTX_SCALE - Multiply Current Matrix by Scale Matrix (W)
Sets C=M*C. Parameters: 3, m[0..2]
Note: MTX_SCALE doesn't change Vector Matrix (even when in MTX_MODE=2) (that's done so for keeping the length of the light vector's intact).

4000470h - Cmd 1Ch - MTX_TRANS - Mult. Curr. Matrix by Translation Matrix (W)
Sets C=M*C. Parameters: 3, m[0..2] (x,y,z position)

4000640h..67Fh - CLIPMTX_RESULT - Read Current Clip Coordinates Matrix (R)
This 64-byte region (16 words) contains the m[0..15] values of the Current Clip Coordinates Matrix, arranged in 4x4 Matrix format. Make sure that the Geometry Engine is stopped (GXSTAT.27) before reading from these registers.
The Clip Matrix is internally used to convert vertices to screen coordinates, and is internally re-calculated anytime when changing the Position or Projection matrices:
  ClipMatrix = PositionMatrix * ProjectionMatrix
To read only the Position Matrix, or only the Projection Matrix: Use Load Identity on the OTHER matrix, so the ClipMatrix becomes equal to the DESIRED matrix (multiplied by the Identity Matrix, which has no effect on the result).

4000680h..6A3h - VECMTX_RESULT - Read Current Directional Vector Matrix (R)
This 36-byte region (9 words) contains the m[0..8] values of the Current Directional Vector Matrix, arranged in 3x3 Matrix format (the fourth row/column may contain any values).
Make sure that the Geometry Engine is stopped (GXSTAT.27) before reading from these registers.

  DS 3D Matrix Types

Essentially, all matrices in the NDS are 4x4 Matrices, consisting of 16 values, m[0..15]. Each element is a signed fixed-point 32bit number, with a fractional part in the lower 12bits.
The other Matrix Types are used to reduce the number of parameters being transferred, for example, 3x3 Matrix requires only nine parameters, the other seven elements are automatically set to 0 or 1.0 (whereas "1.0" means "1 SHL 12" in 12bit fixed-point notation).

   _      4x4 Matrix       _        _    Identity Matrix    _
  | m[0]  m[1]  m[2]  m[3]  |      |  1.0   0     0     0    |
  | m[4]  m[5]  m[6]  m[7]  |      |  0     1.0   0     0    |
  | m[8]  m[9]  m[10] m[11] |      |  0     0     1.0   0    |
  |_m[12] m[13] m[14] m[15]_|      |_ 0     0     0     1.0 _|

   _      4x3 Matrix       _        _  Translation Matrix   _
  | m[0]  m[1]  m[2]   0    |      |  1.0   0     0     0    |
  | m[3]  m[4]  m[5]   0    |      |  0     1.0   0     0    |
  | m[6]  m[7]  m[8]   0    |      |  0     0     1.0   0    |
  |_m[9]  m[10] m[11]  1.0 _|      |_m[0]  m[1]  m[2]   1.0 _|

   _      3x3 Matrix       _        _     Scale Matrix      _
  | m[0]  m[1]  m[2]   0    |      | m[0]   0     0     0    |
  | m[3]  m[4]  m[5]   0    |      |  0    m[1]   0     0    |
  | m[6]  m[7]  m[8]   0    |      |  0     0    m[2]   0    |
  |_ 0     0     0     1.0 _|      |_ 0     0     0     1.0 _|

  DS 3D Matrix Stack

Matrix Stack
The NDS has three Matrix Stacks, and two Matrix Stack Pointers (the Coordinate Matrix stack pointer is also shared for Directional Matrix Stack).
  Matrix Stack________Valid Stack Area____Stack Pointer___________________
  Projection Stack    0..0  (1 entry)     0..1  (1bit) (GXSTAT: 1bit)
  Coordinate Stack    0..30 (31 entries)  0..63 (6bit) (GXSTAT: 5bit only)
  Directional Stack   0..30 (31 entries)  (uses Coordinate Stack Pointer)
  Texture Stack       One..None?          0..1  (1bit) (GXSTAT: N/A)
Which of the stacks/matrices depends on the current Matrix Mode (as usually,
but with one exception; stack operations MTX_PUSH/POP/STORE/RESTORE in Mode 1 are acting same as in Mode 2):
  MTX_MODE = 0      --> Projection Stack
  MTX_MODE = 1 or 2 --> BOTH Coordinate AND Directional Stack
  MTX_MODE = 3      --> Texture Stack
The initial value of the Stack Pointers is zero, the current value of the pointers can be read from GXSTAT (read-only), that register does also indicate stack overflows (errors flag gets set on read/write to invalid entries, ie. entries 1 or 1Fh..3Fh). For all stacks, the upper half (ie. 1 or 20h..3Fh) are mirrors of the lower half (ie. 0 or 0..1Fh).

4000444h - Cmd 11h - MTX_PUSH - Push Current Matrix on Stack (W)
Parameters: None. Sets [S]=C, and then S=S+1.

4000448h - Cmd 12h - MTX_POP - Pop Current Matrix from Stack (W)
Sets S=S-N, and then C=[S].
  Parameter Bit0-5:  Stack Offset (signed value, -30..+31) (usually +1)
  Parameter Bit6-31: Not used
Offset N=(+1) pops the most recently pushed value, larger offsets of N>1 will "deallocate" N values (and load the Nth value into C). Zero or negative values can be used to pop previously "deallocated" values.
The stack has only one level (at address 0) in projection mode, in that mode, the parameter value is ignored, the offset is always +1 in that mode.

400044Ch - Cmd 13h - MTX_STORE - Store Current Matrix on Stack (W)
Sets [N]=C. The stack pointer S is not used, and is left unchanged.
  Parameter Bit0-4:  Stack Address (0..30) (31 causes overflow in GXSTAT.15)
  Parameter Bit5-31: Not used
The stack has only one level (at address 0) in projection mode, in that mode, the parameter value is ignored.

4000450h - Cmd 14h - MTX_RESTORE - Restore Current Matrix from Stack (W)
Sets C=[N]. The stack pointer S is not used, and is left unchanged.
  Parameter Bit0-4:  Stack Address (0..30) (31 causes overflow in GXSTAT.15)
  Parameter Bit5-31: Not used
The stack has only one level (at address 0) in projection mode, in that mode, the parameter value is ignored.

In Projection mode, the parameter for POP, STORE, and RESTORE is unused - not sure if the parameter (ie. a dummy value) is - or is not - to be written to the command FIFO?
There appear to be actually 32 entries in Coordinate & Directional Stacks, entry 31 appears to exist, and appears to be read/write-able (although the stack overflow flag gets set when accessing it).

  DS 3D Matrix Examples (Projection)

The most important matrix is the Projection Matrix (to be initialized with MTX_MODE=0 via MTX_LOAD_4x4 command). It does specify the dimensions of the view volume.

With Perspective Projections more distant objects will appear smaller, with Orthogonal Projects the size of the objects is always same regardless of their distance.

  Perspective Projection     Orthogonal Projection
                   __                  __________
       top __..--''  |            top |          |
          |   view   |                |   view   |
  Eye ----|--------->|        Eye ----|--------->|
          |__volume  |                |  volume  |
     bottom  ''--..__|          bottom|__________|
        near        far             near        far

Correctly initializing the projection matrix (as shown in the examples below) can be quite difficult (mind that fixed point multiply/divide requires to adjust the fixed-point width before/after calculation). For beginners, it may be recommended to start with a simple Identity Matrix (MTX_IDENTITY command) used as Projection Matrix (ie. Ortho with t,b,l,r set to +/-1).

Orthogonal Projections (Ortho)
  | (2.0)/(r-l)       0             0            0     |
  |      0       (2.0)/(t-b)        0            0     |
  |      0            0        (2.0)/(n-f)       0     |
  | (l+r)/(l-r)  (b+t)/(b-t)   (n+f)/(n-f)      1.0    |
n,f specify the distance from eye to near and far clip planes. t,b,l,r are the coordinates of near clip plane (top,bottom,left,right). For a symmetrical view (ie. the straight-ahead view line centered in the middle of viewport) t,b,l,r should be usually t=+ysiz/2, b=-ysiz/2, r=+xsiz/2, l=-xsiz/2; the (xsiz/ysiz) ratio should be usually equal to the viewport's (width/heigh) ratio. Examples for a asymmetrical view would be b=0 (frog's view), or t=0 (bird's view).

Left-Right Asymmetrical Perspective Projections (Frustum)
  | (2*n)/(r-l)       0             0            0     |
  |      0       (2*n)/(t-b)        0            0     |
  | (r+l)/(r-l)  (t+b)/(t-b)   (n+f)/(n-f)     -1.0    |
  |      0            0       (2*n*f)/(n-f)      0     |
n,f,t,b,l,r have same meanings as above (Ortho), the difference is that more distant objects will appear smaller with Perspective Projection (unlike Orthogonal Projection where the size isn't affected by the distance).

Left-Right Symmetrical Perspective Projections (Perspective)
  | cos/(asp*sin)     0             0            0     |
  |      0         cos/sin          0            0     |
  |      0            0        (n+f)/(n-f)     -1.0    |
  |      0            0       (2*n*f)/(n-f)      0     |
Quite the same as above (Frustum), but with symmetrical t,b values (which are in this case obtained from a vertical view range specified in degrees), and l,r are matched to the aspect ratio of the viewport (asp=height/width).

Moving the Camera
After initializing the Projection Matrix, you may multiply it with Rotate and/or Translation Matrices to change camera's position and view direction.

  DS 3D Matrix Examples (Rotate/Scale/Translate)

Identity Matrix
The MTX_IDENTITY command can be used to initialize the Position Matrix before doing any Translation/Scaling/Rotation, for example:
  Load(Identity)                           ;no rotation/scaling used
  Load(Identity), Mul(Rotate), Mul(Scale)  ;rotation/scaling (not so efficient)
  Load(Rotate), Mul(Scale)                 ;rotation/scaling (more efficient)

Rotation Matrices
Rotation can be performed with MTX_MULT_3x3 command, simple examples are:
  Around X-Axis          Around Y-Axis          Around Z-Axis
  | 1.0  0     0   |     | cos   0    sin |     | cos   sin   0   |
  | 0    cos   sin |     | 0     1.0  0   |     | -sin  cos   0   |
  | 0    -sin  cos |     | -sin  0    cos |     | 0     0     1.0 |

Scale Matrix
The MTX_SCALE command allows to adjust the size of the polygon. The x,y,z parameters should be normally all having the same value, x=y=z (unless if you want to change only the height of the object, for example). Identical results can be obtained with MTX_MULT commands, however, when using lighting (MTX_MODE=2), then scaling should be done ONLY with MTX_SCALE (which keeps the length of the light's directional vector intact).

Translation Matrix
The MTX_TRANS command allows to move polygons to the desired position. The polygon VTX commands are spanning only a small range of coordinates (near zero-coordinate), so translation is required to move the polygons to other locations in the world coordinates. Aside from that, translation is useful for moved objects (at variable coordinates), and for re-using an object at various locations (eg. you can create a forest by translating a tree to different coordinates).

Matrix Multiply Order
The Matrix must be set up BEFORE sending the Vertices (which are then automatically multiplied by the matrix). When using multiple matrices multiplied with each other: Mind that, for matrix maths A*B is NOT the same as B*A. For example, if you combine Rotate and Translate Matrices, the object will be either rotated around it's own zero-coordinate, or around world-space zero-coordinate, depending on the multiply order.

  DS 3D Matrix Examples (Maths Basics)

Below is a crash-course on matrix maths. Most of it is carried out automatically by the hardware. So this chapter is relevant only if you are interested in details about what happens inside of the 3D engine.

Matrix-by-Matrix Multiplication
Matrix multiplication, C = A * B, is possible only if the number of columns in A is equal to the number of rows in B, so it works fine with the 4x4 matrices which are used in the NDS. For the multiplication, assume matrix C to consist of elements cyx, and respecitively, matrix A and B to consist of elements ayx and byx. So that C = A * B looks like:
  | c11 c12 c13 c14 |     | a11 a12 a13 a14 |     | b11 b12 b13 b14 |
  | c21 c22 c23 c24 |  =  | a21 a22 a23 a24 |  *  | b21 b22 b23 b24 |
  | c31 c32 c33 c34 |     | a31 a32 a33 a34 |     | b31 b32 b33 b34 |
  | c41 c42 c43 c44 |     | a41 a42 a43 a44 |     | b41 b42 b43 b44 |
Each element in C is calculated by multiplying the elements from one row in A by the elements from the corresponding column in B, and then taking the sum of the products, ie.
  cyx = ay1*b1x + ay2*b2x + ay3*b3x + ay4*b4x
In total, that requires 64 multiplications (four multiplications for each of the 16 cyx elements), and 48 additions (three per cyx element), the hardware carries out that operation at a relative decent speed of 30..35 clock cycles, possibly by performing several multiplications simultaneously with separate multiply units.
Observe that for matrix multiplication, A*B is NOT the same as B*A.

Matrix-by-Vector & Vector-by-Matrix Multiplication
Vectors are Matrices with only one row, or only one column. Multiplication works as for normal matrices; the number of rows/columns must match up, repectively, row-vectors can be multiplied by matrices; and matrices can be multiplied by column-vectors (but not vice-versa). Eg. C = A * B:
                                                  | b11 b12 b13 b14 |
  | c11 c12 c13 c14 |  =  | a11 a12 a13 a14 |  *  | b21 b22 b23 b24 |
                                                  | b31 b32 b33 b34 |
                                                  | b41 b42 b43 b44 |
The formula for calculating the separate elements is same as above,
  cyx = ay1*b1x + ay2*b2x + ay3*b3x + ay4*b4x
Of which, C and A have only one y-index, so one may replace "cyx and ayx" by "c1x and a1x", or completely leave out the y-index, ie. "cx and ax".

Matrix-by-Number Multiplication
Simply multiply all elements of the Matrix by the number, C = A * n:
  cyx = ayx*n
Of course, works also with vectors (matrices with only one row/column).

Matrix-to-Matrix Addition/Subtraction
Both matrices must have the same number of rows & columns, add/subtract all elements with corresponding elements in other matrix, C = A +/- B:
  cyx = ayx +/- byx
Of course, works also with vectors (two matrices with only one row/column).

A vector, for example (x,y,z), consists of offsets along x-,y-, and z-axis. The line from origin to origin-plus-offset is having two characteristics: A direction, and a length.
The length (aka magnitude) can be calculated as L=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2).

Vector-by-Vector Multiplication
This can be processed as LineVector*RowVector, so the result is a number (aka scalar) (aka a matrix with only 1x1 elements). Multiplying two (normalized) vectors results in: "cos(angle)=vec1*vec2", ie. the cosine of the angle between the two vectors (eg. used for light vectors). Multiplying a vector with itself, and taking the square root of the result obtains its length, ie. "length=sqrt(vec^2)".
That stuff should be done with 3-dimensional vectors (not 4-dimensionals).

Normalized Vectors
Normalized Vectors (aka Unit Vectors) are vectors with length=1.0. To normalize a vector, divide its coordinates by its length, ie. x=x/L, y=y/L, z=z/L, the direction remains the same, but the length is now 1.0.
On the NDS, normalized vectors should have a length of something less than 1.0 (eg. something like 0.99) because several NDS registers are limited to 1bit sign, 0bit interger, Nbit fraction part (so vectors that are parallel to the x,y,z axes, or that become parallel to them after rotation, cannot have a length of 1.0).

Fixed-Point Numbers
The NDS uses fixed-point numbers (rather than floating point numbers). Addition and Subtraction works as with normal integers, provided that the fractional part is the same for both numbers. If it is not the same: Shift-left the value with the smaller fractional part.
For multiplication, the fractional part of result is the sum of the fractional parts (eg. 12bit fraction * 12bit fraction = 24bit fraction; shift-right the result by 12 to convert it 12bit fraction). The NDS matrix multiply unit is maintaining the full 24bit fraction when processing the
  cyx = ay1*b1x + ay2*b2x + ay3*b3x + ay4*b4x
formula, ie. the three additions are using full 24bit fractions (with carry-outs to upper bits), the final result of the additions is then shifted-right by 12.
For division, it's vice versa, the fractions of the operands are substracted, 24bit fraction / 12bit fraction = 12bit fraction. When dividing two 12bit numbers, shift-left the first number by 12 before division to get a result with 12bit fractional part.

Four-Dimensional Matrices
The NDS uses four-dimensional matrices and vectors, ie. matrices with 4x4 elements, and vectors with 4 elements. The first three elements are associated with the X,Y,Z-axes of the three-dimensional space. The fourth element is somewhat a "W-axis".
With 4-dimensional matrices, the Translate matrix can be used to move an object to another position. Ie. once when you've setup a matrix (which may consists of pre-multiplied scaling, rotation, translation matrices), then that matrix can be used on vertices to perform the rotation, scaling, translation all-at-once; by a single Vector*Matrix operation.
With 3-dimensional matrices, translation would require a separate addition, additionally to the multiply operation.

  DS 3D Polygon Attributes

40004A4h - Cmd 29h - POLYGON_ATTR - Set Polygon Attributes (W)
  0-3   Light 0..3 Enable Flags (each bit: 0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  4-5   Polygon Mode  (0=Modulation,1=Decal,2=Toon/Highlight Shading,3=Shadow)
  6     Polygon Back Surface   (0=Hide, 1=Render)  ;Line-segments are always
  7     Polygon Front Surface  (0=Hide, 1=Render)  ;rendered (no front/back)
  8-10  Not used
  11    Depth-value for Translucent Pixels    (0=Keep Old, 1=Set New Depth)
  12    Far-plane intersecting polygons       (0=Hide, 1=Render/clipped)
  13    1-Dot polygons behind DISP_1DOT_DEPTH (0=Hide, 1=Render)
  14    Depth Test, Draw Pixels with Depth    (0=Less, 1=Equal) (usually 0)
  15    Fog Enable                            (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  16-20 Alpha      (0=Wire-Frame, 1..30=Translucent, 31=Solid)
  21-23 Not used
  24-29 Polygon ID (00h..3Fh, used for translucent, shadow, and edge-marking)
  30-31 Not used
Writes to POLYGON_ATTR have no effect until next BEGIN_VTXS command.
Changes to the Light bits have no effect until lighting is re-calculated by Normal command. The interior of Wire-frame polygons is transparent (Alpha=0), and only the lines at the polygon edges are rendered, using a fixed Alpha value of 31.

4000480h - Cmd 20h - COLOR - Directly Set Vertex Color (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-4    Red
  Parameter 1, Bit 5-9    Green
  Parameter 1, Bit 10-14  Blue
  Parameter 1, Bit 15-31  Not used
The 5bit RGB values are internally expanded to 6bit RGB as follows: X=X*2+(X+31)/32, ie. zero remains zero, all other values are X=X*2+1.
Aside from by using the Color command, the color can be also changed by MaterialColor0 command (if MaterialColor0.Bit15 is set, it acts identical as the Color Command), and by the Normal command (which calculates the color based on light/material parameters).

Depth Test
The Depth Test compares the depth of the pixels of the polygon with the depth of previously rendered polygons (or of the rear plane if there have been none rendered yet). The new pixels are drawn if the new depth is Less (closer to the camera), or if it is Equal, as selected by POLYGON_ATTR.Bit14.
Normally, Depth Equal would work only exact matches (ie. if the overlapping polygons have exactly the same coordinates; and thus have the same rounding errors), however, the NDS hardware is allowing "Equal" to have a tolerance of +/-200h (within the 24bit depth range of 0..FFFFFFh), that may bypass rounding errors, but it may also cause nearby polygons to be accidently treated to have equal depth.

  DS 3D Polygon Definitions by Vertices

The DS supports polygons with 3 or 4 edges, triangles and quadliterals.
The position of the edges is defined by vertices, each consisting of (x,y,z) values.

For Line Segments, use Triangles with twice the same vertex, Line Segments are rendered always because they do not have any front and back sides.
The Prohibited Quad shapes may produce unintended results, namely, that are Quads with crossed sides, and quads with angles greater than 180 degrees.

  Separate Tri.     Triangle Strips   Line Segment
  v0                 v2___v4____v6
  |\      v3         /|\  |\    /\     v0    v1
  | \     /\      v0( | \ | \  /  \     ------
  |__\   /__\        \|__\|__\/____\         v2
  v1 v2 v4  v5       v1   v3  v5   v7

  Separate Quads          Quadliteral Strips         Prohibited Quads
    v0__v3                 v0__v2____v4     v10__    v0__v3     v4
     /  \   v4____v7        /  \     |\ _____ / /v11   \/       |\
    /    \   |    \        /    \    | |v6 v8| /       /\     v5| \
   /______\  |_____\      /______\___|_|_____|/       /__\     /___\
   v1    v2  v5    v6     v1    v3  v5 v7   v9       v2   v1   v6   v7

The vertices are normally arranged anti-clockwise, except that: in triangle-strips each second polygon uses clockwise arranged vertices, and quad-strips are sorts of "up-down" arranged (whereas "up" and "down" may be anywhere due to rotation). Other arrangements may result in quads with crossed lines, or may swap the front and back sides of the polygon (above examples are showing the front sides).

4000500h - Cmd 40h - BEGIN_VTXS - Start of Vertex List (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-1    Primitive Type (0..3, see below)
  Parameter 1, Bit 2-31   Not used
Indicates the Start of a Vertex List, and its Primitive Type:
  0  Separate Triangle(s)    ;3*N vertices per N triangles
  1  Separate Quadliteral(s) ;4*N vertices per N quads
  2  Triangle Strips         ;3+(N-1) vertices per N triangles
  3  Quadliteral Strips      ;4+(N-1)*2 vertices per N quads
The BEGIN_VTX command should be followed by VTX_-commands to define the Vertices of the list, and should be then terminated by END_VTX command.
BEGIN_VTX additionally applies changes to POLYGON_ATTR.

4000504h - Cmd 41h - END_VTXS - End of Vertex List (W)
Parameters: None. This is a Dummy command for OpenGL compatibility. It should be used to terminate a BEGIN_VTX, VTX_<values> sequence. END_VTXS is possibly required for Nintendo's software emulator? On real NDS consoles (and in no$gba) it does have no effect, it can be left out, or can be issued multiple times inside of a vertex list, without disturbing the display.

400048Ch - Cmd 23h - VTX_16 - Set Vertex XYZ Coordinates (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   X-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  Y-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 2, Bit 0-15   Z-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 2, Bit 16-31  Not used

4000490h - Cmd 24h - VTX_10 - Set Vertex XYZ Coordinates (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-9    X-Coordinate (signed, with 6bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 10-19  Y-Coordinate (signed, with 6bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 20-29  Z-Coordinate (signed, with 6bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 30-31  Not used
Same as VTX_16, with only one parameter, with smaller fractional part.

4000494h - Cmd 25h - VTX_XY - Set Vertex XY Coordinates (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   X-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  Y-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
The Z-Coordinate is kept unchanged, and re-uses the value from previous VTX.

4000498h - Cmd 26h - VTX_XZ - Set Vertex XZ Coordinates (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   X-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  Z-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
The Y-Coordinate is kept unchanged, and re-uses the value from previous VTX.

400049Ch - Cmd 27h - VTX_YZ - Set Vertex YZ Coordinates (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   Y-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  Z-Coordinate (signed, with 12bit fractional part)
The X-Coordinate is kept unchanged, and re-uses the value from previous VTX.

40004A0h - Cmd 28h - VTX_DIFF - Set Relative Vertex Coordinates (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-9    X-Difference (signed, with 9/12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 10-19  Y-Difference (signed, with 9/12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 20-29  Z-Difference (signed, with 9/12bit fractional part)
  Parameter 1, Bit 30-31  Not used
Sets XYZ-Coordinate relative to the XYZ-Coordinates from previous VTX. In detail: The 9bit fractional values are divided by 8 (sign expanded to 12bit fractions, in range +/-0.125), and that 12bit fraction is then added to the old vtx coordinates. The result of the addition should not overflow 16bit vertex coordinate range (1bit sign, 3bit integer, 12bit fraction).

Notes on VTX commands
On each VTX command, the viewport coordinates of the vertex are calculated and stored in Vertex RAM,
  ( xx, yy, zz, ww ) = ( x, y, z, 1.0 ) * ClipMatrix
The actual screen position (in pixels) is then,
  screen_x = (xx+ww)*viewport_width / (2*ww) + viewport_x1
  screen_y = (yy+ww)*viewport_height / (2*ww) + viewport_y1
Each VTX command that completes the definition of a polygon (ie. each 3rd for Separate Trangles) does additionally store data in Polygon List RAM.
VTX commands may be issued only between Begin and End commands.

Polygons are clipped to the 6 sides of the view volume (ie. to the left, right, top, bottom, near, and far edges). If one or more vertic(es) exceed one of these sides, then these vertic(es) are replaced by two newly created vertices (which are located on the intersections of the polygon edges and the view volume edge).
Depending on the number of clipped vertic(es), this may increase or decrease the number of entries in Vertex RAM (ie. minus N clipped vertices, plus 2 new vertices). Also, clipped polygons which are part of polygon strips are converted to separate polygons (which does increase number of entries in Vertex RAM). Polygons that are fully outside of the View Volume aren't stored in Vertex RAM, nor in Polygon RAM (the only exception are polygons that are located exactly one pixel below of, or right of lower/right edges, which appear to be accidently stored in memory).

  DS 3D Polygon Light Parameters

The lighting operation is performed by executing the Normal command (which sets the VertexColor based on the Light/Material parameters) (to the rest of the hardware it doesn't matter if the VertexColor was set by Color command or by Normal command). Light is calculated only for the Front side of the polygon (assuming that the Normal is matched to that side), so the Back side will be (incorrectly) using the same color.

40004C8h - Cmd 32h - LIGHT_VECTOR - Set Light's Directional Vector (W)
Sets direction of the specified light (ie. the light selected in Bit30-31).
  0-9   Directional Vector's X component (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
  10-19 Directional Vector's Y component (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
  20-29 Directional Vector's Z component (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
  30-31 Light Number                     (0..3)
Upon executing this command, the incoming vector is multiplied by the current Directional Matrix, the result is then applied as LightVector. This allows to rotate the light direction. However, normally, to keep the light unrotated, be sure to use LoadIdentity (in MtxMode=2) before setting the LightVector.

40004CCh - Cmd 33h - LIGHT_COLOR - Set Light Color (W)
Sets the color of the specified light (ie. the light selected in Bit30-31).
  0-4   Red          (0..1Fh)      ;\light color this will be combined with
  5-9   Green        (0..1Fh)      ; diffuse, specular, and ambient colors
  10-14 Blue         (0..1Fh)      ;/upon execution of the normal command
  15-29 Not used
  30-31 Light Number (0..3)

40004C0h - Cmd 30h - DIF_AMB - MaterialColor0 - Diffuse/Ambient Reflect. (W)
  0-4   Diffuse Reflection Red     ;\light(s) that directly hits the polygon,
  5-9   Diffuse Reflection Green   ; ie. max when NormalVector has opposite
  10-14 Diffuse Reflection Blue    ;/direction of LightVector
  15    Set Vertex Color (0=No, 1=Set Diffuse Reflection Color as Vertex Color)
  16-20 Ambient Reflection Red     ;\light(s) that indirectly hits the polygon,
  21-25 Ambient Reflection Green   ; ie. assuming that light is reflected by
  26-30 Ambient Reflection Blue    ;/walls/floor, regardless of LightVector
  31    Not used
With Bit15 set, the lower 15bits are applied as VertexColor (exactly as when when executing the Color command), the purpose is to use it as default color (eg. when outcommenting the Normal command), normally, when using lighting, the color setting gets overwritten (as soon as executing the Normal command).

40004C4h - Cmd 31h - SPE_EMI - MaterialColor1 - Specular Ref. & Emission (W)
  0-4   Specular Reflection Red    ;\light(s) reflected towards the camera,
  5-9   Specular Reflection Green  ; ie. max when NormalVector is in middle of
  10-14 Specular Reflection Blue   ;/LightVector and ViewDirection
  15    Specular Reflection Shininess Table (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  16-20 Emission Red               ;\light emitted by the polygon itself,
  21-25 Emission Green             ; ie. regardless of light colors/vectors,
  26-30 Emission Blue              ;/and no matter if any lights are enabled
  31    Not used
Caution: Specular Reflection WON'T WORK when the ProjectionMatrix is rotated.

40004D0h - Cmd 34h - SHININESS - Specular Reflection Shininess Table (W)
Write 32 parameter words (each 32bit word containing four 8bit entries), entries 0..3 in the first word, through entries 124..127 in the last word:
  0-7   Shininess 0 (unsigned fixed-point, 0bit integer, 8bit fractional part)
  8-15  Shininess 1 ("")
  16-23 Shininess 2 ("")
  24-31 Shininess 3 ("")
If the table is disabled (by MaterialColor1.Bit15), then reflection will act as if the table would be filled with linear increasing numbers.

4000484h - Cmd 21h - NORMAL - Set Normal Vector (W)
In short, this command does calculate the VertexColor, based on the various light-parameters.
In detail, upon executing this command, the incoming vector is multiplied by the current Directional Matrix, the result is then applied as NormalVector (giving it the same rotation as used for the following polygon vertices).
  0-9   X-Component of Normal Vector (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
  10-19 Y-Component of Normal Vector (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
  20-29 Z-Component of Normal Vector (1bit sign + 9bit fractional part)
  30-31 Not used
Defines the Polygon's Normal. And, does then update the Vertex Color; by recursing the View Direction, the NormalVector, the LightVector(s), and Light/Material Colors. The execution time of the Normal command varies depending on the number of enabled light(s).

Additional Light Registers
Additionally to above registers, light(s) must be enabled in PolygonAttr (mind that changes to PolygonAttr aren't applied until next Begin command). And, the Directional Matrix must be set up correctly (in MtxMode=2) for the LightVector and NormalVector commands.

Normal Vector
The Normal vector must point "away from the polygon surface" (eg. for the floor, the Normal should point upwards). That direction is implied by the polygon vertices, however, the hardware cannot automatically calculate it, so it must be set manually with the Normal command (prior to the VTX-commands).
When using lighting, the Normal command must be re-executed after switching Lighting on/off, or after changing light/material parameters. And, of course, also before defining polygons with different orientation. Polygons with same orientation (eg. horizontal polygon surfaces) and same material color can use the same Normal. Changing the Normal per polygon gives differently colored polygons with flat surfaces, changing the Normal per vertex gives the illusion of curved surfaces.

Light Vector
Each light consists of parallel beams; similar to sunlight, which appears to us (due to the great distance) to consist of parallel beams, all emmitted into the same direction; towards Earth.
In reality, light is emitted into ALL directions, originated from the light source (eg. a candle), the hardware doesn't support that type of non-parallel light. However, the light vectors can be changed per polygon, so a polygon that is located north of the light source may use different light direction than a polygon that is east of the light source.
And, of course, Light 0..3 may (and should) have different directions.

Normalized Vectors
The Normal Vector and the Light Vectors should be normalized (ie. their length should be 1.0) (in practice: something like 0.99, since the registers have only fractional parts) (a length of 1.0 can cause overflows).

Lighting Limitations
The functionality of the light feature is limited to reflecting light to the camera (light is not reflected to other polygons, nor does it cast shadows on other polygons). However, independently of the lighting feature, the DS hardware does allow to create shadows, see:
DS 3D Shadow Polygons

Internal Operation on Normal Command
  IF TexCoordTransformMode=2 THEN TexCoord=NormalVector*Matrix (see TexCoord)
  VertexColor = EmissionColor
  FOR i=0 to 3
   IF PolygonAttrLight[i]=enabled THEN
    DiffuseLevel = max(0,-(LightVector[i]*NormalVector))
    ShininessLevel = max(0,(-HalfVector[i])*(NormalVector))^2
    IF TableEnabled THEN ShininessLevel = ShininessTable[ShininessLevel]
    ;note: below processed separately for the R,G,B color components...
    VertexColor = VertexColor + SpecularColor*LightColor[i]*ShininessLevel
    VertexColor = VertexColor + DiffuseColor*LightColor[i]*DiffuseLevel
    VertexColor = VertexColor + AmbientColor*LightColor[i]
  NEXT i

Internal Operation on Light_Vector Command (for Light i)
  LightVector[i] = (LightVector*DirectionalMatrix)
  HalfVector[i] = (LightVector[i]+LineOfSightVector)/2

LineOfSightVector (how it SHOULD work)
Ideally, the LineOfSightVector should point from the camera to the vertic(es), however, the vertic(es) are still unknown at time of normal command, so it is just pointing from the camera to the screen, ie.
  LineOfSightVector = (0,0,-1.0)
Moreover, the LineOfSightVector should be multiplied by the Projection Matrix (so the vector would get rotated accordingly when the camera gets rotated), and, after multiplication by a scaled matrix, it'd be required to normalize the resulting vector.

LineOfSightVector (how it DOES actually work)
However, the NDS cannot normalize vectors by hardware, and therefore, it does completely leave out the LineOfSightVector*ProjectionMatrix multiplication. So, the LineOfSightVector is always (0,0,-1.0), no matter of any camera rotation. That means,
  Specular Reflection WON'T WORK when the ProjectionMatrix is rotated (!)
So, if you want to rotate the "camera" (in MTX_MODE=0), then you must instead rotate the "world" in the opposite direction (in MTX_MODE=2).
That problem applies only to Specular Reflection, ie. only if Lighting is used, and only if the Specular Material Color is nonzero.

Maths Notes
Note on Vector*Vector multiplication: Processed as LineVector*RowVector, so the result is a number (aka scalar) (aka a matrix with only 1x1 elements), multiplying two (normalized) vectors results in: "cos(angle)=vec1*vec2", ie. the consine of the angle between the two vectors.
The various Normal/Light/Half/Sight vectors are only 3-dimensional (x,y,z), ie. only the upper-left 3x3 matrix elements are used on multiplications with the 4x4 DirectionalMatrix.

  DS 3D Shadow Polygons

The DS hardware's Light-function allows to reflect light to the camera, it does not reflect light to other polygons, and it does not cast any shadows. For shadows at fixed locations it'd be best to pre-calculate their shape and position, and to change the vertex color of the shaded polygons.
Additionally, the Shadow Polygon feature can be used to create animated shadows, ie. moved objects and variable light sources.

Shadow Polygons and Shadow Volume
The software must define a Shadow Volume (ie. the region which doesn't contain light), the hardware does then automatically draw the shadow on all pixels whose x/y/z-coordinates are inside of that region.
The Shadow Volume must be defined by several Shadow Polygons which are enclosing the shaded region. The 'top' of the shadow volume should be usually translated to the position of the object that casts the shadow, if the light direction changes then the shadow volume should be also rotated to match the light direction. The 'length' of the shadow volume should be (at least) long enough to reach from the object to the walls/floor where the shadow is to be drawn. The shadow volume must be passed TWICE to the hardware:

Step 1 - Shadow Volume for Mask
Set Polygon_Attr Mode=Shadow, PolygonID=00h, Back=Render, Front=Hide, Alpha=01h..1Eh, and pass the shadow volume (ie. the shadow polygons) to the geometry engine.
The Back=Render / Front=Hide setting causes the 'rear-side' of the shadow volume to be rendered, of course only as far as it is in front of other polygons. The Mode=Shadow / ID=00h setting causes the polygon NOT to be drawn to the Color Buffer - instead, flags are set in the Stencil Buffer (to be used in Step 2).

Step 2 - Shadow Volume for Rendering
Simply repeat step 1, but with Polygon_Attr Mode=Shadow, PolygonID=01h..3Fh, Back=Render(what/why?), Front=Render, Alpha=01h..1Eh.
The Front=Render setting causes the 'front-side' of the shadow volume to be rendered, again, only as far as it is in front of other polygons. The Mode=Shadow / ID>00h setting causes the polygon to be drawn to the Color Buffer as usually, but only if the Stencil Buffer bits are zero (ie. the portion from Step 1 is excluded) (additionally, Step 2 resets the stencil bits after checking them). Moreover, the shadow is rendered only if its Polygon ID differs from the ID in the Attribute Buffer.

Shadow Alpha and Shadow Color
The Alpha=Translucent setting in Step 1 and 2 ensures that the Shadow is drawn AFTER the normal (opaque) polygons have been rendered. In Step 2 it does additionally specify the 'intensity' of the shadow. For normal shadows, the Vertex Color should be usually black, however, the shadow volume may be also used as 'spotlight volume' when using other colors.

Rendering Order
The Mask Volume must be rendered prior to the Rendering Volume, ie. Step 1 and 2 must be performed in that order, and, to keep that order intact, Auto-sorting must have been disabled in the previous Swap_Buffers command.
The shadow volume must be rendered after the 'target' polygons have been rendered, for opaque targets this is done automatically (due to the translucent alpha setting; translucent polygons are always rendered last, even with auto-sort disabled).

Translucent Targets
Casting shadows on Translucent Polygons. First draw the translucent target (with update depth buffer enabled, required for the shadow z-coordinates), then draw the Shadow Mask/Rendering volumes.
Due to the updated depth buffer the shadow will be cast only on the translucent target (not on any other polygons underneath of the translucent polygon). If you want the shadow to appear on both: Draw draw the Shadow Mask/Rendering volume TWICE (once before, and once after drawing the translucent target).

Polygon ID and Fog Enable
The "Render only if Polygon ID differs" feature (see Step 2) allows to prevent the shadow to be cast on the object that casts the shadow (ie. the object and shadow should have the same IDs). The feature also allows to select whether overlapping shadows (with same/different IDs) are shaded once or twice.
The old Fog Enable flag in the Attribute Buffer is ANDed with the Fog Enable flag of the Shadow Polygons, this allows to exclude Fog in shaded regions.

Shadow Volume Open/Closed Shapes
Normally, the shadow volume should have a closed shape, ie. should have rear-sides (step 1), and corresponding front-sides (step 2) for all possible viewing angles. That is required for the shadow to be drawn correctly, and also for the Stencil Buffer to be reset to zero (in step 2, so that the stencil bits won't disturb other shadow volumes).
Due to that, drawing errors may occur if the shadow volume's front or rear side gets clipped by near/far clip plane.
One exception is that the volume doesn't need a bottom-side (with a suitable volume length, the bottom may be left open, since it vanishes in the floor/walls anyways).

  DS 3D Texture Attributes

4000488h - Cmd 22h - TEXCOORD - Set Texture Coordinates (W)
Specifies the texture source coordinates within the texture bitmap which are to be associated with the next vertex.
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   S-Coordinate (X-Coordinate in Texture Source)
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  T-Coordinate (Y-Coordinate in Texture Source)
  Both values are 1bit sign + 11bit integer + 4bit fractional part.
  A value of 1.0 (=1 SHL 4) equals to one Texel.
With Position 0.0 , 0.0 drawing starts from upperleft of the Texture.
With positive offsets, drawing origin starts more "within" the texture.
With negative offsets, drawing starts "before" the texture.
"When texture mapping, the Geometry Engine works faster if you issue commands in the order TexCoord -> Normal -> Vertex."

40004A8h - Cmd 2Ah - TEXIMAGE_PARAM - Set Texture Parameters (W)
  0-15  Texture VRAM Offset div 8 (0..FFFFh -> 512K RAM in Slot 0,1,2,3)
        (VRAM must be allocated as Texture data, see Memory Control chapter)
  16    Repeat in S Direction (0=Clamp Texture, 1=Repeat Texture)
  17    Repeat in T Direction (0=Clamp Texture, 1=Repeat Texture)
  18    Flip in S Direction   (0=No, 1=Flip each 2nd Texture) (requires Repeat)
  19    Flip in T Direction   (0=No, 1=Flip each 2nd Texture) (requires Repeat)
  20-22 Texture S-Size        (for N=0..7: Size=(8 SHL N); ie. 8..1024 texels)
  23-25 Texture T-Size        (for N=0..7: Size=(8 SHL N); ie. 8..1024 texels)
  26-28 Texture Format        (0..7, see below)
  29    Color 0 of 4/16/256-Color Palettes (0=Displayed, 1=Made Transparent)
  30-31 Texture Coordinates Transformation Mode (0..3, see below)
Texture Formats:
  0  No Texture
  1  A3I5 Translucent Texture
  2  4-Color Palette Texture
  3  16-Color Palette Texture
  4  256-Color Palette Texture
  5  4x4-Texel Compressed Texture
  6  A5I3 Translucent Texture
  7  Direct Texture
Texture Coordinates Transformation Modes:
  0  Do not Transform texture coordinates
  1  TexCoord source
  2  Normal source
  3  Vertex source
The S-Direction equals to the horizontal direction of the source bitmap.
The T-Direction, T-repeat, and T-flip are the same in vertical direction.
For a "/" shaped texture, the S-clamp, S-repeat, and S-flip look like so:
  Clamp _____  Repeat       Repeat+Flip
  _____/       ///////////  /\/\/\/\/\/
With "Clamp", the texture coordinates are clipped to MinMax(0,Size-1), so the texels at the edges of the texture bitmap are repeated (to avoid that effect, fill the bitmap edges by texels with alpha=0, so they become invisible).

40004ACh - Cmd 2Bh - PLTT_BASE - Set Texture Palette Base Address (W)
  0-12   Palette Base Address (div8 or div10h, see below)
         (Not used for Texture Format 7: Direct Color Texture)
         (0..FFF8h/8 for Texture Format 2: ie. 4-color-palette Texture)
         (0..17FF0h/10h for all other Texture formats)
  13-31  Not used
The palette data occupies 16bit per color, Bit0-4: Red, Bit5-9: Green, Bit10-14: Blue, Bit15: Not used.
(VRAM must be allocated as Texture Palette, there can be up to 6 Slots allocated, ie. the addressable 18000h bytes, see Memory Control chapter)

TexImageParam and TexPlttBase
Can be issued per polygon (except within polygon strips).

  DS 3D Texture Formats

Format 2: 4-Color Palette Texture
Each Texel occupies 2bit, the first Texel is located in LSBs of 1st byte.
In this format, the Palette Base is specified in 8-byte steps; all other formats use 16-byte steps (see PLTT_BASE register).

Format 3: 16-Color Palette Texture
Each Texel occupies 4bit, the 1st Texel is located in LSBs of 1st byte.

Format 4: 256-Color Palette Texture
Each Texel occupies 8bit, the 1st Texel is located in 1st byte.

Format 7: Direct Color Texture
Each Texel occupies 16bit, the 1st Texel is located in 1st halfword.
Bit0-4: Red, Bit5-9: Green, Bit10-14: Blue, Bit15: Alpha

Format 1: A3I5 Translucent Texture (3bit Alpha, 5bit Color Index)
Each Texel occupies 8bit, the 1st Texel is located in 1st byte.
  Bit0-4: Color Index (0..31) of a 32-color Palette
  Bit5-7: Alpha       (0..7; 0=Transparent, 7=Solid)
The 3bit Alpha value (0..7) is internally expanded into a 5bit Alpha value (0..31) as follows: Alpha=(Alpha*4)+(Alpha/2).

Format 6: A5I3 Translucent Texture (5bit Alpha, 3bit Color Index)
Each Texel occupies 8bit, the 1st Texel is located in 1st byte.
  Bit0-2: Color Index (0..7) of a 8-color Palette
  Bit3-7: Alpha       (0..31; 0=Transparent, 31=Solid)

Format 5: 4x4-Texel Compressed Texture
Consists of 4x4 Texel blocks in Slot 0 or 2, 32bit per block, 2bit per Texel,
  Bit0-7   Upper 4-Texel row (LSB=first/left-most Texel)
  Bit8-15  Next  4-Texel row ("")
  Bit16-23 Next  4-Texel row ("")
  Bit24-31 Lower 4-Texel row ("")
Additional Palette Index Data for each 4x4 Texel Block is located in Slot 1,
  Bit0-13  Palette Offset in 4-byte steps; Addr=(PLTT_BASE*10h)+(Offset*4)
  Bit14-15 Transparent/Interpolation Mode (0..3, see below)
whereas, the Slot 1 offset is related to above Slot 0 or 2 offset,
  slot1_addr = slot0_addr / 2           ;lower 64K of Slot1 assoc to Slot0
  slot1_addr = slot2_addr / 2 + 10000h  ;upper 64K of Slot1 assoc to Slot2
The 2bit Texel values (0..3) are intepreted depending on the Mode (0..3),
  Texel  Mode 0       Mode 1             Mode 2         Mode 3
  0      Color 0      Color0             Color 0        Color 0
  1      Color 1      Color1             Color 1        Color 1
  2      Color 2      (Color0+Color1)/2  Color 2        (Color0*5+Color1*3)/8
  3      Transparent  Transparent        Color 3        (Color0*3+Color1*5)/8
Mode 1 and 3 are using only 2 Palette Colors (which requires only half as much Palette memory), the 3rd (and 4th) Texel Colors are automatically set to above values (eg. to gray-shades if color 0 and 1 are black and white).
Note: The maximum size for 4x4-Texel Compressed Textures is 1024x512 or 512x1024 (which are both occupying the whole 128K in slot 0 or 2, plus 64K in slot1), a larger size of 1024x1024 cannot be used because of the gap between slot 0 and 2.

  DS 3D Texture Coordinates

For textured polygons, a texture coordinate must be associated with each vertex of the polygon. The coordinates (S,T) are defined by TEXCOORD command (typically issued prior to each VTX command), and can be optionally automatically transformed, by the Transformation Mode selected in TEXIMAGE_PARAM register.

Texture Matrix
Although the texture matrix is 4x4, with values m[0..15], only the left two columns of this matrix are actually used. In Mode 2 and 3, the bottom row of the matrix is replaced by S and T values from most recent TEXCOORD command.

Texture Coordinates Transformation Mode 0 - No Transform
The values are set upon executing the TEXCOORD command,
  ( S' T' )  =  ( S  T )
Simple coordinate association, without using the Texture Matrix at all.

Texture Coordinates Transformation Mode 1 - TexCoord source
The values are calculated upon executing the TEXCOORD command,
                                     | m[0]  m[1]  |
  ( S' T' )  =  ( S  T 1/16 1/16 ) * | m[4]  m[5]  |
                                     | m[8]  m[9]  |
                                     | m[12] m[13] |
Can be used to produce a simple texture scrolling, rotation, or scaling, by setting a translate, rotate, or scale matrix for the texture matrix.

Texture Coordinates Transformation Mode 2 - Normal source
The values are calculated upon executing the NORMAL command,
                                     | m[0]  m[1]  |
  ( S' T' )  =  ( Nx  Ny  Nz 1.0 ) * | m[4]  m[5]  |
                                     | m[8]  m[9]  |
                                     | S     T     |
Can be used to produce spherical reflection mapping by setting the texture matrix to the current directional vector matrix, multiplied by a scaling matrix that expands the directional vector space from -1.0..+1.0 to one half of the texture size. For that purpose, translate the origin of the texture coordinate to the center of the spherical texture by using TexCoord command (spherical texture means a bitmap that contains some circle-shaped image).

Texture Coordinates Transformation Mode 3 - Vertex source
The values are calculated upon executing any VTX commands,
                                     | m[0]  m[1]  |
  ( S' T' )  =  ( Vx  Vy  Vz 1.0 ) * | m[4]  m[5]  |
                                     | m[8]  m[9]  |
                                     | S     T     |
Can be used to produce texture scrolls dependent on the View coordinates by copying the current position coordinate matrix into the texture matrix. For example, the PositionMatrix can be obtained via CLIPMTX_RESULT (see there for details), and that values can be then manually copied to the TextureMatrix.

Sign+Integer+Fractional Parts used in above Formulas
  Matrix    m[..]     1+19+12 (32bit)
  Vertex    Vx,Vy,Vz  1+3+12  (16bit)
  Normal    Nx,Ny,Nz  1+0+9   (10bit)
  Constant  1.0       0+1+0   (1bit)
  Constant  1/16      0+0+4   (4bit)
  TexCoord  S,T       1+11+4  (16bit)
  Result    S',T'     1+11+4  (16bit) <-------- clipped to that size !
Observe that the S',T' values are clipped to 16bit size. Ie. after the Vector*Matrix calaction, the result is shifted right (to make it having a 4bit fraction), and the value is then masked to 16bit size.

  DS 3D Texture Blending

Polygon pixels consist of a Vertex Color, and of Texture Colors.
These colors can be blended as described below. Or, to use only either one:
To use only the Vertex Color: Select No Texture in TEXIMAGE_PARAM.
To use only the Texture Color: Select Modulation Mode and Alpha=31 in POLYGON_ATTR, and set COLOR to 7FFFh (white), or to gray values (to decrease brightness of the texture color).

Vertex Color (Rv,Gv,Bv,Av)
The Vertex Color (Rv,Gv,Bv) can be changed per Vertex (either by Color, Normal, or Material0 command), pixels between vertices are shaded to medium values of the surrounding vertices. The Vertex Alpha (Av), can be changed only per polygon (by PolygonAttr command).

Texture Colors (Rt,Gt,Bt,At)
The Texture Colors (Rt,Gt,Bt), and Alpha value (At), are defined by the Texture Bitmap. For formats without Alpha value, assume At=31 (solid), and for formats with 1bit Alpha assume At=A*31.

Shading Table Colors (Rs,Gs,Bs)
In Toon/Highlight Shading Mode, the red component of the Vertex Color (Rv) is mis-used as an index in the Shading Table, ie. Rv is used to read Shading Colors (Rs,Gs,Bs) from the table; the green and blue components of the Vertex Color (Gv,Bv) are unused in this mode. The Vertex Alpha (Av) is kept used.
Shading is used in Polygon Mode 2, whether it is Toon or Highlight Shading is selected in DISP3DCNT; this is a per-frame selection, so only either one can be used.

Texture Blending - Modulation Mode (Polygon Attr Mode 0)
  R = ((Rt+1)*(Rv+1)-1)/64
  G = ((Gt+1)*(Gv+1)-1)/64
  B = ((Bt+1)*(Bv+1)-1)/64
  A = ((At+1)*(Av+1)-1)/64
The multiplication result is decreased intensity (unless both factors are 63).

Texture Blending - Decal Mode (Polygon Attr Mode 1)
  R = (Rt*At + Rv*(63-At))/64  ;except, when At=0: R=Rv, when At=31: R=Rt
  G = (Gt*At + Gv*(63-At))/64  ;except, when At=0: G=Gv, when At=31: G=Gt
  B = (Bt*At + Bv*(63-At))/64  ;except, when At=0: B=Bv, when At=31: B=Bt
  A = Av
The At value is used (only) as ratio for Texture color vs Vertex Color.

Texture Blending - Toon Shading (Polygon Mode 2, DISP3DCNT=Toon)
The vertex color Red component (Rv) is used as an index in the toon table.
  R = ((Rt+1)*(Rs+1)-1)/64   ;Rs=ToonTableRed[Rv]
  G = ((Gt+1)*(Gs+1)-1)/64   ;Gs=ToonTableGreen[Rv]
  B = ((Bt+1)*(Bs+1)-1)/64   ;Bs=ToonTableBlue[Rv]
  A = ((At+1)*(Av+1)-1)/64
This is same as Modulation Mode, but using Rs,Gs,Bs instead Rv,Gv,Bv.

Texture Blending - Highlight Shading (Polygon Mode 2, DISP3DCNT=Highlight)
  R = ((Rt+1)*(Rs+1)-1)/64+Rs ;truncated to MAX=63
  G = ((Gt+1)*(Gs+1)-1)/64+Gs ;truncated to MAX=63
  B = ((Bt+1)*(Bs+1)-1)/64+Bs ;truncated to MAX=63
  A = ((At+1)*(Av+1)-1)/64
Same as Toon Shading, with additional addition offset, the addition may increase the intensity, however, it may also change the hue of the color.

Above formulas are for 6bit RGBA values, ie. 5bit values internally expanded to 6bit as such: IF X>0 THEN X=X*2+1.

Uni-Colored Textures
Although textures are normally containing "pictures", in some cases it makes sense to use "blank" textures that are filled with a single color:
Wire-frame polygons are always having Av=31, however, they can be made transparent by using Translucent Textures (ie. A5I3 or A3I5 formats) with At<31.
In Toon/Highlight shading modes, the Vertex Color is mis-used as table index, however, Toon/Highlight shading can be used on uni-colored textures, which is more or less the same as using Toon/Highlight shading on uni-colored Vertex-colors.

  DS 3D Toon, Edge, Fog, Alpha-Blending, Anti-Aliasing

4000380h..3BFh - TOON_TABLE - Toon Table (W)
This 64-byte region contains the 32 toon colors (16bit per color), used for both Toon and Highlight Shading. In both modes, the Red (R) component of the RGBA vertex color is mis-used as index to obtain the new RGB value from the toon table, vertex Alpha (A) is kept used as is.
  Bit0-4: Red, Bit5-9: Green, Bit10-14: Blue, Bit15: Not Used
Shading can be enabled (per polygon) in Polygon_Attr, whether it is Toon or Highlight Shading is set (per frame) in DISP3DCNT. For more info on shading, see:
DS 3D Texture Blending

4000330h..33Fh - EDGE_COLOR - Edge Colors 0..7 (W)
This 16-byte region contains the 8 edge colors (16bit per color), Edge Color 0 is used for Polygon ID 00h..07h, Color 1 for ID 08h..0Fh, and so on.
  Bit0-4: Red, Bit5-9: Green, Bit10-14: Blue, Bit15: Not Used
Edge Marking allows to mark the edges of an object (whose polygons all have the same ID) in a wire-frame style. Edge Marking can be enabled (per frame) in DISP3DCNT. When enabled, the polygon edges are drawn at the edge color, but only if the old ID value in the Attribute Buffer is different than the Polygon ID of the new polygon, so no edges are drawn between connected or overlapping polygons with same ID values.
Edge Marking is applied ONLY to opaque polygons (including wire-frames).
Edge Marking increases the size of opaque polygons (see notes below).
Edge Marking doesn't work very well with Anti-Aliasing (see Anti-Aliasing).
Technically, when rendering a polygon, it's edges (ie. the wire-frame region) are flagged as possible-edges (but it's still rendered normally, without using the edge-color). Once when all opaque polygons (*) have been rendered, the edge color is applied to these flagged pixels, under following conditions: At least one of the four surrounding pixels (up, down, left, right) must have different polygon_id than the edge, and, the edge depth must be LESS than the depth of that surrounding pixel (ie. no edges are rendered if the depth is GREATER or EQUAL, even if the polygon_id differs). At the screen borders, edges seem to be rendered in respect to the rear-plane's polygon_id entry (see Port 4000350h).
(*) Actually, edge-marking is reportedly performed not until all opaque AND translucent polygons have been rendered. That brings up some effects/problems when edges are covered by translucent polys: The edge-color is probably drawn as is (ie. it'll overwrite the translucent color, rather than being blended with the translucent color). And, any translucent polygons that do update the depth buffer will cause total edge-marking malfunction (since edge-marking involves the comparision of the current/surrounding pixel's depth values).

4000358h - FOG_COLOR - Fog Color (W)
Fog can be used to let more distant polygons to disappear in foggy grayness (or in darkness, or other color). This is particulary useful to "hide" the far clip plane. Fog can be enabled in DISP3DCNT.Bit7, moreover, when enabled, it can be activated or deactivated per polygon (POLYGON_ATTR.Bit15), and per Rear-plane (see there).
  0-4    Fog Color, Red     ;\
  5-9    Fog Color, Green   ; used only when DISP3DCNT.Bit6 is zero
  10-14  Fog Color, Blue    ;/
  15     Not used
  16-20  Fog Alpha          ;-used no matter of DISP3DCNT.Bit6
  21-31  Not used
Whether or not fog is applied to a pixel depends on the Fog flag in the framebuffer, the initial value of that flag can be defined in the rear-plane. When rendering opaque pixels, the framebuffer's fog flag gets replaced by PolygonAttr.Bit15. When rendering translucent pixels, the old flag in the framebuffer gets ANDed with PolygonAttr.Bit15.

400035Ch - FOG_OFFSET - Fog Depth Offset (W)
  0-14   Fog Offset (Unsigned) (0..7FFFh)
  15-31  Not used
FogDepthBoundary[0..31] (for FogDensity[0..31]) are defined as:
  FogDepthBoundary[n] = FOG_OFFSET + FOG_STEP*(n+1)   ;with n = 0..31
Whereas FOG_STEP is derived from the FOG_SHIFT value in DISP3DCNT.Bit8-11 (FOG_STEP=400h shr FOG_SHIFT) (normally FOG_SHIFT should be 0..10 (bigger shift amounts of 11..15 would cause FOG_STEP to become zero, so only Density[0] and Density[31] would be used).
The meaning of the depth values depends on whether z-values or w-values are stored in the framebuffer (see SwapBuffers.Bit1).
For translucent polygons, the depth value (and therefore: the amount of fog) depends on the depth update bit (see PolygonAttr.Bit11).

4000360h..37Fh - FOG_TABLE - Fog Density Table (W)
This 32-byte region contains FogDensity[0..31] (used at FogDepthBoundary[n]),
  0-6    Fog Density (00h..7Fh = None..Full) (usually increasing values)
  7      Not used
FogDensity[0] is used for all pixels closer than FogDepthBoundary[0], FogDensity[31] is used for all pixels more distant than FogDepthBoundary[0].
Density is linear interpolated for pixels that are between two Density depth boundaries. The formula for Fog Blending is:
  FrameBuffer[R] = (FogColor[R]*Density + FrameBuffer[R]*(128-Density)) / 128
  FrameBuffer[G] = (FogColor[G]*Density + FrameBuffer[G]*(128-Density)) / 128
  FrameBuffer[B] = (FogColor[B]*Density + FrameBuffer[B]*(128-Density)) / 128
  FrameBuffer[A] = (FogColor[A]*Density + FrameBuffer[A]*(128-Density)) / 128
If DISP3DCNT.Bit6 is set (=Alpha Only), then only FrameBuffer[A] is updated, and FrameBuffer[RGB] are kepth unchanged. Density=127 is handled as if Density=128.
Fog Glitch: The fog_alpha value appears to be ignored (treated as fog_alpha=1Fh) in the region up to the first density boundary. However, normally that value will be multiplied by zero (assumung that density[0] is usually zero), so you won't ever notice that hardware glitch.

Alpha-Blending (Polygon vs FrameBuffer)
Alpha-Blending occurs for pixels of translucent polygons,
  FrameBuf[R] = (Poly[R]*(Poly[A]+1) + FrameBuf[R]*(31-(Poly[A])) / 32
  FrameBuf[G] = (Poly[G]*(Poly[A]+1) + FrameBuf[G]*(31-(Poly[A])) / 32
  FrameBuf[B] = (Poly[B]*(Poly[A]+1) + FrameBuf[B]*(31-(Poly[A])) / 32
  FrameBuf[A] = max(Poly[A],FrameBuf[A])
There are three situations in which Alpha-Blending is bypassed (the old Framebuf[R,G,B,A] value is then simply overwritten by Poly[R,G,B,A]):
  1) Alpha-Blending is disabled                       (DISP3DCNT.Bit3=0)
  2) The polygon pixel is opaque                      (Poly[A]=31)
  3) The old framebuffer value is totally transparent (FrameBuf[A]=0)
The third case can happen if the rear-plane was initialized with Alpha=0, which causes the polygon not to be blended with the rear-plane (which may give better results when subsequently blending the 3D layer with the 2D engine).
Note: Totally transparent pixels (with Poly[A]=0) are not rendered (ie. neither FrameBuf[R,G,B,A] nor FrameBuf[Depth,Fog,PolyID,etc.] are updated.

Anti-Aliasing can be enabled in DISP3DCNT, when enabled, the edges of opaque polygons will be anti-aliased (ie. the pixels at the edges may become translucent).
Anti-Aliasing is not applied on translucent polygons. And, Anti-Aliasing is not applied on the interiors of the poylgons (eg. an 8x8 chessboard texture will be anti-aliased only at the board edges, not at the edges of the 64 fields).
Anti-Aliasing is (accidently) applied to opaque 1dot polygongs, line-segments and wire-frames (which results in dirty lines with missing pixels, 1dot polys become totally invisible), workaround is to use translucent dots, lines and wires (eg. with alpha=30).
Anti-Aliasing is (correctly) not applied to edges of Edge-Marked polygons, in that special case even opaque line-segments and wire-frames are working even if anti-aliasing is enabled (provided that they are edge-marked, ie. if their polygon ID differs from the framebuffer's ID).
Anti-Aliasing is (accidently) making the edges of Edge-Marked polygons translucent (with alpha=16 or so?), that reduces the contrast of the edge colors. Moreover, if two of these translucent edges do overlap, then they are blended twice (even if they have the same polygon_id, and even if the depth_update bit in polygon_attr is set; both should normally prevent double-blending), that scatters the brightness of such edges.

Polygon Size
In some cases, the NDS hardware doesn't render the lower/right edges of certain polygons. That feature reduces rendering load, and, when rendering connected polygons (eg. strips), then it'd be unnecessary to render that edges (since they'd overlap with the upper/left edges of the other polygon). On the contrary, if there's no connected polygon displayed, then the polygon may appear smaller than expected. Small polygons with excluded edges are:
  Opaque polygons (except wire-frames) without Edge-Marking and Anti-Aliasing,
  and, all polygons with vertical right-edges (except line-segments).
  Plus, Translucent Polys when Alpha-Blending is disabled in DISP3DCNT.Bit3.
All other polygons are rendered at full size with all edges included (except vertical right edges). Note: To disable the small-polygon feature, you can enable edge-marking (which does increase the polygon size, even if no edges are drawn, ie. even if all polys do have the same ID).

  DS 3D Status

4000600h - GXSTAT - Geometry Engine Status Register (R and R/W)
Bit 30-31 are R/W. Writing "1" to Bit15 does reset the Error Flag (Bit15), and additionally resets the Projection Stack Pointer (Bit13), and probably (?) also the Texture Stack Pointer. All other GXSTAT bits are read-only.
  0     BoxTest,PositionTest,VectorTest Busy (0=Ready, 1=Busy)
  1     BoxTest Result  (0=All Outside View, 1=Parts or Fully Inside View)
  2-7   Not used
  8-12  Position & Vector Matrix Stack Level (0..31) (lower 5bit of 6bit value)
  13    Projection Matrix Stack Level        (0..1)
  14    Matrix Stack Busy (0=No, 1=Yes; Currently executing a Push/Pop command)
  15    Matrix Stack Overflow/Underflow Error (0=No, 1=Error/Acknowledge/Reset)
  16-24 Number of 40bit-entries in Command FIFO  (0..256)
 (24)   Command FIFO Full (MSB of above)  (0=No, 1=Yes; Full)
  25    Command FIFO Less Than Half Full  (0=No, 1=Yes; Less than Half-full)
  26    Command FIFO Empty                (0=No, 1=Yes; Empty)
  27    Geometry Engine Busy (0=No, 1=Yes; Busy; Commands are executing)
  28-29 Not used
  30-31 Command FIFO IRQ (0=Never, 1=Less than half full, 2=Empty, 3=Reserved)
When GXFIFO IRQ is enabled (setting 1 or 2), the IRQ flag (IF.Bit21) is set while and as long as the IRQ condition is true (and attempts to acknowledge the IRQ by writing to IF.Bit21 have no effect). So that, the IRQ handler must either fill the FIFO, or disable the IRQ (setting 0), BEFORE trying to acknowledge the IRQ.

4000604h - RAM_COUNT - Polygon List & Vertex RAM Count Register (R)
  0-11   Number of Polygons currently stored in Polygon List RAM (0..2048)
  12-15  Not used
  16-28  Number of Vertices currently stored in Vertex RAM       (0..6144)
  13-15  Not used
If a SwapBuffers command has been sent, then the counters are reset 10 cycles (at 33.51MHz clock) after next VBlank.

4000320h - RDLINES_COUNT - Rendered Line Count Register (R)
Rendering starts in scanline 214, the rendered lines are stored in a buffer that can hold up to 48 scanlines. The actual screen output begins after scanline 262, the lines are then read from the buffer and sent to the display. Simultaneously, the rendering engine keeps writing new lines to the buffer (ideally at the same speed than display output, so the buffer would always contain 48 pre-calculated lines).
  0-5    Minimum Number (minus 2) of buffered lines in previous frame (0..46)
  6-31   Not used
If rendering becomes slower than the display output, then the number of buffered lines decreases. Smaller values in RDLINES indicate that additional load to the rendering engine may cause buffer underflows in further frames, if so, the program should reduce the number of polygons to avoid display glitches.
Even if RDLINES becomes zero, it doesn't indicate whether actual buffer underflows have occured or not (underflows are indicated in DISP3DCNT Bit12).

  DS 3D Tests

40005C0h - Cmd 70h - BOX_TEST - Test if Cuboid Sits inside View Volume (W)
The BoxTest result indicates if one or more of the 6 faces of the box are fully or parts of inside of the view volume. Can be used to reduce unnecessary overload, ie. if the result is false, then the program can skip drawing of objects which are inside of the box.
BoxTest verifies only if the faces of the box are inside view volume, and so, it will return false if the whole view volume is located inside of the box (still objects inside of the box may be inside of view).
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   X-Coordinate
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  Y-Coordinate
  Parameter 2, Bit 0-15   Z-Coordinate
  Parameter 2, Bit 16-31  Width  (presumably: X-Offset?)
  Parameter 3, Bit 0-15   Height (presumably: Y-Offset?)
  Parameter 3, Bit 16-31  Depth  (presumably: Z-Offset?)
  All values are 1bit sign, 3bit integer, 12bit fractional part
The result of the "coordinate+offset" additions should not overflow 16bit vertex coordinate range (1bit sign, 3bit integer, 12bit fraction).
Before using BoxTest, be sure that far-plane-intersecting & 1-dot polygons are enabled, if they aren't: Send the PolygonAttr command (with bit12,13 set to enable them), followed by dummy Begin and End commands (required to apply the new PolygonAttr settings). BoxTest should not be issued within Begin/End.
After sending the BoxTest command, wait until GXSTAT.Bit0 indicates Ready, then read the result from GXSTAT.Bit1.

40005C4h - Cmd 71h - POS_TEST - Set Position Coordinates for Test (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-15   X-Coordinate
  Parameter 1, Bit 16-31  Y-Coordinate
  Parameter 2, Bit 0-15   Z-Coordinate
  Parameter 2, Bit 16-31  Not used
  All values are 1bit sign, 3bit integer, 12bit fractional part.
Multiplies the specified line-vector (x,y,z,1) by the clip coordinate matrix.
After sending the command, wait until GXSTAT.Bit0 indicates Ready, then read the result from POS_RESULT registers. POS_TEST can be issued anywhere (except within polygon strips, huh?).
Caution: POS_TEST overwrites the internal VTX registers, so the next vertex should be <fully> defined by VTX_10 or VTX_16, otherwise, when using VTX_XY, VTX_XZ, VTX_YZ, or VTX_DIFF, then the new vertex will be relative to the POS_TEST coordinates (rather than to the previous vertex).

4000620h..62Fh - POS_RESULT - Position Test Results (R)
This 16-byte region (4 words) contains the resulting clip coordinates (x,y,z,w) from the POS_TEST command. Each value is 1bit sign, 19bit integer, 12bit fractional part.

40005C8h - Cmd 72h - VEC_TEST - Set Directional Vector for Test (W)
  Parameter 1, Bit 0-9    X-Component
  Parameter 1, Bit 10-19  Y-Component
  Parameter 1, Bit 20-29  Z-Component
  Parameter 1, Bit 30-31  Not used
  All values are 1bit sign, 9bit fractional part.
Multiplies the specified line-vector (x,y,z,0) by the directional vector matrix. Similar as for the NORMAL command, it does require Matrix Mode 2 (ie. Position & Vector Simultaneous Set mode).
After sending the command, wait until GXSTAT.Bit0 indicates Ready, then read the result ("the directional vector in the View coordinate space") from VEC_RESULT registers.

4000630h..635h - VEC_RESULT - Vector Test Results (R)
This 6-byte region (3 halfwords) contains the resulting vector (x,y,z) from the VEC_TEST command. Each value is 4bit sign, 0bit integer, 12bit fractional part. The 4bit sign is either 0000b (positive) or 1111b (negative).
There is no integer part, so values >=1.0 or <-1.0 will cause overflows.
(Eg. +1.0 aka 1000h will be returned as -1.0 aka F000h due to overflow and sign-expansion).

  DS 3D Rear-Plane

Other docs seem to refer to this as Clear-plane, rather than Rear-plane, anyways, the plane can be an image, so it isn't always "cleared".
The view order is as such:
  --> 2D Layers --> 3D Polygons --> 3D Rear-plane --> 2D Layers --> 2D Backdrop
The rear-plane can be disabled (by making it transparent; alpha=0), so that the 2D layers become visible as background.
2D layers can be moved in front of, or behind the 3D layer-group (which is represented as BG0 to the 2D Engine), 2D layers behind BG0 can be used instead of, or additionally to the rear-plane.

The rear-plane can be initialized via below two registers (so all pixels in the plane have the same colors and attributes), this method is used when DISP3DCNT.14 is zero:

4000350h - CLEAR_COLOR - Clear Color Attribute Register (W)
  0-4    Clear Color, Red
  5-9    Clear Color, Green
  10-14  Clear Color, Blue
  15     Fog (enables Fog to the rear-plane) (doesn't affect Fog of polygons)
  16-20  Alpha
  21-23  Not used
  24-29  Clear Polygon ID (affects edge-marking, at the screen-edges?)
  30-31  Not used

4000354h - CLEAR_DEPTH - Clear Depth Register (W)
  0-14   Clear Depth (0..7FFFh) (usually 7FFFh = most distant)
  15     Not used
  16-31  See Port 4000356h, CLRIMAGE_OFFSET
The 15bit Depth is expanded to 24bit as "X=(X*200h)+((X+1)/8000h)*1FFh".

Rear Color/Depth Bitmaps
Alternately, the rear-plane can be initialized by bitmap data (allowing to assign different colors & attributes to each pixel), this method is used when DISP3DCNT.14 is set:
Consists of two bitmaps (one with color data, one with depth data), each containing 256x256 16bit entries, and so, each occupying a whole 128K slot,
  Rear Color Bitmap (located in Texture Slot 2)
    0-4    Clear Color, Red
    5-9    Clear Color, Green
    10-14  Clear Color, Blue
    15     Alpha (0=Transparent, 1=Solid) (equivalent to 5bit-alpha 0 and 31)
  Rear Depth Bitmap (located in Texture Slot 3)
    0-14   Clear Depth, expanded to 24bit as X=(X*200h)+((X+1)/8000h)*1FFh
    15     Clear Fog (Initial fog enable value)
This method requires VRAM to be allocated to Texture Slot 2 and 3 (see Memory Control chapter). Of course, in that case the VRAM is used as Rear-plane, and cannot be used for Textures.
The bitmap method is restricted to 1bit alpha values (the register-method allows to use a 5bit alpha value).
The Clear Polygon ID is kept defined in the CLEAR_COLOR register, even in bitmap mode.

4000356h - CLRIMAGE_OFFSET - Rear-plane Bitmap Scroll Offsets (W)
The visible portion of the bitmap is 256x192 pixels (regardless of the viewport setting, which is used only for polygon clipping). Internally, the bitmap is 256x256 pixels, so the bottom-most 64 rows are usually offscreen, unless scrolling is used to move them into view.
  Bit0-7   X-Offset (0..255; 0=upper row of bitmap)
  Bit8-14  Y-Offset (0..255; 0=left column of bitmap)
The bitmap wraps to the upper/left edges when exceeding the lower/right edges.

  DS 3D Final 2D Output

The final 3D image (consisting of polygons and rear-plane) is passed to 2D Engine A as BG0 layer (provided that DISPCNT is configured to use 3D as BG0).

The BG0HOFS register (4000010h) can be used the scroll the 3D layer horizontally, the scroll region is 512 pixels, consisting of 256 pixels for the 3D image, followed by 256 transparent pixels, and then wrapped to the 3D image again. Vertical scrolling (and rotation/scaling) cannot be used on the 3D layer.

BG Priority Order
The lower 2bit of the BG0CNT register (4000008h) control the priority relative to other BGs and OBJs, so the 3D layer can be in front of or behind 2D layers. All other bits in BG0CNT have no effect on 3D, namely, mosaic cannot be used on the 3D layer.

Special Effects
Special Effects Registers (4000050h..54h) can be used as such:
  Brightness up/down with BG0 as 1st Target via EVY   (as for 2D)
  Blending with BG0 as 2nd Target via EVA/EVB         (as for 2D)
  Blending with BG0 as 1st Target via 3D Alpha-values (unlike as for 2D)
The latter method probably (?) uses per-pixel 3D alpha values as such: EVA=A/2, and EVB=16-A/2, without using the EVA/EVB settings in 4000052h.

Window Feature
Window Feature (4000040h..4Bh) can be used as for 2D.
"If the 3D screen has highest priority, then alpha-blending is always enabled, regardless of the Window Control register's color effect enable flag [ie. regardless of Bit5 of WIN0IN, WIN1IN, WINOBJ, WINOUT registers]"... not sure if that is true, and if it superseedes the effect selection in Port 4000050h...?

  DS Sound

The DS contains 16 hardware sound channels.
The console contains two speakers, arranged left and right of the upper screen, and so, provides stereo sound even without using the headphone socket.

DS Sound Channels 0..15
DS Sound Control Registers
DS Sound Capture
DS Sound Block Diagrams
DS Sound Notes

Power control
When restoring power supply to the sound circuit, do not output any sound during the first 15 milliseconds.

  DS Sound Channels 0..15

Each of the 16 sound channels occopies 16 bytes in the I/O region, starting with channel 0 at 4000400h..400040Fh, up to channel 15 at 40004F0h..40004FFh.

40004x0h - NDS7 - SOUNDxCNT - Sound Channel X Control Register (R/W)
  Bit0-6    Volume Mul   (0..127=silent..loud)
  Bit7      Not used     (always zero)
  Bit8-9    Volume Div   (0=Normal, 1=Div2, 2=Div4, 3=Div16)
  Bit10-14  Not used     (always zero)
  Bit15     Hold         (0=Normal, 1=Hold last sample after one-shot sound)
  Bit16-22  Panning      (0..127=left..right) (64=half volume on both speakers)
  Bit23     Not used     (always zero)
  Bit24-26  Wave Duty    (0..7) ;HIGH=(N+1)*12.5%, LOW=(7-N)*12.5% (PSG only)
  Bit27-28  Repeat Mode  (0=Manual, 1=Loop Infinite, 2=One-Shot, 3=Prohibited)
  Bit29-30  Format       (0=PCM8, 1=PCM16, 2=IMA-ADPCM, 3=PSG/Noise)
  Bit31     Start/Status (0=Stop, 1=Start/Busy)
All channels support ADPCM/PCM formats, PSG rectangular wave can be used only on channels 8..13, and white noise only on channels 14..15.

40004x4h - NDS7 - SOUNDxSAD - Sound Channel X Data Source Register (W)
  Bit0-26  Source Address (must be word aligned, bit0-1 are always zero)
  Bit27-31 Not used

40004x8h - NDS7 - SOUNDxTMR - Sound Channel X Timer Register (W)
  Bit0-15  Timer Value, Sample frequency, timerval=-(33513982Hz/2)/freq
The PSG Duty Cycles are composed of eight "samples", and so, the frequency for Rectangular Wave is 1/8th of the selected sample frequency.
For PSG Noise, the noise frequency is equal to the sample frequency.

40004xAh - NDS7 - SOUNDxPNT - Sound Channel X Loopstart Register (W)
  Bit0-15  Loop Start, Sample loop start position
           (counted in words, ie. N*4 bytes)

40004xCh - NDS7 - SOUNDxLEN - Sound Channel X Length Register (W)
The number of samples for N words is 4*N PCM8 samples, 2*N PCM16 samples, or 8*(N-1) ADPCM samples (the first word containing the ADPCM header). The Sound Length is not used in PSG mode.
  Bit0-21  Sound length (counted in words, ie. N*4 bytes)
  Bit22-31 Not used
Minimum length (the sum of PNT+LEN) is 4 words (16 bytes), smaller values (0..3 words) are causing hang-ups (busy bit remains set infinite, but no sound output occurs).

In One-shot mode, the sound length is the sum of (PNT+LEN).
In Looped mode, the length is (1*PNT+Infinite*LEN), ie. the first part (PNT) is played once, the second part (LEN) is repeated infinitely.

  DS Sound Control Registers

4000500h - NDS7 - SOUNDCNT - Sound Control Register (R/W)
  Bit0-6   Master Volume       (0..127=silent..loud)
  Bit7     Not used            (always zero)
  Bit8-9   Left Output from    (0=Left Mixer, 1=Ch1, 2=Ch3, 3=Ch1+Ch3)
  Bit10-11 Right Output from   (0=Right Mixer, 1=Ch1, 2=Ch3, 3=Ch1+Ch3)
  Bit12    Output Ch1 to Mixer (0=Yes, 1=No) (both Left/Right)
  Bit13    Output Ch3 to Mixer (0=Yes, 1=No) (both Left/Right)
  Bit14    Not used            (always zero)
  Bit15    Master Enable       (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  Bit16-31 Not used            (always zero)

4000504h - NDS7 - SOUNDBIAS - Sound Bias Register (R/W)
  Bit0-9   Sound Bias    (0..3FFh, usually 200h)
  Bit10-31 Not used      (always zero)
After applying the master volume, the signed left/right audio signals are in range -200h..+1FFh (with medium level zero), the Bias value is then added to convert the signed numbers into unsigned values (with medium level 200h).
BIAS output is always enabled, even when Master Enable (SOUNDCNT.15) is off.

The sampling frequency of the mixer is 1.04876 MHz with an amplitude resolution of 24 bits, but the sampling frequency after mixing with PWM modulation is 32.768 kHz with an amplitude resolution of 10 bits.

  DS Sound Capture

The DS contains 2 built-in sound capture devices that can capture output waveform data to memory.
Sound capture 0 can capture output from left-mixer or output from channel 0.
Sound capture 1 can capture output from right-mixer or output from channel 2.

4000508h - NDS7 - SNDCAP0CNT - Sound Capture 0 Control Register (R/W)
4000509h - NDS7 - SNDCAP1CNT - Sound Capture 1 Control Register (R/W)
  Bit0     Control of Associated Sound Channels (ANDed with Bit7)
            SNDCAP0CNT: Output Sound Channel 1 (0=As such, 1=Add to Channel 0)
            SNDCAP1CNT: Output Sound Channel 3 (0=As such, 1=Add to Channel 2)
            Caution: Addition mode works only if BOTH Bit0 and Bit7 are set.
  Bit1     Capture Source Selection
            SNDCAP0CNT: Capture 0 Source (0=Left Mixer, 1=Channel 0/Bugged)
            SNDCAP1CNT: Capture 1 Source (0=Right Mixer, 1=Channel 2/Bugged)
  Bit2     Capture Repeat        (0=Loop, 1=One-shot)
  Bit3     Capture Format        (0=PCM16, 1=PCM8)
  Bit4-6   Not used              (always zero)
  Bit7     Capture Start/Status  (0=Stop, 1=Start/Busy)

4000510h - NDS7 - SNDCAP0DAD - Sound Capture 0 Destination Address (R/W)
4000518h - NDS7 - SNDCAP1DAD - Sound Capture 1 Destination Address (R/W)
  Bit0-26  Destination address (word aligned, bit0-1 are always zero)
  Bit27-31 Not used (always zero)
Capture start address (also used as re-start address for looped capture).

4000514h - NDS7 - SNDCAP0LEN - Sound Capture 0 Length (W)
400051Ch - NDS7 - SNDCAP1LEN - Sound Capture 1 Length (W)
  Bit0-15  Buffer length (1..FFFFh words) (ie. N*4 bytes)
  Bit16-31 Not used
Minimum length is 1 word (attempts to use 0 words are interpreted as 1 word).

SOUND1TMR - NDS7 - Sound Channel 1 Timer shared as Capture 0 Timer
SOUND3TMR - NDS7 - Sound Channel 3 Timer shared as Capture 1 Timer
There are no separate capture frequency registers, instead, the sample frequency of Channel 1/3 is shared for Capture 0/1. These channels are intended to output the captured data, so it makes sense that both capture and sound output use the same frequency.

For Capture 0, a=0, b=1, x=0.
For Capture 1, a=2, b=3, x=1.

Capture Bugs
The NDS contains two hardware bugs which do occur when capturing data from ch(a) (SNDCAPxCNT.Bit1=1), if so, either bug occurs depending on whether ch(a)+ch(b) addition is enabled or disabled (SNDCAPxCNT.Bit0).
  1) Both Negative Bug - SNDCAPxCNT Bit1=1, Bit0=0 (addition disabled)
   Capture data is accidently set to -8000h if ch(a) and ch(b) are both <0.
   Otherwise the correct capture result is returned, ie. plain ch(a) data,
   not being affected by ch(b) (since addition is disabled).
   Workaround: Ensure that ch(a) and/or ch(b) are >=0 (or disabled).
 2) Overflow Bug - SNDCAPxCNT Bit1=1, Bit0=1 (addition enabled)
   In this mode, Capture data isn't clipped to MinMax(-8000h,+7FFFh),
   instead, it is ANDed with FFFFh, so the sign bit is lost if the
   addition result ch(a)+ch(b) is less/greater than -8000h/+7FFFh.
   Workaround: Reduce ch(a)/ch(b) volume or data to avoid overflows.
These bugs occur only for capture (speaker output remains intact), and they occur only when capturing ch(a) (capturing mixer-output works flawless).

ch(a)+ch(b) Channel Addition
The ch(a)+ch(b) addition unit has 2 outputs, with slightly different results:
 1) Addition Result for Capture(x) when using capture source=ch(a):
  Addition is performed always, no matter of SOUNDCNT.Bit12/13.
  And, no matter of ch(a) enable, result is plain ch(b) if ch(a) is disabled.
  Result is 16bit (plus fraction) with overflow error (see Capture Bugs).
 2) Addition Result for Mixer (towards speakers, and capture source=mixer):
  Ch(b) is muted if ch(a) is disabled.
  Ch(b) is muted if ch(b) SOUNDCNT.Bit12/13 is set to "Ch(b) not to mixer".
  Result is 17bit (plus fraction) without overflow error.
Addition mode can be used only if the <corresponding> capture unit is enabled, ie. if SNDCAPxCNT (Bit0 AND Bit7)=1. If so, addition affects both mixers (and so, may also affect the <other> capture unit if it reads from mixer).

  DS Sound Block Diagrams

Left Mixer with Capture 0
(Right Mixer with Capture 1, respectively)
  Ch0.L ------------->|     |  +------------------------------> to Capture 0
               ___    |     |  |                  ___
  Ch1.L ---+->|Sel|-->|     |  |       Ch0..Ch15 |   |
           |  |___|   |Left |--+---------------->|   |
  Ch2.L ---|--------->|Mixer|                    |Sel|   ______    ____
           |   ___    |     |                Ch1 |   |  |Master|  |Add |
  Ch3.L -+-|->|Sel|-->|     | +----------------->|   |->|Volume|->|Bias|-> L
         | |  |___|   |     | |                  |   |  |______|  |____|
  Ch4.L -|-|--------->|     | |              Ch3 |   |
  ...   -|-|--------->|     | | +--------------->|   |
  Ch15.L-|-|--------->|_____| | |   ___          |   |
         | +------------------+-|->|Add| Ch1+Ch3 |   |

Channel 0 and 1, Capture 0 with input from Left Mixer
(Channel 2 and 3, Capture 1 with input from Right Mixer, respectively)
  ____     _________     ___     ___      ___
 |FIFO|-->|Channel 0|-->|Vol|-->|Add|-+->|Pan|--> Ch0.L
 |____|   |_________|   |___|   |___| |  |___|--> Ch0.R
  ____     _________     ___      ^   |
 |FIFO|<--|Capture 0|<--|Sel|<----|---+
 |____|   |_ _____ _|   |___|<----|-------------- Left Mixer
  ____     _:Timer:_     ___     _|_      ___
 |FIFO|-->|Channel 1|-->|Vol|-->|Sel|--->|Pan|--> Ch1.L
 |____|   |_________|   |___|   |___|    |___|--> Ch1.R

Channel 4 (Channel 5..15, respectively)
  ____     _________     ___              ___
 |FIFO|-->|Channel 4|-->|Vol|----------->|Pan|--> Ch4.L
 |____|   |_________|   |___|            |___|--> Ch4.R

The FIFO isn't used in PSG/Noise modes (supported on channel 8..15).

  DS Sound Notes

Sound delayed Start/Restart (timing glitch)
A sound will be started/restarted when changing its start bit from 0 to 1, however, the sound won't start immediately: PSG/Noise starts after 1 sample, PCM starts after 3 samples, and ADPCM starts after 11 samples (3 dummy samples as for PCM, plus 8 dummy samples for the ADPCM header).

Sound Stop (timing note)
In one-shot mode, the Busy bit gets cleared automatically at the BEGIN of the last sample period, nethertheless (despite of the cleared Busy bit) the last sample is kept output until the END of the last sample period (or, if the Hold flag is set, then the last sample is kept output infinitely, that is, until Hold gets cleared, or until the sound gets restarted).

Hold Flag (appears useless/bugged)
The Hold flag allows to keep the last sample being output infinitely after the end of one-shot sounds. This feature is probably intended to allow to play two continous one-shot sound blocks (without producing any scratch noise upon small delays between both blocks, which would occur if the output level would drop to zero).
However, the feature doesn't work as intended. As described above, PCM8/PCM16 sound starts are delayed by 3 samples. With Hold flag set, old output level is acually kept intact during the 1st sample, but the output level drops to zero during 2nd-3rd sample, before starting the new sound in 4th sample.

7bit Volume and Panning Values
  data.vol   = data*N/128
  pan.left   = data*(128-N)/128
  pan.right  = data*N/128
  master.vol = data*N/128/64
Register settings of 0..126,127 are interpreted as N=0..126,128.

Max Output Levels
When configured to max volume (and left-most or right-most panning), each channel can span the full 10bit output range (-200h..1FFh) on one speaker, as well as the full 16bit input range (-8000h..7FFFh) on one capture unit.
(It needs 2 channels to span the whole range on BOTH speakers/capture units.)
Together, all sixteen channels could thus reach levels up to -1E00h..21F0h (with default BIAS=200h) on one speaker, and -80000h..+7FFF0h on one capture unit. However, to avoid overflows, speaker outputs are clipped to MinMax(0,3FFh), and capture inputs to MinMax(-8000h..+7FFFh).

Channel/Mixer Bit-Widths
  Step                           Bits  Min        Max
  0 Incoming PCM16 Data          16.0  -8000h     +7FFFh
  1 Volume Divider (div 1..16)   16.4  -8000h     +7FFFh
  2 Volume Factor (mul N/128)    16.11 -8000h     +7FFFh
  3 Panning (mul N/128)          16.18 -8000h     +7FFFh
  4 Rounding Down (strip 10bit)  16.8  -8000h     +7FFFh
  5 Mixer (add channel 0..15)    20.8  -80000h    +7FFF0h
  6 Master Volume (mul N/128/64) 14.21 -2000h     +1FF0h
  7 Strip fraction               14.0  -2000h     +1FF0h
  8 Add Bias (0..3FFh, def=200h) 15.0  -2000h+0   +1FF0h+3FFh
  9 Clip (min/max 0h..3FFh)      10.0  0          +3FFh
Table shows integer.fractional bits, and min/max values (without fraction).

Capture Clipping/Rounding
Incoming ch(a) is NOT clipped, ch(a)+ch(b) may overflow (see Capture Bugs).
Incoming mixer data (20.8bits) is clipped to 16.8bits (MinMax -8000h..7FFFh).
For PCM8 capture format, the 16.8 bits are divided by 100h (=8.16 bits).
If the MSB of the fractional part is set, then data is rounded towards zero.
(Positive values are rounded down, negative values are rounded up.)
The fractional part is then discarded, and plain integer data is captured.

PSG Sound
The output volume equals to PCM16 values +7FFFh (HIGH) and -7FFFh (LOW).
PSG sound is always Infinite (the SOUNDxLEN Register, and the SOUNDxCNT Repeat Mode bits have no effect). The PSG hardware doesn't support sound length, sweep, or volume envelopes, however, these effects can be produced by software with little overload (or, more typically, with enormous overload, depending on the programming language used).

PSG Wave Duty (channel 8..13 in PSG mode)
Each duty cycle consists of eight HIGH or LOW samples, so the sound frequency is 1/8th of the selected sample rate. The duty cycle always starts at the begin of the LOW period when the sound gets (re-)started.
  0  12.5% "_______-_______-_______-"
  1  25.0% "______--______--______--"
  2  37.5% "_____---_____---_____---"
  3  50.0% "____----____----____----"
  4  62.5% "___-----___-----___-----"
  5  75.0% "__------__------__------"
  6  87.5% "_-------_-------_-------"
  7   0.0% "________________________"
The Wave Duty bits exist and are read/write-able on all channels (although they are actually used only in PSG mode on channels 8-13).

PSG Noise (channel 14..15 in PSG mode)
Noise randomly switches between HIGH and LOW samples, the output levels are calculated, at the selected sample rate, as such:
  X=X SHR 1, IF carry THEN Out=LOW, X=X XOR 6000h ELSE Out=HIGH
The initial value when (re-)starting the sound is X=7FFFh. The formula is more or less same as "15bit polynomial counter" used on 8bit Gameboy and GBA.

PCM8 and PCM16
Signed samples in range -80h..+7Fh (PCM8), or -8000h..+7FFFh (PCM16).
The output volume of PCM8=NNh is equal to PCM16=NN00h.

IMA-ADPCM is a Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) variant, designed by International Multimedia Association (IMA), the format is used, among others, in IMA-ADPCM compressed Windows .WAV files.
The NDS data consist of a 32bit header, followed by 4bit values (so each byte contains two values, the first value in the lower 4bits, the second in upper 4 bits). The 32bit header contains initial values:
  Bit0-15   Initial PCM16 Value (Pcm16bit = -7FFFh..+7FFF) (not -8000h)
  Bit16-22  Initial Table Index Value (Index = 0..88)
  Bit23-31  Not used (zero)
In theory, the 4bit values are decoded into PCM16 values, as such:
  Diff = ((Data4bit AND 7)*2+1)*AdpcmTable[Index]/8      ;see rounding-error
  IF (Data4bit AND 8)=0 THEN Pcm16bit = Max(Pcm16bit+Diff,+7FFFh)
  IF (Data4bit AND 8)=8 THEN Pcm16bit = Min(Pcm16bit-Diff,-7FFFh)
  Index = MinMax (Index+IndexTable[Data4bit AND 7],0,88)
In practice, the first line works like so (with rounding-error):
  Diff = AdpcmTable[Index]/8
  IF (data4bit AND 1) THEN Diff = Diff + AdpcmTable[Index]/4
  IF (data4bit AND 2) THEN Diff = Diff + AdpcmTable[Index]/2
  IF (data4bit AND 4) THEN Diff = Diff + AdpcmTable[Index]/1
And, a note on the second/third lines (with clipping-error):
  Max(+7FFFh) leaves -8000h unclipped (can happen if initial PCM16 was -8000h)
  Min(-7FFFh) clips -8000h to -7FFFh (possibly unlike windows .WAV files?)
Whereas, IndexTable[0..7] = -1,-1,-1,-1,2,4,6,8. And AdpcmTable [0..88] =
The closest way to reproduce the AdpcmTable with 32bit integer maths appears:
  X=000776d2h, FOR I=0 TO 88, Table[I]=X SHR 16, X=X+(X/10), NEXT I
  Table[3]=000Ah, Table[4]=000Bh, Table[88]=7FFFh, Table[89..127]=0000h
When using ADPCM and loops, set the loopstart position to the data part, rather than the header. At the loop end, the SAD value is reloaded to the loop start location, additionally index and pcm16 values are reloaded to the values that have originally appeared at that location. Do not change the ADPCM loop start position during playback.

Microphone Input
For Microphone (and Touchscreen) inputs, see
DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)

  DS System and Built-in Peripherals

DS DMA Transfers
DS Timers
DS Interrupts
DS Maths
DS Inter Process Communication (IPC)
DS Keypad
DS Absent Link Port
DS Real-Time Clock (RTC)
DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)
DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)
DS Power Management
DS Backwards-compatible GBA-Mode
DS Debug Registers (Emulator/Devkits)

  DS DMA Transfers

The DS includes four DMA channels for each CPU (ie. eight channels in total), which are working more or less the same as on GBA:
GBA DMA Transfers
All NDS9 and NDS7 DMA Registers are R/W. The gamepak bit (Bit 27) has been removed (on the NDS9 the bit is used to expand the mode setting to 3bits).

Word count of all channels is expanded to 21bits (max 1..1FFFFFh units, or 0=200000h units), and SAD/DAD registers for all channels support ranges of 0..0FFFFFFEh. The transfer modes (DMACNT Bit27-29) are:
  0  Start Immediately
  1  Start at V-Blank
  2  Start at H-Blank (paused during V-Blank)
  3  Synchronize to start of display
  4  Main memory display
  5  DS Cartridge Slot
  6  GBA Cartridge Slot
  7  Geometry Command FIFO

Word Count, SAD, and DAD are R/W, aside from that they do have the same restrictions as on GBA (max 4000h or 10000h units, some addresses limited to 0..07FFFFFEh). DMACNT Bit27 is unused on NDS7. The transfer modes (DMACNT Bit28-29) are:
  0  Start Immediately
  1  Start at V-Blank
  2  DS Cartridge Slot
  3  DMA0/DMA2: Wireless interrupt, DMA1/DMA3: GBA Cartridge Slot

40000E0h - NDS9 only - DMA0FILL - DMA 0 Filldata (R/W)
40000E4h - NDS9 only - DMA1FILL - DMA 1 Filldata (R/W)
40000E8h - NDS9 only - DMA2FILL - DMA 2 Filldata (R/W)
40000ECh - NDS9 only - DMA3FILL - DMA 3 Filldata (R/W)
  Bit0-31 Filldata
The DMA Filldata registers contain 16 bytes of general purpose WRAM, intended to be used as fixed source addresses for DMA memfill operations.
This is useful because DMA cannot read from TCM, and reading from Main RAM would require to recurse cache & write buffer.

NDS7 Sound DMA
The NDS additionally includes 16 Sound DMA channels, plus 2 Sound Capture DMA channels (see Sound chapter). The priority of these channels is unknown.

NDS9 Cache, Writebuffer, DTCM, and ITCM
Cache and tightly coupled memory are connected directly to the NDS9 CPU, without using the system bus. So that, DMA cannot access DTCM/ITCM, and access to cached memory regions must be handled with care: Drain the writebuffer before DMA-reads, and invalidate the cache after DMA-writes. See,
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor
The CPU can be kept running during DMA, provided that it is accessing only TCM (or cached memory), otherwise the CPU is halted until DMA finishes.
Respectively, interrupts executed during DMA will usually halt the CPU (unless the IRQ handler uses only TCM and cache; the IRQ vector at FFFF00xxh must be cached, or relocated to ITCM at 000000xxh, and the IRQ handler may not access IE, IF, or other I/O ports).

NDS Sequential Main Memory DMA
Main RAM has different access time for sequential and non-sequential access. Normally DMA uses sequential access (except for the first word), however, if the source and destination addresses are both in Main RAM, then all accesses become non-sequential. In that case it would be faster to use two DMA transfers, one from Main RAM to a scratch buffer in WRAM, and one from WRAM to Main RAM.

  DS Timers

Same as GBA, except F = 33.513982 MHz (for both NDS9 and NDS7).
GBA Timers
Both NDS9 and NDS7 have four Timers each, eight Timers in total.
The NDS sound controller is having its own frequency generators (unlike GBA, which needed to use Timers to drive channel A/B sounds).

  DS Interrupts

4000208h - NDS9/NDS7 - IME - Interrupt Master Enable (R/W)
  0     Disable all interrupts  (0=Disable All, 1=See IE register)
  1-31  Not used

4000210h - NDS9/NDS7 - IE - 32bit - Interrupt Enable (R/W)
4000214h - NDS9/NDS7 - IF - 32bit - Interrupt Request Flags (R/W)
Bits in the IE register are 0=Disable, 1=Enable.
Reading IF returns 0=No request, 1=Interrupt Request.
Writing IF acts as 0=No change, 1=Acknowledge (clears that bit).
  0     LCD V-Blank
  1     LCD H-Blank
  2     LCD V-Counter Match
  3     Timer 0 Overflow
  4     Timer 1 Overflow
  5     Timer 2 Overflow
  6     Timer 3 Overflow
  7     NDS7 only: SIO/RCNT/RTC (Real Time Clock)
  8     DMA 0
  9     DMA 1
  10    DMA 2
  11    DMA 3
  12    Keypad
  13    GBA-Slot (external IRQ source) / DSi: None such
  14    Not used                       / DSi9: NDS-Slot Card change?
  15    Not used                       / DSi: dito for 2nd NDS-Slot?
  16    IPC Sync
  17    IPC Send FIFO Empty
  18    IPC Recv FIFO Not Empty
  19    NDS-Slot Game Card Data Transfer Completion
  20    NDS-Slot Game Card IREQ_MC
  21    NDS9 only: Geometry Command FIFO
  22    NDS7 only: Screens unfolding
  23    NDS7 only: SPI bus
  24    NDS7 only: Wifi    / DSi9: XpertTeak DSP
  25    Not used           / DSi9: Camera
  26    Not used           / DSi9: Undoc, IF.26 set on FFh-filling 40021Axh
  27    Not used           / DSi:  Maybe IREQ_MC for 2nd gamecard?
  28    Not used           / DSi: NewDMA0
  29    Not used           / DSi: NewDMA1
  30    Not used           / DSi: NewDMA2
  31    Not used           / DSi: NewDMA3
  ?     DSi7: any further new IRQs on ARM7 side...?
Raw TCM-only IRQs can be processed even during DMA ?
Trying to set all IE bits gives FFFFFFFFh (DSi7) or FFFFFF7Fh (DSi9).

4000218h - DSi7 - IE2 - DSi7 Extra Interrupt Enable Bits
400021Ch - DSi7 - IF2 - DSi7 Extra Interrupt Flags
  0     DSi7: GPIO18[0]   ;\
  1     DSi7: GPIO18[1]   ; maybe 1.8V signals?
  2     DSi7: GPIO18[2]   ;/
  3     DSi7: Unused (0)
  4     DSi7: GPIO33[0] unknown (related to "GPIO330" testpoint on mainboard?)
  5     DSi7: GPIO33[1] Headphone connect (HP#SP) (static state)
  6     DSi7: GPIO33[2] Powerbutton interrupt (short pulse upon key-down)
  7     DSi7: GPIO33[3]
  8     DSi7: SD/MMC Controller   ;-Onboard eMMC and External SD Slot
  9     DSi7: SD Slot Data1 pin   ;-For SDIO hardware in External SD Slot
  10    DSi7: SDIO Controller     ;\Atheros Wifi Unit
  11    DSi7: SDIO Data1 pin      ;/
  12    DSi7: AES interrupt
  13    DSi7: I2C interrupt
  14    DSi7: Microphone Extended interrupt
  15-31 DSi7: Unused (0)
Trying to set all IE2 bits gives 00007FF7h (DSi7) or 00000000h (DSi9).

DTCM+3FFCh - NDS9 - IRQ Handler (hardcoded DTCM address)
380FFFCh - NDS7 - IRQ Handler (hardcoded RAM address)
  Bit 0-31  Pointer to IRQ Handler
NDS7 Handler must use ARM code, NDS9 Handler can be ARM/THUMB (Bit0=Thumb).

DTCM+3FF8h - NDS9 - IRQ Check Bits (hardcoded DTCM address)
380FFF8h - NDS7 - IRQ Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address)
  Bit 0-31  IRQ Flags (same format as IE/IF registers)
When processing & acknowleding interrupts via IF register, the user interrupt handler should also set the corresponding bits of the IRQ Check value (required for BIOS IntrWait and VBlankIntrWait SWI functions).

380FFC0h - DSi7 only - Extra IRQ Check Bits for IE2/IF2 (hardcoded RAM addr)
Same as the above 380FFF8h value, but for new IE2/IF2 registers, intended for use with IntrWait and VBlankIntrWait functions. However, that functions are BUGGED on DSi and won't actually work in practice (they do support only the new 380FFC0h bits, but do accidently ignore the old 380FFF8h bits).

--- Below for other (non-IRQ) exceptions ---

27FFD9Ch - RAM - NDS9 Debug Stacktop / Debug Vector (0=None)
380FFDCh - RAM - NDS7 Debug Stacktop / Debug Vector (0=None)
These addresses contain a 32bit pointer to the Debug Handler, and, memory below of the addresses is used as Debug Stack. The debug handler is called on undefined instruction exceptions, on data/prefetch aborts (caused by the protection unit), on FIQ (possibly caused by hardware debuggers). It is also called by accidental software-jumps to the reset vector, and by unused SWI numbers within range 0..1Fh.

  DS Maths

4000280h - NDS9 - DIVCNT - Division Control (R/W)
  0-1   Division Mode    (0-2=See below) (3=Reserved; same as Mode 1)
  2-13  Not used
  14    Division by zero (0=Okay, 1=Division by zero error; 64bit Denom=0)
  15    Busy             (0=Ready, 1=Busy) (Execution time see below)
  16-31 Not used
Division Modes and Busy Execution Times
  Mode  Numer / Denom = Result, Remainder ; Cycles
  0     32bit / 32bit = 32bit , 32bit     ; 18 clks
  1     64bit / 32bit = 64bit , 32bit     ; 34 clks
  2     64bit / 64bit = 64bit , 64bit     ; 34 clks
Division is started when writing to any of the DIVCNT/NUMER/DENOM registers.

4000290h - NDS9 - DIV_NUMER - 64bit Division Numerator (R/W)
4000298h - NDS9 - DIV_DENOM - 64bit Division Denominator (R/W)
Signed 64bit values (or signed 32bit values in 32bit modes, the upper 32bits are then unused, with one exception: the DIV0 flag in DIVCNT is set only if the full 64bit DIV_DENOM value is zero, even in 32bit mode).

40002A0h - NDS9 - DIV_RESULT - 64bit Division Quotient (=Numer/Denom) (R)
40002A8h - NDS9 - DIVREM_RESULT - 64bit Remainder (=Numer MOD Denom) (R)
Signed 64bit values (in 32bit modes, the values are sign-expanded to 64bit).

Division Overflows
Overflows occur on "DIV0" and "-MAX/-1" (eg. -80000000h/-1 in 32bit mode):
  DIV0     -->  REMAIN=NUMER, RESULT=+/-1 (with sign opposite of NUMER)
  -MAX/-1  -->  RESULT=-MAX               (instead +MAX)
On overflows in 32bit/32bit=32bit mode: the upper 32bit of the sign-expanded 32bit result are inverted. This feature produces a correct 64bit (+MAX) result in case of the incorrect 32bit (-MAX) result. The feature also applies on DIV0 errors (which makes the sign-expanded 64bit result even more messed-up than the normal 32bit result).
The DIV0 flag in DIVCNT.14 indicates DENOM=0 errors (it does not indicate "-MAX/-1" errors). The DENOM=0 check relies on the full 64bit value (so, in 32bit mode, the flag works only if the unused upper 32bit of DENOM are zero).

40002B0h - NDS9 - SQRTCNT - Square Root Control (R/W)
  0     Mode (0=32bit input, 1=64bit input)
  1-14  Not used
  15    Busy (0=Ready, 1=Busy) (Execution time is 13 clks, in either Mode)
  16-31 Not used
Calculation is started when writing to any of the SQRTCNT/PARAM registers.

40002B4h - NDS9 - SQRT_RESULT - 32bit - Square Root Result (R)
40002B8h - NDS9 - SQRT_PARAM - 64bit - Square Root Parameter Input (R/W)
Unsigned 64bit parameter, and unsigned 32bit result.

IRQ Notes
Push all DIV/SQRT values (parameters and control registers) when using DIV/SQRT registers on interrupt level, and, after restoring them, be sure to wait until the busy flag goes off, before leaving the IRQ handler.

BIOS Notes
The NDS9 and NDS7 BIOSes additionally contain software based division and square root functions, which are NOT using above hardware registers (even the NDS9 functions are raw software).

Timing Notes
The Div/Sqrt timings are counted in 33.51MHz units. Although the calculations are quite fast, mind that reading/writing the result/parameter registers takes up additional clock cycles (especially due to the PENALTY cycle glitch for non-sequential accesses; parts of that problem can be eventually bypassed by using sequential STMIA/LDMIA opcodes) (nethertheless, in some cases, software may be actually faster than the hardware registers; eg. for small 8bit numbers; that of course NOT by using the BIOS software functions which are endless inefficient).

  DS Inter Process Communication (IPC)

Allows to exchange status information between ARM7 and ARM9 CPUs.
The register can be accessed simultaneously by both CPUs (without violating access permissions, and without generating waitstates at either side).

4000180h - NDS9/NDS7 - IPCSYNC - IPC Synchronize Register (R/W)
  Bit   Dir  Expl.
  0-3   R    Data input from IPCSYNC Bit8-11 of remote CPU (00h..0Fh)
  4-7   -    Not used
  8-11  R/W  Data output to IPCSYNC Bit0-3 of remote CPU   (00h..0Fh)
  12    -    Not used
  13    W    Send IRQ to remote CPU      (0=None, 1=Send IRQ)
  14    R/W  Enable IRQ from remote CPU  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15-31 -    Not used

4000184h - NDS9/NDS7 - IPCFIFOCNT - IPC Fifo Control Register (R/W)
  Bit   Dir  Expl.
  0     R    Send Fifo Empty Status      (0=Not Empty, 1=Empty)
  1     R    Send Fifo Full Status       (0=Not Full, 1=Full)
  2     R/W  Send Fifo Empty IRQ         (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  3     W    Send Fifo Clear             (0=Nothing, 1=Flush Send Fifo)
  4-7   -    Not used
  8     R    Receive Fifo Empty          (0=Not Empty, 1=Empty)
  9     R    Receive Fifo Full           (0=Not Full, 1=Full)
  10    R/W  Receive Fifo Not Empty IRQ  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  11-13 -    Not used
  14    R/W  Error, Read Empty/Send Full (0=No Error, 1=Error/Acknowledge)
  15    R/W  Enable Send/Receive Fifo    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  16-31 -    Not used

4000188h - NDS9/NDS7 - IPCFIFOSEND - IPC Send Fifo (W)
  Bit0-31  Send Fifo Data (max 16 words; 64bytes)

4100000h - NDS9/NDS7 - IPCFIFORECV - IPC Receive Fifo (R)
  Bit0-31  Receive Fifo Data (max 16 words; 64bytes)

When IPCFIFOCNT.15 is disabled: Writes to IPCFIFOSEND are ignored (no data is stored in the FIFO, the error bit doesn't get set though), and reads from IPCFIFORECV return the oldest FIFO word (as usually) (but without removing the word from the FIFO).
When the Receive FIFO is empty: Reading from IPCFIFORECV returns the most recently received word (if any), or ZERO (if there was no data, or if the FIFO was cleared via IPCFIFOCNT.3), and, in either case the error bit gets set.
The Fifo-IRQs are edge triggered, IF.17 gets set when the condition "(IPCFIFOCNT.2 AND IPCFIFOCNT.0)" changes from 0-to-1, and IF.18 gets set when "(IPCFIFOCNT.10 AND NOT IPCFIFOCNT.8)" changes from 0-to-1. The IRQ flags can be acknowledged even while that conditions are true.

  DS Keypad

For the GBA-buttons: Same as GBA, both ARM7 and ARM9 have keyboard input registers, and each its own keypad IRQ control register.
GBA Keypad Input

For Touchscreen (and Microphone) inputs, see
DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)

4000136h - NDS7 - EXTKEYIN - Key X/Y Input (R)
  0      Button X     (0=Pressed, 1=Released)
  1      Button Y     (0=Pressed, 1=Released)
  3      DEBUG button (0=Pressed, 1=Released/None such)
  6      Pen down     (0=Pressed, 1=Released/Disabled) (always 0 in DSi mode)
  7      Hinge/folded (0=Open, 1=Closed)
  2,4,5  Unknown / set
  8..15  Unknown / zero
The Hinge stuff is a magnetic sensor somewhere underneath of the Start/Select buttons (NDS) or between A/B/X/Y buttons (DSi), it will be triggered by the magnet field from the right speaker when the console is closed. The hinge generates an interrupt request (there seems to be no way to disable this, unlike as for all other IRQ sources), however, the interrupt execution can be disabled in IE register (as for other IRQ sources).
The Pen Down is the /PENIRQ signal from the Touch Screen Controller (TSC), if it is enabled in the TSC control register, then it will notify the program when the screen pressed, the program should then read data from the TSC (if there's no /PENIRQ then doing unneccassary TSC reads would just waste CPU power). However, the user may release the screen before the program performs the TSC read, so treat the screen as not pressed if you get invalid TSC values (even if /PENIRQ was LOW).
Not sure if the TSC /PENIRQ is actually triggering an IRQ in the NDS?
The Debug Button should be connected to R03 and GND (on original NDS, R03 is the large soldering point between the SL1 jumper and the VR1 potentiometer) (there is no R03 signal visible on the NDS-Lite board).
Interrupts are reportedly not supported for X,Y buttons.

  DS Absent Link Port

The DS doesn't have a Serial Link Port Socket, however, internally, the NDS7 contains the complete set of Serial I/O Ports, as contained in the GBA:
GBA Communication Ports

In GBA mode, the ports are working as on real GBA (as when no cable is connected). In NDS mode, the ports are even containing some additional bits:

NDS7 SIO Bits (according to an early I/O map from Nintendo)
  NDS7 4000128h SIOCNT   Bit15 "CKUP"  New Bit in NORMAL/MULTI/UART mode (R/W)
  NDS7 4000128h SIOCNT   Bit14 "N/A"   Removed IRQ Bit in UART mode (?)
  NDS7 400012Ah SIOCNT_H Bit14 "TFEMP" New Bit (R/W)
  NDS7 400012Ah SIOCNT_H Bit15 "RFFUL" New Bit (always zero?)
  NDS7 400012Ch SIOSEL   Bit0  "SEL"   New Bit (always zero?)
  NDS7 4000140h JOYCNT   Bit7  "MOD"   New Bit (R/W)
The "CKUP" bit duplicates the internal clock transfer rate (selected in SIOCNT.1) (tested in normal mode) (probably works also in multi/uart mode?).

NDS7 DS-Lite 4001080h (W) (?)
DS-Lite Firmware writes FFFFh to this address (prior to accessing SIOCNT), so it's probably SIO or debugging related (might be as well a bug or so). Reading from the port always returns 0000h on both DS and DS-Lite.

NDS9 SIO Bits (according to an early I/O map from Nintendo)
  NDS9 4000120h SIODATA32 Bit0-31 Data            (always zero?)
  NDS9 4000128h SIOCNT    Bit2    "TRECV" New Bit (always zero?)
  NDS9 4000128h SIOCNT    Bit3    "TSEND" New Bit (always zero?)
  NDS9 400012Ch SIOSEL    Bit0    "SEL"   New Bit (always zero?)
Not sure if these ports really exist in the release-version, or if it's been prototype stuff?

RCNT (4000134h) should be set to 80xxh (general purpose mode) before accessing EXTKEYIN (4000136h) or RTC (4000138h). No idea why (except when using RTC/SI-interrupt).

DS Serial Port
The SI line is labeled "INT" on the NDS mainboard, it is connected to Pin 1 of the RTC chip (ie. the /INT interrupt pin).
I have no idea where to find SO, SC, and SD. I've written a test proggy that pulsed all four RCNT bits - but all I could find was the SI signal. However, the BIOS contains some code that uses SIO normal mode transfers (for the debug version), so at least SI, SO, SC should exist...?
MAYBE that three signals are somehow replaced by EXTKEYIN bit0,1,3?

  DS Real-Time Clock (RTC)

Seiko Instruments Inc. S-35180 (compatible with S-35190A)
Miniature 8pin RTC with 3-wire serial bus

4000138h - NDS7 - Real Time Clock Register
  Bit  Expl.
  0    Data I/O   (0=Low, 1=High)
  1    Clock Out  (0=Low, 1=High)
  2    Select Out (0=Low, 1=High/Select)
  4    Data  Direction  (0=Read, 1=Write)
  5    Clock Direction  (should be 1=Write)
  6    Select Direction (should be 1=Write)
  3,8-11   Unused I/O Lines
  7,12-15  Direction for Bit3,8-11 (usually 0)
  16-31    Not used

Serial Transfer Flowchart
Chipselect and Command/Parameter Sequence:
  Init CS=LOW and /SCK=HIGH, and wait at least 1us
  Switch CS=HIGH, and wait at least 1us
  Send the Command byte (see bit-transfer below)
  Send/receive Parameter byte(s) associated with the command (see below)
  Switch CS to LOW
Bit transfer (repeat 8 times per cmd/param byte) (bits transferred LSB first):
  Output /SCK=LOW and SIO=databit (when writing), then wait at least 5us
  Output /SCK=HIGH, wait at least 5us, then read SIO=databit (when reading)
  In either direction, data is output on (or immediately after) falling edge.
Ideally, <both> commands and parameters should be transmitted LSB-first (unlike the original Seiko document, which recommends LSB-first for data, and MSB-first for commands).

Command Register
  Command Register
    Fwd  Rev
    0-3  7-4 Fixed Code (must be 06h = 0110b) (same for Fwd and Rev)
    4-6  3-1 Command
             Fwd Rev Parameter bytes (read/write access)
             0   0   1 byte, status register 1
             4   1   1 byte, status register 2
             2   2   7 bytes, date & time (year,month,day,day_of_week,hh,mm,ss)
             6   3   3 bytes, time (hh,mm,ss)
             1*  4*  1 byte, int1, frequency duty setting
             1*  4*  3 bytes, int1, alarm time 1 (day_of_week, hour, minute)
             5   5   3 bytes, int2, alarm time 2 (day_of_week, hour, minute)
             3   6   1 byte, clock adjustment register
             7   7   1 byte, free register
    7    0   Parameter Read/Write Access (0=Write, 1=Read)
* INT1: Type and number of parameters depend on INT1 setting in stat reg2.
The "Fwd" bit numbers and command values for LSB-first command transfers (ie. both commands and parameters use the same bit-order).
The "Rev" numbers/values are for MSB-first command transfers (ie. commands using opposite bit-order than parameters, as being suggested by Seiko).

Control and Status Registers
  Status Register 1
    0   W   Reset                (0=Normal, 1=Reset)
    1   R/W 12/24 hour mode      (0=12 hour, 1=24 hour)
    2-3 R/W General purpose bits
    4   R   Interrupt 1 Flag (1=Yes)                      ;auto-cleared on read
    5   R   Interrupt 2 Flag (1=Yes)                      ;auto-cleared on read
    6   R   Power Low Flag (0=Normal, 1=Power is/was low) ;auto-cleared on read
    7   R   Power Off Flag (0=Normal, 1=Power was off)    ;auto-cleared on read
    Power off indicates that the battery was removed or fully discharged,
    all registers are reset to 00h (or 01h), and must be re-initialized.
  Status Register 2
    0-3 R/W INT1 Mode/Enable
            0000b Disable
            0x01b Selected Frequency steady interrupt
            0x10b Per-minute edge interrupt
            0011b Per-minute steady interrupt 1 (duty 30.0 seconds)
            0100b Alarm 1 interrupt
            0111b Per-minute steady interrupt 2 (duty 0.0079 seconds)
            1xxxb 32kHz output
    4-5 R/W General purpose bits
    6   R/W INT2 Enable
            0b    Disable
            1b    Alarm 2 interrupt
    7   R/W Test Mode (0=Normal, 1=Test, don't use) (cleared on Reset)
  Clock Adjustment Register (to compensate oscillator inaccuracy)
    0-7 R/W Adjustment (00h=Normal, no adjustment)
  Free Register
    0-7 R/W General purpose bits

Date Registers
  Year Register
    0-7 R/W Year     (BCD 00h..99h = 2000..2099)
  Month Register
    0-4 R/W Month    (BCD 01h..12h = January..December)
    5-7 -   Not used (always zero)
  Day Register
    0-5 R/W Day      (BCD 01h..28h,29h,30h,31h, range depending on month/year)
    6-7 -   Not used (always zero)
  Day of Week Register (septenary counter)
    0-2 R/W Day of Week (00h..06h, custom assignment, usually 0=Monday?)
    3-7 -   Not used (always zero)

Time Registers
  Hour Register
    0-5 R/W Hour     (BCD 00h..23h in 24h mode, or 00h..11h in 12h mode)
    6   *   AM/PM    (0=AM before noon, 1=PM after noon)
            * 24h mode: AM/PM flag is read only (PM=1 if hour = 12h..23h)
            * 12h mode: AM/PM flag is read/write-able
            * 12h mode: Observe that 12 o'clock is defined as 00h (not 12h)
    7   -   Not used (always zero)
  Minute Register
    0-6 R/W Minute   (BCD 00h..59h)
    7   -   Not used (always zero)
  Second Register
    0-6 R/W Minute   (BCD 00h..59h)
    7   -   Not used (always zero)

Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 Registers
  Alarm1 and Alarm2 Day of Week Registers (INT1 and INT2 each)
    0-2 R/W Day of Week (00h..06h)
    3-6 -   Not used (always zero)
    7   R/W Compare Enable (0=Alarm every day, 1=Alarm only at specified day)
  Alarm1 and Alarm2 Hour Registers (INT1 and INT2 each)
    0-5 R/W Hour     (BCD 00h..23h in 24h mode, or 00h..11h in 12h mode)
    6   R/W AM/PM    (0=AM, 1=PM) (must be correct even in 24h mode?)
    7   R/W Compare Enable (0=Alarm every hour, 1=Alarm only at specified hour)
  Alarm1 and Alarm2 Minute Registers (INT1 and INT2 each)
    0-6 R/W Minute   (BCD 00h..59h)
    7   R/W Compare Enable (0=Alarm every min, 1=Alarm only at specified min)
  Selected Frequency Steady Interrupt Register (INT1 only) (when Stat2/Bit2=0)
    0   R/W Enable 1Hz Frequency  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
    1   R/W Enable 2Hz Frequency  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
    2   R/W Enable 4Hz Frequency  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
    3   R/W Enable 8Hz Frequency  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
    4   R/W Enable 16Hz Frequency (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
            The signals are ANDed when two or more frequencies are enabled,
            ie. the /INT signal gets LOW when either of the signals is LOW.
    5-7 R/W General purpose bits
Note: There is only one register shared as "Selected Frequency Steady Interrupt" (accessed as single byte parameter when Stat2/Bit2=0) and as "Alarm1 Minute" (accessed as 3rd byte of 3-byte parameter when Stat2/Bit2=1), changing either value will also change the other value.

There's only one /INT signal, shared for both INT1 and INT2.
In the NDS, it is connected to the SI-input of the SIO unit (and so, also shared with SIO interrupts). To enable the interrupt, RCNT should be set to 8144h (Bit14-15=General Purpose mode, Bit8=SI Interrupt Enable, Bit6,2=SI Output/High).
The Output/High settings seems to be used as pullup (giving faster reactions on low-to-high transitions) (nethertheless, in most cases it seems to be also working okay as Input, ie. with RCNT=8100h).
The RCNT interrupt is generated on high-to-low transitions on the SI line (but only if the IRQ is enabled in RCNT.8, and only if RCNT is set to general purpose mode) (note: changing RCNT.8 from off-to-on does NOT generate IRQs, even when SI is LOW).

  1 /INT      8 VDD
  2 XOUT      7 SIO
  3 XIN       6 /SCK
  4 GND       5 CS

  DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)

Serial Peripheral Interface Bus
SPI Bus is a 4-wire (Data In, Data Out, Clock, and Chipselect) serial bus.
The NDS supports the following SPI devices (each with its own chipselect).
DS Firmware Serial Flash Memory
DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)
DS Power Management

40001C0h - NDS7 - SPICNT - SPI Bus Control/Status Register
  0-1   Baudrate (0=4MHz/Firmware, 1=2MHz/Touchscr, 2=1MHz/Powerman., 3=512KHz)
  2-6   Not used            (Zero)
  7     Busy Flag           (0=Ready, 1=Busy) (presumably Read-only)
  8-9   Device Select       (0=Powerman., 1=Firmware, 2=Touchscr, 3=Reserved)
  10    Transfer Size       (0=8bit/Normal, 1=16bit/Bugged)
  11    Chipselect Hold     (0=Deselect after transfer, 1=Keep selected)
  12-13 Not used            (Zero)
  14    Interrupt Request   (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15    SPI Bus Enable      (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
The "Hold" flag should be cleared BEFORE transferring the LAST data unit, the chipselect will be then automatically cleared after the transfer, the program should issue a WaitByLoop(3) manually AFTER the LAST transfer.

40001C2h - NDS7 - SPIDATA - SPI Bus Data/Strobe Register (R/W)
The SPI transfer is started on writing to this register, so one must <write> a dummy value (should be zero) even when intending to <read> from SPI bus.
  0-7   Data
  8-15  Not used (always zero, even in bugged-16bit mode)
During transfer, the Busy flag in SPICNT is set, and the written SPIDATA value is transferred to the device (via output line), simultaneously data is received (via input line). Upon transfer completion, the Busy flag goes off (with optional IRQ), and the received value can be then read from SPIDATA, if desired.

SPICNT Bits 12,13 appear to be unused (always zero), although the BIOS (attempts to) set Bit13=1, and Bit12=Bit11 when accessing the firmware.
The SPIDATA register is restricted to 8bit, so that only each 2nd byte will appear in SPIDATA when attempting to use the bugged-16bit mode.

Cartridge Backup Auxiliar SPI Bus
The NDS Cartridge Slot uses a separate SPI bus (with other I/O Ports), see
DS Cartridge Backup

  DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)

Texas Instruments TSC2046 (NDS)
Asahi Kasei Microsystems AK4148AVT (NDS-Lite)
The Touch Screen Controller (for lower LCD screen) is accessed via SPI bus,
DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)

Control Byte (transferred MSB first)
  0-1  Power Down Mode Select
  2    Reference Select (0=Differential, 1=Single-Ended)
  3    Conversion Mode  (0=12bit, max CLK=2MHz, 1=8bit, max CLK=3MHz)
  4-6  Channel Select   (0-7, see below)
  7    Start Bit (Must be set to access Control Byte)

  0 Temperature 0 (requires calibration, step 2.1mV per 1'C accuracy)
  1 Touchscreen Y-Position  (somewhat 0B0h..F20h, or FFFh=released)
  2 Battery Voltage         (not used, connected to GND in NDS, always 000h)
  3 Touchscreen Z1-Position (diagonal position for pressure measurement)
  4 Touchscreen Z2-Position (diagonal position for pressure measurement)
  5 Touchscreen X-Position  (somewhat 100h..ED0h, or 000h=released)
  6 AUX Input               (connected to Microphone in the NDS)
  7 Temperature 1 (difference to Temp 0, without calibration, 2'C accuracy)
All channels can be accessed in Single-Ended mode.
In differential mode, only channel 1,3,4,5 (X,Z1,Z2,Y) can be accessed.
On AK4148AVT, channel 6 (AUX) is split into two separate channels, IN1 and IN2, separated by Bit2 (Reference Select). IN1 is selected when Bit2=1, IN2 is selected when Bit2=0 (despite of the Bit2 settings, both IN1 and IN2 are using single ended more). On the NDS-Lite, IN1 connects to the mircrophone (as on original NDS), and the new IN2 input is simply wired to VDD3.3 (which is equal the the external VREF voltage, so IN2 is always FFFh).

Power Down Mode
  Mode /PENIRQ   VREF  ADC   Recommended use
  0    Enabled   Auto  Auto  Differential Mode (Touchscreen, Penirq)
  1    Disabled  Off   On    Single-Ended Mode (Temperature, Microphone)
  2    Enabled   On    Off   Don't use
  3    Disabled  On    On    Don't use
Allows to enable/disable the /PENIRQ output, the internal reference voltage (VREF), and the Analogue-Digital Converter.
For AK4148AVT, Power Down modes are slightly different (among others, /PENIRQ is enabled in Mode 0..2).

Reference Voltage (VREF)
VREF is used as reference voltage in single ended mode, at 12bit resolution one ADC step equals to VREF/4096. The TSC generates an internal VREF of 2.5V (+/-0.05V), however, the NDS uses as external VREF of 3.33V (sinks to 3.31V at low battery charge), the external VREF is always enabled, no matter if internal VREF is on or off. Power Down Mode 1 disables the internal VREF, which may reduce power consumption in single ended mode. After conversion, Power Down Mode 0 should be restored to re-enable the Penirq signal.

Sending the first Command after Chip-Select
Switch chipselect low, then output the command byte (MSB first).

Reply Data
The following reply data is received (via Input line) after the Command byte has been transferred: One dummy bit (zero), followed by the 8bit or 12bit conversion result (MSB first), followed by endless padding (zero).
Note: The returned ADC value may become unreliable if there are longer delays between sending the command, and receiving the reply byte(s).

Sending further Commands during/after receiving Reply Data
In general, the Output line should be LOW during the reply period, however, once when Data bit6 has been received (or anytime later), a new Command can be invoked (started by sending the HIGH-startbit, ie. Command bit7), simultanously, the remaining reply-data bits (bit5..0) can be received.
In other words, the new command can be output after receiving 3 bits in 8bit mode (the dummy bit, and data bits 7..6), or after receiving 7 bits in 12bit mode (the dummy bit, and data bits 11..6).
In practice, the NDS SPI register always transfers 8 bits at once, so that one would usually receive 8 bits (rather than above 3 or 7 bits), before outputting a new command.

Touchscreen Position
Read the X and Y positions in 12bit differential mode, then convert the touchscreen values (adc) to screen/pixel positions (scr), as such:
  scr.x = (adc.x-adc.x1) * (scr.x2-scr.x1) / (adc.x2-adc.x1) + (scr.x1-1)
  scr.y = (adc.y-adc.y1) * (scr.y2-scr.y1) / (adc.y2-adc.y1) + (scr.y1-1)
The X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 calibration points are found in Firmware User Settings,
DS Firmware User Settings
scr.x1,y1,x2,y2 are originated at 1,1 (converted to 0,0 by above formula).

Touchscreen Pressure (not supported on DSi)
To calculate the pressure resistance, in respect to X/Y/Z positions and X/Y plate resistances, either of below formulas can be used,
  Rtouch = (Rx_plate*Xpos*(Z2pos/Z1pos-1))/4096
  Rtouch = (Rx_plate*Xpos*(4096/Z1pos-1)-Ry_plate*(1-Ypos))/4096
The second formula requires less CPU load (as it doesn't require to measure Z2), the downside is that one must know both X and Y plate resistance (or at least their ratio). The first formula doesn't require that ratio, and so Rx_plate can be set to any value, setting it to 4096 results in
  touchval = Xpos*(Z2pos/Z1pos-1)
Of course, in that case, touchval is just a number, not a resistance in Ohms.

Touchscreen Notes
It may be impossible to press locations close to the screen borders.
When pressing two or more locations the TSC values will be somewhere in the middle of these locations.
The TSC values may be garbage if the screen becomes newly pressed or released, to avoid invalid inputs: read TSC values at least two times, and ignore BOTH positions if ONE position was invalid.

Microphone / AUX Channel
Observe that the microphone amplifier is switched off after power up, see:
DS Power Management

Temperature Calculation (not supported on DSi)
TP0 decreases by circa 2.1mV per degree Kelvin. The voltage difference between TP1 minus TP0 increases by circa 0.39mV (1/2573 V) per degree Kelvin. At VREF=3.33V, one 12bit ADC step equals to circa 0.8mV (VREF/4096).
Temperature can be calculated at best resolution when using the current TP0 value, and two calibration values (an ADC value, and the corresponding temperature in degrees kelvin):
  K = (CAL.TP0-ADC.TP0) * 0.4 + CAL.KELVIN
Alternately, temperature can be calculated at rather bad resolution, but without calibration, by using the difference between TP1 and TP0:
  K = (ADC.TP1-ADC.TP0) * 8568 / 4096
To convert Kelvin to other formats,
  Celsius:     C = (K-273.15)
  Fahrenheit:  F = (K-273.15)*9/5+32
  Reaumur:     R = (K-273.15)*4/5
  Rankine:     X = (K)*9/5
The Temperature Range for the TSC 2046 chip is -40'C..+85'C (for AK4181AVT only -20'C..+70'C). According to Nintendo, the DS should not be exposed to "extreme" heat or cold, the optimal battery charging temperature is specified as +10'C..+40'C.
The original firmware does not support temperature calibration, calibration is supported by nocash firmware (if present). See Extended Settings,
DS Firmware Extended Settings

  VCC  1|o       |16 DCLK
  X+   2|        |15 /CS
  Y+   3|  TSC   |14 DIN
  X-   4|  2046  |13 BUSY
  Y-   5|        |12 DOUT
  GND  6|        |11 /PENIRQ
  VBAT 7|        |10 IOVDD
  AUX  8|________|9  VREF

For AK4181AVT, same pins as above, except that IOVDD replaced by the new IN2 input, the pin is wired to VDD3.3 (so IN2 is always equal to VREF, which is wired to VDD3.3, too) (and AUX is renamed to IN1, and is kept used for MIC input).

DSi Touchscreen Controller (in NDS mode)
DSi in NDS mode does support only X, Y, and MIC (all other channels do return FFFh in 12bit mode, and FFh in 8bit mode, ie. no pressure, no temperature, and no GNDed battery sensor). On DSi, MIC does return data in both single-ended and differential mode (unlike as on real NDS).

DSi Touchscreen Controller (in DSi mode)
The DSi touchscreen controller supports a NDS backwards compatibility mode. But, in DSi mode, it is working entirely different (it's still accessed via SPI bus, but with some new MODE/INDEX values).
DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller
The NDS Touchscreen controller did additionally allow to read Temperature and Touchscreen Pressure - unknown if the DSi is also supporting such stuff (via whatever DSi-specific registers).
The touchscreen hardware can be switched to NDS compatibility mode (for older games), but unknown how to do that.

  DS Power Management

The DS contains several Power Managment functions, some accessed via I/O ports, some accessed via SPI bus (described later on below).

4000304h - NDS9 - POWCNT1 - Graphics Power Control Register (R/W)
  0     Enable Flag for both LCDs (0=Disable) (Prohibited, see notes)
  1     2D Graphics Engine A      (0=Disable) (Ports 008h-05Fh, Pal 5000000h)
  2     3D Rendering Engine       (0=Disable) (Ports 320h-3FFh)
  3     3D Geometry Engine        (0=Disable) (Ports 400h-6FFh)
  4-8   Not used
  9     2D Graphics Engine B      (0=Disable) (Ports 1008h-105Fh, Pal 5000400h)
  10-14 Not used
  15    Display Swap (0=Send Display A to Lower Screen, 1=To Upper Screen)
  16-31 Not used
Use SwapBuffers command once after enabling Rendering/Geometry Engine.
Improper use of Bit0 may damage the hardware?
When disabled, corresponding Ports become Read-only, corresponding (palette-) memory becomes read-only-zero-filled.

4000304h - NDS7 - POWCNT2 - Sound/Wifi Power Control Register (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Sound Speakers (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Initial setting = 1)
  1     Wifi           (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Initial setting = 0)
  2-31  Not used
Note: Bit0 disables the internal Speaker only, headphones are not disabled.
Bit1 disables Port 4000206h, and Ports 4800000h-480FFFFh.

4000206h - NDS7 - WIFIWAITCNT - Wifi Waitstate Control
  Bit   Expl.
  0-2   Wifi WS0 Control (0-7) (Ports 4800000h-4807FFFh)
  3-5   Wifi WS1 Control (0-7) (Ports 4808000h-480FFFFh)
  4-15  Not used (zero)
This register is initialized by firmware on power-up, don't change.
Note: WIFIWAITCNT can be accessed only when enabled in POWCNT2.

4000301h - NDS7 - HALTCNT - Low Power Mode Control (R/W)
In Halt mode, the CPU is paused as long as (IE AND IF)=0.
In Sleep mode, most of the hardware including sound and video are paused, this very-low-power mode could be used much like a screensaver.
  Bit   Expl.
  0-5   Not used (zero)
  6-7   Power Down Mode  (0=No function, 1=Enter GBA Mode, 2=Halt, 3=Sleep)
The HALTCNT register should not be accessed directly. Instead, the BIOS Halt, Sleep, CustomHalt, IntrWait, or VBlankIntrWait SWI functions should be used.
BIOS Halt Functions
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor
The NDS9 does not have a HALTCNT register, instead, the Halt function uses the co-processor opcode "mcr p15,0,r0,c7,c0,4" - this opcode locks up if interrupts are disabled via IME=0 (unlike NDS7 HALTCNT method which doesn't check IME).

4000300h - NDS7/NDS9 - POSTFLG - BYTE - Post Boot Flag (R/W)
The NDS7 and NDS9 post boot flags are usually set upon BIOS/Firmware boot completion, once when set the reset vector is redirected to the debug handler of Nintendo's hardware debugger. That allows the NDS7 debugger to capture accidental jumps to address 0, that appears to be a common problem with HLL-programmers, asm-coders know that (and why) they should not jump to 0.
  Bit   Expl.
  0     Post Boot Flag (0=Boot in progress, 1=Boot completed)
  1     NDS7: Not used (always zero), NDS9: Bit1 is read-writeable
  2-7   Not used (always zero)
There are some write-restrictions: The NDS7 register can be written to only from code executed in BIOS. Bit0 of both NDS7 and NDS9 registers cannot be cleared (except by Reset) once when it is set.

Power Management Device - Mitsumi 3152A (NDS) / Mitsumi 3205B (NDS-LITE)
The Power Management Device is accessed via SPI bus,
DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)
To access the device, write the Index Register, then read or write the data register, and release the chipselect line when finished.
  Index Register
  Bit0-6 Register Select          (0..3) (0..4 for DS-Lite) (0..7Fh for DSi)
  Bit7   Register Direction       (0=Write, 1=Read)
  Register 0 - Powermanagement Control (R/W)
  Bit0   Sound Amplifier Enable   (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
         (Old-DS:  Disabled: Sound is very silent, but still audible)
         (DS-Lite: Disabled: Sound is NOT audible)
         (DSi in NDS Mode: R/W, but effect is unknown yet)
         (DSi in DSi Mode: Not used, Bit0 is always 1)
  Bit1   Sound Amplifier Mute     (0=Normal, 1=Mute) (Old-DS Only, not DS-Lite)
         (Old-DS:  Muted: Sound is NOT audible, that works only if Bit0=1)
         (DS-Lite: Not used, Bit1 is always zero)
         (DSi in NDS Mode: R/W, but effect is unknown yet)
         (DSi in DSi Mode: R/W, but effect is unknown yet)
  Bit2   Lower Backlight          (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  Bit3   Upper Backlight          (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  Bit4   Power LED Blink Enable   (0=Always ON, 1=Blinking OFF/ON)
  Bit5   Power LED Blink Speed    (0=Slow, 1=Fast) (only if Blink enabled)
         (DSi: Power LED Blinking isn't supported, neither in NDS nor DSi mode)
  Bit6   DS System Power          (0=Normal, 1=Shut Down)
  Bit7   Not used                 (always 0)
  Register 1 - Battery Status (R)
  Bit0   Battery Power LED Status (0=Power Good/Green, 1=Power Low/Red)
         (DSi: Usually 0, not tested if it changes upon Power=Low)
  Bit1-7 Not used
  Register 2 - Microphone Amplifier Control (R/W)
  Bit0   Amplifier                (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  Bit1-7 Not used                 (always 0)
  (DSi in NDS Mode: looks same as NDS, ie. only bit0 is R/W)
  (DSi in DSi Mode: Not used, always FFh)
  Register 3 - Microphone Amplifier Gain Control (R/W)
  Bit0-1 Gain                     (0..3=Gain 20, 40, 80, 160)
  Bit2-7 Not used                 (always 0)
  (DSi in NDS Mode: looks same as NDS, ie. only bit0-1 are R/W)
  (DSi in DSi Mode: Not used, always FFh)
  Register 4 - DS-Lite and DSi Only - Backlight Levels/Power Source (R/W)
  Bit0-1 Backlight Brightness (0..3=Low,Med,High,Max)   (R/W)
         (when bit2+3 are both set, then reading bit0-1 always returns 3)
  Bit2   Force Max Brightness when Bit3=1 (0=No, 1=Yes) (R/W)
  Bit3   External Power Present           (0=No, 1=Yes) (Read-Only)
  Bit4-7 Unknown (Always 4) (Read-Only)
  (DSi in NDS Mode: looks same as in DSi mode)
  (DSi in DSi Mode: Bit0-1 are R/W, but ignored, bit2-3 are always 0)
  Register 10h - DSi Only - Backlight Mirrors & Reset (R/W)
  Bit0   Reset (0=No, 1=Reboot) (same/similar as BPTWL reset feature?)
  Bit1   Unknown (R/W) (note: whatever it is, it isn't warmboot flag)
  Bit2-3 Mirror of Register 0, bit2-3 (backlight enable bits) (R/W)
  Bit4-7 Not used (always 0)
  (DSi in NDS Mode: seems to behave same as in DSi mode, except that, reset
  defaults to warmboot, since BPTWL always has warmboot enabled in NDS mode)
On Old-DS, registers 4..7Fh are mirrors of 0..3. On DS-Lite, registers 5,6,7 are mirrors of 4, register 8..7Fh are mirrors of 0-7.
On DSi (in DS mode), index 0,1,2,3,4,10h are used (reads as 0Fh,00h,00h,01h,41h,0Fh - regardless of backlight level, and power source), index 5..0Fh and 11h..7Fh return 00h (ie. unlike DS and DS-Lite, there are no mirrors; aside from the 3 bits in register 10h).

Backlight Dimming / Backlight caused Shut-Down(s)
The above bits are essentially used to switch Backlights on or off. However, there a number of strange effects. Backlight dimming is possible by pulse width modulation, ie. by using a timer interrupt to issue pulse widths of N% ON, and 100-N% OFF. Too long pulses are certainly resulting in flickering. Too short pulses are ignored, the backlights will remain OFF, even if the ON and OFF pulses are having the same length. Much too short pulses cause the power supply to shut-down; after changing the backlight state, further changes must not occur within the next (circa) 2500 clock cycles. The mainboard can be operated without screens & backlights connected, however, if so, the power supply will shut-down as soon as backlights are enabled.
Pulse width modulated dimming does also work on the DS-Lite, allowing to use smoother fade in/out effects as when using the five "hardware" levels (Off,Low,Med,High,Max).

Memory Power Down Functions
DS Main Memory Control
DS Firmware Serial Flash Memory

  DS Main Memory Control

Main Memory
The DS Main Memory is 2Mx16bit (4MByte), 1.8V Pseudo SRAM (PSRAM); all Dynamic RAM refresh is handled internally, the chip doesn't require any external refresh signals, and alltogether behaves like Static RAM. Non-sequential access time is 70ns, sequential (burst) access time is 12ns.

Main Memory Control
The memory chips contain built-in Control functions, which can be accessed via Port 27FFFFEh and/or by EXMEMCNT Bit 14. Nintendo is using at least two different types of memory chips in DS consoles, Fujitsu 82DBS02163C-70L, and ST M69AB048BL70ZA8, both appear to have different control mechanisms, other chips (with 8MB size) are used in the semi-professional DS hardware debuggers, and further chips may be used in future, so using the memory control functions may lead into compatibitly problems.

Power Consumption / Power Control
Power Consumption during operation (read/write access) is somewhat 30mA, in standby mode (no read/write access) consumption is reduced to 100uA.
Furthermore, a number of power-down modes are supported: In "Deep" Power Down mode the refresh is fully disabled, consumption is 10uA (and all data will be lost), in "Partial" Power Down modes only fragment of memory is refreshed, for smallest fragments, consumption goes to down to circa 50uA. The chip cannot be accessed while it is in Deep or Partial Power Down mode.

Fujitsu 82DBS02163C-70L
The Configuration Register (CR) can be written to by the following sequence:
  LDRH R0,[27FFFFEh]      ;read one value
  STRH R0,[27FFFFEh]      ;write should be same value as above
  STRH R0,[27FFFFEh]      ;write should be same value as above
  STRH R0,[27FFFFEh]      ;write any value
  STRH R0,[27FFFFEh]      ;write any value
  LDRH R0,[2400000h+CR*2] ;read, address-bits are defining new CR value
Do not access any other Main Memory addresses during above sequence (ie. disable interrupts, and do not execute the sequence by code located in Main Memory). The CR value is write-only. The CR bits are:
  Bit    Expl.
  0-6    Reserved         (Must be 7Fh)
  7      Write Control
           0=WE Single Clock Pulse Control without Write Suspend Function
           1=WE Level Control with Write Suspend Function)
          Burst Read/Single Write is not supported at WE Single Clock Mode.
  8      Reserved         (Must be 1)
  9      Valid Clock Edge (0=Falling Edge, 1=Rising Edge)
  10     Single Write     (0=Burst Read/Burst Write, 1=Burst Read/Single Write)
  11     Burst Sequence   (0=Reserved, 1=Sequential)
  12-14  Read Latency     (1=3 clocks, 2=4 clocks, 3=5 clocks, other=Reserved)
  15     Mode
           0=Synchronous:  Burst Read, Burst Write
           1=Asynchronous: Page Read, Normal Write
          In Mode 1 (Async), only the Partial Size bits are used,
          all other bits, CR bits 0..18, must be "1".
  16-18  Burst Length     (2=8 Words, 3=16Words, 7=Continous, other=Reserved)
  19-20  Partial Size     (0=1MB, 1=512KB, 2=Reserved, 3=Deep/0 bytes)
The Power Down mode is entered by setting CE2=LOW, this can be probably done by setting EXMEMCNT Bit14 to zero.

ST Microelectronics M69AB048BL70ZA8
The chip name decodes as PSRAM (M96), Asynchronous (A), 1.8V Burst (B), 2Mx16 (048), Two Chip Enables (B), Low Leakage (L), 70ns (70), Package (ZA), -30..+85'C (8).
There are three data sheets for different PSRAM chips available at (unfortunately none for M69AB048BL70ZA8), each using different memory control mechanisms.

The NDS9 BIOS contains the following Main Memory initialization code, that method doesn't match up with any ST (nor Fujitsu) data sheets that I've seen. At its best, it looks like a strange (and presumably non-functional) mix-up of different ST control methods.
  STRH 2000h,[4000204h]
  LDRH R0,[27FFFFEh]
  STRH R0,[27FFFFEh]
  STRH R0,[27FFFFEh]
  STRH E732h,[27FFFFEh]
  LDRH R0,[27E57FEh]
  STRH 6000h,[4000204h]
In the above BIOS code, EXMEMCNT.14 appears to be used to unlock the control register. However, the NDS Firmware appears to use EXMEMCNT.14 to switch Main Memory into Power Down mode before entering GBA mode.

  DS Backwards-compatible GBA-Mode

When booting a 32pin GBA cartridge, the NDS is automatically switched into GBA mode, in that mode all NDS related features are disabled, and the console behaves (almost) like a GBA.

GBA Features that are NOT supported on NDS in GBA Mode.
Unlike real GBA, the NDS does not support 8bit DMG/CGB cartridges.
The undocumented Internal Memory Control register (Port 800h) isn't supported, so the NDS doesn't allow to use 'overclocked' RAM.
The NDS doesn't have a link-port, so GBA games can be played only in single player mode, link-port accessories cannot be used, and the NDS cannot run GBA code via multiboot.

GBA Features that are slightly different on NDS in GBA Mode.
The CPU, Timers, and Sound Frequencies are probably clocked at 16.76MHz; 33.51Mhz/2; a bit slower than the original GBA's 16.78MHz clock?
In the BIOS, a single byte in a formerly 00h-filled area has been changed from 00h to 01h, resulting in SWI 0Dh returning a different BIOS checksum.
The GBA picture can be shown on upper or lower screen (selectable in boot-menu), the backlight for the selected screen is always on, resulting in different colors & much better visibility than original GBA. Unlike GBA-SP, the NDS doesn't have a backlight-button.

Screen Border in GBA mode
The GBA screen is centered in the middle of the NDS screen. The surrounding pixels are defined by 32K-color bitmap data in VRAM Block A and B. Each frame, the GBA picture is captured into one block, and is displayed in the next frame (while capturing new data to the other block).
To get a flicker-free border, both blocks should be initialized to contain the same image before entering GBA mode (usually both are zero-filled, resulting in a plain black border).
Note: When using two different borders, the flickering will be irregular - so there appears to be a frame inserted or skipped once every some seconds in GBA mode?!

Switching from NDS Mode to GBA Mode
  --- NDS9: ---
  ZEROFILL VRAM A,B     ;init black screen border (or other color/image)
  POWCNT=8003h          ;enable 2D engine A on upper screen (0003h=lower)
  EXMEMCNT=...          ;set Async Main Memory mode (clear bit14)
  IME=0                 ;disable interrupts
  SWI 06h               ;halt with interrupts disabled (lockdown)
  --- NDS7: ---
  POWERMAN.REG0=09h     ;enable sound amplifier & upper backlight (05h=lower)
  IME=0                 ;disable interrupts
  wait for VCOUNT=200   ;wait until VBlank
  SWI 1Fh with R2=40h   ;enter GBA mode, by CustomHalt(40h)
After that, the GBA BIOS will be booted, the GBA Intro will be displayed, and the GBA cartridge (if any) will be started.

  DS Debug Registers (Emulator/Devkits)

No$gba Emulator Pseudo I/O Ports (no$gba) (GBA,NDS9,NDS7)
  4FFFA00h..A0Fh R Emulation ID (16 bytes, eg. "no$gba v2.7", padded with 20h)
  4FFFA10h       W String Out (raw)
  4FFFA14h       W String Out (with %param's)
  4FFFA18h       W String Out (with %param's, plus linefeed)
  4FFFA1Ch       W Char Out (nocash)
  4FFFA20h..A27h R Clock Cycles (64bit)
  4FFFA28h..A3Fh - N/A
Note: Above ports can be disabled via the "Debug I/O" option in no$gba setup.

Ensata Emulator Pseudo I/O Ports (NDS9)
  4000640h (32bit) ;aka CLIPMTX_RESULT (mis-used to invoke detection)
  4000006h (16bit) ;aka VCOUNT (mis-used to get detection result)
  4FFF010h (32bit) ;use to initialize/unlock/reset something
  4FFF000h (8bit)  ;debug message character output (used when Ensata detected)
The Ensata detection works by mis-using CLIPMTX_RESULT and VCOUNT registers:
  [4000640h]=2468ACE0h      ;CLIPMTX_RESULT (on real hardware it's read-only)
  if ([4000006h] AND 1FFh)=10Eh ;VCOUNT (on real hardware it's 000h..106h)
    [4FFF010h]=13579BDFh        ;\initialize/reset something
    [4FFF010h]=FDB97531h        ;/
Once when a commercial game has detected Ensata, it stops communicating with the ARM7, and instead it does seem to want to communicate with the Ensata executable (which has little to do with real NDS hardware). Ie. aside from "unlocking" port 4FFF000h, it does also "lock" access to the ARM7 hardware (like sound, touchscreen, RTC, etc).

ISD (Intelligent Systems Debugger or so) I/O Ports
The ISD ports seem to be real (non-emulated) debugging ports, mapped to the GBA Slot region at 8000000h-9FFFFFFh, and used to output text messages, and possible also other debugging stuff.
There are appear to be two variants: nitroemu and cgbemu (the latter appears to be dating back to old 8bit CGB hardware; which was apparently still used for the NDS two hardware generations later).

NDS Devkit
In Nintendo's devkit, debug messages are handled in file "os_printf.c", this file detects the available hardware/software based debug I/O ports, and redirects the [OS_PutString] vector to the corresponding string_out function (eg. to OS_PutStringAris for writing a 00h-terminated string to port 4FFF000h). With some minimal efforts, this could be redirected to the corresponding no$gba debug I/O ports.

  DS Cartridges, Encryption, Firmware

DS Cartridge Header
DS Cartridge Secure Area
DS Cartridge Icon/Title
DS Cartridge Protocol
DS Cartridge Backup
DS Cartridge I/O Ports
DS Cartridge NitroROM and NitroARC File Systems
DS Cartridge PassMe/PassThrough
DS Cartridge GBA Slot

DS Cart Rumble Pak
DS Cart Slider with Rumble
DS Cart Expansion RAM
DS Cart Unknown Extras

Special Cartridges
DS Cart Cheat Action Replay DS
DS Cart Cheat Codebreaker DS

DS Encryption by Gamecode/Idcode (KEY1)
DS Encryption by Random Seed (KEY2)

Firmware / Wifi Flash
DS Firmware Serial Flash Memory
DS Firmware Header
DS Firmware Wifi Calibration Data
DS Firmware Wifi Internet Access Points
DS Firmware User Settings
DS Firmware Extended Settings

  DS Cartridge Header

Header Overview (loaded from ROM Addr 0 to Main RAM 27FFE00h on Power-up)
  Address Bytes Expl.
  000h    12    Game Title  (Uppercase ASCII, padded with 00h)
  00Ch    4     Gamecode    (Uppercase ASCII, NTR-<code>)        (0=homebrew)
  010h    2     Makercode   (Uppercase ASCII, eg. "01"=Nintendo) (0=homebrew)
  012h    1     Unitcode    (00h=NDS, 02h=NDS+DSi, 03h=DSi) (bit1=DSi)
  013h    1     Encryption Seed Select (00..07h, usually 00h)
  014h    1     Devicecapacity         (Chipsize = 128KB SHL nn) (eg. 7 = 16MB)
  015h    7     Reserved    (zero filled)
  01Ch    1     Reserved    (zero)                      (except, used on DSi)
  01Dh    1     NDS Region  (00h=Normal, 80h=China, 40h=Korea) (other on DSi)
  01Eh    1     ROM Version (usually 00h)
  01Fh    1     Autostart (Bit2: Skip "Press Button" after Health and Safety)
                (Also skips bootmenu, even in Manual mode & even Start pressed)
  020h    4     ARM9 rom_offset    (4000h and up, align 1000h)
  024h    4     ARM9 entry_address (2000000h..23BFE00h)
  028h    4     ARM9 ram_address   (2000000h..23BFE00h)
  02Ch    4     ARM9 size          (max 3BFE00h) (3839.5KB)
  030h    4     ARM7 rom_offset    (8000h and up)
  034h    4     ARM7 entry_address (2000000h..23BFE00h, or 37F8000h..3807E00h)
  038h    4     ARM7 ram_address   (2000000h..23BFE00h, or 37F8000h..3807E00h)
  03Ch    4     ARM7 size          (max 3BFE00h, or FE00h) (3839.5KB, 63.5KB)
  040h    4     File Name Table (FNT) offset
  044h    4     File Name Table (FNT) size
  048h    4     File Allocation Table (FAT) offset
  04Ch    4     File Allocation Table (FAT) size
  050h    4     File ARM9 overlay_offset
  054h    4     File ARM9 overlay_size
  058h    4     File ARM7 overlay_offset
  05Ch    4     File ARM7 overlay_size
  060h    4     Port 40001A4h setting for normal commands (usually 00586000h)
  064h    4     Port 40001A4h setting for KEY1 commands   (usually 001808F8h)
  068h    4     Icon/Title offset (0=None) (8000h and up)
  06Ch    2     Secure Area Checksum, CRC-16 of [[020h]..00007FFFh]
  06Eh    2     Secure Area Delay (in 131kHz units) (051Eh=10ms or 0D7Eh=26ms)
  070h    4     ARM9 Auto Load List RAM Address (?)
  074h    4     ARM7 Auto Load List RAM Address (?)
  078h    8     Secure Area Disable (by encrypted "NmMdOnly") (usually zero)
  080h    4     Total Used ROM size (remaining/unused bytes usually FFh-padded)
  084h    4     ROM Header Size (4000h)
  088h    38h   Reserved (zero filled) (except, [88h..93h] used on DSi)
  0C0h    9Ch   Nintendo Logo (compressed bitmap, same as in GBA Headers)
  15Ch    2     Nintendo Logo Checksum, CRC-16 of [0C0h-15Bh], fixed CF56h
  15Eh    2     Header Checksum, CRC-16 of [000h-15Dh]
  160h    4     Debug rom_offset   (0=none) (8000h and up)       ;only if debug
  164h    4     Debug size         (0=none) (max 3BFE00h)        ;version with
  168h    4     Debug ram_address  (0=none) (2400000h..27BFE00h) ;SIO and 8MB
  16Ch    4     Reserved (zero filled) (transferred, and stored, but not used)
  170h    90h   Reserved (zero filled) (transferred, but not stored in RAM)
DSi Cartridges are using an extended cartridge header,
DSi Cartridge Header
Newer NDS cartridges are reportedly containing RSA signatures - the format of that signatures is still unknown (probably it's same or similar as in DSi headers), those RSA signatures are required for running NDS carts on DSi consoles (at least with newer DSi firmwares) (the DSi firmware contains a whitelist with known checksums for all existing older NDS games, and requires RSA signatures in newer NDS games - this is making it impossible to run unlicensed/homebrew NDS programs on DSi, unless using trickery such like savegame exploits).

For more info about CRC-16, see description of GetCRC16 BIOS function,
BIOS Misc Functions
For the Logo checksum, the BIOS verifies only [15Ch]=CF56h, it does NOT verify the actual data at [0C0h-15Bh] (nor it's checksum), however, the data is verified by the firmware.

Secure Area Delay
The Secure Area Delay at header[06Eh] is counted in 130.912kHz units (which can be clocked via one of the hardware timers with prescaler=F/256 and reload=(10000h-((X AND 3FFFh)+2)); for some weird reason, in case of Header checksum it's ANDed with 1FFFh instead of 3FFFh). Commonly used values are X=051Eh (10ms), and X=0D7Eh (26ms).
The delay is used for all Blowfish encrypted commands, the actual usage/purpose differs depending on bit31 of the ROM Chip ID:
When ChipID.Bit31=0 (commands are sent ONCE): The delay is issued BEFORE sending the command:
Older/newer games are using delays of 10ms/26ms (although all known existing cartridges with Bit31=0 would actually work WITHOUT delays).
When ChipID.Bit31=1 (commands are repeated MULTIPLE times): The delay is issued AFTER sending the command for the FIRST time:
  Cmd,Delay,Cmd                               ;for 2x repeat
  Cmd,Delay,Cmd,Cmd,Cmd,CmdCmd,Cmd,Cmd,Cmd    ;for 9x repeat
Known games are using delays of 26ms (although all known existing cartridges (=Cooking Coach) with Bit31=1 would actually work with shorter delays of ca. 6.5ms).

NDS Gamecodes
This is the same code as the NTR-UTTD (NDS) or TWL-UTTD (DSi) code which is printed on the package and sticker on (commercial) cartridges (excluding the leading "NTR-" or "TWL-" part).
  U  Unique Code          (usually "A", "B", "C", or special meaning)
  TT Short Title          (eg. "PM" for Pac Man)
  D  Destination/Language (usually "J" or "E" or "P" or specific language)
The first character (U) is usually "A" or "B", in detail:
  A NDS common games
  B NDS common games
  C NDS common games
  D DSi-exclusive games
  H DSiWare (system utilities and browser) (eg. HNGP=browser)
  I NDS and DSi-enhanced games with built-in Infrared port
  K DSiWare (dsiware games and flipnote) (eg. KGUV=flipnote)
  N NDS nintendo channel demo's japan (NTR-NTRJ-JPN)
  T NDS many games
  U NDS utilities, educational games, or uncommon extra hardware?
  V DSi-enhanced games
  Y NDS many games
The second/third characters (TT) are:
  Usually an abbreviation of the game title (eg. "PM" for "Pac Man") (unless
  that gamecode was already used for another game, then TT is just random)
The fourth character (D) indicates Destination/Language:
  A Asian    E English/USA  I Italian   M Swedish  Q Danish   U Australian
  B N/A      F French       J Japanese  N Nor      R Russian  V EUR+AUS
  C Chinese  G N/A          K Korean    O Int      S Spanish  W..Z Europe #3..5
  D German   H Dutch        L USA #2    P Europe   T USA+AUS

  DS Cartridge Secure Area

The Secure Area is located in ROM at 4000h..7FFFh, it can contain normal program code and data, however, it can be used only for ARM9 boot code, it cannot be used for ARM7 boot code, icon/title, filesystem, or other data.

Secure Area Size
The Secure Area exists if the ARM9 boot code ROM source address (src) is located within 4000h..7FFFh, if so, it will be loaded (by BIOS via KEY1 encrypted commands) in 4K portions, starting at src, aligned by 1000h, up to address 7FFFh. The secure area size if thus 8000h-src, regardless of the ARM9 boot code size entry in header.
Note: The BIOS silently skips any NDS9 bootcode at src<4000h.
Cartridges with src>=8000h do not have a secure area.

Secure Area ID
The first 8 bytes of the secure area are containing the Secure Area ID, the ID is required (verified by BIOS boot code), the ID value changes during boot process:
  Value                Expl.
  "encryObj"           raw ID before encryption (raw ROM-image)
  (encrypted)          encrypted ID after encryption (encrypted ROM-image)
  "encryObj"           raw ID after decryption (verified by BIOS boot code)
  E7FFDEFFh,E7FFDEFFh  destroyed ID (overwritten by BIOS after verify)
If the decrypted ID does match, then the BIOS overwrites the first 8 bytes by E7FFDEFFh-values (ie. only the ID is destroyed). If the ID doesn't match, then the first 800h bytes (2K) are overwritten by E7FFDEFFh-values.

Secure Area First 2K Encryption/Content
The first 2K of the Secure Area (if it exists) are KEY1 encrypted. In official games, this 2K region contains data like so (in decrypted form):
  000h..007h  Secure Area ID (see above)
  008h..00Dh  Fixed (FFh,DEh,FFh,E7h,FFh,DEh)
  00Eh..00Fh  CRC16 across following 7E0h bytes, ie. [010h..7FFh]
  010h..7FDh  Unknown/random values, mixed with some THUMB SWI calls
  7FEh..7FFh  Fixed (00h,00h)
Of which, only the ID in the first 8 bytes is verified. Neither BIOS nor (current) firmare versions are verifying the data at 008h..7FFh, so the 7F8h bytes may be also used for normal program code/data.

Avoiding Secure Area Encryption
WLAN files are reportedly same format as cartridges, but without Secure Area, so games with Secure Area cannot be booted via WLAN. No$gba can encrypt and decrypt Secure Areas only if the NDS BIOS-images are present. And, Nintendo's devkit doesn't seem to support Secure Area encryption of unreleased games.
So, unencrypted cartridges are more flexible in use. Ways to avoid encryption (which still work on real hardware) are:
1) Set NDS9 ROM offset to 4000h, and leave the first 800h bytes of the Secure Area 00h-filled, which can be (and will be) safely destroyed during loading; due to the missing "encryObj" ID; that method is used by Nintendo's devkit.
2) Set NDS9 ROM offset to 8000h or higher (cartridge has no Secure Area at all).
3) Set NDS9 ROM offset, RAM address, and size to zero, set NDS7 ROM offset to 200h, and point both NDS9 and NDS7 entrypoints to the loaded NDS7 region. That method avoids waste of unused memory at 200h..3FFFh, and it should be compatible with the NDS console, however, it is not comaptible with commercial cartridges - which do silently redirect address below 4000h to "addr=8000h+(addr AND 1FFh)". Still, it should work with inofficial flashcards, which do not do that redirection. No$gba emulates the redirection for regular official cartridges, but it disables redirection for homebrew carts if NDS7 rom offset<8000h, and NDS7 size>0.
[One possible problem: Newer "anti-passme" firmware versions reportedly check that the entrypoint isn't set to 80000C0h, that firmwares might also reject NDS9 entrypoints within the NDS7 bootcode region?]

  DS Cartridge Icon/Title

The ROM offset of the Icon/Title is defined in CartHdr[68h]. The size was originally implied by the size of the original Icon/Title structure rounded to 200h-byte sector boundary (ie. A00h bytes for Version 1 or 2), however, later DSi carts are having a size entry at CartHdr[208h] (usually 23C0h).
If it is present (ie. if CartHdr[68h]=nonzero), then Icon/Title are displayed in the bootmenu.
  0000h 2     Version (0001h, 0002h, 0003h, or 0103h)
  0002h 2     CRC16 across entries 0020h..083Fh (all versions)
  0004h 2     CRC16 across entries 0020h..093Fh (Version 0002h and up)
  0006h 2     CRC16 across entries 0020h..0A3Fh (Version 0003h and up)
  0008h 2     CRC16 across entries 1240h..23BFh (Version 0103h and up)
  000Ah 16h   Reserved (zero-filled)
  0020h 200h  Icon Bitmap  (32x32 pix) (4x4 tiles, 4bit depth) (4x8 bytes/tile)
  0220h 20h   Icon Palette (16 colors, 16bit, range 0000h-7FFFh)
              (Color 0 is transparent, so the 1st palette entry is ignored)
  0240h 100h  Title 0 Japanese  (128 characters, 16bit Unicode)
  0340h 100h  Title 1 English   ("")
  0440h 100h  Title 2 French    ("")
  0540h 100h  Title 3 German    ("")
  0640h 100h  Title 4 Italian   ("")
  0740h 100h  Title 5 Spanish   ("")
  0840h 100h  Title 6 Chinese   ("")                 (Version 0002h and up)
  0940h 100h  Title 7 Korean    ("")                 (Version 0003h and up)
  0A40h 800h  Zerofilled (probably reserved for Title 8..15)
Below for animated DSi icons only (Version 0103h and up):
  1240h 1000h Icon Animation Bitmap 0..7 (200h bytes each, format as above)
  2240h 100h  Icon Animation Palette 0..7 (20h bytes each, format as above)
  2340h 80h   Icon Animation Sequence (16bit tokens)
Unused/padding bytes:
  0840h 1C0h  Unused/padding (FFh-filled) in Version 0001h
  0940h C0h   Unused/padding (FFh-filled) in Version 0002h
  23C0h 40h   Unused/padding (FFh-filled) in Version 0103h

  0001h = Original
  0002h = With Chinese Title
  0003h = With Chinese+Korean Titles
  0103h = With Chinese+Korean Titles and animated DSi icon

Title Strings
Usually, for non-multilanguage games, the same (english) title is stored in all title entries. The title may consist of ASCII characters 0020h-007Fh, character 000Ah (linefeed), and should be terminated/padded by 0000h.
The whole text should not exceed the dimensions of the DS cart field in the bootmenu (the maximum number of characters differs due to non-proportional font).
The title is usually split into a primary title, optional sub-title, and manufacturer, each separated by 000Ah character(s). For example: "America", 000Ah, "The Axis of War", 000Ah, "Cynicware", 0000h.

Icon Animation Sequence (DSi)
The sequence is represented by 16bit tokens, in the following format:
  15    Flip Vertically   (0=No, 1=Yes)
  14    Flip Horizontally (0=No, 1=Yes)
  13-11 Palette Index     (0..7)
  10-8  Bitmap Index      (0..7)
  7-0   Frame Duration    (01h..FFh) (in 60Hz units)
Value 0000h indicates the end of the sequence. If the first token is 0000h, then the non-animated default image is shown.
Uh, actually, a non-animated icon uses values 01h,00h,00h,01h, followed by 7Ch zerofilled bytes (ie. 0001h, 0100h, 3Eh x 0000h)?

FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\banner.sav ;if carthdr[1BFh].bit2=1
Some DSi games are having a separate "banner.sav" file stored in the eMMC filesystem, enabled via carthdr[1BFh].bit2 (allowing to indicate the game progress by overriding the default icon). The banner files are 4000h bytes in size, the animation data is same as above, but without title strings and without non-animated icon.
  0000h 2     Version (0103h)
  0002h 6     Reserved (zero-filled)
  0008h 2     CRC16 across entries 0020h..119Fh (with initial value FFFFh)
  000Ah 16h   Reserved (zero-filled)
  0020h 1000h Icon Animation Bitmap 0..7 (200h bytes each)  ;\same format as
  1020h 100h  Icon Animation Palette 0..7 (20h bytes each)  ; in Icon/Title
  1120h 80h   Icon Animation Sequence (16bit tokens)        ;/
  11A0h 2E60h Garbage (random values, maybe due to eMMC decryption)
The feature is used by some Brain Age Express games (for example, Brain Age Express Sudoku: 'title\00030004\4b4e3945\data\banner.sav').
The feature does probably work only for DSiware titles (unless there are any DSi carts with SD/MMC access enabled; or unless there is a feature for storing similar data in cartridge memory).

  DS Cartridge Protocol

Communication with Cartridge ROM relies on sending 8 byte commands to the cartridge, after the sending the command, a data stream can be received from the cartridge (the length of the data stream isn't fixed, below descriptions show the default length in brackets, but one may receive more, or less bytes, if desired).

Cartridge Memory Map
  0000000h-0000FFFh Header (unencrypted)
  0001000h-0003FFFh Not read-able (zero filled in ROM-images)
  0004000h-0007FFFh Secure Area, 16KBytes (first 2Kbytes with extra encryption)
  0008000h-...      Main Data Area
DSi cartridges are split into a NDS area (as above), and a new DSi area:
  XX00000h XX02FFFh DSi Not read-able (XX00000h=first megabyte after NDS area)
  XX03000h-XX06FFFh DSi ARM9i Secure Area (usually with modcrypt encryption)
  XX07000h-...      DSi Main Data Area
Cartridge memory must be copied to RAM (the CPU cannot execute code in ROM).

Command Summary, Cmd/Reply-Encryption Type, Default Length
  Command/Params    Expl.                             Cmd  Reply Len
  -- Unencrypted Load --
  9F00000000000000h Dummy (read HIGH-Z bytes)         RAW  RAW   2000h
  0000000000000000h Get Cartridge Header              RAW  RAW   200h DSi:1000h
  9000000000000000h 1st Get ROM Chip ID               RAW  RAW   4
  00aaaaaaaa000000h Unencrypted Data (debug ver only) RAW  RAW   200h
  3Ciiijjjxkkkkkxxh Activate KEY1 Encryption Mode     RAW  RAW   0
  -- Secure Area Load --
  4llllmmmnnnkkkkkh Activate KEY2 Encryption Mode     KEY1 FIX   910h+0
  1lllliiijjjkkkkkh 2nd Get ROM Chip ID               KEY1 KEY2  910h+4
  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh Invalid - Get KEY2 Stream XOR 00h KEY1 KEY2  910h+...
  2bbbbiiijjjkkkkkh Get Secure Area Block (4Kbytes)   KEY1 KEY2  910h+10A8h
  6lllliiijjjkkkkkh Optional KEY2 Disable             KEY1 KEY2  910h+?
  Alllliiijjjkkkkkh Enter Main Data Mode              KEY1 KEY2  910h+0
  -- Main Data Load --
  B7aaaaaaaa000000h Encrypted Data Read               KEY2 KEY2  200h
  B800000000000000h 3rd Get ROM Chip ID               KEY2 KEY2  4
  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh Invalid - Get KEY2 Stream XOR 00h KEY2 KEY2  ...
The parameter digits contained in above commands are:
  aaaaaaaa     32bit ROM address (command B7 can access only 8000h and up)
  bbbb         Secure Area Block number (0004h..0007h for addr 4000h..7000h)
  x,xx         Random, not used in further commands (DSi: always zero)
  iii,jjj,llll Random, must be SAME value in further commands
  kkkkk        Random, must be INCREMENTED after FURTHER commands
  mmm,nnn      Random, used as KEY2-encryption seed

++++ Unencrypted Commands (First Part of Boot Procedure) ++++

Cartridge Reset
The /RES Pin switches the cartridge into unencrypted mode. After reset, the first two commands (9Fh and 00h) are transferred at 4MB/s CLK rate.

9F00000000000000h (2000h) - Dummy
Dummy command send after reset, returns endless stream of HIGH-Z bytes (ie. usually receiving FFh, immediately after sending the command, the first 1-2 received bytes may be equal to the last command byte).

0000000000000000h (200h) (DSi:1000h) - Get Header
Returns RAW unencrypted cartridge header, repeated every 1000h bytes. The interesting area are the 1st 200h bytes, the rest is typically zero filled (except on DSi carts, which do use the whole 1000h bytes).
The Gamecode header entry is used later on to initialize the encryption. Also, the ROM Control entries define the length of the KEY1 dummy periods (typically 910h clocks), and the CLK transfer rate for further commands (typically faster than the initial 4MB/s after power up).

9000000000000000h (4) - 1st Get ROM Chip ID
Returns RAW unencrypted Chip ID (eg. C2h,0Fh,00h,00h), repeated every 4 bytes.
  1st byte - Manufacturer (eg. C2h=Macronix) (roughly based on JEDEC IDs)
  2nd byte - Chip size (00h..7Fh: (N+1)Mbytes, F0h..FFh: (100h-N)*256Mbytes?)
  3rd byte - Flags (see below)
  4th byte - Flags (see below)
The Flag Bits in 3th byte can be
  0   Maybe Infrared flag? (in case ROM does contain on-chip infrared stuff)
  1   Unknown (set in some 3DS carts)
  2-7 Zero
The Flag Bits in 4th byte can be
  0-2 Zero
  3   Seems to be NAND flag (0=ROM, 1=NAND) (observed in only ONE cartridge)
  4   3DS Flag (0=NDS/DSi, 1=3DS)
  5   Zero   ... set in ... DSi-exclusive games?
  6   DSi flag (0=NDS/3DS, 1=DSi)
  7   Cart Protocol Variant (0=older/smaller carts, 1=newer/bigger carts)
Existing/known ROM IDs are:
  C2h,07h,00h,00h NDS Macronix 8MB ROM  (eg. DS Vision)
  C2h,0Fh,00h,00h NDS Macronix 16MB ROM (eg. Metroid Demo)
  C2h,1Fh,00h,00h NDS Macronix 32MB ROM (eg. Over the Hedge)
  C2h,1Fh,00h,40h DSi Macronix 32MB ROM (eg. Art Academy, TWL-VAAV, SystemFlaw)
  80h,3Fh,01h,E0h ?            64MB ROM+Infrared (eg. Walk with Me, NTR-IMWP)
  AEh,3Fh,00h,E0h DSi Noname   64MB ROM (eg. de Blob 2, TWL-VD2V)
  C2h,3Fh,00h,00h NDS Macronix 64MB ROM (eg. Ultimate Spiderman)
  C2h,3Fh,00h,40h DSi Macronix 64MB ROM (eg. Crime Lab, NTR-VAOP)
  80h,7Fh,00h,80h NDS SanDisk  128MB ROM (DS Zelda, NTR-AZEP-0)
  80h,7Fh,01h,E0h ?            128MB ROM+Infrared? (P-letter Soul Silver, IPGE)
  C2h,7Fh,00h,80h NDS Macronix 128MB ROM (eg. Spirit Tracks, NTR-BKIP)
  C2h,7Fh,00h,C0h DSi Macronix 128MB ROM (eg. Cooking Coach/TWL-VCKE)
  ECh,7Fh,00h,88h NDS Samsung  128MB NAND (eg. Warioware D.I.Y.)
  ECh,7Fh,01h,88h NDS Samsung? 128MB NAND+What? (eg. Jam with the Band, UXBP)
  ECh,7Fh,00h,E8h DSi Samsung? 128MB NAND (eg. Face Training, USKV)
  80h,FFh,80h,E0h NDS          256MB ROM (Kingdom Hearts - Re-Coded, NTR-BK9P)
  C2h,FFh,01h,C0h DSi Macronix 256MB ROM+Infrared? (eg. P-Letter White)
  C2h,FFh,00h,80h NDS Macronix 256MB ROM (eg. Band Hero, NTR-BGHP)
  C2h,FEh,01h,C0h DSi Macronix 512MB ROM+Infrared? (eg. P-Letter White 2)
  C2h,FEh,00h,90h 3DS Macronix probably 512MB? ROM (eg. Sims 3)
  45h,FAh,00h,90h 3DS SunDisk? maybe... 1.5GB? ROM (eg. Starfox)
  C2h,F8h,00h,90h 3DS Macronix maybe... 2GB?   ROM (eg. Kid Icarus)
  C2h,7Fh,00h,90h 3DS Macronix 128MB ROM CTR-P-AENJ MMinna no Ennichi
  C2h,FFh,00h,90h 3DS Macronix 256MB ROM CTR-P-AFSJ Pro Yakyuu Famista 2011
  C2h,FEh,00h,90h 3DS Macronix 512MB ROM CTR-P-AFAJ Real 3D Bass FishingFishOn
  C2h,FAh,00h,90h 3DS Macronix 1GB ROM CTR-P-ASUJ Hana to Ikimono Rittai Zukan
  C2h,FAh,02h,90h 3DS Macronix 1GB ROM CTR-P-AGGW Luigis Mansion 2 ASiA CHT
  C2h,F8h,00h,90h 3DS Macronix 2GB ROM CTR-P-ACFJ Castlevania - Lords of Shadow
  C2h,F8h,02h,90h 3DS Macronix 2GB ROM CTR-P-AH4J Monster Hunter 4
  AEh,FAh,00h,90h 3DS          1GB ROM CTR-P-AGKJ Gyakuten Saiban 5
  AEh,FAh,00h,98h 3DS          1GB NAND CTR-P-EGDJ Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori
  45h,FAh,00h,90h 3DS          1GB ROM CTR-P-AFLJ Fantasy Life
  45h,F8h,00h,90h 3DS          2GB ROM CTR-P-AVHJ Senran Kagura Burst - Guren
  C2h,F0h,00h,90h 3DS Macronix 4GB ROM CTR-P-ABRJ Biohazard Revelations
  FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh None (no cartridge inserted)
The Samsung NAND chip appears to use a slightly different protocol (seems as if it allows to read ROM header and ID only once, or as if it gets confused when reading more than 4 ID bytes, or so) (and of course, the protocol is somehow extended, allowing to write data to the NAND memory). The official JEDEC ID for Samsung would be "CEh", but for some reason, Samsung's NDS chip does spit out "ECh" as Maker ID.
ID "45h" ("SunDisk" according to a JEDEC ID list) might refer to "SanDisk"?

3Ciiijjjxkkkkkxxh (0) - Activate KEY1 Encryption Mode
The 3Ch command returns endless stream of HIGH-Z bytes, all following commands, and their return values, are encrypted. The random parameters iii,jjj,kkkkk must be re-used in further commands; the 20bit kkkkk value is to be incremented by one after each <further> command (it is <not> incremented after the 3Ch command).

3Diiijjjxkkkkkxxh (0) - Activate KEY1 Encryption Mode and Unlock DSi Mode
Same as command 3Ch (but with different initial 1048h-byte encryption values), and works only on DSi carts. Command 3Dh is unlocking two features on DSi carts:
  1) Command 2bbbbiiijjjkkkkkh loads ARM9i secure area (instead of ARM9 area)
  2) Command B7aaaaaaaa000000h allows to read the 'whole' cartridge space
Without command 3Dh, DSi carts will allow to read only the first some megabytes (for example, the first 11 Mbyte of the System Flaw cartridge), and the remaining memory returns mirrors of "addr=8000h+(addr AND 1FFh)").
Note: After reset, the cartridge protocol allows to send only either one of the 3Ch/3Dh commands (DSi consoles can control the cartridge reset pin, so they can first send 3Ch and read the normal secure area, then issue a reset and 3Dh and read the DSi secure area) (on a NDS one could do the same by ejecting/inserting the cartridge instead of toggling the reset pin).

++++ KEY1 Encrypted Commands (2nd Part of Boot procedure) ++++

4llllmmmnnnkkkkkh (910h) - Activate KEY2 Encryption Mode
KEY1 encrypted command, parameter mmmnnn is used to initialize the KEY2 encryption stream. Returns 910h dummy bytes (which are still subject to old KEY2 settings; at pre-initialization time, this is fixed: HIGH-Z, C5h, 3Ah, 81h, etc.). The new KEY2 seeds are then applied, and the first KEY2 byte is then precomputed. The 910h dummy stream is followed by that precomputed byte value endless repeated (this is the same value as that "underneath" of the first HIGH-Z dummy-byte of the next command).
Secure1000h: Returns repeated FFh bytes (instead of the leading C5h, 3Ah, 81h, etc. stuff).
Secure1000h: Returns repeated FFh bytes (instead of the repeated precomputed value).

1lllliiijjjkkkkkh (914h) - 2nd Get ROM Chip ID / Get KEY2 Stream
KEY1 encrypted command. Returns 910h dummy bytes, followed by KEY2 encrypted Chip ID repeated every 4 bytes, which must be identical as for the 1st Get ID command. The BIOS randomly executes this command once or twice. Changing the first command byte to any other value returns an endless KEY2 encrypted stream of 00h bytes, that is the easiest way to retrieve encryption values and to bypass the copyprotection.

2bbbbiiijjjkkkkkh (19B8h) - Get Secure Area Block
KEY1 encrypted command. Used to read a secure area block (bbbb in range 0004h..0007h for addr 4000h..7000h) (or, after sending command 3Dh on a DSi: bbbb in range 0004h..0007h for addr XX03000h..XX06000h).
Each block is 4K, so it requires four Get Secure Area commands to receive the whole Secure Area (ROM locations 4000h-7FFFh), the BIOS is reading these blocks in random order.
Normally (if the upper bit of the Chip ID is set): Returns 910h dummy bytes, followed by 200h KEY2 encrypted Secure Area bytes, followed by 18h KEY2 encrypted 00h bytes, then the next 200h KEY2 encrypted Secure Area bytes, again followed by 18h KEY2 encrypted 00h bytes, and so on. That stream is repeated every 10C0h bytes (8x200h data bytes, plus 8x18h zero bytes).
Alternately (if the upper bit of the Chip ID is zero): Returns 910h dummy bytes, followed by 1000h KEY2 encrypted Secure Area bytes, presumably followed by 18h bytes, too.
Aside from above KEY2 encryption (which is done by hardware), the first 2K of the NDS Secure Area is additionally KEY1 encrypted; which must be resolved after transfer by software (and the DSi Secure Area is usually modcrypted, as specified in the cartridge header).

6lllliiijjjkkkkkh (0) - Optional KEY2 Disable
KEY1 encrypted command. Returns 910h dummy bytes (which are still KEY2 affected), followed by endless stream of RAW 00h bytes. KEY2 encryption is disabled for all following commands.
This command is send only if firmware[18h] matches encrypted string "enPngOFF", and ONLY if firmware get_crypt_keys had completed BEFORE completion of secure area loading, this timing issue may cause unstable results.

Alllliiijjjkkkkkh (910h) - Enter Main Data Mode
KEY1 encrypted command. Returns 910h dummy bytes, followed by endless KEY2 encrypted stream of 00h bytes. All following commands are KEY2 encrypted.

++++ KEY2 Encrypted Commands (Main Data Transfer) ++++

B7aaaaaaaa000000h (200h) - Get Data
KEY2 encrypted command. The desired ROM address is specifed, MSB first, in parameter bytes (a). Returned data is KEY2 encrypted.
There is no alignment restriction for the address. However, the datastream wraps to the begin of the current 4K block when address+length crosses a 4K boundary (1000h bytes).
The command can be used only for addresses 8000h and up. Addresses 0..7FFFh are silently redirected to address "8000h+(addr AND 1FFh)". DSi cartridges will also reject XX00000h..XX06FFFh in the same fashion (and also XX07000h and up if the DSi cartridge isn't unlocked via command 3Dh).
Addresses that do exceed the ROM size do mirror to the valid address range (that includes mirroring non-loadable regions like 0..7FFFh to "8000h+(addr AND 1FFh)"; some newer games are using this behaviour for some kind of anti-piracy checks).

B800000000000000h (4) - 3rd Get ROM Chip ID
KEY2 encrypted command. Returns KEY2 encrypted Chip ID repeated every 4 bytes.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxh - Invalid Command
Any other command (anything else than above B7h and B8h) in KEY2 command mode causes communcation failures. The invalid command returns an endless KEY2 encrypted stream of 00h bytes. After the invalid command, the KEY2 stream is NOT advanced for further command bytes, further commands seems to return KEY2 encrypted 00h bytes, of which, the first returned byte appears to be HIGH-Z.
Ie. the cartridge seems to have switched back to a state similar to the KEY1-phase, although it doesn't seem to be possible to send KEY1 commands.

++++ Notes ++++

KEY1 Command Encryption / 910h Dummy Bytes
All KEY1 encrypted commands are followed by 910h dummy byte transfers, these 910h clock cycles are probably used to decrypt the command at the cartridge side; communication will fail when transferring less than 910h bytes.
The return values for the dummy transfer are: A single HIGH-Z byte, followed by 90Fh KEY2-encrypted 00h bytes. The KEY2 encryption stream is advanced for all 910h bytes, including for the HIGH-Z byte.
Note: Current cartridges are using 910h bytes, however, other carts might use other amounts of dummy bytes, the 910h value can be calculated based on ROM Control entries in cartridge header. For the KEY1 formulas, see:
DS Encryption by Gamecode/Idcode (KEY1)

KEY2 Command/Data Encryption
DS Encryption by Random Seed (KEY2)

Cart Protocol Variants (Chip ID.Bit31)
There are two protocol variants for NDS carts, indicated by Bit31 of the ROM Chip ID (aka bit7 of the 4th ID byte):
  1) Chip ID.Bit31=0  Used by older/smaller carts with up to 64MB ROM
  2) Chip ID.Bit31=1  Used by newer/bigger carts with 64MB or more ROM
The first variant (for older carts) is described above. The second second variant includes some differences for KEY1 encrypted commands:
GAPS: The commands have the same 910h-cycle gaps, but without outputting CLK pulses during those gaps (ie. used with ROMCTRL.Bit28=0) (the absence of the CLKs implies that there is no dummy data transferred during gaps, and accordingly, that the KEY2 stream isn't advanced during the 910h gap cycles).
REPEATED COMMANDS and SECURE AREA DELAY: All KEY1 encrypted commands must be sent TWICE (or even NINE times). First, send the command with 0-byte Data transfer length. Second, issue the Secure Area Delay (required; use the delay specified in cart header[06Eh]).
Third, send the command once again with 0-byte or 4-byte data transfer length (usually 0 bytes, or 4-bytes for Chip ID command), or sent it eight times with 200h-byte data transfer length (for the 1000h-byte secure area load command).
For those repeats, always resend exactly the same command (namely, kkkkk is NOT incremented during repeats, and there is no extra index needed to select 200h-byte portions within 1000h-byte blocks; the cartridge is automatically outputting the eight portions one after another).

  DS Cartridge Backup

SPI Bus Backup Memory
  Type   Total Size  Page Size  Chip/Example      Game/Example
  EEPROM 0.5K bytes   16 bytes  ST M95040-W       (eg. Metroid Demo)
  EEPROM   8K bytes   32 bytes  ST M95640-W       (eg. Super Mario DS)
  EEPROM  64K bytes  128 bytes  ST M95512-W       (eg. Downhill Jam)
  FLASH  256K bytes  256 bytes  ST M45PE20        (eg. Skateland)
  FLASH  256K bytes             Sanyo LE25FW203T  (eg. Mariokart)
  FLASH  512K bytes  256 bytes  ST M25PE40?       (eg. which/any games?)
  FLASH  512K bytes             ST 45PE40V6       (eg. DS Zelda, NTR-AZEP-0)
  FLASH 1024K bytes             ST 45PE80V6       (eg. Spirit Tracks, NTR-BKIP)
  FLASH 8192K bytes             MX25L6445EZNI-10G (Art Academy only, TWL-VAAV)
  FRAM     8K bytes   No limit  ?                 (eg. which/any games?)
  FRAM    32K bytes   No limit  Ramtr

  on FM25L256? (eg. which/any games?)

Lifetime Stats
  Type      Max Writes per Page    Data Retention
  EEPROM    100,000                40 years
  FLASH     100,000                20 years
  FRAM      No limit               10 years

SPI Bus Backup Memory is accessed via Ports 40001A0h and 40001A2h, see
DS Cartridge I/O Ports

For all EEPROM and FRAM types:
  06h WREN  Write Enable                Cmd, no parameters
  04h WRDI  Write Disable               Cmd, no parameters
  05h RDSR  Read Status Register        Cmd, read repeated status value(s)
  01h WRSR  Write Status Register       Cmd, write one-byte value
  9Fh RDID  Read JEDEC ID (not supported on EEPROM/FLASH, returns FFh-bytes)
For 0.5K EEPROM (8+1bit Address):
  03h RDLO  Read from Memory 000h-0FFh  Cmd, addr lsb, read byte(s)
  0Bh RDHI  Read from Memory 100h-1FFh  Cmd, addr lsb, read byte(s)
  02h WRLO  Write to Memory 000h-0FFh   Cmd, addr lsb, write 1..MAX byte(s)
  0Ah WRHI  Write to Memory 100h-1FFh   Cmd, addr lsb, write 1..MAX byte(s)
For 8K..64K EEPROM and for FRAM (16bit Address):
  03h RD    Read from Memory            Cmd, addr msb,lsb, read byte(s)
  02h WR    Write to Memory             Cmd, addr msb,lsb, write 1..MAX byte(s)
Note: MAX = Page Size (see above chip list) (no limit for FRAM).

For FLASH backup, commands should be same as for Firmware FLASH memory:
DS Firmware Serial Flash Memory

Status Register
  0   WIP  Write in Progress (1=Busy) (Read only) (always 0 for FRAM chips)
  1   WEL  Write Enable Latch (1=Enable) (Read only, except by WREN,WRDI)
  2-3 WP   Write Protect (0=None, 1=Upper quarter, 2=Upper Half, 3=All memory)
For 0.5K EEPROM:
  4-7 ONEs Not used (all four bits are always set to "1" each)
For 8K..64K EEPROM and for FRAM:
  4-6 ZERO Not used (all three bits are always set to "0" each)
  7   SRWD Status Register Write Disable (0=Normal, 1=Lock) (Only if /W=LOW)
WEL gets reset on Power-up, WRDI, WRSR, WRITE/LO/HI, and on /W=LOW.
The WRSR command allows to change ONLY the two WP bits, and the SRWD bit (if any), these bits are non-volatile (remain intact during power-down), respectively, the WIP bit must be checked to sense WRSR completion.

Detection (by examining hardware responses)
The overall memory type and bus-width can be detected by RDSR/RDID commands:
  RDSR  RDID          Type         (bus-width)
  FFh,  FFh,FFh,FFh   None         (none)
  F0h,  FFh,FFh,FFh   EEPROM       (with 8+1bit address bus)
  00h,  FFh,FFh,FFh   EEPROM/FRAM  (with 16bit address bus)
  00h,  xxh,xxh,xxh   FLASH        (usually with 24bit address bus)
And, the RD commands can be used to detect the memory size/mirrors (though that won't work if the memory is empty).

Pin-Outs for EEPROM and FRAM chips
  Pin Name Expl.
  1  /S    Chip Select
  2  Q     Data Out
  3  /W    Write-Protect (not used in NDS, wired to VCC)
  4  VSS   Ground
  5  D     Data In
  6  C     Clock
  7  /HOLD Transfer-pause (not used in NDS, wired to VCC)
  8  VCC   Supply 2.5 to 5.5V for M95xx0-W

FRAM (Ferroelectric Nonvolatile RAM) is fully backwards compatible with normal EEPROMs, but comes up with faster write/erase time (no delays), and with lower power consumption, and unlimited number of write/erase cycles. Unlike as for normal RAM, as far as I understand, the data remains intact without needing any battery.

Other special save memory
  DS Vision (NDS cart with microSD slot... and maybe ALSO with EEPROM?)
  Warioware D.I.Y. (uses a single NAND FLASH chip for both 'ROM' and 'SAVE')
    (the warioware chip is marked "SAMSUNG 004, KLC2811ANB-P204, NTR-UORE-0")
    (the warioware PCB is marked "DI X-7 C17-01")
  and, a few games are said to have "Flash - 64 Mbit" save memory?

DSi Internal eMMC and External SD Card
DSi cartridges are usually (maybe always) having SD/MMC access disabled, so they must stick using EEPROM/FLASH chips inside of the cartridges (which is required for NDS compatibility anyways).
However, DSiware games (downloaded from DSi Shop) are allowed to save data on eMMC, using "private.sav" or "public.sav" files in their data folder. The size of that files is preset in cartridge header.

  DS Cartridge I/O Ports

The Gamecard bus registers can be mapped to NDS7 or NDS9 via EXMEMCNT, see
DS Memory Control

40001A0h - NDS7/NDS9 - AUXSPICNT - Gamecard ROM and SPI Control
  0-1   SPI Baudrate        (0=4MHz/Default, 1=2MHz, 2=1MHz, 3=512KHz)
  2-5   Not used            (always zero)
  6     SPI Hold Chipselect (0=Deselect after transfer, 1=Keep selected)
  7     SPI Busy            (0=Ready, 1=Busy) (presumably Read-only)
  8-12  Not used            (always zero)
  13    NDS Slot Mode       (0=Parallel/ROM, 1=Serial/SPI-Backup)
  14    Transfer Ready IRQ  (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (for ROM, not for AUXSPI)
  15    NDS Slot Enable     (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (for both ROM and AUXSPI)
The "Hold" flag should be cleared BEFORE transferring the LAST data unit, the chipselect will be then automatically cleared after the transfer, the program should issue a WaitByLoop(12) on NDS7 (or longer on NDS9) manually AFTER the LAST transfer.

40001A2h - NDS7/NDS9 - AUXSPIDATA - Gamecard SPI Bus Data/Strobe (R/W)
The SPI transfer is started on writing to this register, so one must <write> a dummy value (should be zero) even when intending to <read> from SPI bus.
  0-7  Data
  8-15 Not used (always zero)
During transfer, the Busy flag in AUXSPICNT is set, and the written DATA value is transferred to the device (via output line), simultaneously data is received (via input line). Upon transfer completion, the Busy flag goes off, and the received value can be then read from AUXSPIDATA, if desired.

40001A4h - NDS7/NDS9 - ROMCTRL - Gamecard Bus ROMCTRL (R/W)
  Bit   Expl.
  0-12  KEY1 gap1 length  (0-1FFFh) (forced min 08F8h by BIOS) (leading gap)
  13    KEY2 encrypt data (0=Disable, 1=Enable KEY2 Encryption for Data)
  14     "SE" Unknown? (usually same as Bit13) (does NOT affect timing?)
  15    KEY2 Apply Seed   (0=No change, 1=Apply Encryption Seed) (Write only)
  16-21 KEY1 gap2 length  (0-3Fh)   (forced min 18h by BIOS) (200h-byte gap)
  22    KEY2 encrypt cmd  (0=Disable, 1=Enable KEY2 Encryption for Commands)
  23    Data-Word Status  (0=Busy, 1=Ready/DRQ) (Read-only)
  24-26 Data Block size   (0=None, 1..6=100h SHL (1..6) bytes, 7=4 bytes)
  27    Transfer CLK rate (0=6.7MHz=33.51MHz/5, 1=4.2MHz=33.51MHz/8)
  28    KEY1 Gap CLKs (0=Hold CLK High during gaps, 1=Output Dummy CLK Pulses)
  29     "RESB" Unknown (always 1 ?) (not read/write-able) -- R/W on DSi7 (?!)
  30     "WR"   Unknown (always 0 ?) (read/write-able)
  31    Block Start/Status (0=Ready, 1=Start/Busy) (IRQ See 40001A0h/Bit14)
The cartridge header is booted at 4.2MHz CLK rate, and following transfers are then using ROMCTRL settings specified in cartridge header entries [060h] and [064h], which are usually using 6.7MHz CLK rate.
Transfer length of null, four, and 200h..4000h bytes are supported by the console, however, regular cartridges support only max 1000h bytes.

40001A8h - NDS7/NDS9 - Gamecard bus 8-byte Command Out
The separate commands are described in the Cartridge Protocol chapter, however, once when the BIOS boot procedure has completed, one would usually only need command "B7aaaaaaaa000000h", for reading data (usually 200h bytes) from address aaaaaaaah (which should be usually aligned by 200h).
  0-7   1st Command Byte (at 40001A8h) (eg. B7h) (MSB)
  8-15  2nd Command Byte (at 40001A9h) (eg. addr bit 24-31)
  16-23 3rd Command Byte (at 40001AAh) (eg. addr bit 16-23)
  24-31 4th Command Byte (at 40001ABh) (eg. addr bit 8-15) (when aligned=even)
  32-39 5th Command Byte (at 40001ACh) (eg. addr bit 0-7)  (when aligned=00h)
  40-47 6th Command Byte (at 40001ADh) (eg. 00h)
  48-57 7th Command Byte (at 40001AEh) (eg. 00h)
  56-63 8th Command Byte (at 40001AFh) (eg. 00h) (LSB)
Observe that the command/parameter MSB is located at the smallest memory location (40001A8h), ie. compared with the CPU, the byte-order is reversed.

4100010h - NDS7/NDS9 - Gamecard bus 4-byte Data In (R)
  0-7   1st received Data Byte (at 4100010h)
  8-15  2nd received Data Byte (at 4100011h)
  16-23 3rd received Data Byte (at 4100012h)
  24-31 4th received Data Byte (at 4100013h)
After sending a command, data can be read from this register manually (when the DRQ bit is set), or by DMA (with DMASAD=4100010h, Fixed Source Address, Length=1, Size=32bit, Repeat=On, Mode=DS Gamecard).

40001B0h - 32bit - NDS7/NDS9 - Encryption Seed 0 Lower 32bit (W)
40001B4h - 32bit - NDS7/NDS9 - Encryption Seed 1 Lower 32bit (W)
40001B8h - 16bit - NDS7/NDS9 - Encryption Seed 0 Upper 7bit (bit7-15 unused)
40001BAh - 16bit - NDS7/NDS9 - Encryption Seed 1 Upper 7bit (bit7-15 unused)
These registers are used by the NDS7 BIOS to initialize KEY2 encryption (and there's normally no need to change that initial settings). Writes to the Seed registers do not have direct effect on the internal encryption registers, until the Seed gets applied by writing "1" to ROMCTRL.Bit15.
 For more info:
DS Encryption by Random Seed (KEY2)
Note: There are <separate> Seed registers for both NDS7 and NDS9, which can be applied by ROMCTRL on NDS7 and NDS9 respectively (however, once when applied to the internal registers, the new internal setting is used for <both> CPUs).

  DS Cartridge NitroROM and NitroARC File Systems

The DS hardware, BIOS, and Firmware do NOT contain any built-in filesystem functions. The ARM9/ARM7 boot code (together max 3903KB), and Icon/Title information are automatically loaded on power-up.
Programs that require to load additional data from cartridge ROM may do that either by implementing whatever functions to translate filenames to ROM addresses, or by reading from ROM directly.

The NitroROM Filesystem is used by many NDS games (at least those that have been developed with Nintendo's tools). It's used for ROM Cartridges, and, on the DSi, it's also used for DSiWare games (in the latter case, NitroROM acts as a 2nd virtual filesystem inside of the DSi's FAT16 filesystem).
  FNT = cart_hdr[040h]     ;\origin as defined in ROM cartridge header
  FAT = cart_hdr[048h]     ;/
  IMG = 00000000h          ;-origin at begin of ROM
Aside from using filenames, NitroROM files can be alternately accessed via Overlay IDs (see later on below).

NitroARC (Nitro Archive)
NARC Files are often found inside of NitroROM Filesystems (ie. NARC is a second virtual filesystem, nested inside of the actual filesystem). The NARC Format is very similar to the NitroROM Format, but with additional Chunk Headers (instead of the Cartridge ROM Header).
  ...  ...  Optional Header (eg. compression header, or RSA signature)
  000h 4    Chunk Name "NARC" (Nitro Archive)                   ;\
  004h 2    Byte Order (FFFEh)                                  ;
  006h 2    Version (0100h)                                     ; NARC
  008h 4    File Size (from "NARC" ID to end of file)           ; Header
  00Ch 2    Chunk Size (0010h)                                  ;
  00Eh 2    Number of following chunks (0003h)                  ;/
  010h 4    Chunk Name "BTAF" (File Allocation Table Block)     ;\
  014h 4    Chunk Size (including above chunk name)             ; File
  018h 2    Number of Files                                     ; Allocation
  01Ah 2    Reserved (0000h)                                    ; Table
  01Ch ...  FAT (see below)                                     ;/
  ...  4    Chunk Name "BTNF" (File Name Table Block)           ;\
  ...  4    Chunk Size (including above chunk name)             ; File Name
  ...  ...  FNT (see below)                                     ; Table
  ...  ..   Padding for 4-byte alignment (FFh-filled, if any)   ;/
  ...  4    Chunk Name "GMIF" (File Image Block)                ;\
  ...  4    Chunk Size (including above chunk name)             ; File Data
  ...  ...  IMG (File Data)                                     ;/

File Allocation Table (FAT) (base/size defined in cart header)
Contains ROM addresses for up to 61440 files (File IDs 0000h and up).
  Addr Size Expl.
  00h  4    Start address (originated at IMG base) (0=Unused Entry)
  04h  4    End address   (Start+Len...-1?)        (0=Unused Entry)
For NitroROM, addresses must be after Secure Area (at 8000h and up).
For NitroARC, addresses can be anywhere in the IMG area (at 0 and up).
Directories are fully defined in FNT area, and do not require FAT entries.

File Name Table (FNT) (base/size defined in cart header)
Consists of the FNT Directory Table, followed by one or more FNT Sub-Tables.
To interprete the directory tree: Start at the 1st Main-Table entry, which is referencing to a Sub-Table, any directories in the Sub-Table are referencing to Main-Table entries, which are referencing to further Sub-Tables, and so on.

FNT Directory Main-Table (base=FNT+0, size=[FNT+06h]*8)
Consists of a list of up to 4096 directories (Directory IDs F000h and up).
  Addr Size Expl.
  00h  4    Offset to Sub-table             (originated at FNT base)
  04h  2    ID of first file in Sub-table   (0000h..EFFFh)
For first entry (ID F000h, root directory):
  06h  2    Total Number of directories     (1..4096)
Further entries (ID F001h..FFFFh, sub-directories):
  06h  2    ID of parent directory (F000h..FFFEh)

FNT Sub-tables (base=FNT+offset, ends at Type/Length=00h)
Contains ASCII names for all files and sub-directories within a directory.
  Addr Size Expl.
  00h  1    Type/Length
              01h..7Fh File Entry          (Length=1..127, without ID field)
              81h..FFh Sub-Directory Entry (Length=1..127, plus ID field)
              00h      End of Sub-Table
              80h      Reserved
  01h  LEN  File or Sub-Directory Name, case-sensitive, without any ending
              zero, ASCII 20h..7Eh, except for characters \/?"<>*:;|
Below for Sub-Directory Entries only:
  LEN+1 2    Sub-Directory ID (F001h..FFFFh) ;see FNT+(ID AND FFFh)*8
File Entries do not have above ID field. Instead, File IDs are assigned in incrementing order (starting at the "First ID" value specified in the Directory Table).

ARM9 and ARM7 Overlay Tables (OVT) (base/size defined in cart header)
Somehow related to Nintendo's compiler, allows to assign compiler Overlay IDs to filesystem File IDs, and to define additional information such like load addresses.
  Addr Size Expl.
  00h  4    Overlay ID
  04h  4    RAM Address ;Point at which to load
  08h  4    RAM Size    ;Amount to load
  0Ch  4    BSS Size    ;Size of BSS data region
  10h  4    Static initialiser start address
  14h  4    Static initialiser end address
  18h  4    File ID  (0000h..EFFFh)
  1Ch  4    Reserved (zero)

Cartridge Header
The base/size of FAT, FNT, OVT areas is defined in cartridge header,
DS Cartridge Header

  DS Cartridge PassMe/PassThrough

PassMe is an adapter connected between the DS and an original NDS cartridge, used to boot unencrypted code from a flash cartridge in the GBA slot, it replaces the following entries in the original NDS cartridge header:
  Addr  Siz Patch
  004h  4   E59FF018h  ;opcode LDR PC,[027FFE24h] at 27FFE04h
  01Fh  1   04h        ;set autostart bit
  022h  1   01h        ;set ARM9 rom offset to nn01nnnnh (above secure area)
  024h  4   027FFE04h  ;patch ARM9 entry address to endless loop
  034h  4   080000C0h  ;patch ARM7 entry address in GBA slot
  15Eh  2   nnnnh      ;adjust header crc16
After having verified the encrypted chip IDs (from the original cartridge), the console thinks that it has successfully loaded a NDS cartridge, and then jumps to the (patched) entrypoints.

GBA Flashcard Format
Although the original PassMe requires only the entrypoint, PassMe programs should additionally contain one (or both) of the ID values below, allowing firmware patches to identify & start PassMe games without real PassMe hardware.
  0A0h  GBA-style Title    ("DSBooter")
  0ACh  GBA-style Gamecode ("PASS")
  0C0h  ARM7 Entrypoint    (32bit ARM code)
Of course, that applies only to early homebrew programs, newer games should use normal NDS cartridge headers.

ARM9 Entrypoint
The GBA-slot access rights in the EXMEMCNT register are initially assigned to the ARM7 CPU, so the ARM9 cannot boot from the flashcard, instead it is switched into an endless loop in Main RAM (which contains a copy of the cartridge header at 27FFE00h and up). The ARM7 must thus copy ARM9 code to Main RAM, and then set the ARM9 entry address by writing to [027FFE24h].

  DS Cartridge GBA Slot

Aside from the 17-pin NDS slot, the DS also includes a 32-pin GBA slot. This slot is used for GBA backwards compatibility mode. Additionally, in DS mode, it can be as expansion port, or for importing data from GBA games.
  NDS:     Normal 32pin slot
  DS Lite: Short 32pin slot (GBA cards stick out)
  DSi:     N/A (dropped support for GBA carts, and for DS-expansions)
In DS mode, ROM, SRAM, FLASH backup, and whatever peripherals contained in older GBA cartridges can be accessed (almost) identically as in GBA mode,
GBA Cartridges

In DS mode, only one ROM-region is present at 8000000h-9FFFFFFh (ie. without the GBA's mirrored WS1 and WS2 regions at A000000h-DFFFFFFh). The expansion region (for SRAM/FLASH/etc) has been moved from E000000h-E00FFFFh (GBA-mode) to A000000h-A00FFFFh (DS-mode).

GBA timings are specified as "waitstates" (excluding 1 access cycle), NDS timings are specified as (total) "access time". And, the NDS bus-clock is twice as fast as for GBA. So, for "N" GBA waitstates, the NDS access time should be "(N+1)*2". Timings are controlled via NDS EXMEMCNT instead GBA WAITCNT,
DS Memory Control - Cartridges and Main RAM

EEPROMs in GBA carts cannot be accessed in DS mode. The EEPROMs should be accessed with 8 waits on GBA, ie. 18 cycles on NDS on both 1st/2nd access. But, 2nd access is restricted to max 6 cycles in NDS mode, which is ways too fast.

  DS Cart Rumble Pak

DS Rumble Option Pak
The Rumble Pak comes bundled with Metroid Prime Pinball. It contains a small actuator made by ALPS to make it rumble. The original device (NTR-008) is sized like a normal GBA cartridge, and there's also shorter variant for the DS-Lite (USG-006).
The rumble pak is pretty simple internally, it only wires up to a few pins on the GBA Cartridge Port:
  VCC, GND, /WR, AD1, and IRQ (grounded)
AD1 runs into a little 8 pin chip, which is probably just a latch on the rising edge of /WR. A line runs from this chip to a transistor that is directly connected to the actuator. The only other chip on the board is a 5 pin jobber, probably a power component.
For detection, AD1 seems to be pulled low when reading from it, the other AD lines are open bus (containing the halfword address), so one can do:
  for i=0 to 0FFFh
    if halfword[8000000h+i*2]<>(i and FFFDh) then <not_a_ds_rumble_pak>
  next i
The actuator doesn't have an on/off setting like a motor, it rumbles when you switch it between the two settings. Switch frequently for a fast rumble, and fairly slowly for more of a 'tick' effect. That should be done via timer irq:
  rumble_state = rumble_state xor 0002h
Unknown if one of the two states has higher power-consumption than the other, ie. if it's a "pull/release" mechanism, if so, then disabling rumble should be done by using the "release" state, which would be AD1=0, or AD1=1...?
Note: The v3 firmware can detect the Rumble Pak as an option pak, but it does not provide an enable/disable rumble option in the alarm menu.

Other DS Rumble device
There's also another DS add-on with rumble. That device uses AD8 (instead AD1) to control rumble, and, it's using a classic motor (ie. it's rumbling while and as long as the latched AD8 value is "1").
DS Cart Slider with Rumble

GBA Rumble Carts
There are also a few GBA games that contain built-in Rumble, and which could be used by NDS games as well. To be user friendly, best support both types.
GBA Cart Rumble

  DS Cart Slider with Rumble

Add-on device for the japanese title Magukiddo. The optical sensor is attached underneath of the console (connected to the GBA slot).
The sensor is an Agilent ADNS-2030 Low Power Optical Mouse Sensor (16pin DIP chip with built-in optical sensor, and external LED light source) with two-wire serial bus (CLK and DTA).

ADNS-2030 Registers (write 1 byte index, then read/write 1 byte data)
Index (Bit7=Direction; 0=Read, 1=Write):
  00h Product_ID (R) (03h)
  01h Revision_ID (R) (10h=Rev. 1.0) (20h=Used in DS-option-pak)
  02h Motion/Status Flags (R)
  03h Delta_X (R) (signed 8bit) (automatically reset to 00h after reading)
  04h Delta_Y (R) (signed 8bit) (automatically reset to 00h after reading)
  05h SQUAL (R) (surface quality) (unsigned 8bit)
  06h Average_Pixel (R) (unsigned 6bit, upper 2bit unused)
  07h Maximum_Pixel (R) (unsigned 6bit, upper 2bit unused)
  08h Reserved
  09h Reserved
  0Ah Configuration_bits (R/W)
  0Bh Reserved
  0Ch Data_Out_Lower (R)
  0Dh Data_Out_Upper (R)
  0Eh Shutter_Lower (R)
  0Fh Shutter_Upper (R)
  10h Frame_Period_Lower (R/W)
  11h Frame_Period_Upper (R/W)
Motion/Status Flags:
  7 Motion since last report or PD (0=None, 1=Motion occurred)
  6 Reserved
  5 LED Fault detected (0=No fault,  1=Fault detected)
  4 Delta Y Overflow (0=No overflow, 1=Overflow occured)
  3 Delta X Overflow (0=No overflow, 1=Overflow occured)
  2 Reserved
  1 Reserved
  0 Resolution in counts per inch (0=400, 1=800)
  7 Reset Power up defaults (W) (0=No, 1=Reset)
  6 LED Shutter Mode (0=LED always on, 1=LED only on when shutter is open)
  5 Self Test (W) (0=No, 1=Perform all self tests)
  4 Resolution in counts per inch (0=400, 1=800)
  3 Dump 16x16 Pixel bitmap (0=No, 1=Dump via Data_Out ports)
  2 Reserved
  1 Reserved
  0 Sleep Mode (0=Normal/Sleep after 1 second, 1=Always awake)
                         |74273  |
  /WR -----------------> |CLK    |                       _____
  AD1/SIO CLK ---------> |D1   Q1|--------------> CLK   |74125|
  AD2 power control ---> |D2   Q2|--->     ____         |     |
  AD3/SIO DIR ---------> |D3   Q3|------+-|7400\________|/EN  |
  AD8 rumble on/off ---> |D?   Q?|--->  +-|____/        |     |
  AD0/SIO DTA ----+----> |D5   Q5|----------------------|A   Y|--+--DTA
                  |      |_______|                      |- - -|  |
          ____    +-------------------------------------|Y   A|--+
  /RD ---|7400\______ ____                              |     |
  /RD ---|____/      |7400\_____________________________|/EN  |
  A19 _______________|____/                             |_____|

7400 Quad NAND Gate, 74273 8bit Latch

AD0 Optical Sensor Serial Data (0=Low, 1=High)
AD1 Optical Sensor Serial Clock (0=Low, 1=High)
AD2 Optical Sensor Power (0=Off, 1=On)
AD3 Optical Sensor Serial Direction (0=Read, 1=Write)
AD8 Rumble Motor (0=Off, 1=On)

Thanks: Daniel Palmer

  DS Cart Expansion RAM

DS Memory Expansions
There are several RAM expansions for the NDS. The RAM cartridge connects to the GBA slot; can can be then accessed from cartridges in the DS slot.
  Opera         (8MB RAM) (official RAM expansion for Opera browser)
  EZ3/4/3-in-1  (8-16MB RAM, plus FLASH, plus rumble)
  Supercard     (32MB)
  M3            (32MB)
  G6            (32MB)
The recommended access time (waitstates) for all memory types is unknown. Unknown which programs do use these expansions for which purposes (aside from the Opera browser).
Thanks to Rick "Lick" Wong for info on detection and unlocking.

Opera / DS Memory Expansion Pak (NTR-011 or USG-007)
  base=9000000h, size=800000h (8MB)
  unlock=1, lock=0
  STRH [8240000h],lock/unlock

  base=8400000h, size=VAR (8MB..16MB)
  locking/unlocking/detection see below

  base=8000000h, size=1FFFFFEh (32MB minus last two bytes?)
  unlock=5 (RAM_RW), lock=3 (MEDIA)
  STRH [9FFFFFEh],lock/unlock
  STRH [9FFFFFEh],lock/unlock

  base=8000000h, size=2000000h (32MB)
  unlock=00400006h, lock=00400003h
  LDRH Rd,[8E00002h]
  LDRH Rd,[800000Eh]
  LDRH Rd,[8801FFCh]
  LDRH Rd,[800104Ah]
  LDRH Rd,[8800612h]
  LDRH Rd,[8000000h]
  LDRH Rd,[8801B66h]
  LDRH Rd,[8000000h+(lock/unlock)*2]
  LDRH Rd,[800080Eh]
  LDRH Rd,[8000000h]
  LDRH Rd,[80001E4h]
  LDRH Rd,[80001E4h]
  LDRH Rd,[8000188h]
  LDRH Rd,[8000188h]

  base=8000000h, size=2000000h (32MB)
  unlock=6, lock=3
  LDRH Rd,[9000000h]
  LDRH Rd,[9FFFFE0h]
  LDRH Rd,[9FFFF4Ah]
  LDRH Rd,[9FFFF4Ah]
  LDRH Rd,[9FFFF4Ah]
  LDRH Rd,[9200000h+(lock/unlock)*2]
  LDRH Rd,[9FFFFF0h]
  LDRH Rd,[9FFFFE8h]

For EZ, detection works as so:
 ez_ram_test:   ;Based on DSLinux Amadeus' detection
  ez_subfunc(9880000h,8000h) ;-SetRompage (OS mode)
  ez_subfunc(9C40000h,1500h) ;-OpenNorWrite
  [08400000h]=1234h          ;\
  if [08400000h]=1234h       ; test writability at 8400000h
    [8000000h]=4321h         ; and non-writability at 8000000h
    if [8000000h]<>4321h     ;
      return true            ;/
  ez_subfunc(9C40000h,D200h) ;CloseNorWrite
  ez_subfunc(9880000h,0160h) ;SetRompage (0160h)
  ez_subfunc(9C40000h,1500h) ;OpenNorWrite
  [8400000h]=1234h           ;\
  if [8400000h]=1234h        ; test writability at 8400000h
    return true              ;/
  return false               ;-failed
  STRH [9FE0000h],D200h
  STRH [8000000h],1500h
  STRH [8020000h],D200h
  STRH [8040000h],1500h
  STRH [addr],data
  STRH [9FC0000h],1500h
For all other types (everything except EZ), simply verify that you can write (when unlocked), and that you can't (when locked).

  DS Cart Unknown Extras

DS Cartridges with built-in Infrared Port
Some NDS and DSi games (those with NTR-Ixxx or TWL-Ixxx gamecodes) contain built-in Infrared ports; used to communicate with pedometers.
The IR-port is accessed via certain SPI bus commands; that bus is also shared to access FLASH memory via other commands.
The FLASH chip seems to return a nonsense chip ID (maybe the cartridge is using uncommon FLASH memory, or maybe the ID command is redirected to the IR-port hardware).
The ROM chip does also respond with an uncommon ID (with one special bit set, which is possibly indicating the presenence of the IR-hardware) (maybe the IR-port is contained in the ROM chip, or maybe the SPI-bus sharing is handled inside of the ROM chip.
The IR-related SPI commands are mostly unknown. Except that: command 08h should return 55h (or some other non-FFh value), otherwise the game won't work in emulators; this might be some IR-status byte.

DS Cartridges with NAND memory
Some NDS games (eg. Warioware D.I.Y.) contain NAND memory, this memory contains both the game and save memory (normal NDS games contain separate ROM and FLASH/EEPROM chips for that purposes) (the advantage is that NAND allows more storage than the usual FLASH chips).
The Warioware D.I.Y. PCB is marked "DI X-7 C17-01", and it does contain only one single chip, marked "SAMSUNG 004, KLC2811ANB-P204, NTR-UORE-0".
That NAND chip connects directly to the NDS parallel bus (the serial SPI chipselect is left unconnected). Unknown how to write to the chip, and unknown if certain regions are write-protected.

DS Cartridges with built-in MicroSD Card Slot
The DS Vision cartridge contains a built-in microSD card slot. Users can download videos from internet (against a few), store the videos on microSD cards, and then view them on the NDS via DS Vision cartridge.
Unknown how the microSD is accessed; via parallel 'ROM' bus and/or via serieal SPI bus; by which commands? Also unknown if the thing contains built-in video decoder hardware, or if videos are decoded on ARM cpus.

  DS Cart Cheat Action Replay DS

The first commercial DS cheat code solution, this device was developed by Datel. It supports swapping out cartridges after loading the AR software. For updating, the user may either manually enter codes or use the included proprietary USB cable that comes with the device. The user has been able to manually update codes since firmware version 1.52.

Action Replay DS Codes
  ABCD-NNNNNNNN       Game ID ;ASCII Gamecode [00Ch] and CRC32 across [0..1FFh]
  00000000 XXXXXXXX   manual hook codes (rarely used) (default is auto hook)
  1XXXXXXX 0000YYYY   half[XXXXXXX+offset] = YYYY
  2XXXXXXX 000000YY   byte[XXXXXXX+offset] = YY
  3XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY   IF YYYYYYYY > word[XXXXXXX]   ;unsigned    ;\
  4XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY   IF YYYYYYYY < word[XXXXXXX]   ;unsigned    ; for v1.54,
  5XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY   IF YYYYYYYY = word[XXXXXXX]                ; when X=0,
  6XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY   IF YYYYYYYY <> word[XXXXXXX]               ; uses
  7XXXXXXX ZZZZYYYY   IF YYYY > ((not ZZZZ) AND half[XXXXXXX])   ; [offset]
  8XXXXXXX ZZZZYYYY   IF YYYY < ((not ZZZZ) AND half[XXXXXXX])   ; instead of
  BXXXXXXX 00000000   offset = word[XXXXXXX+offset]
  C0000000 YYYYYYYY   FOR loopcount=0 to YYYYYYYY  ;execute Y+1 times
  C4000000 00000000   offset = address of the C4000000 code           ;v1.54
  C5000000 XXXXYYYY   counter=counter+1, IF (counter AND YYYY) = XXXX ;v1.54
  C6000000 XXXXXXXX   [XXXXXXXX]=offset                               ;v1.54
  D0000000 00000000   ENDIF
  D1000000 00000000   NEXT loopcount
  D2000000 00000000   NEXT loopcount, and then FLUSH everything
  D3000000 XXXXXXXX   offset = XXXXXXXX
  D4000000 XXXXXXXX   datareg = datareg + XXXXXXXX
  D5000000 XXXXXXXX   datareg = XXXXXXXX
  D6000000 XXXXXXXX   word[XXXXXXXX+offset]=datareg, offset=offset+4
  D7000000 XXXXXXXX   half[XXXXXXXX+offset]=datareg, offset=offset+2
  D8000000 XXXXXXXX   byte[XXXXXXXX+offset]=datareg, offset=offset+1
  D9000000 XXXXXXXX   datareg = word[XXXXXXXX+offset]
  DA000000 XXXXXXXX   datareg = half[XXXXXXXX+offset]
  DB000000 XXXXXXXX   datareg = byte[XXXXXXXX+offset] ;bugged on pre-v1.54
  DC000000 XXXXXXXX   offset = offset + XXXXXXXX
  EXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY   Copy YYYYYYYY parameter bytes to [XXXXXXXX+offset...]
  44332211 88776655   parameter bytes 1..8 for above code  (example)
  0000AA99 00000000   parameter bytes 9..10 for above code (padded with 00s)
  FXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY   Copy YYYYYYYY bytes from [offset..] to [XXXXXXX...]
IF/ENDIF can be nested up to 32 times. FOR/NEXT cannot be nested, any FOR statement does forcefully terminate any prior loop. FOR does backup the current IF condidition flags, and NEXT does restore these flags, so ENDIF(s) aren't required inside of the loop. The NEXT+FLUSH command does (after finishing the loop) reset offset=0, datareg=0, and does clear all condition flags, so further ENDIF(s) aren't required after the loop.
Before v1.54, the DB000000 code did accidently set offset=offset+XXXXXXX after execution of the code. For all word/halfword accesses, the address should be aligned accordingly. For the COPY commands, addresses should be aligned by four (all data is copied with ldr/str, except, on odd lengths, the last 1..3 bytes do use ldrb/strb).
offset, datareg, loopcount, and counter are internal registers in the action replay software.

> The condition register is checked, for all code types
> but the D0, D1 and D2 code type
Makes sense.

> and for the C5 code type it's checked AFTER the counter has
> been incremented (so the counter is always incremented
I love that exceptions ;-)

The hook codes consist of a series of nine 00000000 XXXXXXXX codes, and must be marked as (M) code (for not being confused with normal 0XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY codes). For all nine codes, the left 32bit are actually don't care (but should be zero), the meaning of the right 32bit varies from 1st to 9th code.
  1st: Address used prior to launching game (eg. 23xxxxxh)
  2nd: Address to write the hook at (inside the ARM7 executable)
  3rd: Hook final address (huh?)
  4th: Hook mode selection (0=auto, 1=mode1, 2=mode2)
  5th: Opcode that replaces the hooked one (eg. E51DE004h)
  6th: Address to store important stuff  (default 23FE000h)
  7th: Address to store the code handler (default 23FE074h)
  8th: Address to store the code list    (default 23FE564h)
  9th: Must be 1 (00000001h)
For most games, the AR does automatically hook code on the ARM7. Doing that automatically is nice, but hooking ARM7 means that there is no access to VRAM, TCM and Cache, which <might> cause problems since efficient games <should> store all important data in TCM or Cache (though, in practice, I'd doubt that any existing NDS games are that efficient).

To Kenobi and Dualscreenman from Kodewerx for above ARDS cheat info.

  DS Cart Cheat Codebreaker DS

This is Pelican's entry into the DS cheat-device industry. It supports swapping out the cartridges, and alternately, also gives the user the option of connecting another gamecard onto it. For updating, the user may either manually enter codes, or use Wifi to connect to the Codebreaker update site (that updating will overwrite all manually entered codes though).

Codebreaker DS Codes
  0000CR16 GAMECODE                    Specify Game ID, use Encrypted codes
  8000CR16 GAMECODE                    Specify Game ID, use Unencrypted codes
  BEEFC0DE XXXXXXXX                    Change Encryption Keys
  A0XXXXXX YYYYYYYY                    Bootup-Hook 1, X=Address, Y=Value
  A8XXXXXX YYYYYYYY                    Bootup-Hook 2, X=Address, Y=Value
  F0XXXXXX TYYYYYYY         Code-Hook 1 (T=Type,Y=CheatEngineAddr,X=HookAddr)
  F8XXXXXX TPPPPPPP         Code-Hook 2 (T=Type,X=CheatEngineHookAddr,P=Params)
  ---General codes---
  00XXXXXX 000000YY                    [X]=YY
  10XXXXXX 0000YYYY                    [X]=YYYY
  20XXXXXX YYYYYYYY                    [X]=YYYYYYYY
  60XXXXXX 000000YY ZZZZZZZZ 00000000  [[X]+Z]=YY
  60XXXXXX 0000YYYY ZZZZZZZZ 10000000  [[X]+Z]=YYYY
  30XXXXXX 000000YY                    [X]=[X] + YY
  30XXXXXX 0001YYYY                    [X]=[X] + YYYY
  38XXXXXX YYYYYYYY                    [X]=[X] + YYYYYYYY
  70XXXXXX 000000YY                    [X]=[X] OR  YY
  70XXXXXX 001000YY                    [X]=[X] AND YY
  70XXXXXX 002000YY                    [X]=[X] XOR YY
  70XXXXXX 0001YYYY                    [X]=[X] OR  YYYY
  70XXXXXX 0011YYYY                    [X]=[X] AND YYYY
  70XXXXXX 0021YYYY                    [X]=[X] XOR YYYY
  ---Memory fill/copy---
  40XXXXXX 2NUMSTEP 000000YY 000000ZZ  byte[X+(0..NUM-1)*STEP*1]=Y+(0..NUM-1)*Z
  40XXXXXX 1NUMSTEP 0000YYYY 0000ZZZZ  half[X+(0..NUM-1)*STEP*2]=Y+(0..NUM-1)*Z
  50XXXXXX YYYYYYYY ZZZZZZZZ 00000000  copy Y bytes from [X] to [Z]
  ---Conditional codes (bugged)---
  60XXXXXX 000000YY ZZZZZZZZ 01c100VV  IF [[X]+Z] .. VV   THEN [[X]+Z]=YY
  60XXXXXX 000000YY ZZZZZZZZ 01c0VVVV  IF [[X]+Z] .. VVVV THEN [[X]+Z]=YY
  60XXXXXX 0000YYYY ZZZZZZZZ 11c100VV  IF [[X]+Z] .. VV   THEN [[X]+Z]=YYYY
  ---Conditional codes (working)---
  D0XXXXXX NNc100YY                    IF [X] .. YY   THEN exec max(1,NN) lines
  D0XXXXXX NNc0YYYY                    IF [X] .. YYYY THEN exec max(1,NN) lines
The condition digits (c=0..7), have the following functions:
  0 IF [mem] =  imm THEN ...              4 IF ([mem] AND imm) =  0   THEN ...
  1 IF [mem] <> imm THEN ...              5 IF ([mem] AND imm) <> 0   THEN ...
  2 IF [mem] <  imm THEN ... (unsigned)   6 IF ([mem] AND imm) =  imm THEN ...
  3 IF [mem] >  imm THEN ... (unsigned)   7 IF ([mem] AND imm) <> imm THEN ...
  GAMECODE  Cartridge Header[00Ch] (32bit in reversed byte-order)
  CR16      Cartridge Header[15Eh] (16bit in normal byte-order)
  XXXXXX    27bit addr (actually 7 digits, XXXXXXX, overlaps 5bit code number)
The "bugged" conditional codes (60XXXXXX) are accidently skipping NN lines when the condition is false, where NN is taken from the upper 8bit of the code's last 32bit values (ie. exactly as for the D0XXXXXX codes). For byte-writes, that would be NN=01h, which can be eventually dealt with, although there may be compatibility problems which future versions that might fix that bug. For halfword/word writes, NN would be 11h or 21h, so that codes are about totally unusable.

Codebreaker DS / Encrypted Codes
The overall "address value" decryption works like so:
  for i=4Fh to 00h
    if i>13h then y=59E5DC8Ah
    if i>27h then y=054A7818h
    if i>3Bh then y=B1BF0855h
    address = (Key0-value) xor address
    value   = value - Key1 - (address ror 1Bh)
    address = (address xor (value + y)) ror 13h
    if (i>13h) then
      if (i<=27h) or (i>3Bh) then x=Key2 xor Key1 xor Key0
      else x=((Key2 xor Key1) and Key0) xor (Key1 and Key2)
      value=value xor (x+y+address)
      x = Secure[((i*4+00h) and FCh)+000h]
      x = Secure[((i*4+34h) and FCh)+100h] xor x
      x = Secure[((i*4+20h) and FCh)+200h] xor x
      x = Secure[((i*4+08h) and FCh)+300h] xor x
      address = address - (x ror 19h)
  next i
Upon startup, the initial key settings are:
  Secure[0..7FFh] = Copy of the ENCRYPTED 1st 2Kbytes of the game's Secure Area
  Key0 = 0C2EAB3Eh, Key1 = E2AE295Dh, Key2 = E1ACC3FFh, Key3 = 70D3AF46h
Upon BEEFC0DE XXXXXXXX, the keys get changed like so:
  Key0 = Key0 + (XXXXXXXX ror 1Dh)
  Key1 = Key1 - (XXXXXXXX ror 05h)
  Key2 = Key2 xor (Key3 xor Key0)
  Key3 = Key3 xor (Key2  -  Key1)
The above scramble_keys function works like so:
  for i=0 to FFh
    y = byte(xlat_table[i])
    Secure[i*4+000h] = (Secure[i*4+000h] xor Secure[y*4]) + Secure[y*4+100h]
    Secure[i*4+400h] = (Secure[i*4+400h] xor Secure[y*4]) - Secure[y*4+200h]
  next i
  for i=0 to 63h
    Key0 = Key0 xor (Secure[i*4] + Secure[i*4+190h])
    Key1 = Key1 xor (Secure[i*4] + Secure[i*4+320h])
    Key2 = Key2 xor (Secure[i*4] + Secure[i*4+4B0h])
    Key3 = Key3 xor (Secure[i*4] + Secure[i*4+640h])
  next i
  Key0 = Key0  -  Secure[7D0h]
  Key1 = Key1 xor Secure[7E0h]
  Key2 = Key2  +  Secure[7F0h]
  Key3 = Key3 xor Secure[7D0h] xor Secure[7F0h]
the xlat_table consists of 256 fixed 8bit values:
all used operations are unsigned 32bit integer.

To Kenobi and Dualscreenman from Kodewerx for above CBDS cheat info.

  DS Encryption by Gamecode/Idcode (KEY1)

KEY1 - Gamecode / Idcode Encryption
The KEY1 encryption relies only on the gamecode (or firmware idcode), it does not contain any random components. The fact that KEY1 encrypted commands appear random is just because the <unencrypted> commands contain random values, so the encryption result looks random.

KEY1 encryption is used for KEY1 encrypted gamecart commands (ie. for loading the secure area). It is also used for resolving the extra decryption of the first 2K of the secure area, and for firmware decryption, and to decode some encrypted values in gamecart/firmware header.

Initial Encryption Values
Below formulas can be used only with a copy of the 1048h-byte key tables from NDS/DSi BIOS. The values can be found at:
  NDS.ARM7 ROM: 00000030h..00001077h (values 99 D5 20 5F ..) Blowfish/NDS-mode
  DSi.ARM9 ROM: FFFF99A0h..FFFFA9E7h (values 99 D5 20 5F ..) ""
  DSi.TCM Copy: 01FFC894h..01FFD8DBh (values 99 D5 20 5F ..) ""
  DSi.ARM7 ROM: 0000C6D0h..0000D717h (values 59 AA 56 8E ..) Blowfish/DSi-mode
  DSi.RAM Copy: 03FFC654h..03FFD69Bh (values 59 AA 56 8E ..) ""
The DSi ROM sections are disabled after booting, but the RAM/TCM copies can be dumped (at least with some complex main memory hardware mods).

encrypt_64bit(ptr) / decrypt_64bit(ptr)
  FOR I=0 TO 0Fh (encrypt), or FOR I=11h TO 02h (decrypt)
    Z=[keybuf+I*4] XOR X
    X=[keybuf+048h+((Z SHR 24) AND FFh)*4]
    X=[keybuf+448h+((Z SHR 16) AND FFh)*4] + X
    X=[keybuf+848h+((Z SHR  8) AND FFh)*4] XOR X
    X=[keybuf+C48h+((Z SHR  0) AND FFh)*4] + X
    X=Y XOR X
  [ptr+0]=X XOR [keybuf+40h] (encrypt), or [ptr+0]=X XOR [keybuf+4h] (decrypt)
  [ptr+4]=Y XOR [keybuf+44h] (encrypt), or [ptr+4]=Y XOR [keybuf+0h] (decrypt)

  [scratch]=0000000000000000h   ;S=0 (64bit)
  FOR I=0 TO 44h STEP 4         ;xor with reversed byte-order (bswap)
    [keybuf+I]=[keybuf+I] XOR bswap_32bit([keycode+(I MOD modulo)])
  FOR I=0 TO 1040h STEP 8
    encrypt_64bit(scratch)      ;encrypt S (64bit) by keybuf
    [keybuf+I+0]=[scratch+4]    ;write S to keybuf (first upper 32bit)
    [keybuf+I+4]=[scratch+0]    ;write S to keybuf (then lower 32bit)

  if key=nds then copy [nds_arm7bios+0030h..1077h] to [keybuf+0..1047h]
  if key=dsi then copy [dsi_arm7bios+C6D0h..D717h] to [keybuf+0..1047h]
  IF level>=1 THEN apply_keycode(modulo) ;first apply (always)
  IF level>=2 THEN apply_keycode(modulo) ;second apply (optional)
  IF level>=3 THEN apply_keycode(modulo) ;third apply (optional)

  init_keycode(firmware_header+08h,1,0Ch,nds) ;idcode (usually "MACP"), level 1
  decrypt_64bit(firmware_header+18h)          ;rominfo
  init_keycode(firmware_header+08h,2,0Ch,nds) ;idcode (usually "MACP"), level 2
  decrypt ARM9 and ARM7 bootcode by decrypt_64bit (each 8 bytes)
  decompress ARM9 and ARM7 bootcode by LZ77 function (swi)
  calc CRC16 on decrypted/decompressed ARM9 bootcode followed by ARM7 bootcode
Note: The sizes of the compressed/encrypted bootcode areas are unknown (until they are fully decompressed), one way to solve that problem is to decrypt the next 8 bytes each time when the decompression function requires more data.

  init_keycode(cart_header+0Ch,1,08h,nds)   ;gamecode, level 1, modulo 8
  decrypt_64bit(cart_header+78h)            ;rominfo (secure area disable)
  init_keycode(cart_header+0Ch,2,08h,nds)   ;gamecode, level 2, modulo 8
  encrypt_64bit all NDS KEY1 commands (1st command byte in MSB of 64bit value)
  after loading the secure_area, calculate secure_area crc, then
  decrypt_64bit(secure_area+0)              ;first 8 bytes of secure area
  init_keycode(cart_header+0Ch,3,08h,nds)   ;gamecode, level 3, modulo 8
  decrypt_64bit(secure_area+0..7F8h)        ;each 8 bytes in first 2K of secure
  init_keycode(cart_header+0Ch,1,08h,dsi)   ;gamecode, level 1, modulo 8
  encrypt_64bit all DSi KEY1 commands (1st command byte in MSB of 64bit value)
After secure area decryption, the ID field in the first 8 bytes should be "encryObj", if it matches then first 8 bytes are filled with E7FFDEFFh, otherwise the whole 2K are filled by that value.

Gamecart Command Register
Observe that the byte-order of the command register [40001A8h] is reversed. The way how the CPU stores 64bit data in memory (and the way how the "encrypt_64bit" function for KEY1-encrypted commands expects data in memory) is LSB at [addr+0] and MSB at [addr+7]. This value is to be transferred MSB first. However, the DS hardware transfers [40001A8h+0] first, and [40001A8h+7] last. So, the byte order must be reversed when copying the value from memory to the command register.

The KEY1 encryption is based on Bruce Schneier's "Blowfish Encryption Algorithm".

  DS Encryption by Random Seed (KEY2)

KEY2 39bit Seed Values
The pre-initialization settings at cartridge-side (after reset) are:
  Seed0 = 58C56DE0E8h
  Seed1 = 5C879B9B05h
The post-initialization settings (after sending command 4llllmmmnnnkkkkkh to the cartridge, and after writing the Seed values to Port 40001Bxh) are:
  Seed0 = (mmmnnn SHL 15)+6000h+Seedbyte
  Seed1 = 5C879B9B05h
The seedbyte is selected by Cartridge Header [013h].Bit0-2, this index value should be usually in range 0..5, however, possible values for index 0..7 are: E8h,4Dh,5Ah,B1h,17h,8Fh,99h,D5h.
The 24bit random value (mmmnnn) is derived from the real time clock setting, and also scattered by KEY1 encryption, anyways, it's just random and doesn't really matter where it comes from.

KEY2 Encryption
Relies on two 39bit registers (x and y), which are initialized as such:
  x = reversed_bit_order(seed0)  ;ie. LSB(bit0) exchanged with MSB(bit38), etc.
  y = reversed_bit_order(seed1)
During transfer, x, y, and transferred data are modified as such:
  x = (((x shr 5)xor(x shr 17)xor(x shr 18)xor(x shr 31)) and 0FFh)+(x shl 8)
  y = (((y shr 5)xor(y shr 23)xor(y shr 18)xor(y shr 31)) and 0FFh)+(y shl 8)
  data = (data xor x xor y) and 0FFh

  DS Firmware Serial Flash Memory

ST Microelectronics SPI Bus Compatible Serial FLASH Memory
  ID 20h,40h,12h - ST M45PE20 - 256 KBytes (Nintendo DS) (in my old DS)
  ID 20h,50h,12h - ST M35PE20 - 256 KBytes (Nintendo DS) (in my DS-Lite)
  ID 20h,80h,13h - ST M25PE40 - 512 KBytes (iQue DS, with chinese charset)
  ID 20h,40h,11h - ST 45PE10V6 - 128 Kbytes (Nintendo DSi) (in my DSi)
  ID 20h,40h,13h - ST 45PE40V6 - 512 KBytes (DS Zelda, NTR-AZEP-0)
  ID 20h,40h,14h - ST 45PE80V6 - 1024 Kbytes (eg. Spirit Tracks, NTR-BKIP)
 +ID 62h,11h,00h - Sanyo ?          - 512 Kbytes (P-Letter Diamond, ADAE)
  ID 62h,16h,00h - Sanyo LE25FW203T - 256 KBytes (Mariokart backup)
 +ID 62h,26h,11h - Sanyo ?          - ? Kbytes (3DS: CTR-P-AXXJ)
 +ID 62h,26h,13h - Sanyo ?          - ? Kbytes (3DS: CTR-P-APDJ)
  ID C2h,22h,11h - Macronix MX25L1021E? 128 Kbytes (eg. 3DS Starfox)
  ID C2h,22h,13h - Macronix ...? 512 Kbytes (eg. 3DS Kid Icarus, 3DS Sims 3)
  ID C2h,20h,17h - Macronix MX25L6445EZNI-10G 8192 Kbytes (DSi Art Academy)
  ID 01h,F0h,00h - Garbage/Infrared on SPI-bus? (eg. P-Letter White)
  ID 03h,F8h,00h - Garbage/Infrared on SPI-bus? (eg. P-Letter White 2)
FLASH has more than 100,000 Write Cycles, more than 20 Year Data Retention
The Firmware Flash Memory is accessed via SPI bus,
DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)

Instruction Codes
  06h  WREN Write Enable (No Parameters)
  04h  WRDI Write Disable (No Parameters)
  9Fh  RDID Read JEDEC Identification (Read 1..3 ID Bytes)
             (Manufacturer, Device Type, Capacity)
  05h  RDSR Read Status Register (Read Status Register, endless repeated)
             Bit7-2  Not used (zero)
             Bit1    WEL Write Enable Latch             (0=No, 1=Enable)
             Bit0    WIP Write/Program/Erase in Progess (0=No, 1=Busy)
  03h  READ Read Data Bytes (Write 3-Byte-Address, read endless data stream)
  0Bh  FAST Read Data Bytes at Higher Speed (Write 3-Byte-Address, write 1
             dummy-byte, read endless data stream) (max 25Mbit/s)
  0Ah  PW   Page Write (Write 3-Byte-Address, write 1..256 data bytes)
             (changing bits to 0 or 1) (reads unchanged data, erases the page,
             then writes new & unchanged data) (11ms typ, 25ms max)
  02h  PP   Page Program (Write 3-Byte-Address, write 1..256 data bytes)
             (changing bits from 1 to 0) (1.2ms typ, 5ms max)
  DBh  PE   Page Erase 100h bytes (Write 3-Byte-Address) (10ms typ, 20ms max)
  D8h  SE   Sector Erase 10000h bytes (Write 3-Byte-Address) (1s typ, 5s max)
  B9h  DP   Deep Power-down (No Parameters) (consumption 1uA typ, 10uA max)
             (3us) (ignores all further instructions, except RDP)
  ABh  RDP  Release from Deep Power-down (No Parameters) (30us)
Write/Program may not cross page-boundaries. Write/Program/Erase are rejected during first 1..10ms after power up. The WEL bit is automatically cleared on Power-Up, on /Reset, and on completion of WRDI/PW/PP/PE/SE instructions. WEL is set by WREN instruction (which must be issued before any write/program/erase instructions). Don't know how RDSR behaves when trying to write to the write-protected region?

Communication Protocol
  Set Chip Select LOW to invoke the command
  Transmit the instruction byte
  Transmit any parameter bytes
  Transmit/receive any data bytes
  Set Chip Select HIGH to finish the command
All bytes (and 3-byte addresses) transferred most significant bit/byte first.

  1   D    Serial Data In (latched at rising clock edge)          _________
  2   C    Serial Clock (max 25MHz)                             /|o        |
  3   /RES Reset                                            1 -| |         |- 8
  4   /S   Chip Select (instructions start at falling edge) 2 -| |         |- 7
  5   /W   Write Protect (makes first 256 pages read-only)  3 -| |_________|- 6
  6   VCC  Supply (2.7V..3.6V typ) (4V max) (DS:VDD3.3)     4 -|/          |- 5
  7   VSS  Ground                                              |___________|
  8   Q    Serial Data Out (changes at falling clock edge)

  DS Firmware Header

Firmware Memory Map
  00000h-00029h  Firmware Header
  0002Ah-001FFh  Wifi Settings
  00200h-3F9FFh  Firmware Code/Data    ;-NDS only (not DSi)
  00200h-002FEh  00h-filled            ;\
  002FFh         80h                   ;
  00300h-1F3FEh  FFh-filled            ; DSi only (not NDS)
  1F3FFh         Whatever Bootflags    ;
  1F400h-1F5FFh  Wifi Access Point 4   ;
  1F600h-1F7FFh  Wifi Access Point 5   ;
  1F800h-1F9FFh  Wifi Access Point 6   ;/
  3FA00h-3FAFFh  Wifi Access Point 1
  3FB00h-3FBFFh  Wifi Access Point 2
  3FC00h-3FCFFh  Wifi Access Point 3
  3FD00h-3FDFFh  Not used
  3FE00h-3FEFFh  User Settings Area 1
  3FF00h-3FFFFh  User Settings Area 2
On iQue DS (with 512K flash memory), user settings are moved to 7FE00h and up, and, there seems to be some unknown stuff at 200h..27Fh.

Firmware Header (00000h-001FFh)
  Addr Size Expl.
  000h 2    part3 romaddr/8 (arm9 gui code) (LZ/huffman compression)
  002h 2    part4 romaddr/8 (arm7 wifi code) (LZ/huffman compression)
  004h 2    part3/4 CRC16 arm9/7 gui/wifi code
  006h 2    part1/2 CRC16 arm9/7 boot code
  008h 4    firmware identifier (usually nintendo "MAC",nn) (or nocash "XBOO")
            the 4th byte (nn) occassionally changes in different versions
  00Ch 2    part1 arm9 boot code romaddr/2^(2+shift1) (LZSS compressed)
  00Eh 2    part1 arm9 boot code 2800000h-ramaddr/2^(2+shift2)
  010h 2    part2 arm7 boot code romaddr/2^(2+shift3) (LZSS compressed)
  012h 2    part2 arm7 boot code 3810000h-ramaddr/2^(2+shift4)
  014h 2    shift amounts, bit0-2=shift1, bit3-5=shift2, bit6-8=shift3,
            bit9-11=shift4, bit12-15=firmware_chipsize/128K
  016h 2    part5 data/gfx romaddr/8 (LZ/huffman compression)
  018h 8    Optional KEY1-encrypted "enPngOFF"=Cartridge KEY2 Disable
            (feature isn't used in any consoles, instead contains timestamp)
  018h 5    Firmware version built timestamp (BCD minute,hour,day,month,year)
  01Dh 1    Console type
              FFh=Nintendo DS
              20h=Nintendo DS-lite
              57h=Nintendo DSi
            The entry was unused (FFh) in older NDS, ie. replace FFh by 00h)
              Bit0   seems to be DSi/iQue related
              Bit1   seems to be DSi/iQue related
              Bit2   seems to be DSi related
              Bit3   zero
              Bit4   seems to be DSi related
              Bit5   seems to be DS-Lite related
              Bit6   indicates presence of "extended" user settings (DSi/iQue)
              Bit7   zero
  01Eh 2    Unused (FFh-filled)
  020h 2    User Settings Offset (div8) (usually last 200h flash bytes)
  022h 2    Unknown (7EC0h or 0B51h)
  024h 2    Unknown (7E40h or 0DB3h)
  026h 2    part5 CRC16 data/gfx
  028h 2    unused (FFh-filled)
  02Ah-1FFh Wifi Calibration Data (see next chapter)

  000h..01Ch=Zerofilled (bootcode is in new eMMC chip, not on old FLASH chip)
  01Dh..021h=Same as on DS (header: Console Type and User Settings Offset)
  022h..027h=Zerofilled (bootcode is in new eMMC chip, not on old FLASH chip)
  028h..1FCh=Same as on DS (wifi calibration)
  1FDh      =01h for DWM-W015, 02h for DWM-W024 ;\
  1FEh      =20h                                ; this was FFh-filled on DS
  1FFh      =Same as on DS (FFh)                ;/
  200h..2FEh=00h-filled                         ;\
  2FFh      =80h                                ; this was bootcode on DS
  00300h..1F2FFh=FFh's                          ;
  1F300h..1F3FEh=FFh's    ;twl-debugger: 00h's  ;
  1F3FFh        =FFh      ;twl-debugger: 40h    ;/
The bytes [000h..027h] cannot be changed on DSi because they are part of the RSA signature in DSi's Boot Info Block (at eMMC offset 200h..3FFh).

  DS Firmware Wifi Calibration Data

Wifi Calibration/Settings (located directly after Firmware Header)
  Addr Size Expl.
  000h-029h Firmware Header (see previous chapter)
  02Ah 2    CRC16 (with initial value 0) of [2Ch..2Ch+config_length-1]
  02Ch 2    config_length (usually 0138h, ie. entries 2Ch..163h)
  02Eh 1    Unused        (00h)
  02Fh 1    Wifi version  (00h=v1..v4, 03h=v5, 05h=v6..v7, 0Fh=DSi)
  030h 6    Unused        (00h-filled)
  036h 6    48bit MAC address (v1-v5: 0009BFxxxxxx, v6-v7: 001656xxxxxx)
  03Ch 2    list of enabled channels ANDed with 7FFE (Bit1..14 = Channel 1..14)
            (usually 3FFEh, ie. only channel 1..13 enabled)
  03Eh 2    Whatever Flags (usually FFFFh)
  040h 1    RF Chip Type (usually 02h)
  041h 1    RF Bits per entry at 0CEh (usually 18h=24bit=3byte) (Bit7=?)
  042h 1    RF Number of entries at 0CEh (usually 0Ch)
  043h 1    Unknown (usually 01h)
  044h 2    Initial Value for [4808146h]  ;W_CONFIG_146h
  046h 2    Initial Value for [4808148h]  ;W_CONFIG_148h
  048h 2    Initial Value for [480814Ah]  ;W_CONFIG_14Ah
  04Ah 2    Initial Value for [480814Ch]  ;W_CONFIG_14Ch
  04Ch 2    Initial Value for [4808120h]  ;W_CONFIG_120h
  04Eh 2    Initial Value for [4808122h]  ;W_CONFIG_122h
  050h 2    Initial Value for [4808154h]  ;W_CONFIG_154h
  052h 2    Initial Value for [4808144h]  ;W_CONFIG_144h
  054h 2    Initial Value for [4808130h]  ;W_CONFIG_130h
  056h 2    Initial Value for [4808132h]  ;W_CONFIG_132h
  058h 2    Initial Value for [4808140h]  ;W_CONFIG_140h
  05Ah 2    Initial Value for [4808142h]  ;W_CONFIG_142h
  05Ch 2    Initial Value for [4808038h]  ;W_POWER_TX
  05Eh 2    Initial Value for [4808124h]  ;W_CONFIG_124h
  060h 2    Initial Value for [4808128h]  ;W_CONFIG_128h
  062h 2    Initial Value for [4808150h]  ;W_CONFIG_150h
  064h 69h  Initial 8bit values for BB[0..68h]
  0CDh 1    Unused (00h)
Below for Type2 (ie. when [040h]=2) (Mitsumi MM3155 and RF9008):
  0CEh 24h  Initial 24bit values for RF[0,4,5,6,7,8,9,0Ah,0Bh,1,2,3]
  0F2h 54h  Channel 1..14 2x24bit values for RF[5,6]
  146h 0Eh  Channel 1..14 8bit values for BB[1Eh] (usually somewhat B1h..B7h)
  154h 0Eh  Channel 1..14 8bit values for RF[9].Bit10..14 (usually 10h-filled)
Below for Type3 (ie. when [040h]=3) (Mitsumi MM3218):
  --- Type3 values are originated at 0CEh, following addresses depend on:  ---
  1) number of initial values, found at [042h]        ;usually 29h
  2) number of BB indices,     found at [0CEh+[042h]] ;usually 02h
  3) number of RF indices,     found at [043h]        ;usually 02h
  --- Below example addresses assume above values to be set to 29h,02h,02h ---
  0CEh 29h  Initial 8bit values for RF[0..28h]
  0F7h 1    Number of BB indices per channel
  0F8h 1    1st BB index
  0F9h 14   1st BB data for channel 1..14
  107h 1    2nd BB index
  108h 14   2nd BB data for channel 1..14
  116h 1    1st RF index
  117h 14   1st RF data for channel 1..14
  125h 1    2nd RF index
  126h 14   2nd RF data for channel 1..14
  134h 46   Unused (FFh-filled)
Below for both Type2 and Type3:
  162h 1    Unknown (usually 19h..1Ch)
  163h 1    Unused (FFh) (Inside CRC16 region, with config_length=138h)
  164h 9Ch  Unused (FFh-filled) (Outside CRC16 region, with config_length=138h)
Most of the Wifi settings seem to be always the same values on all currently existing consoles. Except for:
Values that are (obviously) different are the CRC16, and 4th-6th bytes of the MAC address. Also, initial values for BB[01h] and BB[1Eh], and channel 1..14 values for BB[1Eh], and unknown entry [162h] contain different calibration settings on all consoles.
Firmware v5 is having a new wifi ID [2Fh]=03h, and different RF[9] setting.
Firmware v6 (dslite) has wifi ID [2Fh]=05h, and same RF[9] setting as v5, additionally, v6 and up have different 2nd-3rd bytes of the MAC address.

Moreover, a LOT of values are different with Type3 chips (ie. when [040h]=3).

Unlike for Firmware User Settings, the Firmware Header (and Wifi Settings) aren't stored in RAM upon boot. So the data must be retrieved via SPI bus by software.

  DS Firmware Wifi Internet Access Points

NDS (three 100h-byte regions) (also exists on DSi)
These three 100h byte regions are used to memorize known internet access points. The firmware doesn't use these regions, but games that support internet seem to be allowed to read (and write) them.
03FA00-03FAFF: connection data 1
03FB00-03FBFF: connection data 2
03FC00-03FCFF: connection data 3
(07Fxxx for iQue DS)
(01Fxxx for DSi)
  Addr Siz Expl.
  000h 64  Unknown (usually 00h-filled) (no Proxy supported on NDS)
  040h 32  SSID (ASCII name of the access point) (padded with 00h's)
  060h 32  SSID for WEP64 on AOSS router (each security level has its own SSID)
  080h 16  WEP Key 1 (for type/size, see entry E6h)
  090h 16  WEP Key 2  ;\
  0A0h 16  WEP Key 3  ; (usually 00h-filled)
  0B0h 16  WEP Key 4  ;/
  0C0h 4   IP Address           (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0C4h 4   Gateway              (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0C8h 4   Primary DNS Server   (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0CCh 4   Secondary DNS Server (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0D0h 1   Subnet Mask (0=Auto/DHCP, 1..1Ch=Leading Ones) (eg. 6 = FC.00.00.00)
  0D1h ..  Unknown (usually 00h-filled)
  0E6h 1   WEP Mode (0=None, 1/2/3=5/13/16 byte hex, 5/6/7=5/13/16 byte ascii)
  0E7h 1   Status (00h=Normal, 01h=AOSS, FFh=connection not configured/deleted)
  0E8h 1   Zero (not SSID Length, ie. unlike as entry 4,5,6 on DSi)
  0E9h 1   Unknown (usually 00h)
  0EAh 2   DSi only: MTU (Max transmission unit) (576..1500, usually 1400)
  0ECh 3   Unknown (usually 00h-filled)
  0EFh 1   bit0/1/2 - connection 1/2/3 (1=Configured, 0=Not configured)
  0F0h 6   Nintendo Wifi Connection (WFC) 43bit User ID
           (ID=([F0h] AND 07FFFFFFFFFFFFh)*1000, shown as decimal string
           NNNN-NNNN-NNNN-N000) (the upper 5bit of the last byte are
           containing additional/unknown nonzero data)
  0F6h 8   Unknown (nonzero stuff !?!)
  0FEh 2   CRC16 for Entries 00h..FDh (with initial value 0000h)
For connection 3: entries [EFh..FDh] - always zero-filled?
The location of the first data block seems to be at the User Settings address (see Firmware Header [020h]) minus 400h.

DSi (three new 200h-byte regions)
The DSi has three extra regions (for use DSi games, with the new WPA encryption support, and with additional proxy support), these extra regions are found under "Advanced Setup" in the DSi firmware's "Internet" configuration menu.
01F400-01F5FF: new DSi connection data 4
01F600-01F7FF: new DSi connection data 5
01F800-01F9FF: new DSi connection data 6
  Addr Siz Expl.
  000h 32  Proxy Authentication Username (ASCII string, padded with 00's)
  000h 32  Proxy Authentication Password (ASCII string, padded with 00's)
  040h ..  SSID (ASCII string, padded with 00's) (see [0E8h] for length)
  0xxh ..  Maybe same as NDS
  080h ..  WEP Key (zerofilled for WPA)
  0xxh ..  Maybe same as NDS
  0C0h 4   IP Address           (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0C4h 4   Gateway              (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0C8h 4   Primary DNS Server   (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0CCh 4   Secondary DNS Server (0=Auto/DHCP)
  0D0h 1   Subnet Mask (0=Auto/DHCP, 1..1Ch=Leading Ones) (eg. 6 = FC.00.00.00)
  0D1h ..  Unknown (zerofilled)
  0E6h 1   WEP (00h=None/WPA/WPA2, 01h=WEP/5byteHEX)
  0E7h 1   00h=Normal, 10h=WPA/WPA2 (or FFh=unused/deleted)
  0E8h 1   SSID Length in characters (01h..20h, or 00h=unused)
  0E9h 1   Unknown (usually 00h)
  0EAh 2   MTU Value (Max transmission unit) (576..1500, usually 1400)
  0ECh 3   Unknown (usually 00h-filled)
  0EFh 1   bit0/1/2 - connection 1/2/3 (1=Configured, 0=Not configured)
  0F0h 14  Zerofilled (or maybe ID as on NDS, if any such ID exists for DSi?)
  0FEh 2   Maybe CRC16 ?         (93h,88h)
  100h 32  Some big random hex number? (FEh,72h,...)      ;\all zero for WEP
  120h 16  WPA/WPA2 key (ASCII string, padded with 00's)  ;/
  130h ..  Zerofilled
  181h 1   WPA (0=None or WEP, 4=WPA-TKIP, 5=WPA2-TKIP, 6=WPA-AES, 7=WPA2-AES)
  182h 1   Proxy Enable         (00h=None, 01h=Yes)
  183h 1   Proxy Authentication (00h=None, 01h=Yes)
  184h ..  Proxy Name (ASCII string, padded with 00's)
  1xxh ..  Zerofilled
  1E8h 2   Proxy Port (16bit)
  1EAh ..  Zerofilled
  1FEh 2   Maybe another CRC16 ? (this one is 0000h if unused/deleted)
The location of the first data block (aka settings number 4) seems to be at the User Settings address (see Firmware Header [020h]) minus A00h.
Observe that NDS consoles do have Firmware bootcode/data in that area, so those new regions exist on DSi only.
There is probably also some flag in Firmware Header that indicates the presence of the new wifi regions (or as a general rule: All DSi consoles should have them).
Note that the Proxy feature can be used to redirect internet access (when using a custom proxy server, one could redirect commercial games to homebrew servers; as done by the project) (actually the same should be possible with the DNS server entry, possibly with less traffic).

  DS Firmware User Settings

Current Settings (RAM 27FFC80h-27FFCEFh)
User Settings 0 (Firmware 3FE00h-3FEFFh) ;(DSi & iQue use different address,
User Settings 1 (Firmware 3FF00h-3FFFFh) ;see Firmware Header [020h])
  Addr Size Expl.
  000h  2   Version (5) (Always 5, for all NDS/DSi Firmware versions)
  002h  1   Favorite color (0..15) (0=Gray, 1=Brown, etc.)
  003h  1   Birthday month (1..12) (Binary, non-BCD)
  004h  1   Birthday day   (1..31) (Binary, non-BCD)
  005h  1   Not used (zero)
  006h  20  Nickname string in UTF-16 format
  01Ah  2   Nickname length in characters    (0..10)
  01Ch  52  Message string in UTF-16 format
  050h  2   Message length in characters     (0..26)
  052h  1   Alarm hour     (0..23) (Binary, non-BCD)
  053h  1   Alarm minute   (0..59) (Binary, non-BCD)
  054h  2
  056h  1   80h=enable alarm (huh?), bit 0..6=enable?
  057h  1   Zero (1 byte)
  058h  2x2 Touch-screen calibration point (adc.x1,y1) 12bit ADC-position
  05Ch  2x1 Touch-screen calibration point (scr.x1,y1) 8bit pixel-position
  05Eh  2x2 Touch-screen calibration point (adc.x2,y2) 12bit ADC-position
  062h  2x1 Touch-screen calibration point (scr.x2,y2) 8bit pixel-position
  064h  2   Language and Flags (see below)
  066h  1   Year (2000..2255) (when having entered date in the boot menu)
  067h  1   Unknown (usually 00h...08h or 78h..7Fh or so)
  068h  4   RTC Offset (difference in seconds when RTC time/date was changed)
  06Ch  4   Not used (FFh-filled, sometimes 00h-filled) (=MSBs of above?)
Below not stored in RAM (found only in FLASH memory)...
  070h  2   update counter (used to check latest) (must be 0000h..007Fh)
  072h  2   CRC16 of entries 00h..6Fh (70h bytes)
  074h  8Ch Not used (FFh-filled) (or extended data, see below)
Below extended data was invented for iQue DS (for adding the chinese language setting), and is also included in Nintendo DSi models. Presence of extended data is indicated in Firmware Header entry [1Dh].Bit6.
  074h  1   Unknown (01h) (maybe version?)
  075h  1   Extended Language (0..5=Same as Entry 064h, plus 6=Chinese)
            (for language 6, entry 064h defaults to english; for compatibility)
            (for language 0..5, both entries 064h and 075h have same value)
  076h  2   Bitmask for Supported Languages (Bit0..6)
            (007Eh for iQue DS, ie. with chinese, but without japanese)
            (003Eh for DSi/EUR, ie. without chinese, and without japanese)
  078h  86h Not used (FFh-filled on iQue DS, 00h-filled on DSi)
  0FEh  2   CRC16 of entries 74h..FDh (8Ah bytes)
Note: The DSi has some more settings (eg. Country (additionally to Language), Parental Controls, and a surreal fake Wireless-Disable option; which does only disable the Wifi LED, the actual Wifi transmission does still work).
That new settings are stored in eMMC files. The old/above User Settings are stored in those files too (and copy of those User Settings is stored in Wifi FLASH, as described above; that copy is intended mainly for backwards compatibilty with NDS games).
DSi SD/MMC Firmware System Settings Data Files
DSi Backlight level and DSi sound volume seem to be stored in the BPTWL chip (or possibly in its attached I2C potentiometer).

Language and Flags (Entry 064h)
  0..2 Language (0=Japanese, 1=English, 2=French, 3=German,
       4=Italian, 5=Spanish, 6..7=Reserved) (for Chinese see Entry 075h)
       (the language setting also implies time/data format)
  3    GBA mode screen selection (0=Upper, 1=Lower)
  4-5  Backlight Level    (0..3=Low,Med,High,Max) (DS-Lite only)
  6    Bootmenu Disable   (0=Manual/bootmenu, 1=Autostart Cartridge)
  9    Settings Lost (1=Prompt for User Info, and Language, and Calibration)
  10   Settings Okay (0=Prompt for User Info)
  11   Settings Okay (0=Prompt for User Info) (Same as Bit10)
  12   No function
  13   Settings Okay (0=Prompt for User Info, and Language)
  14   Settings Okay (0=Prompt for User Info) (Same as Bit10)
  15   Settings Okay (0=Prompt for User Info) (Same as Bit10)
The Health and Safety message is skipped if Bit9=1, or if one or more of the following bits is zero: Bits 10,11,13,14,15. However, as soon as entering the bootmenu, the Penalty-Prompt occurs.

Note: There are two User Settings areas in the firmware chip, at offset 3FE00h and 3FF00h, if both areas have valid CRCs, then the current/newest area is that whose Update Counter is one bigger than in the other/older area.
  IF count1=((count0+1) AND 7Fh) THEN area1=newer ELSE area0=newer
When changing settings, the older area is overwritten with new data (and incremented Update Counter). The two areas allow to recover previous settings in case of a write-error (eg. on a battery failure during write).

Battery Removal
Even though the battery is required only for the RTC (not for the firmware flash memory), most of the firmware user settings are reset when removing the battery. This appears to be a strange bug-or-feature of the DS bios, at least, fortunately, it still keeps the rest of the firmware intact.

  DS Firmware Extended Settings

Extended Settings contain some additional information which is not supported by the original firmware (current century, date/time formats, temperature calibration, etc.), the settings are supported by Nocash Firmware, by the no$gba emulator, and may be eventually also supported by other emulators. If present, the values can be used by games, otherwise games should use either whatever default settings, or contain their own configuration menu.

Extended Settings - loaded to 23FEE00h (aka fragments of NDS9 boot code)
  Addr Siz Expl.
  00h  8  ID "XbooInfo"
  08h  2  CRC16 Value [0Ch..0Ch+Length-1]
  0Ah  2  CRC16 Length (from 0Ch and up)
  0Ch  1  Version (currently 01h)
  0Dh  1  Update Count (newer = (older+1) AND FFh)
  0Eh  1  Bootmenu Flags
            Bit6   Important Info  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
            Bit7   Bootmenu Screen (0=Upper, 1=Lower)
  0Fh  1  GBA Border (0=Black, 1=Gray Line)
  10h  2  Temperature Calibration TP0 ADC value  (x16) (sum of 16 ADC values)
  12h  2  Temperature Calibration TP1 ADC value  (x16) (sum of 16 ADC values)
  14h  2  Temperature Calibration Degrees Kelvin (x100) (0=none)
  16h  1  Temperature Flags
            Bit0-1 Format (0=Celsius, 1=Fahrenheit, 2=Reaumur, 3=Kelvin)
  17h  1  Backlight Intensity (0=0ff .. FFh=Full)
  18h  4  Date Century Offset       (currently 20, for years 2000..2099)
  1Ch  1  Date Month Recovery Value (1..12)
  1Dh  1  Date Day Recovery Value   (1..31)
  1Eh  1  Date Year Recovery Value  (0..99)
  1Fh  1  Date/Time Flags
            Bit0-1 Date Format   (0=YYYY-MM-DD, 1=MM-DD-YYYY, 2=DD-MM-YYYY)
            Bit2   Friendly Date (0=Raw Numeric, 1=With Day/Month Names)
            Bit5   Time DST      (0=Hide DST, 1=Show DST=On/Off)
            Bit6   Time Seconds  (0=Hide Seconds, 1=Show Seconds)
            Bit7   Time Format   (0=24 hour, 1=12 hour)
  20h  1  Date Separator      (Ascii, usually Slash, or Dot)
  21h  1  Time Separator      (Ascii, usually Colon, or Dot)
  22h  1  Decimal Separator   (Ascii, usually Comma, or Dot)
  23h  1  Thousands Separator (Ascii, usually Comma, or Dot)
  24h  1  Daylight Saving Time (Nth)
             Bit 0-3 Activate on (0..4 = Last,1st,2nd,3rd,4th)
             Bit 4-7 Deactivate on (0..4 = Last,1st,2nd,3rd,4th)
  25h  1  Daylight Saving Time (Day)
             Bit 0-3 Activate on (0..7 = Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun,AnyDay)
             Bit 4-7 Deactivate on (0..7 = Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun,AnyDay)
  26h  1  Daylight Saving Time (of Month)
             Bit 0-3 Activate DST in Month   (1..12)
             Bit 4-7 Deactivate DST in Month (1..12)
  27h  1  Daylight Saving Time (Flags)
             Bit 0   Current DST State (0=Off, 1=On)
             Bit 1   Adjust DST Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
Note: With the original firmware, the memory region at 23FEE00h and up contains un-initialized, non-zero-filled data (fragments of boot code).

  DS Wireless Communications

DS Wifi I/O Map
DS Wifi Control
DS Wifi Interrupts
DS Wifi Power-Down Registers
DS Wifi Receive Control
DS Wifi Receive Buffer
DS Wifi Receive Statistics
DS Wifi Transmit Control
DS Wifi Transmit Buffers
DS Wifi Transmit Errors
DS Wifi Status
DS Wifi Timers
DS Wifi Multiplay Master
DS Wifi Multiplay Slave
DS Wifi Configuration Ports
DS Wifi Baseband Chip (BB)
DS Wifi RF Chip
DS Wifi RF9008 Registers
DS Wifi Unknown Registers
DS Wifi Unused Registers
DS Wifi Initialization
DS Wifi Flowcharts
DS Wifi Hardware Headers
DS Wifi Multiboot
DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Frames
DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Managment Frames (Type=0)
DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Control and Data Frames (Type=1 and 2)

2.4GHz band, Wireless LAN (WLAN) IEEE802.11b protocol

A very large part of the DS Wifi chapters is based on Stephen Stair's great DS Wifi document, thanks there.

  DS Wifi I/O Map

Wifi Registers & RAM cannot be written to by STRB opcodes (ignored).

Registers - NDS7 - 4808000h..4808FFFh
  Address  Dir   Name            r/w  [Init] Description
  4808000h R     W_ID            ---- [1440] Chip ID (1440h=DS, C340h=DS-Lite)
  4808004h R/W   W_MODE_RST      9fff [0000] Mode/Reset
  4808006h R/W   W_MODE_WEP      --7f [0000] Mode/Wep modes
  4808008h R/W   W_TXSTATCNT     ffff [0000] Beacon Status Request
  480800Ah R/W   W_X_00Ah        ffff [0000] [bit7 - ingore rx duplicates]
  4808010h R/W   W_IF            ackk [0000] Wifi Interrupt Request Flags
  4808012h R/W   W_IE            ffff [0000] Wifi Interrupt Enable
  4808018h R/W   W_MACADDR_0     ffff [0000] Hardware MAC Address, 1st 2 bytes
  480801Ah R/W   W_MACADDR_1     ffff [0000] Hardware MAC Address, next 2 bytes
  480801Ch R/W   W_MACADDR_2     ffff [0000] Hardware MAC Address, last 2 bytes
  4808020h R/W   W_BSSID_0       ffff [0000] BSSID (first 2 bytes)
  4808022h R/W   W_BSSID_1       ffff [0000] BSSID (next 2 bytes)
  4808024h R/W   W_BSSID_2       ffff [0000] BSSID (last 2 bytes)
  4808028h R/W   W_AID_LOW       ---f [0000] usually as lower 4bit of AID value
  480802Ah R/W   W_AID_FULL      -7ff [0000] AID value assigned by a BSS.
  480802Ch R/W   W_TX_RETRYLIMIT ffff [0707] Tx Retry Limit (set from 00h-FFh)
  480802Eh R/W   W_INTERNAL      ---1 [0000]
  4808030h R/W   W_RXCNT         ff0e [0000] Receive control
  4808032h R/W   W_WEP_CNT       ffff [0000] WEP engine enable
  4808034h R?    W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000] bit0,1 (see ports 004h,040h,1A0h)
Power-Down Registers (and Random Generator)
  4808036h R/W   W_POWER_US      ---3 [0001]
  4808038h R/W   W_POWER_TX      ---7 [0003]
  480803Ch R/W   W_POWERSTATE    -r-2 [0200]
  4808040h R/W   W_POWERFORCE    8--1 [0000]
  4808044h R     W_RANDOM        0xxx [0xxx]
  4808048h R/W   W_POWER_?       ---3 [0000]
WLAN Memory Ports
  4808050h R/W   W_RXBUF_BEGIN   ffff [4000]
  4808052h R/W   W_RXBUF_END     ffff [4800]
  4808054h R     W_RXBUF_WRCSR   0rrr [0000]
  4808056h R/W   W_RXBUF_WR_ADDR -fff [0000]
  4808058h R/W   W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR 1ffe [0000]
  480805Ah R/W   W_RXBUF_READCSR -fff [0000]
  480805Ch R/W   W_RXBUF_COUNT   -fff [0000]
  4808060h R     W_RXBUF_RD_DATA rrrr [xxxx]
  4808062h R/W   W_RXBUF_GAP     1ffe [0000]
  4808064h R/W   W_RXBUF_GAPDISP -fff [0000]
  4808068h R/W   W_TXBUF_WR_ADDR 1ffe [0000]
  480806Ch R/W   W_TXBUF_COUNT   -fff [0000]
  4808070h W     W_TXBUF_WR_DATA xxxx [xxxx]
  4808074h R/W   W_TXBUF_GAP     1ffe [0000]
  4808076h R/W   W_TXBUF_GAPDISP 0fff [0000]
  4808078h W     W_INTERNAL      mirr [mirr] Read: Mirror of 068h
  4808080h R/W   W_TXBUF_BEACON  ffff [0000] Beacon Transmit Location
  4808084h R/W   W_TXBUF_TIM     --ff [0000] Beacon TIM Index in Frame Body
  4808088h R/W   W_LISTENCOUNT   --ff [0000] Listen Count
  480808Ch R/W   W_BEACONINT     -3ff [0064] Beacon Interval
  480808Eh R/W   W_LISTENINT     --ff [0000] Listen Interval
  4808090h R/W   W_TXBUF_CMD     ffff [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  4808094h R/W   W_TXBUF_REPLY1  ffff [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  4808098h R     W_TXBUF_REPLY2  0000 [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  480809Ch R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0050] value 4x00h --> preamble+x*12h us?
  48080A0h R/W   W_TXBUF_LOC1    ffff [0000]
  48080A4h R/W   W_TXBUF_LOC2    ffff [0000]
  48080A8h R/W   W_TXBUF_LOC3    ffff [0000]
  48080ACh W     W_TXREQ_RESET   fixx [0050]
  48080AEh W     W_TXREQ_SET     fixx [0050]
  48080B0h R     W_TXREQ_READ    --1f [0010]
  48080B4h W     W_TXBUF_RESET   0000 [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  48080B6h R     W_TXBUSY        0000 [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  48080B8h R     W_TXSTAT        0000 [0000]
  48080BAh ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  48080BCh R/W   W_PREAMBLE      ---3 [0001]
  48080C0h R/W x W_CMD_TOTALTIME ffff [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  48080C4h R/W x W_CMD_REPLYTIME ffff [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  48080C8h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  48080D0h R/W   W_RXFILTER      1fff [0401]
  48080D4h R/W   W_CONFIG_0D4h   ---3 [0001]
  48080D8h R/W   W_CONFIG_0D8h   -fff [0004]
  48080DAh R/W   W_CONFIG_0DAh   ffff [0602]
  48080E0h R/W   W_RXFILTER2     ---f [0008]
Wifi Timers
  48080E8h R/W   W_US_COUNTCNT   ---1 [0000] Microsecond counter enable
  48080EAh R/W   W_US_COMPARECNT ---1 [0000] Microsecond compare enable
  48080ECh R/W   W_CONFIG_0ECh   3f1f [3F03]
  48080EEh R/W   W_CMD_COUNTCNT  ---1 [0001]
  48080F0h R/W   W_US_COMPARE0   fc-- [FC00] Microsecond compare, bits 0-15
  48080F2h R/W   W_US_COMPARE1   ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 16-31
  48080F4h R/W   W_US_COMPARE2   ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 32-47
  48080F6h R/W   W_US_COMPARE3   ffff [FFFF] Microsecond compare, bits 48-63
  48080F8h R/W   W_US_COUNT0     ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 0-15
  48080FAh R/W   W_US_COUNT1     ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 16-31
  48080FCh R/W   W_US_COUNT2     ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 32-47
  48080FEh R/W   W_US_COUNT3     ffff [0000] Microsecond counter, bits 48-63
  4808100h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808102h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808104h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808106h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  480810Ch R/W   W_CONTENTFREE   ffff [0000] ...
  4808110h R/W   W_PRE_BEACON    ffff [0000]
  4808118h R/W   W_CMD_COUNT     ffff [0000]
  480811Ch R/W   W_BEACONCOUNT1  ffff [0000] reloaded with W_BEACONINT
Configuration Ports (and some other Registers)
  4808120h R/W   W_CONFIG_120h   81ff [0048] init from firmware[04Ch]
  4808122h R/W   W_CONFIG_122h   ffff [4840] init from firmware[04Eh]
  4808124h R/W   W_CONFIG_124h   ffff [0000] init from firmware[05Eh], or 00C8h
  4808126h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [ 0080]
  4808128h R/W   W_CONFIG_128h   ffff [0000] init from firmware[060h], or 07D0h
  480812Ah ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [1000] lower 12bit same as W_CONFIG_128h
  4808130h R/W   W_CONFIG_130h   -fff [0142] init from firmware[054h]
  4808132h R/W   W_CONFIG_132h   8fff [8064] init from firmware[056h]
  4808134h R/W   W_BEACONCOUNT2  ffff [FFFF] ...
  4808140h R/W   W_CONFIG_140h   ffff [0000] init from firmware[058h], or xx
  4808142h R/W   W_CONFIG_142h   ffff [2443] init from firmware[05Ah]
  4808144h R/W   W_CONFIG_144h   --ff [0042] init from firmware[052h]
  4808146h R/W   W_CONFIG_146h   --ff [0016] init from firmware[044h]
  4808148h R/W   W_CONFIG_148h   --ff [0016] init from firmware[046h]
  480814Ah R/W   W_CONFIG_14Ah   --ff [0016] init from firmware[048h]
  480814Ch R/W   W_CONFIG_14Ch   ffff [162C] init from firmware[04Ah]
  4808150h R/W   W_CONFIG_150h   ff3f [0204] init from firmware[062h], or 202h
  4808154h R/W   W_CONFIG_154h   7a7f [0058] init from firmware[050h]
Baseband Chip Ports
  4808158h W     W_BB_CNT        mirr [00B5] BB Access Start/Direction/Index
  480815Ah W     W_BB_WRITE      ???? [0000] BB Access data byte to write
  480815Ch R     W_BB_READ       00rr [00B5] BB Access data byte read
  480815Eh R     W_BB_BUSY       000r [0000] BB Access Busy flag
  4808160h R/W   W_BB_MODE       41-- [0100] BB Access Mode
  4808168h R/W   W_BB_POWER      8--f [800D] BB Access Powerdown
Internal Stuff
  480816Ah ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0001] (or 0000h?)
  4808170h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808172h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808174h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808176h ?     W_INTERNAL      0000 [0000]
  4808178h W     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0800] Read: mirror of 17Ch
RF Chip Ports
  480817Ch R/W   W_RF_DATA2      ffff [0800]
  480817Eh R/W   W_RF_DATA1      ffff [C008]
  4808180h R     W_RF_BUSY       000r [0000]
  4808184h R/W   W_RF_CNT        413f [0018]
  4808190h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
  4808194h R/W   W_TX_HDR_CNT    ---7 [0000] used by firmware part4 (0 or 6)
  4808198h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ---f [0000]
  480819Ch R     W_RF_PINS       fixx [0004]
  48081A0h R/W   W_X_1A0h        -933 [0000] used by firmware part4 (0 or 823h)
  48081A2h R/W   W_X_1A2h        ---3 [0001] used by firmware part4
  48081A4h R/W   W_X_1A4h        ffff [0000] "Rate used when signal test..."
Wifi Statistics
  48081A8h R     W_RXSTAT_INC_IF rrrr [0000] Stats Increment Flags
  48081AAh R/W   W_RXSTAT_INC_IE ffff [0000] Stats Increment IRQ Enable
  48081ACh R     W_RXSTAT_OVF_IF rrrr [0000] Stats Half-Overflow Flags
  48081AEh R/W   W_RXSTAT_OVF_IE ffff [0000] Stats Half-Overflow IRQ Enable
  48081B0h R/W   W_RXSTAT        --ff [0000]
  48081B2h R/W   W_RXSTAT        ffff [0000] RX_LengthRateErrorCount
  48081B4h R/W   W_RXSTAT        rrff [0000] ... firmware uses also MSB ... ?
  48081B6h R/W   W_RXSTAT        ffff [0000]
  48081B8h R/W   W_RXSTAT        --ff [0000]
  48081BAh R/W   W_RXSTAT        --ff [0000]
  48081BCh R/W   W_RXSTAT        ffff [0000]
  48081BEh R/W   W_RXSTAT        ffff [0000]
  48081C0h R/W   W_TX_ERR_COUNT  --ff [0000] TransmitErrorCount
  48081C4h R     W_RX_COUNT      fixx [0000]
[1D0 - 1DE are 15 entries related to multiplayer response errors]
  48081D0h R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ff-- [0000]
  48081D2h R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
  48081D4h R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
  48081D6h R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
  48081D8h R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
  48081DAh R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
  48081DCh R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
  48081DEh R/W   W_CMD_STAT      ffff [0000]
Internal Diagnostics Registers (usually not used for anything)
  48081F0h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ---3 [0000]
  4808204h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  4808208h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  480820Ch W     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0050]
  4808210h R     W_TX_SEQNO      fixx [0000]
  4808214h R     W_RF_STATUS     XXXX [0009]    (used by firmware part4)
  480821Ch W     W_IF_SET        fbff [0000] Force Interrupt (set bits in W_IF)
  4808220h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000] Bit0-1: Enable/Disable WifiRAM
                                             (locks memory at 4000h-5FFFh)
  4808224h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ---3 [0003]
  4808228h W     W_X_228h        fixx [0000]    (used by firmware part4) (bit3)
  4808230h R/W   W_INTERNAL      --ff [0047]
  4808234h R/W   W_INTERNAL      -eff [0EFF]
  4808238h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000] ;rx_seq_no-60h+/-x   ;why that?
                                   ;other day: fixed value, not seq_no related?
  480823Ch ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] like W_TXSTAT... ONLY for beacons?
  4808244h R/W   W_X_244h        ffff [0000]    (used by firmware part4)
  4808248h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
  480824Ch R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_mac_addr_0
  480824Eh R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_mac_addr_1
  4808250h R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_mac_addr_2
  4808254h ?     W_CONFIG_254h   fixx [0000] (read: FFFFh=DS, EEEEh=DS-Lite)
  4808258h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  480825Ch ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  4808260h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [ 0FEF]
  4808264h R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_addr_1 (usually "rxtx_addr-x")
  4808268h R     W_RXTX_ADDR     fixx [0005] ;rxtx_addr
  4808270h R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_addr_2 (usually "rx_addr_1-1")
  4808274h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [ 0001]
  4808278h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [000F]
  480827Ch ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [ 000A]
  4808290h (R/W) W_X_290h        fixx [FFFF] bit 0 = ? (used by firmware part4)
  4808298h W     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  48082A0h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
  48082A2h R     W_INTERNAL      XXXX [7FFF] 15bit shift reg (used during tx?)
  48082A4h R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_rate_1 not ALWAYS same as 2C4h
  48082A8h W     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  48082ACh ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [ 0038]
  48082B0h W     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  48082B4h R/W   W_INTERNAL      -1-3 [0000]
  48082B8h ?     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000]
  48082C0h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ---1 [0000]
  48082C4h R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [000A] ;rx_rate_2 (0Ah,14h = 1,2 Mbit/s)
  48082C8h R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_duration/length/rate (or so?)
  48082CCh R     W_INTERNAL      fixx [0000] ;rx_framecontrol; from ieee header
  48082D0h DIS   W_INTERNAL                  ;"W_POWERACK" (internal garbage)
                                             ;normally DISABLED (unless FORCE)
  48082F0h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
  48082F2h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
  48082F4h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
  48082F6h R/W   W_INTERNAL      ffff [0000]
All other ports in range 4808000h..4808FFFh are unused.
All registers marked as "W_INTERNAL" aren't used by Firmware part4, and are probably unimportant, except for whatever special diagnostics purposes.
Reading from write-only ports (W) often mirrors to data from other ports.

Additionally, there are 69h Baseband Chip Registers (BB), and 0Fh RF Chip Registers (see BB and RF chapters).

For Wifi Power Managment (POWCNT2), for Wifi Waitstates (WIFIWAITCNT), and for the Power LED Blink Feature (conventionally used to indicate Wifi activity) see:
DS Power Management

For Wifi Configuration and Calibration data in Firmware Header, see:
DS Cartridges, Encryption, Firmware

Wifi RAM - NDS7 - Memory (4804000h..4805FFFh)
  4804000h W_MACMEM RX/TX Buffers (2000h bytes) (excluding below specials)
  4805F60h Used for something, not included in the rx circular buffer.
  4805F80h W_WEPKEY_0 (32 bytes)
  4805FA0h W_WEPKEY_1 (32 bytes)
  4805FC0h W_WEPKEY_2 (32 bytes)
  4805FE0h W_WEPKEY_3 (32 bytes)
Unlike all other NDS memory, Wifi RAM is left uninitialized after boot.

5F80h - W_WEPKEY_0 thru W_WEPKEY_3 - Wifi WEP keys (R/W)
These WEP key slots store the WEP keys that are used for encryption for 802.11 keys IDs 0-3.

  DS Wifi Control

4808000h - W_ID - Wifi Chip ID (R)
  0-15   Chip ID (1440h on NDS, C340h on NDS-lite)
The NDS-lite is more or less backwards compatible with the original NDS (the W_RXBUF_GAPDISP and W_TXBUF_GAPDISP are different, and most of the garbage effects on unused/mirrored ports are different, too).

4808004h - W_MODE_RST - Wifi Hardware mode / reset (R/W)
  0     Adjust some ports (0/1=see lists below) (R/W)
        TX Master Enable for LOC1..3 and Beacon  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1-12  Unknown (R/W)
  13    Reset some ports (0=No change, 1=Reset/see list below) (Write-Only)
  14    Reset some ports (0=No change, 1=Reset/see list below) (Write-Only)
  15    Unknown (R/W)

4808006h - W_MODE_WEP - Wifi Software mode / Wep mode (R/W)
  0-2   specify a software mode for wifi operation
        (may be related to hardware but a correlation has not yet been found)
  3-5   specify the hardware WEP mode
        0=no WEP, 1=64bit WEP (48bit key), and 3=128bit WEP.
        (Values 2 and 4 exist too, but are nonstandard)
  6     Unknown
  8-15  Always zero

4808018h - W_MACADDR_0 - MAC Address (R/W)
480801Ah - W_MACADDR_1 - MAC Address (R/W)
480801Ch - W_MACADDR_2 - MAC Address (R/W)
48bit MAC Address of the console. Should be initialized from firmware[036h]. The hardware receives only packets that are sent to this address (or to group addresses, like FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).

4808020h - W_BSSID_0 - BSSID (R/W)
4808022h - W_BSSID_1 - BSSID (R/W)
4808024h - W_BSSID_2 - BSSID (R/W)
48bit BSSID stored here. Ie. the MAC address of the host, obtained from Beacon frames (on the host itself, that should be just same as W_MACADDR). See W_RXFILTER.

4808028h - W_AID_LOW (R/W)
  Bit0-3   Maybe player-number, assuming that HW supports such? (1..15, or 0)
  Bit4-15  Not used
Usually set equal to the lower 4bit of the W_AID_FULL value.

480802Ah - W_AID_FULL - Association ID (R/W)
  Bit0-10  Association ID (AID) (1..2007, or zero)
  Bit11-15 Not used

4808032h - W_WEP_CNT - WEP Engine Enable (R/W)
  0-14  Unknown (usually zero)
  15    WEP Engine Enable  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
[expl. I - bit15 enables/disables WEP processing of sent/received packets]
[expl. II - bit15 enables wep processing on packets which bear the WEP flag in the 802.11 header]
[expl. III - bit15 seems to react on 0-to-1 transitions]

4808044h - W_RANDOM - Random Generator (R)
  0-10  Random
  11-15 Not used (zero)
The random generator is updated at 33.51MHz rate, as such:
  X = (X AND 1) XOR (X ROL 1)  ;(rotation within 11bit range)
That random sequence goes through 5FDh different values before it restarts.
When reading from the random register, the old latched value is returned to the CPU, and the new current random value is then latched, so reads always return the older value, timed from the previous read.
Occassionally, about once every some thousand reads, the latching appears to occur 4 cycles earlier than normally, so the value on the next read will be 4 cycles older than expected.
The random register has ACTIVE mirrors.

48080BCh - W_PREAMBLE - Preamble Control (R/W)
  Bit   Dir  Expl.
  0     R/W  Unknown                    (this does NOT affect TX)
  1     R/W  Preamble (0=Long, 1=Short) (this does NOT affect TX)
  2     W    Preamble (0=Long, 1=Short) (this does affect TX) (only at 2Mbit/s)
  3-15  -    Always zero
Short preamble works only with 2Mbit/s transfer rate (ie. when set like so in TX hardware header). 1Mbit/s rate always uses long preamble.
  Type   Carrier Signal  SFD Value     PLCP Header     Data
  Long   128bit, 1Mbit   16bit, 1Mbit  48bit, 1Mbit    N bits, 1Mbit or 2Mbit
  Short  56bit, 1Mbit    16bit, 1Mbit  48bit, 2Mbit    N bits, 2Mbit
Length of the Carrier+SFD+PLCP part is thus 192us (long) or 96us (short).
Note: The Carrier+SFD+PLCP part is sent between IRQ14 and IRQ07 (not between IRQ07 and IRQ01).

Writing "0-then-1" to W_MODE_RST.Bit0 does reset following ports:
  [4808034h]=0002h ;W_INTERNAL
  [480819Ch]=0046h ;W_RF_PINS
  [4808214h]=0009h ;W_RF_STATUS
  [480827Ch]=0005h ;W_INTERNAL
  [48082A2h]=?     ;...unstable?

Writing "1-then-0" to W_MODE_RST.Bit0 does reset following ports:
  [480827Ch]=000Ah ;W_INTERNAL

Writing "1" to W_MODE_RST.Bit13 does reset following ports:
  [4808056h]=0000h ;W_RXBUF_WR_ADDR
  [48080C0h]=0000h ;W_CMD_TOTALTIME
  [48080C4h]=0000h ;W_CMD_REPLYTIME
  [48081A4h]=0000h ;W_X_1A4h
  [4808278h]=000Fh ;W_INTERNAL
  ...Also, following may be affected (results are unstable though)...
  [48080AEh]=?     ;or rather the actual port (which it is an mirror of)
  [48080BAh]=?     ;W_INTERNAL (occassionally unstable)
  [4808204h]=?     ;W_INTERNAL
  [480825Ch]=?     ;W_INTERNAL
  [4808268h]=?     ;W_RXTX_ADDR
  [4808274h]=?     ;W_INTERNAL

Writing "1" to W_MODE_RST.Bit14 does reset following ports:
  [4808006h]=0000h ;W_MODE_WEP
  [4808008h]=0000h ;W_TXSTATCNT
  [480800Ah]=0000h ;W_X_00Ah
  [4808018h]=0000h ;W_MACADDR_0
  [480801Ah]=0000h ;W_MACADDR_1
  [480801Ch]=0000h ;W_MACADDR_2
  [4808020h]=0000h ;W_BSSID_0
  [4808022h]=0000h ;W_BSSID_1
  [4808024h]=0000h ;W_BSSID_2
  [4808028h]=0000h ;W_AID_LOW
  [480802Ah]=0000h ;W_AID_FULL
  [480802Ch]=0707h ;W_TX_RETRYLIMIT
  [480802Eh]=0000h ;W_INTERNAL
  [4808050h]=4000h ;W_RXBUF_BEGIN
  [4808052h]=4800h ;W_RXBUF_END
  [4808084h]=0000h ;W_TXBUF_TIM
  [48080BCh]=0001h ;W_PREAMBLE
  [48080D0h]=0401h ;W_RXFILTER
  [48080D4h]=0001h ;W_CONFIG_0D4h
  [48080E0h]=0008h ;W_RXFILTER2
  [48080ECh]=3F03h ;W_CONFIG_0ECh
  [4808194h]=0000h ;W_TX_HDR_CNT
  [4808198h]=0000h ;W_INTERNAL
  [48081A2h]=0001h ;W_X_1A2h
  [4808224h]=0003h ;W_INTERNAL
  [4808230h]=0047h ;W_INTERNAL

  DS Wifi Interrupts

4808010h - W_IF - Wifi Interrupt Request Flags (R/W)
  0   Receive Complete  (packet received and stored in the RX fifo)
  1   Transmit Complete (packet is done being transmitted) (no matter if error)
  2   Receive Event Increment      (IRQ02, see W_RXSTAT_INC_IE)
  3   Transmit Error Increment     (IRQ03, see W_TX_ERR_COUNT)
  4   Receive Event Half-Overflow  (IRQ04, see W_RXSTAT_OVF_IE)
  5   Transmit Error Half-Overflow (IRQ05, see W_TX_ERR_COUNT.Bit7)
  6   Start Receive     (IRQ06, a packet has just started to be received)
  7   Start Transmit    (IRQ07, a packet has just started to be transmitted)
  8   Txbuf Count Expired  (IRQ08, see W_TXBUF_COUNT)
  9   Rxbuf Count Expired  (IRQ09, see W_RXBUF_COUNT)
  10  Not used (always zero, even when trying to set it with W_IF_SET)
  11  RF Wakeup            (IRQ11, see W_POWERSTATE)
  12  Multiplay ...?       (IRQ12, see W_CMD_COUNT)
  13  Post-Beacon Timeslot (IRQ13, see W_BEACONCOUNT2)
  14  Beacon Timeslot      (IRQ14, see W_BEACONCOUNT1/W_US_COMPARE)
  15  Pre-Beacon Timeslot  (IRQ15, see W_BEACONCOUNT1/W_PRE_BEACON)
Write a '1' to a bit to clear it. For the Half-Overflow flags that works ONLY if the counter MSBs are zero (ie. one must first read the counters (to reset them), and THEN acknowlege the corresponding W_IF bit).
The Transmit Start/Complete bits (Bit7,1) are set for EACH packet (including beacons, and including retries).

4808012h - W_IE - Wifi Interrupt Enable Flags (R/W)
  0-15  Enable Flags, same bits as W_IF  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
In W_IE, Bit10 is R/W, but seems to have no function since IRQ10 doesn't exist.

480821Ch - W_IF_SET (W_INTERNAL) - Force Wifi Interrupt Flags (W)
  0-15  Set corresponding bits in W_IF  (0=No change, 1=Set Bit)
Notes: Bit10 cannot be set since no IRQ10 exists. This register does only set IRQ flags, but without performing special actions (such like W_BEACONCOUNT1 and W_BEACONCOUNT2 reloads that occur on real IRQ14's).

Wifi Primary IRQ Flag (IF.Bit24, Port 4000214h)
IF.Bit24 gets set <only> when (W_IF AND W_IE) changes from 0000h to non-zero.
IF.Bit24 can be reset (ack) <even> when (W_IF AND W_IE) is still non-zero.
  Caution  Caution  Caution  Caution  Caution
  That means, when acknowledging IF.Bit24, then NO FURTHER wifi IRQs
  will be executed whilst and as long as (W_IF AND W_IE) is non-zero.
One work-around is to process/acknowledge ALL wifi IRQs in a loop, including further IRQs that may occur inside of that loop, until (W_IF AND W_IE) becomes 0000h.
Another work-around (for single IRQs) would be to acknowledge IF and W_IF, and then to set W_IE temporarily to 0000h, and then back to the old W_IE setting.

  DS Wifi Power-Down Registers

4808036h - W_POWER_US (R/W)
  0     Disable W_US_COUNT and W_BB_ports  (0=Enable, 1=Disable)
  1     Unknown (usually 0)
  2-15  Always zero
Bit0=0 enables RFU by setting RFU.Pin11=HIGH, which activates the 22.000MHz oscillator on the RFU board, the 22MHz clock is then output to RFU.Pin26.

4808038h - W_POWER_TX (R/W)
transmit-related power save or sth
init from firmware[05Ch]
  0     Auto Wakeup (1=Leave Idle Mode a while after IRQ15)
  1     Auto Sleep  (0=Enter Idle Mode on IRQ13)
  2     Unknown
  3     Unknown (Write-only) (used by firmware)
  4-15  Always zero

480803Ch - W_POWERSTATE (R/W)/(R)
  0     Unknown (usually 0)                         (R/W)
  1     Request Power Enable (0=No, 1=Yes/queued)   (R/W, but not always)
  2-7   Always zero
  8     Indicates that Bit9 is about the be cleared (Read only)
  9     Current power state (0=Enabled, 1=Disabled) (Read only)
  10-15 Always zero
[value =1: queue disable power state] ;<-- seems to be incorrect
[value =2: queue enable power state] ;<-- seems to be correct
Enabling causes wakeup interrupt (IRQ11).
Note: That queue stuff seems to work only if W_POWER_US=0 and W_MODE_RST=1.

4808040h - W_POWERFORCE - Force Power State (R/W)
  0     New value for W_POWERSTATE.Bit9  (0=Clear/Delayed, 1=Set/Immediately)
  1-14  Always zero
  15    Apply Bit0 to W_POWERSTATE.Bit9  (0=No, 1=Yes)
Setting W_POWERFORCE=8001h whilst W_POWERSTATE.Bit9=0 acts immediately:
  (Doing this is okay. Switches to power down mode. Similar to IRQ13.)
  [4808034h]=0002h ;W_INTERNAL
  [480803Ch]=02xxh ;W_POWERSTATE
  [48080B0h]=0000h ;W_TXREQ_READ
  [480819Ch]=0046h ;W_RF_PINS
  [4808214h]=0009h ;W_RF_STATUS (idle)
Setting W_POWERFORCE=8000h whilst W_POWERSTATE.Bit9=1 acts delayed:
  (Don't do this. After that sequence, the hardware seems to be messed up)
  W_POWERSTATE.Bit8 gets set to indicate the pending operation,
  while pending, changes to W_POWERFORCE aren't applied to W_POWERSTATE,
  while pending, W_POWERACK becomes Read/Write-able,
  writing 0000h to W_POWERACK does clear W_POWERSTATE.Bit8,
  and does apply POWERFORCE.Bit0 to W_POWERSTATE.Bit9
  and does deactivate Port W_POWERACK again.

4808048h - W_POWER_? (R/W)
  0     Unknown
  1     Unknown
  2-15  Always zero
At whatever time (during transmit or so) it gets set to 0003h by hardware.

See also: POWCNT2, W_BB_POWER.

  DS Wifi Receive Control

4808030h - W_RXCNT - Wifi Receive Control (parts R/W and W)
  0     Copy W_RXBUF_WR_ADDR to W_RXBUF_WRCSR                               (W)
  1-3   Unknown                                                           (R/W)
  4-6   Always zero
  7     Copy W_TXBUF_REPLY1 to W_TXBUF_REPLY2, set W_TXBUF_REPLY1 to 0000h  (W)
  8-14  Unknown                                                           (R/W)
  15    Enable Queuing received data to RX FIFO                           (R/W)

48080D0h - W_RXFILTER - (R/W)
  0     (0=Insist on W_BSSID, 1=Accept no matter of W_BSSID)
  1-6   Unknown (usually zero)
  7     Unknown (0 or 1)
  8     Unknown (0 or 1)
  9     Unknown (0 or 1)
  10    Unknown (0 or 1)       (when set, receives beacons, and maybe others)
  11    Unknown (usually zero)     ;reportedly "allow toDS" ?
  12    (0=Normal, 1=Accept even whatever garbage)
  13-15 Not used (always zero)
Specifies what packets to allow.
0000h = Disable receive.
FFFFh = Enable receive.
0400h = Receives managment frames (and possibly others, too)

48080E0h - W_RXFILTER2 - (R/W)
  0     Unknown (0=Receive Data Frames, 1=Ignore Data Frames) (?)
  1     Unknown
  2     Unknown
  3     Unknown (usually set)
  4-15  Not used (always zero)
Firmware writes values 08h, 0Bh, 0Dh (aka 1000b, 1011b, 1101b).
Firmware usually has bit0 set, even when receiving data frames, so, in some situations data frames seem to pass-through even when bit0 is set...? Possibly that situation is when W_BSSID matches...?
Control/PS-Poll frames seem to be passed always (even if W_RXFILTER2=0Fh).

  DS Wifi Receive Buffer

The dimensions of the circular Buffer are set with BEGIN/END values, hardware automatically wraps to BEGIN when an incremented pointer hits END address.

Write Area
Memory between WRCSR and READCSR is free for receiving data, the hardware writes incoming packets to this region (to WRCSR and up) (but without exceeding READCSR), once when it has successfully received a complete packet, the hardware moves WRCSR after the packet (aligned to a 4-byte boundary).

Read Area
Memory between READCSR and WRCSR contains received data, which can be read by the CPU via RD_ADDR and RD_DATA registers (or directly from memory). Once when having processed that data, the CPU must set READCSR to the end of it.

4808050h - W_RXBUF_BEGIN - Wifi RX Fifo start location (R/W)
4808052h - W_RXBUF_END - Wifi RX Fifo end location (R/W)
  0-15  Byte-offset in Wifi Memory (usually 4000h..5FFEh)
Although the full 16bit are R/W, only the 12bit halfword offset in Bit1-12 is actually used, the other bits seem to have no effect.
Some or all (?) of the below incrementing registers are automatically matched to begin/end, that is, after incrementing, IF adr=end THEN adr=begin.

4808054h - W_RXBUF_WRCSR - Wifi RX Fifo Write or "end" cursor (R)
  0-11  Halfword Address in RAM
  12-15 Always zero
This is a hardware controlled write location - it shows where the next packet will be written..

4808056h - W_RXBUF_WR_ADDR - Wifi RX Fifo Write Cursor Latch value (R/W)
  0-11  Halfword Address in RAM
  12-15 Always zero
This is a value that is latched into W_RXBUF_WRCSR, when the W_RXCNT latch bit (W_RXCNT.Bit0) is written.

4808058h - W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR - Wifi CircBuf Read Address (R/W)
  0     Always zero
  1-12  Halfword Address in RAM for reading via W_RXBUF_RD_DATA
  13-15 Always zero
The circular buffer limits are the same as the range specified for the receive FIFO, however the address can be set outside of that range and will only be affected by the FIFO boundary if it crosses the FIFO end location by reading from the circular buffer.

480805Ah - W_RXBUF_READCSR - Wifi RX Fifo Read or "start" cursor (R/W)
  0-11  Halfword Address in RAM
  12-15 Always zero
This value is specified the same as W_RXBUF_WRCSR - it's purely software controlled so it's up to the programmer to move the start cursor after loading a packet. If W_RXBUF_READCSR != W_RXBUF_WRCSR, then one or more packets exist in the FIFO that need to be processed (see the section on HW RX Headers, for information on calculating packet lengths). Once a packet has been processed, the software should advance the read cursor to the beginning of the next packet.

4808060h - W_RXBUF_RD_DATA - Wifi CircBuf Read Data (R)
  0-15  Data
returns the 16bit value at the address specified by W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR, and increments W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR by 2. If the increment causes W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR to equal the address specified in W_RXBUF_END, W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR will be reset to the address specified in W_RXBUF_BEGIN.
Ports 1060h, 6060h, 7060h are PASSIVE mirrors of 0060h, reading from these mirrors returns the old latched value from previous read from 0060h, but without reading a new value from RAM, and without incrementing the address.

4808062h - W_RXBUF_GAP - Wifi RX Gap Address (R/W)
  0     Always zero
  1-12  Halfword Address in RAM
  13-15 Always zero
Seems to be intended to define a "gap" in the circular buffer, done like so:
  Addr=Addr+2 and 1FFEh  ;address increment (by W_RXBUF_RD_DATA read)
  if Addr=RXBUF_END then ;normal begin/end wrapping (done before gap wraps)
  if Addr=RXBUF_GAP then ;now gap-wrap (may include further begin/end wrap)
     if Addr>=RXBUF_END then Addr=Addr+RXBUF_BEGIN-RXBUF_END  ;wrap more
To disable the gap stuff, set both W_RXBUF_GAP and W_RXBUF_GAPDISP to zero.

4808064h - W_RXBUF_GAPDISP - Wifi RX Gap Displacement Offset (R/W)
  0-11  Halfword Offset, used with W_RXBUF_GAP (see there)
  12-15 Always zero
Caution: On the DS-Lite, after adding it to W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR, the W_RXBUF_GAPDISP setting is destroyed (reset to 0000h) by hardware. The original DS leaves W_RXBUF_GAPDISP intact.

480805Ch - W_RXBUF_COUNT (R/W)
  0-11  Decremented on reads from W_RXBUF_RD_DATA
  12-15 Always zero
Triggers IRQ09 when it reaches zero, and does then stay at zero (without further decrementing, and without generating further IRQs).
Note: Also decremented on (accidental) writes to read-only W_RXBUF_RD_DATA.

  DS Wifi Receive Statistics

48081A8h - W_RXSTAT_INC_IF - Statistics Increment Flags (R)
  0-12   Increment Flags (see Port 48081B0h..1BFh)
  13-15  Always zero
Bitmask for which statistics have been increased at least once.
Unknown how to reset/acknowledge these bits... possibly by reading from 48081A8h, or by reading from 48081B0h..1BFh, or eventually/obscurely by writing to 48081ACh.

48081AAh - W_RXSTAT_INC_IE - Statistics Increment Interrupt Enable (R/W)
  0-12   Counter Increment Interrupt Enable (see 48081B0h..1BFh) (1=Enable)
  13-15  Unknown (usually zero)
Statistic Interrupt Enable Control register for Count Up.
Note: ------> seems to trigger IRQ02 ...?

48081ACh - W_RXSTAT_OVF_IF - Statistics Half-Overflow Flags (R)
  0-12   Half-Overflow Flags (see Port 48081B0h..1BFh)
  13-15  Always zero
The W_RXSTAT_OVF_IF bits are simply containing the current bit7-value of the corresponding counters, setting or clearing that counter bits is directly reflected to W_RXSTAT_OVF_IF.
The recommended way to acknowledge W_RXSTAT_OVF_IF is to read the corresponding counters (which are reset to 00h after reading). For some reason, the firmware is additionally writing FFFFh to W_RXSTAT_OVF_IF (that is possibly a bug, or it does acknowlege something internally?).

48081AEh - W_RXSTAT_OVF_IE - Statistics Half-Overflow Interrupt Enable (R/W)
  0-12   Half-Overflow Interrupt Enable (see Port 48081B0h..1BFh) (1=Enable)
  13-15  Unknown (usually zero)
Statistic Interrupt Enable for Overflow, bits same as in W_RXSTAT_INC_IE
Note: ------> seems to trigger IRQ04 ...?

48081B0h..1BFh - W_RXSTAT - Receive Statistics (R/W, except 1B5h: Read-only)
W_RXSTAT is a collection of 8bit counters, which are incremented upon certain events. These entries are automatically reset to 0000h after reading. Should be accessed with LDRH opcodes (using LDRB to read only 8bits does work, but the read is internally expanded to 16bit, and so, the whole 16bit value will be reset to 0000h).
  Port      Dir  Bit  Expl.
  48081B0h  R/W  0    W_RXSTAT  ?
  48081B1h  -    -    Always 0  -
  48081B2h  R/W  1    W_RXSTAT  ?    "RX_RateErrorCount"
  48081B3h  R/W  2    W_RXSTAT  Length>2348 error
  48081B4h  R/W  3    W_RXSTAT  RXBUF Full error
  48081B5h  R    4?   W_RXSTAT  ?    (R) (but seems to exist; used by firmware)
  48081B6h  R/W  5    W_RXSTAT  Length=0 or Wrong FCS Error
  48081B7h  R/W  6    W_RXSTAT  Packet Received Okay
                             (also increments on W_MACADDR mis-match)
                             (also increments on internal ACK packets)
                             (also increments on invalid IEEE type=3)
                             (also increments TOGETHER with 1BCh and 1BEh)
                             (not incremented on RXBUF_FULL error)
  48081B8h  R/W  7    W_RXSTAT  ?
  48081B9h  -    -    Always 0  -
  48081BAh  R/W  8    W_RXSTAT  ?
  48081BBh  -    -    Always 0  -
  48081BCh  R/W  9    W_RXSTAT  WEP Error (when FC.Bit14 is set)
  48081BDh  R/W  10   W_RXSTAT  ?
  48081BEh  R/W  11   W_RXSTAT  (duplicated sequence control)
  48081BFh  R/W  12   W_RXSTAT  ?

48081C4h - W_RX_COUNT (W_INTERNAL) (R)
  0-?   Receive Okay Count (increments together with ports 48081B4h, 48081B7h)
  8-?   Receive Error Count (increments together with ports 48081B3h, 48081B6h)
Increments when receiving a packet. Automatically reset to zero after reading.

48081D0h..1DFh - W_CMD_STAT - Multiplay Response Error Counters (R/W)
The multiplay error counters are only used when sending a multiplay command (via W_TXBUF_CMD) to any connected slaves (which must be indicated by flags located in the second halfword of the multiplay command's frame body).
  48081D0h        Not used (always zero)
  48081D1h..1DFh  Client 1..15 Response Error (increments on missing replies)
If one or more of those slaves fail to respond, then the corresponding error counters get incremented (at the master side). Automatically reset to zero after reading.
Unknown if these counters do also increment at the slave side?

  DS Wifi Transmit Control

48080ACh - W_TXREQ_RESET - Reset Transfer Request Bits (W)
  0-3   Reset corresponding bits in W_TXREQ_READ (0=No change, 1=Reset)
  4-15  Unknown (if any)
Firmware writes values 01h,02h,08h,0Dh, and FFFFh.

48080AEh - W_TXREQ_SET - Set Transfer Request Bits (W)
  0-3   Set corresponding bits in W_TXREQ_READ   (0=No change, 1=Set)
  4-15  Unknown (if any)
Firmware writes values 01h,02h,05h,08h,0Dh.

48080B0h - W_TXREQ_READ - Get Transfer Request Bits (R)
  0     Send W_TXBUF_LOC1  (1=Transfer, if enabled in W_TXBUF_LOC1.Bit15)
  1     Send W_TXBUF_CMD   (1=Transfer, if enabled in W_TXBUF_CMD.Bit15)
  2     Send W_TXBUF_LOC2  (1=Transfer, if enabled in W_TXBUF_LOC2.Bit15)
  3     Send W_TXBUF_LOC3  (1=Transfer, if enabled in W_TXBUF_LOC3.Bit15)
  4     Unknown (Beacon?)  (always 1, except when cleared via W_POWERFORCE)
  5-15  Unknown/Not used
Bit0-3 can be set/reset via W_TXREQ_SET/W_TXREQ_RESET. The setting in W_TXREQ_READ remains intact even after the transfer(s) have completed.
If more than one of the LOC1,2,3 bits is set, then LOC3 is transferred first, LOC1 last.
Beacons are transferred in every Beacon Timeslot (if enabled in W_TXBUF_BEACON.Bit15).
Bit0,2,3 are automatically reset upon IRQ14 (by hardware).

48080B6h - W_TXBUSY (R)
  0     W_TXBUF_LOC1  (1=Requested Transfer busy, or not yet started at all)
  1     W_TXBUF_CMD   (1=Requested Transfer busy, or not yet started at all)
  2     W_TXBUF_LOC2  (1=Requested Transfer busy, or not yet started at all)
  3     W_TXBUF_LOC3  (1=Requested Transfer busy, or not yet started at all)
  4     W_TXBUF_BEACON  (1=Beacon Transfer busy)
  5-15  Unknown (if any)
Busy bits. If all three W_TXBUF_LOC's are sent, then it goes through values 0Dh,05h,01h,00h; ie. LOC3 is transferred first, LOC1 last. The register is updated upon IRQ01 (by hardware).
Bit4 is set only in Beacon Timeslots.

48080B8h - W_TXSTAT - RESULT - Status of transmitted frame (R)
For LOC1-3, this register is updated at the end of a transfer (upon the IRQ01 request), if retries occur then it is updated only after the final retry.
For BEACON, this register is updated only if enabled in W_TXSTATCNT.Bit15, and only after successful transfers (since beacon errors result in infinite retries).
For CMD, this register is updated only if enabled in W_TXSTATCNT.Bit13,14).
Bit0/1 act similar to W_IF Bit1/3, however, the W_IF Bits are set after each transmit (including retries).
  0     One (or more) Packet has Completed (1=Yes)
        (No matter if successful, for that info see Bit1)
        (No matter if ALL packets are done, for that info see Bit12-13)
  1     Packet Failed (1=Error)
  2-7   Unknown/Not used
  8-11  Usually 0, ...but firmware is checking for values 03h,08h,0Bh
        (gets set to 07h when transferred W_TXBUF_LOC1/2/3 did have Bit12=set)
        (gets set to 00h otherwise)
        (gets set to 03h after beacons; if enabled in W_TXSTATCNT.Bit15)
        (gets set to 08h or 0Bh after CMD; depending on W_TXSTATCNT.Bit13,14)
  12-13 Packet which has updated W_TXSTAT (0=LOC1/BEACON/CMD, 1=LOC2, 2=LOC3)
  14-15 Unknown/Not used
No idea how to reset bit0/1 once when they are set?

4808008h - W_TXSTATCNT (R/W)
  0-12  Unknown (usually zero)
  13    Update W_TXSTAT=0B01h and trigger IRQ01 after CMD transmits    (1=Yes)
  14    Update W_TXSTAT=0800h and trigger IRQ01 after CMD transmits    (1=Yes)
  15    Update W_TXSTAT and trigger IRQ01 after BEACON transmits (0=No, 1=Yes)
If both Bit13 and Bit14 are set, then Bit13 is having priority.
Note: LOC1..3 transmits are always updating W_TXSTAT and triggering IRQ01.

4808194h - W_TX_HDR_CNT - Disable Transmit Header Adjustments (R/W)
  0     IEEE FC.Bit12 and Duration (0=Auto/whatever, 1=Manual/Wifi RAM)
  1     IEEE Frame Check Sequence  (0=Auto/FCS/CRC32, 1=Manual/Wifi RAM)
  2     IEEE Sequence Control      (0=Auto/W_TX_SEQNO, 1=Manual/Wifi RAM)
  3-15  Always zero
Allows to disable automatic adjustments of the IEEE header and checksum.
Note: W_TX_SEQNO can be also disabled by W_TXBUF_LOCn.Bit13 and by TXHDR[04h].

4808210h - W_TX_SEQNO - Transmit Sequence Number (R)
  0-11   Increments on IRQ07 (Transmit Start Interrupt)
  12-15  Always zero
Also incremented shortly after IRQ12.
When enabled in W_TXBUF_LOCn.Bit13, this value replaces the upper 12bit of the IEEE Frame Header's Sequence Control value (otherwise, when disabled, the original value in Wifi RAM is used, and, in that case, W_TX_SEQNO is NOT incremented).
Aside from W_TXBUF_LOCn.Bit13, other ways to disable W_TX_SEQNO are: Transmit Hardware Header entry TXHDR[04h], and W_TX_HDR_CNT.Bit2.

  DS Wifi Transmit Buffers

4808068h - W_TXBUF_WR_ADDR - Wifi CircBuf Write Address (R/W)
  0     Always zero
  1-12  Halfword Address in RAM for Writes via W_TXBUF_WR_DATA
  13-15 Always zero

4808070h - W_TXBUF_WR_DATA - Wifi CircBuf Write Data (W)
  0-15  Data to be written to address specified in W_TXBUF_WR_ADDR
After writing to this register, W_TXBUF_WR_ADDR is automatically incremented by 2, and, if it gets equal to W_TXBUF_GAP, then it gets additonally incremented by W_TXBUF_GAPDISP*2.

4808074h - W_TXBUF_GAP - Wifi CircBuf Write Top (R/W)
  0     Always zero
  1-12  Halfword Address
  13-15 Always zero

4808076h - W_TXBUF_GAPDISP - CircBuf Write Offset from Top to Bottom (R/W)
  0-11  Halfword Offset (added to; if equal to W_TXBUF_GAP)
  12-15 Always zero
Should be "0-write_buffer_size" (wrap from end to begin), or zero (no wrapping).
Caution: On the DS-Lite, after adding it to W_TXBUF_WR_ADDR, the W_TXBUF_GAPDISP setting is destroyed (reset to 0000h) by hardware. The original DS leaves W_TXBUF_GAPDISP intact.

Note: W_TXBUF_GAP and W_TXBUF_GAPDISP may be (not TOO probably) also used by transmits via W_TXBUF_LOCn and W_TXBUF_BEACON (not tested).

4808080h - W_TXBUF_BEACON - Beacon Transmit Location (R/W)
4808090h - W_TXBUF_CMD - Multiplay Command Transmit Location (R/W)
48080A0h - W_TXBUF_LOC1 - Transmit location 1 (R/W)
48080A4h - W_TXBUF_LOC2 - Transmit location 2 (R/W)
48080A8h - W_TXBUF_LOC3 - Transmit location 3 (R/W)
  0-11  Halfword Address of TX Frame Header in RAM
  12    For LOC1-3: When set, W_TXSTAT.bit8-10 are set to 07h after transfer
                    And, when set, the transferred frame-body gets messed up?
        For BEACON: Unknown, no effect on W_TXSTAT
        For CMD: Unknown, no effect on W_TXSTAT
  13    IEEE Sequence Control (0=From W_TX_SEQNO, 1=Value in Wifi RAM)
        For BEACON: Unknown (always uses W_TX_SEQNO) (no matter of bit13)
  14    Unknown
  15    Transfer Request (1=Request/Pending)
For LOC1..3 and CMD, Bit15 is automatically cleared after (or rather: during?) transfer (no matter if the transfer was successful). For Beacons, bit15 is kept unchanged since beacons are intended to be transferred repeatedly.
The purpose of W_TXBUF_CMD is unknown... maybe for automatic replies...? Pictochat seems to use it for host-to-client data frames. W_TXBUF_CMD.Bit15 can be set ONLY while W_CMD_COUNT is non-zero.

48080B4h - W_TXBUF_RESET (W)
  0     Disable LOC1    (0=No change, 1=Reset W_TXBUF_LOC1.Bit15)
  1     Disable CMD     (0=No change, 1=Reset W_TXBUF_CMD.Bit15)
  2     Disable LOC2    (0=No change, 1=Reset W_TXBUF_LOC2.Bit15)
  3     Disable LOC3    (0=No change, 1=Reset W_TXBUF_LOC3.Bit15)
  4-5   Unknown/Not used
  6     Disable REPLY2  (0=No change, 1=Reset W_TXBUF_REPLY2.Bit15)
  7     Disable REPLY1  (0=No change, 1=Reset W_TXBUF_REPLY1.Bit15)
  8-15  Unknown/Not used
Firmware writes values FFFFh, 40h, 02h, xxxx, 09h, 01h, 02h, C0h.

4808084h - W_TXBUF_TIM - Beacon TIM Index in Frame Body (R/W)
  0-7   Location of TIM parameters within Beacon Frame Body
  8-15  Not used/zero
Usually set to 15h, that assuming that preceding Frame Body content is: Timestamp(8), BeaconInterval(2), Capability(2), SuppRatesTagLenParams(4), ChannelTagLenParam(3), TimTagLen(2); so the value points to TimParams (ie. after TimTagLen).

480806Ch - W_TXBUF_COUNT (R/W)
  0-11  Decremented on writes to W_TXBUF_WR_DATA
  12-15 Always zero
Triggers IRQ08 when it reaches zero, and does then stay at zero (without further decrementing, and without generating further IRQs).
Note: Not affected by (accidental) reads from write-only W_TXBUF_WR_DATA.

  DS Wifi Transmit Errors

Automatic ACKs
Transmit errors occur on missing ACKs. The NDS hardware is automatically responding with an ACK when receiving a packet (if it has been addressed to the receipients W_MACADDR setting). And, when sending a packet, the NDS hardware is automatically checking for ACK responses.
The only exception are packets that are sent to group addresses (ie. Bit0 of the 48bit MAC address being set to "1", eg. Beacons sent to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF), the receipient(s) don't need to respond to such packets, and the sender always passes okay without checking for ACKs.

480802Ch - W_TX_RETRYLIMIT (R/W)
Specifies the maximum number of retries on Transmit Errors (eg. 07h means one initial transmit, plus up to 7 retries, ie. max 8 transmits in total).
  0-7   Retry Count (usually 07h)
  8-15  Unknown     (usually 07h)
The Retry Count value is decremented on each Error (unless it is already 00h). There's no automatic reload, so W_TX_RETRYLIMIT should be reinitialized by software prior to each transmit (or, actually, there IS a reload?).
When sending multiple packets (by setting more than one bit with W_TXREQ_SET), then the first packet may eat-up all retries, leaving only a single try to the other packet(s).

48081C0h - W_TX_ERR_COUNT - TransmitErrorCount (R/W)
  0-7   TransmitErrorCount
  8-15  Always zero
Increments on Transmit Errors. Automatically reset to zero after reading.
IRQ03 triggered when W_TX_ERR_COUNT is incremented (for NON-beacons ONLY).
IRQ05 triggered when W_TX_ERR_COUNT > 7Fh (happens INCLUDING for beacons).

Error Notification
Transmit Errors can be sensed via W_TX_ERR_COUNT, IRQ03, IRQ05, TX Hardware Header entry [00h], and W_TXSTAT.Bit1.

As the name says, W_TXBUF_BEACON is intended for sending Beacons to group addresses (which do not require to respond by ACKs). So, transmit errors would occur only when mis-using W_TXBUF_BEACON to send packets to individual addresses, but the W_TXBUF_BEACON error handling isn't fully implemented:
First of, W_TX_RETRYLIMIT isn't used, instead, W_TXBUF_BEACON errors will result in infinite retries.
Moreover, W_TXBUF_BEACON errors seem to increment W_TX_ERR_COUNT, but without generating IRQ03, however, IRQ05 is generated when W_TX_ERR_COUNT>7Fh.

Other Errors
The NDS transmit hardware seems to do little error checking on the packet headers. The only known error-checked part is byte [04h] in the TX hardware header (which must be 00h, 01h, or 02h). Aside from that, when sent to a group address, it is passing okay even with invalid IEEE type/subtypes, and even with Length/Rate entries set to zero. However, when sending such data to an individual address, the receiving NDS won't respond by ACKs.

Received ACKs aren't stored in WifiRAM (or, possibly, they ARE stored, but without advancing W_RXBUF_WRCSR, so that the software won't see them, and so that they will be overwritten by the next packet).

  DS Wifi Status

480819Ch - W_RF_PINS - Status of RF-Chip Control Signals (R)
  0    Reportedly "carrier sense" (maybe 1 during RX.DTA?) (usually 0)
  1    TX.MAIN (RFU.Pin17) Transmit Data Phase          (0=No, 1=Active)
  2    Unknown (RFU.Pin3)  Seems to be always high      (Always 1=high?)
  3-5  Not used                                         (Always zero)
  6    TX.ON   (RFU.Pin14) Transmit Preamble+Data Phase (0=No, 1=Active)
         Uhhh, no that seems to be still wrong...
         Bit6 is often set, even when not transmitting anything...
  7    RX.ON   (RFU.Pin15) Receive Mode                 (0=No, 1=Enabled)
  8-15 Not used                                         (Always zero)
Physical state of the RFU board's RX/TX pins. Similar to W_RF_STATUS.

4808214h - W_RF_STATUS - Current Transmit/Receive State (R)
  0-3  Current Transmit/Receive State:
        0 = Initial Value on power-up (before raising W_MODE_RST.Bit0)
        1 = RX Mode enabled (waiting for incoming data)
        2 = Switching from RX to TX (takes a few clock cycles)
        3 = TX Mode active  (sending preamble and data)
        4 = Switching from TX to RX (takes a few clock cycles)
        5 = Unknown, firmware checks for that value (maybe RX busy)
        6 = Unknown, firmware checks for that value (maybe RX busy)
        9 = Idle (upon IRQ13, and upon raising W_MODE_RST.Bit0)
        5 = Receive ACK phase ?
        6 =
        7 =
        8 = Multiplay related ? (when sending through W_TXBUF_CMD ?)
  4-15 Always zero?
Numeric Status Code. Similar to W_RF_PINS.

4808268h - W_RXTX_ADDR - Current Receive/Transmit Address (R)
  0-11   Halfword address
  12-15  Always zero
Indicates the halfword that is currently transmitted or received. Can be used by Start Receive IRQ06 handler to determine how many halfwords of the packet have been already received (allowing to pre-examine portions of the packet header even when the whole packet isn't fully received). Can be also used in Transmit Start IRQ07 handler to determine which packet is currently transmitted.

  DS Wifi Timers

48080E8h - W_US_COUNTCNT - Microsecond counter enable (R/W)
  0     Counter Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1-15  Always zero
Activates W_US_COUNT, and also W_BEACONCOUNT1 and W_BEACONCOUNT2 (which are decremented when lower 10bit of W_US_COUNT wrap from 3FFh to 000h). Note: W_POWER_US must be enabled, too.

48080F8h - W_US_COUNT0 - Microsecond counter, bits 0-15 (R/W)
48080FAh - W_US_COUNT1 - Microsecond counter, bits 16-31 (R/W)
48080FCh - W_US_COUNT2 - Microsecond counter, bits 32-47 (R/W)
48080FEh - W_US_COUNT3 - Microsecond counter, bits 48-63 (R/W)
  0-63  Counter Value in microseconds (incrementing)
Clocked by the 22.00MHz oscillator on the RFU board (ie. not by the 33.51MHz system clock). The 22.00MHz are divided by a 22-step prescaler.

48080EAh - W_US_COMPARECNT - Microsecond compare enable (R/W)
  0     Compare Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (IRQ14/IRQ15)
  1     Force IRQ14    (0=No, 1=Force Now)   (Write-only)
  2-15  Always zero
Activates IRQ14 on W_US_COMPARE matches, and IRQ14/IRQ15 on W_BEACONCOUNT1.

48080F0h - W_US_COMPARE0 - Microsecond compare, bits 0-15 (R/W)
48080F2h - W_US_COMPARE1 - Microsecond compare, bits 16-31 (R/W)
48080F4h - W_US_COMPARE2 - Microsecond compare, bits 32-47 (R/W)
48080F6h - W_US_COMPARE3 - Microsecond compare, bits 48-63 (R/W)
  0     Always zero... firmware writes 1 though (maybe write-only flag?)
  1-9   Always zero
  10-63 Compare Value in milliseconds (aka microseconds/1024)
Triggers IRQ14 (see IRQ14 notes below) when W_US_COMPARE matches W_US_COUNT.
Usually set to FFFFFFFFFFFFFC00h (ie. almost/practically never). Instead, IRQ14 is usually derived via W_BEACONCOUNT1.

480811Ch - W_BEACONCOUNT1 (R/W)
Triggers IRQ14 and IRQ15 (see IRQ14/IRQ15 notes below) when it reaches 0000h (if W_PRE_BEACON is non-zero, then IRQ15 occurs that many microseconds in advance).
  0-15  Decrementing Millisecond Counter (reloaded with W_BEACONINT upon IRQ14)
Set to W_BEACONINT upon IRQ14 events (unlike the other W_US_COMPARE related actions, this is done always, even if W_US_COMPARECNT is zero).
When reaching 0000h, it is immediately reloaded (as for US_COUNT matches), so the counting sequence is ..,3,2,1,BEACONINT,.. (not 3,2,1,ZERO,BEACONINT).

4808134h - W_BEACONCOUNT2 - Post-Beacon Counter (R/W)
  0-15  Decrementing Millisecond Counter (reloaded with FFFFh upon IRQ14)
Triggers IRQ13 when it reaches 0000h (no matter of W_US_COMPARECNT), and does then stay fixed at 0000h (without any further decrement/wrapping to FFFFh).
Set to FFFFh upon IRQ14 (by hardware), the IRQ14 handler should then adjust the register (by software) by adding the Tag DDh Beacon header's Stepping value (usually 000Ah) to it.
Seems to be used to indicate beacon transmission time (possible including additional time being reserved for responses)?

480808Ch - W_BEACONINT - Beacon Interval (R/W)
Reload value for W_BEACONCOUNT1.
  0-9   Frequency in milliseconds of beacon transmission
  10-15 Always zero
Should be initialized randomly to 0CEh..0DEh or so. The random setting reduces risk of repeated overlaps with beacons from other hosts.

4808110h - W_PRE_BEACON - Pre-Beacon Time (R/W)
  0-15  Pre-Beacon Time in microseconds (static value, ie. NOT decrementing)
Allows to define the distance between IRQ15 and IRQ14. The setting doesn't affect the IRQ14 timing (which occurs at the W_BEACONCOUNT1'th millisecond boundary), but IRQ15 occurs in advance (at the W_BEACONCOUNT1'th millisecond boundary minus W_PRE_BEACON microseconds). If W_PRE_BEACON is zero, then both IRQ14 and IRQ15 occur exactly at the same time.

4808088h - W_LISTENCOUNT - Listen Count (R/W)
  0-7   Decremented by hardware at IRQ14 events (ie. once every beacon)
  8-15  Always zero
Reload occurs immediately BEFORE decrement, ie. with W_LISTENINT=04h, it will go through values 03h,02h,01h,00h,03h,02h,01h,00h,etc.

480808Eh - W_LISTENINT - Listen Interval (R/W)
  0-7   Listen Interval, counted in beacons (usually 02h)
  8-15  Always zero
Reload value for W_LISTENCOUNT.

480810Ch - W_CONTENTFREE (R/W)
  0-15  Decrementing microsecond counter
Operated always (no matter of W_US_COUNTCNT).
Once when it has reached 0000h, it seems to stay fixed at 0000h.
"[Set to the remaining duration of contention-free period when
receiving beacons - only *really* necessary for powersaving mode]"

IRQ13 Notes (Post-Beacon Interrupt)
IRQ13 is generated by W_BEACONCOUNT2. It's simply doing:
  W_IF.Bit13=1      ;interrupt request
If W_POWER_TX.Bit1=0, then additionally enter sleep mode:
  [4808034h]=0002h ;W_INTERNAL   ;(similar to W_POWERFORCE=8001h)
  [480803Ch]=02xxh ;W_POWERSTATE ;(W_TXREQ_READ.Bit4 is kept intact though)
  [480819Ch]=0046h ;W_RF_PINS.7=0;disable receive (enter idle mode) (RX.ON=Low)
  [4808214h]=0009h ;W_RF_STATUS=9;indicate idle mode
Unlike for IRQ14/IRQ15, that's done no matter of W_US_COMPARECNT.

IRQ14 Notes (Beacon Interrupt)
IRQ14 is generated by W_US_COMPARE, and by W_BEACONCOUNT1.
Aside from just setting the IRQ flag in W_IF, the hardware does:
  W_BEACONCOUNT1=W_BEACONINT                             ;next IRQ15/IRQ14
  (Above is NOT done when IRQ14 was forced via W_US_COMPARECNT.Bit1)
If W_US_COMPARECNT is 1, then the hardware does additionally:
  (Below IS ALSO DONE when IRQ14 was forced via W_US_COMPARECNT.Bit1)
  W_BEACONCOUNT2=FFFFh ;about 64 secs (ie. almost never) ;next IRQ13 ("never")
  if W_TXBUF_BEACON.15 then W_TXBUSY.Bit4=1
If W_TXBUF_BEACON.Bit15=1, then following is done shortly after IRQ14:
  W_RF_PINS.Bit7=0  ;disable receive (RX.ON=Low)
  W_RF_STATUS=2     ;indicate switching from RX to TX mode
If W_TXBUF_BEACON.Bit15=1, then following is done a bit later:
  W_RF_PINS.Bit6=1  ;transmit preamble start (TX.ON=High)
  W_RF_STATUS=3     ;indicate TX mode
The IRQ14 handler should then do the following (by software):
  W_BEACONCOUNT2 = W_BEACONCOUNT2 + TagDDhSteppingValue  ;next IRQ13
For using only ONE of the two IRQ14 sources: W_BEACONCOUNT1 can be disabled by setting both W_BEACONCOUNT1 and W_BEACONINT to zero. W_US_COMPARE can be sorts of "disabled" by setting it to value distant from W_US_COUNT, such like compare=count-400h.

IRQ07 Notes (Transmit Start Data; occurs after preamble)
  W_IF.Bit7=1       ;interrupt request
  W_RF_PINS.Bit1=1  ;start data transfer (preamble finished now) (TX.MAIN=High)
Below only if packet was sent through W_TXBUF_BEACON, or if it was sent via W_TXBUF_LOCn, with W_TXBUF_LOCn.Bit13 being zero:
  [TXBUF...] = W_TX_SEQNO*10h   ;auto-adjust IEEE Sequence Control
  W_TX_SEQNO=W_TX_SEQNO+1       ;increase sequence number

IRQ01 Notes (Transmit Done)
The following happens shortly before IRQ01:
  W_RF_PINS.Bit6=0  ;disable TX (TX.ON=Low)
  W_RF_STATUS=4     ;indicate switching from TX to RX mode
Then, upon IRQ01, the following happens:
  W_IF.Bit1=1       ;interrupt request
  W_RF_PINS.Bit1=0  ;disable TX (TX.MAIN=Low)
  W_RF_PINS.Bit7=1  ;enable RX (RX.ON=High)
  W_RF_STATUS=1     ;indicate RX mode

IRQ15 Notes (Pre-Beacon Interrupt)
IRQ15 is generated via W_BEACONCOUNT1 and W_PRE_BEACON. It's simply doing:
  if W_US_COMPARECNT=1 then W_IF.Bit15=1
If W_POWER_TX.Bit0=1, then additionally wakeup from sleep mode:
  W_RF_PINS.Bit7=1  ;enable RX (RX.ON=High) ;\gets set like so a good while
  W_RF_STATUS=1     ;indicate RX mode       ;/after IRQ15 (but not immediately)

Beacon IRQ Sequence
  IRQ15  Pre-Beacon  (beacon will be transferred soon)
  IRQ14  Beacon      (beacon will be transferred very soon) (carrier starts)
  IRQ07  Tx Start    (beacon transfer starts) (if enabled in W_TXBUF_BEACON.15)
  IRQ01  Tx End      (beacon transfer done) (if enabled in W_TXSTATCNT.15)
  IRQ13  Post-Beacon (beacon transferred) (unless next IRQ14 occurs earlier)
That, for tranmitting beacons. (For receiving, IRQ07/IRQ01 would be replaced by Rx IRQ's, provided that a remote unit is sending beacons).

  DS Wifi Multiplay Master

These registers are used for multiplay host-to-client (aka master to slave) commands.

  0     Enable W_CMD_COUNT (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1-15  Always Zero

4808118h - W_CMD_COUNT (R/W)
  0-15  Decremented once every 10 microseconds (Stopped at 0000h)
Written by firmware. Firmware IRQ14 handler checks for read value<=0Ah.
When it reaches zero, W_TXBUF_CMD is transferred (if enabled in W_TXBUF_CMD.Bit15, and in W_TXREQ_READ.Bit1), it does then trigger two (!) transfer start interrupts (IRQ07), transfer end is then indicated by a single IRQ12, optionally (when enabled in W_TXSTATCNT, IRQ01 (transfer done) is additionally generated (simultaneously with above IRQ12).
NOPE, above isn't quite right..... when W_CMD_COUNT is set to a very small value, then ONLY IRQ12 is triggered (so it might specify the duration during which the IRQ07's for W_TXBUF_CMD are allowed?)

48080C0h - W_CMD_TOTALTIME - (R/W)
  0-15  Duration per ALL slave response packet(s) in microseconds
Before sending a MASTER packet, this port should be set to the same value as the MASTER packet's IEEE header's Duration/ID entry.

48080C4h - W_CMD_REPLYTIME - (R/W)
  0-15  Duration per SINGLE slave response packet in microseconds
Before sending a MASTER packet, this port should be set to the expected per slave response time.
Note: Nintendo's multiboot/pictochat code is also putting this value in the 1st halfword of the MASTER packet's frame body.

At 2MBit/s transfer rate, the values should be set up sorts of like so:
  master_time = (master_bytes*4)+(60h)     ;60h = 96 decimal = short preamble
  slave_time = (slave_bytes*4)+(0D0h..0D2h)
  all_slave_time = (EAh..F0h)+(slave_time+0Ah)*num_slaves
  txhdr[2]   = slave_bits      ;hardware header (*)
  ieee[2]    = all_slave_time  ;ieee header (duration/id)
  body[0]    = slave_time      ;duration per slave (for multiboot/pictochat)
  body[2]    = slave_bits      ;frame body -- required (*)
  [48080C0h] = all_slave_time  ;
  [48080C4h] = slave_time      ;duration per slave
  [4808118h] = (388h+(num_slaves*slave_time)+master_time+32h)/10
  [4808090h] = 8000h+master_packet_address   ;start transmit
With the byte values counting the ieee frame header+body+fcs.
(*) The hardware doesn't actually seem to use the "slave_bits" entry in the hardware header, instead, it is using the "slave_bits" entry in the frame body(!)

  DS Wifi Multiplay Slave

These registers are used for multiplay client-to-host (aka slave to master) responses.

4808094h - W_TXBUF_REPLY1 - Multiplay Response Transmit Location 1 (R/W)
  0-11  Halfword address
  12-14 Unknown (the bits can be set, ie. they DO exist)
  15    Enable
Response packet address. The register setting probably doesn't directly affect the hardware, it's sole purpose seems to initialize 4808098h (see there).

4808098h - W_TXBUF_REPLY2 - Multiplay Response Transmit Location 2 (R)
  0-11  Halfword address
  12-14 Unknown (the bits can be set, ie. they DO exist)
  15    Enable
This register seems to contain the actual response packet address. However, since it's read-only, software cannot set it directly. Instead, software must write the address to 4808094h, and then latch it from 4808094h to 4808098h (via. W_RXCNT.Bit7).

Not sure if there's also auto-latching (similar to manual W_RXCNT.Bit7)?
Unknown if W_TXBUF_REPLY2.Bit15 is automatically reset after transfer?
Not sure if/how the hardware determines WHEN to send reply packets (eg. it should NOT send them after receiving Beacons) (eventually the Start Receive IRQ handler must examine the incoming packet, and then software must decide if it wants to respond by sending the reply) (if there are multiple slaves, the response order is probably automatically handled in respect to the local W_AID_LOW setting) (although, if, for example, ONLY slave 5 exists, then it ought to know that slave 5 is the <first> slave; that might happen if slave 1..4 have left the communication; that, unless the slaves would be automatically renumbered by software (?), so slave 5 would be become slave 1). Some of the Unknown Registers (namely Ports W_X_244h and W_X_228h) are probably also related to the REPLY function.

  DS Wifi Configuration Ports

4808120h - W_CONFIG_120h (R/W) ;init from firmware[04Ch] ;81ff 0048->SAME
4808122h - W_CONFIG_122h (R/W) ;init from firmware[04Eh] ;ffff 4840->SAME
4808124h - W_CONFIG_124h (R/W) ;init from firmware[05Eh] ;ffff 0000->0032
4808128h - W_CONFIG_128h (R/W) ;init from firmware[060h] ;ffff 0000->01F4
4808130h - W_CONFIG_130h (R/W) ;init from firmware[054h] ;0fff 0142->0140
4808132h - W_CONFIG_132h (R/W) ;init from firmware[056h] ;8fff 8064->SAME
4808140h - W_CONFIG_140h (R/W) ;init from firmware[058h] ;ffff 0000->E0E0
4808142h - W_CONFIG_142h (R/W) ;init from firmware[05Ah] ;ffff 2443->SAME
4808144h - W_CONFIG_144h (R/W) ;init from firmware[052h] ;00ff 0042->SAME
4808146h - W_CONFIG_146h (R/W) ;init from firmware[044h] ;00ff 0016->0002
4808148h - W_CONFIG_148h (R/W) ;init from firmware[046h] ;00ff 0016->0017
480814Ah - W_CONFIG_14Ah (R/W) ;init from firmware[048h] ;00ff 0016->0026
480814Ch - W_CONFIG_14Ch (R/W) ;init from firmware[04Ah] ;ffff 162C->1818
4808150h - W_CONFIG_150h (R/W) ;init from firmware[062h] ;ff3f 0204->0101
4808154h - W_CONFIG_154h (R/W) ;init from firmware[050h] ;7a7f 0058->SAME
These ports are to be initialized from firmware settings.
Above comments show the R/W bits (eg. 81FFh means bit15 and bit8-0 are R/W, bit14-9 are always zero), followed by the initial value on Reset (eg. 0048h), followed by new value after initialization from firmware settings (eg. 0032h, or SAME if the Firmware value is equal to the Reset value; these values seem to be identical in all currently existing consoles).
Note: Firmware part4 changes W_CONFIG_124h to C8h, and W_CONFIG_128h to 7D0h, and W_CONFIG_150h to 202h, and W_CONFIG_140h depending on tx rate and preamble:
  W_CONFIG_140h = firmware[058h]+0202h             ;1Mbit/s
  W_CONFIG_140h = firmware[058h]+0202h-6161h       ;2Mbit/s with long preamble
  W_CONFIG_140h = firmware[058h]+0202h-6161h-6060h ;2Mbit/s with short preamble

48080ECh - W_CONFIG_0ECh (R/W) ;firmware writes 3F03h (same as on power-up)
48080D4h - W_CONFIG_0D4h (R/W) ;firmware writes 0003h (affectd by W_MODE_RST)
48080D8h - W_CONFIG_0D8h (R/W) ;firmware writes 0004h (same as on power-up)
48080DAh - W_CONFIG_0DAh (R/W) ;firmware writes 0602h (same as on power-up)
4808254h - W_CONFIG_254h (?) ;firmware writes 0000h (read: EEEEh on DS-Lite)
Firmware just initializes these ports with fixed values, without further using them after initialization.

  DS Wifi Baseband Chip (BB)

BB-Chip Mitsumi MM3155 (DS), or BB/RF-Chip Mitsumi MM3218 (DS-Lite)

4808158h - W_BB_CNT - Baseband serial transfer control (W)
  0-7   Index     (00h-68h)
  8-11  Not used  (should be zero)
  12-15 Direction (5=Write BB_WRITE to Chip, 6=Read from Chip to BB_READ)
Transfer is started after writing to this register.

480815Ah - W_BB_WRITE - Baseband serial write data (W)
  0-7   Data to be sent to chip (by following W_BB_CNT transfer)
  8-15  Not used (should be zero)

480815Ch - W_BB_READ - Baseband serial read data (R)
  0-7   Data received from chip (from previous W_BB_CNT transfer)
  8-15  Not used (always zero)

480815Eh - W_BB_BUSY - Baseband serial busy flag (R)
  0     Transfer Busy (0=Ready, 1=Busy)
  1-15  Always zero
Used to sense transfer completion after writes to W_BB_CNT.
Not sure if I am doing something wrong... but the busy flag doesn't seem to get set immediately after W_BB_CNT writes, and works only after waiting a good number of clock cycles?

4808160h - W_BB_MODE (R/W)
  0-7   Always zero
  8     Unknown (usually 1) (no effect no matter what setting?)
  9-13  Always zero
  14    Unknown (usually 0) (W_BB_READ gets unstable when set)
  15    Always zero
This register is initialized by firmware bootcode - don't change.

4808168h - W_BB_POWER (R/W)
  0-3   Disable whatever   (usually 0Dh=disable)
  4-14  Always zero
  15    Disable W_BB_ports (usually 1=Disable)
Must be set to 0000h before accessing BB registers.

Read-Write-Ability of the BB-Chip Mitsumi MM3155 registers (DS)
  Index    Num Dir Expl.
  00h        1 R   always 6Dh (R) (Chip ID)
  01h..0Ch  12 R/W 8bit R/W
  0Dh..12h   6 -   always 00h
  13h..15h   3 R/W 8bit R/W
  16h..1Ah   5 -   always 00h
  1Bh..26h  12 R/W 8bit R/W
  27h        1 -   always 00h
  28h..4Ch     R/W 8bit R/W
  4Dh        1 R   always 00h or BFh (depending on other regs)
  4Eh..5Ch     R/W 8bit R/W
  5Dh        1 R   always 01h (R)
  5Eh..61h     -   always 00h
  62h..63h   2 R/W 8bit R/W
  64h        1 R   always FFh or 3Fh (depending on other regs)
  65h        1 R/W 8bit R/W
  66h        1 -   always 00h
  67h..68h   2 R/W 8bit R/W
  69h..FFh     -   always 00h

Read-Write-Ability of the BB/RF-Chip Mitsumi MM3218 (DS-Lite)
Same as above. Except that reading always seems to return [5Dh]=00h. And, for whatever reason, Nintendo initializes DS-Lite registers by writing [00h]=03h and [66h]=12h. Nethertheless, the registers always read as [00h]=6Dh and [66h]=00h, ie. same as on original DS.

Important BB Registers
Registers 0..68h are initialized by firmware bootcode, and (most) of these settings do not need to be changed by other programs, except for:
  Addr Initial Meaning
  01h 0x9E    [unsetting/resetting bit 7 initializes/resets the system?]
  02h         unknown (firmware is messing with this register)
  06h         unknown (firmware is messing with this register, too)
  13h 0x00    CCA operation - criteria for receiving
                    0=only use Carrier Sense (CS)
                    1=only use Energy Detection (ED)
                    2=receive if CS OR ED
                    3=receive only if CS AND ED
  1Eh 0xBB    see change channels flowchart (Ext. Gain when RF[09h].bit16=0)
  35h 0x1F    Energy Detection (ED) criteria
              value 0..61 (representing energy levels of -60dBm to -80dBm)

  DS Wifi RF Chip

RF-Chip RF9008 (compatible to RF2958 from RF Micro Devices, Inc.) (Original DS)
BB/RF-Chip Mitsumi MM3218 (DS-Lite)

480817Ch - W_RF_DATA2 - RF chip serial data/transfer enable (R/W)
For Type2 (ie. firmware[040h]<>3):
  0-1   Upper 2bit of 18bit data
  2-6   Index   (00h..1Fh) (firmware uses only 00h..0Bh)
  7     Command (0=Write data, 1=Read data)
  8-15  Should be zero (not used with 24bit transfer)
For Type3 (ie. firmware[040h]=3):
  0-3   Command (5=Write data, 6=Read data)
  4-15  Should be zero (not used with 20bit transfer)
Writing to this register starts the transfer.

480817Eh - W_RF_DATA1 - RF chip serial data (R/W)
For Type2 (ie. firmware[040h]<>3):
  0-15  Lower 16bit of 18bit data
For Type3 (ie. firmware[040h]=3):
  0-7   Data (to be written to chip) (or being received from chip)
  8-15  Index (usually 00h..28h) (index 40h..FFh are mirrors of 00h..3Fh)
This value should be set before setting W_RF_DATA2.

4808180h - W_RF_BUSY - RF chip serial busy flag (R)
  0     Transfer Busy (0=Ready, 1=Busy)
  1-15  Always zero
Used to sense transfer completion after writes to W_RF_DATA2.

4808184h - W_RF_CNT - RF chip serial control (R/W)
  0-5   Transfer length (init from firmware[041h].Bit0-5)
  6-7   Always zero
  8     Unknown         (init from firmware[041h].Bit7)
  9-13  Always zero
  14    Unknown         (usually 0)
  15    Always zero
This register is initialized by firmware bootcode - don't change.
Usually, Type2 has length=24bit and flag=0. Type3 uses length=20bit and flag=1.

Caution For Type2 (ie. firmware[040h]<>3)
Before accessing Type2 RF Registers, first BB[01h] must have been properly initialized (ie. BB[01h].Bit7 must have been toggled from 0-to-1).

  DS Wifi RF9008 Registers

RF9008 (RF2958 compatible)
2.4GHz Spread-Spectrum Transceiver - RF Micro Devices, Inc.

RF chip data (Type2) (initial NDS settings from firmware, example)
  Firmware   Index   Data
  (24bit)    (4bit)  (18bit)
  00C007h  =  00h  + 0C007h ;-also set to 0C008h for power-down
  129C03h  =  04h  + 29C03h
  141728h  =  05h  + 01728h ;\these are also written when changing channels
  1AE8BAh  =  06h  + 2E8BAh ;/
  1D456Fh  =  07h  + 1456Fh
  23FFFAh  =  08h  + 3FFFAh
  241D30h  =  09h  + 01D30h ;-bit10..14 should be also changed per channel?
  """"50h  =  """  + """50h ;firmware v5 and up uses narrower tx filter
  280001h  =  0Ah  + 00001h
  2C0000h  =  0Bh  + 00000h
  069C03h  =  01h  + 29C03h
  080022h  =  02h  + 00022h
  0DFF6Fh  =  03h  + 1FF6Fh

RF[00h] - Configuration Register 1 (CFG1) (Power on: 00007h)
  17-16 Reserved, program to zero (0)
  15-14 Reference Divider Value (0=Div2, 1=Div3, 2=Div44, 3=Div1)
  3     Sleep Mode Current      (0=Normal, 1=Very Low)
  2     RF VCO Regulator Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1     IF VCO Regulator Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  0     IF VGA Regulator Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

RF[01h] - IF PLL Register 1 (IFPLL1) (Power on: 09003h)
  17    IF PLL Enable                      (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  16    IF PLL KV Calibration Enable       (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15    IF PLL Coarse Tuning Enable        (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  14    IF PLL Loop Filter Select          (0=Internal, 1=External)
  13    IF PLL Charge Pump Leakage Current (0=Minimum value, 1=2*Minimum value)
  12    IF PLL Phase Detector Polarity     (0=Positive, 1=Negative)
  11    IF PLL Auto Calibration Enable     (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  10    IF PLL Lock Detect Enable          (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  9     IF PLL Prescaler Modulus           (0=4/5 Mode, 1=8/9 Mode)
  8-4   Reserved, program to zero (0)
  3-0   IF VCO Coarse Tuning Voltage       (N=Voltage*16/VDD)

RF[02h] - IF PLL Register 2 (IFPLL2) (Power on: 00022h)
  17-16 Reserved, program to zero (0)
  15-0  IF PLL divide-by-N value

RF[03h] - IF PLL Register 3 (IFPLL3) (Power on: 1FF78h)
  17    Reserved, program to zero (0)
  16-8  IF VCO KV Calibration, delta N value (signed)  ;DeltaF=(DN/Fr)
  7-4   IF VCO Coarse Tuning Default Value
  3-0   IF VCO KV Calibration Default Value

RF[04h] - RF PLL Register 1 (RFPLL1) (Power on: 09003h)
  17-10 Same as for RF[01h] (but for RF, not for IF)
  9     RF PLL Prescaler Modulus (0=8/9 Mode, 1=8/10 Mode)
  8-0   Same as for RF[01h] (but for RF, not for IF)

RF[05h] - RF PLL Register 2 (RFPLL2) (Power on: 01780h)
  17-6  RF PLL Divide By N Value
  5-0   RF PLL Numerator Value (Bits 23-18)

RF[06h] - RF PLL Register 3 (RFPLL3) (Power on: 00000h)
  17-0  RF PLL Numerator Value (Bits 17-0)

RF[07h] - RF PLL Register 4 (RFPLL4) (Power on: 14578h)
  17-10 Same as for RF[03h] (but for RF, not for IF) ;and, DN=(deltaF/Fr)*256

RF[08h] - Calibration Register 1 (CAL1) (Power on: 1E742h)
  17-13  VCO1 Warm-up Time  ;TVCO1=(approximate warm-up time)*(Fr/32)
  12-8   VCO1 Tuning Gain Calibration ;TLOCK1=(approximate lock time)*(Fr/128)
  7-3    VCO1 Coarse Tune Calibration Reference  ;VALUE=(average time)*(Fr/32)
  2-0    Lock Detect Resolution (0..7)

RF[09h] - TXRX Register 1 (TXRX1) (Power on: 00120h)
  17    Receiver DC Removal Loop          (0=Enable DC Removal Loop, 1=Disable)
  16    Internal Variable Gain for VGA  (0=Disable/External, 1=Enable/Internal)
  15    Internal Variable Gain Source (0=From TXVGC Bits, 1=From Power Control)
  14-10 Transmit Variable Gain Select (TXVGC)   (0..1Fh = High..low gain)
  9-7   Receive Baseband Low Pass Filter     (0=Wide Bandwidth, 7=Narrow)
  6-4   Transmit Baseband Low Pass Filter    (0=Wide Bandwidth, 7=Narrow)
  3     Mode Switch            (0=Single-ended mode, 1=Differential mode)
  2     Input Buffer Enable TX (0=Input Buffer Controlled by TXEN, 1=By BBEN)
  1     Internal Bias Enable   (0=Disable/External, 1=Enable/Internal)
  0     TX Baseband Filters Bypass        (0=Not Bypassed, 1=Bypassed)

RF[0Ah] - Power Control Register 1 (PCNT1) (Power on: 00000h)
  17-15 Select MID_BIAS Level                          (1.6V through 2.6V)
  14-9  Desired output power at antenna                (N*0.5dBm)
  8-3   Power Control loop-variation-adjustment Offset (signed, N*0.5dB)
  2-0   Desired delay for using a single TX_PE line    (N*0.5us)

RF[0Bh] - Power Control Register 2 (PCNT2) (Power on: 00000h)
  17-12 Desired MAX output power when PABIAS=MAX=2.6V (N*0.5dBm)
  11-6  Desired MAX output power when PABIAS=MID_BIAS (N*0.5dBm)
  5-0   Desired MAX output power when PABIAS=MIN=1.6V (N*0.5dBm)

RF[0Ch] - VCOT Register 1 (VCOT1) (Power on: 00000h)
  17    IF VCO Band Current Compensation (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  16    RF VCO Band Current Compensation (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  15-0  Reserved, program to zero (0)

RF[0Dh..1Ah] - N/A (Power on: 00000h)
  Not used.

RF[1Bh] - Test Register 1 (TEST) (Power on: 0000Fh)
  17-0  This is a test register for internal use only.

RF[1Ch..1Eh] - N/A (Power on: 00000h)
  Not used.

RF[1Fh] - Reset Register (Power on: 00001h)
  17-0  Don't care (writing any value resets the chip)

  DS Wifi Unknown Registers

480800Ah - W_X_00Ah (R/W)
  0-15  Unknown (usually zero)
"[bit7 - ingore rx duplicates]" <--- that is NOT correct (no effect).
Firmware writes 0000h to it. That, done many times. So, eventually some bits in this register are automatically set by hardware in whatever situations, otherwise repeatedly writing 0000h to it would be kinda useless...?


Below Ports W_X_244h and W_X_228h might be related to deciding when to send multiplay replies...?

4808244h - W_X_244h (R/W) x ffff [0000] (used by firmware part4)
Unknown. Seems to be W_IF/W_IE related. Firmware sets 4808Port 244h bits 6,7,12 to 1-then-0 upon IRQ06,IRQ07,IRQ12 respectively.

4808228h - W_X_228h (W) fixx [0000] (used by firmware part4) (bit3)
Unknown. Firmware writes 8-then-0 (done in IRQ06 handler, after Port 4808244h access).


Below Ports 48081A0h, 48081A2h, 48081A4h are somehow related to BB[02h]...

48081A0h - W_X_1A0h - (R/W) -933 [0000]
  0-1   Unknown
  2-3   Always zero
  4-5   Unknown
  6-7   Always zero
  8     Unknown
  9-10  Always zero
  11    Unknown
  12-15 Always zero
Firmware writes values 000h, 823h. Seems to be power-related. The following experimental code toggles RXTX.ON (RFU.Pin4): "x=0 / @@lop: / [48081A0h]=x / [4808036h]=0 / x=x XOR 3 / wait_by_loop(1000h) / b @@lop".
Also, writing to port 48081A0h affects ports 4808034h, 480819Ch, 480821Ch, and 48082A2h.

48081A2h - W_X_1A2h - (R/W) ---3 [0001] (used by firmware part4)
  0-1   Unknown. Firmware writes values 03h, 01h, and VAR.
  2-15  Always zero
Used in combination with Port 48081A0h, so it's probably power-related, too.

48081A4h - W_X_1A4h - (R/W) ffff [0000]
"Rate used when signal test is enabled (0x0A or 0x14 for 1 or 2 mbit)"
(Not too sure if that's correct, there is no visible relation to any rate.)
(This register seems to be R/W only on certain Port 48081A0h settings.)
Unknown. Firmware writes whatever.


4808290h - W_X_290h - (R/W or Disabled)
Reportedly, this is the "antenna" register, which should exist on official devkits, allowing to switch between wired Ethernet, and wireless Wifi mode.
  0     Unknown (R/W) (if present)
  1-15  Not used
On normal NDS release versions, this register seems to be disabled (if it is implemented at all), and trying to read from it acts as for unused registers, ie. reads return FFFFh (or probably 0000h on NDS-lite). The NDS firmware contains code for accessing this port, even in release versions.

All registers marked as "W_INTERNAL" aren't used by Firmware part4, and are probably unimportant, except for whatever special diagnostics purposes.

Wifi DMA
Wifi RAM can be accessed with normal "Start Immediately" DMA transfers (typically by reading through W_RXBUF_RD_DATA, so the DMA automatically wraps from END to BEGIN).
Additionally, DMA0 and DMA2 can be reportedly synchronized to "Wireless Interrupt" (rather than using "Start Immediately" timing), no idea if/how that's working though... and if it gets started on any Wifi IRQ, or only on specific IRQs...?
Possibly some of the above unknown registers, or some unknown bits in other registers, are DMA related...?
Reportedly, early firmwares did use "Wireless Interrupt" DMAs (that'd be firmware v1/v2... or, only earlier unreleased prototype versions?).

  DS Wifi Unused Registers

Wifi WS0 and WS1 Regions in NDS7 I/O Space
Wifi hardware occupies two 32K slots, but most of it is filled with unused or duplicated regions. The timings (waitstates) for WS0 and WS1 are initialized in WIFIWAITCNT (by firmware).
  4800000h-4807FFFh Wifi WS0 Region (32K)
  4808000h-4808000h Wifi WS1 Region (32K)
  4810000h-4FFFFFFh Not used (00h-filled)
Structure of the 32K Wifi Regions (WS0 and WS1)
  Wifi-WS0-Region    Wifi-WS1-Region    Content
  4800000h-4800FFFh  4808000h-4808FFFh  Registers
  4801000h-4801FFFh  4809000h-4809FFFh  Registers (mirror)
  4802000h-4803FFFh  480A000h-480BFFFh  Unused
  4804000h-4805FFFh  480C000h-480DFFFh  Wifi RAM  (8K)
  4806000h-4806FFFh  480E000h-480EFFFh  Registers (mirror)
  4807000h-4807FFFh  480F000h-480FFFFh  Registers (mirror)
Wifi Registers (recommended 4808000h-4808FFFh) appear more stable in WS1?
Wifi RAM (recommended 4804000h-4805FFFh) appears more stable in WS0?

Unused Ports (Original NDS)
Aside from those ports listed in the Wifi I/O Map, all other ports in range 4808000h..4808FFFh are unused. On the original DS, reading from these ports returns FFFFh.

Unused Ports (NDS-Lite)
Reading from unused I/O ports acts as PASSIVE mirror of W_RXBUF_RD_DATA. Exceptions are: Ports 4808188h, and 48082D8h..48082E6h; which always return 0000h.

Unused Memory (Original NDS)
Unused Wifi Memory is at 2000h..3FFFh. On the original DS, reading from that region returns FFFFh.

Unused Memory (NDS-Lite)
Reading from unused memory acts as PASSIVE mirror of WifiRAM (ie. reading from it returns the value being most recently read from 4000h..5FFFh) (that not affected by indirect WifiRAM reads via W_RXBUF_RD_DATA) (and, that not affected by writes to wifi memory, including writes that do overwrite the most recent read value) (and, that only if WifiRAM is properly enabled, ie. Port 220h.Bits0-1 should be 0).
Moreover, certain addresses are additionally ORed with mirrored I/O Ports. That addresses are:
  2030h, 2044h, 2056h, 2080h, 2090h, 2094h, 2098h, 209Ch, 20A0h, 20A4h,
  20A8h, 20AAh, 20B0h, 20B6h, 20BAh, 21C0h, 2208h, 2210h, 2244h, 31D0h,
  31D2h, 31D4h, 31D6h, 31D8h, 31DAh, 31DCh, 31DEh.
For example, 2044h is a PASSIVE mirror of WifiRAM, ORed with an ACTIVE mirror of W_RANDOM (Port 044h). Note that some mirrors are at 2000h-2FFFh, and some at 3000h-3FFFh. The W_CMD_STAT mirrors are PASSIVE (that, in unused memory region only) (in normal port-mirror regions like 1000h-1FFF, W_CMD_STAT mirrors are ACTIVE).

Known (W) Mirrors (when reading from Write-only ports)
  Read from (W)           Mirrors to (NDS)       Or to (NDS-Lite)
  078h W_INTERNAL         068h W_TXBUF_WR_ADDR   074h W_TXBUF_GAP
  0ACh W_TXREQ_RESET      09Ch W_INTERNAL        ? (zero)
  0AEh W_TXREQ_SET        09Ch W_INTERNAL        ? (zero)
  0B4h W_TXBUF_RESET      0B6h W_TXBUSY          ? (zero)
  158h W_BB_CNT           15Ch W_BB_READ         ? (zero)
  15Ah W_BB_WRITE         ? (zero)               ? (zero)
  178h W_INTERNAL         17Ch W_RF_DATA2        ? (zero)
  20Ch W_INTERNAL         09Ch W_INTERNAL        ? (zero)
  21Ch W_IF_SET           010h W_IF              010h-OR-05Ch-OR-more?
  228h W_X_228h           ? (zero)               ? (zero)
  298h W_INTERNAL         084h W_TXBUF_TIM       084h W_TXBUF_TIM
  2A8h W_INTERNAL         238h W_INTERNAL        238h W_INTERNAL
  2B0h W_INTERNAL         084h W_TXBUF_TIM       084h W_TXBUF_TIM
Notes: The mirror to W_RXBUF_RD_DATA is a passive mirror.
The DS-Lite mirror at 21Ch consists of several ports ORed with each other (known components are Ports 010h and 05Ch, but there seem to be even more values ORed with it).

Port Mirror Regions
The Wifi Port region at 000h..FFFh is mirrored to 1000h..1FFFh, 6000h..6FFFh, and 7000h..7FFFh. Many of that mirrored ports are PASSIVE mirrors. Eg. reading from 1060h (mirror of Port 060h, W_RXBUF_RD_DATA) returns the old W_RXBUF_RD_DATA value (but without loading a new value from Wifi RAM, and without incrementing W_RXBUF_RD_ADDR). However, other registers, like W_RANDOM do have ACTIVE mirrors.

  DS Wifi Initialization

Initialization sequence
These events must be done somewhat in sequence. There is some flexibility as to how they can be ordered but it's best to follow this order:
  [4000304h].Bit1 = 1 ;POWCNT2  ;-Enable power to the wifi system
  W_MACADDR = firmware[036h]    ;-Set 48bit Mac address
  reg[012h] = 0000h   ;W_IE     ;-Disable interrupts
Wake Up the wireless system:
  reg[036h] = 0000h ;W_POWER_US ;\clear all powerdown bits
  delay 8 ms                    ; (works without that killer-delay ?)
  reg[168h] = 0000h ;W_BB_POWER ;/
  IF firmware[040h]=02h         ;\
    temp=BB[01h]                ; for wifitype=02h only:
    BB[01h]=temp AND 7Fh        ; reset BB[01h].Bit7, then restore old BB[01h]
    BB[01h]=temp                ; (that BB setting enables the RF9008 chip)
  ENDIF                         ;/
  delay 30 ms                   ;-(more killer-delay now getting REALLY slow)
  call init_sub_functions       ;- same as "Init 16 registers by firmware[..]"
                                ;  and "Init RF registers", below.
                                ;  this or the other one probably not necessary
Init the Mac system:
  reg[004h] = 0000h   - W_MODE_RST       ;set hardware mode
  reg[008h] = 0000h   - W_TXSTATCNT      ;
  reg[00Ah] = 0000h   - ? W_X_00Ah       ;(related to rx filter)
  reg[012h] = 0000h   - W_IE             ;disable interrupts (again)
  reg[010h] = FFFFh   - W_IF             ;acknowledge/clear any interrupts
  reg[254h] = 0000h   - W_CONFIG_254h    ;
  reg[0B4h] = FFFFh   - W_TXBUF_RESET    ;--reset all TXBUF_LOC's
  reg[080h] = 0000h   - W_TXBUF_BEACON   ;disable automatic beacon transmission
  reg[02Ah] = 0000h   - W_AID_FULL       ;\clear AID
  reg[028h] = 0000h   - W_AID_LOW        ;/
  reg[0E8h] = 0000h   - W_US_COUNTCNT    ;disable microsecond counter
  reg[0EAh] = 0000h   - W_US_COMPARECNT  ;disable microsecond compare
  reg[0EEh] = 0001h   - W_CMD_COUNTCNT   ;(is 0001h on reset anyways)
  reg[0ECh] = 3F03h   - W_CONFIG_0ECh    ;
  reg[1A2h] = 0001h   - ?                ;
  reg[1A0h] = 0000h   - ?                ;
  reg[110h] = 0800h   - W_PRE_BEACON     ;
  reg[0BCh] = 0001h   - W_PREAMBLE       ;disable short preamble
  reg[0D4h] = 0003h   - W_CONFIG_0D4h    ;
  reg[0D8h] = 0004h   - W_CONFIG_0D8h    ;
  reg[0DAh] = 0602h   - W_CONFIG_0DAh    ;
  reg[076h] = 0000h   - W_TXBUF_GAPDISP  ;disable gap/skip (offset=zero)
Init 16 registers by firmware[044h..063h]
  reg[146h] = firmware[044h] ;W_CONFIG_146h
  reg[148h] = firmware[046h] ;W_CONFIG_148h
  reg[14Ah] = firmware[048h] ;W_CONFIG_14Ah
  reg[14Ch] = firmware[04Ah] ;W_CONFIG_14Ch
  reg[120h] = firmware[04Ch] ;W_CONFIG_120h
  reg[122h] = firmware[04Eh] ;W_CONFIG_122h
  reg[154h] = firmware[050h] ;W_CONFIG_154h
  reg[144h] = firmware[052h] ;W_CONFIG_144h
  reg[130h] = firmware[054h] ;W_CONFIG_130h
  reg[132h] = firmware[056h] ;W_CONFIG_132h
  reg[140h] = firmware[058h] ;W_CONFIG_140h
  reg[142h] = firmware[05Ah] ;W_CONFIG_142h
  reg[038h] = firmware[05Ch] ;W_POWER_TX
  reg[124h] = firmware[05Eh] ;W_CONFIG_124h
  reg[128h] = firmware[060h] ;W_CONFIG_128h
  reg[150h] = firmware[062h] ;W_CONFIG_150h
Init RF registers
  numbits = BYTE firmware[041h]    ;usually 18h
  numbytes = (numbits+7)/8         ;usually 3
  reg[0x184] = (numbits+80h) AND 017Fh  -- W_RF_CNT
  for i=0 to BYTE firmware[042h]-1 ;number of entries (usually 0Ch) (0..0Bh)
   if BYTE firmware[040h]=3
    RF_Write(numbytes at firmware[0CEh+i*numbytes])
Init the BaseBand System
  (this should be not required, already set by firmware bootcode)
  reg[160h] = 0100h  ;W_BB_MODE
  BB[0..68h] = firmware[64h+(0..68h)]
Set Mac address
  copy 6 bytes from firmware[036h] to mac address at 0x04800018  (why again ?)
Now just set some default variables
  reg[02Ch]=0007h  ;W_TX_RETRYLIMIT - XXX needs to be set for every transmit?
  Set channel (see section on changing channels)
  Set Mode 2 -- sets bottom 3 bits of W_MODE_WEP to 2
  Set Wep Mode / key -- Wep mode is bits 3..5 of W_MODE_WEP
  BB[13h] = 00h  ;CCA operation (use only carrier sense, without ED)
  BB[35h] = 1Fh  ;Energy Detection Threshold (ED)
-- To further init wifi to the point that you can properly send
-- and receive data, there are some more variables that need to be set.
  reg[032h] = 8000h -- W_WEP_CNT     ;Enable WEP processing
  reg[134h] = FFFFh -- W_BEACONCOUNT2;reset post-beacon counter to LONG time
  reg[028h] = 0000h -- W_AID_LOW     ;\clear W_AID value, again?!
  reg[02Ah] = 0000h -- W_AID_FULL    ;/
  reg[0E8h] = 0001h -- W_US_COUNTCNT ;enable microsecond counter
  reg[038h] = 0000h -- W_POWER_TX    ;disable transmit power save
  reg[020h] = 0000h -- W_BSSID_0     ;\
  reg[022h] = 0000h -- W_BSSID_1     ; clear BSSID
  reg[024h] = 0000h -- W_BSSID_2     ;/
-- TX prepare
  reg[0AEh] = 000Dh -- W_TXREQ_SET   ;flush all pending transmits (uh?)
-- RX prepare
  reg[030h] = 8000h    W_RXCNT         ;enable RX system (done again below)
  reg[050h] = 4C00h    W_RXBUF_BEGIN   ;(example values)
  reg[052h] = 5F60h    W_RXBUF_END     ;(length = 4960 bytes)
  reg[056h] = 0C00h/2  W_RXBUF_WR_ADDR ;fifo begin latch address
  reg[05Ah] = 0C00h/2  W_RXBUF_READCSR     ;fifo end, same as begin at start.
  reg[062h] = 5F60h-2  W_RXBUF_GAP     ;(set gap<end) (zero should work, too)
  reg[030h] = 8001h    W_RXCNT  ;enable, and latch new fifo values to hardware
  reg[030h] = 8000h    W_RXCNT       enable receive (again?)
  reg[010h] = FFFFh    W_IF          clear interrupt flags
  reg[012h] = whatever W_IE          set enabled interrupts
  reg[1AEh] = 1FFFh    W_RXSTAT_OVF_IE desired STAT Overflow interrupts
  reg[1AAh] = 0000h    W_RXSTAT_INC_IE desired STAT Increase interrupts
  reg[0D0h] = 0181h    W_RXFILTER set to 0x581 when you successfully connect
                        to an access point and fill W_BSSID with a mac
                        address for it. (W_RXFILTER) [not sure on the values
                        for this yet]
  reg[0E0h] = 000Bh  -- W_RXFILTER2     ;
  reg[008h] = 0000h  -- ? W_TXSTATCNT   ;(again?)
  reg[00Ah] = 0000h  -- ? W_X_00Ah      ;(related to rx filter) (again?)
  reg[004h] = 0001h  -- W_MODE_RST      ;hardware mode
  reg[0E8h] = 0001h  -- W_US_COUNTCNT   ;enable microsecond counter (again?)
  reg[0EAh] = 0001h  -- W_US_COMPARECNT ;enable microsecond compare
  reg[048h] = 0000h  -- W_POWER_?    ;[disabling a power saving technique]
  reg[038h].Bit1 = 0 -- W_POWER_TX   ;[this too]
  reg[048h] = 0000h  -- W_POWER_?    ;[umm, it's done again. necessary?]
  reg[0AEh] = 0002h  -- W_TXREQ_SET  ;
  reg[03Ch].Bit1 = 1 -- W_POWERSTATE ;queue enable power (RX power, we believe)
  reg[0ACh] = FFFFh  -- W_TXREQ_RESET;reset LOC1..3
That's it, the DS should be now happy to send and receive packets.
It's very possible that there are some unnecessary registers set in here.

  DS Wifi Flowcharts

Wifi Transmit Procedure
To transmit data via wifi (Assuming you've already initialized wifi and changed channels to the channel you want):
 (1) Copy the TX Header followed by the 802.11 packet to send anywhere it
      will fit in MAC memory (halfword-aligned)
 (2) Take the offset from start of MAC memory that you put the packet,
      divide it by 2, and or with 0x8000 - store this in one of the
      W_TXBUF_LOC registers
 (3) Set W_TX_RETRYLIMIT, to allow your packet to be retried until an ack is
      received (set it to 7, or something similar)
 (4) Store the bit associated with the W_TXBUF_LOC register you used
      into W_TXREQ_SET - this will send the packet.
 (5) You can then read the result data in W_TXSTAT when the TX is over
      (you can tell either by polling or interrupt) to find out how many
      retries were used, and if the packet was ACK'd
Of course, this is just the simplest approach, you can be a lot more clever about it.

Wifi Receive Procedure
To receive data via wifi, you either need to handle the wifi received data interrupt, or you need to poll W_RXBUF_WRCSR - whenever it is != W_RXBUF_READCSR, there is a new packet. When there is a new packet, take the following approach:
 (1) Calculate the length of the new packet (read "received frame length"
      which is +8 bytes from the start of the packet) - total frame length
      is (12 + received frame length) padded to a multiple of 4 bytes.
 (2) Read the data out of the RX FIFO area (keep in mind it's a circular
      buffer and you may have to wrap around the end of the buffer)
 (3) Set the value of W_RXBUF_READCSR to the location of the next packet
      (add the length of the packet, and wrap around if necessary)
Keep in mind, W_RXBUF_READCSR and W_RXBUF_WRCSR must be multiplied by 2 to get a byte offset from the start of MAC memory.

Wifi Change Channels Procedure (ch=1..14)
For Type2 or Type5 (ie. firmware[040h]<>3): ;(Type2, used in Original-DS)
  RF[firmware[F2h+(ch-1)*6]/40000h] = firmware[F2h+(ch-1)*6] AND 3FFFFh
  RF[firmware[F5h+(ch-1)*6]/40000h] = firmware[F5h+(ch-1)*6] AND 3FFFFh
  delay a few milliseconds  ;huh?
  IF RF[09h].bit16=0     ;External Gain (default)
   BB[1Eh]=firmware[146h+(ch-1)]                         ;set BB.Gain register
  ELSEIF RF[09h].bit15=0 ;Internal Gain from TXVGC Bits
   RF[09h].Bit10..14 = (firmware[154h+(ch-1)] AND 1Fh)   ;set RF.TXVGC Bits
For Type3 (ie. firmware[040h]=3): ;(Type3, used in DS-Lite)
  num_initial_regs = firmware[042h]
  num_bb_writes = firmware[addr]
  num_rf_writes = firmware[43h]
  for i=1 to num_bb_writes
    BB[firmware[addr]] = firmware[addr+ch]
  next i
  for i=1 to num_rf_writes
    RF[firmware[addr]] = firmware[addr+ch]
  next i
Congrats, you are now ready to transmit/receive on whatever channel you picked.

The IEEE802.11b standard (and the NDS hardware) support 14 channels (1..14).
Channels 1..13 use frequencies 2412MHz..2472MHz (in 5MHz steps). Channel 14 uses frequency 2484MHz. Which channels are allowed to be used varies from country to country, as indicated by Bit1..14 of firmware[03Ch]. Channel 14 is rarely used (dated back to an older japanese standard).

Caution: Nearby channels do overlap, you'll get transmission errors on packets that are transferred simultaneously with packets on nearby channels. But, you won't successfully receive packets from nearby channels (so you won't even "see" that they are there, which is bad, as it doesn't allow you to share the channel synchronized with other hosts; ie. it'd be better if two hosts are using the SAME channel, rather than to use nearby channels).
To avoid that problem, conventionally only channels 1,6,11 are used - however Nintendo uses channels 1,7,13 - which is causing conflicts between channel 6,7, and maybe also between 11,13.

  DS Wifi Hardware Headers

Hardware TX Header (12 bytes) (TXHDR)
The TX header immediately precedes the data to be sent, and should be put at the location that will be given to the register activating a transmission.
  Addr Siz Expl.
  00h  2   Status - In: Don't care - Out: Status (0000h=Failed, 0001h=Okay)
  02h  2   Unknown - In: Don't care
             Bit0: Usually zero.
             Bit1..15 --------> flags for multiboot slaves number 1..15
             (Should be usually zero, except when sending multiplay commands
             via W_TXBUF_CMD. In that case, the slave flags should be ALSO
             stored in the second halfword of the FRAME BODY. Actually, the
             hardware seems to use only that entry (in the BODY), rather than
             using this entry (in the hardware header)).
  04h  1   Unknown - In: Must be 00h..02h (should be 00h)
             (03h..FFh result in error: W_TXSTAT.Bit1 gets set, but
             nethertheless header entry[00h] is kept set to 0001h=Okay)
             ;00h = use W_TX_SEQNO (if enabled in TXBUF_LOCn)
             ;01h = force NOT to use W_TX_SEQNO (even if it is enabled in LOCn)
             ;02h = seems to behave same as 01h
  05h  1   Unknown - In: Don't care - Out: Set to 00h
  06h  2   Unknown - In: Don't care
  08h  1   Transfer Rate (0Ah=1Mbit/s, 14h=2Mbit/s) (other values=1MBit/s, too)
  09h  1   Unknown - In: Don't care
  0Ah  2   Length of IEEE Frame Header+Body+checksum(s) in bytes
           (14bits, upper 2bits are unused/don't care)
The eight "Don't care" bytes should be usually set to zero (although setting them to FFh seems to be working as well). Entries [00h] and [05h] are modified by hardware, all other entries are kept unchanged.

Important note! TX length includes the length of a 4-byte "FCS" (checksum) for the packet. The hardware generates the FCS for you, but you still must include it in the packet length. Also note that if the 802.11 WEP enabled bit is set in the header, the packet will be automatically encrypted via the wep algorithm - however, the software is responsible for providing the 4-byte IV block with the WEP key ID and the 24bit IV value. - ALSO, you must include the length of the *encrypted* FCS used in packets that have wep enabled (increase the tx length by another 4 bytes) - this value is calculated automaticly for you, but you are responsible for including it in the length of your packet (if you have data there, it'll be replaced by the FCS.)

Hardware RX Header (12 bytes) (RXHDR)
The RX header is an informational structure that provides needed information about a received packet. It is written right before the received packet data in the rx circular buffer.
  Addr Siz Expl.
  00h  2   Flags
             Bit0-3: Frame type/subtype:
               0  managment/any frame (except beacon and invalid subtypes)
               1  managment/beacon frame
               5  control/ps-poll frame
               8  data/any frame (subtype0..7) (ie. except invalid subtypes)
               C,D,E,F  unknown (firmware is checking for that values)
               C    firmware uses it for data/cf-poll frame, FromDs (*)
               D    firmware uses it for data/cf-ack frame, FromDs
               E,F  firmware uses it for data/cf-ack frame, ToDs
               (*) with DA=broadcast
             Bit4:   Seems to be always set
             Bit5-7: Seems to be always zero
             Bit8: Set when FC.Bit10 is set (more fragments)
             Bit9: Set when the lower-4bit of Sequence Control are nonzero,
                   it is also set when FC.Bit10 is set (more fragments)
                   So, probably, it is set on fragment-mismatch-errors
             Bit10-14: Seems to be always zero
             Bit15: Set when Frame Header's BSSID value equals W_BSSID register
  02h  2   Unknown (usually 0040h)
  04h  2   Time since last packet (eg. when receiving beacons: total random on
            first some packets, but later on it gets equal to Beacon Interval)
            In other cases, this value is equal to the 1st 2 bytes of the DA ?
            [Above time/da effects might be explained by other reason: maybe
            this entry is left unchanged, simply containing old WifiRAM value?]
  06h  2   Transfer Rate (N*100kbit/s) (ie. 14h for 2Mbit/s)
  08h  2   Length of IEEE Frame Header+Body in bytes (excluding FCS checksum)
  0Ah  1   MAX RSSI   ;\Recieved Signal Strength Indicator
  0Bh  1   MIN RSSI   ;/
Important Note: Received frame lengths are always multiples of 4 bytes. While the actual header length + received frame length may be less, when incrementing the read cursor you must pad the length to a multiple of 4 bytes.

IEEE Header
The above Hardware headers should (must) be followed by valid IEEE headers. Although that headers are to be generated by software, the hardware does do some interaction with the IEEE headers, such like comparing address fields with W_MACADDR and W_BSSID. And, it does modify some entries of it:
1) The sequence control value is replaced by W_TX_SEQNO*10h (when enabled in W_TXBUF_LOCn.Bit13), this replacement does also overwrite the local TXBUF value.
2) The frame control value is modified, namely, the hardware tends to set Bit12 of it. This replacement does NOT modify the local TXBUF, but the remote RXBUF will receive the modified value. Also, Bit0-1 (protocol version) are forcefully set to 0.
3) Transmits via W_TXBUF_BEACON do additionally modify the 64bit timestamp (so W_TXBUF_BEACON should be used ONLY for packets WITH timestamp, ie. Beacons or Probe-Responses). The local TXBUF seems to be left unchanged, but the remote RXBUF will contain the (sender's) W_US_COUNT value.
C) For Control Frames, the hardware headers Length value is transferred as normally (ie. excluding the FCS length, remote RXBUF will contain TXBUF length minus 4), but - no matter of that length value - only 10 or 16 bytes (depending on the subtype) of the IEEE frame are actually transferred and/or stored in RXBUF.
X) For Control Frames with Subtype 0Ah, the AID entry is set to C000h, that, probably ORed with original value in WifiRAM, or with the W_AID_FULL register?
XX) No idea if it's possible to send Control Frames with subtype 0Bh..0Fh, as for now, it seems that either they aren't sent, or the receipient is ignoring them (or processing them internally, but without storing them in RXBUF).

  DS Wifi Multiboot

Available Game Advertisement
WMB uses beacon frames to advertise available games for download. The beacon frames are normally used to advertise available access points in most 802.11 systems, but there is nothing preventing their use in this capacity. The advertisement data is fragmented and stored partially in each beacon frame as the payload of a custom information element (tag: 0xDD).

The DS Download Play menu only lists games when the beacons are broadcasted on one of the following channels: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, and 14 (that is WRONG, firmware_v3 checks only channels 1,7,13). However, the DS hosting mechanism only seems to transmit on channels 1, 7, and 13 (apparently selected at random).

All beacon frames transmitted by a DS host have the following format:
  802.11 management frame
  802.11 beacon header
  Supported rates (tagged IE, advertises 1 Mbit and 2 Mbit)
  DS parameter set (tagged IE, note: Distribution System, not Nintendo DS)
  TIM vector (tagged IE, transmitted as empty)
  Custom extension (tagged IE, tag 0xDD)

Nintendo specific beacon fragment format (information element code 0xDD):
  Offset Description
  00h  Nintendo Beacon ID (00h,09h,BFh,00h)
  04h  Stepping Offset for 4808134h/W_BEACONCOUNT2 (always 000Ah)
  06h  Strange Timestamp (W_US_COUNT*2-VCOUNT*7Fh)/128 (0000h for multiboot)
  08h  01 00
  0Ah  40 00
  0Ch  24 00
  0Eh  40 00
  10h  Randomly generated stream code
  12h  Number of bytes from entry 18h and up (70h for multiboot) (0 if Empty)
  13h  Beacon Type    (0Bh=Multiboot, 01h=Multicart/Pictochat, 09h=Empty)
  14h  0100 0008    (some kind of max,min values?)
For Empty (length zero, is used at very begin of multiboot)
  18h  No data.
For Multicart (variable length)
  18h  Custom data, usually containing the host name, either in 8bit ascii,
       or 16bit unicode format. Sometimes taken from Firmware User Settings,
       and sometimes from Cartridge Backup Memory.
For Pictochat (length 8)
  18h  Fixed (always 2348h)
  1Ah  xxxx
  1Ch  Chatroom number (00h..03h for Chatroom A..D)
  1Dh  Number of users already connected (01h..10h) (including host)
  1Eh  Fixed (always 0004h)
For Multiboot (always 70h bytes)
  18h  24 00 40 00 (varies from game to game)
  1Ch  End of advertisement flag (00 for non-end, 02 for end packets)
  1Dh  Always 00, 01, 02, or 04
  1Eh  Number of players already connected
  1Fh  Sequence number (0 .. total_advertisement_length)
  20h  Checksum (on entries 22h and up)
         chksum=0, for i=22h to 86h step 2, chksum=chksum+halfword[i], next i,
         chksum=FFFFh AND NOT (chksum+chksum/10000h)
  22h  Sequence number in non-final packet, # of players in final packet
  23h  Total advertisement length - 1 (in beacons)
  24h  Datasize in bytes (2 byte little-endian)
           (0062h for seq 0..7, 0048h for seq 8, 0001h for seq 9)
  26h  Data (always 62h bytes, padded with 00h if Datasize<62h)

The advertisement fragments are reordered and assembled according to their internal sequence number, to form the overall advertisement payload, as defined below:
  Offset Size Description
  000h  32  Icon Palette (same as for ROM Cartridge Icon)
  020h  512 Icon Bitmap  (same as for ROM Cartridge Icon)
  220h  1   Unknown (0Bh)
  221h  1   Length of hosting name          ;(probably same as firmware
  222h  20  Name of hosting DS (10 UCS-2)   ;user name?)
  236h  1   Max number of players
  237h  1   Unknown (00h)
  238h  96  Game name (48 UCS-2)   (same as 1st line of ROM Cartridge Title)
  298h  192 Description (96 UCS-2) (same as further lines of ROM Cart Title)
  358h  64  00's if no users are connected  <---WRONG: LEN=1, not 64
  398h  0   End of data if no users are connected

Authentication process
Once a user B chooses a download offered by a host A, the following standard 802.11 authentication process observed.
  Host A advertises a game in beacon frames as described above
  Client B sends an authentication request (sequence 1) to A
  Host A replies with an ACK
  Host A sends an authentication reply (sequence 2) to B
  Client B replies with an association request
  Host A replies with an ACK
  Host A sends an association response
  Client B responds with an ACK
After this, the two are associated, and will remain so until the transfer is complete or one is idle for several seconds, at which point they will de-associate. For more information on the association process, see the 802.11 standard.

Download process (after authentication)
  Host sends Pings (type 0x01, replies are 0x00, 0x07)
  Host sends RSA frame (type 0x03, replies 0x08)
  Host sends NDS header (type 0x04, replies 0x09)
  Host sends ARM9 binary (type 0x04, replies 0x09)
  Host sends ARM7 binary (type 0x04, replies 0x09)
  Host terminates transfer (type 0x05, no replies)

The WMB protocol ostensibly implements layers 3 to 7 of the OSI network model, but does not define a new type of network addresses. However, it does define a couple of special broadcast-like MAC addresses within the assigned Nintendo namespace (00:09:BF).

The three channels or "flows" used for all communications after the MAC broadcast beacons take the form 03:09:BF:00:00:xx, where xx is:
  00 for the main data flow, from host to client    (sent via Port 4808090h)
  10 for the client to host replies                 (sent via Port 4808094h)
  03 for the feedback flow, host to client (acknowledges the replies)

Observed commands
  Command   Description
  0x01      Ping / Name request
  0x03      RSA signature frame
  0x04      Data packet
  0x05      Post-idle / unknown

Observed replies
  Reply ID  Description
  0x00      Pong (ping reply)
  0x07      Name reply
  0x08      RSA frame reply
  0x09      Data packet reply

The host does something unusual with the 802.11 sequence control field, each packet sent out on the 00 flow has a sequence control number 2 greater than the previous one, even if they are sent sequentially. When the host acknowledges a reply (on flow 03) from the client about a particular packet, it uses the sequence number one after the original packet number it sent out on 00. This is the root of one of the major problems in finding a PC card that can transmit WMB packets, as very few cards provide user control over it. Even when a card is capable of 'raw' 802.11 transmission, it typically takes care of the sequence control field in hardware or firmware, filling it with a constantly incrementing number.


Host-to-client packets (on the 0x00 flow)
  0  1  2  3  4    5     6..e-3   e-2  e-1  e-0
  06 01 02 00 Size Flags Payload  00   02   00
Above first two bytes are W_CMD_REPLYTIME.
Above next two bytes are slave flags (bit1..15 for slave 1..15) (1=connected).
The size field is in terms of half-words (16 bits), and includes the flags byte along with the payload (so a size of 0x03 represents a flag byte, a command byte, and 4 bytes of payload).
When flags is 0x11, the first byte of the payload is a command. There seems to be no important data when flags is not 0x11 (seen occasionally as 0x01), and ignoring them still results in a complete dump.

The Ping messages (type 0x00) have a payload size of 0x03, but always contain zeroes in the payload. They seem to be used only to keep the connection alive while waiting for the host DS to start the transfer, to prevent a time-out de-association.

RSA signature frame payload (type 0x03)
The RSA frame format (type 0x03) sends a table of information about the game being downloaded (most of it redundant with the NDS header), as well as the RSA signature for the DS.
Notably: the RSA frame itself is not included as part of the data being signed, bringing up various security issues and making Nintendo's firmware engineers look amateurish at best.
There are several abortive sendings of empty RSA frames with a size field of 0x03, before the real frame is sent (always with a size field of 0x75).
  00h 4   ARM9 execute address
  04h 4   ARM7 execute address
  08h 4   Zerofilled
  0Ch 4   Header destination (temp)
  10h 4   Header destination (actual)
  14h 4   Header size (160h)
  18h 4   Zerofilled
  1Ch 4   ARM9 destination address (temp)
  20h 4   ARM9 destination address (actual)
  24h 4   ARM9 binary size
  28h 4   Zerofilled
  2Ch 4   ARM7 destination address (temp) (usually 22C0000h in Main RAM)
  30h 4   ARM7 destination address (actual) (usually somewhere in WRAM)
  34h 4   ARM7 binary size
  38h 4   Unknown (00000001h)
  3Ch 4   Signature ID (61h,63h,01h,00h) (aka "ac", or backwards "ca") ;\
  40h 80h Signature RSA (RSA signature in OpenPGP SHA1 format)         ;
  C0h 4   Signature Footer                                             ;/
  C4h 36  Zerofilled
  E8h -   End of frame payload
The offsets in the table are from after the command byte, i.e. two bytes into the 234 bytes of payload including the flags.
The temp/actual destination addresses are usually identical, except for ARM7 which is loaded to a separate temp address in Main RAM (needed there for computing its SHA1 on ARM9 side).
The RSA signature is as so: First compute SHA1's on Header and ARM9 and ARM7 areas, and store them in a 40h-byte array:
  00h 14h SHA1 on Header
  14h 14h SHA1 on ARM9 bootcode
  28h 14h SHA1 on ARM7 bootcode
  3Ch 4   Signature Footer (the four bytes from [C0h])
Then compute a SHA1 on that 40h-byte array, that SHA1 value is then used in the RSA signature (in OpenPGP SHA1 format, ie. same as SWI 23h in DSi BIOS). The RSA private key is unknown, the RSA public key (9Eh,C1h,CCh,C0h,...) can be found in the NDS Firmware and in the DSi's DS Download Play utility.
Unknown if the 4-byte Footer value is having any special meaning (eg. it might be some checksum, or it might be just some random/timestamp).
The 4+80h+4 signature bytes at [3Ch..C3h] are conventionally stored at the "end" of the binary, ie. at the offset specified in cartheader[80h].

Data packet (type 0x04)
The data packets (type 0x04) include a transport-layer sequence number inside of the data packet itself, but no destination offset or other mechanism to allow the packets to be processed out-of-order. The only way to place the data at the correct location in memory is to re-order the packets according to the sequence number and process them sequentially.
  0  1     2       3   ..  End
  00 [Sequence #]  xx  ..  yy
The sequence number is a zero based little-endian number. Each packet only contains data for one of the three destination blocks (header, ARM9, ARM7), so the change-of-destination check only needs to be made on packet boundaries.


Client to Host Replies (on the 0x10 flow)
The replies from client to host are sent on the 0x10 flow. The client uses an incrementing sequence control number for all of its packets, with no unusual trickery. Each reply is sent as a standard 802.11 data frame (typically as a Data + CF-Acknowledgement), consisting of 10 data bytes for the WMB payload. The first two are always 0x04 0x81, with the third byte indicating the type of reply, and the remaining 7 bytes being reply-specific.

Idle / Pong reply (type 0x00)
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  04 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
One type of packet frequently sent before a download gets underway is what I have termed the Idle or Pong packet (in response to 0x00 'Pings'). It has a reply type field of 0x00, and does not contribute any additional information.

Name reply (type 0x07)
  0  1  2  3  4     5      6     7      8     9
  04 81 07 01 [Character0] [Character1] [Character2]
  04 81 07 02 [Character3] [Character4] [Character5]
  04 81 07 03 [Character6] [Character7] [Character8]
  04 81 07 04 [Character9] 01    00     00    00
The name reply (type 0x07) is sent shortly after association is completed, although I am not certain what triggers it. There are a variable number of pings preceding this reply, but most are replied via Pongs. The name reply sends the user-configured DS name (set in the firmware menu) split over four messages (with the 4th byte of the packet specifying which message fragment this is, 1 based). This can be a total length of 10 UCS-2 characters, although all four messages are still sent if it is shorter (padded with nulls to 10 characters, and then 01 and then nulls until the end of the frame).

RSA frame receipt reply (type 0x08)
  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  04 81 08 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
The RSA frame receipt reply contains no extra information; it only acknowledges receipt of a type 0x03 host packet on the main flow (0x00). Bizarrely, the xx bytes in the above table are not driven to a particular value when replying to an RSA frame, and usually contain the same data as the second (of four) name response frames.

Data packet receipt reply (type 0x09)
  0  1  2    3    4        5     6     7  8  9
  04 81 09 [Last packet] [Best packet] 00 00 00
[last packet] is the packet number being acknowledged
[best packet] is the highest continuous packet number seen so far
Packet IDs are little-endian numbers, like other Nintendo provided data.


Host to client acknowledgements (on the 0x03 flow)

These packets contain four data bytes, but three are always zero. The first seems to be random, with no connection to the acknowledged data. The actual indication of acknowledgement is the sequence control number of the packet. It is set to be one greater than the sequence control number of the initial host packet (sent on flow 0x00) that the client has just responded to, to indicate that the reply was received.

Host-to-client acknowledgement
  0  1  2  3
  ?? 00 00 00

The .NDS format is the standard format for Nintendo DS programs; it originated on original game cards and also appears to a limited extent in WMB binaries. The WMB process only transfers the first 0x160 bytes of the header, the ARM9 binary, and the ARM7 binary (in that order), ignoring the file name and file allocation tables, the overlay data, and some information stored in the banner (the rest is transmitted partially via the beacon advertisement process).

  DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Frames

MAC Frame Format
  10..30 bytes    MAC Header
  0..2312 bytes   Frame Body
  4 bytes         Frame Check Sequence (FCS) (aka checksum)

MAC Header (10..30 bytes)
  Size Content
  2    Frame Control Field (FC)
  2    Duration/ID
  6    Address 1
 (6)   Address 2 (if any)
 (6)   Address 3 (if any)
 (2)   Sequence Control (if any)
 (6)   Address 4 (if any)

Frame Control Field (FC)
  Bit  Expl.
  0-1  Protocol Version   (0=Current, 1..3=Reserved)
  2-3  Type               (0=Managment, 1=Control, 2=Data, 3=Reserved)
  4-7  Subtype            (see next chapters) (meaning depends on above Type)
  8    To Distribution System (DS)
  9    From Distribution System (DS)
  10   More Fragments
  11   Retry
  12   Power Managment    (0=Active, 1=STA will enter Power-Safe mode after..)
  13   More Data
  14   Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Encryption (0=No, 1=Yes)
  15   Order
Bit 8-11 and Bit 13-15 are always 0 in Control Frames.

Duration/ID Field (16bit)
  0000h..7FFFh  Duration (0-32767)
  8000h         Fixed value within frames transmitted during the CFP
                (CFP=Contention Free Period)
  8001h..BFFFh  Reserved
  C000h         Reserved
  C001h..C7D7h  Association ID (AID) (1..2007) in PS-Poll frames
  C7D8h..FFFFh  Reserved

48bit MAC Addresses
MAC Addresses are 48bit (6 bytes) (Bit0 is the LSB of the 1st byte),
  0     Group Flag (0=Individual Address, 1=Group Address)
  1     Local Flag (0=Universally Administered Address, 1=Locally Administered)
  2-23  22bit Manufacturer ID (assigned by IEEE)
  24-47 24bit Device ID (assigned by the Manufacturer)
Special NDS related Addresses:
  00 09 BF xx xx xx  NDS-Consoles (Original NDS with firmware v1-v5)
  00 16 56 xx xx xx  NDS-Consoles (Newer NDS-Lite with firmware v6 and up)
  00 23 CC xx xx xx  DSi-Consoles (Original DSi with early mainboard; nocash)
  00 24 1E xx xx xx  DSi-Consoles (Another DSi; scanlime)
  03 09 BF 00 00 00  NDS-Multiboot: host to client (main data flow)
  03 09 BF 00 00 10  NDS-Multiboot: client to host (replies)
  03 09 BF 00 00 03  NDS-Multiboot: host to client (acknowledges replies)
  FF FF FF FF FF FF  Broadcast to all stations (eg. Beacons)

Sequence Control Field
  Bit  Expl.
  0-3  Fragment Number (0=First (or only) fragment)
  4-15 Sequence Number
(increment by 1, except on retransmissions, ie. retries)

WEP Frame Body
  3 bytes     Initialization Vector (WEP IV)
  1 byte      Pad (6bit, all zero), Key ID (2bit)
  1..? bytes  Data (encrypted data)
  4 bytes     ICV (encrypted CRC32 across Data)

  DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Managment Frames (Type=0)

All Managment Frames have 24-byte Frame Header, with following values:
  FC(2), Duration(2), DA(6), SA(6), BSSID(6), Sequence Control(2)
The content of the Frame Body depends on the FC's Subtype:
  Subtype                   Frame Body
  0 Association request     Capability, ListenInterval, SSID, SuppRates
  1 Association response    Capability, Status, AID, SuppRates
  2 Reassociation request   Capability, ListenInterval, CurrAP, SSID, SuppRates
  3 Reassociation response  Capability, Status, AID, SuppRates
  4 Probe request           SSID, SuppRates
  5 Probe response          Same as for Beacon (but without TIM)
  8 Beacon                  Timestamp,BeaconInterval,Capability,SSID,SuppRates,
                             FH Parameter Set (when using Frequency Hopping),
                             DS Parameter Set (when using Direct Sequence),
                             CF Parameter Set (when supporting PCF),
                             IBSS Parameter Set (when in an IBSS),
                             TIM (when generated by AP)
  9 Announcement traffic indication message (ATIM)    Body is "null" (=none?)
  A Disassociation          ReasonCode
  B Authentication          AuthAlgorithm, AuthSequence, Status, ChallengeText
  C Deauthentication        ReasonCode
Subtypes 6..7, and D..F are Reserved.

The separate components of the Frame Body are...
64bit Parameters (8 bytes)
  Timestamp: value of the TSFTIMER (see 11.1) of a frame's source. Uh?
48bit Parameters (6 bytes)
  Current AP (Access Point): MAC Address of AP with which station is associated
16bit Parameters (2 bytes)
  Capability Information (see list below)
  Status code (see list below) (0000h=Successful, other=Error code)
  Reason code (see list below) (Error code)
  Association ID (AID) (C000h+1..2007)
  Authentication Algorithm (0=Open System, 1=Shared Key, 2..FFFFh=Reserved)
  Authentication Transaction Sequence Number (Open System:1-2, Shared Key:1-4)
  Beacon Interval (Time between beacons, N*1024 us)
  Listen Interval (see note below)
Information elements (1byte ID, 1byte LEN, followed by LEN byte(s) data)
  ID      LEN      Expl.
  00h     00h-20h  SSID (LEN=0 for broadcast SSID)
  01h     01h-08h  Supported rates; each (nn AND 7Fh)*500kbit/s, bit7=flag
  02h     05h      FH (Frequency Hopping) Parameter Set
                     DwellTime(16bit), HopSet, HopPattern, HopIndex
  03h     01h      DS (Distribution System) Parameter Set; Channel (01h..0Eh)
  04h     06h      CF Parameter Set; Count, Period, MaxDuration, RemainDuration
  05h     04h..FEh TIM; Count,Period,Control, 1-251 bytes PartialVirtualBitmap
  06h     02h      IBSS Parameter Set; ATIM Window length (16bit)
  07h-0Fh -        Reserved
  10h     02h..FEh Challenge text; 1-253 bytes Authentication data
                    (Used only for Shared Key sequence no 2,3)
                    (none such for Open System)
                    (none such for Shared key sequence no 1,4)
  11h-1Fh -        Reserved for challenge text extension
  20h-FFh -        Reserved
  30h     var      Reserved but used for WPA <-- officially
  DDh     var      Reserved but used for WPA <-- vendor specific
  DDh     var      Reserved but used by Nintendo for NDS-Multiboot beacons
IDs 20h-FFh are commonly used; I've received values 2xh..3xh and DDh (from non-nintendo network routers in the neighborhood); no idea if these "Reserved" IDs are somewhere officially documented?

Capability Information
  Bit0    ESS
  Bit1    IBSS
  Bit2    CF-Pollable
  Bit3    CF-Poll Request
  Bit4    Privacy
  Bit5    Short Preamble  (IEEE802.11b only)
  Bit6    PBCC            (IEEE802.11b only)
  Bit7    Channel Agility (IEEE802.11b only)
  Bit5-7  Reserved (0) (original IEEE802.11 specs)
  Bit8-15 Reserved (0)

Listen Interval
  ... used to indicate to the AP how often an STA wakes to listen to Beacon
  management frames. The value of this parameter is the STA's Listen Interval
  parameter of the MLME-Associate. request primitive and is expressed in
  units of Beacon Interval.

Reason codes
  00h Reserved
  01h Unspecified reason
  02h Previous authentication no longer valid
  03h Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS
       or ESS
  04h Disassociated due to inactivity
  05h Disassociated because AP is unable to handle all currently associated
  06h Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station
  07h Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station
  08h Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS
  09h Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding
  0Ah..FFFFh Reserved

Status codes
  00h Successful
  01h Unspecified failure
  02h..09h Reserved
  0Ah Cannot support all requested cap's in the Capability Information field
  0Bh Reassociation denied due to inability to confirm that association exists
  0Ch Association denied due to reason outside the scope of this standard
  0Dh Responding station doesn't support the specified authentication algorithm
  0Eh Received an Authentication frame with authentication transaction sequence
       number out of expected sequence
  0Fh Authentication rejected because of challenge failure
  10h Authentication rejected due to timeout waiting for next frame in sequence
  11h Association denied because AP is unable to handle additional associated
  12h Association denied due to requesting station not supporting all of the
       data rates in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter
  13h Association denied due to requesting station not supporting
       the Short Preamble option (IEEE802.11b only)
  14h Association denied due to requesting station not supporting
       the PBCC Modulation option (IEEE802.11b only)
  15h Association denied due to requesting station not supporting
       the Channel Agility option (IEEE802.11b only)
  13h-15h Reserved (original IEEE802.11 specs)
  16h..FFFFh Reserved

  DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Control and Data Frames (Type=1 and 2)

Control Frames (Type=1)
All Control Frames have 10-byte or 16-byte headers, depending on the Subtype:
  Subtype                          Frame Header
  0-9 Reserved                     -   -         -      -
  A   Power Save (PS)-Poll         FC  AID       BSSID  TA
  B   Request To Send (RTS)        FC  Duration  RA     TA
  C   Clear To Send (CTS)          FC  Duration  RA     -
  D   Acknowledgment (ACK)         FC  Duration  RA     -
  E   Contention-Free (CF)-End     FC  Duration  RA     BSSID
  F   CF-End + CF-Ack              FC  Duration  RA     BSSID
Control Frames do not have a Frame Body, so the Header is directly followed by the FCS.

Data Frames (Type=2)
All Data Frames consist of the following components:
  FC, Duration/ID, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Sequence Control,
  Address 4 (only on From DS to DS), Frame Body, FCS.
The meaning of the 3 or 4 addresses depends on Frame Control FromDS/ToDS bits:
  Frame Control    Address 1  Address 2  Address 3  Address 4
  From STA to STA  DA         SA         BSSID      -
  From DS  to STA  DA         BSSID      SA         -
  From STA to DS   BSSID      SA         DA         -
  From DS  to DS   RA         TA         DA         SA
Frame Control Subtypes for Data Frames (Type=2) are:
  0   Data
  1   Data + CF-Ack
  2   Data + CF-Poll
  3   Data + CF-Ack + CF-Poll
  4   Null function (no data)
  5   CF-Ack (no data)
  6   CF-Poll (no data)
  7   CF-Ack + CF-Poll (no data)
  8-F Reserved

  DS Xboo

The DS Xboo cable allows to upload NDS ROM-Images (max 3.9MBytes) to the console via parallel port connection. Should be the best, simpliest, easiest, and fastest way to test code on real hardware. And, at a relative decent price of 11 cents per diode it should be by far the least expensive way. You'll have to touch classic tools (screwdrivers, knifes, saws, tweezers, and solder) which will probably scare most of you to hell.

DS XBOO Connection Schematic
  Console Pin/Names             Parallel Port Pin/Names
  RFU.9    FMW.1 D    ---|>|--- DSUB.14    CNTR.14    AutoLF
  RFU.6    FMW.2 C    ---|>|--- DSUB.1     CNTR.1     Strobe
  RFU.10   FMW.3 /RES ---|>|--- DSUB.16    CNTR.31    Init
  RFU.7    FMW.4 /S   ---|>|--- DSUB.17    CNTR.36    Select
  RFU.5    FMW.5 /W   --. SL1A  -          -          N.C.
  RFU.28   FMW.6 VCC  __| SL1B  -          -          N.C.
  RFU.2,12 FMW.7 VSS  --------- DSUB.18-25 CNTR.19-30 Ground
  RFU.8    FMW.8 Q    --------- DSUB.11    CNTR.11    Busy
  P00 Joypad-A        ---|>|--- DSUB.2     CNTR.2     D0
  P01 Joypad-B        ---|>|--- DSUB.3     CNTR.3     D1
  P02 Joypad-Select   ---|>|--- DSUB.4     CNTR.4     D2
  P03 Joypad-Start    ---|>|--- DSUB.5     CNTR.5     D3
  P04 Joypad-Right    ---|>|--- DSUB.6     CNTR.6     D4
  P05 Joypad-Left     ---|>|--- DSUB.7     CNTR.7     D5
  P06 Joypad-Up       ---|>|--- DSUB.8     CNTR.8     D6
  P07 Joypad-Down     ---|>|--- DSUB.9     CNTR.9     D7
  RTC.1 INT aka SI    --------- DSUB.10    CNTR.10    /Ack
Parts List: 15 wires, four (DS) or twelve (DS-Lite) "BAT 85" diodes, 1 parallel port socket.

DS XBOO Connection Notes
The Firmware chip (FMW.Pins) hides underneath of the RFU shielding plate, so it'd be easier to connect the wires to the RFU.Pins (except DS-Lite: The RFU pins are terribly small (and have different pin-numbers), so either using FMW.Pins, or using mainboard vias (see below GIF) would be easier). The easiest way for the /W-to-VCC connection is to shortcut SL1 by putting some solder onto it.
The P00..P07 and INT signals are labeled on the switch-side of the mainboard, however, there should be more room for the cables when connecting them to via's at the bottom-side (except DS-Lite: P01 is found only at switch-side) image below may help to locate that pins, (GIF-Image, 7.5KBytes)
At the parallel port side, DSUB.Pins or CNTR.Pins can be used for 25pin DSUB or 36pin Centronics sockets, the latter one allowing to use a standard printer cable.
The ring printed on the diodes is pointing towards parallel port side, the 4 diodes are required to prevent the parallel port to pull-up LOW levels on the NDS side, be sure to use BAT85 diodes, cheaper ones like 1N4148 are loosing too much voltage and won't gain stable LOW levels.
The power managment chip in the DS-Lite simply refuses to react to the Power-On button when P00..P07 are dragged high by the parallel port (even if it is in HighZ state), the 8 diodes in the data-lines are solving that problem (they are required on DS-Lite only, not on original DS).

DS XBOO Operation Notes
The main Upload function is found in no$gba Utility menu, together with further functions in Remote Access sub-menu.
Before uploading anything: download the original firmware, the file is saved as FIRMnnnn.BIN, whereas "nnnn" is equal to the last 16bit of the consoles 48bit MAC address, so Firmware-images from different consoles are having unique filenames. If you don't already have, also download the NDS BIOS, the BIOS contains encryption seed data required to encrypt/decrypt secure area; without having downloaded the BIOS, no$gba will be working only with unencrypted ROM-images. Next, select Patch Firmware to install the nocash firmware.

DS XBOO Troubleshooting
Be sure that the console is switched on, and that the XBOO cable is connected, and that you have selected the correct parallel port in no$gba setup (the "multiboot" options in Various Options screen), and, of course, try avoid to be fiddling with the joypad during uploads.
I've tested the cable on two computers, the overall upload/download stuff should work stable. The firmware access functions - which are required only for (un-)installation - worked only with one of the two computers; try using a different computer/parallel port in case of problems.

Nocash Firmware
The primary purpose is to receive uploaded NDS-images via parallel port connection, additionally it's containing bootmenu and setup screens similar to the original firmware. The user interface is having less cryptic symbols and should be alltogether faster and easier to use. Important Information about Whatever is supported (but it can be disabled). The setup contains a couple of additional options like automatic daylight saving time adjustment.
The bootmenu allows to boot normal NDS and GBA carts, it does additionally allow to boot NDS-images (or older PassMe-images) from flashcards in GBA slot. Furthermore, benefits of asm coding, the nocash firmware occupies less than 32KBytes, allowing to store (and boot) smaller NDS-images in the unused portion of the firmware memory (about 224KBytes), the zero-filled region between cart header and secure area, at 200h..3FFFh, is automatically excluded, so the image may be slightly bigger than the available free memory space.

Unlike the original firmware, the current version cannot yet boot via WLAN.

  DSi Reference

Basic Hardware Features (mostly same as NDS)
NDS Reference
DSi Basic Differences to NDS

New Hardware Features
DSi I/O Map
DSi Control Registers (SCFG)
DSi XpertTeak (DSP)
DSi New Shared WRAM (for ARM7, ARM9, DSP)
DSi SoundExt
DSi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
DSi Cartridge Header
DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller
DSi I2C Bus
DSi Cameras
DSi SD/MMC Protocol and I/O Ports
DSi SD/MMC Filesystem
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Interface
DSi Atheros Wifi Internal Hardware
DSi GPIO Registers
DSi Console IDs
DSi Unknown Registers
DSi Notes
DSi Exploits
DSi Regions

General Info
ARM CPU Reference
BIOS Functions
External Connectors

Credits: (now spammed)

  DSi Basic Differences to NDS

There are several new interrupt sources in IE/IF registers, plus further ones in new IE2/IF2 registers.
DS Interrupts

Essentially same as for NDS. Some details can be changed in SCFG_EXT. For the 2D Engine, DISPSTAT.Bit6 contains a new "LCD Initialization Ready" flag on both ARM7 and ARM9 side (the bit is checked by DSi System Menu) (the bit is supposedly used at power-up, maybe also for wake-up from certain sleep modes).

BIOS SWI Functions
Some SWI Functions are changed (bugged in some cases), new SHA1 and RSA functions are added, and the initial RAM contents are moved from 27FFxxxh to 2FFFxxxh (with some extra fields, eg. a copy of extended DSi cart header).
BIOS Functions

Revised Hardware Functions
Some hardware features have been slightly revised (for example, the division by 0 flag was fixed). The revised functions can be enabled/disabled via SCFG registers.
DSi Control Registers (SCFG)

NDS Slot / Cartridges
DSi carts are using an extended cart header (1000h bytes), with RSA signature (making it problematic to run unlicensed/homebrew code), the icon/title format has been also extended, and the cartridge protocol contains a new command (command 3Dh, for unlocking extra DSi regions on the cartridge, and for reading new DSi secure area blocks).
The NDS Slot's Reset signal can be controlled by software (required because otherwise one could use only command 3Ch or 3Dh, but not both). The Power supply pin can be also controlled by software (yet not 100% confirmed how?). Moreover, there's new cartridge inserted sensor. And, DSi prototypes did have two NDS slots; DSi retail consoles do have only one slot, but they do still contain prototype relicts internally (like extra registers and extra irq sources for second slot) (there appear to be also unused extra pins on the CPU, but they couldn't be used without desoldering the whole chip).

Enable Bits
One new DSi invention is that setting Enable Bits (eg. for NDMA or CAM registers) is write-protecting the corresponding registers (ie. those registers can be initialized only while the Enable Bits are off).

SPI Touchscreen Controller
This chip is working entirely different in DSi mode. It's still accessed via SPI bus, but with some new MODE/INDEX values.
DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller
The NDS Touchscreen controller did additionally allow to read Temperature and Touchscreen Pressure - unknown if the DSi is also supporting such stuff (via whatever DSi-specific registers).
The touchscreen hardware can be switched to NDS compatibility mode (for older games), but unknown how to do that.

SPI Power Managment Device
The Power Managment Device contains some changed register, and some new extra registers. Internally, it is actually split to two devices: The power managment chipselect signal connects to U3 and U4 chips. Ie. some SPI registers are processed by U3 (power down, and backlight enable), and others by R4 (audio out and microphone).
Further functions like LED control and backlight brightness are moved to the BPTWL chip, accessed via I2C bus instead of SPI bus - the power LED blink feature (which was used on Wifi access) seems to be no longer working, however, the Wifi LED seems to blink automatically on Wifi access; the changed backlight brightness mechanism shouldn't cause compatibility issuses since that feature is somewhat reserved for being controlled by the firmware.

SPI FLASH Memory (Wifi Calibration, User Settings, Firmware)
This memory does still exist, but it's only 128Kbytes in DSi (instead 256K), and most of it is empty (since the DSi Firmware is stored in the eMMC chip).
Reportedly, newer DSi consoles are somehow disabling access to the FLASH memory and to the Wifi hardware (unknown if that's true; it might actually disable both the SPI chipselect and Wifi hardware, or there might be just some issue with a different/smaller FLASH chip being used - and problems with reading the Wifi Calibration would indirectly cause problems to use the Wifi hardware).

Should be compatible with NDS. But seems to contain extra registers?
One of the RTC outputs does also seem to supply some (32kHz?) clock to some other mainboard components?
[XXX see Seiko S-35199A01 datasheet].

Supports new WPA and WPA2 encryption (unknow how to use them yet), and supports higher transfer rates (unknown how yet too, maybe just by changing the 10=1Mbit/s and 20=2MBit/s settings to higher values).
As said above (see SPI FLASH), the Wifi hardware can be reportedly disabled.
SPI FLASH contains three new access point settings (for WPA/WPA2/proxy support):
DS Firmware Wifi Internet Access Points
The access point configuration can be done via Firmware (unlike as on NDS, where it needed to be done by the games).

GBA Slot
The GBA Slot has been removed. The memory regions and IRQ bits do still exist internally, but the DSi does basically behave as if there is no GBA cartridge inserted. Reading GBA ROM areas does return FFFFh halfwords instead of the usual open bus values though.

NDS Mode
In NDS mode, the DSi is basically working same as NDS: The new extra hardware is disabled, original NDS BIOS ROMs are mapped, and the hardware is simulating the old touchscreen controller.
Nonetheless, there are still a some small differences to real NDS consoles:
- Unlicensed NDS carts don't work (requires RSA, or whitelist for older games)
- GBA Slot is removed (more or less behaves as if no cart inserted)
- DSi ports 4004700h and 4004C0xh can be read (and written?) even in DS mode
- SPI Power Managment has some added/removed/changed registers
- SPI Touchscreen controller doesn't support pressure & temperature
- SPI FLASH exists, but it's smaller, and has extra access point info, etc.
- ARM7 BIOS has only first 20h bytes locked (instead first 1204h bytes)
- Power Button issues a Reset (goes to boot menu) (instead of plain power off)
- Maybe some new Wifi features are available even in DS mode (?)
- RTC extra registers (if they do really exist) should exist in DS mode (?)
Unknown: does hot-swapping auto-power-off the nds-cart-slot in nds mode?

  DSi I/O Map

DSi Memory Map
The overall memory map is same as on NDS. New/changed areas are:
  0000000h  64Kbyte ARM7 BIOS   (unlike NDS which had only 16KB)
  2000000h  16MByte Main RAM    (unlike NDS which had only 4MB)
  3000000h  800Kbyte Shared RAM (unlike NDS which had only 32KB)
  4004000h  New DSi I/O Ports
  8000000h  Fake GBA Slot (32MB+64KB) (FFh-filled; when mapped to current CPU)
  C000000h  Mirror of 16Mbyte Main RAM
  D000000h  Open Bus? in retail version, Extra 16Mbyte MainRAM in debug version
  FFFF000h  64Kbyte ARM9 BIOS   (unlike NDS which had only 4KB)

DSi I/O Maps
The overall DSi I/O Maps are same as on NDS,
DS I/O Maps
additional new/changed registers are:

ARM9 NDS Register that are changed in DSi mode
  4000004h 2   DISPSTAT (new Bit6, LCD Initialization Ready Flag)
  4000204h 2   EXMEMCNT (removed Bit0-7, ie. the GBA-slot related bits)
  4000210h 4   IE       (new interrupt sources, removed GBA-slot IRQ)
  4000214h 4   IF       (new interrupt sources, removed GBA-slot IRQ)
  40021A0h 4   Unknown, nonzero, probably same/silimar as on DSi7 side
  40021A4h 4   Unknown, zero, probably same/silimar as on DSi7 side
ARM9 DSi System Control
  4004000h 2   SCFG_A9ROM DSi - NDS9 - ROM Status (R) [0000h]
  4004004h 2   SCFG_CLK   DSi - NDS9 - New Block Clock Control (R/W)
  4004006h 2   SCFG_RST   DSi - NDS9 - New Block Reset (R/W)
  4004008h 4   SCFG_EXT   DSi - NDS9 - Extended Features (R/W)
  4004010h 2   SCFG_MC    Memory Card Interface Status (16bit) (undocumented)
ARM9 DSi WRAM Bank Control
  4004040h 4   MBK1       WRAM-A Slots for Bank 0,1,2,3  ;\Global ARM7+ARM9
  4004044h 4   MBK2       WRAM-B Slots for Bank 0,1,2,3  ; Slot Mapping
  4004048h 4   MBK3       WRAM-B Slots for Bank 4,5,6,7  ; (R or R/W, depending
  400404Ch 4   MBK4       WRAM-C Slots for Bank 0,1,2,3  ; on MBK9 setting)
  4004050h 4   MBK5       WRAM-C Slots for Bank 4,5,6,7  ;/
  4004054h 4   MBK6       WRAM-A Address Range           ;\Local ARM9 Side
  4004058h 4   MBK7       WRAM-B Address Range           ; (R/W)
  400405Ch 4   MBK8       WRAM-C Address Range           ;/
  4004060h 4   MBK9       WRAM-A/B/C Slot Master Selection (R)
  4004100h 4   NDMAGCNT   NewDMA Global Control                     ;-Control
  4004104h 4   NDMA0SAD   NewDMA0 Source Address                    ;\
  4004108h 4   NDMA0DAD   NewDMA0 Destination Address               ;
  400410Ch 4   NDMA0TCNT  NewDMA0 Total Length for Repeats          ; NewDMA0
  4004110h 4   NDMA0WCNT  NewDMA0 Logical Block Size                ;
  4004114h 4   NDMA0BCNT  NewDMA0 Block Transfer Timing/Interval    ;
  4004118h 4   NDMA0FDATA NewDMA0 Fill Data                         ;
  400411Ch 4   NDMA0CNT   NewDMA0 Control                           ;/
  4004120h 4   NDMA1SAD                                             ;\
  4004124h 4   NDMA1DAD                                             ;
  4004128h 4   NDMA1TCNT                                            ; NewDMA1
  400412Ch 4   NDMA1WCNT                                            ;
  4004130h 4   NDMA1BCNT                                            ;
  4004134h 4   NDMA1FDATA                                           ;
  4004138h 4   NDMA1CNT                                             ;/
  400413Ch 4   NDMA2SAD                                             ;\
  4004140h 4   NDMA2DAD                                             ;
  4004144h 4   NDMA2TCNT                                            ; NewDMA2
  4004148h 4   NDMA2WCNT                                            ;
  400414Ch 4   NDMA2BCNT                                            ;
  4004150h 4   NDMA2FDATA                                           ;
  4004154h 4   NDMA2CNT                                             ;/
  4004158h 4   NDMA3SAD                                             ;\
  400415Ch 4   NDMA3DAD                                             ;
  4004160h 4   NDMA3TCNT                                            ; NewDMA3
  4004164h 4   NDMA3WCNT                                            ;
  4004168h 4   NDMA3BCNT                                            ;
  400416Ch 4   NDMA3FDATA                                           ;
  4004170h 4   NDMA3CNT                                             ;/
ARM9 DSi Camera Module
  4004200h 2   CAM_MCNT   Camera Module Control (16bit)
  4004202h 2   CAM_CNT    Camera Control (16bit)
  4004204h 4   CAM_DAT    Camera Data (32bit)
  4004210h 4   CAM_SOFS   Camera Trimming Starting Position Setting (32bit)
  4004214h 4   CAM_EOFS   Camera Trimming Ending Position Setting (32bit)
ARM9 DSi DSP - XpertTeak processor
  4004300h 2   DSP_PDATA  DSP Transfer Data    (16bit)
  4004304h 2   DSP_PADR   DSP Transfer Address (16bit)
  4004308h 2   DSP_PCFG   DSP Configuration    (16bit)
  400430Ch 2   DSP_PSTS   DSP Status           (16bit)
  4004310h 2   DSP_PSEM   DSP ARM9-to-DSP Semaphore        (16bit)
  4004314h 2   DSP_PMASK  DSP DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore Mask   (16bit)
  4004318h 2   DSP_PCLEAR DSP DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore Clear (W) (16bit)
  400431Ch 2   DSP_SEM    DSP DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore Data   (16bit)
  4004320h 2   DSP_CMD0   DSP Command Register 0 (16bit)
  4004324h 2   DSP_REP0   DSP Reply Register 0   (16bit)
  4004328h 2   DSP_CMD1   DSP Command Register 1 (16bit)
  400432Ch 2   DSP_REP1   DSP Reply Register 1   (16bit)
  4004330h 2   DSP_CMD2   DSP Command Register 2 (16bit)
  4004334h 2   DSP_REP2   DSP Reply Register 2   (16bit)
  4004340h 40h Unknown (looks like mirror of 4004300h..400433Fh)
  4004380h 40h Unknown (looks like mirror of 4004300h..400433Fh)
  40043C0h 40h Unknown (looks like mirror of 4004300h..400433Fh)

  4000004h 2   DISPSTAT (new Bit6, LCD Initialization Ready Flag) (as DSi9?)
  4000204h 2   EXMEMCNT (removed Bit0-7: GBA-slot related bits)   (as DSi9?)
  4000210h 4   IE       (new interrupt sources, removed GBA-slot IRQ)
  4000214h 4   IF       (new interrupt sources, removed GBA-slot IRQ)
  4000218h     IE2      (new register with more new interrupt sources)
  400021Ch     IF2      (new register with more new interrupt sources)
ARM7 DSi Maybe 2nd ROM slot (DSi prototypes did have 2 cartridge slots)
  40021A0h 4   Unknown, nonzero, probably related to below 40021A4h
  40021A4h 4   Unknown, related to 40001A4h (Gamecard Bus ROMCTRL)
ARM7 DSi System Control
  4004000h 1   SCFG_A9ROM used by BIOS and SystemFlaw  (maybe A9ROM) (bit0,1)
  4004001h 1   SCFG_A7ROM used by BIOS and SystemFlaw  (maybe A7ROM) (bit0,1,2)
  4004004h 2   SCFG_CLK7  used by SystemFlaw           (maybe CLK)
  4004006h 2   SCFG_JTAG  Debugger Control
  4004008h 4   SCFG_EXT7  used by SystemFlaw           (maybe EXT)
  4004010h 2   SCFG_MC    Memory Card Interface Control (R/W)
  4004012h 2   SCFG_1988H Unknown, there is something (?) (SysMenu: 1988h)
  4004014h 2   SCFG_264CH Unknown, there is something (?) (SysMenu: 264Ch)
  4004020h 2   SCFG_WL    Wireless Disable    ;bit0 = wifi?
  4004024h 2   SCFG_OP    Debugger Type       ;bit0-1 = (0=retail, ?=debug)
  4004040h 20  MBK1..MBK5 mirror of ARM9's MBK1..MBK5
  4004054h 12  MBK6..MBK8 local version of ARM9's MBK6..MBK8
  4004060h 1   MBK9...?   used by BIOS
  4004061h 1   MBK9...?   used by BIOS
  4004062h 1   MBK9...?   used by BIOS
  4004100h 74h NewDMA (new DMA, as on ARM9i, see there)
ARM7 DSi AES Encryption Unit
  4004400h 4   AES_CNT    (R/W)
  4004404h 4   AES_BLKCNT (W)
  4004408h 4   AES_WRFIFO (W)
  400440Ch 4   AES_RDFIFO (R)
  4004420h 16  AES_IV     (W)
  4004430h 16  AES_MAC    (W)
  4004440h 48  AES_KEY0   (W) ;used for modcrypt
  4004470h 48  AES_KEY1   (W) ;used for ?
  40044A0h 48  AES_KEY2   (W) ;used for JPEG signatures
  40044D0h 48  AES_KEY3   (W) ;used for eMMC sectors
ARM7 DSi I2C Bus
  4004500h 1   I2C_DATA
  4004501h 1   I2C_CNT
ARM7 DSi Microphone ?
  4004600h 2   MIC_CNT ?
  4004604h 4   MIC_DATA ?
  4004700h 2   SNDEXCNT             <-- can be read even in DS mode!
ARM7 DSi SD/MMC Registers for Memory Card access (SD Card and onboard eMMC)
  4004800h 2   SD_CMD              Command and Response/Data Type
  4004802h 2   SD_CARD_PORT_SELECT   (SD/MMC:020Fh, SDIO:010Fh)
  4004804h 4   SD_CMD_PARAM0-1     Argument (32bit, 2 halfwords)
  400480Ah 2   SD_DATA16_BLK_COUNT        "Transfer Block Count"
  400480Ch 16  SD_RESPONSE0-7 (128bit, 8 halfwords)
  400481Ch 4   SD_IRQ_STATUS0-1  ;IRQ Status  (0=ack, 1=req)
  4004820h 4   SD_IRQ_MASK0-1    ;IRQ Disable (0=enable, 1=disable)
  4004824h 2   SD_CARD_CLK_CTL Card Clock Control
  4004826h 2   SD_DATA16_BLK_LEN  Memory Card Transfer Data Length
  4004828h 2   SD_CARD_OPTION Memory Card Option Setup (can be C0FFh)
  400482Ah 2   Fixed always zero?
  400482Ch 4   SD_ERROR_DETAIL_STATUS0-1   Error Detail Status
  4004830h 2   SD_DATA16_FIFO        Data Port  (SD_FIFO?)
  4004832h 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(TC6371AF:BUF1 Data MSBs?)
  400483Ah 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(SDCTL_SDIO_HOST_INFORMATION)
  400483Ch 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(SDCTL_ERROR_CONTROL)
  400483Eh 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(TC6387XB: LED_CONTROL)
  4004840h 2   Fixed always 003Fh?
  4004842h 2   Fixed always 002Ah?
  4004844h 6Eh Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048B2h 2   Fixed always FFFFh?
  40048B4h 6   Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048BAh 2   Fixed always 0200h?
  40048BCh 1Ch Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048D8h 2   SD_DATA_CTL
  40048DAh 6   Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048E0h 2   SD_SOFT_RESET  Software Reset (bit0=SRST=0=reset)
  40048E2h 2   Fixed always 0009h?      ;(RESERVED2/9, TC6371AF:CORE_REV)
  40048E4h 2   Fixed always zero?
  40048E6h 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(RESERVED3, TC6371AF:BUF_ADR)
  40048E8h 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(TC6371AF:Resp_Header)
  40048EAh 6   Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048F0h 2   Fixed always zero?       ;(RESERVED10)
  40048F2h 2   ? Can be 0003h
  40048F4h 2   ? Can be 0770h
  40048F6h 2   ? Firmware tests bit0 (but, always 0?)       (RESERVED4)
  40048F8h 2   Fixed always 0004h?   (nonzero, unlike SDIO) (RESERVED5)
  40048FAh 2   ? Can be 0000h..0007h (nonzero, unlike SDIO) (RESERVED6)
  40048FCh 2   ? Can be 0024h..00FFh?                       (RESERVED7)
  40048FEh 2   ? Can be 0024h..00FFh?   (RESERVED8 / TC6371AF:Revision)
  4004900h 2   SD_DATA32_IRQ
  4004902h 2   Fixed always zero?
  4004904h 2   SD_DATA32_BLK_LEN
  4004906h 2   Fixed always zero?
  4004908h 2   SD_DATA32_BLK_COUNT
  400490Ah 2   Fixed always zero?
  400490Ch 4   SD_DATA32_FIFO
  4004910h F0h Fixed always zerofilled?
ARM7 DSi SD/MMC Registers for SDIO access (for Atheros Wifi)
  4004A00h 512 SDIO_xxx (same as SD_xxx at 4004800h..40049FFh, see there)
  4004A02h 2   SDIO_CARD_PORT_SELECT (slightly different than 4004802h)
  4004AF8h 2   Fixed always zero? (unlike SD_xxx at 40048F8h) (RESERVED5)
  4004AFAh 2   Fixed always zero? (unlike SD_xxx at 40048FAh) (RESERVED6)
ARM7 DSi General Purpose I/O (GPIO) (headphone connect, power button)
  4004C00h 1   GPIO Data In               (R)  (even in DS mode)
  4004C00h 1   GPIO Data Out              (W)
  4004C01h 1   GPIO Data Direction        (R/W)
  4004C02h 1   GPIO Interrupt Edge Select (R/W)
  4004C03h 1   GPIO Interrupt Enable      (R/W)
  4004C04h 1   GPIO? Unknown  ;\maybe GPIO related, or something else
  4004C05h 1   GPIO? Unknown  ;/
ARM7 DSi CPU/Console ID (used as eMMC key)
  4004D00h 8   CPU/Console ID Code (64bit)
  4004D08h 2   CPU/Console ID Flag (1bit)
ARM7 DSi Junk?
  8030200h 2   GBA area, accessed alongsides with SDIO port [4004A30h] (bug?)
Additional/Unknown, expected features are:
  NDS-slot-swap-bit (would allow to boot NDS carts from 2nd NDS-slot)

  DSi Control Registers (SCFG)

4004000h - DSi9 - SCFG_A9ROM - ROM Status (R) [0000h]
  0-1   System ROM Status (0=NITRO, 1=TWL, 2-3=?) (somehow controlled via NDS7)
  2-15  Unused (0)
  16-31 Unspecified (0)

4004000h - DSi7 - SCFG_A9ROM? - ROM Control (R/W)
  0     Upper 32K half of DSi BIOS? (0=Enabled, 1=Disabled)
  1     NDS Mode (0=DSi BIOS?, 1=NDS BIOS?)
  2-7   Unknown/Unused
  8-15  See Port 4004001h
  16-31 Unknown/Unused

4004001h - DSi7 - SCFG_A7ROM?? - ROM Control (R/W)
  0     Upper 32K half of DSi BIOS? (0=Enabled, 1=Disabled)
  1     NDS Mode (0=DSi BIOS?, 1=NDS BIOS?)
  2     Unknown (set before starting Cartridges or DSiware files)
  3-7   Unknown/Unused
The System Menu sets 4004001h.Bit2 shortly before starting any Cartridges or DSiware files (except System Base Tools) (for NDS mode, after having set Bit2, it's also setting 4004000h.Bit1 and 4004001h.Bit1).
Setting Bit1 of 4004000h/4004001h does probably map NDS BIOS ROMs (instead of DSi BIOS ROMs) (however, the SCFG registers are disabled in NDS mode, so one can't see if Bit1 is set or not).

4004004h - DSi9 - SCFG_CLK - New Block Clock Control (R/W) [0084h]
  0     ARM9 CPU Clock         (0=NITRO/67.03MHz, 1=TWL/134.06MHz) (TCM/Cache)
  1     Teak DSP Block Clock   (0=Stop, 1=Run)
  2     Camera Interface Clock (0=Stop, 1=Run)
  3-6   Unused (0)
  7     New Shared RAM Clock   (0=Stop, 1=Run)   (R?) (always set?)
  8     Camera External Clock  (0=Disable, 1=Enable) ("outputs at 16.76MHz")
  9-15  Unused (0)
  16-31 See below (Port 4004006h, SCFG_RST)
Change ARM9 clock only from code within ITCM (and wait at least 8 cycles before accessing any non-ITCM memory).
Disable the corresponding modules before stopping their clocks.

4004006h - DSi9 - SCFG_RST - New Block Reset (R/W) [0000h]
  0     DSP Block Reset (0=Apply Reset, 1=Release Reset)
  1-15  Unused (0)

4004004h - DSi7 - SCFG_CLK7
  0     Related to carthdr[1B8h].bit18 (sdmmc)
  1     Unknown/used
  2     Unknown/used
  3-6   Unknown/unused
  7     Unknown/used
  8     Unknown/used
  9-15  Unknown/unused
  16-31 See below (Port 4004006h, SCFG_JTAG)

4004006h - DSi7 - SCFG_JTAG - Debugger Control (R/W)
  0     ARM7SEL (set when debugger can do ARM7 debugging)
  1     CPU JTAG Enable
  2-7   Unknown/unused
  8     DSP JTAG Enable
  9-15  Unknown/unused
Initialized as so: if SCFG_OP=2 then SCFG_JTAG=0102h, elseif SCFG_OP=1 then SCFG_JTAG=0103h, entrypoint=0, endif.

4004008h - DSi9 - SCFG_EXT - Extended Features (R/W) [8307F100h]
  0     Revised DMA Circuit            (0=NITRO, 1=Revised)
  1     Revised Geometry Circuit       (0=NITRO, 1=Revised)
  2     Revised Renderer Circuit       (0=NITRO, 1=Revised)
  3     Revised 2D Engine Circuit      (0=NITRO, 1=Revised)
  4     Revised Divider Circuit        (0=NITRO, 1=Revised)
  5-6   Unused (0)
  7     Revised Card Interface Circuit (0=NITRO, 1=Revised)
  8     Extended Interrupt Circuit     (0=NITRO, 1=Extended)
  9-11  Unused (0)
  12    Extended LCD Circuit           (0=NITRO, 1=Extended)
  13    Extended VRAM Access           (0=NITRO, 1=Extended)
  14-15 Main Memory RAM Limit (0..1=4MB/DS, 2=16MB/DSi, 3=32MB/DSiDebugger)
  16    Access to New DMA Controller   (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (40041xxh)
  17    Access to Camera Interface     (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (40042xxh)
  18    Access to Teak DSP Block       (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (40043xxh)
  19-23 Unused (0)
  24    Access to New Shared WRAM (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (3xxxxxxh or 40040xxh?)
  25    Undocumented/Unknown (can be set)                                   (?)
  26-30 Unused (0)
  31    System Control Block Access (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (lock 4004000h-4063h)
Default settings seem to be:
  8307F100h for DSi firmware, DSi cartridges and DSiware
  03000000h for NDS cartridges (and DSiware in NDS mode, eg. Pictochat)
Main RAM mapping depending on bit14-15:
  Mode         2000000h-2FFFFFFh   C000000h-CFFFFFFh   D000000h-DFFFFFFh
  4MB (0 or 1) 1st 4MB (+mirrors)  Zerofilled          Zerofilled
  16MB (2)     1st 16MB            1st 16MB (mirror)   1st 16MB (mirror)
  32MB (3)     1st 16MB            1st 16MB (mirror)   Open bus (or 2nd 16MB)
DSi9 SCFG_EXT.bit14-15 affect the Main RAM mapping on <both> ARM9 and ARM7 side (that, at least AFTER games have been booted, however, there's a special case DURING boot process: For NDS games, the firmware switches to 4MB mode on ARM9 side, whilst ARM7 is still relocating memory from the 16MB area at the same time - unknown how that is working exactly, maybe ARM7 isn't affected by ARM9 SCFG_EXT setting until ARM7 has configured/disabled its own SCFG_EXT register).
The 32MB mode requires an extra RAM chip (present in DSi debug version only; DSi retail consoles return 16bit open bus values instead of extra memory). RAM Size/Openbus detection is conventionally done by trying to read/write a BYTE at [0DFFFFFAh].

4004008h - DSi7 - SCFG_EXT7 - Extended Features (R/W)
  0     reportedly Fix DMA
  1     reportedly Fix Sound DMA
  2     reportedly Fix Sound
  3-9   Unknown
  10    reportedly Extend Sound DMA
  11-17 Unknown
  18    Access to SD/MMC registers (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (40048xxh-40049xxh)
  19-30 Unknown
  31    System Control Block Access (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (lock 4004000h-4063h)
Default settings seem to be:
  93FFFB06h for DSi Firmware (Bootcode and SysMenu/Launcher)
  13FFFB06h for DSiware (eg. SysSettings, Flipnote, PaperPlane)
  13FBFB06h for DSi Cartridges (eg. System Flaw)            (bit18=0=sdmmc off)
  12A03000h for NDS cartridges (and DSiware in NDS mode, eg. Pictochat)
Bits 0,1,2,10,18,31 are taken from carthdr[1B8h].
ARM7 Port 4004004h.bit0 should be same setting as 4004008h.bit18 (SD/MMC).

4004010h - DSi9 - SCFG_MC - Memory Card Interface Status (R)
4004010h - DSi7 - SCFG_MC - Memory Card Interface Control (R/W)
  0     1st NDS Slot Game Cartridge (0=Inserted, 1=Ejected)               (R)
  1     1st NDS Slot Unknown/Undocumented (0)
  2-3   1st NDS Slot Power State (0=Off, 1=PrepareOn, 2=On, 3=RequestOff) (R/W)
  4     2nd NDS Slot Game Cartridge (always 1=Ejected) ;\DSi              (R)
  5     2nd NDS Slot Unknown/Undocumented (0)          ; prototype
  6-7   2nd NDS Slot Power State    (always 0=Off)     ;/relict           (R/W)
  8-15  Unknown/Undocumented (0)
  16-31 ARM7: See Port 4004012h, ARM9: Unspecified (0)
NDS-Slot related. Bit3 (and maybe Bit2) are probably R/W on ARM7 side (though the register is disabled on ARM7 side in cooking coach exploit, so R/W isn't possible in practice).
Note: Additionally, the NDS slot Reset pin can be toggled (via ROMCTRL.Bit29; that bit is writeable on ARM7 side on DSi; which wasn't supported on NDS).
Power state values:
  0=Power is off
  1=Prepare Power on (shall be MANUALLY changed to state=2)
  2=Power is on
  3=Request Power off (will be AUTOMATICALLY changed to state=0)
  wait until state<>3                   ;wait if pwr off busy?
  exit if state<>0                      ;exit if already on?
  wait 1ms, then set state=1            ;prepare pwr on?       or want RESET ?
  wait 10ms, then set state=2           ;apply pwr on?
  wait 27ms, then set ROMCTRL=20000000h ;reset cart?  or rather RELEASE reset?
  wait 120ms                            ;more insane delay?
  wait until state<>3                   ;wait if pwr off busy?
  exit if state<>2                      ;exit if already off?
  set state=3                           ;request pwr off?
  wait until state=0                    ;wait until pwr off?
Power Off is also done automatically by hardware when ejecting the cartridge.

4004012h - DSi7 - SCFG_1988H
4004014h - DSi7 - SCFG_264CH
  0-15  Unknown
Usually set to 1988h/264Ch for SCFG_1988H/264CH accordingly. Maybe some clock dividers?

4004020h - DSi7 - SCFG_WL - Wireless Disable (R/W?)
  0     OFFB, Related to Wifi Enable flag from TWLCFGn.dat files?
  1-15  Unknown/unused

4004024h - DSi7 - SCFG_OP - Debugger Type (R?)
  0-1   Debug Hardware Type (0=Retail, other=debug variants)
  2-3   Unknown/unused
  4     Unknown (maybe used, since it isn't masked & copied to RAM)
  5-15  Unknown/unused
Changing this register would theoretically allow to install the debug firmware on retail consoles, however, it's unknown where bit0-1 come from (possibly from some external FLASH memory, internal PROM in the TWL CPU, solder pads underneath of the TWL CPU, or even from a physically different TWL CPU chip version).

  DSi XpertTeak (DSP)

The DSi includes an XpertTeak Digital Signal Processor (DSP); which is consisting of a TeakLite II processor, plus some "expert" features (like DMA support). The thing appears to be intended for audio/video decoding, but it's left unused by most DSi games. However, it's used by the "Nintendo DSi Sound" and "Nintendo Zone" system utilities, and by the "Cooking Coach" cartridge.

DSi Teak Misc
DSi Teak I/O Ports (on ARM9 Side)
DSi Teak I/O Map (on Teak side)
DSi Teak I/O Ports (on Teak Side)
DSi Teak CPU Registers
DSi Teak CPU Control/Status Registers
DSi TeakLite II Instruction Set Encoding
DSi TeakLite II Operand Encoding

  DSi Teak Misc

Teak Instruction Set References
There aren't any official references for the Teak instruction set. However, there's one document that has leaked into internet (plus some docs for older Oak instruction set):
  TeakLite Architecture Specification Revision 4.41 (DSP Group Inc.)
  OakDSPCore Technical Manuals for CWDSP1640 or CWDSP167x (LSI Logic)
  OakDSPCore DSP Subsystem AT75C (Atmel)
TeakLite II supports lots of additional opcodes, the only available info has leaked in form of .DLLs which were (apparently by mistake) bundled with a specific RVDS release version:
  TeakLite II disassembler dll in RVDS (RealView Developer Suite) 4.0 Pro
There's no known way to use the RVDS disassembler GUI to decipher Teak binaries. However, Normmatt found a way to get the .DLLs to disassemble code manually (via LoadLibrary and GetProcAddr), which in turn allowed to disassemble all possible 65536 combinations for all opcodes.
BUG: That RVDS tool disassembles "R0425" operands to "r6" (instead of "r5"), that's definetely wrong for the old "movr" opcode (TeakLite I didn't support any "r6" register at all), and, when looking at disassembled code, it does also look wrong for newer TL2 opcodes.

Teak COFF Files
The DSi Sound utility contains a COFF file called "aac.a" (inside of its nitro filesystem), and aside from the binary, the file is also including a COFF symbol table with labels in ASCII format.

Teak Undefined Opcodes
There are several "Undefined" opcodes: Any opcodes that have no instruction assigned in the opcode encoding table (or that are excplicitely assigned as "undefined" in the table). Opcodes with invalid parameters (eg. ArArp set to 6..7).
Some opcodes are also having "Unused" operand bits; these bits should be usually zero (nonzero would supposedly mirror to the same instruction, but one shouldn't do that).
Moreover, there are various special cases saying that certain opcodes may not be used with certain registers, eg. "addh" shall not be used with operands Ax,Bx,p (with unknown results when violating that rule).

Teak Memory
Memory is addressed in 16bit WORD units (not in bytes) with separate Instruction and Data busses. Before starting the Teak, store the Teak program code in New Shared WRAM, and then map that memory to Teak side via MBK registers:
DSi New Shared WRAM (for ARM7, ARM9, DSP)
At Teak side, 16bit is the smallest addressable unit (so there's "byte-order" on Teak side - however, 16bit values should be stored in little endian format on ARM side).
Confusingly, the "movpd" opcode is doing a 32bit read with two 16bit words ordered in big-endian (and, on ARM side, byte-fractions ordered in little-endian). There are a few more opcodes that can read/write 32bits, with optional address increment/decrement for the 2nd word, so endianness is selectable in that cases; it's also common to use the SAME address for both words (probably intended for scaling a 16bit memory value to 32bits).

Teak Code Memory
TeakLite II supports 18bit program memory addressing (unlike Teak/Oak which supported only 16bit addresses). The 18bits allow to address max 256Kwords (=512Kbytes) of code, whereas, the DSi can map only half that much memory to the DSP (ie. max 256Kbytes code).
Call/Ret are always pushing/popping 32bit return addresses (even when doing "near" calls within the same 16bit page).

Teak Data Memory (RAM and Memory Mapped I/O)
Teak Data Memory is addressed via 16bit address bus (via registers r0..r7), allowing to access max 64Kwords (2Kwords of MMIO, plus 62Kwords of RAM). The memory is divided into three sections (X/Z/Y-spaces), the size/location of that sections can be changed via Port 8114h (in 1Kword units), and alongsides, the MMIO base can be adjusted via Port 811Eh. The default areas are:
  0000h..7FFFh  X Space (for RAM, with 1-stage write-buffer)     ;min zero
  8000h..87FFh  Z Space (for Memory-mapped I/O, no write-buffer) ;min zero
  8800h..FFFFh  Y Space (for RAM, with 1-stage write-buffer))    ;min 1Kword
Confusingly, the DSi Sound utility is mapping 128Kwords of RAM as Teak Data memory, but it's unknown how to access all of that memory. The CPU opcodes, CPU registers, and MMIO registers don't seem to allow to access more than 64Kwords of Data. Maybe the extra memory is accessible via DMA, and maybe the CPU's [r7+imm16] operands might allow to exceed the 64Kbyte range (though they might as well wrap within 64Kbyte range, actually that's more likely, especially for "signed" immediates).

Teak Call Conventions (as done in "aac.a" from DSi Sound)
Functions are called with up to four parameters in a0,a1,b0,b1 (or a0l, a1l, b0l, b1l when needing only 16bits). Any further parameters are pushed on stack before the function call (and are deallocated via "rets Imm8" opcode upon return). Register r7 is often used as stack frame (for accessing pushed incoming parameters & locally allocated variables).
Functions may smash a0, a1, b0, b1. A return value (if any) is stored in a0 (or a0l). All other registers like r0..r7, sv, etc. should be left unchanged (or pushed/popped when needed).

Teak Speed
Cycles per opcode are defined in the TeakLite document (not covering TeakLite II opcodes though). Most instructions (even Multiply opcodes) can complete in a single clock cycle. The main bottleneck appear to be memory access cycles: Code and Data memory can be accessed in parallel, so the overall rule would be:
  NumCycles = max(NumberOfOpcodeWords, NumberOfDataReadsWrites)
Some exceptions with extra cycles are opcodes that are changing PC, or that do read/write program memory (movd and movp). Opcodes exp, max, maxd, min are having restrictions saying that the result may not be used by the "following instruction".
The overall clock speed in the DSi is unknown; some years ago somebody seems to have claimed it to be around 130MHz, but it's unclear where that info came from. The ARM9 can access WRAM at 33MHz, so one may doubt that the Teak could do it much faster; unless it's using a cache, or unless it's packing two continous 16bit accesses into a 32bit access.

  DSi Teak I/O Ports (on ARM9 Side)

4004300h - DSi9 - DSP_PDATA - DSP Transfer Data Read FIFO (R)
  0-15  Data (one stage of the 16-stage Read FIFO)

4004300h - DSi9 - DSP_PDATA - DSP Transfer Data Write FIFO (W)
  0-15  Data (one stage of the 16-stage Write FIFO)

4004304h - DSi9 - DSP_PADR - DSP Transfer Address (W)
  0-15  Lower 16bit of Address in DSP Memory
Note: The upper 16bit of Address must be configured in the DMA register (inside of the DSP).

4004308h - DSi9 - DSP_PCFG - DSP Configuration (R/W) (16bit)
  0     DSP Reset (0=Release, 1=Reset)  ;should be held "1" for 8 DSP clks
  1     Address Auto-Increment (0=Off, 1=On)
  2-3   DSP Read Data Length (0=1 word, 1=8 words, 2=16 words, 3=Free-Run)
  4     DSP Read Start Flag (mem transfer via Read FIFO) (1=Start)
  5     Interrupt Enable Read FIFO Full      (0=Off, 1=On)
  6     Interrupt Enable Read FIFO Not-Empty (0=Off, 1=On)
  7     Interrupt Enable Write FIFO Full     (0=Off, 1=On)
  8     Interrupt Enable Write FIFO Empty    (0=Off, 1=On)
  9     Interrupt Enable Reply Register 0    (0=Off, 1=On)
  10    Interrupt Enable Reply Register 1    (0=Off, 1=On)
  11    Interrupt Enable Reply Register 2    (0=Off, 1=On)
  12-15 DSP Memory Transfer (0=Data Memory, 1=MMIO Register, 5=Program Memory)

400430Ch - DSi9 - DSP_PSTS - DSP Status (R) (16bit)
  0     Read Transfer Underway Flag  (0=No, 1=Yes/From DSP Memory)
  1     Write Transfer Underway Flag (0=No, 1=Yes/To DSP Memory)
  2     Peripheral Reset Flag (0=No/Ready, 1=Reset/Busy)
  3-4   Unused
  5     Read FIFO Full Flag      (0=No, 1=Yes)
  6     Read FIFO Not-Empty Flag (0=No, 1=Yes) ;ARM9 may read DSP_PDATA
  7     Write FIFO Full Flag     (0=No, 1=Yes)
  8     Write FIFO Empty Flag    (0=No, 1=Yes)
  9     Semaphore IRQ Flag (0=None, 1=IRQ)
  10    Reply Register 0 Update Flag (0=Was Written by DSP, 1=No)
  11    Reply Register 1 Update Flag (0=Was Written by DSP, 1=No)
  12    Reply Register 2 Update Flag (0=Was Written by DSP, 1=No)
  13    Command Register 0 Read Flag (0=Was Read by DSP, 1=No)
  14    Command Register 1 Read Flag (0=Was Read by DSP, 1=No)
  15    Command Register 2 Read Flag (0=Was Read by DSP, 1=No)
Unknown if/when bit10-15 get reset... maybe after reading the status... or when reading a reply or writing a new command?

4004310h - DSi9 - DSP_PSEM - ARM9-to-DSP Semaphore (R/W) (16bit)
  0-15  ARM9-to-DSP Semaphore 0..15 Flags (0=Off, 1=On)
Reportedly these flags are sent in ARM9-to-DSP direction (=seems correct).
Confusingly, the other DSP_Pxxx registers are for opposite direction?

4004314h - DSi9 - DSP_PMASK - DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore Mask (R/W) (16bit)
  0-15  DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore 0..15 Interrupt Disable (0=Enable, 1=Disable)

4004318h - DSi9 - DSP_PCLEAR - DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore Clear (W) (16bit)
  0-15  DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore 0..15 Clear (0=No Change, 1=Clear)
Reportedly clears bits in DSP_PSEM/4004310h. [that's probably nonsense, clearing bits in DSP_SEM/400431Ch would make more sense]

400431Ch - DSi9 - DSP_SEM - DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore Data (R) (16bit)
  0-15  DSP-to-ARM9 Semaphore 0..15 Flags (0=Off, 1=On)
Reportedly these flags are received in DSP-to-ARM9 direction.

4004320h - DSi9 - DSP_CMD0 - DSP Command Reg. 0 (R/W) (ARM9 to DSP) (16bit)
4004328h - DSi9 - DSP_CMD1 - DSP Command Reg. 1 (R/W) (ARM9 to DSP) (16bit)
4004330h - DSi9 - DSP_CMD2 - DSP Command Reg. 2 (R/W) (ARM9 to DSP) (16bit)
  0-15  Command/Data to DSP

4004324h - DSi9 - DSP_REP0 - DSP Reply Register 0 (R) (DSP to ARM9) (16bit)
400432Ch - DSi9 - DSP_REP1 - DSP Reply Register 1 (R) (DSP to ARM9) (16bit)
4004334h - DSi9 - DSP_REP2 - DSP Reply Register 2 (R) (DSP to ARM9) (16bit)
  0-15  Reply/Data from DSP

Further Teak related registers
SCFG_CLK, SCFG_RST, SCFG_EXT registers, MBK registers, and SNDEXCNT register.
DSi Control Registers (SCFG)
DSi New Shared WRAM (for ARM7, ARM9, DSP)
DSi SoundExt
And, for the final audio output and microphone input,
DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller

  DSi Teak I/O Map (on Teak side)

I/O port are mapped in "data memory" at 8000h-87FFh (2Kwords). All ports are 16bit wide, located at even word addresses (words at odd addresses seem to be always 0000h, except, there ARE some odd ports used at 806xh).
8000h ?
  8000h        3300 3300 3300 R   Fixed 3300h
  8002h        3300 3300 3300 R   Fixed 3300h (maybe mirror of port 8000h)
8004h ?
  8004h        0000 0000 87FF
  8006h        ?    ?    ?    ??  DANGER (crashes on read)
  8008h..800Eh 3300 3300 3300 R   Fixed 3300h (maybe mirror of port 8000h)
8020h ?
  8010h        0000 0000 0003
  8012h        0000 0000 0003
  8014h        0000 0000 FFFF
  8016h        0000 0000 0000
  8018h        0000 0000 BDEF   ;...(writing [8018h]=8018h causes "8238h")
  801Ah        C902 C902 C902 R   used for chip detect (for xpert_offsets_tbl)
  801Ch        0003 0003 0003
  801Eh        0003 0003 0003
8020h ?
  8020h        0000 0000      ??   DANGER (causes TRAP exception)
  8022h        0000 0000 0000
  8024h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  8026h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  8028h        0000 0000 0000
  802Ah        0000 0000 0000
  802Ch        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  802Eh        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  8030h        0000 0000          ;\  <-- DANGER
  8032h        0000 0000 0000     ;
  8034h        0000 0000 FFFF     ; looks like resembling port 8020h..802Fh
  8036h        0000 0000 FFFF     ;
  8038h        0000 0000 0000     ;
  803Ah        0000 0000 0000     ;
  803Ch        0000 0000 FFFF     ;
  803Eh        0000 0000 FFFF     ;/
  8040h..804Eh 3300 3300 3300 R   Fixed 3300h (maybe mirror of port 8000h)
8050h ?
  8050h        7000 0000 F03F
  8052h        0000 0000 7F7F
  8054h        0000 0000 0000
  8056h        0000 0000 0001
  8058h        0000 0000 0000
  805Ah..805Eh F03F F03F F03F R   Mirror of port 8050h
8060h ?
  8060h        0105 0105 0105    <-- or other value (034Fh when [NNNNh]=NNNNh)
  8061h        0000 0000 0000
  8062h        FFFF 0000 FFFF ;\
  8063h        0F03 0000 0F03 ;/
  8064h        FFFF 0000 FFFF ;\
  8065h        0F03 0000 0F03 ;/
  8066h        FFFF 0000 FFFF ;\
  8067h        0F03 0000 0F03 ;/
  8068h        00FF 0000 00FF ;\
  8069h        00FF 0000 00FF ;
  806Ah        00FF 0000 00FF ;/
  806Bh        FFFF 0000 FFFF
  806Ch        FFFF 0000 FFFF
  806Dh        0000 0000        DANGER (causes TRAP exception)
  806Eh        3001 0000 FFFF
  806Fh        0000 0000 BFFF
  8070h        0000 0000 0001
  8072h        0000 0000 FFFF
  8074h        C000 C000 C000
  8076h..807Eh 0105 0105 0105 R   Mirror of port 8060h
8080h ?
  8080h        C00E 0000 FFFF
  8082h        0001 0000 0001
  8084h        8000             DANGER
  8086h        0000             DANGER
  8088h        0000 0000 07BF
  808Ah        0000 0000 07BF
  808Ch        0000 0000 07BF
  808Eh        0000 0000 07BF
  8090h        0000 0000 06BF  ;!
  8092h        0000 0000 05BF  ;!
  8094h        0000 0000 07BF
  8096h        0000 0000 0002
  8098h        0000 0000 0302
  809Ah        0000 0000 0003
  809Ch        0000 0000 0003
  809Eh        0000 0000 0003
  80A0h        0000 0000 0003
  80A2h        0000 0000 0003
  80A4h        0000 0000 0003
  80A6h        0000 0000 0003
  80A8h        0000 0000 0003
  80AAh        0000 0000 FFFF     waitstates? writing FFFFh causes SLOWDOWN?
  80ACh        0000 0000 FFFF
  80AEh        0000 0000 FFFF
  80B0h..80BEh FFFF FFFF FFFF R   Mirror of port 8080h
80C0h APBP (cmd/reply/semaphore)
  80C0h        xxxx xxxx xxxx R/W T_REPLY0 (to ARM)
  80C2h        4300 4300 4300 R   T_CMD0 (from ARM)
  80C4h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W T_REPLY1 (to ARM)
  80C6h        3123 3123 3123 R   T_CMD1 (from ARM)
  80C8h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W T_REPLY2 (to ARM)
  80CAh        3223 3223 3223 R   T_CMD2 (from ARM)
  80CCh        0000 0000 FFFF R/W APBP_SetSemaphore DSP-to-ARM (R/W)
  80CEh        0000           ??  (unknown, maybe semaphore irq-mask?) (R/W)
  80D0h        0000           ??  APBP_AckSemaphore ARM-to-DSP (W) 1=clr
  80D2h        AFFE AFFE AFFE R   APBP_GetSemaphore ARM-to-DSP (R)
  80D4h        0000           ??  (parts R/W, irq mask?)(DANGER: can crash cpu)
  80D6h        03C0 03C0 03C0 R   command/reply flags
  80D8h        3B00 3B00 3B00 R   <-- ..can be this or that
  80DAh..80DEh 0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
80E0h AHBM (whatever, dma related?)
  80E0h        0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
  80E2h+N*6    0000 0000 0FBF R/W ;\whatever N=0..2(0010h=?,0020h=?,0025h=dma?)
  80E4h+N*6    0000 0000 03FF R/W ; whatever N=0..2(0200h=read, 0300h=write)
  80E6h+N*6    0000 0000 00FF R/W ;/whatever N=0..2(bit0-7=dma0..7,0000h=reset)
  80F4h        0000 0000 FC00 R/W
  80F6h        0000 0000 0000 ??
  80F8h        0000 0000 0000 ??
  80FAh        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  80FCh        FFFF 0000 FFFF R/W
  80FEh        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
8100h MIU (memory limits for X-,Y-,Z-Space, and Memory Mapped I/O base)
  8100h        FFFF 0000 FFFF
  8102h        0FFF 0000 0FFF
  8104h        0000 0000 FFFF
  8106h        0000 0000 FFFF
  8108h        0000 0000 FFFF
  810Ah        0000 0000 FFFF
  810Ch        0014 0014 0014 R   Mirror of port 811Ah
  810Eh        0000 0000 FFFF
  8110h        0000 0000 00FF
  8112h        0000               DANGER
  8114h        1E20           R/W miu_config_page_memory_limits (done 2x)
  8116h        1E20 0100 403F
  8118h        1E20 0100 403F
  811Ah        0014 00x4      R/W DANGER crashes (but bit4 can be cleared)
  811Ch        0004 0000 007F
  811Eh        8000           R/W miu_relocate_mmio (8000h AND FC00h) (done 1x)
  8120h        0000 0000 000F
  8122h        0000 0000 007F
  8124h..813Eh 0014 0014 0014 R   Mirror of port 811Ah
8140h whatever
  8140h+N*4    0000 0000 FFFF ;\whatever, for Index N=0..0Eh
  8142h+N*4    0000 0000 803F ;/
  817Ch        0000 0000 FFFF ;\whatever, for Index 0Fh
  817Eh        0000 0000 C03F ;/  ;<--with bit14!
8180h DMA (eight channels, port 81C0h..81DEh are bank-switched via 81BEh)
  8180h        0000 0000 0000 ??
  8182h        0000 0000 0000 ??
  8184h        0001 0000 00FF R/W channel enable flag(s)?
  8186h        0000 0000 00FF R/W
  8188h..818Ch 0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h  seox (end of transfer flags?)
  818Eh        3210 0000 7777 R/W    ;\
  8190h        7654 0000 7777 R/W    ;/
  8192h        0000 0000 7C03 R/W
  8194h..81B4h 0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
  81B6h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  81B8h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  81BAh        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  81BCh        0000 0000 FFFF R/W
  81BEh        0000 0000 0007 R/W gcs_dtcca (dma channel; bank for 81C0h-81DEh)
  81C0h:0..7   0000 0000 FFFF R/W ;\ ;\maybe addr1?  ;lo  ;\
  81C2h:0..7   0000 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;/              ;hi  ;
  81C4h:0..7   0000 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;\maybe addr2?  ;lo  ; five actual params
  81C6h:0..7   0000 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;/              ;hi  ;
  81C8h:0..7   FFFF 0001 FFFF R/W ;  ;-maybe len?         ;/
  81CAh:0..7   0001 0001 FFFF R/W ;  ;-usually 1          ;\
  81CCh:0..7   0001 0001 FFFF R/W ;  ;-usually 1          ; config stuff for
  81CEh:0..7   0001 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;-2,4,2,1            ; memory type,
  81D0h:0..7   0001 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;-4,2,2,1            ; transfer direction,
  81D2h:0..7   0001 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;-2,4,0,1            ; etc?
  81D4h:0..7   0001 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;-4,2,0,1            ; (code vs data
  81D6h:0..7   0001 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;-0,0,0,1            ; memory and such)
  81D8h:0..7   0001 0000 FFFF R/W ;  ;-0,0,0,1            ;
  81DAh:0..7   F200 0000 F7FF R/W ;  ;-670h,607h,400h,250h;
  81DCh:0..7   0000 0000 1FF7 R/W ;  ;-usually 300h       ;
  81DEh:0..7   0000 0000 00FF R/W ;/ ;-usually 0          ;/
  81E0h..81FEh 0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
8200h ICU (interrupts)
  8200h        4020 4020 4020 R   interrupt request flags (0=none, 1=irq)
  8202h        0000 0000 0000 W   interrupt acknowledge   (0=ack, 1=no change)
  8204h        0000 0000 FFFF ??  force IRQ flag set? (0=no change, 1=set?)
  8206h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W enable as int0 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  8208h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W enable as int1 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  820Ah        0000 0000 FFFF R/W enable as int2 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  820Ch        0000 0000 FFFF R/W enable as vint (0=disable, 1=enable)
  820Eh        2000 0000 FFFF R/W (lsb of type0..3)
  8210h        2000 0000 FFFF R/W (msb of type0..3)
  8212h+N*4    0003 0000 8003 R/W ;\(lsw for irq 0..15) (bit0-1,15 are R/W)
  8214h+N*4    FC00 0000 FFFF R/W ;/(msw for irq 0..15) for vint: proc? (16bit)
  8252h        0000 0000 FFFF R/W  ??
  8254h        0000 0000 5555 R/W  ??
  8256h        0000 0000 5555 R/W  ??
  8258h..827Eh 0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h   (or 6004h when [NNNNh]=NNNNh)
8280h Audio (two channels N=0..1, each with speaker out and microphone in)
  8280h+N*80h  0005 0000 FFFF ..        ;\
  8282h+N*80h  0000 0000 7FE7           ;
  8284h+N*80h  0000 0000 0FE7           ; btdmp_prepare_receive_channel params
  8286h+N*80h  0000 0000 0003           ;
  8288h+N*80h  1FFF 0000 1FFF           ;
  828Ah+N*80h  0000 0000 0FFF           ;
  828Ch+N*80h  0000 0000 3FFF           ;/
  828Eh+N*80h  0000 0000 FFFF           ;\
  8290h+N*80h  0000 0000 FFFF           ;/
  8292h+...    0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
  829Eh+N*80h  0000 0000 8000     btdmp_enable_receive_channel (0=off, ?=on)
  82A0h+N*80h  0005 0000 FFFF ...       ;\
  82A2h+N*80h  0000 0000 7FE7           ;
  82A4h+N*80h  0000 0000 0FE7           ; btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel params
  82A6h+N*80h  0000 0000 0003           ;
  82A8h+N*80h  1FFF 0000 1FFF           ;
  82AAh+N*80h  0000 0000 0FFF           ;
  82ACh+N*80h  0000 0000 3FFF           ;/
  82AEh+N*80h  0000 0000 FFFF           ;\
  82B0h+N*80h  0000 0000 FFFF           ;/
  82B2h+...    0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
  82BEh+N*80h  0000 0000 8000     btdmp_enable_transmit_channel(0=off, ?=on)
  82C0h+N*80h  001x 001F 001F R   DSPAudio_UpdateFifo, state1 (bit3=recv)
  82C2h+N*80h  0057 005x 0057 R   DSPAudio_UpdateFifo, state2 (bit3/4=send)
  82C4h+N*80h  E0A1 FFFF E0A1 R?  DSPAudio_UpdateFifo, recv
  82C6h+N*80h  0000 0000 0000 W   DSPAudio_SendToOutput, send
  82C8h+N*80h  0000 0000 0003     ??
  82CAh+N*80h  0000 0000 0003     btdmp_fifo_flush_transmit_channel
  82CCh+...    0000 0000 0000 R   Fixed 0000h
  8380h..867Eh 03C0 03C0 03C0 R   Mirror of Port 80D6h
8680h ? (listed in "xpert_offsets_tbl", but there are just mirrors)
  8680h..87FEh 03C0 03C0 03C0 R   Mirror of Port 80D6h

Unknown I/O Ports
Reportedly, XpertTeak also supports some "Serial" port (probably UART or so, unknown if the DSi's CPU TWL chip does have any pins for that signals) (or maybe "Serial" is just referring to the Audio I2S bus).

xpert_offsets_tbl: (with baseIO=8000h)
The DSi's aac.c file contains a "xpert_offsets_tbl" with three sets of I/O regions, which are apparently related to different hardware versions:
     ?    ?    ?    ?    ?    ?    ?    APBP AHBM MIU  ?    DMA  ICU AUDIO ?
  #0 3333 0000 0010 0020 0050 0060 0080 00A0 3333 00C0 3333 0100 0180 0200 3333
  #1 0000 0004 0010 0020 0050 0060 0080 00C0 00E0 0100 0140 0180 0200 0280 0680
  #2 3333 0004 0010 3333 3333 0020 0040 3333 3333 0060 3333 3333 0120 3333 3333
All addresses are relative to the MMIO base (usually 8000h), 3333h is apparently some dummy value for unsupported I/O areas.
The DSi does use set #1. The other two sets are probably relicts for older Teak hardware that was never used in DSi consoles (for example, set #2 doesn't event support the APBP region for cmd/reply/semaphore).

  DSi Teak I/O Ports (on Teak Side)

8000h base (with whatever at 8000h,8004h,8010h,8020h,8050h,8060h,8080h)
  xx=[baseIO+06h]        whatever (reading does crash/halt/hang the teak CPU)
  a1=[baseIO+1Ah]        used to detect hardware type (for xpert_offsets_tbl)
Caution: Reading 8006h does crash/halt/hang the teak CPU.

80C0h Apbp (cmd/reply/semaphore)
  [apbpIO+00h]=a0l       APBP_SetReplyRegister0
  a0=[apbpIO+02h]        APBP_GetCommandRegister0   ;80C2h (that is, set1)
  [apbpIO+04h]=a0l       APBP_SetReplyRegister1
  a0=[apbpIO+06h]        APBP_GetCommandRegister1   ;80C6h (that is, set1)
  [apbpIO+08h]=a0l       APBP_SetReplyRegister2
  a0=[apbpIO+0Ah]        APBP_GetCommandRegister2   ;80CAh (that is, set1)
  [apbpIO+0Ch]=a0l       APBP_SetSemaphore DSP-to-ARM (R/W)
  [apbpIO+0Eh]           (unknown, maybe semaphore irq-mask?)   (R/W)
  [apbpIO+10h]           APBP_AckSemaphore ARM-to-DSP (W) 1=clr [IO+12h] bits
  [apbpIO+12h]           APBP_GetSemaphore ARM-to-DSP (R)
  [apbpIO+14h]           (unused) (parts R/W) (DANGER: can crash cpu)
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit5  APBP_CheckReplyRegister0   <-- unreliable ?
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit6  APBP_CheckReplyRegister1
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit7  APBP_CheckReplyRegister2    ;IO+16 mirrored to end
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit8  APBP_CheckCommandRegister0  ;         of IO area!
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit12 APBP_CheckCommandRegister1
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit13 APBP_CheckCommandRegister2
  test[apbpIO+16h].bit9  APBP_CheckSemaphoreRequest
  [apbpIO+18h]           (unknown, Ex00h, some status?)
  [apbpIO+1Ah]           (unknown/unused, zero, not R/W)
  [apbpIO+1Ch]           (unknown/unused, zero, not R/W)
  [apbpIO+1Eh]           (unknown/unused, zero, not R/W)
  (unimplemented)        APBP_GetSemaphore
  (unimplemented)        APBP_ClearSemaphore
  (unimplemented)        APBP_MaskSemaphore

80E0h AHBM
  [ahbmIO+N*06h+02h+00h]=x  whatever (0010h=?, 0020h=?, 0025h=dma?)
  [ahbmIO+N*06h+02h+02h]=x  whatever (0200h=read, 0300h=write)
  [ahbmIO+N*06h+02h+04h]=x  whatever (xxxxh=?, 0000h=reset)

8100h MIU (memory limits, X-,Y-,Z-Space? and, memory mapped I/O)
  [miuIO+14h]=xxxx              ;miu_config_page_memory_limits (done 2x)
  [miuIO+1Eh]=a1 AND FC00h      ;miu_relocate_mmio (8000h)     (done 1x)

8140h ?

8180h DMA
  [dmaIO+04h]         channel enable flag(s)?
  [dmaIO+08h..]       seox (end of transfer flags? in multiple bits/registers?)
  [dmaIO+3Eh]         gcs_dtcca (control register or so)
  [dmaIO+40h]         param
  [dmaIO+42h]         param
  [dmaIO+44h]         param
  [dmaIO+46h]         param
  [dmaIO+48h]         param
  [dmaIO+4Ah]         param
  [dmaIO+4Ch]         param
  [dmaIO+4Eh]         param
  [dmaIO+50h]         param
  [dmaIO+52h]         param
  [dmaIO+54h]         param
  [dmaIO+56h]         param
  [dmaIO+58h]         param
  [dmaIO+5Ah]         param
  [dmaIO+5Ch]         param
  [dmaIO+5Eh]         param

8200h Irq
  [icuIO+00h].bit9..15   IRQ interrupt request flags (0=none, 1=irq)
  [icuIO+02h].bit9..15   IRQ interrupt acknowledge   (0=ack, 1=no change)
  [icuIO+04h].bit0..12,14..15 IRQ force IRQ flag set? (0=no change, 1=set irq)
  [icuIO+06h].bit9..15   IRQ enable as int0 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  [icuIO+08h].bit9..15   IRQ enable as int1 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  [icuIO+0Ah].bit9..15   IRQ enable as int2 (0=disable, 1=enable)
  [icuIO+0Ch].bit9..15   IRQ enable as vint (0=disable, 1=enable)
  [icuIO+0Eh].bit9..15   IRQ (lsb of type0..3)
  [icuIO+10h].bit9..15   IRQ (msb of type0..3)
  [icuIO+12h+(9..15)*4]  IRQ (lsw for irq 9..15) (bit0-1,15 are R/W)
  [icuIO+14h+(9..15)*4]  IRQ (msw for irq 9..15) for vint: proc? (16bit)
icu bits...
  icu.ack 00h-08h        -
  icu.ack 09h   timer_1  int2  (05A0h)
  icu.ack 0Ah   timer_0  int1a (0590h)
  icu.ack 0Bh   btdmp    int1b (05C0h)
  icu.ack 0Ch-0Dh        -
  icu.ack 0Eh   apbp     int0  (0550h..0580h) (cmd0,cmd1,cmd2,semaphorerequest)
  icu.ack 0Fh   dma      vint  (05B0h) (DSPAudio_UpdateFifo) (v=VariableVect?)
teak exception vectors
  code:00000h   ;start        (reset)
  code:00002h   ;trap_handler (trap/break)
  code:00004h   ;nmi_handler
  code:00006h   ;int0_handler
  code:0000Eh   ;int1_handler
  code:00016h   ;int2_handler
  variable??    ;vint_handler (without push/pop?)

8280h Audio
 test [audioIO+40h].bit3 DSPAudio_UpdateFifo, state1 (recv)
 test [audioIO+42h].bit4 DSPAudio_UpdateFifo, state2 (send)
 a0=[audioIO+44h]        DSPAudio_UpdateFifo, recv
 test [audioIO+42h].bit3 DSPAudio_SendToOutput, state
 [audioIO+46h]=x         DSPAudio_SendToOutput, send
 [audioIO+N*80h+00h]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param0, bit9=irq?
 [audioIO+N*80h+02h]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param1
 [audioIO+N*80h+04h]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param2
 [audioIO+N*80h+06h]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param3
 [audioIO+N*80h+08h]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param4
 [audioIO+N*80h+0Ah]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param5
 [audioIO+N*80h+0Ch]=x btdmp_prepare_receive_channel, param6
 [audioIO+N*80h+1Eh]=x btdmp_enable_receive_channel (0=disable, [9013h]=enable)
 [audioIO+N*80h+20h]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param0, bit8=irq?
 [audioIO+N*80h+22h]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param1
 [audioIO+N*80h+24h]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param2
 [audioIO+N*80h+26h]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param3
 [audioIO+N*80h+28h]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param4
 [audioIO+N*80h+2Ah]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param5
 [audioIO+N*80h+2Ch]=x btdmp_prepare_transmit_channel, param6
 [audioIO+N*80h+3Eh]=x btdmp_enable_transmit_channel(0=disable, [9013h]=enable)
 [audioIO+N*80h+4Ah]=[9012h] btdmp_fifo_flush_transmit_channel

8680h ?

  DSi Teak CPU Registers

36bit Accumulators: a0,a1,b0,b1
  a0e:a0h:a0l (4:16:16 bits) = a0 (36bit)
  a1e:a1h:a1l (4:16:16 bits) = a1 (36bit)
  b0e:b0h:b0l (4:16:16 bits) = b0 (36bit)
  b1e:b1h:b1l (4:16:16 bits) = b1 (36bit)
The upper 4bit (a0e,a1e,b0e,b1e) can be accessed via push/pop, and two of them (a0e,a1e) can be also found in status registers (st0,st1).

Teak General Registers: r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7
  r0     ;TL  ;16bit ;\
  r1     ;TL  ;16bit ;
  r2     ;TL  ;16bit ; old TL1 registers
  r3     ;TL  ;16bit ;
  r4     ;TL  ;16bit ;
  r5     ;TL  ;16bit ;/
  r6     ;TL2 ;16bit ;<-- new TL2 register
  r7     ;TL  ;16bit ;<-- aka rb (with optional immediate, MemR7Imm)

cfgi/cfgj - Step and Mod I/J
  0-6   stepi/stepj   (see "load stepi/stepj")  ;step "Rn+s" ?
  7-15  modi/modj     (see "load modi/modj")
The modulos can be enabled in Control/Status registers. Some opcodes do also allow to disable modulos via "dmod" suffix.

32bit Multiply Result and 16bit Muliply Parameters: p0,p1, and x0,y0,x1,y1
  x0     ;TL  ;16bit ;-
  y0     ;TL  ;16bit ;-
  x1     ;TL2 ;16bit ;-
  y1     ;TL2 ;16bit ;-
  p0     ;TL  ;32bit!;\Px
  p1     ;TL2 ;32bit!;/
  p0h    ;TL  ;16bit ; ;<-- aka ph ;<-- called "p0" (aka "p") in "RegisterP0"
The "load ps" and "load ps01" opcodes allow to specify a multiply shifter, this is useful when dealing with signed/unsigned parameters:
  Unsigned = Unsigned * Unsigned       ;use shift 0
  Unsigned = Unsigned * Signed         ;use shift +1
  Unsigned = Signed * Signed           ;use shift +2
  Signed = Unsigned * Unsigned         ;use shift -1
  Signed = Unsigned * Signed           ;use shift 0
  Signed = Signed * Signed             ;use shift +1

TeakLite Misc
  pc     ;TL  ;18bit! ;program counter
  sp     ;TL  ;16bit  ;stack pointer (decreasing on push/call)
  sv     ;TL  ;16bit  ;shift value (negative=right) (for shift-by-register)
  mixp   ;TL  ;16bit  ;related to min/max/mind/maxd
  lc     ;TL  ;16bit  ;Loop Counter (of block repeat)
  repc   ;TL  ;16bit  ;Repeat Counter (for "rep" opcode)
  dvm    ;TL  ;16bit  ;Data Value Match (data breakpoints) (and for trap)

TeakLiteII Misc: ar0,ar1,arp0,arp1,arp2,arp3,stepi0,stepj0,vtr0,vtr1,prpage
  ar0    ;TL2 16bit ;\maybe addresses... or scaling factors?
  ar1    ;TL2 16bit ;/
  arp0   ;TL2 12+2bit ;\
  arp1   ;TL2 12+2bit ; maybe addresses... or scaling factors?
  arp2   ;TL2 12+2bit ; (bit9-11,bit13-14 used) (bit12,15 always 0)
  arp3   ;TL2 12+2bit ;/
  stepi0 ;TL2 16bit ;\more steps, probably for "modr" with "+s0" (stepII2D2S0)
  stepj0 ;TL2 16bit ;/
  vtr0   ;TL2 ?     ;\related to vtrshr,vtrmov,vtrclr?
  vtr1   ;TL2 ?     ;/
  prpage ;TL2 4bit  ;-??? (bit0-3 used/dangerous, bit4-15 always 0)
ar0,ar1,arp0,arp1,arp2,arp3,stepi0,stepj0 are occassionaly changed within maths functions, so they are probably used as (implied) operands for some multi-function opcodes (maybe as address steps, or multiply/addition factors/offsets).
vtr0,vtr1 are related to vtrshr,vtrmov,vtrclr opcodes (and multi-function opcodes with "vtrshr" suffix), however, the purpose is unknown.
prpage isn't used by existing DSi code, setting the four write-able bits to nonzero seems screw-up opcode fetching, causing code to crash (unless one of the next 1-2 prefetched opcodes restores prpage=0, which causes opcode fetching to recover; after skipping some following prefetched opcodes, until prpage=0 is applied). Maybe it's related to code access rights or waitstates... it doesn't seem to be related to upper 2bit of the 18bit program counter (prpage is zero even when executing code above address 0FFFFh).

User-defined registers (optional off-core): ext0,ext1,ext2,ext3
The four ext registers are intended for custom hardware extensions (where they could be used as I/O ports, with faster & more direct access than memory mapped I/O).
  ext0   ;TL  ;16bit
  ext1   ;TL  ;16bit
  ext2   ;TL  ;16bit
  ext3   ;TL  ;16bit
In the DSi, the four register do exist (they are fully read/write-able), but unknown if they do have any special functions - or if they are just general-purpose data registers (existing DSi software isn't using the ext registers, and hardware is solely accessed via memory mapped I/O).

Old Control/Status registers (TeakLite): st0,st1,st2,icr
New Control/Status registers (TeakLiteII): stt0,stt1,stt2,mod0,mod1,mod2,mod3
DSi Teak CPU Control/Status Registers

Bitfields for Control/Status registers and cfgi/cfgj registers
  page   ;TL  ;8bit "load" st1.bit0-7   (page for MemImm8)    ;aka "lpg"
  ps     ;TL  ;2bit "load" st1.bit10-11 (product shifter for multiply?)
  ps01   ;TL2 ;4bit "load" mod0...?     (maybe separate "ps" for p0 and p1 ?)
  movpd  ;TL2 ;2bit "load" stt2.bit6-7  (page for ProgMem)
  modi   ;TL  ;9bit "load" cfgi.bit7-15 =imm9
  modj   ;TL  ;9bit "load" cfgj.bit7-15 =imm9
  stepi  ;TL  ;7bit "load" cfgi.bit0-6  =imm7
  stepj  ;TL  ;7bit "load" cfgj.bit0-6  =imm7

Shadow Registers
Some registers (or in case of st0-st2: fractions thereof) exist as "shadows"... related to "cntx", "swap", "banke" (and maybe "bankr"?) opcodes, and "reti/retid" opcodes with "context" suffix, and interrupts with context switching enabled.
  st0  bit0,2-11                        ;\control/status (cntx)
  st1  bit10-11 (and "swap": bit0-7)    ; (TL2: probably also SttMod)
  st2  bit0-7                           ;/
  a0 <--> b0    manualswap only?        ;\accumulators (swap)
  a1 <--> b1    autoswapped?            ;/
  r0 <--> r0b                           ;\
  r1 <--> r1b                           ;
  r4 <--> r4b                           ; BankFlags (banke)
  r7 <--> r7b     ;TL2                  ;
  cfgi <--> cfgib                       ;
  cfgj <--> cfgij ;TL2                  ;/
  Ar,Arp <--> ?   ;TL2                  ;-? (bankr and/or cntx)
Registers b0/b1 can be used as normal opcode operands, the other shadow registers are used only when doing bank/cntx stuff.

Suffix codes: dmod,dmodi,dmodj,dmodij,context,eu,dbrv,ebrv,s,r
Non-register assembler keywords.
  dmod   ;TL  ;suffix ;\
  dmodi  ;TL2 ;suffix ;
  dmodj  ;TL2 ;suffix ;
  dmodij ;TL2 ;suffix ;/
  context;TL  ;suffix ;<-- (related to "cntx")
  eu     ;TL  ;suffix ;<-- (aka "Axheu", now "Axh,eu")
  dbrv   ;TL2 ;suffix ;\for "bitrev"
  ebrv   ;TL2 ;suffix ;/
  s      ;TL  ;suffix ;\param for "cntx" opcode  ;"s" also for opcode 88D1h
  r      ;TL  ;suffix ;/

Condition codes: true,eq,neq,gt,ge,lt,le,nn,c,v,e,l,nr,niu0,iu0,iu1
The 16 condition codes can be used for all opcodes with "Cond" operand, whereas "true" can be omitted (as it means always/non-conditional), the four conditions "gt,ge,lt,le" can be also used with "min/max/maxd/cbs" opcodes.

Old pre-TeakLiteII keyword names (renamed in TeakLiteII)
  TL:   x    y    p    ph   rb   lpg   a0heu   a1heu
  TL2:  x0   y0   p0   p0h  r7   page  a0h,eu  a1h,eu

  DSi Teak CPU Control/Status Registers

There are two sets of Control/Status registers
  Old registers (for TeakLite):   st0/st1/st2, and icr
  New registers (for TeakLiteII): stt0/stt1/stt2, and mod0/mod1/mod2/mod3
The new registers do contain only a few new bits, apart from that they are basically same as the old registers (with the old bits rearranged to different locations in the new registers).
The old registers do still exist on TeakLiteII, so one could use either old or new registers (all reads/writes will be mirrored to both register sets).
However, there are a few cases where writing the old registers may smash bits in new registers (writing the old "limit" bit will change BOTH of the new "limit" bits, changing "ps" versus "ps01" may also involve strange effects, and... changing "a0e/a1e" bits seems to have "weird" effects on a0l/a0h/a1l/a1h, or maybe that's some "wanted" saturation effect?).

CPU Flags (for Cond opcodes)
CPU Flags are stored in st0 register (with mirrors in stt0/stt1). The flags can be used for conditional opcodes (with "Cond" operand). According to TeakLite datasheet, the flags are affected somewhat like this:
  ZMNVCEL- add, addh, addl, cmp, cmpu, sub, subh, subl, inc, dec, neg
  ZMNVCEL- maa, maasu, mac, macsu, macus, macuu, msu, sqra, rnd, pacr, movr
  ZMN-C--- or
  ZM--C--- addv, cmpv, subv, and
  ZMN--E-- clr, clrr, copy, divs, swap, not, xor
  ZMN--0L- lim
  ZMN-CE-- rol, ror
  ZMN-CE-- movs, movsi, shfc, shfi, shl, shl4, shr, shr4  ;for logical shift
  ZMNVCEL- movs, movsi, shfc, shfi, shl, shl4, shr, shr4  ;for arithmetic shift
  ZMN--E-- mov, movp, pop        ;when dst=ac,bc (whut?)         ;\
  xxxxxxxx mov, movp, pop        ;when dst=st0                   ; mov etc.
  ------L- mov, push             ;when src=aXL,aXH,bXL,bXH       ;
  -------- mov, movp, pop, push  ;when src/dst neither of above  ;/
  ZMN--E-- cntx s  ;store shadows (new flags for a1)             ;\cntx
  ZMNVCELR cntx r  ;restore shadows (old flags)                  ;/
  ZM------ set, rst, chng
  Z------- tst0, tst1, tstb
  -M------ max, maxd, min
  -------R modr
  -------- mpy, mpyi, mpysu, sqr, exp
  -------- banke, dint, eint, load, nop, bkrep, rep, break, trap, movd
  -------- br, brr, call, calla, callr, ret, retd, reti, retid, rets
Flags for new TL2 opcodes aren't officially documented; some might follow the above rules (eg. the new "r6" register should act as old "r0-r5"), but other new opcodes might do this or that.

st0 - Old TL1 Status/Control Register st0
  0     SAR  R/W Saturation Mode  (0=Off, 1=Saturate "Ax to data") ;mod0.0
  1     IE   R/W Interrupt Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) ;dint/eint ;mod3.7
  2     IM0  R/W Interrupt INT0 Mask (0=Disable, 1=Enable if IE=1) ;mod3.8
  3     IM1  R/W Interrupt INT1 Mask (0=Disable, 1=Enable if IE=1) ;mod3.9
  4     R    R/W Flag: rN is Zero   ;see Cond nr                   ;stt1.4
  5     L    R/W Flag: Limit        ;see Cond l                    ;stt0.0+1
  6     E    R/W Flag: Extension    ;see Cond e                    ;stt0.2
  7     C    R/W Flag: Carry        ;see Cond c                    ;stt0.3
  8     V    R/W Flag: Overflow     ;see Cond v                    ;stt0.4
  9     N    R/W Flag: Normalized   ;see Cond nn                   ;stt0.5
  10    M    R/W Flag: Minus        ;see Cond gt,ge,lt,le          ;stt0.6
  11    Z    R/W Flag: Zero         ;see Cond eq,neq,gt,le         ;stt0.7
  12-15 a0e  R/W Accumulator 0 Extension Bits                      ;a0.32-35

st1 - Old TL1 Status/Control Register st1
  0-7   PAGE R/W Data Memory Page (for MemImm8) (see "load page")  ;mod1.0-7
  8-9   -    -   Reserved (read: always set)                       ;-
  10-11 PS   R/W Product Shifter Control (see "load ps")(multiply?);mod0.2-3
                   (0=No Shift, 1=SHR1, 2=SHL1, 3=SHL2)
  12-15 a1e  R/W Accumulator 1 Extension Bits                      ;a1.32-35

st2 - Old TL1 Status/Control Register st2
  0-5   Mn   R/W Modulo Enable M0..M5  ;related to R0..R5          ;mod2.0-5
  6     IM2  R/W Interrupt INT2 Mask (0=Disable, 1=Enable if IE=1) ;mod3.10
  7     S    R/W Shift Mode (0=Arithmetic, 1=Logic)                ;mod0.7
  8     OU0  R/W OUSER0 User Output Pin                            ;mod0.8
  9     OU1  R/W OUSER1 User Output Pin                            ;mod0.9
  10    IU0  R   IUSER0 User Input Pin (zero)  ;see Cond iu0,niu0  ;??
  11    IU1  R   IUSER1 User Input Pin (zero)  ;see Cond iu1       ;??
  12    -    -   Reserved (read: always set)                       ;-
  13    IP2  R   Interrupt Pending INT2 (0=No, 1=IRQ)              ;stt2.2
  14    IP0  R   Interrupt Pending INT0 (0=No, 1=IRQ)              ;stt2.0
  15    IP1  R   Interrupt Pending INT1 (0=No, 1=IRQ)              ;stt2.1

icr - Old TL1 Interrupt Context and Repeat Nesting
  0     NMIC R/W NMI Context switching enable  (0=Off, 1=On)       ;mod3.0
  1     IC0  R/W INT0 Context switching enable (0=Off, 1=On)       ;mod3.1
  2     IC1  R/W INT1 Context switching enable (0=Off, 1=On)       ;mod3.2
  3     IC2  R/W INT2 Context switching enable (0=Off, 1=On)       ;mod3.3
  4     LP   R   InLoop (when inside one or more "bkrep" loops)    ;stt2.15
  5-7   BCn  R   Block repeat nest. counter ;see "bkrep"           ;stt2.12-14
  8-15  -    -   Reserved (read: always set)                       ;-

stt0 - New TL2 Status/Control Register stt0 (CPU Flags)
  0+1   L    R/W Flag: Limit        ;see Cond l             ;st0.5  2x??
  2     E    R/W Flag: Extension    ;see Cond e             ;st0.6
  3     C    R/W Flag: Carry        ;see Cond c             ;st0.7
  4     V    R/W Flag: Overflow     ;see Cond v             ;st0.8
  5     N    R/W Flag: Normalized   ;see Cond nn            ;st0.9
  6     M    R/W Flag: Minus        ;see Cond gt,ge,lt,le   ;st0.10
  7     Z    R/W Flag: Zero         ;see Cond eq,neq,gt,le  ;st0.11
  8-10  -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  11    ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  12-15 -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)

stt1 - New TL2 Status/Control Register stt1 (whatever)
  0-3   -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  4     R    R/W Flag: rN is Zero   ;see Cond nr                   ;st0.4
  5-13  -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  14    ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  15    ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)

stt2 - New TL2 Status/Control Register stt2 (Interrupt/ProgBank/Bkrep)
  0     IP0  R   Interrupt Pending INT0 (0=No, 1=IRQ)              ;st2.14
  1     IP1  R   Interrupt Pending INT1 (0=No, 1=IRQ)              ;st2.15
  2     IP2  R   Interrupt Pending INT2 (0=No, 1=IRQ)              ;st2.13
  3     VIP  R   Interrupt Pending VINT                            ;-
  4-5   -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)                           ;-
  6-7  movpd R/W Program Memory Bank (for ProgMemRn/ProgMemAxl) ("load movpd")
  8-11  -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)                           ;-
  12-14 BCn  R   Block repeat nest. counter ;see "bkrep"           ;icr.5-7
  15    LP   R   InLoop (when inside one or more "bkrep" loops)    ;icr.4

mod0 - New TL2 Status/Control Register mod0 (Misc)
  0     SAR  R/W Saturation Mode (0=Off, 1=Saturate "Ax to data")  ;st0.0
  1     ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  2-3   PS   (R) Product Shifter Control (see "load ps")(multiply?);st1.10-11 ?
  4     -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  5     ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  6     ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  7     S    R/W Shift Mode (0=Arithmetic, 1=Logic)                ;st2.7
  8     OU0  R/W OUSER0 User Output Pin                            ;st2.8
  9     OU1  R/W OUSER1 User Output Pin                            ;st2.9
  10-11 PS'  R/W ...another shifter      (see "load ps01")         ;st1.10-11 !
  12    -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  13-14 PS'' R/W ...another shifter      (see "load ps01")
  15    -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)

mod1 - New TL2 Status/Control Register mod1 (Data Page)
  0-7   PAGE R/W Data Memory Page (for MemImm8) (see "load page")  ;st1.0-7
  8-11  -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  12-15 ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)

mod2 - New TL2 Status/Control Register mod2 (Modulo Enable)
  0-5   Mn   R/W Modulo Enable M0..M5  ;related to R0..R5          ;st2.0-5
  6-7   M?   R/W ... probably M6..M7
  8-9   ?    ?   --WEIRD EFFECT-- (1=causes lots of other registers to change)
  10-15 ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)

mod3 - New TL2 Status/Control Register mod3 (Interrupt Control)
  0     NMIC R/W NMI Context switching enable  (0=Off, 1=On)       ;icr.0
  1     IC0  R/W INT0 Context switching enable (0=Off, 1=On)       ;icr.1
  2     IC1  R/W INT1 Context switching enable (0=Off, 1=On)       ;icr.2
  3     IC2  R/W INT2 Context switching enable (0=Off, 1=On)       ;icr.3
  4     ?    R/W Unknown (R/W) (maybe VINT Context switching ?)
  5     ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  6     ?    ?   ---DANGER BIT--- (1=hangs/crashes when set)
  7     IE   R/W Interrupt Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) ;dint/eint ;st0.1
  8     IM0  R/W Interrupt INT0 Mask (0=Disable, 1=Enable if IE=1) ;st0.2
  9     IM1  R/W Interrupt INT1 Mask (0=Disable, 1=Enable if IE=1) ;st0.3
  10    IM2  R/W Interrupt INT2 Mask (0=Disable, 1=Enable if IE=1) ;st2.6
  11    ?    R/W Unknown (R/W) (maybe VINT Mask ?)
  12    -    -   Unknown (reads as zero)
  13    ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)
  14    ?    ?   ---DANGER BIT--- (1=does wrong jumps when set)
  15    ?    R/W Unknown (R/W)

  DSi TeakLite II Instruction Set Encoding

The opcodes are 16bits wide (some followed by an additional 16bit parameter word, namely those with "@16" operands). The encoding is very messy (fixed opcode bits randomly mixed/interleaved with variable parameter bits, and with new TL2 opcodes squeezed in formerly unused locations), making it pretty much impossible to decode that unpleasant stuff by software/logic.
The only reasonable decoding way is using a huge table with 65536 entries (which could be generated temporarily from the information in below table, using the Base number plus all variable bit combinations, for example, "6100h TL mov MemImm8@0, Ab@11" has variable bits in bit0-7 and bit11-12, so the opcode would be mapped at 6100h-61FFh, 6900h-69FFh, 7100h-71FFh, 7900h-79FFh).

TeakLite I (TL) and TeakLite II (TL2) Opcodes
  Base  Ver Opcode (with parameter bits located at @bitnumber and up)
  D4FBh TL  add  MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  A600h TL  add  MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  86C0h TL  add  Imm16@16, Ax@8
  C600h TL  add  Imm8u@0, Ax@8
  D4DBh TL  add  MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  4600h TL  add  MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  8680h TL  add  MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  86A0h TL  add  RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  D2DAh TL2 add  Ab@10, Bx@0
  5DF0h TL2 add  Bx@1, Ax@0
  9070h TL2 add  MemR01@8, sv, Abh@2 || sub MemR01@8offsZI@0, sv, Abl@2
             || mov Abl@2, MemR45@8 || R01@8stepII2@0, R45@8stepII2@1
  5DB0h TL2 add  MemR04@1, sv, Abh@2 || sub MemR04@1offsZI@0, sv, Abl@2
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  6F80h TL2 add  MemR45@2, MemR01@2, Abh@3
             || add MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0, Abl@3
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  6FA0h TL2 add  MemR45@2, MemR01@2, Abh@3
             || sub MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0, Abl@3
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  5E30h TL2 add  MemR45@8, sv, Abh@2 || sub MemR45@8offsZI@1, sv, Abl@2
             || mov Abl@2, MemR01@8 || R01@8stepII2@0, R45@8stepII2@1
  5DC0h TL2 add  p0, p1, Ab@2
  D782h TL2 add  p1, Ax@0
  5DF8h TL2 add  Px@1, Bx@0
  D38Bh TL2 add  r6, Ax@4
  4590h TL2 add3 p0, p1, Ab@2
  4592h TL2 add3a p0, p1, Ab@2
  4593h TL2 add3aa p0, p1, Ab@2
  5DC1h TL2 adda p0, p1, Ab@2
  B200h TL  addh MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9280h TL  addh MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  92A0h TL  addh Register@0, Ax@8
  9464h TL2 addh r6, Ax@0
  90E0h TL2 addhp MemR0425@2, Px@4, Ax@8 || R0425@2stepII2D2S@0 ;p=ProgMem? Px?
  B400h TL  addl MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9480h TL  addl MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  94A0h TL  addl Register@0, Ax@8
  9466h TL2 addl r6, Ax@0
  906Ch TL2 addsub  p0, p1, Ab@0
  49C2h TL2 addsub  p1, p0, Ab@4
  916Ch TL2 addsuba p0, p1, Ab@0
  49C3h TL2 addsuba p1, p0, Ab@4
  E700h TL  addv Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  86E0h TL  addv Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  87E0h TL  addv Imm16@16, Register@0
  47BBh TL2 addv Imm16@16, r6
  D4F9h TL  and  MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  A200h TL  and  MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  82C0h TL  and  Imm16@16, Ax@8
  C200h TL  and  Imm8u@0, Ax@8
  D4D9h TL  and  MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  4200h TL  and  MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  8280h TL  and  MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  82A0h TL  and  RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  6770h TL2 and  Ab@2, Ab@0, Ax@12                ;TL2 only
  D389h TL2 and  r6, Ax@4
  4B80h TL  banke BankFlags6@0  ;{r0}{,r1}{,r4}{,cfgi}{,r7}{,cfgj}
  8CDFh TL2 bankr       ;without operand ?
  8CDCh TL2 bankr Ar@0
  8CD0h TL2 bankr Ar@2, Arp@0
  8CD8h TL2 bankr Arp@0
  5EB8h TL2 bitrev Rn@0
  D7E8h TL2 bitrev Rn@0, dbrv
  D7E0h TL2 bitrev Rn@0, ebrv
  5C00h TL  bkrep NoReverse, Imm8u@0, Address16@16
  5D00h TL  bkrep NoReverse, Register@0, Address18@16and5
  8FDCh TL2 bkrep NoReverse, r6, Address18@16and0
  DA9Ch TL2 bkreprst MemR0425@0
  5F48h TL2 bkreprst MemSp, Unused2@0
  DADCh TL2 bkrepsto MemR0425@0, Unused1@10
  9468h TL2 bkrepsto MemSp, Unused3@0
  4180h TL  br   Address18@16and4, Cond@0
  D3C0h TL  break               ;break
  5000h TL  brr  RelAddr7@4, Cond@0
  41C0h TL  call Address18@16and4, Cond@0
  D480h TL  calla Axl@8
  D381h TL2 calla Ax@4
  1000h TL  callr RelAddr7@4, Cond@0
  9068h TL2 cbs  Axh@0, Axh@not0, r0, ge
  9168h TL2 cbs  Axh@0, Axh@not0, r0, gt
  D49Eh TL2 cbs  Axh@8, Bxh@5, r0, ge
  D49Fh TL2 cbs  Axh@8, Bxh@5, r0, gt
  D5C0h TL2 cbs  MemR01@2, MemR45@2, ge || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  D5C8h TL2 cbs  MemR01@2, MemR45@2, gt || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  E500h TL  chng Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  84E0h TL  chng Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  85E0h TL  chng Imm16@16, Register@0
  47BAh TL2 chng Imm16@16, r6
  0038h TL2 chng Imm16@16, SttMod@0
  6760h TL  clr  Implied ConstZero, Ax@12, Cond@0  ;aX=0
  6F60h TL  clr  Implied ConstZero, Bx@12, Cond@0  ;bX=0
  8ED0h TL2 clr  Implied ConstZero, Ab@2, Ab@0
  5DFEh TL2 clrp p0
  5DFFh TL2 clrp p0, p1
  5DFDh TL2 clrp p1
  67C0h TL  clrr Implied Const8000h, Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=8000h
  6F70h TL2 clrr Implied Const8000h, Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=8000h
  8DD0h TL2 clrr Implied Const8000h, Ab@2, Ab@0
  D4FEh TL  cmp  MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  AC00h TL  cmp  MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  8CC0h TL  cmp  Imm16@16, Ax@8
  CC00h TL  cmp  Imm8u@0, Ax@8
  D4DEh TL  cmp  MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  4C00h TL  cmp  MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  8C80h TL  cmp  MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8CA0h TL  cmp  RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  4D8Ch TL2 cmp  Ax@1, Bx@0
  D483h TL2 cmp  b0, b1
  D583h TL2 cmp  b1, b0
  DA9Ah TL2 cmp  Bx@10, Ax@0
  8B63h TL2 cmp  p1, Ax@4
  D38Eh TL2 cmp  r6, Ax@4
  BE00h TL  cmpu MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9E80h TL  cmpu MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9EA0h TL  cmpu Register@0, Ax@8
  8A63h TL2 cmpu r6, Ax@3
  ED00h TL  cmpv Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  8CE0h TL  cmpv Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8DE0h TL  cmpv Imm16@16, Register@0
  47BEh TL2 cmpv Imm16@16, r6
  D390h TL  cntx r  ;restore shadows
  D380h TL  cntx s  ;store shadows
  67F0h TL  copy Implied Ax@not12,   Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aY
  67E0h TL  dec  Implied Const1,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX-1
  43C0h TL  dint        ;IE=0, interrupt disable
  0E00h TL  divs MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  4380h TL  eint        ;IE=1, interrupt enable
  9460h TL  exp  Bx@0, Implied sv
  9060h TL  exp  Bx@0, Implied sv, Ax@8
  9C40h TL  exp  MemRn@0, Implied sv || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9840h TL  exp  MemRn@0, Implied sv, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9040h TL  exp  RegisterP0@0, Implied sv, Ax@8
  9440h TL  exp  RegisterP0@0, Implied sv
  D7C1h TL2 exp  r6, Implied sv
  D382h TL2 exp  r6, Implied sv, Ax@4
  67D0h TL  inc  Implied Const1,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX+1
  49C0h TL  lim  a0     ;aka a0,a0
  49D0h TL  lim  a0, a1
  49F0h TL  lim  a1     ;aka a1,a1
  49E0h TL  lim  a1, a0
  4D80h TL  load Imm2u@0, ps               ;st1.bit11-10=imm2
  DB80h TL  load Imm7s@0, stepi            ;cfgi.LSB=imm7
  DF80h TL  load Imm7s@0, stepj            ;cfgj.LSB=imm7
  0400h TL  load Imm8u@0, page             ;st1.LSBs=imm8 ;aka "lpg"
  0200h TL  load Imm9u@0, modi             ;cfgi.MSB=imm9
  0A00h TL  load Imm9u@0, modj             ;cfgj.MSB=imm9
  D7D8h TL2 load Imm2u@1, movpd, Unused1@0 ;stt2.bit6.7 (page for ProgMem)
  0010h TL2 load Imm4u@0, ps01             ;mod0.bit10-11,13-14 and st1.10-11 ?
  D400h TL  maa  MemR45@2, MemR0123@0, Ax@11
             || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8400h TL  maa  MemRn@0, Imm16@16, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8420h TL  maa  y0, MemRn@0, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8440h TL  maa  y0, Register@0, Ax@11
  E400h TL  maa  y0, MemImm8@0, Ax@11
  5EA8h TL2 maa  y0, r6, Ax@0
  D700h TL  maasu MemR45@2, MemR0123@0, Ax@11
             || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8700h TL  maasu MemRn@0, Imm16@16, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8720h TL  maasu y0, MemRn@0, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8740h TL  maasu y0, Register@0, Ax@11
  5EAEh TL2 maasu y0, r6, Ax@0
  D200h TL  mac  MemR45@2, MemR0123@0, Ax@11
             || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8200h TL  mac  MemRn@0, Imm16@16, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8220h TL  mac  y0, MemRn@0, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8240h TL  mac  y0, Register@0, Ax@11
  E200h TL  mac  y0, MemImm8@0, Ax@11
  5EA4h TL2 mac  y0, r6, Ax@0
  4D84h TL2 mac  y0, x1, Ax@1, Unused1@0
  5E28h TL2 mac1 MemR45@2, MemR01@2, Ax@8 || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  D600h TL  macsu MemR45@2, MemR0123@0, Ax@11
             || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8600h TL  macsu MemRn@0, Imm16@16, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  E600h TL  macsu y0, MemImm8@0, Ax@11
  8620h TL  macsu y0, MemRn@0, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8640h TL  macsu y0, Register@0, Ax@11
  5EACh TL2 macsu y0, r6, Ax@0
  D300h TL  macus MemR45@2, MemR0123@0, Ax@11
             || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8300h TL  macus MemRn@0, Imm16@16, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8320h TL  macus y0, MemRn@0, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8340h TL  macus y0, Register@0, Ax@11
  5EA6h TL2 macus y0, r6, Ax@0
  D500h TL  macuu MemR45@2, MemR0123@0, Ax@11
             || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8500h TL  macuu MemRn@0, Imm16@16, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8520h TL  macuu y0, MemRn@0, Ax@11 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8540h TL  macuu y0, Register@0, Ax@11
  5EAAh TL2 macuu y0, r6, Ax@0
  8460h TL  max  NoReverse, Ax@8, Implied Ax@not8, Bogus MemR0, ge,
             Implied mixp, Implied r0 || R0stepZIDS@3   ;when aY >= aX
  8660h TL  max  NoReverse, Ax@8, Implied Ax@not8, Bogus MemR0, gt,
             Implied mixp, Implied r0 || R0stepZIDS@3   ;when aY > aX
  5E21h TL2 max  a0h, a1h || max a0l, a1l || vtrshr
  5F21h TL2 max  a1h, a0h || max a1l, a0l || vtrshr
  D784h TL2 max  Axh@1, Bxh@0 || max Axl@1, Bxl@0 || vtrshr
  4A40h TL2 max  Axh@3, Bxh@4 || max Axl@3, Bxl@4 || mov Axl@not3, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  4A44h TL2 max  Axh@3, Bxh@4 || max Axl@3, Bxl@4 || mov Axh@not3, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  45A0h TL2 max  Axh@4, Bxh@3 || max Axl@4, Bxl@3 || mov Axh@not4, MemR45@2
             || mov Axl@not4, MemR01@2 || vtrshr
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  D590h TL2 max  Axh@6, Bxh@5 || max Axl@6, Bxl@5 || mov Axh@not6, MemR01@2
             || mov Axl@not6, MemR45@2 || vtrshr
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  4A60h TL2 max  Bxh@4, Axh@3 || max Bxl@4, Axl@3 || mov Bxl@not4, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  4A64h TL2 max  Bxh@4, Axh@3 || max Bxl@4, Axl@3 || mov Bxh@not4, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  8060h TL  maxd NoReverse, Ax@8, MemR0, ge, Implied mixp, Implied r0
             || R0stepZIDS@3   ;when (r0) >= aX
  8260h TL  maxd NoReverse, Ax@8, MemR0, gt, Implied mixp, Implied r0
             || R0stepZIDS@3   ;when (r0) > aX
  8860h TL  min  NoReverse, Ax@8, Implied Ax@not8, Bogus MemR0, le,
             Implied mixp, Implied r0 || R0stepZIDS@3   ;when aY <= aX
  8A60h TL  min  NoReverse, Ax@8, Implied Ax@not8, Bogus MemR0, lt,
             Implied mixp, Implied r0 || R0stepZIDS@3   ;when aY < aX
  43C2h TL2 min  Axh@0, Axh@not0 || min Axl@0, Axl@not0 || vtrshr
  D2B8h TL2 min  Axh@11, Bxh@10 || min Axl@11, Bxl@10
             || mov Axh@not11, MemR01@2 || mov Axl@not11, MemR45@2
             || vtrshr || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  4A00h TL2 min  Axh@3, Bxh@4 || min Axl@3, Bxl@4 || mov Axl@not3, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  4A04h TL2 min  Axh@3, Bxh@4 || min Axl@3, Bxl@4 || mov Axh@not3, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  45E0h TL2 min  Axh@4, Bxh@3 || min Axl@4, Bxl@3 || mov Axh@not4, MemR45@2
             || mov Axl@not4, MemR01@2 || vtrshr
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  D4BAh TL2 min  Axh@8, Bxh@0 || min Axl@8, Bxl@0 || vtrshr
  4A20h TL2 min  Bxh@4, Axh@3 || min Bxl@4, Axl@3 || mov Bxl@not4, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  4A24h TL2 min  Bxh@4, Axh@3 || min Bxl@4, Axl@3 || mov Bxh@not4, MemR04@1
             || vtrshr || R04@1stepII2@0
  47A0h TL2 mind NoReverse, Ax@3, MemR0, le, Implied mixp, Implied r0
             || R0stepZIDS@0
  47A4h TL2 mind NoReverse, Ax@3, MemR0, lt, Implied mixp, Implied r0
             || R0stepZIDS@0
  0080h TL  modr MemRn@0stepZIDS@3
  00A0h TL  modr MemRn@0stepZIDS@3, dmod  ;Disable modulo
  D294h TL2 modr MemR0123@10stepII2D2S0@0 || modr MemR4567@10stepII2D2S0@5
  0D80h TL2 modr MemR0123@5stepII2D2S0@1  || modr MemR4567@5stepII2D2S0@3, dmod
  0D81h TL2 modr MemR0123@5stepII2D2S0@1, dmod
             || modr MemR4567@5stepII2D2S0@3, dmod
  8464h TL2 modr MemR0123@8stepII2D2S0@0, dmod || modr MemR4567@8stepII2D2S0@3
  5DA0h TL2 modr MemRn@0stepD2
  5DA8h TL2 modr MemRn@0stepD2, dmod
  4990h TL2 modr MemRn@0stepI2
  4998h TL2 modr MemRn@0stepI2, dmod
  D290h TL  mov  Ab@10, Ab@5
  D298h TL  mov  Abl@10, dvm
  D2D8h TL  mov  Abl@10, x0
  3000h TL  mov  Ablh@9, MemImm8@0
  D4BCh TL  mov  Axl@8, MemImm16@16
  D49Ch TL  mov  Axl@8, MemR7Imm16@16
  DC80h TL  mov  Axl@8, MemR7Imm7s@0
  D4B8h TL  mov  MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  6100h TL  mov  MemImm8@0, Ab@11
  6200h TL  mov  MemImm8@0, Ablh@10
  6500h TL  mov  MemImm8@0, Axh@12, eu   ;aka Axheu
  6000h TL  mov  MemImm8@0, R0123457y0@10
  6D00h TL  mov  MemImm8@0, sv
  D491h TL  mov  dvm, Ab@5
  D492h TL  mov  icr, Ab@5
  5E20h TL  mov  Imm16@16, Bx@8
  5E00h TL  mov  Imm16@16, Register@0
  4F80h TL  mov  Imm5u@0, icr    ;uh, but icr is 8bit wide (only 4bit are R/W)?
  2500h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, Axh@12         ;signed!
  2900h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, ext0
  2D00h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, ext1
  3900h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, ext2
  3D00h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, ext3
  2300h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, R0123457y0@10  ;signed!
  0500h TL  mov  Imm8s@0, sv
  2100h TL  mov  Imm8u@0, Axl@12         ;unsigned!
  D498h TL  mov  MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  D880h TL  mov  MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  98C0h TL  mov  MemRn@0, Bx@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  1C00h TL  mov  MemRn@0, Register@5 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  47E0h TL  mov  MemSp, Register@0
  47C0h TL  mov  mixp, Register@0
  2000h TL  mov  R0123457y0@9, MemImm8@0
  4FC0h TL  mov  Register@0, icr
  5E80h TL  mov  Register@0, mixp
  1800h TL  mov  Register@5, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  5EC0h TL  mov  RegisterP0@0, Bx@5
  5800h TL  mov  RegisterP0@0, Register@5
  D490h TL  mov  repc, Ab@5
  7D00h TL  mov  sv, MemImm8@0
  D493h TL  mov  x0, Ab@5
  D49Bh TL2 mov  a0h, stepi0
  D59Bh TL2 mov  a0h, stepj0
  4390h TL2 mov  a0h, MemR0425@2 || mov y0, MemR0425@2offsZIDZ@0
             || R0425@2stepII2D2S@0
  43D0h TL2 mov  a1h, MemR0425@2 || mov y0, MemR0425@2offsZIDZ@0
             || R0425@2stepII2D2S@0
  8FD4h TL2 mov  Ab@0, p0
  43A0h TL2 mov  Abh@3, MemR01@2 || mov Abl@3, MemR45@2
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  43E0h TL2 mov  Abh@3, MemR45@2 || mov Abl@3, MemR01@2
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  9D40h TL2 mov  Abh@4, MemR04@1 || mov Abh@2, MemR04@1offsZI@0
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  9164h TL2 mov  Abl@0, prpage
  9064h TL2 mov  Abl@0, repc
  D394h TL2 mov  Abl@0, x1
  D384h TL2 mov  Abl@0, y1
  9540h TL2 mov  Abl@3, ArArp@0
  9C60h TL2 mov  Abl@3, SttMod@0
  9560h TL2 mov  ArArp@0, Abl@3
  D488h TL2 mov  ArArp@0, MemR04@8 || R04@8stepII2@5
  5F50h TL2 mov  ArArpSttMod@0, MemR7Imm16@16
  886Bh TL2 mov  Ax@8, pc
  8C60h TL2 mov  Axh@4, MemR4567@8 || mov MemR0123@8, Axh@4
             || R0123@8stepII2D2S@0, R4567@8stepII2D2S@2
  4800h TL2 mov  Axh@6, MemR0123@4 || movr MemR4567@4, Axh@6
             || R0123@4stepII2D2S@0, R4567@4stepII2D2S@2
  4900h TL2 mov  Axh@6, MemR0123@4 || mov  MemR4567@4, Axh@6
             || R0123@4stepII2D2S@0, R4567@4stepII2D2S@2
  7F80h TL2 mov  Axh@6, MemR4567@4 || movr MemR0123@4, Axh@6
             || R0123@4stepII2D2S@0, R4567@4stepII2D2S@2
  8863h TL2 mov  Bx@8, pc
  0008h TL2 mov  Imm16@16, ArArp@0
  0023h TL2 mov  Imm16@16, r6
  0001h TL2 mov  Imm16@16, repc
  8971h TL2 mov  Imm16@16, stepi0
  8979h TL2 mov  Imm16@16, stepj0
  0030h TL2 mov  Imm16@16, SttMod@0
  5DD0h TL2 mov  Imm4u@0, prpage
  80C4h TL2 mov  MemR01@9, Abh@10 || mov MemR45@9, Abl@10
             || R01@9stepII2@0, R45@9stepII2@8
  D292h TL2 mov  MemR0425@10_MemR0425@10offsZIDZ@5, Px@0
             || R0425@10stepII2D2S@5
  D7D4h TL2 mov  MemR04@1, repc || R04@1stepII2@0
  5F4Ch TL2 mov  MemR04@1, sv || sub3 MemR04@1, p0, p1, b0 || R04@1stepII2@0
  D4B4h TL2 mov  MemR04@1, sv || sub3rnd MemR04@1, p0, p1, b1 || R04@1stepII2@0
  DE9Ch TL2 mov  MemR04@1, sv || sub3rnd MemR04@1, p0, p1, b0 || R04@1stepII2@0
  4B40h TL2 mov  MemR04@3, sv || addsub    MemR04@3, p1, p0, Bx@0
             || R04@3stepII2@2
  4B42h TL2 mov  MemR04@3, sv || addsubrnd MemR04@3, p1, p0, Bx@0
             || R04@3stepII2@2
  8062h TL2 mov  MemR04@4, ArArp@8  || R04@4stepII2@3
  8063h TL2 mov  MemR04@4, SttMod@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  9960h TL2 mov  MemR04@4, sv || addsub    MemR04@4, p1, p0, Bx@2
             || R04@4stepD2S@3  ;<-- ordered p1, p0 here !
  99E0h TL2 mov  MemR04@4, sv || addsubrnd MemR04@4, p1, p0, Bx@2
             || R04@4stepD2S@3  ;<-- ordered p1, p0 here !
  9860h TL2 mov  MemR04@4, sv || sub3      MemR04@4, p0, p1, Bx@2
             || R04@4stepD2S@3
  98E0h TL2 mov  MemR04@4, sv || sub3rnd   MemR04@4, p0, p1, Bx@2
             || R04@4stepD2S@3
  8873h TL2 mov  MemR04@8, sv || sub3 MemR04@8, p0, p1, b1 || R04@8stepII2@3
  D4C0h TL2 mov  MemR45@5, Abh@2 || mov MemR01@5, Abl@2
             || R01@5stepII2@0, R45@5stepII2@1
  4D90h TL2 mov  MemR7Imm16@16, ArArpSttMod@0
  D2DCh TL2 mov  MemR7Imm16@16, repc, Unused2@0, Unused1@10
  1B20h TL2 mov  MemRn@0, r6 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3 ;override 1800h (mov a1,MemRn@0)
  D29Ch TL2 mov  MemSp, r6, Unused2@0, Unused1@10
  8A73h TL2 mov  mixp, Bx@3
  4381h TL2 mov  mixp, r6
  4382h TL2 mov  p0h, Bx@0
  D3C2h TL2 mov  p0h, r6
  4B60h TL2 mov  p0h, Register@0     ;<-- here "p0h" as source
  8FD8h TL2 mov  p1, Ab@0
  88D0h TL2 mov  Px@1, MemR0425@8_MemR0425@8offsZIDZ@2   || R0425@8stepII2D2S@2
  88D1h TL2 mov  Px@1, MemR0425@8_MemR0425@8offsZIDZ@2,s || R0425@8stepII2D2S@2
  D481h TL2 mov  r6, Bx@8
  1B00h TL2 mov  r6, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3 ;override 1800h (mov a0,MemRn@0)
  43C1h TL2 mov  r6, mixp
  5F00h TL2 mov  r6, Register@0
  5F60h TL2 mov  Register@0, r6
  D2D9h TL2 mov  repc, Abl@10
  D7D0h TL2 mov  repc, MemR04@1 || R04@1stepII2@0
  D3C8h TL2 mov  repc, MemR7Imm16@16, Unused3@0
  D482h TL2 mov  stepi0, a0h
  D582h TL2 mov  stepj0, a0h
  D2F8h TL2 mov  SttMod@0, Abl@10
  49C1h TL2 mov  x1, Ab@4
  D299h TL2 mov  y1, Ab@10
  5EB0h TL2 mov  prpage, Abl@0
  49A0h TL2 mov  SttMod@0, MemR04@4 || R04@4stepII2@3
  4DC0h TL2 mova Ab@4, MemR0425@2_MemR0425@2offsZIDZ@0 || R0425@2stepII2D2S@0
  4BC0h TL2 mova MemR0425@2_MemR0425@2offsZIDZ@0, Ab@4 || R0425@2stepII2D2S@0
  5F80h TL  movd MemR0123@0,ProgMemR45@2 || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  0040h TL  movp ProgMemAxl@5, Register@0
  0D40h TL2 movp ProgMemAx@5, Register@0
  0600h TL  movp ProgMemRn@0, MemR0123@5 || R0123@5stepZIDS@7, Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  D499h TL2 movpdw ProgMemAx@8_ProgMemAx@8offsI, pc
  8864h TL  movr MemR0425@3, Abh@8 || R0425@3stepII2D2S@0   ;op*10000h+8000h
  9CE0h TL  movr MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9CC0h TL  movr RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  5DF4h TL2 movr Bx@1, Ax@0
  8961h TL2 movr r6, Ax@3
  6300h TL  movs Implied sv, MemImm8@0, Ab@11
  0180h TL  movs Implied sv, MemRn@0, Ab@5 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  0100h TL  movs Implied sv, RegisterP0@0, Ab@5
  5F42h TL2 movs Implied sv, r6, Ax@0
  4080h TL  movsi Implied Imm5s@0, R0123457y0@9, Ab@5, Bogus Imm5s@0
  D000h TL  mpy  MemR45@2, MemR0123@0 || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8000h TL  mpy  MemRn@0, Imm16@16    || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8020h TL  mpy  y0, MemRn@0          || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8040h TL  mpy  y0, Register@0
  E000h TL  mpy  y0, MemImm8@0
  5EA0h TL2 mpy  y0, r6
  CB00h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3   p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB01h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3   p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB02h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB03h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB04h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3   p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB05h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3   p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB06h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CB07h TL2 mpy  MemR45@5, MemR01@5 || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  D5E0h TL2 mpy  MemR04@1, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || sub3 p0, p1, Ax@3
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  D5E4h TL2 mpy  MemR04@1, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || add3 p0, p1, Ax@3
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  C800h TL2 mpy  MemR4567@4, MemR0123@4
             || mpy MemR4567@4offsZIDZ@2, MemR0123@4offsZIDZ@0
             || add3 p0, p1, Ab@6 || R0123@4stepII2D2S@0, R4567@4stepII2D2S@2
  C900h TL2 mpy  MemR4567@4, MemR0123@4
             || mpy MemR4567@4offsZIDZ@2, MemR0123@4offsZIDZ@0
             || sub3 p0, p1, Ab@6 || R0123@4stepII2D2S@0, R4567@4stepII2D2S@2
  80C2h TL2 mpy  MemR45@0, MemR01@0 || mpy MemR45@0offsZI@9, MemR01@0offsZI@8
             || add3a p0, p1, Ab@10 || R01@0stepII2@8, R45@0stepII2@9
  49C8h TL2 mpy  MemR45@2, MemR01@2 || mpy MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0
             || sub3a p0, p1, Ab@4 || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  80C8h TL2 mpy  MemR45@2, MemR01@2 || mpy MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0
             || addsub  p0, p1, Ab@10 || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  81C8h TL2 mpy  MemR45@2, MemR01@2 || mpy MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0
             || addsuba p0, p1, Ab@10 || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  82C8h TL2 mpy  MemR45@2, MemR01@2 || mpy MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0
             || add     p0, p1, Ab@10 || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  83C8h TL2 mpy  MemR45@2, MemR01@2 || mpy MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0
             || adda    p0, p1, Ab@10 || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  00C0h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpy MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || sub  p0, p1, Ab@4 || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  00C1h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpy MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || suba p0, p1, Ab@4 || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  0D20h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpyus MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@0, dmodi || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  0D30h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpyus MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@0, dmodj || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  4B50h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpyus MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@0, dmodij || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  D7A0h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpy MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || add3    sv, p0, p1, Ax@4 || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  D7A1h TL2 mpy  MemR45@3, MemR01@3 || mpy MemR45@3offsZI@2, MemR01@3offsZI@1
             || add3rnd sv, p0, p1, Ax@4 || R01@3stepII2@1, R45@3stepII2@2
  9861h TL2 mpy  MemR45@4, MemR01@4 || mpy MemR45@4offsZI@3, MemR01@4offsZI@2
             || add3  p0, p1, Ax@8, dmodj  || R01@4stepII2@2, R45@4stepII2@3
  9862h TL2 mpy  MemR45@4, MemR01@4 || mpy MemR45@4offsZI@3, MemR01@4offsZI@2
             || add3  p0, p1, Ax@8, dmodi  || R01@4stepII2@2, R45@4stepII2@3
  9863h TL2 mpy  MemR45@4, MemR01@4 || mpy MemR45@4offsZI@3, MemR01@4offsZI@2
             || add3  p0, p1, Ax@8, dmodij || R01@4stepII2@2, R45@4stepII2@3
  98E1h TL2 mpy  MemR45@4, MemR01@4 || mpy MemR45@4offsZI@3, MemR01@4offsZI@2
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@8, dmodj  || R01@4stepII2@2, R45@4stepII2@3
  98E2h TL2 mpy  MemR45@4, MemR01@4 || mpy MemR45@4offsZI@3, MemR01@4offsZI@2
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@8, dmodi  || R01@4stepII2@2, R45@4stepII2@3
  98E3h TL2 mpy  MemR45@4, MemR01@4 || mpy MemR45@4offsZI@3, MemR01@4offsZI@2
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@8, dmodij || R01@4stepII2@2, R45@4stepII2@3
  4DA0h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@3 || mpyus y1, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || sub3  p0, p1, Ax@4 || R04@3stepII2@2
  4DA1h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@3 || mpyus y1, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || sub3a p0, p1, Ax@4 || R04@3stepII2@2
  4DA2h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@3 || mpyus y1, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || add3  p0, p1, Ax@4 || R04@3stepII2@2
  4DA3h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@3 || mpyus y1, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@4 || R04@3stepII2@2
  94E0h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpy   y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || sub3  p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E2h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpy   y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || sub3a p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E4h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpy   y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || add3  p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E6h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpy   y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E1h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpysu y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || sub3  p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E3h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpysu y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || sub3a p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E5h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpysu y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || add3  p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  94E7h TL2 mpy  y0, MemR04@4 || mpysu y1, MemR04@4offsZI@3
             || add3a p0, p1, Ax@8 || R04@4stepII2@3
  8862h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   MemR04@4, x0 || sub3  p0, p1, Ax@8
             || R04@4stepII2@3
  8A62h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   MemR04@4, x0 || add3  p0, p1, Ax@8
             || R04@4stepII2@3
  4D88h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || sub p0, p1, Ax@1
  5E24h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || add p0, p1, Ab@0
  8061h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || add3  p0, p1, Ab@8
  8071h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || add3a p0, p1, Ab@8
  8461h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || sub3  p0, p1, Ab@8
  8471h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || sub3a p0, p1, Ab@8
  D484h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || add3aa p0, p1, Ab@0
  D49Dh TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || sub p0, p1, Bx@5
  D4A0h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy   y1, x0 || addsub p0, p1, Ab@0
  4FA0h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || add3 p0, p1, Ab@3
             || mov Axh@6, MemR04@1 || mov Bxh@2, MemR04@1offsZI@0
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  5818h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || addsub    sv, p0, p1, Ax@0
             || mov Axh@0, MemR0425@7 || mov Axh@not0, MemR0425@7offsZI@6
             || R0425@7stepII2@6  ;override 5800h+18h (mov a0, Register)
  5838h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || addsubrnd sv, p0, p1, Ax@0
             || mov Axh@0, MemR0425@7 || mov Axh@not0, MemR0425@7offsZI@6
             || R0425@7stepII2@6  ;override 5800h+38h (mov a1, Register)
  80D0h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || addsub    sv, p0, p1, Ax@10
             || mov Axh@9, MemR04@3 || mov Bxh@8, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || R04@3stepII2@2
  80D1h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || addsubrnd sv, p0, p1, Ax@10
             || mov Axh@9, MemR04@3 || mov Bxh@8, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || R04@3stepII2@2
  80D2h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || add3      sv, p0, p1, Ax@10
             || mov Axh@9, MemR04@3 || mov Bxh@8, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || R04@3stepII2@2
  80D3h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || add3rnd   sv, p0, p1, Ax@10
             || mov Axh@9, MemR04@3 || mov Bxh@8, MemR04@3offsZI@2
             || R04@3stepII2@2
  D3A0h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpy y1, x0 || addsub p0, p1, Ab@3
             || mov Axh@6, MemR04@1 || mov Bxh@2, MemR04@1offsZI@0
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  4D89h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || sub p0, p1, Ax@1
  5F24h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || add p0, p1, Ab@0
  8069h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || add3  p0, p1, Ab@8
  8079h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || add3a p0, p1, Ab@8
  8469h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || sub3  p0, p1, Ab@8
  8479h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || sub3a p0, p1, Ab@8
  D584h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || add3aa p0, p1, Ab@0
  D59Dh TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || sub p0, p1, Bx@5
  D5A0h TL2 mpy  y0, x1 || mpyus y1, x0 || addsub p0, p1, Ab@0
  0800h TL  mpyi NoReverse, Implied p0, y0, Imm8s@0   ;multiply  ;aka "mpys"
  D100h TL  mpysu MemR45@2, MemR0123@0 || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  8100h TL  mpysu MemRn@0, Imm16@16    || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8120h TL  mpysu y0, MemRn@0          || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8140h TL  mpysu y0, Register@0
  CA00h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA01h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA02h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3aa p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA03h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || sub3aa p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA04h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA05h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3a  p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA06h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpysu MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3aa p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  CA07h TL2 mpysu MemR45@5, MemR01@5
             || mpyus MemR45@5offsZI@4, MemR01@5offsZI@3
             || add3aa p0, p1, Ab@6 || R01@5stepII2@3, R45@5stepII2@4
  5EA2h TL2 mpysu y0, r6
  D080h TL  msu  MemR45@2,MemR0123@0,Ax@8 || R0123@0stepZIDS@3, R45@2stepZIDS@5
  90C0h TL  msu  MemRn@0, Imm16@16,  Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3 ;multiply, subtract
  9080h TL  msu  y0, MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  90A0h TL  msu  y0, Register@0, Ax@8
  B000h TL  msu  y0,MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9462h TL2 msu  y0, r6, Ax@0
  8264h TL2 msusu y0, MemR0425@3, Ax@8 || R0425@3stepII2D2S@0
  6790h TL  neg  Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=0-aX
  0000h TL  nop
  94C0h TL  norm Ax@8, Bogus MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3  ;if N=0 (aX=aX*2,rN+/-)
  6780h TL  not  Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=not aX
  D4F8h TL  or   MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  A000h TL  or   MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  80C0h TL  or   Imm16@16, Ax@8
  C000h TL  or   Imm8u@0, Ax@8
  D4D8h TL  or   MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  4000h TL  or   MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  8080h TL  or   MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  80A0h TL  or   RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  D291h TL2 or   Ab@10, Ax@6, Ax@5
  D4A4h TL2 or   Ax@8, Bx@1, Ax@0
  D3C4h TL2 or   b0, Bx@1, Ax@0
  D7C4h TL2 or   b1, Bx@1, Ax@0
  D388h TL2 or   r6, Ax@4
  67B0h TL  pacr Implied Const8000h, Implied p0, Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=shfP+8000h
  D7C2h TL2 pacr1 Implied Const8000h, Implied p1, Ax@0
  5E60h TL  pop  Register@0
  47B4h TL2 pop  Abe@0
  80C7h TL2 pop  ArArpSttMod@8
  0006h TL2 pop  Bx@5, Unused1@0
  D7F4h TL2 pop  prpage, Unused2@0
  D496h TL2 pop  Px@0
  0024h TL2 pop  r6, Unused1@0
  D7F0h TL2 pop  repc, Unused2@0
  D494h TL2 pop  x0
  D495h TL2 pop  x1
  0004h TL2 pop  y1, Unused1@0
  47B0h TL2 popa Ab@0
  5F40h TL  push Imm16@16
  5E40h TL  push Register@0
  D7C8h TL2 push Abe@1, Unused1@0
  D3D0h TL2 push ArArpSttMod@0
  D7FCh TL2 push prpage, Unused2@0
  D78Ch TL2 push Px@1, Unused1@0
  D4D7h TL2 push r6, Unused1@5
  D7F8h TL2 push repc, Unused2@0
  D4D4h TL2 push x0, Unused1@5
  D4D5h TL2 push x1, Unused1@5
  D4D6h TL2 push y1, Unused1@5
  4384h TL2 pusha Ax@6, Unused2@0
  D788h TL2 pusha Bx@1, Unused1@0
  0C00h TL  rep  Imm8u@0    ;repeat next opcode N+1 times
  0D00h TL  rep  Register@0 ;repeat next opcode N+1 times
  0002h TL2 rep  r6, Unused1@0
  4580h TL  ret  Cond@0      ;=pop pc
  D780h TL  retd    ;delayed return (after 2 clks)
  45C0h TL  reti Cond@0          ;Don't context switch
  45D0h TL  reti Cond@0, context ;Do context switch
  D7C0h TL  retid   ;delayed, from interrupt
  D3C3h TL2 retid context
  0900h TL  rets Imm8u@0          ;ret+dealloc sp (for INCOMING pushed params)
  67A0h TL  rnd  Implied Const8000h, Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX+8000h
  6750h TL  rol  Implied Const1,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX rcl 1 (37bit rotate)
  6F50h TL  rol  Implied Const1,     Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=bX rcl 1 (37bit rotate)
  6740h TL  ror  Implied Const1,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX rcr 1 (37bit rotate)
  6F40h TL  ror  Implied Const1,     Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=bX rcr 1 (37bit rotate)
  E300h TL  rst  Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  82E0h TL  rst  Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  83E0h TL  rst  Imm16@16, Register@0
  47B9h TL2 rst  Imm16@16, r6
  4388h TL2 rst  Imm16@16, SttMod@0
  E100h TL  set  Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  80E0h TL  set  Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  81E0h TL  set  Imm16@16, Register@0
  47B8h TL2 set  Imm16@16, r6
  43C8h TL2 set  Imm16@16, SttMod@0
  D280h TL  shfc Implied sv, Ab@10, Ab@5, Cond@0
  9240h TL  shfi Implied Imm6s@0, Ab@10, Ab@7, Bogus Imm6s@0
  6720h TL  shl  Implied Const1,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX*2
  6F20h TL  shl  Implied Const1,     Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=bX*2
  6730h TL  shl4 Implied Const4,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX*10h
  6F30h TL  shl4 Implied Const4,     Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=bX*10h
  6700h TL  shr  Implied Const1,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX/2
  6F00h TL  shr  Implied Const1,     Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=bX/2
  6710h TL  shr4 Implied Const4,     Ax@12, Cond@0 ;aX=aX/10h
  6F10h TL  shr4 Implied Const4,     Bx@12, Cond@0 ;bX=bX/10h
  BA00h TL  sqr  MemImm8@0
  9A80h TL  sqr  MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9AA0h TL  sqr  Register@0
  D790h TL2 sqr  Abh@2 || sqr Abl@2 || add3 p0, p1, Ab@0
  49C4h TL2 sqr  Abh@4 || mpysu Abh@4, Abl@4 || add3a p0, p1, Ab@0
  4B00h TL2 sqr  MemR0425@4 || sqr MemR0425@4offsZIDZ@2 || add3 p0, p1, Ab@0
             || R0425@4stepII2D2S@2
  5F41h TL2 sqr  r6
  BC00h TL  sqra MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9C80h TL  sqra MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9CA0h TL  sqra Register@0, Ax@8
  9062h TL2 sqra r6, Ax@8, Unused1@0
  D4FFh TL  sub  MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  AE00h TL  sub  MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  8EC0h TL  sub  Imm16@16, Ax@8
  CE00h TL  sub  Imm8u@0, Ax@8
  D4DFh TL  sub  MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  4E00h TL  sub  MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  8E80h TL  sub  MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8EA0h TL  sub  RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  8A61h TL2 sub  Ab@3, Bx@8
  8861h TL2 sub  Bx@4, Ax@3
  8064h TL2 sub  MemR01@8, sv, Abh@3 || add MemR01@8offsZI@0, sv, Abl@3
             || mov MemR45@8, sv || R01@8stepII2@0, R45@8stepII2@1
  5DE0h TL2 sub  MemR04@1, sv, Abh@2 || add MemR04@1offsZI@0, sv, Abl@2
             || R04@1stepII2@0
  6FC0h TL2 sub  MemR45@2, MemR01@2, Abh@3
             || add MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0, Abl@3
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  6FE0h TL2 sub  MemR45@2, MemR01@2, Abh@3
             || sub MemR45@2offsZI@1, MemR01@2offsZI@0, Abl@3
             || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  5D80h TL2 sub  MemR45@2, sv, Abh@3 || add MemR45@2offsZI@1, sv, Abl@3
             || mov MemR01@2, sv || R01@2stepII2@0, R45@2stepII2@1
  5DC2h TL2 sub  p0, p1, Ab@2
  D4B9h TL2 sub  p1, Ax@8
  8FD0h TL2 sub  Px@1, Bx@0
  D38Fh TL2 sub  r6, Ax@4
  80C6h TL2 sub3 p0, p1, Ab@10
  82C6h TL2 sub3a p0, p1, Ab@10
  83C6h TL2 sub3aa p0, p1, Ab@10
  5DC3h TL2 suba p0, p1, Ab@2
  B600h TL  subh MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9680h TL  subh MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  96A0h TL  subh Register@0, Ax@8
  5E23h TL2 subh r6, Ax@8
  B800h TL  subl MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  9880h TL  subl MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  98A0h TL  subl Register@0, Ax@8
  5E22h TL2 subl r6, Ax@8
  EF00h TL  subv Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  8EE0h TL  subv Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8FE0h TL  subv Imm16@16, Register@0
  47BFh TL2 subv Imm16@16, r6
  4980h TL  swap SwapTypes4@0
  0020h TL  trap                  ;software interrupt
  A800h TL  tst0 Axl@8, MemImm8@0
  8880h TL  tst0 Axl@8, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  88A0h TL  tst0 Axl@8, Register@0
  E900h TL  tst0 Imm16@16, MemImm8@0
  88E0h TL  tst0 Imm16@16, MemRn@0 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  89E0h TL  tst0 Imm16@16, Register@0
  D38Ch TL2 tst0 Axl@4, r6
  47BCh TL2 tst0 Imm16@16, r6
  9470h TL2 tst0 Imm16@16, SttMod@0
  AA00h TL  tst1 Axl@8, MemImm8@0 Implied Not
  8A80h TL  tst1 Axl@8, MemRn@0 Implied Not || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8AA0h TL  tst1 Axl@8, Register@0 Implied Not
  EB00h TL  tst1 Imm16@16, MemImm8@0 Implied Not
  8AE0h TL  tst1 Imm16@16, MemRn@0 Implied Not || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  8BE0h TL  tst1 Imm16@16, Register@0 Implied Not
  D38Dh TL2 tst1 Axl@4, r6 Implied Not
  47BDh TL2 tst1 Imm16@16, r6 Implied Not
  9478h TL2 tst1 Imm16@16, SttMod@0 Implied Not
  80C1h TL2 tst4b a0l, MemR0425@10 || R0425@10stepII2D2S@8
  4780h TL2 tst4b a0l, MemR0425@2, Ax@4 || R0425@2stepII2D2S@0
  F000h TL  tstb NoReverse, Implied Not MemImm8@0, Imm4bitno@8
  9020h TL  tstb NoReverse, Implied Not MemRn@0, Imm4bitno@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  9000h TL  tstb NoReverse, Implied Not Register@0, Imm4bitno@8
  9018h TL2 tstb NoReverse, Implied Not r6, Imm4bitno@8  ;override tstb a0,Imm4
  0028h TL2 tstb NoReverse, Implied Not SttMod@0, Imm4bitno@16, Unused12@20
  5F45h TL2 vtrclr vtr0
  5F47h TL2 vtrclr vtr0, vtr1
  5F46h TL2 vtrclr vtr1
  D383h TL2 vtrmov Axl@4
  D29Ah TL2 vtrmov vtr0, Axl@0
  D69Ah TL2 vtrmov vtr1, Axl@0
  D781h TL2 vtrshr
  D4FAh TL  xor  MemImm16@16, Ax@8
  A400h TL  xor  MemImm8@0, Ax@8
  84C0h TL  xor  Imm16@16, Ax@8
  C400h TL  xor  Imm8u@0, Ax@8
  D4DAh TL  xor  MemR7Imm16@16, Ax@8
  4400h TL  xor  MemR7Imm7s@0, Ax@8
  8480h TL  xor  MemRn@0, Ax@8 || Rn@0stepZIDS@3
  84A0h TL  xor  RegisterP0@0, Ax@8
  D38Ah TL2 xor  r6, Ax@4
  8800h TL  undefined Unused5@0, Unused1@8 ;(mpy/mpys without A in bit11)
  8820h TL  undefined Unused5@0, Unused1@8 ;(mpy/mpys without A in bit11)
  8840h TL  undefined Unused5@0, Unused1@8 ;(mpy/mpys without A in bit11)
  D800h TL  undefined Unused7@0, Unused1@8 ;(mpy/mpys without A in bit11)
  9B80h TL  undefined Unused6@0  ;(sqr without A in bit8)
  BB00h TL  undefined Unused8@0  ;(sqr without A in bit8)
  E800h TL  undefined Unused8@0  ;(mpy without A in bit11)
  5EA1h TL2 undefined Unused1@1  ;(mpy/mpys without A in bit11)
  5DFCh TL2 undefined
  8CDEh TL2 undefined
  D3C1h TL2 undefined
  5EB4h TL2 undefined Unused2@0

  DSi TeakLite II Operand Encoding

Syntax Notes
The official Teak syntax specifies all operands in "source,dest" order, that's opposite of most other ASM languages which use "dest,source" order (except 68000 processors, which the Teak is apparently inspired on). One exception are instructions tagged "NoReverse" in the opcode list: These ones do have the operands ordered as how one would usually expect them.
Operands tagged as "Implied xx" are effectively used by the hardware, although the official syntax doesn't specify them in source code. On the other hand, operands tagged as "Bogus xx" are specified in official source code syntax, although the hardware doesn't actually use that operands in that form.
The nocash (dis-)assembler syntax reverses the operand order (except those flagged as NoReverse), removes Bogus operands, and inserts Implied operands. Moreover, immediates and memory operands are specified differently...

Memory Operands
  name          native                  nocash
  MemRn         (Rn)                    [Rn]
  MemSp         (sp)                    [sp]
  ProgMemRn     (Rn)                    [code:movpd:Rn]
  ProgMemAxl    (Axl)                   [code:movpd:Axl]
  ProgMemAx     (Ax)                    [code:Ax]
  ProgMemAx_..  (Ax),(Ax+)              [code:Ax]:[code:Ax+]
  MemImm8       0xNN                    [page:NNh]
  MemImm16      [##0xNNNN]              [NNNNh]
  MemR7Imm7s    (r7+#0xNN), (r7+#-NNN)  [r7+/-NNh]
  MemR7Imm16    (r7+##0xNNNN)           [r7+NNNNh]

  Address18     0xNNNNN                 NNNNNh         ;for bkrep/br/call
  Address16     0xNNNN                  NNNNh          ;for bkrep
  RelAddr7      0xNNNN                  NNNNh          ;for jmp
  ImmN:         #0xNNNN                 NNNNh
  ImmNs:        #0xNN, #-NNN            +/-NNh
  Imm16:        ##0xNNNN                NNNNh
  Imm4bitno:    ...                     1 shl N
  ConstZero     <implied>               0000h
  Const1        <implied>               0001h
  Const4        <implied>               0004h
  Const8000h    <implied>               8000h

Operand Encoding
Below shows the binary encoding for registers/conditions. For example, "Ab@10" in the opcode list can be "b0,b1,a0,a1" encoded in bit10-11. Some instructions re-use the same bitfield for multiple operands (eg. when performing two operations on the SAME operand, or when expecting DIFFERENT operands: for "Ax@12,Ax@not12" one of the registers must "a0", and the other must be "a1").

  Register:  RegisterP0:  Ax:     Axl:    Axh:            Px:
  00: r0     00: r0       0: a0   0: a0l  0: a0h          0: p0
  01: r1     01: r1       1: a1   1: a1l  1: a1h          1: p1
  02: r2     02: r2
  03: r3     03: r3       Bx:     Bxl:    Bxh:            Ablh:
  04: r4     04: r4       0: b0   0: b0l  0: b0h          0: b0l
  05: r5     05: r5       1: b1   1: b1l  1: b1h          1: b0h
  06: r7     06: r7                                       2: b1l
  07: y0     07: y0       Ab:     Abl:    Abh:    Abe:    3: b1h
  08: st0    08: st0      0: b0   0: b0l  0: b0h  0: b0e  4: a0l
  09: st1    09: st1      1: b1   1: b1l  1: b1h  1: b1e  5: a0h
  0A: st2    0A: st2      2: a0   2: a0l  2: a0h  2: a0e  6: a1l
  0B: p0h !! 0B: p0 !!    3: a1   3: a1l  3: a1h  3: a1e  7: a1h
  0C: pc     0C: pc
  0D: sp     0D: sp       Cond:
  0E: cfgi   0E: cfgi     0: true  ;Always                    ;always
  0F: cfgj   0F: cfgj     1: eq    ;Equal to zero             ;Z=1
  10: b0h    10: b0h      2: neq   ;Not equal to zero         ;Z=0
  11: b1h    11: b1h      3: gt    ;Greater than zero         ;M=0 and Z=0
  12: b0l    12: b0l      4: ge    ;Greater or equal to zero  ;M=0
  13: b1l    13: b1l      5: lt    ;Less than zero            ;M=1
  14: ext0   14: ext0     6: le    ;Less or equal to zero     ;M=1 or Z=1
  15: ext1   15: ext1     7: nn    ;Normalize flag is cleared ;N=0
  16: ext2   16: ext2     8: c     ;Carry flag is set         ;C=1
  17: ext3   17: ext3     9: v     ;Overflow flag is set      ;V=1
  18: a0     18: a0       A: e     ;Extension flag is set     ;E=1
  19: a1     19: a1       B: l     ;Limit flag is set         ;L=1
  1A: a0l    1A: a0l      C: nr    ;R flag is cleared         ;R=0
  1B: a1l    1B: a1l      D: niu0  ;Input user pin 0 cleared  ;IUSER0=0
  1C: a0h    1C: a0h      E: iu0   ;Input user pin 0 set      ;IUSER0=1
  1D: a1h    1D: a1h      F: iu1   ;Input user pin 1 set      ;IUSER1=1
  1E: lc     1E: lc
  1F: sv     1F: sv

  R0123457y0:       Rn:                 ArArpSttMod:  ArArp:       SttMod:
  0: r0             0: r0               0: ar0        0: ar0       0: stt0
  1: r1             1: r1               1: ar1        1: ar1       1: stt1
  2: r2             2: r2               2: arp0       2: arp0      2: stt2
  3: r3             3: r3               3: arp1       3: arp1      3: reserved
  4: r4             4: r4               4: arp2       4: arp2      4: mod0
  5: r5             5: r5               5: arp3       5: arp3      5: mod1
  6: r7  ;aka rb    6: r6 ;TL2 only     6: reserved   6: reserved  6: mod2
  7: y0  ;aka y     7: r7 ;TL2 only     7: reserved   7: reserved  7: mod3
                                        8: stt0
  R01:     R04:     R45:                9: stt1       Ar:       BankFlags:
  0: r0    0: r0    0:r4                A: stt2       0: ar0    01h: cfgi
  1: r1    1: r4    1:r5                B: reserved   1: ar1    02h: r4
                                        C: mod0                 04h: r1
  R0123:   R0425:   R4567:              D: mod1       Arp:      08h: r0
  0: r0    0: r0    0: r4               E: mod2       0: arp0   10h: r7   ;TL2
  1: r1    1: r4    1: r5               F: mod3       1: arp1   20h: cfgj ;TL2
  2: r2    2: r2    2: r6                             2: arp2
  3: r3    3: r5    3: r7                             3: arp3

  val native           nocash         ;meaning
  0:  (a0,b0)          a0,b0          ;a0 <--> b0                ;flags(a0)
  1:  (a0,b1)          a0,b1          ;a0 <--> b1                ;flags(a0)
  2:  (a1,b0)          a1,b0          ;a1 <--> b0                ;flags(a1)
  3:  (a1,b1)          a1,b1          ;a1 <--> b1                ;flags(a1)
  4:  (a0,b0),(a1,b1)  a0:a1,b0:b1    ;a0 <--> b0 and a1 <--> b1 ;flags(a0)
  5:  (a0,b1),(a1,b0)  a0:a1,b1:b0    ;a0 <--> b1 and a1 <--> b0 ;flags(a0)
  6:  (a0,b0,a1)       a1,b0,a0       ;a0 --> b0 --> a1          ;flags(a1)
  7:  (a0,b1,a1)       a1,b1,a0       ;a0 --> b1 --> a1          ;flags(a1)
  8:  (a1,b0,a0)       a0,b0,a1       ;a1 --> b0 --> a0          ;flags(a0)
  9:  (a1,b1,a0)       a0,b1,a1       ;a1 --> b1 --> a0          ;flags(a0)
  A:  (b0,a0,b1)       b1,a0,b0       ;b0 --> a0 --> b1          ;flags(a0)!
  B:  (b0,a1,b1)       b1,a1,b0       ;b0 --> a1 --> b1          ;flags(a1)!
  C:  (b1,a0,b0)       b0,a0,b1       ;b1 --> a0 --> b0          ;flags(a0)!
  D:  (b1,a1,b0)       b0,a1,b1       ;b1 --> a1 --> b0          ;flags(a1)!
  E:  reserved         reserved       ;-                         ;-
  F:  reserved         reserved       ;-                         ;-

offs and step
Memory operands with "offs" allow to read from [Rn], [Rn+1], or [Rn-1]. Operands with "step" allow to increment/decrement registers (for old TL opcodes this is usually specified alongsides with memory operands, for new TL2 opcodes it's typically specified as separate "||" instruction (eg. "|| Rn@0stepZIDS@3"; which can be omitted if the step is zero).
The official syntax wants "+1,-1" abbreviated to "+,-" in some cases (but not abbreviated in other cases). step "+s" does probably refer to "stepi or stepj", but it's rather unclear which one, maybe stepi is used for r0..r3, and stepj for r4..r7, or vice versa... or maybe it depends on each opcode (particulary opcodes that allow to use "Rn" (r0..r7) might use the same step in ALL cases).
  0: ''         ;Z  (zero)
  1: '+'        ;I  (increment)
  0: '+'        ;I  (increment)
  0: ''         ;Z  (zero)
  1: '+'        ;I  (increment)
  2: '-'        ;D  (decrement)
  3: ''         ;Z  (zero)
  0: ''         ;Z  (zero)
  1: '+1'       ;I  (increment)
  2: '-1'       ;D  (decrement)
  3: '+s'       ;S  (add step)           ;XXX ?   see "stepi" and "stepj"
  0: ''         ;Z  (zero)
  1: '+'        ;I  (increment)
  2: '-'        ;D  (decrement)
  3: '+s'       ;S  (add step)           ;XXX ?   see "stepi" and "stepj"
  0: '+1'       ;I  (increment)
  1: '+2'       ;I2 (increment twice)
  2: '-2'       ;D2 (decrement twice)
  3: '+s'       ;S  (add step)           ;XXX ?   see "stepi" and "stepj"
  0: '-2'       ;D2 (decrement twice)
  1: '+s'     ' ;S  (add step)           ;XXX ?   see "stepi" and "stepj"
  0: '+'        ;I  (increment)
  1: '+2'       ;I2 (increment twice)
  2: '-2'       ;D2 (decrement twice)
  3: '+s0'      ;S0 (add step0 ?)        ;XXX ??  see "stepi0" and "stepj0"
  0: '+1'       ;I  (increment)
  1: '+2'       ;I2 (increment twice)
  0: '+2'       ;I2 (increment twice)
  0: '-2'       ;D2 (decrement twice)

Note: The "modr" opcodes are probably just incrementing/decrementing registers (with optional "modulo"), although the official syntax specifies their operands in brackets, ie. as if they were doing memory accesses.

  DSi New Shared WRAM (for ARM7, ARM9, DSP)

Shared WRAM (total 800Kbytes)
  Old WRAM-0/1 32Kbytes (2x16K), mappable to ARM7, or ARM9
  New WRAM-A  256Kbytes (4x64K), mappable to ARM7, or ARM9
  New WRAM-B  256Kbytes (8x32K), mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP-program memory
  New WRAM-C  256Kbytes (8x32K), mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP-data memory
New WRAM mapping is done in two steps: First, mapping the physical banks to logical slots. And then, mapping those slots to actual memory addresses.

4004040h - DSi9 - MBK1.0, WRAM-A0 - 64K, mappable to ARM7, or ARM9
4004041h - DSi9 - MBK1.1, WRAM-A1 - 64K, mappable to ARM7, or ARM9
4004042h - DSi9 - MBK1.2, WRAM-A2 - 64K, mappable to ARM7, or ARM9
4004043h - DSi9 - MBK1.3, WRAM-A3 - 64K, mappable to ARM7, or ARM9
  0    Master (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7)
  1    Not used
  2-3  Offset (0..3) (slot 0..3) (LSB of address in 64Kbyte units)
  4-6  Not used
  7    Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
In cooking coach, above four bytes are locked via MBK9 (not write-able, always 81h,85h,89h,8Dh)?

4004044h - DSi9 - MBK2.0, WRAM-B0 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
4004045h - DSi9 - MBK2.1, WRAM-B1 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
4004046h - DSi9 - MBK2.2, WRAM-B2 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
4004047h - DSi9 - MBK2.3, WRAM-B3 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
4004048h - DSi9 - MBK3.0, WRAM-B4 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
4004049h - DSi9 - MBK3.1, WRAM-B5 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
400404Ah - DSi9 - MBK3.2, WRAM-B6 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
400404Bh - DSi9 - MBK3.3, WRAM-B7 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/code
  0-1  Master (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7, 2 or 3=DSP/code)
  2-4  Offset (0..7) (slot 0..7) (LSB of address in 32Kbyte units)
  5-6  Not used (0)
  7    Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

400404Ch - DSi9 - MBK4.0, WRAM-C0 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
400404Dh - DSi9 - MBK4.1, WRAM-C1 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
400404Eh - DSi9 - MBK4.2, WRAM-C2 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
400404Fh - DSi9 - MBK4.3, WRAM-C3 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
4004050h - DSi9 - MBK5.0, WRAM-C4 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
4004051h - DSi9 - MBK5.1, WRAM-C5 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
4004052h - DSi9 - MBK5.2, WRAM-C6 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
4004053h - DSi9 - MBK5.3, WRAM-C7 - 32K, mappable to ARM7, ARM9, or DSP/data
  0-1  Master (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7, 2 or 3=DSP/data)
  2-4  Offset (0..7) (slot 0..7) (LSB of address in 32Kbyte units)
  5-6  Not used (0)
  7    Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

4004054h - DSi9 - MBK6, WRAM-A, 64K..256K mapping
  0-3   Not used (0)
  4-11  Start Address (3000000h+N*10000h)     ;=3000000h..3FF0000h
  12-13 Image Size (0 or 1=64KB/Slot0, 2=128KB/Slot0+1+2??, 3=256KB/Slot0..3)
  14-19 Not used (0)
  20-28 End Address   (3000000h+N*10000h-1)   ;=2FFFFFFh..4FEFFFFh
  29-31 Not used (0)
Uh, does this affect only ARM9 mapping? Or also ARM7 mapping?
Uh, but, ARM7 3800000h..3FFFFFFh contains OTHER memory (ARM7-WRAM) !?

4004058h - DSi9 - MBK7, WRAM-B
400405Ch - DSi9 - MBK8, WRAM-C
  0-2   Not used (0)
  3-11  Start Address (3000000h+N*8000h)      ;=3000000h..3FF8000h
  12-13 Image Size (0=32K/Slot0,1=64KB/Slot0-1,2=128KB/Slot0-3,3=256KB/Slot0-7)
  14-18 Not used (0)
  19-28 End Address   (3000000h+N*8000h-1)    ;=2FFFFFFh..4FF7FFFh
  29-31 Not used (0)
Uh, does this affect only ARM9 mapping? Or also ARM7 and DSP mapping?
Uh, but, ARM7 3800000h..3FFFFFFh contains OTHER memory (ARM7-WRAM) !?

4004060h - DSi9 - MBK9, WRAM-A/B/C Slot Master Selection (undocumented) (R)
  0-3   WRAM-A, Port 4004040h-4004043h Master (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7)
  4-7   Unknown/Unused (0)
  8-15  WRAM-B, Port 4004044h-400404Bh Master (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7)
  16-23 WRAM-C, Port 400404Ch-4004053h Master (0=ARM9, 1=ARM7)
  24-31 Unknown/Unused (0)
Selects which CPU shall control the WRAM slot registers at 4004040h-4004053h (when selecting ARM7 as master, then the registers become Read-Only on ARM9 side).

ARM7 Side
WRAM-related I/O Ports at ARM7 side are unknown (if any).
GUESS: Maybe ports 4004040h..4004053h exist as mirror?
GUESS: Maybe ports 4004054h..400405Fh exist as separate ARM7 registers?
GUESS: Maybe ports 4004060h..4004063h exist as write-able mirror?
Existing DSi exploits don't permit to access those regs on ARM7 side.

Slots and Image Size vs Start/End Addresses
When using Image Size of 4 slots, then Memory at 3000000h..3FFFFFFh is:
  Slots  0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,etc.
When start=6, and End=12, then (with above example), only following is mapped:
  Slots  -,-,-,-,-,-,2,3,0,1,2,3,-,-,-,-,etc.
Observe that the mapped region starts with Slot 2 (not Slot 0) in that case.
Moreover, some slots may be empty (disabled, or mapped to another CPU), so, if Slot 3 is empty, then memory might probably look somewhat like so: (?)
  Slots  -,-,-,-,-,-,2,-,0,1,2,-,-,-,-,-,etc.
If so, unknown what is mapped to those "empty" areas (mirrors, or underlaying WRAM's of lower priority, or zeroes, or garbage, or whatever).

Overlapping WRAM regions
  New Shared-WRAM-A   Highest Priority
  New Shared-WRAM-B   High Priority
  New Shared-WRAM-C   Low Priority
  Old Shared-WRAM-0/1 Lowest Priority
  Old ARM7-WRAM       Whatever Priority (unknown...)
Overlapping WRAM slots
  Unknown what happens when selecting multiple WRAM blocks to the same slot?

  DSi New DMA

The DSi has four new DMA channels for ARM7 and ARM9 (each) (eight new DMA channels in total). The old NDS-style DMA channels do probably still exist, too [though unknown which priority they have in relation to new channels].

4004100h - DSi - NDMAGCNT NewDMA Global Control (R/W) [00000000h]
  0-15  Unused (0)
  16-19 Cycle Selection (0=None, 1..15=1..16384 clks) ;1 SHL (N-1)
  20-30 Unused (0)
  31    DMA Arbitration Mode (0=NDMA0=HighestPriority, 1=RoundRobinPriority)
CycleSelection is used ONLY in RoundRobin mode; if so... then it does specify the number of cycles that can be executed by ARM9 and DSP <CPUs?> during NDMA?

4004104h+x*1Ch - NDMAxSAD - NewDMAx Source Address (R/W) [00000000h]
4004108h+x*1Ch - NDMAxDAD - NewDMAx Destination Address (R/W) [00000000h]
  0-1   Unused (0)
  2-31  DMA Source/Destination Address, in 4-byte steps

400410Ch+x*1Ch - NDMAxTCNT - NewDMAx Total Length for Repeats (R/W) [0]
  0-27  Total Number of Words to Transfer (1..0FFFFFFFh, or 0=10000000h)
  28-31 Unused (0)
Not used in "Start immediately" mode (which doesn't repeat).
Not used in "Repeat infinitely" mode (which repeats forever).
Used only in "Repeat until NDMAxTCNT" mode (for example, to define the total size of the Camera picture).
Total Length isn't required to be a multiple of the Logical or Physical Block Sizes (for example the DSi launcher uses Total=64h with Log=8/Phys=8; in that case only 4 words (instead of 8 words) are transferred for the last block).

4004110h+x*1Ch - NDMAxWCNT - NewDMAx Logical Block Size
  0-23  Number of Words to Transfer       (1..00FFFFFFh, or 0=01000000h)
  24-31 Unused (0)
Should be a multiple of the Physical Block Size specified in NDMAxCNT.Bit16-19.
The bus will be monopolized until the selected number of words for (physical) block transfers has completed, a single (physical) block transfer cycle will never be split up.

4004114h+x*1Ch - NDMAxBCNT - NewDMAx Block Transfer Timing/Interval
  0-15  Interval Timer (1..FFFFh, or 0=Infinite/TillTransferEnd)
  16-17 Prescaler (33.514MHz SHR (n*2)) ;0=33MHz, 1=8MHz, 2=2MHz, 3=0.5MHz
  18-31 Unused (0)
Allows to insert a delay after each (Physical?) Block.

4004118h+x*1Ch - NDMAxFDATA - NewDMAx Fill Data
  0-31  Fill Data (can be used as Fixed Source Data for memfill's)
This value is used when setting NDMAxCNT.Bit13-14=3, which causes the source data to be read directly (within 0 clock cycles) from the NDMAxFDATA (instead of from the address specified in NDMAxSAD; in this case, the NDMAxSAD is ignored/don't care).

400411Ch+x*1Ch - NDMAxCNT - NewDMAx Control
  0-9   Unused (0)
  10-11 Dest Address Update   (0=Increment, 1=Decrement, 2=Fixed, 3=Reserved)
  12    Dest Address Reload   (0=No, 1=Reload at (logical blk?) transfer end)
  13-14 Source Address Update (0=Increment, 1=Decrement, 2=Fixed, 3=FillData)
  15    Source Address Reload (0=No, 1=Reload at (logical blk?) transfer end)
  16-19 Physical Block Size   (0..0Fh=1..32768 words, aka (1 SHL n) words)
  20-23 Unused (0)
  24-28 DMA Startup Mode      (00h..1Fh, see ARM7/ARM9 startup lists below)
  29    DMA Repeat Mode       (0=Repeat until NDMAxTCNT, 1=Repeat infinitely)
  30    DMA Interrupt Enable  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  31    DMA Enable/Busy       (0=Disable, 1=Enable/Busy)

Startup Modes for ARM9:
  00h      Timer0                       ;\
  01h      Timer1                       ; new NDMA-specific modes
  02h      Timer2                       ;
  03h      Timer3                       ;/
  04h      DS Cartridge Slot
  05h      Reserved (maybe 2nd DS-Cart Slot, or GBA slot relict?)
  06h      V-Blank
  07h      H-Blank (but not during V-blank)
  08h      Display Sync (sync to H-blank drawing) ;Uh, what is BLANK-DRAWING ??
  09h      Work RAM (what?) (=probably Main memory display, as on NDS)
  0Ah      Geometry Command FIFO
  0Bh      Camera                       ;-new NDMA-specific mode
  0Ch..0Fh Reserved
  10h..1Fh Start immediately (without repeat)

Startup Modes for ARM7:
  00h      Timer0                       ;\
  01h      Timer1                       ; new NDMA-specific modes
  02h      Timer2                       ;
  03h      Timer3                       ;/
  04h      DS Cartridge Slot
  05h      Reserved? (maybe 2nd DS-Cart Slot, or GBA slot relict?)
  06h      V-Blank
  07h      Wifi
  08h      SD/MMC I/F 1    ;what "1" ?  ;\
  09h      SD/MMC I/F 2    ;what "2" ?  ;
  0Ah      AES in  (AES_WRFIFO)         ; new NDMA-specific modes
  0Bh      AES out (AES_RDFIFO) / MIC?  ;
  0Ch      MIC?                         ;/
  0Dh..0Fh Reserved?
  10h..1Fh Start immediately (without repeat)

Start/repeat modes
There are three different transfer modes.
1) Start immediately (without repeat):
the transfer ends after one Logical Block, without repeat. With single IRQ (after last/only block).
2) Start by Hardware events, Repeat until NDMAxTCNT:
the transfer repeats Logical Blocks until reaching the Total Length. With single IRQ (after last block).
3) Start by Hardware events, Repeat infinitely:
the transfer repeats Logical Blocks infinitely. With multiple IRQs (one IRQ after EACH logical block).

Read-only Effect
There is something that can make port 4004104h..4004173h read-only. For example, when FFh-filling all DSi registers, and then 00h-filling them, then most DMA bits stay set (00h-filling them another time does clear them).
Maybe, during enabled transfers, ONLY the enable/busy bit is writeable?

  DSi SoundExt

4004700h - DSi7 - SNDEXCNT (16bit) (can be 0000C00Fh)
  0-3     NITRO/DSP ratio                   (valid range is 0 to 8)       (R/W)
  4-12    Unknown/Unused (0)                                               (0?)
  13      Sound/Microphone I2S frequency (0=32.73 kHz, 1=47.61 kHz)  (R or R/W)
  14      Mute status                                (?=Mute WHAT?)       (R/W)
  15      Enable Microphone (and Sound Output?)          (1=Enable)       (R/W)
The DSP can generate sound output aswell, alongside the old NITRO sound mixer. The following settings configure the ratio between DSP and NITRO mixer output:
  00h      DSP sound 8/8, NITRO sound 0/8 (=DSP sound only)
  01h      DSP sound 7/8, NITRO sound 1/8
  02h      DSP sound 6/8, NITRO sound 2/8
  03h      DSP sound 5/8, NITRO sound 3/8
  04h      DSP sound 4/8, NITRO sound 4/8
  05h      DSP sound 3/8, NITRO sound 5/8
  06h      DSP sound 2/8, NITRO sound 6/8
  07h      DSP sound 1/8, NITRO sound 7/8
  08h      DSP sound 0/8, NITRO sound 8/8 (=NITRO sound only)
  09h..0Fh Reserved
Uh, what is that? Hopefully, a volume-ratio? Preferably, no time-ratio!

  DSi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

AES I/O Ports
DSi AES I/O Ports

AES Pseudo Code
Little Endian Code (as used in DSi hardware):
DSi AES Little-Endian High Level Functions
DSi AES Little-Endian Core Function and Key Schedule
DSi AES Little-Endian Tables and Test Values
Big Endian Code (as used more commonly, in non-DSi implementations):
DSi AES Big-Endian High Level Functions
DSi AES Big-Endian Core Function and Key Schedule
DSi AES Big-Endian Tables and Test Values
Most AES values are endian-free byte-strings, so different "endianness" does just mean to reverse the byte order of the 16/24/32-byte KEYs, the 16-byte data chunks, and the 16-byte CTR/CFB/CBC/MAC registers (in some of the latter cases it's also referring to actual endiannes, eg. for CTR increments).

AES Usage in DSi
AES-CCM is used for several SD/MMC files (using a custom Nintendo-specific CCM variant; consisting of 128K-byte data blocks with 32-byte footers):
DSi ES Block Encryption
AES-CTR is used for the Modcrypt areas defined in Cartridge Header, and for eMMC Boot Sectors and for eMMC MBR/Partitions.

AES Usage in DSi-Wifi
DSi Wifi is also supporting AES (and TKIP and WEP) encryption, the Wifi AES part is probably implemented via additional AES hardware in the Wifi unit?

AES Usage in DSi-Shop
DSi Shop downloads (and system updates) are using big-endian AES-CBC, this appears to require an AES software implementation because the DSi's AES hardware couldn't decrypt that AES variant.

  DSi AES I/O Ports

4004400h - DSi7 - AES_CNT (parts R/W)
  0-4   Write FIFO Count    (00h..10h words) (00h=Empty, 10h=Full)          (R)
  5-9   Read FIFO Count     (00h..10h words) (00h=Empty, 10h=Full)          (R)
  10    Write FIFO Flush    (0=No change, 1=Flush)                   (N/A or W)
  11    Read FIFO Flush     (0=No change, 1=Flush)                   (N/A or W)
  12-13 Write FIFO DMA Size (0..3 = 16,12,8,4 words) (2=Normal=8)    (R or R/W)
  14-15 Read FIFO DMA Size  (0..3 = 4,8,12,16 words) (1=Normal=8)    (R or R/W)
  16-18 CCM MAC Size, max(4,(N*2+2)) bytes, (usually 7=16 bytes)     (R or R/W)
  19    CCM Pass Associated Data to RDFIFO (0=No/Normal, 1=Yes)      (R or R/W)
          Bit19=1 is a bit glitchy: The data should theoretically arrive in
          RDFIFO immediately after writing 4 words to WRFIFO, but actually,
          Bit19=1 seems to cause 4 words held hidden in neither FIFO, until
          the first Payload block is written (at that point, the hidden
          associated words are suddenly appearing into RDFIFO)
  20    CCM MAC Verify Source (0=From AES_WRFIFO, 1=From AES_MAC)    (R or R/W)
  21    CCM MAC Verify Result (0=Invalid/Busy, 1=Verified/Okay)             (R)
  22-23 Unknown/Unused (0)                                                  (0)
  24    Key Select        (0=No change, 1=Apply key selected in Bit26-27)   (W)
  25    Key Schedule Busy (uh, always 0=ready?) (rather sth else busy?)     (R)
  26-27 Key Slot          (0..3=KEY0..KEY3, applied via Bit24)       (R or R/W)
  28-29 Mode (0=CCM/decrypt, 1=CCM/encrypt, 2=CTR, 3=Same as 2)      (R or R/W)
  30    Interrupt Enable  (0=Disable, 1=Enable IRQ on Transfer End)  (R or R/W)
  31    Start/Enable      (0=Disable/Ready, 1=Enable/Busy)                (R/W)
Bit31 gets cleared automatically shortly after all data (as indicated in AES_BLKCNT) is written to WRFIFO, and the IRQ is generated alongsides; the transfer isn't fully completed at that point since there may be still data (and CCM/encrypt MAC result) in RDFIFO.

4004404h - DSi7 - AES_BLKCNT (W)
Specifies the transfer length, counted in 16-byte blocks.
  0-15  Number of Extra associated data blocks for AES-CCM (unused for AES-CTR)
  16-31 Number of Payload data blocks (0..FFFFh = 0..FFFF0h bytes)
The length values are copied to internal counter registers on transfer start (the value in AES_BLKCNT is left unchanged during/after transfer).

4004408h - DSi7 - AES_WRFIFO (W)
400440Ch - DSi7 - AES_RDFIFO (R)
  0-31  Data
Writing to WRFIFO works even when AES_CNT.bit31=0 (the data does then stay in WRFIFO though, and doesn't arrive in RDFIFO).

4004420h - DSi7 - AES_IV (16 bytes) (W)
This contains the Initialization Vector (aka IV aka Nonce). The hardware does use that value to automatically initialize the internal CTR/CBC registers when starting encryption/decryption:
  For AES-CTR mode:  CTR[00h..0Fh] = AES_IV[00h..0Fh]
                     CBC[00h..0Fh] = not used by AES-CTR mode
  For AES-CCM mode:  CTR[00h..0Fh] = 00h,00h,00h,AES_IV[00h..0Bh],02h
                     CBC[00h..0Fh] = x0h,xxh,0xh,AES_IV[00h..0Bh],flg
The initial CTR/CBC values for AES-CCM mode are following the CCM specifications, but WITHOUT encoding the "extra associated data size" in upper bytes of first block (see CCM pseudo code chapter for details).
The CTR/CBC registers are manipulated during transfer, however, the AES_IV content is kept unchanged during/after transfer.

4004430h - DSi7 - AES_MAC (16 bytes) (W)
The MAC (Message Authentication Code) is an encrypted checksum, computed alongsides with the actual data encryption/decryption, and used only in AES-CCM mode. There are three ways how the DSi deals with MAC values:
  AES-CCM Encryption: MAC is returned in AES_RDFIFO after transfer
  AES-CCM Decryption, AES_CNT.20=0: MAC written to AES_WRFIFO after transfer
  AES-CCM Decryption, AES_CNT.20=1: MAC written to AES_MAC before transfer
The AES_MAC register and the RDFIFO/WRFIFO blocks are always 16-byte wide; when selecting a smaller MAC size in AES_CNT, then the lower bytes of that 16-byte value are 00h-padded (eg. a 6-byte MAC would appear as 00000000h, 00000000h, xxxx0000h, xxxxxxxxh), for ENCRYPT those 00h-bytes are returned in RDFIFO, for DECRYPT those padding bytes MUST be 00h (else the verification will fail).
The minimum MAC size is 4 bytes (trying to use 2 byte by setting AES_CNT.16-18 to 00h is producing the exact same result as when setting it to 01h, ie. 4-bytes)

4004440h - DSi7 - AES_KEY0 (48 bytes) (W)
4004470h - DSi7 - AES_KEY1 (48 bytes) (W)
40044A0h - DSi7 - AES_KEY2 (48 bytes) (W)
40044D0h - DSi7 - AES_KEY3 (48 bytes) (W)
  Byte 00h-0Fh  Normal 128bit Key      ;\use either normal key,
  Byte 10h-1Fh  Special 128bit Key_X   ; or special key_x/y
  Byte 20h-2Fh  Special 128bit Key_Y   ;/
Writing the last word of "Key_Y" (or any of its last four bytes, ie. byte(s) 2Ch..2Fh) causes the Normal Key to be overwritten by following values:
  Key = ((Key_X XOR Key_Y) + FFFEFB4E295902582A680F5F1A4F3E79h) ROL 42
After changing a key, one must (re-)apply it via AES_CNT.Bits 24,26-27.

The AES data would be usually transferred via two NDMA channels, one for WRFIFO, one for RDFIFO. The NDMAs should be started BEFORE setting AES_CNT.31 (else the DMA will miss the first WRFIFO data request; and DMA won't start). The DMAs 'Logical Block' sizes should match up with the block sizes selected in AES_CNT (a bigger logical block size would cause FIFO overruns/underruns, a smaller logical block size could work theoretically, but it practice it causes the DMA to hang after the first data request; apparently data requests are somewhat generated upon "empty-not-empty" transitions, rather than upon "enough data/space" status).

Reading Write-Only Values
The AES_IV register and the AES_KEY registers are fully write-able, including 8bit STRB writes; this allows to 'read' the write-only values via brute-force without any noticeable delay (ie. encrypt 16 bytes with original values, then change one byte to values 00h..FFh, and check which of those values gives same encryption result). AES_BLKCNT can be also dumped by simple counting.

Cartheader Key Request Byte
The firmware is usually destroying the AES_KEY registers before starting DSi programs. However, bits in CartHeader[1B4h] allow to "request" certain keys to be left intact.

DSi BIOS & Firmware Keys
The DSi BIOS contains several AES keys in the non-dumpable upper 32K halves; most of that keys are relocated to RAM/TCM, so they can be dumped via main memory hacks (there might be some further keys that cannot be dumped, in case they exist only in early boot stages).

  DSi AES Little-Endian High Level Functions

AES-CTR (Counter)
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  [ctr+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init ctr
  while len>0   ;code is 100% same for ENCRYPT and DECRYPT         ;\
    if n=0                                                         ; encrypt
      aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,ctr,tmp)                             ; or decrypt
      littleendian(ctr)=littleendian(ctr)+1   ;increment counter   ; message
    [dst] = [src] xor [tmp+n]                                      ;
    src=src+1, dst=dst+1, len=len-1, n=(n+1) and 0Fh               ;/

AES-CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC)
  if mac_len<4 or mac_len>16 or (mac_len and 1)=1 then error       ;\limits
  if iv_len<7 or iv_len>13 then error                              ;/
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  ctr_len = 15-iv_len                                              ;\
  [ctr+15]=ctr_len-1          ;bit3..7=zero   ;1 byte (ctr_len)    ; init ctr
  [ctr+(15-iv_len)..14] = [iv+0..(iv_len-1)]  ;7..13 bytes (iv)    ;
  [ctr+0..(14-iv_len)]=littleendian(0)  ;8..2 bytes (counter=0)    ;/
  [cbc+0..15]=littleendian(msg_len)  ;-[(iv_len+1)..15]=msg_len    ;\
  if [cbc+15..15-iv_len]<>0 then error  ;msg_len overlaps iv/flags ;
  [cbc+(15-iv_len)..14]=[iv+0..iv_len-1] ;-[1..iv_len]=iv/nonce    ;
  [cbc+15].bit7=0  ;reserved/zero   ;\                             ; init cbc
  [cbc+15].bit6=(xtra_len>0)        ; [15]=flags                   ;
  [cbc+15].bit5..3=(mac_len/2-1)    ;                              ;
  [cbc+15].bit2..0=(ctr_len-1)      ;/                             ;
  aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cbc,cbc)      ;UPDATE_CBC_MAC            ;/
  if NintendoDSi then                                              ;\
    a=0 ;the DSi hardware doesn't support xtra_len encoding at all ;
  elseif xtra_len<0FF00h then                                      ;
    [cbc+14..15]=[cbc+14..15] xor littleendian(xtra_len), a=2      ; weird
  elseif xtra_len<100000000h then                                  ; encoding
    [cbc+14..15]=[cbc+14..15] xor littleendian(FFFEh)              ; for
    [cbc+10..13]=[cbc+10..13] xor littleendian(xtra_len), a=6      ; xtra_len
  else                                                             ;
    [cbc+14..15]=[cbc+14..15] xor littleendian(FFFFh)              ;
    [cbc+6..13] =[cbc+6..13]  xor littleendian(xtra_len), a=10     ;/
  while xtra_len>0                                                 ;\scatter
    z=min(xtra_len,16-a)                                           ; cbc by
    [cbc+16-a-z..(15-a)]=[cbc+16-a-z..(15-a)] xor [xtra+0..(z-1)]  ; xtra
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cbc,cbc)    ;UPDATE_CBC_MAC            ; (if any)
    xtra=xtra+z, xtra_len=xtra_len-z, a=0                          ;/
  while msg_len>0                                                  ;\
    littleendian(ctr)=littleendian(ctr)+1   ;increment counter     ;
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,ctr,tmp)    ;CTR_CRYPT                 ;
    z=min(msg_len,16)                                              ; encrypt
    if mode=ENCRYPT                                                ; or decrypt
      [cbc+(16-z)..15] = [cbc+(16-z)..15] xor [src+0..(z-1)]       ; message
    [dst+0..(z-1)] = [src+0..(z-1)] xor [tmp+(16-z)..15]           ; body
    if mode=DECRYPT                                                ;
      [cbc+(16-z)..15] = [cbc+(16-z)..15] xor [dst+0..(z-1)]       ;
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cbc,cbc)    ;UPDATE_CBC_MAC            ;
    src=src+z, dst=dst+z, msg_len=msg_len-z                        ;/
  [ctr+0..(14-iv_len)]=littleendian(0)  ;reset counter=0           ;\
  aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,ctr,tmp)      ;CTR_CRYPT                 ; message
  [cbc+0..15] = [cbc+0..15] xor [tmp+0..15]                        ; auth code
  z=mac_len                                                        ; (mac)
  IF mode=ENCRYPT then [mac+0..(z-1)] = [cbc+(16-z)..15]           ;
  IF mode=DECRYPT and [mac+0..(z-1)] <> [cbc+(16-z)..15] then error;/

Below are some other AES variants (just for curiosity - those variants aren't used in DSi):

AES-CBC (Cipher-block chaining)
  aes_setkey(mode,key,key_size]                                    ;-init key
  [cbc+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init cbc
  if (len AND 0Fh)>0 then error
  while len>0                                                      ;\
    if mode=ENCRYPT                                                ;
      [dst+0..15] = [src+0..15] xor [cbc+0..15]                    ;
      aes_crypt_block(mode,dst,dst)                                ; encrypt
      [cbc+0..15] = [dst+0..15]                                    ; or decrypt
    if mode=DECRYPT                                                ; message
      [tmp+0..15] = [src+0..15]                                    ;
      aes_crypt_block(mode,src,dst)                                ;
      [dst+0..15] = [dst+0..15] xor [cbc+0..15]                    ;
      [cbc+0..15] = [tmp+0..15]                                    ;
    src=src+16, dst=dst+16, len=len-16                             ;/

AES-CFB128 (Cipher feedback on 128bits, aka 16 bytes)
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  [cfb+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init cfb
  while len>0                                                      ;\
    if n=0 then aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cfb,cfb)                   ; encrypt
    if mode=DECRYPT then c=[src], [dst]=c xor [cfb+n], [cfb+n]=c   ; or decrypt
    if mode=ENCRYPT then c=[cfb+n] xor [src], [cfb+n]=c, [dst]=c   ; message
    src=src+1, dst=dst+1, len=len-1, n=(n+1) and 0Fh               ;/

AES-CFB8 (Cipher feedback on 8bits, aka 1 byte, very inefficient)
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  [cfb+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init cfb
  while len>0                                                      ;\
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cfb,tmp)                               ;
    [cfb+1..15] = [cfb+0..14]   ;shift with 8-bit step             ; encrypt
    if mode=DECRYPT then [cfb+0] = [src+(n xor 0Fh)]               ; or decrypt
    [dst+(n xor 0Fh)] = [src+(n xor 0Fh)] xor [tmp+15]  ;shift-in  ; message
    if mode=ENCRYPT then [cfb+0] = [dst+(n xor 0Fh)]               ;
    len=len-1, n=n+1                                               ;/

AES-ECB (Electronic codebook, very basic, very insecure)
  aes_setkey(mode,key,key_size]                                    ;-init key
  if (len AND 0Fh)>0 then error
  while len>0                                                      ;\encrypt
    aes_crypt_block(mode,src,dst)                                  ; or decrypt
    src=src+16, dst=dst+16, len=len-16                             ;/message

  DSi AES Little-Endian Core Function and Key Schedule

  Y0 = RK[0] xor [src+00h]
  Y1 = RK[1] xor [src+04h]
  Y2 = RK[2] xor [src+08h]
  Y3 = RK[3] xor [src+0Ch]
  ;below code depending on mode:      <---ENCRYPT--->  -or-  <---DECRYPT--->
  for i=1 to nr-1
    X0      = RK[i*4+0] xor scatter32(FT,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y0)  -or-  (RT,Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0)
    X1      = RK[i*4+1] xor scatter32(FT,Y2,Y3,Y0,Y1)  -or-  (RT,Y0,Y3,Y2,Y1)
    X2      = RK[i*4+2] xor scatter32(FT,Y3,Y0,Y1,Y2)  -or-  (RT,Y1,Y0,Y3,Y2)
    X3      = RK[i*4+3] xor scatter32(FT,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3)  -or-  (RT,Y2,Y1,Y0,Y3)
    Y0=X0, Y1=X1, Y2=X2, Y3=X3
  [dst+00h] = RK[nr*4+0] xor scatter8(FSb,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y0) -or-  (RSb,Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0)
  [dst+04h] = RK[nr*4+1] xor scatter8(FSb,Y2,Y3,Y0,Y1) -or-  (RSb,Y0,Y3,Y2,Y1)
  [dst+08h] = RK[nr*4+2] xor scatter8(FSb,Y3,Y0,Y1,Y2) -or-  (RSb,Y1,Y0,Y3,Y2)
  [dst+0Ch] = RK[nr*4+3] xor scatter8(FSb,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3) -or-  (RSb,Y2,Y1,Y0,Y3)

 scatter32(TAB,a,b,c,d):              scatter8(TAB,a,b,c,d):
  w=      (TAB[a.bit0..7] ror 24)      w.bit0..7   = TAB[a.bit0..7]
  w=w xor (TAB[b.bit8..15] ror 16)     w.bit8..15  = TAB[b.bit8..15]
  w=w xor (TAB[c.bit16..23] ror 8)     w.bit16..23 = TAB[c.bit16..23]
  w=w xor (TAB[d.bit24..31])           w.bit24..31 = TAB[d.bit24..31]
  return w                             return w

 aes_setkey(mode,key,keysize):  ;out: RK[0..43/51/59], nr=10/12/14
  aes_generate_tables   ;<-- unless tables are already initialized
  if keysize<>128 and keysize<>192 and keysize<>256 then error  ;size in bits
  rc=01h, j=0, jj=keysize/32, nr=jj+6   ;jj=4,6,8      ;\
  for i=0 to (nr+1)*4-1                 ;nr=10,12,14   ; copy 16/24/32-byte key
    if i<jj then w=[key+(jj-1-i)*4+0..3]               ; to RK[0..3/5/7]
    else w=w xor RK[(i-jj) xor 3]                      ; and, make
    RK[i xor 3]=w, j=j+1                               ; RK[4/6/8..43/51/59]
    if j=jj then                                       ;
      w=w ror 8, w=scatter8(FSb,w,w,w,w) xor (rc shl 24)
      j=0, rc=rc*2, if rc>0FFh then rc=rc xor 11Bh     ;
    if j=4 and jj=8 then w=scatter8(FSb,w,w,w,w)       ;/
  if mode=DECRYPT then
    for i=0 to nr/2-1     ;swap entries (except middle one)
      for j=0 to 3
        w=RK[i*4+j], v=RK[nr*4-i*4+j]
        RK[i*4+j]=v, RK[nr*4-i*4+j]=w
    for i=4 to nr*4-1     ;modify entries (except RK[0..3] and RK[nr*4+0..3])
      w=RK[i], w=scatter8(FSb,w,w,w,w), RK[i]=scatter32(RT,w,w,w,w)

  DSi AES Little-Endian Tables and Test Values

  for i=0 to 0FFh               ;compute pow and log tables...
    if i=0 then x=01h, else x=x xor x*2, if x>0FFh then x=x xor 11Bh
    pow[i]=x, log[x]=i
  for i=0 to 0FFh               ;generate the forward and reverse S-boxes...
    x=x xor (x rol 1) xor (x rol 2) xor (x rol 3) xor (x rol 4) xor 63h
    if i=0 then x=63h
    FSb[i]=x, RSb[x]=i
  for i=0 to 0FFh               ;generate the forward and reverse tables...
    x=FSb[i]*2, if x>0FFh then x=x xor 11Bh
    FT[i]=(FSb[i]*00010101h) xor (x*01000001h)
    w=00000000h, x=RSb[i]
    if x<>00h then   ;ie. not at i=63h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[0Eh]) mod 00FFh]*1000000h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[09h]) mod 00FFh]*10000h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[0Dh]) mod 00FFh]*100h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[0Bh]) mod 00FFh]*1h

  pow[00h..FFh] = 01,03,05,0F,11,..,C7,52,F6,01   ;pow  ;\needed temporarily
  log[00h..FFh] = 00,FF,19,01,32,..,C0,F7,70,07   ;log  ;/for table creation
  FSb[00h..FFh] = 63,7C,77,7B,F2,..,B0,54,BB,16   ;Forward S-box
  RSb[00h..FFh] = 52,09,6A,D5,30,..,55,21,0C,7D   ;Reverse S-box
  FT[00h..FFh] = C66363A5,F87C7C84,..,2C16163A    ;Forward Table
  RT[00h..FFh] = 51F4A750,7E416553,..,D0B85742    ;Reverse Table

  key = "AES-Test-Key-Str-1234567-Abcdefg"  ;use only 1st bytes for 128/192bit
  128bit ENCRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..43] = 2D534541..2783080F..93AF7DF0..827EE10D
  192bit ENCRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..51] = 79654B2D..9708FA95..2529372B..C66C19FA
  256bit ENCRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..59] = 3332312D..DF5C92A5..74174E2E..3C8ADAE6
  128bit DECRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..43] = AEABCD4D..ECD33F19..8C87B246..7274532D
  192bit DECRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..51] = AFA9796F..72A3EFE5..455646C7..37363534
  256bit DECRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..59] = 0ED52830..4601F929..415A7D65..67666564

  [key+0..15]    = "AES-Test-Key-Str-1234567-Abcdefg"
  [iv+0..15]     = "Nonce/InitVector"
  [xtra+0..20]   = "Extra-Associated-Data"  ;\for CCM
  iv_len=12, mac_len=16, xtra_len=xx        ;/
  Unencrypted:   [dta+0..113Fh] = "Unencrypted-Data", 190h x "TestPadding"
  AES-ECB:       [dta+0..113Fh] = 20,24,73,88,..,44,A8,D6,A8  ;\
  AES-CBC:       [dta+0..113Fh] = A4,6F,7A,F2,..,58,C9,02,B4  ;
  AES-CFB128:    [dta+0..113Fh] = 20,C6,DB,35,..,9A,83,7F,DB  ; keysize=128
  AES-CFB8:      [dta+0..113Fh] = 55,C7,75,1C,..,24,6E,A6,D1  ;
  AES-CTR:       [dta+0..113Fh] = 20,C6,DB,35,..,AB,09,0C,75  ;
  AES-CCM:       [dta+0..113Fh] = C8,37,D7,F1,..,7B,EF,FC,12  ;
  AES-CCM (ori): [mac+0..0Fh]   = xx,xx,xx,xx,..,xx,xx,xx,xx  ;
  AES-CCM (DSi): [mac+0..0Fh]   = xx,xx,xx,xx,..,xx,xx,xx,xx  ;/
  AES-ECB:       [dta+0..113Fh] = CC,B6,4D,17,..,D3,56,3E,64  ;-keysize=192
  AES-ECB:       [dta+0..113Fh] = A9,A9,9B,3E,..,8A,C6,13,A1  ;-keysize=256

  DSi AES Big-Endian High Level Functions

AES-CTR (Counter)
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  [ctr+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init ctr
  while len>0   ;code is 100% same for ENCRYPT and DECRYPT         ;\
    if n=0                                                         ; encrypt
      aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,ctr,tmp)                             ; or decrypt
      bigendian(ctr)=bigendian(ctr)+1     ;increment counter       ; message
    [dst] = [src] xor [tmp+n]                                      ;
    src=src+1, dst=dst+1, len=len-1, n=(n+1) and 0Fh               ;/

AES-CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC)
  if mac_len<4 or mac_len>16 or (mac_len and 1)=1 then error       ;\limits
  if iv_len<7 or iv_len>13 then error                              ;/
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  ctr_len = 15-iv_len                                              ;\
  [ctr+0]=ctr_len-1     ;bit3..7=zero   ;1 byte (ctr_len)          ; init ctr
  [ctr+1..iv_len] = [iv+0..(iv_len-1)]  ;7..13 bytes (iv)          ;
  [ctr+(iv_len+1)..15]=bigendian(0)     ;8..2 bytes (counter=0)    ;/
  [cbc+0..15]=bigendian(msg_len)   ;-[(iv_len+1)..15]=msg_len      ;\
  if [cbc+0..iv_len]<>0 then error ;errif msg_len overlaps iv/flags;
  [cbc+1..iv_len]=[iv+0..iv_len-1] ;-[1..iv_len]=iv (aka nonce)    ;
  [cbc+0].bit7=0  ;reserved/zero   ;\                              ; init cbc
  [cbc+0].bit6=(xtra_len>0)        ; [0]=flags                     ;
  [cbc+0].bit5..3=(mac_len/2-1)    ;                               ;
  [cbc+0].bit2..0=(ctr_len-1)      ;/                              ;
  aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cbc,cbc)      ;UPDATE_CBC_MAC            ;/
  if NintendoDSi then                                              ;\
    a=0 ;the DSi hardware doesn't support xtra_len encoding at all ;
  elseif xtra_len<0FF00h then                                      ;
    [cbc+0..1]=[cbc+0..1] xor bigendian(xtra_len), a=2             ; weird
  elseif xtra_len<100000000h then                                  ; encoding
    [cbc+0..1]=[cbc+0..1] xor bigendian(FFFEh)                     ; for
    [cbc+2..5]=[cbc+2..5] xor bigendian(xtra_len), a=6             ; xtra_len
  else                                                             ;
    [cbc+0..1]=[cbc+0..1] xor bigendian(FFFFh)                     ;
    [cbc+2..9]=[cbc+2..9] xor bigendian(xtra_len), a=10            ;/
  while xtra_len>0                                                 ;\scatter
    z=min(xtra_len,16-a)                                           ; cbc by
    [cbc+a..(a+z-1)]=[cbc+a..(a+z-1)] xor [xtra+0..(z-1)]          ; xtra
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cbc,cbc)    ;UPDATE_CBC_MAC            ; (if any)
    xtra=xtra+z, xtra_len=xtra_len-z, a=0                          ;/
  while msg_len>0                                                  ;\
    bigendian(ctr)=bigendian(ctr)+1     ;increment counter         ;
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,ctr,tmp)    ;CTR_CRYPT                 ;
    z=min(msg_len,16)                                              ; encrypt
    if mode=ENCRYPT                                                ; or decrypt
      [cbc+0..(z-1)] = [cbc+0..(z-1)] xor [src+0..(z-1)]           ; message
    [dst+0..(z-1)] = [src+0..(z-1)] xor [tmp+0..(z-1)]             ; body
    if mode=DECRYPT                                                ;
      [cbc+0..(z-1)] = [cbc+0..(z-1)] xor [dst+0..(z-1)]           ;
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cbc,cbc)    ;UPDATE_CBC_MAC            ;
    src=src+z, dst=dst+z, msg_len=msg_len-z                        ;/
  [ctr+(iv_len+1)..15]=bigendian(0)     ;reset counter=0           ;\
  aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,ctr,tmp)      ;CTR_CRYPT                 ; message
  [cbc+0..15] = [cbc+0..15] xor [tmp+0..15]                        ; auth code
  z=mac_len                                                        ; (mac)
  IF mode=ENCRYPT then [mac+0..(z-1)] = [cbc+0..(z-1)]             ;
  IF mode=DECRYPT and [mac+0..(z-1)] <> [cbc+0..(z-1)] then error  ;/

Below are some other AES variants (just for curiosity - those variants aren't used in DSi):

AES-CBC (Cipher-block chaining)
  aes_setkey(mode,key,key_size]                                    ;-init key
  [cbc+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init cbc
  if (len AND 0Fh)>0 then error
  while len>0                                                      ;\
    if mode=ENCRYPT                                                ;
      [dst+0..15] = [src+0..15] xor [cbc+0..15]                    ;
      aes_crypt_block(mode,dst,dst)                                ; encrypt
      [cbc+0..15] = [dst+0..15]                                    ; or decrypt
    if mode=DECRYPT                                                ; message
      [tmp+0..15] = [src+0..15]                                    ;
      aes_crypt_block(mode,src,dst)                                ;
      [dst+0..15] = [dst+0..15] xor [cbc+0..15]                    ;
      [cbc+0..15] = [tmp+0..15]                                    ;
    src=src+16, dst=dst+16, len=len-16                             ;/

AES-CFB128 (Cipher feedback on 128bits, aka 16 bytes)
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  [cfb+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init cfb
  while len>0                                                      ;\
    if n=0 then aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cfb,cfb)                   ; encrypt
    if mode=DECRYPT then c=[src], [dst]=c xor [cfb+n], [cfb+n]=c   ; or decrypt
    if mode=ENCRYPT then c=[cfb+n] xor [src], [cfb+n]=c, [dst]=c   ; message
    src=src+1, dst=dst+1, len=len-1, n=(n+1) and 0Fh               ;/

AES-CFB8 (Cipher feedback on 8bits, aka 1 byte, very inefficient)
  aes_setkey(ENCRYPT,key,key_size]                                 ;-init key
  [cfb+0..15] = [iv+0..15]                                         ;-init cfb
  while len>0                                                      ;\
    aes_crypt_block(ENCRYPT,cfb,tmp)                               ;
    [cfb+0..14] = [cfb+1..15]   ;shift with 8-bit step             ; encrypt
    if mode=DECRYPT then [cfb+15] = [src]                          ; or decrypt
    [dst] = [src] xor [tmp+0]   ;shift-in new 8-bits               ; message
    if mode=ENCRYPT then [cfb+15] = [dst]                          ;
    src=src+1, dst=dst+1, len=len-1                                ;/

AES-ECB (Electronic codebook, very basic, very insecure)
  aes_setkey(mode,key,key_size]                                    ;-init key
  if (len AND 0Fh)>0 then error
  while len>0                                                      ;\encrypt
    aes_crypt_block(mode,src,dst)                                  ; or decrypt
    src=src+16, dst=dst+16, len=len-16                             ;/message

  DSi AES Big-Endian Core Function and Key Schedule

  Y0 = RK[0] xor [src+00h]
  Y1 = RK[1] xor [src+04h]
  Y2 = RK[2] xor [src+08h]
  Y3 = RK[3] xor [src+0Ch]
  ;below code depending on mode:      <---ENCRYPT--->  -or-  <---DECRYPT--->
  for i=1 to nr-1
    X0      = RK[i*4+0] xor scatter32(FT,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3)  -or-  (RT,Y0,Y3,Y2,Y1)
    X1      = RK[i*4+1] xor scatter32(FT,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y0)  -or-  (RT,Y1,Y0,Y3,Y2)
    X2      = RK[i*4+2] xor scatter32(FT,Y2,Y3,Y0,Y1)  -or-  (RT,Y2,Y1,Y0,Y3)
    X3      = RK[i*4+3] xor scatter32(FT,Y3,Y0,Y1,Y2)  -or-  (RT,Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0)
    Y0=X0, Y1=X1, Y2=X2, Y3=X3
  [dst+00h] = RK[nr*4+0] xor scatter8(FSb,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3) -or-  (RSb,Y0,Y3,Y2,Y1)
  [dst+04h] = RK[nr*4+1] xor scatter8(FSb,Y1,Y2,Y3,Y0) -or-  (RSb,Y1,Y0,Y3,Y2)
  [dst+08h] = RK[nr*4+2] xor scatter8(FSb,Y2,Y3,Y0,Y1) -or-  (RSb,Y2,Y1,Y0,Y3)
  [dst+0Ch] = RK[nr*4+3] xor scatter8(FSb,Y3,Y0,Y1,Y2) -or-  (RSb,Y3,Y2,Y1,Y0)

 scatter32(TAB,a,b,c,d):              scatter8(TAB,a,b,c,d):
  w=      (TAB[a.bit0..7])             w.bit0..7   = TAB[a.bit0..7]
  w=w xor (TAB[b.bit8..15] rol 8)      w.bit8..15  = TAB[b.bit8..15]
  w=w xor (TAB[c.bit16..23] rol 16)    w.bit16..23 = TAB[c.bit16..23]
  w=w xor (TAB[d.bit24..31] rol 24)    w.bit24..31 = TAB[d.bit24..31]
  return w                             return w

 aes_setkey(mode,key,keysize):  ;out: RK[0..43/51/59], nr=10/12/14
  aes_generate_tables   ;<-- unless tables are already initialized
  if keysize<>128 and keysize<>192 and keysize<>256 then error  ;size in bits
  rc=01h, j=0, jj=keysize/32, nr=jj+6   ;jj=4,6,8      ;\
  for i=0 to (nr+1)*4-1                 ;nr=10,12,14   ; copy 16/24/32-byte key
    if i<jj then w=[key+i*4+0..3]                      ; to RK[0..3/5/7]
    else w=w xor RK[i-jj]                              ; and, make
    RK[i]=w, j=j+1                                     ; RK[4/6/8..43/51/59]
    if j=jj then                                       ;
      w=w ror 8, w=scatter8(FSb,w,w,w,w) xor rc        ;
      j=0, rc=rc*2, if rc>0FFh then rc=rc xor 11Bh     ;
    if j=4 and jj=8 then w=scatter8(FSb,w,w,w,w)       ;/
  if mode=DECRYPT then
    for i=0 to nr/2-1     ;swap entries (except middle one)
      for j=0 to 3
        w=RK[i*4+j], v=RK[nr*4-i*4+j]
        RK[i*4+j]=v, RK[nr*4-i*4+j]=w
    for i=4 to nr*4-1     ;modify entries (except RK[0..3] and RK[nr*4+0..3])
      w=RK[i], w=scatter8(FSb,w,w,w,w), RK[i]=scatter32(RT,w,w,w,w)

  DSi AES Big-Endian Tables and Test Values

  for i=0 to 0FFh               ;compute pow and log tables...
    if i=0 then x=01h, else x=x xor x*2, if x>0FFh then x=x xor 11Bh
    pow[i]=x, log[x]=i
  for i=0 to 0FFh               ;generate the forward and reverse S-boxes...
    x=x xor (x rol 1) xor (x rol 2) xor (x rol 3) xor (x rol 4) xor 63h
    if i=0 then x=63h
    FSb[i]=x, RSb[x]=i
  for i=0 to 0FFh               ;generate the forward and reverse tables...
    x=FSb[i]*2, if x>0FFh then x=x xor 11Bh
    FT[i]=(FSb[i]*01010100h) xor (x*01000001h)
    w=00000000h, x=RSb[i]
    if x<>00h then   ;ie. not at i=63h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[0Eh]) mod 00FFh]*1h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[09h]) mod 00FFh]*100h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[0Dh]) mod 00FFh]*10000h
      w=w+pow[(log[x]+log[0Bh]) mod 00FFh]*1000000h

  pow[00h..FFh] = 01,03,05,0F,11,..,C7,52,F6,01   ;pow  ;\needed temporarily
  log[00h..FFh] = 00,FF,19,01,32,..,C0,F7,70,07   ;log  ;/for table creation
  FSb[00h..FFh] = 63,7C,77,7B,F2,..,B0,54,BB,16   ;Forward S-box
  RSb[00h..FFh] = 52,09,6A,D5,30,..,55,21,0C,7D   ;Reverse S-box
  FT[00h..FFh] = A56363C6,847C7CF8,..,3A16162C    ;Forward Table
  RT[00h..FFh] = 50A7F451,5365417E,..,4257B8D0    ;Reverse Table

  key = "AES-Test-Key-Str-1234567-Abcdefg"  ;use only 1st bytes for 128/192bit
  128bit ENCRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..43] = 2D534541..ED0DC6FA..43DAC81C..0F5026BB
  192bit ENCRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..51] = 2D534541..4AAB3D82..29CA38D2..CA4DFE3B
  256bit ENCRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..59] = 2D534541..1AA51359..CCB886C8..88956C9C
  128bit DECRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..43] = F653079B..47DD8A1C..1C2070A7..7274532D
  192bit DECRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..51] = 3CEC6AFF..C4F96B6F..AE36B4AE..7274532D
  256bit DECRYPT --> RK[0..9..30..59] = DE7ADCD9..8C559ADD..067A387E..7274532D

  [key+0..15]    = "AES-Test-Key-Str-1234567-Abcdefg"
  [iv+0..15]     = "Nonce/InitVector"
  [xtra+0..20]   = "Extra-Associated-Data"  ;\for CCM
  iv_len=12, mac_len=16, xtra_len=21        ;/
  Unencrypted:   [dta+0..113Fh] = "Unencrypted-Data", 190h x "TestPadding"
  AES-ECB:       [dta+0..113Fh] = 5F,BD,04,DB,..,E4,07,F4,B6  ;\
  AES-CBC:       [dta+0..113Fh] = 0B,BB,53,FA,..,DD,28,6D,AE  ;
  AES-CFB128:    [dta+0..113Fh] = F4,75,4F,0E,..,73,B5,D7,E7  ; keysize=128
  AES-CFB8:      [dta+0..113Fh] = F4,10,6A,83,..,BF,1B,16,3E  ;
  AES-CTR:       [dta+0..113Fh] = F4,75,4F,0E,..,04,DF,EB,BA  ;
  AES-CCM:       [dta+0..113Fh] = FD,1A,6D,98,..,EE,FD,68,F6  ;
  AES-CCM (ori): [mac+0..0Fh]   = FD,F9,FE,85,..,4F,50,3C,AF  ;
  AES-CCM (DSi): [mac+0..0Fh]   = xx,xx,xx,xx,..,xx,xx,xx,xx  ;/
  AES-ECB:       [dta+0..113Fh] = 0E,69,F5,1A,..,9A,5F,7A,9A  ;-keysize=192
  AES-ECB:       [dta+0..113Fh] = C6,FB,68,C1,..,14,89,6C,E0  ;-keysize=256

  DSi ES Block Encryption

ES Block Encryption, for lack of a better name, is a Nintendo DSi specific data encryption method. It's used for some SD/MMC files:
  FAT16:\ticket\000300tt\4ggggggg.tik (tickets)
  SD Card: .bin files (aka Tad Files)
  twl-*.der files (within the "verdata" NARC file)

Block Layout
  00000h      BLKLEN   Data Block      (AES-CCM encrypted)
  BLKLEN+00h  10h      Data Checksum   (AES-CCM MAC value on above Data)
  BLKLEN+10h  1        Fixed 3Ah       (AES-CTR encrypted)
  BLKLEN+11h  0Ch      Nonce           (unencrypted)
  BLKLEN+1Dh  1        BLKLEN.bit16-23 (AES-CTR encrypted)
  BLKLEN+1Eh  1        BLKLEN.bit8-15  (AES-CTR encrypted)
  BLKLEN+1Fh  1        BLKLEN.bit0-7   (AES-CTR encrypted)
BLKLEN can be max 20000h. If the Data is bigger than 128Kbytes, then it's split into multiple block(s) with BLKLEN=20000h (the last block can have smaller BLKLEN).

Data Block Encryption/Decryption (AES-CCM)
  IV[00h..0Bh]=[BLKLEN+11h..1Ch]  ;Nonce
  IV[0Ch..0Fh]=Don't care (not used for CCM)
With that IV value, apply AES-CCM on the Data Block:
  00000h      BLKLEN   Data Block      (AES-CCM)
Observe that some DSi files have odd BLKLEN values, so you may need to append padding bytes to the Data Block (the DSi hardware requires full 16-byte chunks for encryption/decryption).

Data Block Padding (16-byte alignment)
For encryption, it's simple: Just append 00h byte(s) as padding value.
For decryption, it's more complicated: The padding values should be ENCRYPTED 00h-bytes (required to get the same MAC result as for encryption). If you don't want to verify the MAC, then you could append whatever dummy bytes. If you want to verify the MAC, then you could pre-calculate the padding values as so:
  IV[00h..02h]=BLKLEN/10h + 1     ;CTR value for last 16-byte block
  IV[03h..0Eh]=[BLKLEN+11h..1Ch]  ;Nonce
  IV[0Fh]=02h                     ;Indicate 3-byte wide CTR (fixed on DSi)
Then, use AES-CTR (not CCM) to encrypt sixteen 00h-bytes, the last byte(s) of the result can be then used as padding value(s). The padding values should be pre-calculated BEFORE starting the CCM decryption (the DSi hardware allows only one AES task at once, so they cannot be calculated via AES-CTR when AES-CCM decryption is in progress).

Verifying the Footer values (AES-CTR)
This step is needed only for verification purposes (encryption tools should create these values, but decryption tools may or may not verify them).
  IV[00h]=00h                     ;Zero
  IV[01h..0Ch]=[BLKLEN+11h..1Ch]  ;Nonce
  IV[0Dh..0Fh]=00h,00h,00h        ;Zero
With that IV value (and same Key as for AES-CCM), apply AES-CTR on the last 16 bytes of the block:
  BLKLEN+10h  1        Fixed 3Ah       (AES-CTR encrypted)
  BLKLEN+11h  0Ch      Nonce           (unencrypted)
  BLKLEN+1Dh  1        BLKLEN.bit16-23 (AES-CTR encrypted)
  BLKLEN+1Eh  1        BLKLEN.bit8-15  (AES-CTR encrypted)
  BLKLEN+1Fh  1        BLKLEN.bit0-7   (AES-CTR encrypted)
AES-CTR is XORing the data stream (encrypted bytes will turn into unencrypted bytes, and vice-versa), so the result would look as so:
  BLKLEN+10h  1        Fixed 3Ah       (unencrypted)       (to be verified)
  BLKLEN+11h  0Ch      Nonce           (AES-CTR encrypted) (useless/garbage)
  BLKLEN+1Dh  1        BLKLEN.bit16-23 (unencrypted)       (to be verified)
  BLKLEN+1Eh  1        BLKLEN.bit8-15  (unencrypted)       (to be verified)
  BLKLEN+1Fh  1        BLKLEN.bit0-7   (unencrypted)       (to be verified)
Mind that BLKLEN can be odd, so data at BLKLEN+00h..1Fh isn't necessarily located at 4-byte aligned addresses.

  DSi Cartridge Header

Old NDS Header Entries
The first 180h bytes of the DSi Header are essentially same as on NDS:
DS Cartridge Header
New/changed entries in DSi carts are:
  012h 1    Unitcode (00h=NDS, 02h=NDS+DSi, 03h=DSi) (bit1=DSi)
  01Ch 1    NDS: Reserved / DSi: Unknown (03h=Normal, 0Bh=Sys, 0Fh=Debug/Sys)
  01Dh 1    NDS: Region   / DSi: Unknown (00h=Normal, 01h=System Settings)
  068h 4    Icon/Title offset (same as NDS, but with new extra entries)
  080h 4    Total Used ROM size, EXCLUDING DSi area
  088h 4    NDS: Reserved / DSi: Unknown (B8h,D0h,04h,00h)
  08Ch 4    NDS: Reserved / DSi: Unknown (44h,05h,00h,00h)
  090h 4    NDS: Reserved / DSi: Unknown (16h,00h,16h,00h)

New DSi Header Entries
  180h 20   Global MBK1..MBK5 Setting, WRAM Slots
  194h 12   Local ARM9 MBK6..MBK8 Setting, WRAM Areas
  1A0h 12   Local ARM7 MBK6..MBK8 Setting, WRAM Areas
  1ACh 3    Global MBK9 Setting, WRAM Slot Master
  1AFh 1    ... whatever, rather not 4000247h WRAMCNT ?
                 (above byte is usually 03h)
                 (but, it's FCh in System Menu?)
                 (but, it's 00h in System Settings?)
  1B0h 4    Region flags (bit0=JPN, bit1=USA, bit2=EUR, bit3=AUS, bit4=CHN,
              bit5=KOR, bit6-31=Reserved) (FFFFFFFFh=Region Free)
  1B4h 4    Access control  (uh ???)  ;whatever Flags (AES Key Select?)      ?
  1B8h 4    ARM7 SCFG_EXT setting (bit0,1,2,10,18,31)
  1BCh 3    Reserved/flags? (zerofilled)
  1BFh 1    Flags? (usually 01h) (DSiware Browser: 0Bh)
              bit2: Custom Icon  (0=No/Normal, 1=Use banner.sav)
  1C0h 4    ARM9i ROM Offset (usually XX03000h, XX=1MB-boundary after NDS area)
  1C4h 4    Reserved (zero)
  1C8h 4    ARM9i RAM Load address
  1CCh 4    ARM9i Size
  1D0h 4    ARM7i ROM Offset
  1D4h 4    SD/MMC Device List ARM7 RAM Addr; 400h-byte initialized by firmware
  1D8h 4    ARM7i RAM Load address
  1DCh 4    ARM7i Size
  1E0h 4    Digest NTR region offset (usually same as ARM9 rom offs, 0004000h)
  1E4h 4    Digest NTR region length
  1E8h 4    Digest TWL region offset (usually same as ARM9i rom offs, XX03000h)
  1ECh 4    Digest TWL region length
  1F0h 4    Digest Sector Hashtable offset ;\SHA1-HMAC's on all sectors
  1F4h 4    Digest Sector Hashtable length ;/in above NTR+TWL regions
  1F8h 4    Digest Block Hashtable offset  ;\SHA1-HMAC's on each N entries
  1FCh 4    Digest Block Hashtable length  ;/in above Sector Hashtable
  200h 4    Digest Sector size       (eg. 400h bytes per sector)
  204h 4    Digest Block sectorcount (eg. 20h sectors per block)
  208h 4    Icon/Title size (usually 23C0h)
  20Ch 4    Reserved ??? (00 00 01 00)
  210h 4    Total Used ROM size, INCLUDING DSi area
  214h 4    Reserved ?   (00 00 00 00)
  218h 4    Reserved ??? (84 D0 04 00) whatever, resembles header entry [088h]
  21Ch 4    Reserved ??? (2C 05 00 00) whatever, resembles header entry [08Ch]
  220h 4    Modcrypt area 1 offset ;usually same as ARM9i rom offs (XX03000h)
  224h 4    Modcrypt area 1 size   ;usually min(4000h,ARM9iSize+Fh AND not Fh)
  228h 4    Modcrypt area 2 offset (0=None)
  22Ch 4    Modcrypt area 2 size   (0=None)
  230h 4    Title ID, Emagcode (aka Gamecode spelled backwards)
  234h 1    Title ID, Filetype (00h=Cartridge, 04h=DSiware, 05h=System Fun
              Tools, [0Fh=Non-executable datafile without cart header],
              15h=System Base Tools, 17h=System Menu)
  235h 1    Title ID, Zero     (00h=Normal)
  236h 1    Title ID, Three    (03h=Normal, why?)
  237h 1    Title ID, Zero     (00h=Normal)
  238h 4    SD/MMC (DSiware) "public.sav" filesize in bytes  (0=none)
  23Ch 4    SD/MMC (DSiware) "private.sav" filesize in bytes (0=none)
  240h 176  Reserved (zero-filled)
Parental Control Age Ratings
  2F0h 10h  Parental Control Age Ratings (for different countries/areas)
             Bit7: Rating exists for local country/area
             Bit6: Game is prohibited in local country/area?
             Bit5: Unused
             Bit4-0: Age rating for local country/area (years)
  2F0h 1    CERO (Japan)       (0=None/A, 12=B, 15=C, 17=D, 18=Z)
  2F1h 1    ESRB (US/Canada)   (0=None, 3=EC, 6=E, 10=E10+, 13=T, 17=M)
  2F2h 1    Reserved           (0=None)
  2F3h 1    USK (Germany)      (0=None, 6=6+, 12=12+, 16=16+, 18=18+)
  2F4h 1    PEGI (Pan-Europe)  (0=None, 3=3+, 7=7+, 12=12+, 16=16+, 18=18+)
  2F5h 1    Reserved           (0=None)
  2F6h 1    PEGI (Portugal)    (0=None, 4=4+, 6=6+, 12=12+, 16=16+, 18=18+)
  2F7h 1    PEGI and BBFC (UK) (0=None, 3, 4=4+/U, 7, 8=8+/PG, 12, 15, 16, 18)
  2F8h 1    AGCB (Australia)   (0=None/G, 7=PG, 14=M, 15=MA15+, plus 18=R18+?)
  2F9h 1    GRB (South Korea)  (0=None, 12=12+, 15=15+, 18=18+)
  2FAh 6    Reserved (6x)      (0=None)
  N/A? -    DEJUS (Brazil) (L, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18)
  N/A? -    GSRMR (Taiwan) (formerly CSRR) (0,6,12,18) (and GSRMR: 15)
  N/A? -    PEGI (Finland) (discontinued 2007, shortly before DSi launch)
             bit0-4 Rating (0..18)
             bit6   Pending
             bit7   Enabled
  300h 20   SHA1-HMAC hash ARM9 (with encrypted secure area)  ;[020h,02Ch]
  314h 20   SHA1-HMAC hash ARM7                               ;[030h,03Ch]
  328h 20   SHA1-HMAC hash Digest master                      ;[1F8h,1FCh]
  33Ch 20   SHA1-HMAC hash Icon/Title                         ;[068h,208h]
  350h 20   SHA1-HMAC hash ARM9i (decrypted)                  ;[1C0h,1CCh]
  364h 20   SHA1-HMAC hash ARM7i (decrypted)                  ;[1D0h,1DCh]
  378h 40   Reserved (zero-filled)
  3A0h 20   SHA1-HMAC hash ARM9 (without 16Kbyte secure area) ;[020h,02Ch]
  3B4h 2636 Reserved (zero-filled)
  E00h 180h Reserved and unchecked region, always zero. Used for passing
              arguments in debug environment.
  F80h 80h  RSA-SHA1 signature across header entries [000h..DFFh]
Reserved Area
  1000h..3FFFh  Non-Load area in ROMs... but contains sth in DSiWare files!?!

DSiware/System Utilities
Files saved on SD card or internal eMMC memory are having the same header as ROM carts, with some differences:
  The ARM7 and ARM9 areas may exceed the 4Mbyte NDS-limit
  Entry 3A0h can be zero-filled (in LAUNCHER)
DSiware files are usually marked as [012h]=03h=DSi (exceptions are the DS Download Play and PictoChat utilities, which are marked [012h]=00h=NDS, since they are actually running in NDS mode).

The SHA1-HMAC's in cart header and Digest tables are SHA1 checksums with a 40h-byte HMAC key (values 21h, 06h, C0h, DEh, BAh, ..., 24h), the key is contained in the Launcher, and it's also stored in most DSi cartridges (probably used for verifying Digest values when loading additional data after booting). The key can be used for verifying checksums, but (due to the RSA signature) not for changing them. See BIOS chapter for SHA1/HMAC pseudo code.

The RSA-SHA1 value is a normal SHA1 (not SHA1-HMAC) across header entries [000h..DFFh], the 20-byte value is padded to 127-byte size (01h, 105xFFh, 00h, followed by the 20 SHA1 bytes). It can be decrypted (via SWI 22h) using the 80h-byte RSA public keys located in ARM9BIOS (note that there are at least four different RSA keys, one is used for games, and others for system files), and can be then verfied against the SHA1 checksum (computed via SWI 27h).
BIOS RSA Functions (DSi only)
The private key needed for encryption is unknown, which is unfortunately preventing to boot unlicensed (homebrew) software.

Modcrypt (AES-CTR)
Modcrypt is a new additional way of encrypting parts of the NDS ROM executable binary modules using AES CTR. It is mostly being used to encrypt the ARM9i and ARM7i binaries. DSi cartridges are usually having only the ARM9i binary encrypted (as area 1), while NAND based applications have both the ARM9i and ARM7i binaries encrypted (as area 1 and 2).
The initial AES Counter value (IV) is:
  Modcrypt Area 1 IV[0..F]: First 16 bytes of the ARM9 SHA1-HMAC   [300h..30Fh]
  Modcrypt Area 2 IV[0..F]: First 16 bytes of the ARM7 SHA1-HMAC   [314h..323h]
The AES key depends of flags in the cartridge header:
 IF header[01Ch].Bit2 OR header[1BFh].Bit7 THEN (probably for prototypes)
  Debug KEY[0..F]: First 16 bytes of the header                    [000h..00Fh]
 ELSE (commonly used for retail software)
  Retail KEY_X[0..7]: Fixed 8-byte ASCII string                    ("Nintendo")
  Retail KEY_X[8..B]: The 4-byte gamecode, forwards                [00Ch..00Fh]
  Retail KEY_X[C..F]: The 4-byte gamecode, backwards               [00Fh..00Ch]
  Retail KEY_Y[0..F]: First 16 bytes of the ARM9i SHA1-HMAC        [350h..35Fh]
Theoretically, the modcrypt areas can span over any of the ARM9i/ARM7i and ARM9/ARM7 areas (in practice, cartridges should never use modcrypt for the ARM9/ARM7 areas because NDS consoles would leave them undecrypted; that restriction doesn't apply to DSiware).

The NDS format has been extended with a hash tree to verify the entire contents of an NDS ROM. The NDS ROM is divided into sectors, and each sector will be hashed and have its hash stored in the digest sector hashtable. The size of a sector is defined in the header aswell. Furthermore, the sector hashtable is partitioned and hashed again to form block hashes. This block hashtable is hashed again into a single hash called the digest master hash. These hashtables can be used to verify that the sectors of a NDS ROM have not been tampered with, since the integrity of a sector hash can be verified by a block hash, which in turn can be verified by the master hash. And this hash is part of the header, which is signed with RSA.
The sector hashtable reaches over the NTR and TWL regions, respectively.

Cartridge Protocol
The DSi cartridge protocol is same as on NDS; with one new command (3Dh) for unlocking DSi specific memory regions. For details,
DS Cartridge Protocol

  DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller

DSi Touchscreen Access

AIC3000D Registers
DSi TSC, Register Summary
DSi TSC[0:00h..1Ah], Basic PLL and Timing Control
DSi TSC[0:1Bh..23h], Codec Control
DSi TSC[0:24h..32h], Status and Interrupt Flags
DSi TSC[0:33h..3Bh], Pin Control
DSi TSC[0:3Ch..55h], DAC/ADC and Beep
DSi TSC[0:56h..7Fh], AGC and ADC
DSi TSC[1:xxh], DAC and ADC Routing, PGA, Power-Controls and MISC Logic
DSi TSC[3:xxh], Touchscreen/SAR Control and TSC[FCh:xxh], Buffer
DSi TSC[04h..05h:xxh], ADC Digital Filter Coefficient RAM
DSi TSC[08h..0Fh:xxh], DAC Digital Filter Coefficient RAM
DSi TSC[20h..2Bh:xxh], TSC[40h..5Fh:xxh] ADC/DAC Instruction RAM

  DSi Touchscreen Access

The Touch Screen Controller (for lower LCD screen) is accessed via SPI bus,
DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)
so far, it's same as on NDS, but the SPI touchscreen commands are having an entirely different format in DSi mode:
The DSi touchscreen registers are selected via a combination of a MODE byte and an INDEX byte. The MODE byte is located at INDEX=00h, and it does somewhat 'bankswitch' the contents of INDEX=01h..7Fh. And INDEX can be incremented manually, or automatically (but, confusingly, the manual increment doesn't work for reading Y coordinates).
SPI clock should be set to 4MHz for DSi Mode touchscreen access (unlike NDS, which used 2MHz). The PENIRQ bit in port 4000136h is always zero in DSi mode.
When reading data: Write dummy 00h-bytes in output direction.


DSi Touchscreen INDEX values
The INDEX/Direction byte is written as first byte after SPI chip select:
  0     Direction for following data bytes (0=Write, 1=Read)
  1-7   INDEX (00h..7Fh) for following data bytes (auto-increasing)
The meanining of the separate INDEX values is:
  00h       R/W  MODE register (should be 03h or FCh)
When MODE=03h (Status/Control Registers)
  01h       R    Unknown (00h)
  02h..06h  mix  Unknown (18h,87h,22h,04h,20h) (writeable: FFh,BFh,F7h,E7h,EDh)
  07h..08h  R    Unknown (00h,00h)
  09h       R    State   (40h=Released, 80h=Pressed)
  0Ah..0Ch  R    Unknown (00h,00h,00h)
  0Dh       mix  Unknown (01h on 1st read, 00h thereafter?) (upper 6bit R/W)
  0Eh       mix  State   (ADh=Released, ACh=Pressed)        (upper 6bit R/W)
  0Fh       R/W  Unknown (A0h,88h,81h)
  12h..14h  mix  Unknown (usually 00h-filled) (writeable: E7h,FFh,07h)
  15h       R    Unknown (00h)
  16h..21h  R/W  Unknown Six 16bit values (0000h..1FFFh) (usually 0000h)
  22h..7Fh  R    Unknown (00h-filled)
When MODE=FCh (Touchscreen X/Y Coordinates)
  01h..0Ah  R    Five Touchscreen X Coodinates (big-endian MSB,LSB each)
  0Bh..14h  R    Five Touchscreen Y Coodinates (big-endian MSB,LSB each)
  15h..7Fh  R    Reserved (garbage) (further Touchscreen X/Y Coodinates)
Unknown what happens when using MODE values other than 03h and FCh (might give access to further registers, or return somehow distorted results, or whatever).
Note: The DSi Sound utility also uses MODEs 00h, 01h, and 08h.

When MODE=00h (?)
  01h..0Fh    00 01 44 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  10h..1Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  20h..2Fh 03 00 00 00 80 99 11 08  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  30h..3Fh 00 00 09 34 32 12 03 02  03 66 60 00 19 05 00 D4
  40h..4Fh 00 08 08 00 19 38 00 00  00 00 00 EE 10 D8 7E E3
  50h..5Fh 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00  7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  60h..6Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  70h..7Fh 00 00 00 00 D2 24 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
After FFh-filling, this crashed, and after REBOOT it became:
  01h..0Fh    00 01 44 03 A1 15 00  00 00 00 87 83 00 80 80 ;<--
  10h..1Fh 08 00 87 83 80 80 04 00  00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 ;<--
  20h..2Fh 00 00 00 00 80 99 11 08  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;<-
  30h..3Fh 00 00 01 34 32 12 02 02  03 66 60 00 19 05 00 D4 ;<-
  40h..4Fh 00 08 08 00 0F 38 00 00  00 00 00 EE 10 D8 7E E3 ;<-
  50h..5Fh 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 00  7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  60h..6Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  70h..7Fh 00 00 00 00 D2 24 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  80h..    00...
Then, after reading, many bytes changed back to 00.

When MODE=01h (?)
  01h..0Fh    00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  10h..1Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  20h..2Fh D6 20 F0 44 9E 9E A7 A7  4E 4E 15 15 20 86 00 43 ;
  30h..3Fh 40 40 61 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;
  40h..4Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  50h..5Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  60h..6Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  70h..7Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  80h..    00...
After FFh-filling, this crashed, and after REBOOT it became:
  same as above.

When MODE=02h, 05h..07h, 08h(though used), 09h..FBh, FEh (?)
  All 00h-filled
Unknown if/how coefficient RAM and instruction RAM can be enabled.

When MODE=04h (?)
  01h..0Fh    00 01 17 01 17 7D D3  7F E1 80 1F 7F C1 7F FF
  10h..1Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  7F FF 00 00 00 00 00 00
  20h..2Fh 00 00 7F FF 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 7F FF 00 00
  30h..3Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 7F FF  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  40h..4Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  7F FF 00 00 00 00 7F FF
  50h..5Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  7F FF 00 00 00 00 00 00
  60h..6Fh 00 00 7F FF 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 7F FF 00 00
  70h..7Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 7F FF  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  80h..    00...

Mode FCh
  after index 7Fh, actually it REPEATs last byte (instead 00s)

When MODE=FDh (?)
  01h..0Fh    00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 24 00 00 09 00 ;<--
  10h..1Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  ...      00...

When MODE=FFh (?)
  01h..0Fh<01>00 00 01 00 01 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;<-- !!
  10h..1Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  ...      00...
  70h..7Fh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF ;<--
  80h...   FF...                                            ;<--
thereafter, ALL MODES return the above values (except index0, returning
00h or 01h, depending on bit0 of the written index0 value)

Pen Down Testing
  if (TSC[3:09h] AND 40h)<>0 then return(not_pressed)   ;ADC Ready Flag
  if (TSC[3:0Eh] AND 03h)<>0 then return(not_pressed)   ;Undocumented Flags?
Note: On NDS, this would be done by reading port 4000136h.bit6, which isn't supported in DSi mode.

X/Y Coordinate Reading
  touchdata[0..19] = TSC[FCh:01h..14h]     ;read page FCh, index(1..20)
  rawx=0, rawy=0
  for i=0 to 8 step 2
    x = touchdata[i+0]*100h+touchdata[i+1]
    y = touchdata[i+10]*100h+touchdata[i+11]
    if (x or y) and F000h then return(not_pressed)
    rawx=rawx+x, rawy=rawy+y
  return(rawx/5, rawy/5)
The resulting 12bit coordinates are same as on NDS (ie. they need to be further processed using the Calibration Points from User Settings).

Touchscreen X/Y Coordinates
  0-11   Coordinate (0..FFFh) (usually 000h when not pressed)
  12-14  State (0=Pressed, 7=Released) (or sometimes also 1 or 3=Released)
  15     State Changed (0=No, 1=Newly pressed/released; cleared after read)
Bit12-14 are usually set to 7 when releasing the screen (though sometimes they become 1 or 3 when releasing the screen, and do stay so until newly pressing it).
Bit15 is cleared after reading (so it will be usually seen only in the first MSB, ie. at INDEX=01h) (though maybe it can also occur elsewhere if it becomes newly set during the SPI transfer).

Odd Effects
Touchscreen coordinates should be read by setting INDEX=01h, and then reading 20 bytes continously (ie. from automatically increasing indices 01h..14h). Trying to increase the index manually (ie. using 1-byte reads via separate SPI transfers) won't work: The hardware will return only X coordinates for all indices (but no Y coordinates), ie. the upper bits of the index are ignored, bit0 does properly select MSBs/LSBs of the 16bit values though.
Trying to read more than 20 bytes will return further touchscreen coordinates (which might be further conversions, or just mirrors of the first 20 bytes), basically, there will be five X coords, followed by five Y coords, with a few odd exceptions: INDEX=0Bh..1Ch will return nine Y coords (instead of five), INDEX=7Fh will have an incomplete 16bit value (MSB only, without LSB at INDEX=80h). INDEX=80h and up will return 00h-bytes (ie. in MODE=FCh, the index doesn't wrap from 7Fh to 00h; unlike as MODE=03h which is wrapping from index 7Fh to 00h).
The five normally used X/Y coordinate pairs are apparently the results from the five most recent conversions; unknown which of the five values are newest and which are oldest (they might sorted newest..oldest, or vice-versa, or located at random locations in a ring-buffer; anyways, it doesn't really matter since the values are just added together).

The microphone input was part of the TSC on NDS. In DSi mode it is reportedly somehow changed, using a new "CODEC" (whatever that means). Maybe it's accessed directly via an ARM7 port (and/or TEAK port?), instead of via SPI bus?

NDS Backwards Compatibility Mode
The DSi hardware can emulate the NDS-style touchscreen protocol (with X/Y/MIC channels and with additional PENIRQ flag; but without Pressure or Temperature channels).
DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)
That backwards compatibility mode is used only for NDS games. DSi games are always using the new mode (so DSi enhanced games must implement both modes, and use the new mode on DSi consoles, and the old mode on NDS consoles).
Unknown how to activate that backwards compatibility mode (might be done via some Touchscreen SPI register, or maybe some Powerman SPI register).
If the backwards compatibility mode isn't enabled, then trying to read the touchscreen in NDS fashion will return nothing but zeroes for all TSC channels (and also zero for the PENIRQ bit).

  DSi TSC, Register Summary

The DSi's Touchscreen/Sound controller (AIC3000D) is essentially a Texas Instruments TSC2117 chip (possibly with some customizations for NDS backwards compatibility mode).

TSC[page:index] registers are accessed via SPI bus with 15bit address space:
  7bit index: selected via the first SPI byte, with direction flag in bit0
  8bit page:  selected by writing to index 00h, ie. to TSC[xxh:00h]

TSC page select (for "TSC[page:index]" addressing)
  TSC[xxh:00h] - Page Select Register (00h)
TSC Basic PLL and Timing Control
  TSC[0:01h] - Software Reset (00h)
  TSC[0:02h] - Reserved (xxh) (R)
  TSC[0:03h] - Overtemperature OT Flag (02h..FFh) (R)
  TSC[0:04h] - Clock-Gen Muxing (00h)
  TSC[0:05h] - PLL P and R-Values (11h)
  TSC[0:06h] - PLL J-Value (04h)
  TSC[0:07h,08h] - PLL D-Value MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[0:09h,0Ah] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:0Bh] - DAC NDAC Value (01h)
  TSC[0:0Ch] - DAC MDAC Value (01h)
  TSC[0:0Dh,0Eh] - DAC DOSR Value MSB,LSB (0080h)
  TSC[0:0Fh] - DAC IDAC Value (80h)
  TSC[0:10h] - DAC miniDSP Engine Interpolation (08h)
  TSC[0:11h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:12h] - ADC NADC Value (01h)
  TSC[0:13h] - ADC MADC Value (01h)
  TSC[0:14h] - ADC AOSR Value (80h)
  TSC[0:15h] - ADC IADC Value (80h)
  TSC[0:16h] - ADC miniDSP Engine Decimation (04h)
  TSC[0:17h,18h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:19h] - CLKOUT MUX (00h)
  TSC[0:1Ah] - CLKOUT Divider M Value (01h)
TSC Codec Control
  TSC[0:1Bh] - Codec Interface Control 1 (00h) (R/W)
  TSC[0:1Ch] - Data-Slot Offset Programmability (00h)
  TSC[0:1Dh] - Codec Interface Control 2 (00h)
  TSC[0:1Eh] - BCLK Divider N Value (01h)
  TSC[0:1Fh] - Codec Secondary Interface Control 1 (00h)
  TSC[0:20h] - Codec Secondary Interface Control 2 (00h)
  TSC[0:21h] - Codec Secondary Interface Control 3 (00h)
  TSC[0:22h] - I2C Bus Condition (00h)
  TSC[0:23h] - Reserved (xxh)
TSC Status and Interrupt Flags
  TSC[0:24h] - ADC Flag Register (0xh) (R)
  TSC[0:25h] - DAC Flag Register (00h) (R)
  TSC[0:26h] - DAC Flag Register (00h) (R)
  TSC[0:27h] - Overflow Flags (00h) (R)
  TSC[0:28h..2Bh] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:2Ch] - Interrupt Flags DAC, sticky (00h..30h) (R)
  TSC[0:2Dh] - Interrupt Flags ADC, sticky (00h..18h) (R)
  TSC[0:2Eh] - Interrupt Flags DAC, non-sticky? (00h..30h) (R)
  TSC[0:2Fh] - Interrupt Flags ADC, non-sticky? (00h..18h) (R)
  TSC[0:30h] - INT1 Control Register (Select INT1 Sources) (00h)
  TSC[0:31h] - INT2 Control Register (Select INT2 Sources) (00h)
  TSC[0:32h] - INT1 and INT2 Control Register (00h)
TSC Pin Control
  TSC[0:33h] - GPIO1 In/Out Pin Control (00h..C2h)
  TSC[0:34h] - GPIO2 In/Out Pin Control (00h..C2h)
  TSC[0:35h] - SDOUT (OUT Pin) Control (12h)
  TSC[0:36h] - SDIN (IN Pin) Control (02h or 03h)
  TSC[0:37h] - MISO (OUT Pin) Control (02h)
  TSC[0:38h] - SCLK (IN Pin) Control (02h..03h)
  TSC[0:39h] - GPI1 and GPI2 Pin Control (00h..11h)
  TSC[0:3Ah] - GPI3 Pin Control (00h..10h)
  TSC[0:3Bh] - Reserved (xxh)
TSC DAC/ADC and Beep
  TSC[0:3Ch] - DAC Instruction Set (01h)
  TSC[0:3Dh] - ADC Instruction Set (04h)
  TSC[0:3Eh] - Programmable Instruction Mode-Control Bits (00h)
  TSC[0:3Fh] - DAC Data-Path Setup (14h)
  TSC[0:40h] - DAC Volume Control (0Ch)
  TSC[0:41h] - DAC Left Volume Control (00h)
  TSC[0:42h] - DAC Right Volume Control (00h)
  TSC[0:43h] - Headset Detection (00h..60h)
  TSC[0:44h] - DRC Control 1 (0Fh)
  TSC[0:45h] - DRC Control 2 (38h)
  TSC[0:46h] - DRC Control 3 (00h)
  TSC[0:47h] - Beep Generator and Left Beep Volume (00h)
  TSC[0:48h] - Beep Generator and Right Beep Volume (00h)
  TSC[0:49h,4Ah,4Bh] - Beep Length MSB,MID,LSB (0000EEh)
  TSC[0:4Ch,4Dh] - Beep Frequency Sin(x) MSB,LSB (10D8h)
  TSC[0:4Eh,4Fh] - Beep Frequency Cos(x) MSB,LSB (7EE3h)
  TSC[0:50h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:51h] - ADC Digital Mic (00h)
  TSC[0:52h] - ADC Digital Volume Control Fine Adjust (80h)
  TSC[0:53h] - ADC Digital Volume Control Coarse Adjust (00h)
  TSC[0:54h,55h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:56h] - AGC Control 1 (00h)
  TSC[0:57h] - AGC Control 2 (00h)
  TSC[0:58h] - AGC Maximum Gain (7Fh, uh that's 7Fh=Reserved?)
  TSC[0:59h] - AGC Attack Time (00h)
  TSC[0:5Ah] - AGC Decay Time (00h)
  TSC[0:5Bh] - AGC Noise Debounce (00h)
  TSC[0:5Ch] - AGC Signal Debounce (00h)
  TSC[0:5Dh] - AGC Gain-Applied Reading (xxh) (R)
  TSC[0:5Eh...65h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:66h] - ADC DC Measurement 1 (00h)
  TSC[0:67h] - ADC DC Measurement 2 (00h)
  TSC[0:68h,69h,6Ah] - ADC DC Measurement Output MSB,MID,LSB (R) (000000h)
  TSC[0:6Bh...73h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[0:74h] - VOL/MICDET-Pin SAR ADC - Volume Control (00h)
  TSC[0:75h] - VOL/MICDET-Pin Gain (xxh) (R)
  TSC[0:76h...7Fh] - Reserved (xxh)
TSC TSC, DAC and ADC Routing, PGA, Power-Controls and MISC Logic
  TSC[1:01h..1Dh] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[1:1Eh] - Headphone and Speaker Amplifier Error Control (00h)
  TSC[1:1Fh] - Headphone Drivers (04h)
  TSC[1:20h] - Class-D Speaker Amplifier (06h)
  TSC[1:21h] - HP Output Drivers POP Removal Settings (3Eh)
  TSC[1:22h] - Output Driver PGA Ramp-Down Period Control (00h)
  TSC[1:23h] - DAC_L and DAC_R Output Mixer Routing (00h)
  TSC[1:24h] - Analog Volume to HPL (Left Headphone) (7Fh)
  TSC[1:25h] - Analog Volume to HPR (Right Headphone) (7Fh)
  TSC[1:26h] - Analog Volume to SPL (Left Speaker) (7Fh)
  TSC[1:27h] - Analog Volume to SPR (Right Speaker) (7Fh)
  TSC[1:28h] - HPL Driver (Left Headphone) (02h)
  TSC[1:29h] - HPR Driver (Right Headphone) (02h)
  TSC[1:2Ah] - SPL Driver (Left Speaker) (00h)
  TSC[1:2Bh] - SPR Driver (Right Speaker) (00h)
  TSC[1:2Ch] - HP Driver Control (00h)
  TSC[1:2Dh] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[1:2Eh] - MICBIAS (00h)
  TSC[1:2Fh] - MIC PGA (80h)
  TSC[1:30h] - P-Terminal Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Fine-Gain Input (00h)
  TSC[1:31h] - M-Terminal ADC Input Selection (00h)
  TSC[1:32h] - Input CM Settings (00h)
  TSC[1:33h..FFh] - Reserved (xxh)
Reserved Page
  TSC[2:01h..FFh] - Reserved (00h)
TSC Touchscreen/SAR Control
  TSC[3:01h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[3:02h] - SAR ADC Control 1 (00h)
  TSC[3:03h] - SAR ADC Control 2 (00h)
  TSC[3:04h] - Precharge and Sense (00h)
  TSC[3:05h] - Panel Voltage Stabilization (00h)
  TSC[3:06h] - Voltage Reference (20h)
  TSC[3:07h,08h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[3:09h] - Status Bits 1 (40h) (R)
  TSC[3:0Ah] - Status Bits 2 (00h) (R)
  TSC[3:0Bh,0Ch] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[3:0Dh] - Buffer Mode (03h)
  TSC[3:0Eh] - Reserved / Undocumented (read by DSi for Pen Down Test) (0Fh)
  TSC[3:0Fh] - Scan Mode Timer (40h)
  TSC[3:10h] - Scan Mode Timer Clock (81h)
  TSC[3:11h] - SAR ADC Clock (81h)
  TSC[3:12h] - Debounce Time for Pen-Up Detection (00h)
  TSC[3:13h] - Auto AUX Measurement Selection (00h)
  TSC[3:14h] - Touch-Screen Pen Down (00h)
  TSC[3:15h] - Threshold Check Flags Register (00h) (R)
  TSC[3:16h,17h] - AUX1 Maximum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[3:18h,19h] - AUX1 Minimum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[3:1Ah,1Bh] - AUX2 Maximum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[3:1Ch,1Dh] - AUX2 Minimum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[3:1Eh,1Fh] - Temperature(TEMP1/TEMP2) Maximum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[3:20h,21h] - Temperature(TEMP1/TEMP2) Minimum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  TSC[3:22h...29h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[3:2Ah,2Bh] - X-Coordinate Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:2Ch,2Dh] - Y-Coordinate Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:2Eh,2Fh] - Z1 Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:30h,31h] - Z2 Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:32h...35h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[3:36h,37h] - AUX1 Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:38h,39h] - AUX2 Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:3Ah,3Bh] - VBAT Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:3Ch...41h] - Reserved (xxh)
  TSC[3:42h,43h] - TEMP1 Data Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:44h,45h] - TEMP2 Data Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  TSC[3:46h...7Fh] - Reserved (xxh)
TSC Coefficient RAM and Instruction RAM for ADC/DAC
  TSC[04h..05h:xxh] - ADC Coefficient RAM (126 x 16bit)
  TSC[06h..07h:xxh] - Reserved (00h)
  TSC[08h:01h]      - DAC Coefficient RAM Control (00h)
  TSC[08h..0Bh:xxh] - DAC Coefficient RAM, DAC Buffer A (252 x 16bit)
  TSC[0Ch..0Fh:xxh] - DAC Coefficient RAM, DAC Buffer B (252 x 16bit)
  TSC[10h..1Fh:xxh] - Reserved (00h)
  TSC[20h..2Bh:xxh] - ADC DSP Engine Instruction RAM (384 x 24bit)
  TSC[2Ch..3Fh:xxh] - Reserved (00h)
  TSC[40h..5Fh:xxh] - DAC DSP Engine Instruction RAM (1024 x 24bit)
  TSC[60h..FBh:xxh] - Reserved (00h)
TSC Touchscreen/SAR Buffer
  TSC[FCh:01h..xxh] - Buffer Mode Data MSB,LSB (xxxxh) (R)
  TSC[FCh:xxh..7Fh] - Reserved (xxh)
TSC Undocumented Registers
  TSC[FDh:xxh] - Contains some non-zero values (DSi specific?)
  TSC[FEh:xxh] - Reserved (00h)
  TSC[FFh:xxh] - Accessing this page changes operation (DSi specific?)

  DSi TSC[0:00h..1Ah], Basic PLL and Timing Control

TSC[xxh:00h] - Page Select Register (00h)
  7-0   Page Select (00h..FEh) (FFh=Undocumented, enter special mode?)
Selects the "page" for the TSC[page:index] addresses.

TSC[0:01h] - Software Reset (00h)
  7-1   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  0     Software Reset (0=No change, 1=Reset)

TSC[0:02h] - Reserved (xxh) (R)
  7-0   Reserved. Do not write to this register.

TSC[0:03h] - Overtemperature OT Flag (02h..FFh) (R)
  7-2   Reserved. Do not write to these bits. (R)
  1     Overtemperature protection flag (0=Alert, 1=Normal) (R)
  0     Reserved. Do not write to these bits. (R/W?)
Bit1 is valid only if speaker amplifier is powered up.

TSC[0:04h] - Clock-Gen Muxing (00h)
  7-4   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  3-2   Select PLL_CLKIN   (0=MCLK, 1=BCLK, 2=GPIO1, 3=SDIN)
  1-0   Select CODEC_CLKIN (0=MCLK, 1=BCLK, 2=GPIO1, 3=PLL_CLK)
See Section 5.8 for more details on clock generation mutiplexing and dividers.

TSC[0:05h] - PLL P and R-Values (11h)
  7     PLL Enable        (0=Power down, 1=Power up)
  6-4   PLL Divider P     (1..7=Div1..7, or 0=Div8)
  3-0   PLL Multiplier R  (1..15=Mul1..15, or 0=Mul16)

TSC[0:06h] - PLL J-Value (04h)
  7-6   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  5-0   PLL Multiplier J  (1..63=Mul1..63, or 0=Reserved)

TSC[0:07h,08h] - PLL D-Value MSB,LSB (0000h)
  15-14 Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  13-0  PLL fractional multiplier D-Val (14bit)
Note that LSB register must be written to immediately after writing to MSB.

TSC[0:09h,0Ah] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

TSC[0:0Bh] - DAC NDAC Value (01h)
  7     DAC NDAC Divider Enable (0=Power down, 1=Power up)
  6-0   DAC NDAC Divider (1..127=Div1..127, or 0=Div128)

TSC[0:0Ch] - DAC MDAC Value (01h)
  7     DAC MDAC Divider Enable (0=Power down, 1=Power up)
  6-0   DAC MDAC Divider (1..127=Div1..127, or 0=Div128)

TSC[0:0Dh,0Eh] - DAC DOSR Value MSB,LSB (0080h)
  15-10 Reserved
  9-0   DAC OSR value "DOSR" (1..1023, or 0=1024)
DOSR should be an integral multiple of the interpolation ratio in TSC[0:10h].
Note that LSB register must be written to immediately after writing to MSB.

TSC[0:0Fh] - DAC IDAC Value (80h)
  7-0   Number of instructions for DAC miniDSP engine (IDAC=N*4)
        (1..255 = 4..1020 (N*4), or 0=1024)
IDAC should be an integral multiple of the interpolation ratio in TSC[0:10h].

TSC[0:10h] - DAC miniDSP Engine Interpolation (08h)
  7-4   Reserved. Do not write to these registers.
  3-0   Interpolation ratio in DAC miniDSP engine (1..15, or 0=16)

TSC[0:11h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Do not write to this register.

TSC[0:12h] - ADC NADC Value (01h)
  7     ADC NADC divider is powered
          0: ADC NADC divider is powered down and ADC_DSP_CLK = DAC_DSP_CLK.
          1: ADC NADC divider is powered up.
  6-0   ADC NADC divider  (1..127, or 0=128)

TSC[0:13h] - ADC MADC Value (01h)
  7     ADC MADC divider is powered
          0: ADC MADC divider is powered down and ADC_MOD_CLK = DAC_MOD_CLK.
          1: ADC MADC divider is powered up.
  6-0   ADC MADC divider  (1..127, or 0=128)

TSC[0:14h] - ADC AOSR Value (80h)
  7-0   ADC OSR "AOSR" divider  (1..255, or 0=256)
AOSR should be an integral multiple of the decimation ratio in TSC[0:16h].

TSC[0:15h] - ADC IADC Value (80h)
  7-0   Number of instruction for ADC miniDSP engine (IADC=N*2)
        (1..192 = 2..384 (N*2), or 0,193..255=Reserved)
IADC should be an integral multiple of the decimation ratio in TSC[0:16h].

TSC[0:16h] - ADC miniDSP Engine Decimation (04h)
  7-4   Reserved
  3-0   Decimation ratio in ADC miniDSP engine  (1..15, or 0=16)

TSC[0:17h,18h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Do not write to these registers.

TSC[0:19h] - CLKOUT MUX (00h)
  7-3   Reserved

TSC[0:1Ah] - CLKOUT Divider M Value (01h)
  7     CLKOUT divider M Enable (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  6-0   CLKOUT divider M        (1..127, or 0=128)

  DSi TSC[0:1Bh..23h], Codec Control

TSC[0:1Bh] - Codec Interface Control 1 (00h) (R/W)
  7-6   Codec interface type        (0=I2S, 1=DSP, 2=RJF, 3=LJF)
  5-4   Codec interface word length (0..3=16,20,24,32 bits)
  3     BCLK Direction              (0=Input, 1=Output)
  2     WCLK Direction              (0=Input, 1=Output)
  1     Reserved
  0     Driving SDOUT to High-Impedance for the Extra BCLK
         Cycle When Data Is Not Being Transferred (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)

TSC[0:1Ch] - Data-Slot Offset Programmability (00h)
  7-0   Offset (0..255 = 0..255 BCLKs)
Note: Measured with respect to WCLK Rising Edge in DSP Mode.

TSC[0:1Dh] - Codec Interface Control 2 (00h)
  7-6   Reserved
  5     SDIN-to-SDOUT loopback (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  4     ADC-to-DAC loopback    (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  3     BCLK Invert            (0=No, 1=Invert)
  2     BCLK and WCLK active even with Codec powered down (0=No, 1=Yes)
The BCLK settings in Bit2,3 do apply to both Primary and Secondary BCLK.

TSC[0:1Eh] - BCLK Divider N Value (01h)
  7     BCLK divider N Enable (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  6-0   BCLK divider N        (1..127, or 0=128)

TSC[0:1Fh] - Codec Secondary Interface Control 1 (00h)
  7-5   Secondary BCLK is obtained from    ;\(0=GPIO1, 1=SCLK, 2=MISO, 3=SDOUT,
  4-2   Secondary WCLK is obtained from    ;/ 4=GPIO2, 5=GPI1, 6=GPI2, 7=GPI3)
  1-0   Secondary SDIN is obtained from (0=GPIO1, 1=SCLK, 2=GPIO2, 3=GPI1)

TSC[0:20h] - Codec Secondary Interface Control 2 (00h)
  7-5   ADC_WCLK is obtained from  (0=GPIO1, 1=SCLK, 2=MISO, 3=Reserved,
  4     Reserved                        4=GPIO2, 5=GPI1, 6=GPI2, 7=GPI3)
  3     Codec/ClockGen BCLK source (0=Primary BCLK, 1=Secondary BCLK)
  2     Codec WCLK source          (0=Primary WCLK, 1=Secondary WCLK)
  1     Codec ADC_WCLK source      (0=DAC_WCLK, 1=ADC_WCLK)
  0     Codec SDIN source          (0=Primary SDIN, 1=Secondary SDIN)

TSC[0:21h] - Codec Secondary Interface Control 3 (00h)
  7     Primary BCLK output   (0=Internally generated BCLK, 1=Secondary BCLK)
  6     Secondary BCLK output (0=Primary BCLK, 1=Internally generated BCLK)
  5-4   Primary WCLK output  (0=DAC_fS, 1=ADC_fS, 2=Secondary WCLK, 3=Reserved)
  3-2   Secondary WCLK output (0=Primary WCLK, 1=DAC_fS, 2=ADC_fS, 3=Reserved)
  1     Primary SDOUT         (0=SDOUT from codec, 1=Secondary SDIN)
  0     Secondary SDOUT       (0=Primary SDIN, 1=SDOUT from codec)

TSC[0:22h] - I2C Bus Condition (00h)
  7-6   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.
  5     Accept I2C general-call address  (0=No/Ignore, 1=Yes/Accept)
  4-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

TSC[0:23h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

  DSi TSC[0:24h..32h], Status and Interrupt Flags

TSC[0:24h] - ADC Flag Register (0xh) (R)
  7     ADC PGA applied gain = programmed gain (0=Differs, 1=Equal) (R)
  6     ADC powered                  (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)
  5     AGC saturated        (0=No/inrange, 1=Yes/saturated to max) (R)
  4-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
Note on D5(?): Sticky flag bIts. These are read-only bits. They are automatically cleared once they are read and are set only if the source trigger occurs again.

TSC[0:25h] - DAC Flag Register (00h) (R)
  7     Left-channel DAC powered             (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)
  6     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  5     Left Headphone HPL driver powered    (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)
  4     Left-channel class-D driver powered  (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)
  3     Right-channel DAC powered            (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)
  2     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  1     Right Headphone HPR driver powered   (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)
  0     Right-channel class-D driver powered (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up) (R)

TSC[0:26h] - DAC Flag Register (00h) (R)
  7-5   Reserved. Do not write to these bits.
  4     Left-channel DAC PGA applied gain=programmed gain  (0=Differs, 1=Equal)
  3-1   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  0     Right-channel DAC PGA applied gain=programmed gain (0=Differs, 1=Equal)

TSC[0:27h] - Overflow Flags (00h) (R)
  7     Left-Channel DAC Overflow Flag           (0=None, 1=Overflow) (R)
  6     Right-Channel DAC Overflow Flag          (0=None, 1=Overflow) (R)
  5     DAC Barrel Shifter Output Overflow Flag  (0=None, 1=Overflow) (R)
  4     Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  3     Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Overflow Flag       (0=None, 1=Overflow) (R)
  2     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  1     ADC Barrel Shifter Output Overflow Flag  (0=None, 1=Overflow) (R)
  0     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
Sticky flag bIts. These are read-only bits. They are automatically cleared once they are read and are set only if the source trigger occurs again.

TSC[0:28h..2Bh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[0:2Ch] - Interrupt Flags DAC, sticky (00h..30h) (R)
  7     Short-circuit detected at HPL/left class-D driver         (0=No, 1=Yes)
  6     Short-circuit detected at HPR/right class-D driver        (0=No, 1=Yes)
  5     Headset button pressed                                    (0=No, 1=Yes)
  4     Headset insertion/removal is detected                     (0=No, 1=Yes)
  3     Left DAC signal power vs signal threshold of DRC (0=Less/Equal,1=Above)
  2     Right DAC signal power vs signal threshold of DRC(0=Less/Equal,1=Above)
  1     DAC miniDSP Engine Standard Interrupt-Port Output  (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
  0     DAC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Interrupt-Port Output (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
Sticky flag bIts. These are read-only bits. They are automatically cleared once they are read and are set only if the source trigger occurs again.

TSC[0:2Dh] - Interrupt Flags ADC, sticky (00h..18h) (R)
  7     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  6     ADC signal power vs noise threshold for AGC (0=Greater, 1=Less)
  5     Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  4     ADC miniDSP Engine Standard Interrupt Port Output  (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
  3     ADC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Interrupt Port Output (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
  2     DC measurement using Delta Sigma Audio ADC
          (0=Not available, 1=Not available, too, uh?)
  1-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
Sticky flag bIts. These are read-only bits. They are automatically cleared once they are read and are set only if the source trigger occurs again.

TSC[0:2Eh] - Interrupt Flags DAC, non-sticky? (00h..30h) (R)
  7     Short circuit detected at HPL/left class-D driver         (0=No, 1=Yes)
  6     Short circuit detected at HPR/right class-D driver        (0=No, 1=Yes)
  5     Headset button pressed                                    (0=No, 1=Yes)
  4     Headset removal/insertion detected             (0=Removal, 1=Insertion)
  3     Left DAC signal power vs signal threshold of DRC     (0=Below, 1=Above)
  2     Right DAC signal power vs signal threshold of DRC    (0=Below, 1=Above)
  1     DAC miniDSP Engine Standard Interrupt Port Output  (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
  0     DAC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Interrupt Port Output (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
This is (almost?) same as TSC[0:2Ch]. Maybe this is current state (non-sticky)?

TSC[0:2Fh] - Interrupt Flags ADC, non-sticky? (00h..18h) (R)
  7     Reserved
  6     Delta-sigma mono ADC signal power vs noise threshold for left AGC
  5     Reserved                                       (0=Greater, 1=Less)
  4     ADC miniDSP Engine Standard Interrupt Port Output  (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
  3     ADC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Interrupt Port Output (0=Read 0, 1=Read 1)
  2     DC measurement using Delta Sigma Audio ADC
          (0=Not available, 1=Not available, too, uh?)
  1-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
This is (almost?) same as TSC[0:2Dh]. Maybe this is current state (non-sticky)?

TSC[0:30h] - INT1 Control Register (Select INT1 Sources) (00h)
TSC[0:31h] - INT2 Control Register (Select INT2 Sources) (00h)
  7     Headset-insertion detect                                  (0=Off, 1=On)
  6     Button-press detect                                       (0=Off, 1=On)
  5     DAC DRC signal-power                                      (0=Off, 1=On)
  4     ADC AGC noise                                             (0=Off, 1=On)
  3     Short-circuit                                             (0=Off, 1=On)
  2     Engine-generated                                          (0=Off, 1=On)
  1     DC measurement using Delta Sigma Audio ADC data-available (0=Off, 1=On)
  0     INT duration (0=Pulse Once, 1=Pulse Repeatedly until Acknowledge)
Bit1-7 select which sources shall trigger INT1/INT2, a few more sources can be selected in TSC[0:32h].Bit5-7.
Bit0 selects how the INT1/INT2 signal shall be pulsed (once with 2ms length, or repeating every 4ms with 50% duty, until it gets acknowledged by reading TSC[0:2Ch,2Dh,32h]).

TSC[0:32h] - INT1 and INT2 Control Register (00h)
  7     INT1 upon SAR measurement data-out-of-threshold range   (0=Off, 1=Off?)
  6     INT1 upon Pen touch/SAR data-available                    (0=Off, 1=On)
  5     INT2 upon SAR measurement data-out-of-threshold range   (0=Off, 1=Off?)
  4     Reserved
  3     Pen touch detected                          (0=No, 1=Touch)     (R)
  2     Data available for read                     (0=No, 1=Available) (R)
  1     SAR data out of programmed threshold range  (0=No, 1=Out)       (R)
  0     Reserved. Write only the default value to this bit.             (R)

  DSi TSC[0:33h..3Bh], Pin Control

TSC[0:33h] - GPIO1 In/Out Pin Control (00h..C2h)
TSC[0:34h] - GPIO2 In/Out Pin Control (00h..C2h)
  7-6   Reserved. Do not write any value other than reset value.
  5-2   GPIOx Mode                                                 (R/W)
          0 = GPIOx disabled (input and output buffers powered down)
          1 = GPIOx input mode (as secondary BCLK/WCLK/SDIN input, or
                   as ADC_WCLK input, Dig_Mic_In or in ClockGen block)
          2 = GPIOx input mode (as GPI general-purpose input)
          3 = GPIOx output = general-purpose output
          4 = GPIOx output = CLKOUT output
          5 = GPIOx output = INT1 output
          6 = GPIOx output = INT2 output
          7 = GPIOx output = ADC_WCLK output for codec interface
          8 = GPIOx output = secondary BCLK output for codec interface
          9 = GPIOx output = secondary WCLK output for codec interface
          10 = GPIOx output = ADC_MOD_CLK output for the digital microphone
          11 = GPIOx output = secondary SDOUT for codec interface
          12 = GPIOx output = TouchScreen/SAR ADC interrupt (active-low),
          13-15 = Reserved                              as PINTDAV signal
  1     GPIOx input buffer value (0 or 1)                         (R)
  0     GPIOx general-purpose output value (0 or 1)               (R/W)

TSC[0:35h] - SDOUT (OUT Pin) Control (12h)
  7-5   Reserved
  4     SDOUT bus keeper (0=Enabled, 1=Disabled)
  3-1   SDOUT Mode
          0 = SDOUT disabled (output buffer powered down)
          1 = SDOUT = primary SDOUT output for codec interface
          2 = SDOUT = general-purpose output
          3 = SDOUT = CLKOUT output
          4 = SDOUT = INT1 output
          5 = SDOUT = INT2 output
          6 = SDOUT = secondary BCLK output for codec interface
          7 = SDOUT = secondary WCLK output for codec interface
  0     SDOUT general-purpose output value (0 or 1)

TSC[0:36h] - SDIN (IN Pin) Control (02h or 03h)
  7-3   Reserved
  2-1   SDIN Mode
          0 = SDIN disabled (input buffer powered down)
          1 = SDIN enabled (as codec SDIN, Dig_Mic_In, or in ClockGen block)
          2 = SDIN enabled (as GPI general-purpose input)
          3 = Reserved
  0     SDIN input-buffer value (0 or 1)                          (R)

TSC[0:37h] - MISO (OUT Pin) Control (02h)
  7-5   Reserved
  4-1   MISO Mode
          0 = MISO disabled (output buffer powered down)
          1 = MISO = MISO output for SPI interface (or disabled for I2C)
          2 = General-purpose output
          3 = MISO = CLKOUT output
          4 = MISO = INT1 output
          5 = MISO = INT2 output
          6 = MISO = ADC_WCLK output for codec interface
          7 = MISO = ADC_MOD_CLK output for the digital microphone
          8 = MISO = secondary SDOUT for codec interface
          9 = MISO = secondary BCLK output for codec interface
          10 = MISO = secondary WCLK output for codec interface
          11-15 = Reserved
  0     MISO general-purpose output value (0 or 1)

TSC[0:38h] - SCLK (IN Pin) Control (02h..03h)
  7-3   Reserved
  2-1   SCLK Mode
          0 = SCLK disabled (input buffer powered down)
          1 = SCLK enabled (for the SPI interface)
          2 = SCLK enabled (as a GPI general-purpose input)
          3 = SCLK enabled (as secondary SDIN/BCLK/WCLK input,
                            or as ADC_WCLK input, or Dig_Mic_In)
  0     SCLK input buffer value (0 or 1)                         (R)

TSC[0:39h] - GPI1 and GPI2 Pin Control (00h..11h)
  7     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  6-5   GPI1 Mode
          0 = GPI1 disabled (input buffer powered down)
          1 = GPI1 enabled (as secondary SDIN/BCLK/WCLK input, or ADC_WCLK inp)
          2 = GPI1 enabled (as a GPI general-purpose input)
          3 = Reserved (unlike below GPI2)
  4     GPI1 pin value (0 or 1)         (R)
  3     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  2-1   GPI2 Mode
          0 = GPI2 disabled (input buffer powered down)
          1 = GPI2 enabled (as secondary BCLK/WCLK input, or ADC_WCLK input)
          2 = GPI2 enabled (as a GPI general-purpose input)
          3 = GPI2 enabled (as an HP_SP input)
  0     GPI2 pin value (0 or 1)         (R)

TSC[0:3Ah] - GPI3 Pin Control (00h..10h)
  7     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  6-5   GPI3 Mode
          0 = GPI3 disabled (input buffer powered down)
          1 = GPI3 enabled (as secondary BCLK/WCLK input, or ADC_WCLK input)
          2 = GPI3 enabled (as a GPI general purpose input)
          3 = Reserved (Undocumented - used by DSi?)
  4     GPI3 pin value (0 or 1)         (R)
  3-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

TSC[0:3Bh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

  DSi TSC[0:3Ch..55h], DAC/ADC and Beep

TSC[0:3Ch] - DAC Instruction Set (01h)
  7-5   Reserved. Write only default value.
  4-0   DAC Signal Processing Block
          0      = DAC miniDSP is used for signal processing
          1..25  = DAC Signal Processing Block PRB_P1 .. PRB_P25
          26..31 = Reserved. Do not use.

TSC[0:3Dh] - ADC Instruction Set (04h)
  7-5   Reserved. Write only default values.
  4-0   ADC Signal Processing Block
          0      = ADC miniDSP is used for signal processing
          1..3   = Reserved
          4..6   = ADC Signal Processing Block PRB_R4 .. PRB_R6
          7..9   = Reserved
          10..12 = ADC Signal Processing Block PRB_R10 .. PRB_R12
          13..15 = Reserved
          16..18 = ADC Signal Processing Block PRB_R16 .. PRB_R18
          19..31 = Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits.

TSC[0:3Eh] - Programmable Instruction Mode-Control Bits (00h)
  7     Reserved
  6     ADC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Control bit A (0 or 1)
  5     ADC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Control bit B (0 or 1)
  4     Reset ADC miniDSP instruction counter at start of new frame (0=Yes)
  3     Reserved
  2     DAC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Control bit A (0 or 1)
  1     DAC miniDSP Engine Auxiliary Control bit B (0 or 1)
  0     Reset DAC miniDSP instruction counter at start of new frame (0=Yes)
Above DAC/ADC bit A and B can be used for conditional instructions like JMP.

TSC[0:3Fh] - DAC Data-Path Setup (14h)
  7     Left-channel DAC            (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  6     Right-channel DAC           (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  5-4   Left-channel DAC data path  (0=Off, 1=Left Data, 2=Right Data, 3=Both)
  3-2   Right-channel DAC data path (0=Off, 1=Right Data, 2=Left Data, 3=Both)
  1-0   DAC channel volume control soft-stepping (0=One step per sample,
         1=One step per 2 samples, 2=Disabled, 3=Reserved)
Wheras, Both=((L+R)/2).

TSC[0:40h] - DAC Volume Control (0Ch)
  7-4   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  3     Left-channel DAC  (0=Not muted, 1=Muted)
  2     Right-channel DAC (0=Not muted, 1=Muted)
  1-0   DAC Mono/Stereo Volume
          0: Use Left/Right volume control for Left/Right channels ("stereo")
          1: Use Right volume control for Both channels            ("mono")
          2: Use Left volume control for Both channels             ("mono")
          3: Same as 0                                             ("stereo")

TSC[0:41h] - DAC Left Volume Control (00h)
TSC[0:42h] - DAC Right Volume Control (00h)
  7-0  Digital gain in 0.5dB units (-127..+48 = -63.5dB..+24dB, Other=Reserved)

TSC[0:43h] - Headset Detection (00h..60h)
  7     Headset detection Enable (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
  6-5   Headset detection (0=None, 1=Headset, 2=Reserved, 3=Headset+Mic) (R)
  4-2   Debounce for Glitch Rejection During Headset Detection
          (0..5 = 16ms, 32ms, 64ms, 128ms, 256ms, 512ms, 6..7=Reserved)
          (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
  1-0   Debounce for Glitch Rejection During Headset Button-Press Detection
          (0..3 = 0ms, 8ms, 16ms, 32ms) (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
Sampling is 8x faster than above timings (eg. time=32ms uses 4ms sampling).

TSC[0:44h] - DRC Control 1 (0Fh)
  7     Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.
  6     DRC for left channel  (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
  5     DRC for right channel (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
  4-2   DRC threshold  (0..7 = -3dB,-6dB,-9dB,-12dB,-15dB,-18dB,-21dB,-24dB)
  1-0   DRC hysteresis (0..3 = +0dB,+1dB,+2dB,+3dB)

TSC[0:45h] - DRC Control 2 (38h)
  7     Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.
  6-3   DRC Hold Time
          0  = DRC Hold Disabled        ;-disable
          1  = 32 DAC Word Clocks       ;\
          2  = 64 DAC Word Clocks       ;
          3  = 128 DAC Word Clocks      ;
          4  = 256 DAC Word Clocks      ; powers of 2
          5  = 512 DAC Word Clocks      ;
          6  = 1024 DAC Word Clocks     ;
          7  = 2048 DAC Word Clocks     ;
          8  = 4096 DAC Word Clocks     ;
          9  = 8192 DAC Word Clocks     ;
          10 = 16384 DAC Word Clocks    ;/
          11 = 1*32768 DAC Word Clocks  ;\
          12 = 2*32768 DAC Word Clocks  ;
          13 = 3*32768 DAC Word Clocks  ; multiples of 32768
          14 = 4*32768 DAC Word Clocks  ;
          15 = 5*32768 DAC Word Clocks  ;/
  2-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[0:46h] - DRC Control 3 (00h)
  7-4   DRC attack rate, "(4 SHR N) dB per DAC Word Clock"
        (0=4dB, 1=2dB, 2=1dB, ..., 15=0.000122dB per DAC Word Clock)
  3-0   DRC decay rate, "(1 SHR (N+6)) dB per DAC Word Clock"
        (0=0.0156dB, 1=0.00781dB, ..., 15=0.000000476dB per DAC Word Clock)

TSC[0:47h] - Beep Generator and Left Beep Volume (00h)
  7     Beep Generator Enable (0=Disabled/Duration ended, 1=Enabled/Busy)
          (self-clearing based on beep duration)
  6     Auto beep generator on pen touch (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
          (CODEC_CLKIN should be available for this and is
          used whenever touch is detected).
  5-0   Left-channel beep volume control "(2-N)dB" (0..63 = +2dB .. -61dB)
The beep generator is only available in PRB_P25 DAC processing mode.

TSC[0:48h] - Beep Generator and Right Beep Volume (00h)
  7-6   Beep Mono/Stereo Volume
          0: Use Left/Right volume control for Left/Right channels ("stereo")
          1: Use Right volume control for Both channels            ("mono")
          2: Use Left volume control for Both channels             ("mono")
          3: Same as 0                                             ("stereo")
  5-0   Right-channel beep volume control "(2-N)dB" (0..63 = +2dB .. -61dB)
The beep generator is only available in PRB_P25 DAC processing mode.

TSC[0:49h,4Ah,4Bh] - Beep Length MSB,MID,LSB (0000EEh)
  23-0  Number of samples for which beep need to be generated (24bit)

TSC[0:4Ch,4Dh] - Beep Frequency Sin(x) MSB,LSB (10D8h)
TSC[0:4Eh,4Fh] - Beep Frequency Cos(x) MSB,LSB (7EE3h)
  15-0  Beep Frequency sin/cos values (16bit, each)
These registers should be set to sin(2pi*fin/fS) and cos(2pi*fin/fS) accordingly; where fin is the beep frequency and fS is the DAC sample rate.

TSC[0:50h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[0:51h] - ADC Digital Mic (00h)
  7     ADC channel   (0=Powered Down, 1=Powered Up)
  6     Reserved
  5-4   Digital microphone input  (0=GPIO1, 1=SCLK, 2=SDIN, 3=GPIO2)
  3     Digital microphone for delta-sigma mono ADC channel (0=Off, 1=On)
  2     Reserved
  1-0   ADC channel volume control soft-stepping (0=One step per sample,
         1=One step per 2 samples, 2=Disabled, 3=Reserved)

TSC[0:52h] - ADC Digital Volume Control Fine Adjust (80h)
  7     ADC channel   (0=Not muted, 1=Muted)
  6-4   Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Volume Control Fine Gain
        (0=0dB, 1=-0.1dB, 2=-0.2dB, 3=-0.3dB, 4=-0.4dB, 5..7=Reserved)
  3-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

TSC[0:53h] - ADC Digital Volume Control Coarse Adjust (00h)
  7     Reserved
  6-0   Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Volume Control Coarse Gain
          0..39    = Reserved
          40       = -12 dB
          39       = -11.5 dB
          103      = +19.5 dB
          104      = +20 dB
          105..127 = Reserved

TSC[0:54h,55h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

  DSi TSC[0:56h..7Fh], AGC and ADC

TSC[0:56h] - AGC Control 1 (00h)
  7     AGC (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
  6-4   AGC target level     (0=-5.5dB, 1=-8dB, 2=-10dB, 3=-12dB,
                              4=-14dB, 5=-17dB, 6=-20dB, 7=-24dB)
  3-0   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.

TSC[0:57h] - AGC Control 2 (00h)
  7-6   AGC hysterysis setting (0=1dB, 1=2dB, 2=4dB, 3=Disable AGC hysterysis)
  5-1   AGC noise threshold (and silence detection)
          0   = AGC noise/silence detection is disabled.
          1   = AGC noise threshold = -30dB
          2   = AGC noise threshold = -32dB
          3   = AGC noise threshold = -34dB
          29  = AGC noise threshold = -86dB
          30  = AGC noise threshold = -88dB
          31  = AGC noise threshold = -90dB
  0     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.

TSC[0:58h] - AGC Maximum Gain (7Fh, uh that's 7Fh=Reserved?)
  7     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  6-0   AGC maximum gain in 0.5dB units (0..119=0..+59.5dB, 120..127=Reserved)

TSC[0:59h] - AGC Attack Time (00h)
TSC[0:5Ah] - AGC Decay Time (00h)
  7-3   AGC attack/decay time, (N*2+1)*32/fS (0..31 = 1*32/fS .. 63*32/fS)
  2-0   AGC attack/decay time Multiply factor, 1 SHL N (0..7 = 1..128)
Whereas, fS is the ADC sample rate.

TSC[0:5Bh] - AGC Noise Debounce (00h)
  7-5   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  4-0   AGC noise debounce
          0..5   = 0/fS, 4/fS, 8/fS, 16/fS, 32/fS, 64/fS     ;\powers of 2
          6..10  = 128/fS, 256/fS, 512/fS, 1024/fS, 2048/fS  ;/
          11..14 = 1*4096/fS, 2*4096/fS, 3*4096/fS           ;\multiples
          14..31 = 4*4096/fS, .., 20*4096/fS, 21*4096/fS     ;/of 4096

TSC[0:5Ch] - AGC Signal Debounce (00h)
  7-4   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  3-0   AGC signal debounce
          0..5   = 0/fS, 4/fS, 8/fS, 16/fS, 32/fS, 64/fS     ;\powers of 2
          6..9   = 128/fS, 256/fS, 512/fS, 1024/fS           ;/
          10..13 = 1*2048/fS, 2*2048/fS, 3*2048/fS           ;\multiples
          13..15 = 4*2048/fS, 5*2048/fS, 6*2048/fS           ;/of 2048

TSC[0:5Dh] - AGC Gain-Applied Reading (xxh) (R)
  7-0   Gain applied by AGC in 0.5dB units (-24..+119 = -12dB..+59.5dB)   (R)

TSC[0:5Eh...65h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Do not write to these registers.

TSC[0:66h] - ADC DC Measurement 1 (00h)
  7     DC measurement for mono ADC channel (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
  6     Reserved. Write only reset value.
  5     DC measurement is done based on
          0: 1st order sinc filter with averaging of 2^D.
          1: 1st order low-pass IIR filter whose coefficients
              are calculated based on D value.
  4-0   DC Meaurement D setting (1..20 = D=1 .. D=20) (0 or 21..31=Reserved)

TSC[0:67h] - ADC DC Measurement 2 (00h)
  7     Reserved. Write only reset value.
  6     DC measurement data update (0=Enabled, 1=Disabled/allow stable reading)
        (Disabled: user can read the last updated data without corruption)
  5     For IIR based DC measurement, the measurment value is
          0: the instantaneous output of the IIR filter
          1: update before periodic clearing of the IIR filter
  4-0   IIR based DC measurment, average time setting:
          0       Infinite average is used
          1       Averaging time is 2^1 ADC modulator clock periods
          2       Averaging time is 2^2 ADC modulator clock periods
          19      Averaging time is 2^19 ADC modulator clock periods
          20      Averaging time is 2^20 ADC modulator clock periods
          21..31  Reserved. Don't use.

TSC[0:68h,69h,6Ah] - ADC DC Measurement Output MSB,MID,LSB (R) (000000h)
  23-0  ADC DC Measurement Output (24bit)

TSC[0:6Bh...73h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Do not write to these registers.

TSC[0:74h] - VOL/MICDET-Pin SAR ADC - Volume Control (00h)
  7     DAC volume control is controlled by,
          0: controlled by control register (7-bit Vol ADC is powered down)
          1: controlled by pin.
  6     Clock for the 7-bit Vol ADC for pin volume control,
          0: Internal on-chip RC oscillator
          1: External MCLK
  5-4   Hysteresis
          0: No hysteresis for volume control ADC output
          1: Hysteresis of +/-1 bit
          2: Hysteresis of +/-2 bits
          3: Reserved. Do not write this sequence to these bits.
  3     Reserved. Write only reset value.
  2-0   Throughput of the 7-bit Vol ADC for pin volume control,
        When Bit6=1 and external MCLK is 12MHz:
          (0..7=15.625Hz, 31.25Hz, 62.5Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz)
        When Bit6=0 (use Internal oscillator):
          (0..7=10.68Hz, 21.35Hz, 42.71Hz, 85Hz?, 170Hz, 340Hz, 680Hz, 1370Hz)

TSC[0:75h] - VOL/MICDET-Pin Gain (xxh) (R)
  7     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  6-0   Gain applied by pin volume control
          0   = +18 dB
          1   = +17.5 dB
          2   = +17 dB
          35  = +0.5 dB
          36  = 0 dB
          37  = -0.5 dB
          89  = -26.5 dB
          90  = -27 dB    ;below in 1dB steps instead of 0.5dB steps !
          91  = -28 dB
          125 = -62 dB
          126 = -63 dB
          127 = Reserved

TSC[0:76h...7Fh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Do not write to these registers.

  DSi TSC[1:xxh], DAC and ADC Routing, PGA, Power-Controls and MISC Logic

TSC[1:01h..1Dh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0  Reserved. Do not write to these registers.

TSC[1:1Eh] - Headphone and Speaker Amplifier Error Control (00h)
  7-2  Reserved
  1    Reset HPL/HPR power-up bits upon short-circuit detect (0=Yes, 1=No)
  0    Reset SPL/SPR power-up bits upon short-circuit detect (0=Yes, 1=No)
The HPL/HPR auto-reset occurs only if TSC[1:1Fh].Bit1=1 (action=power down).

TSC[1:1Fh] - Headphone Drivers (04h)
  7    HPL output driver (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  6    HPR output driver (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  5    Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  4-3  Output common-mode voltage (0=1.35V, 1=1.5V, 2=1.65V, 3=1.8V)
  2    Reserved. Write only 1 to this bit. (!!!)
  1    Action when short-circuit protection is enabled/detected,
           0=Limit the maximum current to the load.
           1=Power down the output driver.
  0    Short-circuit detected on the headphone driver (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)

TSC[1:20h] - Class-D Speaker Amplifier (06h)
  7    Left-channel class-D output driver  (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  6    Right-channel class-D output driver (0=Powered down, 1=Powered up)
  5-1  Reserved. Write only the reset value (00011b) to these bits (!!!)
  0    Short-circuit is detected on the class-D driver (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
Bit0 is Valid only if class-D amplifier is powered up. For short-circuit flag sticky bit, see TSC[0:2Ch].

TSC[1:21h] - HP Output Drivers POP Removal Settings (3Eh)
  7    If power down sequence is activated by device software power down
       using TSC[1:2Eh].Bit7 then power down DAC,
         0: simultaneously with the HP and SP amplifiers.
         1: after HP and SP amplifiers are completely powered down.
         (the latter setting is to optimize power-down POP).
  6-3  Driver power-on time (at 8.2MHz) (1=15.3us, 2=153us, 3=1.53ms,
         4=15.3ms,5=76.2ms, 6=153ms, 7=304ms, 8=610ms, 9=1.22s, 10=3.04s,
         11=6.1s, 12..15=Reserved)
  2-1  Driver ramp-up step time (8.2MHz) (0=0ms, 1=0.98ms, 2=1.95ms, 3=3.9ms)
  0    Weakly driven output common-mode voltage is generated from,
         0=resistor divider of the AVDD supply.
         1=band-gap reference.

TSC[1:22h] - Output Driver PGA Ramp-Down Period Control (00h)
  7    Reserved. Write only the reset value to this bit.    (USED on DSi!)
  6-4  Speaker Power-Up Wait Time (at 8.2MHz) (0=0 ms, 1=3.04 ms, 2=7.62 ms,
         3=12.2 ms, 4=15.3 ms, 5=19.8 ms, 6=24.4 ms, 7=30.5 ms)
  3-0  Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[1:23h] - DAC_L and DAC_R Output Mixer Routing (00h)
  7-6  DAC_L route      (0=Nowhere, 1=To L-Mixer, 2=Direct to HPL, 3=Reserved)
  5    MIC input routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier      (0=No, 1=Yes)
  4    AUX1 input routed to the left-channel mixer amplifier     (0=No, 1=Yes)
  3-2  DAC_R route      (0=Nowhere, 1=To R-Mixer, 2=Direct to HPR, 3=Reserved)
  1    AUX1 input routed to the right-channel mixer amplifier    (0=No, 1=Yes)
  0    HPL driver output routed to HPR driver (for differential) (0=No, 1=Yes)

TSC[1:24h] - Analog Volume to HPL (Left Headphone) (7Fh)
TSC[1:25h] - Analog Volume to HPR (Right Headphone) (7Fh)
TSC[1:26h] - Analog Volume to SPL (Left Speaker) (7Fh)
TSC[1:27h] - Analog Volume to SPR (Right Speaker) (7Fh)
  7    Analog volume control routed to HPx/SPx output driver (0=No, 1=Yes)
  6-0  Analog volume control gain (non-linear) (0 dB to -78 dB)
See Table 5-37 and Table 5-38, uh?

TSC[1:28h] - HPL Driver (Left Headphone) (02h)
TSC[1:29h] - HPR Driver (Right Headphone) (02h)
  7    Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  6-3  HPx driver PGA  (0..9 = 0dB..9dB, 10..15=Reserved)
  2    HPx driver      (0=Muted, 1=Not muted)
  1    HPx driver during power down (0=Weakly driven to a common mode,
  0    All programmed gains to HPx have been applied (0=Not yet, 1=Yes/all) (R)

TSC[1:2Ah] - SPL Driver (Left Speaker) (00h)
TSC[1:2Bh] - SPR Driver (Right Speaker) (00h)
  7-5  Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  4-3  SPx class-D driver output stage gain (0=6dB, 1=12dB, 2=18dB, 3=24dB)
  2    SPx class-D driver (0=Muted, 1=Not muted)
  1    Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  0    All programmed gains to SPx have been applied (0=Not yet, 1=Yes/all) (R)

TSC[1:2Ch] - HP Driver Control (00h)
  7-5  Debounce time for the headset short-circuit detection
         (0..7 = 0us, 8us, 16us, 32us, 64us, 128us, 256us)
         (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
  4-3  DAC Performance (0=Normal, 1=Increased, 2=Reserved, 3=Further Increased)
       (increased: by increased current, further: by increased current gain)
  2    HPL output driver type (0=Headphone, 1=Lineout)
  1    HPR output driver type (0=Headphone, 1=Lineout)
  0    Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
The clock used for the debounce has a clock period = debounce duration/8.

TSC[1:2Dh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0  Reserved. Do not write to these registers.

TSC[1:2Eh] - MICBIAS (00h)
  7    Device software power-down (0=Disabled, 1=PowerDown?-Enabled)
  6-4  Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  3    Programmed MICBIAS is powered up when,
         0: not if headset detection is enabled but headset isn't inserted.
         1: always, even if headset isn't inserted.
  2    Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  1-0  MICBIAS output (0=Off, 1=2V, 2=2.5V, 3=AVDD)

TSC[1:2Fh] - MIC PGA (80h)
  7    MIC PGA            (0=Controlled by bits6-0, 1=Force 0dB)
  6-0  PGA in 0.5dB units (0..119 = 0..59.5dB, 120..127=Reserved)

TSC[1:30h] - P-Terminal Delta-Sigma Mono ADC Channel Fine-Gain Input (00h)
  7-6  MIC to MIC PGA feed-forward    (0=Off, 1=10kOhm, 2=20kOhm, 3=40kOhm)
  5-4  AUX1 to MIC PGA feed-forward   (0=Off, 1=10kOhm, 2=20kOhm, 3=40kOhm)
  3-2  AUX2 to MIC PGA feed-forward   (0=Off, 1=10kOhm, 2=20kOhm, 3=40kOhm)
  1-0  Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
Program Bit7-6 of registers TSC[1:30h] and TSC[1:31h] with same value. Input impedance selection affects the microphone PGA gain. See the Analog Front End section for details.

TSC[1:31h] - M-Terminal ADC Input Selection (00h)
  7-6  CM to MIC PGA feed-forward     (0=Off, 1=10kOhm, 2=20kOhm, 3=40kOhm)
  5-4  AUX2 to MIC PGA feed-forward   (0=Off, 1=10kOhm, 2=20kOhm, 3=40kOhm)
  3-0  Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
Program Bit7-6 of registers TSC[1:30h] and TSC[1:31h] with same value. Input impedance selection affects the microphone PGA gain. See the Analog Front End section for details.

TSC[1:32h] - Input CM Settings (00h)
  7    MIC input  (0=Floating, 1=Connected to CM internally)
        (when not used for MIC PGA and analog bypass)
  6    AUX1 input (0=Floating, 1=Connected to CM internally)
        (when not used for MIC PGA and analog bypass)
  5    AUX2 input (0=Floating, 1=Connected to CM internally)
        (when not used for MIC PGA)
  4-1  Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  0    All programmed gains to ADC have been applied (0=Not yet, 1=Yes/all) (R)

TSC[1:33h..FFh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0  Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

  DSi TSC[3:xxh], Touchscreen/SAR Control and TSC[FCh:xxh], Buffer

TSC[3:01h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:02h] - SAR ADC Control 1 (00h)
  7     Stop  (0=Normal mode, 1=Stop conversion and power down SAR ADC)
  6-5   SAR ADC resolution   (0=12bit, 1=8bit, 2=10bit, 3=12bit)
  4-3   SAR ADC clock divider
          0 = 1 (Use for 8bit resolution mode only) (This divider is only
                 for the conversion clock generation, not for other logic.)
          1 = 2 (Use for 8bit/10bit resolution mode only)
          2 = 4 (Recommended for better performance in 8bit/10bit mode)
          3 = 8 (Recommended for better performance in 12bit mode)
          (See Figure 5-40, uh?)
  2     Filter used for on-chip data averaging (0=Mean, 1=Median) (if enabled)
  1-0   On-chip data averaging for mean/median filter
          0 = On-chip data averaging disabled
          1 = 4-data averaging (mean),  or 5-data averaging (median)
          2 = 8-data averaging (mean),  or 9-data averaging (median)
          3 = 16-data averaging (mean), or 15-data averaging (median)

TSC[3:03h] - SAR ADC Control 2 (00h)
  7     Conversions controlled,
           0: Host-controlled conversions
           1: Self-controlled conversions for touch screen based on pen touch
  6     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  5-2   Conversion mode
          0 = No scan
          1 = Scan X/Y         ;\Even in host-controlled mode ;\until either
          2 = Scan X/Y/Z1/Z2   ;/                             ; pen is lifted,
          3 = Scan X           ;\                             ; or a stop bit
          4 = Scan Y           ; Only in self-controlled mode ; TSC[3:02h].Bit7
          5 = Scan Z1/Z2       ;/                             ;/is sent
          6 = VBAT measurement
          7 = AUX2 measurement
          8 = AUX1 measurement
          9 = Auto scan. Sequence used is AUX1, AUX2, VBAT.
              Each of these inputs can be enabled or disabled independently
              using TSC[3:13h], and with that sequence is modified accordingly.
              Scan continues until stop bit TSC[3:02h].Bit7 is sent,
              or Bit5-2 of this register are changed.
         10 = TEMP1 measurement
         11 = Port scan: AUX1, AUX2, VBAT
         12 = TEMP2 measurement
         13-15 = Reserved. Do not write these sequences to these bits.
  1-0   Interrupt pin (GPIO1 or GPIO2 pin)
          0 = PEN-interrupt    /PENIRQ (active low)
          1 = Data-available   /DATA_AVA (active low)
          2 = PEN-interrupt    PENIRQ and Data-available DATA_AVA (active high)
          3 = Reserved

TSC[3:04h] - Precharge and Sense (00h)
  7     Pen touch detection (0=Enabled, 1=Disabled)
  6-4   Precharge time before touch detection
        (0..7 = 0.25us, 1us, 3us, 10us, 30us, 100us, 300us, 1000us)
        (when TSC[3:11h] set to 8MHz)
  3     Reserved. Write only zero to this bit.
  2-0   Sense time during touch detection
        (0..7 = 1us, 2us, 3us, 10us, 30us, 100us, 300us, 1000us)
        (when TSC[3:11h] set to 8MHz)

TSC[3:05h] - Panel Voltage Stabilization (00h)
  7-6   SAR comparator bias current (0=Normal, 1..3=Increase by 25%, 50%, 100%)
        (use Increase to support higher conversion clock)
  5     Sample duration (0=Default, 1=Doubled; for higher impedance)
  4-3   Reserved. Write only zeroes to these bits.
  2-0   Panel voltage stabilization time before conversion
        (0..7 = 0.25us, 1us, 3us, 10us, 30us, 100us, 300us, 1000us)
        (when TSC[3:11h] set to 8MHz)

TSC[3:06h] - Voltage Reference (20h)
  7     Reference for Non-touch-screen Measurement  (0=External, 1=Internal)
  6     Internal reference voltage   (0=1.25V, 1=2.5V)
  5     Internal reference powered   (0=Always, 1=Only during conversion)
  4     Reserved
  3-2   Reference Stabilization Time before Conversion
        (0=0us, 1=100us, 2=500us, 3=1ms) (when TSC[3:11h] set to 8MHz)
  1     Reserved
  0     Battery measurement input (0=VBAT<=VREF, 1=VBAT=BAT)

TSC[3:07h,08h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:09h] - Status Bits 1 (40h) (R)
  7     Pen Touch detected          (0=Not detected, 1=Detected) (R)
  6     ADC Ready                   (0=Busy, 1=Ready)            (R)
  5     New data is available       (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  4     Reserved. Write only the reset value to this bit.
  3     New X data is available     (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  2     New Y data is available     (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  1     New Z1 data is available    (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  0     New Z2 data is available    (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
Bit0-3 and Bit5 are not valid for the buffer mode.
Bit0-3 are cleared after reading the corresponding data.
Bit5 is cleared after completely reading ALL data.

TSC[3:0Ah] - Status Bits 2 (00h) (R)
  7     New AUX1 data is available  (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  6     New AUX2 data is available  (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  5     New VBAT data is available  (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  4-2   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  1     New TEMP1 data is available (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
  0     New TEMP2 data is available (0=None, 1=Yes)              (R)
Bit0-1 and Bit5-7 are not valid for the buffer mode.
Bit0-1 and Bit5-7 are cleared after reading the corresponding data.

TSC[3:0Bh,0Ch] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:0Dh] - Buffer Mode (03h)
  7     Buffer Mode Enable (0=Disabled, Enabled)
          (when disabled: RDPTR/WRPTR/TGPTR are set to their default values)
  6     Buffer Mode Type   (0=Countinuos-conversion, 1=Single-shot)
  5-3   Trigger level for conversion "(N+1)*8*number of converted data"
          0..7 = (8..64)*number of converted data
          uh, does "X*number of converted data" mean "after X conversions"?
  2     Reserved
  1     Buffer Full  (0=No, 1=Full; contains 64 unread converted data)   (R)
  0     Buffer Empty (0=No, 1=Empty; contains 0 unread converted data)   (R)

TSC[3:0Eh] - Reserved / Undocumented (read by DSi for Pen Down Test) (0Fh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:0Fh] - Scan Mode Timer (40h)
  7     Programmable delay for Touch-screen measurement (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  6-4   Programmable interval timer delay
          (0..7 = 8ms, 1ms, 2ms, 3ms, 4ms, 5ms, 6ms, 7ms)
          (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
  3     Programmable delay for Non-touch-screen auto measurement   (1=Enable)
  2-0   Programmable interval timer delay (0..7 = 1.12min, 3.36min,
          5.59min, 7.83min, 10.01min, 12.30min, 14.54min, 16.78min)
          (uh, what is that? minutes? minimum? or what?)
          (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
These delays are from the end of one data set of conversion to the start of another new data set of conversion.
Bit7: This interval timer mode is for all self-controlled modes. For host-controlled mode, it is valid only for (X/Y) or (X/Y/Z1/Z2) conversions.

TSC[3:10h] - Scan Mode Timer Clock (81h)
  7     Clock used for Programmable Delay Timer (0=Internal Osc/8, 1=Ext. MCLK)
  6-0   MCLK Divider to Generate 1-MHz Clock for the Programmable Delay Timer
        (1..127=Div1..127, or 0=Div128)
The timings marked "(when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)" are assuming the MCLK division result to be 1MHz (1us). Other divider settings will cause those timings to change. Using Internal Osc/8 (Bit7=0) results in 1.025MHz (0.97us), which is almost same as the "1MHz" timings (internal osc isn't too accurate though).
Bit7: External clock is used only to control the delay programmed between the conversions and not used for doing the actual conversion. This is supported to get an accurate delay, because the internal oscillator frequency varies from device to device.

TSC[3:11h] - SAR ADC Clock (81h)
  7     Clock used for SAR ADC and TSC FSM (0=Internal Osc/1, 1=External MCLK)
  6-0   MCLK Divider for the SAR (min 40ns)  (1..127=Div1..127, or 0=Div128)
The timings marked "(when TSC[3:11h] set to 8MHz)" are assuming the MCLK division result to be 8MHz (125ns). Other divider settings will cause those timings to change. For the SAR unit, the division result should be max 25MHz (min 40ns). Using Internal Osc/1 (Bit7=0) results in 8.2MHz (122ns), which is almost same as the "8MHz" timings (internal osc isn't too accurate though).

TSC[3:12h] - Debounce Time for Pen-Up Detection (00h)
  7     Interface used for the buffer data reading   (0=SPI, 1=I2C)
  6     SAR/buffer data update is,
          0: held automatically (to avoid simultaneous buffer read and write
               operations) based on internal detection logic.
          1: held using software control and TSC[3:12h].Bit5.
  5     SAR/buffer data update is (only if above Bit6=1),
           0: enabled all the time
           1: stopped so that user can read the last updated data
                 without any data corruption.
  4-3   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  2-0   Pen-touch removal detection with debounce
          (0..7 = 0us, 8us, 16us, 32us, 64us, 128us, 256us, 512us)
          (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
The clock used for the debounce has a clock period = debounce duration/8.

TSC[3:13h] - Auto AUX Measurement Selection (00h)
  7     Auto AUX1 measurement during auto non-touch screen scan (0=Off, 1=On)
  6     Auto AUX2 measurement during auto non-touch screen scan (0=Off, 1=On)
  5     Auto VBAT measurement during auto non-touch screen scan (0=Off, 1=On)
  4     Auto TEMP measurement during auto non-touch screen scan (0=Off, 1=On)
  3     TEMP Measurement (0=Use TEMP1, 1=Use TEMP2)
  2     AUX1 Usage (0=Voltage measurement, 1=Resistance measurement)
  1     AUX2 Usage (0=Voltage measurement, 1=Resistance measurement)
  0     Resistance measurement bias (0=Internal bias, 1=External bias)

TSC[3:14h] - Touch-Screen Pen Down (00h)
  7-3   Reserved
  2-0   Debounce Time for Pen-Down Detection
          (0..7 = 0us, 64us, 128us, 256us, 512us, 1024us, 2048us, 4096us)
          (when TSC[3:10h] set to 1MHz)
The clock used for the debounce has a clock period = debounce duration/8.

TSC[3:15h] - Threshold Check Flags Register (00h) (R)
  7-6   Reserved. Write only zeros to these bits.
  5     AUX1 Maximum (0=Inrange, 1=Exceeds Limit; Equal/Above MAX)
  4     AUX1 Minimum (0=Inrange, 1=Exceeds Limit; Equal/Below MIN)
  3     AUX2 Maximum (0=Inrange, 1=Exceeds Limit; Equal/Above MAX)
  2     AUX2 Minimum (0=Inrange, 1=Exceeds Limit; Equal/Below MIN)
  1     TEMP Maximum (0=Inrange, 1=Exceeds Limit; Equal/Above MAX)
  0     TEMP Minimum (0=Inrange, 1=Exceeds Limit; Equal/Below MIN)
Sticky flag bIts. These are read-only bits. They are automatically cleared once they are read and are set only if the source trigger occurs again.

TSC[3:16h,17h] - AUX1 Maximum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
TSC[3:18h,19h] - AUX1 Minimum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
TSC[3:1Ah,1Bh] - AUX2 Maximum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
TSC[3:1Ch,1Dh] - AUX2 Minimum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
TSC[3:1Eh,1Fh] - Temperature(TEMP1/TEMP2) Maximum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
TSC[3:20h,21h] - Temperature(TEMP1/TEMP2) Minimum Value Check MSB,LSB (0000h)
  15-13  Reserved
  12     Threshold check (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
         (valid for auto/non-auto scan measurement).
  11-0   Threshold code (12bit)

TSC[3:22h...29h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0    Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:2Ah,2Bh] - X-Coordinate Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
TSC[3:2Ch,2Dh] - Y-Coordinate Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
TSC[3:2Eh,2Fh] - Z1 Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
TSC[3:30h,31h] - Z2 Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  15-0   Coordinate (16bit, each)
Touchscreen X/Y coordinates and touchscreen Z1/Z2 pressure values.

TSC[3:32h...35h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0    Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:36h,37h] - AUX1 Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
TSC[3:38h,39h] - AUX2 Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
TSC[3:3Ah,3Bh] - VBAT Data MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  15-0   Data from AUX1/AUX2/VBAT inputs accordingly

TSC[3:3Ch...41h] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0    Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[3:42h,43h] - TEMP1 Data Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
TSC[3:44h,45h] - TEMP2 Data Register MSB,LSB (0000h) (R)
  15-0   Data from TEMP1/TEMP2 inputs accordingly

TSC[3:46h...7Fh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0    Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

TSC[FCh:01h,02h] - Buffer Mode Data MSB,LSB (xxxxh) (R)
  15    Ring-buffer Full  (1=All 64 entries are unread)
  14    Ring-buffer Empty (1=All 64 entries are read)
  13    Reserved          (uh?)
  12    Data ID           (0=X/Z1/BAT/AUX2, 1=Y/Z2/AUX1/TEMP)
  11-0  Converted data (12bit)
Reads from "RDPTR" ring-buffer location.

TSC[FCh:03h..7Fh] - Reserved (xxh)
  7-0   Reserved. Write only the reset value to these bits.

  DSi TSC[04h..05h:xxh], ADC Digital Filter Coefficient RAM

Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 us following a hardware or software reset.

TSC[04h-05h:xxh] - ADC Coefficient RAM (126 x 16bit)
Coefficients are signed 16bit (-32,768..+32,767), each occupying 2 bytes (MSB,LSB).
The MSB should always be written first, immediately followed by the LSB (even if only the MSB or LSB portion of the coefficient changes, both registers should be written in this sequence).
                   ADC miniDSP   ADC FIR Filter Special
                   Coefficients  Coefficients   Coefficients
  TSC[4:00h]       Page Select   -              -
  TSC[4:01h]       Reserved      -              -
  TSC[4:02h..07h]  C1..C3        -              N0,N1,D1 for AGC LPF
                                                  (first-order IIR, used
                                                  as averager to detect level)
  TSC[4:08h..0Dh]  C4..C6        -              N0,N1,D1 for ADC-programmable
                                                  first-order IIR
  TSC[4:0Eh..17h]  C7..C11       FIR0..FIR4     N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for ADC Biquad A
  TSC[4:18h..21h]  C12..C16      FIR5..FIR9     N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for ADC Biquad B
  TSC[4:22h..2Bh]  C17..C21      FIR10..FIR14   N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for ADC Biquad C
  TSC[4:2Ch..35h]  C22..C26      FIR15..FIR19   N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for ADC Biquad D
  TSC[4:36h..3Fh]  C27..C31      FIR20..FIR24   N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for ADC Biquad E
  TSC[4:40h..7Fh]  C32..C63      -              -
  TSC[5:00h]       Page Select   -              -
  TSC[5:01h]       Reserved      -              -
  TSC[5:02h..7Fh]  C65..C127     -              -

  DSi TSC[08h..0Fh:xxh], DAC Digital Filter Coefficient RAM

Default values shown for this page only become valid 100 us following a hardware or software reset.

TSC[08h:01h] - DAC Coefficient RAM Control (00h)
  7-4   Reserved. Write only the reset value.
  3     DAC miniDSP generated flag for toggling MSB of coefficient RAM address
        (only used in non-adaptive mode)                                (R)
  2     DAC Adaptive Filtering in DAC miniDSP (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)   (R/W)
  1     DAC Adaptive Filter Buffer Control Flag                         (R)
          aka DAC Coefficient Buffers in adaptive filter mode
             0: miniDSP accesses Buffer A,
                  external control interface (=the user?) accesses Buffer B
             1: miniDSP accesses Buffer B,
                  external control interface (=the user?) accesses Buffer A
  0     DAC Adaptive Filter Buffer Switch Control                       (R/W)
         0: DAC coefficient buffers will not be switched at next frame boundary
         1: DAC coefficient buffers will     be switched at next frame boundary
            (only if adaptive filtering mode is enabled)
            This bit will self-clear on switching.

TSC[08h..0Bh:xxh] - DAC Coefficient RAM, DAC Buffer A (252 x 16bit)
Coefficients are signed 16bit (-32,768..+32,767), each occupying 2 bytes (MSB,LSB).
The MSB should always be written first, immediately followed by the LSB (even if only the MSB or LSB portion of the coefficient changes, both registers should be written in this sequence).
                   DAC miniDSP    Special
                  (DAC Buffer A)  DAC-programmable
                   Coefficient    Coefficient
  TSC[8:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[8:01h]       Control        - (see above)
  TSC[8:02h..0Bh]  C1..C5         N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Left Biquad A  ;N0=7FFFh
  TSC[8:0Ch..15h]  C6..C10        N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Left Biquad B  ;N1,N2,D1,
  TSC[8:16h..1Fh]  C11..C15       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Left Biquad C  ;     D2=0
  TSC[8:20h..29h]  C16..C20       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Left Biquad D
  TSC[8:2Ah..33h]  C21..C25       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Left Biquad E
  TSC[8:34h..3Dh]  C26..C30       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Left Biquad F
  TSC[8:3Eh..3Fh]  C31            -
  TSC[8:40h..41h]  C32            for 3D PGA for PRB_P23, PRB_P24 and PRB_P25
  TSC[8:42h..4Bh]  C33..C37       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Right Biquad A
  TSC[8:4Ch..55h]  C38..C42       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Right Biquad B
  TSC[8:56h..5Fh]  C43..C47       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Right Biquad C
  TSC[8:60h..69h]  C48..C52       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Right Biquad D
  TSC[8:6Ah..73h]  C53..C57       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Right Biquad E
  TSC[8:74h..7Dh]  C58..C62       N0,N1,N2,D1,D2 for Right Biquad F
  TSC[8:7Eh..7Fh]  C63            -
  TSC[9:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[9:01h]       Reserved       - (do not write to this register)
  TSC[9:02h..07h]  C65..C67       N0,N1,D1 for Left first-order IIR
  TSC[9:08h..0Dh]  C68..C70       N0,N1,D1 for Right first-order IIR
  TSC[9:0Eh..13h]  C71..C73       N0,N1,D1 for DRC first-order high-pass filter
  TSC[9:14h..19h]  C74..C76       N0,N1,D1 for DRC first-order low-pass filter
  TSC[9:1Ah..7Fh]  C77..C127      -
  TSC[A:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[A:01h]       Reserved       - (do not write to this register)
  TSC[A:02h..7Fh]  C129..C191     -
  TSC[B:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[B:01h]       Reserved       - (do not write to this register)
  TSC[B:02h..7Fh]  C193..C255     -

TSC[0Ch..0Fh:xxh] - DAC Coefficient RAM, DAC Buffer B (252 x 16bit)
This is essentially same as above Buffer A. But it's unclear if Buffer B is having the same special Biquad/3DPGA/IRR/DRC functions (the official datasheet doesn't mention them, but it does specify the initial reset values same as for Buffer A, ie. with value 7FFFh for the locations that correspond to "N0" coefficients, which is suggesting that those special functions are present in Buffer B, too).
                   DAC miniDSP    Special
                  (DAC Buffer A)  DAC-programmable
                   Coefficient    Coefficient
  TSC[C:02h..0Bh]  C1..C5         Unknown  ;\
  TSC[C:0Ch..15h]  C6..C10        Unknown  ;
  TSC[C:16h..1Fh]  C11..C15       Unknown  ; maybe Left Biquad A..F
  TSC[C:20h..29h]  C16..C20       Unknown  ; as for Buffer A
  TSC[C:2Ah..33h]  C21..C25       Unknown  ;
  TSC[C:34h..3Dh]  C26..C30       Unknown  ;/
  TSC[C:3Eh..3Fh]  C31            -
  TSC[C:40h..41h]  C32            Unknown maybe 3D PGA as for Buffer A
  TSC[C:42h..4Bh]  C33..C37       Unknown  ;\
  TSC[C:4Ch..55h]  C38..C42       Unknown  ;
  TSC[C:56h..5Fh]  C43..C47       Unknown  ; maybe Right Biquad A..F
  TSC[C:60h..69h]  C48..C52       Unknown  ; as for Buffer A
  TSC[C:6Ah..73h]  C53..C57       Unknown  ;
  TSC[C:74h..7Dh]  C58..C62       Unknown  ;/
  TSC[C:7Eh..7Fh]  C63            -
  TSC[D:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[D:01h]       Reserved       - (do not write to this register)
  TSC[D:02h..07h]  C65..C67       Unknown  ;\
  TSC[D:08h..0Dh]  C68..C70       Unknown  ; maybe IRR and DRC
  TSC[D:0Eh..13h]  C71..C73       Unknown  ; as for Buffer A
  TSC[D:14h..19h]  C74..C76       Unknown  ;/
  TSC[D:1Ah..7Fh]  C77..C127      -
  TSC[E:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[E:01h]       Reserved       - (do not write to this register)
  TSC[E:02h..7Fh]  C129..C191     -
  TSC[F:00h]       Page Select    -
  TSC[F:01h]       Reserved       - (do not write to this register)
  TSC[F:02h..7Fh]  C193..C255     -

  DSi TSC[20h..2Bh:xxh], TSC[40h..5Fh:xxh] ADC/DAC Instruction RAM

TSC[20h..2Bh:xxh] - ADC DSP Engine Instruction RAM (384 x 24bit)
ADC miniDSP Instructions are 20bit, each occupying 3 bytes (MSB,MID,LSB) (with dummy padding in upper 4bit of MSB).
  TSC[20h..2Bh:00h]       Page Select
  TSC[20h..2Bh:01h]       Reserved
  TSC[20h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 0...31
  TSC[21h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 32...63
  TSC[22h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 64...95
  TSC[23h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 96...127
  TSC[24h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 128...159
  TSC[25h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 160...191
  TSC[26h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 192...223
  TSC[27h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 224...255
  TSC[28h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 256...287
  TSC[29h:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 288...319
  TSC[2Ah:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 320...351
  TSC[2Bh:02h...61h]      ADC Instructions 352...383
  TSC[20h..2Bh:62h..7Fh]  Reserved

TSC[40h..5Fh:xxh] - DAC DSP Engine Instruction RAM (1024 x 24bit)
DAC miniDSP Instructions are 24bit (uh, unlike 20bit ADC ones?), each occupying 3 bytes (MSB,MID,LSB).
  TSC[40h..5Fh:00h]       Page Select
  TSC[40h..5Fh:01h]       Reserved
  TSC[40h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 0...31
  TSC[41h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 32...63
  TSC[42h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 64...95
  TSC[43h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 96...127
  TSC[44h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 128...159
  TSC[45h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 160...191
  TSC[46h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 192...223
  TSC[47h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 224...255
  TSC[48h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 256...287
  TSC[49h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 288...319
  TSC[4Ah:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 320...351
  TSC[4Bh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 352...383
  TSC[4Ch:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 384...415
  TSC[4Dh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 416...447
  TSC[4Eh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 448...479
  TSC[4Fh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 480...511
  TSC[50h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 512...543
  TSC[51h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 544...575
  TSC[52h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 576...607
  TSC[53h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 608...639
  TSC[54h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 640...671
  TSC[55h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 672...703
  TSC[56h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 704...735
  TSC[57h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 736...767
  TSC[58h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 768...799
  TSC[59h:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 800...831
  TSC[5Ah:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 832...863
  TSC[5Bh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 864...895
  TSC[5Ch:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 896...927
  TSC[5Dh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 928...959
  TSC[5Eh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 960...991
  TSC[5Fh:02h...61h]      DAC Instructions 992...1023
  TSC[40h..5Fh:62h..7Fh]  Reserved

The miniDSP instruction set isn't officially documented anywhere. Texas Instruments has merely released an "assembler" for the miniDSP (that is, a graphical drag-and-drop utility referred to as PurePath Studio).

  DSi I2C Bus

I2C Bus
DSi I2C I/O Ports
DSi I2C Signals

Device 4Ah (BPTWL chip) (LED/Volume/Powerbutton/Reset)
DSi I2C Device 4Ah (BPTWL chip)

Device 78h/7Ah (Aptina MT9V113 Cameras)
DSi Aptina Camera Initialization
Directly addressed I2C Registers (16bit index, 16bit data):
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SYSCTL (0000h-0051h)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: RX_SS, FUSE, XDMA (0100h-099Fh)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: CORE (3000h-31FFh, 38xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SOC1 (3210h-33FDh)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SOC2 (3400h-3729h)
Indirectly addressed MCU Variables (via above "XDMA" commands):
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: RAM/SFR/MON (GPIO/Monitor) (MCU:0000h-20xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: SEQ (Sequencer) (MCU:21xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: AE (Auto Exposure) (MCU:22xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: AWB (Auto White Balance) (MCU:23xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: FD (Anti-Flicker) (MCU:24xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: MODE (Mode/Context) (MCU:27xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: HG (Histogram) (MCU:2Bxxh)
I2C Bus Caution: The Camera I2C access requires the "16.76MHz Camera External Clock" enabled in Port 4004004h.Bit8 on ARM9 Side. For accessing registers other than SYSCTL/CORE, one must also clear the Standby flag in SYSCTL[0018h].

Device A0h/E0h (Unknown, maybe cameras from other manufacturer)
DSi Alternate Cameras from Unknown Manufacturer

Camera Data Transfers
Camera configuration is done on ARM7 side via serial I2C bus. However, the actual Camera Data transfers are done on ARM9 side through 8bit parallel bus:
DSi Cameras

Device 90h (Whatever)
Trying to read IC2 for this device just returns FFh? Maybe exists in debug version only. The firmware contains a few functions for accessing this register.
  02h       1       Used for DSi IRQ6 IF flags
                      uh, IF.Bit6 would be Timer3overflow ?
                      or, IF2.Bit6 would be PowerButton ?
  04h       1       Unknown (bit0 toggled)
Unknown purpose.

Device 40h (Whatever)
Trying to read IC2 for this device just returns FFh? Maybe exists in debug version only. The firmware doesn't use this register (it does only contain the device number in the device table).

DSi I2C Devices
  Device  Delay   Bit0    Description
  7Ah     0       No    0 Camera0(internal?)  ;Aptina MT9V113 (SelfPortrait)
  78h     0       No    1 Camera1(external?)  ;Aptina MT9V113 (External)
  A0h     0       No    2 Camera0 config (Ext) ;\maybe for other manufacturer?
  E0h     0       No    3 Camera1 config (Self);/
  4Ah     180h    Yes   4 BPTWL Chip (LED/Volume/Powerbutton/Reset)
  40h     0       Yes   5  ?
  90h     0       Yes   6  ?
Delay: required swiWaitByLoop delay
Bit0: I2C_DATA bit0 set with dev addr required for reading (uh?)

  DSi I2C I/O Ports

4004500h - DSi7 - I2C_DATA (R/W)
  0-7  Data (or Device, or Register)
When sending data, I2C_DATA should be written <before> setting I2C_CNT.bit7.
When reading data, I2C_DATA should be read <after> I2C_CNT.bit7 goes off.
Alongsides with the 8bit data, an additional 1bit "Ack" flag is transferred as response to the data (ie. in opposite direction of data direction), the Ack is located in I2C_CNT.Bit4, and it's usually indicating errors (or in some cases it appears to be also used to indicate that no further data is to be transferred).

4004501h - DSi7 - I2C_CNT (R/W)
  0    Stop  (0=No, 1=Stop/last byte)
  1    Start (0=No, 1=Start/first byte)
  2    Error (0=No, 1=Pause/Flush? after Error, used with/after Stop)
  3    Unknown/unused (0)
  4    Ack Flag         (0=Error, 1=Okay)  (For DataRead: W, for DataWrite: R)
  5    Data Direction   (0=Write, 1=Read)
  6    Interrupt Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  7    Start/busy       (0=Ready, 1=Start/busy)

I2C Transfer Flowchart
The first byte (with the "Start" condition) contains the device number, which consists of a 7bit chip ID and a direction flag in bit0 (0=Write or 1=Read). The direction flag applies to all following bytes (until last byte with "Stop" condition), that rule means that "Write Index & Write Data" can be done in a single step, whilst "Write Index & Read Data" must be split into two separate steps (each with own "Start/Stop" conditions):
 For Writing:
  Write Device+0 (with Start condition)                 ;\
  Write Index byte(s)                                   ; write index + data
  Write Data byte(s) (last byte with Stop condition)    ;/
 For Reading:
  Write Device+0 (with Start condition)                 ;\1st step: write index
  Write Index byte(s) (last byte with Stop condition)   ;/
  Write Device+1 (with Start condition)                 ;\2nd step: read data
  Read Data byte(s) (last byte with Stop condition)     ;/
The index is usually a single byte (except for Aptina cameras, which do use 16bit indices transferred in two bytes; ordered MSB, LSB).
Per-byte transfer completion is indicated by the Start/busy flag, which should also indicate if the I2C chip is ready for next byte (I2C devices can hold the clock line low if they aren't ready), however, the BPTWL chip somehow doesn't support that, and it should be accessed with an extra delay:
  Invoke byte-transfer
  Do WaitByLoop (needed for the BPTWL device only)
  Wait for start/busy flag to get zero
Note: The DSi firmware is doing eight retries per I2C command (in case of receiving wrong ACK bytes), unknown if that's really required, a stable system should never need to do retries.

  DSi I2C Signals

Below is some pseudo code for the I2C signal transmission. The DSi hardware is doing most of that stuff automatically. The pseudo code may be useful for understanding the purpose of the start/stop/ack flags in the control register.

       START D7  D6  D5  D4  D3  D2  D1  D0 ACK  D7  D6/ .. /D1  D0 ACK STOP
      __    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___     ___ __/    /___ ___        ___
  SDA   |__|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_/ .. /|___|___|______|
      ____   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _  /    /   _   _   _   _____
  SCL     |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |/ .. / |_| |_| |_| |_|
                                                 /    /
       Start    Device/Direction Byte      Ack   Index/Data Byte(s)  Ack Stop

SDA should be changed at/after falling SCL edge (except for Start/Stop conditions, which are output during SCL=High).
The Device/Direction Byte is sent by master (the byte contains a 7bit device address in bit7-1, and a direction flag in bit0). The direction of the follwing index/data byte(s) depends on that direction flag (0=Write, 1=Read). The ACK bit responses are sent in opposite direction as the preceeding byte.
The SCL line is driven by master, however, when the master changes SCL from Low to HighZ, then the slave may keep SCL held Low to signalize that it isn't yet ready for the next bit.

  if (send_start) then i2c_start_cond()                     ;-start (if so)
  for i=7 downto 0, i2c_write_bit(databyte.bit(i)), next i  ;-write 8bit
  nack = i2c_read_bit()                                     ;-read nack
  if (send_stop) then i2c_stop_cond()                       ;-stop (if so)
  return nack        ;return 0 if ack by the slave.         ;-return nack

  for i=7 downto 0, databyte.bit(i)=i2c_read_bit(), next i  ;-read 8bit
  i2c_write_bit(nack)                                       ;-write nack
  if (send_stop) then i2c_stop_cond()                       ;-stop (if so)
  return databyte                                           ;-return databyte

  if (bit) then SDA=HighZ else SDA=Low          ;-
  I2C_delay()                                   ;-
  wait until SCL=High (or timeout)              ;-wait (for clock stretching)
  if (bit=1 and SDA=Low) then arbitration_lost();-errif other HW pulls SDA=low
  I2C_delay()                                   ;-
  SCL=Low                                       ;-

  SDA=HighZ                                     ;-let the slave drive data
  I2C_delay()                                   ;-delay (one half clk)
  wait until SCL=High (or timeout)              ;-wait (for clock stretching)
  bit = SDA                     ;-
  I2C_delay()                   ;-delay (one half clk)
  SCL=Low                       ;-
  return bit                    ;-

  if (started) then            ;if started, do a restart cond
    SDA=HighZ                   ;-set SDA to 1
    wait until SCL=High (or timeout)         ;-wait (for clock stretching)
    I2C_delay()         ;Repeated start setup time, minimum 4.7us
  if (SDA=Low) then arbitration_lost()
  SDA=Low                       ;-
  started = true

  SDA=Low                               ;-
  I2C_delay()                           ;-
  SCL=HighZ                             ;-
  wait until SCL=High (or timeout)      ;-wait (for clock stretching)
  I2C_delay()   ;Stop bit setup time, minimum 4us
  if (SDA=Low) then arbitration_lost()
  started = false

  DSi I2C Device 4Ah (BPTWL chip)

I2C Bus Caution: The BPTWL chip requires swiWaitByLoop(180h) after each I2C byte transfer (if the Version/Speed byte at BPTWL[00h] indicates "Fast", then the delay can be reduced to 90h instead of 180h).

BPTWL Chip (LED/Volume/Powerbutton/Reset) (Device 4Ah)
  00h     R   Version/Speed (usually 33h) (00h..20h=Slow, 21h..FFh=Fast)
  01h     R   Unknown (00h)
  02h     R   Unknown (50h)
  03h-0Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  10h     R   Power Button (bit0=WasWhat?, bit1=IsDown, bit3=WasDown?)
                (bit0/3 are cleared after reading)
  11h     R/W Reset (00h=No, 01h=Force Reset, 02h=???)
  12h     R/W Power Button Tapping (00h=Auto-Reset, 01h=IRQ)
  13h-1Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  20h     R   Battery State (bit0..3=Battery Level, bit7=Charge)
  21h     R/W Unknown (07h)
  22h-2Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  30h     R/W Wifi LED related (13h=Normal/Auto?, 12h=Force Wifi LED Off)
  31h     R/W Camera LED (00h=Off, 01h=On, 02h=Blink)
  32h-3Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  40h     R/W Volume Level (00h..1Fh)             ;\nonvolatile!
  41h     R/W Backlight Level (00h..04h)          ;/
  42h-5Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  60h     ??  Unknown (00h) FFh: Disable I2C reading, and Purple Power LED?
  61h     R   Unknown (01h)
  62h     R   Unknown (50h)
  63h     R/W Unknown (00h) FFh: Purple Power LED (red+blue on)
  64h-6Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  70h     R/W Bootflag (00h=Coldboot, 01h=Warmboot/SkipHealthSafety)
  71h     R/W Unknown (00h)
  72h-77h R/W Unknown (00h-filled)
  78h-7Fh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
  80h     R/W Unknown (10h)
  81h     R/W Unknown (64h)
  82h-FFh -   Reserved (5Ah-filled)
The R/W values can be set to 00h..FFh (except Index 40h/41h are quickly cropped to max 1Fh/04h, and Index 70h/71h are (after some time) cropped to 01h/02h).
Above should probably also include:
  Forced volume (for alerts) (ie. alternately to current "user volume")

DSi Power Button
Logically, the Power Button has two functions:
  Short tap --> reset (warmboot, go to DSi menu, without health and safety)
  Hold 1 second --> power-off
Technically, the button can have three functions:
  Auto-Reset (used for NDS games)
  IRQ (supposed to be used with Manual-Reset) (used for DSi games)
  Forced Power-off (for games which fail to handle the IRQ within 5 seconds)
DSi games should handle the IRQ as follows: First, do some clean up (like finishing writes to SD/MMC storage; to avoid FAT corruption). Then, issue a Reset manually (via I2C/BPTWL registers [70h]=01h/Warmboot, [11h]=01h/Reset).
Power-Off can be implemented via SPI/Power Managment Device, however, games only need to implement Manual-Reset or Auto-Reset, but don't need to implement Power-Off (the firmware will do that automatically if the button is held down for 1 second after issuing the Reset).
Ideally, emulators should also reproduce the power button (when resetting or closing the emulator): Signalize power-button and keep the emulation running until the game responds by Reset (or until five second timeout). That will allow the game to finish writes to emulated SD/MMC storage.

DSi Autostart on Warmboot (20h-byte area) (also requires BPTWL[70h]=01h)
Below area can be used to force Launcher to auto-start a given title (instead of showing the Boot Menu) (the effect is similar to Autostart flag in carthdr[01Fh].Bit2).
  2000300h 5 Warmboot ID ("TLNC",00h)
  2000305h 1 Warmboot Length of data at 2000308h (01h..18h, for CRC)
  2000306h 2 Warmboot CRC16 of data at 2000308h (with initial value FFFFh)
  2000308h 8 Warmboot Unknown                     ;-rarely used
  2000310h 8 Warmboot Title ID                    ;-often used
  2000318h 4 Warmboot Flags (bit0, 1-3, 4, 5,6,7) ;-usually 16bit, once 32bit
  200031Ch 4 Warmboot Unused
  0     IsValid (somehow enables/disables HealthSafety when TitleID is wrong?)
  1-3   Boottype (01h=Cartridge, 02h=Landing, 03h=DSiware) (see below)
  4     Unknown
  5     Unknown
  6     LoadCompl (causes some error when set) (loading completed flag?)
  7     Unknown
  8-15  Unused
  16-31 Unused (usually not accessed at all, with normal 16bit reads)
Boottypes (in Flags.bit1-3):
  01h = Cartridge (with TitleID)       (with RSA signed header, or Whitelisted)
  02h = Landing ("nand:/tmp/") (with RSA signed DownloadPlay footer)
  03h = DSiware (with TitleID)         (with RSA signed header)
TitleID.LSW should match DSi cart header (or be reverse of NDS gamecode?)
TitleID.MSW should match DSi cart header (or be zero for NDS titles?)

Older blurb...
  0x10    1       Power flags. When bit0 is set, arm7 does a system reset.
                    When bit1 or bit3 are set, arm7 does a shutdown. Bits 0-2
                    are used for DSi IRQ6 IF flags (uh, rather IF2 maybe?).
  0x11    1       Power reg? Writing value 1 here does a system reset.
                    Writing value 2 powers off all DSi-only hw (uh, what??)
  0x12    1       Might be MMC bus power related, unknown. (uh, MMC power??)
  0x20    1       Battery flags. When zero the battery is at critical level,
                    arm7 does a shutdown. Bit7 is set when the battery is
                    charging. Battery levels in the low 4-bits: battery icon
                    bars full 0xF, 3 bars 0xB, 2 bars 0x7, one solid red bar
                    0x3, and one blinking red bar 0x1. When plugging in or
                    removing recharge cord, this value increases/decreases
                    between the real battery level and 0xF, thus the battery
                    level while bit7 is set is useless.

  DSi Aptina Camera Initialization

Aptina I2C registers are accessed via 16bit index, and one or more data bytes at auto-increasing indices (usually, all transfers are done as big-endian 2-byte (16bit) values at even indices). Additional MCU Variables are accessed indirectly via XMDA registers.

Reading a 16bit value from index 0000h returns the CHIP_VERSION_REG (2580h=MT9D113), the DSi games are actually reading that register, but they seem to ignore it's value.
If the DSi isn't fitted with Aptina cameras, then reading anything from device 78h/7Ah would most likely return FFh-bytes.

brightness / low light environments
Below configurations are okay for daylight (without much sunshine), but the picture will be almost completely black at night (in rooms with small bulbs). There are probably numerous good/bad ways to manipulate the brightness. Some random solutions are:
Leave AE_MIN_INDEX/AE_MAX_INDEX at their power-on defaults (instead of using below settings) (the power-on defaults will greatly improve the brightness, but the conversion will be also much slower). Increasing COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME to some big value (like 0800h) does also seem to raise the brightness.

Below is some minimal initialization (though it might still include some unnecessary stuff). Most important sections are leaving standby mode, matching PLL to DSi timings, selecting desired resolution(s) and YUV color format.
DSi games are usually initializing further stuff like P0..P4 Coefficients, Gamma Tables, and Color Correction Matrices - but the cameras are also working when leaving those settings at their power-defaults.
It's recommended to initialize both cameras in parallel (eg. issue Wakeup to <both> cameras, and <then> wait for Wakeup completion; this is faster than doing it separately for each camera).
  AptWr     ,0001Ah,00003h   ;RESET_AND_MISC_CONTROL (issue reset)   ;\reset
  AptWr     ,0001Ah,00000h   ;RESET_AND_MISC_CONTROL (release reset) ;/
  AptWr     ,00018h,04028h   ;STANDBY_CONTROL (wakeup)               ;\
  AptWr     ,0001Eh,00201h   ;PAD_SLEW                               ; wakeup
  AptWr     ,00016h,042DFh   ;CLOCKS_CONTROL                         ;
  AptWaitClr,00018h,04000h   ;STANDBY_CONTROL (wait for WakeupDone)  ;
  AptWaitSet,0301Ah,00004h   ;UNDOC_CORE_301A (wait for WakeupDone)  ;/
  AptWrMcu  ,002F0h,00000h   ;UNDOC! RAM?
  AptWrMcu  ,002F2h,00210h   ;UNDOC! RAM?
  AptWrMcu  ,002F4h,0001Ah   ;UNDOC! RAM?
  AptWrMcu  ,02145h,002F4h   ;UNDOC! SEQ?
  AptWrMcu  ,0A134h,  001h   ;UNDOC! SEQ?
  AptSetMcu ,0A115h,  002h   ;SEQ_CAP_MODE (set bit1=video)
  AptWrMcu  ,02755h,00002h   ;MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_A (bit5=0=YUV)      ;\select
  AptWrMcu  ,02757h,00002h   ;MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_B                   ;/YUV mode
  AptWr     ,00014h,02145h   ;PLL_CONTROL                            ;\
  AptWr     ,00010h,00111h   ;PLL_DIVIDERS                           ; match
  AptWr     ,00012h,00000h   ;PLL_P_DIVIDERS                         ; PLL
  AptWr     ,00014h,0244Bh   ;PLL_CONTROL                            ; to DSi
  AptWr     ,00014h,0304Bh   ;PLL_CONTROL                            ; timings
  AptWaitSet,00014h,08000h   ;PLL_CONTROL (wait for PLL Lock okay)   ;
  AptClr    ,00014h,00001h   ;PLL_CONTROL (disable PLL Bypass)       ;/
  AptWrMcu  ,02703h,00100h   ;MODE_OUTPUT_WIDTH_A              ;\Size A
  AptWrMcu  ,02705h,000C0h   ;MODE_OUTPUT_HEIGHT_A             ;/ 256x192
  AptWrMcu  ,02707h,00280h   ;MODE_OUTPUT_WIDTH_B              ;\Size B
  AptWrMcu  ,02709h,001E0h   ;MODE_OUTPUT_HEIGHT_B             ;/ 640x480
  AptWrMcu  ,02715h,00001h   ;MODE_SENSOR_ROW_SPEED_A          ;\
  AptWrMcu  ,02719h,0001Ah   ;MODE_SENSOR_FINE_CORRECTION_A    ;
  AptWrMcu  ,0271Bh,0006Bh   ;MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MIN_A        ; Sensor A
  AptWrMcu  ,0271Dh,0006Bh   ;MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MAX_MARGIN_A ;
  AptWrMcu  ,0271Fh,002C0h   ;MODE_SENSOR_FRAME_LENGTH_A       ;
  AptWrMcu  ,02721h,0034Bh   ;MODE_SENSOR_LINE_LENGTH_PCK_A    ;/
  AptWrMcu  ,0A20Bh,  000h   ;AE_MIN_INDEX                     ;\AE min/max
  AptWrMcu  ,0A20Ch,  006h   ;AE_MAX_INDEX                     ;/
  AptWrMcu  ,0272Bh,00001h   ;MODE_SENSOR_ROW_SPEED_B          ;\
  AptWrMcu  ,0272Fh,0001Ah   ;MODE_SENSOR_FINE_CORRECTION_B    ;
  AptWrMcu  ,02731h,0006Bh   ;MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MIN_B        ; Sensor B
  AptWrMcu  ,02733h,0006Bh   ;MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MAX_MARGIN_B ;
  AptWrMcu  ,02735h,002C0h   ;MODE_SENSOR_FRAME_LENGTH_B       ;
  AptWrMcu  ,02737h,0034Bh   ;MODE_SENSOR_LINE_LENGTH_PCK_B    ;/
  AptSet    ,03210h,00008h   ;COLOR_PIPELINE_CONTROL (PGA pixel shading..)
  AptWrMcu  ,0A208h,  000h   ;UNDOC! RESERVED_AE_08
  AptWrMcu  ,0A24Ch,  020h   ;AE_TARGETBUFFERSPEED
  AptWrMcu  ,0A24Fh,  070h   ;AE_BASETARGET
  If Device=7Ah                                                ;\
    AptWrMcu,02717h,00024h   ;MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE_A          ; Read Mode
    AptWrMcu,0272Dh,00024h   ;MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE_B          ; with x-flip
  Else (xflip)                                                 ; on internal
    AptWrMcu,02717h,00025h   ;MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE_A          ; camera
    AptWrMcu,0272Dh,00025h   ;MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE_B          ;/
  If Device=7Ah                                                ;\
    AptWrMcu,0A202h,  022h   ;AE_WINDOW_POS                    ;
    AptWrMcu,0A203h,  0BBh   ;AE_WINDOW_SIZE                   ;
  Else (?)                                                     ;
    AptWrMcu,0A202h,  000h   ;AE_WINDOW_POS                    ;
    AptWrMcu,0A203h,  0FFh   ;AE_WINDOW_SIZE                   ;/
  AptSet    ,00016h,00020h   ;CLOCKS_CONTROL (set bit5=1, reserved)
  AptWrMcu  ,0A115h,  072h   ;SEQ_CAP_MODE (was already manipulated above)
  AptWrMcu  ,0A11Fh,  001h   ;SEQ_PREVIEW_1_AWB                ;\
  If Device=7Ah                                                ;
    AptWr   ,0326Ch,00900h   ;APERTURE_PARAMETERS              ;
    AptWrMcu,0AB22h,  001h   ;HG_LL_APCORR1                    ;
  Else (?)                                                     ;
    AptWr   ,0326Ch,01000h   ;APERTURE_PARAMETERS              ;
    AptWrMcu,0AB22h,  002h   ;HG_LL_APCORR1                    ;/
  AptWrMcu     ,0A103h,  006h   ;SEQ_CMD (06h=RefreshMode)
  AptWaitMcuClr,0A103h,  00Fh   ;SEQ_CMD (wait above to become ZERO)
  AptWrMcu     ,0A103h,  005h   ;SEQ_CMD (05h=Refresh)
  AptWaitMcuClr,0A103h,  00Fh   ;SEQ_CMD (wait above to become ZERO)
Above does set two Mode/Contexts, 256x192 and 640x480. Yet unknown how to activate the latter one.

  AptClr    ,00018h,00001h   ;STANDBY_CONTROL (bit0=0=wakeup)       ;\
  AptWaitClr,00018h,04000h   ;STANDBY_CONTROL (wait for WakeupDone) ; Wakeup
  AptWaitSet,0301Ah,00004h   ;UNDOC_CORE_301A (wait for WakeupDone) ;/
  AptWr     ,03012h,000xxh   ;COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME (Y Time)
  AptSet    ,0001Ah,00200h   ;RESET_AND_MISC_CONTROL (Parallel On)  ;-Data on
Also, don't forget to activate the Camera LED via BPTWL chip (when using the external camera).

Before activating another camera: First disable the Parallel output of the old camera (for avoiding collisions on the camera's parallel databus). When not using the camera for longer time, also enter standby mode (for reducing power consumption).
  AptClr    ,0001Ah,00200h  ;RESET_AND_MISC_CONTROL (Parallel Off)  ;-Data off
  AptSet    ,00018h,00001h  ;STANDBY_CONTROL (set bit0=1=Standby)   ;\
  AptWaitSet,00018h,04000h  ;STANDBY_CONTROL (wait for StandbyDone) ; Standby
  AptWaitClr,0301Ah,00004h  ;UNDOC_CORE_301A (wait for StandbyDone) ;/

There aren't any MT9V113 specs released, but info for MT9D113 (a higher resolution variant) does exist: a pdf datasheet, and an xml reference for the I2C registers.
There are several source code files for MT9V113 cameras (different files from different people; for use with linux/android/whatever) including samples for adjusting stuff like contrast and sharpness. However, observe that the source code may need some adjustments: PLL register matched to DSi timings, and, use YUV 8bit parallel databus transfer for DSi.

  DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SYSCTL (0000h-0051h)

SYSCTL (0000h-0051h)
  0000h   2  CHIP_VERSION_REG       Model ID (2580h=MT9D113) (R)
  0006h  ..  RESERVED_SYSCTL_06     Reserved
  0010h   2  PLL_DIVIDERS           PLL Dividers (def=0366h)
               0-7   PLL M-Divider value (uh, actually a Multiplier?!)
               8-13  PLL N-Divider value
               14-15 Unused (0)
             Because the input clock frequency is unknown, the sensor starts
             up with the PLL disabled. The PLL takes time to power up. During
             this time, the behavior of its output clock signal is not
             guaranteed. The PLL output frequency is determined by two
             constants, M and N, and the input clock frequency.
               VCO = Fin * 2 * M / (N+1)
               PLL_output_frequency = VCO / (P1+1)
             The PLL can generate a master clock signal whose frequency is up
             to 85 MHz (input clock from 6 MHz through 54 MHz).
  0012h   2  PLL_P_DIVIDERS         PLL P Dividers (def=00F5h)
               0-3   P1 (00h..0Fh)
               4-7   Unspecified
               8-11  P3 (00h..0Fh)
               12-13 Division ratio of word clock/clockn from bit_clock (0..3)
               14    Unused (0)
               15    Unspecified
  0014h   2  PLL_CONTROL            PLL Control (def=21F9h)
               0     PLL Bypass
               1     PLL Enable
               2-3   Reserved (0..3)
               4-7   Reserved (0..0Fh)
               8     Reset_cntr
               9     Reserved
               10    Reserved
               11    Reserved
               12    Reserved
               13    Reserved
               14    Unused (0)
               15    PLL Lock (R)
  0016h   2  CLOCKS_CONTROL         Clocks Control
               0     Reserved
               1     Reserved
               2     Reserved
               3     Reserved
               4     Reserved
               5     Reserved/UNDOC/USED (manipulated by DSi)
               6     Reserved
               7     Reserved
               8     Reserved
               9     clk_clkin_en
               11-12 Reserved
               13    Reserved
               15    Reserved
  0018h   2  STANDBY_CONTROL        Standby Control and Status (def=4029h)
               0     Ship (uh?) (0=Enable various regs, 1=Standby)
               1     Reserved
               2     Stop MCU
               3     en_IRQ
               4     Reserved
               5     Reserved
               6-13  Unused (0)
               14    Standby_done (0=WakeupDone, 1=StandbyDone) (R?)
                       (takes MUCH time?)
               15    Reserved (R)
  001Ah   2  RESET_AND_MISC_CONTROL Reset and Control (def=0050h) (0-0333h)
               0     Reset SOC I2C
               1     MIPI_TX_Reset
               2     Unused (0)
               3     MIPI_TX_en       (=Serial Data?)
               4     IP_PD_en         (=Parallel Data or what?)
               5     Reserved
               6     Sensor_full_res
               7     Unused (0)
               8     OE_N_Enable
               9     Parallel_enable  (=Parallel Data?)
               10    Unused (0)
               11    Reserved
               12-15 Unused (0)
  001Ch   2  MCU_BOOT_MODE          MCU Boot Mode
               0     Reset MCU
               1     Reserved
               2     Reserved
               3     Reserved
               4-7   Reserved  (0..0Fh)
               8-15  Reserved  (0..FFh) (R)
  001Eh   2  PAD_SLEW               Pad Slew Control (def=0400h)
               0-2   Parallel Data Output Slew Rate Control (0-7)
               3     Unused (0)
               4-6   GPIO Slew Rate Control (0-7)
               7     Unused (0)
               8-10  PCLK aka PXLCLK Slew Rate Control (0-7)
               11-15 Unused (0)
  0020h  ..  RESERVED_SYSCTL_20     Reserved
  0022h   2  VDD_DIS_COUNTER        VDD_DIS_COUNTER (0..FFFFh, def=0438h)
  0024h   2  GPI_STATUS             GPI_STATUS      (0..000Fh) (R)
  0026h  ..  RESERVED_SYSCTL_26     Reserved
  0028h   2  EN_VDD_DIS_SOFT        EN_VDD_DIS_SOFT (0..0001h, def=0001h)
  0050h  ..  RESERVED_SYSCTL_50     Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Registers: RX_SS, FUSE, XDMA (0100h-099Fh)

RX_SS (0100h-0117h)
  0100h  ..  RESERVED_RX_SS_100     Reserved
  0102h   2  TEST_PXL_RED           Test Pixel Red    ;\Default value is 1FFh
  0104h   2  TEST_PXL_G1            Test Pixel Green1 ; for Gray Flat Field
  0106h   2  TEST_PXL_G2            Test Pixel Green2 ; (0..03FFh, def=01FFh)
  0108h   2  TEST_PXL_BLUE          Test Pixel Blue   ;/
  010Ah  ..  RESERVED_RX_SS_10A-116 Reserved

FUSE_ROM (0800h-081Fh)
Reserved, unknown purpose, all zero in DSi.
  0800h  ..  RESERVED_FUSE_ROM_800-81E  Reserved

XDMA (0982h-099Fh)
Access to internal LOGICAL "driver" variables.
  0982h  ..  RESERVED_XDMA_982      Reserved
  098Ch   2  MCU_ADDRESS            MCU Address (0000h..FFFFh)
               0-7   driver_variable (0..FFh)
               8-12  driver_id       (0..1Fh) (eg. 3=AWB, 7=MODE, etc.)
               13-14 address space   (0=Physical/RAM/SFR, 1=Logical/Variables)
               15    access_8_bit    (0=16bit, 1=8bit; converted to 16bit)
  0990h 8x2  MCU_DATA_0-7           MCU Data 0..7 (8 x 16bit)
For reading, it's best to use "16bit" mode, no matter if reading an 8bit BYTE, or a 16bit MSB,LSB value. The "8bit" mode is converting bytes to 16bit values (MSB=00h, LSB=BYTE), which is a rather contraproductive idiotism; intended for I2C functions that implement only 16bit data transfers, but no 8bit transfers.
Unknown what exactly is mapped at MCU_DATA_0-7 (probably the 16 bytes at MCU_ADDRESS+0..15, probably with direct mapping / ie. without latching a copy of that memory).
MCU_ADDRESS doesn't seem to increment after reading data, however, the i2c index does increase, so one can probably read up to 16 bytes from MCU_DATA_0-7.

  DSi Aptina Camera Registers: CORE (3000h-31FFh, 38xxh)

CORE (3000h-31FFh)
  3000h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3000        Reserved (same as CHIP_VERSION_REG)
  3002h   2  Y_ADDR_START              Y1      ;\Image Position/Size ;def=0004h
  3004h   2  X_ADDR_START              X1      ; (up to including    ;def=0004h
  3006h   2  Y_ADDR_END                Y2      ; X2,Y2) (0-07FFh)    ;def=04BBh
  3008h   2  X_ADDR_END                X2      ;/                    ;def=064Bh
  300Ah   2  FRAME_LENGTH_LINES        Y Total ;\Total X/Y Size with ;def=0512h
  300Ch   2  LINE_LENGTH_PCK           X Total ;/blanking (0..FFFFh) ;def=0886h
  3010h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3010        Reserved
  3012h   2  COARSE_INTEGRATION_TIME   Y Time  ;\Integration Time in ;def=0010h
  3014h   2  FINE_INTEGRATION_TIME     X Time  ;/lines/pix (0..FFFFh);def=00F6h
  3016h   2  ROW_SPEED                 Row Speed (def=0111h)
               0-2   Pixclk_speed (0..7)
               3     Unused (0)
               4-6   Reserved
               7     Unused (0)
               8-10  Reserved
               11-15 Unused (0)
  3018h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3018-3019   Reserved
  301Ah      UNDOC_CORE_301A           Undocumented Status Reg (mask=D7FFh)
               0-1   Unspecified
               2     Undoc/USED (1=WakeupDone) (opposite of 0018h.bit14)
               3-4   Unspecified
               5     Whatever "demo_system, version_reg_write, value=1"
               6-8   Unspecified
               9     Mask_corrupted_frames     (alias of 3022h.bit0)
               10    Unspecified
               11    Unused (0)
               12    Unspecified
               13    Unused (0)
               14    Unspecified
               15    Grouped_parameter_hold    (alias of 3022h.bit8)
  301Ch  ..  RESERVED_CORE_301C-3020   Reserved
               0     Mask_corrupted_frames  (alias of Reg 301Ah.bit9)
               1-7   Unused (0)
               8     Grouped_parameter_hold (alias of Reg 301Ah.bit15)
               9-15  Unused (0)
  3024h   2  PIXEL_ORDER                Pixel Order (mask=0300h, 0..0300h) (R)
  3026h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3026         Reserved
  3028h   2  ANALOGUE_GAIN_CODE_GLOBAL  Analog Global   ;\
  302Ah   2  ANALOGUE_GAIN_CODE_GREENR  Analog GreenR   ; Analogue Gain Codes
  302Ch   2  ANALOGUE_GAIN_CODE_RED     Analog Red      ; with 3bit fraction
  302Eh   2  ANALOGUE_GAIN_CODE_BLUE    Analog Blue     ; (0..007Fh, def=000Bh)
  3030h   2  ANALOGUE_GAIN_CODE_GREENB  Analog GreenB   ;/
  3032h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_GREENR        Digital GreenR  ;\Digital Gain with
  3034h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_RED           Digital Red     ; 8bit dummy-fraction
  3036h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_BLUE          Digital Blue    ; (bit8-10=Gain, 0..7)
  3038h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_GREENB        Digital GreenB  ;/(mask=0700h,def=100h)
  303Ah  ..  RESERVED_CORE_303A-3C      Reserved
  3040h   2  READ_MODE                  Read Mode (0-DEFFh, def=0024h)
               0    horiz_mirror
               1    vert_flip
               2-4  y_odd_inc (0..7)
               5-7  x_odd_inc (0..7)
               8    Unused (0)
               9    low_power
               10   xy_bin_en
               11   x_bin_en
               12   bin_sum (Enable summing mode for binning)
               13   read_mode_y_sumen
               14   Reserved
               15   Reserved
  3044h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3044-3048    Reserved
  304Ah   2  OTPM_CONTROL               One-time Programmable Memory? Control
               0    auto_wr_start              ;\
               1    auto_wr_end (finished) (R) ; automatic write sequence
               2    auto_wr_success (okay) (R) ;/
               3    unspecified
               4    auto_rd_start              ;\
               5    auto_rd_end (finished) (R) ; automatic read sequence
               6    auto_rd_success (okay) (R) ;/
               7-15 Unused (0)
  3050h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3050-3054    Reserved
  3056h   2  GREEN1_GAIN                Gain Green1             ;\
  3058h   2  BLUE_GAIN                  Gain Blue               ; Gain Values
  305Ah   2  RED_GAIN                   Gain Red                ; (0..0FFFh,
  305Ch   2  GREEN2_GAIN                Gain Green2             ; def=022Ch)
               0-6   Initial Gain (0..7Fh, with 5bit fraction)  ;
               7-8   Analog Gain  (0..3)   (bit8+1)*(bit7+1)*(initial_gain/32)
               9-11  Digital Gain (1..7)                        ;
               12-15 Unused (0)                                 ;/
  305Eh  ..  RESERVED_CORE_305E-31DF    Reserved
  31E0h   2  UNDOC_CORE_31E0            (mask=E003h, 0..8001h, def=0001h) USED!
               Used by DSi (set to 0001h) (reportedly "PIX_DEF_ID")
  31E2h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_31E2-31F9    Reserved
  31FAh   2  UNDOC_CORE_31FA            Whatever (mask=FFFFh, def=CDEFh)
               0-4   Unspecified
               5-11  Whatever "demo_system, version_reg_read, value=3"
               12-15 Unspecified
  31FCh  ..  RESERVED_CORE_305E-31FE    Reserved

More CORE (3800h..3803h)
  3800h  ..  RESERVED_CORE_3800-3802   Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SOC1 (3210h-33FDh)

SOC1 Registers (3210h-33FDh)
  3210h   2  COLOR_PIPELINE_CONTROL     (mask=05B8h, 0..05B0h, def=01B0h)
               3   Enable PGA pixel shading correction
                     All coefficients and other configuration settings
                     (including other fields in this register) must be set up
                     before enabling shading correction.
               4   Enable 2D aperture correction
               5   Enable color correction
               7   Enable gamma correction
               8   Decimator (1=Enable scale)
               10  Reserved
  3216h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_3216-321A    Reserved
  321Ch   2  OFIFO_CONTROL_STATUS       Ofifo control status 1 (def=0003h)
               0-3 txfifo_bypass
                     (0=tx_fifo, 1=sensor, 2=sam observe, 3=cpipe format,
                     4=test walking ones cpipe frequency,
                     5=test walking ones sensor frequency,
                     6=RESERVED, 7=test PIXCLK, 8..F=Unspecified)
               4-6 Unused (0)
               7   sensor_bypass (0=cpipe, 1=sensor)
               8   Reserved
               9   Reserved
               10  Reserved
               11  Reserved
               12  Reserved (R)
               13  Reserved (R)
               14  Reserved (R)
               15  Reserved (R)
  321Eh   2  OFIFO_CONTROL_STATUS_2     Ofifo control status 2 (def=0010h)
               0-9   Reserved (0..3FFh)
               10    Disable PV output clock during blank (1=disable)
               11-15 Reserved (0..1Fh)
  3220h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_3220         Reserved
  3222h   2  LOWER_X_BOUND_ZOOM_WINDOW  Lower X  ;def=?      ;\Zoom Window
  3224h   2  UPPER_X_BOUND_ZOOM_WINDOW  Upper X  ;def=063Fh  ; Boundaries
  3226h   2  LOWER_Y_BOUND_ZOOM_WINDOW  Lower Y  ;def=?      ; (0..07FFh)
  3228h   2  UPPER_Y_BOUND_ZOOM_WINDOW  Upper Y  ;def=04AFh  ;/
  322Ah   2  UNDOC_SOC1_322A            (mask=0016h, 0..0016h) USED by DSi!
  322Ch   2  WEIGHT_HORIZ_DECIMATION    Scaling Weight X ;\Scaling Weight X,Y
  322Eh   2  WEIGHT_VERTICAL_DECIMATION Scaling Weight Y ;/(0..0FFFh, def=800h)
  323Eh   2  UNDOC_SOC1_323E            (0..FFFFh, def=1A2Dh) (DSi: C22Ch)
  3240h   2  UNDOC_SOC1_3240            (0..FFFFh, def=C814h) (DSi: 6214h)
  3242h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_3242         Reserved
  3244h   2  UNDOC_SOC1_3244            (mask=03FFh, range=0..00FFh?, def=0310)
  3254h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_3254-326A    Reserved
  326Ch   2  APERTURE_PARAMETERS        Aperture Params (0..7FFFh, def=0A08h)
               0-7   2D aperture threshold (knee) (00h-FFh)
               8-10  2D aperture gain (0-7)
               11-13 2D aperture gain's exponent (0-7)
               14    Abs (1=force aperture gain be positive)
               15    Unused (0)
  326Eh  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_326E-3276    Reserved
  327Ah   2  BLACK_LEVEL_1ST_RED        Offset Red     ;\Offsets subtracted
  327Ch   2  BLACK_LEVEL_1ST_GREEN1     Offset Green1  ; from RGB pixels
  327Eh   2  BLACK_LEVEL_1ST_GREEN2     Offset Green2  ; (0000-01FFh/03FFh,
  3280h   2  BLACK_LEVEL_1ST_BLUE       Offset Blue    ;/def=002Ah)
  328Eh   2  THRESH_EDGE_DETECT         Demosaic Edge Threshold (def=000Ch)
  3290h   2  TEST_PATTERN               Test Pattern Enable/Width
               0-4   Unused (0)
               5     en_walk_ones_tp  Enable Test Pattern (0=disable, 1=enable)
               6     walk_ones_10     Pattern Width (0=8-bit, 1=10-bit)
               7-15  Unused (0)
  329Eh  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_329E-32A0    Reserved
  32C0h   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_SCALE_14 Exponents C11..C22 (0-7FFFh, def=3923h)
  32C2h   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_SCALE_11 Exponents C23..C33 (0-0FFFh, def=0724h)
  32C4h   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_1_2      Elements C11=LSB, C12=MSB   (def=7DCCh)
  32C6h   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_3_4      Elements C13=LSB, C21=MSB   (def=2711h)
  32C8h   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_5_6      Elements C22=LSB, C23=MSB   (def=62E5h)
  32CAh   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_7_8      Elements C31=LSB, C32=MSB   (def=690Dh)
  32CCh   2  COLOR_CORR_MATRIX_9        Element C33=LSB, Signs=MSB  (def=2DCDh)
  32D4h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_1_RED         Gain for Red channel    ;\Digital Gain1
  32D6h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_1_GREEN1      Gain for Green1 channel ; (mul 128,
  32D8h   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_1_GREEN2      Gain for Green2 channel ; 0000h..03FFh,
  32DAh   2  DIGITAL_GAIN_1_BLUE        Gain for Blue channel   ;/def=0080h)
  32F4h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_32F4-332E    Reserved
               0     Disable Cr channel
               1     Disable Y channel
               2     Disable Cb channel
               3-5   Test ramp output
               6     8+2 bypass
               7     Reserved
               8     Enable Lens Correction Bypass
               9     Reserved
               10    Reserved
               11    Reserved
               12-15 Unused (0)
  3332h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_3332-334A    Reserved
  337Ch   2  YUV_YCBCR_CONTROL          YUV_YCBCR_CONTROL (0..000Fh, def=0006h)
               0     Mult_y_uv (normalize Y in 16-235; U and V in 16-240)
               1     Coefficient control
               2     Add 128 to U and V
               3     Clip Y in 16-235; U and V in 16-240
               4-15  Unused (0)
  337Eh   2  Y_RGB_OFFSET               Y_RGB Offset
               0-7   Reserved (0..FFh)
               8-15  Y offset (0..FFh)
  33E6h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_33E6-33EE    Reserved
  33F4h   2  KERNEL_CONFIG              Kernel Config (0..01FFh, def=0003h)
               0     Defect correction (DC) enable
               1     Reserved
               2     Reserved
               3     Noise reduction (NR) enable
               4     Reserved
               5     Reserved
               6     Reserved
               7     Reserved
               8     Reserved
  33F6h  ..  RESERVED_SOC1_33F6-33FC    Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SOC2 (3400h-3729h)

SOC2 (3400h-3729h)
  3400h   2  MIPI_CONTROL              MIPI_Control (def=782Eh)
               0     MIPI restart enable
               1     MIPI standby
               2     Continuous MIPI clock
               3     Frame boundary sync bit (R)
               4     Wait until eof to react to standby
               5     Reserved
               6-8   MIPI channel number
               9     Unused (0) or Reserved (REV3)
               10-15 Data Type (1Eh=YUV422_8bit, 20h=RGB444, 21h=RGB555,
                       22h=RGB565, 2Ah=RAW8, 2Bh=RAW10)
  3402h   2  MIPI_STATUS               MIPI_Status (def=0011h)
               0     MIPI in standby (R)
               1-3   Unused (0)
               4     MIPI aka MIPICCP idle (R)
               5     MIPI ready to receive data (R)
               6-8   Unused (0)
               9     Reserved (R)
               10    Reserved (R)
               11    Reserved
               12    Reserved
               13-15 Unused (0)
  3404h   2  CUSTOM_SHORT_PKT          MIPI_Custom_Short_Packet (0000h-3F00h)
               0-5   Unused (0)
               6     frame_cnt_reset (sent in frame start/end short packets)
               7     frame_cnt_en (Insert frame counter value in WC field)
               8-10  custom_short_packet_data_type
               11    custom_short_packet_request
               12    custom_short_packet_frame_sync
               13    custom_short_packet_reset (R)
               14-15 Unused (0)
  3408h   2  LINE_BYTE_CNT             MIPI line byte count (def=0C80h)
  340Ch   2  CUSTOM_SHORT_PKT_WC       WC field of a custom short packet
  340Eh  ..  RESERVED_SOC2_340E-341A   Reserved
  3580h   2  AE_ZONE_X                 AE Window/Zone X (def=1300h)
               0-7:  ae_zone_x_start (00h..FFh) (div8)          ;for WINDOW
               8-15: ae_zone_x_width (00h..FFh) (div8, minus 1) ;for each ZONE
  3582h   2  AE_ZONE_Y                 AE Window/Zone Y (def=0E00h)
               0-7:  ae_zone_y_start (00h..FFh) (div8)          ;for WINDOW
               8-15: ae_zone_y_width (00h..FFh) (div8, minus 1) ;for each ZONE
  3584h   2  AE_WINDOW_SIZE_LO         LSBs ;\Size of each AE zone in pixels
  3586h   2  AE_WINDOW_SIZE_HI         MSBs ;/(0..0001FFFFh, def=000x4B00h ?)
  3588h  ..  RESERVED_SOC2_3588-35AE   Reserved
  35B0h      UNDOC_SOC2_35B0           (mask=FFFFh, 0..FFFFh, def=05FAh) USED!
  35B2h  ..  RESERVED_SOC2_35B2-3602   Reserved
  3604h  20  R_GAMMA_CURVE_KNEES_0-18  Red Gamma Curve Knees 0..18   (1B00h,..)
  3618h  20  G_GAMMA_CURVE_KNEES_0-18  Green Gamma Curve Knees 0..18 (1B00h,..)
  362Ch  20  B_GAMMA_CURVE_KNEES_0-18  Blue Gamma Curve Knees 0..18  (1B00h,..)
               Above 20-byte knees consist of ten 16bit values (Knee0 in LSB)
               Due to the 16bit-big-endian format, the byte-order is:
  3640h  ..  RESERVED_SOC2_3640        Reserved
  3642h   2  POLY_ORIGIN_R             Center Row    (max 07FFh, def=025Ch)
  3644h   2  POLY_ORIGIN_C             Center Column (max 07FFh, def=0324h)
  3646h  ..  RESERVED_SOC2_3646-364C   Reserved
  364Eh 5x2  P_GR_P0Q0-4               P0Q for Green1  ;\P0 Coefficients
  3658h 5x2  P_RD_P0Q0-4               P0Q for Red     ; (5 x float16 each)
  3662h 5x2  P_BL_P0Q0-4               P0Q for Blue    ; (0010h,... each)
  366Ch 5x2  P_GB_P0Q0-4               P0Q for Green2  ;/
  3676h 5x2  P_GR_P1Q0-4               P1Q for Green1  ;\
  3680h 5x2  P_RD_P1Q0-4               P1Q for Red     ; P1 Coefficients
  368Ah 5x2  P_BL_P1Q0-4               P1Q for Blue    ; (5 x float16 each)
  3694h 5x2  P_GB_P1Q0-4               P1Q for Green2  ;/
  369Eh 5x2  P_GR_P2Q0-4               P2Q for Green1  ;\
  36A8h 5x2  P_RD_P2Q0-4               P2Q for Red     ; P2 Coefficients
  36B2h 5x2  P_BL_P2Q0-4               P2Q for Blue    ; (5 x float16 each)
  36BCh 5x2  P_GB_P2Q0-4               P2Q for Green2  ;/
  36C6h 5x2  P_GR_P3Q0-4               P3Q for Green1  ;\
  36D0h 5x2  P_RD_P3Q0-4               P3Q for Red     ; P3 Coefficients
  36DAh 5x2  P_BL_P3Q0-4               P3Q for Blue    ; (5 x float16 each)
  36E4h 5x2  P_GB_P3Q0-4               P3Q for Green2  ;/
  36EEh 5x2  P_GR_P4Q0-4               P4Q for Green1  ;\
  36F8h 5x2  P_RD_P4Q0-4               P4Q for Red     ; P4 Coefficients
  3702h 5x2  P_BL_P4Q0-4               P4Q for Blue    ; (5 x float16 each)
  370Ch 5x2  P_GB_P4Q0-4               P4Q for Green2  ;/
  3716h  ..  RESERVED_SOC2_3716-3278   Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: RAM/SFR/MON (GPIO/Monitor) (MCU:0000h-20xxh)

Internal RAM (MCU:0000h..0xxxh)
Internal RAM is reserved for whatever internal purposes (probably including for storing the 'logical variables' at MCU:2xxxh at some physical memory locations at MCU:0xxxh). However, some of those undocumented reserved RAM cells are manipulated by DSi games:
  02F0h   2  UNDOC_RAM_02F0   (set to 0000h by DSi games)
  02F2h   2  UNDOC_RAM_02F2   (set to 0210h by DSi games)
  02F4h   2  UNDOC_RAM_02F4   (set to 001Ah by DSi games)
Exact RAM Size is unknown (around 2Kbyte or so)? Some Aptina chips do also contain some sort of User RAM (at 0800h or so) for unknown purpose (just general purpose storage maybe). Unknown if the DSi chips are having any such User RAM.

Special Function Registers SFR (MCU:1040h..10FEh)
  1040h  ..  RESERVED_SFR_1040-1050    Reserved
  1060h  ..  RESERVED_SFR_1060-1066    Reserved (REV3)
  1070h   2  GPIO_DATA                 GPIO Data  (0..1E00h)
               0-8   Unused (0)
               9-12  gpio_3_0_data
               13-15 Unused (0)
  1072h   2  RESERVED_SFR_1072         Reserved
  1074h   2  GPIO_OUTPUT_SET           GPIO Set   (0..0C00h/1E00h?) (W)
               0-8   Unused (0)
               9-12  gpio_3_0_output_toggle (uh, toggle or set?)
               13-15 Unused (0)
  1076h   2  GPIO_OUTPUT_CLEAR         GPIO Clear (0..0C00h/1E00h?) (W)
               0-8   Unused (0)
               9-12  gpio_3_0_output_clear
               13-15 Unused (0)
  1078h   2  GPIO_DIR                  GPIO Direction (0..1E00h, def=1E00h)
               0-8   Unused (0)
               9     gpio_0_dir (0=Output, 1=Input) ;(LSB0 of 10bit Output)
               10    gpio_1_dir (0=Output, 1=Input) ;(LSB1 of 10bit Output)
               11    gpio_2_dir (0=Output, 1=Input) ;(Flash/Shutter Pulse)
               12    gpio_3_dir (0=Output, 1=Input) ;(OE_BAR for Databus)
               13-15 Unused (0)
  107Ah  ..  RESERVED_SFR_107A-10FD    Reserved

Monitor Variables MON (MCU:2000h..2025h)
  2000h   5  RESERVED_MON_00-04        Reserved
  2005h   1  MON_CMD                   Monitor Command (0..FFh)
  2006h   2  MON_ARG1                  Monitor First Argument (0..FFFFh)
  2008h  ..  RESERVED_MON_08-22        Reserved
  2024h   2  MON_PATCH_ID_0            Monitor First Patch (0..FFFFh) (REV1)
               0-7   mon_patch_0_version (00h-0Fh)
                       The version number of the first patch (R)
               8-15  mon_patch_0_number  (00h-0Fh)
                       Identifies which patch the first patch is (R)
  2024h   1  MON_PATCH_ID_0            (mask=FFh) (R) ;\unlike above  (REV3)
  2025h   1  MON_PATCH_ID_1            (0..FF)        ;/REV1 specs    (REV3)
  2026h   1  MON_PATCH_ID_2            (0..FF)                        (REV3)
  2027h   1  RESERVED_MON_27           Reserved                       (REV3)

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: SEQ (Sequencer) (MCU:21xxh)

Sequencer Variables SEQ (MCU:2100h..215Ah)
  2100h  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_00           Reserved
  2102h   1  SEQ_MODE                  SEQ Mode (enables "drivers") (def=0Fh)
               0    Enable AE   (ID=2)
               1    Enable FD   (ID=4)
               2    Enable AWB  (ID=3)
               3    Enable HG   (ID=11)
               4-7  Unspecified
  2103h   1  SEQ_CMD                   SEQ Cmd   (0..FFh, def=01h)
               0-7  Cmd   (0=Run, 1=Preview, 2=Capture, 3=Standby,
                          4=Lock, 5=Refresh, 6=Refresh Mode)
  2104h   1  SEQ_STATE                 SEQ State (0..FFh)
               0-7  State (0=Run, 1=ToPreview, 2=Enter, 3=Preview
                           4=Leave, 5=ToCapture, 6=Enter, 7=Capture,
                           8=Leave, 9=Standby)
  2105h  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_05           Reserved
  2106h   1  SEQ_FLASHTYPE             Type of flash to be used
               0-6 Flash Type (0=None, 1=LED, 2=Xenon, 3=XenonBurst)
               7   Set flash to LOCK mode (0=Normal, 1=LOCK mode)
  2107h  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_07-08        Reserved
  2109h   1  SEQ_AE_FASTBUFF           AE Fast Buff  (0..FFh, def=10h)
  210Ah   1  SEQ_AE_FASTSTEP           AE Fast Step  (0..FFh, def=02h)
  210Bh   1  SEQ_AWB_CONTBUFF          AWB Cont Buff (0..FFh, def=08h)
  210Ch   1  SEQ_AWB_CONTSTEP          AWB Cont Step (0..FFh, def=02h)
  210Dh  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_0D-10        Reserved
  2111h   1  SEQ_OPTIONS               SEQ Options (0..FFh, def=08h)
               0  Reserved
               1  Reserved
               2  Reserved
               3  seq_crop_win_ae, Use crop window for AE statistics
               4  seq_crop_win_awb, Use crop window for AWB statistics
               7  Reserved
  2112h  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_12           Reserved
  2113h   2  SEQ_FLASH_TH              SEQ Flash TH (0..FFFFh)
  2115h   1  SEQ_CAP_MODE              Capture mode (in Capture state only)
               0  Xenon Flash (Still Only)
               1  Video
               2  Turn Flash off before last frame in capture state
               4  Video AE on
               5  Video AWB on
               6  Video HG on
  2116h   1  SEQ_CAP_NUMFRAMES         Num still frames captured (0..FFh,def=3)
  2117h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_0_AE          Preview 0 AE (PREVIEW ENTER)     ;\
               0-3  AE (0=Off, 1=Fast, 2=Manual, 3=Continuous, 4=MDR)   ;
               4-7  Unspecified (0..5) (0..0Fh for PREVIEW_2/3)         ; Pre-
  2118h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_0_FD          Preview 0 FD (PREVIEW ENTER)     ; view
               0-7  FD (0=Off, 1=Continuous, 2=Manual)                  ; 0
  2119h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_0_AWB         Preview 0 AWB (PREVIEW ENTER)    ;
               0-7  AWB (0=Off, 1=On)                                   ; PRE-
  211Ah   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_0_HG          Preview 0 HG (PREVIEW ENTER)     ; VIEW
               0-7  HG (0=Off, 1=Fast, 2=Manual, 3=Continuous)          ; ENTER
  211Bh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_0_FLASH       Flash Config (0..FFh)            ;
               0-6 Flash (0=Off,1=On,2=Locked,3=AutoEvaluate,7=UserDef) ;
               7   Reserved                                             ;
  211Ch   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_0_SKIPFRAME   Skipframe State Config (def=40h) ;
               0-3 Unspecified                                          ;
               4   Unspecified (except PREVIEW_2: Reserved)             ;
               5   Skip_led_on                                          ;
               6   Skip_state (0=No skip state, 1=Skip state)           ;
               7   Turn_off_fen                                         ;/
  211Dh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_1_AE            ;\                             def=01h
  211Eh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_1_FD            ; Preview 1 (PREVIEW)          def=01h
  211Fh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_1_AWB           ; (same as Preview 0, but      def=01h
  2120h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_1_HG            ; without AE=MDR,              def=01h
  2121h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_1_FLASH         ; without HG=Manual/Continous)
  2122h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_1_SKIPFRAME     ;/                             def=N/A
  2123h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_2_AE            ;\
  2124h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_2_FD            ; Preview 2 (PREVIEW LEAVE)
  2125h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_2_AWB           ; (same as Preview 0, but
  2126h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_2_HG            ; without HG=Manual/Continous)
  2127h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_2_FLASH         ;
  2128h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_2_SKIPFRAME     ;/
  2129h   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_3_AE            ;\
  212Ah   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_3_FD            ; Preview 3 (CAPTURE ENTER)
  212Bh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_3_AWB           ; (same as Preview 0)
  212Ch   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_3_HG            ;
  212Dh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_3_FLASH         ;
  212Eh   1  SEQ_PREVIEW_3_SKIPFRAME     ;/
  212Fh  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_2F-33        Reserved
  2134h   1  UNDOC_SEQ_34              (0..FFh)
  2135h  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_35-44        Reserved
  2145h   2  UNDOC_SEQ_45              (0..FFFFh)
  2147h  ..  RESERVED_SEQ_47-59        Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: AE (Auto Exposure) (MCU:22xxh)

Auto Exposure Variables AE (MCU:2200h-2261h)
  2200h  ..  RESERVED_AE_00            Reserved
  2202h   1  AE_WINDOW_POS             AE Window Position Y0 and X0
               0-3  X0 (in units of 1/16th of frame width)  (0..0Fh)
               4-7  Y0 (in units of 1/16th of frame height) (0..0Fh)
  2203h   1  AE_WINDOW_SIZE            AE Window Height and Width (def=FFh)
               0-3  Width  (units of 1/16th of frame width, minus 1)  (0..0Fh)
               4-7  Height (units of 1/16th of frame height, minus 1) (0..0Fh)
  2204h  ..  RESERVED_AE_04            Reserved
  2206h   1  AE_TARGET                 AE Target Brightness (0..FFh, def=32h)
  2207h   1  AE_GATE                   AE Sensitivity       (0..FFh, def=04h)
  2208h  ..  UNDOC_AE_08               (0..FFh, def=02h)
  2209h  ..  RESERVED_AE_09-0A         Reserved
  220Bh   1  AE_MIN_INDEX              Min                      (0-FFh)
  220Ch   1  AE_MAX_INDEX              Max allowed zone number  (0-FFh,def=18h)
  220Dh   1  AE_MIN_VIRTGAIN           Min allowed virtual gain (0-FFh,def=10h)
  220Eh   1  AE_MAX_VIRTGAIN           Max allowed virtual gain (0-FFh,def=80h)
  220Fh  ..  RESERVED_AE_0F-11         Reserved
  2212h   2  AE_MAX_DGAIN_AE1          Max digital gain pre-LC  (def=8000h)
  2214h  ..  RESERVED_AE_14-16         Reserved
  2217h   1  AE_STATUS                 AE Status
               0   AE_at_limit (1=AE reached limit)
               1   R9_changed  (1=Need to skip frame)
               2   Ready       (0=AE not ready, 1=AE ready)
               3-7 Unused (0)
  2218h   1  AE_CURRENT_Y              Last measured luma   (0-FFh,def=4Bh) (R)
  2219h   2  AE_R12                    Curr shutter delay       (def=0279h) (R)
  221Bh   1  AE_INDEX                  Curr zone integration time (def=04h) (R)
  221Ch   1  AE_VIRTGAIN               Curr virtual gain    (0-FFh,def=10h) (R)
  221Dh  ..  RESERVED_AE_1D-1E         Reserved
  221Fh   2  AE_DGAIN_AE1              Current digital gain pre-LC (def=0080h)
  2221h  ..  RESERVED_AE_21            Reserved
  2222h   2  AE_R9                     Current R9:0 value (0-FFFFh, def=0010h)
  2224h  ..  RESERVED_AE_24-2C         Reserved
  222Dh   2  AE_R9_STEP                Integration time per zone   (def=009Dh)
  222Fh  ..  RESERVED_AE_2F-49         Reserved
  224Ah   1  AE_TARGETMIN              Min value for target  (0..FFh, def=32h)
  224Bh   1  AE_TARGETMAX              Max value for target  (0..FFh, def=96h)
  224Ch   1  AE_TARGETBUFFERSPEED      Target Buffer Speed   (0..FFh, def=0Ch)
  224Dh  ..  RESERVED_AE_4D            Reserved
  224Fh   1  AE_BASETARGET             Target Base           (0..FFh, def=36h)
  2250h  ..  RESERVED_AE_50-61         Reserved
  2262h  ..  RESERVED_AE_62-64         Reserved (REV3)

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: AWB (Auto White Balance) (MCU:23xxh)

Auto White Balance Variables AWB (MCU:2300h..236Eh)
  2300h  ..  RESERVED_AWB_00           Reserved
  2302h   1  AWB_WINDOW_POS            AWB Window Position Y0 and X0
               0-3  X0 (in units of 1/16th of frame width)  (0..0Fh)
               4-7  Y0 (in units of 1/16th of frame height) (0..0Fh)
  2303h   1  AWB_WINDOW_SIZE           AWB Window Size (def=EFh)
               0-3  Width  (units of 1/16th of frame width, minus 1)  (0..0Fh)
               4-7  Height (units of 1/16th of frame height, minus 1) (0..0Fh)
  2304h  ..  RESERVED_AWB_04           Reserved
  2306h 3x2  AWB_CCM_L_0-2             Left CCM K11,K12,K13 (0180h,FF00h,0080h)
  230Ch 3x2  AWB_CCM_L_3-5             Left CCM K21,K22,K23 (FF66h,0180h,FFEEh)
  2312h 3x2  AWB_CCM_L_6-8             Left CCM K31,K32,K33 (FFCDh,FECDh,019Ah)
  2318h   2  AWB_CCM_L_9               Left CCM Red/Green gain  (0020h)
  231Ah   2  AWB_CCM_L_10              Left CCM Blue/Green gain (0033h)
  231Ch 3x2  AWB_CCM_RL_0-2            DeltaCCM D11,D12,D13 (0100h,FF9Ah,xxxxh)
  2322h 3x2  AWB_CCM_RL_3-5            DeltaCCM D21,D22,D23 (004Dh,FFCDh,FFB8h)
  2328h 3x2  AWB_CCM_RL_6-8            DeltaCCM D31,D32,D33 (004Dh,0080h,FF66h)
  232Eh   2  AWB_CCM_RL_9              DeltaCCM Red/Green gain  (0008h)
  2330h   2  AWB_CCM_RL_10             DeltaCCM Blue/Green gain (FFF7h)
  2332h 3x2  AWB_CCM_0-2               Curr CCM C11,C12,C13 (01BAh,FF5Bh,FFF1h)
  2338h 3x2  AWB_CCM_3-5               Curr CCM C21,C22,C23 (FFC7h,01B9h,FF87h)
  233Eh 3x2  AWB_CCM_6-8               Curr CCM C31,C32,C33 (FFF9h,FF32h,01DCh)
  2344h   2  AWB_CCM_9                 Curr CCM Red/Green gain  (003Ch)
  2346h   2  AWB_CCM_10                Curr CCM Blue/Green gain (002Bh)
  2348h   1  AWB_GAIN_BUFFER_SPEED     Gain Speed (1-20h, def=08h, 20h=fastest)
  2349h   1  AWB_JUMP_DIVISOR          Jump Divisor (1-FFh, def=02h, 1=fastest)
  234Ah   1  AWB_GAIN_MIN              Min AWB Red     (def=59h) ;\Digital Gain
  234Bh   1  AWB_GAIN_MAX              Max allowed Red (def=B6h) ; Min/max
  234Ch   1  AWB_GAINMIN_B             Min AWB         (def=59h) ; (0..FFh)
  234Dh   1  AWB_GAINMAX_B             Max allowed     (def=A6h) ;/
  234Eh   1  AWB_GAIN_R                Current R digital gain    ;\Current Gain
  234Fh   1  AWB_GAIN_G                Current G digital gain    ; (0..FFh,
  2350h   1  AWB_GAIN_B                Current B digital gain    ;/def=80h)
  2351h   1  AWB_CCM_POSITION_MIN      Min/Left  (def=?)   ;\(range 0..FFh,
  2352h   1  AWB_CCM_POSITION_MAX      Max/Right (def=7Fh) ; 00h=incandescent,
  2353h   1  AWB_CCM_POSITION          Position  (def=40h) ;/7Fh=daylight)
  2354h   1  AWB_SATURATION            Saturation (0..FFh, def=80h, 80h=100%)
  2355h   1  AWB_MODE                  Misc control for AWB (0..FFh)
               0  Steady         (1=AWB is done)
               1  Limits Reached (1=AWB limit is reached)
               2  Reserved
               3  Reserved
               4  Reserved
               5  Force_unit_dgains
               6  NormCCM_off
  2356h   2  AWB_GAINR_BUF             Time-buffered R gain (0..FFFFh)
  2358h   2  AWB_GAINB_BUF             Time-buffered B gain (0..FFFFh)
  235Ah  ..  RESERVED_AWB_5A-5C        Reserved
  235Dh   1  AWB_STEADY_BGAIN_OUT_MIN  (0-FF, def=78h)
  235Eh   1  AWB_STEADY_BGAIN_OUT_MAX  (0-FF, def=86h)
  235Fh   1  AWB_STEADY_BGAIN_IN_MIN   (0-FF, def=7Eh)
  2360h   1  AWB_STEADY_BGAIN_IN_MAX   (0-FF, def=82h)
  2361h   2  UNDOC_AWB_61              (0..FFFFh, def=0040h)
  2363h   1  AWB_TG_MIN0               True Gray minimum (0..FFh, def=D2h)
  2364h   1  AWB_TG_MAX0               True Gray maximum (0..FFh, def=F6h)
  2365h   1  AWB_X0                    (0-FFh, def=10h)
  2366h   1  AWB_KR_L                  (0-FFh, def=80h)
  2367h   1  AWB_KG_L                  (0-FFh, def=80h)
  2368h   1  AWB_KB_L                  (0-FFh, def=80h)
  2369h   1  AWB_KR_R                  (0-FFh, def=80h)
  236Ah   1  AWB_KG_R                  (0-FFh, def=80h)
  236Bh   1  AWB_KB_R                  (0-FFh, def=80h)
  236Ch  ..  RESERVED_AWB_6C-6E        Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: FD (Anti-Flicker) (MCU:24xxh)

Anti-Flicker Variables FD (MCU:2400h..247Bh)
  2400h  ..  RESERVED_FD_00            Reserved
  2402h   1  FD_WINDOW_POSH            Window Pos H (0..FFh, def=1Dh)
               0-3  Width (in units of 1/16th of frame width, minus 1) (0..0Fh)
               4-7  X0 (=position/origin or so?) (0..0Fh)
  2403h   1  FD_WINDOW_HEIGHT          FlickerMeasurementWindowHeight (def=04h)
               0-5  Flicker measurement window height in rows (0..3Fh)
               6-7  Unspecified
  2404h   1  FD_MODE                   Flicked Detection switches/indicators
               0-3  Reserved      (0..0Fh) (R)
               4    Debug_mode    (0=Disable, 1=Enable single period mode)
               5    Curr Flicker State (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz) (R)
               6    Curr Settings (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)
               7    Manual Mode   (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  2405h  ..  RESERVED_FD_05-07         Reserved
  2408h   1  FD_SEARCH_F1_50           Search F1 50Hz  (0..FFh, def=33h)
  2409h   1  FD_SEARCH_F2_50           Search F2 50Hz  (0..FFh, def=35h)
  240Ah   1  FD_SEARCH_F1_60           Search F1 60Hz  (0..FFh, def=29h)
  240Bh   1  FD_SEARCH_F2_60           Search F2 60Hz  (0..FFh, def=2Bh)
  240Ch   1  UNDOC_FD_0C               (0..FFh)
  240Dh   1  FD_STAT_MIN               Stat Min (0..FFh, def=03h)
  240Eh   1  FD_STAT_MAX               Stat Max (0..FFh, def=05h)
  240Fh  ..  RESERVED_FD_0F            Reserved
  2410h   1  FD_MIN_AMPLITUDE          Ignore Signals below Min (0..FFh, def=5)
  2411h   2  FD_R9_STEP_F60_A          60HzA (def=0D4h) ;\Minimal Shutter Width
  2413h   2  FD_R9_STEP_F50_A          50HzA (def=103h) ; Steps for 60Hz/50H AC
  2415h   2  FD_R9_STEP_F60_B          60HzB (def=09Dh) ; in Context A/B
  2417h   2  FD_R9_STEP_F50_B          50HzB (def=0B8h) ;/(0..FFFFh)
  2419h  ..  RESERVED_FD_19-7B         Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: MODE (Mode/Context) (MCU:27xxh)

Mode Variables MODE (MCU:2700h..2768h)
  2700h  ..  RESERVED_MODE_00-02              Reserved
  2703h   2  MODE_OUTPUT_WIDTH_A        (CX)  (0..FFFFh, def=0320h)  ;\Size A
  2705h   2  MODE_OUTPUT_HEIGHT_A       (CY)  (0..FFFFh, def=0258h)  ;/
  2707h   2  MODE_OUTPUT_WIDTH_B              (0..FFFFh, def=0640h)  ;\Size B
  2709h   2  MODE_OUTPUT_HEIGHT_B             (0..FFFFh, def=04B0h)  ;/
  270Bh   1  MODE_A_MIPI_VC                   (0..07h) (REV3)        ;-Mipi A
  270Ch   1  MODE_B_MIPI_VC                   (0..07h) (REV3)        ;-Mipi B
  270Dh   2  MODE_SENSOR_ROW_START_A    (Y1)  (0..FFFFh)             ;\
  270Fh   2  MODE_SENSOR_COL_START_A    (X1)  (0..FFFFh)             ;
  2711h   2  MODE_SENSOR_ROW_END_A      (Y2)  (0..FFFFh, def=040Dh)  ;
  2713h   2  MODE_SENSOR_COL_END_A      (X2)  (0..FFFFh, def=050Dh)  ; Sensor
  2715h   2  MODE_SENSOR_ROW_SPEED_A          (0..0777h, def=0112h)  ; A
               0-2:  pixclk_speed (0..7)                             ;
                       1ADC: Pclk = 2 mclks * bits[0:2]              ;
                       2ADC: bits[0:2]                               ;
               4-6:  Reserved (0..7)                                 ;
               8-10: Reserved (0..7)                                 ;
  2717h   2  MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE_A          (0..FFFFh, def=046Ch)  ;
               0:   horiz_mirror                                     ;
               1:   vert_flip                                        ;
               2-4: y_odd_inc (0..7)                                 ;
               5-7: x_odd_inc (0..7)                                 ;
               9:   low_power                                        ;
               10:  xy_bin_en                                        ;
               11:  x_bin_en                                         ;
  2719h   2  MODE_SENSOR_FINE_CORRECTION_A    (0..FFFFh, def=007Bh)  ;
  271Bh   2  MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MIN_A        (0..FFFFh, def=0408h)  ;
  271Dh   2  MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MAX_MARGIN_A (0..FFFFh, def=00ABh)  ;
  271Fh   2  MODE_SENSOR_FRAME_LENGTH_A       (0..FFFFh, def=0293h)  ;
  2721h   2  MODE_SENSOR_LINE_LENGTH_PCK_A    (0..FFFFh, def=07D0h)  ;/
  2723h   2  MODE_SENSOR_ROW_START_B          (0..FFFFh, def=0004h)  ;\
  2725h   2  MODE_SENSOR_COL_START_B          (0..FFFFh, def=0004h)  ; Sensor
  2727h   2  MODE_SENSOR_ROW_END_B            (0..FFFFh, def=040Bh)  ; B
  2729h   2  MODE_SENSOR_COL_END_B            (0..FFFFh, def=050Bh)  ;
  272Bh   2  MODE_SENSOR_ROW_SPEED_B          (0..0777h, def=0111h)  ; (same
  272Dh   2  MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE_B          (0..FFFFh, def=0024h)  ; as
  272Fh   2  MODE_SENSOR_FINE_CORRECTION_B    (0..FFFFh, def=00A4h)  ; Sensor
  2731h   2  MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MIN_B        (0..FFFFh, def=0408h)  ; A, see
  2733h   2  MODE_SENSOR_FINE_IT_MAX_MARGIN_B (0..FFFFh, def=00A4h)  ; there)
  2735h   2  MODE_SENSOR_FRAME_LENGTH_B       (0..FFFFh, def=04EDh)  ;
  2737h   2  MODE_SENSOR_LINE_LENGTH_PCK_B    (0..FFFFh, def=0D06h)  ;/
  2739h   2  MODE_CROP_X0_A                   (0..FFFFh)             ;\
  273Bh   2  MODE_CROP_X1_A                   (0..FFFFh, def=031Fh)  ; Crop A
  273Dh   2  MODE_CROP_Y0_A                   (0..FFFFh)             ;
  273Fh   2  MODE_CROP_Y1_A                   (0..FFFFh, def=0257h)  ;/
  2741h  ..  RESERVED_MODE_41-45              Reserved
  2747h   2  MODE_CROP_X0_B                   (0..FFFFh)             ;\
  2749h   2  MODE_CROP_X1_B                   (0..FFFFh, def=063Fh)  ; Crop B
  274Bh   2  MODE_CROP_Y0_B                   (0..FFFFh)             ;
  274Dh   2  MODE_CROP_Y1_B                   (0..FFFFh, def=04AFh)  ;/
  274Fh  ..  RESERVED_MODE_4F-53              Reserved
  2755h   2  MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_A             Format A (0..FFFFh     ;\
  2757h   2  MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_B             Format B (0..FFFFh     ;
               0     swap_channels (swap Cb/Cr in YUV and R/B in RGB);
               1     swap_chrominance_luma                           ; Format
               2     bayer_out (Progressive Bayer)                   ; A/B
               3     monochrome (0..1)                               ;
               4     Reserved                                        ;
               5     output_mode (0=YUV, 1=RGB)                      ;
               6-7   RGB Format (0=565, 1=555, 2=444xh, 3:x444h)     ;
               8     Processed Bayer (0..1)                          ;
               9     Invert out_clk (0..1) (REV3)                    ;
               10-15 Unspecified                                     ;/
  2759h   2  MODE_SPEC_EFFECTS_A              Effects A  (def=6440h) ;\
  275Bh   2  MODE_SPEC_EFFECTS_B              Effects B  (def=6440h) ;
               0-2  Selection (1=Mono, 2=Sepia, 3=Negative,          ; Effects
                      4=Solarization, 5=Solarization w/ UV)          ; A/B
               3-5  Dither_bitwidth                                  ;
               6    Dither_luma                                      ;
               8-15 Solarization Threshold (0..7 for diff effects)   ;/
  275Dh   1  MODE_Y_RGB_OFFSET_A              Offset A (00h..FFh)    ;\Offset
  275Eh   1  MODE_Y_RGB_OFFSET_B              Offset B (00h..FFh)    ;/A/B
               Shadow register for 35A4h in SOC2                     ;
               0-2   Color kill saturation point (0..7)              ; Kill
               3-5   Bright color kill gain      (0..7)              ; Bright
               6-8   Bright color kill threshold (0..7)              ;
               9     Signal_ctrl (1=use luma as min/max value)       ;
               10    en_kl       (1=enable bright color kill)        ;
               11-15 Unspecified                                     ;/
  2761h   2  MODE_COMMON_MODE_SETTINGS_DARK_COLOR_KILL               ;\
               Shadow register for 35A2h in SOC2                     ;
               0-2   Dark color kill gain      (0..7)                ; Kill
               3-5   Dark color kill threshold (0..7)                ; Dark
               6     Signal_ctrl (1=use luma as min/max value)       ;
               7     en_dark_kl  (1=enable dark color kill)          ;
               8-15  Unspecified                                     ;/
               0-7   Sepia constants for Cr (00h..FFh)               ; Sepia
               8-15  Sepia constants for Cb (00h..FFh)               ;/
  2765h   1  MODE_COMMON_MODE_SETTINGS_FILTER_MODE                   ;\
               Shadow register for 326Eh in SOC1                     ;
               0-2   UV Filter mode (0..7)                           ; Filter
               3-4   Y Filter mode  (0..3)                           ;
               5     Enable_y_filter (enable y permanently)          ;
               6     Threshold_switch, switch for adaptive Y filter threshold
               7     Off_switch, B/W filter enable switch            ;/
  2766h   1  MODE_COMMON_MODE_SETTINGS_TEST_MODE   Test (00h..FFh)
               0-?  Test Pattern (0=None?, 1=Flat, 2=Ramp, 3=ColorBars,
                    4=VertStripes, 5=Noise, 6=HoriStripes)
               Output test pattern (instead camera image)
               requires "Refresh Command" sent to Sequencer
  2767h  ..  RESERVED_MODE_67-68                   Reserved

  DSi Aptina Camera Variables: HG (Histogram) (MCU:2Bxxh)

Histogram Variables HG (MCU:2B00h..2B61h)
  2B00h  ..  RESERVED_HG_00-03         Reserved
  2B04h   1  HG_MAX_DLEVEL             DarkLevel Limit (0..FFh, def=40h)
  2B05h  ..  RESERVED_HG_05            Reserved
  2B06h   1  HG_PERCENT                Percent?        (0..FFh, def=03h)
  2B07h  ..  RESERVED_HG_07            Reserved
  2B08h   1  HG_DLEVEL                 DarkLevel       (0..FFh, def=10h)
  2B09h  ..  RESERVED_HG_09-16         Reserved
  2B17h   1  HG_AVERAGELUMA            Average Luma      (0..FFh)
  2B18h  ..  RESERVED_HG_18-1A         Reserved
  2B1Bh   2  HG_BRIGHTNESSMETRIC       Brightness Metric (0..FFFFh)
  2B1Dh  ..  RESERVED_HG_1D            Reserved
  2B1Fh   1  HG_LLMODE                 Low Light mode controls (def=C4h)
               0-3  Brightness Metric Prescaler (01h..0Fh)
               4-5  Unused (0)
               6    HG_2d_corr_vs_clusterdc
               7    Clusterdc_vs_gains
  2B20h   1  HG_LL_SAT1                LL_SAT1            (0..FFh, def=43h)
  2B21h   1  UNDOC_HG_21               Whatever           (0..FFh, def=10h)
  2B22h   1  HG_LL_APCORR1             LL_APCORR1         (0..FFh, def=03h)
  2B23h   1  UNDOC_HG_23               Whatever           (0..FFh, def=04h)
  2B24h   1  HG_LL_SAT2                LL_SAT2            (0..FFh, def=0Ch)
  2B25h   1  HG_LL_INTERPTHRESH2       LL_INTERPTHRESH2   (0..FFh, def=23h)
  2B26h   1  HG_LL_APCORR2             LL_APCORR2         (0..FFh)
  2B27h   1  HG_LL_APTHRESH2           LL_APTHRESH2       (0..FFh, def=04h)
  2B2Ch   1  HG_NR_START_R             NR_START_R         (0..FFh, def=06h)
  2B2Dh   1  HG_NR_START_G             NR_START_G         (0..FFh, def=0Eh)
  2B2Eh   1  HG_NR_START_B             NR_START_B         (0..FFh, def=06h)
  2B2Fh   1  HG_NR_START_OL            NR_START_OL        (0..FFh, def=06h)
  2B30h   1  HG_NR_STOP_R              NR_STOP_R          (0..FFh, def=1Eh)
  2B31h   1  HG_NR_STOP_G              NR_STOP_G          (0..FFh, def=1Eh)
  2B32h   1  HG_NR_STOP_B              NR_STOP_B          (0..FFh, def=1Eh)
  2B33h   1  HG_NR_STOP_OL             NR_STOP_OL         (0..FFh, def=1Eh)
  2B34h   1  HG_NR_GAINSTART           NR_GAINSTART       (0..FFh, def=08h)
  2B35h   1  HG_NR_GAINSTOP            NR_GAINSTOP        (0..FFh, def=80h)
  2B36h   1  HG_CLUSTERDC_TH           CLUSTERDC_TH       (0..FFh, def=1Eh)
  2B37h   1  HG_GAMMA_MORPH_CTRL       Gamma Morphing Control (0..FFh, def=3)
               0-1 Enable Gamma Morph (0=Disable, 1=Use Table A, 2=Use Table B,
                   3=AutoMorph between Table A and B based on BrightnessMetric)
               2-7 Unspecified
  2B38h   2  HG_GAMMASTARTMORPH        Gamma Start Morph (0..FFFFh, def=0A8Ch)
  2B3Ah   2  HG_GAMMASTOPMORPH         Gamma Stop Morph  (0..FFFFh, def=34BCh)
  2B3Ch  19  HG_GAMMA_TABLE_A_0-18     Gamma Table A for normal light condition
  2B4Fh  19  HG_GAMMA_TABLE_B_0-18     Gamma Table B for low light condition
              Above 2 tables have normal byte-order (Entry0,Entry1,...,Entry18)
  2B62h   2  HG_FTB_START_BM           (0..FFFFh, def=7FBCh) (REV3)
  2B64h   2  HG_FTB_STOP_BM            (0..FFFFh, def=82DCh) (REV3)
  2B66h   2  HG_CLUSTER_DC_BM          (0..FFFFh, def=4A38h) (REV3)

  DSi Alternate Cameras from Unknown Manufacturer

Device A0h/E0h appear to be cameras from an alternate manufacturer. DSi games are supporting these devices, but as by now, there aren't any DSi consoles known to be actually fitted with these cameras.
The camera type & manufacturer are still unknown. Below initialization data is containing some characterstic info that should allow to identify them. For example, register 03h appears to be bank-switching the other registers.

Reading an 8bit value from index 00h (in any bank?) seems to return some Chip ID, at least the DSi is reading that register before initialization (despite of reading it, the DSi does appear to ignore that value though).
Note: On a DSi with Aptina cameras, trying to read anything from IC2 devices A0h/E0h does just return FFh-bytes.

Formatting Note
Below tables consist of "Index,Length,Data[Length]" entries.

  003h, 1,001h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  009h, 3,0E2h,002h,002h
  004h, 1,010h
  004h, 1,0A0h
  004h, 2,090h,04Ch
  00Dh, 1,0FFh
  016h, 1,053h
  018h, 3,002h,001h,00Fh
  020h, 1,000h
  023h, 2,000h,000h
  034h, 8,000h,003h,000h,003h,001h,002h,000h,0C2h
  03Dh, 4,050h,050h,000h,067h
  042h, 1,01Ch
  04Ah, 2,043h,0F8h
  04Eh, 7,028h,0FCh,000h,024h,014h,008h,008h
  0A9h, 1,02Bh
  0ABh, 3,02Eh,000h,050h
  0AFh, 1,070h
  0B2h, 4,03Ch,068h,049h,070h
  0D4h, 5,004h,004h,008h,00Ah,010h
  016h, 1,0F7h
  0DEh, 2,002h,024h
  016h, 1,053h
  0E1h, 1,034h
  0FFh, 1,00Fh
  003h, 1,002h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  005h, 2,06Dh,004h
  011h, 4,004h,048h,004h,048h
  016h, 2,00Ch,0D8h
  019h, 2,00Ch,0D8h
  01Eh, 6,002h,024h,070h,000h,001h,06Eh
  026h, 7,008h,00Fh,00Fh,006h,0FFh,0FFh,003h
  042h, 7,080h,010h,010h,010h,040h,080h,0FFh
  095h, 1,084h
  0B8h, 8,02Ah,084h,000h,026h,02Ah,080h,008h,020h
  0CCh, 2,020h,020h
  0D0h, 3,080h,000h,0FFh
  003h, 1,000h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  013h, 2,000h,04Ch
  01Dh, 2,000h,04Ch
  015h, 2,001h,05Fh
  055h, 2,001h,05Eh
  031h, 6,006h,068h,00Ch,005h,004h,047h
  047h, 2,000h,003h
  04Ah, 3,0A0h,000h,003h
  04Fh, 2,000h,003h
  059h, 2,000h,001h
  05Fh, 2,000h,001h
  066h, 1,09Eh
  06Eh, 2,07Fh,003h
  075h, 1,050h
  07Ah, 2,000h,001h
  07Eh, 1,020h
  082h, 1,038h
  003h, 1,001h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  00Fh, 1,0C9h                    ;or, for Device E0h: 00Fh, 1,0C8h
  052h, 3,004h,008h,008h          ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  003h, 1,002h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  026h, 1,008h                    ;or, for Device E0h: 026h, 1,000h
  0CCh, 2,0C0h,0C0h               ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  0B4h, 1,000h                    ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  0B6h, 1,026h                    ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  0B9h, 3,000h,008h,026h          ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  0BDh, 1,000h                    ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  026h, 1,008h                    ;or, for Device E0h: N/A
  003h, 1,001h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  02Dh, 1,0FFh
  004h, 1,020h

  003h, 1,002h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  0A7h, 1,014h
  003h, 1,001h               ;<-- bank maybe?
  004h, 1,0A0h
  004h, 1,090h
  02Dh, 1,000h
  004h, 1,098h

Random Note
This info is probably not really helpful, but the DSi firmware contains code for setting Register C1h..C9h (within unknown bank) to one of the following twelve settings.
  C1h, 8,038h,030h,01Fh,01Fh,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh
  C1h, 8,038h,030h,01Fh,01Fh,038h,030h,01Fh,01Fh
  C1h, 8,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh
  C1h, 8,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh
  C1h, 8,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh
  C1h, 8,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh,02Ch,030h,01Fh,01Fh
  C1h, 8,030h,028h,018h,018h,034h,028h,008h,018h
  C1h, 8,030h,028h,018h,018h,030h,028h,008h,018h
  C1h, 8,028h,028h,018h,018h,028h,028h,008h,018h
  C1h, 8,028h,028h,018h,018h,028h,028h,008h,018h
  C1h, 8,028h,028h,018h,018h,028h,028h,008h,018h
  C1h, 8,028h,028h,018h,018h,028h,028h,008h,018h

  DSi Cameras

Camera registers
Cameras are controlled and initialized via I2C bus (on ARM7 side).
DSi I2C Bus
The actual camera data transfers are done with below registers (on ARM9 side).

4004200h - DSi9 - CAM_MCNT - Camera Module Control
  0     Unknown                                                      (R or R/W)
  1     Unknown (1=Enable?)                                          (R or R/W)
  2-4   Unknown                                                      (R or R/W)
  5     Unknown (1=Enable?) (0=CamI2C fails?)                        (R or R/W)
  6     Unknown                                                      (R or R/W)
  7     Unknown (gets set automatically?)                                  (R?)
  0-15  Unknown/Unused (00h)                                               (0?)
Written values are 0000h and 0022h.
Camera I2C access works only when bit5=1 (otherwise camera i2c reads just return FFh; maybe bit5=0 issues a reset to the camera devices or so?)
"Used for resetting cameras. Once cameras are reset by poking this register, all three 0x0400420X camera registers are set to zero." Uh, is that really true, and which "three" registers are that?

4004202h - DSi9 - CAM_CNT - Camera Control
  0-3   Number of DMA scanlines minus 1 (usually 3=Four Scanlines)   (R or R/W)
  4     Data request? or Data overrun? or so?                               (R)
  5     Clear bit4, and flush CAM_DAT till next Camera Vblank?              (W)
  6-7   Unknown/Unused (0)                                                 (0?)
  8-9    ? Set to 2 during init, 0 on cameras shutdown                    (R/W)
  10     ? Set to 1 during init, 0 on cameras shutdown                    (R/W)
  11    IRQ Enable      (0=Disable, 1=Enable)                             (R/W)
  12    Unknown/Unused (0)                                                 (0?)
  13    Color Format    (0=Direct/YUV422, 1=Convert YUV-to-RGB555)   (R or R/W)
  14    Trimming Enable (0=Normal/FullPicture, 1=Crop via SOFS/EOFS) (R or R/W)
  15    Transfer Enable (0=Disable/AllowConfig, 1=Enable/Transfer)        (R/W)

4004204h - DSi9 - CAM_DAT - Camera Data (R)
Transfers two camera pixels at once (from left-to-right, starting with upper scanline).
Pixel Format (in "YUV422" mode):
  0-7   First Pixel Luminance (Y)   (unsigned, 00h..FFh, FFh=white)
  8-15  Both Pixels Blue (Cb aka U) (unsigned, 00h..FFh, 80h=gray)
  16-23 Second Pixel Luminance (Y)  (unsigned, 00h..FFh, FFh=white)
  24-31 Both Pixels Red (Cr aka V)  (unsigned, 00h..FFh, 80h=gray)
Pixel Format (in YUV-to-RGB555 mode) (matches 2D Engine Bitmap format):
  0-4   First Pixel Red Intensity    (0..31)
  5-9   First Pixel Green Intensity  (0..31)
  10-14 First Pixel Blue Intensity   (0..31)
  15    First Pixel Alpha (always 1=NonTransparent)
  16-20 Second Pixel Red Intensity   (0..31)
  21-25 Second Pixel Green Intensity (0..31)
  26-30 Second Pixel Blue Intensity  (0..31)
  31    Second Pixel Alpha (always 1=NonTransparent)
The Aptina camera's MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT registers and MIPI_CONTROL register can be configured to output stuff like YUV, RGB555, RGB444, BGR565, RAW8, etc. However, DSi games seem to be always using YUV mode at camera side (and the above RGB555 data is produced by activating YUV-to-RGB conversion in CAM_CNT.bit13 at console side).
YUV mode gives better quality with 8bit resolution (whilst RGB555 mode is having only 5bit, and, as it's converted from YUV, it's certainly having color information being shared for each two-pixel groups, too).
CAM_DAT should be usually read via NDMA (see below). Manually reading CAM_DAT for one block (eg. 256x4 pixels) does work, but it's unknown how to retrieve further blocks via manual reading (except, one further block arrives after around 40000h clock cycles, but that's much too slow, and it's only one extra block).

Formulas for converting YUV to RGB
  R = Y+(Cr-80h)*1.402
  G = Y-(Cr-80h)*0.714)-(Cb-80h)*0.344
  B = Y+(Cb-80h)*1.772
Clip results to MinMax(00h,FFh), and apply final divide by 8 for RGB555.

4004210h - DSi9 - CAM_SOFS Camera Trimming Starting Position Setting (32bit)
4004214h - DSi9 - CAM_EOFS Camera Trimming Ending Position Setting (32bit)
  0      Unused (0)                                                         (0)
  1-9    X-Offset  (0..1FFh)   in words (ie. 2-pixel units)?         (R or R/W)
  10-15  Unused (0)                                                         (0)
  16-24  Y-Offset  (0..1FFh)   in scanlines?                         (R or R/W)
  25-31  Unused (0)                                                         (0)
Crops the incoming camera picture before passing it to CAM_DAT, used only if enabled in CAM_CNT.14.

Write-Protected Camera Bits (R or R/W)
The "(R or R/W)" bits are getting Read-Only when camera transmission is enabled, ie. they can be changed only when CAM_CNT.Bit15=0.

Internal Camera Reflections from LCD Backlights
The LCD backlights can cause nasty reflections on the internal camera (particulary when wearing glasses). There isn't much that could be done during preview, but when taking photos, it might be recommended to output a black/dark picture on the LCDs during the capture.

Internal Camera Mirroring
The Internal Camera is conventionally having x-flip enabled (in Aptina MODE_SENSOR_READ_MODE registers), so the internal camera will behave as a mirror (which may appear more familar to most users in preview mode). The firmware's "Nintendo DSi Camera" utility is even saving jpg's in mirrored form instead of saving true authentic photos.

Camera Detection
There are four possible I2C camera devices, although usually only two of them should be installed. The firmware detects the cameras by reading their Chip ID registers (but without actually insisting on any specific ID values, instead, it's merely checking the ACK error flag in the I2C register - if all four devices are returning ACK=okay, then it's actually initializing all four cameras; though unknown if the GUI is actually supporting that many cameras).

Camera Init
  [4004004h]=[4004004h] OR 0004h             ;SCFG_CLK, CamInterfaceClock = ON
  [4004200h]=0000h, delay(1Eh)               ;CAM_MCNT, Camera Module Control
  [4004004h]=[4004004h] OR 0100h, delay(1Eh) ;SCFG_CLK, CamExternal Clock = ON
  [4004200h]=0022h, delay(2008h)             ;CAM_MCNT, Camera Module Control
  [4004004h]=[4004004h] AND NOT 0100h        ;SCFG_CLK, CamExternal Clock = OFF
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] AND NOT 8000h        ;CAM_CNT, allow changing params
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] OR 0020h             ;CAM_CNT, whatever?
  [4004202h]=([4004202h] AND NOT 0300h) OR 0200h
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] OR 0400h
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] OR 0800h
  [4004004h]=[4004004h] OR 0100h, delay(14h) ;SCFG_CLK, CamExternal Clock = ON
  issue "aptina_code_list_init" via I2C bus on ARM7 side
  [4004004h]=[4004004h] AND NOT 0100h        ;SCFG_CLK, CamExternal Clock = OFF
  [4004004h]=[4004004h] OR 0100h, delay(14h) ;SCFG_CLK, CamExternal Clock = ON
  issue "aptina_code_list_activate" via I2C bus on ARM7 side
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] OR 2000h
  [4004202h]=([4004202h] AND NOT 000Fh) OR 0003h
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] OR 0020h
  [4004202h]=[4004202h] OR 8000h             ;CAM_CNT, start transfer
  [4004120h]=04004204h                       ;NDMA1SAD, source CAM_DTA
  [4004124h]=0xxxxxxxh                       ;NDMA1DAD, dest RAM/VRAM
  [4004128h]=00006000h                       ;NDMA1TCNT, len for 256x192 total
  [400412Ch]=00000200h                       ;NDMA1WCNT, len for 256x4 blocks
  [4004130h]=00000002h                       ;NDMA1BCNT, timing interval or so
  [4004138h]=8B044000h                       ;NDMA1CNT, start camera DMA

The Nintendo DSi contains two cameras. The cameras can be used in the Nintendo DSi Camera application or DSi games that are compatible.
  640*480 VGA (0.3 Megapixel)
  No zoom and no flash.
Photos saved in JPG format (saved in DCIM/ folder on the SD/SDHC or in the internal memory).

Camera Applications
  Nintendo DSi Camera
  System Menu (can take photos, and can display JPG's with "Star" sticker)
  Flipnote (doesn't directly support camera hardware, but can import JPG's)
Camera Games
  Asphalt 4 : Elite Racing (DSiWare)
  Brain Challenge (DSiWare)
  Classic Word Games
  Cooking Coach
  Pop SuperStar : Road To Celebrity (DSiWare)
  Real Football 2009 (DSiWare)
  WarioWare : Snapped! (DSiWare)
  Pokemon Black,White (2010,JP)
  Castle of Magic (DSiWare)
  Photo Dojo (DSiWare)
  System Flaw (mis-uses camera as gyro sensor)

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol and I/O Ports

I/O Ports
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Command/Param/Response/Data
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Interrupt/Status
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Control Registers
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Unknown/Unused Registers
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Misc

SD/MMC Protocol
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Command/Response/Register Summary
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: General Commands
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Block Read/Write Commands
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Special Extra Commands
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSR Register (32bit Card Status Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: SSR Register (512bit SD Status Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: OCR Register (32bit Operation Conditions Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CID Register (128bit Card Identification)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSD Register (128bit Card-Specific Data)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: EXT_CSD Register (4096bit Extended CSD Register) (MMC)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: RCA Register (16bit Relative Card Address)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: DSR Register (16bit Driver Stage Register) (Optional)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: SCR Register (64bit SD Card Configuration Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: PWD Register (128bit Password plus 8bit Password len)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: State
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Signals

SDIO Protocol
DSi SDIO Special SDIO Commands
DSi SDIO Memory and I/O Maps
DSi SDIO Common Control Registers (CCCR)
DSi SDIO Function Basic Registers (FBR)
DSi SDIO Card Information Structures (CIS)
The DSi is using SDIO for the new DSi Wifi interface,
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Interface
DSi Atheros Wifi Internal Hardware


  DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Command/Param/Response/Data

4004800h/4004A00h - SD_CMD - Command and Response/Data Type (R/W)
  15    undoc   Unknown/undoc  (read/write-able)
  14    undoc   Security Cmd?  (0=Normal, 1=Whatever/Security?) (sdio?)
  13    undoc   Data Length    (0=Single Block, 1=Multiple Blocks)
  12    undoc   Data Direction (0=Write, 1=Read)
  11    NTDT    Data Transfer  (0=No data, 1=With data)
  10-8  REP2-0  Response Type  (0=Auto, 1..2=Unknown/Reserved, 3=None, 4=48bit,
                                5=48bit+Busy, 6=136bit, 7=48bitOcrWithoutCRC7)
  7-6   CMD1-0  Command Type   (0=CMD, 1=ACMD, 2..3=unknown, maybe GEN WR/RD?)
  5-0   CIX     Command Index  (0..3Fh, command index)
Setting Command Type to "ACMD" is automatically sending an APP_CMD prefix prior to the command number (but: unknown what RCA value it's sending in the APP_CMD's parameter field). For Multiple Blocks, the hardware supports automatically sending STOP_TRANSMISSION after the last block.
DSi software is usually setting Response Type to "Auto", which is causing the hardware to use the correct response/data type for standard SD/MMC commands (bit11-13 are ignored/should be zero when using "Auto"; and maybe same for bit14-15?).
One exception is that the DSi firmware isn't using "Auto" for SDIO commands (maybe the hardware isn't aware of them; or it's unable to distinguish between read/write direction of CMD53, which would require examining the command's PARAM bits).
There are some differences between some SD and MMC commands, unknown if/how "Auto" is working in that cases; unknown if there's a SD-or-MMC mode select bit for that purpose in some configuration register (note: The DSi firmware uses manual config instead of Auto for CMD8, which differs for SD vs MMC).
Invalid values can cause ILA error (particulary on setting NTDT for CMD12, or for CMD's Response=None). ILA error will also occur if an old CMD is still busy.

4004804h/4004A04h - SD_CMD_PARAM0-1 - Argument (32bit, 2 halfwords) (R/W)
  31-0  Parameter value for CMD
The parameter value should be written <before> sending the command via SD_CMD/SDIO_CMD.

400480Ch/4004A0Ch - SD_RESPONSE0-7 - Response (128bit, 8 halfwords) (R)
After sending a command, wait for the CMDRESPEND bit (IRQ_STATUS.bit0) to get set, then read the RESPONSE (if the command does have any response).
For normal 32bit responses:
  31-0      Response
  127-32    Older Responses
For CID/CSD responses:
  119-0     120bit Response
  127-120   Zero (always?)
The above stuff is left-shifted when receiving new response bits (hence moving older responses to MSBs).

DATA16 vs DATA32
Data can be transferred in 16bit or 32bit units (as selected in DATA_CTL.bit1 and DATA32_IRQ.bit1). There are separate data, block len, and block count registers for 16bit and 32bit mode. 16bit mode uses two FIFOs (each with 200h-byte capactity. 32bit adds another FIFO (also with 200h-byte capacity):
                  .----------.                                  CPU
               o--| FIFO16_A |--o             o---------------- 4004830h
  serial          '----------'   \                              16bit
  SD/MMC  ---o                    o---------o
  bus         \   .----------.               \    .--------.    CPU/NDMA
               o--| FIFO16_B |--o             o---| FIFO32 |--- 400490Ch
                  '----------'                    '--------'    32bit
The 32bit mode is some odd patchwork, apparently Nintendo/Toshiba considered it easier to add an extra 32bit FIFO (rather than to figure out how to add native 32bit access to Toshiba's original 16bit chip design).
The DSi firmware does use both 32bit and 16bit mode once and then; 32bit mode can be faster, and it's required for NDMA transfers (which don't support 16bit).

40048D8h/4004AD8h - SD_DATA_CTL
  15-13  Always zero
  12     Unknown (usually 1)                                             (R?)
  11-6   Always zero
  5      Unknown (read/write-able) (usually 0)                           (R/W)
  4      Unknown (usually 1)                                             (R?)
  3-2    Always zero
  1      Select 16bit/32bit Data Mode (0=DATA16, 1=DATA32, see 4004900h) (R/W)
  0      Always zero
DATA32 mode requires setting both 40048D8h.bit1 and 4004900h.bit1. For DATA16 mode, both bits should be zero (though DATA16 seems to be also working the same way when only either of the bits is zero).

400480Ah/4004A0Ah - SD_DATA16_BLK_COUNT - NumBlocks for 16/32 bit Modes (R/W)
4004908h/4004B08h - SD_DATA32_BLK_COUNT - NumBlocks for 32 bit Mode (R/W)
  15-0   Number of Data Blocks for multiple read/write commands (0..FFFFh)
SD_DATA16_BLK_COUNT needs to be initialized in both 16bit and 32bit mode, the written value is copied to a internal register, which gets decremented after each block, and (when enabled in STOP_INTERNAL_ACTION.bit8) the hardware will automatically send STOP_TRANSMISSION (CMD12) after the last block (otherwise the hardware would keep transferring blocks infinitely).
For Data32 mode, DATA32_BLK_COUNT should be set to the same value (it doesn't really affect the transfer though, the register is intended only for watching the transfer progress: DATA32_BLK_COUNT is decremented after each block (when FIFO32 gets empty); except when it would become zero, in that case it stays stuck at 0001h).

4004826h/4004A26h - SD_DATA16_BLK_LEN - FIFO16 Size for 16/32 bit Modes (R/W)
4004904h/4004B04h - SD_DATA32_BLK_LEN - FIFO32 Size for 32 bit Mode (R/W)
  15-10  Always zero
  9-0    Data Block Length in bytes (for DATA16: clipped to max 0200h by hw)
SD_DATA16_BLK_LEN needs to be initialized in both 16bit and 32bit mode. For 32bit mode, SD_DATA32_BLK_LEN should be also set to the same value (otherwise odd effects might occur when forwarding FIFO16 to/from FIFO32).
The block length should be usually 0200h (for 512-byte SD/MMC memory blocks). Other values may be needed for SDIO functions, or when accessing SSR/SCR/PWD registers via data transfers.
DATA32_BLK_LEN can be set to max=3FFh (unlike DATA16_BLK_LEN which is clipped to max=200h by hardware), though settings bigger than 200h won't work in practice (since the FIFOs are only 200h bytes in size).

4004830h/4004A30h - SD_DATA16_FIFO - Data FIFO for 16bit Mode (R/W)
400490Ch/4004B0Ch - SD_DATA32_FIFO - Data FIFO for 32bit Mode (R/W)
For Data16:
  15-0   Data (Read/Write one block (usually 100h halfwords) upon RXRDY/TXRQ)
For Data32:
  31-0   Data (Read/Write one block (usually 80h words) upon RX32RDY/TX32RQ)
See the RXRDY/TXRQ and RX32RDY/TX32RQ interrupt flags for details.
The first Data32 block may be written even before sending the command (the DSi firmware is actually doing that, although, performance-wise, it would make sense only when writing multiple clusters, ie. sending the first block of the next cluster while the previous write is still in progress).
Observe that RX32RDY/TX32RQ are actually FIFO full/empty flags (getting triggered any time when FIFO is full/empty, so you must know for yourself if you want to transfer data in that situations; eg. FIFO empty will trigger even after having written all data blocks, or when not intending to write any data at all).

  DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Interrupt/Status

All SD/MMC IRQs are triggering IF2.8, CardIRQ does ADDITIONALLY trigger IF2.9
All SDIO IRQs are triggering IF2.10, CardIRQ does ADDITIONALLY trigger IF2.11?

400481Ch/4004A1Ch - SD_IRQ_STATUS0-1 - Interrupt Status (R/ack)
4004820h/4004A20h - SD_IRQ_MASK0-1 - Interrupt Mask (R/W)
The IRQ_STATUS registers contain acknowledge-able IRQ Flags (those bits that that are maskable in IRQ_MASK register), as well as static read-only status bits without IRQ function (eg. WRPROTECT).
IRQ Flags/Write (0=Acknowledge, 1=No change)
IRQ Flags/Read (0=No IRQ, 1=IRQ)
IRQ Mask (0=Enable, 1=Disable) (8B7F031Dh when all IRQs disabled)
  Bit Stat  Mask  Function
  0   SREP  MREP  CMDRESPEND    (response end) (or R1b: busy end)
  1   0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  2   SRWA  MRWA  DATAEND       (set after (last) data block end)
  3   SCOT  MCOT  CARD_REMOVE (0=No event, 1=Is/was newly ejected)      ;\
  4   SCIN  MCIN  CARD_INSERT (0=No event, 1=Is/was newly inserted)     ; SD
  5   undoc 0     SIGSTATE    (0=Ejected, 1=Inserted) (SDIO: always 1)  ; Slot
  6   0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)                             ; Sw's
  7   undoc 0     WRPROTECT   (0=Locked/Ejected, 1=Unlocked/HalfEjected);/
  8   undoc undoc CARD_REMOVE_A (0=No event, 1=High-to-Low occurred)    ;\SD
  9   undoc undoc CARD_INSERT_A (0=No event, 1=Low-to-High occurred)    ; Slot
  10  undoc 0     SIGSTATE_A    (usually 1=High) ;also as so for SDIO   ;/Data3
  11  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  12  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  13  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  14  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  15  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  16  SCIX  MCIX  CMD_IDX_ERR   Bad CMD-index in response      (RCMDE,SCMDE)
  17  SCRC  MCRC  CRCFAIL       CRC response error (WCRCE,RCRCE,SCRCE,CCRCE)
  19  SDTO  MDTO  DATATIMEOUT   Data Timeout                (NRCS,NWCS,KBSY)
  20  SFOF  MFOF  RXOVERFLOW    HOST tried write full
  21  SFUF  MFUF  TXUNDERRUN    HOST tried read empty
  22  SCTO  MCTO  CMDTIMEOUT    Response start-bit timeout         (NRS,NSR)
  23  ???   0     Unknown/undoc (usually set) (zero after sending TX data?)
  24  SBRE  MBRE  RXRDY         (fifo not empty) (request data read)
  25  SBWE  MBWE  TXRQ          (datafifoempty?) (request data write)
  26  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  27  undoc undoc Unknown/undoc  (bit27 is mask-able in IRQ_MASK)
  28  0     0     Unknown/unused (always 0)
  29  undoc 0     CMD_READY? (inverse of BUSY?) (unlike toshiba ILFSL/IFSMSK)
  30  undoc 0     CMD_BUSY   (CMD_BUSY=0 shortly before CMD_READY=1?)
  31  ILA   IMSK  Illegal Command Access (old CMD still busy, or wrong NTDT)
Normally, IRQs should be acknowledged by writing "FLAGS=NOT X", whilst the firmware is using an unstable "FLAGS=FLAGS AND NOT X" read-modify-write function (accidentally acknowledging any IRQs that have newly occurred during that operation).

4004836h/4004A36h - SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT (R/ack)
4004838h/4004A38h - SD_CARD_IRQ_DISABLE (R/W)
IRQ Flags/Write (0=Acknowledge, 1=No change)
IRQ Flags/Read (0=No IRQ, 1=IRQ)
IRQ Mask (0=Enable, 1=Disable) (C007h when all IRQs disabled)
  Bit  Stat  Mask  Function
  15   undoc undoc  SomeIRQ (triggered SOMETIMES on forced CMDTIMEOUT?)
  14   undoc undoc  SomeIRQ (triggered near DATAEND?)
  13-3 0     0      Always zero
  2    undoc undoc  SomeIRQ (triggered on forced TXUNDERRUN?)
  1    undoc undoc  SomeIRQ (triggered about once per datablock?)
  0    CINT0 CIMSK0 CardIRQ (triggered by /IRQ aka Data1 pin; for SDIO devices)
All stat bits (except bit1) are triggered only if enabled in SD_CARD_IRQ_ENABLE.
Bit0 is actually used (for SDIO hardware), the other bits aren't used by existing software (they don't seem to be useful; purpose might be error testing, or forcing commands to abort).

4004834h/4004A34h - SD_CARD_IRQ_ENABLE (R/W)
CardIRQ Enable works only when also writing SD_CARD_PORT_SELECT.bit10=0 and only with valid SD_CARD_CLK_CTL setting.
  15-10  Always zero
  9      Enable setting SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT.bit14 and cause nothing special? (R/W)
  8      Enable setting SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT.bit15 and cause CMDTIMEOUT?      (R/W)
  7-3    Always zero
  2      Enable setting SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT.bit2 and cause TXUNDERRUN?       (R/W)
  1      Always zero
  0      Enable setting SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT.bit0 (CardIRQ upon Data1=LOW)    (R/W)
Bit9 is autocleared at time when bit9 causes setting SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT.bit14.
Bit2 is autocleared shortly before bit8 causes CMDTIMEOUT.
SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT.bit15 is set only when setting bit8 AND bit2 DURING cmd/xfer.

4004900h/4004B00h - SD_DATA32_IRQ
  15-13  Always zero
  12     TX32RQ IRQ Enable   (0=Disable, 1=Enable)                       (R/W)
  11     RX32RDY IRQ Enable  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)                       (R/W)
  10     Clear FIFO32        (0=No change, 1=Force FIFO32 Empty)         (W)
  9      TX32RQ IRQ Flag     (0=IRQ, 1=No) (0=FIFO32 Empty)              (R)
  8      RX32RDY IRQ Flag    (0=No, 1=IRQ) (1=FIFO32 Full)               (R)
  7-2    Always zero
  1      Select 16bit/32bit Data Mode (0=DATA16, 1=DATA32, see 40048D8h) (R/W)
  0      Always zero
Bit8,9 are extra IRQ flags, the flags get set ONLY in DATA32 mode (not in DATA16 mode).
Bit8,9 are somewhat edge-triggered (setting the IF2 bit only on NoIRQ-to-IRQ transitions; whilst Disable-to-Enable transitions don't trigger IF2).
Bit8,9 don't need to be acknowledged, they are automatically switched to "No IRQ" by hardware (when reading/writing DATA32_FIFO, ie. when the FIFO is no longer empty/full).

400482Ch/4004A2Ch - SD_ERROR_DETAIL_STATUS0-1 - Error Detail Status (R)
This register contains extra info about the error bits in SD_IRQ_STATUS. The error bits (except bit13/always set) are automatically cleared when sending a new command by writing to SD_CMD.
  31-23 0      Always zero
  22    KBSY   Timeout for CRC status busy                          ;\STAT.19
  21    NWCS   Timeout for CRC status   (can occur for Data Write)  ; (SDTO)
  20    NRCS   Timeout for Data start-bit, or for Post Data Busy    ;/
  19-18 0      Always zero
  17    NRS    Response Timeout for auto-issued CMD12               ;\STAT.22
  16    NCR    Response Timeout for non-auto-issued CMD's           ;/(SCTO)
  15-14 0      Always zero
  13    undoc  Unknown/undoc (always 1)                             ;-Always 1
  12    0      Always zero
  11    WCRCE  CRC error for Write CRC status for a write command   ;\
  10    RCRCE  CRC error for Read Data                              ; STAT.17
  9     SCRCE  CRC error for a Response for auto-issued CMD12       ; (SCRC)
  8     CCRCE  CRC error for a Response for non-auto-issued CMD's   ;/
  5     WEBER  End bit error for Write CRC status                   ;\
  4     REBER  End bit error for Read Data                          ; STAT.18
  3     SEBER  End bit error for Response for auto-issued CMD12     ; (SEND)
  2     CEBER  End bit error for Response for non-auto-issued CMD's ;/
  1?    SCMDE  Bad CMD-index in Response of auto-issued CMD12       ;\STAT.16
  0     RCMDE  Bad CMD-index in Response of non-auto-issued CMD's   ;/(SCIX)
Note: CMD12 is STOP_TRANSMISSION (automatically sent after BLK_COUNT blocks).
The four "auto-issued CMD12" bits exist for SD registers only (not for SDIO, going by old toshiba datasheets; which may be wrong).
SCMDE is probably in bit1 (though, official specs say bit0, which would be same as RCMDE).
Some error bits can be intentionally provoked: Bit8=1 when programming the controller to expect GET_STATUS to return a 136bit response. Bit16=1 when sending GET_CID in "tran" state. Bit20=1 when sending GET_STATUS configured to expect a data/read reply. Bit21=1 when sending GET_STATUS configured to expect a data/write block (and with actually sending a data block to it).

IRQ Edge-Triggering
One nasty "feature" for both IRQ_STATUS and DATA32_IRQ is that the interrupts are edge-triggered (IF2.bit8 gets set only on No-IRQ-to-IRQ transitions) (IF2 can be acknowledged even if IRQ(s) are still requested, which would mean that those IRQ(s) would get lost). Workaround would be:
 - first acknowledge IF2.bit8 (must be done before next step)
 - then check for pending IRQs in IRQ_STATUS and DATA32_IRQ, and process
   all of them
Ie. if you would process only a single IRQ, then any other IRQs would get lost.
For IRQ_STATUS, one could also force unprocessed IRQs to re-trigger IF2 by temporarily disabling IRQ_MASK bits (disable-to-enable for pending IRQs is also edge-triggering IF2). That trick works for IRQ_STATUS only, not for DATA32_IRQ.

  DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Control Registers

4004802h/4004A02h - SD_CARD_PORT_SELECT
  15-11 Always zero
  10    Unknown (should be set on write) (reads as zero) (1=CardIRQ off!) (W)
  9-8   Unknown (Always 2 for SD/4004802h, always 1 for SDIO/4004A02h)    (R)
  7-4   Always zero
  3-1   Unknown (read/write-able)                                         (R/W)
  0     Port Select (0=SD Card Slot, 1=Onboard eMMC) (for SDIO: Unknown)  (R/W)
Known written values are 0400h and 0401h.

4004828h/4004A28h - SD_CARD_OPTION - Card Option Setup
  15   undoc Bus Width (0=4bit, 1=1bit)                                   (R/W)
  14   undoc Unknown (usually set)                                        (R?)
  13-9 0     Always zero
  8    undoc Unknown (firmware tries to toggle this after CLK change?)    (W?)
  7-4  RTO   Data start/busy timeout (2000h SHL 0..14, or 15=100h SDCLK's)(R/W)
  0-3  TO?   Unknown (another timeout, maybe for SDIO? in 32KHz units?)   (R/W)
See Timeout Notes below for details.

4004824h/4004A24h - SD_CARD_CLK_CTL Card Clock Control
  15-11 Always zero          ;unlike Toshiba: no HCLK divider-disable in bit15)
  10    Unknown (0=Normal, 1=Unknown, doesn't affect SDCLK output?)       (R/W)
  9     SDCLK Freeze     (0=Normal, 1=Freezes SDCLK output)               (R/W)
  8     SDCLK Pin Enable (0=Force SDCLK=LOW, 1=Output SDCLK=HCLK/n)       (R/W)
  7-0   HCLK Div (0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 = Div2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512) (R/W)
The DSi uses HCLK=33.513982 MHz, the SDCLK pin can range from HCLK/512=65kHz to HCLK/2=16.757MHz, max transfer rate would be thus 8MByte/s in 4bit mode.
Card detection should be done at a low clock rate (max 400kHz for MMC) (unclear why, theoretically all SD devices should support at least 25MHz, and all(?) MMC devices 26MHz). For SD/MMC, the DSi starts with HCLK/128, and uses the clock specified in CSD register after detection (when extracting bits from CSD: mind the different 120bit-without-CRC vs 128bit-with-CRC notations). For SDIO, the DSi starts with HCLK/256, and switches to HCLK/2 after reading SDIO Bus Speed register (Function0:00013h).
The SDCLK pins are permanently pulsed, even for devices deselected via SD_CARD_PORT_SELECT.0, and even if no CMD or DATA is being transferred. However, the DSi firmware is usually stopping SDCLK via Bit8=0 when not accessing SD/MMC (doing so may reduce noise and power consumption).
Trying to set bit9, or to set more than one bit in bit7-0 will freeze the SDCLK output (in this case SDCLK may get stuck HIGH or LOW, unlike Bit8=0 which forces LOW).
Odd Effect: Setting bit10-8 to ALL ones, combined with an invalid HDIV (eg. writing 0703h) does disable CardIRQ on Data1 pin.

4004808h/4004A08h - SD_STOP_INTERNAL_ACTION
  15-9   Always zero
  8      Auto-Stop (1=Automatically send CMD12 after BLK_COUNT blocks)  (R/W)
  7-1    Always zero
  0      Unknown (firmware often clears this bit, but never sets it?)   (R/W)
Existing code does set bit8 (prior to changing SD_DATA16_BLK_COUNT).
Existing code does clear bit0 (alongsides with IRQ enable/acknowlege or so).

40048E0h/4004AE0h - SD_SOFT_RESET - Software Reset
  15-3 Always zero
  2    Unknown (always 1)                                            (R?)
  1    Unknown (always 1) (though firmware tries to toggle this bit) (R?)
  0    SRST Soft Reset (0=Reset, 1=Release)                          (R/W)
Software should apply reset after sensing card insertion/removal, and (thereafter) release reset in case of card insertion. Software reset does acknowledge all IRQs (except that from SDIO /IRQ pin?), and does probably also reinitialize some other registers.
Clearing bit0 does force following settings (while and as long as Bit0=0):
  SD_RESPONSE0-7            = zerofilled
  SD_IRQ_STATUS0-1          = all IRQ flags acknowledged
  SD_ERROR_DETAIL_STATUS0-1 = all bits cleared (except bit13/always set)
  SD_CARD_CLK_CTL           = bit 8 and 10 cleared
  SD_CARD_OPTION            = 40EEh
  SD_CARD_IRQ_STAT          = 0000h
  Internal FIFO16 address is reset to first halfword of FIFO_A
  Reading FIFO16 returns 0000h (but old content reappears when releasing reset)
All other registers seem to be left unaffected (including the the extra IRQ flags in 4004900h); though there may be some further hidden effects (like aborting transfers or resetting internal registers).
Note: The DSi firmware does issue reset by toggling both bit0 and bit1, although bit1 does seem to be read-only (always 1), and trying to clear that bit doesn't seem to have any effect at all.

Timeout Notes
Timeouts are counted in SDCLK units (the CLK-Pin rate selected in SD_CARD_CLK_CTL register). For Response-Timeouts, the timeout is fixed: Around 290h SDCLK's (preceeded by 30h SDCLK's for sending the command). For Data-Timeouts, the timeout can be selected in SD_CARD_OPTION.bit4-7, which is apparently what toshiba tried to describe as "RTO" bits. Values 0..14 select timeout "2000h SHL 0..14 SDCLK's" and value 15 selects "100h SDCLK's" (that, oddly, resulting in Data-timeout getting triggered before Response-timeout, which is rather nonsense since it's opposite of the actual transfer order).
For data/read, the timeout starts counting after transferring Command+Response. For data/write it starts after transferring Command+Response+DataBlock. The maximum duration for data timeouts (with RTO=14) would be around 8 seconds (at SDCLK=HCLK/2), or up to about 30 minutes (at HCLK/512).
One odd effect is that Response-Timeouts can occur (after 290h SDCLKs, and recursing the selected SDCLK=HCLK/n rate) even if SDCLK is stopped via SD_CARD_CLK_CTL.Bit8 (ie. the selected clock is kept running internally, and only the CLK-Pin output is forced LOW when Bit8=0).

  DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Unknown/Unused Registers

40048F6h/4004AF6h - Firmware tests bit0 (but, that's always 0?) (RESERVED4)
  15-1   Always zero
  0      Unknown (tested by firmware) (usually 0)                           (R)

Below registers don't seem to be used by existing software...

40048F2h/4004AF2h - Can be 0003h
  15-2   Always zero
  1-0    Unknown (0..3)                                                   (R/W)

40048F4h/4004AF4h - Can be 0770h
  15-11  Always zero
  10-8   Unknown (0..7)                                                   (R/W)
  7      Always zero
  6-4    Unknown (0..7)                                                   (R/W)
  3-0    Always zero

40048FAh - Can be 0000h..0007h (nonzero, unlike SDIO) (RESERVED6)
  15-3   Always zero
  2      Unknown (1=normal, 0=data/read from card to fifo busy?)          (R)
  1-0    Unknown (0..3)                                    (R/W? or rather R?)

40048FCh/4004AFCh - Can be 0024h..00FFh? (RESERVED7)
40048FEh/4004AFEh - Can be 0024h..00FFh? (RESERVED8 / TC6371AF:Revision)
  15-8   Always zero
  7-6    Unknown (0..3)                                                   (R/W)
  5      Unknown (always set)                                             (R)
  4-3    Unknown (0..3)                                                   (R/W)
  2      Unknown (always set)                                             (R)
  1-0    Unknown (0..3)                                                   (R/W)

Unused Registers with Fixed value (all bits read-only, or write-only)
  400482Ah/4004A2Ah 2    Fixed always zero?
  4004832h/4004A32h 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(TC6371AF:BUF1 Data MSBs?)
  400483Ah/4004A3Ah 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(SDCTL_SDIO_HOST_INFORMATION)
  400483Ch/4004A3Ch 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(SDCTL_ERROR_CONTROL)
  400483Eh/4004A3Eh 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(TC6387XB: LED_CONTROL)
  4004840h/4004A40h 2    Fixed always 003Fh?
  4004842h/4004A42h 2    Fixed always 002Ah?
  4004844h/4004A44h 6Eh  Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048B2h/4004AB2h 2    Fixed always FFFFh?
  40048B4h/4004AB4h 6    Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048BAh/4004ABAh 2    Fixed always 0200h?
  40048BCh/4004ABCh 1Ch  Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048DAh/4004ADAh 6    Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048E2h/4004AE2h 2    Fixed always 0009h?  ;(RESERVED2/9, TC6371AF:CORE_REV)
  40048E4h/4004AE4h 2    Fixed always zero?
  40048E6h/4004AE6h 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(RESERVED3, TC6371AF:BUF_ADR)
  40048E8h/4004AE8h 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(TC6371AF:Resp_Header)
  40048EAh/4004AEAh 6    Fixed always zerofilled?
  40048F0h/4004AF0h 2    Fixed always zero?   ;(RESERVED10)
  40048F8h          2    Fixed always 0004h?   (unlike SDIO) (RESERVED5)
  4004AF8h          2    Fixed always zero?    (unlike SD)   (RESERVED5)
  4004AFAh          2    Fixed always zero?    (unlike SD)   (RESERVED6)
  4004902h/4004B02h 2    Fixed always zero?
  4004906h/4004B06h 2    Fixed always zero?
  400490Ah/4004B0Ah 2    Fixed always zero?
  4004910h/4004B10h F0h  Fixed always zerofilled?

  DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Misc

Toshiba Chips
The DSi SDIO/MMC port addresses and status bits appear to be identical to those on Toshiba SD/MMC/SDIO controller chips.
One small difference is that the DSi can set SD_IRQ_MASK.Bit27 (which wasn't used on (older) Toshiba chips). The Toshiba chips seem to include additional "CNF" configuration registers (which seem to be missing on DSi).
  Chip             Year   Pages Features
  Toshiba TC6371AF 2000-2002 58 SD/MMC/Smart/PCI (old/basic specs, no SDIO)
  Toshiba TC6380AF 2001-2002 90 SD/MMC/SDIO/SmartMedia
  Toshiba TC6387XB 2001-2002 62 SD/MMC/SDIO/SDLED
  Toshiba TC6391XB 2002     202 SD/MMC/SDIO/SmartMedia/USB/LCD/etc.
  Toshiba TC6393XB ?  ;\unknown features, no datasheet exists (the chips
  Toshiba T7L66XB  ?  ;/are mentioned in tmio_mmc.h and tmio_mmc.c source)
The TC6380AF/TC6387XB/TC6391XB datasheets are more or less identical on the SD/MMC/SDIO section, TC6387XB is probably the best reference because it doesn't contain offtopic extras like SmartMedia, USB, LCD, etc. The datasheets contain I/O Maps with port addresses, but no description tables for the bits in those ports (though some bits are mentioned here and there in the text, scattered across many different pages, and other bits are left completely undocumented).

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Command/Response/Register Summary

Basic Commands (class 0)
  CMD0     sd/mmc spi GO_IDLE_STATE (CMD0 with arg=stuff) (type=bc)
  CMD0     mmc        GO_PRE_IDLE_STATE (CMD0 with arg=F0F0F0F0h) (type=bc)
  CMD0     mmc        BOOT_INITIATION (CMD0 with arg=FFFFFFFAh, type=N/A)
  CMD1     sd/mmc spi SEND_OP_COND (On SD Cards: SPI only)
  CMD2     sd/mmc     ALL_GET_CID (type=bcr)
  CMD3     sd         GET_RELATIVE_ADDR (type=bcr)
  CMD3     mmc        SET_RELATIVE_ADDR (type=ac)
  CMD4     sd/mmc     SET_DSR (type=bc)
  CMD5     sd     spi Reserved for I/O cards (see "SDIO Card Specification")
  CMD5     mmc    ?   SLEEP_AWAKE (type=ac) (MMC only, IO_SEND_OP_COND on SDIO)
  CMD7     sd/mmc     SELECT_DESELECT_CARD (type=ac) ;actually: (type=bcr)
  CMD8     sd     spi SET_IF_COND (type=bcr)
  CMD8     mmc    spi GET_EXT_CSD (type=adtc)
  CMD9     sd/mmc spi GET_CSD (type=ac) (SPI: type=adtc)
  CMD10    sd/mmc spi GET_CID (type=ac) (SPI: type=adtc)
  CMD11    sd         VOLTAGE_SWITCH (type=ac)
  CMD12    sd/mmc spi STOP_TRANSMISSION (type=ac)
  CMD13    sd/mmc spi GET_STATUS (type=ac) (sends 16bit status in SPI Mode)
  CMD14    mmc        BUSTEST_R (type=adtc) (MMC only, Reserved on SD)
  CMD19    mmc        BUSTEST_W (type=adtc) (MMC only, SET_TUNING_BLOCK on SD)
  CMD15    sd/mmc     GO_INACTIVE_STATE (type=ac)

Block-Oriented Read Commands (class 2)
  CMD16    sd/mmc spi SET_BLOCKLEN (type=ac)
  CMD17    sd/mmc spi READ_SINGLE_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  CMD18    sd/mmc spi READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  CMD19    sd         SET_TUNING_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  CMD20    sd         SPEED_CLASS_CONTROL (type=ac)
  CMD22    sd         Reserved
  CMD23    sd/mmc-spi SET_BLOCK_COUNT (type=ac) (SPI supported ONLY on MMC?)

Block-Oriented Write Commands (class 4)
  CMD16    sd/mmc spi SET_BLOCKLEN (type=ac)
  CMD20    sd         SPEED_CLASS_CONTROL (type=ac)
  CMD23    sd/mmc-spi SET_BLOCK_COUNT (type=ac) (SPI supported ONLY on MMC?)
  CMD24    sd/mmc spi WRITE_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  CMD25    sd/mmc spi WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  CMD26    sd/mmc     Reserved For Manufacturer (MMC: PROGRAM_CID)
  CMD27    sd/mmc spi PROGRAM_CSD (type=adtc)

Block-Oriented Write-Protection Commands (class 6)
  CMD28    sd/mmc spi SET_WRITE_PROT (type=ac)
  CMD29    sd/mmc spi CLR_WRITE_PROT (type=ac)
  CMD30    sd/mmc spi GET_WRITE_PROT (type=adtc)
  CMD31    -          SD: Reserved
  CMD31    mmc        MMC: SEND_WRITE_PROT_TYPE (type=adtc)

Erase Commands (class 5)
  CMD32    sd     spi ERASE_WR_BLK_START (type=ac)
  CMD33    sd     spi ERASE_WR_BLK_END (type=ac)
  CMD32-34 mmc    spi Reserved for compatibility with older MMC cards (uh?)
  CMD35    mmc    spi ERASE_GROUP_START (type=ac)
  CMD36    mmc    spi ERASE_GROUP_END (type=ac)
  CMD37    mmc    spi Reserved for compatibility with older MMC cards (uh?)
  CMD38    sd/mmc spi ERASE (type=ac)
  CMD39    -          Reserved
  CMD41    -          Reserved

Lock Card (class 7)
  CMD16    sd/mmc spi SET_BLOCKLEN (type=ac)
  CMD40    sd         Defined by DPS Spec (Data Protection System) (type=adtc)
  CMD42    sd/mmc spi LOCK_UNLOCK (type=adtc)
  CMD43-47 -          Reserved
  CMD51    -          Reserved

Application-Specific Commands (class 8)
  CMD39-40 mmc        MMCA Optional Command, currently not supported
  CMD55-56 mmc        MMCA Optional Command, currently not supported
  CMD55    sd     spi APP_CMD (type=ac)    ;\also defined for MMC,
  CMD56    sd     spi GEN_CMD (type=adtc)  ;/but ONLY in SPI mode !!??
  CMD60-63 sd/mmc spi Reserved for manufacturer

I/O Mode Commands (class 9) (Refer to "SDIO Card Specification")
  CMD5     sdio   spi SDIO: IO_SEND_OP_COND
  CMD52    sdio   spi SDIO: IO_RW_DIRECT
  CMD53    sdio   spi SDIO: IO_RW_EXTENDED
  CMD54    -          SDIO: Reserved
  CMD39    mmcio      MMCIO: FAST_IO (type=ac)
  CMD40    mmcio      MMCIO: GO_IRQ_STATE (type=bcr)

Switch Function Commands (class 10) (version 1.10+)
  CMD6     mmc    spi SWITCH      (type=ac)   ;related to EXT_CSD register
  CMD6     sd     spi SWITCH_FUNC (type=adtc)
  CMD34-37 sd+spi     Reserved for Command Systems from CMD6  ;\SPI
  CMD50,57 sd+spi     Reserved for Command Systems from CMD6  ;/
  CMD34-35 sd         Reserved                                ;\
  CMD36-37 sd         Undoc (description field is held blank) ; Non-SPI
  CMD50,57 sd         Undoc (description field is held blank) ;/

Function Extension Commands (class 11)
  CMD21    sd         Reserved for DPS Specification (Data Protection System)
  CMD48    sd         READ_EXTR_SINGLE (type=adtc)
  CMD49    sd         WRITE_EXTR_SINGLE (type=adtc)
  CMD58    sd         READ_EXTR_MULTI (type=adtc)   ;SPI: READ_OCR
  CMD59    sd         WRITE_EXTR_MULTI (type=adtc)  ;SPI: CRC_ON_OFF

MMC Data Streaming Commands (class 1/class 3)
  CMD11    mmc        READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (class 1) (type=adtc)
  CMD20    mmc        WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (class 3) (type=adtc)

Below CMD58-59 SPI-only (in Non-SPI mode: MMC=Reserved, SD=EXTR_MULTI)
  CMD58    sd/mmc+spi READ_OCR     ;SPI-only ;SD Mode: READ_EXTR_MULTI
  CMD59    sd/mmc+spi CRC_ON_OFF   ;SPI-only ;SD Mode: WRITE_EXTR_MULTI
Above two commands are supported in SPI mode only, and are supported for both SD and MMC (though newer MMC docs are no longer mentioning them since JEDEC dropped SPI support).

Application Specific Commands (prefixed by CMD55 aka APP_CMD)
  ACMD6     sd        SET_BUS_WIDTH (type=ac)
  ACMD13    sd    spi SD_STATUS (type=adtc) (get 512bit SSR)
  ACMD22    sd    spi GET_NUM_WR_BLOCKS (type=adtc)
  ACMD23    sd    spi SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT (type=ac)
  ACMD41    sd    spi SD_SEND_OP_COND (type=bcr)  ;SPI: reduced functionality
  ACMD42    sd    spi SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT (type=ac)
  ACMD51    sd    spi GET_SCR (type=adtc)
  ACMD1-5   -         Reserved
  ACMD7-12  -         Reserved
  ACMD14-16 sd        Reserved for DPS Specification (Data Protection System)
  ACMD17    -         Reserved
  ACMD18    sd    spi Reserved for SD security applications
  ACMD19-21 -         Reserved
  ACMD24    -         Reserved
  ACMD25    sd    spi Reserved for SD security applications
  ACMD26    sd    spi Reserved for SD security applications
  ACMD27    -         Shall not use this command
  ACMD28    sd        Reserved for DPS Specification (Data Protection System)
  ACMD29    -         Reserved
  ACMD30-35 sd        Reserved for Security Specification
  ACMD36-37 -         Reserved
  ACMD38    sd    spi Reserved for SD security applications
  ACMD39-40 -         Reserved
  ACMD43-49 sd    spi Reserved for SD security applications
  ACMD52-54 sd        Reserved for Security Specification
  ACMD55    -         Not exist (equivalent to CMD55)
  ACMD56-59 sd        Reserved for Security Specification
  ACMD0     -         Unknown/Unused/Undocumented
  ACMD50    -         Unknown/Unused/Undocumented
  ACMD60-63 -         Unknown/Unused/Undocumented

Card Registers
  CSR       32bit  sd/mmc spi Card Status: command error & state information
  OCR       32bit  sd/mmc spi Operation Conditions Register
  CID      128bit  sd/mmc spi Card Identification
  CSD      128bit  sd/mmc spi Card-Specific Data (CSD Version 1.0 and 2.0)
  RCA       16bit  sd/mmc     Relative Card Address (not used in SPI mode)
  DSR       16bit  sd/mmc spi Driver Stage Register (optional)
  SSR      512bit  sd     spi SD Card Status Register: Extended status field
  SCR       64bit  sd     spi SD Card Configuration Register
  EXT_CSD 4096bit  mmc    spi MMC Extended CSD Register (status & config)
  PWD      128bit  sd/mmc spi Password (Card Lock) (max 16 bytes)
  PWD_LEN    8bit  sd/mmc spi Password Length (0..16 max) (0=no password)

SD Mode Response Types
  N/A    0bit  CMD0, CMD4, CMD15   No response
  R1    48bit  Normal CMDs/ACMDs   32bit CSR Card Status
  R1b   48bit  Busy CMDs/ACMDs     32bit CSR Card Status (and DATA=busy)
  R2   136bit  CMD9                120bit CSD Card-Specific Data
  R2   136bit  CMD2, CMD10         120bit CID Card Identification
  R3    48bit  ACMD41, MMC:CMD1    32bit OCR Register (without crc7)
  R4        -  -                   Reserved for SDIO
  R5        -  -                   Reserved for SDIO
  R6    48bit  CMD3                16bit RCA and cut-down 16bit CSR
  R7    48bit  CMD8                32bit Card interface condition

SPI Mode Response Types
  R1     8bit  Normal CMDs/ACMDs   8bit CSR Card Status
  R1b    8bit  Busy CMDs/ACMDs     8bit CSR Card Status (and DATA=busy)
  R2    16bit  CMD13, ACMD13       16bit CSR Card Status
  R3    40bit  CMD58               8bit CSR and 32bit OCR
  R4        -  -                   Reserved for SDIO
  R5        -  -                   Reserved for SDIO
  R6        -  -                   Reserved
  R7    40bit  CMD8                8bit CSR and 32bit Card interface condition
  ERROR  8bit  Only first 8bit sent upon Illegal Command or Command CRC Error

Commands with Data Transfers (additionally to command/response) (type=adtc)
  CMD8     R   mmc    spi GET_EXT_CSD (4096bit)
  CMD9     R   sd/mmc spi GET_CSD (128bit)  ;\in SPI Mode only (Non-SPI mode
  CMD10    R   sd/mmc spi GET_CID (128bit)  ;/sends that info as CMD response)
  ACMD13   R   sd     spi SD_STATUS (512bit SSR register)
  ACMD22   R   sd     spi GET_NUM_WR_BLOCKS (32bit counter)
  ACMD51   R   sd     spi GET_SCR (64bit SCR register)
  CMD14,19 R/W mmc        BUSTEST_R, BUSTEST_W
  CMD19    W?  sd         SET_TUNING_BLOCK (512bit tuning pattern)
  CMD27    W   sd/mmc spi PROGRAM_CSD (128bit CSD register)
  CMD30    R   sd/mmc spi GET_WRITE_PROT (32bit write-protect flags)
  CMD31    R   mmc        GET_WRITE_PROT_TYPE (32x2bit write-protect types)
  CMD42    W   sd/mmc spi LOCK_UNLOCK (password header/data)
  CMD6     ??  sd     spi SWITCH_FUNC
  CMD40    ?   sd         Defined by DPS Spec (Data Protection System)
  CMD56    R/W sd     spi GEN_CMD
  CMD11    R   mmc        READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (class 1) (type=adtc)
  CMD20    W   mmc        WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (class 3) (type=adtc)
 xR1b      R   sd/mmc spi Busy signal for commands with "R1b" response

Misnamed Commands
Official command names include various SEND_xxx commands, which are misleading because they don't indicate if they "send" information <to> or <from> the card (or both). Better naming would be GET_xxx, SET_xxx, or GET_SET_xxx.
  Official Name         Renamed
  SEND_CID              GET_CID
  SEND_CSD              GET_CSD
  SEND_SCR              GET_SCR
  SEND_IF_COND          SET_IF_COND             ;-to card
  SEND_OP_COND          ...
  SD_SEND_OP_COND       ...
Other misnamed commands include SET_BLOCKLEN occassionally spelled SET_BLOCK_LEN in SD specs. SELECT_DESELECT_CARD is officially spelled SELECT/DESELECT_CARD.

Difference of SD Commands Definition in UHS-II
SD-TRAN driver of host should manage the difference of SD commands functions. Not supported commands should not issue to UHS-II card. CMD13 shall not be issued during data transfer. Normally, data transfer should be stopped by setting TLEN instead of using CMD12.
CMD23 and CMD55 functions are included in UHS-II packet functions.
 CMD0   Terminate SD transaction and reset SD-TRAN state.
 CMD3   Returns Device ID in the response instead of RCA
 CMD4   Illegal
 CMD6   Function Group 1 and 3 are not used.
 CMD7   Device ID is set to the argument instead of RCA
 CMD13  Device operation is up to implementation during data transfer (eg. CTS)
 CMD11  Illegal
 CMD12  Normally, TLEN (data length) in UHS-II packet is used to stop data
 CMD12  Should be used to abort an operation when illegal situation occurs.
 CMD15  Illegal
 CMD19  Illegal
 CMD23  Not Affected. TLEN in UHS-II packet is used to specify data length.
 CMD55  Not Affected. ACMD is set by APP field in UHS-II packet.
 ACMD6  Illegal
 ACMD42 Illegal
Not Affected means that the command is not executed in any card state, and response is returned (response type is up to implementation).
Illegal means that card returns response with NACK=1.
As SDHC/SDXC Cards do not support CMD28, 29 and 30, these commands are also illegal in UHS-II mode.

All future reserved commands shall have a codeword length of 48 bits, as well as their responses (if there are any).

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: General Commands

CMD0 - SD/MMC - SPI - GO_IDLE_STATE (type=bc)
Parameter bits:
  31-0  stuff bits
SD Mode Response: N/A
SPI Mode Response: R1
Resets all cards to idle state. The command does also seem to reset further registers (for example, TRAN_SPEED is said to be reset to 25MHz).
The command is also used to enter SPI mode (in SPI mode, the /CS pin is held low, while in 1bit/4bit mode that pin would be DAT3=floating/high), SPI commands can be sent without CRCs, however, at time when entering SPI mode, memory cards may still insist on checksums, CMD0 should be thus always sent with CRC7.

CMD8 - SD (SD v2.00 and up) - SPI - SET_IF_COND (type=bcr)
Parameter bits:
  31-12 reserved bits
  11-8  supply voltage (VHS)
  7-0   check pattern
SD Mode Response: R7:
  47      Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46      Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40   Command (the 6bit CMD being responded to)     ;/
  39-20   Reserved (zero filled)           (20bit)      ;\2nd..4th byte
  19-16   Voltage accepted (see below)     (4bit)       ;/
  23-8    Echo-back of check pattern       (8bit)       ;-5th byte
  7-1     CRC7                                          ;\6th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                                   ;/
SPI Mode Response: R7:
  39-32  R1 (8bit Card Status, same as in normal SPI command responses)
  31-28  Command version (???)         (4bit)
  27-12  Reserved (0)                  (16bit)
  11-8   Voltage Accepted (see below)  (4bit)
  7-0    Echo-back of check pattern    (8bit)
Sends SD Memory Card interface condition, which includes host supply voltage information and asks the card whether card supports voltage.
Voltage Accepted values:
  0001b  = 2.7-3.6V
  0010b  = Reserved for Low Voltage Range
  0100b  = Reserved
  1000b  = Reserved
  Others = Not Defined
The card supported voltage information of 3.3V range power pin is sent by the response of CMD8. Bits 19-16 indicate the voltage range that the card supports. The card that accepted the supplied voltage returns R7 response. In the response, the card echoes back both the voltage range and check pattern set in the argument.

CMD11 - SD - VOLTAGE_SWITCH (type=ac)
Parameter bits:
  31-0  reserved bits (0)
Response: R1
Switch to 1.8V bus signaling level.

Parameter bits:
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1b
Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
Forces the card to stop transmission (SPI: in Multiple Block Read Operation).
Note: Toshiba SD/MMC controllers are sending STOP_TRANSMISSION automatically.

Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA
  15-0  reserved bits (0)
Response: N/A
Sends an addressed card into the Inactive State. This command is used when the host explicitly wants to deactivate a card.

CMD59 - SD/MMC - SPI-ONLY (not Non-SPI Mode) - CRC_ON_OFF
Supported in SPI Mode only (in Non-SPI mode, CMD59 would be: MMC=Reserved, SD=WRITE_EXTR_MULTI)!
Parameter bits:
  31-1  stuff bits
  0     CRC option (0=off, 1=on)
SPI Mode Response: R1
Default on power up is unknown. Also unknown if this does completely prevent transmission of both CRC7 and CRC-CCITT values (especially in case of CID/CSD registers that have the CRC7 "inside" of the "128bit" register). Also unknown if CID/CSD are having "double" checksums (CRC7 plus CRC-CCITT) when transferring them as DATA packet (instead of as normal command/response).

ACMD6 - SD - SET_BUS_WIDTH (type=ac)
  31-2  stuff bits
  1-0   Bus width for Data transfers (0=1bit, 2=4bit, 1/3=reserved).
Response: R1
The supported widths can be found in SCR register. The current width is stored in SSR register. Default width is 1bit on power up.
Note: MMC uses a different mechanism to change the bus-width (via EXT_CSD).

  31-1  stuff bits
  0     set_cd (0=Disconnect, 1=Connect)
Response: R1
Connect/Disconnect the 50 KOhm pull-up resistor on CD/DAT3 pin of the card.
The pull-up might be intended for card detection (other than by using the slot's card detect switch), and/or for sensing SPI mode (which would drag that pin to LOW level when asserting /CS chip select).
During operation, disabling the pull-up might improve data transfers (unless for card controllers which do rely on the card pull-up to be present). The TC6387XB datasheet recommends external 100K pull-ups on DAT0-2, and only 47K on DAT3 (not quite sure why, unless Toshiba believed the parallel 50K+47K pull-ups to sum up to 100K, rather than to 25K).

CMD55 - SD/MMC (MMC: only in SPI-mode?) - SPI - APP_CMD (type=ac)
  31-16  RCA (SPI Mode: stuff bits)
  15-0   stuff bits
Response: R1
Used as prefix for application specific commands, ie. the next command will be treated as "ACMDnn" rather than as normal "CMDnn".
As the name says, this was originally intended for "application specific" extensions, however, in the SD Card protocol, it's also used for some ACMD's that are part of the SD protocol.

CMD56 - SD/MMC (MMC: only in SPI-mode?) - SPI - GEN_CMD (type=adtc)
  31-1  stuff bits
  0     RD/WR Direction (0=Write to Card, 1=Read from Card)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to/from card, depending on above R/W bit):
  General purpose data
  For SDSC, block length is set via SET_BLOCKLEN command.
  For SDHC/SDXC, block length is fixed to 512 bytes.
Used to transfer a data block to/from the card for general purpose/application specific commands.

CMD14 - MMC - BUSTEST_R (type=adtc) (MMC only, Reserved on SD)
CMD19 - MMC - BUSTEST_W (type=adtc) (MMC only, SET_TUNING_BLOCK on SD)
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to/from card):
  test pattern (2bit per DATA line? eg. 8bit pattern in 4bit-mode?)
MMC only. And, that, in Non-SPI mode only.
BUSTEST_W: Host sends the "bus TEST Data pattern" to card.
BUSTEST_R: Host reads the "REVERSED bus TESTING data pattern" from card.
The reversing is said to change a 2bit value of "01" into "10", unknown if that means that the bit-order is reversed, or that the bits are inverted.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Block Read/Write Commands

CMD16 - SD/MMC - SPI - SET_BLOCKLEN (type=ac)
  31-0  Block length (for Block Read, Block Write, Lock, and GEN_CMD)
Response: R1
In the case of SDSC Card, this command sets the block length (in bytes) for all following block commands (read, write, lock). Default block length is fixed to 512 Bytes. Set length is valid for memory access commands only if partial block read operation are allowed in CSD.
In the case of SDHC/SDXC Cards, block length set by CMD16 command does not affect memory read and write commands. Always 512 Bytes fixed block length is used. This command is effective for LOCK_UNLOCK command.
In both cases, if block length is set larger than 512 Bytes, the card sets the BLOCK_LEN_ERROR bit.
In DDR50 mode, block length must be even (because data is sampled on both clock edges).

CMD20 - SD (optional, see SCR.Bit32) - SPEED_CLASS_CONTROL (type=ac)
  31-28  Speed Class Control (for Block Read, and Block Write commands)
  27-0   Reserved (0)
Response: R1b
Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
Speed Class control command. Refer to Section

CMD23 - SD/MMC - SPI (but only on MMC) - SET_BLOCK_COUNT (type=ac)
Supported by SD and MMC Cards. However, in SPI-mode it's supported only for MMC? And, for SD it's optional (see SCR.Bit33).
  31-0  Block Count (MMC: only lower 16bit used, upper 16bit=reserved)
Response: R1
Specify block count for CMD18 and CMD25.

================ Block-Oriented READ Commands ================

CMD17 - SD/MMC - SPI - READ_SINGLE_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: in 512-byte units)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
In the case of SDSC Card, this command reads a block of the size selected by the SET_BLOCKLEN command. The data transferred shall not cross a physical block boundary unless READ_BLK_MISALIGN is set in the CSD.
In case of SDHC and SDXC Cards, block length is fixed 512 Bytes regardless of the SET_BLOCKLEN command.

  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: in 512-byte units)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
Continuously transfers data blocks from card to host until interrupted by a STOP_TRANSMISSION command.
Block length is specified the same as READ_SINGLE_BLOCK command.

CMD19 - SD - SET_TUNING_BLOCK (type=adtc) (SD only, BUSTEST_W on MMC)
  31-0  reserved bits (0)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
  64 bytes (512bit) tuning pattern is sent for SDR50 and SDR104.

================ Block-Oriented WRITE Commands ================

CMD24 - SD/MMC - SPI - WRITE_BLOCK (type=adtc)
  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: in 512-byte units)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
In case of SDSC Card, block length is set by the SET_BLOCKLEN command. The data transferred shall not cross a physical block boundary unless WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is set in the CSD. In the case that write partial blocks is not supported, then the block length=default block length (given in CSD).
In case of SDHC and SDXC Cards, block length is fixed 512 Bytes regardless of the SET_BLOCKLEN command.

  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: in 512-byte units)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
Continuously writes blocks of data until a STOP_TRANSMISSION follows.
Block length is specified the same as WRITE_BLOCK command.

ACMD22 - SD - SPI - GET_NUM_WR_BLOCKS (type=adtc)
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  31-0  Number of the written (without errors) write blocks (32bit)
Responds with 32bit+CRC data block.
If WRITE_BL_PARTIAL='0', the unit of ACMD22 is always 512 byte.
If WRITE_BL_PARTIAL='1', the unit of ACMD22 is a block length which was used when the write command was executed.

  31-23  stuff bits
  22-0   Number of blocks
Response: R1
Set the number of write blocks to be pre-erased before writing (to be used for faster Multiple Block WR command). "1"=default (one wr block).
Command STOP_TRAN (CMD12) shall be used to stop the transmission in Write Multiple Block whether or not the pre-erase (ACMD23) feature is used.

================ Byte-Streaming READ/WRITE Commands ================

CMD11 - MMC - READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (class 1) (type=adtc)
CMD20 - MMC - WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (class 3) (type=adtc)
  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: in 512-byte units)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to/from card):
Similar to read/write multiple blocks, but transferring the data as an endless byte stream (instead of splitting it into separate blocks). Transfer is terminated by sending STOP_TRANSMISSION.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Special Extra Commands

================ Write PROTECTION Commands ================

  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: Unsupported)
Response: R1b
Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
Write protection support is indicated in CSD(WP_GRP_ENABLE), and additionally "class 6" should be flagged in CSD(CCC). The group size is indicated in CSD(WP_GRP_SIZE), observe that that field is 5bit/7bit wide for SD/MMC accordingly.

CMD30 - SDSC/MMC (not SDHC/SDXC) - SPI - GET_WRITE_PROT (type=adtc)
  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: Unsupported)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  31-0  Flags (1=write-protected) (bit0=addressed group, bit1..31=next groups)
If the card provides write protection features, this command asks the card to send the status of the write protection bits: 32 write protection bits (representing 32 write protect groups starting at the specified address) followed by 16 CRC bits are transferred in a payload format via the DATA line. The last (least significant) bit of the protection bits corresponds to the first addressed group. If the addresses of the last groups are outside the valid range, then the corresponding write protection bits shall be set to 0.

CMD31 - MMC - GET_WRITE_PROT_TYPE (type=adtc)
  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: Unsupported)
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  63-0  Flags (1=write-protected) (bit0-1=addressed group, bit2..63=next)
Returns thirty-two 2bit values (0=not protected, 1=temporary write protection, 2=power-on write protection, 3=permanent write protection).

Further Write-Protection Mechanisms
The whole card can be write-protected via PERM_WRITE_PROTECT and TMP_WRITE_PROTECT bits in CSD register (supported for MMC and SDSC/SDHC/SDXC).
SD Cards (and SD Card adaptors for miniSD and microSD cards) are additionally having a mechanical "LOCK" write protection tab (MMC cards don't have that feature).
The PWD feature provides Read/Write-protection (when not knowing the password).

================ Erase Commands ================

CMD32 - SD - SPI - ERASE_WR_BLK_START (type=ac)
CMD33 - SD - SPI - ERASE_WR_BLK_END (type=ac)
  31-0  data address (SDSC: in 1-byte units, SDHC/SDXC: in 512-byte units)
Response: R1
Sets the address of the first/last write block of the continuous range to be erased.

CMD36 - MMC - SPI - ERASE_GROUP_END (type=ac)
  31-0  data address (MMC: in WHAT units?)
Response: R1
MMC only. Unknown, maybe similar to above SD commands?

CMD32-34,37 - SPI - MMC - Reserved for compatibility with older MMC cards
MMC only. Unknown, maybe also Erase related?

CMD38 - SD/MMC - SPI - ERASE (type=ac)
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1b
Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
Erases all previously selected write blocks.

Further Erase Commands
Sectors are automatically erased on-the-fly when writing data blocks, so manually using above erase commands isn't really necessary; it may be useful for shreddering private data though, and it might also speed up subsequent writes since the writes can omit the on-the-fly erasing step.
The SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT (ACMD23) can be used to notify the card that it may pre-erase multiple sectors upon write commands (eg. to speed-up cluster writes that are spanning across multiple sectors).
The password lock feature includes a Forced Erase function, which will reset the password, and ERASE THE WHOLE CARD, this may be useful if the user has forgot the password, but will destroy data (possibly including the pre-formatted filesystem headers; which would be bad, because that headers should contain cluster sizes somewhat matched to the physical sector sizes).

================ I/O Commands ================

CMD5 - SD - SPI - Reserved for I/O cards
CMD52-54 - SD - SPI - Commands for SDIO
Refer to the "SDIO Card Specification". SDIO is an extension to the SD protocol that allows to access non-memory-card hardware (such like cameras or network adaptors).

================ Switch Function Commands ================

CMD6 - SD (SD v1.10 and up) - SPI - SWITCH_FUNC (type=adtc)
  31     Mode (0=Check function, 1=Switch function)
  30-24  reserved (All '0')
  23-20  function group 6: Reserved (0h or Fh)
  19-16  function group 5: Reserved (0h or Fh)
  15-12  function group 4: Power Limit     ;SPI Mode: Reserved (0h or Fh)
  11-8   function group 3: Drive Strength  ;SPI Mode: Reserved (0h or Fh)
  7-4    function group 2: Command System
  3-0    function group 1: Access Mode
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to/from whatever):
Checks switch-able function (mode 0) and switch card function (mode 1). See Chapter 4.3.10.

CMD34-35 - SD - Reserved
Reserved for each command system set by switch function command (CMD6).
Detailed definition is referred to each command system specification.
Maybe related to above "function group 5..6"?

CMD36,37 - SD - Undoc (description field is held blank)
CMD50,57 - SD - Undoc (description field is held blank)
Undoc. Maybe related to above "function group 1..4"?

SPI: CMD34-37 - SD - SPI - Reserved for Command Systems from CMD6
SPI: CMD50,57 - SD - SPI - Reserved for Command Systems from CMD6
Described as so for SPI Mode. Maybe related to above "function group 1..6"?

================ Function Extension Commands ================

CMD21 - SD - Reserved for DPS Specification (Data Protection System)

CMD48 - SD (optional, see SCR.Bit34) - READ_EXTR_SINGLE (type=adtc)
  31     MIO (0=Memory, 1=I/O)
  30-27  FNO
  26     Reserved (0)
  25-9   ADDR
  8-0    LEN
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
Single block read type. Refer to Section

CMD49 - SD (optional, see SCR.Bit34) - WRITE_EXTR_SINGLE (type=adtc)
  31     MIO (0=Memory, 1=I/O)
  30-27  FNO
  26     MW
  25-9   ADDR
  8-0    LEN/MASK
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
Single block write type. Refer to Section

CMD58 - SD (optional, see SCR.Bit35) - READ_EXTR_MULTI (type=adtc)
  31     MIO (0=Memory, 1=I/O)
  30-27  FNO
  26     BUS (0=512B, 1=32KB)
  25-9   ADDR
  8-0    BUC
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
Multi-block read type. Refer to Section

CMD59 - SD (optional, see SCR.Bit35) - WRITE_EXTR_MULTI (type=adtc)
  31     MIO (0=Memory, 1=I/O)
  30-27  FNO
  26     BUS (0=512B, 1=32KB)
  25-9   ADDR
  8-0    BUC
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
Multi-block write type. Refer to Section

Note: CCC bit 11 is set to 1 when any command of class 11 is supported. Supporting of these commands is indicated in SCR register.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSR Register (32bit Card Status Register)

CMD13 - SD/MMC - SPI - GET_STATUS (type=ac)
Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA (SPI Mode: stuff bits)
  15-0  stuff bits
SD Mode Response: R1 (32bit Card Status):
  47      Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46      Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40   Command (the 6bit CMD being responded to)     ;/
  39-8    CSR Card Status Register (32bit) (see below)  ;-2nd..5th byte
  7-1     CRC7                                          ;\6th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                                   ;/
SPI Mode Response: R2 (16bit Card Status):
  15-0    CSR Card Status Register (16bit) (see below)  ;-1st..2nd byte
Addressed card sends its status register.

CMDxx/ACMDxx - Other Commands
Most other commands are also returning the Card Status in their responses:
SD Mode Response: R1 (32bit Card Status)
SPI Mode Response: R1 (8bit Card Status; most SPI commands return only 8bit)
SPI Mode Response: R2 (16bit Card Status; SPI commands CMD13/ACMD return 16bit)

CMDxx/ACMDxx - Other Commands with R1b Response
R1b is identical to R1, with an optional busy signal transmitted on the DATA line (R1b occurs for CMD7, CMD12, CMD20, CMD28, CMD29, CMD38) (and for MMC: also for CMD5, CMD6). The card may become busy after receiving these commands based on its state prior to the command reception. The Host shall check for busy at the response.
In SD Mode, the busy signal is sent on DAT0 line (DAT1-3 aren't used, even if the card is in 4bit mode). The busy signal does consist of BITs? (not bytes?), and has a "start bit"?, followed by what-value-when-busy? and what-final-value-when-ready?
In SPI Mode, the busy signal is sent as BYTEs (00h=Busy, xxh=Nonzero=Ready).

CSR Card Status Register (full 32bit, as returned in SD Mode Response: R1)
  Bit  Typ Clr Identifier         Meaning
  31   ERX  C  OUT_OF_RANGE       (1=Command's argument was out of range)
  30   ERX  C  ADDRESS_ERROR      (1=Misaligned address/block len mismatch)
  29   ERX  C  BLOCK_LEN_ERROR    (1=Wrong block length, bytelen mismatch)
  28   ER   C  ERASE_SEQ_ERROR    (1=Error in erase command sequence)
  27   ERX  C  ERASE_PARAM        (1=Wrong erease selection of write-blocks)
  26   ERX  C  WP_VIOLATION       (1=Write failed due to write-protection)
  25   SX   A  CARD_IS_LOCKED     (1=Card is locked by the host)
  24   ERX  C  LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED (1=Lock/unlock sequence or password error)
  23   ER   B  COM_CRC_ERROR      (1=CRC check of previous command failed)
  22   ER   B  ILLEGAL_COMMAND    (1=Command not legal for the card state)
  21   ERX  C  CARD_ECC_FAILED    (1=Internal error correction failed)
  20   ERX  C  CC_ERROR           (1=Internal card controller error)
  19   ERX  C  ERROR              (1=General error, or Unknown error)
  18   -    -  Reserved (eMMC: UNDERRUN)
  17   -    -  Reserved (eMMC: OVERRUN) (eSD: DEFERRED_RESPONSE)
  16   ERX  C  CSD_OVERWRITE      (1=read-only CSD section doesn't match card
                                  content, or attempted to reverse the
                                  Copy/WP bits)
  15   ERX  C  WP_ERASE_SKIP      (1=partial erase error due to write-protect)
  14   SX   A  CARD_ECC_DISABLED  (1=Internal error correction wasn't used)
  13   SR   C  ERASE_RESET        (1=Erase sequence was aborted)
  12-9 SX   B  CURRENT_STATE      (00h..0Fh=state, see below)
  8    SX   A  READY_FOR_DATA     (1=Ready/buffer is empty)
  7    EX   C  SWITCH_ERROR       (1=SWITCH command refused, MMC only)
  6    -    -  Reserved/Unspecified (description is left blank)
  5    SR   C  APP_CMD            (1=Card will expect ACMD)
  4    -    -  Reserved for SD I/O Card
  3    ER   C  AKE_SEQ_ERROR      (1=Authentication Sequence Error)
  2    -    -  Reserved for application specific commands
  1-0  -    -  Reserved for manufacturer test mode
Values for CURRENT_STATE (bit12-9):
  These bits indicate the OLD state of card when receiving the command,
  (ie. if the command does change the state, then the NEW state won't be
  seen until the NEXT command returns the new updated status bits)
  00h     = idle
  01h     = ready
  02h     = ident
  03h     = stby
  04h     = tran    ;<-- normal state (when waiting for read/write commands)
  05h     = data    ;data read  (CMD8,CMD11,CMD17,CMD18,CMD30,CMD56/R)
  06h     = rcv     ;data write (CMD20?,CMD24,CMD25,CMD26,CMD27,CMD42,CMD56/W)
  07h     = prg     ;erase/wprot (CMD6,CMD28,CMD29,CMD38)
  08h     = dis
  09h     = btst    ;bus test write (CMD19, MMC only)
  0Ah     = slp     ;sleep (CMD5, MMC only)
  0Bh-0Eh = reserved
  0Fh     = reserved for I/O mode
  N/A     = ina     ;inactive (CMD15) (card is killed, and can't send status)
  N/A     = irq     ;interrupt mode (CMD40, MMC only)
  N/A     = pre     ;pre-idle (MMC only)
Type aka Typ column (in above table):
  E: Error bit.
  S: Status bit.
  R: Flag may get set within response of current command.
  X: Flag may get set within response of NEXT command (with R1 response)
Clear Condition aka Clr column (in above table):
  A: According to the card current state.
  B: Always related to the previous command. Reception of a valid command
     will clear it (with a delay of one command).
  C: Clear by read.

SPI Responses (8bit "R1" Responses, and 16bit "R2" Responses)
 FIRST BYTE of all SPI Responses:
  7  always 0                          ;\
  6  parameter error                   ; These 8bit are returned in ALL normal
  5  address error                     ; SPI commands (with 8bit "R1" response)
  4  erase sequence error              ; and,
  3  com crc error                     ; the same 8bits are also returned
  2  illegal command                   ; as FIRST BYTE in SPI commands with
  1  erase reset                       ; longer responses
  0  in idle state                     ;/
 SECOND BYTE of SPI "R2" Response:
  7  out of range, or csd overwrite           ;\
  6  erase param                              ;
  5  wp violation                             ; These extra 8bits are returned
  4  card ecc failed                          ; as SECOND BYTE in SPI commands
  3  CC error                                 ; with 16bit "R2" status response
  2  error                                    ; (ie. in CMD13 and ACMD13)
  1  wp erase skip, or lock/unlock cmd failed ;
  0  Card is locked                           ;/

Card Status Field/Command - Cross Reference
For each command responded by R1 response, following table defines the affected bits in the status field. An 'x' means the error/status bit may be set in the response to the respective command.
  Bits     31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12-9 8 5
  CMD3                             x  x        x                    x
  CMD6     x                 x     x  x  x  x  x                    x
  CMD7                 x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD11                      x     x  x        x                    x
  CMD12    x  x           x  x     x  x  x  x  x              x     x
  CMD13    x  x        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x     x    x
  CMD16          x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD17    x  x        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD18    x  x        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD19    x  x        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD20    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD23    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD24    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD25    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD26                x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD27                x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD28    x           x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD29    x           x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD30    x           x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD32    x        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD33    x        x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD38             x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD42                x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x
  CMD48    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD49    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD55                x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
  CMD56                x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x  x
  CMD58    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  CMD59    x  x  x     x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x    x
  ACMD6    x           x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
  ACMD13               x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
  ACMD22               x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
  ACMD23               x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
  ACMD42               x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
  ACMD51               x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x  x        x  x  x  x  x       x
Note: The response to CMD3 is R6 that includes only bits 23, 22, 19 and 12:9 out of the Card Status.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: SSR Register (512bit SD Status Register)

ACMD13 - SD - SPI - SD_STATUS (type=adtc)
  31-0   stuff bits
SD Mode Response: R1 (32bit Card Status)
SPI Mode Response: R2 (16bit Card Status) (same as for CMD13, see there)
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  511-0  SSR Register (512bit)
Send the SD Status. The status fields are given in Table 4-43.

SD Status (transferred on DATA line after ACMD13)
The size of the SD Status is one data block of 512 bit. The content of this register is transmitted to the Host over the DAT bus along with a 16-bit CRC.
ACMD13 can be sent to a card only in 'tran_state' (card is selected).
  Bits   Type Clr Identifier
  511-510  SR A   DAT_BUS_WIDTH (0..3, see below)
  509      SR A   SECURED_MODE  (0=Normal, 1=Secured) (Part 3 Security Specs)
  508-502  -  -   Reserved for Security Functions     (Part 3 Security Specs)
  501-496  -  -   Reserved
  495-480  SR A   SD_CARD_TYPE  (0..FFFFh, see below)
  479-448  SR A   SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA   Size of protected area (see below)
  447-440  SR A   SPEED_CLASS      Speed Class of the card (see below)
  439-432  SR A   PERFORMANCE_MOVE Performance of move indicated by 1 MB/s step
  431-428  SR A   AU_SIZE          Size of AU (see below)
  427-424  -  -   Reserved
  423-408  SR A   ERASE_SIZE       Number of AUs to be erased at a time
  407-402  SR A   ERASE_TIMEOUT    Timeout value for erasing areas
                                   specified by UNIT_OF_ERASE_AU (see below)
  401-400  SR A   ERASE_OFFSET     Fixed offset value added to erase time
  399-396  SR A   UHS_SPEED_GRADE  Speed Grade for UHS mode  (see below)
  395-392  SR A   UHS_AU_SIZE      Size of AU  for UHS mode  (see below)
  391-312  -  -   Reserved
  311-0    -  -   Reserved for manufacturer

Values for DAT_BUS_WIDTH (as set via SET_BUS_WIDTH command):
  00h = 1 bit width (default)
  01h = reserved
  02h = 4 bit width
  03h = reserved

Values for SD_CARD_TYPE
  0000h = Regular SD RD/WR Card
  0001h = SD ROM Card
  0002h = OTP
  0004h,0008h,0010h,0020h,0040h,0080h = Reserved for future variations
  01xxh..FFxxh = Reserved for Cards that don't comply to Physical Layer Specs

Setting this field differs between SDSC and SDHC/SDXC.
In case of SDSC Card, the capacity of protected area is calculated as follows:
  SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA is specified by the unit in MULT*BLOCK_LEN.
In case of SDHC and SDXC Cards, the capacity of protected area is calculated as follows:
  SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA is specified by the unit in byte.

Values for SPEED_CLASS
This 8-bit field indicates the Speed Class. Classes lower than indicated by this field are also effective.
  00h      Speed Class 0
  01h      Speed Class 2
  02h      Speed Class 4
  03h      Speed Class 6
  04h      Speed Class 10
  05h-FFh  Reserved for future/faster classes
Application Note:
If a Class value indicated in SD Status (including reserved value) is larger than that of host supported, the host should read as any Class can be used with the card.
For example, Class 10 is indicated, host should consider Class 2 to 6 is also effective.

This 8-bit field indicates Pm and the value can be set by 1 [MB/sec] step.
If the card does not move used RUs, Pm should be considered as infinity.
Setting to FFh means infinity.
Pm is defined for Class 2 to 6 in Default Speed Mode. When host uses Class 10, Pm indicated in SD Status shall be ignored and treated as 0.
  00h    Sequential Write
  01h    1 [MB/sec]
  02h    2 [MB/sec]
  ...    ...
  FEh    254 [MB/sec]
  FFh    Infinity

Values for AU_SIZE
This 4-bit field indicates AU Size and the value can be selected from 16 KB.
  00h    Not Defined
  01h    16 KB
  02h    32 KB
  03h    64 KB
  04h    128 KB
  05h    256 KB
  06h    512 KB
  07h    1 MB
  08h    2 MB
  09h    4 MB
  0Ah    8 MB
  0Bh    12 MB (!)
  0Ch    16 MB
  0Dh    24 MB (!)
  0Eh    32 MB
  0Fh    64 MB
Maximum AU size (depending on card capacity):
  Card Capacity     up to 64MB  up to 256MB  up to 512MB  up to 32GB  up to 2TB
  Maximum AU Size   512 KB      1 MB         2 MB         4 MB1       64MB
The card can set any AU size (up to above maximum AU size values).
The card should set smaller AU size as much as possible.
Application Notes:
The host should determine host buffer size based on total busy time of 4MB and the card supported class. The host can treat multiple AUs combined as one unit.

Values for ERASE_SIZE
This 16-bit field indicates NERASE. When NERASE numbers of AUs are erased, the timeout value is specified by ERASE_TIMEOUT (Refer to ERASE_TIMEOUT).
The host should determine proper number of AUs to be erased in one operation so that the host can indicate progress of erase operation.
  0000h    Erase Time-out Calculation is not supported.
  0001h    1 AU
  0002h    2 AU
  0003h    3 AU
  ...      ...
  FFFFh    65535 AU

This 6-bit field indicates the TERASE and the value indicates erase timeout from offset when multiple AUs are erased as specified by ERASE_SIZE. The range of ERASE_TIMEOUT can be defined as up to 63 seconds and the card manufacturer can choose any combination of ERASE_SIZE and ERASE_TIMEOUT depending on the implementation. Once ERASE_TIMEOUT is determined, it determines the ERASE_SIZE. The host can determine timeout for any number of AU erase by the Equation (6). Refer to 4.14 for the concept of calculating erase timeout. If ERASE_SIZE field is set to 0, this field shall be set to 0.
  00h      Erase Time-out Calculation is not supported.
  01h      1 [sec]
  02h      2 [sec]
  03h      3 [sec]
  ...      ...
  3Fh      63 [sec]

This 2-bit field indicates the TOFFSET and one of four values can be selected. The erase offset adjusts the line by moving in parallel on the upper side. Refer to Figure 4-57 and Equation (6) in 4.14. This field is meaningless if ERASE_SIZE and ERASE_TIMEOUT fields are set to 0.
  00h      0 [sec]
  01h      1 [sec]
  02h      2 [sec]
  03h      3 [sec]

This 4-bit field indicates the UHS mode Speed Grade. Reserved values are for future speed grades larger than the highest defined value. Host shall treat reserved values (undefined) as highest grade defined.
  00h      Less than 10MB/sec
  01h      10MB/sec and above
  02h-0Fh  Reserved

Values for UHS_AU_SIZE
This 4-bit field indicates AU Size for UHS-I and UHS-II cards. Card should set smaller value as much as possible. Host shall refer to UHS_AU_SIZE instead of AU_SIZE when the card is operating in UHS-I or UHS-II bus speed modes.
  00h      Not Defined
  01h-06h  Not Used
  07h      1 MB
  08h      2 MB
  09h      4 MB
  0Ah      8 MB
  0Bh      12 MB (!)
  0Ch      16 MB
  0Dh      24 MB (!)
  0Eh      32 MB
  0Fh      64 MB

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: OCR Register (32bit Operation Conditions Register)

CMD1 - SD/MMC (For SD Cards: SPI-only) - SPI - SEND_OP_COND
Parameter For SD Cards (supported in SPI mode only, not in Non-SPI mode):
  31    Reserved (0)
  30    HCS (Host Capacity Support information)
  29-0  Reserved (0)
Parameter For MMC Cards (supported in SPI and Non-SPI mode):
  31-0  "OCR without busy"? (ie. without the power-up busy flag in bit31?)
SD Response: R1
MMC Response: R3 (same/similar as SD Mode's ACMD41 response, see below)
Sends host capacity support information and activates the card's initialization process. HCS is effective when card receives SET_IF_COND command.

CMD58 - SD/MMC - SPI-ONLY (not Non-SPI Mode) - READ_OCR
Supported on SD Cards in SPI Mode only (in Non-SPI mode, CMD58 would be: MMC=Reserved, SD=READ_EXTR_MULTI)!
Parameter bits:
  31-0  stuff bits
SPI Mode Response: R3:
  39-32  R1 (8bit Card Status, same as in normal SPI command responses)
  31-0   OCR (32bit)

ACMD41 - SD - SPI - SD_SEND_OP_COND (type=bcr)
  31     reserved bit
  30     HCS(OCR[30]) (Host Capacity Support information)
  29     reserved for eSD                 ;\
  28     XPC Max Power Consumption (watts); SPI Mode: Reserved
  27-25  reserved bits                    ; (ie. only bit30 is used for SPI)
  24     S18R                             ; (ie. ACMD41 is SAME as SPI CMD1 ?)
  23-0   VDD Voltage Window(OCR[23-0])    ;/
SD Mode Response: R3:
  47     Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46     Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40  Reserved (111111) (instead of Command value)  ;/
  39-8   OCR (32bit)                                   ;-2nd..5th byte
  7-1    Reserved (111111) (instead of CRC7)           ;\6th byte
  0      End Bit (1)                                   ;/
SPI Mode Response: R1 (without extra Data transfer? use READ_OCR instead?)
Sends host capacity support information (HCS) and asks the accessed card to send its operating condition register (OCR) content in the response on the CMD line. HCS is effective when card receives SET_IF_COND command (uh, but IF_COND should be set BEFORE setting OP_COND?).
Sends request to switch to 1.8V signaling (S18R).
Reserved bit shall be set to '0'. CCS bit is assigned to OCR[30].
XPC controls the maximum power in the default speed mode of SDXC card.
  XPC=0: 0.36W (100mA at 3.6V on VDD1) (max) but speed class is not supported.
  XPC=1: 0.54W (150mA at 3.6V on VDD1) (max) and speed class is supported.

OCR register
The 32-bit operation conditions register stores the VDD voltage profile of the non UHS-II card and VDD1 voltage profile of the UHS-II card. Additionally, this register includes status information bits. One status bit is set if the card power up procedure has been finished. This register includes another status bit indicating the card capacity status after set power up status bit. The OCR register shall be implemented by the cards.
The 32-bit operation conditions register stores the VDD voltage profile of the card.
Bit 7 of OCR is newly defined for Dual Voltage Card and set to 0 in default. If a Dual Voltage Card does not receive CMD8, OCR bit 7 in the response indicates 0, and the Dual Voltage Card which received CMD8, sets this bit to 1.
  31     Card power up status bit (0=Busy, 1=Ready)
  30     Card Capacity Status (CCS) (valid only if above Bit31 indicates Ready)
          CCS=0   SDSC Card      (addressed in 1-byte units)   ;MMC max 2GB
          CCS=1   SDHC/SDXC card (addressed in 512-byte units) ;MMC > 2GB
  29     UHS-II Card Status
  28-25  Reserved
  24     Switching to 1.8V Accepted (S18A) (Only UHS-I card supports this bit)
  23     3.5-3.6                        ;\
  22     3.4-3.5                        ;
  21     3.3-3.4                        ;
  20     3.2-3.3                        ;
  19     3.1-3.2                        ; VDD Voltage Window
  18     3.0-3.1                        ;
  17     2.9-3.0                        ;
  16     2.8-2.9                        ;
  15     2.7-2.8                        ;
  14-8   Reserved (MMC: 2.0V .. 2.6V)   ;  ;<-- uh, probably in opposite order?
  7      Reserved for Low Voltage Range ;
  6-4    Reserved                       ;
  3-0    Reserved                       ;/
The supported voltage range is coded as shown in Table 5-1. A voltage range is not supported if the corresponding bit value is set to LOW. As long as the card is busy, the corresponding bit (31) is set to LOW.
VDD Voltage Window of OCR indicates VDD1 voltage range in case of UHS-II Card.
UHS-II Card Status bit is added in Bit 29 to indicate whether the card supports UHS-II Interface. Non UHS-II Card sets Bit 29 to 0 and UHS-II Card sets Bit 29 to 1. This bit is not affected by whether VDD2 is supplied or not.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CID Register (128bit Card Identification)

CMD2 - SD/MMC - ALL_GET_CID (type=bcr)
Parameter bits:
  31-0  stuff bits
SD Mode Response: R2 (same 136bit response as for CMD10, see there)
Asks any card to send the CID numbers on the CMD line (any card that is connected to the host will respond).

CMD10 - SD/MMC - SPI - GET_CID (type=ac)
Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA (SPI Mode: stuff bits)
  15-0  stuff bits
SD Mode Response: R2:
  135     Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  134     Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  133-128 Reserved (111111) (instead of Command value)  ;/
  127-8   CID (120bit) (15 bytes)     ;\aka 128bit      ;-2nd..16th byte
  7-1     CRC7                        ; when including  ;\17th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                 ;/CRC7+EndBit     ;/
SPI Mode Response: R1, plus DATA line,
SPI Mode Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  127-0   CID (128bit) ... or 120bit ?
Addressed card sends its card identification (CID).

CID register
The Card IDentification (CID) register is 128 bits wide. It contains the card identification information used during the card identification phase. Every individual Read/Write (RW) card shall have a unique identification number.
For SD Cards (short product name, but bigger date field, 2000..2255?):
  Bit     Siz  Field  Name
  127-120   8  MID    Manufacturer ID    (binary) ;\assigned by SD-3C, LLC
  119-104  16  OID    OEM/Application ID (ASCII)  ;/
  103-64   40  PNM    Product name       (ASCII)
  63-56     8  PRV    Product revision   (BCD, 00h-99h) (eg 62h = rev 6.2)
  55-24    32  PSN    Product serial number (32bit)
  23-20     4  -      Reserved (zero)
  19-8     12  MDT    Manufacturing date (yymh) (m=1..12, yy=0..255?; +2000)
  7-1       7  CRC    CRC7 checksum
  0         1  1      Stop bit (always 1)
For MMC Cards (smaller date field, range 1997..2012 only):
  Bit     Siz  Field  Name
  127-120   8  MID    Manufacturer ID    (binary)   ;\assigned by MMCA
  119-104  16  OID    OEM/Application ID (binary)   ;/  ... or ...
  127-120   8  MID    Manufacturer ID    (binary)   ;\assigned by MMCA/JEDEC
  119-114   6  -      Reserved (0)                  ;
  113-112   2  CBX    Device (0=Card, 1=BGA, 2=POP) ;
  119-104   8  OID    OEM/Application ID (binary)   ;/
  103-56   48  PNM    Product name       (ASCII)
  55-48     8  PRV    Product revision   (BCD, 00h-99h) (eg 62h = rev 6.2)
  47-16    32  PSN    Product serial number (32bit)
  15-8      8  MDT    Manufacturing date (myh) (m=1..12, y=0..15; +1997)
  7-1       7  CRC    CRC7 checksum
  0         1  1      Stop bit (always 1)

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSD Register (128bit Card-Specific Data)

CMD9 - SD/MMC - SPI - GET_CSD (type=ac)
Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA (SPI Mode: stuff bits)
  15-0  stuff bits
SD Mode Response: R2:
  135     Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  134     Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  133-128 Reserved (111111) (instead of Command value)  ;/
  127-8   CSD (120bit) (15 bytes)     ;\aka 128bit      ;-2nd..16th byte
  7-1     CRC7                        ; when including  ;\17th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                 ;/CRC7+EndBit     ;/
SPI Mode Response: R1, plus DATA line,
SPI Mode Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  127-0   CID (128bit) ... or 120bit ?
Addressed card sends its card-specific data (CSD).

CMD27 - SD/MMC - SPI - PROGRAM_CSD (type=adtc)
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
  128-0  CSD register (whole 128bit) (read-only bits must be unchanged)
Programming of the programmable bits of the CSD, ie. the "R/W" bits, the "R" bits must be kept unchanged (read via CMD9, and write-back same values via CMD27).
The writable once "R/W(1)" bits can be changed only from 0-to-1, or vice-versa, they can be really written only ONCE, by the manufacturer?
Most of the "R/W(1)" bits are probably set by the manufacturer at time when pre-formatting the card, so they aren't actually user-writeable.

CSD Register
The types of the entries in the table below are coded as follows: R=readable, W(1)=writable once, W=multiple writable.
  Bit    Siz Type   Name                             Field             Value
  127-126 2  R      CSD structure version            CSD_STRUCTURE     00b
  125-122 4  R      MMC: System spec version         SPEC_VERS         ..
  125-122 4  R      SD: reserved                     -                 0000b
  121-120 2  R      reserved                         -                 00b
  119-112 8  R      data read access-time-1          TAAC              xxh
  111-104 8  R      data read access-time-2          NSAC              xxh
  103-96  8  R      max data transfer rate           TRAN_SPEED   32h or 5Ah
  95-84  12  R      card command classes             CCC          01x110110101b
  83-80   4  R      max read data block len          READ_BL_LEN          xh
  79      1  R      partial blocks for read allowed  READ_BL_PARTIAL      1b
  78      1  R      write block misalignment         WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN   xb
  77      1  R      read block misalignment          READ_BLK_MISALIGN    xb
  76      1  R      DSR implemented                  DSR_IMP              xb
  75-74   2  R      reserved                              -               00b
  73-70   4  R      SDHC/SDXC: reserved                   -               0000b
  69-48  22  R      SDHC/SDXC: device size                C_SIZE          ...
  47      1  R      SDHC/SDXC: reserved                   -               0
  73-62  12  R      MMC/SDSC: device size                 C_SIZE          xxxh
  61-59   3  R      MMC/SDSC: max read current @VDD min   VDD_R_CURR_MIN  xxxb
  58-56   3  R      MMC/SDSC: max read current @VDD max   VDD_R_CURR_MAX  xxxb
  55-53   3  R      MMC/SDSC: max write current @VDD min  VDD_W_CURR_MIN  xxxb
  52-50   3  R      MMC/SDSC: max write current @VDD max  VDD_W_CURR_MAX  xxxb
  49-47   3  R      MMC/SDSC: device size multiplier      C_SIZE_MULT     xxxb
  46-42   5  R      MMC: Erase Group Size             ERASE_GRP_SIZE   ..
  41-37   5  R      MMC: Erase Group Multiplier       ERASE_GRP_MULT   ..
  36-32   5  R      MMC: Write Protect Grp Size       WP_GRP_SIZE      ..
  46      1  R      SD: erase single block enable     ERASE_BLK_EN     xb
  45-39   7  R      SD: erase sector size             SECTOR_SIZE      xxxxxxxb
  38-32   7  R      SD: write protect group size      WP_GRP_SIZE      xxxxxxxb
  31      1  R      write protect group enable        WP_GRP_ENABLE    xb
  30-29   2  R      MMC: Manufacturer default ECC     DEFAULT_ECC      ..
  30-29   2  R      SD: reserved (do not use)         -                00b
  28-26   3  R      write speed factor                R2W_FACTOR       xxxb
  25-22   4  R      max write data block len          WRITE_BL_LEN     xxxxb
  21      1  R      partial blocks for write allowed  WRITE_BL_PARTIAL xb
  20-17   4  R      reserved                          -                0000b
  16      1  R      SD: reserved                      -                0
  16      1  R      MMC: Content Protection Applicat. CONTENT_PROP_APP ..
  15      1  R/W(1) File format group                 FILE_FORMAT_GRP  xb
  15      1  R      SDHC/SDXC: reserved               (FILE_FORMAT_GRP)0
  14      1  R/W(1) copy flag                         COPY             xb
  13      1  R/W(1) permanent write protection     PERM_WRITE_PROTECT  xb
  12      1  R/W    temporary write protection     TMP_WRITE_PROTECT   xb
  11-10   2  R/W(1) File format                    FILE_FORMAT         xxb
  11-10   2  R      SDHC/SDXC: reserved            (FILE_FORMAT)       00b
  9-8     2  R/W    MMC: ECC Code                  ECC                 ..
  9-8     2  R/W    SDSC: reserved, R/W            -                   00b
  9-8     2  R      SDHC/SDXC: reserved, R         -                   00b
  7-1     7  R/W    CRC                            CRC                 xxxxxxxb
  0       1  -      not used, always'1'            -                   1b

CSD_STRUCTURE (upper 2bit of CSD register)
Field structures of the CSD register are different depend on the Physical Layer Specification Version and Card Capacity.
The CSD_STRUCTURE field in the CSD register indicates its structure version.
For MMC:
  00h      CSD version No. 1.0    MMC Version 1.0 - 1.2
  01h      CSD version No. 1.1    MMC Version 1.4 - 2.2
  02h      CSD version No. 1.2    MMC Version 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.31 - 4.0 - 4.1- 4.2
  03h      Version is coded in the CSD_STRUCTURE byte in the EXT_CSD register
For SD:
  00h      CSD Version 1.0   SDSC (Standard Capacity)
  01h      CSD Version 2.0   SDHC/SDXC (High Capacity and Extended Capacity)
  02h-03h  Reserved
SDHC/SDXC applies major changes to CSD register (C_SIZE is expanded, and many other fields are removed or set to dummy values), for details see:
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSD Register (128bit Card-Specific Data) Version 2.0

  00h       MMC System Specification Version 1.0 - 1.2
  01h       MMC System Specification Version 1.4
  02h       MMC System Specification Version 2.0 - 2.2
  03h       MMC System Specification Version 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.31
  04h       MMC System Specification Version 4.0 - 4.1 - 4.2
  05h-0Fh   Reserved

Defines the asynchronous part of the data access time.
  7    Reserved
  6-3  Time value
         0=reserved, 1=1.0, 2=1.2, 3=1.3, 4=1.5, 5=2.0, 6=2.5, 7=3.0,
         8=3.5, 9=4.0, A=4.5, B=5.0, C=5.5, D=6.0, E=7.0, F=8.0
  2-0  Time unit
         0=1ns, 1=10ns, 2=100ns, 3=1us, 4=10us, 5=100us, 6=1ms, 7=10ms

Defines the worst case for the clock-dependent factor of the data access time. The unit for NSAC is 100 clock cycles. Therefore, the maximal value for the clock-dependent part of the data access time is 25500 clock cycles.
The total access time NAC is the sum of TAAC and NSAC. It should be computed by the host for the actual clock rate. The read access time should be interpreted as a typical delay for the first data bit of a data block or stream.

The following table defines the maximum data transfer rate PER ONE data line:
  7    Reserved
  6-3  Time value
         0=reserved, 1=1.0, 2=1.2, 3=1.3, 4=1.5, 5=2.0, 6=2.5, 7=3.0,
         8=3.5, 9=4.0, A=4.5, B=5.0, C=5.5, D=6.0, E=7.0, F=8.0
  2-0  Transfer rate unit
         0=100kbit/s, 1=1Mbit/s, 2=10Mbit/s, 3=100Mbit/s, 4..7=reserved
         MMC: same as above, but specified in <Hz> instead of <bits/s>
Note that for current SD Memory Cards, this field shall be always 32h which is equal to 25 MHz - the mandatory maximum operating frequency of SD Memory Card.
In High-Speed mode, this field shall be always 5Ah which is equal to 50 MHz, and when the timing mode returns to the default by CMD6 or CMD0 command, its value will be 32h.

CCC (Card Command Class)
The SD Memory Card command set is divided into subsets (command classes). A value of 1 in a CCC bit means that the corresponding command class is supported. For command class definitions, refer to Table 4-21.
  11   Supports Command Class 11 - Function Extension Commands (SD)
  10   Supports Command Class 10 - Switch Function Commands (SD)
  9    Supports Command Class 9 - I/O Mode Commands (SDIO/MMCIO)
  8    Supports Command Class 8 - Application-Specific Commands
  7    Supports Command Class 7 - Password Lock Commands
  6    Supports Command Class 6 - Block-Oriented Write Protection Commands
  5    Supports Command Class 5 - Erase Commands
  4    Supports Command Class 4 - Block-Oriented Write Commands
  3    Supports Command Class 3 - WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (MMC)
  2    Supports Command Class 2 - Block-Oriented Read Commands
  1    Supports Command Class 1 - READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (MMC)
  0    Supports Command Class 0 - Basic Commands
Same for MMC (though on MMC the classes may have different meaning?)

The maximum read data block length is computed as 2^READ_BL_LEN. The maximum block length might therefore be in the range 512...2048 bytes (Refer to 4.3.3 for details). Note that in an SD Memory Card the WRITE_BL_LEN is always equal to READ_BL_LEN.
  3-0  Setting
  00h..08h  Reserved
  09h       Block length 512 Bytes (2^9)
  0Ah       Block length 1024 Bytes (2^10)
  0Bh       Block length 2048 Bytes (2^11)
  0Ch..0Fh  Reserved
MMC allows any values from 2^0 to 2^14, and uses 0Fh for Extension (see TBD field in EXT_CSD) (uh, but "TBD" isn't yet defined in KMCEN0000M datasheet, maybe TBD means to-be-defined?).

READ_BL_PARTIAL (always = 1 in SDSC Memory Card)
Partial Block Read is always allowed in an SDSC Memory Card. It means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size will be one byte.

Defines if the data block to be written by one command can be spread over more than one physical block of the memory device. The size of the memory block is defined in WRITE_BL_LEN.
  WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN=0   crossing physical block boundaries is invalid
  WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN=1   crossing physical block boundaries is allowed

Defines if the data block to be read by one command can be spread over more than one physical block of the memory device. The size of the memory block is defined in READ_BL_LEN.
  READ_BLK_MISALIGN=0    crossing physical block boundaries is invalid
  READ_BLK_MISALIGN=1    crossing physical block boundaries is allowed

Defines if the configurable driver stage is integrated on the card. If set, a driver stage register (DSR) shall be implemented (also see Chapter 5.5).
  DSR_IMP=0    no DSR implemented
  DSR_IMP=1    DSR implemented

C_SIZE (for max 2GB)
This parameter is used to compute the user's data card capacity (not include the security protected area). The memory capacity of the card is computed from the entries C_SIZE, C_SIZE_MULT and READ_BL_LEN as follows:
  memory capacity = BLOCKNR * BLOCK_LEN
  MULT = 2^(C_SIZE_MULT+2)    ;(C_SIZE_MULT < 8)
To indicate 2 GByte card, BLOCK_LEN shall be 1024 bytes.
Therefore, the maximal capacity that can be coded is 4096*512*1024 = 2 G bytes.
Example: A 32 Mbyte card with BLOCK_LEN = 512 can be coded by C_SIZE_MULT = 3 and C_SIZE = 2000.
The Maximum Data Area size of SDSC Standard Capacity Card is 4,153,344 sectors (2028MB).

C_SIZE (for MMC above 2GB)
The 12bit C_SIZE field should be set 0FFFh. Use "SEC_COUNT" in EXT_CSD to specify actual size.

Maximum values for read and write currents at the MINIMAL power supply VDD:
  2-0   0=0.5mA, 1=1mA, 2=5mA, 3=10mA, 4=25mA, 5=35mA, 6=60mA, 7=100mA

Maximum values for read and write currents at the MAXIMAL power supply VDD:
  2-0   0=1mA, 1=5mA, 2=10mA, 3=25mA, 4=35mA, 5=45mA, 6=80mA, 7=200mA

This parameter is used for coding a factor MULT for computing the total device size (see 'C_SIZE'). Defined as "MULT = 2^(C_SIZE_MULT+2)".
  2-0   Device Size Factor (0..7 = Factor 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512)

The ERASE_BLK_EN defines the granularity of the unit size of the data to be erased. The erase operation can erase either one or multiple units of 512 bytes or one or multiple units (or sectors) of SECTOR_SIZE (see definition below).
If ERASE_BLK_EN=0, the host can erase one or multiple units of SECTOR_SIZE. The erase will start from the beginning of the sector that contains the start address to the end of the sector that contains the end address. For example, if SECTOR_SIZE=31 and the host sets the Erase Start Address to 5 and the Erase End Address to 40, the physical blocks from 0 to 63 will be erased as shown in Figure 5-1.
  Figure 5-1: ERASE_BLK_EN = 0 Example
  Physical Block (per CSD)
  0          1          2          3          4          5          6
  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789
       <----- Host Erase Address Range ------->
  <---------- Erase Area ---------------------------------------------->
  <---------- Erase Unit Size ------><------- Erase Unit Size --------->
If ERASE_BLK_EN=1 the host can erase one or multiple units of 512 bytes. All blocks that contain data from start address to end address are erased. For example, if the host sets the Erase Start Address to 5 and the Erase End Address to 40, the physical blocks from 5 to 40 will be erased as shown in Figure 5-2.
  Figure 5-2: ERASE_BLK_EN = 1 Example
  Physical Block (per CSD)
  0          1          2          3          4          5          6
  0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789
       <----- Host Erase Address Range ------->
       <----- Erase Area --------------------->

The size of an erasable sector. The content of this register is a 7-bit binary coded value, defining the number of write blocks (see WRITE_BL_LEN). The actual size is computed by increasing this number by one. A value of zero means one write block, 127 means 128 write blocks.

The contents of this register is a 5 bit binary coded value, used to calculate the size of the erasable unit of the moviNAND. The size of the erase unit (also referred to as erase group) is determined by the ERASE_GRP_SIZE and the ERASE_GRP_MULT entries of the CSD, using the following equation:
  size of erasable unit = (ERASE_GRP_SIZE + 1) * (ERASE_GRP_MULT + 1)
This size is given as minimum number of write blocks that can be erased in a single erase command.

A 5 bit binary coded value used for calculating the size of the erasable unit of the moviNAND. See ERASE_GRP_SIZE section for detailed description.

Set by the moviNAND manufacturer. It defines the ECC code which is recommended for use. The field definition is the same as for the ECC field described later.

This field in the CSD indicates whether the content protection application is supported. MultiMediaCards which implement the content protection application will have this bit set to '1'.

Defines the ECC code that was used for storing data on the moviNAND. This field is used by the host (or application) to decode the user data. The following table defines the field format:
  ECC      ECC type         Maximum number of correctable bits per block
  00h      None (default)   Mone
  01h      BCH (542,512)    3
  02h-03h  Reserved         -

The size of a write protected group. The contents of this register is a 5 bit binary coded value, defining the number of erase groups which can be write protected.
The actual size is computed by increasing this number by one. A value of zero means 1 erase group, 31 means 32 erase groups. (Refer to the chapter 4.11.1 on page 48)

SD: WP_GRP_SIZE (7bit)
The size of a write protected group. The content of this register is a 7-bit binary coded value, defining the number of erase sectors (see SECTOR_SIZE). The actual size is computed by increasing this number by one. A value of zero means one erase sector, 127 means 128 erase sectors.

A value of 0 means no group write protection possible.

Defines the typical block program time as a multiple of the read access time.
  2-0   Multiples of read access time (0..5=Mul 1,2,4,8,16,32, 6..7=Reserved)
For example, value 5 means that writing is 32 times slower than reading.

The maximum write data block length is computed as 2^WRITE_BL_LEN. The maximum block length might therefore be in the range from 512 to 2048 bytes. Write Block Length of 512 bytes is always supported.
Note that in the SD Memory Card, the WRITE_BL_LEN is always equal to READ_BL_LEN.
  3-0    Block Length
  00h..08h  Reserved
  09h       512 bytes (2^9)
  0Ah       1024 Bytes (2^10)
  0Bh       2048 Bytes (2^11)
  0Ch..0Fh  Reserved

Defines whether partial block sizes can be used in block write commands.
WRITE_BL_PARTIAL=0 means that only the WRITE_BL_LEN block size and its partial derivatives, in resolution of units of 512 bytes, can be used for block oriented data write.
WRITE_BL_PARTIAL=1 means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size is one byte.

Defines whether the contents is original (=0) or has been copied (=1). Setting this bit to 1 indicates that the card content is a copy. The COPY bit is a one time programmable bit except ROM card.

Permanently/temporarily write-protects the entire card (by disabling all write and erase commands). The default values are 0, ie. not write protected.

Indicates the file format on the card. These fields are read-only for ROM. The following formats are defined:
  0                0            Hard disk-like file system with partition table
  0                1            DOS FAT (floppy-like) with boot sector only
                                  (no partition table)
  0                2            Universal File Format
  0                3            Others/Unknown
  1                0, 1, 2, 3   Reserved
A more detailed description is given in the Filesystem Specification.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSD Register (128bit Card-Specific Data) Version 2.0

CSD Register (CSD Version 2.0) (SDHC/SDXC)
The field name in parenthesis is set to fixed value and indicates that the host is not necessary to refer these fields. The fixed values enables host, which refers to these fields, to keep compatibility to CSD Version 1.0.
The Cell Type field is coded as follows: R=readable, W(1)=writable once, W=multiple writable.
  Bit   Siz Type   Name                        Field          Value
  127-126 2 R      CSD structure               CSD_STRUCTURE  01b
  125-120 6 R      reserved                    -              000000b
  119-112 8 R      data read access-time-1     (TAAC)         0Eh
  111-104 8 R      data read access-time-2     (NSAC)         00h
  103-96  8 R      max data transfer rate      (TRAN_SPEED)   32h,5Ah,0Bh,2Bh
  95-84  12 R      card command classes        CCC            x1x110110101b
  83-80   4 R      max read data block length       (READ_BL_LEN)        9
  79      1 R      partial blocks for read allowed  (READ_BL_PARTIAL)    0
  78      1 R      write block misalignment         (WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN) 0
  77      1 R      read block misalignment          (READ_BLK_MISALIGN)  0
  76      1 R      DSR implemented                  DSR_IMP              x
  75-70   6 R      reserved                         -                   000000b
  69-48  22 R      device size                      C_SIZE              xxxxxxh
  47      1 R      reserved                         -                    0
  46      1 R      erase single block enable        (ERASE_BLK_EN)       1
  45-39   7 R      erase sector size                (SECTOR_SIZE)        7Fh
  38-32   7 R      write protect group size         (WP_GRP_SIZE)        00h
  31      1 R      write protect group enable       (WP_GRP_ENABLE)      0
  30-29   2 R      reserved                         -                    00b
  28-26   3 R      write speed factor               (R2W_FACTOR)         010b
  25-22   4 R      max write data block length      (WRITE_BL_LEN)       9
  21      1 R      partial blocks for write allowed (WRITE_BL_PARTIAL)   0
  20-16   5 R      reserved                         -                    00000b
  15      1 R      File format group                (FILE_FORMAT_GRP)    0
  14      1 R/W(1) copy flag                        COPY                 x
  13      1 R/W(1) permanent write protection       PERM_WRITE_PROTECT   x
  12      1 R/W    temporary write protection       TMP_WRITE_PROTECT    x
  11-10   2 R      File format                      (FILE_FORMAT)        00b
  9-8     2 R      reserved                         -                    00b
  7-1     7 R/W    CRC                              CRC                  xxh
  0       1 -      not used, always '1'             -                    1

This field is expanded to 22 bits and can indicate up to 2 TBytes (that is the same as the maximum memory space specified by a 32-bit block address.)
This parameter is used to calculate the user data area capacity in the SD memory card (not include the protected area). The user data area capacity is calculated from C_SIZE as follows:
  memory capacity = (C_SIZE+1) * 512KByte
The Minimum user area size of SDHC Card is 4,211,712 sectors (2GB + 8.5MB).
The Minimum value of C_SIZE for SDHC in CSD Version 2.0 is 001010h (4112).
The Maximum user area size of SDHC Card is (32GB - 80MB).
The Maximum value of C_SIZE for SDHC in CSD Version 2.0 is 00FF5Fh (65375).
The Minimum user area size of SDXC Card is 67,108,864 sectors (32GB).
The Minimum value of C_SIZE for SDXC in CSD Version 2.0 is 00FFFFh (65535).

TRAN_SPEED is variable depends on bus speed mode of SD Interface.
When CMD0 is received, this field is reset to 32h.
On SDSC (but not SDHC/SDXC), CMD6 does the same reset stuff?
  32h   SDSC/SDHC/SDXC in Default Speed mode (25MHz)
  5Ah   SDSC/SDHC/SDXC in High Speed mode    (50MHz)
  0Bh   SDHC/SDXC in SDR50 or DDR50 mode     (100Mbit/sec)
  2Bh   SDHC/SDXC in SDR104 mode             (200Mbit/sec)
UHS-II mode is not related to this field.

Definition of these fields is same as in CSD Version 1.0.

In SDHC/SDXC, these fields should be fixed to TAAC=0Eh (1 ms), NSAC=00h, and R2W_FACTOR=02h (mul4).
The host should not use TAAC, NSAC, and R2W_FACTOR to calculate timeout and should uses fixed timeout values for read and write operations (See 4.6.2).

These two fields are fixed to 9h (which indicates 512 Bytes).

These four fields are fixed to 0 (partial block read and physical page crossing prohibited for block read/write).

This field is fixed to 7Fh, which indicates 64 KBytes. This value is not related to erase operation. SDHC and SDXC Cards indicate memory boundary by AU size and this field should not be used.

This field is fixed to 1, which means the host can erase one or multiple units of 512 bytes.

These field are fixed to WP_GRP_SIZE=00h, and WP_GRP_ENABLE=0.
SDHC and SDXC Cards do not support write protected groups.

These fields are set to 0. Host should not use these fields.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: EXT_CSD Register (4096bit Extended CSD Register) (MMC)

CMD8 - MMC - SPI - GET_EXT_CSD (type=adtc)
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  4095-0  EXT_CSD Register (4096bit)
MMC only.

CMD6 - MMC - SPI - SWITCH (type=ac)
  31-26  6bit  Reserved (0)
  25-24  2bit  Access
                 00h  Change Command Set (EXT_CSD[191] = parameter bit2-0)
                 01h  Set bits (EXT_CSD[index] = EXT_CSD[index] OR value)
                 02h  Clr bits (EXT_CSD[index] = EXT_CSD[index] AND NOT value)
                 03h  Write    (EXT_CSD[index] = value)
  23-16  8bit  Index (0..191)   ;\used only if "Access=1..3"
  15-8   8bit  Value (0..255)   ;/
  7-3    5bit  Reserved (0)
  2-0    3bit  Cmd Set (0..7)   ;-used only if "Access=0"
Response: R1b
Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
MMC only.

Extended CSD Register (MMC only)
The Extended CSD register defines the card properties and selected modes. It is 512 bytes (4096 bits) long.
The most significant 320 bytes are the Properties segment, which defines the card capabilities and cannot be modified by the host. The lower 192 bytes are the Modes segment, which defines the configuration the card is working in. These modes can be changed by the host by means of the SWITCH command.
  Properties Segment
  Byte    Siz  Type  Name                          Field
  511-505   7  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  504       1  R     Supported Command Sets        S_CMD_SET
  503-216 288  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  215-212   4  R     moviNAND only: Sector Count   SEC_COUNT
  211       1  -     Reserved                      -
                     Minimum Write Performance for
  210       1  R       8bit @52MHz                 MIN_PERF_W_8_52
                     Minimum Read Performance for
  209       1  R       8bit @52MHz                 MIN_PERF_R_8_52
                     Minimum Write Performance for
  208       1  R       8bit @26MHz / 4bit @52MHz   MIN_PERF_W_8_26_4_52
                     Minimum Read Performance for
  207       1  R       8bit @26MHz / 4bit @52MHz   MIN_PERF_R_8_26_4_52
                     Minimum Write Performance for
  206       1  R       4bit @26MHz                 MIN_PERF_W_4_26
                     Minimum Read Performance for
  205       1  R       4bit @26MHz                 MIN_PERF_R_4_26
  204       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  203       1  R     Power Class for 26MHz @ 3.6V  PWR_CL_26_360
  202       1  R     Power Class for 52MHz @ 3.6V  PWR_CL_52_360
  201       1  R     Power Class for 26MHz @ 1.95V PWR_CL_26_195
  200       1  R     Power Class for 52MHz @ 1.95V PWR_CL_52_195
  199-197   3  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  196       1  R     Card Type                     CARD_TYPE
  195       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  194       1  R     CSD Structure Version         CSD_STRUCTURE
  193       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  192       1  R     Extended CSD Revision         EXT_CSD_REV
  Modes Segment
  191       1  R/W   Command Set                   CMD_SET
  190       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  189       1  RO    Command Set Revision          CMD_SET_REV
  188       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  187       1  R/W   Power Class                   POWER_CLASS
  186       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  185       1  R/W   High Speed Interface Timing   HS_TIMING
  184       1  -     Reserved(1)                   -
  183       1  WO    Bus Width Mode                BUS_WIDTH
  182          ?     ?
  181       1  -     Reserved                      -
  180       1  RO    moviNAND only: Erased Memory Content   ERASED_MEM_CONT
  180-0   181  -     Reserved(a)                   -
(a) Reserved(a) bits should read as '0'.
(1) Reserved(1) bits should be probably ZERO, too.
The above table is transferred "most significant first", which does probably mean that it starts with BYTE 0, not with byte 511. ALTHOUGH, the 4-byte SEC_COUNT appears to be LITTLE-ENDIAN?
Note: JEDEC Standard No. 84-A44 contains MANY additional fields in EXT_CSD.

This field defines which command sets are supported by the card.
  Bit   Command Set
  7-5   Reserved
  4     moviNAND only: ATA on MMC
  3     moviNAND only: SecureMCC 2.0
  2     Content Protection SecureMMC
  1     SecureMMC
  0     Standard MMC

SEC_COUNT (moviNAND and newer JEDEC specs only)
The device density is calculated from the register by multiplying the value of the register (sector count) by 512B/sector. The maximum density possible to be indicated is thus 2 Tera bytes (minus 512 bytes) (4,294,967,295 x 512B). The least significant byte (LSB) of the sector count value is the byte [212].

These fields defines the overall minimum performance value for the read and write access with different bus width and max clock frequency modes. The value in the register is coded as follows. Other than defined values are illegal.
Table 5-28 : R/W Access Performance Value
  Value Performance
  0x00  For Cards not reaching the 2.4MB/s minimum value
  0x08  Class A: 2.4MB/s and is the lowest allowed value for MMCplus and
  0x0A  Class B: 3.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (20x150kB/s)
  0x0F  Class C: 4.5MB/s and is the next allowed value (30x150kB/s)
  0x14  Class D: 6.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (40x150kB/s)
  0x1E  Class E: 9.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (60x150kB/s)
         This is also the highest class which any MMCplus or MMCmobile card
         is needed to support in low bus category operation mode (26MHz with
         4bit data bus).
         A MMCplus or MMCmobile card supporting any higher class than this
         have to support this class also (in low category bus operation mode).
  0x28  Class F: Equals 12.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (80x150kB/s)
  0x32  Class G: Equals 15.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (100x150kB/s)
  0x3C  Class H: Equals 18.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (120x150kB/s)
  0x46  Class J: Equals 21.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (140x150kB/s)
         This is also the highest class which any MMCplus or MMCmobile card
         is needed to support in mid bus category operation mode (26MHz with
         8bit data bus or 52MHz with 4bit data bus).
         A MMCplus or MMCmobile card supporting any higher class than this
         have to support this Class (in mid category bus operation mode) and
         Class E also (in low category bus operation mode).
  0x50  Class K: Equals 24.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (160x150kB/s)
  0x64  Class M: Equals 30.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (200x150kB/s)
  0x78  Class O: Equals 36.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (240x150kB/s)
  0x8C  Class R: Equals 42.0MB/s and is the next allowed value (280x150kB/s)
  0xA0  Class T: Equals 48.0MB/s and is the last defined value (320x150kB/s)

These fields define the supported power classes by the card. By default, the card has to operate at maximum frequency using 1 bit bus configuration, within the default max current consumption, as stated in the table below. If 4 bit/8 bits bus configurations, require increased current consumption, it has to be stated in these registers.
By reading these registers the host can determine the power consumption of the card in different bus modes. Bits [7:4] code the current consumption for the 8 bit bus configuration. Bits [3:0] code the current consumption for the 4 bit bus configuration.
The PWR_52_vvv registers are not defined for 26MHz MultiMediaCards.
  Voltage Value Max RMS Current   Max Peak Current   Remarks
  3.6V    0     100 mA            200 mA             Default current
          1     120 mA            220 mA             consumption for
          2     150 mA            250 mA             high voltage cards
          3     180 mA            280 mA
          4     200 mA            300 mA
          5     220 mA            320 mA
          6     250 mA            350 mA
          7     300 mA            400 mA
          8     350 mA            450 mA
          9     400 mA            500 mA
          10    450 mA            550 mA
          11-15 Reserved for future use
  1.95V   0     65 mA             130 mA             Default current
          1     70 mA             140 mA             consumption for
          2     80 mA             160 mA             Dual voltage cards
          3     90 mA             180 mA             (if any, not moviNAND)
          4     100 mA            200 mA
          5     120 mA            220 mA
          6     140 mA            240 mA
          7     160 mA            260 mA
          8     180 mA            280 mA
          9     200 mA            300 mA
          10    250 mA            350 mA
          6-15  Reserved for future use
The measurement for max RMS current is done as average RMS current consumption over a period of 100ms.
Max peak current is defined as absolute max value not to be exceeded at all.
The conditions under which the power classes are defined are:
  - Maximum bus frequency
  - Maximum operating voltage
  - Worst case functional operation
  - Worst case environmental parameters (temperature,...)
These registers define the maximum power consumption for any protocol operation in data transfer mode, Ready state and Identification state.

This field defines the type of the card. The only currently valid values for this field are 0x01 and 0x03.
  Bit Card Type
  7-2 Reserved
  1   High Speed MultiMediaCard @ 52MHz
  0   High Speed MultiMediaCard @ 26MHz

This field is a continuation of the CSD_STRUCTURE field in the CSD register.
  CSD_STRUCTURE CSD structure version   Valid for System Specification Version
  0             CSD version No. 1.0     Version 1.0 - 1.2
  1             CSD version No. 1.1     Version 1.4 - 2.2
  2             CSD version No. 1.2     Version 3.1-3.2-3.31-4.0-4.1-4.2
  3             Reserved for future use
  4-255         Reserved for future use

Defines the fixed parameters. related to the EXT_CSD, according to its revision.
  EXT_CSD_REV   Extended CSD Revision
  0             Revision 1.0
  1             Revision 1.1
  2             Revision 1.2 (moviNAND)
  3-255         Reserved

Contains the binary code of the command set that is currently active in the card. It is set to '0' (Standard MMC) after power up and can be changed by a SWITCH command.

Contains a binary number reflecting the revision of the currently active command set. For Standard MMC command set it is:
  Code    MMC Revisions
  0       v4.0
  1-255   Reserved
This field, though in the Modes segment of the EXT_CSD, is read only.

This field contains the 4 bit value of the selected power class for the card. The power classes are defined in Table. The host should be responsible of properly writing this field with the maximum power class it allows the card to use. The card uses this information to, internally, manage the power budget and deliver an optimized performance.
This field is 0 after power-on or software reset.
  Bits    Description
  7-4     Reserved
  3-0     Card power class code (See Table 5-29)

This field is 0 after power-on, or software reset, thus selecting the backwards compatibility interface timing for the card. If the host writes 1 to this field, the card changes its timing to high speed interface timing (refer to Chapter 5.4.8).

It is set to '0' (1 bit data bus) after power up and can be changed by a SWITCH command.
  Value   Bus Mode
  0       1 bit data bus
  1       4 bit data bus
  2       8 bit data bus
  3-255   Reserved

ERASED_MEM_CONT (moviNAND) (but, RESERVED in newer JEDEC specs!)
This Field defines the content of an explicitly erased memory range.
  Value   Erased Memory content
  00h     Erased memory range shall be '0'
  01h     Erased memory range shall be '1'
  02h-FFh Reserved
Looks like a mis-definition, since value 00h should have been kept reserved for cards that do not specify whether they set erased bits to 0 or 1.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: RCA Register (16bit Relative Card Address)

The RCA was intended for connecting multiple cards to the same host, possibly even sharing the same signal wires for multiple cards. The multi-card feature isn't used to often though.
Most hosts are having only a single card slot. And, hosts that <do> support multiple cards may use separate busses and even separate controllers for each card (eg. Nintendo DSi is doing so for onboard NAND and external SD slot).
However, even single-card systems will need to obtain a "dummy" RCA, and use that RCA value for selecting the card.
The only exception is SPI mode: SPI isn't using RCA, and doesn't support RCA commands at all - instead, in SPI mode, the cards are selected via /CS signal (which may include multiple /CS signals for multiple cards).

CMD3 - SD - GET_RELATIVE_ADDR (type=bcr)
Parameter bits:
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R6:
  47      Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46      Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40   Command (the 6bit CMD being responded to)     ;/
  39-24   New published RCA of the card   ;-16bit       ;-2nd..3th byte
  23-22   CSR Card Status, bit 23-22      ;\            ;\
  21      CSR Card Status, bit 19         ; 16bit       ; 4nd..5th byte
  20-8    CSR Card Status, bit 12-0       ;/            ;/
  7-1     CRC7                                          ;\6th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                                   ;/
Ask the card to publish a new relative address (RCA).
Dunno how this is intended to work with multiple cards. The goal should be to assign <different> RCAs to each card. The command should be probably repeatedly used until all cards respond with different RCAs. This would require the cards to contain some sort of analog random generator - or maybe to use the CID register as random seed (the CID seems to contain unique serial numbers per card)?

Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA
  15-0  stuff bits
Response: R1
Assigns an RCA value TO the card (ie. the opposite of CMD3 on SD Cards).
Dunno how this is intended to work with multiple cards. The goal should be to assign <different> RCAs to each card. But actually, the command appears to assign the <same> RCA to all cards?

CMD7 - SD/MMC - SELECT_DESELECT_CARD (type=ac) ;actually: (type=bcr)
Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA
  15-0  stuff bits
Response: R1b (only from the selected card)
Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
Command toggles a card between the stand-by and transfer states or between the programming and disconnect states. In both cases, the card is selected by its own relative address and gets deselected by any other address; address 0 deselects all.
In the case that the RCA equals 0, then the host may do one of the following:
- Use other RCA number to perform card de-selection.
- Re-send CMD3 to change its RCA number to other than 0 and then use CMD7 with RCA=0 for card deselection.

CMD5 - MMC - SLEEP_AWAKE (type=ac)
Parameter bits:
  31-16 RCA
  15    Sleep/Awake flag (0=Awake/stby, 1=Sleep/slp)
  14-0  stuff bits
Response: R1b

RCA register
The writable 16-bit relative card address register carries the card address that is published by the card during the card identification. This address is used for the addressed host-card communication after the card identification procedure. The default value of the RCA register is 0000h. The value 0000h is reserved to set all cards into the Stand-by State with CMD7.
In UHS-II mode, Node ID is used as RCA. Refer to SD-TRAN Section of UHS-II Addendum for more details.

Commands GET_CSD, GET_CID, APP_CMD, GO_INACTIVE_STATE, and GET_STATUS allow/require to specify RCA in parameter field.
Other commands are either processed by all cards (broadcast commands), or processed only be cards that have been previously selected via CMD7 (most normal commands).

Broadcast Commands
  CMD0     sd/mmc spi GO_IDLE_STATE (type=bc)
  CMD2     sd/mmc     ALL_GET_CID (type=bcr)
  CMD3     sd         GET_RELATIVE_ADDR (type=bcr)
  CMD4     sd/mmc     SET_DSR (type=bc)
  CMD7     sd/mmc     SELECT_DESELECT_CARD (type=ac) ;actually: (type=bcr)
  CMD8     sd     spi SET_IF_COND (type=bcr)
  ACMD41   sd     spi SD_SEND_OP_COND (type=bcr)  ;SPI: reduced functionality
Some broadcast commands are sending responses.
SD specs are suggesting to use separate CMD lines for each card (so the host would broadcast the same command on all CMD lines, and would receive separate responses in parallel from each CMD line).
MMC cards are said to support open-collector CMD lines (so responses from separate cards would be logically ORed, though, dunno what that would be good for).

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: DSR Register (16bit Driver Stage Register) (Optional)

CMD4 - SD/MMC - SET_DSR (type=bc)
Parameter bits:
  31-16 DSR
  15-0  stuff bits
Response: N/A
Programs the DSR of all cards.

DSR register (Optional)
The 16-bit driver stage register is described in detail in Chapter 0 (uh, where?). It can be optionally used to improve the bus performance for extended operating conditions (depending on parameters like bus length, transfer rate or number of cards). The CSD register carries the information about the DSR register usage. The default value of the DSR register is 0404h.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: SCR Register (64bit SD Card Configuration Register)

ACMD51 - SD - SPI - GET_SCR (type=adtc)
  31-0  stuff bits
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (from card):
  63-0  SCR Register (8bytes, aka 64bit)

SD Configuration Register (SCR)
In addition to the CSD register, there is another configuration register named SD CARD Configuration Register (SCR). SCR provides information on the SD Memory Card's special features that were configured into the given card. The size of SCR register is 64 bits. This register shall be set in the factory by the SD Memory Card manufacturer.
  Bit  Siz  Typ Description                      Field                 ;common
  63-60  4  R   SCR Structure                    SCR_STRUCTURE         ;\00h or
  59-56  4  R   SD Memory Card - Spec. Version   SD_SPEC               ;/01h
  55     1  R   data_status_after erases         DATA_STAT_AFTER_ERASE ;\
  54-52  3  R   CPRM Security Support            SD_SECURITY           ; A5h
  51-48  4  R   DAT Bus widths supported         SD_BUS_WIDTHS         ;/
  47     1  R   Spec. Version 3.00 or higher     SD_SPEC3              ;\
  46-43  4  R   Extended Security Support        EX_SECURITY           ; 0000h
  42     1  R   Spec. Version 4.00 or higher     SD_SPEC4              ;
  41-36  6  R   Reserved                         -                     ;
  35-32  4  R   Command Support bits             CMD_SUPPORT           ;/
  31-0  32  R   reserved for manufacturer usage  -                     ;-var

SCR Register Structure Version
  SCR_STRUCTURE  SCR Structure Version  SD Physical Layer Specification Version
  00h            SCR version 1.0        Version 1.01-4.00
  01h..0Fh       reserved
Note: SD_SPEC is used to indicate SCR Structure Version instead of this field.

The Physical Layer Specification Version is indicated in combination with SD_SPEC, SD_SPEC3 and SD_SPEC4 as described Table 5-19.
  SD_SPEC  SD_SPEC3  SD_SPEC4   Physical Layer Specification Version Number
  0        0         0          Version 1.0 and 1.01
  1        0         0          Version 1.10
  2        0         0          Version 2.00
  2        1         0          Version 3.0X
  2        1         1          Version 4.XX
         Others                 Reserved
(1) Version 2.00 hosts do not recognize SD_SPEC3 and SD_SPEC4.
(2) Version 3.00 hosts do not recognize SD_SPEC4.
Hosts recognize Physical Layer Specification Version shall also recognize including future version. Next version will be defined in SD_SPEC field.

The card manufacturer determines SD_SPEC value by conditions indicated below. All conditions shall be satisfied for each version. The other combination of conditions is not allowed.

Essential conditions to indicate Version 1.01 Card (SD_SPEC=0, SD_SPEC3=0 and SD_SPEC4=0):
  (1) The card does not support CMD6
  (2) The card does not support CMD8
  (3) User area capacity shall be up to 2GB
Essential conditions to indicate Version 1.10 Card (SD_SPEC=1, SD_SPEC3=0 and SD_SPEC4=0):
  (1) The card shall support CMD6
  (2) The card does not support CMD8
  (3) User area capacity shall be up to 2GB
Essential conditions to indicate Version 2.00 Card (SD_SPEC=2, SD_SPEC3=0 and SD_SPEC4=0):
  (1) The card shall support CMD6
  (2) The card shall support CMD8
  (3) The card shall support CMD42
  (4) User area capacity shall be up to 2GB (SDSC) or 32GB (SDHC)
  (5) Speed Class shall be supported (SDHC)
Essential conditions to indicate Version 3.00 Card (SD_SPEC=2, SD_SPEC3=1 and SD_SPEC4=0):
  (1) The card shall support CMD6
  (2) The card shall support CMD8
  (3) The card shall support CMD42
  (4) User area capacity shall be up to 2GB (SDSC) or 32GB (SDHC)
    User area capacity shall be more than or equal to 32GB and up to 2TB (SDXC)
  (5) Speed Class shall be supported (SDHC or SDXC)
Optional conditions to indicate Version 3.00 Card:
  A card supports any of following functions shall satisfy essential
  conditions of Version 3.00 Card
  (1) Speed Class supported under the conditions defined in Version 3.00
  (2) UHS-I supported card
  (3) CMD23 supported card
Essential conditions to indicate Version 4.XX Card (SD_SPEC=2, SD_SPEC3=1 and SD_SPEC4=1):
  (1) Same as the essential conditions of Version 3.00 device
  (2) Support any of additional functions defined by Version 4.XX:
      Followings functions (a) to (c) are defined by Version 4.00.
        (a) Support of CMD48 and CMD49
        (b) Support of UHS-II mode
        (c) Support of DPS (Data Protection System)
      Followings functions (d) to (f) are defined by Version 4.10.
        (d) Support of CMD58 and CMD59
        (e) Support of Power Management Functions
        (f) Support of Speed Grade 1 for UHS-II mode
The requirements of supporting commands mentioned above are for the optional commands, the support of which depends on versions (SD_SPEC, SD_SPEC3 and SD_SPEC4). Refer to Table 4-21 (and Notes below the table) about the mandatory and optional commands in the card.

Defines the data status after erase, whether it is 0 or 1 (the status is card vendor dependent).

This field indicates CPRM Security Specification Version for each capacity card. The definition of Protected Area is different in each capacity card.
  00h           No Security
  01h           Not Used
  02h           SDSC Card (CPRM Security Version 1.01)
  03h           SDHC Card (CPRM Security Version 2.00)
  04h           SDXC Card (CPRM Security Version 3.xx)
  05h-07h       Reserved
The basic rule of setting this field:
  SDSC Card sets this field to 2 (Version 1.01).
  SDHC Card sets this field to 3 (Version 2.00).
  SDXC Card sets this field to 4 (Version 3.xx).
Note that it is mandatory for a regular writable SD Memory Card to support Security Protocol. For ROM (Read Only) and OTP (One Time Programmable) types of the SD Memory Card, the security feature is optional.

Describes all the DAT bus widths that are supported by this card.
  Bit 3          Reserved
  Bit 2          4 bit (DAT0-3)
  Bit 1          Reserved
  Bit 0          1 bit (DAT0)
Since the SD Memory Card shall support at least the two bus modes 1-bit or 4-bit width, then any SD Card shall set at least bits 0 and 2 (SD_BUS_WIDTH="0101").

This field indicates Extended Security which is defined by the Part A4 Data Protection System Specification Version 1.00 or will be defined by a later version of the Part 3 Security Specification Version 3.00.
  00h          Extended Security is not supported.
  01h..0Fh     Extended Security is supported. SCR[44-43] is defined by the
                 Part A4 Data Protection System Specification. SCR[46-45] is
                 reserved for future extension.

Support bit of new commands are defined to Bit 33-32 (uh, 35-32?) of SCR.
  Bit Supported Command               Command  CCC  Remark
  35  Extension Register Multi-Block  CMD58/59 11   Optional.
  34  Extension Register Single Block CMD48/49 11   Optional.
  33  Set Block Count                 CMD23    2,4  Mandatory for UHS104 card
  32  Speed Class Control             CMD20    2,4  Mandatory for SDXC card
If CMD58/59 is supported, then CMD48/49 shall be also supported.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: PWD Register (128bit Password plus 8bit Password len)

CMD40 - SD - Defined by DPS Spec (Data Protection System) (type=adtc)
  Defined by DPS Spec.
Response: R1
Additional Data Transfer (to/from whatever):
Single block read type. Intended to read whatever "public" data, which is available even if the card is locked.

CMD42 - SD/MMC (SD v2.00 and up) - SPI - LOCK_UNLOCK (type=adtc)
  31-0  Reserved bits (0)
Response: R1 (MMC: R1b?)
MMC?: Additional Data Transfer (from card): Busy signal for "R1b" response
Additional Data Transfer (to card):
  Note: Before using this command, the size of the following data block (ie.
        "1st..Nth/Extra" byte) must be set via SET_BLOCKLEN command (CMD16).
  1st byte: Flags
    Bit7-4 Reserved (0)
    Bit3   ERASE       Force Erase (1=Erase WHOLE CARD and clear password)
    Bit1   LOCK_UNLOCK Lock card (0=Unlock, 1=Lock) (default on power up: Lock)
    Bit1   CLR_PWD     Clears password  (0=no, 1=yes)
    Bit0   SET_PWD     Set new password (0=no, 1=yes)
  2nd byte: PWDS_LEN   Length of the Password(s) in bytes ("3rd..Nth" byte)
  3rd..Nth byte: Password (old password, if SET_PWD: followed by new password)
  Extra byte: Alignment padding (only in DDR50 mode, if above is odd num bytes)
Used to set/clear the password (=to change the password), or to lock/unlock the card (=to log out/log in). If the password exists, then the default state on power-up is Locked (user is logged out).
In locked state, the card will accept only "Basic Commands" (class 0), plus CMD16,40,42, plus ACMD41,42. Observe that this will prevent some initialization commands (for example, switching to 4bit bus via SET_BUS_WIDTH (ACMD6) isn't possible on locked cards).
The password is stored in a 128bit PWD register, so password can be max 16 bytes long. The PWDS_LEN value can be max 32 bytes (when sending old+new password). The length of the current/old password is stored in an 8bit PWD_LEN register (though due to the above limit, that "8bit" value can be in range 0..16 only; PWD_LEN=0 means that there is no password, which is somewhat equivalent to what happens when setting the CLR_PWD bit?).
PWD Notes:
Related CSR status bits are: CARD_IS_LOCKED and LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED. Presence of the locking feature is indicated by the CCC "class 7" bit in CSD register.
Many SD cards are internally containing separate controller and memory chips, so it might be quite easy to bypass the locking by desoldering one of those chips.

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: State

SD/MMC State
The "state" is an important SD/MMC feature to deal with - most commands can be send only in certain states:
For normal operation, the card should be in "tran" state (and it may then temporarily switch to "data/rcv/prg" states during read/write/erase commands).
For initialization, the card should be first forced to "idle" state, and the init commands should then go through "ready/ident/stby" states, until finally reaching "tran" state.
Less important states are "dis/ina", and, on MMC only, "btst/slp/irq" and "pre-idle".
Both SD and MMC specs are leaving state undocumented for SPI mode (meaning that SPI specific commands like CMD58/CMD59 are supported only in "unknown" state).

SD Card State Transition Table
  Command       old state --> idle readyidentstby tran data rcv  prg  dis  ina
  DONE  Operation Complete    ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- tran ---- tran stby ----
  class 0
  CMD0  GO_IDLE_STATE         ok   idle idle idle idle idle idle idle idle ----
  CMD2  ALL_SEND_CID          ---- ident---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD3  SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR    ---- ---- stby ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD4  SET_DSR               ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
        card is addressed     ---- ---- ---- tran ---- ---- ---- ---- prg  ----
        card is not addr.     ---- ---- ---- ok   stby stby ---- dis  ---- ----
  CMD8  SEND_IF_COND          ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD9  SEND_CSD              ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD10 SEND_CID              ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD11 VOLTAGE_SWITCH        ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD12 STOP_TRANSMISSION     ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- tran prg  ---- ---- ----
  CMD13 SEND_STATUS           ---- ---- ---- ok   ok   ok   ok   ok   ok   ----
  CMD15 GO_INACTIVE_STATE     ---- ---- ---- ina  ina  ina  ina  ina  ina  ----
  class 2
  CMD16 SET_BLOCKLEN          ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD17 READ_SINGLE_BLOCK     ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD18 READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK   ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD19 SEND_TUNING_PATTERN   ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD20 SPEED_CLASS_CONTROL   ---- ---- ---- ---- prg  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD23                       ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 4
  CMD16 SET_BLOCKLEN       (2)---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD20 SPEED_CLASS_CONTROL(2)---- ---- ---- ---- prg  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD23 SET_BLOCK_COUNT       ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD24 WRITE_BLOCK           ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD25 WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK  ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD27 PROGRAM_CSD           ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 6
  CMD28 SET_WRITE_PROT        ---- ---- ---- ---- prg  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD29 CLR_WRITE_PROT        ---- ---- ---- ---- prg  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD30 SEND_WRITE_PROT       ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 5
  CMD32 ERASE_WR_BLK_START    ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD33 ERASE_WR_BLK_END      ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD38 ERASE                 ---- ---- ---- ---- prg  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 7
  CMD40 Read Block (DPS Spec) ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD42 LOCK_UNLOCK           ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 8
  CMD55 APP_CMD               ok   ---- ---- ok   ok   ok   ok   ok   ok   ----
  CMD56 GEN_CMD, RD/WR=0      ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
        GEN_CMD, RD/WR=1      ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD6  SET_BUS_WIDTH        ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD13 SD_STATUS            ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD22 SEND_NUM_WR_BLOCKS   ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD23 SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_CO. ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
       OCR check is OK
       and card is not busy   ready---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
       OCR check is OK
       and card is busy(2)    ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
       OCR check fails
       query mode             ina  ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD42 SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT  ---- ---- ---- ---- ok   ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD51 SEND_SCR             ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 9
  class 10 (1)
  CMD6  SWITCH_FUNC           ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  class 11
  CMD48 READ_EXTR_SINGLE      ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD49 WRITE_EXTR_SINGLE     ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD58 READ_EXTR_MULTI       ---- ---- ---- ---- data ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  CMD59 WRITE_EXTR_MULTI      ---- ---- ---- ---- rcv  ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  ACMD14-16               Refer to DPS Specification (class 8)
  ACMD28                  Refer to DPS Specification (class 8)
  43,44,45,46,47,48,49    Refer to the "Part3 Security Specification" for
                          information about the SD Security Features (class 8)
  CMD52-CMD54             Refer to the "SDIO Card Specification" (class 9)
  CMD21                   Refer to DPS Specification (class 11)
  CMD34-37,50,57          Refer to each command system specification (class 10)
  CMD41,CMD43-47          reserved (class 11)
  CMD60...CMD63           reserved for manufacturer (class 11)
  SPI Mode
  CMD1 SEND_OP_COND       SPI-only
  CMD58 READ_OCR          SPI-only
  CMD59 CRC_ON_OFF        SPI-only
Note (1): Class 10 commands were defined in Version 1.10.
Note (2): Card returns busy in case of following:
  - Card executes internal initialization process
  - When HCS in the argument is set to 0 to SDHC or SDXC Card.
The state transitions of the SD Memory Card application-specific commands are given under Class 8, above.
  ----  command is treated as illegal command
  ok    command is accepted, and card stays in SAME state
  xxx   command is accepted, and card switches to "xxx" state

MMC Card State Transition Table (JEDEC)
  Command     old state --> idl rdy idt stb trn dta tst rcv prg dis ina slp irq
  Class Independent
  ERR  CRC error            --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  ERR  command not supported--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 0
  CMD0  (arg=00000000h)     ok  idl idl idl idl idl idl idl idl idl --- idl stb
  CMD0  (arg=F0F0F0F0h)     pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre pre --- pre stb
  CMD0  (arg=FFFFFFFAh)     initiate alternative boot operation
        card VDD range ok   rdy --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
        card is busy        ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
        card VDD range bad  ina --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
         card wins bus      --- idt --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
         card loses bus     --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD3  SET_RELATIVE_ADDR   --- --- stb --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD4  SET_DSR             --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD5  SLEEP_AWAKE         --- --- --- slp -?- -?- -?- -?- -?- -?- -?- stb stb
  CMD6  SWITCH              --- --- --- --- prg --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
        card is addressed   --- --- --- trn --- --- --- --- --- prg --- --- stb
        card is not addr.   --- --- --- --- stb stb --- --- dis --- --- --- stb
  CMD8  SEND_EXT_CSD        --- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD9  SEND_CSD            --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD10 SEND_CID            --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD12 STOP_TRANSMISSION   --- --- --- --- --- trn --- prg --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD13 SEND_STATUS         --- --- --- ok  ok  ok  ok  ok  ok  ok  --- --- stb
  CMD14 BUSTEST_R           --- --- --- --- --- --- trn --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD15 GO_INACTIVE_STATE   --- --- --- ina ina ina ina ina ina ina --- --- stb
  CMD19 BUSTEST_W           --- --- --- --- tst --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 1
  CMD11 READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP --- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 2
  CMD16 SET_BLOCKLEN        --- --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD17 READ_SINGLE_BLOCK   --- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD18 READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK --- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD23 SET_BLOCK_COUNT     --- --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 3
  CMD20 WRITE_DAT_UNTIL_STOP--- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 4
  CMD16 SET_BLOCKLEN        see class 2
  CMD23 SET_BLOCK_COUNT     see class 2
  CMD24 WRITE_BLOCK         --- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- rcv1--- --- --- stb
  CMD25 WRITE_MULTIPLE_BL.  --- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- rcv2--- --- --- stb
  CMD26 PROGRAM_CID         --- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD27 PROGRAM_CSD         --- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 6
  CMD28 SET_WRITE_PROT      --- --- --- --- prg --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD29 CLR_WRITE_PROT      --- --- --- --- prg --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD30 SEND_WRITE_PROT     --- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD31 SEND_WRITE_PROT_TYPE--- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 5
  CMD35 ERASE_GROUP_START   --- --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD36 ERASE_GROUP_END     --- --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD38 ERASE               --- --- --- --- prg --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 7
  CMD16 SET_BLOCKLEN        see class 2
  CMD42 LOCK_UNLOCK         --- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 8
  CMD55 APP_CMD             --- --- --- ok  ok  ok  ok  ok  ok  ok  --- --- ok
  CMD56 GEN_CMD, RD/WR=0    --- --- --- --- rcv --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
        GEN_CMD, RD/WR=1    --- --- --- --- dta --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 9
  CMD39 FAST_IO             --- --- --- ok  --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  CMD40 GO_IRQ_STATE        --- --- --- irq --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- stb
  Class 10-11
  CMD41, CMD43..CMD54       Reserved
  CMD57..CMD59              Reserved
  CMD60..CMD63              Reserved for Manufacturer
  SPI Mode
  CMD58 READ_OCR            SPI-only
  CMD59 CRC_ON_OFF          SPI-only
NOTE 1. Due to legacy considerations, a card may treat CMD24/25 during a prg state_while busy is active_as a legal or an illegal command. A card that treats CMD24/25 during a prg-state_while busy is active_as an illegal command will not change its state to the rcv state. A host should not send CMD24/25 while the card is in prg state and busy is active.
NOTE 2. Due to legacy considerations, a card may treat CMD24/25 during a prg state_while busy is active_as a legal or an illegal command. A card that treats CMD24/25 during a prg state_while busy is active_as an illegal command will not change its state to the rcv state. A host should not send CMD24/25 while the card is in prg state and busy is active.
NOTE 3. As there is no way to obtain state information in boot mode, boot-mode states are not shown in this table.
  pre  Pre-idle
  idl  idle
  rdy  ready
  idt  ident
  stb  stby
  trn  tran
  dta  data
  tst  btst

  DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Signals


SD Mode 1-bit data transfer mode
          __ start bit                             __ checksum bits (CRC-CCITT)
         |                                        |
         |  <------------data bits------------->  |   __ stop bit
         |                                        |  |
  DAT0   0  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th ... last crc 1

SD Mode 4-bit data transfer mode
          __ start bit         __ checksum bits (CRC-CCITT)
         |                    |
         |  <--data bits-->   |   __ stop bit
         |                    |  |
  DAT3   0  1st 5th ... ...  crc 1
  DAT2   0  2nd 6th ... ...  crc 1
  DAT1   0  3rd 7th ... ...  crc 1
  DAT0   0  4th 8th ... last crc 1

  DSi SDIO Special SDIO Commands

Read/write single byte.
  31     R/W Flag               (0=Read, 1=Write)
  30-28  Function Number (3bit)
  27     Read-after-write (RAW) Flag (if Bit31=1=Write, and Bit27=1)
  26     Stuff (unspecified, should be probably 0, but is 1 on DSi)
  25-9   Register Address (17bit)
  8      Stuff (unspecified, should be probably 0, but is 1 on DSi)
  7-0    Write Data (8bit), or Stuff bits (for read)
SD Mode Response: R5:
  47      Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46      Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40   Command (the 6bit CMD being responded to)     ;/
  39-24   Stuff Bits                                    ;-2nd..3rd byte
  23-16   Response Flags                                ;-4th byte
           7   COM_CRC_ERROR
           6   ILLEGAL_COMMAND
           5-4 IO_CURRENT STATE (0=dis, 1=cmd, 2=trn(cmd53), 3=rfu)
           3   ERROR
           2   RFU (reserved for future use)
           0   OUT_OF_RANGE
  15-8    Read or Write Data (8bit)                     ;-5th byte
  7-1     CRC7                                          ;\6th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                                   ;/
SPI Mode Response: R5:
  8bit  modified R1 response
           7  start bit (0)
           6  parameter error       (0=okay, 1=error)
           5  RFU (0)
           4  function number error (0=okay, 1=error)
           3  COM CRC error         (0=okay, 1=error)
           2  illegal command       (0=okay, 1=error)
           1  RFU (0)
           0  in idle state         (0=no, 1=idle)
  8bit  Read or Write Data

  31     R/W Flag               (0=Read, 1=Write)
  30-28  Function Number (3bit) (0=CIA)
  27     Block Mode             (0=Bytes, 1=Blocks/optional)
  26     OP Code                (0=Fixed Address, 1=Incrementing Address)
  25-9   Register Address (17bit)
  8-0    Byte/Block Count (9bit) (1..511) (0=512 Bytes, or 0=Infinite Blocks)
Response: R5: Same as for CMD52 (with 8bit data = 00h)
Data Transfer:
  For Byte Mode: Similar to CMD17/CMD24 (single block)
  For Block Mode: Similar to CMD18/CMD25 (multiple block)
  For Block Mode: STOP_TRANSMISSION only needed if using "Infinite Blocks"

Similar to SD Memory Card's ACMD41.
  31-25  stuff bits (0)
  24     Switching to 1.8V Request (S18R)
  23     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 3.5V-3.6V
  22     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 3.4V-3.5V
  21     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 3.3V-3.4V
  20     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 3.2V-3.3V
  19     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 3.1V-3.2V
  18     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 3.0V-3.1V
  17     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.9V-3.0V
  16     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.8V-2.9V
  15     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.7V-2.8V
  14     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.6V-2.7V
  13     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.5V-2.6V
  12     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.4V-2.5V
  11     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.3V-2.4V
  10     I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.2V-2.3V
  9      I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.1V-2.2V
  8      I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window 2.0V-2.1V
  7-4    I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window Reserved
  3-0    I/O OCR VDD Voltage Window Reserved
SD Mode Response: R4:
  47     Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46     Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40  Reserved (111111) (instead of Command value)  ;/
  39     Card is ready to operate after init           ;\
  38-36  Number of I/O Functions                       ;
  35     Memory Present                                ; 2nd byte
  34-33  Stuff bits (0)                                ;
  32     Switching to 1.8V Accepted (S18R) (not SPI)   ;/
  31-8   I/O OCR (24bit)                               ;-3rd..5th byte
  7-1    Reserved (111111) (instead of CRC7)           ;\6th byte
  0      End Bit (1)                                   ;/
SPI Mode Response: R4:
  8bit   modified R1 Response
           7  start bit (0)
           6  parameter error       (0=okay, 1=error)
           5  RFU (0)
           4  function number error (0=okay, 1=error)
           3  COM CRC error         (0=okay, 1=error)
           2  illegal command       (0=okay, 1=error)
           1  RFU (0)
           0  in idle state         (0=no, 1=idle)
  32bit  same as SD Response bit39-8 (but without S18R bit)

I/O Commands for MMC:

CMD39 - MMCIO: FAST_IO (type=ac)
  31-16  RCA
  15     Register Write Flag
  14-8   Register Address
  7-0    Register Data
MMC Response: R4:
  47      Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46      Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40   Command (the 6bit CMD being responded to)     ;/
  39-24   RCA                                           ;-2nd..3rd byte
  23      Status (0=Bad, 1=Successful)                  ;\4th byte
  22-16   Register Address                              ;/
  15-8    Read Register Contents                        ;-5th byte
  7-1     CRC7                                          ;\6th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                                   ;/

CMD40 - MMCIO: GO_IRQ_STATE (type=bcr)
  31-0   Stuff Bits
MMC Response: R5:
  47      Start Bit (0)                                 ;\
  46      Transmission To Host (0)                      ; 1st byte
  45-40   Command (the 6bit CMD being responded to)     ;/
  39-24   RCA                                           ;-2nd..3rd byte
  23-8    Not defined (may be used for IRQ data)        ;-4th..5th byte
  7-1     CRC7                                          ;\6th byte
  0       End Bit (1)                                   ;/

  DSi SDIO Memory and I/O Maps

Function 0 - Common I/O Area (CIA)
  0:00000h..000FFh  Card Common Control Registers (CCCR)
  0:00100h..001FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 1
  0:00200h..002FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 2
  0:00300h..003FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 3
  0:00400h..004FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 4
  0:00500h..005FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 5
  0:00600h..006FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 6
  0:00700h..007FFh  Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function 7
  0:00800h..00FFFh  Reserved for Future
  0:01000h..17FFFh  Card Information Structures (Common CIS and Func 1-7 CIS)
  0:18000h..1FFFFh  Reserved for Future

Function 1..7 - Function specific Register Space
  n:00000h..1FFFFh  Registers (seven 128K spaces, one for each function)

Code Storage Area (CSA) (optional, R or R/W)
  CSA:00000h..FFFFFh  16Mbyte FAT12/FAT16 (accessed indirectly via "Window")

Card Common Control Registers (CCCR)
  0:00000h 2   CCCR: Revision (R)
  0:00002h 2   CCCR: I/O Function Enable/Ready (R/W)
  0:00004h 2   CCCR: Interrupt Enable/Pending (R/W)
  0:00006h 1   CCCR: I/O Abort (W)
  0:00007h 1   CCCR: Bus Interface Control (R/W)
  0:00008h 1   CCCR: Card Capability
  0:00009h 3   CCCR: Common CIS Pointer, Lo/Mid/Hi
  0:0000Ch 1   CCCR: Bus Suspend
  0:0000Dh 1   CCCR: Function Select (R/W)
  0:0000Eh 2   CCCR: Exec/Ready Flags (R)
  0:00010h 2   CCCR: CMD53 Block Size for Function 0, Lo/Hi (R/W)
  0:00012h 1   CCCR: Power Control
  0:00013h 2   CCCR: Bus Speed Select
  0:00015h 1   CCCR: Driver Strength
  0:00016h 1   CCCR: Interrupt Extension
  0:00017h D9h CCCR: Reserved for Future
  0:000F0h 10h CCCR: Reserved for Vendors

Function Basic Registers (FBR) for Function n (n=1..7)
  0:00n00h 1    FBR(n): Misc
  0:00n01h 1    FBR(n): Extended standard SDIO Function interface code
  0:00n02h 1    FBR(n): Misc
  0:00n02h 7    FBR(n): Reserved for Future
  0:00n09h 3    FBR(n): Pointer to Card Information Structure (CIS), Lo/Mid/Hi
  0:00n0Ch 3    FBR(n): Code Storage Area (CSA) Address, Lo/Mid/Hi
  0:00n0Fh 1    FBR(n): Code Storage Area (CSA) Data "Window"
  0:00n10h 2    FBR(n): CMD53 Block Size for Function n, Lo/Hi
  0:00n12h EEh  FBR(n): Reserved for Future

  DSi SDIO Common Control Registers (CCCR)

0:00000h - CCCR: Revision (R)
  0-3   CCCR/FBR Format Version      (0=v1.00, 1=v1.10, 2=v2.00, 3=v3.00) (R)
  4-7   SDIO Spec Version   (0=v1.00, 1=v1.10, 2=v1.20, 3=v2.00, 4=v3.00) (R)
  8-11  SD Physical Layer Spec       (0=v1.01, 1=v1.10, 2=v2.00, 3=v3.0x) (R)
  12-15 Reserved for Future                                               (-)

0:00002h - CCCR: I/O Function Enable/Ready (R/W)
  0     Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  1-7   SDIO Function 1..7 Enable Flags             (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  8     Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  9-15  SDIO Function 1..7 Ready Flags         (0=Disabled/Busy, 1=Ready) (R)

0:00004h - CCCR: Interrupt Enable/Pending (R/W)
  0     SDIO Interrupt Master Enable                (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  1-7   SDIO Function 1..7 Interrupt Enable         (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  8     Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  9-15  SDIO Function 1..7 Interrupt Pending                (0=No, 1=IRQ) (R)

0:00006h - CCCR: I/O Abort (W)
  0-2   SDIO Function Number to be Aborted  (0=None?, 1..7=Function 1..7) (W)
            XXXsee pg 35
  3     Reset SDIO Card                               (0=Normal, 1=Reset) (W)
  4-7   Reserved for Future                                               (-)

0:00007h - CCCR: Bus Interface Control (R/W)
  0-1   Bus Width       (0=1bit, 1=Reserved, 2=4bit, 3=EmbeddedSDIO/8bit) (R/W)
  2     Support 8bit Bus Flag             (0=No, 1=Yes/EmbeddedSDIO only) (R)
  3-4   Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  5     Enable Continous SPI Interrupt              (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  6     Support Continous SPI Interrupt                     (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  7     Card Detect Disable     (0=Enable Pull-up on DAT3 pin, 1=Disable) (R/W)

0:00008h - CCCR: Card Capability
  0     Support Direct Command (CMD52) during Data Transfer (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  1     Support Multi-Block transfer (CMD53.block mode)     (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  2     Support Read Wait Control (RWC via DAT2 pin)        (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  3     Support Bus Control Suspend/Resume                  (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  4     Support Block Gap Interrupt during Multi-Block      (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  5     Enable Block Gap Interrupt during Multi-Block    (0=No, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  6     Low Speed Card                        (0=Full-Speed, 1=Low-Speed) (R)
  7     Support 4bit Mode for Low-Speed Card                (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)

0:00009h - CCCR: Common CIS Pointer, Lo
0:0000Ah - CCCR: Common CIS Pointer, Mid
0:0000Bh - CCCR: Common CIS Pointer, Hi
  0-16  Pointer to Card Common Card Information Structure (Common CIS)    (R)
  17-23 Unspecified (probably reserved)                                   (-)

0:0000Ch - CCCR: Bus Suspend
  0     Bus Status              XXX see pg 37                             (R)
  1     Bus Release Request     XXX see pg 38                             (R)
  2-7   Reserved for Future                                               (-)

0:0000Dh - CCCR: Function Select (R/W)
  0-3   Select Function (0=CIA, 1..7=Function 1..7, 8=Memory Card)        (R/W)
  4-6   Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  7     Data Flag (more data after resuming) (0=No, 1=Yes)                (R)

0:0000Eh - CCCR: Exec/Ready Flags (R)
  0     Command Execution Flag for Memory (=SD/Combo? or CSA?)            (R)
  1-7   Command Execution Flags for Function 1..7       (0=Busy, 1=Ready) (R)
  8     Read/Write Ready Flag for Memory (=SD/Combo? or CSA?)             (R)
  9-15  Read/Write Ready Flags for Function 1..7        (0=Busy, 1=Ready) (R)

0:00010h - CCCR: CMD53 Block Size for Function 0, Lo (R/W)
0:00011h - CCCR: CMD53 Block Size for Function 0, Hi (R/W)
  0-15  CMD53 Block size for Function(0)          (0001h..0800h) (0=None) (R/W)

0:00012h - CCCR: Power Control
  0     Support Master Power Control                        (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  1     Enable Master Power Control    (0=No/max 720mW, 1=Yes/allow more) (R/W)
  2-7   Reserved for Future                                               (-)

0:00013h,00014h - CCCR: Bus Speed Select
  0     Support High-Speed Mode (SDR25 or higher)           (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  1-3   Bus Speed Select   (0=SDR12, 1=SDR25, 2=SDR50, 3=SDR104, 4=DDR50) (R/W)
  4-7   Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  8     Support UHS-I SDR50  (usable in 1.8V mode only)     (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  9     Support UHS-I SDR104 (usable in 1.8V mode only)     (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  10    Support UHS-I DDR50  (usable in 1.8V mode only)     (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  11-15 Reserved for Future

0:00015h - CCCR: Driver Strength
  0     Support Driver Type A ;\see Physical Layer Specs    (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  1     Support Driver Type C ; version 3.0x for details    (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  2     Support Driver Type D ;/                            (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  3     Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  5-4   Driver Type Select    (0=Default/B, 1=Type A, 2=Type C, 3=Type D) (R/W)
  7-6   Reserved for Future                                               (-)

0:00016h - CCCR: Interrupt Extension
  0     Support Asynchronous Interrupt in 4bit mode         (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  1     Enable Asynchronous Interrupt in 4bit mode       (0=No, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  7-2   Reserved for Future                                               (-)

  DSi SDIO Function Basic Registers (FBR)

0:00n00h - FBR(n): Interface Type
  0-3   Standard SDIO Function Interface Code                             (R)
  4-5   Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  6     Code Storage Area (CSA) Supported                   (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  7     Code Storage Area (CSA) Enable   (0=Block reads/writes, 1=Enable) (R/W)
  8-15  Extended standard SDIO Function interface code  (when bit0-3=0Fh) (R)
The interface type is merged of bit0-3 and bit8-15:
  0h:00h = No SDIO standard interface (eg. Atheros Wifi in DSi)
  1h:00h = SDIO Standard UART
  2h:00h = SDIO Bluetooth Type-A standard interface
  3h:00h = SDIO Bluetooth Type-B standard interface
  4h:00h = SDIO GPS standard interface
  5h:00h = SDIO Camera standard interface
  6h:00h = SDIO PHS standard interface
  7h:00h = SDIO WLAN interface
  8h:00h = Embedded SDIO-ATA standard interface
  9h:00h = SDIO Bluetooth Type-A Alternate MAC PHY (AMP) standard interface
  Ah:00h = Reserved for Future
  Bh:00h = Reserved for Future
  Ch:00h = Reserved for Future
  Dh:00h = Reserved for Future
  Eh:00h = Reserved for Future
  Fh:00h..FFh = Reserved for Future

0:00n02h - FBR(n): Power
  0     Support Power Selection                             (0=No, 1=Yes) (R)
  1     Enable Power Selection        (0=Normal Current, 1=Lower Current) (R/W)
  2-3   Reserved for Future                                               (-)
  4-7   Power State                                                       (R/W)

0:00n09h-00n0Bh - FBR(n): Pointer to Card Information Structure (CIS)
  0-16  Pointer to Function(n)'s Card Information Structure (Function CIS)(R)
  17-23 Unspecified (probably reserved)                                   (-)
Should point to "End-of-Chain Tuple" for unsupported functions?

0:00n0Ch-00n0Eh - FBR(n): Code Storage Area (CSA) Address (R/W)
  0-23  Pointer to CSA memory (incremented after CSA data read/write)     (R/W)

0:00n0Fh - FBR(n): Code Storage Area (CSA) Data "Window" (R or R/W)
  0-7   Data (to/from auto-incrementing CSA Address) (R for ROM, R/W otherwise)

0:00n10h-00n11h - FBR(n): CMD53 Block Size (R/W)
  0-15  CMD53 Block size for Function(n)          (0001h..0800h) (0=None) (R/W)

  DSi SDIO Card Information Structures (CIS)

The CIS used by SDIO is based directly upon the metaformat specification used by PCMCIA and Compact Flash. For details on the metaformat, refer to:
  PC Card Standard, Volume 4, Metaformat Specification
Published by: PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)

Basic Format
  00h           CISTPL_code
  01h           Offset to next tuple (n) (aka size of body)
  02h+(0..n-1)  Body (n bytes)

  00h = CISTPL_NULL          Null Tuple
  10h = CISTPL_CHECKSUM      Checksum Control
  15h = CISTPL_VERS_1        Level 1 Version/Product Information
  16h = CISTPL_ALTSTR        Alternate Language String
  20h = CISTPL_MANFID        Manufacturer ID
  21h = CISTPL_FUNCID        Function ID
  22h = CISTPL_FUNCE         Function Extensions
  80h-8Fh = Vendor specific  Vendor specific
  91h = CISTPL_SDIO_STD      Info for Standard SDIO Functions
  92h = CISTPL_SDIO_EXT      Reserved for future SDIO stuff
  FFh = CISTPL_END           End-of-chain

Tuple 00h - Null Tuple (meaningless, unknown purpose)
  00h Tuple ID   (00h)
  01h Tuple Size (00h)
Unspecified in SDIO reference... but maybe defined in PCMIA specs?)

Tuple 10h - Checksum Control
  00h Tuple ID   (10h)
  01h Tuple Size (?)
  ... Unknown
Unspecified in SDIO reference... but maybe defined in PCMIA specs?)

Tuple 15h - Level 1 Version/Product Information
  00h Tuple ID   (15h)
  01h Tuple Size (?)
  ... Unknown
Unspecified in SDIO reference... but maybe defined in PCMIA specs?)

Tuple 20h - Manufacturer ID
  00h      Tuple ID   (20h)
  01h      Tuple Size (at least 4)
  02h-03h  Manufacturer ID (assigned by JEIDA or PCMCIA)
  04h-05h  Part Number/Revision (manufacturer specific)

Tuple 21h - Function ID
  00h      Tuple ID   (21h)
  01h      Tuple Size (2)
  02h      Card Function Code (0Ch for SDIO)
  03h      System initialization bit mask (Not used, 00h)

Tuple 22h - Function Extension
  00h      Tuple ID   (22h)
  01h      Tuple Size (..)
  02h      Type of extended data
  03h..xxh Function information

Tuple 22h - Function Extension, Type 00h, for Function 0
  00h      Tuple ID   (22h)
  01h      Tuple Size (04h+2*N)
  02h      Type of extended data (00h=Type 00h)
  03h-04h  Max Block Size for Function 0 (0001h or higher)
  05h      Max Transfer Speed for Function 0-7 (specified as Value*Unit bits/s)
           bit0-2: Unit  (0=0.1M, 1=1M, 2=10M, 3=100M, 4..7=Reserved)
           bit3-6: Value (0=Reserved, 1=1, 2=1.2, 3=1.3, 4=1.5, 5=2, 6=2.5,
                   7=3, 8=3.5, 9=4, 10=4.5, 11=5, 12=5.5, 13=6, 14=7, 15=8)
           bit7:   Reserved
  06h...   N two-byte pairs (TC,CP) for 1..N   ;(N=([01h]-4)/2)

Tuple 22h - Function Extension, Type 01h, for Function 1-7
  00h      Tuple ID   (22h)
  01h      Tuple Size (2Ah)
  02h      Type of extended data (01h=Type 01h)
  03h      Function Info (bit0=WakeUpSupport, bit1..7=Reserved)
  04h      Standard SDIO Function version (2x4bit maj.min, or 00h=Nonstandard)
  05h-08h  Card Product Serial Number PSN (32bit) (unique value, or 0=None)
  09h-0Ch  CSA Size in bytes available for this Function (32bit)
  0Dh      CSA Property (bit0=WriteProtected/ReadOnly, bit1=NoReformatting)
  0Eh-0Fh  Max Block Size for this Function (0001h or higher)
  10h-13h  Operation Condition OCR (same as in ACMD41 for SD Memory devices)
  14h-16h  3x8bit Operation Power (Min/Average/Max) (0..254mA, or 255=more)
  17h-19h  3x8bit Standby Power   (Min/Average/Max) (0..254mA, or 255=more)
  1Ah-1Dh  2x16bit Bandwidth      (Min/Optimal) (1..65535 KB/sec, or 0=None)
  1Eh-1Fh  Timeout for Enable-till-Ready in 10ms units (max 655.35 seconds)
  20h-23h  2x16bit Operation 3.3V         (Average/Max) (1..65535mA, or 0=?)
  24h-25h  2x16bit High-Current-Mode 3.3V (Average/Max) (1..65535mA, or 0=?)
  28h-2Bh  2x16bit Low-Current-Mode 3.3V  (Average/Max) (1..65535mA, or 0=?)

Tuple 22h - Function Extension, Type 02h, for Function 1-7 (Power State)
  00h      Tuple ID   (22h)
  01h      Tuple Size (02h+N*2) (N=1..15, for up to 15 power states)
  02h      Type of extended data (02h=Type 02h)
  03h      Fixed value (00h)
  04h..xxh Nx16bit Max consumption in Power State 1..N (0..65535mW)

Tuple 91h - SDIO_STD - Info about Standard SDIO Functions
  00h      Tuple ID   (91h)
  01h      Tuple Size (02h..FFh)
  02h      SDIO STD ID (the 4+8bit Interface Type in FBR, squeezed into 8bits?)
  03h      SDIO STD Type           ;\depends on Interface Type
  04h...   SDIO STD Data (if any)  ;/

Tuple 92h - SDIO_EXT
  00h      Tuple ID   (92h)
  01h      Tuple Size (?)
  02h...   Reserved (if any)

Tuple FFh - END
  00h      Tuple ID   (FFh)
Indicates the end of tuple's list. Unlike all other tuple's, this is only a single FFh-byte (without "Tuple Size" entry).


  DSi SD/MMC Filesystem

DSi Partition Table and FAT Filesystems
DSi SD/MMC Partition Table (aka Master Boot Record aka MBR)
DSi SD/MMC Filesystem (FAT)
System Tools and DSiware games are having regular "ROM Cartridge" headers, with NitroROM filesystem defined in that headers (ie. the ".app" files are internally containing a 2nd filesystem inside of the FAT filesystem; eventually there can be also NARC files as 3rd filesystem inside of the NitroROM filesystem).
DSi Cartridge Header
DS Cartridge NitroROM and NitroARC File Systems
Savedata for DSiWare games is usually stored in "public.sav" or "private.sav" files. That .sav files are usually containing a FAT12 with its own VBR, FAT, and Directories (so they use some virtual FAT12 inside of the real FAT16).

DSi Filesystem Overview
DSi SD/MMC Internal NAND Layout
DSi SD/MMC Bootloader
DSi SD/MMC Device List
DSi SD/MMC Complete List of SD/MMC Files/Folders
DSi SD/MMC Summary of SD/MMC Files/Folders
DSi SD/MMC Images

DSi Files
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on Internal eMMC Storage
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on External SD Card (.bin aka Tad Files)
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files from Nintendo's Server
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Tickets and Title metadata
DSi SD/MMC Firmware and cert.sys Certificate Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Font File
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Log Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Misc Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Wifi Firmware
DSi SD/MMC Firmware System Settings Data Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Version Data File
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist File
DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - Overview
DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - JPEG's
DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - pit.bin
DSi SD/MMC Flipnote Files

  DSi SD/MMC Partition Table (aka Master Boot Record aka MBR)

DSi eMMC Partition table
The decrypted DSi MBR contains:
  0000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .. .. .. .. 00 00        ;bootcode (zero)
  01BE  00 03 18 04 06 0F E0 3B 77 08 00 00 89 6F 06 00  ;1st partition (main)
  01CE  00 02 CE 3C 06 0F E0 BE 4D 78 06 00 B3 05 01 00  ;2nd partition (photo)
  01DE  00 02 DE BF 01 0F E0 BF 5D 7E 07 00 A3 01 00 00  ;3rd partition (extra)
  01EE  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ;4th partition (none)
  01FE  55 AA                                            ;mbr id (55h,AAh)
Above values are following the classical standard MBR format:
  000h      446  bootcode (zerofilled on DSi)                   ;-bootcode
  1BEh+n*10h  1  status (00h)                                   ;\
  1BFh+n*10h  3  chsFirst                                       ; four
  1C2h+n*10h  1  type (00h=unused, 01h=FAT12, 06h=FAT16B)       ; partitions
  1C3h+n*10h  3  chsLast                                        ; (n=0..3)
  1C6h+n*10h  4  lbaFirst  ;\logical block addresses/sizes      ;
  1CAh+n*10h  4  lbaSize   ;/counted in 200h-byte sectors       ;/
  1FEh        2  mbrsig (55h,AAh)                               ;-MBR ID
The CHS and LBA values are essentially containing the same information (CHS being an older standard, and LBA being invented in 1996). The 24bit CHS values are encoded as:
  0-7    Head Bit0-7     (00h..FEh) (or less common, 00h..FFh)
  8-13   Sector Bit0-5   (01h..3Fh)
  14-15  Cylinder Bit8-9
  16-23  Cylinder Bit0-7 (000h..3FFh, with above bit8-7)
To convert CHS to LBA, one must know the number of (logical) heads and sectors per cylinder (that info isn't stored in the MBR). The DSi's eMMC uses 32 sectors, 16 heads, 1024 cylinders:
  LBA = (Cylinder*32*16) + (Head*32) + (Sector-1)
Anyways, it's better/easier to use the LBA values directly, and ignore the CHS values.

3DS eMMC Partition table
Contents are unknown. The 3DS is said to have more than four partitions, so it must be using some extended MBR variant. Reportedly there's some extra "NCSD" header in the MBR sector.

SD/MMC Card Partition table
SD/MMC Cards are shipped with pre-formatted filesystem, so they should stick to some standarized MBR variant, with only a single partition used, possibly with additional date/id fields(?).
Note that SD/MMC Cards may or may not use partition tables (see CSD Register, FILE_FORMAT entry).

Formatting and Reformatting
SD/MMC cards are usually pre-formatted with empty filesystems. Reformatting should be avoided, or should be done only with tools that are aware of some memory card specific requirements:
The cluster size should not be less than the physical sector size (otherwise, when writing smaller clusters, sectors may get erased multiple times, which would result in slower writing and reduced lifetime).
Many devices do support only the standard FAT filesystems (for example, cameras or mp3-players may be unable to access memory cards with NTFS filesystem).

More info
For more info on MBR variants (and on the Partition Type value at 1C2h+n*10h), see: <-- rather meaningless

  DSi SD/MMC Filesystem (FAT)

Volume Boot Record (VBR) (FAT12/FAT16) (DOS 4.0 EBPB)
  000h 3   80x86 jump opcode       (DSi: E9h,00h,00h)
  003h 8   ascii disk name         (DSi: "TWL     ")
  00Bh 2   bytes / sector          (DSi: 0200h)
  00Dh 1   sectors / cluster       (DSi: 20h)
  00Eh 2   sectors / boot-record   (DSi: 0001h)
  010h 1   number of FAT-copys     (DSi: 02h)
  011h 2   entrys / root-directory (DSi: 0200h)
  013h 2   sectors / disk          (DSi: 0000h)
  015h 1   ID                      (DSi: F8h=HDD)
  016h 2   sectors / FAT           (DSi: A:0034h, B:0009h)
  018h 2   sectors / track         (DSi: 0020h)
  01Ah 2   heads / disk            (DSi: 0010h)
  01Ch 2   number of reserved sectors    (DSi: None such entry!)
  01Ch 4   LBA First "hidden"      (DSi: A:00000877h, B:0006784Dh)
  020h 4   LBA Size                (DSi: A:00066F89h, B:000105B3h)
  024h 1   Drive Number            (DSi: A:00h, B:01h)
  025h 1   Flags                   (DSi: 00h)
  026h 1   EBPB Version            (DSi: 29h) (that is, DOS 4.0 EBPB)
  027h 4   Volume Serial Number    (DSi: 12345678h)
  02Bh 11  Volume Label            (DSi: "           ")
  036h 8   Filesystem Type         (DSi: 00h-filled)
  03Eh 448 Bootcode                (DSi: 00h-filled)
  1FEh 2   Signature               (DSi: 55h,AAh)

File Allocation Table - FAT and FAT copy(s)
The following sectors are occupied by the File Allocation Table (FAT), which contains 12- or 16-bit entries for each cluster:
  (0)000      unused, free
  (0)001      ???
  (0)002...   pointer to next cluster in chain (0)002..(F)FEF
  (F)FF0-6    reserved (no part of chain, not free)
  (F)FF7      defect cluster, don't use
  (F)FF8-F    last cluster of chain
Number and size of FATs can be calculated by the information in the boot sector.
Note on The first two FAT entries:
"The first cluster of the data area is cluster #2. That leaves the first two entries of the FAT unused. In the first byte of the first entry a copy of the media descriptor is stored. The remaining bits of this entry are 1. In the second entry the end-of-file marker is stored. The high order two bits of the second entry are sometimes, in the case of FAT16 and FAT32, used for dirty volume management: high order bit 1: last shutdown was clean; next highest bit 1: during the previous mount no disk I/O errors were detected.
(Historically this description has things backwards: DOS 1.0 did not have a BIOS Parameter Block, and the distinction between single-sided and double-sided 5.25" 360K floppies was indicated by the first byte in the FAT. DOS 2.0 introduced the BPB with media descriptor byte.)"

Root directory
The following sectors are the Root directory, again, size depends on the info in bootsector. Each entry consists of 32 bytes:
  00-07  8    Filename (first byte: 00=free entry, 2E=dir, E5=deleted entry)
  08-0A  3    Filename extension
  0B     1    Fileattribute
                bit0 read only
                bit1 hidden
                bit2 system
                bit3 volume label
                bit4 subdirectory
                bit5 archive-flag
                bit6 reserved
                bit7 reserved
  0C-0D  2    Reserved, or stuff
  0E-0F  2    Reserved, or Creation Timestamp
  10-11  2    Reserved, or Creation Datestamp
  12-13  2    Reserved, or Last Access Datestamp
  14-15  2    Reserved, or MSBs of Cluster (for FAT32)
  16-17  2    Last Modify Timestamp: HHHHHMMM, MMMSSSSS
  18-19  2    Last Modify Datestamp: YYYYYYYM, MMMDDDDD
  1A-1B  2    Pointer to first Cluster of file
  1C-1F  4    Filesize in bytes (always 0 for directories)
The 'cluster' entry points to the first used cluster of the file. The FAT entry for that cluster points to the next used cluster (if any), the FAT entry for that cluster points to the next cluster, and so on.

Long File Names (LFNs)
Long File Names (LFNs) are occupying multiple continous directory entries, consisting of a normal short filename entry, preceeded by one or more LFN prefix entries (with Attribute=0Fh). Each LFN prefix can hold 13 characters, the total length should not exceed 255 characters. The name should be terminated by 0000h, and any remaining unused characters should be padded by FFFFh. The LFN prefix entries are using the following format:
  00h  1  Sequence Number (bit6: last logical, first physical LFN entry,
          bit5: 0, bit4-0: number 01h..14h (1Fh)) (or E5h=deleted entry)
  01h  10 Long Filename characters (five UCS-2 characters)
  0Bh  1  Attributes (always 0Fh for LFN prefix)
  0Ch  1  Type (always 00h)
  0Dh  1  Short Filename Checksum
          sum=00h, for i=0 to 10, sum = (sum ROR 1) + shortname_char[i], next i
  0Eh  12 Long Filename characters (six UCS-2 characters)
  1Ah  2  First cluster (always 0000h)
  1Ch  4  Long Filename characters (two UCS-2 characters)
For example, "File with very long filename.ext" would be formatted as so:
  Entry 1: LFN Prefix (43h) "me.ext", 0000h, 6xFFFFh
  Entry 2: LFN Prefix (02h) "y long filena"
  Entry 3: LFN Prefix (01h) "File with ver"
  Entry 4: Normal 8.3 short filename entry "FILEWI~1.EXT"

Reserved Sectors (if any)
Usually the number of reserved sectors is zero. If it is non-zero, then the following sector(s) are reserved (and could be used by the boot procedure for whatever purposes).

Data Clusters 0002..nnnn
Finally all following sectors are data clusters. The first cluster is called cluster number (0)002, followed by number (0)003, (0)004, and so on.

  DSi SD/MMC Internal NAND Layout

The DSi uses a 256MB Samsung eMMC moviNAND(?) flash chip, which is a NAND flash chip with a built-in controller that implements a MMC (SDIO?) interface. In many ways, it's like an SD card (or actually: MMC card) in BGA packaging, and some people have successfully read it with modified(why/how?) SD(/MMC?) card readers (is there any standard software that can be used for doing that?). The last 16MB is used for wear-leveling purposes (such as replacing bad blocks), while the first 240MB is used for storing actual data.

Addressing is done in terms of 512-bytes sectors. All wear-levelling and bad-block-mapping is handled transparently inside the chip by the controller. Most sectors are encrypted with a per-console key.

Overall eMMC Layout
  Offset     Size     Description
  00000000h  200h     PC-style MBR, encrypted with a per-console key
  00000200h  200h     Stage 2 Boot Info Block 1 (used)
  00000400h  200h     Stage 2 Boot Info Block 2 (unused, same as above)
  00000600h  200h     Stage 2 Boot Info Block 3 (unused, nonsense NAND offsets)
  00000800h  26600h   Stage 2 ARM9 Bootcode (encrypted with universal key)
  00026E00h  27600h   Stage 2 ARM7 Bootcode (encrypted with universal key)
  0004E400h  400h     Stage 2 Footer -- unknown format, but first 10 bytes
                        are (unencrypted) build number of Stage 2 bootloader
  0004E800h  B1200h   Unused (all 00h)
  000FFA00h  400h     Diagnostic area. (often contains build date of
                        device in plaintext) Blank in never-before-booted
                        DSi. Might be written to during firmware updates.
  000FFE00h  200h     Unused (all FFh)
  00100000h  EE00h    Unused (all 00h)
  0010EE00h  CDF1200h 1st partition (205.9Mbyte) (main, encrypted, FAT16)
  0CF00000h  9A00h    Unused (all 00h)
  0CF09A00h  20B6600h 2nd partition (32.7Mbyte)  (photo, encrypted, FAT12)
  0EFC0000h  BA00h    Unused (all 00h)
  0EFCBA00h  34600h   3rd partition (0.2Mbyte)   (extra, unformatted)
  0F000000h           End of 240MByte Address Space

Stage 2 Boot Info Blocks 1, 2, 3 (unencrypted, aside from the RSA block)
  000h 20h Zerofilled
  020h 4   ARM9 Bootcode NAND Offset         (800h)      (Info Block 3: 80400h)
  024h 4   ARM9 Bootcode Size actual         (26410h)
  028h 4   ARM9 Bootcode RAM Address / Entry (37B8000h)
  02Ch 4   ARM9 Bootcode Size rounded-up     (26600h)
  030h 4   ARM7 Bootcode NAND Offset         (26E00h)    (Info Block 3: A6A00h)
  034h 4   ARM7 Bootcode Size actual         (27588h)
  038h 4   ARM7 Bootcode RAM Address / Entry (37B8000h)
  03Ch 4   ARM7 Bootcode Size rounded-up     (27600h)
  040h BFh Zerofilled
  0FFh 1   Unknown (0Ch)
  100h 80h RSA Block (B3,FF,EC,E5,..)       (Boot Info Block 3: 5B,E1,7A,9F,..)
  180h 14h Global MBK1..MBK5 Slot Settings
  194h 0Ch Local ARM9 MBK6..MBK8 Settings
  1A0h 0Ch Local ARM7 MBK6..MBK8 Settings
  1ACh 4   Global MBK9 Slot Master Setting (FF000000h)
  1B0h 50h Zerofilled
The above RSA Block contains 74h bytes of information (plus 0Bh bytes padding):
  Pre  0Bh  Leading RSA Padding (01,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,00)
  00h  10h  AES_Engine Key Y for ARM9/ARM7 Bootcode (EC,07,00,00,...)
  10h  14h  SHA1 on WifiFlash[00h..27h] and eMMCBootInfo[00h..FFh,180h..1FFh]
            3DS: reportedly NAND/MBR[00h..27h] instead of WifiFlash[00h..27h]??
  24h  14h  SHA1 on decrypted ARM9 Bootcode, with the actual binary size.
  38h  14h  SHA1 on decrypted ARM7 Bootcode, with the actual binary size.
  4Ch  14h  Zerofilled
  60h  14h  SHA1? (63,D2,FC,6E,A9,E7,99,00,00,79,5C,FE,F1,E8,26,C4,C0,C9,CF,A5)

eMMC Encryption for Boot Sectors (AES-CTR, with fixed key; from RSA block)
The ARM9/ARM7 bootcode is encrypted via AES-CTR:
  RSA_KEY  = F1,F5,1A,FF,...         ;-from 3DS TWL_FIRM (for RSA Block)
  IV[0..3] = +size                   ;\
  IV[4..7] = -size                   ; size rounded up to 200h boundary, ie.
  IV[8..B] = -size-1                 ; from Boot Info Block entries [02Ch,03Ch]
  IV[C..F] = 00000000h               ;/
  KEY_X[0..F] = "Nintendo DS",...    ;-same as Key X for "Tad Files"
  KEY_Y[0..F] = EC,07,00,00,...      ;-from RSA Block (see above)
The RSA_KEY key is stored in some non-dumpable area of the DSi BIOS, making it impossible to obtain that key without chip decapping. However, Nintendo has included the same RSA_KEY in the "TWL_FIRM" firmware update for 3DS.

eMMC Encryption for MBR/Partitions (AES-CTR, with console-specific key)
The MBR and both partitions are encrypted via AES-CTR:
  IV[0..F]:    SHA1(CID)+Address/10h                    ;-eMMC Chip ID
  KEY_X[0..3]: [4004D00h]                               ;\
  KEY_X[4..7]: [4004D00h] XOR 24EE6906h                 ; CPU/Console ID
  KEY_X[8..B]: [4004D04h] XOR E65B601Dh                 ;
  KEY_X[C..F]: [4004D04h]                               ;/
  KEY_Y[0..F]: 0AB9DC76h,BD4DC4D3h,202DDD1Dh,E1A00005h  ;-Constant
The CID value (eMMC Chip ID) should be in same format as stored in RAM at 2FFD7BCh: little-endian 120bit (without crc7), padded to 128bit (with MSB=00h), ie. it should look like this (dd/ss being date/serial numbers):
  CID = [2FFD7BCh] = dd,ss,ss,ss,ss,03,4D,30,30,46,50,41,00,00,15,00
  SHA1(CID) = SWI_27h(SHA1value,2FFD7BCh,10h)
The resulting SHA1value is 14h-bytes, the first 10h-bytes are used as IV value, whereas the DSi doesn't adjust the endianness (it does just use the SWI's "big-endian" SHA1value as "little-endian" AES/IV value).
The CTR gets incremented after each 10h bytes (ie. to access a random address: "IV=SHA1value+(address/10h)".
For more info on obtaining the CID and Port [4004D00h] values, see:
DSi Console IDs
See also:
DSi SD/MMC Images

Related Decryption Tools
  "NUS Downloader" allows to download and decrypt system updates
  "DSi SRL Extract" allows to decrypt DSiware files (when copied to SD card)
  "TWLTool" decrypt/encrypt eMMC images (firmware downgrading, dsiware-hax)

  DSi SD/MMC Bootloader

  Stage 1: Load Stage 2 from NAND Boot Sectors (via code in BIOS ROM)
  Stage 2: Load Stage 3 from NAND Filesystem
  Stage 3: Contains GUI and allows to boot Cartridges or NAND files

Stage 1
The first stage of the DSi's bootloader lives in ROM, presumably on the CPU die. It loads further encrypted (and probably signed) stages from NAND flash, starting with a (partially unencrypted) offset table in the sector at 0x200.
Not much is known about this bootloader yet, but it presumably knows how to:
  Initialize the encryption hardware
  Read the contents of NVRAM
  Initialize both LCDs
  Read blocks (but not files) from the NAND flash
  Perform some variety of integrity check on all data it reads(signature,CRC,?)
  Display basic hexadecimal error codes
  Possibly factory-programming the NAND flash?
  Might also do basic power-on self test of peripherals
When the Stage 1 bootloader (in ROM) fails, it displays a 32-bit hexadecimal number on the top screen, known Stage 1 error codes are:
  Error Code Description
  0000FE00   Error communicating NAND chip (It's missing, CLK shorted, etc.)
  0000FEFC   Integrity error in first block of Stage 2 (address at 220h)
  0000FEFD   Integrity error in second block of Stage 2 (address at 230h)
  0000FEFE   Boot sector integrity error (Sector 200h not valid), or error
               in NVRAM contents.

Stage 2
Unlike the stage1 bootloader, which must be small enough to fit in ROM (probably several kilobytes), the stage2 bootloader has about a megabyte of NAND flash reserved for it. The stage2 bootloader understands partitions and filesystems, and it is capable of loading the DSi menu. It also must understand the encryption used on filesystem blocks in the NAND, and it must understand how to load and validate title metadata.
The Stage 2 loader was not modified by the System Menu 1.4 update. This is still earlier in the boot process than the "Health and Safety" warning.
The first stage bootloader reads sector 0x200 in order to find a table of offsets to the Stage 2 bootloader:
  00000220  00 08 00 00 10 64 02 00  00 80 7b 03 00 66 02 00 |.....d....{..f..|
  00000230  00 6e 02 00 88 75 02 00  00 80 7b 03 00 76 02 00 |.n...u....{..v..|
  00000240  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
This appears to be describing two chunks of the stage2 loader, one 0x26410 bytes in length at address 0x800, and one 0x27588 bytes at address 0x26e00.
Note that this sector (and two similar ones at 0x400 and 0x600) appear to be the only unencrypted blocks on the NAND flash.
It is unclear why there are two pieces which are nearly but not quite the same size. Passive traces of the boot sequence confirm that the 0x26e00 chunk is slightly larger, and it's loaded first. The 0x800 chunk is read immediately after the 0x26e00 chunk.
Whereas the filesystem data in NAND is encrypted using a unique key for every DSi, the stage2 bootloader is identical on every DSi tested so far. This probably means that it is encrypted using a fixed key included in stage1.

After Stage 2 is loaded:
  1. The NAND flash is partially re-initialized
  2. Sector 0 is read from the NAND. Appears to be (encrypted) DOS-style MBR.
  3. The MBR signature and the type of the first partition are verified.
  4. Filesystem metadata is read from sectors starting around 0x100000. The
       metadata appears to be in FAT format with long filenames.
  5. Multiple files are loaded from the filesystem. The exact read addresses
       will vary depending on your DSi's firmware version and the state of
       its filesystem when you performed the last firmware update. On a brand
       new DSi, it appears that the DSi Menu itself is loaded from 0xb20000
       after two small metadata files are read from 0xb1c000 and 0x7a0000.

All Stage 2 errors show before the health and safety screen. It appears that Stage 2 errors from a cold power-on always cause the DSi to hang at a black screen, whereas Stage 2 errors after reset (pressing but not holding the power button) will give an error message screen. Known Stage 2 errors:
  Text                    Description
  "Error: 1-2435-8325"    Invalid signature or partition type in MBR,
                            invalid starting LBA.
  "Error: 2-2435-8325"    Error reading fat/sectors from eMMC
  "Error: 3-2435-8325"    DSi Menu integrity checks failed

Boot Sectors in DSi Debug version
Debug version bootsectors are almost same as in retail version: There's an extra RSA key inserted at ARM9:37CEADCh, and lots of B/BL/BLX/LDR addresses have changed due to the inserted bytes, but, apart from that changes, only 5 opcodes are really different, ARM9:37C07A0h, ARM9:37C0864h, ARM7:37B9110h, ARM7:37B9200h do trigger errors when SCFG_DEBUG bit0-1 are zero (opposite of retail version), and ARM9:37B8BA4h uses the extra RSA key at 37CEADCh for Debug Launcher (instead of the retail key at 1FFC400h).

  DSi SD/MMC Device List

The Device List is automatically copied to ARM7 RAM address defined in cartheader[1D4h] by firmware. The 400h-byte list is mainly used for DSiware/firmware titles (DSi ROM titles will usually just receive an empty zerofilled 400h-byte list; unless maybe if they are flagged to use SD/MMC hardware in cartheader?). There appears to be no range check for the cartheader[1D4h] entry (setting it to zero causes the list to be 'written' to ARM7 ROM area).

Device List, 400h-bytes, loaded to ARM7/RAM address from cartheader[1D4h]
  000h 54h*11 Device List (max 11 entries)
  39Ch 24h    Zerofilled
  3C0h 40h    Name 'nand:/title/000300tt/4ggggggg/content/' + 00h's
Format of the 54h-byte device list entries:
  00h  1    Drive Letter ("A".."I")
  01h  1    Flags (see below)
  02h  1    Access Rights (bit1=Write, bit2=Read)
  03h  1    Zero
  04h  10h  Device Name (eg. "nand" or "dataPub") (zeropadded)
  14h  40h  Path (zeropadded)
Bits in Flags byte:
  0    Physical Drive (0=External SD Slot, 1=Internal eMMC)
  1-2  Zero (maybe MSBs of Drive)
  3-4  Device Type (0=Physical, 1=Virtual/File, 2=Virtual/Folder, 3=Reserved)
  5    Partition (0=1st, 1=2nd)
  6    Zero (maybe MSB of Partition)
  7    Encrypt? (set for eMMC physical devices; not for virtual, not for SD)
The DSi has 9 default devices ("A"-"I"):
  Letter/Flags     Name       Path                   ;Notes
  'A',81h,06h,00h  'nand'     '/'                    ;eMMC Cart Partition 1
  'B',A1h,06h,00h  'nand2'    '/'                    ;eMMC Cart Partition 2
  'C',11h,04h,00h  'content'  'nand:/title/000300tt/4ggggggg/content'
  'D',11h,04h,00h  'shared1'  'nand:/shared1'        ;TWLCFGn.dat
  'E',11h,06h,00h  'shared2'  'nand:/shared2'        ;Sound and wrap.bin
  'F',31h,06h,00h  'photo'    'nand2:/photo'         ;Camera photos/frames
  'G',09h,06h,00h  'dataPrv'  'nand:/title/000300tt/4ggggggg/data/private.sav'
  'H',09h,06h,00h  'dataPub'  'nand:/title/000300tt/4ggggggg/data/public.sav'
  'I',00h,06h,00h  'sdmc'     '/'                    ;SD Cart Partition 1
Depending on the cartheader, usually only 5-8 of that 9 devices are copied to the device list in RAM, and Access Rights for some devices can be crippled in the RAM list entries).
A and B: These physical eMMC partitions are always included in the list (because they are needed as parent entries for Virtual devices), however, their Access Rights are usually set to 00h (unless Title ID indicates a system file; with cartheader[234h].bit4=1).
C and E: These virtual devices are passed ONLY to System Menu (Launcher)... hmmm, or actually, the Launcher doesn't receive ANY device list at all?
G and H: Present only if Title ID indicates DSiware/firmware; with cartheader[234h].bit2=1 (ie. not ROM carts), and only if public/private.sav sizes are nonzero in carthdr[238h/23Ch].
A-H: removed from list if carthdr[1B4h].4=0 (no eMMC access).
I: removed from list if carthdr[1B4h].3=0 (no SD card access).
Some games may adjust the Device List AFTER booting. For example, Flipnote changes the "photo" (F) Access Rights to 04h, and appends an extra device at the end of the list, using a spare drive letter (C):
  'C',09h,06h,00h  'share'    'nand:/shared2/0000'   ;Sound file
Other device names that have been spotted here or there:
  'verdata'   for Version Data NARC file
  'rom'       for executable's NitroROM filesystem
Apart from Virtual Devices, there are also some Virtual Filename Placeholders:
  'nand:/<tmpjump>'     --> 'nand:/tmp/'
  'nand:/<sharedFont>'  --> 'nand:/sys/TWLFontTable.dat'
  'nand:/<verdata>'     --> 'nand:/title/0003000f/484e4c%02x/content/'
  'nand:/<banner>'      --> ..... '/data/banner.sav'
  ':<srl>'              --> .....

  DSi SD/MMC Complete List of SD/MMC Files/Folders

DSi eMMC Partition 1 (FAT16)
  SYS          <DIR>    sys
  LOG          <DIR>     log
  PRODUCT  LOG 0000023D   product.log
  SYSMENU  LOG 00004000   sysmenu.log
  SHOP     LOG 00000020   shop.log
  HWINFO_S DAT 00004000  HWINFO_S.dat
  HWINFO_N DAT 00004000  HWINFO_N.dat
  CERT     SYS 00000F40  cert.sys
  HWID     SGN 00000100  HWID.sgn
  TWLFON~1 DAT 000D2C40  TWLFontTable.dat
  DEV      KP  000001BE
  TITLE        <DIR>    title
  00030017     <DIR>     00030017 (aka System Menu)
  484E4150     <DIR>      484e4150 (aka Launcher)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PRIVATE  SAV 00004000     private.sav
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00000002 APP 0019E400
  00030015     <DIR>     00030015 (aka System Base Tools)
  484E4250     <DIR>      484e4250 (aka System Settings)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00000002 APP 00285C00
  484E4650     <DIR>      484e4650 (aka Nintendo DSi Shop)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PRIVATE  SAV 00004000     private.sav
  EC       CFG 00000134     ec.cfg
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000004 APP 00526400
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  0003000F     <DIR>     0003000f (aka System Data)
  484E4341     <DIR>      484e4341 (aka Wifi Firmware)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00000002 APP 00017E60
  484E4841     <DIR>      484e4841 (aka Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00000001 APP 0004B1D0
  484E4C50     <DIR>      484e4c50 (aka Version Data)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000004 APP 00001B50
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00030005     <DIR>     00030005 (aka System Fun Tools)
  484E4441     <DIR>      484e4441 (aka DS Download Play)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00000001 APP 00069BC0
  484E4541     <DIR>      484e4541 (aka Pictochat)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000000 APP 00074FC0
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  484E4950     <DIR>      484e4950 (aka Nintendo DSi Camera)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PRIVATE  SAV 00080000     private.sav
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00000002 APP 00443C00
  484E4A50     <DIR>      484e4a50 (aka Nintendo Zone)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PRIVATE  SAV 00100000     private.sav
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000003 APP 0014D000
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  484E4B50     <DIR>      484e4b50 (aka Nintendo DSi Sound)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PRIVATE  SAV 00080000     private.sav
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000002 APP 00451000
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  00030004     <DIR>     00030004 (aka DSiware)
  484E4750     <DIR>      484e4750 (aka Nintendo DSi Browser)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PRIVATE  SAV 00200000     private.sav
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000001 APP 008F1C00
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  4B475556     <DIR>      4b475556 (aka Flipnote Studio)
  DATA         <DIR>       data
  PUBLIC   SAV 007F0000     public.sav
  CONTENT      <DIR>       content
  00000000 APP 00348400
  TITLE    TMD 00000208     title.tmd
  TICKET       <DIR>    ticket
  00030017     <DIR>     00030017 (aka System Menu)
  484E4150 TIK 000002C4   484e4150.tik (aka Launcher)
  00030015     <DIR>     00030015 (aka System Base Tools)
  484E4250 TIK 000002C4   484e4250.tik (aka System Settings)
  484E4650 TIK 000002C4   484e4650.tik (aka Nintendo DSi Shop)
  0003000F     <DIR>     0003000f (aka System Data)
  484E4341 TIK 000002C4   484e4341.tik (aka Wifi Firmware)
  484E4841 TIK 000002C4   484e4841.tik (aka Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist)
  484E4C50 TIK 000002C4   484e4c50.tik (aka Version Data)
  00030005     <DIR>     00030005 (aka System Fun Tools)
  484E4441 TIK 000002C4   484e4441.tik (aka DS Download Play)
  484E4541 TIK 000002C4   484e4541.tik (aka Pictochat)
  484E4950 TIK 000002C4   484e4950.tik (aka Nintendo DSi Camera)
  484E4A50 TIK 000002C4   484e4a50.tik (aka Nintendo Zone)
  484E4B50 TIK 000002C4   484e4b50.tik (aka Nintendo DSi Sound)
  00030004     <DIR>     00030004 (aka DSiware)
  484E4750 TIK 000002C4   484e4750.tik (aka Nintendo DSi Browser)
  4B414D56 TIK 000002C4   4b414d56.tik (aka Paper Plane)
  4B443956 TIK 000002C4   4b443956.tik (aka Dr. Mario)
  4B475556 TIK 000002C4   4b475556.tik (aka Flipnote Studio)
  4B4D3958 TIK 000002C4   4b4d3958.tik (aka Magic Made Fun: Deep Psyche)
  SHARED1      <DIR>    shared1
  TWLCFG0  DAT 00004000  TWLCFG0.dat
  TWLCFG1  DAT 00004000  TWLCFG1.dat
  SHARED2      <DIR>    shared2
  LAUNCHER     <DIR>     launcher
  WRAP     BIN 00004000   wrap.bin
  0000         00200000  0000
  IMPORT       <DIR>    import
  TMP          <DIR>    tmp
  ES           <DIR>     es
  WRITE        <DIR>      write
  PROGRESS     <DIR>    progress

DSi eMMC Partition 2 (FAT12)
  PHOTO        <DIR>    photo
  PRIVATE      <DIR>     private
  DS           <DIR>      ds
  APP          <DIR>       app
  484E494A     <DIR>        484E494A (aka Nintendo DSi Camera Stuff)
  PIT      BIN 00001F60      pit.bin
  DCIM         <DIR>     DCIM
  100NIN02     <DIR>      100NIN02
  HNI_0008 JPG 0000AB51    HNI_0008.JPG
  HNI_0009 JPG 00009A96    HNI_0009.JPG
  HNI_0010 JPG 0000932B    HNI_0010.JPG
  HNI_0011 JPG 00009CB8    HNI_0011.JPG
  HNI_0012 JPG 00009CA9    HNI_0012.JPG
  HNI_0013 JPG 00009A3B    HNI_0013.JPG

DSi eMMC Partition 3 (unformatted)
There's a small 3rd partition in MBR, but it's left unformatted (the VBR and FAT and everything is left zero-filled). Unknown if there are any cases where this partition is used, and if so: if it's meant to be encrypted or unencrypted. In case it's meant to be encrypted: Observe that the unformatted partition contains UNENCRYPTED zeroes (so trying to "decrypt" those zeroes would produce random garbage data).

SD Card
DSiware (including Browser and Flipnote) can be exported to SD Card (via System Menu, Data Managment).
Camera Photos and Frames can be exported (via Nintendo DSi Camera, Options, Copy) (Frames are some sort of gaudi-masks that can be used (and created) via one of the Camera special effect features; the mask uses YELLOW as transparent color). As on eMMC storage, all photos from internal camera are mirrored horizontally.
  PRIVATE      <DIR>    private
  DS           <DIR>     ds
  TITLE        <DIR>      title                                     ;\
  484E4750 BIN 9.180K      484E4750.bin (aka Nintendo DSi Browser)  ; dsiware
  4B475556 BIN 11.510K     4B475556.bin (aka Flipnote Studio)       ; games
  HNB_     LST 2K          HNB_.lst     (content: "VUGKPGNH")       ;/
  APP          <DIR>      app
  484E494A     <DIR>       484E494A (aka Nintendo DSi Camera Stuff) ;\
  PIT      BIN 47K          pit.bin                                 ; camera
  DCIM         <DIR>        DCIM                                    ; frames
  100NIN02     <DIR>         100NIN02                               ;
  HNI_0001 JPG 45K            HNI_0001.JPG  ;-frame/mask            ;/
  4B475556     <DIR>       4B475556 (aka Flipnote Studio Stuff)     ;\
  RECENT10 PLS 4K           recent10.pls                            ;
  MARK0    PLS 8K           mark0.pls                               ; flipnote
  MARK1    PLS 8K           mark1.pls                               ; stuff
  MARK2    PLS 8K           mark2.pls                               ;
  MARK3    PLS 8K           mark3.pls                               ;
  001          <DIR>        001                                     ;
  DIRMEMO2 LST 157K         dirmemo2.lst                            ;
  F08243~1 PPM 467K         F08243_0E5E2296197E5_000.ppm            ;/
  DCIM         <DIR>    DCIM
  101NIN02     <DIR>     101NIN02           ;<-- can be 100NIN02 thru 999NIN02
  HNI_0001 JPG 43K        HNI_0001.JPG      ;\dsi camera photos
  HNI_0002 JPG 17K        HNI_0002.JPG      ; (names are numbered differently
  HNI_0003 JPG 39K        HNI_0003.JPG      ;/as on eMMC where they came from)
Reportedly, the "Nintendo DSi Sound" application can also access audio files in AAC format, saved in any folders on SD Card.
Aside from DSi-related files, the SD Card can also contain whatever files from other computers.

The System Menu, Data Management feature is referring to filesizes & free space in "Blocks" (aka 128Mbytes units, aka 1Mbit units).

  DSi SD/MMC Summary of SD/MMC Files/Folders

File/folder names
The DSi is using weird numeric strings as file/folder names:
  000000vv Title Version (hex? decimal?) as carthdr[1Eh]
  4ggggggg Title ID Gamecode (hex) as carthdr[230h..233h]
  000300tt Title ID Filetype (hex) as carthdr[234h..237h]
  HNI_nnnn Camera photo/frame files (nnnn = 0001..0100 decimal)
  nnnNIN02 Camera photo/frame folders (nnn = 100..999 decimal)
The "000300tt" can be:
  00030000 ROM Cartridges (as so for ROMs, doesn't appear in SD/MMC files)
  00030004 DSiware (browser, flipnote, and games) (if any installed)
  00030005 System Fun Tools (camera, sound, zone, pictochat, ds download play)
  0003000f System Data (non-executable, without carthdr)
  00030015 System Base Tools (system settings, dsi shop, 3ds transfer tool)
  00030017 System Menu (launcher)
The "4ggggggg" can be (last two digits are region(s), or "41" for all regions):
  484e41gg System Menu (Launcher)
  484e42gg System Settings
  484e4341 Wifi Firmware (non-executable datafile) (all regions)
  484e4441 DS Download Play (all regions)
  484e4541 Pictochat (all regions) (no update available)
  484e46gg Nintendo DSi Shop
  484e47gg Nintendo DSi Browser
  484e4841 Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist (non-executable datafile) (all regions)
  484e49gg Nintendo DSi Camera
  484e4agg Nintendo Zone
  484e4bgg Nintendo DSi Sound
  484e4cgg Version Data (non-executable datafile)
  484e4fgg Nintendo 3DS Transfer Tool (non-freeware)
  484E494A Nintendo DSi Camera Data (uppercase) ("japan") (aka all regions)
  4b44474a Dokodemo Wii no Ma (japan only)
  4b4755gg Flipnote Studio
  4bgggggg DSiware games... (whatever games you have purchased, if any)
These files can be stored in Internal eMMC, or on external SD card, and can be downloaded from Nintendo's server (when buying games, or updating system files).

DSi Internal eMMC
Internal eMMC can contain System files and any purchased DSiware games:
  FAT16:\ticket\000300tt\4ggggggg.tik (encrypted)      ;ticket (708 bytes)
  FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\content\title.tmd     ;tmd (520 bytes)
  FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\content\  ;executable (decrypted)
  FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\public.sav       ;size as carthdr[238h]
  FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\private.sav      ;size as carthdr[23Ch]
  FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\ec.cfg           ;dsi shop only
  FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\banner.sav       ;if carthdr[1BFh].bit2=1
Note that some of the above files are containing their own virtual filesystem inside of the eMMC's FAT16 filesystem (NitroROM filesystems in "" files, and FAT12 filesystems in "public.sav" and "private.sav" files).
The System tools (menu, settings, and shop) are also storing further data on FAT16 (outside of the ticket and title folders):
  FAT16:\shared1\TWLCFG0.dat            ;16K
  FAT16:\shared1\TWLCFG1.dat            ;16K
  FAT16:\shared2\launcher\wrap.bin      ;16K
  FAT16:\shared2\0000                   ;2048K (sound recorder)
  FAT16:\sys\log\product.log            ;573 bytes
  FAT16:\sys\log\sysmenu.log            ;16K
  FAT16:\sys\log\shop.log               ;32 bytes
  FAT16:\sys\HWINFO_S.dat               ;16K
  FAT16:\sys\HWINFO_N.dat               ;16K
  FAT16:\sys\cert.sys                   ;3904 bytes
  FAT16:\sys\HWID.sgn                   ;256 bytes (unknown purpose/content)
  FAT16:\sys\TWLFontTable.dat           ;843.1K (D2C40h bytes) (compressed)
  FAT16:\sys\                     ;446 bytes (encrypted)
  FAT16:\import\                        ;empty folder
  FAT16:\progress\                      ;empty folder
  FAT16:\tmp\es\write\                  ;empty folder
The Camera is storing further data on the eMMC FAT12 partition:
  FAT12:\photo\DCIM\100NIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG                        ;camera photos
  FAT12:\photo\private\ds\app\484E494A\pit.bin                   ;camera info
  FAT12:\photo\private\ds\app\484E494A\DCIM\100NIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG;camera frames
And, there's a small 3rd eMMC partition in MBR, but it's left unformatted (the VBR and FAT and everything is left zero-filled).

DSi External SD Card
DSiware games (and browser and flipnote) can be copied to SD card (via System Menu, Data Managment) (however, the DSi doesn't seem to allow to execute files on SD card, so they can be used only if they are copied back to the DSi):
  SD:\private\ds\title\4GGGGGGG.bin    ;executable/data in one file (encrypted)
  SD:\private\ds\title\HNB_.lst        ;list of gamecodes
Camera data can be copied to SD card (via Nintendo DSi Camera, Options, Copy):
  SD:\DCIM\nnnNIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG                            ;camera photos
  SD:\private\ds\app\484E494A\pit.bin                       ;camera info
  SD:\private\ds\app\484E494A\DCIM\nnnNIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG    ;camera frames
Flipnote "movies" can be also saved on SD card:
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\recent10.pls     ;Recently saved path/filenames
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark0.pls        ;Heart sticker path/filenames
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark1.pls        ;Crown sticker path/filenames
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark2.pls        ;Music sticker path/filenames
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark3.pls        ;Skull sticker path/filenames
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\001\dirmemo2.lst ;List of all files in folder
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\001\XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.ppm          ;normal
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\YYYYMMDD\NNN\XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.ppm ;backup
  SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\gif\XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.gif          ;gif
The Nintendo DSi Sound utility can read AAC files from SD card (though it doesn't seem to allow to save your own recordings to SD card?). There appears to be no special folder location, ie. the AAC files can be anywhere:

DSi Shop and System Update Download URLs
The "cetk" file contains the encrypted ticket. The "cetk" file is available only for freeware downloads (eg. system updates). Commercial DSi Shop titles can be downloaded the same way, except that the ticket must be somehow purchased/downloaded separetely.
Nintendo does keep hosting older "00000vv" versions (except, the original version, "00000000" isn't available in all cases; namely if the title was pre-installed on all DSi's then it would be pointless to provide it as update).

NUS Downloader Notation
The homebrew NUS Downloader utility for PCs comes up with its own renaming scheme:
  d:\...\TITLES\000300tt4ggggggg\ddd\000000vv      ;executable (encrypted)
  d:\...\TITLES\000300tt4ggggggg\ddd\000000vv.APP  ;executable (decrypted)
  d:\...\TITLES\000300tt4ggggggg\ddd\CETK          ;cetk (2468 bytes)
  d:\...\TITLES\000300tt4ggggggg\ddd\TMD           ;tmd (520 bytes)
Whereas, "ddd" is same as "000000vv" multiplied by 256 decimal (which is nonsense and redundant). The decrypted ".APP" file is generated only if the "common key" is found in 16-byte file "dsikey.bin".

  DSi SD/MMC Images

Filesystem Viewer
no$gba debug version is allowing to view the filesystem tree from encrypted eMMC images (via menubar: Window, Filesystem), the filesystem viewer is also able to export single files from eMMC and SD images (by double-clicking separate files).
  XXX    currently, the double-clicked file will be saved as "TEMP.TMP",
  XXX    in no$gba folder (there is no "Save as" dialog yet)

Current no$gba version is also able to emulate read-access to eMMC images (write-access will require further research; or further guessing, since eMMC access cannot be tested on real hardware, at least not without sudokuhax).
Another idea for future would be using files & folders on the PC filesystem instead of a single image file (that might be easier to deal with in some cases, but for the reverse-engineering stage it's better to stick with original authentic images).

Encrypted eMMC Images
no$gba can emulate up to 12 consoles simultaneously, and expects the eMMC images having following filename(s), in no$gba folder:
  DSi-#.mmc             ;eMMC for machine 1..12 (# = 1..C hex)
the eMMC images are encrypted with per-console keys, so decryption won't work without knowing the console ID values. no$gba expects that info to be stored in a 40h-byte Footer at the end of the file:
  0000000h ..  Encrypted eMMC image (usually 240Mbyte for DSi)
  F000000h 16  Footer ID      ("DSi eMMC CID/CPU")
  F000010h 16  eMMC CID       (dd ss ss ss ss 03 4D 30 30 46 50 41 00 00 15 00)
  F000020h 8   CPU/Console ID (nn n1 nn nn nn 0n A2 08)
  F000028h 24  Reserved       (zerofilled)

SD Card Images
no$gba supports SD Card images in similar fashion as above eMMC images, but without needing any footer since there's encryption on SD cards. The image should contain a pre-formatted MBR and FAT (as real SD cards do).              ;SD Card for machine 1..12 (# = 1..C hex)
note: no$gba does currently support only 128MB SDSC images (the CID, CSD, OCR, SCR, SSR registers are hardcoded for images with 125698048 byte size), there is a .zip file with empry pre-formatted SD image in the no$gba package (if you want to use that image: unzip it to the no$gba folder).

Dumping eMMC Images
DSiware exploits like sudokuhax are allowing to access SD/MMC hardware (so one could simply copy all eMMC sectors to a file on SD Card).
Unfortunately, most/other exploits don't have SD/MMC access, so dumping would work only when the eMMC chip to a SD/MMC card reader. For details, see:
For obtaining the Console IDs, see:
DSi Console IDs

  DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on Internal eMMC Storage

DSiware games (downloaded from DSi Shop), and pre-installed System Tools are consisting of following files:

FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\content\ ;executable (decrypted)
Contains the executable, with same header as used in Cartridge ROM images, and usually with a NitroROM File System (ie. a second virtual filesystem inside of the FAT16 filesystem).
DSi Cartridge Header
DS Cartridge NitroROM and NitroARC File Systems
Note: There are also three non-executable ".app" files without cartridge headers (Wifi Firmware, Version Data, and DS Cart Whitelist).

FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\public.sav ;size as carthdr[238h]
FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\private.sav ;size as carthdr[23Ch]
These files can contain whatever save data. The .sav files are usually containing a FAT12 with its own VBR, FAT, and Directories (so they use some virtual FAT12 inside of the real FAT16).
When exporting a game to SD Card (via System Settings, Data Managment), then public.sav (eg. used by Flipnote) will be included in the exported image, whilst private.sav (eg. used by DSi Browser) won't be included.

FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\ec.cfg ;dsi shop only
Whatever extra file, encrypted, 134h bytes, used by DSi Shop only.

FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\data\banner.sav ;if carthdr[1BFh].bit2=1
Custom icon, used by some games to indicate the game progress. Format is similar as Icon/Title, but containing only animated icon data (without title). For details, see:
DS Cartridge Icon/Title

FAT16:\title\000300tt\4ggggggg\content\title.tmd ;tmd (520 bytes)
FAT16:\ticket\000300tt\4ggggggg.tik (encrypted) ;ticket (708 bytes)
FAT16:\ticket\000300tt\00000000.tik (encrypted) ;multi-tik? (N*708 bytes?)
These files do contain title metadata (.tmd) and tickets (.tik).
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Tickets and Title metadata
The .tik files are encrypted with ES Block Encryption (using same key X/Y as for
  KEY_X[00h..03h] = 4E00004Ah                           ;\
  KEY_X[04h..07h] = 4A00004Eh                           ; same as for Tad
  KEY_X[08h..0Bh] = Port[4004D00h+4] xor C80C4B72h      ;
  KEY_X[0Ch..0Fh] = Port[4004D00h+0]                    ;/
  KEY_Y[00h..0Fh] = Constant (E5,CC,5A,8B,...)  ;from ARM7BIOS
DSi ES Block Encryption
Note: Tickets are kept stored in eMMC even after deleting titles (that's allowing to redownload the titles for free; at least as long as the DSi shop is online).

Below "wrap.bin" and "menusave.dat" files are containing lists of installed titles, however, it isn't neccessary to edit those files when manually installing .tmd/.app/.tik files.

FAT16:\shared2\launcher\wrap.bin (16Kbytes)
Contains a list of installed DSiware Title IDs (in no specific order).
  0000h 14h   SHA1 on entries [014h..03Fh]
  0014h 14h   SHA1 on entries [028h..177h]
  0028h 4     ID ("APWR") (aka 'WRAP' with mis-ordered letters)
  002Ch 4     Size of entries at [040h..177h] (00000138h, aka 39*8)
  0030h 10h   Zerofilled
  0040h 138h  Space for 39 Title IDs (as at cart[230h]) (8x00h=unused entry)
  0178h 3E88h Unknown (looks like random/garbage, or encrypted junk)

FAT16:\title\00030017\484e41gg\data\private.sav:\menusave.dat (System Menu)
This private.sav file contains a 4000h-byte FAT12 image. The FAT12 contains only one file: menusave.dat (154h bytes), containing a list of Title IDs (and their sort-order how they are arranged in System Menu; users can drag the icons to rearrange their ordering):
  0000h 4     ID ("TSSV")
  0004h 4     Zerofilled (used somehow, can be nonzero?)
  0008h 2     CRC16 on [000h..0153h], initial value 5356h, assume [008h]=0000h
  000Ah 6     Zerofilled
  0010h 39x8  Title IDs (gg,gg,gg,gg,tt,00,03,00) (0=NDS CartSlot or Unused)
  0148h 8     Zerofilled
  0150h 4     Index of NDS CartSlot Entry (0..39)
The current selection isn't stored in this file (instead, the Title ID of the most recently selected title is stored in the TWLCFGn.dat files).
Note that the "Nintendo Zone" utility isn't included in this list (even though it's present in title & ticket folders, and listed in wrap.bin).

  DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on External SD Card (.bin aka Tad Files)

The DSi can export applications from NAND to SD (via System Settings --> Data Managment). The ".bin" files created on SD are using the "Tad file structure", and alongsides, there's a "HNB_.lst" file containing a list of game codes.

SD:\private\ds\title\HNB_.lst (list of gamecodes)
  000h 1200  List of 300 gamecodes, spelled backwards (or zero = unused entry)
  4B0h 1     Language (0=Jap, 1=Eng, 2=Fre, 3=Ger, 4=Ita, 5=Spa, 6=Chi, 7=Kor?)
  4B1h 3     Zero
  4B4h 2     CRC16 on entries [000h..4B3h] (with initial value FFFFh)
  4B6h 2     Zero
For example, "VUGK" in HNB_.lst would indicate gamecode KGUV aka "Flipnote Studio" for EUR/AUS regions. And the corresponding SD Card file would be "SD:\private\ds\title\4B475556.bin" (with the 4-letter gamecode encoded as 8-digit uppercase HEX number). The full 16-digit on eMMC storage would be "00030004\4b475556" (in lowercase, and with the "00030004" implied for the DSiWare folder; files from system folders cannot be exported to SD Card).
The Language byte reflects the System Settings's language selection at time when the HNB_.lst was created or modified (unknown why that info is stored in the file).

SD:\private\ds\title\4GGGGGGG.bin (encrypted executable/data in one file)
  Offset   Size       Key  Description
  000000h  4000h+20h  FIX  Icon/Title
  004020h  B4h+20h    FIX  Header
  0040F4h  440h+20h   FIX  Footer (certificates/hashes)
  004554h  208h+20h   VAR  title.tmd (usually 208h bytes; but could be bigger)
  00477Ch  size+N*20h VAR
  ...      0          ?    seven N/A parts (unknown if/when they are used)
  ...      size+N*20h FIX  public.sav  (if any)
  ...      ?          ?    banner.sav  (if any)
ES Block Encryption is used to encrypt the header block, footer block, and the 11 content parts. Each are their own seperate ES blocks.
DSi ES Block Encryption
Some of the above blocks use fixed keys (FIX):
  KEY_X[00h..0Fh] = Constant ("Nintendo DS",...)
  KEY_Y[00h..0Fh] = Constant (66 82 32 04 ...)  ;from ARM7BIOS
  since above X/Y are constant, that gives a fixed normal key:
  KEY[00h..0Fh]   = Constant (3D A3 EA 33 ...)  ;as used in "dsi srl extract"
Other blocks use variable per-console keys (VAR):
  KEY_X[00h..03h] = 4E00004Ah                           ;\
  KEY_X[04h..07h] = 4A00004Eh                           ; same as for
  KEY_X[08h..0Bh] = Port[4004D00h+4] xor C80C4B72h      ;
  KEY_X[0Ch..0Fh] = Port[4004D00h+0]                    ;/
  KEY_Y[00h..0Fh] = Constant (CC FC A7 03 ...)  ;from ARM7BIOS
Without knowing the console-specifc Port[4004D00h] value, the data could be decrypted only by the DSi console that has originally exported the file to SD card.
However, Nintendo has somehow (maybe accidently) managed to store the Port[4004D00h] value as 16-digit ASCII string in the "TW cert"; which can be decrypted right from the SD card file (as done by the homebrew "dsi srl extract" utility).

Decrypted Icon/Title (at 0000h, size 4000h)
  0000h 23C0h  Icon/Title (usually 23C0h bytes) ;see carthdr[068h,208h]
  23C0h 1C40h  Zerofilled (padding to get 4000h byte size)

Decrypted Header block (at 4020h, size B4h)
  000h  4      Fixed ID "4ANT" (aka TNA4, spelled backwards)
  004h  2      Maker Code, spelled backwards ("10"=Nintendo) ;carthdr[010h]
  006h  1      Zero
  007h  1      Title version (vv)                            ;carthdr[01Eh]
  008h  6      DSi MAC Address, spelled backwards            ;wifi_flash[036h]
  00Eh  2      Zero
  010h  16     Some console ID from HWINFO_N.dat             ;datfile[8Ch..9Bh]
  020h  8      Title ID (gg gg gg gg 04 00 03 00)            ;carthdr[230h]
  028h  4      Size of title.tmd    (usually 208h+20h)
  02Ch  4      Size of (size+N*20h)             ;carthdr[210h]
  030h  4*7    Size of seven N/A parts (0)
  04Ch  4      Size of public.sav   (size+N*20h)             ;carthdr[238h]
  050h  4      Size of banner.sav?  (usually 0)       ;carthdr[1BFh].bit2=1
  054h  8 * 4  List of eight Content IDs in same order as title.tmd
  074h  0x3e   Reserved section per tmds, uh? (mostly zero, plus garbage?)
  0B2h  2      Unknown (zero)

Decrypted Footer block (at 40F4h, size 460h)
  000h  20     SHA1 of Icon/Title
  014h  20     SHA1 of TNA4
  028h  20     SHA1 of title.tmd
  03Ch  20     SHA1 of
  040h  20*7   SHA1 of seven N/A parts (unused, can be whatever garbage)
  0DCh  20     SHA1 of public.sav
  0F0h  20     SHA1 of banner.sav
  104h  3Ch    ECC signature of [000h..103h] with AP cert
  140h  180h   AP cert, signed by TW cert
  2C0h  180h   TW cert, specific to a console (see

Much like the Wii, the DSi carries with it a private ECC key that it can use to sign things, and a certificate signed by Nintendo that attests to the fact that the public ECC key belongs to a genuine DSi.

  DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files from Nintendo's Server
The "000000vv" file contains the ".app" file (in encrypted form).
  Server:  "000000vv"      (AES-CBC encrypted, raw)
  eMMC:    ""  (decrypted, raw)
  SD Card: "GGGGGGGG.bin"  (ES-block encrypted, with extra data)
First, the encrypted Title Key must be decrypted (via AES-CBC):
  KEY[00h..0Fh] = Common Key (AF,1B,F5,16,...)        ;from ARM7BIOS
  IV[00h..07h]  = Title ID (00,03,00,tt,gg,gg,gg,gg)  ;from tik/cetk[1DCh]
  IV[08h..0Fh]  = Zerofilled                          ;padding
  Input: Encrypted Title Key                          ;from tik/cetk[1BFh]
  Output: Decrypted Title Key                         ;for use in next step
Then, the actual executable/file can be decrypted (also via AES-CBC):
  KEY[00h..0Fh] = Decrypted Title Key                 ;from above step
  IV[00h..01h]  = Usually Zero (or "Index" from tmd?) ;from tmd[1E8h+N*24h] ?
  IV[02h..0Fh]  = Zerofilled                          ;padding
  Input: Encrypted file "000000vv"                    ;from http download
  Output: Decrypted file ""               ;saved on eMMC
The above decryption steps do require a big-endian AES-CBC software implementation (the DSi hardware supports only little-endian, and it supports only AES-CTR and AES-CCM, and, especially, it supports only the "encrypt" key schedule, whilst AES-CBC would require a different "decrypt" key schedule).
These files do contain tickets ("cetk"), and title metadata ("tmd" for newest version, plus "tmd.nn" for older versions; with nn=0,1,256,257,512 and the like).
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Tickets and Title metadata
The "cetk" file is available only for free system updates (not for titles sold commercially in DSi Shop).

The files can be downloaded with normal web browsers. The homebrew "NUS Downloader" utility is also allowing to download those files (and to decrypt them, provided that the "cetk" is available).
For free system updates, tickets can be downloaded as "cetk" files. For titles sold commercially in DSi ship, tickets must be purchased somehow differently.
For example, the updates for DSi System Settings (EUR) can be downloaded from:
The tmd and cetk files are unencrypted. The 00000002 and 00000003 files are encrypted executables (containing System Settings v2 and v3).

Older Versions
Nintendo is usually keeping older "000000vv" files on their server, so one could still download those older versions.
The oldest/original version would be usually "00000000", however, in case of system files that are pre-installed on all consoles, only later versions are available as updates (ie. starting with "00000001", or for some reason, with "00000002", in case of system settings).
The tmd/cetk files are available only for the newest version (meaning that some cosmetic values like title size & title version are adjusted for the newest version; the cetk's AES-CBC key usually doesn't change for updates, so older versions can be still decrypted with newer cetk's).
Older versions are usually deleted on internal eMMC storage, so only the "" file exists.

  DSi SD/MMC DSiware Tickets and Title metadata

Ticket (cetk aka .tik)
Tickets exist as "cetk" files (as found on Nintendo's server), and as ".tik" files (as found in nand/ticket folder):
  Server:  "cetk"         unencrypted, 2468 bytes (2A4h+700h), tik+certificate
  eMMC:    "gggggggg.tik" encrypted,   708 bytes  (2A4h+20h),  tik+es_block
  SD Card: N/A            N/A, tickets aren't exported to SD card
Tickets are used for decrypting downloads from DSi shop. They are essentially containing a 16-byte AES-CBC decryption key, plus signatures and some other stuff.
  000h  4    Signature Type (00h,01h,00h,01h) (100h-byte RSA)
  004h  100h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across 140h..2A3h
  104h  3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)
  140h  40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001-XS00000006", 00h-padded
  180h  3Ch  ECDH data for one-time installation keys?   ;zero for free tik's
  1BCh  3    Zero
  1BFh  10h  Encrypted AES-CBC Title Key
  1CFh  1    Zero
  1D0h  8    Ticket ID  (00,03,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx) ?
  1D8h  4    Console ID (see "TWxxxxxxxx", zero for free system updates)
  1DCh  8    Title ID       (00,03,00,17,"HNAP")                   ;cart[230h]
  1E4h  2    Zero (Wii: mostly FFFFh)
  1E6h  2    Title Version (vv,00) (LITTLE-ENDIAN!?)       ;NEWEST ;cart[01Eh]
  1E8h  4    Zero (Wii: Permitted Titles Mask)
  1ECh  4    Zero (Wii: Permit mask)
  1F0h  1    Zero (Wii: Allow Title Export using PRNG key, 0=No, 1=Yes)
  1F1h  1    Zero (Wii: Common Key Index, 0=Normal, 1=Korea)
  1F2h  2Fh  Zero
  221h  1    Unknown (01h) (Wii: Unknown, 00h=Non-VC, 01h=VC)
  222h  20h  FFh-filled (Wii: Content access permissions, 1 bit per content)
  242h  20h  00h-filled (Wii: Content access permissions, 1 bit per content)
  262h  2    Zero
  264h  4    Zero   ;Wii: Time Limit Enable  (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  268h  4    Zero   ;Wii: Time Limit Seconds (uh, seconds since/till when?)
  26Ch  38h  Zero   ;Wii: Seven more Time Limits (Enable, Seconds)
  2A4h  700h Certificates (see below) (only in "cetk", not in ".tik)
The Launcher checks some of the permission entries, but it doesn't check RSA for tickets, so one can create own/dummy tickets. The Console ID and Title ID might be also unchecked, so one could possibly simply copy/rename existing tickets (from the same console), or decrypt/copy/re-encrypt tickets (from other consoles).
Note: It seems to be possible to store multiple tickets in one .tik file (in that case each ticket is separately encrypted in 2A4h+20h bytes).

Title metadata (tmd aka .tmd)
Title metadata exists as "tmd" file (as found on Nintendo's server), and as ".tmd" file (as found in eMMC title folders), and it's also included in ".bin" files (in files exported to SD cards):
  Server:  "tmd"          unencrypted, 2312 bytes (208h+700h), tmd+certificate
  Server:  "tmd.nn"       as above, OLDER tmd versions (nn=0,1,256,257,512,etc)
  eMMC:    "title.tmd"    unencrypted, 520 bytes  (208h+0),    tmd
  SD Card: "GGGGGGGG.bin" encrypted, huge file, contains .app+tmd+sav files
Title metadata contains signatures and other useless stuff. One possibly useful feature is that it allows to define more than one "content" per title, however, that feature appears to be only used on Wii. DSi titles are usually having only one content (the ".app" file).
  000h        4    Signature Type (00h,01h,00h,01h) (100h-byte RSA)
  004h        100h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across 140h..207h
  104h        3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)
  140h        40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001-CP00000007", 00h-padded
  180h        1    Version               (00h)
  181h        1    ca_crl_version        (00h)
  182h        1    signer_crl_version    (00h)
  183h        1    Zero       (padding/align 4h)
  184h        8    System Version (0)
  18Ch        8    Title ID       (00,03,00,17,"HNAP")             ;cart[230h]
  194h        4    Title Type     (0)
  198h        2    Group ID       (eg. "01"=Nintendo)              ;cart[010h]
  19Ah        4    SD/MMC "public.sav" filesize in bytes  (0=none) ;cart[238h]
  19Eh        4    SD/MMC "private.sav" filesize in bytes (0=none) ;cart[23Ch]
  1A2h        8    Zerofilled
  1AAh        10h  Parental Control Age Ratings                    ;cart[2F0h]
  1BAh        1Eh  Zerofilled
  1D8h        4    Access rights (0)
  1DCh        2    Title Version (vv,00) (LITTLE-ENDIAN!?) ;NEWEST ;cart[01Eh]
  1DEh        2    Number of contents (at 1E4h and up) (usually 00h,01h)
  1E0h        2    boot index    (0)
  1E2h        2    Zerofilled (padding/align 4h)
  1E4h+N*24h  4    Content ID    (00,00,00,vv)                ;""
  1E8h+N*24h  2    Content Index (00,00)
  1EAh+N*24h  2    Content Type  (00,01)  ;aka DSi .app
  1ECh+N*24h  8    Content Size  (00,00,00,00,00,19,E4,00) ;NEWEST ;cart[210h]
  1F4h+N*24h  14h  Content SHA1  (on decrypted ".app" file);NEWEST
  208h+..     700h Certificates (see below) (only in "tmd", not in ".tmd)
The Launcher does verify the .tmd's RSA signature, and uses the Title/Content IDs to create the path/filename for the .app file. The Version, Size, SHA1 entries are not verified, so one could use any .tmd version with any .app version (when renaming the .app to match the .tmd's Content ID, but that'd be a messy solution, and it's better to use the correct .tmd per .app).
Note: title.tmd is usually/always 208h bytes (one content), max permitted size is 49E4h (200h contents).

Certificates (at end of "cetk" and "tmd) (not in ".tik" or ".tmd)
  cert cetk tmd  siz  content
  000h 2A4h 208h 4    Signature Type (00h,01h,00h,01h)             ;\
  004h 2A8h 20Ch 100h Signature                                    ;
  104h 3A8h 30Ch 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)     ;
  140h 3E4h 348h 40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001", 00h-padded ; 300h bytes
  180h 424h 388h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)       ;
  184h 428h 38Ch 40h  Key Name "XS00000006", 00h-padded            ;
  1C4h 468h 3CCh 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?           ;
  1C8h 46Ch 3D0h 100h Key Public RSA Key                           ;
  2C8h 56Ch 4D0h 4    Key Public RSA Exponent? (00,01,00,01)       ;
  2CCh 570h 4D4h 34h  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)           ;/
  300h 5A4h 508h 4    Signature Type (00h,01h,00h,00h)             ;\
  304h 5A8h 50Ch 200h Signature                                    ;
  504h 7A8h 70Ch 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)     ;
  540h 7E4h 748h 40h  Signature Name "Root" (padded with 00h)      ; 400h bytes
  580h 824h 788h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)       ;
  584h 828h 78Ch 40h  Key Name "CA00000001", 00h-padded            ;
  5C4h 868h 7CCh 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?           ;
  5C8h 86Ch 7D0h 100h Key Public RSA Key                           ;
  6C8h 86Ch 8D0h 4    Key Public RSA Exponent? (00,01,00,01)       ;
  6CCh 970h 8D4h 34h  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)           ;/
Note: Above certificates should be just a 1:1 copy of the entries in cert.sys.
Note: "XS00000006" or "XS00000003" is found in cetk/tik's, in tmd's it's called "CP00000007".

The Title Version and Content Size/SHA1 entries are reflecting the NEWEST ".app" version (but the AES-CBC key should usually/always also work for older versions).
The homebrew NUS Downloader utility is saving TMD (520 bytes; with REMOVED certificate) and CETK (2468 bytes; with included certificate).

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware and cert.sys Certificate Files

FAT16:\sys\cert.sys ;3904 bytes
Data in this file is same on all retail DSi consoles (even for different regions like US and EUR).
  000h 300h  Public RSA Key "XS00000006" signed by "Root-CA00000001"
  300h 400h  Public RSA Key "CA00000001" signed by "Root"
  700h 300h  Public RSA Key "CP00000007" signed by "Root-CA00000001"
  A00h 240h  Private/Public ECC Keys "MS00000008" signed by "Root-CA00000001"
  C40h 300h  Public RSA Key "XS00000003" signed by "Root-CA00000001"
The cert.sys for DSi debug version is different:
  000h 300h  Public RSA Key "CP00000005" signed by "Root-CA00000002"
  300h 300h  Public RSA Key "XS00000006" signed by "Root-CA00000002"
  600h 400h  Public RSA Key "CA00000002" signed by "Root"
  A00h 300h  Public RSA Key "CP00000007" signed by "Root-CA00000002"
More detailed, the retail version of cert.sys looks as so:
  000h 4    Signature Type (00,01,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)        ;\
  004h 100h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across 140h..2FF         ;
  104h 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)            ;
  140h 40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001", 00h-padded        ;
  180h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)              ;
  184h 40h  Key Name "XS00000006", 00h-padded                   ;
  1C4h 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?                  ;
  1C8h 100h Key Public RSA Key (92,FF,96,40..)                  ;
  2C8h 4    Key Public RSA Exponent? (00,01,00,01)              ;
  2CCh 34h  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                  ;/
  300h 4    Signature Type (00,01,00,00) (200h-byte RSA) (!)    ;\
  304h 200h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across 540h..6FF         ;
  504h 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)            ;
  540h 40h  Signature Name "Root", 00h-padded                   ;
  580h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)              ;
  584h 40h  Key Name "CA00000001", 00h-padded                   ;
  5C4h 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?                  ;
  5C8h 100h Key Public RSA Key (B2,79,C9,E2..)                  ;
  6C8h 4    Key Public RSA Exponent? (00,01,00,01)              ;
  6CCh 34h  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                  ;/
  700h 4    Signature Type (00,01,00,00) (100h-byte RSA)        ;\
  704h 100h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across 840h..9FF         ;
  804h 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)            ;
  840h 40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001", 00h-padded        ;
  880h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)              ;
  884h 40h  Key Name "CP00000007", 00h-padded                   ;
  8C4h 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?                  ;
  8C8h 100h Key Public RSA Key (93,BC,0D,1F..)                  ;
  9C8h 4    Key Public RSA Exponent? (00,01,00,01)              ;
  9CCh 34h  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                  ;/
  A00h 4    Signature Type (00,01,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)        ;\
  A04h 100h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across B40h..C3F         ;
  B04h 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)            ;
  B40h 40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001", 00h-padded        ;
  B80h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,02)    ;<-- ECC (not RSA)        ;
  B84h 40h  Key Name "MS00000008", 00h-padded                   ;
  BC4h 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?                  ;
  BC8h 3Ch  Key Public ECC Key? (01,93,6D,08..)                 ;
  C04h 3Ch  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                  ;/
  C40h 4    Signature Type (00,01,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)        ;\
  C44h 100h Signature RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across D80h..F3F         ;
  D44h 3Ch  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)            ;
  D80h 40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001", 00h-padded        ;
  DC0h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,01) (100h-byte RSA)              ;
  DC4h 40h  Key Name "XS00000003", 00h-padded                   ;
  D04h 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?                  ;
  E08h 100h Key Public RSA Key (AD,07,A9,37..)                  ;
  F08h 4    Key Public RSA Exponent? (00,01,00,01)              ;
  F0Ch 34h  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                  ;/
Cert chain for the DSi. Contains certificates with signed keys:
  Root-CA00000001:            used for signing the four certificates below
  Root-CA00000001-CP00000007: used for signing TMDs ("Content Protection"?)
  Root-CA00000001-MS00000008: used for signing per-console ECC keys ("Master"?)
  Root-CA00000001-XS00000003: used for signing tickets from the DSiWare Shop
  Root-CA00000001-XS00000006: used for signing (common) tickets ("access"?)
A similar file with the same name exists on the Wii.

FAT16:\sys\ ;446 bytes (encrypted), 414 bytes (when decrypted)
The file is encrypted with ES Block Encryption (using same key X/Y as for .tik files):
  KEY_X[00h..03h] = 4E00004Ah                           ;\
  KEY_X[04h..07h] = 4A00004Eh                           ; same as for Tad
  KEY_X[08h..0Bh] = Port[4004D00h+4] xor C80C4B72h      ;
  KEY_X[0Ch..0Fh] = Port[4004D00h+0]                    ;/
  KEY_Y[00h..0Fh] = Constant (E5,CC,5A,8B,...)  ;from ARM7BIOS
DSi ES Block Encryption
The contents of an example file after decryption is shown below.
  000h 4    Signature Type (00,01,00,02) (ECC, non-RSA) (!)         ;\
  004h 3Ch  Signature Hex numbers... across... below?               ;
  040h 40h  Signature padding/alignment (zerofilled)                ;
  080h 40h  Signature Name "Root-CA00000001-MS00000008", 00h-padded ;
  0C0h 4    Key Type (00,00,00,02)       (ECC, non-RSA) (!)         ;
  0C4h 40h  Key Name "TWxxxxxxxx-08nnnnnnnnnnn1nn", 00h-padded      ;
  104h 4    Key Random/time/type/flags/chksum?                      ;
  108h 1Eh  Key Public ECC Key                                      ;
  126h 2    Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                      ;
  128h 1Ch  Unknown hex numbers?                                    ;
  144h 3Ch  Key padding/alignment (zerofilled)                      ;
  180h 1Eh  Key Private ECC Key                                     ;/
The "TWxxxxxxxx-08nnnnnnnnnnn1nn" string may vary:
  "TW" might be for DSi only (ie. it might be different on DSi XL or 3DS?)
  "xxxxxxxx" is 8-digit lower-case hex number (unknown where from; for .tik)
  "08nnnnnnnnnnn1nn" is 16-digit lower-case hex number (from Port 4004D00h)
  Signature across rest of block -- type = 0x00010002, ECC
  0000000: 00 01 00 02 00 db da 21 3b e1 f1 bf bb 4d dc 1d
  0000010: 60 29 da 19 42 1e 66 4f a8 e5 27 a1 d4 ea 46 7d
  0000020: 9b b4 00 95 c5 0d e8 fa ef a7 8d e9 bc 54 da c1
  0000030: 24 94 0b 7c ad a8 61 d5 05 97 c2 64 38 ad 18 f9

  0000040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0000050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0000060: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0000070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

  Key used to sign this cert (Root-CA00000001-MS00000008)
  0000080: 52 6f 6f 74 2d 43 41 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 2d  Root-CA00000001-
  0000090: 4d 53 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 00 00 00 00 00 00  MS00000008
  00000a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00000b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

  Console ID string
  00000c0: 00 00 00 02 54 57 63 37 39 64 63 65 63 39 2d 30  ....TWc79dcec9-0
  00000d0: 38 61 32 30 32 38 37 30 31 30 38 34 31 31 38 00  8a2028701084118.
  00000e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  00000f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

  Public ECC key (30 bytes, starting at 0x108)
  0000100: 00 00 00 00 6f dd de 42 01 e0 34 a3 19 bc a9 af
  0000110: 50 fe 8a ac 75 08 07 a9 3a 2c 21 51 93 ae 4a 90
  0000120: 6e 62 41 f1 a2 fe 00 00 3d 0a 13 97 da 53 17 98
  0000130: 69 38 65 67 ca f4 9c 87 ec 44 b7 eb d0 ec b8 3d
  0000140: 23 cf 7a 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0000150: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0000160: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  0000170: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

  Private per-console ECC key, used for signing files on SD
  0000180: 01 12 9d e0 77 82 44 d3 ee 99 ad ce e5 fa fa ed
  0000190: c9 ab 8e a1 f9 b5 c8 14 3c 74 74 f8 19 3a
Note that the console id itself is burned in an OTP area of the TWL CPU, and changing the contents of this file will not actually change the console id.
This file contains the unique per-console ECC private-public key pair, along with a certificate issued by Nintendo.
This file is created by the DSi Shop, with data from a SOAP reply. The SOAP request data includes the hw console id, and the 0x100-byte RSA signature stored in NAND file "HWID.sgn". Trying to send that request would require a NAND dump, but when you have a NAND dump already sending that request is pointless since you can grab from NAND.
Sending that request is pointless anyway since the data from the server is random. The returned data from the server for the EC private/public keys are random, the ticket consoleID immediately following TW before - in the twcert keyid is random as well. DSi Shop and System Settings don't contain any code for deleting If you try to delete/rename manually from NAND a new will be generated by the shop, but then the server will return an error since the server account public cert won't match.

Data management can't be accessed when doesn't exist since you'd have no twcert to sign/verify tads with, like when you never connected the DSi Shop server.

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware Font File

FAT16:\sys\TWLFontTable.dat ;843.1K (D2C40h bytes) (compressed)
This file contains LZrev-compressed fonts in the NFTR (Nitro font) format.
This is the only real long filename that exceeds the 8.3 limit on the DSi (alternate short name is TWLFON~1.DAT). DSi software is often using a virtual filename "nand:/<sharedFont>" on ARM9 side, which is then replaced by "nand:/sys/TWLFontTable.dat" on ARM7 side.
Nintendo only allows developers to use these fonts for NAND applications. Card applications may not use these fonts.
  0000h       80h  RSA-SHA1 on entries [0080h..009Fh] (23h,8Bh,F9h,08h,...)
  0080h       4    Unknown (00h,31h,07h,08h) (maybe date, or whatever?)
  0084h       1    Number of NFTR resources (3)
  0085h       7    Zerofilled
  008Ch       14h  SHA1 on below resource headers at [00A0h+(0..3*40h-1)]
  00A0h+N*40h 20h  Resource Name in ASCII, padded with 00h
  00C0h+N*40h 4    Compressed Resource Size in .dat file   ;\compressed
  00C4h+N*40h 4    Compressed Resource Start in .dat file  ;/
  00C8h+N*40h 4    Decompressed Resource Size              ;-decompressed
  00CCh+N*40h 14h  SHA1 on Compressed Resource at [Start+0..Size-1]
  ...         ..   Compressed Font Resources (with 16-byte alignment padding)
The three resources are containing the same font (differing only in size):
  "TBF1_l.NFTR"  ;Large font:  16x21 pixels, 2bpp, 7365 characters, Unicode
  "TBF1_m.NFTR"  ;Medium font: 12x16 pixels, 2bpp, 7365 characters, Unicode
  "TBF1_s.NFTR"  ;Small font:  10x12 pixels, 2bpp, 7365 characters, Unicode
All characters have proportional width (as defined in the Character Width chunk), eg. the width of the 16x21 font can be max 16 pixels (plus spacing), but most of the characters are less than 16 pixels wide.
The character numbers in the Char Map chunks are 16bit Unicode, supporting ASCII, plus extra punctuation marks, european letters with accent marks, greek, cyrillic, math symbols, and thousands of japanese letters. There are also some custom nintendo-specific symbols (like buttons and Wii symbols).

Unknown if chinese/korean DSi's are containing a different font file, or an extra font file.
Unknown if the japanese letters are actually legible (especially for the smaller font sizes).

LZrev Compressed Font Resource Format
  ..   uncompressed area (usually 15h bytes)
  ...  compressed area (decompressed backwards)
  ..   footer: padding (to 4-byte boundary)
  3    footer: size of footer+compressed area (offset to compressed.bottom)
  1    footer: size of footer (offset to
  4    footer: extra DEST size (offset to
  ..   zeropadding to 10h-byte boundary
LZ Decompression Functions
The original decompression function can be found in Flipnote (EUR) at address 20BF8E4h (which is mainly doing error checking, and then calling the actual decompression function at 20BF938h) (Flipnote does also contain several custom fonts, the TWLFontTable.dat file is used only for Flipnote's "Help" function).

Nitro Font Resources
The format of the decompressed data is Nintendo's standard Nitro Font format:
DS Cartridge Nitro Font Resource Format

  DS Cartridge Nitro Font Resource Format

Nitro Font Resource File formats (compressed & uncompressed)
Nitro Fonts are often found as .NFTR or .ZFTR files (within NitroROM filesystems). The DSi firmware does additionally contain Nitro Fonts in a .dat file (in the eMMC FAT16 filesystem).
  .NFTR  Raw uncompressed Nitro Font Resource
  .ZFTR  LZ11-compressed Nitro Font Resource
  .dat   Archive with three LZrev-compressed Nitro Font Resources (used on DSi)
The .ZFTR files are containing a 4-byte compression header, followed by the compressed data (starting with the first compression flag byte, following by the first chunk header). For details, see:
LZ Decompression Functions
The DSi's "\sys\TWLFontTable.dat" contains three fonts, use a special LZ compression variant (with the data decompressed backwards, starting at highest memory address). For details, see:
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Font File
Either way, the decompressed fonts are looking as follows:

Nitro Font Resource Header Chunk
  00h 4    Chunk ID "RTFN" (Nitro Font Resource)
  04h 2    Byte Order    (FEFFh) (indicates that above is to be read backwards)
  06h 2    Version       (0100h..0102h) (usually 0101h or 0102h)
  08h 4    Decompressed Resource Size (000A3278h) (including the NFTR header)
  0Ch 2    Offset to "FNIF" Chunk, aka Size of "RTFN" Chunk (0010h)
  0Eh 2    Total number of following Chunks (0003h+NumCharMaps) (0018h)

Font Info Chunk
  00h      4    Chunk ID "FNIF" (Font Info)
  04h      4    Chunk Size (1Ch or 20h)
  08h      1    Unknown/unused (zero)
  09h xxx  1    Height                       ;or Height+/-1
  0Ah xxx  1    Unknown (usually 00h, or sometimes 1Fh)
  0Bh      2    Unknown/unused (zero)
  0Dh xxx  1    Width           ;\or Width+1
  0Eh xxx  1    Width_bis (?)   ;/
  0Fh      1    Encoding (0/UTF8, 1/UNICODE, 2/SJIS, 3/CP1252) (usually 1)
  10h      4    Offset to Character Glyph chunk, plus 8
  14h      4    Offset to Character Width chunk, plus 8
  18h      4    Offset to first Character Map chunk, plus 8
  1Ch      (1)  Tile Height                                ;\present only
  1Dh xxx  (1)  Max Width or so +/-?                       ; when above
  1Eh      (1)  Underline location                         ; Chunk Size = 20h
  1Fh      (1)  Unknown/unused (zero)                      ;/(version 0102h)

Character Glyph (Tile Bitmaps)
  00h      4    Chunk ID "PLGC" (Character Glyph)
  04h      4    Chunk Size (10h+NumTiles*siz+padding)
  08h      1    Tile Width in pixels
  09h      1    Tile Height in pixels
  0Ah      2    Tile Size in bytes (siz=width*height*bpp+7)/8)
  0Ch      1    Underline location
  0Dh      1    Max proportional Width including left/right spacing
  0Eh      1    Tile Depth (bits per pixel) (usually 1 or 2, sometimes 3)
  0Fh      1    Tile Rotation (0=None/normal, other=see below)
  10h      ...  Tile Bitmaps
  ...      ...  Padding to 4-byte boundary (zerofilled)
All tiles are starting on a byte boundary. However, the separate scanlines aren't necessarily byte-aligned (for example, at 10pix width, a byte may contain rightmost pixels of one line, followed by leftmost pixels of next line).
Bit7 of the first byte of a bitmap is the MSB of the upper-left pixel, bit6..0 are then containing the LSB(s) of the pixel (if bpp>1), followed by the next pixels of the scanline, followed by further scanlines; the data is arranged as straight Width*Height bitmap (without splitting into 8x8 sub-tiles).
Colors are ranging from Zero (transparent/background color) to all bit(s) set (solid/text color).
The meaning of the Tile Rotation entry is unclear (one source claims 0=0', 1=90', 2=270', 3=180', and another source claims 0=0', 2=90', 4=180', 6=270', and for both sources, it's unclear if the rotation is meant to be clockwise or anti-clockwise).

Character Width
  00h      4    Chunk ID "HDWC" (Character Width)
  04h      4    Chunk Size (10h+NumTiles*3+padding)
  08h      2    First Tile Number (should be 0000h)
  0Ah      2    Last Tile Number  (should be NumTiles-1)
  0Ch      4    Unknown/unused (zero)
  10h+N*3  1    Left Spacing (to be inserted left of character bitmap)
  11h+N*3  1    Width of Character Bitmap (excluding left/right spacing)
  12h+N*3  1    Total Width of Character (including left/right spacing)
  ...      ...  Padding to 4-byte boundary (zerofilled)
Defines the proportional character width for each tile. Entry [11h+N*3] defines the width of the non-transparent character area (which left-aligned in the Tile Bitmap; any further pixels in the Bitmap are unused/zero). The other two entries define the left/right spacing that is needed to be added to the character.

Character Map(s) - Translation Tables for ASCII/JIS/etc to Tile Numbers?
  00h      4    Chunk ID "PAMC" (Character Map)
  04h      4    Chunk Size (14h+...+padding)
  08h      2    First Character (eg. 0020h=First ASCII Char)
  0Ah      2    Last Character  (eg. 007Eh=Last ASCII Char)
  0Ch      4    Map Type (0..2, for entry 14h and up, see there)
  10h      4    Offset to next Character Map, plus 8   (0=None, no further)
For Map Type0, Increasing TileNo's assigned to increasing CharNo's:
  14h      2    TileNo for First Char (and increasing for further chars)
  16h      2    Padding to 4-byte boundary (zerofilled)
For Map Type1, Custom TileNo's assigned to increasing CharNo's:
  14h+N*2  2    TileNo's for First..Last Char (FFFFh=None; no tile assigned)
  ...      ...  Padding to 4-byte boundary (zerofilled)
For Map Type2, Custom TileNo's assigned to custom CharNo's:
  14h      2    Number of following Char=Tile groups...
  16h+N*4  2    Character Number
  18h+N*4  2    Tile Number
  ...      ...  Padding to 4-byte boundary (zerofilled)
These chunks are contain tables for translating character numbers (eg. Unicode numbers, or whatever format is selected in the the Font Info chunk) to actual Tile Numbers (ie. the way how tiles are ordered in the Glyph and Width chunks).
Font files can contain several Character Map chunks (eg. some Type0 chunks for Char 0020h..007Eh and Char 00A0h..00FFh, plus some Type1 chunks for areas like Char 037Eh..0451h, plus one large Type2 chunk for everything that wasn't defined in the other chunks; the First/Last Character entries are don't care for Type2, they are usually set to First=0000h and Last=FFFFh in that case). Characters that are NOT included in any of the tables should be treated as undefined (as so for any characters that are assigned as Tile=FFFFh in Type1 chunks).
Unicode character numbers are stored as 16bit values. Unknown how other character numbers like UTF8 or SJIS are stored.

  LZ Decompression Functions

LZSS and LZ11 - Decompression for BIOS/SWI and ZFTR Font Files
Below function can decompress LZSS data (as used by BIOS SWIs), and the LZ11 variant (with 11h in the header; as used by ZFTR font files, but not being compatible with the BIOS SWI functions on neither GBA nor NDS nor DSi).
  typ=byte[src], fin=dst+(word[src]/100h), src=src+4
  flagbits=[src], src=src+1, numflags=8
  if dst>=fin then goto @@decompress_done
  if numflags=0 then goto @@collect_more
  numflags=numflags-1, flagbits=flagbits*2
  if (flagbits AND 100h)=0 then
    [dst]=[src], dst=dst+1, src=src+1
    if typ=10h        ;LZSS (BIOS SWI compatible)
    elseif typ=11h    ;LZ11 (special extended format)
      if [src]/10h>1 then len=001h
      if [src]/10h<1 then len=011h+([src] AND 0Fh)*10h, src=src+1
      if [src]/10h=1 then len=111h+([src] AND 0Fh)*1000h+[src+1]*10h, src=src+2
    len=len+[src]/10h, disp=001h+([src] AND 0Fh)*100h+[src+1], src=src+2
    for i=1 to len, [dst]=[dst-disp], dst=dst+1, next i
  goto @@decompress_lop
The LZSS variant (but not LZ11) can be decompressed by BIOS SWI functions:
BIOS Decompression Functions

LZrev - Reverse Decompression for DSi Font (TWLFontTable.dat)
This function resembles LZSS, but with src/dst processed in reversed order (starting at highest memory location). Further differences are that the header is replaced by a footer, and, weirdly, data is copied from "disp+3" instead of "disp+1", and, the decompression is intended to use a single buffer for src/dst (so the source data will be overwritten during decompression) (in order to avoid overwriting still unprocessed data, some bytes near start of file are usually left uncompressed, eg. for the font files, decompression usually ends at fin=buf+15h rather than at fin=buf+0).
  allocate buf(dest_size), copy "src_size" bytes from file to buf
  src=buf+src_size                     ;origin = pointing after footer
  dst=src+(word[src-4])-1              ;dst = src plus extra len
  fin=src-(word[src-8] AND 00FFFFFFh)  ;fin = src minus compressed_len
  src=src-(byte[src-5])-1              ;src = src minus footer_len
  flagbits=[src], src=src-1, numflags=8
  if src<=fin then goto @@decompress_done
  if numflags=0 then goto @@collect_more
  numflags=numflags-1, flagbits=flagbits*2
  if (flagbits AND 100h)=0 then
    [dst]=[src], dst=dst-1, src=src-1
    len=([src]/10h)+3, disp=([src] AND 0Fh)*100h+([src-1])+3, src=src-2
    for i=1 to len, [dst]=[dst+disp], dst=dst-1, next i
  goto @@decompress_lop

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware Log Files

FAT16:\sys\log\shop.log (32 bytes)
  0000h 20h   Zerofilled
Unknown if this file can contain anything else.

FAT16:\sys\log\product.log (573 bytes)
Contains some ASCII text with version, date (YY/MM/DD), and time (HH:SS) info (using 0Ah as CRLF):
  0,BOARD,START,1.5,09/01/14,14:52,000055, ,
  0,BOARD,OK,1.5,09/01/14,14:53,000055, ,
  0,TP_CAL,OK,2.0, , , ,(647 811)-(3478 3245),
  0,AGING,OK,1.0, , , ,Time=60:20(m:s)
  0,FINAL,START,1.5,09/01/15,09:52,000084,TWL Ver.2.0,
  0,FINAL,OK,1.5,09/01/15,09:52,000084,TWL Ver.2.0,
  0,MIC,OK,2.1, , , ,All Test Passed,
  0,CAMERA,OK,2.1, , , , ,
  0,WRFU,START,0.60,09/01/15,10:03,000143,P000063 G000143 717cfde74f5ef6763473,
  R-53 -55 E0.00 0.00,
  0,IMPORT,START,1.0, , , , ,
  0,IMPORT,OK,1.0, , , ,Region=EUR,
  0,NCHECK,OK,1.0, , , , ,

FAT16:\sys\log\sysmenu.log (16Kbytes)
Contains several groups of three text lines. Each "#FFT" group begins with two 0Ah characters, and is followed by space padding for 256-byte alignment of the next group).
Below is some example (with blank space removed, original 40-digit hash strings abbreviated to "xxxx..xx", and some lines are replaced by "...").
  #FFT 13-08-18[SUN] 12:37:10
  title: HNAP
  DHT_PAHSE1_FAILED (sub info): hash1     - 8dfc..59
  #FFT 13-08-18[SUN] 12:37:10
  title: HNAP
  DHT_PAHSE1_FAILED (sub info): calc_hash - 7eca..f5
  #FFT 13-08-18[SUN] 12:37:11
  title: HNAP
  menuRedIplManager.cpp [l.514] RED FATAL 0000000010000000 (0000000041575445)
  #FFT 13-08-18[SUN] 12:37:11
  title: HNAP
  menuResetCallback.cpp [l.50] type 0
  #FFT 13-08-18[SUN] 13:44:16
  title: HNAP
  DHT_PAHSE1_FAILED (sub info): hash1Addr-02799e38
  #FFT 13-08-18[SUN] 13:44:16
  title: HNAP
  DHT_PAHSE1_FAILED (sub info): hash1     - 8dfc..59
  #FFT 13-09-10[TUE] 22:07:39
  title: HNAP
  menuResetCallback.cpp [l.50] type 0
  #FFT 13-09-14[SAT] 14:59:16
  title: HNAP
  SYSMi_LoadTitleThreadFunc: some error has occurred.
  #FFT 13-09-14[SAT] 14:59:16
  title: HNAP
  SYSMi_AuthenticateTitleThreadFunc: loaded 1 times.
  #FFT 13-09-14[SAT] 14:59:17
  title: HNAP
  menuRedIplManager.cpp [l.514] RED FATAL 0000800000002100 (0003000049524544)
  #FFT 13-09-14[SAT] 14:59:17
  title: HNAP
  menuResetCallback.cpp [l.50] type 0
  #FFT 00-01-03[MON] 20:50:18
  title: HNAP
  WHITELIST_NOTFOUND (sub info): no entry for phase 1/2.
  #FFT 00-01-03[MON] 20:50:18
  title: HNAP
  WHITELIST_NOTFOUND (sub info): no entry for phase 3.
  #FFT 00-01-03[MON] 20:50:18
  title: HNAP
  SYSMi_LoadTitleThreadFunc: some error has occurred.
  #FFT 00-01-03[MON] 20:50:18
  title: HNAP
  SYSMi_AuthenticateTitleThreadFunc: loaded 1 times.
  #FFT 00-01-03[MON] 20:50:19
  title: HNAP
  menuRedIplManager.cpp [l.514] RED FATAL 0000800008000100 (000000004143454b)
  #FFT 00-01-03[MON] 20:50:19
  title: HNAP
  menuResetCallback.cpp [l.50] type 0
  #FFT 00-01-05[WED] 01:03:16
  title: HNAP
  WHITELIST_NOTFOUND (sub info): no entry for phase 1/2.
  #FFT 00-01-01[SAT] 00:02:37
  title: HNAP
  SYSMi_AuthenticateTitleThreadFunc: loaded 1 times.
  #FFT 00-01-01[SAT] 00:02:38
  title: HNAP
  menuRedIplManager.cpp [l.514] RED FATAL 0002004000000100 (00000000414e5045)
  #FFT 00-01-01[SAT] 00:02:38
  title: HNAP
  menuResetCallback.cpp [l.50] type 0

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware Misc Files

FAT16:\sys\HWINFO_S.dat (aka Serial/Barcode) (16Kbytes)
  0000h 80h   RSA-SHA1-HMAC across entries [0088h..00A3h]
              (with RSA key from Bootsectors, and also from Launcher)
              (with SHA1-HMAC key = SHA1([4004D00h..4004D07h])
  0080h 4     Header, Version or so (00000001h)
  0084h 4     Header, Size of entries at [0088h..00A3h] (0000001Ch)
  0088h 4     Bitmask for Supported Languages (3Eh for Europe) (as wifi_flash)
  008Ch 4     Unknown (00,00,00,00)  (bit0=flag for 4004020h.bit0=wifi ?)
  0090h 1     Console Region (0=JPN, 1=USA, 2=EUR, 3=AUS, 4=CHN, 5=KOR)
  0091h 12    Serial/Barcode (ASCII, 11-12 characters; see console sticker)
  009Dh 3     Unknown (00,00,3C)                     ;"<"
  00A0h 4     String "PANH" (aka HNAP=Launcher spelled backwards?)
  00A4h 3F5Ch Unused (FFh-filled)
Entries [0088h..009Fh] are copied to [2FFFD68h..2FFFD7Fh].

FAT16:\sys\HWINFO_N.dat (16Kbytes)
  0000h 14h   SHA1 on entries [088h..09Bh]
  0014h 6Ch   Zerofilled
  0080h 4     Header, Version or so (00000001h)
  0084h 4     Header, Size of entries at [0088h..009Bh] (00000014h)
  0088h 4     Some per-console ID (used what for?)
  008Ch 10h   Some per-console ID (used in "Tad Files")
  009Ch 3F64h Unused (FFh-filled)

FAT16:\sys\HWID.sgn (256 bytes)
  0000h 100h  RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across... whatever?
Seems to be used only by DSi Shop. The RSA keys are unknown for retail version. Also unknown WHAT the SHA1 is computed on (probably some console and/or region IDs).
The System Updater tool (for debug version) contains both public and private RSA keys for the file; the keys don't work for retail version though.
The OpenPGP bytes are same as for SWI 23h (but with more FFh padding bytes due to the 100h-byte RSA size).

FAT16:\shared2\0000 (2048K) (sound recorder)
Huge 2Mbyte file with several used areas (and many zerofilled areas).
Contains a FAT12 filesystem with several voice .dat files for the Sound Recorder of the Nintendo DSi Sound utility. Unused clusters seem to contain garbage (maybe un-encrypted eMMC sectors).
  voice18111008215651000010001.dat  ;14402h bytes
  voice20131018211242000010001.dat  ;14402h bytes
  voice19111008215708000010001.dat  ;14402h bytes
  voice00131018211411003110001.dat  ;14402h bytes
  voice01150418144405002110001.dat  ;14402h bytes
  voiceNNYYMMDDHHMMSS00NN10001.dat  ;14402h bytes
Note: The DSi Sound utility is additionally having a 512Kbyte private.sav file (also containing a FAT12 filesystem; although it seems to contain only a MBR, FATs, and an empty Root directory - plus garbage in unused clusters).

Empty folders.

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware Wifi Firmware

FAT16:\title\0003000f\484e4341\content\ (aka Wifi Firmware)
WLFIRM aka WLANFIRM (compressed, non-executable datafile, for all regions, v1:13BA0h bytes, v2:17E60h bytes). This file contains Wifi Firmwares for the Xtensa CPU in the Atheros AR60xxG chips on the DWM-W0xx Wifi Daughterboards.
  DSi Firmware 1.0 thru 1.2   --> Unknown (maybe Wifi Firmware v0 did exist?)
  DSi Firmware 1.3            --> Wifi Firmware v1 (supports AR6002)
  DSi Firmware 1.4 thru 1.4.5 --> Wifi Firmware v2 (supports AR6002+AR6013)
  Note: The AR6002 part is exact same in v1 and v2 (with same SHA1 in Part 1)
The BIOS ROM in the AR60xxG chips can be extended/upgraded by uploading the firmware into RAM (the RAM isn't nonvolatile, so this must be done each time after power-up, in the DSi this appears to be done by the System Menu (launcher), so DSi games probably don't need to upload the firmware themselves... unless maybe after some kind of reset or power-saving situations?).
  00000h 80h    RSA-SHA1    (on [00080h..0009Fh]) (via RSA key from BIOS) ;\
  00080h 14h    Header SHA1 (on [000A0h..000FFh])                         ; SHA
  00094h 4      Header Size (00000060h, for entries 000A0h..000FFh)       ;
  00098h 8      Zerofilled                                                ;/
  000A0h 2      Unknown/version? (0002h) ;(in version 1: 0001h)   ;\
  000A2h 1      Number of parts  (02h)   ;(in version 1: 01h)     ; Header
  000A3h 1      Unknown/zero?    (00h)                            ;
  000A4h 4      Part 1 Start (00000100h) ;(in v1: E0h)  ;\Part 1  ; with IDs
  000A8h 4      Part 1 Size  (00013AC0h)                ; DWM-W015; as in wifi
  000ACh 4      Part 1 ID    (00000001h) (=DWM-W015)    ; AR6002G ; flash[1FDh]
  000B0h 14h    Part 1 SHA1  (on [00100h..13BBFh])      ;/        ;
  000C4h 4      Part 2 Start (00013BC0h)                ;\Part 2  ; ;\
  000C8h 4      Part 2 Size  (000042A0h)                ; DWM-W024; ; not in
  000CCh 4      Part 2 ID    (00000002h) (=DWM-W024)    ; AR6013G ; ; version 1
  000D0h 14h    Part 2 SHA1  (on [13BC0h..17E5Fh])      ;/        ; ;/
  000E4h 1Ch    Zerofilled (padding to 20h-byte boundary)         ;/
  00100h 1      Part 1 num subheader's    (04h) (a/b/c/d)                    ;\
  00101h 1      Part 1 num ChipID's       (02h)                              ;
  00102h 2      Part 1 offset to ChipID's (0044h)                            ;
  00104h 10h    Part 1.a firm/main (00000080h,00013458h,80000001h,00502400h) ;
  00114h 10h    Part 1.b database  (000134E0h,000002BCh,00000002h,0052D944h) ;
  00124h 10h    Part 1.c stub/code (000137A0h,000002DEh,00000004h,00515000h) ;
  00134h 10h    Part 1.d stub/data (00013A80h,00000030h,00000005h,00502400h) ;
  00144h 8      Part 1 ChipID 1 ;alternate IDs ?       (02010001h,20000188h) ;
  0014Ch 8      Part 1 ChipID 2 ;CHIP_ID, ROM_VERSION  (02000001h,20000188h) ;
  00154h 4      Part 1 Firmware Version:               (2100007Bh) ;
  00158h 0Ch    Part 1 RAM vars/base/size    (00500400h,00500000h,0002E000h) ;
  00164h 1Ch    Zerofilled                                                   ;
  00180h 13460h Part 1.a data (13458h compressed bytes, +8 bytes zeropadding);
  135E0h 2C0h   Part 1.b data (2BCh bytes, +04h bytes zeropadding) ;database ;
  138A0h 2E0h   Part 1.c data (2DEh bytes, +02h bytes zeropadding) ;stubcode ;
  13B80h 40h    Part 1.d data (30h bytes, +10h bytes zeropadding)  ;stubdata ;/
  13BC0h 1      Part 2 num subheader's    (04h)                              ;\
  13BC1h 1      Part 2 num ChipID's       (02h)                              ;
  13BC2h 2      Part 2 offset to ChipID's (0044h)                            ;
  13BC4h 10h    Part 2.a firm/main (00000080h,00002EECh,80000001h,00524C00h) ;
  13BD4h 10h    Part 2.b database  (00002F80h,00000FC0h,00000002h,0053F040h) ;
  13BE4h 10h    Part 2.c stub/code (00003F40h,00000312h,00000004h,00527000h) ;
  13BF4h 10h    Part 2.d stub/data (00004260h,00000038h,00000005h,00524C00h) ;
  13C04h 8      Part 2 ChipID 1 ;some IDs?             (0D000000h,23000024h) ;
  13C0Ch 8      Part 2 ChipID 2 ;some IDs?             (0D000001h,23000024h) ;
  13C14h 4      Part 2 Firmware Version:               (2300006Ch) ;
  13C18h 0Ch    Part 2 RAM vars/base/size    (00520000h,00520000h,00020000h) ;
  13C24h 1Ch    Zerofilled                                                   ;
  13C40h 2F00h  Part 2.a data (2EECh compressed bytes,+14h bytes zeropadding);
  16B40h FC0h   Part 2.b data (FC0h bytes, +00h bytes zeropadding)           ;
  17B00h 320h   Part 2.c data (312h bytes, +0Eh bytes zeropadding)           ;
  17E20h 40h    Part 2.d data (38h bytes, +08h bytes zeropadding)            ;/
The a/b/c/d subheaders consist of File Source Offset (relative to Start of Part 1/2 accordingly), Length, ID/Flags, and RAM Destination Address.
The stub/code and stub/data parts are loaded and executed first (the stub is reading calibration data from I2C bus EEPROM; this is decoupled from the main firmware because hardware implementations could use different calibration sources like I2C chips or SPI chips or mass-storage devices).
Thereafter, firm/main and database are loaded and executed. The "LZ" compressed firm/main part is automatically decompressed on the Xtensa side, the "LZ" stuff is some kind of "tag,len,disp" format:
  Part 1.a data: 9F,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,00,00,00,00,9F,04,04,..
  Part 2.a data: 5E,00,00,00,00,5E,04,04,5E,08,08,41,5F,49,..
The first byte identifies the "tag" value (this should be the value used least often in the uncompressed data). The following bytes are plain uncompressed data, mixed with "tag,len,disp" values (which will copy "len" bytes from "dest-disp" to "dest"). A special case is "tag,00h", which will store the "tag" value at dest. The len and disp values can consist of one or more byte(s) each (the LSB aka last byte is indicated by bit7=0; for example, "84h,86h,0Fh" would mean 01030Fh). For some odd reason, the values are always "len<=disp" (even for zerofilled regions where "len>disp" would be useful).

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware System Settings Data Files

The DSi stores System Settings (and Title ID of most recent System Menu index) on eMMC in two identical files: TWLCFG0.dat and TWLCFG1.dat.
If both files are intact then the newer file is taken (as indicated by the update counter; for some weird reason, the DSi System Menu is always updating BOTH files, so they are usually both "newer").
For NDS compatibility, some of the data is additionally stored on Wifi FLASH:
DS Firmware User Settings
The TWL data and the NDS-style data are also copied to RAM:
  2000400h 128h   TWLCFGn.dat bytes [088h..1AFh]
  2FFFC80h 70h    Wifi FLASH User Settings (fmw[newest_user_settings])
  2FFFDFCh 4      Pointer to 2000400h
For some reason, most DSi games are containing some initialization code for repairing or initializing the above pointer, as so:
  if [2FFFDFCh]=0 then [2FFFDFCh]=2000400h
The RAM data at 2000400h isn't actually used by too many games though (one program that is using it is Flipnote).
Some games are attempting to adopt the System Setting's language selection as game language, games should do that only if they do support that language (a bad example is the german version of Magic Made Fun: Deep Psyche, which defaults to French when using English as system language).

FAT16:\shared1\TWLCFG0.dat (16Kbytes) (System Settings Data)
FAT16:\shared1\TWLCFG1.dat (16Kbytes) (System Settings Data)
  File RAM  Siz   Description
  000h -    14h   SHA1 on entries [088h..1AFh]
  014h -    6Ch   Zerofilled
  080h -    1     Version or so (01h)
  081h -    1     Update Counter (0..7Fh, wraps after 7bit)     ;fmw_user[070h]
  082h -    2     Zero (0000h)
  084h -    4     Size of below RAM area (00000128h)
  088h 000h 1     Unknown (0Fh) (bit3 set when wireless comms are enabled)
  089h 001h 2     Zerofilled
  08Bh 003h 1     Unknown (01h) (happens to be 00h after.. country change?)
  08Ch 004h 1     Zero
  08Dh 005h 1     Country code, same as Wii country codes (eg. 40h=Albania)
  08Eh 006h 1     Selected Language (eg. 1=English)        ;fmw_user[064h,075h]
  08Fh 007h 1     RTC Year (last date change) (max 63h=2099)    ;fmw_user[066h]
  090h 008h 4     RTC Offset (difference in seconds on change)  ;fmw_user[068h]
  094h 00Ch 4     Zerofilled (or FFh-filled) (=MSBs of above?)
  098h 010h 1     Flags (01h) (bit0 set when EULA was accepted) (0=newcountry?)
  099h 011h 9     Zerofilled
  0A2h 01Ah 1     Alarm Hour   (0..17h)                         ;fmw_user[052h]
  0A3h 01Bh 1     Alarm Minute (0..3Bh)                         ;fmw_user[053h]
  0A4h 01Ch 2     Zerofilled
  0A6h 01Eh 1     Alarm Enable (0=Off, 1=On)                    ;fmw_user[056h]
  0A7h 01Fh 2     Zerofilled
  0A9h 021h 4     Unknown (09 1E 00 03)  (2nd.byte.LSB E=English, F=French ??)
  0ADh 025h 3     Zerofilled
  0B0h 028h 8     Title ID (most recent System Menu selection)      ;cart[230h]
  0B8h 030h 2x2   TSC calib (adc.x1,y1) 12bit ADC-position      ;fmw_user[058h]
  0BCh 034h 2x1   TSC calib (scr.x1,y1) 8bit pixel-position     ;fmw_user[05Ch]
  0BEh 036h 2x2   TSC calib (adc.x2,y2) 12bit ADC-position      ;fmw_user[05Eh]
  0C2h 03Ah 2x1   TSC calib (scr.x2,y2) 8bit pixel-position     ;fmw_user[062h]
  0C4h 03Ch 4     Unknown (9C 20 01 02)
  0C8h 040h 4     Zerofilled
  0CCh 044h 1     Favorite color (also Sysmenu Cursor Color)    ;fmw_user[002h]
  0CDh 045h 1     Zero
  0CEh 046h 2     Birthday (month, day)                   ;fmw_user[003h..004h]
  0D0h 048h 14h+2 Nickname (UCS-2), max 10 chars+EOL      ;fmw_user[006h..019h]
  0E6h 05Eh 34h+2 Message (UCS-2), max 26 chars+EOL       ;fmw_user[01Ch..04Fh]
  11Ch 094h 1     Parental Controls Flags (bit0=Parental, bit1-6=Pictochat,etc)
  11Dh 095h 6     Zero
  123h 09Bh 1     Parental Controls Region (0=Off, 3=German/USK, 4=French?)
  124h 09Ch 1     Parental Controls Years of Age Rating (00h..14h)  ;cart[2F0h]
  125h 09Dh 1     Parental Controls Secret Question (00h..05h)
  126h 09Eh 1     Parental Controls Unknown (can be 00h, 06h, or 07h)
  127h 09Fh 2     Zero
  129h 0A1h 4+1   Parental Controls PIN (ASCII digits) 4 digits+EOL
  12Eh 0A6h 80h+2 Parental Controls Secret Answer (UCS-2), max 64 chars+EOL
  1B0h -    3E50h Unused (FFh-filled)
Additionally, there's some stuff in RAM (maybe current Wifi Firmware version):
  -    1E0h 1     WlFirm Type (1=DWM-W015, 2=DWM-W024) (as wifi_flash[1FDh])
  -    1E1h 1     WlFirm Unknown (zero)
  -    1E2h 2     WlFirm CRC16 with initial value FFFFh on [1E4h..1EFh]
  -    1E4h 0Ch   WlFirm Version? RAM_area? (as from "Wifi Firmware" file)
  -    1F0h 10h   WlFirm Unknown (zero)
  -    200h 14h   Hexvalues from HWINFO_N.dat
  -    214h 0Ch   Unused/padding? (zero)

Unknown TWLCFG entries:
  Language and Flags  2  fmw_user[064h] (particulary: Flags)
  More Parental Control stuff
Parental controls fields are all zero when not in use.

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware Version Data File

verdata (00030005-HNLx) is a bundle of data which corresponds to a release of the "System Menu" -- every time Nintendo announces a new version of the system menu, they will update one or more other titles and then update this title.

FAT16:\title\0003000f\484e4cgg\content\ (aka Version Data)
  0000h 80h  RSA-SHA1 on entries [0080h..end of file]
  0080h ...  NARC (Nitro Archive) ...
The NARC is a nintendo-specific virtual filesystem. For details, see:
DS Cartridge NitroROM and NitroARC File Systems
The NARC archive contains the following files:
 twl-nup-cert.der    - server cert for software update server
 twl-nup-prvkey.der  - client-side private key for software update server
 twl-shop-cert.der   - server cert for Shopping Channel server
 twl-shop-prvkey.der - client-side private key for Shopping Channel server
 NintendoCA-G2.der   - Certificate Authority cert, used to sign the other certs
 eula_url.bin        - URL to the EULA text for this system update,
 nup_host.bin        - server to query for the next system update,
 time_stamp.bin      - build date for this version, eg. 00281108 (28 Nov 2008)
 user_area_size.bin  - eg. 00000008
 version.bin         - machine and human-readable version numbers for this
                       version of the System Menu, eg.
   0000: 01000300 31002e00 33004500 00000000  ....1...3.E.....
   0010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
   bytes 0 and 1 are the major version number, bytes 2 and 3 are the minor
   version number, and the rest of the file is the human-readable
   UCS-2 version number displayed in the Settings menu as the "System Menu
The four "twl-*.der" files are encrypted with ES Block Encryption (using a fixed key):
  KEY[00h..0Fh] = Constant (08,2F,61,38,...)  ;from ARM7BIOS
DSi ES Block Encryption
Other titles access the NARC by reading from eg. "verdata:/version.bin".

DSi Firmware Versions
  1.0    22 Oct 2008  First Update to Japanese Region DSi System Menu
  1.2    18 Dec 2008  Second Update to Japanese Region DSi System Menu
  1.3    03 Apr 2009  Launch Day (USA, EUR, AUS), new "start DSi Camera" button
  1.4    29 Jul 2009  Blocks NDS flashcarts, Facebook support to share photos
  1.4.1  07 Sep 2010  Blocks more NDS flashcarts
  1.4.2  10 May 2011  Blocks DSiWare exploits on SD card (sudokuhax etc.)
  1.4.3  29 Jun 2011  Blocks more NDS flashcarts (only whitelist was updated)
  1.4.4  21 Mar 2012  Blocks DSi cart exploits (CookingCoach/ClassicWordGames)
  1.4.5  11 Dec 2012  Blocks more NDS flashcards
JAP region launched first (unknown if there was any pre-installed version prior to the v1.0 update, unknown if v1.1 did also exist).
USA/EUR/AUS regions launched on 03 Apr 2009 (so only v1.3 and up exist as update?; but they must have had an older version pre-installed).
KOR region launched at unknown date.
CHN region launched on 11 Sep 2010 with firmware v1.4.2C (which is essentially same as v1.4.1 for other regions; for some weird reason, the chinese version numbers are one step "ahead" of the normal numbering).

  DSi SD/MMC Firmware Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist File

FAT16:\title\0003000f\484e4841\content\ (aka NDS Cart Whitelist)
The NDS Cart Whitelist contains checksums of all officially released licensed NDS cartridges (newer NDS Carts that aren't included in the list must contain extended NDS Cart Headers with RSA signatures).
That means, unlike the original NDS, the DSi refuses to boot any unlicensed/homebrew NDS software (though some "DSi compatible" FLASH carts are bypassing that restriction via exploits in licensed NDS games).
Below Whitelist example is from firmware v1.4E:
 Part 1 ("NDHT") is same in v1.3 through v1.4.5:
  00000h 4          ID "NDHT"                                                ;\
  00004h 80h        RSA-SHA1 on [00084h..286A7h]                             ;
  00084h 4          Number of titles (00000D76h) (=3446)                     ;
  00088h D76h*30h   Titles (30h bytes each, with two SHA1s)                  ;/
 Part 2 ("NDHX") is same in v1.4 through v1.4.5 (doesn't exist in v1.3):
  286A8h 4          ID "NDHX"                                                ;\
  286ACh 80h        RSA-SHA1 on [2872Ch..4AFBFh]                             ;
  2872Ch 4          Number of titles (000013BCh) (=5052)                     ;
  28730h 13BCh*1Ch  Titles (1Ch bytes each, only one SHA1)                   ;/
 Part 3 ("NDHI") is differs in v1.4 versus v1.4.5 (doesn't exist in v1.3):
  4AFC0h 4          ID "NDHI"                                                ;\
  4AFC4h 80h        RSA-SHA1 on [4B044h..4B1B7h]                             ;
  4B044h 4          Number of titles (04h in v1.4E)    ;60h in v1.4.5E       ;
  4B048h 4*5Ch      Specials for A3TE,A6WE,YF7E,YOUF                         ;/
  4B1B8h 13         Version String ("2832",0Dh,0Ah,"10619",0Dh,0Ah in v1.4E) ;\
  4B1C5h 11         Random garbage (padding to 10h-byte boundary)            ;/
The Version String at the end can be: v1.3U   (at 286A8h) "2435",0Ah,"8325",0Ah          ;with LF's v1.4E   (at 4B1B8h) "2832",0Dh,0Ah,"10619",0Dh,0Ah ;with CRLF's v...    (?) v1.4.5E (at 4D2C8h) "3067",0Ah,"11437",0Ah         ;with LF's
BUG: The Whitelist's RSA signatures are NOT checked in firmware v1.4E (whilst other older/newer firmwares like 1.3U and 1.4.5E are checking those signatures).

NDHT Title Structure (30h bytes each):
  Start Length  Description
  000h  4   Title ID (Gamecode)
  004h  4   Title version
  008h  20  Phase 1 SHA1-HMAC on 160h-byte cartheader and ARM9+ARM7 areas (?)
  01Ch  20  Phase 2 SHA1-HMAC on ARM9 Overlay and NitroFAT etc            (?)
NDHX Title Structure (1Ch bytes each):
  000h  4   Title ID (Gamecode)
  004h  4   Title version
  008h  20  Phase 3 SHA1-HMAC on Icon/Title
NDHI Title Structure (5Ch bytes each):
  000h  4   Title ID (Gamecode)
  004h  4   Title version
  008h  8*8 Offset+Length for up to 8 regions (or 0,0=None)
  048h  20  Phase 4 SHA1-HMAC on above region(s)
The 40h-byte SHA1-HMAC keys are contained in Launcher (61h,BDh,DDh,72h,... for Phase 1+2, and 85h,29h,48h,F3h,... for Phase 3+4). The RSA key is also contained in Launcher (C7h,F4h,1Dh,27h,... for all Phases; though the RSA key is missing in firmwares where Nintendo forgot to implement the RSA check, eg. in v1.4E).

Example values for Metroid Demo ("AMFE"):
  41 4D 46 45 00 00 00 00                                     ;\
  95 9A B3 09 B7 4E AF 29 2E 97 61 B9 DC E9 5F FE 86 5C 91 4E ; NDHT
  D3 94 43 02 64 3A AF C5 D1 E1 3B C0 47 4A A2 98 AB 5D 71 8F ;/
  41 4D 46 45 00 00 00 00                                     ;\NDHX
  51 24 FE EF D4 3C 22 42 CC 17 13 0A 72 F8 FA 3B 4D 83 2A B1 ;/
Specials related to games:
  NTR-A3TE-USA = Tak: The Great Juju Challenge
  NTR-A6WE-USA = FIFA World Cup 2006
  NTR-YF7E-USA = Fish Tycoon
  NTR-YOUF-FRA = Samantha Oups!

  DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - Overview

Photos can be taken via Nintendo DSi Camera utitilty (or alternately, directly via hotkeys in System Menu; which will be automatically flagging the photos with "Star" stickers, which will cause them to be shown as System Menu background image).
Frames are masks (with transparent pixels) that can be put onto photos. The Frames can be created via Nintendo DSi Camera utility (Camera, select Frame (upper-right Lens option), accept that Lens, then click Create Frame; the procedure then is to take a photo, and to rub-out pixels on touchscreen to make them transparent).

Internal/External Storage
The Camera is storing further data on the eMMC FAT12 partition:
  FAT12:\photo\DCIM\100NIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG                        ;camera photos
  FAT12:\photo\private\ds\app\484E494A\pit.bin                   ;camera info
  FAT12:\photo\private\ds\app\484E494A\DCIM\100NIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG;camera frames
Camera data can be copied to SD card (via Nintendo DSi Camera, Options, Copy):
  SD:\DCIM\nnnNIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG                            ;camera photos
  SD:\private\ds\app\484E494A\pit.bin                       ;camera info
  SD:\private\ds\app\484E494A\DCIM\nnnNIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG    ;camera frames
And, in internal eMMC only (not on SD), the DSi is somewhere storing Calendar entries (some sort of bitmaps with optional handwritten comments drawn via touchscreen).

File/Folder Numbers
The "nnnNIN02" folders are numbered "100NIN02" through "999NIN02". The first folder is usually 100NIN02, unless another "100xxxxx" folder did already exist (eg. if the SD card contains a "100CANON" folder, then DSi would start at 101NIN02 or higher).
The trailing "02" of the "nnnNIN02" folders appears to be fixed for DSi photos (folder name "nnnNIN01" is reserved for Wii screenshots).
The "HNI_nnnn.JPG" filenames are numbered "HNI_0001.JPG" through "HNI_0100.JPG", thereafter, the DSi will switch to next higher folder number, and wrap to using "HNI_0001.JPG" as first filename in that folder.
The weird "484E494A" folder name is based on the japanese Nintendo DSi Camera's gamecode (HNIJ) converted to an 8-digit uppercase HEX string (this appears to be always the japanese gamecode, even on european DSi consoles).

  DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - JPEG's

Overall JPEG Format (big-endian)
  Offs   ID    Len   Data
  0000h  FFD8h                                      ;(start of image)    ;SOI
  0002h  FFE1h,10C4h,"Exif",00h,00h,<Exif Body>     ;(extra "Exif" data) ;APP1
  10C8h  FFC0h,0011h,08h,01E0h,0280h,03h,012100h,021101h,031101h         ;SOF0
  10DBh  FFDBh,0084h, 00 06 04 05 06 05 04 06 06 05 06 07 07 .. 28 28 28 ;DQT
  1161h  FFC4h,01A2h, 00 00 01 05 01 01 01 .. .. F8 F9 FA                ;DHT
  1305h  FFDAh,000Ch,03h,010002h,110311h,003F00h    ;(start of scan)     ;SOS
  1313h  E6 76 F4 DD 4F 0A 3B 60 0F 4C D7 9E 9A 93 3D 4B EE 98 B8 .. ..
  AB4Fh  FFD9h                                      ;(end of image)      ;EOI

Exif Body for Nintendo DSi Photos
The Exif data consists of several headers/footers and data blocks, mixed with several "IFD" tables.
  Offs  Siz  ExID  Type  Length    Offset    ;<-- Format for "IFD" Tables
  0000h 4    "MM",002Ah                      ;Big-Endian (aka Motorola)
  0004h 4    00000008h                       ;first IFD offset (IFD0)
IFD0 (Main Image):
  0008h 2    0009h                           ;number of IFD0 entries
  000Ah 12   010Fh,0002h,00000009h,0000007Ah ;Maker ("Nintendo",0)
  0016h 12   0110h,0002h,0000000Bh,00000084h ;Model ("NintendoDS",0)
  0022h 12   011Ah,0005h,00000001h,00000090h ;Resolution X (72 dpi)
  002Eh 12   011Bh,0005h,00000001h,00000098h ;Resolution Y (72 dpi)
  003Ah 12   0128h,0003h,00000001h,00020000h ;Resolution Unit (2=Inches)
  0046h 12   0131h,0002h,00000005h,000000A0h ;Firmware (Gamecode backwards)
  0052h 12   0132h,0002h,00000014h,000000A6h ;Date/Time Modified
  005Eh 12   0213h,0003h,00000001h,00020000h ;Subsampling (2=datum point)
  006Ah 12   8769h,0004h,00000001h,000000BAh ;Exif SubIFD offset
  0076h 4    000001DEh                       ;next IFD offset (IFD1)
  007Ah 9+1  "Nintendo",00h,00h              ;Maker ("Nintendo",0,0)
  0084h 11+1 "NintendoDS",00h,00h            ;Model ("NintendoDS",0,0)
  0090h      00000048h,00000001h             ;Resolution X (72 dpi)
  0098h      00000048h,00000001h             ;Resolution Y (72 dpi)
  00A0h 5+1  "PINH",00h,00h   ;aka HNIP      ;Firmware (Gamecode backwards)
  00A6h 20   "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS",00h       ;Date/Time Modified
Sub IFD:
  00BAh 2    000Ah                           ;number of Sub IFD entries
  00BCh 12   9000h,0007h,00000004h,30323230h ;Exif Version ("0220")
  00C8h 12   9003h,0002h,00000014h,00000138h ;Date/Time Original
  00D4h 12   9004h,0002h,00000014h,0000014Ch ;Date/Time Digitized
  00E0h 12   9101h,0007h,00000004h,01020300h ;Components (Y,Cb,Cr)
  00ECh 12   927Ch,0007h,00000042h,00000160h ;Maker dependent internal data
  00F8h 12   A000h,0007h,00000004h,30313030h ;Flashpix Version ("0100")
  0104h 12   A001h,0003h,00000001h,00010000h ;Color Space (1=Normal=sRGB)
  0110h 12   A002h,0004h,00000001h,00000280h ;Pixel Dimension X (640)
  011Ch 12   A003h,0004h,00000001h,000001E0h ;Pixel Dimension Y (480)
  0128h 12   A005h,0004h,00000001h,000001A2h ;Interoperability IFD (R98)
  0134h 4    00000000h                       ;next IFD offset (none)
  0138h 20   "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS",00h       ;Date/Time Original
  014Ch 20   "YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS",00h       ;Date/Time Digitized
Maker dependent IFD (DSi specific):
  0160h 2    0002h                           ;number of IFD entries
  0162h 12   1000h,0007h,0000001Ch,0000017Eh ;DSi Signature (IV+MAC)
  016Eh 12   1001h,0007h,00000008h,0000019Ah ;DSi Whatever Zero (Frame info?)
  017Ah 4    00000000h                       ;next IFD offset (none)
  017Eh 12   2E AB A5 D1 FD A8 .. ..         ;DSi Signature (IV)  ;\
  018Ah 16   xx xx xx xx xx xx .. ..         ;DSi Signature (MAC) ;/
  019Ah 8    0000000000000000h               ;<-- different for Frames
Interoperability IFD (R98) (some common/useless stuff for JPEGs):
  01A2h 2    0003h                           ;number of IFD entries
  01A4h 12   0001h,0002h,00000004h,52393800h ;Stipulated File ("R98",0)
  01B0h 12   0002h,0007h,00000004h,30313030h ;Whatever ("0100")
  01BCh 12   1000h,0002h,00000012h,000001CCh ;Whatever (JPEG Exif Ver 2.2",0)
  01C8h 4    00000000h                       ;next IFD offset (none)
  01CCh 18   "JPEG Exif Ver 2.2",00h         ;Whatever (JPEG Exif Ver 2.2",0)
IFD1 (Thumbnail Image):
  01DEh 2    0006h                           ;number of IFD1 entries
  01E0h 12   0103h,0003h,00000001h,00060000h ;Compression (1=JPEG)
  01ECh 12   011Ah,0005h,00000001h,0000022Ch ;Resolution X (72 dpi)
  01F8h 12   011Bh,0005h,00000001h,00000234h ;Resolution Y (72 dpi)
  0204h 12   0128h,0003h,00000001h,00020000h ;Resolution Unit (2=Inches)
  0210h 12   0201h,0004h,00000001h,0000023Ch ;Jpeg Offset
  021Ch 12   0202h,0004h,00000001h,00000xxxh ;Jpeg Size (eg. E80h)
  0228h 4    00000000h                       ;next IFD offset (none)
  022Ch 8    00000048h,00000001h             ;Resolution X (72 dpi)
  0234h 8    00000048h,00000001h             ;Resolution Y (72 dpi)
Thumbnail Data (160x120pix, in JPEG Format):
  023Ch 2    FFD8h                           ;(start of thumbnail/image) ;SOI
  023Eh 13h  FFC0h,0011h,08h,0078h,00A0h,03h,012100h,021101h,031101h     ;SOF0
  0251h 86h  FFDBh,0084h, 00 0A 07 07 08 07 .. ..                        ;DQT
  02D7h 1A4h FFC4h,01A2h, 00 00 01 05 01 .. .. F8 F9 FA                  ;DHT
  047Bh 0Eh  FFDAh,000Ch,03h,010002h,110311h,003F00h   ;(start of scan)  ;SOS
  0489h ...  CC 55 14 F0 3D 2B 8B 4B 9D C2 E3 BD 18 A5 B0 09 B6 .. ..
  10xxh 2    FFD9h                           ;(end of thumbnail/image)   ;EOI
The above european gamecode entry differs for other regions. Above offsets are usually as so for DSi jpeg's, but they might change if Nintendo adds/removes some entries, or changes size of some entries (for example, the Model string is said to be different for 3DS, and "Frames" are including a bigger entry, as described below).

DSi Signature (IV+MAC)
The 1Ch-byte Signature is split into a 0Ch-byte IV value (this might be just a random number?), and a 10h-byte MAC value. The MAC is computed via AES-CCM:
  IV[00h..0Bh]  = First 0Ch-bytes of signature
  KEY[00h..0Fh] = Constant (70,88,52,06,...)   ;from BIOS ROM
  Zerofill the 1Ch-byte signature area in the JPEG file
  Probably zeropad(?) the JPEG file (if filesize isn't a multiple of 16 bytes)
  Pass the whole JPEG as "extra associated data" to the AES-CCM hardware
  Copy the IV value and computed MAC value back to the JPEG's signature area
Unknown if the IV value is just random, and unknown if there are further requirements (such like using same Maker/Model strings or same resolution as in original DSi files).
Locating "ldr rx,=927Ch" opcodes at various locations in Nintendo DSi Camera is easy; but the stuff is handled via numerous sub-functions, including IPC stuff with both ARM7 and ARM9 envolved; which isn't too easy to disassemble.

Exif Body for Nintendo DSi Frames
Frames are using same format above, but with the 8-byte zero entry at [019Ah] replaced by a bigger 8FCh-byte entry (accordingly, the size in IFD entry [016Eh] is also adjusted, and offsets for entries [01A2h..10xxh] are moved up).
The actual change is that 0000000000000000h is changed from 8 byte size to 8FCh-byte size, containing 0000000000000001h, followed by 8F4h extra bytes (with unknown content; maybe the frame mask for transparent pixels; the data doesn't really look like a mask though, unless it's compressed, but then the fixed size would be strange).

IFD Type Values (and Length/Offset)
  0001h = 8bit Unsigned
  0002h = 7bit ASCII
  0003h = 16bit Unsigned
  0004h = 32bit Unsigned
  0005h = 64bit Unsigned Rational (32bit numerator, plus 32bit denominator)
  0006h = Reserved
  0007h = 8bit General Purpose
  0009h = 32bit Signed
  000Ah = 64bit Signed Rational (32bit numerator, plus 32bit denominator)
  000Bh..FFFFh = Reserved
The "Length" value indicates the number of type units, eg. type=16bit, length=3 would mean 6 bytes. If the information fits into 4 bytes then it's stored directly in the 4-byte "Offset" field, otherwise "Offset" is a pointer to the actual information.

  DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - pit.bin

FAT12:\photo\private\ds\app\484E494A\pit.bin (8K) (camera info)
SD:\private\ds\app\484E494A\pit.bin (47K) (camera info)
  0000h       8  ID ("0TIP00_1") (maybe meant to read as PIT01_00 or so)
  0008h       2  Number of pit.bin entries (3000 for SD Card) (500 for eMMC)
  000Ah       2  Unknown (0001h)
  000Ch       2  Next Photo Folder-Number minus 100  (xxxNIN02)
  000Eh       2  Next Photo File-Number minus 1      (HNB_0xxx.JPG)
  0010h       2  Next Frame Folder-Number minus 100  (xxxNIN02)
  0012h       2  Next Frame File-Number minus 1      (HNB_0xxx.JPG)
  0014h       2  CRC16 of whole file (with initial value 0000h, and with
                 entry [0014h] being treated as 0000h for calculation)
  0016h       2  Size of Header (0018h)
  0018h+N*10h 4  Entry N, Time/Date (seconds since 01 Jan 2000)
  001Ch+N*10h 8  Entry N, Unknown (zerofilled)
  0024h+N*10h 4  Entry N, Flags (see below)
                  0     Used Entry Flag (0=Unused/Deleted, 1=Used)
                  1-10  Folder-Number minus 100 (xxxNIN02)
                  11-17 File-Number minus 1     (0..99 = HNB_0001..0100.JPG)
                  18-19 Sticker (0=None, 1=Star, 2=Clover, 3=Heart)
                  20-21 Type (0,3=Photo, 1=Frame, 2=?)
                  22-23 Unknown (0,2=Normal?, 1=?, 3=Error)
                  24-31 Unused (zero)
  xxx8h       8  Padding for 16-byte filesize alignment (zerofilled)
The "Next Photo/Frame" entries contain File/Folder Numbers where the next images will be saved; that file numbers increase after saving, and do eventually wrap to next higher folder number.
The Nintendo DSi Camera utility shows only photos listed in "pit.bin", when manually copying jpg's to SD Card one could:
 - Delete "pit.bin" (it'll be recreated with ALL jpgs, sticker flags are lost)
 - Replace an existing 'listed' file by a new file with same filename
 - Manually edit "pit.bin" and adjust its CRC16 checksum
Photos are region free, can be viewed from any other DSi's (as long as they are listed in pit.bin). However, they do require some signature in Exif header, so in general, the DSi accepts only images that come from DSi consoles; not images from other sources.

Photos with "Star" sticker are shown as background picture in System Menu; this works only for images stored in internal eMMC memory (images on SD Card can have stickers, too, but they are ignored by System Menu).

  DSi SD/MMC Flipnote Files

This .sav file contains a FAT12 filesystem with following files:
  Flipnote(public.sav):\eula.txt     ;128 Kbytes, 20000h - zerofilled
  Flipnote(public.sav):\option.bin   ;256 bytes, 100h    - options
  Flipnote(public.sav):\mark0.pls    ;8000 bytes, 1F40h  - Heart sticker
  Flipnote(public.sav):\mark1.pls    ;8000 bytes, 1F40h  - Crown sticker
  Flipnote(public.sav):\mark2.pls    ;8000 bytes, 1F40h  - Music sticker
  Flipnote(public.sav):\mark3.pls    ;8000 bytes, 1F40h  - Skull sticker
  Flipnote(public.sav):\recent10.pls ;4000 bytes, FA0h   - Recently saved
  Flipnote(public.sav):\friend.pls   ;28800 bytes, 7080h - F7,A0,CD,zeroes..
  Flipnote(public.sav):\remind.pls   ;10240 bytes, 2800h - F7,A0,CD,zeroes..
  Flipnote(public.sav):\latest1.pls  ;256 bytes, 100h    - xxxxxxxx,zeroes..
  Flipnote(public.sav):\nand.pls     ;160000 bytes, 27100h - All files
  Flipnote(public.sav):\ugo\0NN\XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.ppm - flipnotes

Flipnote(public.sav):\option.bin (256 bytes, 100h)
  0000h 1   Unknown (02h)        (?)
  0001h 1   Stylus               (00h=Right Hand, 01h=Left Hand)
  0002h 1   Sound Effects        (00h=On, 01h=Off)
  0003h 1   Unknown (01h)        (?)
  0004h 1   Unknown (00h)        (?)
  0005h 1   Unknown (01h)        (?)
  0006h 1   Unknown (01h)        (?)
  0007h 1   Unknown (03h)        (?)
  0008h 1   Unknown (02h)        (?)
  0009h 1   Unknown (01h)        (?)
  000Ah 1   Unknown (00h)        (?)
  000Bh 1   Unknown (01h)        (?)
  000Ch 1   Advanced Tools       (00h=Off, 01h=On)
  000Dh 1   Pages to Trace       (01h..04h=1..4)
  000Eh 1   Frog Display         (01h=Off, 01h=On)
  000Fh 1   Start on Calendar    (00h=Off, 01h=On)
  0010h 8   Flipnote Studio ID   (64bit User ID) (fixed)
  0018h 2   Checksum             (see below)
  001Ah 2   Date of Birth, Year  (076Ch..0840h=1900..2112)
  001Bh 1   Date of Birth, Month (01h..0Ch=1..12)
  001Ch 1   Date of Birth, Day   (01h..1Fh=1..31)
  001Eh E2h Unknown/unused       (zerofilled)
Checksum is computed as "chk=0000h, halfword[18h]=0000h, for i=0 to FFh, chk=chk+(byte[i] xor i), next i, halfword[18h]=chk".

SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark0.pls (Heart sticker), 8000 bytes (1F40h)
SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark1.pls (Crown sticker), 8000 bytes (1F40h)
SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark2.pls (Music sticker), 8000 bytes (1F40h)
SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\mark3.pls (Skull sticker), 8000 bytes (1F40h)
SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\recent10.pls (Recently saved), 4000 bytes (FA0h)
Recently saved files list, and four files with flipnotes that have "stickers" assigned to them (which can be done when clicking "Details" in the flipnote file menu).
  0000h   N*3Fh       List of filenames (if any)               ;\encrypted
  N*3Fh+0 1           End of filename list (00h)               ;/
  N*3Fh+1 2           Crippled MD5 checksum bytes [6,8]        ;\unencrypted
  N*3Fh+3 SIZ-N*3Fh-3 Padding to end of file (zerofilled)      ;/
The filenames are formatted as so (consisting of device, path, and name):
The files are encrypted using a fixed XOR pattern (repeated every 40h bytes):
The checksum is derived by computing the MD5 checksum across the data bytes (in unencrypted form), and then crippling the 16-byte MD5 value to 2 bytes.
For example, an empty file contains only three bytes: F7h,A0h,CDh (plus zero padding).

SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\001\dirmemo2.lst (files), 160000 bytes (27100h)
  0000h   N*1Dh       List of filenames (if any)               ;\encrypted
  N*1Dh+0 1           End of filename list (00h)               ;/
  N*1Dh+1 2           MD5 checksum bytes [6,8]                 ;\unencrypted
  N*1Dh+3 SIZ-N*1Dh-3 Padding to end of file (zerofilled)      ;/
The filenames are formatted as so (raw names, without path):
Checksum and encryption is same as for the ".pls" files, however, the ".lst" file contains only raw filenames (without path's).

Flipnotes exported to GIF format. Supported are animated GIFs, and separate GIFs for each frame. There appears to be no way to view GIFs, or to convert them back to PPM format.

SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\001\XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.ppm ;normal
SD:\private\ds\app\4B4755GG\YYYYMMDD\NNN\XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.ppm ;backup
Flipnotes animation files.
  0000h  4       File ID ("PARA")
  0004h  4       Size of Animation Data (vid)
  0008h  4       Size of Audio Data     (aud) (0=none)
  000Ch  2       Number of Frames minus 1    (NF-1)
  000Eh  2       Unknown (always 24h,00h)
  0010h  2       Lock Flag (0=Open, 1=Locked, prevent editing)
  0012h  2       Preview frame number
  0014h  22      Nickname of Original Author (UCS-2)  ;\max 10 characters
  002Ah  22      Nickname of Last Editor     (UCS-2)  ; (plus ending zero)
  0040h  22      Nickname of User (?)        (UCS-2)  ;/
  0056h  8       User ID of Original Author  (Flipnote Studio ID)
  005Eh  8       User ID of Last Editor      (Flipnote Studio ID)
  0066h  18      Filename of Original File   (3xHEX, 13xASCII, 2xVER)
  0078h  18      Filename of Current File    (3xHEX, 13xASCII, 2xVER)
  008Ah  8       User ID of Previous Editor  (Flipnote Studio ID)
  0092h  8       Filename Fragment           (3xHEX, 5xHEX)
  009Ah  4       Time/Date (seconds since 1st Jan 2000)
  009Eh  2       Zerofilled
  00A0h  600h    Preview Bitmap (8x6 tiles, aka 64x48 pixels, 4bpp)
  06A0h  2       Size of Animation Table (4*NF)
  06A2h  4       Zerofilled
  06A6h  2       Flags (bit0=Can be set?, bit1=Loop/Repeat, bit6=Set?)
  06A8h  4*NF    Animation Table (offsets in Animation Data for each frame)
  ...    (vid)   Animation Data Frame(s)
  ...    1*NF    Audio Flags for each Frame (bit0-2: Effect 1-3, bit3-7: Zero)
  ...    ..      Padding (0..3 bytes zerofilled, for alignment of next entry)
  ...    4       Size of Background music in bytes (0=not used/empty)
  ...    4       Size of Sound effect #1 in bytes (0=not used/empty, max 2000h)
  ...    4       Size of Sound effect #2 in bytes (0=not used/empty, max 2000h)
  ...    4       Size of Sound effect #3 in bytes (0=not used/empty, max 2000h)
  ...    1       Framespeed for playback          (1..8) aka "8 minus N"
  ...    1       Framespeed when BGM was recorded (1..8) aka "8-decimal"
  ...    14      Zerofilled
  ...    (aud)   Audio Data (BGM, followed by Effects 1, 2, 3) (if any)
  ...    80h     RSA-OpenPGP-SHA1 across all preceeding bytes
  ...    10h     Zerofilled
The RSA signature is in OpenPGP SHA1 format (as used by SWI 23h, however Flipnote is using it's own RSA functions instead of the BIOS SWIs). The RSA public/private keys are contain in the Flipnote executable (in the modcrypted area).

Animation Data Frame(s)
  Start  Length  Description
  0000h  1       Pen and Paper information
  0001h  48      Layer 1 Line Encoding (48 bytes = 2bit per 192 lines)
  0031h  48      Layer 2 Line Encoding (48 bytes = 2bit per 192 lines)
  0061h  ...     Frame Data for Layer 1
  ...    ...     Frame Data for Layer 2
The pen and paper byte at the start is encoded as follows:
  0    Paper     (0=Black, 1=White)
  1-2  Layer 1   (0=None, 1=Inverse of Paper, 2=Red, 3=Blue)
  3-4  Layer 2   (0=None, 1=Inverse of Paper, 2=Red, 3=Blue)
  5-6  Unknown
  7    New Frame (0=Change between last frame, 1=Totally new frame)
The Line Encoding contains 2bit values for all 192 scanlines (starting with bit0-1 of the first byte; for the top-most(?) scanline). The meaning of the 2bit values is:
  0 = Skip Line    (0 bytes)   (0 pixels)
  1 = Packed Line  (4+N bytes) (32bit flags, plus Nx8 pixels)
  2 = Inverse Line (4+N bytes) (32bit flags, plus Nx8 inverted pixels)
  3 = Raw Line     (32 bytes)  (256 pixels)
The packed lines contain a 32bit header (with flags for each 8-pixel fragment of the line, bit31 being the left-most fragment), followed by data bytes for each flagged fragment (with 8 pixels per fragment, bit0 being the left-most pixel). The Inverse lines have the same 32bit flags, but for whatever reason, the following data byte(s) are to be XORed with FFh.

Audio Data
  First comes the BGM (if used)
  Then comes sound effect #1 (if used)
  Then comes sound effect #2 (if used)
  Then comes sound effect #3 (if used)
The sound data seems to be a variant of VOX ADPCM at around 8KHz.

IDs and Filenames
Half of the Flipnote Studio ID is same as the last 4 bytes of the wifi MAC address. The filenames are also containing the last 3 bytes of the MAC address. The "XNNNNN_NNNNNNNNNNNNN_NNN.ppm" filename is also encoded in three header entries:
  Header  = Filename      = Meaning
  3xHEX   = XNNNNN        = Based on MAC address (the "X" in "XNNNNN" is what?)
  13xASCII= NNNNNNNNNNNNN = Some 13-digit random number or so as ASCII string
  5xHEX   = NNNNNNNNNN    = First 10-digits of above 13-digit string
  2xVER   = NNN.ppm       = Trailing version(?) number (hex, decimal?)
For the file name "G35B20_0909841CDBEB1_002.ppm":
                   <-hex--> <-----ascii-----------------> <-asc--> <-n->
  Filename (ori)   D3 5B 20 30 39 30 39 38 34 31 43 44 42 45 42 31 00 00
  Filename (curr)  D3 5B 20 30 39 30 39 38 34 31 43 44 42 45 42 31 02 00
                   <-hex--> <--hex------->
  Filename (frag)  D3 5B 20 09 09 84 1C DB

Preview Palette (fixed)
Fullscreen flipnotes can have only four colors: Black, White, Red, Blue). Additional shades like gray, magenta, or dark/light colors exist only in resampled preview images. The Preview List uses pale colors, with higher contrast for the Selected icon.
  Color  Purpose    (appearance)  Preview   Selected
  00h    N/A       (transparent)  1F-1F-1F  1F-1F-1F
  01h    Black       (dark grey)  13-13-13  0A-0A-0A
  02h    White           (white)  1F-1F-1F  1F-1F-1F
  03h    White+Black      (grey)  19-19-19  13-13-13
  04h    Red               (red)  1F-12-12  1F-09-09
  05h    Red+Black    (dark red)  1B-13-13  18-0A-0A
  06h    Red+White        (pink)  1F-19-19  1F-15-15
  07h    N/A             (green)  0E-1F-0E  02-1F-02
  08h    Blue             (blue)  12-12-1F  09-09-1F
  09h    Blue+Black  (dark blue)  13-13-1A  0A-0A-16
  0Ah    Blue+White (light blue)  19-19-1F  15-15-1F
  0Bh    N/A             (green)  0E-1F-0E  02-1F-02
  0Ch    Red+Blue      (magenta)  1A-13-1A  16-0B-16
  0Dh    N/A             (green)  0E-1F-0E  02-1F-02
  0Eh    N/A             (green)  0E-1F-0E  02-1F-02
  0Fh    N/A             (green)  0E-1F-0E  02-1F-02

FAT12:\photo\DCIM\100NIN02\HNI_nnnn.JPG ;camera photos
Flipnote doesn't contain an own camera function. However, the drawing utility does allow to import JPGs from the camera partition (ie. images that have been previously taken via the DSi Camera utility).

  DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Interface

AR6002 SDIO Registers
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Function 0 Register Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Function 1 Register Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi - SDIO Function 1 I/O - mbox_wlan_host_reg
DSi Atheros Wifi Misc
For general info about SDIO protocol and I/O ports, and SDIO Function 0, see
DSi SD/MMC Protocol and I/O Ports

Transfer Protocol (Commands/Events)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Command Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi - Response Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi - Host Interest Area in RAM
DSi Atheros Wifi - BMI Bootloader Commands
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Misc Commands
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Misc Events
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Connect Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Channel and Cipher Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Scan Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Bit Rate Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Threshold Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Error, Retry and Debug Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Priority Stream Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Roam Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Power Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Statistics Function
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (older AR6002)
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Wake on Wireless (WOW) Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Functions
Additional WMI Functions (NOT implemented in DSi with AR6002, but maybe exist in DSi/3DS with AR6013/AR6014):
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Misc Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (newer AR6002)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (AR6003)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI DataSet Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI AP Mode Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI DFS Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI P2P Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI WAC Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI RF Kill and Store/Recall Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI THIN Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Pyxis Functions
Aside from WMI Commands/Events, it should be obviously also possible to transfer actual data packets, but unknown to do that... maybe it's done through MBOX0 too, and maybe related to WMI_DATA_HDR, WMI_TX_META_V0..3, WMI_RX_META_V0..2 in "wmi.h" and/or to stuff in "htc.h".

DSi Atheros Wifi I2C EEPROM

  DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Function 0 Register Summary

Atheros SDIO "Function 0" area
  0:00000 2      Revision       (0011h = CCCRv1.10, SDIOv1.10, SDv1.01)  ;\
  0:00002 2      Function       (0202h = Function 1 enabled/ready)       ;
  0:00004 2      Interrupt Flags(0000h = None enabled/pending)           ;
  0:00006 1      Abort/Reset    (00h)                                    ;
  0:00007 1      Bus Interface  (82h = 4bit mode, pulldown=off)          ;
  0:00008 1      Card Capability(17h)                                    ; CCCR
  0:00009 3      CIS0 Pointer   (001000h = CIS0 at 0:01000h)             ;
  0:0000C ..       ..suspend..? (zero-filled)                            ;
  0:00010 2      Block Size     (0000h = Function 0 Block Size, variable);
  0:00012 1      Power Control  (03h = supports/uses more than 720mW)    ;
  0:00013 2      Bus Speed      (0000h = Supports only SDR12)            ;
  0:00015 1      Driver Strength(00h)                                    ;
  0:00016 1      Interrupt Ext  (00h = No aysnc IRQ support in 4bit mode);
  0:00017 E9h    Reserved       (zero-filled)                            ;/
  0:00100 2      Interface Type (0000h=Not SDIO standard, no CSA)        ;\
  0:00102 1      Power          (00h=No power selection)                 ;
  0:00103 6      Reserved       (zero-filled)                            ;
  0:00109 3      CIS1 Pointer   (001100h = CIS1 at 0:01100h)             ; FBR1
  0:0010C 4      CSA Stuff      (zero-filled, CSA isn't supported)       ;
  0:00110 2      Block Size     (0080h = Function 1 Block Size, variable);
  0:00112 EEh    Reserved       (zero-filled)                            ;/
  0:00200 600h   FBR2..FBR7     (zero-filled)                            ;-FBRn
  0:00800 800h   Reserved       (zero-filled)                            ;-N/A
  0:01000         01 03 D9 01 FF    ;DEVICE (D9h=FUNCSPEC,01h=Siz,FFh=End;\
  0:01005         20 04 71 02 00 02 ;MANFID (0271h=Atheros, 0200h=AR6002);
  0:0100B         21 02 0C 00       ;FUNCID (0Ch,00h=Standard for SDIO)  ;
  0:0100F         22 04 00 00 08 32 ;FUNCE (0800h=MaxBlkSiz,32h=25Mbit/s); CIS0
  0:01015         1A 05 01 01 00 02 07            ;\       ;CONFIG       ;
  0:0101C         1B 08 C1 41 30 30 FF FF 32 00   ; PROM?  ;CFTABLE_ENTRY;
  0:01026         14 00                           ; RAM?   ;NO_LINK      ;
  0:01028..01044  FF-filled (1Dh bytes) ;uh?      ;/       ;END          ;
  0:01045..010FF  00-filled (BBh bytes) ;unused                          ;/
  0:01100         20 04 71 02 00 02 ;MANFID (0271h=Atheros, 0200h=AR6002);\
  0:01106         21 02 0C 00     ;FUNCID (0Ch,00h=Standard for SDIO)    ;
  0:0110A         22 2A 01        ;FUNCE                                 ;
  0:0110D          01 11          ;FUNCE WakeUpSupport(01h), v1.1(11h)   ;
  0:0110F          00 00 00 00    ;FUNCE Serial Number (00000000h=None)  ;
  0:01113          00 00 00 00 00 ;FUNCE CSA Stuff (00000000h,00h=None)  ;
  0:01118          00 08          ;FUNCE Max Block Size (0800h)          ; CIS1
  0:0111A          00 00 FF 80    ;FUNCE OCR (80FF0000h)                 ;
  0:0111E          00 00 00       ;FUNCE Operate Min/Avg/Max (00,00,00)  ;
  0:01121          00 01 0A       ;FUNCE Standby Min/Avg/Max (00,01,0A)  ;
  0:01124          00 00 00 00    ;FUNCE Bandwidth Min/Opt (0000h,0000h) ;
  0:01128          00 00          ;FUNCE Timeout Enable-till-Rdy (0000h) ;
  0:0112A          00 00 00 00    ;FUNCE Operation  Avg/Max (0000h,0000h);
  0:0112E          00 01 00 01    ;FUNCE HighCurrentAvg/Max (0100h,0100h);
  0:01132          00 01 00 01    ;FUNCE LowCurrent Avg/Max (0100h,0100h);
  0:01136         80 01 06        ;VENDOR                                ;
  0:01139         81 01 07        ;VENDOR                                ;
  0:0113C         82 01 DF        ;VENDOR                                ;
  0:0113F         FF              ;END                                   ;
  0:01140         01              ;Garbage?                              ;
  0:01141..011FF  00-filled (BFh bytes) ;unused                          ;/
  0:01200..02FFF  mirrors of 01000h..011FFh (CIS0 and CIS1) (1E00h bytes);\N/A
  0:03000..       00-filled (.... bytes) ;unused... reserved             ;/

  0:00000         11 00 02 02 00 00 00 82  17 00 10 00 00 00 00 00  ;\
  0:00010         00 00 03 00 00 00 00                              ;
  0:00017..000FF  unused (zerofilled)                               ;/
  0:00100         00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 11 00 00 00 00 00  ;\
  0:00110         80 00                                             ;
  0:00112..00FFF  unused (zerofilled)                               ;/
  0:01000         01 03 D9 01 FF                          ;\
  0:01005         20 04 71 02 00 02       ;hif.h: 271h    ;
  0:0100B         21 02 0C 00                             ;
  0:0100F         22 04 00 00 08 32                       ;
  0:01015         1A 05 01 01 00 02 07            ;\      ;
  0:0101C         1B 08 C1 41 30 30 FF FF 32 00   ; PROM? ;
  0:01026         14 00                           ; RAM?  ;
  0:01028..01044  FF-filled (1Dh bytes) uh?       ;/      ;
  0:01045..010FF  00-filled                               ;/
  0:01100         20 04 71 02 00 02                       ;\
  0:01106         21 02 0C 00                             ;
  0:0110A         22 2A 01 01 11 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 08 00 00
  0:0111C               FF 80 00 00  00 00 01 0A  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
  0:0112C               00 00 00 01  00 01 00 01  00 01
  0:01136         80 01 06                                ;
  0:01139         81 01 07                                ;
  0:0113C         82 01 DF                                ;
  0:0113F         FF 01 00                                ;
  0:01142..011FF  00-filled                               ;/
  0:01200..02FFF  mirrors of 01000..011FF (common cis and function 1 cis) ?
  0:03000..       00-filled

  DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Function 1 Register Summary

Atheros SDIO "Function 1" area
  1:00000..000FF  Mbox0 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00100..001FF  Mbox1 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00200..002FF  Mbox2 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00300..003FF  Mbox3 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00400..005FF  Control Registers  <--WINDOW_DATA--> Internal 256MB
  1:00600..007FF  CIS Window; Window ---huh???-------> Internal 256MB ???
  1:00800..00FFF  Mbox0 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:01000..017FF  Mbox1 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:01800..01FFF  Mbox2 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:02000..027FF  Mbox3 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:02800..03FFF  Extra Mbox0 Alias "for future usage" (1800h bytes)
  1:04000..1FFFF  Unspecified

mbox_wlan_host_reg.h -- in SDIO Function 1 address space
  1:00000h 100h    Mbox0 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00100h 100h    Mbox1 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00200h 100h    Mbox2 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00300h 100h    Mbox3 (100h bytes) <--DMA----------> Internal 256MB
  1:00400h 1       HOST_INT_STATUS    (R)
  1:00401h 1       CPU_INT_STATUS     (R/W)
  1:00402h 1       ERROR_INT_STATUS   (R/W)
  1:00403h 1       COUNTER_INT_STATUS (R)
  1:00404h 1       MBOX_FRAME         (R)
  1:00405h 1       RX_LOOKAHEAD_VALID (R)
  1:00406h 1       HOST_INT_STATUS2             ;\GMBOX related, hw4/hw6 only
  1:00407h 1       GMBOX_RX_AVAIL               ;/
  1:00408h 1x4     RX_LOOKAHEAD0[0..3] (R)
  1:0040Ch 1x4     RX_LOOKAHEAD1[0..3] (R)
  1:00410h 1x4     RX_LOOKAHEAD2[0..3] (R)
  1:00414h 1x4     RX_LOOKAHEAD3[0..3] (R)
  1:00418h 1       (HOST_)INT_STATUS_ENABLE  (R/W)
  1:00419h 1       CPU_INT_STATUS_ENABLE     (R/W)
  1:0041Ah 1       ERROR_(INT_)STATUS_ENABLE (R/W)
  1:0041Bh 1       COUNTER_INT_STATUS_ENABLE (R/W)
  1:0041Ch 1x4     PAD1                 (FFh,6Eh,D7h,BFh - maybe some mirror?)
  1:00420h 1x8     COUNT[0..7]         (R/W)
  1:00428h 1x24    PAD2
    00428h 4       -   (mirror of 1:00468h?)
    0042Ch 4       -   (mirror of 1:0041Ch?)
    00430h 4       -   (mirror of 1:00410h?)
    00434h 4       -   (mirror of 1:00...h?)
    00438h 4       -   (mirror of 1:00468h?)
    0043Ch 4       -   (mirror of 1:0041Ch?)
  1:00440h 4x8     COUNT_DEC[0..7]     (R, or Write=any)
  1:00460h 1x8     SCRATCH[0..7]       (R/W)
  1:00468h 1       FIFO_TIMEOUT        (R/W)
  1:00469h 1       FIFO_TIMEOUT_ENABLE (R/W)
  1:0046Ah 1       DISABLE_SLEEP       (R/W)
  1:0046Bh 1x3     -
  1:0046Eh 1       LOCAL_BUS_ENDIAN    (R/W) (AR6001 only, not hw2/hw4/hw6)
  1:0046Fh 1       -
  1:00470h 1       LOCAL_BUS           (R and R/W)
  1:00471h 1x1     PAD4
  1:00472h 1       INT_WLAN            (R/W)
  1:00473h 1x1     PAD5
  1:00474h 4       WINDOW_DATA         (R/W)    ;\
  1:00478h 4       WINDOW_WRITE_ADDR   (W)      ;
  1:0047Ch 4       WINDOW_READ_ADDR    (W)      ;/
  1:00480h 1       HOST_CTRL_SPI_CONFIG (R/W)
  1:00481h 1       HOST_CTRL_SPI_STATUS (R/W)
  1:00482h 1       NON_ASSOC_SLEEP_EN ;hw2/hw4/hw6 (but didn't exist on AR6001)
  1:00483h 1       CPU_DBG_SEL                    ;\DBG, hw4/hw6 only
  1:00484h 1x4     CPU_DBG[0..3]                  ;/
  1:00488h 1       (HOST_)INT_STATUS2_ENABLE (R/W);\
  1:00489h 1x7     PAD6                           ; GMBOX related, hw4/hw6 only
  1:00490h 1x8     GMBOX_RX_LOOKAHEAD[0..7]       ;
  1:00498h 1       GMBOX_RX_LOOKAHEAD_MUX         ;/
  1:00499h 1x359   PAD7
  1:00600h 1x512   CIS_WINDOW[0..511]   (R/W?!)       ;SDIO 0:01000h..0:011FFh
  1:00800h 800h    Mbox0 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:01000h 800h    Mbox1 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:01800h 800h    Mbox2 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:02000h 800h    Mbox3 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
  1:02800h 1800h   Extra Mbox0 Alias "for future usage" (1800h bytes)
  1:04000h 1C000h  Unspecified

  DSi Atheros Wifi - SDIO Function 1 I/O - mbox_wlan_host_reg

Differences between hw2 versus hw4/hw6 (hw4 and hw6 are exactly same):
  added several new "GMBOX" registers (hw4/hw6)
  added new CPU_DBG registers (hw4/hw6)
  added three new "UART_HCI_FRAMER_xxx" error bits (hw4/hw6)
  renamed "DRAGON_INT" (hw2) "INT" (hw4/hw6)
  renamed "SPI_xxx" (hw2) to "HOST_CTRL_SPI_xxx" (hw4/hw6)

1:00000h..000FFh - Mbox0 (100h bytes)
1:00100h..001FFh - Mbox1 (100h bytes)
1:00200h..002FFh - Mbox2 (100h bytes)
1:00300h..003FFh - Mbox3 (100h bytes)
1:00800h..00FFFh - Mbox0 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
1:01000h..017FFh - Mbox1 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
1:01800h..01FFFh - Mbox2 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
1:02000h..027FFh - Mbox3 Alias (bigger 800h bytes alias)
1:02800h..03FFFh - Extra Mbox0 Alias "for future usage" (1800h bytes)
The MBOXes are some sort of FIFOs for transferring data blocks to/from wifi controller. Transfer end seems to be indicated by reading/writing the LAST byte (eg. when sending 4 bytes via Mbox0, data would be usually written to increasing addresses at 1:000FCh..000FFh, or 1:00FFCh..00FFFh when using the bigger Mbox alias) (technically, those addresses are just mirrors of each other, so one could as well write all bytes to the same address, or to random addresses at 1:00000h..000FFh and/or 1:00800h..00FFFh in no specific order; the only special case is that the last byte at 1:000FFh/1:00FFFh seems to be triggering something... like maybe throwing an IRQ at remote side or so).
In total, there appear to be eight MBOXes for SDIO: Four TXFIFOs (from SDIO to Xtensa side), plus four RXFIFOs (from Xtensa to SDIO side). The capacity of the FIFOs is unknown; the 800h-byte spaces would suggest 800h bytes, but the firmware uploader seems to use only max 200h bytes for whatever reason. Hardware tests suggest only 80h bytes MBOX1-3 TXFIFOs, and 8Ah or 3CD0h bytes for MBOX0 TXFIFO (8Ah when writing LAST bytes, 3CD0h otherwise); that results may be disturbed by the firmware trying to process incoming data.
Reading from EMPTY FIFO keeps returning the most recently read value (the last byte before the FIFO got empty).
Writes to FULL FIFO... results are unknown... maybe ignored, and/or producing TIMEOUTs?

1:00400h - HOST_INT_STATUS (R)
1:00418h - (HOST_)INT_STATUS_ENABLE (R/W) 0=No IRQ, 1=IRQ 0=Disable, 1=Enable
  0-3    MBOX_DATA  MBOX0..3 Data pending (RX FIFO not empty)
  4      COUNTER    Secondary IRQ from COUNTER_INT_STATUS
  5      INT        Copy of internal CPU's interrupt line (aka DRAGON_INT)
  6      CPU        Secondary IRQ from CPU_INT_STATUS
  7      ERROR      Secondary IRQ from ERROR_INT_STATUS
The status register is read-only (to reset the status bits: read/reset the corresponding MBOXes, or acknowledge the corresponding Secondary IRQ sources).

1:00401h - CPU_INT_STATUS (R/W)
1:00419h - CPU_INT_STATUS_ENABLE (R/W) 0=No IRQ, 1=IRQ
Status.write: 0=No change, 1=Acknowledge 0=Disable, 1=Enable
  0-7    BIT        Interrupt 0..7 from internal CPU
These bits are eight general purpose IRQ signals from the internal CPU (the meaning of the bits depends on software/firmware) (see WLAN_INT_HOST).

1:00402h - ERROR_INT_STATUS (R/W)
Status.write: 0=No change, 1=Acknowledge (except bit3) 0=Disable, 1=Enable (except bit3)
  0      TX_OVERFLOW  (host tried to write to a full MBOX)
  1      RX_UNDERFLOW (host tried to read from an empty MBOX)
  2      WAKEUP (client has entered ON-state)
  3      SPI Error Interrupt   ;STATUS only (not STATUS_ENABLE)  (R)
  4      hw4/hw6: UART_HCI_FRAMER_UNDERFLOW             ;\
  5      hw4/hw6: UART_HCI_FRAMER_OVERFLOW              ; hw4/hw6 only
  6      hw4/hw6: UART_HCI_FRAMER_SYNC_ERROR            ;/
  7      -
Bit3 can be acknowledged or disabled only via SPI-specific registers from SPI host (that is, probably referring to the HOST_CTRL_SPI_CONFIG and HOST_CTRL_SPI_STATUS registers).

1:0041Bh - COUNTER_INT_STATUS_ENABLE (R/W) 0=No IRQ, 1=IRQ 0=Disable, 1=Enable
  0-7    COUNT[0..7] is nonzero
The status register is read-only (to reset the status bits: decrease the COUNT values via COUNT_DEC[0..7]) (unknown if directly writing to COUNT[0..7] does also affect the interrupt bits; probably it does, although official specs suggests that only 00h <--> 01h transitions affect IRQ bits).

1:00406h - HOST_INT_STATUS2 - hw4/hw6 only
1:00488h - (HOST_)INT_STATUS2_ENABLE (R/W) - hw4/hw6 only
  0      hw4/hw6: GMBOX_DATA                            ;\
  1      hw4/hw6: GMBOX_TX_OVERFLOW                     ; hw4/hw6 only
  2      hw4/hw6: GMBOX_RX_UNDERFLOW                    ;/
  3-7    -

1:00404h - MBOX_FRAME (R)
  0-3    MBOX0..3 contains a SOM (start of message) byte in RX FIFO (1=Yes)
  4-7    MBOX0..3 contains a EOM (end of message) byte in RX FIFO   (1=Yes)
Note: A SOM byte always follows an EOM byte from the previous message.

  0-3    MBOX0..3 contains at least 4 bytes in RX FIFO (1=Yes)
  4-7    -

1:00407h - GMBOX_RX_AVAIL - hw4/hw6 only
  0-6    hw4/hw6: BYTE                                  ;-hw4/hw6 only
  7      -
uh, a "7bit-byte"? ... or maybe "number of bytes"?

1:00408h..0040Bh - RX_LOOKAHEAD0[0..3] (R)
1:0040Ch..0040Fh - RX_LOOKAHEAD1[0..3] (R)
1:00410h..00413h - RX_LOOKAHEAD2[0..3] (R)
1:00414h..00417h - RX_LOOKAHEAD3[0..3] (R)
  0-7    MBOX RX FIFO Head-3 byte   ;\what is that?
  8-15   MBOX RX FIFO Head-2 byte   ; head "minus" N, or maybe
  16-23  MBOX RX FIFO Head-1 byte   ;/head "plus index" N?
  24-31  MBOX RX FIFO Head byte
Allows to preview the first 1..4 byte(s) from MBOX0..3, without removing the data from the FIFO. The first byte is valid when HOST_INT_STATUS indicates FIFO not empty. The first four bytes are valid when RX_LOOKAHEAD_VALID indicates at least 4 bytes in FIFO.

1:00420h..00427h - COUNT[0..7] (R/W)
This are eight 8bit counter registers for communicating with internal CPU (see LOCAL_COUNT and COUNT_INC in internal I/O map).
  0-7    Credit Counter Value

1:00440h..0045Fh - COUNT_DEC[0..7] (R, or Write=any)
This are eight 32bit registers. Reading or writing the LSB of the 32bit values does decrement the correspondig COUNT register by one. The written value is ignored, reading returns the old COUNT value (before decrement). The decrement doesn't occur if the COUNT is already zero. The corresponding IRQ bit is cleared when COUNT becomes zero.
  0-7    Credit Counter Value
  8-31   Zero? (dummy padding for 32bit access)

1:00460h..00467h - SCRATCH[0..7] (R/W)
This are eight 8bit general-purpose registers for communicating with internal CPU (see LOCAL_SCRATCH in internal I/O map).
  0-7    General Purpose Value

1:00468h - FIFO_TIMEOUT (R/W)
Timeout (SDIO Wait duration) for cases when reading from empty MBOXes or writing to full MBOXes. On AR6001, timeout is counted in 1ms units (when CORE_CLK=40MHz) or 0.5ms units (when CORE_CLK=80MHz). Timings for AR6002 are probably same/similar?
  0-7    Timeout (01h..FFh) (00h=Reserved/don't use)

  0      Enable FIFO Timeouts (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1-7    -

1:0046Ah - DISABLE_SLEEP (R/W)
  0      Prevent Sleep                       (0=Allow Sleep, 1=Prevent Sleep)
  1      Prevent Sleep when Host IRQ pending (0=Allow Sleep, 1=Prevent Sleep)
  2-7    -

1:0046Eh - LOCAL_BUS_ENDIAN (R/W) (AR6001 only, not hw2/hw4/hw6)
  0      AR6001 only: (0=Little Endian, 1=Big Endian)   ;-not hw2/hw4/hw6
  1-7    -

1:00470h - LOCAL_BUS (R and R/W)
  0-1    Current Chip State (0=Shutdown, 1=On, 2=Sleep, 3=Wakeup) (R)
  2      AR6001 only: KEEP_AWAKE (R/W)                  ;\
  3      AR6001 only: IO_ENABLE  (R/W)                  ; not hw2/hw4/hw6
  4      AR6001 only: SOFT_RESET (R/W)                  ;/
  5-7    -

1:00472h - INT_WLAN (R/W)
  0-7    "VECTOR" or interrupt 0..7 ?  (0=No change, 1=Set)
Sends IRQs to internal CPU (see WLAN_MBOX_INT_STATUS bit0-7).

1:00474h..00477h - WINDOW_DATA
  0-31   DATA
Used to access the internal Xtensa memory space. The actual memory access occurs when writing the WINDOW_xxx_ADDR registers (see below).

1:00478h..0047Bh - WINDOW_WRITE_ADDR (W) (read: crashes hardware?)
1:0047Ch..0047Fh - WINDOW_READ_ADDR (W) (read: crashes hardware?)
  0-1    Ignored
  2-27   ADDR (in 4-byte steps)
  28-31  ?
Writing an address to these registers causes 32bit data to be transferred to/from WINDOW_DATA register.
  For a memory write: First write WINDOW_DATA, then write WINDOW_WRITE_ADDR
  For a memory read: First write WINDOW_READ_ADDR, then read WINDOW_DATA
The memory transfers seem to occur on writing address LSB (ie. one must first write the upper three ADDR bytes, then write the lower ADDR byte; that requires sending two separate SDIO commands, except, for accesses within the same 100h-byte block, one may get away with a single SDIO command for changing the LSB only, and leaving the MSBs unchanged).
Caution: Trying to read the ADDR registers seems to be somehow crashing the SDIO hardware (causing errors when trying to send any further SDIO commands).

This register can be accessed only via SPI interface.
  0-1    DATA_SIZE (0=8bit, 1=16bit, 2=32bit, 3=Reserved) (addr = always 16bit)
  2      TEST_MODE (0=Normal, 1=Loopback/Echo)
  3      INTERRUPT_ENABLE (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  4      SPI_RESET (0=Normal Operation, 1=Reset SPI core)
  5      AR6001 only, not AR6002? - SPI_CLK_OFFSET (R)
  6      -
  7      AR6001 only, not AR6002? - ENDIAN (R/W)

This register is automatically output on SPI bus after completion of SPI data transfers.
  0      READY    (0=Command Pending, 1=Completed/Ready)                (R)
  1      WR_ERR   (0=Okay, 1=Write-Error)  (write: 0=No change, 1=Ack)  (R/ack)
  2      RD_ERR   (0=Okay, 1=Read-Error)   (write: 0=No change, 1=Ack)  (R/ack)
  3      ADDR_ERR (0=Okay, 1=Addr-Error)   (write: 0=No change?, 1=Ack?)
  4      AR6001 only, not AR6002? - IFF_ERR
  5      AR6001 only, not AR6002? - DMA_OVER
  6-7    -

1:00482h - NON_ASSOC_SLEEP_EN ;hw2/hw4/hw6 (but didn't exist on AR6001)
  0      BIT
  1-7    -

1:00483h - CPU_DBG_SEL - hw4/hw6 only
  0-5    BIT                                            ;-hw4/hw6 only
  6-7    -

1:00484h..00487h - CPU_DBG[0..3] - hw4/hw6 only
  0-7    DATA                                           ;-hw4/hw6 only

1:00490h..00497h - GMBOX_RX_LOOKAHEAD[0..7] - hw4/hw6 only
  0-7    DATA                                           ;-hw4/hw6 only

1:00498h - GMBOX_RX_LOOKAHEAD_MUX - hw4/hw6 only
  0      SEL                                            ;-hw4/hw6 only
  1-7    -

1:00600h..007FFh - CIS_WINDOW[0..511] (R/W?!)
  0-7    DATA

  DSi Atheros Wifi Misc

Atheros chip References
Related Atheros chips:
  AR6001  with MIPS CPU, 18x18 pin BGA package    ;not used in DSi/3DS
  AR6002  with Xtensa CPU, 13x13 pin BGA package  ;used in early DSi
  AR6013  unknown details (built-in MM3218?)      ;used in later DSi
  AR6014  unknown details (similar to AR6013?)    ;used in 3DS
There are some datasheets & source code:  ;AR6002 datasheet 56 pages ;AR6001 datasheet 148 pages      ;AR6K source code
The overall hardware registers appear to be same for all AR60xx chips (no matter if they contain MIPS or Xtensa CPUs). The AR6002 datasheet doesn't contain ANY details about hardware registers. The AR6001 datasheet describes SOME hardware registers. And, the AR6K source code contains details about MORE undocumented hardware registers (in some cases listing DIFFERENT addresses as in the datasheet).
The AR6013/AR6014 chips are probably custom designs with some extra MM3218 emulation for NDS games (and possible with some unknown extra hardware features).

Apart from SDIO bus, some wifi functions are also controlled by the BPTWL chip (accessed via I2C bus). The wifi related BPTWL signals are:
  ATH_TX_H              ;\maybe some/all of these do just indicate traffic
  WL_RXPE               ; (for blinking the wifi LED, if it is enabled)
  WL_TXPE               ;/
  /WIFI_RST             ;-Reset or so
That signals seem to be used with BPTWL register 30h, which is allowing to disable the Wifi LED, and might also allow to do things like restting the Wifi hardware, and/or switching between NDS and DSi wifi-modes.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Command Summary

BMI Command Summary (Bootloader Messaging Interface)
  00h   BMI_NO_COMMAND                             Invalid (ignored)
  01h   BMI_DONE                                   Launch Firmware
  02h   BMI_READ_MEMORY                            Read Memory
  03h   BMI_WRITE_MEMORY (normal)                  Write Memory
  03h   BMI_WRITE_MEMORY (with dest=00001234h)     Segmented Write (not in DSi)
  04h   BMI_EXECUTE                                Execute
  05h   BMI_SET_APP_START                          Set App Start
  06h   BMI_READ_SOC_REGISTER                      Read Register
  07h   BMI_WRITE_SOC_REGISTER                     Write Register
  09h   BMI_ROMPATCH_INSTALL                       TCAM/BCAM_xxxxx
  0Ah   BMI_ROMPATCH_UNINSTALL                     TCAM/BCAM_Clr_index_and_xxx
  0Bh   BMI_ROMPATCH_ACTIVATE                      TCAM/BCAM_Set_indices   ;\
  0Ch   BMI_ROMPATCH_DEACTIVATE                    TCAM/BCAM_Clr_indices   ;/
  0Dh   BMI_LZ_STREAM_START                        LZ Uncompress Stream Start
  0Eh   BMI_LZ_DATA                                LZ Data Input
  0Fh   BMI_NVRAM_PROCESS ;not implemented in DSi  Invalid (ignored)
  10h..FFFFFFFFh  Unused                           Invalid (ignored)

WMI Command Summary (Wireless Module Interface)
Unknown yet HOW these WMI commands are transferred; probably via MBOX0, and probably with whatever header(s), which MIGHT be defined in "htc.h", and MIGHT be also related to the "WMI_CMD_HDR" structure in "wmi.h". The DSi does send SOMETHING that MIGHT be commands or other stuff, formatted as so:
  00h 2          Values 00h,00h      ;or 01h,01h
  02h 2          Length (of parameters, plus 0..2 ?)
  04h 2          Values 00h,00h
  06h 2          Command ID (xxxxh) (spotted values are 0002h, 0004h, 0008h)
  08h LEN-(0..2) Command Parameters
  ..  ..         Whatever
  ..  ..         Zerofilled (till 80h-byte size)
If above is correct, then the DSi would send several WMI_RECONNECT_CMD commands right after BMI boot completion (which wouldn't seem to make too much sense), plus WMI_SYNCHRONIZE_CMD and WMI_START_SCAN_CMD (which might make a bit more sense).
  000Eh  WMI_GET_CHANNEL_LIST_CMD    ;reply 000Eh  ;aka WMI_CHANNEL_LIST
  0018h  WMI_ADD_KRK_CMD
  001Ch  WMI_GET_TX_PWR_CMD          ;aka WMI_TX_PWR ;reply 001Ch
  002Bh  WMI_GET_ROAM_DATA_CMD       ;reply 1015h ?    ;\
  002Ch  WMI_ENABLE_RM_CMD                             ; not implemented in DSi
  002Dh  WMI_SET_MAX_OFFHOME_DURATION_CMD              ;/
  002Eh  WMI_EXTENSION_CMD   ;prefix for WMIX "Non-wireless extensions"...
  002Eh:2001h  WMIX_DSETOPEN_REPLY_CMD ;reply to 3001h ;\not implemented in DSi
  002Eh:2002h  WMIX_DSETDATA_REPLY_CMD ;reply to 3003h ;/
  002Eh:2003h  WMIX_GPIO_OUTPUT_SET_CMD   ;reply=3006h          ;\
  002Eh:2004h  WMIX_GPIO_INPUT_GET_CMD    ;reply=3005h          ;
  002Eh:2005h  WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_SET_CMD ;reply=3006h, too     ; GPIO
  002Eh:2006h  WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_GET_CMD ;reply=3005h, too     ;
  002Eh:2007h  WMIX_GPIO_INTR_ACK_CMD ;reply to 3004h           ;/
  002Eh:2008h  WMIX_HB_CHALLENGE_RESP_CMD ;reply=3007h          ;-HB=heartbeat
  002Eh:200Ah  WMIX_PROF_CFG_CMD                       ;\
  002Eh:200Bh  WMIX_PROF_ADDR_SET_CMD                  ;
  002Eh:200Ch  WMIX_PROF_START_CMD                     ; not implemented in DSi
  002Eh:200Dh  WMIX_PROF_STOP_CMD                      ;
  002Eh:200Eh  WMIX_PROF_COUNT_GET_CMD ;reply 3009h    ;/
  0032h  WMI_SET_RTS_CMD
  0035h  WMI_GET_FIXRATES_CMD        ;reply 0035h
;below not in AR6001
  0038h  WMI_SET_WMM_CMD
 ;NOT!   WMI_SET_QOS_SUPP_CMD     ;<-- this NOT here!
  003Ah  WMI_TEST_CMD                                  ;-not implemented in DSi
  003Bh  WMI_SET_BT_STATUS_CMD    ;\AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
  003Ch  WMI_SET_BT_PARAMS_CMD    ;/
  003Eh  WMI_GET_KEEPALIVE_CMD       ;reply 003Eh
  0040h  WMI_GET_APPIE_CMD  ;aka GET_APP_IE ;reply=?   ;-not implemented in DSi
  0042h  WMI_SET_HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD                   ;\
  0043h  WMI_SET_WOW_MODE_CMD                          ;
  0044h  WMI_GET_WOW_LIST_CMD        ;reply=1018h      ; Wake on Wireless (WOW)
  0045h  WMI_ADD_WOW_PATTERN_CMD                       ;
  0046h  WMI_DEL_WOW_PATTERN_CMD                       ;/
 ;below four as of "AR6kSDK.build_sw.18/include/wmi.h" (from 2006)
 ;0047h  WMI_SET_MAC_ADDRESS_CMD (later moved to F003h)
 ;0048h  WMI_SET_AKMP_PARAMS_CMD (later moved to F004h)
 ;0049h  WMI_SET_PMKID_LIST_CMD  (later moved to F005h)
 ;004Ah  WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_CMD  (later moved to F006h)
  0048h  WMI_SET_AP_PS_CMD         ;aka WMI_AP_PS_CMD
  0049h  WMI_SET_QOS_SUPP_CMD  ;<-- this shall be HERE
  004Ah  WMI_SET_IE_CMD  ;new cmd from 2012            ;\
  08xxh  WILOCITY types         ;\wil6210 stuff        ; not implemented in DSi
  09xxh  Performance monitoring ;/                     ;/
  8000h  WMI_THIN_RESERVED_START                       ;\
  8000h  WMI_THIN_CONFIG_CMD                           ;
  8001h  WMI_THIN_SET_MIB_CMD                          ; not implemented in DSi
  8002h  WMI_THIN_GET_MIB_CMD ;reply=8001h             ; (thin commands
  8003h  WMI_THIN_JOIN_CMD      ;\newer                ; from wmi_thin.h)
  8004h  WMI_THIN_CONNECT_CMD   ; versions             ;
  8005h  WMI_THIN_RESET_CMD     ;/only                 ;
  8FFFh  WMI_THIN_RESERVED_END                         ;/
Developer commands
  F001h  WMI_GET_BITRATE_CMD                         ;reply=F001h
  F003h  WMI_SET_MAC_ADDRESS_CMD   ;formerly 0047h     ;-not implemented in DSi
  F004h  WMI_SET_AKMP_PARAMS_CMD   ;formerly 0048h
  F005h  WMI_SET_PMKID_LIST_CMD    ;formerly 0049h
  F006h  WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_CMD    ;formerly 004Ah   ;reply 1019h
Below stuff (F007h..F05Eh) is not implemented in DSi...
  F009h  WMI_UNUSED1 or WMI_PYXIS_CONFIG_CMD    ;\Unused (or Pyxis specific
  F00Bh  WMI_AP_HIDDEN_SSID_CMD      ï                   ;\
  F00Dh  WMI_AP_ACL_POLICY_CMD                           ;
  F00Fh  WMI_AP_CONFIG_COMMIT_CMD                        ; AP mode commands
  F010h  WMI_AP_SET_MLME_CMD                             ;
  F011h  WMI_AP_SET_PVB_CMD                              ;
  F012h  WMI_AP_CONN_INACT_CMD                           ;
  F013h  WMI_AP_PROT_SCAN_TIME_CMD                       ;
  F015h  WMI_AP_SET_DTIM_CMD                             ;
  F016h  WMI_AP_MODE_STAT_CMD      ;formerly N/A         ;/
  F017h  WMI_SET_IP_CMD            ;formerly F016h                      ;\
  F018h  WMI_SET_PARAMS_CMD        ;formerly F017h   ;reply=101Fh       ;
  F019h  WMI_SET_MCAST_FILTER_CMD  ;formerly F018h                      ;
  F01Ah  WMI_DEL_MCAST_FILTER_CMD  ;formerly F019h                      ;/
  F01Bh  WMI_ALLOW_AGGR_CMD                                             ;\
  F01Ch  WMI_ADDBA_REQ_CMD                                              ;
  F01Dh  WMI_DELBA_REQ_CMD                                              ;
  F01Eh  WMI_SET_HT_CAP_CMD                                             ;
  F01Fh  WMI_SET_HT_OP_CMD                                              ;
  F020h  WMI_SET_TX_SELECT_RATES_CMD                                    ;
  F021h  WMI_SET_TX_SGI_PARAM_CMD                                       ;
  F022h  WMI_SET_RATE_POLICY_CMD                                        ;/
  F023h  WMI_HCI_CMD_CMD aka WMI_HCI_CMD                                ;\
  F024h  WMI_RX_FRAME_FORMAT_CMD                                        ;
  F025h  WMI_SET_THIN_MODE_CMD                                          ;
  F026h  WMI_SET_BT_WLAN_CONN_PRECEDENCE_CMD                            ;/
  F027h  WMI_AP_SET_11BG_RATESET_CMD                                    ;\
  F028h  WMI_SET_PMK_CMD                                                ;
  F029h  WMI_MCAST_FILTER_CMD                                           ;/
  F02Ah  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_FE_ANT_CMD                      ;\
  F02Ch  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_SCO_CONFIG_CMD                  ; AR6003
  F02Dh  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_A2DP_CONFIG_CMD                 ; Bluetooth Coexistence
  F030h  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_DEBUG_CMD                       ;
  F032h  WMI_GET_BTCOEX_STATS_CMD  ;reply=1026h..1028h  ;
  F033h  WMI_GET_BTCOEX_CONFIG_CMD ;reply=1027h..1029h  ;/
  F034h  WMI_SET_DFS_ENABLE_CMD        ;aka WMI_SET_DFS_CMD maybe ?   ;\
  F038h  WMI_P2P_SET_CONFIG_CMD                 ;\  ;<-- confirmed to be F038h
  F039h  WMI_WPS_SET_CONFIG_CMD   ;P2P related  ;
  F03Ah  WMI_SET_REQ_DEV_ATTR_CMD ;P2P related  ; P2P CMDS
  F03Bh  WMI_P2P_FIND_CMD                       ;
  F03Ch  WMI_P2P_STOP_FIND_CMD                  ;
  F03Dh  WMI_P2P_GO_NEG_START_CMD               ;
  F03Eh  WMI_P2P_LISTEN_CMD                     ;/
  F03Fh  WMI_CONFIG_TX_MAC_RULES_CMD            ;\  ;<-- claimed to be F040h ?
  F041h  WMI_RX_FRAME_FILTER_CMD                ;
  F042h  WMI_SET_CHANNEL_CMD                    ;/
  F044h  WMI_WAC_SCAN_REPLY_CMD                         ; WAC commands
  F045h  WMI_WAC_CTRL_REQ_CMD                           ;/
  F047h  WMI_GET_PMK_CMD         ;reply?                ;\
  F048h  WMI_SET_PASSPHRASE_CMD                         ;/
Below uses entirely different numbering in code from 2010 vs 2012...
  F04Bh or F04Dh WMI_ACS_CTRL_CMD ;aka WMI_ACS_CTRL_MSG  ;-ACS sub-commands
  F04Dh or N/A   WMI_SET_TBD_TIME_CMD   ;-added for wmiconfig command for TBD
  F04Eh or N/A   WMI_PKTLOG_ENABLE_CMD                ;\Pktlog cmds
  F04Fh or N/A   WMI_PKTLOG_DISABLE_CMD               ;/(code from 2012 only)
  F050h or F053h WMI_P2P_GO_NEG_REQ_RSP_CMD           ;\
  F051h or F054h WMI_P2P_GRP_INIT_CMD                 ;
  F052h or F055h WMI_P2P_GRP_FORMATION_DONE_CMD       ;
  F053h or F056h WMI_P2P_INVITE_CMD                   ; More P2P commands
  F054h or F057h WMI_P2P_INVITE_REQ_RSP_CMD           ;
  F055h or F058h WMI_P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ_CMD            ;
  F056h or F059h WMI_P2P_SET_CMD                      ;/
  F057h or F04Bh WMI_GET_RFKILL_MODE_CMD                          ;\RFKILL
  F059h or F05Ah WMI_AP_SET_APSD_CMD                  ;\More AP commands
  F05Bh or F05Ch WMI_P2P_SDPD_TX_CMD                  ;\
  F05Ch or F05Dh WMI_P2P_STOP_SDPD_CMD                ; More P2P commands
  F05Dh or F05Eh WMI_P2P_CANCEL_CMD                   ;/
  F05Eh or F04Eh WMI_STORERECALL_CONFIGURE_CMD        ;\Ultra low power
  F05Fh or F04Fh WMI_STORERECALL_RECALL_CMD           ; store/recall commands
  F060h or F050h WMI_STORERECALL_HOST_READY_CMD       ;/
  F061h or F051h WMI_FORCE_TARGET_ASSERT_CMD          ;-
  F062h or N/A   WMI_SET_PROBED_SSID_EX_CMD           ;\
  F064h or N/A   WMI_SET_ARP_NS_OFFLOAD_CMD           ;
  F065h or N/A   WMI_ADD_WOW_EXT_PATTERN_CMD          ; NEW stuff
  F066h or N/A   WMI_GTK_OFFLOAD_OP_CMD               ; (code from 2012 only)
  F067h or N/A   WMI_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_CMD               ;
  F068h or N/A   WMI_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHNL_CMD        ;
  F069h or N/A   WMI_SEND_ACTION_CMD                  ;
  F06Ah or N/A   WMI_PROBE_REQ_REPORT_CMD             ;
  F06Bh or N/A   WMI_DISABLE_11B_RATES_CMD            ;
  F06Ch or N/A   WMI_SEND_PROBE_RESPONSE_CMD          ;
  F06Dh or N/A   WMI_GET_P2P_INFO_CMD                 ;
  F06Eh or N/A   WMI_AP_JOIN_BSS_CMD                  ;/
  ?              WMI_SET_ADHOC_BSSID_CMD              ;-old, not implemented?

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Response Summary

Unknown yet HOW events are transferred; the DSi does send some events via MBOX0, apparently with whatever header(s), which MIGHT be defined in "htc.h". The events spotted on DSi are formatted as so:
  00h 2        Values 01h,02h      ;or 00h,02h in case of "obscure values"
  02h 2        Length (excluding trailing zerofilled area)
  04h 2        Values 08h,00h      ;or 0Ch,00h
  06h 2        Event ID (100xh)    ;or "obscure values" (0001h, 0003h, 0201h)
  08h LEN-0Ah  Event/Response Data (Length-0Ah bytes)
  ..  2        Values 02h,06h
  ..  80h-LEN  Zerofilled (till 80h-byte size)  ;sometimes contains a D0h-byte?
Some 'events' may occur due to actual hardware events. Other 'events' may occur as response to certain commands - other commands are THEORETICALLY not having any responses, though MAYBE they do still send some sort of confirmation/error values, which MIGHT explain the above "obscure values".

WMI Events/Responses
Events/Responses with same ID as corresponding command
Events/Responses that could/should exist (but aren't documented)
  ?      WMI_GET_APPIE_CMD  ;aka GET_APP_IE            ;\not implemented in DSi
  ?      WMI_AP_MODE_STAT_CMD  ;has reply?             ;/
Events/Responses that have REPLY structs defined (but CMDs don't send reply?)
  ?      WMI_CRE_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY                 ;\
  ?      WMI_DEL_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY                 ; not implemented in DSi
  ?      WMI_FRAME_RATES_REPLY                         ;/
Events/Responses with special IDs
  1005h  WMI_CMDERROR_EVENT  ;aka WMI_CMD_ERROR_EVENT  ;for CMD 01h,11h,16h,26h
  100Bh  WMI_REPORT_STATISTICS_EVENT    ;related to CMD 0010h ?
  100Fh  WMI_REPORT_ROAM_TBL_EVENT           ;related to CMD 002Ah ?
  1010h  WMI_EXTENSION_EVENT   ;prefix for WMIX events...
  1010h:3001h  WMIX_DSETOPENREQ_EVENT ;request 2001h   ;\
  1010h:3002h  WMIX_DSETCLOSE_EVENT   ;request close   ; not implemented in DSi
  1010h:3003h  WMIX_DSETDATAREQ_EVENT ;request 2002h   ;/
  1010h:3004h  WMIX_GPIO_INTR_EVENT         ;used (interrupt)
  1010h:3005h  WMIX_GPIO_DATA_EVENT         ;used (reply to 2004h and 2006h)
  1010h:3006h  WMIX_GPIO_ACK_EVENT          ;used (reply to 2003h and 2005h)
  1010h:3007h  WMIX_HB_CHALLENGE_RESP_EVENT ;used (reply to 2008h)
  1010h:3008h  WMIX_DBGLOG_EVENT            ;used (probably related to 2009h)
  1010h:3009h  WMIX_PROF_COUNT_EVENT                   ;-not implemented in DSi
  1011h  WMI_CAC_EVENT
  1015h  WMI_REPORT_ROAM_DATA_EVENT ;related to 002Bh? ;\not implemented in DSi
  1016h  WMI_TEST_EVENT                                ;/
  1018h  WMI_GET_WOW_LIST_EVENT              ;reply to CMD 0044h
  1019h  WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_EVENT            ;reply to CMD F006h
Below not in AR6kSDK.build_sw.18, however, "101Ah" is USED on DSi...
  101Ah  WMI_CHANNEL_CHANGE_EVENT            ;<-- used on DSi ?
Below (101Bh..9004h) not implemented in DSi...
  101Ch  WMI_PSPOLL_EVENT ;aka WMI_PS_POLL_EVENT  ;AP mode related?
  101Fh  WMI_SET_PARAMS_REPLY_EVENT  ;reply to CMD F018h (reply to "SET" cmd!)
  1026h  WMI_REPORT_SLEEP_STATE_EVENT   ;formerly N/A
  1027h  WMI_WAPI_REKEY_EVENT           ;formerly N/A, or 1026h if WAPI_ENABLE
  1028h  WMI_REPORT_BTCOEX_STATS_EVENT  ;formerly 1026h/1027h  ;reply to F032h
  1029h  WMI_REPORT_BTCOEX_CONFIG_EVENT ;formerly 1027h/1028h  ;reply to F033h
  102Bh  WMI_DFS_HOST_ATTACH_EVENT              ;\
  102Ch  WMI_DFS_HOST_INIT_EVENT                ;
  102Eh  WMI_DFS_RESET_RADARQ_EVENT             ;
  102Fh  WMI_DFS_RESET_AR_EVENT                 ; DFS Events
  1030h  WMI_DFS_RESET_ARQ_EVENT                ;
  1032h  WMI_DFS_SET_BANGRADAR_EVENT            ;
  1033h  WMI_DFS_SET_DEBUGLEVEL_EVENT           ;
  1034h  WMI_DFS_PHYERR_EVENT                   ;/
  1035h  WMI_CCX_RM_STATUS_EVENT                ;-CCX Evants  ;uh, EvAntS?
  1036h  WMI_P2P_GO_NEG_RESULT_EVENT            ;-P2P Events  ;uh, EventS?
  1037h  WMI_WAC_SCAN_DONE_EVENT                ;\
  1038h  WMI_WAC_REPORT_BSS_EVENT               ; WAC
  1039h  WMI_WAC_START_WPS_EVENT                ;
  103Ah  WMI_WAC_CTRL_REQ_REPLY_EVENT           ;/
  103Ch  WMI_RFKILL_GET_MODE_CMD_EVENT          ;/
  103Dh  WMI_P2P_GO_NEG_REQ_EVENT               ;\
  103Eh  WMI_P2P_INVITE_REQ_EVENT               ;
  1040h  WMI_P2P_INVITE_SENT_RESULT_EVENT       ; More P2P Events
  1041h  WMI_P2P_PROV_DISC_RESP_EVENT           ;
  1042h  WMI_P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ_EVENT            ;
  1043h  WMI_P2P_START_SDPD_EVENT               ;
  1044h  WMI_P2P_SDPD_RX_EVENT                  ;/
  8001h  WMI_THIN_GET_MIB_EVENT                 ; THIN events (wmi_thin.h)
  8002h  WMI_THIN_JOIN_EVENT                    ;
  9000h  WMI_SET_CHANNEL_EVENT                            ;\
  9001h  WMI_ASSOC_REQ_EVENT aka WMI_ASSOCREQ_EVENT       ; More events,
  9002h  WMI_ACS_EVENT    ;generic ACS event              ; somehow located
  9003h  WMI_REPORT_WMM_PARAMS_EVENT                      ; after THIN area
  9004h  WMI_STORERECALL_STORE_EVENT                      ;/
code from 2012 has WMI_WAPI_REKEY_EVENT re-removed again, the two RFKILL Events moved around (placed into the P2P event area), and WMI_REPORT_WMM_PARAMS_EVENT moved to 10xxh, a new WMI_WAC_REJECT_WPS_EVENT at 10xxh, and WMI_SET_HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD_PROCESSED_EVENT removed, and WMI_STORERECALL_STORE_EVENT moved to 9003h, and adds more NEW stuff at 9004h-900Dh:
  10xxh WMI_REPORT_WMM_PARAMS_EVENT     ;-moved to 10xxh or so
  9004h WMI_WOW_EXT_WAKE_EVENT          ;\
  9009h WMI_TX_STATUS_EVENT             ;
  900Ah WMI_RX_PROBE_REQ_EVENT          ;
  900Ch WMI_RX_ACTION_EVENT             ;
  900Dh WMI_P2P_INFO_EVENT              ;/

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Host Interest Area in RAM

Host Interest Area (aka Target Addresses)
Apart from sending BMI and WMI commands via MBOX0, some communication is also done by directly accessing the 100h-byte "Host Interest" area in RAM, this can be done via WINDOW_DATA register (or via BMI commands).
The format of this memory area (defined in "targaddrs.h") is held to be same on all AR60xx chips, however, its BASE ADDRESS may vary on different chips:
  AR6002_HOST_INTEREST_ADDRESS   = 00500400h  ;older DSi
  AR6013_HOST_INTEREST_ADDRESS   = 00520000h  ;newer DSi
  AR6014_HOST_INTEREST_ADDRESS   = Unknown    ;3DS and New3DS
  AR6003_HOST_INTEREST_ADDRESS   = 00540600h
That base address can be also found in the DSi's "Wifi Firmware" fileheader.
Aside from the 100h bytes in RAM, there's also another host interest byte in the LOCAL_SCRATCH[0] register; the CHIP_ID register could be also considered as interesting to the host.

Host Interest Entries in RAM ("host_interest_s" structure, 64 words)
  00h  hi_app_host_interest ;-Pointer to application-defined area, if any.
                            ; (set by Target application during startup)
  04h  hi_failure_state ;-Pointer to register dump area after Target crash
  08h  hi_dbglog_hdr    ;-Pointer to debug logging header
  0Ch  hi_flash_is_present ;Indicates whether or not flash is present on Target
         ;NB: flash_is_present indicator is here not just because it might be
         ;of interest to the Host; but also because it's set early on by
         ;Target's startup asm code and we need it to have a special RAM
         ;address so that it doesn't get reinitialized with the rest of data.
  10h  hi_option_flag     ;-Various flags (see below)
  14h  hi_serial_enable   ;-Boolean whether to output (additional) TTY messages
  18h  hi_dset_list_head  ;-Start address of DataSet index, if any
  1Ch  hi_app_start       ;-Override BMI_DONE Target application start address
  20h  hi_skip_clock_init          ;\
  24h  hi_core_clock_setting       ;
  28h  hi_cpu_clock_setting        ; Clock and voltage tuning
  2Ch  hi_system_sleep_setting     ;
  30h  hi_xtal_control_setting     ;
  34h  hi_pll_ctrl_setting_24ghz   ;
  38h  hi_pll_ctrl_setting_5ghz    ;
  3Ch  hi_ref_voltage_trim_setting ;
  40h  hi_clock_info               ;/
  44h  hi_bank0_addr_value         ;\Flash configuration overrides, used only
  48h  hi_bank0_read_value         ; when firmware is not executing from flash
  4Ch  hi_bank0_write_value        ; (when using flash, modify the global
  50h  hi_bank0_config_value       ;/variables with equivalent names)
  54h  hi_board_data               ;\Pointer to Board Data (eg. from I2C
  58h  hi_board_data_initialized   ;/EEPROM) and data present/init flag
  5Ch  hi_dset_RAM_index_table     ;-
  60h  hi_desired_baud_rate        ;\ ;<-- for TTY/UART (default=9600 decimal)
  64h  hi_dbglog_config            ;
  68h  hi_end_RAM_reserve_sz       ;
  6Ch  hi_mbox_io_block_sz         ;/
  70h  hi_num_bpatch_streams       ;-Unused (supposedly was used before 2010)
  74h  hi_mbox_isr_yield_limit     ;-
  78h  hi_refclk_hz                ;-OSC  ;on DSi: 26,000,000 decimal (26MHz)
 Below seems to be newer stuff... not implemented in DSi... (?)
  7Ch  hi_ext_clk_detected         ;\
  80h  hi_dbg_uart_txpin           ;
  84h  hi_dbg_uart_rxpin           ;
  88h  hi_hci_uart_baud            ;
  8Ch  hi_hci_uart_pin_assignments ;/ ;<-- byte[0]=tx, [1]=rx, [2]=rts, [3]=cts
  90h  hi_hci_uart_baud_scale_val  ;\
  94h  hi_hci_uart_baud_step_val   ;/
  98h  hi_allocram_start           ;\
  9Ch  hi_allocram_sz              ;/
  A0h  hi_hci_bridge_flags         ;\
  A4h  hi_hci_uart_support_pins    ;/
         ;NOTE: byte[0]=RESET pin (bit7 is polarity), byte[1..3]=for future use
  A8h  hi_hci_uart_pwr_mgmt_params ;-
         ;Bit[1]:     0=UART FC active low, 1=UART FC active high
         ;Bit[16-31]: wakeup timeout in ms
  ACh  hi_board_ext_data           ;\Pointer to extended board Data, and
  B0h  hi_board_ext_data_config    ;/Config/flags (bit0=valid, bit16-31=size)
  B4h  hi_reset_flag               ;\warmboot flags, valid when [B8h]=12345678h
  B8h  hi_reset_flag_valid         ;/
  BCh  hi_hci_uart_pwr_mgmt_params_ext  ;-bit[0-31]: idle timeout in ms
  C0h  hi_acs_flags                     ;-ACS flags
  C4h  hi_console_flags         ;
  C8h  hi_nvram_state           ;
  CCh  hi_option_flag2          ;
  D0h  hi_sw_version_override   ;\If non-zero, override values sent to Host
  D4h  hi_abi_version_override  ;/in WMI_READY event
  D8h  hi_test_apps_related     ;-test applications flags
  DCh  hi_ota_testscript        ;-location of test script
  E0h  hi_cal_data              ;-location of CAL data
  E4h..FFh      ;reserved

LOCAL_SCRATCH[0] - AR6K option bits, to enable/disable various features
By default, all option bits are 0.
  AR6K_OPTION_BMI_DISABLE   = 01h  ;bit0 Disable BMI comm with Host
  AR6K_OPTION_SERIAL_ENABLE = 02h  ;bit1 Enable UART serial port TTY messages
  AR6K_OPTION_WDT_DISABLE   = 04h  ;bit2 WatchDog Timer override
  AR6K_OPTION_SLEEP_DISABLE = 08h  ;bit3 Disable system sleep
  AR6K_OPTION_STOP_BOOT     = 10h  ;bit4 Stop boot processes (for ATE)
  AR6K_OPTION_ENABLE_NOANI  = 20h  ;bit5 Operate without ANI
  AR6K_OPTION_DSET_DISABLE  = 40h  ;bit6 Ignore DataSets
  AR6K_OPTION_IGNORE_FLASH  = 80h  ;bit7 Ignore flash during bootup

targaddr[10h] - hi_option_flag
  0     HI_OPTION_TIMER_WAR         ;Enable timer workaround
  1     HI_OPTION_BMI_CRED_LIMIT    ;Limit BMI command credits
  2     HI_OPTION_RELAY_DOT11_HDR   ;Relay Dot11 hdr to/from host
  3     HI_OPTION_MAC_ADDR_METHOD   ;MAC addr method 0=locally administred
                                    ;                1=globally unique addrs
  4     HI_OPTION_ENABLE_RFKILL     ;RF Kill Enable Feature
  5     HI_OPTION_ENABLE_PROFILE    ;Enable CPU profiling
  6     HI_OPTION_DISABLE_DBGLOG    ;Disable debug logging
  7     HI_OPTION_SKIP_ERA_TRACKING ;Skip Era Tracking
  8     HI_OPTION_PAPRD_DISABLE     ;Disable PAPRD (debug)
  9-11  HI_OPTION_NUM_DEV           ;num dev (3bit)
  12-27 HI_OPTION_DEV_MODE          ;dev mode (16bit) (aka 4xMODE, 4xSUBMODE?)
  28    HI_OPTION_NO_LFT_STBL       ;Disable LowFreq LF Timer Stabilization
  29    HI_OPTION_SKIP_REG_SCAN     ;Skip regulatory scan
  30    HI_OPTION_INIT_REG_SCAN     ;Do regulatory scan during init before
                                    ; sending WMI ready event to host
  31    HI_OPTION_FW_BRIDGE         ;Firmware bridging
Two bits of hi_option_flag are used to represent 3 (three?) modes
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_IBSS         = 00h   ;IBSS Mode
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_BSS_STA      = 01h   ;STA Mode
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_AP           = 02h   ;AP Mode
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_BT30AMP      = 03h   ;BT30 AMP Mode
Two bits of hi_option flag are used to represent 4 submodes (aka DEV_MODE?)
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_NONE      = 00h   ;Normal mode
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_P2PDEV    = 01h   ;p2p device mode
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_P2PCLIENT = 02h   ;p2p client mode
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_P2PGO     = 03h   ;p2p go mode
Fw Mode/SubMode Mask
  |  SUB   |  SUB  |  SUB  | SUB   |       |       |       |       |
  |MODE[3] |MODE[2]|MODE[1]|MODE[0]|MODE[3]|MODE[2]|MODE[1]|MODE[0]|
  |  (2)   |  (2)  |  (2)  |  (2)  |  (2)  |  (2)  |  (2)  |  (2)  |
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_BITS         0x2                                    ;\
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_MASK         0x3                                    ; MODE
  HI_OPTION_FW_MODE_SHIFT        0xC    ;bit12-13 (2bit) per device?    ;
  HI_OPTION_ALL_FW_MODE_MASK     0xFF   ;bit12-19 (8bit) per 4 devices? ;/
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_BITS      0x2                                    ;\
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_MASK      0x3                                    ; SUB-
  HI_OPTION_FW_SUBMODE_SHIFT     0x14   ;bit20-21 (2bit) per device?    ; MODE
  HI_OPTION_ALL_FW_SUBMODE_MASK  0xFF00 ;bit20-27 (8bit) per 4 devices? ;
  HI_OPTION_ALL_FW_SUBMODE_SHIFT 0x8                                    ;/

targaddr[CCh] - hi_option_flag2
  1-31  Reserved

targaddr[B4h] - hi_reset_flag (warmboot flags, valid when [B8h]=12345678h)
hi_reset_flag is used to do some stuff when target reset. such as restore app_start after warm reset or preserve host Interest area, or preserve ROM data, literals, etc.
  0     HI_RESET_FLAG_PRESERVE_APP_START     ;preserve App Start address
  1     HI_RESET_FLAG_PRESERVE_HOST_INTEREST ;preserve Host Interest
  2     HI_RESET_FLAG_PRESERVE_ROMDATA       ;preserve ROM data
  4-31  Reserved

targaddr[C0h] - hi_acs_flags
  0     HI_ACS_FLAGS_ENABLED            ;ACS is enabled
  1     HI_ACS_FLAGS_USE_WWAN           ;Use physical WWAN device
  2     HI_ACS_FLAGS_TEST_VAP           ;Use test VAP
  3-31  Reserved

targaddr[C4h] - hi_console_flags
  0-2   HI_CONSOLE_FLAGS_UART           ;UART ID     (0=Default)
  3     HI_CONSOLE_FLAGS_BAUD_SELECT    ;Baud Select (0=9600, 1=115200)
  4-30  Reserved
  31    HI_CONSOLE_FLAGS_ENABLE         ;Enable Console

targaddr[D8h] - Bitmap for hi_test_apps_related
  2-31  Reserved

Convert a Target virtual address into a Target physical address
  AR6002_VTOP(vaddr)   = ((vaddr) & 0x001fffff)  ;\uh, 2Mbyte space?
  AR6003_VTOP(vaddr)   = ((vaddr) & 0x001fffff)  ;/(shouldn't that be 4Mbyte?)
  MCKINLEY_VTOP(vaddr) = ((vaddr))   ;whatever, maybe uses a different CPU/HW

Override REV2 ROM's app start address (whatever crap, doesn't apply to DSi)
  AR6002_REV2_APP_START_OVERRIDE      0x911A00  ;\
  AR6002_REV2_DATASET_PATCH_ADDRESS   0x52D8B0  ; AR6002
  AR6002_REV2_APP_LOAD_ADDRESS        0x502070  ;/
  AR6003_REV2_APP_START_OVERRIDE      0x944C00  ;\
  AR6003_REV2_APP_LOAD_ADDRESS        0x543180  ;
  AR6003_REV2_BOARD_EXT_DATA_ADDRESS  0x57E500  ; AR6003 REV2
  AR6003_REV2_RAM_RESERVE_SIZE        6912      ;/
  AR6003_REV3_APP_START_OVERRIDE      0x945D20  ;\
  AR6003_REV3_APP_LOAD_ADDRESS        0x545000  ;
  AR6003_REV3_BOARD_EXT_DATA_ADDRESS  0x542330  ; AR6003 REV3
  AR6003_REV3_RAM_RESERVE_SIZE        512       ;
  AR6003_REV3_RAM_RESERVE_SIZE_TCMD   4352      ;/

  DSi Atheros Wifi - BMI Bootloader Commands

The BMI commands are used to upload the Wifi Firmware to RAM. Doing that is required because the ROM functions themselves aren't fully functional, and the chip can process only BMI commands or WMI commands (not both at once):
  BMI Commands --> After RESET
  WMI Commands --> After uploading and sending BMI_DONE
The AR6002 ROM contains about 40-50% of the program code needed to operate the chip (and most of that ROM code is left unused, until it is getting initialized by the firmware; so the firmware isn't just an "update", it's absolutely required to get the chip working).

DSi Wifi Firmware
On the DSi, the Wifi Firmware is stored in a eMMC file, and it's automatically uploaded by the DSi System Menu (Launcher), so DSi games should be always started with Firmware already installed, and don't need to deal with BMI commands.
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Wifi Firmware
If desired, one could force the chip back to BMI state by issuing a reset, eg. via RESET_CONTROL.Bit8; there might be further ways to issue resets, like SDIO CCCR maybe).
Note: The BMI uploader in DSi is reffering to BMI as "PRE-AUTH" phase, the system menu will be shown even in case of BMI failure, but any such failure will later cause a "WLFIRM 2" error (in sysmenu.log) at time when trying to start a title from within system menu.

BMI Transfer
Before each BMI command, wait for LOCAL_COUNT[4] to become nonzero. Then, write the command and parameters to MBOX0. Then read the response (if any) from MBOX0 (ideally with checking MBOX empty flag before reading response bytes; DSi code doesn't seem to do that though - maybe the SDIO controller is automatically waiting while MBOX empty?).

 ____________________________ Execute Functions ____________________________

BMI_CMD(01h) - BMI_DONE - Launch Firmware
  Send 32bit Command (00000001h)
Starts the firmware by calling its entrypoint. The default entry is 915000h for AR6002G (and Unknown for AR6013G and AR6014G), alternately a custom entrypoint can be set via BMI_CMD(05h).

BMI_CMD(04h) - BMI_EXECUTE - Execute
  Send 32bit Command (00000004h)
  Send 32bit Entrypoint
  Send 32bit Argument
  Receive 32bit Return Value
Calls a function on Xtensa CPU. On DSi, this is used to execute the boot stub (for reading the I2C EEPROM data). The main firmware should be started via BMI_DONE, not via BMI_EXECUTE.

BMI_CMD(05h) - BMI_SET_APP_START - Set App Start
  Send 32bit Command (00000005h)
  Send 32bit Entrypoint
Changes the default entrypoint for BMI_DONE. The DSi doesn't use this feature (and uses the default entrypoint).

 ___________________________ Read/Write Functions ___________________________

BMI_CMD(02h) - BMI_READ_MEMORY - Read Memory
  Send 32bit Command (00000002h)
  Send 32bit Address
  Send 32bit Length (should be max 80h or 200h or so (?) due to MBOX size)
  Receive LEN bytes, read from [address and up]
Allows to read Xtensa RAM or ROM in byte-units (I/O ports should be read in 32bit units, via BMI_READ_SOC_REGISTER).

BMI_CMD(03h) - BMI_WRITE_MEMORY - Write Memory
  Send 32bit Command (00000003h)
  Send 32bit Address (or special value for "Segmented Write", see below)
  Send 32bit Length (should be max 1F4h due to MBOX size)
  Send LEN bytes, written to [address and up]
Allows to write Xtensa RAM. Used to upload the stub and data parts of the firmware (the main part of the firmware is uploaded via BMI_LZ_xxx functions).

BMI_CMD(06h) - BMI_READ_SOC_REGISTER - Read Register
  Send 32bit Command (00000006h)
  Send 32bit Address
  Receive 32bit Word from [address]
Allows to read Xtensa I/O Ports (or RAM or ROM) in 32bit-units. The same effect can be gained via WINDOW_DATA register (which is also working when the Xtensa CPU isn't in BMI bootloader state).

BMI_CMD(07h) - BMI_WRITE_SOC_REGISTER - Write Register
  Send 32bit Command (00000007h)
  Send 32bit Address
  Send 32bit Word to [address]
Allows to write Xtensa I/O Ports (or RAM) in 32bit-units.

BMI_CMD(0Dh) - BMI_LZ_STREAM_START - LZ Uncompress Stream Start
  Send 32bit Command (0000000Dh)
  Send 32bit Destination Start Address for BMI_CMD(0Eh)
Sets the destination start address for following BMI_LZ_DATA command(s). Also resets the decompressor to expect the "tag" value in first byte.

BMI_CMD(0Eh) - BMI_LZ_DATA - LZ Data Input
  Send 32bit Command (0000000Eh)
  Send 32bit Length (should be max 1F8h due to MBOX size)
  Send LEN compressed bytes, decompressed to incrementing destination address

 ___________________________ ROM Patch Functions ___________________________

ROM Patches using the hardware's TCAM/BCAM registers (implemented in hardware, but not actually used by DSi firmware).

  Send 32bit Command (00000009h)
  Send 32bit Target ROM Address
  Send 32bit Target RAM Address or Value (depending on Target Type)
  Send 32bit Size (in bytes)
  Send 32bit Activate (0=Install without activate, 1=Install and activate)
  Receive 32bit PatchID
The TCAM hardware's eight size settings are probably 20h,40h,80h,100h,200h,400h,800h,1000h. For the BCAM hardware, the size must be probably always set to 04h.

Uninstall (and deactivate) a previously-installed ROM Patch.
  Send 32bit Command (0000000Ah)
  Send 32bit PatchID (to be uninstalled & deactivated)

Activate/Deactivate a list of previously-installed ROM Patches.
  Send 32bit Command (0000000Bh/0000000Ch)
  Send 32bit Number of patches (N)
  Send Nx32bit List of PatchID's (to be activated/deactivated)

 ______________________________ Misc Functions ______________________________

  Send 32bit Command (00000008h)
  Receive 32bit Value (FFFFFFFFh) ;ROM version (or FFFFFFFFh)
 If above value is FFFFFFFFh then following extra data is appended:
  Receive 32bit Value (0000000Ch) ;total size of extra data
  Receive 32bit Value (20000188h) ;ROM version
  Receive 32bit Value (00000002h) ;TARGET_TYPE (2=AR6002)

BMI_CMD(0Fh) - BMI_NVRAM_PROCESS ;not implemented in DSi, Invalid (ignored)
Unknown purpose, said to "process or execute" something in "NVRAM" with a name in "LE format":
"Cause Target to search NVRAM (if any) for a segment with the specified name and process it according to NVRAM metadata."
  Send 32bit Command (0000000Fh)
  Send 16x8bit Name (16 characters, in "LE format", uh?)
  Receive 32bit Value returned from last executed NVRAM segment (or 0=None)

BMI_CMD(00h) - BMI_NO_COMMAND - Invalid (ignored)
BMI_CMD(0Fh..FFFFFFFFh) - N/A - Invalid (ignored)
  Send 32bit Command (00000000h, or 0000000Fh..FFFFFFFFh)

Segmented Write
The Segmented Write feature is implemented only in newer ROMs (not in DSi with AR6002). It is invoked via BMI_CMD(03h) with destination address set to special value 00001234h.
  Send 32bit Command (00000003h) <-- same as Write Memory command
  Send 32bit Address (00001234h) <-- special value for Segmented Write
  Send 32bit Length (should be max 1F4h due to MBOX size)
  Send LEN bytes, as described below...
The transferred data should contain a file header:
  00h 4    File ID (544D4753h) ("SGMT")
  04h 4    File Flags (0=Raw, 1=BMI_SGMTFILE_FLAG_COMPRESS)
Followed by one or more segments:
  00h 4    Destination Address (the actual address, no special value here)
  04h 4    Segment Length (N) (or special value FFFFFFFxh)
  08h N    Data (N bytes)     (no data when N=FFFFFFFxh)
Special values for "Segment Length" (all with bit31=1):
  FFFFFFFFh ;End of segmented data file (should occur as last segment)
  FFFFFFFEh ;Board Data (write "hi_board_data+Address", instead raw "Address")
  FFFFFFFDh ;Set App Start=Addresss; like BMI_CMD(05h)
  FFFFFFFCh ;Call Address; like BMI_CMD(04h), but without param/return value
Compressed Segmented data is said to work in two ways (?):
  1) Use BMI_LZ_STREAM_START with Addr=00001234h, followed by BMI_LZ_DATA, or
  2) Use BMI_WRITE_MEMORY with Addr=00001234h and file header Flags=1.
Atheros has invented that weird feature for "backwards compatibility & darn convenience", which is both sad and funny because Atheros is definitely unable to <maintain> backwards compatibility (such as keeping the same WMI command/event numbering in firmware revisions), but as it seems, Atheros is believing that "backwards compatibility" is something that can be <invented> by adding obscure features.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Misc Commands

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  dataSyncMap;

Parameters (08h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  bssFilter;                      /* see WMI_BSS_FILTER
  01h  A_UINT8  1  reserved1;                      /* For alignment
  02h  A_UINT16 2  reserved2;                      /* For alignment
  04h  A_UINT32 4  ieMask;
  NONE_BSS_FILTER        = 00h  ;no beacons forwarded
  ALL_BSS_FILTER         = 01h  ;all beacons forwarded
  PROFILE_FILTER         = 02h  ;only beacons matching profile
  ALL_BUT_PROFILE_FILTER = 03h  ;all but beacons matching profile
  CURRENT_BSS_FILTER     = 04h  ;only beacons matching current BSS
  ALL_BUT_BSS_FILTER     = 05h  ;all but beacons matching BSS
  PROBED_SSID_FILTER     = 06h  ;beacons matching probed ssid
  LAST_BSS_FILTER        = 07h  ;marker only

Parameters (23h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   entryIndex;      /* 0 to MAX_PROBED_SSID_INDEX
  01h  A_UINT8  1   flag;            /* WMI_SSID_FLG
  02h  A_UINT8  1   ssidLength;
  03h  A_UINT8  32  ssid[32];
  DISABLE_SSID_FLAG  = 00h    /* disables entry
  SPECIFIC_SSID_FLAG = 01h    /* probes specified ssid
  ANY_SSID_FLAG      = 02h    /* probes for any ssid

Parameters (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   listenInterval;
  02h  A_UINT16 2   numBeacons;
The Listen interval is between 15 and 3000 TUs
  MIN_LISTEN_INTERVAL = 15     ;min = 15
  MAX_LISTEN_INTERVAL = 5000   ;max = 5000 or 3000, uh?

Parameters (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   bmissTime;
  02h  A_UINT16 2   numBeacons;
Valid values are between 1000 and 5000 TUs
  MIN_BMISS_TIME    = 1000
  MAX_BMISS_TIME    = 5000

Parameters (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2    beaconInterval;

  00h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT8  1   enable;                 /* PMKID_ENABLE_FLG */
  07h  A_UINT8  16  pmkid[WMI_PMKID_LEN];
#define WMI_PMKID_LEN = 16

  00h  A_UINT8  1   ieType;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   bufferSize;
  02h  A_UINT8  N*1 assocInfo[1];       /* up to WMI_MAX_ASSOC_INFO_LEN */
A maximum of 2 private IEs can be sent in the [Re]Assoc request.
A 3rd one, the CCX version IE can also be set from the host.
  WMI_CCX_VER_IE            = 2   /* ieType to set CCX Version IE */

Parameters (07h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  badApIndex;         /* 0 to WMI_MAX_BAD_AP_INDEX */
  01h  A_UINT8  6  bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  badApIndex;         /* 0 to WMI_MAX_BAD_AP_INDEX */

  00h  A_UINT16 2  txop;          /* in units of 32 usec */
  02h  A_UINT8  1  eCWmin;
  03h  A_UINT8  1  eCWmax;
  04h  A_UINT8  1  aifsn;
  05h  A_UINT8  1  ac;
 WMI_DEFAULT_TXOP_ACPARAM   = 0       /* implies one MSDU
 WMI_DEFAULT_ECWMIN_ACPARAM = 4       /* corresponds to CWmin of 15
 WMI_DEFAULT_ECWMAX_ACPARAM = 10      /* corresponds to CWmax of 1023
 WMI_MAX_CW_ACPARAM         = 15      /* maximum eCWmin or eCWmax

Parameters (01h bytes on DSi?, but parameter structure is undocumented):
  00h  A_UINT8     optMode (documented in code from 2008 only)
  SPECIAL_OFF      = unknown (maybe 0 or 1 or so)  ;\
  SPECIAL_ON       = SPECIAL_OFF+1                 ; code from 2008 only
  PYXIS_ADHOC_ON   = SPECIAL_OFF+2                 ; (removed/undoc in 2010)
  PYXIS_ADHOC_OFF  = SPECIAL_OFF+3                 ;/

Parameters (11h bytes on DSi?, but parameter structure is undocumented):
  Unknown (11h bytes?) (or maybe TRANSFER PACKET data?) (why called "OPT"?)
See also: WMI_OPT_RX_FRAME_EVENT (counterpart in opposite direction)

Parameters (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   voicePktSize;

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  maxSPLen;
    DELIVER_2_PKT   = 01h
    DELIVER_4_PKT   = 02h
    DELIVER_6_PKT   = 03h

WMIcmd(002Eh) - WMI_EXTENSION_CMD ;prefix for WMIX "Non-wireless extensions"
  00h  UNIT32?  4    WMIX Command (values 2001h and up)  ;WMIX_CMD_HDR
  04h  ...      ..   WMIX Parameter(s)
Prefix for WMIX commands.

WMIcmd(002Eh:2008h) - WMIX_HB_CHALLENGE_RESP_CMD ;reply=3007h ;HB=heartbeat
  00h  A_UINT32 4    cookie;
  04h  A_UINT32 4    source;
Heartbeat Challenge Response command, this is said to be an "Error Detection support" feature.
There's also a WMI_SET_HB_CHALLENGE_RESP_PARAMS_CMD structure defined in wmi.h (not in wmix.h):
  00h  A_UINT32 frequency;   ;\unknown purpose, sounds like command/params,
  04h  A_UINT8  threshold;   ;/but there's no WMIcmd(xxxxh) value assigned

Parameters (01h bytes on DSi?, but other sources claim 02h bytes):
  01h 02h   <---- total size (on DSi it's 01h, ie. left column)
  00h 00h  A_UINT8  1   status;
  --  01h  A_UINT8  1   preamblePolicy;

WMIcmd(0032h) - WMI_SET_RTS_CMD
Parameters (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   threshold;

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   mode;
Set authentication mode

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   mode;
Set authentication(?) mode (uh, so SET_REASSOC is same as SET_AUTH?)

WMIcmd(0038h) - WMI_SET_WMM_CMD
Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   status;

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   txopEnable;
WMI_TXOP_CFG values:

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   keepaliveInterval;

WMIcmd(003Eh) - WMI_GET_KEEPALIVE_CMD ;reply 003Eh
Parameters (claimed to be as so?):
    A_BOOL   4   configured;
    A_UINT8  1   keepaliveInterval;
Uh, the command does probably not have any parameters at all, and above is probably meant to be the Reply structure, not the Parameter structure?

  00h  A_UINT8  1    mgmtFrmType ;one of WMI_MGMT_FRAME_TYPE
  01h  A_UINT8  1    ieLen     ;Length of the IE to be added to the MGMT frame
  02h  A_UINT8  N*1  ieInfo[1] ;
Add Application specified IE to a management frame
  WMI_MAX_IE_LEN = 255

  Unknown (none? or maybe UINT8 or so, maybe with values listed below)
Notify the WSC registration status to the target

  00h  A_UINT8  1   status;
Note: Some older source code from 2008 did have this command accidently inserted between WMIcmd(0039h and 003Ah), thereby smashing the numbering for WMIcmd(003Ah..004xh), that issue is fixed in newer source code from 2010.

...Developer commands...

  00h  A_UINT8  1   whalCmdId;    ;see WHAL_CMDID enumeration
  01h  A_UINT8  ..  data[1];      ;aka SETCABTO structure ?
Generic Hal Interface for setting hal parameters.
Add new Set HAL Param cmdIds here for newer params.
WHAL_CMDID values (only one defined):
  A_UINT8 cabTimeOut;

WMIcmd(F004h, or formerly 0048h) - WMI_SET_AKMP_PARAMS_CMD
Parameters (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT32 4  akmpInfo;

WMIcmd(F005h, or formerly 0049h) - WMI_SET_PMKID_LIST_CMD
Parameters (01h bytes on DSi?, but below would be 4+N*? bytes?):
  00h  A_UINT32  4     numPMKID;
  04h  WMI_PMKID N*..  pmkidList[WMI_MAX_PMKID_CACHE];
WMI_PMKID structure:
  A_UINT8  pmkid[WMI_PMKID_LEN];

WMIcmd(F006h, or formerly 004Ah) - WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_CMD ;reply 1019h
  Unknown (none?)
  00h  A_UINT32  4    numPMKID;
  04h  A_UINT8   N*6  bssidList[ATH_MAC_LEN][1];
  ..   WMI_PMKID N*1  pmkidList[1];
"Following the Number of PMKIDs is the list of PMKIDs" uh, what exactly?
WMI_PMKID structure:
    A_UINT8 pmkid[WMI_PMKID_LEN];

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Misc Events

WMIevent(001Ch) - WMI_GET_TX_PWR_CMD
Events/Responses with same ID as corresponding command.
See corresponding commands for description of reply data.

WMIevent(1001h) - WMI_READY_EVENT
This event exists with numerous (incorrect) definitions, claiming the event data to be 07h, 0Bh, 0Ch, or 0Fh bytes in length:
Event Data (0Bh bytes on DSi, as returned by DSi firmware):
  00h  A_UINT8  6  macaddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT8  1  phyCapability;   (=02h aka "11G")  /* WMI_PHY_CAPABILITY */
  07h  A_UINT8  1  unused/padding
  08h  A_UINT32 4  version;         (=2100007Bh) (firmware version)
Event Data (07h bytes, exists in AR6002 ROM, but overridden by DSi firmware):
  00h  A_UINT8  6  macaddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT8  1  phyCapability;              /* WMI_PHY_CAPABILITY */
Event Data (0Bh bytes, accidently claimed to be so in source code from 2008):
  00h  A_UINT32 4  version;
  04h  A_UINT8  6  macaddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1  phyCapability;              /* WMI_PHY_CAPABILITY */
Event Data (0Fh bytes, accidently claimed to be so in source code from 2010):
  00h  A_UINT32 4  sw_version;
  04h  A_UINT32 4  abi_version;
  08h  A_UINT8  6  macaddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Eh  A_UINT8  1  phyCapability;              /* WMI_PHY_CAPABILITY */
WMI_PHY_CAPABILITY values (maybe the "11" is related to "IEEE 802.11"?):

Event Data (0Ch+N bytes or 10h+N bytes on DSi, depending on version setting):
 When version<2:
  00h  A_UINT16 2   channel;                            ;\
  02h  A_UINT8  1   frameType;   /* see WMI_BI_FTYPE    ;
  03h  A_UINT8  1   snr;                                ; WMI_BSS_INFO_HDR
  04h  A_INT16  2   rssi;                               ; version 1 (10h bytes)
  06h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];                 ;
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   ieMask;                             ;/
  10h  BODY     ... beacon or probe-response frame body ;-Body
 When version>=2:
  00h  A_UINT16 2   channel;                            ;\
  02h  A_UINT8  1   frameType;   /* see WMI_BI_FTYPE    ; WMI_BSS_INFO_HDR2
  03h  A_UINT8  1   snr;  (implies "rssi=snr-95" in v2) ; version 2 (0Ch bytes)
  04h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];                 ;
  0Ah  A_UINT16 2   ieMask;        (only 2 bytes in v2) ;/
  0Ch  BODY     ... beacon or probe-response frame body ;-Body
The DSi firmware contains code for both of the above HDR versions (unknown if/when/how it does use which version).
BSS Info Event.
Mechanism used to inform host of the presence and characteristic of wireless networks present. Consists of bss info header followed by the beacon or probe-response frame body. The 802.11 header is not included.
BSS INFO HDR version 2.0:
With 6 bytes HTC header and 6 bytes of WMI header WMI_BSS_INFO_HDR cannot be accomodated in the removed 802.11 management header space.
  - Reduce the ieMask to 2 bytes as only two bit flags are used
  - Remove rssi and compute it on the host. rssi = snr - 95
WMI_BI_FTYPE values:
  BEACON_FTYPE      = 01h
BSS_ELEMID values (unclear WHAT that is, maybe the "ieMask" stuff, which said to use "two bit flags"):
  BSS_ELEMID_CHANSWITCH = 01h    ;value for bit0? (or bit-number for bit1?)
  BSS_ELEMID_ATHEROS    = 02h    ;value for bit1? (or bit-number for bit2?)

Event Data (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT32 4   regDomain  ;80000188h on DSi (after firmware upload)
New Regulatory Domain Event.
Value 80000188h on DSi (the "188h" might be coming from ROM_version+60000000h, or maybe from the country "JP" entry from the "RGDB" DataSet?).

Event Data:
typedef PREPACK struct {
  00h  A_INT8              1     numberOfAps;
  01h  WMI_NEIGHBOR_INFO   N*7   neighbor[1];
    A_UINT8 6    bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
    A_UINT8 1    bssFlags;            /* see WMI_BSS_FLAGS */
The WMI_NEIGHBOR_REPORT Event is generated by the target to inform the host of BSS's it has found that matches the current profile.
It can be used by the host to cache PMKs and/to initiate pre-authentication if the BSS supports it. The first bssid is always the current associated BSS.
The bssid and bssFlags information repeats according to the number or APs reported.

Event Data (10h+N bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   channel                        ;\
  02h  A_UINT8  1   frameType  ;see WMI_OPT_FTYPE  ; special frame info header
  03h  A_INT8   1   snr                            ;
  04h  A_UINT8  6   srcAddr[ATH_MAC_LEN]           ;
  0Ah  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN]             ;/
  10h  ...      ..  body (having WHAT length?)     ;-special frame body
Special frame receive Event.
Mechanism used to inform host of the receiption of the special frames.
The 802.11 header is not included.

WMIevent(1010h) - WMI_EXTENSION_EVENT ;prefix for WMIX events...
Unknown, probably similar prefix as "WMIX_CMD_HDR" with 32bit WMIX value.

WMIevent(1010h:3007h) - WMIX_HB_CHALLENGE_RESP_EVENT ;used (reply to 2008h)
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32  4    cookie;   ;\same reply-format as command parameters
  04h  A_UINT32  4    source;   ;/

WMIevent(1011h) - WMI_CAC_EVENT
Event Data (42h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1    ac;
  01h  A_UINT8  1    cac_indication;
  02h  A_UINT8  1    statusCode;
  03h  A_UINT8  3Fh  tspecSuggestion[WMM_TSPEC_IE_LEN];
#define WMM_TSPEC_IE_LEN = 63

WMIevent(1017h) - WMI_APLIST_EVENT
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8      1    apListVer;
  01h  A_UINT8      1    numAP;
  02h  WMI_AP_INFO  N*8  apList[1];
APLIST_VER values (only one defined):
    APLIST_VER1 = 1,
WMI_AP_INFO structure:
  typedef PREPACK union {
    WMI_AP_INFO_V1  8   apInfoV1;
WMI_AP_INFO_V1 structure:
    A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
    A_UINT16 2   channel;

WMIevent(1019h) - WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_EVENT ;reply to CMD F006h
See WMI_GET_PMKID_LIST_CMD for response details.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Connect Functions

Parameters (34h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   networkType;         ;somewhat NETWORK_TYPE related ?
  01h  A_UINT8  1   dot11AuthMode;       ;aka DOT11_AUTH_MODE ?
  02h  A_UINT8  1   authMode;            ;aka AUTH_MODE ?
  03h  A_UINT8  1   pairwiseCryptoType;  ;aka CRYPTO_TYPE maybe ?
  04h  A_UINT8  1   pairwiseCryptoLen;
  05h  A_UINT8  1   groupCryptoType;     ;aka CRYPTO_TYPE too maybe ?
  06h  A_UINT8  1   groupCryptoLen;
  07h  A_UINT8  1   ssidLength;
  08h  A_UCHAR  32  ssid[WMI_MAX_SSID_LEN];
  28h  A_UINT16 2   channel;             ;in MHz or so ?
  2Ah  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  30h  A_UINT32 4   ctrl_flags;
  INFRA_NETWORK       = 01h
  ADHOC_NETWORK       = 02h
  ADHOC_CREATOR       = 04h
  AP_NETWORK          = 10h
NETWORK_SUBTYPE values (unknown purpose, and unknown if they start at 0 or 1 or so):
  SUBTYPE_NONE        = unknown (maybe 0 or 1 or so?)
DOT11_AUTH_MODE values:
  OPEN_AUTH           = 01h
  SHARED_AUTH         = 02h
  LEAP_AUTH           = 04h  /* different from IEEE_AUTH_MODE definitions
AUTH_MODE values:
  WMI_NONE_AUTH       = 01h
  WMI_WPA_AUTH        = 02h
  WMI_WPA2_AUTH       = 04h
  WMI_WPA_PSK_AUTH    = 08h
  WMI_WPA2_PSK_AUTH   = 10h
  NONE_CRYPT          = 01h
  WEP_CRYPT           = 02h
  TKIP_CRYPT          = 04h
  AES_CRYPT           = 08h
  WAPI_CRYPT          = 10h  ;only if WAPI_ENABLE
connect "ctrl_flags":
  0   CONNECT_ASSOC_POLICY_USER           = 0001h
  1   CONNECT_SEND_REASSOC                = 0002h
  3   CONNECT_PROFILE_MATCH_DONE          = 0008h
  4   CONNECT_IGNORE_AAC_BEACON           = 0010h
  5   CONNECT_CSA_FOLLOW_BSS              = 0020h
  6   CONNECT_PYXIS_REMOTE                = 0040h  ;-old code from 2008
  6   CONNECT_DO_WPA_OFFLOAD              = 0040h  ;\
  7   CONNECT_DO_NOT_DEAUTH               = 0080h  ; new code from 2010
  8   CONNECT_WPS_FLAG                    = 0100h  ;
  9   CONNECT_IGNORE_BSSID_HINT           = 0200h  ;
  16  AP_NO_DISASSOC_UPON_DEAUTH          = 10000h ;/ <--AP configuration flags

Parameters (optional...?... 08h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   channel;                    /* hint */
  02h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];         /* mandatory if set */

  Unknown (none?)

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   disconnectTimeout;          /* seconds */

First 10h bytes of response can be "infra_ibss_bss" or "ap_sta" or "ap_bss" (unclear which selects/indicates which it is, maybe the parameters from preceeding WMI_CONNECT_CMD?)
Event Data:
 When "infra_ibss_bss":
  00h  A_UINT16 2   channel;
  02h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  08h  A_UINT16 2   listenInterval;
  0Ah  A_UINT16 2   beaconInterval;
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   networkType;
 When "ap_sta":
  00h  A_UINT8  1   phymode;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   aid;
  02h  A_UINT8  6   mac_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  08h  A_UINT8  1   auth;
  09h  A_UINT8  1   keymgmt;
  0Ah  A_UINT16 2   cipher;
  0Ch  A_UINT8  1   apsd_info;
  0Dh  A_UINT8  3   unused[3];
 When "ap_bss":
  00h  A_UINT16 2   channel;
  02h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  08h  A_UINT8  8   unused[8];
 And, in all three cases:
  10h  A_UINT8  1   beaconIeLen;
  11h  A_UINT8  1   assocReqLen;
  12h  A_UINT8  1   assocRespLen;
  13h  A_UINT8  ..  assocInfo[1];
In STA mode networkType comes along with connected phy mode.
To get networkType, WMI_NETWORK_TYPE (networkType).
To get connected phymode, WMI_CONNECTED_PHYMODE(networkType) will give the phymode value.

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT16 2    protocolReasonStatus;  /* reason code, see 802.11 spec.
  02h  A_UINT8  1    bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];    /* set if known
  03h  A_UINT8  1    disconnectReason ;     /* see WMI_DISCONNECT_REASON
  04h  A_UINT8  1    assocRespLen;
  05h  A_UINT8  N*1  assocInfo[1];
  NO_NETWORK_AVAIL      = 01h
  LOST_LINK             = 02h  ;-bmiss
  DISCONNECT_CMD        = 03h
  AUTH_FAILED           = 05h
  ASSOC_FAILED          = 06h
  PYXIS_VIRT_ADHOC_DISC = 0Dh  ;-old code from 2008
  IBSS_MERGE            = 0Eh  ; new code from 2010
  EXCESS_TX_RETRY       = 0Fh  ;/  <--TX frames failed after excessive retries

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Channel and Cipher Functions

  Unknown (none?)
  00h  A_UINT8  1    reserved1;
  01h  A_UINT8  1    numChannels;            /* number of channels in reply
  02h  A_UINT16 N*2  channelList[1];         /* channel in Mhz */

Parameters (04h+N*2 bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   reserved1;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   scanParam;              /* set if enable scan */
  02h  A_UINT8  1   phyMode;                /* see WMI_PHY_MODE */
  03h  A_UINT8  1   numChannels;            /* how many channels follow */
  04h  A_UINT16 N*2 channelList[1];         /* channels in Mhz */
WMI_PHY_MODE values:
  WMI_11A_MODE     = 01h
  WMI_11G_MODE     = 02h
  WMI_11AG_MODE    = 03h
  WMI_11B_MODE     = 04h
  WMI_11GONLY_MODE = 05h
#define WMI_MAX_CHANNELS = 32

WMIevent(101Ah) - WMI_CHANNEL_CHANGE_EVENT ;<-- used on DSi ?
Event Data (06h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16  2  oldChannel;   ;\uh, old is 16bit and new is 32bit?
  02h  A_UINT32  4  newChannel;   ;/(DSi does really send 6 bytes)
This event is not defined in "AR6kSDK.build_sw.18", however, "101Ah" is USED on DSi.

Parameters (2Dh bytes on DSi?, but other sources claim 2Ch or 33h bytes):
  2Ch 2Dh 33h   <---- total size (on DSi it's 2Dh, ie. middle column)
  00h 00h 00h  A_UINT8  1   keyIndex ;aka WMI_MAX_KEY_INDEX ?
  01h 01h 01h  A_UINT8  1   keyType  ;maybe same as CryptoType aka CRYPTO_TYPE?
  02h 02h 02h  A_UINT8  1   keyUsage      ;KEY_USAGE
  03h 03h 03h  A_UINT8  1   keyLength
  04h 04h 04h  A_UINT8  8   keyRSC[8]     ;key replay sequence counter
  0Ch 0Ch 0Ch  A_UINT8  32  key[WMI_MAX_KEY_LEN]
  --  2Ch 2Ch  A_UINT8  1   key_op_ctrl   ;Additional Key Control information
  --  --  2Dh  A_UINT8  6   key_macaddr[ATH_MAC_LEN]
KEY_USAGE values:
  PAIRWISE_USAGE      = 00h
  GROUP_USAGE         = 01h
  TX_USAGE            = 02h     /* default Tx Key - Static WEP only */
Bit Flag. (aka key_op_ctrl values?):
  Bit 0 - Initialise TSC - default is Initialize
  KEY_OP_INIT_TSC     = 01h
  KEY_OP_INIT_RSC     = 02h
  KEY_OP_INIT_WAPIPN  = 10h (only if "WAPI_ENABLE")
  KEY_OP_INIT_VAL     = 03h     /* Default Initialise the TSC & RSC */

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   keyIndex;

WMIcmd(0018h) - WMI_ADD_KRK_CMD
Parameters (10h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  16  krk[WMI_KRK_LEN];
#define WMI_KRK_LEN = 16
KRK maybe means "Key Registration with Knowledge"?

  Unknown (none?) (or maybe same as for ADD_KRK ?) (seems to be NONE on DSi)

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  cm_en;                     /* WMI_TKIP_CM_CONTROL */
Note: There are also "CM_CONNECT_TYPE" values in "cnxmgmt.h", is THAT related?

Event Data (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  keyid;
  01h  A_UINT8  1  ismcast;
TKIP MIC Error Event

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Scan Functions

  00h  A_BOOL   4   forceFgScan
  ..   A_BOOL   4   isLegacy            For Legacy Cisco AP compatibility
  ..   A_UINT32 4   homeDwellTime       Max duration in the home channel (msec)
  ..   A_UINT32 4   forceScanInterval   Time interval between scans (msec)
  ..   A_UINT8  1   scanType            WMI_SCAN_TYPE
  ..   A_UINT8  1   numChannels         how many channels follow
  ..   A_UINT16 N*2 channelList[1]      channels in Mhz
Old code from 2008 did (additionally) use value 0 and 1 as so:

Parameters (14h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2  fg_start_period         ;seconds
  02h  A_UINT16 2  fg_end_period           ;seconds
  04h  A_UINT16 2  bg_period               ;seconds
  06h  A_UINT16 2  maxact_chdwell_time     ;msec
  08h  A_UINT16 2  pas_chdwell_time        ;msec
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1  shortScanRatio          ;how many shorts scan for one long
  0Bh  A_UINT8  1  scanCtrlFlags
  0Ch  A_UINT16 2  minact_chdwell_time     ;msec
  0Eh  A_UINT16 2  maxact_scan_per_ssid    ;max active scans per ssid
  10h  A_UINT32 4  max_dfsch_act_time      ;msec
Warning: ScanCtrlFlag value of FFh is used to disable all flags in WMI_SCAN_PARAMS_CMD
Do not add any more flags to WMI_SCAN_CTRL_FLAG_BITS
  CONNECT_SCAN_CTRL_FLAGS   = 01h  ;set if can scan in the Connect cmd
  SCAN_CONNECTED_CTRL_FLAGS = 02h  ;set if scan for the SSID it is
                                   ;  already connected to
  ACTIVE_SCAN_CTRL_FLAGS    = 04h  ;set if enable active scan
  ROAM_SCAN_CTRL_FLAGS      = 08h  ;set if enable roam scan when bmiss
                                   ;  and lowrssi
  REPORT_BSSINFO_CTRL_FLAGS = 10h  ;set if follows customer BSSINFO
                                   ;  reporting rule
  ENABLE_AUTO_CTRL_FLAGS    = 20h  ;if disabled, target doesn't
                                   ;  scan after a disconnect event
  ENABLE_SCAN_ABORT_EVENT   = 40h  ;Scan complete event with canceled status
                                   ;  will be generated when a scan is
                                   ;  prempted before it gets completed
 #define CAN_SCAN_IN_CONNECT(flags)      (flags & CONNECT_SCAN_CTRL_FLAGS)
 #define CAN_SCAN_CONNECTED(flags)       (flags & SCAN_CONNECTED_CTRL_FLAGS)
 #define ENABLE_ACTIVE_SCAN(flags)       (flags & ACTIVE_SCAN_CTRL_FLAGS)
 #define ENABLE_ROAM_SCAN(flags)         (flags & ROAM_SCAN_CTRL_FLAGS)
 #define IS_AUTO_SCAN_ENABLED(flags)     (flags & ENABLE_AUTO_CTRL_FLAGS)


Event Data (old: None, or new: status, 04h bytes):
  00h  A_INT32  4  status;    ;aka "staus"

Note: There are several "SCAN_xxx" and "xxx_SCPRI" values defined in "discovery.h" - purpose is unknown (maybe that stuff is used only internally).

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Bit Rate Functions

Parameters (02h bytes on DSi?, but other sources claim 08h bytes):
  02h 08h   <---- total size (on DSi it's 02h, ie. left column)
  00h --  A_UINT16 2   fixRateMask     ;0..0FFFh          ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  --  00h A_UINT32 4   fixRateMask(0)  ;0..0FFFFFFFh      ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  --  04h A_UINT32 4   fixRateMask(1)  ;0..0FFFFFFFh      ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
 #define FIX_RATE_1Mb            ((A_UINT32)0x1)
 #define FIX_RATE_2Mb            ((A_UINT32)0x2)
 #define FIX_RATE_5_5Mb          ((A_UINT32)0x4)
 #define FIX_RATE_11Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x8)
 #define FIX_RATE_6Mb            ((A_UINT32)0x10)
 #define FIX_RATE_9Mb            ((A_UINT32)0x20)
 #define FIX_RATE_12Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x40)
 #define FIX_RATE_18Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x80)
 #define FIX_RATE_24Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x100)
 #define FIX_RATE_36Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x200)
 #define FIX_RATE_48Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x400)
 #define FIX_RATE_54Mb           ((A_UINT32)0x800)
Below probably only newer (non-DSi) revisions (with 32bit "RateMask" values):
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_0_20       ((A_UINT32)0x1000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_1_20       ((A_UINT32)0x2000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_2_20       ((A_UINT32)0x4000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_3_20       ((A_UINT32)0x8000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_4_20       ((A_UINT32)0x10000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_5_20       ((A_UINT32)0x20000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_6_20       ((A_UINT32)0x40000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_7_20       ((A_UINT32)0x80000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_0_40       ((A_UINT32)0x100000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_1_40       ((A_UINT32)0x200000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_2_40       ((A_UINT32)0x400000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_3_40       ((A_UINT32)0x800000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_4_40       ((A_UINT32)0x1000000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_5_40       ((A_UINT32)0x2000000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_6_40       ((A_UINT32)0x4000000)
 #define FIX_RATE_MCS_7_40       ((A_UINT32)0x8000000)

WMIcmd(0035h) - WMI_GET_FIXRATES_CMD ;reply 0035h
  Unknown (none?)
Event Data (02h bytes on DSi?, but other sources claim 08h bytes):
  02h 08h   <---- total size (on DSi it's 02h, ie. left column)
  00h --  A_UINT16 2   fixRateMask     ;0..0FFFh           ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  --  00h A_UINT32 4   fixRateMask(0)  ;0..0FFFFFFFh       ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  --  04h A_UINT32 4   fixRateMask(1)  ;0..0FFFFFFFh       ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
See "FIX_RATE_xxx" values.

Parameters (04h bytes on DSi?, but other source claim 0Ch bytes?):
  04h 0Ch   <---- total size (on DSi it's 04h, ie. left column)
  00h 00h  A_UINT8  1   bEnableMask
  01h 01h  A_UINT8  1   frameType                          ;type and subtype
  02h --   A_UINT16 2   frameRateMask     ;0..0FFFh        ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  --  02h  A_UINT8  2   reserved[2]                        ;for alignment
  --  04h  A_UINT32 4   frameRateMask(0)  ;0..0FFFFFFFh    ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  --  08h  A_UINT32 4   frameRateMask(1)  ;0..0FFFFFFFh    ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  Unknown (if any)
Reportedly there is a "WMI_FRAME_RATES_REPLY" with same Reply structure as above Parameter structure, but unknown if/when/how that Reply is sent... as event, or as reply to SET_FRAMERATES, or as reply to whatever other cmd?

Parameters (03h bytes):
  00h  A_INT8  1   rateIndex           ;see WMI_BIT_RATE
  01h  A_INT8  1   mgmtRateIndex
  02h  A_INT8  1   ctlRateIndex
WMI_BIT_RATE values:
  RATE_AUTO     = -1
  RATE_1Mb      = 0
  RATE_2Mb      = 1
  RATE_5_5Mb    = 2
  RATE_11Mb     = 3
  RATE_6Mb      = 4
  RATE_9Mb      = 5
  RATE_12Mb     = 6
  RATE_18Mb     = 7
  RATE_24Mb     = 8
  RATE_36Mb     = 9
  RATE_48Mb     = 10
  RATE_54Mb     = 11
Below probably only newer (non-DSi) revisions (with 32bit RATE_MASK values):
  RATE_MCS_0_20 = 12
  RATE_MCS_1_20 = 13
  RATE_MCS_2_20 = 14
  RATE_MCS_3_20 = 15
  RATE_MCS_4_20 = 16
  RATE_MCS_5_20 = 17
  RATE_MCS_6_20 = 18
  RATE_MCS_7_20 = 19
  RATE_MCS_0_40 = 20
  RATE_MCS_1_40 = 21
  RATE_MCS_2_40 = 22
  RATE_MCS_3_40 = 23
  RATE_MCS_4_40 = 24
  RATE_MCS_5_40 = 25
  RATE_MCS_6_40 = 26
  RATE_MCS_7_40 = 27
Get bit rate cmd uses same definition as set bit rate cmd

WMIcmd(F001h) - WMI_GET_BITRATE_CMD ;reply F001h
  Unknown (none?)
  00h  A_INT8   1    rateIndex           ;see WMI_BIT_RATE

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Threshold Functions

Parameters (20h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT32 4  pollTime                ;Polling time as a factor of LI
  04h  A_INT16  2  thresholdAbove1_Val     ;lowest of upper
  06h  A_INT16  2  thresholdAbove2_Val
  08h  A_INT16  2  thresholdAbove3_Val
  0Ah  A_INT16  2  thresholdAbove4_Val
  0Ch  A_INT16  2  thresholdAbove5_Val
  0Eh  A_INT16  2  thresholdAbove6_Val     ;highest of upper
  10h  A_INT16  2  thresholdBelow1_Val     ;lowest of bellow
  12h  A_INT16  2  thresholdBelow2_Val
  14h  A_INT16  2  thresholdBelow3_Val
  16h  A_INT16  2  thresholdBelow4_Val
  18h  A_INT16  2  thresholdBelow5_Val
  1Ah  A_INT16  2  thresholdBelow6_Val     ;highest of bellow
  1Ch  A_UINT8  1  weight                  ;"alpha"
  1Dh  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3]
 Setting the polltime to 0 would disable polling.
 Threshold values are in the ascending order, and should agree to:
   (lowThreshold_lowerVal < lowThreshold_upperVal < highThreshold_lowerVal
     < highThreshold_upperVal)

Parameters (10h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT32 4  pollTime                ;Polling time as a factor of LI
  04h  A_UINT8  1  weight                  ;"alpha"
  05h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove1_Val     ;lowest of uppper   ;uh, ppper?
  06h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove2_Val
  07h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove3_Val
  08h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove4_Val     ;highest of upper
  09h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow1_Val     ;lowest of bellow   ;uh bell?
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow2_Val
  0Bh  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow3_Val
  0Ch  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow4_Val     ;highest of bellow  ;uh bell?
  0Dh  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3]
Setting the polltime to 0 would disable polling.

Parameters (0Ch bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  enable              ;<-- enable (unlike SNR command)
  01h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove1_Val   ;\these parameters seem to be same as
  02h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove2_Val   ; for WMI_SNR_THRESHOLD_PARAMS_CMD
  03h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove3_Val   ;
  04h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdAbove4_Val   ;
  05h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow1_Val   ;
  06h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow2_Val   ;
  07h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow3_Val   ;
  08h  A_UINT8  1  thresholdBelow4_Val   ;
  09h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3]           ;/

  Unknown (none?)
Probably somehow related to RSSI_THRESHOLD and SNR_THRESHOLD.

Event Data (03h bytes):
  00h  A_INT16  2   rssi;
  02h  A_UINT8  1   range;
WMI_RSSI_THRESHOLD_VAL values (which are probably meant to occurr in one of above fields, unclear which one though):
Indicate the RSSI events to host. Events are indicated when we breach a thresold value. (uh, how old do we breach?)

Event Data (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  range        ;WMI_SNR_THRESHOLD_VAL
  01h  A_UINT8  1  snr

Event Data (05h bytes):
  00h  A_INT32  4  lq
  04h  A_UINT8  1  range        ;WMI_LQ_THRESHOLD_VAL

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Error, Retry and Debug Functions

  00h  A_UINT8  1  frameType          ;WMI_FRAMETYPE
  01h  A_UINT8  1  trafficClass       ;applies only to DATA_FRAMETYPE
  02h  A_UINT8  1  maxRetries
  03h  A_UINT8  1  enableNotify
This command is used to customize the number of retries the wlan device will perform on a given frame.

Parameters (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT32 4   bitmask    ;... probably "WMI_TARGET_ERROR_VAL" ?
Sets the error reporting event bitmask in target. Target clears it upon an error. Subsequent errors are counted, but not reported via event, unless the bitmask is set again.

Event Data (03h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   commandId    ;on DSi, this can be: 0001h,0011h,0016h,0026h
  02h  A_UINT8  1   errorCode    ;on DSi, this can be: 01h,02h
  DFS_CHANNEL    = 04h
Command Error Event

Event Data (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT32  4  errorVal
  WMI_TARGET_PM_ERR_FAIL      = 00000001h
  WMI_TARGET_KEY_NOT_FOUND    = 00000002h
  WMI_TARGET_BMISS            = 00000008h
  WMI_PSDISABLE_NODE_JOIN     = 00000010h
  WMI_TARGET_COM_ERR          = 00000020h
  WMI_TARGET_FATAL_ERR        = 00000040h
  WMI_TARGET_BCN_FOUND        = 00000080h

Event Data (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   retrys

Parameters (said to be as so):
  00h  A_UINT32 4   cfgvalid        ;mask with valid config bits (uh, what?)
 When some case:
  04h  A_UINT32 4   dbglog_config   ;see "dbglog_config" description below
 When some other case:
  04h  A_UINT32 4   value           ;uh, what "value" (maybe alias for above?)
dbglog_config value:
  Bit0-15   DBGLOG_MODULE_LOG_ENABLE     ;logging enable flags for module 0-15
  Bit16     DBGLOG_REPORTING_ENABLED     ;reporting enable flag
  Bit17-19  DBGLOG_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION  ;timestamp resolution (default=1 ms)
  Bit20-29  DBGLOG_REPORT_SIZE           ;report size in number of messages
  Bit30-31  Reserved                     ;reserved
dbglog message value (with numeric "message" IDs):
  Bit0-15    DBGLOG_TIMESTAMP  ;contains bit8-23 of the LF0 timer (0..FFFFh)
  Bit16-25   DBGLOG_DBGID      ;minor ID (defined in "dbglog_id.h")
  Bit26-29   DBGLOG_MODULEID   ;major ID (defined in "dbglog.h")
  Bit30-31   DBGLOG_NUM_ARGS   ;whatever "num args"
Unclear how that's meant to work. Theoretically, the AR600x should receive the "config" stuff as EVENT, and send the "message" stuff as CMD. Maybe the source code definitions have swapped CMD and EVENT (ie. accidentally using the host-side's point of view)?

WMIevent(1010h:3008h) - WMIX_DBGLOG_EVENT ;used (probably related to 2009h)
Event Data:
  Unknown (?) (probably related/enabled by WMIX_DBGLOG_CFG_MODULE_CMD)

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Priority Stream Functions

Parameters (3Fh bytes in DSi? but below would be 40h bytes?):
  00h  A_UINT32 4      minServiceInt            ;in msec
  04h  A_UINT32 4      maxServiceInt            ;in msec
  08h  A_UINT32 4      inactivityInt            ;in msec
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4      suspensionInt            ;in msec
  10h  A_UINT32 4      serviceStartTime
  14h  A_UINT32 4      minDataRate              ;in bps
  18h  A_UINT32 4      meanDataRate             ;in bps
  1Ch  A_UINT32 4      peakDataRate             ;in bps
  20h  A_UINT32 4      maxBurstSize
  24h  A_UINT32 4      delayBound
  28h  A_UINT32 4      minPhyRate               ;in bps
  2Ch  A_UINT32 4      sba
  30h  A_UINT32 4      mediumTime
  34h  A_UINT16 2      nominalMSDU              ;in octects   ;uh, octeCts?
  36h  A_UINT16 2      maxMSDU                  ;in octects   ;uh, octeCts?
  38h  A_UINT8  1      trafficClass
  39h  A_UINT8  1      trafficDirection         ;DIR_TYPE
  3Ah  A_UINT8  1      rxQueueNum
  3Bh  A_UINT8  1      trafficType              ;TRAFFIC_TYPE
  3Ch  A_UINT8  1      voicePSCapability        ;VOICEPS_CAP_TYPE
  3Dh  A_UINT8  1      tsid
  3Eh  A_UINT8  1      userPriority             ;802.1D user priority
  3Fh  A_UINT8  1      nominalPHY               ;nominal phy rate
Older source code used a different parameter structure (with value/size ordered 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, and without the "nominalPHY" entry):
Parameters (3Fh bytes in DSi? that would match this old structure?):
  00h   u8      1      trafficClass
  01h   u8      1      trafficDirection     ;DIR_TYPE
  02h   u8      1      rxQueueNum
  03h   u8      1      trafficType          ;TRAFFIC_TYPE
  04h   u8      1      voicePSCapability    ;VOICEPS_CAP_TYPE
  05h   u8      1      tsid
  06h   u8      1      userPriority         ;802.1D user priority
  N/A   -       -      nominalPHY           ;nominal phy rate
  07h   u16     2      nominalMSDU          ;in octects   ;uh, octeCts?
  09h   u16     2      maxMSDU              ;in octects   ;uh, octeCts?
  0Bh   u32     4      minServiceInt        ;in msec
  0Fh   u32     4      maxServiceInt        ;in msec
  13h   u32     4      inactivityInt        ;in msec
  17h   u32     4      suspensionInt        ;in msec
  1Bh   u32     4      serviceStartTime
  1Fh   u32     4      minDataRate          ;in bps
  23h   u32     4      meanDataRate         ;in bps
  27h   u32     4      peakDataRate         ;in bps
  2Bh   u32     4      maxBurstSize
  2Fh   u32     4      delayBound
  33h   u32     4      minPhyRate           ;in bps
  37h   u32     4      sba
  3Bh   u32     4      mediumTime
DIR_TYPE values:
  UPLINK_TRAFFIC         = 0
  DNLINK_TRAFFIC         = 1
  BIDIR_TRAFFIC          = 2
  ENABLE_FOR_ALL_AC      = 2

Parameters (05h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   txQueueNumber
  01h  A_UINT8  1   rxQueueNumber
  02h  A_UINT8  1   trafficDirection
  03h  A_UINT8  1   trafficClass
  04h  A_UINT8  1   tsid

Event Data (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  txQueueNumber
  01h  A_UINT8  1  rxQueueNumber
  02h  A_UINT8  1  trafficDirection
  03h  A_UINT8  1  trafficClass

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Roam Functions

Parameters (09h bytes on DSi?, but would be greater if "numBss>1"):
      PREPACK union {
  ..    A_UINT8  bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN]       ;WMI_FORCE_ROAM
  ..    A_UINT8  roamMode                 ;WMI_SET_ROAM_MODE
  ..    WMI_BSS_BIAS_INFO bssBiasInfo     ;WMI_SET_HOST_BIAS
  ..    WMI_LOWRSSI_SCAN_PARAMS lrScanParams
      } POSTPACK info
  ..  A_UINT8    roamCtrlType
This command is used to influence the Roaming behaviour.
Set the host biases of the BSSs before setting the roam mode as bias based.
WMI_ROAM_CTRL_TYPE, Different types of Roam Control:
        WMI_FORCE_ROAM              = 1  ;Roam to the specified BSSID
        WMI_SET_ROAM_MODE           = 2  ;default ,progd bias, no roam
        WMI_SET_HOST_BIAS           = 3  ;Set the Host Bias
        WMI_SET_LOWRSSI_SCAN_PARAMS = 4  ;Set lowrssi Scan parameters
        WMI_DEFAULT_ROAM_MODE       = 1  ;RSSI based ROAM
        WMI_HOST_BIAS_ROAM_MODE     = 2  ;HOST BIAS based ROAM
        WMI_LOCK_BSS_MODE           = 3  ;Lock to the Current BSS - no Roam
BSS HOST BIAS INFO structures:
  WMI_BSS_BIAS typedef PREPACK struct:
        6    A_UINT8  bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN]
        1    A_INT8   bias
  WMI_BSS_BIAS_INFO typedef PREPACK struct:
    00h 1    A_UINT8  numBss
    01h 7*N  WMI_BSS_BIAS bssBias[1]
    00h 2    A_UINT16 lowrssi_scan_period
    02h 2    A_INT16  lowrssi_scan_threshold
    04h 2    A_INT16  lowrssi_roam_threshold
    06h 1    A_UINT8  roam_rssi_floor
    07h 1    A_UINT8  reserved[1]               ;for alignment

WMIcmd(002Ah) - WMI_GET_ROAM_TBL_CMD ;aka WMI_REPORT_ROAM_TBL ;reply 100Fh
  Unknown (none?)

WMIevent(100Fh) - WMI_REPORT_ROAM_TBL_EVENT ;related to CMD 002Ah ?
Event Data (14h bytes on DSi, might be more on other systems if numEntries>1):
  00h  A_UINT16           2      roamMode
  02h  A_UINT16           2      numEntries
  04h  WMI_BSS_ROAM_INFO  N*10h  bssRoamInfo[1]
WMI_BSS_ROAM_INFO structure:
    A_INT32 4  roam_util
    A_UINT8 6  bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN]
    A_INT8  1  rssi
    A_INT8  1  rssidt
    A_INT8  1  last_rssi
    A_INT8  1  util
    A_INT8  1  bias
    A_UINT8 1  reserved         ;for alignment

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Power Functions

Parameters (01h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   powerMode;      /* WMI_POWER_MODE */
  REC_POWER      = 01h

Parameters (06h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1  power_saving;
  01h  A_UINT8  1  ttl;                 /* number of beacon periods */
  02h  A_UINT16 2  atim_windows;        /* msec */
  04h  A_UINT16 2  timeout_value;       /* msec */
Adhoc power save types aka WMI_ADHOC_PS_TYPE:
  ADHOC_PS_ATH     = 2
  ADHOC_PS_IEEE    = 3

Parameters (06h bytes on DSi?, but other sources claim 0Ch bytes):
  06h 0Ch   <---- total size (on DSi it's 06h, ie. left column)
  00h 00h  A_UINT16 2   idle_period;             /* msec */
  02h 02h  A_UINT16 2   pspoll_number;
  04h 04h  A_UINT16 2   dtim_policy;
  --  06h  A_UINT16 2   tx_wakeup_policy;
  --  08h  A_UINT16 2   num_tx_to_wakeup;
  --  0Ah  A_UINT16 2   ps_fail_event_policy;
  STICK_DTIM  = 03h
  AUTO_DTIM   = 04h
WMI_TX_WAKEUP_POLICY_UPON_SLEEP values (Policy to determnine (Nine?) whether TX should wakeup WLAN if sleeping):
POWER_SAVE_FAIL_EVENT_POLICY values (Policy to determnine (Nine?) whether power save failure event should be sent to host during scanning):

Parameters (0Ch bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2  psPollTimeout (msec)
  02h  A_UINT16 2  triggerTimeout (msec)
  04h  A_UINT32 4  apsdTimPolicy (TIM behavior with ques (=?) APSD enabled.
                    Default is IGNORE_TIM_ALL_QUEUES_APSD)
  08h  A_UINT32 4  simulatedAPSDTimPolicy (TIM behavior with simulated APSD
                    enabled. Default is PROCESS_TIM_SIMULATED_APSD)

  00h  A_UINT8  1   dbM;                  /* in dbM units */

WMIcmd(001Ch) - WMI_GET_TX_PWR_CMD ;aka WMI_TX_PWR ;reply 001Ch
  00h  A_UINT8  1   dbM;                  /* in dbM units */

WMIcmd(0048h) - WMI_SET_AP_PS_CMD ;aka WMI_AP_PS_CMD
Parameters (04h bytes on DSi?, but below would be 0Ah bytes?):
  04h 0Ah   <---- total size (on DSi it's 04h, ie. left column)
  ?   00h  A_UINT32 4   idle_time;     ;in msec
  ?   04h  A_UINT32 4   ps_period;     ;in usec
  ?   08h  A_UINT8  1   sleep_period;  ;in ps periods (=above "ps_period"?)
  ?   09h  A_UINT8  1   psType;        ;AP power save type
WMI_AP_PS_TYPE, AP power save types:
  AP_PS_ATH     = 2

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Statistics Function

  Unknown (none?)

WMIevent(100Bh) - WMI_REPORT_STATISTICS_EVENT ;related to CMD 0010h
Event Data (D5h bytes on DSi, although other sources claim A9h or EDh bytes):
  A9h D5h EDh  <---- total size (on DSi it's D5h, ie. middle column)
  --  00h 00h A_UINT32 4  lqVal;                   ;-  <-- newer version only
  --  04h 04h A_INT32  4  noise_floor_calibation;  ;-  <-- newer version only
  --  08h 08h A_UINT32 4  power_save_failure_cnt;  ;\pm_stats_t (new)
  --  --  0Ch A_UINT16 2  stop_tx_failure_cnt;     ;   <-- NEWEST version only
  --  --  0Eh A_UINT16 2  atim_tx_failure_cnt;     ;   <-- NEWEST version only
  --  --  10h A_UINT16 2  atim_rx_failure_cnt;     ;   <-- NEWEST version only
  --  --  12h A_UINT16 2  bcn_rx_failure_cnt;      ;/  <-- NEWEST version only
  00h 0Ch 14h A_UINT32 4  tx_packets;              ;\
  04h 10h 18h A_UINT32 4  tx_bytes;                ;
  08h 14h 1Ch A_UINT32 4  tx_unicast_pkts;         ;
  0Ch 18h 20h A_UINT32 4  tx_unicast_bytes;        ; tx_stats_t
  10h 1Ch 24h A_UINT32 4  tx_multicast_pkts;       ;
  14h 20h 28h A_UINT32 4  tx_multicast_bytes;      ;
  18h 24h 2Ch A_UINT32 4  tx_broadcast_pkts;       ;
  1Ch 28h 30h A_UINT32 4  tx_broadcast_bytes;      ;
  20h 2Ch 34h A_UINT32 4  tx_rts_success_cnt;      ;
  24h 30h 38h A_UINT32 16 tx_packet_per_ac[4];     ;
  --  40h 48h A_UINT32 16 tx_errors_per_ac[4];     ;   <-- newer version only
  34h 50h 58h A_UINT32 4  tx_errors;               ;
  38h 54h 5Ch A_UINT32 4  tx_failed_cnt;           ;
  3Ch 58h 60h A_UINT32 4  tx_retry_cnt;            ;
  --  --  64h A_UINT32 4  tx_mult_retry_cnt;       ;   <-- NEWEST version only
  40h 5Ch 68h A_UINT32 4  tx_rts_fail_cnt;         ;
  --  60h 6Ch A_INT32  4  tx_unicast_rate;         ;/  <-- newer version only
  44h 64h 70h A_UINT32 4  rx_packets;              ;\
  48h 68h 74h A_UINT32 4  rx_bytes;                ;
  4Ch 6Ch 78h A_UINT32 4  rx_unicast_pkts;         ;
  50h 70h 7Ch A_UINT32 4  rx_unicast_bytes;        ;
  54h 74h 80h A_UINT32 4  rx_multicast_pkts;       ; rx_stats_t
  58h 78h 84h A_UINT32 4  rx_multicast_bytes;      ;
  5Ch 7Ch 88h A_UINT32 4  rx_broadcast_pkts;       ;
  60h 80h 8Ch A_UINT32 4  rx_broadcast_bytes;      ;
  64h 84h 90h A_UINT32 4  rx_fragment_pkt;         ;
  68h 88h 94h A_UINT32 4  rx_errors;               ;
  6Ch 8Ch 98h A_UINT32 4  rx_crcerr;               ;
  70h 90h 9Ch A_UINT32 4  rx_key_cache_miss;       ;
  74h 94h A0h A_UINT32 4  rx_decrypt_err;          ;
  78h 98h A4h A_UINT32 4  rx_duplicate_frames;     ;
  --  9Ch A8h A_INT32  4  rx_unicast_rate;         ;/  <-- newer version only
  7Ch A0h ACh A_UINT32 4  tkip_local_mic_failure;        ;\
  80h A4h B0h A_UINT32 4  tkip_counter_measures_invoked; ;
  84h A8h B4h A_UINT32 4  tkip_replays;                  ; tkip_ccmp_stats_t
  88h ACh B8h A_UINT32 4  tkip_format_errors;            ;
  8Ch B0h BCh A_UINT32 4  ccmp_format_errors;            ;
  90h B4h C0h A_UINT32 4  ccmp_replays;                  ;/
  --  B8h C4h A_UINT32 4  wow_num_pkts_dropped;          ;\
  --  BCh C8h A_UINT16 2  wow_num_events_discarded;      ; wlan_wow_stats_t
  --  BEh CAh A_UINT8  1  wow_num_host_pkt_wakeups;      ;
  --  BFh CBh A_UINT8  1  wow_num_host_event_wakeups;    ;/
  --  --  CCh A_UINT32 4  arp_received;                  ;\
  --  --  D0h A_UINT32 4  arp_matched;                   ; arp_stats_t
  --  --  D4h A_UINT32 4  arp_replied;                   ;/
  94h C0h D8h A_UINT32 4  cs_bmiss_cnt;            ;\
  98h C4h DCh A_UINT32 4  cs_lowRssi_cnt;          ;
  9Ch C8h E0h A_UINT16 2  cs_connect_cnt;          ; cserv_stats_t
  9Eh CAh E2h A_UINT16 2  cs_disconnect_cnt;       ;
  A0h CCh E4h A_INT16  2  cs_aveBeacon_rssi;       ;
  --  CEh E6h A_UINT16 2  cs_roam_count;           ;   <-- newer version only
  --  D0h E8h A_INT16  2  cs_rssi;                 ;   <-- newer version only
  --  D2h EAh A_UINT8  1  cs_snr;                  ;   <-- newer version only
  --  D3h EBh A_UINT8  1  cs_aveBeacon_snr;        ;   <-- newer version only
  A2h D4h ECh A_UINT8  1  cs_lastRoam_msec;        ;/
  A3h --  --  A_UINT32 4  power_save_failure_cnt;  ;-pm_stats_t (old)
  A7h --  --  A_INT16  2  noise_floor_calibation;  ;-old version only
The D5h-byte structure was found in AR6kSDK.build_sw.18 from 2006.
The A9h-byte structure was found in older (AR6001?) source from 2006.
The EDh-byte structure was found in newer source from 2008 and up.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (older AR6002)

Bluetooth Coexistence support has underwent significant changes:
  Older AR6002 from 2008 ;-original Bluetooth COEX version
  Newer AR6002 from 2008 ;\same commands as above, but with entirely different
  Newer AR6002 from 2010 ;/parameters (and minor changes for 2008 vs 2010)
  AR6003 from 2010       ;-completely different commands for Bluetooth COEX
Below are Bluetooth COEX functions for OLDER AR6002 - as used on DSi - and as defined in "AR6kSDK.build_sw.18".

WMIcmd(003Bh) - WMI_SET_BT_STATUS_CMD ;AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
Parameters (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   streamType;         ;aka BT_STREAM_TYPE ?
  01h  A_UINT8  1   status;             ;aka BT_STREAM_STATUS ?
  BT_STREAM_UNDEF = 0                   ;\
  BT_STREAM_SCO   = 1 ;SCO stream       ; only this three types in Older AR6002
  BT_STREAM_A2DP  = 2 ;A2DP stream      ;/
  BT_STATUS_UNDEF        = 0  ;\
  BT_STATUS_START        = 1  ; this five states in Older AR6002
  BT_STATUS_STOP         = 2  ; (Newer A6002 has added/removed/renamed states)
  BT_STATUS_RESUME       = 3  ;
  BT_STATUS_SUSPEND      = 4  ;/
AR6002 only? (although other comment says "COMMON to AR6002 and AR6003"?)

WMIcmd(003Ch) - WMI_SET_BT_PARAMS_CMD ;AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
Parameters (16h bytes on DSi?, whatever that might match up with below?):
 when paramType=1=BT_PARAM_SCO:    ;SCO stream parameters (BT_PARAMS_SCO)
  00h  A_UINT8  1   noSCOPkts;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   pspollTimeout;
  02h  A_UINT8  1   stompbt;
  03h  PAD      12h undefined/padding
 when paramType=2=BT_PARAM_A2DP:   ;whatever (BT_PARAMS_A2DP)
  00h  A_UINT32 4   period;
  04h  A_UINT32 4   dutycycle;
  08h  A_UINT8  1   stompbt;
  09h  PAD      0Ch undefined/padding
 when paramType=3=BT_PARAM_MISC and paramSubType=1=WLAN_PROTECT_POLICY:
  00h  A_UINT32 4   period;
  04h  A_UINT32 4   dutycycle;
  08h  A_UINT8  1   stompbt;
  09h  A_UINT8  1   policy;
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1   paramSubType; (=1 in this case)
  0Bh  PAD      0Ah undefined/padding
 when paramType=3=BT_PARAM_MISC and paramSubType=2=WLAN_COEX_CTRL_FLAGS:
  00h  A_UINT16 2   wlanCtrlFlags;
  02h  PAD      8   undefined/padding
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1   paramSubType; (=2 in this case)
  0Bh  PAD      0Ah undefined/padding
 when paramType=4=BT_PARAM_REGS:   ;co-existence register params (BT_COEX_REGS)
  00h  A_UINT32 4   mode;
  04h  A_UINT32 4   scoWghts;
  08h  A_UINT32 4   a2dpWghts;
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   genWghts;
  10h  A_UINT32 4   mode2;
  14h  A_UINT8  1   setVal;
 and, in all cases:
  15h  A_UINT8  1   paramType;   ;<-- selects which of the above to use

Below might be "policy" for WLAN_PROTECT_POLICY(?):
  WLAN_PROTECT_PER_STREAM = 01h   /* default */

Below might be "wlanCtrlFlags" for WLAN_COEX_CTRL_FLAGS(?):
  WLAN_DISABLE_COEX_IN_DISCONNECT = 0001h /* default */
  WLAN_DISABLE_COEX_IN_ROAM       = 0010h /* default */
  WLAN_KEEP_COEX_IN_ROAM          = 0020h
  WLAN_STOMPBT_IN_ROAM            = 0040h
  WLAN_DISABLE_COEX_IN_SCAN       = 0100h /* default */
  WLAN_KEEP_COEX_IN_SCAN          = 0200h
  WLAN_STOMPBT_IN_SCAN            = 0400h
  WLAN_DISABLE_COEX_BT_OFF        = 1000h /* default */
  WLAN_KEEP_COEX_BT_OFF           = 2000h
  WLAN_STOMPBT_BT_OFF             = 4000h

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Wake on Wireless (WOW) Functions

Parameters (08h bytes on DSi?, so, a BOOL must be 4 bytes?):
  00h  A_BOOL   4  awake;
  04h  A_BOOL   4  asleep;

Event Data (04h bytes on DSi?, but other sources claim MORE bytes?):
  04h ??h   <---- total size (on DSi it's 04h, ie. left column)
  00h 00h  A_BOOL         4   enable_wow
  --  04h  WMI_WOW_FILTER ..  filter ;UINTx or so? with "WMI_WOW_FILTER" value?
  --  ..   A_UINT16       2   hostReqDelay
WMI_WOW_FILTER values (only one defined):

WMIcmd(0044h) - WMI_GET_WOW_LIST_CMD ;reply 1018h (!)
  00h  A_UINT8  1   filter_list_id;
Reply (88h bytes on DSi): WMI_GET_WOW_LIST_EVENT:
  00h  A_UINT8    1      num_filters     /* number of patterns in reply
  01h  A_UINT8    1      this_filter_num /* filter # x of total num_filters
  02h  A_UINT8    1      wow_mode
  03h  A_UINT8    1      host_mode
  04h  WOW_FILTER N*84h  wow_filters[1]
WOW_FILTER structure:
    A_UINT8 1    wow_valid_filter;
    A_UINT8 1    wow_filter_id;
    A_UINT8 1    wow_filter_size;
    A_UINT8 1    wow_filter_offset;
    A_UINT8 40h  wow_filter_mask[WOW_MASK_SIZE];
    A_UINT8 40h  wow_filter_pattern[WOW_PATTERN_SIZE];
There's also a "WOW_FILTER_LIST" structure (unknown purpose):
    A_UINT8    1      wow_valid_list;
    A_UINT8    1      wow_list_id;
    A_UINT8    1      wow_num_filters;
    A_UINT8    1      wow_total_list_size;
 #define WOW_MAX_FILTER_LISTS     = 1   /*4*/
 #define WOW_PATTERN_SIZE         = 64
 #define WOW_MASK_SIZE            = 64

  00h  A_UINT8  1   filter_list_id;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   filter_size;
  02h  A_UINT8  1   filter_offset;
  03h  A_UINT8  ..  filter[1];

Parameters (04h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2   filter_list_id;
  02h  A_UINT16 2   filter_id;

WMIevent(1018h) - WMI_GET_WOW_LIST_EVENT ;reply to CMD 0044h
See WMI_GET_WOW_LIST_CMD for response details.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Functions

WMIcmd(002Eh:2003h) - WMIX_GPIO_OUTPUT_SET_CMD ;reply=3006h
  00h  A_UINT32  4     set_mask;             /* pins to set
  04h  A_UINT32  4     clear_mask;           /* pins to clear
  08h  A_UINT32  4     enable_mask;          /* pins to enable for output
  0Ch  A_UINT32  4     disable_mask;         /* pins to disable/tristate
Set GPIO pin output state.
In order for output to be driven, a pin must be enabled for output.
This can be done during initialization through the GPIO Configuration DataSet, or during operation with the enable_mask.
If a request is made to simultaneously set/clear or set/disable or clear/disable or disable/enable, results are undefined.
NB: Some of the WMIX APIs use a 32-bit mask. On Targets that support more than 32 GPIO pins, those APIs only support the first 32 GPIO pins.

WMIcmd(002Eh:2004h) - WMIX_GPIO_INPUT_GET_CMD ;reply=3005h
  Unknown (none?)

WMIcmd(002Eh:2005h) - WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_SET_CMD ;reply=3006h, too
  00h  A_UINT32  4    gpioreg_id;           /* GPIO register ID */
  04h  A_UINT32  4    value;                /* value to write */
Set a GPIO register. For debug/exceptional cases.
Values for gpioreg_id are GPIO_ID_*, defined in a platform-dependent header, gpio.h.

WMIcmd(002Eh:2006h) - WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_GET_CMD ;reply=3005h, too
  00h  A_UINT32  4    gpioreg_id;           /* GPIO register to read */
Get a GPIO register. For debug/exceptional cases.

WMIcmd(002Eh:2007h) - WMIX_GPIO_INTR_ACK_CMD
    A_UINT32              ack_mask;             /* interrupts to acknowledge
Host acknowledges and re-arms GPIO interrupts. A single message should be used to acknowledge all interrupts that were delivered in an earlier WMIX_GPIO_INTR_EVENT message.

WMIevent(1010h:3004h) - WMIX_GPIO_INTR_EVENT ;used (interrupt)
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32  4   intr_mask;            /* pending GPIO interrupts
  04h  A_UINT32  4   input_values;         /* recent GPIO input values
Target informs Host of GPIO interrupts that have ocurred since the last WMIX_GIPO_INTR_ACK_CMD was received. Additional information -- the current GPIO input values is provided -- in order to support use of a GPIO interrupt as a Data Valid signal for other GPIO pins.

WMIevent(1010h:3005h) - WMIX_GPIO_DATA_EVENT ;used (reply to 2004h and 2006h)
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32  4   value;
  04h  A_UINT32  4   reg_id;
Target responds to Host's earlier WMIX_GPIO_INPUT_GET_CMD request using a GPIO_DATA_EVENT with value set to the mask of GPIO pin inputs and reg_id set to GPIO_ID_NONE.
Target responds to Hosts's earlier WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_GET_CMD request using a GPIO_DATA_EVENT with value set to the value of the requested register and reg_id identifying the register (reflects the original request).
NB: reg_id supports the future possibility of unsolicited WMIX_GPIO_DATA_EVENTs (for polling GPIO input), and it may simplify Host GPIO support.

WMIevent(1010h:3006h) - WMIX_GPIO_ACK_EVENT ;used (reply to 2003h and 2005h)
Event Data:
  Unknown (none?) (confirms GPIO_xxx_SET commands)

GPIO Constants
  AR6001_GPIO_PIN_COUNT   = 18
  AR6002_GPIO_PIN_COUNT   = 18  ;aka hw2.0
  AR6003_GPIO_PIN_COUNT   = 28  ;aka hw4.0 ;XXX shouldn't that be 26 ?
  MCKINLEY_GPIO_PIN_COUNT = 57  ;aka hw6.0
Values of gpioreg_id in the WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_SET_CMDID and WMIX_GPIO_REGISTER_GET_CMDID commands come in two flavors. If the upper bit of gpioreg_id is CLEAR, then the remainder is interpreted as one of these values. This provides platform-independent access to GPIO registers. If the upper bit (GPIO_ID_OFFSET_FLAG) of gpioreg_id is SET, then the remainder is interpreted as a platform-specific GPIO register offset.
  GPIO_ID_OUT         = 00000000h
  GPIO_ID_OUT_W1TS    = 00000001h
  GPIO_ID_OUT_W1TC    = 00000002h
  GPIO_ID_ENABLE      = 00000003h
  GPIO_ID_ENABLE_W1TS = 00000004h
  GPIO_ID_ENABLE_W1TC = 00000005h
  GPIO_ID_IN          = 00000006h
  GPIO_ID_STATUS      = 00000007h
  GPIO_ID_STATUS_W1TS = 00000008h
  GPIO_ID_STATUS_W1TC = 00000009h
  GPIO_ID_PIN0        = 0000000Ah
  GPIO_ID_PIN(n)      = (GPIO_ID_PIN0+(n))  ;=0000000Ah and up
  GPIO_ID_OFFSET_FLAG       = 80000000h
  GPIO_ID_REG_MASK          = 7fffffffh
  GPIO_ID_IS_OFFSET(reg_id) = (((reg_id) & GPIO_ID_OFFSET_FLAG) != 0)

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Misc Functions

Not implemented in DSi.

WMIcmd(002Bh) - WMI_GET_ROAM_DATA_CMD ;reply 1015h ? ;not implemented in DSi
  Unknown (none?)

  ;-not implemented in DSi ;related to 002Bh?
Event Data:
       PREPACK union {
  00h      WMI_TARGET_ROAM_TIME roamTime;
       } POSTPACK u;
  14h  A_UINT8 roamDataType ;
ROAM_DATA_TYPE values (only one defined)
  ROAM_DATA_TIME = 1          /* Get The Roam Time Data */
  00h  A_UINT32  4     disassoc_time;
  04h  A_UINT32  4     no_txrx_time;
  08h  A_UINT32  4     assoc_time;
  0Ch  A_UINT32  4     allow_txrx_time;
  10h  A_UINT8   1     disassoc_bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  11h  A_INT8    1     disassoc_bss_rssi;
  12h  A_UINT8   1     assoc_bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  13h  A_INT8    1     assoc_bss_rssi;

WMIcmd(002Ch) - WMI_ENABLE_RM_CMD ;not implemented in DSi
  00h  A_BOOL   4    enable_radio_measurements;

WMIcmd(002Dh) - WMI_SET_MAX_OFFHOME_DURATION_CMD ;not implemented in DSi
  00h  A_UINT8  1    max_offhome_duration;

WMIcmd(002Eh:200Ah) - WMIX_PROF_CFG_CMD
WMIcmd(002Eh:200Dh) - WMIX_PROF_STOP_CMD
WMIcmd(002Eh:200Eh) - WMIX_PROF_COUNT_GET_CMD ;reply 3009h
Not implemented in DSi. Said to be "Target Profiling support".
Parameter structures are defined only for WMIX_PROF_CFG_CMD and WMIX_PROF_ADDR_SET_CMD.
Parameters for WMIX_PROF_CFG_CMD:
  00h  A_UINT32 4   period;     /* Time (in 30.5us ticks) between samples */
  04h  A_UINT32 4   nbins;
Parameters for WMIX_PROF_ADDR_SET_CMD:
  00h  A_UINT32 4   addr;
Maybe the other three WMIX_PROF_xxx_CMD's don't have any parameters.

WMIevent(1010h:3009h) - WMIX_PROF_COUNT_EVENT ;-not implemented in DSi
Not implemented in DSi. Response to WMIX_PROF_COUNT_GET_CMD.
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32  4     addr;
  04h  A_UINT32  4     count;
Target responds to Hosts's earlier WMIX_PROF_COUNT_GET_CMD request using a WMIX_PROF_COUNT_EVENT with addr set to the next address count set to the corresponding count.

WMIcmd(003Ah) - WMI_TEST_CMD ;not implemented in DSi
  Unknown (maybe related to file "testcmd.h"?)

WMIevent(1016h) - WMI_TEST_EVENT ;-not implemented in DSi
Event Data:
  Unknown (maybe related to file "testcmd.h"?) (or general purpose?)

WMIcmd(0040h) - WMI_GET_APPIE_CMD ;aka GET_APP_IE ;not implemented in DSi
  Unknown (none?)
Reply: Unknown:
  EVENTID is unknown (maybe 0040h, ie. same as GET_APPIE_CMD)
  Reply structure is unknown (maybe same parameter structure for SET_APPIE_CMD)

WMIcmd(004Ah) - WMI_SET_IE_CMD ;not implemented in DSi (newer 2012 stuff)
  00h   u8  1   ie_id;
  01h   u8  1   ie_field;    /* enum wmi_ie_field_type */
  02h   u8  1   ie_len;
  03h   u8  1   reserved;
  04h   u8  ..  ie_info[0];
  WMI_IE_FULL     = FFh  /* indicats full IE */   ;uh, kittykats?
See also: WMI_SET_APP_IE_CMD (similar older command)

WMIcmd(08xxh) - wil6210: WILOCITY types ;not implemented in DSi
WMIcmd(09xxh) - wil6210: Performance monitoring ;not implemented in DSi
  not implemented in DSi

WMIcmd(F003h, or formerly 0047h) - WMI_SET_MAC_ADDRESS_CMD
  00h  A_UINT8  6   macaddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];

WMIcmd(F007h) - WMI_ABORT_SCAN_CMD ;not implemented in DSi
  Unknown (none?)
Reply: Unknown, if any (see (optional?) SCAN_ABORT_EVENT)

WMIcmd(F008h) - WMI_SET_TARGET_EVENT_REPORT_CMD ;not implemented in DSi
  00h  A_UINT32 1   evtConfig;
  DISCONN_EVT_IN_RECONN    = 0  /* default */
Apparently related to cases where to throw WMI_DISCONNECT_EVENT.

WMIcmd(F017h or formerly F016h) - WMI_SET_IP_CMD
  00h  A_UINT32 4*2  ips[MAX_IP_ADDRS]   ;IP in Network Byte Order
#define MAX_IP_ADDRS 2

WMIcmd(F018h or formerly F017h) - WMI_SET_PARAMS_CMD ;reply=101Fh
  00h  A_UINT32 4   opcode;
  04h  A_UINT32 4   length;
  08h  A_CHAR   ... buffer[1];      /* WMI_SET_PARAMS */

WMIevent(101Fh) - WMI_SET_PARAMS_REPLY_EVENT ;reply to "SET" CMD F018h
Event Data:
  00h  A_INT8  1   status;      /* WMI_SET_PARAMS_REPLY */

WMIcmd(F019h or formerly F018h) - WMI_SET_MCAST_FILTER_CMD
  00h  A_UINT8  6   multicast_mac[ATH_MAC_LEN];   /* WMI_SET_MCAST_FILTER */

WMIcmd(F01Ah or formerly F019h) - WMI_DEL_MCAST_FILTER_CMD
  Unknown (None?) (or maybe same as for WMI_SET_MCAST_FILTER_CMD ?)

WMIcmd(F029h) - WMI_MCAST_FILTER_CMD ;related to SET/DEL "MCAST" commands?
  00h  A_UINT8  1  enable;      /* WMI_MCAST_FILTER */
Related to SET/DEL "MCAST" commands?

  00h  A_UINT16 2   tx_allow_aggr (16bit mask to allow tx/uplink ADDBA
                     negotiation - bit position indicates tid)
  02h  A_UINT16 2   rx_allow_aggr (16bit mask to allow rx/donwlink ADDBA
                     negotiation - bit position indicates tid)
Configures tid's to allow ADDBA negotiations on each tid, in each direction.
uh, donwlink?

  00h  A_UINT8  1   tid
"f/w starts performing ADDBA negotiations with peer on the given tid"
"f/w" means FirmWare? ForWard? Fail/Wrong? or What?

  00h  A_UINT8  1   tid
  01h  A_UINT8  1   is_sender_initiator
"f/w would teardown BA with peer." - uh, "f/w"?
"is_send_initiator indicates if it's or tx or rx side" - uh, "it's or"?

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   tid
  01h  A_UINT8  1   win_sz
  02h  A_UINT16 2   st_seq_no
  04h  A_UINT8  1   status  "f/w response for ADDBA Req; OK(0) or failure(!=0)"

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   tid
  01h  A_UINT8  1   status      /* OK(0), failure (!=0)
  02h  A_UINT16 2   amsdu_sz    /* Three values: Not supported(0), 3839, 8k
Uhm, does "8k" mean 8192 or 8000 or so?

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   tid;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   is_peer_initiator;
  02h  A_UINT16 2   reason_code;
"f/w received a DELBA for peer and processed it. Host is notified of this."

  00h  A_UINT8 1  band (specifies which band to apply these values)
  01h  A_UINT8 1  enable (allows 11n to be disabled on a per band basis)
  02h  A_UINT8 1  chan_width_40M_supported
  03h  A_UINT8 1  short_GI_20MHz
  04h  A_UINT8 1  short_GI_40MHz
  05h  A_UINT8 1  intolerance_40MHz
  06h  A_UINT8 1  max_ampdu_len_exp

  00h  A_UINT8  1   sta_chan_width;

  00h  A_UINT32 4*8*2  rateMasks[WMI_MODE_MAX * WMI_MAX_RATE_MASK];

  00h  A_UINT32 4*2  sgiMask[WMI_MAX_RATE_MASK];
  08h  A_UINT8  1    sgiPERThreshold;
DEFAULT_SGI_MASK_L32 = 08080000h
DEFAULT_SGI_MASK_U32 = 00000000h

  00h  A_UINT32 4*2  rateField[WMI_MAX_RATE_MASK]
                      (rateField: "1 bit per rate corresponding to index")
  08h  A_UINT8  1    id    ;range 1..5 (aka 1..WMI_RATE_POLICY_ID_MAX)
  09h  A_UINT8  1    shortTrys
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1    longTrys
  0Bh  A_UINT8  1    reserved   ;padding

  00h  A_UINT16 2   cmd_buf_sz;     /* HCI cmd buffer size
  02h  A_UINT8  ..  buf[1];         /* Absolute HCI cmd (see file "hci.h")

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT16 2   evt_buf_sz;     /* HCI event buffer size
  02h  A_UINT8  ..  buf[1];         /* HCI event (see file "hci.h")

  00h  A_UINT8  1  metaVersion  ;version of meta data for rx packets
                                ;(0-7=valid, 0=default)
  01h  A_UINT8  1  dot11Hdr  ;1=leave .11 header intact,
                             ;0=default/replace .11 header with .3
  02h  A_UINT8  1  defragOnHost  ;1=defragmentation is performed by host,
                                 ;0=performed by target <default>
  03h  A_UINT8  1  reserved[1]     ;alignment

  00h  A_UINT8  1  enable      ;0=default/normal mode, 1=operate in thin mode
  01h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3]

  00h  A_UINT8  1  precedence;
Unknown purpose. Maybe related to BT=Bluetooth? CONN=Connect? PAL=What?

  00h  A_UINT32 4  rules  ;combination of WMI_WRT_xxx values (see "wmi_thin.h")

  00h  A_UINT8  1  enable (0=default/normal mode, 1=promiscuous mode)

  00h  A_UINT16 2  filtermask(0)      ;WMI_FILTERMASK_MGMT
  02h  A_UINT16 2  filtermask(1)      ;WMI_FILTERMASK_CTRL
  04h  A_UINT16 2  filtermask(2)      ;WMI_FILTERMASK_DATA
  06h  A_UINT16 2  reserved           ;alignment

  00h  A_UINT16 2  channel   ;frequency in Mhz
  --  //A_UINT8 -  mode      ;outcommented (HT20 or HT40 flag?)
  --  //A_UINT8 -  secondary ;outcommented (HT40 2nd channel above/below flag?)

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8 1  result       ;WMI_SET_CHANNEL_RES (or WMI_THIN_JOIN_RESULT??)
  01h  A_UINT8 3  reserved[3]  ;alignment
This is probably the reply to WMI_SET_CHANNEL_CMD (although official comments claim it to be WMI_THIN_JOIN related; probably because of copying/pasting the WMI_THIN_JOIN parameter structure without adjusting the comments).

  00h  A_UINT32 4  divIdleTime;
  04h  A_UINT8  1  antRssiThresh;
  05h  A_UINT8  1  divEnable;
  06h  A_UINT16 2  active_treshold_rate;

  00h  A_UINT8  20h  pmk[WMI_PMK_LEN];

WMIcmd(F047h) - WMI_GET_PMK_CMD ;reply?
  Unknown (none?)

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  20h  pmk[WMI_PMK_LEN];

  00h  A_UCHAR  20h  ssid[WMI_MAX_SSID_LEN];
  20h  A_UINT8  40h  passphrase[WMI_PASSPHRASE_LEN];
  60h  A_UINT8  1    ssid_len;
  61h  A_UINT8  1    passphrase_len;

  00h  A_UINT8 1  host_accept;
  01h  A_UINT8 1  host_reasonCode;
  02h  A_UINT8 1  target_status;
  03h  A_UINT8 6  sta_mac_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  09h  A_UINT8 1  rspType;

  00h  A_UINT8 1  enable;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8 1  status;
  01h  A_UINT8 1  rspType;

  00h  A_UINT8 1   ctrl_id;     /* control identifier (aka sub-command?)
  01h  A_UINT8 1   length;      /* number of bytes of data to follow
  02h  A_UINT8 ..  data[1];     /* start of control data

WMIevent(9002h) - WMI_ACS_EVENT ;generic ACS event
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8 1   event_id;    /* event identifier
  01h  A_UINT8 1   length;      /* number of bytes of data that follows
  02h  A_UINT8 ..  data[1];     /* start of event data

  00h  A_UINT32 4  threshold;

  Unknown (None?)

WMIcmd(F04Dh or N/A) - WMI_SET_TBD_TIME_CMD ;added for wmiconfig cmd for TBD
Unknown/undocumented (invented 2012 or so).

WMIevent(?) - WMI_GET_APPIE_CMD ;aka GET_APP_IE ;-not implemented in DSi
The "GET_APP" command name suggests that there should be some reply, but:
  EVENTID is unknown (maybe 0040h, ie. same as GET_APPIE_CMD)
  Reply structure is unknown (maybe same parameter structure for SET_APPIE_CMD)

WMIevent(?) - WMI_CRE_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY ;-not implemented in DSi
Unknown crap. The DSi doesn't send a reply to WMI_CREATE_PSTREAM_CMD, nonetheless, existing source code does have a WMI_CRE_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY structure for whatever reason, maybe it's send only in certain firmware version(s), with whatever/unknown WMIevent(xxxx) number. The reply structure is:
  00h  A_UINT8  1  status;                 /* PSTREAM_REPLY_STATUS */
  01h  A_UINT8  1  txQueueNumber;
  02h  A_UINT8  1  rxQueueNumber;
  03h  A_UINT8  1  trafficClass;
  04h  A_UINT8  1  trafficDirection;       /* DIR_TYPE */
  A_SUCCEEDED = A_OK                   = 0
  A_SUCCEEDED_MODIFY_STREAM            = 251
  A_FAILED_INVALID_STREAM              = 252
  A_FAILED_MAX_THINSTREAMS             = 253

WMIevent(?) - WMI_DEL_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY ;-not implemented in DSi
Unknown crap. See above for details. The WMI_DEL_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY structure is:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   status;            ;\
  01h  A_UINT8  1   txQueueNumber;     ; same as WMI_CRE_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY
  02h  A_UINT8  1   rxQueueNumber;     ;/
  03h  A_UINT8  1   trafficDirection;  ;\unlike WMI_CRE_PRIORITY_STREAM_REPLY
  04h  A_UINT8  1   trafficClass;      ;/(entries are swapped)

WMIevent(?) - WMI_FRAME_RATES_REPLY ;-not implemented in DSi
Unknown crap. WMI_FRAME_RATES_REPLY is said to have same structure as WMI_SET_FRAMERATES_CMD parameter structure. But WMIevent(?) number is unknown, and DSi doesn't seem to send any such REPLY.

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1  eventCode;
  01h  A_UINT8  6  peerMacAddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
Below PEER values are probably meant to be the "eventCode" values(?):
  PEER_NODE_JOIN_EVENT       = 00h

Event Data:
  Unknown (if any)

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32 4  version;
Whatever event with whatever version?

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1  numMessages ;number of tx comp msgs following
  01h  A_UINT8  1  msgLen   ;length in bytes for each individual msg following
  02h  A_UINT8  1  msgType  ;version of tx complete msg data following
  03h  A_UINT8  1  reserved
  04h  ...      .. individual message(s) (see TX_COMPLETE_MSG_V1 structure)
 When msgType=Other
  04h  ...      .. reserved for other MSG types (none such defined yet)
TX_COMPLETE_MSG_V1 structure:
  00h  A_UINT8 1   status      /* one of TX_COMPLETE_STATUS_xxx values
  01h  A_UINT8 1   pktID       /* packet ID to identify parent packet
  02h  A_UINT8 1   rateIdx     /* rate index on successful transmission
  03h  A_UINT8 1   ackFailures /* number of ACK failures in tx attempt
       #if 0  ;optional "host delivery time" params currently ommitted...
  --     A_UINT32  queueDelay  /* usec delay measured Tx Start time
  --     A_UINT32  mediaDelay  /* usec delay measured ACK rx time
Transmit complete event.

WMIevent(1025h) - WMI_ACL_DATA_EVENT
Event Data:
  Unknown (what?)
ACL is what? Is that somehow related to "ACLCOEX"?

WMIevent(1026h, or formerly N/A, or N/A) - WMI_REPORT_SLEEP_STATE_EVENT
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32 4  sleepState;
Values for "sleepState":

WMIevent(1027h, or formerly 1026h, or N/A) - WMI_WAPI_REKEY_EVENT
This event is added/removed randomly in different source code versions.
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   type;
  01h  A_UINT8  6   macAddr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
Values (probably for above "type" field?):
The numbering for WMIevent(1026h..1029h) does vary in older source versions because WMI_REPORT_SLEEP_STATE_EVENT originally didn't exist, and WMI_WAPI_REKEY_EVENT originally did exist only if "WAPI_ENABLE". Later source code did always include WMI_WAPI_REKEY_EVENT, and even later code did re-remove it completely.

WMIevent(1035h) - WMI_CCX_RM_STATUS_EVENT ;CCX Evants, uh, EvAntS?
Event Data:
  00h  A_INT32 4  rm_type   ;\one of these MIGHT be "WMI_CCX_RM_STATUS_TYPE" ?
  04h  A_INT32 4  status    ;/
WMI_CCX_RM_STATUS_TYPE values (probably for the "rm_type" field?):
Uh, "CCX" means... What?
Uh, "RM" means... maybe "radio_measurements" or What?
Maybe this is somehow related to "WMI_ENABLE_RM_CMD"?

Event Data:
  Unknown (if any?)
This event exists ONLY in source code from 2010, not in older code, and it's removed in newer code from 2012.
Special event used to notify host that AR6003 has processed sleep command (aka WMI_SET_HOST_SLEEP_MODE_CMD?) (needed to prevent a late incoming credit report from crashing the system).

Event Data:
  00h  wmm_params  6*4  wmm_params[4];
"wmm_params" structure:
  00h  A_UINT8     1    acm;           /* ACM parameter */
  01h  A_UINT8     1    aifsn;         /* AIFSN parameters */
  02h  A_UINT8     1    logcwmin;      /* cwmin in exponential form */
  03h  A_UINT8     1    logcwmax;      /* cwmax in exponential form */
  04h  A_UINT16    2    txopLimit;     /* txopLimit */

  00h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
The above parameter structure is defined in "wmi.h", but there's no WMIcmd(xxxxh) command ID for it. Maybe the command did exist only in older versions (from dates before 2006)?

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (newer AR6002)

/*----------------------COMMON to AR6002 and AR6003 -------------------------*/

  BT_PARAM_SCO_PSPOLL_LATENCY_HALF         = 2     ;aka 50%


  BT_ANT_TYPE_UNDEF         = 0   ;aka "Disabled (default)"
  BT_ANT_TYPE_DUAL          = 1
  BT_ANT_TYPE_SWITCH        = 3
  BT_ANT_TYPE_HIGH_ISO_DUAL = 4    ;<-- not in "code aurora"


/*********************** Applicable to AR6002 ONLY ***************************/

WMIcmd(003Bh) - WMI_SET_BT_STATUS_CMD ;AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
Parameters (02h bytes):
  00h  A_UINT8  1   streamType;         ;aka BT_STREAM_TYPE ?
  01h  A_UINT8  1   status;             ;aka BT_STREAM_STATUS ?
  BT_STREAM_SCO   = 1 ;SCO stream
  BT_STREAM_A2DP  = 2 ;A2DP stream
  BT_STREAM_SCAN  = 3 ;BT Discovery or Page ;\"Newer AR6002 from 2008-2010"
  BT_STREAM_ESCO  = 4 ;Whatever             ;/
  BT_STREAM_ALL   = 5 ;Whatever             ;-"Newer AR6002 from 2008 only"
  BT_STATUS_UNDEF        = 0
  BT_STATUS_START        = 1  ;-renamed to BT_STATUS_ON in code from 2010
  BT_STATUS_STOP         = 2  ;-renamed to BT_STATUS_OFF in code from 2010
  BT_STATUS_RESUME       = 3  ;\defined in "Older/Newer AR6002 from 2008"
  BT_STATUS_SUSPEND      = 4  ;/(not in "Newer AR6002 for 2010")
  BT_STATUS_SUSPEND_A2DP = 5  ;\defined in "Newer AR6002 from 2008")
  BT_STATUS_SUSPEND_SCO  = 6  ; (not in "Older AR6002 for 2008")
  BT_STATUS_SUSPEND_ACL  = 7  ; (not in "Newer AR6002 for 2010")
AR6002 only? (although other comment says "COMMON to AR6002 and AR6003"?)

WMIcmd(003Ch) - WMI_SET_BT_PARAMS_CMD ;AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
Parameters (1Fh or 19h bytes, for "Newer AR6002" code from 2008 or 2010):
  1Fh 19h  <--- total size (1Fh for code from 2008, 19h for code from 2010)
 when paramType=1=BT_PARAM_SCO:  ;SCO stream parameters (BT_PARAMS_SCO)
  00h 00h A_UINT32 4  numScoCyclesForceTrigger (Number SCO cycles after which
                       force a pspoll, default=10)
  04h 04h A_UINT32 4  dataResponseTimeout (Timeout Waiting for Downlink pkt in
                       response for ps-poll, default=10 ms)
  08h 08h A_UINT32 4  stompScoRules    ;aka BT_PARAMS_SCO_STOMP_RULES ?
  0Ch 0Ch A_UINT32 4  scoOptFlags (SCO Options Flags)
  10h --  A_UINT32 4  p2lrpOptModeBound     ;\PacketToLowRatePacketRatio's
  14h --  A_UINT32 4  p2lrpNonOptModeBound  ;/
  18h 10h A_UINT8  1  stompDutyCyleVal (SCO cycles to limit ps-poll queuing
                       if stomped)
  19h 11h A_UINT8  1  stompDutyCyleMaxVal (firmware increases stomp duty cycle
                       gradually uptill this value on need basis)
  1Ah 12h A_UINT8  1  psPollLatencyFraction (Fraction of idle period, within
                       which additional ps-polls can be queued)
  1Bh 13h A_UINT8  1  noSCOSlots (Number of SCO Tx/Rx slots. HVx,EV3,2EV3=2)
  1Ch 14h A_UINT8  1  noIdleSlots (Number of Bluetooth idle slots between
                       consecutive SCO Tx/Rx slots. HVx,EV3=4, 2EV3=10)
  1Dh --  A_UINT8  1  reserved8 (maintain word algnment) (uh, really?)
  --  15h A_UINT8  1  scoOptOffRssi (RSSI value below which we go to ps poll)
  --  16h A_UINT8  1  scoOptOnRssi (RSSI value above which we reenter opt mode)
  --  17h A_UINT8  1  scoOptRtsCount
 when paramType=2=BT_PARAM_A2DP: ;whatever (BT_PARAMS_A2DP)
  00h 00h A_UINT32 4  a2dpWlanUsageLimit (MAX time firmware uses the medium for
                       wlan, after it identifies the idle time, default=30 ms)
  04h 04h A_UINT32 4  a2dpBurstCntMin (Minimum number of bluetooth data frames
                       to replenish Wlan Usage limit, default 3)
  08h 08h A_UINT32 4  a2dpDataRespTimeout
  0Ch 0Ch A_UINT32 4  a2dpOptFlags (A2DP Option flags)
  10h --  A_UINT32 4  p2lrpOptModeBound     ;\PacketToLowRatePacketRatio's
  14h --  A_UINT32 4  p2lrpNonOptModeBound  ;/
  18h --  A_UINT16 2  reserved16 (maintain word alignment)
  1Ah 10h A_UINT8  1  isCoLocatedBtRoleMaster
  1Bh --  A_UINT8  1  reserved8 (maintain word alignment)
  1Ch --  PAD      2  undefined/padding
  --  11h A_UINT8  1  a2dpOptOffRssi (RSSI value below which we go to ps poll)
  --  12h A_UINT8  1  a2dpOptOnRssi(RSSI value above which we reenter opt mode)
  --  13h A_UINT8  1  a2dpOptRtsCount
  --  14h PAD      4  undefined/padding
 when paramType=3=BT_PARAM_ANTENNA_CONFIG:
  00h 00h A_UINT8  1   antType          aka BT_ANT_FRONTEND_CONFIG
  01h --  PAD      1Dh undefined/padding
  --  01h PAD      17h undefined/padding
  00h 00h A_UINT8  1   coLocatedBtDev   aka BT_COLOCATED_DEV_TYPE
  01h --  PAD      1Dh undefined/padding
  --  01h PAD      17h undefined/padding
 when paramType=5=BT_PARAM_ACLCOEX: ;whatever (BT_PARAMS_ACLCOEX)
  ;During BT ftp/ BT OPP or any another data based acl profile on bluetooth
  ;(non a2dp).
  00h 00h A_UINT32 4   aclWlanMediumUsageTime (Wlan usage time during
                        Acl (non-a2dp) coexistence, default=30 ms)
  04h 04h A_UINT32 4   aclBtMediumUsageTime (Bt usage time during
                        acl coexistence, default=30 ms)
  08h 08h A_UINT32 4   aclDataRespTimeout
  0Ch 0Ch A_UINT32 4   aclDetectTimeout (ACL coexistence enabled if we get
                        10 Pkts in X ms, default=100 ms)
  10h 10h A_UINT32 4   aclmaxPktCnt (No of ACL pkts to receive before
                        enabling ACL coex)
  14h --  PAD      0Ah undefined/padding
  --  14h PAD      4   undefined/padding
 when paramType=6=BT_PARAM_11A_SEPARATE_ANT:
  00h 00h UNKNOWN  ?   unknown (maybe same as antType ?)
  xxh --  PAD      ..  undefined/padding
  --  xxh PAD      ..  undefined/padding
 and, in all cases:
  1Eh 18h A_UINT8  1   paramType

Values for "scoOptFlags" and "a2dpOptFlags":
  Bit0       Allow Close Range Optimization             ;\all versions
  Bit1       Force awake during close range             ;/
  Bit2       If set use (host supplied) threshold       ;\Newer AR6002
  Bit3..23   Unused                                     ;/from 2008
  Bit2       If set use host supplied RSSI for OPT      ;\
  Bit3       If set use host supplied RTS COUNT for OPT ; Newer AR6002
  Bit4..7    Unused                                     ; from 2010
  Bit8..15   Low Data Rate Min Cnt                      ;
  Bit16..23  Low Data Rate Max Cnt                      ;/
  Bit24..31  Undocumented (unused?)                     ;-all versions
PacketToLowRatePacketRatio's (p2lrp) entries (in code from 2008 only):
  p2lrpOptModeBound:    Minimum ratio required to STAY IN opt mode
  p2lrpNonOptModeBound: Minimum ratio required to SWITCH TO opt mode

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (AR6003)

WMIcmd(003Bh) - WMI_SET_BT_STATUS_CMD ;AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
This command does maybe exist for AR6003 too (conflicting comments claim that it is for AR6002 only, or for both AR6002 and AR6003). See "Newer AR6002" description for details.
Also possible that it's replaced by "WMI_SET_BTCOEX_BT_OPERATING_STATUS_CMD".

WMIcmd(003Ch) - WMI_SET_BT_PARAMS_CMD ;AR6002 Bluetooth Coexistence only?
This command is used for AR6002 only. On AR6003, it's replaced by the new commands described below:

  00h  A_UINT8  1  btcoexFeAntType
                    1 - WMI_BTCOEX_FE_ANT_SINGLE for single antenna front end
                    2 - WMI_BTCOEX_FE_ANT_DUAL for dual antenna front end
                        (for isolations less 35dB, for higher isolation there
                        is not need to pass this command).
                        (not implemented)
  WMI_BTCOEX_FE_ANT_DUAL          = 2
Indicates front end antenna configuration. This command needs to be issued right after initialization and after WMI_SET_BTCOEX_COLOCATED_BT_DEV_CMD. AR6003 enables coexistence and antenna switching based on the configuration.

  00h  A_UINT8  1  btcoexCoLocatedBTdev;   1 - Qcom BT (3 -wire PTA)
                                           2 - CSR BT  (3 wire PTA)
                                           3 - Atheros 3001 BT (3 wire PTA)
                                           4 - STE bluetooth (4-wire ePTA)
                                           5 - Atheros 3002 BT (4-wire MCI)
                                           default=3 (Atheros 3001 BT )
Indicate the bluetooth chip to the firmware. Firmware can have different algorithm based bluetooth chip type. Based on bluetooth device, different coexistence protocol would be used.

  --------------- BTCOEX_SCO_CONFIG scoConfig;
  00h  A_UINT32 4  scoSlots (Number of SCO Tx/Rx slots: HVx,EV3,2EV3 = 2)
  04h  A_UINT32 4  scoIdleSlots (Number of Bluetooth idle slots between
                    consecutive SCO Tx/Rx slots: HVx,EV3 = 4, 2EV3 = 10)
  08h  A_UINT32 4  scoFlags;  SCO Options Flags:
                              Bit0   Allow Close Range Optimization
                              Bit1   Is EDR capable or Not
                              Bit2   IS Co-located Bt role Master
                              Bit3   Firmware determines the periodicity of SCO
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4  linkId (applicable to STE-BT - not used)
  --------------- BTCOEX_PSPOLLMODE_SCO_CONFIG scoPspollConfig;
  10h  A_UINT32 4  scoCyclesForceTrigger (Number SCO cycles after which
                    force a pspoll, default=10)
  14h  A_UINT32 4  scoDataResponseTimeout (Timeout Waiting for Downlink pkt
                    in response for ps-poll, default=20 ms)
  18h  A_UINT32 4  scoStompDutyCyleVal (not implemented)
  1Ch  A_UINT32 4  scoStompDutyCyleMaxVal (not implemented)
  20h  A_UINT32 4  scoPsPollLatencyFraction (Fraction of idle period, within
                    which additional ps-polls can be queued
                      1 - 1/4 of idle duration
                      2 - 1/2 of idle duration
                      3 - 3/4 of idle duration
                      default=2 (1/2)
  --------------- BTCOEX_OPTMODE_SCO_CONFIG scoOptModeConfig;
  24h  A_UINT32 4  scoStompCntIn100ms (max number of SCO stomp in 100ms
                    allowed in opt mode. If exceeds the configured value,
                    switch to ps-poll mode, default=3)
  28h  A_UINT32 4  scoContStompMax (max number of continous stomp allowed in
                    opt mode. if excedded switch to pspoll mode, default=3)
  2Ch  A_UINT32 4  scoMinlowRateMbps (Low rate threshold)

  30h  A_UINT32 4  scoLowRateCnt (number of low rate pkts (< scoMinlowRateMbps)
                    allowed in 100 ms. If exceeded switch/stay to ps-poll mode,
                    lower stay in opt mode, default=36)
  34h  A_UINT32 4  scoHighPktRatio "(Total Rx pkts in 100 ms + 1)/((Total tx
                    pkts in 100 ms - No of high rate pkts in 100 ms) + 1) in
                    100 ms"
                    if exceeded switch/stay in opt mode and if lower
                    switch/stay in pspoll mode.
                    default=5 (80% of high rates)
  38h  A_UINT32 4  scoMaxAggrSize (Max number of Rx subframes allowed in this
                    mode. (Firmware re-negogiates max number of aggregates if
                    it was negogiated to higher value, default=1,
                    Recommended value Basic rate headsets = 1, EDR (2-EV3) =4.
  --------------- BTCOEX_WLANSCAN_SCO_CONFIG scoWlanScanConfig;
  3Ch  A_UINT32 4  scanInterval;
  40h  A_UINT32 4  maxScanStompCnt;
Configure SCO parameters. These parameters would be used whenever firmware is indicated of (e)SCO profile on bluetooth (via WMI_SET_BTCOEX_BT_OPERATING_STATUS_CMD).
Configration of BTCOEX_SCO_CONFIG data structure are common configuration and applies ps-poll mode and opt mode.
Ps-poll Mode - Station is in power-save and retrieves downlink data between sco gaps.
Opt Mode - station is in awake state and access point can send data to station any time.
BTCOEX_PSPOLLMODE_SCO_CONFIG - Configuration applied only during ps-poll mode.
BTCOEX_OPTMODE_SCO_CONFIG - Configuration applied only during opt mode.
  Aliases for "scoFlags":
  #define WMI_SCO_CONFIG_FLAG_IS_EDR_CAPABLE       (1 << 1)
  #define WMI_SCO_CONFIG_FLAG_IS_BT_MASTER         (1 << 2)
  #define WMI_SCO_CONFIG_FLAG_FW_DETECT_OF_PER     (1 << 3)

  --------------- BTCOEX_A2DP_CONFIG a2dpConfig;
  00h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpFlags;  2DP Option flags:
                                Bit0   Allow Close Range Optimization
                                Bit1   IS EDR capable
                                Bit2   IS Co-located Bt role Master
                                Bit3   a2dp traffic is high priority
                                Bit4   Fw detect the role of bluetooth.
  04h  A_UINT32 4  linkId (Applicable only to STE-BT - not used)
  --------------- BTCOEX_PSPOLLMODE_A2DP_CONFIG a2dppspollConfig;
  08h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpWlanMaxDur (MAX time firmware uses the medium for
                    wlan, after it identifies the idle time, default=30 ms)
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4  a2dpMinBurstCnt (Minimum number of bluetooth data frames
                    to replenish Wlan Usage limit, default=3)
  10h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpDataRespTimeout (Max duration firmware waits for
                    downlink by stomping on  bluetooth after ps-poll is
                    acknowledged, default=20 ms)
  --------------- BTCOEX_OPTMODE_A2DP_CONFIG a2dpOptConfig;
  14h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpMinlowRateMbps (Low rate threshold)
  18h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpLowRateCnt (number of low rate pkts
                    (<a2dpMinlowRateMbps) allowed in 100 ms.
                    If exceeded switch/stay to ps-poll mode, lower stay in
                    opt mode, default=36)
  1Ch  A_UINT32 4  a2dpHighPktRatio "(Total Rx pkts in 100 ms + 1)/
                    ((Total tx pkts in 100 ms - No of high rate pkts in 100 ms)
                    + 1) in 100 ms",    if exceeded switch/stay in opt mode and
                    if lower switch/stay in pspoll mode.
                    default=5 (80% of high rates)
  20h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpMaxAggrSize (Max number of Rx subframes allowed in this
                    mode. (Firmware re-negogiates max number of aggregates if
                    it was negogiated to higher value, default=1.
                    Recommended value Basic rate headsets = 1, EDR (2-EV3) =8)
  24h  A_UINT32 4  a2dpPktStompCnt (number of a2dp pkts that can be stomped
                    per burst, default=6)
Configure A2DP profile parameters. These parameters would be used whenver firmware is indicated of A2DP profile on bluetooth (via WMI_SET_BTCOEX_BT_OPERATING_STATUS_CMD).
Configuration of BTCOEX_A2DP_CONFIG data structure are common configuration and applies to ps-poll mode and opt mode.
Ps-poll Mode - Station is in power-save and retrieves downlink data between a2dp data bursts.
Opt Mode - station is in power save during a2dp bursts and awake in the gaps.
BTCOEX_PSPOLLMODE_A2DP_CONFIG - Configuration applied only during ps-poll mode.
BTCOEX_OPTMODE_A2DP_CONFIG - Configuration applied only during opt mode.
  Aliases for "a2dpFlags":
  #define WMI_A2DP_CONFIG_FLAG_IS_EDR_CAPABLE        (1 << 1)
  #define WMI_A2DP_CONFIG_FLAG_IS_BT_ROLE_MASTER     (1 << 2)
  #define WMI_A2DP_CONFIG_FLAG_IS_A2DP_HIGH_PRI      (1 << 3)
  #define WMI_A2DP_CONFIG_FLAG_FIND_BT_ROLE          (1 << 4)

  --------------- BTCOEX_ACLCOEX_CONFIG aclCoexConfig;
  00h A_UINT32 4  aclWlanMediumDur (Wlan usage time during Acl (non-a2dp)
                   coexistence, default=30 ms)
  04h A_UINT32 4  aclBtMediumDur (Bt usage time during acl coexistence,
                   default=30 ms)
  08h A_UINT32 4  aclDetectTimeout (BT activity observation time limit.
                   In this time duration, number of bt pkts are counted.
                   If the Cnt reaches "aclPktCntLowerLimit" value for
                   "aclIterToEnableCoex" iteration continuously, firmware gets
                   into ACL coexistence mode. Similarly, if bt traffic count
                   during ACL coexistence has not reached "aclPktCntLowerLimit"
                   continuously for "aclIterToEnableCoex", then ACL coexistence
                   is disabled, default=100 ms)
  0Ch A_UINT32 4  aclPktCntLowerLimit (Acl Pkt Cnt to be received in duration
                   of "aclDetectTimeout" for "aclIterForEnDis" times to
                   enabling ACL coex. Similar logic is used to disable acl
                   coexistence. (If "aclPktCntLowerLimit" cnt of acl pkts
                   are not seen by the for "aclIterForEnDis" then acl
                   coexistence is disabled), default=10)
  10h  A_UINT32 4  aclIterForEnDis (number of Iteration of
                    "aclPktCntLowerLimit" for Enabling and Disabling Acl
                    Coexistence, default=3)
  14h A_UINT32 4  aclPktCntUpperLimit (This is upperBound limit, if there is
                    more than "aclPktCntUpperLimit" seen in "aclDetectTimeout",
                    ACL coexistence is enabled right away, default=15)
  18h A_UINT32 4  aclCoexFlags   A2DP Option flags:
                                 Bit0  Allow Close Range Optimization
                                 Bit1  disable Firmware detection
                       (Currently supported configuration is aclCoexFlags=0)
  1Ch A_UINT32 4  linkId;           ;Applicable only for STE-BT - not used
  --------------- BTCOEX_PSPOLLMODE_ACLCOEX_CONFIG aclCoexPspollConfig;
  20h  A_UINT32 4  aclDataRespTimeout (Max duration firmware waits for downlink
                    by stomping on bluetooth after ps-poll is acknowledged,
                    default=20 ms)
  --------------- BTCOEX_OPTMODE_ACLCOEX_CONFIG aclCoexOptConfig;
  24h  A_UINT32 4  aclCoexMinlowRateMbps        ;\
  28h  A_UINT32 4  aclCoexLowRateCnt            ;
  2Ch  A_UINT32 4  aclCoexHighPktRatio          ; Not implemented yet
  30h  A_UINT32 4  aclCoexMaxAggrSize           ;
  34h  A_UINT32 4  aclPktStompCnt               ;/
Configure non-A2dp ACL profile parameters.The starts of ACL profile can either be indicated via WMI_SET_BTCOEX_BT_OPERATING_STATUS_CMD or enabled via firmware detection which is configured via "aclCoexFlags".
Configration of BTCOEX_ACLCOEX_CONFIG data structure are common configuration and applies ps-poll mode and opt mode.
Ps-poll Mode - Station is in power-save and retrieves downlink data during wlan medium.
Opt Mode - station is in power save during bluetooth medium time and awake during wlan duration.
             (Not implemented yet)    (uh, what?)
BTCOEX_PSPOLLMODE_ACLCOEX_CONFIG - Configuration applied only during ps-poll mode.
BTCOEX_OPTMODE_ACLCOEX_CONFIG - Configuration applied only during opt mode.
  Aliases for "aclCoexFlags":

  00h  A_UINT32 4  btInquiryDataFetchFrequency (The frequency of querying the
                    AP for data (via pspoll) is configured by this parameter,
                    default=10 ms)
  04h  A_UINT32 4  protectBmissDurPostBtInquiry (The firmware will continue to
                    be in inquiry state for configured duration, after inquiry
                    completion. This is to ensure other bluetooth transactions
                    (RDP, SDP profiles, link key exchange, etc.) goes through
                    smoothly without wifi stomping, default=10 secs)
  08h  A_UINT32 4  maxpageStomp (Applicable only for STE-BT interface.
                    Currently not used)
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4  btInquiryPageFlag (Not used)
Configuration parameters during bluetooth inquiry and page. Page configuration is applicable only on interfaces which can distinguish page (applicable only for ePTA - STE bluetooth).
Bluetooth inquiry start and end is indicated via WMI_SET_BTCOEX_BT_OPERATING_STATUS_CMD. During this the station will be power-save mode.

  00h  A_UINT32 4  btcoexDbgParam1      ;\
  04h  A_UINT32 4  btcoexDbgParam2      ; Used for firmware development
  08h  A_UINT32 4  btcoexDbgParam3      ; and debugging
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4  btcoexDbgParam4      ;
  10h  A_UINT32 4  btcoexDbgParam5      ;/

  00h  A_UINT32 4  btProfileType (1=SCO, 2=A2DP, 3=INQUIRY_PAGE, 4=ACLCOEX)
  04h  A_UINT32 4  btOperatingStatus    ;aka BT_STREAM_STATUS on AR6002 ?
  08h  A_UINT32 4  btLinkId
This command is probably equivalent to WMI_SET_BT_STATUS_CMD on AR6002.

  Unknown (none?)

  00h  A_UINT32 4  btProfileType (1=SCO, 2=A2DP, 3=INQUIRY_PAGE, 4=ACLCOEX)
  04h  A_UINT32 4  linkId (not used) (reserved/dummy?)
Command to firmware to get configuration parameters of the bt profile reported via WMI_BTCOEX_CONFIG_EVENTID.

WMIevent(1029h, or formerly 1028h, or 1027h) - WMI_REPORT_BTCOEX_CONFIG_EVENT
Event Data:
  00h A_UINT32 4  btProfileType (1=SCO, 2=A2DP, 3=INQUIRY_PAGE, 4=ACLCOEX)
  04h A_UINT32 4  linkId (not used)
      PREPACK union -- below are same as parameters from corresponding CMD's:
  08h ..  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_SCO_CONFIG_CMD            scoConfigCmd;
  08h ..  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_A2DP_CONFIG_CMD           a2dpConfigCmd;
  08h ..  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_ACLCOEX_CONFIG_CMD        aclcoexConfig;
  08h ..  WMI_SET_BTCOEX_BTINQUIRY_PAGE_CONFIG_CMD btinquiryPageConfigCmd;
Event from firmware to host, sent in response to WMI_GET_BTCOEX_CONFIG_CMD.

WMIevent(1028h, or formerly 1027h, or 1026h) - WMI_REPORT_BTCOEX_STATS_EVENT
Event Data:
  ---------------  BTCOEX_GENERAL_STATS coexStats;
  00h A_UINT32 4  highRatePktCnt;
  04h A_UINT32 4  firstBmissCnt;
  08h A_UINT32 4  psPollFailureCnt;
  0Ch A_UINT32 4  nullFrameFailureCnt;
  10h A_UINT32 4  optModeTransitionCnt;
  ---------------  BTCOEX_SCO_STATS scoStats;
  14h A_UINT32 4  scoStompCntAvg;
  18h A_UINT32 4  scoStompIn100ms;
  1Ch A_UINT32 4  scoMaxContStomp;
  20h A_UINT32 4  scoAvgNoRetries;
  24h A_UINT32 4  scoMaxNoRetriesIn100ms;
  ---------------  BTCOEX_A2DP_STATS a2dpStats;
  28h A_UINT32 4  a2dpBurstCnt;
  2Ch A_UINT32 4  a2dpMaxBurstCnt;
  30h A_UINT32 4  a2dpAvgIdletimeIn100ms;
  34h A_UINT32 4  a2dpAvgStompCnt;
  ---------------  BTCOEX_ACLCOEX_STATS aclCoexStats;
  38h A_UINT32 4  aclPktCntInBtTime;
  3Ch A_UINT32 4  aclStompCntInWlanTime;
  40h A_UINT32 4  aclPktCntIn100ms;
Used for firmware development and debugging.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI DataSet Functions

Not implemented in DSi.

The "DataSet" feature allows the firmware to read external data from host memory for whatever purpose (maybe intended for cases where the wifi board doesn't contain an EEPROM, or for cases where Xtensa RAM/ROM is too small to hold the whole firmware, or just to make it easier to modify data for testing/debugging).
For the "DataSet" stuff, the normal Command/Response flow is reversed: the firmware does send an EVENT to request data, and the host must respond by a REPLY_CMD (except for the CLOSE_EVENT, which requires no reply).

WMIevent(1010h:3001h) - WMIX_DSETOPENREQ_EVENT
  00h  A_UINT32 4   dset_id          ;-ID of requested DataSet (see "dsetid.h")
  04h  A_UINT32 4   targ_dset_handle ;\to be echo'ed in REPLY_CMD
  08h  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_fn    ; (host doesn't need to deal with this)
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_arg   ;/
DataSet Open Request Event. The host should open the DataSet and send a WMIX_DSETOPEN_REPLY_CMD.

WMIevent(1010h:3003h) - WMIX_DSETDATAREQ_EVENT
  00h  A_UINT32 4   access_cookie    ;-some kind of "filehandle" on host side
  04h  A_UINT32 4   offset           ;\source offset & length of requested data
  08h  A_UINT32 4   length           ;/
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   targ_buf         ;\to be echo'ed in REPLY_CMD
  10h  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_fn    ; (host doesn't need to deal with this)
  14h  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_arg   ;/
DataSet Data Request Event. The host should send the requested data via WMIX_DSETDATA_REPLY_CMD.

WMIevent(1010h:3002h) - WMIX_DSETCLOSE_EVENT
  00h  A_UINT32 4   access_cookie       ;-some kind of "filehandle" on host side
DataSet Close Event. The host should close the DataSet (and doesn't need to send any REPLY_CMD).

  00h  A_UINT32 4   status            ;-what status ?
  04h  A_UINT32 4   targ_dset_handle  ;\
  08h  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_fn     ; to be echo'ed from open EVENT
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_arg    ;/
  10h  A_UINT32 4   access_cookie     ;-some kind of "filehandle" on host side
  14h  A_UINT32 4   size              ;-what size ?
  18h  A_UINT32 4   version           ;-what version ?
This REPLY_CMD should be send in response to WMIX_DSETOPENREQ_EVENTs.

  00h  A_UINT32 4   status            ;-what status ?
  04h  A_UINT32 4   targ_buf          ;\
  08h  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_fn     ; to be echo'ed from data EVENT
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4   targ_reply_arg    ;/
  10h  A_UINT32 4   length            ;\requested data
  14h  A_UINT8  LEN buf[length]       ;/
This REPLY_CMD should be send in response to WMIX_DSETDATAREQ_EVENTs.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI AP Mode Functions

AP Mode
Whatever that is... probably something where the AR600x acts as Access Point (AP) for other Stations (STA).

AP Mode definitions
Changing the following values needs compilation of both driver and firmware.
  AP_MAX_NUM_STA = 4   ;for old AR6002_REV2 version
  AP_MAX_NUM_STA = 10  ;for newer versions
  NUM_DEV        = 3   ;Maximum no. of virtual interface supported
  AP_ACL_SIZE         = 10
  IEEE80211_MAX_IE    = 256
  MCAST_AID           = 0FFh   ;Spl. AID used to set DTIM flag in the beacons
  DEF_AP_DTIM         = 5
  AP_DISCONNECT_STA_LEFT     = 101  ;\
  AP_DISCONNECT_COMM_TIMEOUT = 103  ; AP mode disconnect reasons
  AP_DISCONNECT_MAX_STA      = 104  ; (101..107 decimal):
  AP_DISCONNECT_ACL          = 105  ;

  00h  A_UINT8  1   hidden_ssid;
#define HIDDEN_SSID_TRUE = 1

  00h  A_UINT8  1   num_sta;

  00h  A_UINT8  1   policy;
 #define AP_ACL_DISABLE          = 00h
 #define AP_ACL_ALLOW_MAC        = 01h
 #define AP_ACL_DENY_MAC         = 02h
 #define AP_ACL_RETAIN_LIST_MASK = 80h

  00h  A_UINT8  1   action;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   index;
  02h  A_UINT8  6   mac[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  08h  A_UINT8  1   wildcard;
There is also a "WMI_AP_ACL" structure with unknown purpose (maybe internally used in Xtensa memory or whatever):
  A_UINT16 2   index;
  A_UINT8  ... acl_mac[AP_ACL_SIZE][ATH_MAC_LEN];
  A_UINT8  ..  wildcard[AP_ACL_SIZE];
  A_UINT8  1   policy;


  00h  A_UINT8  6  mac[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT16 2  reason;              /* 802.11 reason code
  08h  A_UINT8  1  cmd;                 /* operation to perform
MLME Commands (aka above "cmd"):
  WMI_AP_MLME_ASSOC       1   /* associate station
  WMI_AP_DISASSOC         2   /* disassociate station
  WMI_AP_DEAUTH           3   /* deauthenticate station
  WMI_AP_MLME_AUTHORIZE   4   /* authorize station
  WMI_AP_MLME_UNAUTHORIZE 5   /* unauthorize station

  00h  A_BOOL   4  flag;
  04h  A_UINT16 2  rsvd;
  06h  A_UINT16 2  aid;

  00h  A_UINT32 4  period;

  00h  A_UINT32 4  period_min;
  04h  A_UINT32 4  dwell_ms;

  00h  A_UCHAR  3  countryCode[3];

  00h  A_UINT8  1  dtim;

  Unknown (if any)
  Unknown (if any)
There is an "WMI_AP_MODE_STAT" structure (said to be an event, although there is no WMIevent(xxxxh) number defined for it anywhere) (and, the "action" entry sounds more like an command/parameter than like an event/response?):
WMI_AP_MODE_STAT structure:
  00h  A_UINT32            action;
Mysterious values (probably for the "action" entry:
  AP_GET_STATS   = 0
WMI_PER_STA_STAT structure (for the "sta" entries):
  00h  A_UINT32 tx_bytes;
  04h  A_UINT32 tx_pkts;
  08h  A_UINT32 tx_error;
  0Ch  A_UINT32 tx_discard;
  10h  A_UINT32 rx_bytes;
  14h  A_UINT32 rx_pkts;
  18h  A_UINT32 rx_error;
  1Ch  A_UINT32 rx_discard;
  20h  A_UINT32 aid;

  00h  A_UINT8  1  rateset;
 AP_11BG_RATESET1    = 1
 AP_11BG_RATESET2    = 2

WMIcmd(F05Ah or F059h or N/A) - WMI_AP_SET_APSD_CMD
  00h  A_UINT8  1  enable;

  00h  A_UINT16 2  aid;
  02h  A_UINT16 2  bitmap;
  04h  A_UINT32 4  flags;
WMI_AP_APSD_BUFFERED_TRAFFIC_FLAGS values (only one defined)

Unknown/undocumented (some new command, invented in 2012 or so).

Maybe there is an event/reply for the "WMI_AP_MODE_STAT_CMD" command (see above).

WMIevent(101Ch) - WMI_PSPOLL_EVENT ;aka WMI_PS_POLL_EVENT ;AP mode related?
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT16 2  aid;
Whatever. Said to be an "AP mode event".

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI DFS Functions

  Unknown (maybe WMI_SET_DFS_CMD structure?)
There is a "WMI_SET_DFS_CMD" structure defined:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   enable;
Maybe that structure is meant to be used with one of the WMI_SET_DFS_xxx_CMD commands, or maybe it's even meant to be used with ALL of that THREE commands.
  XXX see file "dfs_common.h"

  00h  A_UINT16 2  chan_index;
  02h  A_INT8   1  bang_radar;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT64 8  ext_chan_busy_ts;
  08h  A_UINT8  1  enable_ar;
  09h  A_UINT8  1  enable_radar;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32 4  dfs_domain;

Event Data:
  Unknown (if any) (not defined in file "dfs_common.h")

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8         1     num_events;
  01h  dfs_event_info  ..    ev_info[WMI_DFS_EVENT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
WMI_DFS_EVENT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = ((255)/sizeof(struct dfs_event_info))
Format of the above "dfs_event_info" structure:
  00h  A_UINT64 8  full_ts;       /* 64-bit full timestamp from interrupt time
  08h  A_UINT32 4  ts;            /* Original 15 bit recv timestamp
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4  ext_chan_busy; /* Ext chan busy %
  10h  A_UINT8  1  rssi;          /* rssi of radar event
  11h  A_UINT8  1  dur;           /* duration of radar pulse
  12h  A_UINT8  1  chanindex;     /* Channel of event
  13h  A_UINT8  1  flags;
Values for "flags":
  PRIMARY_CH = 0  ;\flags.bit0
  EXT_CH     = 1  ;/
  AR_EVENT   = 0  ;\flags.bit1
  DFS_EVENT  = 2  ;/
Some more DFS related constants (unknown purpose):
  DFS_UNINIT_DOMAIN = 0     ;Uninitialized dfs domain
  DFS_FCC_DOMAIN    = 1     ;FCC3 dfs domain
  DFS_ETSI_DOMAIN   = 2     ;ETSI dfs domain
  DFS_MKK4_DOMAIN   = 3     ;Japan dfs domain
  MAX_BIN5_DUR      = 131   ;rounded from 131.25=(105*1.25)   ;DFS related
  TRAFFIC_DETECTED = 1      ;whatever                         ;DFS related
  ATH_DEBUG_DFS  = 00000100h  ;Minimal DFS debug        ;\
  ATH_DEBUG_DFS1 = 00000200h  ;Normal DFS debug         ; should match the
  ATH_DEBUG_DFS2 = 00000400h  ;Maximal DFS debug        ; table from if_ath.c
  ATH_DEBUG_DFS3 = 00000800h  ;matched filterID display ;/

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI P2P Functions

P2P module definitions

P2P_SSID structure:
  00h  A_UINT8  1    ssidLength;
  01h  A_UINT8  20h  ssid[WMI_MAX_SSID_LEN];

  00h  A_UINT8  1  go_intent;
  01h  A_UINT8  3  country[3];
  04h  A_UINT8  1  reg_class;
  05h  A_UINT8  1  listen_channel;
  06h  A_UINT8  1  op_reg_class;
  07h  A_UINT8  1  op_channel;
  09h  A_UINT16 2  config_methods;

WMIcmd(F039h) - WMI_WPS_SET_CONFIG_CMD ;P2P related
  00h  device_type_tuple 4     pri_dev_type;
  --   outcommented?     0     //A_UINT8 pri_device_type[8];
  04h  device_type_tuple 4*5   sec_dev_type[MAX_P2P_SEC_DEVICE_TYPES];
  18h  A_UINT8           10h   uuid[WPS_UUID_LEN];
  28h  A_UINT8           20h   device_name[WPS_MAX_DEVNAME_LEN];
  48h  A_UINT8           1     dev_name_len;
"device_type_tuple" structure (4 bytes):
  00h  A_UINT16 2  categ;
  02h  A_UINT16 2  sub_categ;

WMIcmd(F03Ah) - WMI_SET_REQ_DEV_ATTR_CMD ;P2P related
  00h  device_type_tuple 4     pri_dev_type;
  04h  device_type_tuple 4*5   sec_dev_type[MAX_P2P_SEC_DEVICE_TYPES];
  18h  A_UINT8           6     device_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];

typedef PREPACK struct {
  00h  A_UINT32 4     timeout;
  04h  A_ENUM   ..    type;  ;A_UINTx or so?  ;aka WMI_P2P_DISC_TYPE
  WMI_P2P_FIND_START_WITH_FULL = Unknown (0 or 1 or so)

  Unknown (none?)

  00h  A_UINT16 2   listen_freq;
  02h  A_UINT16 2   force_freq;
  04h  A_UINT16 2   go_oper_freq;
  06h  A_UINT8  1   dialog_token;
  07h  A_UINT8  6   peer_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Dh  A_UINT8  6   own_interface_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  13h  A_UINT8  6   member_in_go_dev[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  19h  A_UINT8  1   go_dev_dialog_token;
  1Ah  P2P_SSID 21h peer_go_ssid;
  3Bh  A_UINT8  1   wps_method;
  3Ch  A_UINT8  1   dev_capab;
  3Dh  A_INT8   1   go_intent;
  3Eh  A_UINT8  1   persistent_grp;

  00h  A_UINT32 4   timeout;

WMIcmd(F050h or F053h) - WMI_P2P_GO_NEG_REQ_RSP_CMD
  000h  A_UINT16 2    listen_freq;
  002h  A_UINT16 2    force_freq;
  004h  A_UINT8  1    status;
  005h  A_INT8   1    go_intent;
  006h  A_UINT8  200h wps_buf[512];
  206h  A_UINT16 2    wps_buflen;
  208h  A_UINT8  200h p2p_buf[512];
  408h  A_UINT16 2    p2p_buflen;
  40Ah  A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;
  40Bh  A_UINT8  1    wps_method;
  40Ch  A_UINT8  1    persistent_grp;
  40Dh  A_UINT8  6    sa[ATH_MAC_LEN];

WMIcmd(F051h or F054h) - WMI_P2P_GRP_INIT_CMD
  00h  A_UINT8  1  persistent_group;
  01h  A_UINT8  1  group_formation;

  00h  A_UINT8  6  peer_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT8  1  grp_formation_status;

WMIcmd(F053h or F056h) - WMI_P2P_INVITE_CMD
  00h  A_ENUM   ..   role;   ;A_UINTx or so?  ;WMI_P2P_INVITE_ROLE
  ..   A_UINT16 2    listen_freq;
  ..   A_UINT16 2    force_freq;
  ..   A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;
  ..   A_UINT8  6    peer_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  ..   A_UINT8  6    bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  ..   A_UINT8  6    go_dev_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  ..   P2P_SSID 21h  ssid;
  ..   A_UINT8  1    is_persistent;
  ..   A_UINT8  1    wps_method;
  WMI_P2P_INVITE_ROLE_GO        = Unknown (0 or 1 or so)

WMIcmd(F054h or F057h) - WMI_P2P_INVITE_REQ_RSP_CMD
  000h  A_UINT16 2    force_freq;
  002h  A_UINT8  1    status;
  003h  A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;
  004h  A_UINT8  200h p2p_buf[512];
  204h  A_UINT16 2    p2p_buflen;
  206h  A_UINT8  1    is_go;
  207h  A_UINT8  6    group_bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];

WMIcmd(F055h or F058h) - WMI_P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ_CMD
  00h  A_UINT16 2    wps_method;
  02h  A_UINT16 2    listen_freq;
  04h  A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;
  05h  A_UINT8  6    peer[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Bh  A_UINT8  6    go_dev_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  11h  P2P_SSID 21h  go_oper_ssid;

WMIcmd(F056h or F059h) - WMI_P2P_SET_CMD
  00h  A_UINT8  1    config_id;    /* set to one of WMI_P2P_CONF_ID */
  01h  A_UINT8  1    reg_class;
  02h  A_UINT8  1    listen_channel;
  01h  A_UINT8  1    flag;
  01h  A_UINT8  17h  ssid_postfix[WMI_MAX_SSID_LEN-9];
  18h  A_UINT8  1    ssid_postfix_len;
  01h  A_UINT8  1    flag;
  01h  A_UINT8  1    flag;
  01h  A_UINT8  1    value;
 When config_id=7=WMI_P2P_CONFID_DEV_NAME        ;WMI_P2P_SET_DEV_NAME
  01h  A_UINT8  20h  dev_name[WPS_MAX_DEVNAME_LEN];
  21h  A_UINT8  1    dev_name_len;

WMIcmd(F05Bh or F05Ch) - WMI_P2P_SDPD_TX_CMD
  000h  A_UINT8  1    type;
  001h  A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;
  002h  A_UINT8  1    frag_id;
  003h  A_UINT8  1    reserved1;          /* alignment */
  004h  A_UINT8  6    peer_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  00Ah  A_UINT16 2    freq;
  00Ch  A_UINT16 2    status_code;
  00Eh  A_UINT16 2    comeback_delay;
  010h  A_UINT16 2    tlv_length;
  012h  A_UINT16 2    update_indic;
  014h  A_UINT16 2    total_length;
  016h  A_UINT16 2    reserved2;         /* future */
  018h  A_UINT8  400h tlv[WMI_P2P_MAX_TLV_LEN];
  WMI_P2P_PD_TYPE_RESP              = 05h
  WMI_P2P_SD_TYPE_STATUS_IND        = 06h

WMIcmd(F05Ch or F05Dh) - WMI_P2P_STOP_SDPD_CMD
  Unknown (none?)

WMIcmd(F05Dh or F05Eh) - WMI_P2P_CANCEL_CMD
  Unknown (none?)

Unknown/undocumented (invented around 2012).

...P2P Events...

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT16 2   freq;
  02h  A_INT8   1   status;
  03h  A_UINT8  1   role_go;
  04h  A_UINT8  20h ssid[WMI_MAX_SSID_LEN];
  24h  A_UINT8  1   ssid_len;
  25h  A_CHAR   9   pass_phrase[WMI_MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN];
  2Eh  A_UINT8  6   peer_device_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  34h  A_UINT8  6   peer_interface_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  3Ah  A_UINT8  1   wps_method;
  3Bh  A_UINT8  1   persistent_grp;

Event Data:
  000h  A_UINT8  6    sa[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  006h  A_UINT8  200h wps_buf[512];
  206h  A_UINT16 2    wps_buflen;
  208h  A_UINT8  200h p2p_buf[512];
  408h  A_UINT16 2    p2p_buflen;
  40Ah  A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;

Event Data:
  000h  A_UINT8  200h p2p_buf[512];
  200h  A_UINT16 2    p2p_buflen;
  202h  A_UINT8  6    sa[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  208h  A_UINT8  6    bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  20Eh  A_UINT8  6    go_dev_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  214h  P2P_SSID 21h  ssid;
  235h  A_UINT8  1    is_persistent;
  236h  A_UINT8  1    dialog_token;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT16 2   oper_freq;
  02h  A_UINT8  6   sa[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  08h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Eh  A_UINT8  1   is_bssid_valid;
  0Fh  A_UINT8  6   go_dev_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  15h  P2P_SSID 21h ssid;
  36h  A_UINT8  1   status;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   status;
  01h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  07h  A_UINT8  1   is_bssid_valid;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  6   peer[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT16 2   config_methods;

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  6   sa[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT16 2   wps_config_method;
  08h  A_UINT8  6   dev_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Eh  A_UINT8  8   pri_dev_type[WPS_DEV_TYPE_LEN];
  16h  A_UINT8  20h device_name[WPS_MAX_DEVNAME_LEN];
  36h  A_UINT8  1   dev_name_len;
  37h  A_UINT16 2   dev_config_methods;
  39h  A_UINT8  1   device_capab;
  3Ah  A_UINT8  1   group_capab;

Event Data:
  Unknown (none?)

WMIevent(1044h) - WMI_P2P_SDPD_RX_EVENT
Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8  1   type;
  01h  A_UINT8  1   transaction_status;
  02h  A_UINT8  1   dialog_token;
  03h  A_UINT8  1   frag_id;
  04h  A_UINT8  6   peer_addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  0Ah  A_UINT16 2   freq;
  0Ch  A_UINT16 2   status_code;
  0Eh  A_UINT16 2   comeback_delay;
  10h  A_UINT16 2   tlv_length;
  12h  A_UINT16 2   update_indic;
  14h  VAR      ..  Variable length TLV will be placed after the event

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI WAC Functions

  00h  A_UINT32 4   period;
  04h  A_UINT32 4   threshold;
  08h  A_INT32  4   rssi;
  0Ch  A_BOOL   4   enable;
  10h  A_CHAR   8   wps_pin[8];     ;WPS related?

  00h  A_ENUM   ..  cmdid ;A_UINTx or so?  (WAC_SUBCMD)
WAC_SUBCMD values:
  WAC_MORE_SCAN      = -1

  00h  A_UINT8  1   req;     ;aka WAC_REQUEST_TYPE
  01h  A_UINT8  1   cmd;     ;aka WAC_COMMAND
  02h  A_UINT8  1   frame;   ;aka WAC_FRAME_TYPE
  03h  A_UINT8  11h ie[17];
  14h  A_INT32  4   status;  ;aka WAC_STATUS
WAC related constants (from wac_defs.h):
  WAC_SET        = Unknown (0 or 1 or so)
  WAC_GET        = WAC_SET+1
  WAC_ADD        = Unknown (0 or 1 or so)
  WAC_DEL        = WAC_ADD+1
  WAC_GET_IE     = WAC_ADD+3
  PRBREQ         = Unknown (0 or 1 or so)
  PRBRSP         = PRBREQ+1
  BEACON         = PRBREQ+2
WAC_STATUS values:
  WAC_FAILED_NO_WAC_AP      = -4
  WAC_FAILED_LOW_RSSI       = -3
  WAC_SUCCESS               = 0
  WAC_DISABLED              = 1

Event Data:
  Unknown (if any?)
WAC Events. Event data format is unknown, maybe related to below two structs:
 When some case:
  00h  A_UINT8  11h  ie[17];
 When some other case:
  00h  A_INT32  4    wac_status;
WMI_WPS_PIN_INFO structure: ;"WPS" might be WAC_START_WPS related?
  00h  A_UINT8  6  bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  06h  A_UINT8  8  pin[8];        ;aka "wps_pin[8]" presumably?

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI RF Kill and Store/Recall Functions

  Unknown (none?)

  00h  A_UINT8  1  GPIOPinNumber  ;GPIO related
  01h  A_UINT8  1  IntrType       ;?
  02h  A_UINT8  1  RadioState     ;RFKILL_RADIO_STATE
  RADIO_STATE_OFF     = 01h
  RADIO_STATE_ON      = 02h

Event Data:
  Unknown (if any?)

Event Data:
  Unknown (maybe some format as in "SET_RFKILL" command parameters?)

  00h  A_UINT8 1  enable (probably some flag)
  01h  A_UINT8 1  recipient (only one value defined: STRRCL_RECIPIENT_HOST = 1)
Ultra low power store/recall feature. Seems to be intended to memorize data in HOST memory... allowing the AR600x chip to power-down its on memory, or so?

  00h  A_UINT32 4  length;      ;number of bytes of data to follow
  04h  A_UINT8  .. data[1];     ;start of "RECALL" data
Ultra low power store/recall feature. Maybe RECALL is meant to restore data that was formerly memorized from a WMI_STORERECALL_STORE_EVENT.

  00h  A_UINT32 4  sleep_msec;
  04h  A_UINT8  1  store_after_tx_empty;
  05h  A_UINT8  1  store_after_fresh_beacon_rx;
Ultra low power store/recall feature. Whatever parameters.

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT32 4  msec_sleep;   ;time between power off/on
  04h  A_UINT32 4  length;       ;length of following data
  08h  A_UINT8  .. data[1];      ;start of "STORE" data
Ultra low power store/recall feature. Maybe this requests to memorize the "STORE" data in host memory?

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI THIN Functions

Area for Thin commands. These command IDs can be found in "wmi_thin.h".

  00h  A_UINT32 4   cfgField      ;combination of WMI_THIN_CFG_...
  04h  A_UINT16 2   length        ;length in bytes of appended sub-command(s)
  06h  A_UINT8  2   reserved[2]   ;align padding
  08h  ...      ..  structure(s) selected in "cfgField"...
When cfgField.Bit0 set: append WMI_THIN_CONFIG_TXCOMPLETE struct:
Used to configure the params and content for TX Complete messages the will come from the Target. these messages are disabled by default but can be enabled using this structure and the WMI_THIN_CONFIG_CMDID.
  +00h  A_UINT8  1  version (the versioned type of messages to use, 0=disable)
  +01h  A_UINT8  1  countThreshold (msg count threshold triggering a tx
                     complete message)
  +02h  A_UINT16 2  timeThreshold (timeout interval in MSEC triggering a
                     tx complete message)
When cfgField.Bit1 set: append WMI_THIN_CONFIG_DECRYPT_ERR struct:
Used to configure behavior for received frames that have decryption errors. The default behavior is to discard the frame without notification. Alternately, the MAC Header is forwarded to the host with the failed status.
  +00h  A_UINT8  1  enable (1=send decrypt errors to the host, 0=don't)
  +01h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3] (align padding)
When cfgField.Bit2 set: Unused --- NEW VERSION
When cfgField.Bit2 set: append WMI_THIN_CONFIG_TX_MAC_RULES --- OLD VERSION
Used to configure behavior for transmitted frames that require partial MAC header construction. These rules are used by the target to indicate which fields need to be written.
  +00h  A_UINT32 4  rules (combination of WMI_WRT_... values)
When cfgField.Bit3 set: append WMI_THIN_CONFIG_RX_FILTER_RULES struct:
Used to configure behavior for received frames as to which frames should get forwarded to the host and which should get processed internally.
  +00h  A_UINT32 4  rules; /* combination of WMI_FILT_... values */
When cfgField.Bit4 set: append WMI_THIN_CONFIG_CIPHER_ENCAP struct:
Used to configure behavior for both TX and RX frames regarding security cipher encapsulation. The host may specify whether or not the firmware is responsible for cipher encapsulation. If the firmware is responsible it will add the security header and trailer for TX frames and remove the header and trailer for Rx frames. Also, the firmware will examine the resource counter if any and behave appropriately when a bad value is detected. If the host indicates responsibility for encapsulation then it is responsible for all aspects of encapsulation, however the device will still perform the encryption and decryption of the frame payload if a key has been provided.
  +00h  A_UINT8  1  enable (enables/disables firmware cipher encapsulation)
  +01h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3] (align padding)
Summary of values for "cfgField":
  WMI_THIN_CFG_TXCOMP       = 00000001h
  WMI_THIN_CFG_DECRYPT      = 00000002h
  WMI_THIN_CFG_MAC_RULES    = 00000004h ;old version (or planned for future?)
  WMI_THIN_UNUSED1          = 00000004h ;current version

  00h  A_UINT16 2  length;     /* the length in bytes of the appended MIB data
  02h  A_UINT8  1  mibID;      /* the ID of the MIB element being set
  03h  A_UINT8  1  reserved;   /* align padding

WMIcmd(8002h) - WMI_THIN_GET_MIB_CMD ;reply?
  00h  A_UINT8  1   mibID;        /* the ID of the MIB element being set
  01h  A_UINT8  3   reserved[3];  /* align padding

WMIcmd(8003h) - WMI_THIN_JOIN_CMD ;newer ver only
  00h  A_UINT32 4   basicRateMask;    /* bit mask of basic rates
  04h  A_UINT32 4   beaconIntval;     /* TUs
  08h  A_UINT16 2   atimWindow;       /* TUs
  0Ah  A_UINT16 2   channel;          /* frequency in Mhz
  0Ch  A_UINT8  1   networkType;      /* INFRA_NETWORK | ADHOC_NETWORK
  0Dh  A_UINT8  1   ssidLength;       /* 0 - 32
  0Eh  A_UINT8  1   probe;            /* != 0 : issue probe req at start
  0Fh  A_UINT8  1   reserved;         /* alignment
  10h  A_UCHAR  20h ssid[WMI_MAX_SSID_LEN];
  30h  A_UINT8  6   bssid[ATH_MAC_LEN];

WMIcmd(8004h) - WMI_THIN_CONNECT_CMD ;newer ver only
  00h  A_UINT16 2  dtim;   /* dtim interval in num beacons */
  02h  A_UINT16 2  aid;    /* 80211 association ID from Assoc resp */

WMIcmd(8005h) - WMI_THIN_RESET_CMD ;newer ver only
  00h  A_UINT8  4  reserved[4];

Events/Responses with special IDs for THIN stuff (wmi_thin.h)

Event Data:
  Unknown (maybe same/similar format as for "SET_MIB" command parameters?)

Event Data:
  00h  A_UINT8 1  result (the result of the join command)
  01h  A_UINT8 3  reserved[3]; /* alignment */
WMI_THIN_JOIN_RESULT values (aka above "result" value):
  WMI_THIN_JOIN_RES_SUCCESS    = 0  ;device has joined the network
  WMI_THIN_JOIN_RES_FAIL       = 1  ;failed for unspecified reason
  WMI_THIN_JOIN_RES_TIMEOUT    = 2  ;failed due to no beacon rx in time limit
  WMI_THIN_JOIN_RES_BAD_PARAM  = 3  ;failed due to bad cmd param
  WMI_THIN_JOIN_RES_IBSS_START = 4  ;device started new IBSS network

MIB Access Identifiers tailored for Symbian - mibID
Below are "mibID" values for SET_MIB and GET_MIB commands, with corresponding data structures. GET/SET works only if the corresponding structure is read/write-able, as indicated by (R), (W), and (R/W). Some structures aren't actually implemented (-), ie. not read/write-able.
 When mibID=01h=MIB_ID_STA_MAC; WMI_THIN_MIB_STA_MAC struct:                (R)
  00h  A_UINT8  6  addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
 When mibID=02h=MIB_ID_RX_LIFE_TIME; WMI_THIN_MIB_RX_LIFE_TIME struct:      (-)
  00h  A_UINT32 4  time (units = msec)
 When mibID=03h=MIB_ID_SLOT_TIME; WMI_THIN_MIB_SLOT_TIME struct:          (R/W)
  00h  A_UINT32 4  time (units = usec)
  00h  A_UINT16 2  length (units = bytes)
 When mibID=05h=MIB_ID_CTS_TO_SELF; WMI_THIN_MIB_CTS_TO_SELF struct:      (R/W)
  00h  A_UINT8  1  enable (1=on, 0=off)
  00h  A_UINT8  1  type (type of frame, 0..5, see below "FRM" values)
  01h  A_UINT8  1  rate (tx rate to be used, one of WMI_BIT_RATE)
  02h  A_UINT16 2  length (num bytes following this structure as template data)
  04h  ..       .. template data
  Frame "type" values:          frame max length:
  TEMPLATE_FRM_PROBE_REQ = 0    FRM_LEN_PROBE_REQ  = 256  ;\Symbian dictates a
  TEMPLATE_FRM_BEACON    = 1    FRM_LEN_BEACON     = 256  ; minimum of 256 for
  TEMPLATE_FRM_PROBE_RESP= 2    FRM_LEN_PROBE_RESP = 256  ;/these 3 frame types
  TEMPLATE_FRM_NULL      = 3    FRM_LEN_NULL       = 32
  Total sum of above lengths: TEMPLATE_FRM_LEN_SUM = 256+256+256+32+32+32
  00h  A_UINT32 4  filterMask;
  FRAME_FILTER_BSSID       = 00000002h
 When mibID=08h=MIB_ID_BEACON_FILTER_TABLE; Several structure(s)...?        (W)
  There are three related sturctures; the actual "TABLE", and additional
  "TABLE_OUI" and "TABLE_HEADER"; unknown which of those structure(s) are
  meant to be used here...
  00h  A_UINT8  1  ie;
  01h  A_UINT8  1  treatment;
  00h  A_UINT8  1  ie;
  01h  A_UINT8  1  treatment;
  02h  A_UINT8  3  oui[3];
  05h  A_UINT8  1  type;
  06h  A_UINT16 2  version;
  00h  A_UINT16 2  numElements
  02h  A_UINT8  1  entrySize (sizeof(WMI_THIN_MIB_BEACON_FILTER_TABLE) on
  03h  A_UINT8  1  reserved                    host cpu may be 2 may be 4)
  00h  A_UINT32 4  count (num beacons between deliveries)
  04h  A_UINT8  1  enable;
  05h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3];
  00h  A_UINT32 4  count (num consec lost beacons after which send event)
  00h  A_UINT8 1   rssi (the low threshold which can trigger an event warning)
  01h  A_UINT8 1   tolerance (the range above and below the threshold to
                    prevent event flooding to the host)
  02h  A_UINT8 1   count (the sample count of consecutive frames necessary to
                    trigger an event)
  03h  A_UINT8 1   reserved[1] (padding)
 When mibID=0Ch=MIB_ID_HT_CAP; WMI_THIN_MIB_HT_CAP struct:                  (-)
  00h  A_UINT32 4  cap;
  04h  A_UINT32 4  rxRateField;
  08h  A_UINT32 4  beamForming;
  0Ch  A_UINT8  6  addr[ATH_MAC_LEN];
  12h  A_UINT8  1  enable;
  13h  A_UINT8  1  stbc;
  14h  A_UINT8  1  maxAMPDU;
  15h  A_UINT8  1  msduSpacing;
  16h  A_UINT8  1  mcsFeedback;
  17h  A_UINT8  1  antennaSelCap;
 When mibID=0Dh=MIB_ID_HT_OP; WMI_THIN_MIB_HT_OP struct:                    (-)
  00h  A_UINT32 4  infoField;
  04h  A_UINT32 4  basicRateField;
  08h  A_UINT8  1  protection;
  09h  A_UINT8  1  secondChanneloffset;
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1  channelWidth;
  0Bh  A_UINT8  1  reserved;
 When mibID=0Eh=MIB_ID_HT_2ND_BEACON; WMI_THIN_MIB_HT_2ND_BEACON struct:    (-)
  00h  A_UINT8  1  cfg (see below SECOND_BEACON_xxx values)
  01h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3] (padding)
 When mibID=0Fh=MIB_ID_HT_BLOCK_ACK; WMI_THIN_MIB_HT_BLOCK_ACK struct:      (-)
  00h  A_UINT8  1  txTIDField
  01h  A_UINT8  1  rxTIDField
  02h  A_UINT8  2  reserved[2] (padding)
 When mibID=10h=MIB_ID_PREAMBLE; WMI_THIN_MIB_PREAMBLE struct:            (R/W)
  00h  A_UINT8  1  enableLong (1=long preamble, 0=short preamble)
  01h  A_UINT8  3  reserved[3]
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_GROUP_ADDR_TABLE    ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY_ID  ;satisfied by wmi_addKey_cmd()   (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_TX_POWER            ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_ARP_IP_TABLE        ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_SLEEP_MODE          ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_WAKE_INTERVAL       ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_STAT_TABLE          ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_IBSS_PWR_SAVE       ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_COUNTERS_TABLE      ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_ETHERTYPE_FILTER    ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)
 When mibID=N/A=MIB_ID_BC_UDP_FILTER       ;[NOT IMPLEMENTED]               (-)

THIN related constants...
MAC Header Build Rules
These values allow the host to configure the target code that is responsible for constructing the MAC header. In cases where the MAC header is provided by the host framework, the target has a diminished responsibility over what fields it must write. This will vary from framework to framework.
Symbian requires different behavior from MAC80211 which requires different behavior from MS Native Wifi.
  WMI_WRT_VER_TYPE  = 00000001h
  WMI_WRT_DURATION  = 00000002h
  WMI_WRT_DIRECTION = 00000004h
  WMI_WRT_POWER     = 00000008h
  WMI_WRT_WEP       = 00000010h
  WMI_WRT_MORE      = 00000020h
  WMI_WRT_BSSID     = 00000040h
  WMI_WRT_QOS       = 00000080h
  WMI_WRT_SEQNO     = 00000100h
  WMI_GUARD_TX      = 00000200h ;prevent TX ops that are not allowed for a
                                ; current state
  WMI_WRT_DEFAULT_CONFIG = 3FFh             ;<-- default all bits set


  DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Pyxis Functions

 Config Header:
  00h  A_UINT16 2  pyxisConfigType ;One of WMI_PYXIS_CONFIG_TYPE
  02h  A_UINT16 2  pyxisConfigLen  ;Length in Bytes of Information that follows
 When pyxisConfigType=0=WMI_PYXIS_GEN_PARAMS
  04h  A_UINT32 2  dataWindowSizeMin
  08h  A_UINT32 2  dataWindowSizeMax
  0Ch  A_UINT8  1  maxJoiners
 When pyxisConfigType=1=WMI_PYXIS_DSCVR_PARAMS
  04h  A_UINT32 4  dscvrWindow
  08h  A_UINT32 4  dscvrInterval
  0Ch  A_UINT32 4  dscvrLife
  10h  A_UINT32 4  probeInterval
  14h  A_UINT32 4  probePeriod
  18h  A_UINT16 2  dscvrChannel
 When pyxisConfigType=2=WMI_PYXIS_SET_TX_MODE
  04h  A_BOOL   4  mode
Whatever "Pyxis specific".

 Command Header:
  00h  A_UINT16 2  pyxisCmd
  02h  A_UINT16 2  pyxisCmdLen   ;Length following this header
 When pyxisCmd=0=WMI_PYXIS_DISC_PEER
  04h  A_UINT8  6  peerMacAddr[ATH_MAC_LEN]
 When pyxisCmd=1=WMI_PYXIS_JOIN_PEER
  04h  A_UINT32 4  ctrl_flags (One of the Bits determines if it
                    is Virt Adhoc/the device is to join a BSS)
  08h  A_UINT16 2  channel                  ;Data Channel
  0Ah  A_UINT8  1  networkType              ;network type
  0Bh  A_UINT8  1  dot11AuthMode            ;OPEN_AUTH
  0Ch  A_UINT8  1  authMode                 ;NONE_AUTH
  0Dh  A_UINT8  1  pairwiseCryptoType       ;One of NONE_CRYPT, AES_CRYPT
  0Eh  A_UINT8  1  pairwiseCryptoLen        ;0 since ADD_KEY passes the length
  0Fh  A_UINT8  1  groupCryptoType          ;One of NONE_CRYPT, AES_CRYPT
  10h  A_UINT8  1  groupCryptoLen           ;0 since ADD_KEY passes the length
  11h  A_UINT8  6  peerMacAddr[ATH_MAC_LEN] ;BSSID of peer network
  17h  A_UINT8  6  nwBSSID[ATH_MAC_LEN]     ;BSSID of the Pyxis Adhoc Network
 When pyxisCmd=?=WHAT? below is also "incompletely-defined" as pyxisCmd:
  04h  A_BOOL   4  mode (what is this here? dupe of WMI_PYXIS_CONFIG_CMD?)
Whatever "Pyxis specific".

  DSi Atheros Wifi I2C EEPROM

The I2C EEPROM is read via the wifi firmware's bootstub (prior to executing the main firmware) via the SI_xxx registers. The DSi wifi boards are usually containing a HN58X2408F chip (1Kx8, with 8bit index). However, the bootstub contains code for also supporting HN58X24xx chips with bigger capacity (including such with 16bit index) (although actually using only 300h bytes regardless of the capacity). The I2C device number is A0h, or, in case of EEPROMs with 8bit index, the device number is misused to contain the upper address bits as so:
  device = A0h + direction_flag + (addr/100h)*2  ;for devices with 8bit index
  device = A0h + direction_flag                  ;for devices with 16bit index

I2C EEPROM Content for AR6002G
  000h 4     Maybe Size, ID, or Version? (00000300h)
  004h 2     Checksum (all halfwords at [0..2FFh] XORed shall give FFFFh)
  006h 4     Unknown
  00Ah 6     MAC Address (must be same as in SPI FLASH)
  010h 4     Type/version? (MSB must be 60h, verified by ARM7)
  014h 4     Zerofilled
  018h 5     Unknown
  01Dh 1Fh   Zerofilled
  03Ch 70h   FFh-filled
  0ACh 8     Zerofilled
  0B4h 12    Unknown
  0C0h 20    Unknown
  0D4h 18h   Zerofilled
  0ECh 4     Unknown
  0F0h 4     Unknown, overwritten by [0ECh] after loading
  0F4h 12    Unknown, similar to data at 0B4h ?
  100h 20    Unknown, similar to data at 0C0h ?
  114h 2Ch   Zerofilled
  140h 8     FFh-filled
  148h 4     Unknown
  14Ch 88h   Zerofilled
  1D4h 3x18  Unknown
  212h 18    Zerofilled
  224h 4x4   Unknown       ;\
  234h 2x4   Unknown       ;
  23Ch 3x4   Unknown       ; together 15x4 maybe ?
  248h 12    Unknown       ;
  254h 3x4   Unknown       ;/
  260h 60h   Unknown
  2C0h 40h   Zerofilled
  300h 100h  Not used (not loaded to RAM)

The presence of the I2C EEPROM appears to be some mis-conception. It might make sense to store the wifi calibration data on the daughterboard (rather than in eMMC storage on mainboard), however, it could be as well stored in the SPI FLASH chip, but Nintendo apparently didn't knew how to do that.

  DSi Atheros Wifi Internal Hardware

Below describes the internal Atheros hardware. The hardware registers can be accessed via WINDOW_DATA, or by uploading custom code to the Xtensa CPU via BMI Bootloader commands.
Anyways, normally, the Wifi unit should be accessed via WMI commands, so one won't need to deal with internal hardware (except cases like reading the CHIP_ID, or for better understanding of the inner workings of the hardware).

Internal Xtensa CPU
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Registers
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Core Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional General Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional Exception/Cache/MMU Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional Floating-Point Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional MAC16 Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Opcode Encoding Tables

Internal Memory and I/O Maps
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal Memory Map
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw2.0)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw4.0)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw6.0)
Note: hw2.0 is used in DSi with AR6002. And hw4.0 and hw6.0 MIGHT be used in DSi with AR6013 or 3DS with AR6014.

AR60XX Internal Registers
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - Unknown and Unused Registers (hw2)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 004000h - RTC/Clock SOC (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - RTC/Clock WLAN (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 0xx240h - RTC/Clock SYNC (hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 006000h - WLAN Coex (MCI) (hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - Bluetooth Coex (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - Memory Control (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00C000h - Serial UART (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00E000h - UMBOX Registers (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 010000h - Serial I2C/SPI (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 014000h - GPIO 18/26/57 pin (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 018000h - MBOX Registers (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 01C000h - Analog Intf (hw2)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 01C000h - Analog Intf (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020000h - WMAC DMA (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020080h - WMAC IRQ Interrupt (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020800h - WMAC QCU Queue (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 021000h - WMAC DCU (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 028000h - WMAC PCU (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 029800h - BB Baseband (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 0xxx00h - RDMA Registers (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 03x000h - EFUSE Registers (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 034000h - More Stuff (hw6)

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Registers

Xtensa Core Registers
  -              AR      Address registers A0..A15 (general purpose registers)
  -              PC      Program Counter
The AR registers are used as so:
  A0       general purpose (and return address for CALL/RET opcodes)
  A1       general purpose (commonly used as stack pointer)
  A2..A15  general purpose
Chips with Windowed Code option are actually having more than sixteen AR registers, and the register window is rotated by CALL4/CALL8/CALL12/RETW opcodes (allowing to save/restore registers without needing to push/pop them in memory):
  CALL4   saves A0..A3 and moves A4..A15 to A0..A11  ;\and, probably copies
  CALL8   saves A0..A7 and moves A8..A15 to A0..A7   ; old A1 to new A1 (?),
  CALL12  saves A0..A11 and moves A12..A15 to A0..A3 ;/and new A0=ret_addr
  ENTRY   used at begin of sub-functions (allocate local variables on stack)
  RETW    windowed return (deallocate locals, and undo the CALL4/8/12 rotation)
The sub-functions will have retaddr/stack in A0/A1, and incoming parameters in A2 and up, and return value in A2. However, due to the rotation, the caller will see parameters/return value elsewhere (eg. for CALL8, parameters in A10 and up, and return value in A10).
The ENTRY opcode is used to allocate local variables on stack. For some weird reason ENTRY is usually also allocating "N*4 bytes" dummy space for the "N" saved words (as if they were intended to be pushed on stack, rather than being saved via rotation, maybe some exception handler is actually USING that dummy space when the register window gets full(?), the AR6002 BIOS contains a few functions that aren't allocating enough dummy words though, eg. 8EDE44h uses "entry a1,10h" although being called via CALL8).

Xtensa Special Registers
  0        00h   LBEG    Loop Begin                  ;\
  1        01h   LEND    Loop End                    ; Loop option
  2        02h   LCOUNT  Loop Count                  ;/
  3        03h   SAR     Shift-Amount Register       ;-Core
  4        04h   BR      Boolean Registers (16x1bit) ;-Boolean option
  5        05h   LITBASE Literal Base                ;-Literal base option
  12       0Ch   SCOMPARE1                      ;-Multiprocessor... vs S32C1I
  16       10h   ACCLO   Accumulator low (32bit)     ;\
  17       11h   ACCHI   Accumulator high (8bit)     ;
  32       20h   MR0     MAC16 register m0 (32bit)   ; MAC16 option
  33       21h   MR1     MAC16 register m1 (32bit)   ;
  34       22h   MR2     MAC16 register m2 (32bit)   ;
  35       23h   MR3     MAC16 register m3 (32bit)   ;/
  177      B1h   EPC[1]  Exception Program Counter   ;\
  232      E8h   EXCAUSE Cause of last Exception     ;
  209      D1h   EXCSAVE[1]                          ;
  230      E6h   PS                                  ; Exception option
  230      E6h   PS.EXCM                             ;
  238      EEH   EXCVADDR                            ;
  192      C0h   DEPC                                ;/
  see            PS.INTLEVEL                         ;-Interrupt option
  178..183 B2h.. EPC[2..7]                    ;\
  194..199 C2h.. EPS[2..7]                    ; High-Priority Interrupt option
  210..215 D2h.. EXCSAVE[2..7]                ;/
  234      EAh   CCOUNT                       ;\Timer Interrupt option
  240-242  F0h   CCOMPARE                     ;/
  -              AR[NAREG]                    ;\
  72       48h   WindowBase                   ; Windowed Register option
  73       49h   WindowStart                  ;
  230      E6h   PS.CALLINC                   ;
  230      E6h   PS.OWB                       ;
  230      E6h   PS.WOE                       ;/
  244-247  F4h.. MISC                         ;-Misc Special Register option
  236      ECh   ICOUNT                       ;\
  237      EDh   ICOUNTLEVEL                  ;
  128-129  80h.. IBREAKA                      ;
  96       60h   IBREAKENABLE                 ; Debug option
  144-145  90h.. DBREAKA                      ;
  160-161  A0h.. DBREAKC                      ;
  233      E9h   DEBUGCAUSE                   ;
  104      68h   DDR                          ;/
  230      E6h   PS.RING                      ;\
  83       53h   PTEVADDR                     ;
  90       5Ah   RASID                        ; MMU option
  91       5Bh   ITLBCFG                      ;
  92       5Ch   DTLBCFG                      ;
  see            ITLB                         ;
  see            DTLB                         ;/
  98       62h   CACHEATTR    ;-
  99       63h   ATOMCTL      ;-
  224      E0h   CPENABLE     ;-
  226      E2h   INTERRUPT (R);\
  226      E2h   INTSET    (W); Interrupt
  227      E3h   INTCLEAR     ;
  228      E4h   INTENABLE    ;/
  106      6Ah   MEPC         ;\
  107      6Bh   MEPS         ;
  108      6Ch   MESAVE       ; Memory ECC/Parity
  109      6Dh   MESR         ;
  110      6Eh   MECR         ;
  111      6Fh   MEVADDR      ;/
  89       59h   MMID         ;-Trace Port
  231      E7h   VECBASE      ;-
  235      EBh   PRID         ;-Processor ID

XSR with >=64 is privileged.

Xtensa User Registers
  0-223    0-DFh Available for designer extensions
  192-255  C0h.. Reserved by Tensilica (conflicts with above "available" info?)
  231      E7h   THREADPTR                      ;-Thread Pointer
  232      E8h   FCR        (float control)     ;\
  233      E9h   FSR        (float status)      ; Float
  -              FR         (f0..f15?)          ;/

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Core Opcodes

Core Opcodes - Move/Load/Store
  Opcode   Native               Nocash                  Expl.
  ii0st2h  L8UI   at,as,imm     movb   at,[as+imm8]     Load 8bit Unsigned
  ii1st2h  L16UI  at,as,imm*2   movh   at,[as+imm8*2]   Load 16bit Unsigned
  ii9st2h  L16SI  at,as,imm*2   movsh  at,[as+imm8*2]   Load 16bit Signed
  ii2st2h  L32I   at,as,imm*4   mov    at,[as+imm8*4]   Load 32bit
  ii4st2h  S8I    at,as,imm     movb   [as+imm8],at     Store 8bit
  ii5st2h  S16I   at,as,imm*2   movh   [as+imm8*2],at   Store 16bit
  ii6st2h  S32I   at,as,imm*4   mov    [as+imm8*4],at   Store 32bit
  iiiit1h  L32R   at,adr        movp   at,literal       Load 32bit literal pool
  iiAit2h  MOVI   at,imm12      mov    at,+/-imm12      Move Immediate(signed)
  83rst0h  MOVEQZ ar,as,at      movz   at,ar,as         Move if at=0  ;zero
  93rst0h  MOVNEZ ar,as,at      movnz  at,ar,as         Move if at<>0 ;nonzero
  A3rst0h  MOVLTZ ar,as,at      movs   at,ar,as         Move if at<0  ;negative
  B3rst0h  MOVGEZ ar,as,at      movns  at,ar,as         Move if at>=0 ;positive

Core Opcodes - ALU
  Opcode   Native               Nocash                  Expl.
  iiCst2h  ADDI   at,as,imm8    add  at,as,+/-imm8      Add Immediate (signed)
  iiDst2h  ADDMI  at,as,imm     add  at,as,+/-imm8*256  Add Immediate*100h
  80rst0h  ADD    ar,as,at      add  ar,as,at           Add        (as+at)
  90rst0h  ADDX2  ar,as,at      add  ar,at,as*2         Add shift1 (as*2+at)
  A0rst0h  ADDX4  ar,as,at      add  ar,at,as*4         Add shift2 (as*4+at)
  B0rst0h  ADDX8  ar,as,at      add  ar,at,as*8         Add shift3 (as*8+at)
  C0rst0h  SUB    ar,as,at      sub  ar,as,at           Subtract   (as-at)
  D0rst0h  SUBX2  ar,as,at      sub  ar,as*2,at         Sub shift1 (as*2-at)
  E0rst0h  SUBX4  ar,as,at      sub  ar,as*4,at         Sub shift2 (as*4-at)
  F0rst0h  SUBX8  ar,as,at      sub  ar,as*8,at         Sub shift3 (as*8-at)
  60r0t0h  NEG    ar,at         neg  ar,at              Negate
  60r1t0h  ABS    ar,at         abs  ar,at              Absolute Value
  10rst0h  AND    ar,as,at      and  ar,as,at           Bitwise Logical And
  20rst0h  OR     ar,as,at      or   ar,as,at  ;akaMOV  Bitwise Logical Or
  30rst0h  XOR    ar,as,at      xor  ar,as,at           Bitwise Logical Xor

Core Opcodes - Shift
  Opcode   Native               Nocash                  Expl.
  01rsi0h  SLLI   ar,as,32-imm5 shl  ar,as,32-imm5      Shift Left Logical
  21rit0h  SRAI   ar,at,imm5    sar  ar,at,imm5         Shift Right Arithmetic
  41rit0h  SRLI   ar,at,imm4    shr  ar,at,imm4         Shift Right Logical
  m4rst0h  EXTUI  ar,at,s,m     shrmask ar,at,imm5,mask ExtractUnsignedImm
  81rst0h  SRC    ar,as,at      shr  ar,as,at,shiftreg  Shift Right Combined
  91r0t0h  SRL    ar,at         shr  ar,at,shiftreg     Shift Right Logical
  A1rs00h  SLL    ar,as         shl  ar,as,shiftreg ??  Shift Left Logical
  B1r0t0h  SRA    ar,at         sar  ar,at,shiftreg     Shift Right Arithmetic
  400s00h  SSR    as            mov  shiftreg,as        SetShiftAm for RightSh
  401s00h  SSL    as            sub  shiftreg,32,as     SetShiftAm for LeftSh
  402s00h  SSA8L  as            mov  shiftreg,as*8      SetShiftAmFor LE shift
  403s00h  SSA8B  as            sub  shiftreg,32,as*8   SetShiftAmFor BE shift
  404i.0h  SSAI   imm5          mov  shiftreg,imm5sar   SetShiftAm Immediate

Core Opcodes - Jump/Call
  Opcode   Native               Nocash                  Expl.
  iiii06h  J      adr           jmp    rel18            Unconditional Jump
  000sA0h  JX     as            jmp    as               Unconditional Jump Reg
  iiii05h  CALL0  adr           call0  rel18x4          Non-windowed Call
  000sC0h  CALLX0 as            call0  as               Non-windowed Call Reg
  000080h  RET        ;(jx a0)  ret          ;(jx a0)   Non-Windowed Return

Core Opcodes - Conditional Jump
  Opcode   Native               Nocash                  Branch if...
  iiis16h  BEQZ   as,adr        jz     as,rel12         as=0
  iiis56h  BNEZ   as,adr        jnz    as,rel12         as<>0
  iiis96h  BLTZ   as,adr        js     as,rel12         as<0         (signed)
  iiisD6h  BGEZ   as,adr        jns    as,rel12         as>=0        (signed)
  iics26h  BEQI   as,c,adr      je     as,const4,rel8   as=Imm4(c)
  iics66h  BNEI   as,c,adr      jne    as,const4,rel8   as<>Imm4(c)
  iicsA6h  BLTI   as,c,adr      jl     as,const4,rel8   as<Imm4(c)   (signed)
  iicsE6h  BGEI   as,c,adr      jge    as,const4,rel8   as>=Imm4(c)  (signed)
  iicsB6h  BLTUI  as,c,adr      jb     as,const4u,rel8  as<UnsiImm4  (unsigned)
  iicsF6h  BGEUI  as,c,adr      jae    as,const4u,rel8  as>=UnsiImm4 (unsigned)
  ii1st7h  BEQ    as,at,adr     je     as,at,rel8       as=at  equal
  ii9st7h  BNE    as,at,adr     jne    as,at,rel8       as<>at not equal
  ii2st7h  BLT    as,at,adr     jl     as,at,rel8       as<at  less  (signed)
  iiAst7h  BGE    as,at,adr     jge    as,at,rel8       as>=at gt/eq (signed)
  ii3st7h  BLTU   as,at,adr     jb     as,at,rel8       as<at  less  (unsigned)
  iiBst7h  BGEU   as,at,adr     jae    as,at,rel8       as>=at gt/eq (unsigned)
  ii0st7h  BNONE  as,at,adr     tstjz  as,at,rel8       (as AND at)=0  ;none
  ii8st7h  BANY   as,at,adr     tstjnz as,at,rel8       (as AND at)<>0 ;any set
  ii4st7h  BALL   as,at,adr     tstje  as,at,rel8       (as AND at)=at ;all set
  iiCst7h  BNALL  as,at,adr     tstjne as,at,rel8       (as AND at)<>at;not all
  ii5st7h  BBC    as,at,adr     tstjz  as,1 shl at,rel8 (as AND (1 shl at))=0
  ii6sb7h  BBCI   as,b,adr      tstjz  as,1 shl imm5,r8 (as AND (1 shl imm))=0
  iiDst7h  BBS    as,at,adr     tstjnz as,1 shl at,rel8 (as AND (1 shl at))<>0
  iiEsb7h  BBSI   as,b,adr      tstjnz as,1 shl imm5,r8 (as AND (1 shl imm))<>0

Core Opcodes - Misc
  Opcode   Native               Nocash                  Expl.
  406st0h  RER    at,as         mov  at,ext[as]         ReadExternal Register
  407st0h  WER    at,as         mov  ext[as],at         WriteExternalRegister
  03iit0h  RSR    at,imm8       mov  at,special[imm8]   ReadSpecial Register
  13iit0h  WSR    at,imm8       mov  special[imm8],at   WriteSpecialRegister
  61iit0h  XSR    at,imm8       xchg at,special[imm8]   ExchangeSpecialRegister
  002000h  ISYNC                isync                   Instruction Fetch Sync
  002010h  RSYNC                rsync                   Register Read Sync
  002020h  ESYNC                esync                   Execute Synchronize
  002030h  DSYNC                dsync                   Load/Store Synchronize
  0020C0h  MEMW                 memwait                 Memory Wait
  0020D0h  EXTW                 extwait                 External Wait
  0020F0h  NOP                  nop                     No-Operation

Pseudo Opcodes
  MOV    ar,as       Macro (=OR ar,as,as)
  NOP                Alias for "OR An,An,An" (alternate, instead of 0020F0h)
  J.L    adr,as      Macro (J or LiteralLoad+JX)
  BBCI.L as,b,adr    Macro Branch Bit Clear Imm5 LE
  BBSI.L as,b,adr    Macro Branch Bit Set Imm5 LE
  SRLI ar,at,imm5    Alias for "SRLI ar,at,imm4" or EXTUI (when imm5>=16)
More (inofficial) pseudos...
  mov    br,bs       or  br,bs,bs
  mov    br,0        and br,bs,not bs
  mov    br,1        or  br,bs,not bs
  sub    at,as,imm   add at,as,-imm
  mov    sfr_xxx     mov special[imm8]
  alu    ax,...      alu ax,ax,...

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional General Opcodes

Boolean Option
  Opcode   Native               Nocash
  008st0h  ANY4  bt,bs          or     bt,      Any 4 Booleans True
  009st0h  ALL4  bt,bs          and    bt,      All 4 Booleans True
  00Ast0h  ANY8  bt,bs          or     bt,      Any 8 Booleans True
  00Bst0h  ALL8  bt,bs          and    bt,      All 8 Booleans True
  02rst0h  ANDB  br,bs,bt       and    br,bs,bt         BooleanAnd
  12rst0h  ANDBC br,bs,bt       and    br,bs,not bt     BooleanAndComplement(t)
  22rst0h  ORB   br,bs,bt       or     br,bs,bt         BooleanOr
  32rst0h  ORBC  br,bs,bt       or     br,bs,not bt     BooleanOrComplement(t)
  42rst0h  XORB  br,bs,bt       xor    br,bs,bt         Boolean Xor
  C3rst0h  MOVF  ar,as,bt       movz   bt,ar,as         Move if False
  D3rst0h  MOVT  ar,as,bt       movnz  bt,ar,as         Move if True
  ii0s76h  BF    bs,adr         jz     bs,rel8          Branch if False
  ii1s76h  BT    bs,adr         jnz    bs,rel8          Branch if True

Misc Option
  40Est0h  NSA    at,as         nsa    at,as            Normaliz.ShiftAmount
  40Fst0h  NSAU   at,as         nsau   at,as            Norma.ShiftAmUnsigned
  23rsi0h  SEXT   ar,as,imm     sext   ar,as,imm4+7     Sign Extend 7..22
  33rsi0h  CLAMPS ar,as,imm     clamps ar,as,imm4+7     Signed Clamp minmax
  43rst0h  MIN    ar,as,at      min    ar,as,at         Minimum Value Signed
  53rst0h  MAX    ar,as,at      max    ar,as,at         Maximum Value Signed
  63rst0h  MINU   ar,as,at      minu   ar,as,at         Minimum Value Unsigned
  73rst0h  MAXU   ar,as,at      maxu   ar,as,at         Maximum Value Unsigned

Loop Option
  ii8s76h  LOOP    as,adr       loop    as,rel8abs      Loop
  ii9s76h  LOOPNEZ as,adr       loopnz  as,rel8abs      Loop if NotEqual zero
  iiAs76h  LOOPGTZ as,adr       loopgtz as,rel8abs      Loop if Greater zero

Windowed Code Option
  iiii15h  CALL4   adr          call4   rel18x4         Call RotateWinBy4
  iiii25h  CALL8   adr          call8   rel18x4         Call RotateWinBy8
  iiii35h  CALL12  adr          call12  rel18x4         Call RotateWinBy12
  000sD0h  CALLX4  as           call4   as              Call RegRotateBy4
  000sE0h  CALLX8  as           call8   as              Call RegRotateBy8
  000sF0h  CALLX12 as           call12  as              Call RegRotateBy12
  iiis36h  ENTRY   as,imm*8     entry   as,imm12*8      Subroutine Entry
  000090h  RETW                 retw                    Windowed-Return
  003400h  RFWO                 ret_wo                  RetFromWinOverflow
  003500h  RFWU                 ret_wu                  RetFromWinUnderflw
  001st0h  MOVSP   at,as        movsp   at,as           Move to Stack Ptr
  4080i0h  ROTW    imm4         rotw    imm4            Rotate Window -8..+7
  09ist0h  L32E    at,as,imm    mov_e   at,[as-imm*4]   Load32bitException
  49ist0h  S32E    at,as,imm    mov_e   [as-imm*4],at   StrWinForExcepts

Narrow Code Option
  --ist8h  L32I.N at,as,imm4*4  mov  at,[as+imm4*4]     Load 32bit
  --ist9h  S32I.N at,as,imm4*4  mov  [as+imm4*4],at     Store 32bit
  --rstAh  ADD.N  ar,as,at      add  ar,as,at           Add
  --rsiBh  ADDI.N ar,as,imm4    add  ar,as,imm4         Add Imm (0=-1 or 1..15)
  --is0Ch  MOVI.N as,imm        mov  as,imm7            Move Imm (-32..95)
  --is8Ch  BEQZ.N as,adr        jz   as,rel6abs         Branch if as=0
  --isCCh  BNEZ.N as,adr        jnz  as,rel6abs         Branch if as<>0
  --0stDh  MOV.N  at,as         mov  at,as              Move
  --F00Dh  RET.N     ;(jx a0)   ret        ;jx a0       Non-Windowed Return
  --F01Dh  RETW.N               retw                    Windowed Return
  --F06Dh  ILL.N                ill                     Xcept Illegal Instr.
  --Fi2Dh  BREAK.N imm4         break imm4              Debug Breakpoint
  --F03Dh  NOP.N                nop                     No-Operation

Mul16 Option
  C1rst0h  MUL16U ar,as,at      umul16  ar,as,at        Multiply16bitUnsigned
  D1rst0h  MUL16S ar,as,at      smul16  ar,as,at        Multiply16bitSigned

Mul32 Option
  82rst0h  MULL  ar,as,at       mul     ar,as,at        Multiply Low
  A2rst0h  MULUH ar,as,at       umulhi  ar,as,at        MultiplyUnsignedHigh
  B2rst0h  MULSH ar,as,at       smulhi  ar,as,at        MultiplySignedHigh

Div32 Option
  C2rst0h  QUOU ar,as,at        udiv    ar,as,at        Quotient Unsigned
  D2rst0h  QUOS ar,as,at        sdiv    ar,as,at        Quotient Signed
  E2rst0h  REMU ar,as,at        udivrem ar,as,at        Remainder Unsigned
  F2rst0h  REMS ar,as,at        sdivrem ar,as,at        Remainder Signed

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional Exception/Cache/MMU Opcodes

Interrupt Option
  006it0h  RSIL  at,level       xchg  at,ps,intlevel i  Read/Set IntLevel
  007i00h  WAITI level          waiti ps,intlevel i     Set IntLevel and Wait

High-Priority Interrupt Option
  003i10h  RFI   level          ret_i level             RetFromHiPrioInt

Exception Option
  000000h  ILL                  ill                     Illegal Instruction
  002080h  EXCW                 xceptwait               Exception Wait
  003000h  RFE                  ret_e                   RetFromException
  003100h  RFUE                 ret_ue                  RetFromUserModeExcept
  003200h  RFDE                 ret_de                  RetFromDoubleExcept
  005000h  SYSCALL              syscall                 System Call

Debug Option
  004xy0h  BREAK imm4,imm4      break  imm8             Breakpoint
  F1E000h  RFDO                 ret_do                  RetFromDebugOperat.
  F1Es10h  RFDD    ;s=???       rer_dd imm1             RetFromDebugDispatch

MemECC/Parity Option
  003020h  RFME                 ret_me                  RetFromMemError

No Option
  E3rii0h  RUR ar,imm8          mov    ar,user[imm8]    Read User Register
  F3iit0h  WUR at,imm8          mov    user[imm8],at    WriteUserRegister

Region/MMU Option
  503st0h  RITLB0 at,as         mov    at,itlb0[as]     Read InstTLB Virtual
  507st0h  RITLB1 at,as         mov    at,itlb1[as]     Read InstTLB Translat
  50Bst0h  RDTLB0 at,as         mov    at,dtlb0[as]     Read DataTLB Virtual
  50Fst0h  RDTLB1 at,as         mov    at,dtlb1[as]     Read DataTLB Translat
  504s00h  IITLB  as            inv    itlb[as]         Invalidate InstTLB
  50Cs00h  IDTLB  as            inv    dtlb[as]         Invalidate DataTLB
  505st0h  PITLB  at,as         probe  at,itlb[as]      Probe InstTLB
  50Dst0h  PDTLB  at,as         probe  at,dtlb[as]      Probe DataTLB
  506st0h  WITLB  at,as         mov    itlb[as],at      Write InstTLB Entry
  50Est0h  WDTLB  at,as         mov    dtlb[as],at      Write DataTLB Entry

Multiprocessor Option
  iiBst2h  L32AI at,as,i*4      mov_m at,[as+imm8*4]    Load 32bit Acquire
  iiFst2h  S32RI at,as,imm*4    mov_m [as+imm8*4],at    Store 32bit Release

Multiprocessor Conditional Store Option
  iiEst2h  S32C1I at,as,imm*4   s32c1i at,[as+imm8*4]   CompareCond

Data Cache Option
  i07s82h  DPFL  as,imm4*16     cach_dpfl  [as+imm4*16] PrefetchAndLock *
  i27s82h  DHU   as,imm4*16     cach_dhu   [as+imm4*16] HitUnlock
  i37s82h  DIU   as,imm4*16     cach_diu   [as+imm4*16] Index Unlock
  i47s82h  DIWB  as,imm4*16     cach_diwb  [as+imm4*16] Index Writeback
  i57s82h  DIWBI as,imm4*16     cach_diwbi [as+imm4*16] Index WbInvali.
  ii7s02h  DPFR  as,imm8*4      cach_dpfr  [as+imm8*4]  PrefetchForRead
  ii7s12h  DPFW  as,imm8*4      cach_dpfw  [as+imm8*4]  PrefetchForWrite
  ii7s22h  DPFRO as,imm8*4      cach_dpfro [as+imm8*4]  PrefetchForRdOnce
  ii7s32h  DPFWO as,imm8*4      cach_dpfwo [as+imm8*4]  PrefetchForWrOnce
  ii7s42h  DHWB  as,imm8*4      cach_dhwb  [as+imm8*4]  HitWriteback
  ii7s52h  DHWBI as,imm8*4      cach_dhwbi [as+imm8*4]  HitWritebackInv.
  ii7s62h  DHI   as,imm8*4      cach_dhi   [as+imm8*4]  HitInvalidate
  ii7s72h  DII   as,imm8*4      cach_dii   [as+imm8*4]  Index Invalidate

Instruction Cache Option
  i07sD2h  IPFL as,imm4*16      cach_ipfl  [as+imm4*16] PrefetchAndLock *
  i27sD2h  IHU  as,imm4*16      cach_ihu   [as+imm4*16] Hit Unlock
  i37sD2h  IIU  as,imm4*16      cach_iiu   [as+imm4*16] Index Unlock
  ii7sC2h  IPF  as,imm8*4       cach_ipf   [as+imm8*4]  Prefetch
  ii7sE2h  IHI  as,imm8*4       cach_ihi   [as+imm8*4]  Hit Invalidate
  ii7sF2h  III  as,imm8*4       cach_iii   [as+imm8*4]  Index Invalidate

Data/Instruction Cache Test Options
  F18st0h  LDCT  at,as          cach_mov at,dCachTag[as]  LoadDataCacheTag
  F10st0h  LICT  at,as          cach_mov at,iCachTag[as]  LoadInstCacheTag
  F12st0h  LICW  at,as          cach_mov at,iCachDta[as]  LoadInstCacheWord
  F19st0h  SDCT  at,as          cach_mov dCachTag[as],at  StoreDataCacheTag
  F11st0h  SICT  at,as          cach_mov iCachTag[as],at  StoreInstCacheTag
  F13st0h  SICW  at,as          cach_mov iCachDta[as],at  StoreInstCacheWord

  71xxx0h  ACCER ...            accer ...               Unknown/Unspecified

Custom Designer-Defined Opcode Option
  x6xxx0h  CUST ...             cust ...                DesignerDefinedOpcodes

Simcall Option
  005100h  SIMCALL              simcall                 Non-HW Simulator-Call

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional Floating-Point Opcodes

Float Option
  08rst0h  LSX      fr,as,at    f_mov    fr,[as+at]     LoadSingleIndexed
  ii0st3h  LSI      ft,as,imm*4 f_mov    ft,[as+imm8*4] LoadSingleImmediate
  48rst0h  SSX      fr,as,at    f_mov    [as+at],fr     Store Single Indexed
  ii4st3h  SSI      ft,as,imm*4 f_mov    [as+imm8*4],ft Store Single Immedia.
  18rst0h  LSXU     fr,as,at    f_movupd fr,[as+at]     LoadSingleIndexed+Upd
  ii8st3h  LSIU     ft,as,imm*4 f_movupd ft,[as+imm8*4] LoadSingleImm+Update
  58rst0h  SSXU     fr,as,at    f_movupd [as+at],fr     Store Single Indx+Upd
  iiCst3h  SSIU     ft,as,imm*4 f_movupd [as+imm8*4],ft Store Single Imm+Upd.
  0Arst0h  ADD.S    fr,fs,ft    f_add      fr,fs,ft     Add Single
  1Arst0h  SUB.S    fr,fs,ft    f_sub      fr,fs,ft     Subtract Single
  2Arst0h  MUL.S    fr,fs,ft    f_mul      fr,fs,ft     Multipy Single
  4Arst0h  MADD.S   fr,fs,ft    f_muladd   fr,fs,ft     Multiply+Add Single
  5Arst0h  MSUB.S   fr,fs,ft    f_mulsub   fr,fs,ft     Multiply+Sub Single
  8Arsi0h  ROUND.S  ar,fs,imm4  f_round    ar,fs,pow4   Round Single to Fixed
  9Arsi0h  TRUNC.S  ar,fs,imm4  f_trunc    ar,fs,pow4   TruncateSingleToFixed
  EArsi0h  UTRUNC.S ar,fs,imm4  f_utrunc   ar,fs,pow4   UnsignedTruncatetoFix
  AArsi0h  FLOOR.S  ar,fs,imm4  f_floor    ar,fs,pow4   FloorSingleToFixed
  BArsi0h  CEIL.S   ar,fs,imm4  f_ceil     ar,fs,pow4   Ceiling SingleToFixed
  CArsi0h  FLOAT.S  fr,as,imm4  f_float    fr,as,frac4  ConvertFixedToSingle
  DArsi0h  UFLOAT.S fr,as,imm4  f_ufloat   fr,as,frac4  UnsignedFixedToSingle
  FArs00h  MOV.S    fr,fs       f_mov      fr,fs        Move Single
  FArs10h  ABS.S    fr,fs       f_abs      fr,fs        Absolute Value Single
  FArs40h  RFR      ar,fs       f_mov      ar,fs        Move FR to AR
  FArs50h  WFR      fr,as       f_mov      fr,as        Move AR to FR
  FArs60h  NEG.S    fr,fs       f_neg      fr,fs        Negate Single
  1Brst0h  UN.S     br,fs,ft    f_cmp_un   br,fs,ft     CompareSingle Unord
  2Brst0h  OEQ.S    br,fs,ft    f_cmp_oeq  br,fs,ft     CompareSingle Equal
  3Brst0h  UEQ.S    br,fs,ft    f_cmp_ueq  br,fs,ft     CompareSingle UnordEq
  4Brst0h  OLT.S    br,fs,ft    f_cmp_olt  br,fs,ft     CompareSingle OrdLt
  5Brst0h  ULT.S    br,fs,ft    f_cmp_ult  br,fs,ft     CompareSingle UnorLt
  6Brst0h  OLE.S    br,fs,ft    f_cmp_ole  br,fs,ft     CompareSingle OrdLt/Eq
  7Brst0h  ULE.S    br,fs,ft    f_cmp_ule  br,fs,ft     CompareSingle UnorLtEq
  8Brst0h  MOVEQZ.S fr,fs,at    f_movz     at,fr,fs     Move Single if at=0
  9Brst0h  MOVNEZ.S fr,fs,at    f_movnz    at,fr,fs     Move Single if at<>0
  ABrst0h  MOVLTZ.S fr,fs,at    f_movs     at,fr,fs     Move Single if at<0
  BBrst0h  MOVGEZ.S fr,fs,at    f_movns    at,fr,fs     Move Single if at>=0
  CBrst0h  MOVF.S   fr,fs,bt    f_movz     bt,fr,fs     Move Single if bt=0
  DBrst0h  MOVT.S   fr,fs,bt    f_movnz    bt,fr,fs     Move Single if bt=1
pow4: (imm: opcode.bit7..4 = 0..15 aka (1 shl 0..15) aka 1..8000h)
frac4: (imm: opcode.bit7..4 = 0..15 aka (1 shr 0..15) aka 1..1/8000h)

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional MAC16 Opcodes

MAC16 Option
  mw = m0..m3
  mx = m0..m1
  my = m2..m3
  as,at = a0..a15
  acc = special register acchi(8bit):acclo(32bit)
  700st4h  UMUL.AA.LL as,at             umul    acc,as_l,at_l   ;\
  710st4h  UMUL.AA.HL as,at             umul    acc,as_h,at_l   ; Unsigned Mul
  720st4h  UMUL.AA.LH as,at             umul    acc,as_l,at_h   ; acc=as*at
  730st4h  UMUL.AA.HH as,at             umul    acc,as_h,at_h   ;/
  24x0y4h  MUL.DD.LL  mx,my             smul    acc,mx_l,my_l   ;\
  25x0y4h  MUL.DD.HL  mx,my             smul    acc,mx_h,my_l   ; Signed Mul
  26x0y4h  MUL.DD.LH  mx,my             smul    acc,mx_l,my_h   ; acc=mx*my
  27x0y4h  MUL.DD.HH  mx,my             smul    acc,mx_h,my_h   ;/
  340sy4h  MUL.AD.LL  as,my             smul    acc,as_l,my_l   ;\
  350sy4h  MUL.AD.HL  as,my             smul    acc,as_h,my_l   ; Signed Mul
  360sy4h  MUL.AD.LH  as,my             smul    acc,as_l,my_h   ; acc=as*my
  370sy4h  MUL.AD.HH  as,my             smul    acc,as_h,my_h   ;/
  64x0t4h  MUL.DA.LL  mx,at             smul    acc,mx_l,at_l   ;\
  65x0t4h  MUL.DA.HL  mx,at             smul    acc,mx_h,at_l   ; Signed Mul
  66x0t4h  MUL.DA.LH  mx,at             smul    acc,mx_l,at_h   ; acc=mx*at
  67x0t4h  MUL.DA.HH  mx,at             smul    acc,mx_h,at_h   ;/
  740st4h  MUL.AA.LL  as,at             smul    acc,as_l,at_l   ;\
  750st4h  MUL.AA.HL  as,at             smul    acc,as_h,at_l   ; Signed Mul
  760st4h  MUL.AA.LH  as,at             smul    acc,as_l,at_h   ; acc=as*at
  770st4h  MUL.AA.HH  as,at             smul    acc,as_h,at_h   ;/
  28x0y4h  MULA.DD.LL mx,my             smuladd acc,mx_l,my_l   ;\
  29x0y4h  MULA.DD.HL mx,my             smuladd acc,mx_h,my_l   ; Signed MulAdd
  2Ax0y4h  MULA.DD.LH mx,my             smuladd acc,mx_l,my_h   ; acc=acc+mx*my
  2Bx0y4h  MULA.DD.HH mx,my             smuladd acc,mx_h,my_h   ;/
  380sy4h  MULA.AD.LL as,my             smuladd acc,as_l,my_l   ;\
  390sy4h  MULA.AD.HL as,my             smuladd acc,as_h,my_l   ; Signed MulAdd
  3A0sy4h  MULA.AD.LH as,my             smuladd acc,as_l,my_h   ; acc=acc+as*my
  3B0sy4h  MULA.AD.HH as,my             smuladd acc,as_h,my_h   ;/
  68x0t4h  MULA.DA.LL mx,at             smuladd acc,mx_l,at_l   ;\
  69x0t4h  MULA.DA.HL mx,at             smuladd acc,mx_h,at_l   ; Signed MulAdd
  6Ax0t4h  MULA.DA.LH mx,at             smuladd acc,mx_l,at_h   ; acc=acc+mx*at
  6Bx0t4h  MULA.DA.HH mx,at             smuladd acc,mx_h,at_h   ;/
  780st4h  MULA.AA.LL as,at             smuladd acc,as_l,at_l   ;\
  790st4h  MULA.AA.HL as,at             smuladd acc,as_h,at_l   ; Signed MulAdd
  7A0st4h  MULA.AA.LH as,at             smuladd acc,as_l,at_h   ; acc=acc+as*at
  7B0st4h  MULA.AA.HH as,at             smuladd acc,as_h,at_h   ;/
  2Cx0y4h  MULS.DD.LL mx,my             smulsub acc,mx_l,my_l   ;\
  2Dx0y4h  MULS.DD.HL mx,my             smulsub acc,mx_h,my_l   ; Signed MulSub
  2Ex0y4h  MULS.DD.LH mx,my             smulsub acc,mx_l,my_h   ; acc=acc-mx*my
  2Fx0y4h  MULS.DD.HH mx,my             smulsub acc,mx_h,my_h   ;/
  3C0sy4h  MULS.AD.LL as,my             smulsub acc,as_l,my_l   ;\
  3D0sy4h  MULS.AD.HL as,my             smulsub acc,as_h,my_l   ; Signed MulSub
  3E0sy4h  MULS.AD.LH as,my             smulsub acc,as_l,my_h   ; acc=acc-as*my
  3F0sy4h  MULS.AD.HH as,my             smulsub acc,as_h,my_h   ;/
  6Cx0t4h  MULS.DA.LL mx,at             smulsub acc,mx_l,at_l   ;\
  6Dx0t4h  MULS.DA.HL mx,at             smulsub acc,mx_h,at_l   ; Signed MulSub
  6Ex0t4h  MULS.DA.LH mx,at             smulsub acc,mx_l,at_h   ; acc=acc-mx*at
  6Fx0t4h  MULS.DA.HH mx,at             smulsub acc,mx_h,at_h   ;/
  7C0st4h  MULS.AA.LL as,at             smulsub acc,as_l,at_l   ;\
  7D0st4h  MULS.AA.HL as,at             smulsub acc,as_h,at_l   ; Signed MulSub
  7E0st4h  MULS.AA.LH as,at             smulsub acc,as_l,at_h   ; acc=acc-as*at
  7F0st4h  MULS.AA.HH as,at             smulsub acc,as_h,at_h   ;/
  80ws04h  LDINC      mw,as             movupd  mw,[as+4]       ;Load+AutoInc
  90ws04h  LDDEC      mw,as             movupd  mw,[as-4]       ;Load+AutoDec
Below opcodes are doing two separate things:
1. acc=acc+x*y ;Signed MulAdd
2. as=as+/-4, mw=[as] ;Load mw from memory (for use by NEXT opcode)
  08wsy4h  MULA.DD.LL.LDINC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,my_l,mw,[as+4]
  09wsy4h  MULA.DD.HL.LDINC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,my_l,mw,[as+4]
  0Awsy4h  MULA.DD.LH.LDINC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,my_h,mw,[as+4]
  0Bwsy4h  MULA.DD.HH.LDINC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,my_h,mw,[as+4]
  18wsy4h  MULA.DD.LL.LDDEC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,my_l,mw,[as-4]
  19wsy4h  MULA.DD.HL.LDDEC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,my_l,mw,[as-4]
  1Awsy4h  MULA.DD.LH.LDDEC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,my_h,mw,[as-4]
  1Bwsy4h  MULA.DD.HH.LDDEC mw,as,mx,my smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,my_h,mw,[as-4]
  48wst4h  MULA.DA.LL.LDINC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,at_l,mw,[as+4]
  49wst4h  MULA.DA.HL.LDINC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,at_l,mw,[as+4]
  4Awst4h  MULA.DA.LH.LDINC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,at_h,mw,[as+4]
  4Bwst4h  MULA.DA.HH.LDINC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,at_h,mw,[as+4]
  58wst4h  MULA.DA.LL.LDDEC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,at_l,mw,[as-4]
  59wst4h  MULA.DA.HL.LDDEC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,at_l,mw,[as-4]
  5Awst4h  MULA.DA.LH.LDDEC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_l,at_h,mw,[as-4]
  5Bwst4h  MULA.DA.HH.LDDEC mw,as,mx,at smuladd_movupd acc,mx_h,at_h,mw,[as-4]

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Opcode Encoding Tables

Xtensa Opcodes
Xtensa opcodes are 24bit wide (or 16bit for "narrow" opcodes), the opcodes consist of several 4bit fields (or 2bit, 8bit, 12bit, 16bit, 18bit fields in some cases):
  23-20  19-16  15-12  11-8  7-4   3-0   Type
  op2    op1    r      s     t     op0   RRR
  imm4   op1    r      s     t     op0   RRI4
  imm8--------> r      s     t     op0   RRI8
  imm16------------------->  t     op0   RRI16
  op2    op1    rs-------->  t     op0   RSR
  offset----------------------> n  op0   CALL
  op2    op1    r      s     m  n  op0   CALLX
  imm8--------> r      s     m  n  op0   BRI8
  imm12------------->  s     m  n  op0   BRI8
                r      s     t     op0   RRRN
                imm.l  s     imm.h op0   RI7  (bit7="i")
                imm.l  s     imm.h op0   RI6  (bit7="i", bit6="z")

Xtensa Opcode Root- and Subtables (Summary)
Opcode decoding can be done in 4bit units, starting at the "op0" field, and then decoding further 4bit field(s) depending on the opcode. Decoding speed could be improved by grouping two 4bit fields into a 8bit field (eg. op2 and op1; that won't work out perfectly for all opcodes though).
  ROOT\                        op0
  ROOT\QRST                    op0=0, op1
  ROOT\QRST\RST0               op0=0, op1=0, op2
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST0           op0=0, op1=0, op2=0, r
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST0\SNM0      op0=0, op1=0, op2=0, r=0, mn
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST0\SYNC      op0=0, op1=0, op2=0, r=2, t
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST0\RFEI      op0=0, op1=0, op2=0, r=3, t
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST0\RFEI\RFET op0=0, op1=0, op2=0, r=3, t=0, s
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST1           op0=0, op1=0, op2=4, r
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\TLB           op0=0, op1=0, op2=5, r
  ROOT\QRST\RST0\RT0           op0=0, op1=0, op2=6, s
  ROOT\QRST\RST1               op0=0, op1=1, op2
  ROOT\QRST\RST1\IMP           op0=0, op1=1, op2=F, r
  ROOT\QRST\RST1\IMP\RFDX      op0=0, op1=1, op2=F, r=E, t
  ROOT\QRST\RST2               op0=0, op1=2, op2
  ROOT\QRST\RST3               op0=0, op1=3, op2
  ROOT\QRST\LSCX               op0=0, op1=8, op2
  ROOT\QRST\LSC4               op0=0, op1=9, op2
  ROOT\QRST\FP0                op0=0, op1=A, op2
  ROOT\QRST\FP0\FP1OP          op0=0, op1=A, op2=F, t
  ROOT\QRST\FP1                op0=0, op1=B, op2
  ROOT\LSAI                    op0=2, r
  ROOT\LSAI\CACHE              op0=2, r=7, t
  ROOT\LSAI\CACHE\DCE          op0=2, r=7, t=8, op1
  ROOT\LSAI\CACHE\ICE          op0=2, r=7, t=D, op1
  ROOT\LSCI                    op0=3, r
  ROOT\MAC16                   op0=4, op2
  ROOT\MAC16\MACID             op0=4, op2=0, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACCD             op0=4, op2=1, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACDD             op0=4, op2=2, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACAD             op0=4, op2=3, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACIA             op0=4, op2=4, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACCA             op0=4, op2=5, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACDA             op0=4, op2=6, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACAA             op0=4, op2=7, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACI              op0=4, op2=8, op1
  ROOT\MAC16\MACC              op0=4, op2=9, op1
  ROOT\CALLN                   op0=5, mn
  ROOT\SI                      op0=6, mn   (and \SI\BZ, \SI\BI0, \SI\BI1)
  ROOT\SI\BI1\B1               op0=6, mn=7, r
  ROOT\B                       op0=7, r
  ROOT\ST2                     op0=C, t
  ROOT\ST3                     op0=D, r
  ROOT\ST3\S3                  op0=D, r=F, t

Xtensa Opcode Root- and Subtables (Complete)
Below is showing the whole opcode "tree", starting with the root table (indexed via op0). Entries with "-->" are referencing to child tables, the other entries are indicating the actual opcodes (or reserved opcodes). The lower-case suffices are somewhat indicating optional opcodes.
    ROOT\             ROOT\QRST         ROOT\QRST\RS      ROOT\QRST\RST0\ST0
    op0               op1               op2               r
  0 --> QRST          --> RST0          --> ST0           --> SNM0
  1 L32R              --> RST1          AND               MOVSP
  2 --> LSAI          --> RST2          OR                --> SYNC
  3 --> LSCIp         --> RST3          XOR               --> RFEIx
  4 --> MAC16d        EXTUI ;\          --> ST1           BREAKx
  5 --> CALLN         EXTUI ;/          --> TLB           SYSCALLx
  6 --> SI            CUST0 ;\          --> RT0           RSILx
  7 --> B             CUST1 ;/          reserved          WAITIx (t=0)
  8 L32I.Nn  ;\       --> LSCXp         ADD               ANY4p
  9 S32I.Nn  ;        --> LSC4          ADDX2             ALL4p
  A ADD.Nn   ; narrow --> FP0f          ADDX4             ANY8p
  B ADDI.Nn  ; 16bit  --> FP1f          ADDX8             ALL8p
  C --> ST2n ;        reserved          SUB               reserved
  D --> ST3n ;/       reserved          SUBX2             reserved
  E reserved          reserved          SUBX4             reserved
  F reserved          reserved          SUBX8             reserved

    ..\RST0\ST0\SNM0  ..\RST0\ST0\SYNC  ..\RST0\ST0\RFEI  ..\ST0\RFEI\RFET
    mn                t                 t                 s
  0 ILL      ;\       ISYNC             --> RFETx         RFEx
  1 reserved ; ILL    RSYNC             RFIx              RFUEx
  2 reserved ;        ESYNC             RFME (s=0)        RFDEx
  3 reserved ;/       DSYNC             reserved          reserved
  4 reserved ;\       reserved          reserved          RFWOw
  5 reserved ; N/A    reserved          reserved          RFWUw
  6 reserved ;        reserved          reserved          reserved
  7 reserved ;/       reserved          reserved          reserved
  8 RET      ;\       EXCW              reserved          reserved
  9 RETWw    ; JR     reserved          reserved          reserved
  A JX       ;        reserved          reserved          reserved
  B reserved ;/       reserved          reserved          reserved
  C CALLX0   ;\       MEMW              reserved          reserved
  D CALLX4w  ; CALLX  EXTW              reserved          reserved
  E CALLX8w  ;        reserved          reserved          reserved
  F CALLX12w ;/       NOP/reserved      reserved          reserved

    ..\RST0\ST1       ..\RST0\TLB       ..\RST0\RT0       ROOT\QRST\RST1
    r                 r                 s                 op2
  0 SSR (t=0)         reserved          NEG               SLLI ;\
  1 SSL (t=0)         reserved          ABS               SLLI ;/
  2 SSA8L (t=0)       reserved          reserved          SRAI ;\
  3 SSA8B (t=0)       RITLB0            reserved          SRAI ;/
  4 SSAI (t=0)        IITLB (t=0)       reserved          SRLI ;-
  5 reserved          PITLB             reserved          reserved
  6 RER               WITLB             reserved          XSR
  7 WER               RITLB1            reserved          --> ACCER (?)
  8 ROTWw (s=0)       reserved          reserved          SRC
  9 reserved          reserved          reserved          SRL (s=0)
  A reserved          reserved          reserved          SLL (t=0)
  B reserved          RDTLB0            reserved          SRA (s=0)
  C reserved          IDTLB (t=0)       reserved          MUL16U
  D reserved          PDTLB             reserved          MUL16S
  E NSAu              WDTLB             reserved          reserved
  F NSAUu             RDTLB1            reserved          --> IMP

    r                 t                 op2               op2
  0 LICT              RFDO (s=0)        ABDBp             RSR
  1 SICT              RFDD (s=0,1)      ANDBCp            WSR
  2 LICW              reserved          ORBp              SEXTu
  3 SICW              reserved          ORBCp             CLAMPSu
  4 reserved          reserved          XORBp             MINu
  5 reserved          reserved          reserved          MAXu
  6 reserved          reserved          reserved          MINUu
  7 reserved          reserved          reserved          MAXUu
  8 LDCT              reserved          MULLi             MOVEQZ
  9 SDCT              reserved          reserved          MOVNEZ
  A reserved          reserved          MULUHi            MOVLTZ
  B reserved          reserved          MULSHi            MOVGEZ
  C reserved          reserved          QUOUi             MOVFp
  D reserved          reserved          QUOSi             MOVTp
  E --> RFDX          reserved          REMUi             RUR
  F reserved          reserved          REMSi             WUR

    op2               op2               op2               t
  0 LSXf              L32E              ADD.Sf            MOV.Sf
  1 LSXUf             reserved          SUB.Sf            ABS.Sf
  2 reserved          reserved          MUL.Sf            reserved
  3 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  4 SSXf              S32E              MADD.Sf           RFRf
  5 SSXUf             reserved          MSUB.Sf           WFRf
  6 reserved          reserved          reserved          NEG.Sf
  7 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  8 reserved          reserved          ROUND.Sf          reserved
  9 reserved          reserved          TRUNC.Sf          reserved
  A reserved          reserved          FLOOR.Sf          reserved
  B reserved          reserved          CEIL.Sf           reserved
  C reserved          reserved          FLOAT.Sf          reserved
  D reserved          reserved          UFLOAT.Sf         reserved
  E reserved          reserved          UTRUNC.Sf         reserved
  F reserved          reserved          --> FP1OPf        reserved

    op2               r                 t                 op1
  0 reserved          L8UI              DPFRc             DPFLl
  1 UN.Sf             L16UI             DPFWc             reserved
  2 OEQ.Sf            L32I              DPFROc            DHUl
  3 UEQ.Sf            reserved          DPFWOc            DIUl
  4 OLT.Sf            S8I               DHWBc             DIWBc
  5 ULT.Sf            S16I              DHWBIc            DIWBIc
  6 OLE.Sf            S32I              DHIc              reserved
  7 ULE.Sf            --> CACHEc        DIIc              reserved
  8 MOVEQZ.Sf         reserved          --> DCEc          reserved
  9 MOVNEZ.Sf         L16SI             reserved          reserved
  A MOVLTZ.Sf         MOVI              reserved          reserved
  B MOVGEZ.Sf         L32AIy            reserved          reserved
  C MOVF.Sf           ADDI              IPFc              reserved
  D MOVT.Sf           ADDMI             --> ICEc          reserved
  E reserved          S32C1Iy           IHIc              reserved
  F reserved          S32RIy            IIIc              reserved

    ..\CACHE\ICE      ROOT\LSCI         ROOT\CALLN        ROOT\SI
    op1               r                 mn                mn
  0 IPFLl             LSIf              CALL0  ;\         J
  1 reserved          reserved          CALL4  ;          BEQZ
  2 IHUl              reserved          CALL8  ;          BEQI
  3 IIUl              reserved          CALL12 ;/         ENTRYw
  4 reserved          SSIf              CALL0  ;\         J
  5 reserved          reserved          CALL4  ;          BNEZ
  6 reserved          reserved          CALL8  ;          BNEI
  7 reserved          reserved          CALL12 ;/         --> B1
  8 reserved          LSIUf             CALL0  ;\         J
  9 reserved          reserved          CALL4  ;          BLTZ
  A reserved          reserved          CALL8  ;          BLTI
  B reserved          reserved          CALL12 ;/         BLTUI
  C reserved          SSIUf             CALL0  ;\         J
  D reserved          reserved          CALL4  ;          BGEZ
  E reserved          reserved          CALL8  ;          BGEI
  F reserved          reserved          CALL12 ;/         BGEUI

    ROOT\SI\BI1\B1    ROOT\B            ROOT\ST2          ROOT\ST3
    r                 r                 t                 r
  0 BFp               BNONE             MOVI.Nn ;\        MOV.Nn
  1 BTp               BEQ               MOVI.Nn ;         reserved
  2 reserved          BLT               MOVI.Nn ;         reserved
  3 reserved          BLTU              MOVI.Nn ;         reserved
  4 reserved          BALL              MOVI.Nn ;         reserved
  5 reserved          BBC               MOVI.Nn ;         reserved
  6 reserved          BBCI ;\           MOVI.Nn ;         reserved
  7 reserved          BBCI ;/           MOVI.Nn ;/        reserved
  8 LOOP              BANY              BEQZ.Nn ;\        reserved
  9 LOOPNEZ           BNE               BEQZ.Nn ;         reserved
  A LOOPGTZ           BGE               BEQZ.Nn ;         reserved
  B reserved          BGEU              BEQZ.Nn ;/        reserved
  C reserved          BNALL             BNEZ.Nn ;\        reserved
  D reserved          BBS               BNEZ.Nn ;         reserved
  E reserved          BBSI ;\           BNEZ.Nn ;         reserved
  F reserved          BBSI ;/           BNEZ.Nn ;/        --> S3

    ROOT\ST3\S3       ROOT\MAC16        ROOT\MAC16\MACI   ROOT\MAC16\MACC
    t                 op2               op1               op1
  0 RET.Nn            --> MACID         LDINC             LDDEC
  1 RETW.Nwn          --> MACCD         reserved          reserved
  2 BREAK.Nn          --> MACDD         reserved          reserved
  3 NOP.Nn            --> MACAD         reserved          reserved
  4 reserved          --> MACIA         reserved          reserved
  5 reserved          --> MACCA         reserved          reserved
  6 ILL.Nn            --> MACDA         reserved          reserved
  7 reserved          --> MACAA         reserved          reserved
  8 reserved          --> MACI          reserved          reserved
  9 reserved          --> MACC          reserved          reserved
  A reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  B reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  C reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  D reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  E reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  F reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved

    op1               op1               op1               op1
  0 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  1 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  2 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  3 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  4 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  5 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  6 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  7 reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  C reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  D reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  E reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved
  F reserved          reserved          reserved          reserved

    op1               op1               op1               op1
  0 reserved          reserved          reserved          UMUL.AA.LL
  1 reserved          reserved          reserved          UMUL.AA.HL
  2 reserved          reserved          reserved          UMUL.AA.LH
  3 reserved          reserved          reserved          UMUL.AA.HH
  4 MUL.DD.LL         MUL.AD.LL         MUL.DA.LL         MUL.AA.LL
  5 MUL.DD.HL         MUL.AD.HL         MUL.DA.HL         MUL.AA.HL
  6 MUL.DD.LH         MUL.AD.LH         MUL.DA.LH         MUL.AA.LH
  7 MUL.DD.HH         MUL.AD.HH         MUL.DA.HH         MUL.AA.HH
  8 MULA.DD.LL        MULA.AD.LL        MULA.DA.LL        MULA.AA.LL
  9 MULA.DD.HL        MULA.AD.HL        MULA.DA.HL        MULA.AA.HL
  A MULA.DD.LH        MULA.AD.LH        MULA.DA.LH        MULA.AA.LH
  B MULA.DD.HH        MULA.AD.HH        MULA.DA.HH        MULA.AA.HH
  C MULS.DD.LL        MULS.AD.LL        MULS.DA.LL        MULS.AA.LL
  D MULS.DD.HL        MULS.AD.HL        MULS.DA.HL        MULS.AA.HL
  E MULS.DD.LH        MULS.AD.LH        MULS.DA.LH        MULS.AA.LH
  F MULS.DD.HH        MULS.AD.HH        MULS.DA.HH        MULS.AA.HH

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal Memory Map

Overall Memory Map (Internal Xtensa memory)
Internal Memory contains I/O Ports, ROM, and RAM. Arranged as so:
  00000000h  I/O Ports
  000E0000h  ROM        ;\as so on AR6002 (other AR60xx chips may use
  00100000h  RAM        ;/slightly different addresses).
The whole memory is repeated every 400000h bytes (4MByte), this is just dumb mirroring (although Atheros is referring to it as "virtual memory"). The first three mirrors (in first 12Mbytes) are commonly used as so:
  00000000h..003FFFFh  used for I/O Port read/write             ;1st mirror
  00400000h..007FFFFh  used for ROM and RAM data read/write     ;2nd mirror
  00800000h..00BFFFFh  used for ROM and RAM opcode read         ;3rd mirror
  00C00000h..FFFFFFFh  normally unused                          ;4th..1024th
Unknown how far it is really required to use the mirrors that way. The different areas might be related to different access rights, or caching (although the AR6002/AR6003/AR6004 chips don't have any cache at all).
The AR6002 BIOS does usually read ROM data from 4E0000h..4F3FFFh, however, in one case it's accidently reading ROM data from 8EEFF8h..8EF73Bh, so that's apparently possible & working, too.
Using WINDOW_DATA to read memory works well for address 00000000h..FFFFFFFFh (apart from some dangerous read-locations in the I/O area; as well as mirrors of those I/O locations).

RAM/ROM address/size, IDs, and various stuff for different chips
  AR60xx chip name    AR6002    AR6003    AR6004    AR6013    AR6014
  AR6002_rev alias    REV2      REV4      REV6      ?         ?
  hw name             hw2       hw4       hw6       hw...?    hw...?
  Nintendo DSi/3DS    Old DSi   N/A       N/A       New DSi   3DS/New3DS
  Wifi Board          DWM-W015  N/A       N/A       DWM-W024  DWM-W028
  SPI FLASH ID Byte   01h       N/A       N/A       02h       03h
  SPI FLASH Size      128K      N/A       N/A       ?         ?
  I2C EEPROM SizeUsed 300h      ?         ?         ?         ?
  ROM Size (Kbyte)    80K       256K      512K      ?         ?
  RAM Size (Kbyte)    184K      256K      256-288K? 128K?     ?
  IRAM Size (Kbyte)   N/A       N/A       160K?     ?         ?
  ROM ID version ?         ?  ?
  Firmware version ?         ? ?
  ROM Base            0E0000h   0E0000h   100000h   ?         ?
  ROM Reset Entry     8E0000h   ?         ?         ?         ?
  RAM Base            100000h   140000h?  000000h?? 120000h?  ?
  RAM Host Interest   500400h   540600h   400600h?? 520000h   ?
  RAM Start or Free   502400h   ?         ?         524C00h   ?
  RAM BMI_DONE Entry  515000h   ?         ?         ?         ?
  CPU Litbase         52F000h+1 ?         ?         54C000h+1 ?
  IRAM Base           N/A       N/A       998000h   ?         ?
  ROM Size (hex)      14000h    40000h    80000h    ?         ?
  RAM Size (hex)      2E000h    40000h    4xxxxh?   20000h?   ?
  ROM ID hex          20000188h ?         ?         23000024h ?
  Firm ID hex         2100007Bh ?         ?         2300006Ch ?
  CHIP_ID used        02000001h ?         ?         ?         ?
  CHIP_ID alternate?  02010001h ?         ?         0D00000xh ?
  BB_D2_CHIP_ID       has any?  ?         ?         ?         ?

Special ROM Addresses
There are only a few ROM locations with fixed/standarized addresses:
  Entrypoint:        ROM_Base+0
  Exception Vectors: ROM_Base+xxx ?
  DataSet Address:   ROM_Base+ROM_Size-8
  MBIST Cksum:       ROM_Base+ROM_Size-4  ;MBIST = memory built-in-self-test ?
The firmware may call ROM functions, but the firmware code must be matched to specific ROM versions: There is some call table in RAM, allowing to call (or change) function vectors, but the table's location/indices vary for different ROM versions. The RAM table doesn't contain entries for all ROM functions though, so the firmware must use hardcoded addresses (like "8E35A0h") for functions that aren't in the table.
Note that it's possible to patch ROM via TCAM/BCAM registers.

Special RAM Addresses
The first some kilobytes of RAM contain stuff like stack, call table, variables, and host interest area (but the exact addresses of that regions depend on the ROM version).
The remaining RAM could be more or less freely used by the firmware (whereas, one should probably use ROM's memory allocation function for that purpose).
The CPU's "litbase" is dictacted by the ROM, so the firmware must adapt its literal pool offsets to that value. The default BMI_DONE entrypoint is also dictated by the ROM (although one could override it if neccessary).

Hardware I/O Addresses
The hardware I/O addresses are defined in source code folder "include\AR6002\hw*". Whereas, the folder is called "AR6002", but it does also contain defintions for AR6003 and AR6004. In a similar fashion, the source code does also contain definitions like AR6002_REVn, whereas some of that "AR6002 revisions" are actually referring to AR6003 and AR6004. The naming scheme appears to be as so:
  AR6002 = AR6002_REV2 = include\AR6002\hw2.0
  AR6003 = AR6002_REV4 = include\AR6002\hw4.0
  AR6004 = AR6002_REV6 = include\AR6002\hw6.0
The above folders are included in all source code versions (newer atheros code from 2010 is definetly no longer compatible with the DSi's AR6002 firmware, however, concerning the hardware definitions, the "hw2.0" folder appears to have stayed intact and should be still compatible with real hardware, even in newer source code versions).
However, there are at least two different "hw4.0" versions, the newer one containing some additional registers, and some changed register addresses. There's also some AR6002_REV42 definition in some files, which might be related to that "hw4.0" variant. Current theory would be that "hw4.0" means AR6003, and the newer "hw4.0" should be actually "hw4.2" and means some different chip with unknown name. Or whatever.
There's also a "include\AR6002\hw" folder, this is just some useless dupe, containing the exact same files as "include\AR6002\hw2.0".
There's also something called "MCKINLEY", which seems to same (or similar) as "AR6004".
The actual files in the above folders are containing some very ugly bloated auto-generated definitions, definetly not suitable for human reading (except by using some software parser for extracting relevant definitions).

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw2.0)

Overall Summary (hw2.0)
  004000h 1C4h    Clock/RTC Registers (rtc_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  008000h 208h    Memory Controller (TCAM) (vmc_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  00C000h 40h     Serial UART (uart_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  010000h 18h     Serial I2C/SPI Interface (si_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  0140F4h 4       GPIO Registers (gpio_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  018000h 114h    MBOX Registers (mbox_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  01A000h 2000h   HOST_IF_WINDOW (mbox_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  01C000h 64h     Analog Intf Registers (analog_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  01C080h 10h     Analog Intf Registers (analog_intf_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  020000h ?       MAC DMA maybe, if any ?
  028000h 1800h   MAC PCU Registers (mac_pcu.h) (hw2.0)
  029800h ?       BB/LC maybe, if any ?

Clock/RTC Registers (rtc_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  004000h 4       (WLAN_)RESET_CONTROL
  004004h 4       (WLAN_)XTAL_CONTROL
  004008h 4       (WLAN_)TCXO_DETECT
  00400Ch 4       (WLAN_)XTAL_TEST
  004010h 4       (WLAN_)QUADRATURE
  004014h 4       (WLAN_)PLL_CONTROL
  004018h 4       (WLAN_)PLL_SETTLE
  00401Ch 4       (WLAN_)XTAL_SETTLE
  004020h 4       (WLAN_)CPU_CLOCK
  004024h 4       (WLAN_)CLOCK_OUT
  004028h 4       (WLAN_)CLOCK_CONTROL
  00402Ch 4       (WLAN_)BIAS_OVERRIDE
  004030h 4       (WLAN_)WDT_CONTROL            ;\
  004034h 4       (WLAN_)WDT_STATUS             ;
  004038h 4       (WLAN_)WDT                    ; Watchdog Timer
  00403Ch 4       (WLAN_)WDT_COUNT              ;
  004040h 4       (WLAN_)WDT_RESET              ;/
  004044h 4       (WLAN_)INT_STATUS             ;-Interrupt Status
  004048h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER0              ;\
  00404Ch 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_COUNT0        ; Low-Freq Timer
  004050h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_CONTROL0      ;
  004054h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_STATUS0       ;/
  004058h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER1              ;\
  00405Ch 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_COUNT1        ; Low-Freq Timer
  004060h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_CONTROL1      ;
  004064h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_STATUS1       ;/
  004068h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER2              ;\
  00406Ch 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_COUNT2        ; Low-Freq Timer
  004070h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_CONTROL2      ;
  004074h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_STATUS2       ;/
  004078h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER3              ;\
  00407Ch 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_COUNT3        ; Low-Freq Timer
  004080h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_CONTROL3      ;
  004084h 4       (WLAN_)LF_TIMER_STATUS3       ;/
  004088h 4       (WLAN_)HF_TIMER               ;\
  00408Ch 4       (WLAN_)HF_TIMER_COUNT         ; High-Freq Timer
  004090h 4       (WLAN_)HF_LF_COUNT      ;<--  ;
  004094h 4       (WLAN_)HF_TIMER_CONTROL       ;
  004098h 4       (WLAN_)HF_TIMER_STATUS        ;/
  00409Ch 4       (WLAN_)RTC_CONTROL            ;\
  0040A0h 4       (WLAN_)RTC_TIME               ;
  0040A4h 4       (WLAN_)RTC_DATE               ;
  0040A8h 4       (WLAN_)RTC_SET_TIME           ; Real-Time Clock
  0040ACh 4       (WLAN_)RTC_SET_DATE           ;
  0040B0h 4       (WLAN_)RTC_SET_ALARM          ;
  0040B4h 4       (WLAN_)RTC_CONFIG             ;
  0040B8h 4       (WLAN_)RTC_ALARM_STATUS       ;/
  0040BCh 4       (WLAN_)UART_WAKEUP
  0040C0h 4       (WLAN_)RESET_CAUSE
  0040C4h 4       (WLAN_)SYSTEM_SLEEP
  0040C8h 4       (WLAN_)SDIO_WRAPPER
  0040CCh 4       (WLAN_)MAC_SLEEP_CONTROL
  0040D0h 4       (WLAN_)KEEP_AWAKE
  0040D4h 4       (WLAN_)LPO_CAL_TIME                 ;\
  0040D8h 4       (WLAN_)LPO_INIT_DIVIDEND_INT        ;
  0040E0h 4       (WLAN_)LPO_CAL                      ;
  0040E4h 4       (WLAN_)LPO_CAL_TEST_CONTROL         ;
  0040E8h 4       (WLAN_)LPO_CAL_TEST_STATUS          ;/
  0040ECh 4       (WLAN_)CHIP_ID
  0040F0h 4       (WLAN_)DERIVED_RTC_CLK
  0040F4h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_MODE
  0040F8h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_WAKE
  0040FCh 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_INC
  004100h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB1
  004104h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB2
  004108h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB3
  00410Ch 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_BEACON          ;<-- hw2.0 only (not hw4.0)
  004110h 4       (WLAN_)POWER_REG            ;\located here in hw2.0
  004114h 4       (WLAN_)CORE_CLK_CTRL        ;/
  004118h 1x8     PAD0                        ;\
  004120h 4x8     SDIO_SETUP_CIRCUIT[8]       ;
  004140h 4       SDIO_SETUP_CONFIG           ;
  004144h 4       CPU_SETUP_CONFIG            ; hw2.0 only (not hw4.0)
  004148h 1x24    PAD1                        ;
  004160h 4x8     CPU_SETUP_CIRCUIT[8]        ;
  004180h 4       BB_SETUP_CONFIG             ;
  004184h 1x28    PAD2                        ;
  0041A0h 4x8     BB_SETUP_CIRCUIT[8]         ;/
  0041C0h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_WAKEUP_CONTROL  ;-located here in hw2.0

Memory Controller (vmc_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  008000h 4x32    (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_VALID[0..31]         ;\
  008080h 4x32    (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_MASK[0..31]          ; ROM Patches
  008100h 4x32    (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_COMPARE[0..31]       ;
  008180h 4x32    (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_TARGET[0..31]        ;/
  008200h 4       (WLAN_)ADDR_ERROR_CONTROL           ;\ADDR_ERROR
  008204h 4       (WLAN_)ADDR_ERROR_STATUS            ;/

Serial UART (uart_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  00C000h 4       (WLAN_UART_)RBR  - RX Data FIFO (R)           (when DLAB=0)
  00C000h 4       (WLAN_UART_)THR  - TX Data FIFO (W)           (when DLAB=0)
  00C000h 4       (WLAN_UART_)DLL  - Baudrate Divisor LSB (R/W) (when DLAB=1)
  00C004h 4       (WLAN_UART_)IER  - Interrupt Control (R/W)    (when DLAB=0)
  00C004h 4       (WLAN_UART_)DLH  - Baudrate Divisor MSB (R/W) (when DLAB=1)
  00C008h 4       (WLAN_UART_)IIR  - Interrupt Status (R)
  00C008h 4       (WLAN_UART_)FCR  - FIFO Control (W)
  00C00Ch 4       (WLAN_UART_)LCR  - Character Format Control (R/W)
  00C010h 4       (WLAN_UART_)MCR  - Handshaking Control (R/W)
  00C014h 4       (WLAN_UART_)LSR  - RX/TX Status (R) (W=don't do)
  00C018h 4       (WLAN_UART_)MSR  - Handshaking Status (R) (W=don't do)
  00C01Ch 4       (WLAN_UART_)SCR  - Scratch (R/W)
  00C020h 4       (WLAN_UART_)SRBR - (mirror of RBR?)          (when DLAB=0?)
  00C024h 1x4     PAD0
  00C028h 4       (WLAN_UART_)SIIR - (mirror or IIR?)
  00C02Ch 4       (WLAN_UART_?)MWR - Whatever "M Write Register?"
  00C030h 1x4     PAD1
  00C034h 4       (WLAN_UART_)SLSR - (mirror or LSR?) <-- used by AR6002 ROM
  00C038h 4       (WLAN_UART_)SMSR - (mirror of MSR?)
  00C03Ch 4       (WLAN_UART_?)MRR - Whatever "M Read Register?"

Serial I2C/SPI Interface (si_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  010000h 4       SI_CONFIG
  010004h 4       SI_CS
  010008h 4       SI_TX_DATA0
  01000Ch 4       SI_TX_DATA1
  010010h 4       SI_RX_DATA0
  010014h 4       SI_RX_DATA1

GPIO Registers (gpio_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  014000h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_OUT          ;\GPIO Output Data
  014004h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_OUT_W1TS     ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014008h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_OUT_W1TC     ;/
  01400Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_ENABLE       ;\GPIO Output Enable
  014010h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS  ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014014h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC  ;/
  014018h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_IN           ;-GPIO Input
  01401Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_STATUS       ;\GPIO Interrupt Status
  014020h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_STATUS_W1TS  ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014024h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_STATUS_W1TC  ;/
  014028h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN0   ;GPIO0  Bluetooth coex BT_PRIORITY
  01402Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN1   ;GPIO1  Bluetooth coex WLAN_ACTIVE
  014030h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN2   ;GPIO2  Bluetooth coex BT_FREQUENCY
  014034h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN3   ;GPIO3  Bluetooth coex BT_ACTIVE
  014038h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN4   ;GPIO4  SDIO/GSPI interface select
  01403Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN5   ;GPIO5  SDIO/GSPI interface select
  014040h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN6   ;GPIO6  -
  014044h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN7   ;GPIO7  TRST for JTAG debug
  014048h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN8   ;GPIO8  external 32kHz clock in
  01404Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN9   ;GPIO9  I2C SCL  or SPI CLK
  014050h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN10  ;GPIO10 I2C SDA  or SPI MISO
  014054h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN11  ;GPIO11 UART RXD or SPI MOSI
  014058h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN12  ;GPIO12 UART TXD or SPI /CS
  01405Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN13  ;GPIO13 Reset in for JTAG debug
  014060h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN14  ;GPIO14 UART CTS
  014064h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN15  ;GPIO15 UART RTS
  014068h 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN16  ;GPIO16 -
  01406Ch 4       (WLAN_)GPIO_PIN17  ;GPIO17 -
  014070h 4       SDIO_PIN    - Config: Pad Pull/Strength
  014074h 4       CLK_REQ_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength/AteOeLow
  014078h 4       (WLAN_)SIGMA_DELTA
  01407Ch 4       (WLAN_)DEBUG_CONTROL
  014080h 4       (WLAN_)DEBUG_INPUT_SEL
  014084h 4       (WLAN_)DEBUG_OUT
  014088h 4       LA_CONTROL
  01408Ch 4       LA_CLOCK
  014090h 4       LA_STATUS
  014094h 4       LA_TRIGGER_SAMPLE
  014098h 4       LA_TRIGGER_POSITION
  01409Ch 4       LA_PRE_TRIGGER
  0140A0h 4       LA_POST_TRIGGER
  0140A4h 4       LA_FILTER_CONTROL
  0140A8h 4       LA_FILTER_DATA
  0140ACh 4       LA_FILTER_WILDCARD
  0140B0h 4       LA_TRIGGERA_DATA
  0140B4h 4       LA_TRIGGERA_WILDCARD
  0140B8h 4       LA_TRIGGERB_DATA
  0140C0h 4       LA_TRIGGER
  0140C4h 4       LA_FIFO
  0140C8h 4x2     LA[0..1]
  0140D0h 4       ANT_PIN     - Config: Pad Pull/Strength
  0140D4h 4       ANTD_PIN    - Config: Pad Pull
  0140D8h 4       GPIO_PIN    - Config: Pad Pull/Strength
  0140DCh 4       GPIO_H_PIN  - Config: Pad Pull
  0140E0h 4       BT_PIN      - Config: Pad Pull/Strength
  0140E4h 4       BT_WLAN_PIN - Config: Pad Pull
  0140E8h 4       SI_UART_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength
  0140ECh 4       CLK32K_PIN  - Config: Pad Pull
  0140F0h 4       (WLAN_)RESET_TUPLE_STATUS

MBOX Registers (mbox_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  018000h 4x4     (WLAN_)MBOX_FIFO[0..3]
  018010h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX_FIFO_STATUS
  018014h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX_DMA_POLICY
  01801Ch 4       (WLAN_)MBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  018024h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  01802Ch 4       (WLAN_)MBOX1_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  018034h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX1_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  01803Ch 4       (WLAN_)MBOX2_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  018044h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX2_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  01804Ch 4       (WLAN_)MBOX3_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  018054h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX3_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  018058h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX_INT_STATUS
  01805Ch 4       (WLAN_)MBOX_INT_ENABLE
  018060h 4       (WLAN_)INT_HOST
  018064h 1x28    PAD0
  018080h 4x8     (WLAN_)LOCAL_COUNT[0..7]
  0180A0h 4x8     (WLAN_)COUNT_INC[0..7]
  0180C0h 4x8     (WLAN_)LOCAL_SCRATCH[0..7]
  0180E0h 4       (WLAN_)USE_LOCAL_BUS
  0180E4h 4       (WLAN_)SDIO_CONFIG
  0180E8h 4       (WLAN_)MBOX_DEBUG
  0180ECh 4       (WLAN_)MBOX_FIFO_RESET
  0180F0h 4x4     (WLAN_)MBOX_TXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  018100h 4x4     (WLAN_)MBOX_RXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  018110h 4       (WLAN_)SDIO_DEBUG
  018114h 1x7916  PAD1
  01A000h 4x2048  (WLAN_)HOST_IF_WINDOW[0..2047]

Analog Intf Registers (analog_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  01C000h 4       SYNTH_SYNTH1        ;\
  01C004h 4       SYNTH_SYNTH2        ;
  01C008h 4       SYNTH_SYNTH3        ;
  01C00Ch 4       SYNTH_SYNTH4        ; also defined in "synth_reg.h"
  01C010h 4       SYNTH_SYNTH5        ;
  01C014h 4       SYNTH_SYNTH6        ;
  01C018h 4       SYNTH_SYNTH7        ;
  01C01Ch 4       SYNTH_SYNTH8        ;/
  01C020h 4       RF5G_RF5G1          ;\also defined in "rf5G_reg.h"
  01C024h 4       RF5G_RF5G2          ;/
  01C028h 4       RF2G_RF2G1          ;\also defined in "rf2G_reg.h"
  01C02Ch 4       RF2G_RF2G2          ;/
  01C030h 4       TOP_GAIN            ;\also defined in "top_reg.h"
  01C034h 4       TOP_TOP             ;/
  01C038h 4       BIAS_BIAS_SEL       ;\
  01C03Ch 4       BIAS_BIAS1          ; also defined in "bias_reg.h"
  01C040h 4       BIAS_BIAS2          ;
  01C044h 4       BIAS_BIAS3          ;/
  01C048h 4       TXPC_TXPC           ;\also defined in "txpc_reg.h"
  01C04Ch 4       TXPC_MISC           ;/
  01C050h 4       RXTXBB_RXTXBB1      ;\
  01C054h 4       RXTXBB_RXTXBB2      ; also defined in "rxtxbb_reg.h"
  01C058h 4       RXTXBB_RXTXBB3      ;
  01C05Ch 4       RXTXBB_RXTXBB4      ;/
  01C060h 4       ADDAC_ADDAC1        ;-also defined in "addac.h"
  01C064h 1x1Ch   -

More Analog Intf Registers (analog_intf_reg.h) (hw2.0)
  01C080h 4       SW_OVERRIDE         ;\
  01C084h 4       SIN_VAL             ; defined ONLY in "analog_intf_reg.h"
  01C088h 4       SW_SCLK             ;
  01C08Ch 4       SW_CNTL             ;/

MAC PCU Registers (mac_pcu.h) (hw2.0)
  028000h (00h) - REG_STA_ID0             ;aka MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_L32
  028004h (01h) - REG_STA_ID1             ;aka MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_U16
  028008h (02h) - REG_BSS_ID0             ;aka MAC_PCU_BSSID_L32
  02800Ch (03h) - REG_BSS_ID1             ;aka MAC_PCU_BSSID_U16
  028010h (04h) - MAC_PCU_REG_BCNRSSI     ;aka MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_AVE
  028014h (05h) - REG_TIME_OUT            ;aka MAC_PCU_ACK_CTS_TIMEOUT
  028018h (06h) - MAC_PCU_REG_BCNSIG      ;aka MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_CTL
  02801Ch (07h) - REG_USEC                ;aka MAC_PCU_USEC_LATENCY
  028020h (08h) - REG_BEACON
  028024h (09h) - REG_CFP_PERIOD          ;aka (MAC_???)PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR (?)
  028028h (0Ah) - REG_TIMER0
  02802Ch (0Bh) - REG_TIMER1
  028030h (0Ch) - REG_TIMER2
  028034h (0Dh) - REG_TIMER3
  028038h (0Eh) - REG_CFP_DUR             ;aka (MAC_???)PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR (?)
  02803Ch (0Fh) - REG_RX_FILTER           ;aka MAC_PCU_RX_FILTER
  028040h (10h) - REG_MCAST_FIL0          ;aka MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_L32
  028044h (11h) - REG_MCAST_FIL1          ;aka MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_U32
  028048h (12h) - MAC_PCU_REG_DIAGSW      ;aka MAC_PCU_DIAG_SW
  02804Ch (13h) - REG_TSF_L32
  028050h (14h) - REG_TSF_U32
  028054h (15h) - REG_TST_ADDAC           ;aka MAC_PCU_TST_ADDAC
  028058h (16h) - REG_DEF_ANT             ;aka MAC_PCU_DEF_ANTENNA
  028060h (18h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MUTE_MASKS1 ;aka MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_1
  028068h (1Ah) - MAC_PCU_REG_OBS2        ;aka MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_2
  02806Ch (1Bh) - MAC_PCU_REG_OBS1        ;aka MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_1
  028070h (1Ch..1Fh) - N/A
  028080h (20h) - REG_LAST_TSTP           ;aka MAC_PCU_LAST_BEACON_TSF (?)
  028084h (21h) - REG_NAV                 ;aka MAC_PCU_NAV
  028088h (22h) - REG_RTS_OK              ;aka MAC_PCU_RTS_SUCCESS_CNT
  02808Ch (23h) - REG_RTS_FAIL            ;aka MAC_PCU_RTS_FAIL_CNT
  028090h (24h) - REG_ACK_FAIL            ;aka MAC_PCU_ACK_FAIL_CNT
  028094h (25h) - REG_FCS_FAIL            ;aka MAC_PCU_FCS_FAIL_CNT
  028098h (26h) - REG_BEACON_CNT          ;aka MAC_PCU_BEACON_CNT
  02809Ch (27h..2Fh) - N/A
  0280C0h (30h) - MAC_PCU_REG_XRMODE      ;aka MAC_PCU_XRMODE
  0280C4h (31h) - MAC_PCU_REG_XRDEL       ;aka MAC_PCU_XRDEL
  0280C8h (32h) - MAC_PCU_REG_XRTO        ;aka MAC_PCU_XRTO
  0280CCh (33h) - MAC_PCU_REG_XRCRP       ;aka MAC_PCU_XRCRP
  0280D0h (34h) - MAC_PCU_REG_XRSTMP      ;aka MAC_PCU_XRSTMP
  0280D4h (35h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP1        ;aka MAC_PCU_SLP1 ;\moved to
  0280D8h (36h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP2        ;aka MAC_PCU_SLP2 ; 004xxxh/005xxxh
  0280DCh (37h) - (//MAC_PCU_REG_SLP3)    ;aka MAC_PCU_SLP3 ;/in hw4/hw6 (!)
  0280E0h (38h) - MAC_PCU_REG_BSSMSKL     ;aka MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_L32
  0280E4h (39h) - MAC_PCU_REG_BSSMSKH     ;aka MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_U16
  0280E8h (3Ah) - MAC_PCU_REG_TPC         ;aka MAC_PCU_TPC
  0280ECh (3Bh) - MAC_PCU_REG_TFC         ;aka MAC_PCU_TX_FRAME_CNT
  0280F0h (3Ch) - MAC_PCU_REG_RFC         ;aka MAC_PCU_RX_FRAME_CNT
  0280F4h (3Dh) - MAC_PCU_REG_RCC         ;aka MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_CNT
  0280F8h (3Eh) - MAC_PCU_REG_CC          ;aka MAC_PCU_CYCLE_CNT
  0280FCh (3Fh) - MAC_PCU_REG_QT1         ;aka MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_1
  028100h (40h) - MAC_PCU_REG_QT2         ;aka MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_2
  028104h (41h) - MAC_PCU_REG_TSF
  028108h (42h) - MAC_PCU_REG_NOACK       ;aka MAC_PCU_QOS_NO_ACK
  02810Ch (43h) - MAC_PCU_REG_PHYERR      ;aka MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK
  028110h (44h) - MAC_PCU_REG_XRLAT       ;aka MAC_PCU_XRLAT
  028120h (48h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MISCMODE    ;aka MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE
  02812Ch (4Bh) - MAC_PCU_REG_PHYCNT1     ;aka MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1
  028134h (4Dh) - MAC_PCU_REG_PHYCNT2     ;aka MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2
  028140h (50h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_TSFCAL ;Misc
  028148h (52h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC1 ;Time
  02814Ch (53h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC2 ;Misc
  028150h (54h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC3 ;MCAST Addr_L
  028154h (55h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC4 ;MCAST Addr_U
  028158h (56h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC5 ;RX Time
  02815Ch (57h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC6 ;INC
  028160h (58h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC7 ;Last Time
  028164h (59h) - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC8 ;Updated Time
  028168h (5Ah) - MAC_PCU_REG_PHYCNT3     ;aka MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3
  028178h (5Eh) - MAC_PCU_REG_HCF         ;aka MAC_PCU_HCF_TIMEOUT
  028180h (60h..67h) - MAC_PCU_REG_BFCOEF1[0..7]
  0281A0h (68h..6Fh) - N/A
  0281C0h (70h) - MAC_PCU_REG_BFCOEF2
  0281C4h (71h) - MAC_PCU_REG_KCMASK
  0281C8h (72h..73h) - N/A
  0281D0h (74h) - MAC_PCU_REG_TXSIFS      ;aka MAC_PCU_TXSIFS
  0281D4h (75h..7Ah) - N/A
  0281ECh (7Bh) - MAC_PCU_REG_TXOP_X      ;aka MAC_PCU_TXOP_X
  0281F0h (7Ch) - MAC_PCU_REG_TXOP_0_3    ;aka MAC_PCU_TXOP_0_3
  0281F4h (7Dh) - MAC_PCU_REG_TXOP_4_7    ;aka MAC_PCU_TXOP_4_7
  0281F8h (7Eh) - MAC_PCU_REG_TXOP_8_11   ;aka MAC_PCU_TXOP_8_11
  0281FCh (7Fh) - MAC_PCU_REG_TXOP_12_15  ;aka MAC_PCU_TXOP_12_15
  028200h (80h..87h) - MAC_PCU_REG_GNRCTMR_N[0..7]  ;aka GENERIC_TIMERSxxx?
  028220h (88h..8Fh) - MAC_PCU_REG_GNRCTMR_P[0..7]  ;aka GENERIC_TIMERSxxx?
  028244h (91h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_MODE
  028248h (92h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_WAKE
  02824Ch (93h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_TSF_INC
  028250h (94h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB1
  028254h (95h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB2
  028258h (96h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB3
  02825Ch (97h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MISCMODE2   ;aka MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE2
  028260h (98h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP4
  028264h (99h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP5
  028268h (9Ah) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCICTL   ;\
  02826Ch (9Bh) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIISR   ;
  028270h (9Ch) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIIER   ;
  028274h (9Dh) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIWLP   ;
  028278h (9Eh) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIARW   ;
  02827Ch (9Fh) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIARR   ; whatever MCI stuff
  028280h (A0h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIADW   ;
  028284h (A1h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIADR   ;
  028288h (A2h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIFRW   ;
  02828Ch (A3h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIFRR   ;
  028290h (A4h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIQRW   ;
  028294h (A5h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIQRR   ;
  028298h (A6h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIGRW   ;
  02829Ch (A7h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIGRR   ;
  0282A0h (A8h) - MAC_PCU_REG_MCISTAT  ;/
  0282B0h (ACh) - MAC_PCU_REG_SEC_BSSID_L32   ;aka MAC_PCU_BSSID2_L32
  0282B4h (ADh) - MAC_PCU_REG_SEC_BSSID_U16   ;aka MAC_PCU_BSSID2_U16
  0282B8h (AEh..13Fh) - N/A
  028500h (140h..17Fh) - MAC_PCU_REG_FTYPE[0..3Fh]
  028600h (180h..19Fh) - N/A
  028680h (1A0h..1BFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_ACKSIFSMEM_RESERVED[0..1Fh]
  028700h (1C0h..1DFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_DUR[0..1Fh]
  028780h (1E0h..1EFh) - N/A
  0287C0h (1F0h..1F7h) - MAC_PCU_REG_RTD[0..7]
  0287E0h (1F8h..1FFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_DTR[0..7]
  028800h (200h..5FFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_KC[0..3FFh]
  029800h (600h..) - maybe something else comes here?

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw4.0)

Overall Summary (hw4.0)
  004000h 2E8h    (rtc_wlan_reg.h)
  008000h 630h    Memory Controller (BCAM) (vmc_wlan_reg.h)
  00C000h 14h     (uart_reg.h)
  00D000h ..      DBG_UART_BASE_ADDRESS  ;another UART, as above, for debug?
  00E000h 38h     (umbox_wlan_reg.h)
  010000h 18h     (si_reg.h)
  014000h BCh     (gpio_athr_wlan_reg.h)
  018000h 12Ch    (mbox_wlan_reg.h)
  01A000h 20000h  WLAN_HOST_IF_WINDOW (mbox_wlan_reg.h)
  01C000h 748h    (analog_intf_athr_wlan_reg.h)
  020000h DCh     WMAC DMA and IRQ   (mac_dma_reg.h)
  020800h 244h    WMAC QCU Queue     (mac_dma_reg.h)
  021000h 274h    WMAC DCU           (mac_dma_reg.h)
  028000h C00h    MAC_PCU            (mac_pcu_reg.h)
  029800h 800h    MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_0 (bb_lc_reg.h)
  02A000h 1210h   MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_1 (bb_lc_reg.h)
  02C000h 1000h   MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_2 (mac_pcu_reg.h)
  02D000h 1000h   MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_3 (mac_pcu_reg.h)
  02E000h 800h    MAC_PCU_BUF        (mac_pcu_reg.h)
  030100h 68h     (rdma_reg.h)
  031000h 1000h   (efuse_reg.h)

rtc_wlan_reg.h (hw4.0)
  004000h 4       WLAN_RESET_CONTROL
  004004h 4       WLAN_XTAL_CONTROL
  004008h 4       WLAN_TCXO_DETECT
  00400Ch 4       WLAN_XTAL_TEST
  004010h 4       WLAN_QUADRATURE
  004014h 4       WLAN_PLL_CONTROL
  004018h 4       WLAN_PLL_SETTLE
  00401Ch 4       WLAN_XTAL_SETTLE
  004020h 4       WLAN_CPU_CLOCK
  004024h 4       WLAN_CLOCK_OUT
  004028h 4       WLAN_CLOCK_CONTROL
  00402Ch 4       WLAN_BIAS_OVERRIDE
  004030h 4       WLAN_WDT_CONTROL            ;\
  004034h 4       WLAN_WDT_STATUS             ;
  004038h 4       WLAN_WDT                    ; Watchdog Timer
  00403Ch 4       WLAN_WDT_COUNT              ;
  004040h 4       WLAN_WDT_RESET              ;/
  004044h 4       WLAN_INT_STATUS             ;-Interrupt Status
  004048h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER0              ;\
  00404Ch 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_COUNT0        ; Low-Freq Timer 0
  004050h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_CONTROL0      ;
  004054h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_STATUS0       ;/
  004058h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER1              ;\
  00405Ch 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_COUNT1        ; Low-Freq Timer 1
  004060h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_CONTROL1      ;
  004064h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_STATUS1       ;/
  004068h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER2              ;\
  00406Ch 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_COUNT2        ; Low-Freq Timer 2
  004070h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_CONTROL2      ;
  004074h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_STATUS2       ;/
  004078h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER3              ;\
  00407Ch 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_COUNT3        ; Low-Freq Timer 3
  004080h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_CONTROL3      ;
  004084h 4       WLAN_LF_TIMER_STATUS3       ;/
  004088h 4       WLAN_HF_TIMER               ;\
  00408Ch 4       WLAN_HF_TIMER_COUNT         ; High-Freq Timer
  004090h 4       WLAN_HF_LF_COUNT      ;<--  ;
  004094h 4       WLAN_HF_TIMER_CONTROL       ;
  004098h 4       WLAN_HF_TIMER_STATUS        ;/
  00409Ch 4       WLAN_RTC_CONTROL            ;\
  0040A0h 4       WLAN_RTC_TIME               ;
  0040A4h 4       WLAN_RTC_DATE               ;
  0040A8h 4       WLAN_RTC_SET_TIME           ; Real-Time Clock
  0040ACh 4       WLAN_RTC_SET_DATE           ;
  0040B0h 4       WLAN_RTC_SET_ALARM          ;
  0040B4h 4       WLAN_RTC_CONFIG             ;
  0040B8h 4       WLAN_RTC_ALARM_STATUS       ;/
  0040BCh 4       WLAN_UART_WAKEUP
  0040C0h 4       WLAN_RESET_CAUSE
  0040C4h 4       WLAN_SYSTEM_SLEEP
  0040C8h 4       WLAN_SDIO_WRAPPER
  0040D0h 4       WLAN_KEEP_AWAKE
  0040D4h 4       WLAN_LPO_CAL_TIME                   ;\
  0040D8h 4       WLAN_LPO_INIT_DIVIDEND_INT          ;
  0040E0h 4       WLAN_LPO_CAL                        ;
  0040E4h 4       WLAN_LPO_CAL_TEST_CONTROL           ;
  0040E8h 4       WLAN_LPO_CAL_TEST_STATUS            ;/
  0040ECh 4       WLAN_CHIP_ID                        ;-Chip ID
  0040F0h 4       WLAN_DERIVED_RTC_CLK
  0040F4h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_MODE          ;\
  0040F8h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_WAKE          ;
  0040FCh 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_INC           ;
  004100h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB1            ;
  004104h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB2            ;
  004108h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB3            ;/
  00410Ch 4       WLAN_POWER_REG              ;\located here in hw4.0
  004110h 4       WLAN_CORE_CLK_CTRL          ; (other address as in hw2.0)
  004114h 4       WLAN_GPIO_WAKEUP_CONTROL    ;/
  (below 4118h..42E8h is new in hw4.0, didn't exist in hw2.0)
  004118h 4       (WLAN_)HT
  00411Ch 4       MAC_PCU_TSF_L32
  004120h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF_U32
  004124h 4       MAC_PCU_WBTIMER
  004128h 1x24    PAD0
  004140h 4x16    MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS[0..15]
  004184h 1x60    PAD1
  0041C0h 4x16    MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS2[0..15]
  004200h 4       MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS_MODE2
  004204h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP1
  004208h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP2
  00420Ch 4       MAC_PCU_RESET_TSF
  004210h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF_ADD_PLL
  004214h 4       SLEEP_RETENTION
  004218h 4       BTCOEXCTRL                          ;\
  00421Ch 4       WBSYNC_PRIORITY1                    ;
  004220h 4       WBSYNC_PRIORITY2                    ;
  004224h 4       WBSYNC_PRIORITY3                    ;
  004228h 4       BTCOEX0  ;SYNC_DUR                  ;
  00422Ch 4       BTCOEX1  ;CLK_THRES                 ;
  004230h 4       BTCOEX2  ;FRAME_THRES               ; Bluetooth
  004234h 4       BTCOEX3  ;CLK_CNT                   ; Coexistance
  004238h 4       BTCOEX4  ;FRAME_CNT                 ;
  00423Ch 4       BTCOEX5  ;IDLE_CNT                  ;
  004240h 4       BTCOEX6  ;IDLE_RESET_LVL_BITMAP     ;
  004244h 4       LOCK                                ;
  004248h 4       NOLOCK_PRIORITY                     ;
  00424Ch 4       WBSYNC                              ;
  004250h 4       WBSYNC1                             ;
  004254h 4       WBSYNC2                             ;
  004258h 4       WBSYNC3                             ;
  00425Ch 4       WB_TIMER_TARGET                     ;
  004260h 4       WB_TIMER_SLOP                       ;
  004264h 4       BTCOEX_INT_EN                       ;
  004268h 4       BTCOEX_INT_STAT                     ;
  00426Ch 4       BTPRIORITY_INT_EN                   ;
  004270h 4       BTPRIORITY_INT_STAT                 ;
  004274h 4       BTPRIORITY_STOMP_INT_EN             ;
  004278h 4       BTPRIORITY_STOMP_INT_STAT           ;/
  00427Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BMISS_TIMEOUT
  004280h 4       MAC_PCU_CAB_AWAKE
  004284h 4       LP_PERF_COUNTER
  004288h 4       LP_PERF_LIGHT_SLEEP
  00428Ch 4       LP_PERF_DEEP_SLEEP
  004290h 4       LP_PERF_ON
  004294h 4       ST_64_BIT                           ;\
  004298h 4       MESSAGE_WR                          ; also Bluetooth Coex
  00429Ch 4       MESSAGE_WR_P                        ; related? (sorted as
  0042A0h 4       MESSAGE_RD                          ; so in hw6 files)
  0042A4h 4       MESSAGE_RD_P                        ;/
  0042A8h 4       CHIP_MODE
  0042ACh 4       CLK_REQ_FALL_EDGE
  0042B0h 4       OTP
  0042B4h 4       OTP_STATUS
  0042B8h 4       PMU
  0042BCh 1x4     PAD2
  0042C0h 4x2     PMU_CONFIG[0..1]
  0042C8h 4       PMU_BYPASS
  0042CCh 4       MAC_PCU_TSF2_L32
  0042D0h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF2_U32
  0042D8h 4       MAC_PCU_DIRECT_CONNECT
  0042DCh 4       THERM_CTRL1
  0042E0h 4       THERM_CTRL2
  0042E4h 4       THERM_CTRL3
  0042E8h -       unused/unspecified

vmc_wlan_reg.h (hw4.0)
  008000h 4x128   WLAN_MC_BCAM_VALID[0..127]          ;\
  008200h 4x128   WLAN_MC_BCAM_COMPARE[0..127]        ; ROM Patches
  008400h 4x128   WLAN_MC_BCAM_TARGET[0..127]         ;/
  008600h 4       WLAN_APB_ADDR_ERROR_CONTROL         ;\
  008604h 4       WLAN_APB_ADDR_ERROR_STATUS          ; ADDR_ERROR
  008608h 4       WLAN_AHB_ADDR_ERROR_CONTROL         ;
  00860Ch 4       WLAN_AHB_ADDR_ERROR_STATUS          ;/
  008610h 4       WLAN_BCAM_CONFLICT_ERROR
  008614h 4       WLAN_CPU_PERF_CNT
  008618h 4       WLAN_CPU_INST_FETCH
  00861Ch 4       WLAN_CPU_DATA_FETCH
  008620h 4       WLAN_CPU_RAM1_CONFLICT
  008624h 4       WLAN_CPU_RAM2_CONFLICT
  008628h 4       WLAN_CPU_RAM3_CONFLICT
  00862Ch 4       WLAN_CPU_RAM4_CONFLICT
  008630h -       unused/unspecified

uart_reg.h (hw4.0)
  00C000h 4       UART_DATA
  00C004h 4       UART_CONTROL
  00C008h 4       UART_CLKDIV
  00C00Ch 4       UART_INT
  00C010h 4       UART_INT_EN
  00C014h -       unused/unspecified
  00D000h ..      DBG_UART_BASE_ADDRESS  ;another UART, as above, for debug?
  00Dxxxh -       unused/unspecified

umbox_wlan_reg.h (hw4.0)
  00E000h 4x2     UMBOX_FIFO[0..1]
  00E008h 4       UMBOX_FIFO_STATUS
  00E00Ch 4       UMBOX_DMA_POLICY
  00E014h 4       UMBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  00E01Ch 4       UMBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  00E020h 4       UMBOX_FIFO_TIMEOUT
  00E024h 4       UMBOX_INT_STATUS
  00E028h 4       UMBOX_INT_ENABLE
  00E02Ch 4       UMBOX_DEBUG
  00E030h 4       UMBOX_FIFO_RESET
  00E034h 4       UMBOX_HCI_FRAMER
  00E038h -       unused/unspecified

si_reg.h (hw4.0)
  010000h 4       SI_CONFIG
  010004h 4       SI_CS
  010008h 4       SI_TX_DATA0
  01000Ch 4       SI_TX_DATA1
  010010h 4       SI_RX_DATA0
  010014h 4       SI_RX_DATA1
  010018h -       unused/unspecified

gpio_athr_wlan_reg.h (hw4.0)
  014000h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT            ;\GPIO Output Data
  014004h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TS       ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014008h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TC       ;/
  01400Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE         ;\GPIO Output Enable
  014010h 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS    ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014014h 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC    ;/
  014018h 4       WLAN_GPIO_IN             ;-GPIO Input
  01401Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS         ;\GPIO Interrupt Status
  014020h 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TS    ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014024h 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TC    ;/
  014028h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN0     ;GPIO0  Bluetooth coex BT_FREQUENCY
  01402Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN1     ;GPIO1  Bluetooth coex WLAN_ACTIVE
  014030h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN2     ;GPIO2  Bluetooth coex BT_ACTIVE   I2C SCL
  014034h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN3     ;GPIO3  Bluetooth coex BT_PRIORITY I2C SDA
  014038h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN4     ;GPIO4  -
  01403Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN5     ;GPIO5  JTAG TMS input
  014040h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN6     ;GPIO6  JTAG TCK input
  014044h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN7     ;GPIO7  JTAG TDI input
  014048h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN8     ;GPIO8  JTAG TDO output
  01404Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN9     ;GPIO9  SDIO CMD
  014050h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN10    ;GPIO10 SDIO D3
  014054h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN11    ;GPIO11 SDIO D2
  014058h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN12    ;GPIO12 SDIO D1
  01405Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN13    ;GPIO13 SDIO D0
  014060h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN14    ;GPIO14 SDIO CLK
  014064h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN15    ;GPIO15 HCI UART TXD
  014068h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN16    ;GPIO16 HCI UART RTS
  01406Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN17    ;GPIO17 HCI UART RXD
  014070h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN18    ;GPIO18 HCI UART CTS
  014074h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN19    ;GPIO19 SDIO/GSPI interface select
  014078h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN20    ;GPIO20 SDIO/GSPI interface select
  01407Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN21    ;GPIO21 external input sleep clock
  014080h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN22    ;GPIO22 wake on wireless input (WOW)
  014084h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN23    ;GPIO23 reference clk output to BT chip
  014088h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN24    ;GPIO24 request clk from BT chip
  01408Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN25    ;GPIO25 request reference clk (CLK_REQ)
  014090h 4       SDIO
  014094h 4       FUNC_BUS
  014098h 4       WL_SOC_APB
  01409Ch 4       WLAN_SIGMA_DELTA
  0140A0h 4       WL_BOOTSTRAP
  0140A4h 4       CLOCK_GPIO
  0140A8h 4       WLAN_DEBUG_CONTROL
  0140ACh 4       WLAN_DEBUG_INPUT_SEL
  0140B0h 4       WLAN_DEBUG_OUT
  0140BCh -       unused/unspecified

MBOX Registers (mbox_wlan_reg.h) (hw4.0)
  018000h 4x4     WLAN_MBOX_FIFO[0..3]
  018010h 4       WLAN_MBOX_FIFO_STATUS
  018014h 4       WLAN_MBOX_DMA_POLICY
  018018h 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01801Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 0
  018020h 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018024h 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018028h 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01802Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 1
  018030h 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018034h 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018038h 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01803Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 2
  018040h 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018044h 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018048h 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01804Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 3
  018050h 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018054h 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018058h 4       WLAN_MBOX_INT_STATUS                ;\Interrupt
  01805Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX_INT_ENABLE                ;/
  018060h 4       WLAN_INT_HOST            ;IRQ to sdio/host
  018064h 1x28    PAD0
  018080h 4x8     WLAN_LOCAL_COUNT[0..7]        ;SDIO func1 ?
  0180A0h 4x8     WLAN_COUNT_INC[0..7]          ;SDIO func1 ?
  0180C0h 4x8     WLAN_LOCAL_SCRATCH[0..7]      ;SDIO func1 ?
  0180E0h 4       WLAN_USE_LOCAL_BUS
  0180E4h 4       WLAN_SDIO_CONFIG              ;SDIO func0 ?
  0180E8h 4       WLAN_MBOX_DEBUG
  0180ECh 4       WLAN_MBOX_FIFO_RESET
  0180F0h 4x4     WLAN_MBOX_TXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  018100h 4x4     WLAN_MBOX_RXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  018110h 4       WLAN_SDIO_DEBUG
  018114h 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE  ;\
  018118h 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL          ;
  01811Ch 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE  ; new (unlike hw2.0)
  018120h 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL          ;
  018124h 4       WLAN_GMBOX_INT_STATUS               ;
  018128h 4       WLAN_GMBOX_INT_ENABLE               ;/
  01812Ch 1x7892  PAD1
  01A000h 4x2048  WLAN_HOST_IF_WINDOW[0..2047]

analog_intf_athr_wlan_reg.h (hw4.0)
  01C000h 4       RXRF_BIAS1
  01C004h 4       RXRF_BIAS2
  01C008h 4       RXRF_GAINSTAGES
  01C00Ch 4       RXRF_AGC
  01C010h 1x48    PAD__0
  01C040h 4       TXRF1
  01C044h 4       TXRF2
  01C048h 4       TXRF3
  01C04Ch 4       TXRF4
  01C050h 4       TXRF5
  01C054h 4       TXRF6
  01C058h 4       TXRF7 ;PADRVGNTAB_0..4    ;\
  01C05Ch 4       TXRF8 ;PADRVGNTAB_5..9    ;
  01C060h 4       TXRF9 ;PADRVGNTAB_10..14  ;/
  01C064h 4       TXRF10
  01C068h 4       TXRF11
  01C06Ch 4       TXRF12
  01C070h 1x16    PAD__1
  01C080h 4       SYNTH1
  01C084h 4       SYNTH2
  01C088h 4       SYNTH3
  01C08Ch 4       SYNTH4
  01C090h 4       SYNTH5
  01C094h 4       SYNTH6
  01C098h 4       SYNTH7
  01C09Ch 4       SYNTH8
  01C0A0h 4       SYNTH9
  01C0A4h 4       SYNTH10
  01C0A8h 4       SYNTH11
  01C0ACh 4       SYNTH12
  01C0B0h 4       SYNTH13
  01C0B4h 4       SYNTH14
  01C0B8h 1x8     PAD__2
  01C0C0h 4       BIAS1
  01C0C4h 4       BIAS2
  01C0C8h 4       BIAS3
  01C0CCh 4       BIAS4
  01C0D0h 1x48    PAD__3
  01C100h 4       RXTX1
  01C104h 4       RXTX2
  01C108h 4       RXTX3
  01C10Ch 1x52    PAD__4
  01C140h 4       BB1
  01C144h 4       BB2
  01C148h 4       BB3
  01C14Ch 1x308   PAD__5
  01C280h 4       PLLCLKMODA
  01C284h 4       PLLCLKMODA2
  01C288h 4       TOP
  01C28Ch 4       THERM
  01C290h 4       XTAL
  01C294h 1x236   PAD__6
  01C380h 4       RBIST_CNTRL         ;with extra bit in newer revision
  01C384h 4       TX_DC_OFFSET
  01C388h 4       TX_TONEGEN0
  01C38Ch 4       TX_TONEGEN1
  01C390h 4       TX_LFTONEGEN0
  01C394h 4       TX_LINEAR_RAMP_I
  01C398h 4       TX_LINEAR_RAMP_Q
  01C39Ch 4       TX_PRBS_MAG
  01C3A0h 4       TX_PRBS_SEED_I
  01C3A4h 4       TX_PRBS_SEED_Q
  01C3A8h 4       CMAC_DC_CANCEL
  01C3ACh 4       CMAC_DC_OFFSET
  01C3B0h 4       CMAC_CORR
  01C3B4h 4       CMAC_POWER
  01C3B8h 4       CMAC_CROSS_CORR
  01C3BCh 4       CMAC_I2Q2
  01C3C0h 4       CMAC_POWER_HPF
  01C3C4h 4       RXDAC_SET1
  01C3C8h 4       RXDAC_SET2
  01C3CCh 4       RXDAC_LONG_SHIFT
  01C3D0h 4       CMAC_RESULTS_I
  01C3D4h 4       CMAC_RESULTS_Q
  01C3D8h 1x872   PAD__7
  01C740h 4       PMU1
  01C744h 4       PMU2
  01C748h -       unused/unspecified

mac_dma_reg.h (hw4.0)
  020000h 1x8     -
  020008h 4       MAC_DMA_CR      - MAC Control Register
  02000Ch 4       MAC_DMA_RXDP    - MAC receive queue descriptor pointer
  020010h 4       -
  020014h 4       MAC_DMA_CFG     - MAC configuration and status register
  020018h 4       -
  02001Ch 4       -
  020020h 4       MAC_DMA_MIRT    - Maximum rate threshold register
  020024h 4       MAC_DMA_IER     - MAC Interrupt enable register
  020028h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT    - Transmit Interrupt Mitigation Threshold
  02002Ch 4       MAC_DMA_RIMT    - Receive Interrupt Mitigation Threshold
  020030h 4       MAC_DMA_TXCFG   - MAC tx DMA size config register
  020034h 4       MAC_DMA_RXCFG   - MAC rx DMA size config register
  020038h 4       -
  02003Ch 4       -
  020040h 4       MAC_DMA_MIBC    - MAC MIB control register
  020044h 4       MAC_DMA_TOPS    - MAC timeout prescale count
  020048h 4       MAC_DMA_RXNPTO  - MAC no frame received timeout
  02004Ch 4       MAC_DMA_TXNPTO  - MAC no frame trasmitted timeout
  020050h 4       MAC_DMA_RPGTO   - MAC receive frame gap timeout
  020054h 4       MAC_DMA_RPCNT   - MAC receive frame count limit
  020058h 4       MAC_DMA_MACMISC - MAC miscellaneous control/status register
  02005Ch ..      -
  020080h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR    - Primary Interrupt Status Register         ;\
  020084h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S0 - Secondary Interrupt 0 Status TX OK/DESC   ;
  020088h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S1 - Secondary Interrupt 1 Status TX ERR/EOL   ;
  02008Ch 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S2 - Secondary Interrupt 2 Status TX URN/MISC  ;
  020090h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S3 - Secondary Interrupt 3 Status QCBR OVF/URN ;
  020094h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S4 - Secondary Interrupt 4 Status QTRIG        ;
  020098h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S5 - Secondary Interrupt 5 Status TIMERS       ;/
  02009Ch 4       -
  0200A0h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR    - Primary Interrupt Mask Register           ;\
  0200A4h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S0 - Secondary Interrupt 0 Mask TX OK/DESC     ;
  0200A8h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S1 - Secondary Interrupt 1 Mask TX ERR/EOL     ;
  0200ACh 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S2 - Secondary Interrupt 2 Mask TX URN/MISC    ;
  0200B0h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S3 - Secondary Interrupt 3 Mask QCBR OVF/URN   ;
  0200B4h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S4 - Secondary Interrupt 4 Mask QTRIG          ;
  0200B8h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S5 - Secondary Interrupt 5 Mask TIMERS         ;/
  0200BCh 4       -
  0200C0h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_RAC  - Primary Interrupt Read-and-Clear        ;\
  0200C4h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S0_S - Secondary 0 Read-and-Clear TX OK/DESC   ;
  0200C8h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S1_S - Secondary 1 Read-and-Clear TX ERR/EOL   ;
  0200CCh 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S2_S - Secondary 2 Read-and-Clear TX URN/MISC  ;
  0200D0h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S3_S - Secondary 3 Read-and-Clear QCBR OVF/URN ;
  0200D4h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S4_S - Secondary 4 Read-and-Clear QTRIG        ;
  0200D8h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S5_S - Secondary 5 Read-and-Clear TIMERS       ;/
  0200DCh ..      -
  020800h 4x10    MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_TXDP         ;MAC Transmit Queue descr.ptr
  020828h ..      -
  020840h 4       MAC_DMA_Q_TXE                ;MAC Transmit Queue enable
  020844h ..      -
  020880h 4       MAC_DMA_Q_TXD                ;MAC Transmit Queue disable
  020884h ..      -
  0208C0h 4x10    MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_CBRCFG       ;MAC CBR configuration
  0208E8h ..      -
  020900h 4x10    MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_RDYTIMECFG   ;MAC ReadyTime configuration
  020928h ..      -
  020940h 4       MAC_DMA_Q_ONESHOTMAC_DMAM_SC ;MAC OneShotArm set control
  020944h ..      -
  020980h 4       MAC_DMA_Q_ONESHOTMAC_DMAM_CC ;MAC OneShotArm clear control
  020984h ..      -
  0209C0h 4x10    MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_MISC         ;MAC Misc QCU settings
  0209E8h ..      -
  020A00h 4x10    MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_STS          ;MAC Misc QCU status/counter
  020A28h ..      -
  020A40h 4       MAC_DMA_Q_RDYTIMESHDN        ;MAC ReadyTimeShutdown status
  020A44h ..      -
  021000h 4x10    MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_QCUMASK - MAC QCU Mask (DCU-to-QCU or so?)
  021028h 8       -
  021030h 4       MAC_DMA_D_GBL_IFS_SIFS  - DCU global SIFS settings
  021034h 12      -
  021040h 4x10    MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_LCL_IFS - MAC DCU-specific IFS settings
  021068h 8       -
  021070h 4       MAC_DMA_D_GBL_IFS_SLOT   - DC global slot interval
  021074h 12      -
  021080h 4x10    MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_RETRY_LIMIT - MAC Retry limits
  0210A8h 8       -
  0210B0h 4       MAC_DMA_D_GBL_IFS_EIFS   - DCU global EIFS setting
  0210B4h 12      -
  0210C0h 4x10    MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_CHNTIME  - MAC ChannelTime settings
  0210E8h 8       -
  0210F0h 4       MAC_DMA_D_GBL_IFS_MISC   - DCU global misc. IFS settings
  0210F4h 12      -
  021100h 4x10    MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_MISC     - MAC Misc DCU-specific settings
  021128h ..      -
  021140h 4       MAC_DMA_D_SEQNUM         - MAC Frame sequence number
  021144h ..      -
  021180h 4x10    MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_EOL     -
  0211A8h ..      -
  021230h 4       MAC_DMA_D_FPCTL         - DCU frame prefetch settings
  021234h ..      -
  021270h 4       MAC_DMA_D_TXPSE         - DCU transmit pause control/status
  021274h ..      -

mac_pcu_reg.h (1) (hw4.0)
  028000h 4       MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_L32
  028004h 4       MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_U16
  028008h 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID_L32
  02800Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID_U16
  028010h 4       MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_AVE
  028014h 4       MAC_PCU_ACK_CTS_TIMEOUT
  028018h 4       MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_CTL
  02801Ch 4       MAC_PCU_USEC_LATENCY
  028020h 4       PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR
  028024h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_FILTER
  028028h 4       MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_L32
  02802Ch 4       MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_U32
  028030h 4       MAC_PCU_DIAG_SW
  028034h 4       MAC_PCU_TST_ADDAC
  028038h 4       MAC_PCU_DEF_ANTENNA
  02803Ch 4       MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_0
  028040h 4       MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_1
  028044h 4       MAC_PCU_GATED_CLKS
  028048h 4       MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_2
  02804Ch 4       MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_1
  028050h 4       MAC_PCU_DYM_MIMO_PWR_SAVE
  028054h 4       MAC_PCU_LAST_BEACON_TSF
  028058h 4       MAC_PCU_NAV
  02805Ch 4       MAC_PCU_RTS_SUCCESS_CNT
  028060h 4       MAC_PCU_RTS_FAIL_CNT
  028064h 4       MAC_PCU_ACK_FAIL_CNT
  028068h 4       MAC_PCU_FCS_FAIL_CNT
  02806Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BEACON_CNT
  028070h 4       MAC_PCU_XRMODE
  028074h 4       MAC_PCU_XRDEL
  028078h 4       MAC_PCU_XRTO
  02807Ch 4       MAC_PCU_XRCRP
  028080h 4       MAC_PCU_XRSTMP
  028084h 4       MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_L32
  028088h 4       MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_U16
  02808Ch 4       MAC_PCU_TPC
  028090h 4       MAC_PCU_TX_FRAME_CNT
  028094h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_FRAME_CNT
  028098h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_CNT
  02809Ch 4       MAC_PCU_CYCLE_CNT
  0280A0h 4       MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_1
  0280A4h 4       MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_2
  0280A8h 4       MAC_PCU_QOS_NO_ACK
  0280ACh 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK
  0280B0h 4       MAC_PCU_XRLAT
  0280B4h 4       MAC_PCU_RXBUF
  0280B8h 4       MAC_PCU_MIC_QOS_CONTROL
  0280BCh 4       MAC_PCU_MIC_QOS_SELECT
  0280C0h 4       MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE
  0280C4h 4       MAC_PCU_FILTER_OFDM_CNT
  0280C8h 4       MAC_PCU_FILTER_CCK_CNT
  0280CCh 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1
  0280D0h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1_MASK
  0280D4h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2
  0280D8h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2_MASK
  0280E4h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3
  0280E8h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3_MASK
  0280F4h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE2
  0280F8h 4       MAC_PCU_TXSIFS
  0280FCh 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_X
  028100h 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_0_3
  028104h 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_4_7
  028108h 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_8_11
  02810Ch 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_12_15
  028110h 4       MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER
  028114h 4       MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER_32L
  028118h 4       MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER_16U
  028120h 4       MAC_PCU_AZIMUTH_MODE
  028124h 4       MAC_PCU_20_40_MODE
  028128h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_DIFF_CNT
  028130h 4       MAC_PCU_BA_BAR_CONTROL
  028134h 4       MAC_PCU_LEGACY_PLCP_SPOOF
  028138h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK_CONT
  02813Ch 4       MAC_PCU_TX_TIMER
  028140h 4       MAC_PCU_TXBUF_CTRL
  028144h 4       MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE2     ;with extra bit in newer revision
  028148h 4       MAC_PCU_ALT_AES_MUTE_MASK
  028150h 4       MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR
  028154h 4       MAC_PCU_HCF_TIMEOUT
  028158h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_WEIGHTS2
  028164h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE3
  028168h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE4
  02816Ch 1x148   PAD0
  028200h 4x64    MAC_PCU_BT_BT[0..63]
  028300h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_BT_ASYNC
  028304h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_1
  028308h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_2
  02830Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_3
  028310h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_4
  028314h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_EPTA
  028318h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN1
  02831Ch 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN2
  028320h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN3
  028324h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN4
  028328h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET0
  02832Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET1
  028330h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET2
  028334h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET3
  028338h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS0
  02833Ch 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS1
  028340h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS2
  028344h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS3
  028348h 4       HT_HALF_GI_RATE1
  02834Ch 4       HT_HALF_GI_RATE2
  028350h 4       HT_FULL_GI_RATE1
  028354h 4       HT_FULL_GI_RATE2
  028358h 4       LEGACY_RATE1
  02835Ch 4       LEGACY_RATE2
  028360h 4       LEGACY_RATE3
  028364h 4       RX_INT_FILTER          ;with extra bit in newer revision
  028368h 4       RX_INT_OVERFLOW
  02836Ch 4       RX_FILTER_THRESH(0)
  028370h 4       RX_FILTER_THRESH1
  028374h 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH0
  028378h 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH1
  02837Ch 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH2
  028380h 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH3
  028384h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET0
  028388h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET1
  02838Ch 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET2
  028390h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET3
  028394h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET4
  028398h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET5
  02839Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID2_L32
  0283A0h 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID2_U16
  0283A4h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF1_STATUS_L32
  0283A8h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF1_STATUS_U32
  0283ACh 4       MAC_PCU_TSF2_STATUS_L32
  0283B0h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF2_STATUS_U32
  0283B4h 1x76    PAD1
  028400h 4x64    MAC_PCU_TXBUF_BA[0..63]
  028500h 1x768   PAD2
  028800h 4x256   MAC_PCU_KEY_CACHE_1[0..255]
  028C00h 1x3072  PAD3
  029800h 4x512   MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_0[0..511]   ;\aka BB_xxx ports
  02A000h 4x2048  MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_1[0..2047]  ;/(see below)
  02C000h 4x1024  MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_2[0..1023]  ;\
  02D000h 4x1024  MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_3[0..1023]  ; after BB registers
  02E000h 4x512   MAC_PCU_BUF[0..511]          ;/
  02E800h -       unused/unspecified

bb_lc_reg.h (hw4.0)
  029800h 4       BB_TEST_CONTROLS
  029804h 4       BB_GEN_CONTROLS
  029808h 4       BB_TEST_CONTROLS_STATUS
  02980Ch 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_1
  029810h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_2
  029814h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_3
  029818h 4       BB_D2_CHIP_ID
  02981Ch 4       BB_ACTIVE
  029820h 4       BB_TX_TIMING_1
  029824h 4       BB_TX_TIMING_2
  029828h 4       BB_TX_TIMING_3
  029830h 1x4     PAD__1
  029834h 4       BB_XPA_TIMING_CONTROL
  029838h 4       BB_MISC_PA_CONTROL
  02983Ch 4       BB_TSTDAC_CONSTANT
  029840h 4       BB_FIND_SIGNAL_LOW
  029844h 4       BB_SETTLING_TIME
  029848h 4       BB_GAIN_FORCE_MAX_GAINS_B0
  02984Ch 4       BB_GAINS_MIN_OFFSETS_B0
  029850h 4       BB_DESIRED_SIGSIZE
  029854h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_3A
  029858h 4       BB_FIND_SIGNAL
  02985Ch 4       BB_AGC
  029860h 4       BB_AGC_CONTROL
  029864h 4       BB_CCA_B0
  029868h 4       BB_SFCORR
  02986Ch 4       BB_SELF_CORR_LOW
  029870h 1x4     PAD__2
  029874h 4       BB_SYNTH_CONTROL
  029878h 4       BB_ADDAC_CLK_SELECT
  02987Ch 4       BB_PLL_CNTL
  029880h 1x128   PAD__3
  029900h 4       BB_VIT_SPUR_MASK_A
  029904h 4       BB_VIT_SPUR_MASK_B
  029908h 4       BB_PILOT_SPUR_MASK
  02990Ch 4       BB_CHAN_SPUR_MASK
  029910h 4       BB_SPECTRAL_SCAN
  029914h 4       BB_ANALOG_POWER_ON_TIME
  029918h 4       BB_SEARCH_START_DELAY
  02991Ch 4       BB_MAX_RX_LENGTH
  029920h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_4
  029924h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_5
  029928h 4       BB_PHYONLY_WARM_RESET
  02992Ch 4       BB_PHYONLY_CONTROL
  029930h 1x4     PAD__4
  029934h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE1   ;Power TX 0..3
  029938h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE2   ;Power TX 4..7
  02993Ch 4       BB_POWERTX_MAX     ;Power TX Flags
  029940h 4       BB_EXTENSION_RADAR
  029944h 4       BB_FRAME_CONTROL
  029948h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_6
  02994Ch 4       BB_SPUR_MASK_CONTROLS
  029950h 4       BB_RX_IQ_CORR_B0
  029954h 4       BB_RADAR_DETECTION
  029958h 4       BB_RADAR_DETECTION_2
  02995Ch 4       BB_TX_PHASE_RAMP_B0
  029960h 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_CHN_B0
  029964h 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_COM1
  029968h 4       BB_CCA_CTRL_2_B0
  02996Ch 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_COM2
  029970h 4       BB_RESTART
  029974h 1x4     PAD__5
  029978h 4       BB_SCRAMBLER_SEED
  02997Ch 4       BB_RFBUS_REQUEST
  029980h 1x32    PAD__6
  0299A0h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_11
  0299A4h 4       BB_MULTICHAIN_ENABLE
  0299B0h 1x4     PAD__7
  0299B4h 4       BB_ADC_GAIN_DC_CORR_B0
  0299B8h 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_1
  0299BCh 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_2_B0
  0299C0h 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_SCORR_THR
  0299C4h 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_DETECT_WIN
  0299C8h 4       BB_PWR_THR_20_40_DET
  0299CCh 1x4     PAD__8
  0299D0h 4       BB_SHORT_GI_DELTA_SLOPE
  0299D4h 1x8     PAD__9
  0299DCh 4       BB_CHANINFO_CTRL
  0299E0h 4       BB_HEAVY_CLIP_CTRL
  0299E4h 4       BB_HEAVY_CLIP_20
  0299E8h 4       BB_HEAVY_CLIP_40
  0299ECh 4       BB_RIFS_SRCH
  0299F0h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_CAL_MODE
  0299F4h 1x8     PAD__10
  0299FCh 4       BB_PER_CHAIN_CSD
  029A00h 4x128   BB_RX_OCGAIN[0..127]
  029C00h 4       BB_TX_CRC
  029C04h 1x12    PAD__11
  029C10h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_0_B0
  029C14h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_1_B0
  029C18h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_2_B0
  029C1Ch 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_3_B0
  029C20h 4       BB_RFBUS_GRANT
  029C24h 4       BB_TSTADC
  029C28h 4       BB_TSTDAC
  029C2Ch 1x4     PAD__12
  029C30h 4       BB_ILLEGAL_TX_RATE
  029C34h 4       BB_SPUR_REPORT_B0
  029C38h 4       BB_CHANNEL_STATUS
  029C3Ch 4       BB_RSSI_B0
  029C40h 4       BB_SPUR_EST_CCK_REPORT_B0
  029C44h 1x104   PAD__13  ;(old 1x172)
  029CF0h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_NOISE_PWR              ;\
  029CF4h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_DIFF              ; located HERE in
  029CF8h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_FINE_TIMING            ; older revision
  029CFCh 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_B0                ; (unlike below)
  029D00h 4x60    BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B0[0..59]     ;/
  029CACh 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_NOISE_PWR              ;\
  029CB0h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_DIFF              ; located HERE in
  029CB4h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_FINE_TIMING            ; newer revision
  029CB8h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_B0                ; (unlike above)
  029CBCh 4x60    BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B0[0..59]     ;/
  029DACh 1x56    PAD__14  ;(old 1x528 at 9DF0h)
  029DE4h 4       BB_PAPRD_AM2AM_MASK                 ;\
  029DE8h 4       BB_PAPRD_AM2PM_MASK                 ;
  029DECh 4       BB_PAPRD_HT40_MASK                  ;
  029DF0h 4       BB_PAPRD_CTRL0                      ; exists ONLY in
  029DF4h 4       BB_PAPRD_CTRL1                      ; newer revision
  029DF8h 4       BB_PA_GAIN123                       ;
  029DFCh 4       BB_PA_GAIN45                        ;
  029E00h 4x8     BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_(0..7)      ;
  029E20h 4x120   BB_PAPRD_MEM_TAB[....]              ;/
  02A000h 4       BB_PEAK_DET_CTRL_1
  02A004h 4       BB_PEAK_DET_CTRL_2
  02A008h 4       BB_RX_GAIN_BOUNDS_1
  02A00Ch 4       BB_RX_GAIN_BOUNDS_2
  02A010h 4       BB_PEAK_DET_CAL_CTRL
  02A014h 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_CTRL
  02A018h 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_I_B0
  02A01Ch 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_Q_B0
  02A020h 1x468   PAD__15
  02A1F4h 4       BB_BBB_TXFIR_0
  02A1F8h 4       BB_BBB_TXFIR_1
  02A1FCh 4       BB_BBB_TXFIR_2
  02A200h 4       BB_MODES_SELECT
  02A204h 4       BB_BBB_TX_CTRL
  02A208h 4       BB_BBB_SIG_DETECT
  02A20Ch 4       BB_EXT_ATTEN_SWITCH_CTL_B0
  02A210h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_1
  02A214h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_2
  02A218h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_3
  02A21Ch 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_4
  02A220h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_5
  02A224h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_6
  02A228h 4       BB_BBB_DAGC_CTRL
  02A22Ch 4       BB_FORCE_CLKEN_CCK
  02A230h 4       BB_RX_CLEAR_DELAY
  02A234h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE3   ;Power TX 1L,2L,2S
  02A238h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE4   ;Power TX 55L,55S,11L,11S
  02A23Ch 1x4     PAD__16
  02A240h 4       BB_CCK_SPUR_MIT
  02A248h 4       BB_PANIC_WATCHDOG_CTRL_1
  02A24Ch 4       BB_PANIC_WATCHDOG_CTRL_2
  02A250h 4       BB_IQCORR_CTRL_CCK      ;with extra bit in newer revision
  02A254h 4       BB_BLUETOOTH_CNTL
  02A258h 4       BB_TPC_1
  02A25Ch 4       BB_TPC_2
  02A260h 4       BB_TPC_3
  02A264h 4       BB_TPC_4_B0
  02A268h 4       BB_ANALOG_SWAP
  02A26Ch 4       BB_TPC_5_B0
  02A270h 4       BB_TPC_6_B0
  02A274h 4       BB_TPC_7
  02A278h 4       BB_TPC_8
  02A27Ch 4       BB_TPC_9
  02A280h 4x32    BB_PDADC_TAB_B0[0..31]
  02A300h 4x16    BB_CL_TAB_B0[0..15]
  02A340h 4       BB_CL_MAP_0_B0
  02A344h 4       BB_CL_MAP_1_B0
  02A348h 4       BB_CL_MAP_2_B0
  02A34Ch 4       BB_CL_MAP_3_B0
  02A350h 1x8     PAD__17
  02A358h 4       BB_CL_CAL_CTRL
  02A35Ch 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_0_B0            ;\
  02A360h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_1_B0            ; exists ONLY in
  02A364h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_2_B0            ; newer revision
  02A368h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_3_B0            ;/
  02A36Ch 1x28    PAD__18  ;(old 1x44 at A35Ch)
  02A388h 4       BB_RIFS
  02A38Ch 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE5   ;Power TX HT20_0..3
  02A390h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE6   ;Power TX HT20_4..7
  02A394h 4       BB_TPC_10
  02A398h 4       BB_TPC_11_B0
  02A39Ch 4       BB_CAL_CHAIN_MASK
  02A3A0h 1x28    PAD__19
  02A3BCh 4       BB_POWERTX_SUB     ;Power TX Sub_for_2chain
  02A3C0h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE7   ;Power TX HT40_0..3
  02A3C4h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE8   ;Power TX HT40_4..7
  02A3C8h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE9   ;Power TX DUP40/EXT20_CCK/OFDM
  02A3CCh 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE10  ;Power TX HT20_8..11
  02A3D0h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE11  ;Power TX HT20/40_12/13
  02A3D4h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE12  ;Power TX HT40_8..11
  02A3D8h 4       BB_FORCE_ANALOG
  02A3DCh 4       BB_TPC_12
  02A3E0h 4       BB_TPC_13
  02A3E4h 4       BB_TPC_14
  02A3E8h 4       BB_TPC_15
  02A3ECh 4       BB_TPC_16
  02A3F0h 4       BB_TPC_17
  02A3F4h 4       BB_TPC_18
  02A3F8h 4       BB_TPC_19
  02A3FCh 4       BB_TPC_20
  02A400h 4x32    BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_(1..32)
  02A480h 4x32    BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_PAL_(1..32)
  02A500h 1x24    PAD__20
  02A518h 4x16    BB_CALTX_GAIN_SET_(0,2,4,6,..,28,30)
  02A558h 4x96    BB_TXIQCAL_MEAS_B0[0..95]
  02A6D8h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_START
  02A6DCh 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_0
  02A6E0h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_1
  02A6E4h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_2
  02A6E8h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_3
  02A6ECh 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_01_B0
  02A6F0h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_23_B0
  02A6F4h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_45_B0
  02A6F8h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_67_B0
  02A6FCh 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_89_B0
  02A700h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_AB_B0
  02A704h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_CD_B0
  02A708h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_EF_B0
  02A70Ch 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_0
  02A710h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_4
  02A714h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_8
  02A718h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_12
  02A71Ch 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_16
  02A720h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_20
  02A724h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_24
  02A728h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_STATUS_B0
  02A72Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL1        ;\
  02A730h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL2        ;
  02A734h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL3        ; exists ONLY in
  02A738h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL4        ; newer revision
  02A73Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT1        ;
  02A740h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT2        ;
  02A744h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT3        ;/
  02A748h 1x144   PAD__21  ;(old 1x172 at A72Ch)
  02A7D8h 4       BB_FCAL_1
  02A7DCh 4       BB_FCAL_2_B0
  02A7E0h 4       BB_RADAR_BW_FILTER
  02A7E4h 4       BB_DFT_TONE_CTRL_B0
  02A7E8h 4       BB_THERM_ADC_1
  02A7ECh 4       BB_THERM_ADC_2
  02A7F0h 4       BB_THERM_ADC_3
  02A7F4h 4       BB_THERM_ADC_4
  02A7F8h 4       BB_TX_FORCED_GAIN
  02A7FCh 4       BB_ECO_CTRL
  02A800h 1x72    PAD__22
  02A848h 4       BB_GAIN_FORCE_MAX_GAINS_B1
  02A84Ch 4       BB_GAINS_MIN_OFFSETS_B1
  02A850h 1x432   PAD__23
  02AA00h 4x128   BB_RX_OCGAIN2[0..127]
  02AC00h 1x1548  PAD__24
  02B20Ch 4       BB_EXT_ATTEN_SWITCH_CTL_B1
  02B210h -       unused/unspecified

mac_pcu_reg.h (2) (hw4.0)
  02C000h 4x1024  MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_2[0..1023]  ;\
  02D000h 4x1024  MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_3[0..1023]  ; after BB registers
  02E000h 4x512   MAC_PCU_BUF[0..511]          ;/
  02E800h -       unused/unspecified

rdma_reg.h (hw4.0)
  030100h 4       DMA_CONFIG
  030104h 4       DMA_CONTROL
  030108h 4       DMA_SRC
  03010Ch 4       DMA_DEST
  030110h 4       DMA_LENGTH
  030114h 4       VMC_BASE
  030118h 4       INDIRECT_REG
  03011Ch 4       INDIRECT_RETURN
  030120h 4x16    RDMA_REGION_(0..15)_
  030160h 4       DMA_STATUS
  030164h 4       DMA_INT_EN
  030168h -       unused/unspecified

efuse_reg.h (hw4.0)
  031000h 4       EFUSE_WR_ENABLE_REG
  031004h 4       EFUSE_INT_ENABLE_REG
  031008h 4       EFUSE_INT_STATUS_REG
  03100Ch 4       BITMASK_WR_REG
  031010h 4       VDDQ_SETTLE_TIME_REG
  031014h 4       RD_STROBE_PW_REG
  031018h 4       PG_STROBE_PW_REG
  03101Ch 1x2020  PAD0
  031800h 4x512   EFUSE_INTF[0..511]
  032000h -       unused/unspecified

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw6.0)

Overall Summary (hw6.0)
  004000h 33Ch    (rtc_soc_reg.h)
  xxx240h 1Ch     (rtc_sync_reg.h)    ;-unknown base address
  005000h 164h    (rtc_wlan_reg.h)
  006000h 264h    (wlan_coex_reg.h)
  007000h 94h     (bt_coex_reg.h)
  008000h ..      MIT (what is that...?) (maybe related to MITSUMI mode?)
  00C000h 14h     (uart_reg.h)
  00D000h ...     DBG_UART (another UART ?)
  00E000h 38h     (umbox_wlan_reg.h)
  010000h 18h     Serial I2C/SPI (si_reg.h)
  010018h 18h     ADDR_ERROR (si_reg.h)
  014000h 170h    (gpio_athr_wlan_reg.h)
  018000h 130h    (mbox_wlan_reg.h)
  01A000h 2000h   WLAN_HOST_IF_WINDOW (mbox_wlan_reg.h)
  01C000h 748h    (analog_intf_athr_wlan_reg.h)
  020000h 130h    (wmac_dma_reg.h)
  020800h 24Ch    (wmac_qcu_reg.h)
  021000h 7FCh    (wmac_dcu_reg.h)
  028000h 1000h   (wmac_pcu_reg.h)
  029800h 3F8h    bb_reg.h (1) - bb_chn_reg_map
  029C00h 24h     bb_reg.h (2) - bb_mrc_reg_map
  029D00h 1Ch     bb_reg.h (3) - bb_bbb_reg_map
  029E00h 400h    bb_reg.h (4) - bb_agc_reg_map
  02A200h 5F8h    bb_reg.h (5) - bb_sm_reg_map
  02A800h 3F8h    bb_reg.h (6) - bb_chn1_reg_map
  02AE00h 400h    bb_reg.h (7) - bb_agc1_reg_map
  02B200h 5F8h    bb_reg.h (8) - bb_sm1_reg_map
  02C800h 400h    bb_reg.h (9) - bb_chn3_reg_map (DUMMY)
  02CE00h 184h    bb_reg.h (10) - bb_agc3_reg_map (mostly DUMMY)
  02D200h 600h    bb_reg.h (11) - bb_sm3_reg_map (DUMMY)
  02D800h 20h     bb_reg.h (12) - mit_local_reg_map, aka bb_mit_reg_map
  02E000h 4x2048  MAC_PCU_BUF (wmac_pcu_reg.h)
  030000h 1800h   EFUSE (efuse_wlan_reg.h)
  034000h 1Ch     STEREO 0 (stereo_reg.h)
  035000h 58h     (chk_sum_seg_acc_reg.h)
  036000h ?       STEREO 1 (maybe same format as STEREO 0 ?)
  038000h 3Ch     (mmac_reg.h)
  039000h 0Ch     (fpga_reg.h)
  040000h 8       (bridge_intr_reg.h)
  040100h 8       (mii_reg.h)
  040200h 28h     (mdio_reg.h)
  040800h 20h     (bridge_chain_gmac_0_rx_reg.h)
  040C00h 1Ch     (bridge_chain_gmac_0_tx_reg.h)
  050000h ..      SVD (what is that...?)
  054000h ...     (usb_cast_reg.h)    ;<--- located at 54000h (?)
  054100h ..      usb RX chain 0..5 at 00054100h+(0..5)*100h  (?)
  054700h ..      usb TX chain 0..5 at 00054700h+(0..5)*100h  (?)
  054C00h ...     UART2 (yet another UART ?)
  054D00h A8h     (rdma_reg.h)
  054E00h 50h     (athrI2cSlaveApbCsr.h)
  055000h 40h     I2S (mbox_i2s_reg.h)
  056000h ..      I2S_1 (maybe same format as above "mbox_i2s_reg.h"?)
  xxxxxxh A00h    (map_rf_reg.h)      ;\unknown base address
  xxxxxxh 20h     (odin_reg.h)        ;/

rtc_soc_reg.h (hw6.0)
  004000h 4       SOC_RESET_CONTROL
  004004h 4       SOC_TCXO_DETECT
  004008h 4       SOC_XTAL_TEST
  00400Ch 1x20    PAD0
  004020h 4       SOC_CPU_CLOCK
  004024h 1x4     PAD1
  004028h 4       SOC_CLOCK_CONTROL
  00402Ch 1x4     PAD2
  004030h 4       SOC_WDT_CONTROL             ;\
  004034h 4       SOC_WDT_STATUS              ;
  004038h 4       SOC_WDT                     ; Watchdog Timer
  00403Ch 4       SOC_WDT_COUNT               ;
  004040h 4       SOC_WDT_RESET               ;/
  004044h 4       SOC_INT_STATUS              ;-Interrupt Status
  004048h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER0               ;\
  00404Ch 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT0         ; Low-Freq Timer
  004050h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL0       ;
  004054h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS0        ;/
  004058h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER1               ;\
  00405Ch 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT1         ; Low-Freq Timer
  004060h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL1       ;
  004064h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS1        ;/
  004068h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER2               ;\
  00406Ch 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT2         ; Low-Freq Timer
  004070h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL2       ;
  004074h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS2        ;/
  004078h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER3               ;\
  00407Ch 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT3         ; Low-Freq Timer
  004080h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL3       ;
  004084h 4       SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS3        ;/
  004088h 4       SOC_HF_TIMER                ;\
  00408Ch 4       SOC_HF_TIMER_COUNT          ; High-Freq Timer
  004090h 4       SOC_HF_LF_COUNT       ;<--  ;
  004094h 4       SOC_HF_TIMER_CONTROL        ;
  004098h 4       SOC_HF_TIMER_STATUS         ;/
  00409Ch 4       SOC_RTC_CONTROL             ;\
  0040A0h 4       SOC_RTC_TIME                ;
  0040A4h 4       SOC_RTC_DATE                ;
  0040A8h 4       SOC_RTC_SET_TIME            ; Real-Time Clock
  0040ACh 4       SOC_RTC_SET_DATE            ;
  0040B0h 4       SOC_RTC_SET_ALARM           ;
  0040B4h 4       SOC_RTC_CONFIG              ;
  0040B8h 4       SOC_RTC_ALARM_STATUS        ;/
  0040BCh 4       SOC_UART_WAKEUP
  0040C0h 4       SOC_RESET_CAUSE
  0040C4h 4       SOC_SYSTEM_SLEEP
  0040C8h 4       SOC_SDIO_WRAPPER
  0040CCh 4       SOC_INT_STATUS1
  0040D0h 1x4     PAD3
  0040D4h 4       SOC_LPO_CAL_TIME                    ;\
  0040D8h 4       SOC_LPO_INIT_DIVIDEND_INT           ;
  0040E0h 4       SOC_LPO_CAL                         ;
  0040E4h 4       SOC_LPO_CAL_TEST_CONTROL            ;
  0040E8h 4       SOC_LPO_CAL_TEST_STATUS             ;/
  0040ECh 4       LEGACY_SOC_CHIP_ID                  ;\Chip ID
  0040F0h 4       SOC_CHIP_ID                         ;/
  0040F4h 1x24    PAD4
  00410Ch 4       SOC_POWER_REG
  004110h 4       SOC_CORE_CLK_CTRL
  004114h 4       SOC_GPIO_WAKEUP_CONTROL
  004118h 1x252   PAD5
  004214h 4       SLEEP_RETENTION
  004218h 1x108   PAD6
  004284h 4       LP_PERF_COUNTER                     ;\
  004288h 4       LP_PERF_LIGHT_SLEEP                 ; Perf
  00428Ch 4       LP_PERF_DEEP_SLEEP                  ;
  004290h 4       LP_PERF_ON                          ;/
  004294h 1x20    PAD7
  0042A8h 4       CHIP_MODE
  0042ACh 4       CLK_REQ_FALL_EDGE
  0042B0h 4       OTP                                 ;\OTP
  0042B4h 4       OTP_STATUS                          ;/
  0042B8h 4       PMU
  0042BCh 4       PMU_CONFIG
  0042C0h 4       PMU_PAREG
  0042C4h 4       PMU_BYPASS
  0042C8h 1x20    PAD8
  0042DCh 4       THERM_CTRL1                         ;\
  0042E0h 4       THERM_CTRL2                         ; Therm
  0042E4h 4       THERM_CTRL3                         ;/
  0042E8h 4       LISTEN_MODE1
  0042ECh 4       LISTEN_MODE2
  0042F0h 4       AUDIO_PLL_CONFIG
  0042F4h 4       AUDIO_PLL_MODULATION
  0042F8h 4       AUDIO_PLL_MOD_STEP
  004300h 4       ETH_PLL_CONFIG
  004304h 4       CPU_PLL_CONFIG
  004308h 4       BB_PLL_CONFIG
  00430Ch 4       ETH_XMII
  004310h 4       USB_PHY_CONFIG
  004314h 4       MITSUMI_INT_CONTROL_REG
  004318h 4       MITSUMI_INT_STATUS_REG
  00431Ch 4       CURRENT_WORKING_MODE
  004320h 4       RTC_SLEEP_COUNT
  004324h 4       MIT2_VAP
  004328h 4       SECOND_HOST_INFT
  00432Ch 4       SDIO_HOST
  004330h 4       ENTERPRISE_CONFIG
  004334h 4       RTC_DEBUG_BUS
  004338h 4       RTC_EXT_CLK_BUF

rtc_sync_reg.h (hw6.0)
  000000h 1x576   PAD__0
  000240h 4       RTC_SYNC_RESET
  000244h 4       RTC_SYNC_STATUS
  000248h 4       RTC_SYNC_DERIVED
  00024Ch 4       RTC_SYNC_FORCE_WAKE
  000250h 4       RTC_SYNC_INTR_CAUSE
  000254h 4       RTC_SYNC_INTR_ENABLE
  000258h 4       RTC_SYNC_INTR_MASK
  00025Ch ..      -

rtc_wlan_reg.h (hw6.0)
  005000h 4       WLAN_RESET_CONTROL
  005004h 4       WLAN_XTAL_CONTROL
  005008h 4       WLAN_REG_CONTROL0
  00500Ch 4       WLAN_REG_CONTROL1
  005010h 4       WLAN_QUADRATURE
  005014h 4       WLAN_PLL_CONTROL
  005018h 4       WLAN_PLL_SETTLE
  00501Ch 4       WLAN_XTAL_SETTLE
  005020h 4       WLAN_CLOCK_OUT
  005024h 4       WLAN_BIAS_OVERRIDE
  005028h 4       WLAN_RESET_CAUSE
  00502Ch 4       WLAN_SYSTEM_SLEEP
  005030h 4       WLAN_MAC_SLEEP_CONTROL
  005034h 4       WLAN_KEEP_AWAKE
  005038h 4       WLAN_DERIVED_RTC_CLK
  00503Ch 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_MODE
  005040h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_WAKE
  005044h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP32_INC
  005048h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB1
  00504Ch 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB2
  005050h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB3
  005054h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF_L32
  005058h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF_U32
  00505Ch 4       MAC_PCU_WBTIMER_0
  005060h 4       MAC_PCU_WBTIMER_1
  005064h 4x16    MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS[0..15]
  0050A4h 1x24    PAD__0
  0050C0h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP1
  0050C4h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP2
  0050C8h 4       MAC_PCU_SLP3
  0050CCh 4       MAC_PCU_SLP4
  0050D0h 4       MAC_PCU_RESET_TSF
  0050D4h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF2_L32
  0050D8h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF2_U32
  0050DCh 4x16    MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS2[0..15]
  00511Ch 1x24    PAD__1
  005134h 4       MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS_MODE2
  005138h 1x12    PAD__2
  005144h 4       MAC_PCU_TSF_THRESHOLD
  005148h 4       WLAN_HT
  00514Ch 1x4     PAD__3
  005154h 4       MAC_PCU_BMISS_TIMEOUT
  005158h 4       MAC_PCU_BMISS2_TIMEOUT
  00515Ch 4       RTC_AXI_AHB_BRIDGE
  005160h 4       UNIFIED_MAC_REVID
  005164h ..      -

wlan_coex_reg.h (hw6.0)
  006000h 4       MCI_COMMAND0
  006004h 4       MCI_COMMAND1
  006008h 4       MCI_COMMAND2
  00600Ch 4       MCI_RX_CTRL
  006010h 4       MCI_TX_CTRL
  006014h 4       MCI_MSG_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE
  006018h 4       MCI_SCHD_TABLE_0
  00601Ch 4       MCI_SCHD_TABLE_1
  006020h 4       MCI_GPM_0
  006024h 4       MCI_GPM_1
  006028h 4       MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW
  00602Ch 4       MCI_INTERRUPT_EN
  006030h 4       MCI_REMOTE_CPU_INT
  006034h 4       MCI_REMOTE_CPU_INT_EN
  006038h 4       MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW
  00603Ch 4       MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_EN
  006040h 4       MCI_CPU_INT
  006044h 4       MCI_RX_STATUS
  006048h 4       MCI_CONT_STATUS
  00604Ch 4       MCI_BT_PRI0
  006050h 4       MCI_BT_PRI1
  006054h 4       MCI_BT_PRI2
  006058h 4       MCI_BT_PRI3
  00605Ch 4       MCI_BT_PRI
  006060h 4       MCI_WL_FREQ0
  006064h 4       MCI_WL_FREQ1
  006068h 4       MCI_WL_FREQ2
  00606Ch 4       MCI_GAIN
  006070h 4       MCI_WBTIMER1
  006074h 4       MCI_WBTIMER2
  006078h 4       MCI_WBTIMER3
  00607Ch 4       MCI_WBTIMER4
  006080h 4       MCI_MAXGAIN
  006084h 1x40    PAD__0
  0060ACh 4       BTCOEX_CTRL
  0060B0h 1x156   PAD__1
  00614Ch 4       BTCOEX_CTRL2
  006150h 1x260   PAD__2
  006254h 4       BTCOEX_DBG
  006258h 4       MCI_LAST_HW_MSG_HDR
  00625Ch 4       MCI_LAST_HW_MSG_BDY
  006260h 4       MCI_MAXGAIN_RST
  006264h ..      -

bt_coex_reg.h (hw6.0)
  007000h 4       BTCOEXCTRL                      ;\
  007004h 4       WBSYNC_PRIORITY1                ;
  007008h 4       WBSYNC_PRIORITY2                ;
  00700Ch 4       WBSYNC_PRIORITY3                ;
  007010h 4       BTCOEX0  ;SYNC_DUR              ;
  007014h 4       BTCOEX1  ;CLK_THRES             ;
  007018h 4       BTCOEX2  ;FRAME_THRES           ;
  00701Ch 4       BTCOEX3  ;CLK_CNT               ; moved from 004218h (hw4)
  007020h 4       BTCOEX4  ;FRAME_CNT             ; to 007000h (hw6)
  007024h 4       BTCOEX5  ;IDLE_CNT              ;
  007028h 4       BTCOEX6  ;IDLE_RESET_LVL_BITMAP ;
  00702Ch 4       LOCK                            ;
  007030h 4       NOLOCK_PRIORITY                 ;
  007034h 4       WBSYNC                          ;
  007038h 4       WBSYNC1                         ;
  00703Ch 4       WBSYNC2                         ;
  007040h 4       WBSYNC3                         ;
  007044h 4       WB_TIMER_TARGET                 ;
  007048h 4       WB_TIMER_SLOP                   ;
  00704Ch 4       BTCOEX_INT_EN                   ;
  007050h 4       BTCOEX_INT_STAT                 ;
  007054h 4       BTPRIORITY_INT_EN               ;
  007058h 4       BTPRIORITY_INT_STAT             ;
  00705Ch 4       BTPRIORITY_STOMP_INT_EN         ;
  007060h 4       BTPRIORITY_STOMP_INT_STAT       ;/
  007064h 4       ST_64_BIT                       ;\
  007068h 4       MESSAGE_WR                      ; moved from 004294h (hw4)
  00706Ch 4       MESSAGE_WR_P                    ; to 007064h (hw6)
  007070h 4       MESSAGE_RD                      ;
  007074h 4       MESSAGE_RD_P                    ;/
  007078h 4       BTPRIORITY_INT                  ;\
  00707Ch 4       SCO_PARAMS                      ;
  007080h 4       SCO_PRIORITY                    ;
  007084h 4       SCO_SYNC                        ; new, hw6.0 only
  007088h 4       BTCOEX_RAW_STAT                 ;
  00708Ch 4       BTPRIORITY_RAW_STAT             ;
  007090h 4       BTPRIORITY_STOMP_RAW_STAT       ;/

uart_reg.h (hw6.0)
  00C000h 4       UART_DATA
  00C004h 4       UART_CONTROL
  00C008h 4       UART_CLKDIV
  00C00Ch 4       UART_INT
  00C010h 4       UART_INT_EN
  00C014h ..      -
  00D000h ..      ??

umbox_wlan_reg.h (hw6.0)
  00E000h 4x2     UMBOX_FIFO[0..1]
  00E008h 4       UMBOX_FIFO_STATUS
  00E00Ch 4       UMBOX_DMA_POLICY
  00E014h 4       UMBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  00E01Ch 4       UMBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  00E020h 4       UMBOX_FIFO_TIMEOUT
  00E024h 4       UMBOX_INT_STATUS
  00E028h 4       UMBOX_INT_ENABLE
  00E02Ch 4       UMBOX_DEBUG
  00E030h 4       UMBOX_FIFO_RESET
  00E034h 4       UMBOX_HCI_FRAMER

Serial I2C/SPI (si_reg.h) (hw6.0)
  010000h 4       SI_CONFIG
  010004h 4       SI_CS
  010008h 4       SI_TX_DATA0
  01000Ch 4       SI_TX_DATA1
  010010h 4       SI_RX_DATA0
  010014h 4       SI_RX_DATA1

ADDR_ERROR (si_reg.h) (hw6.0)
  010018h 4       WLAN_APB_ADDR_ERROR_CONTROL ;\
  010020h 4       WLAN_AHB_ADDR_ERROR_CONTROL ; (located at 8xxxh in hw4)
  010024h 4       WLAN_AHB_ADDR_ERROR_STATUS  ;/
  010028h 4       WLAN_AHB_CONFIG
  01002Ch 4       WLAN_MEMORY_MAP

gpio_athr_wlan_reg.h (hw6.0)
  014000h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_LOW        ;\
  014004h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TS_LOW   ;
  014008h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TC_LOW   ; GPIO Output Data
  01400Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_HIGH       ; (direct, and Write-1-To-Set/Clr)
  014010h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TS_HIGH  ;
  014014h 4       WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TC_HIGH  ;/
  014018h 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_LOW                ;\
  01401Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS_LOW           ;
  014020h 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC_LOW           ; GPIO Output Enable
  014024h 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_HIGH               ; (direct, and Set/Clr)
  014028h 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS_HIGH          ;
  01402Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC_HIGH          ;/
  014030h 4       WLAN_GPIO_IN_LOW                       ;\
  014034h 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_LOW                ;\ ; GPIO Input
  014038h 4       WLAN_GPIO_IN_HIGH                   ;  ;/
  01403Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_HIGH               ;
  014040h 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TS_LOW           ; GPIO Interrupt Status
  014044h 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TC_LOW           ; (direct, and Set/Clr)
  014048h 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TS_HIGH          ;
  01404Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TC_HIGH          ;/
  014050h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN0   ;GPIO0 or SDIO_CMD
  014054h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN1   ;GPIO1 or SDIO_D3
  014058h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN2   ;GPIO2 or SDIO_D2
  01405Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN3   ;GPIO3 or SDIO_D1
  014060h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN4   ;GPIO4 or SDIO_D0
  014064h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN5   ;GPIO5 or SDIO_CLK
  014068h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN6   ;GPIO6
  01406Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN7   ;GPIO7
  014070h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN8   ;...
  014074h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN9   ;..
  014078h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN10
  01407Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN11
  014080h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN12
  014084h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN13
  014088h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN14
  01408Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN15
  014090h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN16
  014094h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN17
  014098h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN18
  01409Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN19
  0140A0h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN20
  0140A4h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN21
  0140A8h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN22
  0140ACh 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN23
  0140B0h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN24
  0140B4h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN25
  0140B8h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN26
  0140BCh 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN27
  0140C0h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN28
  0140C4h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN29
  0140C8h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN30
  0140CCh 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN31
  0140D0h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN32
  0140D4h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN33
  0140D8h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN34
  0140DCh 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN35
  0140E0h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN36
  0140E4h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN37
  0140E8h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN38
  0140ECh 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN39
  0140F0h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN40
  0140F4h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN41
  0140F8h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN42
  0140FCh 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN43
  014100h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN44
  014104h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN45
  014108h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN46
  01410Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN47
  014110h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN48
  014114h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN49
  014118h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN50
  01411Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN51
  014120h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN52
  014124h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN53
  014128h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN54
  01412Ch 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN55
  014130h 4       WLAN_GPIO_PIN56
  014134h 4       SDIO
  014138h 4       WL_SOC_APB
  01413Ch 4       WLAN_SIGMA_DELTA
  014140h 4       WL_BOOTSTRAP
  014144h 4       CORE_BOOTSTRAP_LOW
  014148h 4       CORE_BOOTSTRAP_HIGH
  01414Ch 4       WLAN_DEBUG_CONTROL
  014150h 4       WLAN_DEBUG_INPUT_SEL
  014154h 4       WLAN_DEBUG_OUT
  014158h 4       WLAN_RESET_TUPLE_STATUS
  01415Ch 4       ANTENNA_CONTROL
  014160h 4       SDIO2
  014164h 4       SDHC
  014168h 4       AMBA_DEBUG_BUS
  01416Ch 4       CPU_MBIST

MBOX Registers (mbox_wlan_reg.h) (hw6.0)
  018000h 4x4     WLAN_MBOX_FIFO[0..3]
  018010h 4       WLAN_MBOX_FIFO_STATUS
  018014h 4       WLAN_MBOX_DMA_POLICY
  018018h 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01801Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 0
  018020h 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018024h 4       WLAN_MBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018028h 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01802Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 1
  018030h 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018034h 4       WLAN_MBOX1_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018038h 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01803Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 2
  018040h 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018044h 4       WLAN_MBOX2_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018048h 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;\
  01804Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_RX_CONTROL           ; MBOX 3
  018050h 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE   ;
  018054h 4       WLAN_MBOX3_DMA_TX_CONTROL           ;/
  018058h 4       WLAN_MBOX_INT_STATUS                ;\Interrupt
  01805Ch 4       WLAN_MBOX_INT_ENABLE                ;/
  018060h 4       WLAN_INT_HOST
  018064h 1x28    PAD0
  018080h 4x8     WLAN_LOCAL_COUNT[0..7]
  0180A0h 4x8     WLAN_COUNT_INC[0..7]
  0180C0h 4x8     WLAN_LOCAL_SCRATCH[0..7]
  0180E0h 4       WLAN_USE_LOCAL_BUS
  0180E4h 4       WLAN_SDIO_CONFIG
  0180E8h 4       WLAN_MBOX_DEBUG
  0180ECh 4       WLAN_MBOX_FIFO_RESET
  0180F0h 4x4     WLAN_MBOX_TXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  018100h 4x4     WLAN_MBOX_RXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  018110h 4       WLAN_SDIO_DEBUG
  018114h 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE  ;\
  018118h 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL          ;
  01811Ch 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE  ; hw4.0 and hw6.0
  018120h 4       WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL          ;
  018124h 4       WLAN_GMBOX_INT_STATUS               ;
  018128h 4       WLAN_GMBOX_INT_ENABLE               ;/
  01812Ch 4       STE_MODE                            ;<-- hw6.0 only
  018130h 1x7888  PAD1
  01A000h 4x2048  WLAN_HOST_IF_WINDOW[0..2047]

analog_intf_athr_wlan_reg.h (hw6.0)
  01C000h 4       RXRF_BIAS1
  01C004h 4       RXRF_BIAS2
  01C008h 4       RXRF_GAINSTAGES
  01C00Ch 4       RXRF_AGC
  01C010h 1x48    PAD__0
  01C040h 4       TXRF1
  01C044h 4       TXRF2
  01C048h 4       TXRF3
  01C04Ch 4       TXRF4
  01C050h 4       TXRF5
  01C054h 4       TXRF6
  01C058h 4       TXRF7
  01C05Ch 4       TXRF8
  01C060h 4       TXRF9
  01C064h 4       TXRF10
  01C068h 4       TXRF11
  01C06Ch 4       TXRF12
  01C070h 1x16    PAD__1
  01C080h 4       SYNTH1
  01C084h 4       SYNTH2
  01C088h 4       SYNTH3
  01C08Ch 4       SYNTH4
  01C090h 4       SYNTH5
  01C094h 4       SYNTH6
  01C098h 4       SYNTH7
  01C09Ch 4       SYNTH8
  01C0A0h 4       SYNTH9
  01C0A4h 4       SYNTH10
  01C0A8h 4       SYNTH11
  01C0ACh 4       SYNTH12
  01C0B0h 4       SYNTH13
  01C0B4h 4       SYNTH14
  01C0B8h 1x8     PAD__2
  01C0C0h 4       BIAS1
  01C0C4h 4       BIAS2
  01C0C8h 4       BIAS3
  01C0CCh 4       BIAS4
  01C0D0h 1x48    PAD__3
  01C100h 4       RXTX1
  01C104h 4       RXTX2
  01C108h 4       RXTX3
  01C10Ch 1x52    PAD__4
  01C140h 4       BB1
  01C144h 4       BB2
  01C148h 4       BB3
  01C14Ch 1x308   PAD__5
  01C280h 4       PLLCLKMODA
  01C284h 4       PLLCLKMODA2
  01C288h 4       TOP
  01C28Ch 4       THERM
  01C290h 4       XTAL
  01C294h 1x236   PAD__6
  01C380h 4       RBIST_CNTRL
  01C384h 4       TX_DC_OFFSET
  01C388h 4       TX_TONEGEN0
  01C38Ch 4       TX_TONEGEN1
  01C390h 4       TX_LFTONEGEN0
  01C394h 4       TX_LINEAR_RAMP_I
  01C398h 4       TX_LINEAR_RAMP_Q
  01C39Ch 4       TX_PRBS_MAG
  01C3A0h 4       TX_PRBS_SEED_I
  01C3A4h 4       TX_PRBS_SEED_Q
  01C3A8h 4       CMAC_DC_CANCEL
  01C3ACh 4       CMAC_DC_OFFSET
  01C3B0h 4       CMAC_CORR
  01C3B4h 4       CMAC_POWER
  01C3B8h 4       CMAC_CROSS_CORR
  01C3BCh 4       CMAC_I2Q2
  01C3C0h 4       CMAC_POWER_HPF
  01C3C4h 4       RXDAC_SET1
  01C3C8h 4       RXDAC_SET2
  01C3CCh 4       RXDAC_LONG_SHIFT
  01C3D0h 4       CMAC_RESULTS_I
  01C3D4h 4       CMAC_RESULTS_Q
  01C3D8h 1x872   PAD__7
  01C740h 4       PMU1
  01C744h 4       PMU2

wmac_dma_reg.h (hw6.0)
  020000h 1x8     PAD__0
  020008h 4       MAC_DMA_CR
  020004h 1x4     PAD__1
  02000Ch 1x4     PAD__1
  020014h 4       MAC_DMA_CFG
  020018h 4       MAC_DMA_RXBUFPTR_THRESH
  02001Ch 4       MAC_DMA_TXDPPTR_THRESH
  020020h 4       MAC_DMA_MIRT
  020024h 4       MAC_DMA_GLOBAL_IER
  020028h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_0
  02002Ch 4       MAC_DMA_RIMT
  020030h 4       MAC_DMA_TXCFG
  020034h 4       MAC_DMA_RXCFG
  020038h 4       MAC_DMA_RXJLA
  02003Ch 1x4     PAD__2
  020040h 4       MAC_DMA_MIBC
  020044h 4       MAC_DMA_TOPS
  020048h 4       MAC_DMA_RXNPTO
  02004Ch 4       MAC_DMA_TXNPTO
  020050h 4       MAC_DMA_RPGTO
  020054h 1x4     PAD__3
  020058h 4       MAC_DMA_MACMISC
  02005Ch 4       MAC_DMA_INTER
  020060h 4       MAC_DMA_DATABUF
  020064h 4       MAC_DMA_GTT
  020068h 4       MAC_DMA_GTTM
  02006Ch 4       MAC_DMA_CST
  020070h 4       MAC_DMA_RXDP_SIZE
  020074h 4       MAC_DMA_RX_QUEUE_HP_RXDP
  020078h 4       MAC_DMA_RX_QUEUE_LP_RXDP
  02007Ch 1x4     PAD__4
  020080h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_P  - Primary Interrupt Status Register         ;\
  020084h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S0 - Secondary Interrupt 0 Status TX OK/DESC   ;
  020088h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S1 - Secondary Interrupt 1 Status TX ERR/EOL   ;
  02008Ch 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S2 - Secondary Interrupt 2 Status TX URN/MISC  ;
  020090h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S3 - Secondary Interrupt 3 Status QCBR OVF/URN ;
  020094h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S4 - Secondary Interrupt 4 Status QTRIG        ;
  020098h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S5 - Secondary Interrupt 5 Status TIMERS       ;
  02009Ch 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S6 - Secondary Interrupt 6 Status UNKNOWN?     ;/
  0200A0h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_P  - Primary Interrupt Mask Register           ;\
  0200A4h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S0 - Secondary Interrupt 0 Mask TX OK/DESC     ;
  0200A8h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S1 - Secondary Interrupt 1 Mask TX ERR/EOL     ;
  0200ACh 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S2 - Secondary Interrupt 2 Mask TX URN/MISC    ;
  0200B0h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S3 - Secondary Interrupt 3 Mask QCBR OVF/URN   ;
  0200B4h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S4 - Secondary Interrupt 4 Mask QTRIG          ;
  0200B8h 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S5 - Secondary Interrupt 5 Mask TIMERS         ;
  0200BCh 4       MAC_DMA_IMR_S6 - Secondary Interrupt 6 Mask UNKNOWN?       ;/
  0200C0h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_P_RAC - Primary Interrupt Read-and-Clear       ;\
  0200C4h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S0_S  - Secondary 0 Read-and-Clr TX OK/DESC    ;
  0200C8h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S1_S  - Secondary 1 Read-and-Clr TX ERR/EOL    ;
  0200CCh 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S6_S  - Secondary 6? Read-and-Clr UNKNOWN? <-- ;
  0200D0h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S2_S  - Secondary 2? Read-and-Clr TX URN/MISC  ;
  0200D4h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S3_S  - Secondary 3? Read-and-Clr QCBR OVF/URN ;
  0200D8h 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S4_S  - Secondary 4? Read-and-Clr QTRIG        ;
  0200DCh 4       MAC_DMA_ISR_S5_S  - Secondary 5? Read-and-Clr TIMERS       ;/
  0200E0h 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_0
  0200E4h 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_1
  0200E8h 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_2
  0200ECh 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_3
  0200F0h 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_4
  0200F4h 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_5
  0200F8h 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_6
  0200FCh 4       MAC_DMA_DMADBG_7
  020100h 4       MAC_DMA_QCU_TXDP_REMAINING_QCU_7_0
  020104h 4       MAC_DMA_QCU_TXDP_REMAINING_QCU_9_8
  020108h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_1       ;note: "MAC_DMA_TIMT_0" is at 020028h
  02010Ch 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_2
  020110h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_3
  020114h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_4
  020118h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_5
  02011Ch 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_6
  020120h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_7
  020124h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_8
  020128h 4       MAC_DMA_TIMT_9
  02012Ch 4       MAC_DMA_CHKACC

wmac_qcu_reg.h (hw6.0)
  020800h 4x10    MAC_QCU_TXDP[0..9]
  020828h 1x8     PAD__1
  020830h 4       MAC_QCU_STATUS_RING_START
  020834h 4       MAC_QCU_STATUS_RING_END
  02083Ch 1x4     PAD__2
  020840h 4       MAC_QCU_TXE
  020844h 1x60    PAD__3
  020880h 4       MAC_QCU_TXD
  020884h 1x60    PAD__4
  0208C0h 4x10    MAC_QCU_CBR[0..9]
  0208E8h 1x24    PAD__5
  020900h 4x10    MAC_QCU_RDYTIME[0..9]
  020928h 1x24    PAD__6
  020940h 4       MAC_QCU_ONESHOT_ARM_SC
  020944h 1x60    PAD__7
  020980h 4       MAC_QCU_ONESHOT_ARM_CC
  020984h 1x60    PAD__8
  0209C0h 4x10    MAC_QCU_MISC[0..9]
  0209E8h 1x24    PAD__9
  020A00h 4x10    MAC_QCU_CNT[0..9]
  020A28h 1x24    PAD__10
  020A40h 4       MAC_QCU_RDYTIME_SHDN
  020A44h 4       MAC_QCU_DESC_CRC_CHK
  020A48h 4       MAC_QCU_EOL

wmac_dcu_reg.h (hw6.0)
  021000h 4x10    MAC_DCU_QCUMASK[0..9]
  021028h 1x8     PAD__1
  021030h 4       MAC_DCU_GBL_IFS_SIFS
  021034h 1x4     PAD__2
  021038h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_31_0
  02103Ch 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_31_0
  021040h 4x10    MAC_DCU_LCL_IFS[0..9]
  021068h 1x8     PAD__3
  021070h 4       MAC_DCU_GBL_IFS_SLOT
  021074h 1x4     PAD__4
  021078h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_63_32
  02107Ch 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_63_32
  021080h 4x10    MAC_DCU_RETRY_LIMIT[0..9]
  0210A8h 1x8     PAD__5
  0210B0h 4       MAC_DCU_GBL_IFS_EIFS
  0210B4h 1x4     PAD__6
  0210B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_95_64
  0210BCh 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_95_64
  0210C0h 4x10    MAC_DCU_CHANNEL_TIME[0..9]
  0210E8h 1x8     PAD__7
  0210F0h 4       MAC_DCU_GBL_IFS_MISC
  0210F4h 1x4     PAD__8
  0210F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_127_96
  0210FCh 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_127_96
  021100h 4x10    MAC_DCU_MISC[0..9]
  021128h 1x16    PAD__9
  021138h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_31_0
  02113Ch 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_31_0
  021140h 4       MAC_DCU_SEQ
  021144h 1x52    PAD__10
  021178h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_63_32
  02117Ch 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_63_32
  021180h 1x56    PAD__11
  0211B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_95_64
  0211BCh 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_95_64
  0211C0h 1x56    PAD__12
  0211F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_127_96
  0211FCh 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_127_96
  021200h 1x56    PAD__13
  021238h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_31_0
  02123Ch 1x52    PAD__14
  021270h 4       MAC_DCU_PAUSE
  021274h 1x4     PAD__15
  021278h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_63_32
  02127Ch 1x52    PAD__16
  0212B0h 4       MAC_DCU_WOW_KACFG
  0212B4h 1x4     PAD__17
  0212B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_95_64
  0212BCh 1x52    PAD__18
  0212F0h 4       MAC_DCU_TXSLOT
  0212F4h 1x4     PAD__19
  0212F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_127_96
  0212FCh 1x60    PAD__20
  021338h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_31_0          ;\
  02133Ch 1x60    PAD__21                             ;
  021378h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_63_32         ;
  02137Ch 1x60    PAD__22                             ;
  0213B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_95_64         ;
  0213BCh 1x60    PAD__23                             ;
  0213F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_127_96        ;/
  0213FCh 1x60    PAD__24
  021438h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_31_0
  02143Ch 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_CLEAR
  021440h 1x56    PAD__25
  021478h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_63_32
  02147Ch 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_SET
  021480h 1x56    PAD__26
  0214B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_95_64
  0214BCh 1x60    PAD__27
  0214F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_127_96
  0214FCh 1x60    PAD__28
  021538h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_31_0          ;\
  02153Ch 1x60    PAD__29                             ;
  021578h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_63_32         ;
  02157Ch 1x60    PAD__30                             ;
  0215B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_95_64         ;
  0215BCh 1x60    PAD__31                             ;
  0215F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_127_96        ;/
  0215FCh 1x60    PAD__32
  021638h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_31_0          ;\
  02163Ch 1x60    PAD__33                             ;
  021678h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_63_32         ;
  02167Ch 1x60    PAD__34                             ;
  0216B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_95_64         ;
  0216BCh 1x60    PAD__35                             ;
  0216F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_127_96        ;/
  0216FCh 1x60    PAD__36
  021738h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_31_0          ;\
  02173Ch 1x60    PAD__37                             ;
  021778h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_63_32         ;
  02177Ch 1x60    PAD__38                             ;
  0217B8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_95_64         ;
  0217BCh 1x60    PAD__39                             ;
  0217F8h 4       MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_127_96        ;/

wmac_pcu_reg.h (1) (hw6.0)
  028000h 4       MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_L32
  028004h 4       MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_U16
  028008h 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID_L32
  02800Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID_U16
  028010h 4       MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_AVE
  028014h 4       MAC_PCU_ACK_CTS_TIMEOUT
  028018h 4       MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_CTL
  02801Ch 4       MAC_PCU_USEC_LATENCY
  028020h 4       MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_CTL2
  028024h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_1
  028028h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_2
  02802Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_3
  028030h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_WL_4
  028034h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_EPTA
  028038h 4       MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR
  02803Ch 4       MAC_PCU_RX_FILTER
  028040h 4       MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_L32
  028044h 4       MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_U32
  028048h 4       MAC_PCU_DIAG_SW
  02804Ch 1x8     PAD__1
  028054h 4       MAC_PCU_TST_ADDAC
  028058h 4       MAC_PCU_DEF_ANTENNA
  02805Ch 4       MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_0
  028060h 4       MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_1
  028064h 4       MAC_PCU_GATED_CLKS
  028068h 4       MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_2
  02806Ch 4       MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_1
  028070h 4       MAC_PCU_DYM_MIMO_PWR_SAVE
  028074h 1x12    PAD__2
  028080h 4       MAC_PCU_LAST_BEACON_TSF
  028084h 4       MAC_PCU_NAV
  028088h 4       MAC_PCU_RTS_SUCCESS_CNT
  02808Ch 4       MAC_PCU_RTS_FAIL_CNT
  028090h 4       MAC_PCU_ACK_FAIL_CNT
  028094h 4       MAC_PCU_FCS_FAIL_CNT
  028098h 4       MAC_PCU_BEACON_CNT
  02809Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BEACON2_CNT
  0280A0h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_SET
  0280A4h 4       MAC_PCU_MGMT_SEQ
  0280A8h 4       MAC_PCU_BF_RPT1
  0280ACh 4       MAC_PCU_BF_RPT2
  0280B0h 4       MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_1
  0280B4h 4       MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_2
  0280B8h 4       MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_3
  0280BCh 4       MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_4
  0280C0h 4       MAC_PCU_XRMODE
  0280C4h 4       MAC_PCU_XRDEL
  0280C8h 4       MAC_PCU_XRTO
  0280CCh 4       MAC_PCU_XRCRP
  0280D0h 4       MAC_PCU_XRSTMP
  0280D4h 1x8     PAD__3
  0280E0h 4       MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_L32
  0280E4h 4       MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_U16
  0280E8h 4       MAC_PCU_TPC
  0280ECh 4       MAC_PCU_TX_FRAME_CNT
  0280F0h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_FRAME_CNT
  0280F4h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_CNT
  0280F8h 4       MAC_PCU_CYCLE_CNT
  0280FCh 4       MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_1
  028100h 4       MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_2
  028104h 1x4     PAD__4
  028108h 4       MAC_PCU_QOS_NO_ACK
  02810Ch 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK
  028110h 4       MAC_PCU_XRLAT
  028114h 4       MAC_PCU_RXBUF
  028118h 4       MAC_PCU_MIC_QOS_CONTROL
  02811Ch 4       MAC_PCU_MIC_QOS_SELECT
  028120h 4       MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE
  028124h 4       MAC_PCU_FILTER_OFDM_CNT
  028128h 4       MAC_PCU_FILTER_CCK_CNT
  02812Ch 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1
  028130h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1_MASK
  028134h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2
  028138h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2_MASK
  02813Ch 1x8     PAD__5
  028144h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_EIFS_MASK
  028148h 1x8     PAD__6
  028150h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN1
  028154h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN2
  028158h 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN3
  02815Ch 4       MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN4
  028160h 1x8     PAD__7
  028168h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3
  02816Ch 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3_MASK
  028170h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE
  028174h 1x4     PAD__8
  028178h 4       MAC_PCU_HCF_TIMEOUT
  02817Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE2
  028180h 1x72    PAD__9
  0281D0h 4       MAC_PCU_TXSIFS
  0281D4h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE3
  0281D8h 4       MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE4
  0281E4h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_BT_ASYNC
  0281E8h 1x4     PAD__10
  0281ECh 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_X
  0281F0h 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_0_3
  0281F4h 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_4_7
  0281F8h 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_8_11
  0281FCh 4       MAC_PCU_TXOP_12_15
  028208h 4       MAC_PCU_TDMA_SLOT_ALERT_CNTL
  02820Ch 1x80    PAD__11
  02825Ch 4       MAC_PCU_WOW1                ;WOW Misc
  028260h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW2                ;WOW AIFS/SLOT/TRY_CNT
  028264h 4       MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER
  028268h 4       MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER_32L
  02826Ch 4       MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER_16U
  028270h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW3_BEACON_FAIL    ;WOW Beacon Fail Enable
  028274h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW3_BEACON         ;WOW Beacon Timeout
  028278h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW3_KEEP_ALIVE     ;WOW Keep-Alive Timeout
  02827Ch 4       MAC_PCU_WOW_KA        ;WOW Auto/Fail/BkoffCs Enable/Disable
  028280h 1x4     PAD__12
  028284h 4       PCU_1US
  028288h 4       PCU_KA
  02828Ch 4       WOW_EXACT                   ;WOW Exact Length/Offset 1
  028290h 1x4     PAD__13
  028294h 4       PCU_WOW4                    ;WOW Offset 0..3
  028298h 4       PCU_WOW5                    ;WOW Offset 4..7
  0282A0h 1x96    PAD__14
  028300h 4       MAC_PCU_AZIMUTH_MODE
  028304h 1x16    PAD__15
  028314h 4       MAC_PCU_AZIMUTH_TIME_STAMP
  028318h 4       MAC_PCU_20_40_MODE
  02831Ch 4       MAC_PCU_H_XFER_TIMEOUT
  028320h 1x8     PAD__16
  028328h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_DIFF_CNT
  028330h 4       MAC_PCU_BA_BAR_CONTROL
  028334h 4       MAC_PCU_LEGACY_PLCP_SPOOF
  028338h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK_CONT
  02833Ch 4       MAC_PCU_TX_TIMER
  028340h 4       MAC_PCU_TXBUF_CTRL
  028344h 4       MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE2
  028348h 4       MAC_PCU_ALT_AES_MUTE_MASK
  02834Ch 4       MAC_PCU_WOW6                ;;WOW RX Buf Start Addr (R)
  028350h 4       ASYNC_FIFO_REG1
  028354h 4       ASYNC_FIFO_REG2
  028358h 4       ASYNC_FIFO_REG3
  02835Ch 4       MAC_PCU_WOW5                ;WOW RX Abort Enable
  028360h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH1         ;WOW Pattern 0..3
  028364h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH2         ;WOW Pattern 4..7
  02836Ch 1x4     PAD__17
  028370h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW4                ;WOW Pattern Enable/Detect
  028374h 4       WOW2_EXACT                  ;WOW Exact Length/Offset 2 ;\
  028378h 4       PCU_WOW6                    ;WOW Offset 8..11          ;
  02837Ch 4       PCU_WOW7                    ;WOW Offset 12..15         ;
  028380h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH3         ;WOW Pattern 8..11         ;
  028384h 4       MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH4         ;WOW Pattern 12..15        ;/
  028390h 1x8     PAD__18
  028398h 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID2_L32
  02839Ch 4       MAC_PCU_BSSID2_U16
  0283A0h 4       MAC_PCU_DIRECT_CONNECT
  0283A4h 4       MAC_PCU_TID_TO_AC
  0283A8h 4       MAC_PCU_HP_QUEUE
  0283ACh 1x16    PAD__19
  0283C8h 4       MAC_PCU_HW_BCN_PROC1
  0283CCh 4       MAC_PCU_HW_BCN_PROC2
  0283D0h 4       MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE3
  0283D4h 4       MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE4
  0283D8h 1x4     PAD__20
  0283DCh 4       MAC_PCU_PS_FILTER
  0283E0h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET0
  0283E4h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET1
  0283E8h 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET2
  0283ECh 4       MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET3
  0283F0h 1x16    PAD__21
  028400h 4x64    MAC_PCU_TXBUF_BA[0..63]
  028500h 4x64    MAC_PCU_BT_BT[0..63]
  028600h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS0
  028604h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS1
  028608h 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS2
  02860Ch 4       MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS3
  028610h 4       HT_HALF_GI_RATE1
  028614h 4       HT_HALF_GI_RATE2
  028618h 4       HT_FULL_GI_RATE1
  02861Ch 4       HT_FULL_GI_RATE2
  028620h 4       LEGACY_RATE1
  028624h 4       LEGACY_RATE2
  028628h 4       LEGACY_RATE3
  02862Ch 4       RX_INT_FILTER
  028630h 4       RX_INT_OVERFLOW
  028634h 4       RX_FILTER_THRESH0
  028638h 4       RX_FILTER_THRESH1
  02863Ch 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH0
  028640h 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH1
  028644h 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH2
  028648h 4       RX_PRIORITY_THRESH3
  02864Ch 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET0
  028650h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET1
  028654h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET2
  028658h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET3
  02865Ch 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET4
  028660h 4       RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET5
  028664h 4       MAC_PCU_LAST_BEACON2_TSF
  028668h 4       MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_AIFS
  028670h 4       MAC_PCU_FILTER_RSSI_AVE
  028674h 4       MAC_PCU_TBD_FILTER
  028678h 4       MAC_PCU_BT_ANT_SLEEP_EXTEND
  02867Ch 1x388   PAD__22
  028800h 4x512   MAC_PCU_KEY_CACHE[0..511]
  029000h 1x20480 PAD__23                     ;<-- this includes BB regs
  02E000h 4x2048  MAC_PCU_BUF[0..2047]        ;<-- this after BB regs

bb_reg.h (1) - bb_chn_reg_map (hw6.0)
  029800h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_1
  029804h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_2
  029808h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_3
  02980Ch 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_4
  029810h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_5
  029814h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_6
  029818h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_11
  02981Ch 4       BB_SPUR_MASK_CONTROLS
  029820h 4       BB_FIND_SIGNAL_LOW
  029824h 4       BB_SFCORR
  029828h 4       BB_SELF_CORR_LOW
  02982Ch 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_SCORR_THR
  029830h 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_2_B0
  029834h 4       BB_RADAR_DETECTION
  029838h 4       BB_RADAR_DETECTION_2
  02983Ch 4       BB_EXTENSION_RADAR
  029840h 1x64    PAD__0
  029880h 4       BB_MULTICHAIN_CONTROL
  029884h 4       BB_PER_CHAIN_CSD
  029888h 1x24    PAD__1
  0298A0h 4       BB_TX_CRC
  0298A4h 4       BB_TSTDAC_CONSTANT
  0298A8h 4       BB_SPUR_REPORT_B0
  0298ACh 1x4     PAD__2
  0298B0h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_3
  0298B4h 1x8     PAD__3
  0298BCh 4       BB_GREEN_TX_CONTROL_1
  0298C0h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_0_B0
  0298C4h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_1_B0
  0298C8h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_2_B0
  0298CCh 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_3_B0
  0298D0h 4       BB_TX_PHASE_RAMP_B0
  0298D4h 4       BB_ADC_GAIN_DC_CORR_B0
  0298D8h 1x4     PAD__4
  0298DCh 4       BB_RX_IQ_CORR_B0
  0298E0h 1x4     PAD__5
  0298E4h 4       BB_PAPRD_AM2AM_MASK
  0298E8h 4       BB_PAPRD_AM2PM_MASK
  0298ECh 4       BB_PAPRD_HT40_MASK
  0298F0h 4       BB_PAPRD_CTRL0_B0
  0298F4h 4       BB_PAPRD_CTRL1_B0
  0298F8h 4       BB_PA_GAIN123_B0
  0298FCh 4       BB_PA_GAIN45_B0
  029900h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_0_B0
  029904h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_1_B0
  029908h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_2_B0
  02990Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_3_B0
  029910h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_4_B0
  029914h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_5_B0
  029918h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_6_B0
  02991Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_7_B0
  029920h 4x120   BB_PAPRD_MEM_TAB_B0[0..119]
  029B00h 4x60    BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B0[0..59]

bb_reg.h (2) - bb_mrc_reg_map (hw6.0)
  029C00h 4       BB_TIMING_CONTROL_3A
  029C04h 4       BB_LDPC_CNTL1
  029C08h 4       BB_LDPC_CNTL2
  029C0Ch 4       BB_PILOT_SPUR_MASK
  029C10h 4       BB_CHAN_SPUR_MASK
  029C14h 4       BB_SHORT_GI_DELTA_SLOPE
  029C18h 4       BB_ML_CNTL1
  029C1Ch 4       BB_ML_CNTL2
  029C20h 4       BB_TSTADC

bb_reg.h (3) - bb_bbb_reg_map (hw6.0)
  029D00h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_1
  029D04h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_2
  029D08h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_3
  029D0Ch 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_4
  029D10h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_5
  029D14h 4       BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_6
  029D18h 4       BB_FORCE_CLKEN_CCK

bb_reg.h (4) - bb_agc_reg_map (hw6.0)
  029E00h 4       BB_SETTLING_TIME
  029E04h 4       BB_GAIN_FORCE_MAX_GAINS_B0
  029E08h 4       BB_GAINS_MIN_OFFSETS
  029E0Ch 4       BB_DESIRED_SIGSIZE
  029E10h 4       BB_FIND_SIGNAL
  029E14h 4       BB_AGC
  029E18h 4       BB_EXT_ATTEN_SWITCH_CTL_B0
  029E1Ch 4       BB_CCA_B0
  029E20h 4       BB_CCA_CTRL_2_B0
  029E24h 4       BB_RESTART
  029E2Ch 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_1
  029E30h 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_DETECT_WIN
  029E34h 4       BB_PWR_THR_20_40_DET
  029E38h 4       BB_RIFS_SRCH
  029E3Ch 4       BB_PEAK_DET_CTRL_1
  029E40h 4       BB_PEAK_DET_CTRL_2
  029E44h 4       BB_RX_GAIN_BOUNDS_1
  029E48h 4       BB_RX_GAIN_BOUNDS_2
  029E4Ch 4       BB_PEAK_DET_CAL_CTRL
  029E50h 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_CTRL
  029E54h 4       BB_BT_COEX_1
  029E58h 4       BB_BT_COEX_2
  029E5Ch 4       BB_BT_COEX_3
  029E60h 4       BB_BT_COEX_4
  029E64h 4       BB_BT_COEX_5
  029E68h 4       BB_REDPWR_CTRL_1
  029E6Ch 4       BB_REDPWR_CTRL_2
  029E70h 1x272   PAD__0
  029F80h 4       BB_RSSI_B0
  029F84h 4       BB_SPUR_EST_CCK_REPORT_B0
  029F88h 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_I_B0
  029F8Ch 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_Q_B0
  029F90h 4       BB_DC_CAL_STATUS_B0
  029F94h 1x44    PAD__1
  029FC0h 4       BB_BBB_SIG_DETECT
  029FC4h 4       BB_BBB_DAGC_CTRL
  029FC8h 4       BB_IQCORR_CTRL_CCK
  029FCCh 4       BB_CCK_SPUR_MIT
  029FD0h 4       BB_MRC_CCK_CTRL
  029FD4h 4       BB_CCK_BLOCKER_DET
  029FD8h 1x40    PAD__2
  02A000h 4x128   BB_RX_OCGAIN[0..127]

bb_reg.h (5) - bb_sm_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02A200h 4       BB_D2_CHIP_ID
  02A204h 4       BB_GEN_CONTROLS
  02A208h 4       BB_MODES_SELECT
  02A20Ch 4       BB_ACTIVE
  02A210h 1x16    PAD__0
  02A220h 4       BB_VIT_SPUR_MASK_A
  02A224h 4       BB_VIT_SPUR_MASK_B
  02A228h 4       BB_SPECTRAL_SCAN
  02A22Ch 4       BB_RADAR_BW_FILTER
  02A230h 4       BB_SEARCH_START_DELAY
  02A234h 4       BB_MAX_RX_LENGTH
  02A238h 4       BB_FRAME_CONTROL
  02A23Ch 4       BB_RFBUS_REQUEST
  02A240h 4       BB_RFBUS_GRANT
  02A244h 4       BB_RIFS
  02A248h 4       BB_SPECTRAL_SCAN_2
  02A24Ch 1x4     PAD__1
  02A250h 4       BB_RX_CLEAR_DELAY
  02A254h 4       BB_ANALOG_POWER_ON_TIME
  02A258h 4       BB_TX_TIMING_1
  02A25Ch 4       BB_TX_TIMING_2
  02A260h 4       BB_TX_TIMING_3
  02A264h 4       BB_XPA_TIMING_CONTROL
  02A268h 1x24    PAD__2
  02A280h 4       BB_MISC_PA_CONTROL
  02A284h 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_CHN_B0
  02A288h 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_COM1
  02A28Ch 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_COM2
  02A290h 1x16    PAD__3
  02A2A4h 1x28    PAD__4
  02A2C0h 4       BB_CAL_CHAIN_MASK
  02A2C4h 4       BB_AGC_CONTROL
  02A2C8h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_CAL_MODE
  02A2CCh 4       BB_FCAL_1
  02A2D0h 4       BB_FCAL_2_B0
  02A2D4h 4       BB_DFT_TONE_CTRL_B0
  02A2D8h 4       BB_CL_CAL_CTRL
  02A2DCh 4       BB_CL_MAP_0_B0
  02A2E0h 4       BB_CL_MAP_1_B0
  02A2E4h 4       BB_CL_MAP_2_B0
  02A2E8h 4       BB_CL_MAP_3_B0
  02A2ECh 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_0_B0
  02A2F0h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_1_B0
  02A2F4h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_2_B0
  02A2F8h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_3_B0
  02A2FCh 1x4     PAD__5
  02A300h 4x16    BB_CL_TAB_B0[0..15]
  02A340h 4       BB_SYNTH_CONTROL
  02A344h 4       BB_ADDAC_CLK_SELECT
  02A348h 4       BB_PLL_CNTL
  02A34Ch 4       BB_ANALOG_SWAP
  02A354h 1x4     PAD__6
  02A358h 4       BB_FORCE_ANALOG
  02A35Ch 1x4     PAD__7
  02A360h 4       BB_TEST_CONTROLS
  02A368h 4       BB_TSTDAC
  02A36Ch 4       BB_CHANNEL_STATUS
  02A370h 4       BB_CHANINFO_CTRL
  02A374h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_NOISE_PWR
  02A378h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_DIFF
  02A380h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_B0
  02A384h 4       BB_SM_HIST
  02A388h 1x8     PAD__8
  02A390h 4       BB_SCRAMBLER_SEED
  02A394h 4       BB_BBB_TX_CTRL
  02A398h 4       BB_BBB_TXFIR_0
  02A39Ch 4       BB_BBB_TXFIR_1
  02A3A0h 4       BB_BBB_TXFIR_2
  02A3A4h 4       BB_HEAVY_CLIP_CTRL
  02A3A8h 4       BB_HEAVY_CLIP_20
  02A3ACh 4       BB_HEAVY_CLIP_40
  02A3B0h 4       BB_ILLEGAL_TX_RATE
  02A3B4h 1x12    PAD__9
  02A3C0h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE1   ;Power TX 0..3
  02A3C4h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE2   ;Power TX 4..7
  02A3C8h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE3   ;Power TX 1L,2L,2S
  02A3CCh 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE4   ;Power TX 55L,55S,11L,11S
  02A3D0h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE5   ;Power TX HT20_0..3
  02A3D4h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE6   ;Power TX HT20_4..7
  02A3D8h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE7   ;Power TX HT40_0..3
  02A3DCh 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE8   ;Power TX HT40_4..7
  02A3E0h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE9   ;Power TX DUP40/EXT20_CCK/OFDM
  02A3E4h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE10  ;Power TX HT20_8..11
  02A3E8h 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE11  ;Power TX HT20/40_12/13
  02A3ECh 4       BB_POWERTX_RATE12  ;Power TX HT40_8..11
  02A3F0h 4       BB_POWERTX_MAX     ;Power TX Flags
  02A3F4h 4       BB_POWERTX_SUB     ;Power TX Sub_for_2chain
  02A3F8h 4       BB_TPC_1
  02A3FCh 4       BB_TPC_2
  02A400h 4       BB_TPC_3
  02A404h 4       BB_TPC_4_B0
  02A408h 4       BB_TPC_5_B0
  02A40Ch 4       BB_TPC_6_B0
  02A410h 4       BB_TPC_7
  02A414h 4       BB_TPC_8
  02A418h 4       BB_TPC_9
  02A41Ch 4       BB_TPC_10
  02A420h 4       BB_TPC_11_B0
  02A424h 4       BB_TPC_12
  02A428h 4       BB_TPC_13
  02A42Ch 4       BB_TPC_14
  02A430h 4       BB_TPC_15
  02A434h 4       BB_TPC_16
  02A438h 4       BB_TPC_17
  02A43Ch 4       BB_TPC_18
  02A440h 4       BB_TPC_19_B0
  02A444h 4       BB_TPC_20
  02A448h 4       BB_THERM_ADC_1
  02A44Ch 4       BB_THERM_ADC_2
  02A450h 4       BB_THERM_ADC_3
  02A454h 4       BB_THERM_ADC_4
  02A458h 4       BB_TX_FORCED_GAIN
  02A45Ch 1x36    PAD__10
  02A480h 4x32    BB_PDADC_TAB_B0[0..31]
  02A500h 4x32    BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_(1..32)
  02A580h 4       BB_RTT_CTRL
  02A584h 4       BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_B0
  02A588h 4       BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_1_B0
  02A58Ch 4       BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_1_16_LSB_EXT
  02A590h 4       BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_17_32_LSB_EXT
  02A594h 1x108   PAD__11
  02A600h 4x16    BB_CALTX_GAIN_SET_(0,2,4,6,..,28,30)
  02A640h 1x4     PAD__12
  02A644h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_0
  02A648h 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_1
  02A64Ch 4       BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_2
  02A650h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_01_B0
  02A654h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_23_B0
  02A658h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_45_B0
  02A65Ch 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_67_B0
  02A660h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_89_B0
  02A664h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_AB_B0
  02A668h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_CD_B0
  02A66Ch 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_EF_B0
  02A670h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_0
  02A674h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_4
  02A678h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_8
  02A67Ch 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_12
  02A680h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_16
  02A684h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_20
  02A688h 4       BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_24
  02A68Ch 4       BB_TXIQCAL_STATUS_B0
  02A690h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL1
  02A694h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL2
  02A698h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL3
  02A69Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL4
  02A6A0h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT1
  02A6A4h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT2
  02A6A8h 4       BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT3
  02A6ACh 1x276   PAD__13
  02A7C0h 4       BB_WATCHDOG_STATUS
  02A7C4h 4       BB_WATCHDOG_CTRL_1
  02A7C8h 4       BB_WATCHDOG_CTRL_2
  02A7D4h 4       BB_PHYONLY_CONTROL
  02A7D8h 1x4     PAD__14
  02A7DCh 4       BB_ECO_CTRL
  02A7E0h 1x16    PAD__15
  02A7F0h 4       BB_TABLES_INTF_ADDR_B0
  02A7F4h 4       BB_TABLES_INTF_DATA_B0

bb_reg.h (6) - bb_chn1_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02A800h 1x48    PAD__0
  02A830h 4       BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_2_B1
  02A834h 1x116   PAD__1
  02A8A8h 4       BB_SPUR_REPORT_B1
  02A8ACh 1x20    PAD__2
  02A8C0h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_0_B1
  02A8C4h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_1_B1
  02A8C8h 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_2_B1
  02A8CCh 4       BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_3_B1
  02A8D0h 4       BB_TX_PHASE_RAMP_B1
  02A8D4h 4       BB_ADC_GAIN_DC_CORR_B1
  02A8D8h 1x4     PAD__3
  02A8DCh 4       BB_RX_IQ_CORR_B1
  02A8E0h 1x16    PAD__4
  02A8F0h 4       BB_PAPRD_CTRL0_B1
  02A8F4h 4       BB_PAPRD_CTRL1_B1
  02A8F8h 4       BB_PA_GAIN123_B1
  02A8FCh 4       BB_PA_GAIN45_B1
  02A900h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_0_B1
  02A904h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_1_B1
  02A908h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_2_B1
  02A90Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_3_B1
  02A910h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_4_B1
  02A914h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_5_B1
  02A918h 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_6_B1
  02A91Ch 4       BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_7_B1
  02A920h 4x120   BB_PAPRD_MEM_TAB_B1[0..119]
  02AB00h 4x60    BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B1[0..59]

bb_reg.h (7) - bb_agc1_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02AE00h 1x4     PAD__0
  02AE04h 4       BB_GAIN_FORCE_MAX_GAINS_B1
  02AE08h 1x16    PAD__1
  02AE18h 4       BB_EXT_ATTEN_SWITCH_CTL_B1
  02AE1Ch 4       BB_CCA_B1
  02AE20h 4       BB_CCA_CTRL_2_B1
  02AE24h 1x348   PAD__2
  02AF80h 4       BB_RSSI_B1
  02AF84h 4       BB_SPUR_EST_CCK_REPORT_B1
  02AF88h 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_I_B1
  02AF8Ch 4       BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_Q_B1
  02AF90h 4       BB_DC_CAL_STATUS_B1
  02AF94h 1x108   PAD__3
  02B000h 4x128   BB_RX_OCGAIN2[0..127]

bb_reg.h (8) - bb_sm1_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02B200h 1x132   PAD__0
  02B284h 4       BB_SWITCH_TABLE_CHN_B1
  02B288h 1x72    PAD__1
  02B2D0h 4       BB_FCAL_2_B1
  02B2D4h 4       BB_DFT_TONE_CTRL_B1
  02B2D8h 1x4     PAD__2
  02B2DCh 4       BB_CL_MAP_0_B1
  02B2E0h 4       BB_CL_MAP_1_B1
  02B2E4h 4       BB_CL_MAP_2_B1
  02B2E8h 4       BB_CL_MAP_3_B1
  02B2ECh 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_0_B1
  02B2F0h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_1_B1
  02B2F4h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_2_B1
  02B2F8h 4       BB_CL_MAP_PAL_3_B1
  02B2FCh 1x4     PAD__3
  02B300h 4x16    BB_CL_TAB_B1[0..15]
  02B340h 1x64    PAD__4
  02B380h 4       BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_B1
  02B384h 1x128   PAD__5
  02B404h 4       BB_TPC_4_B1
  02B408h 4       BB_TPC_5_B1
  02B40Ch 4       BB_TPC_6_B1
  02B410h 1x16    PAD__6
  02B420h 4       BB_TPC_11_B1
  02B424h 1x28    PAD__7
  02B440h 4       BB_TPC_19_B1
  02B444h 1x60    PAD__8
  02B480h 4x32    BB_PDADC_TAB_B1[0..31]
  02B500h 1x132   PAD__9
  02B584h 4       BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_B1
  02B588h 4       BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_1_B1
  02B58Ch 1x196   PAD__10
  02B650h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_01_B1
  02B654h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_23_B1
  02B658h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_45_B1
  02B65Ch 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_67_B1
  02B660h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_89_B1
  02B664h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_AB_B1
  02B668h 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_CD_B1
  02B66Ch 4       BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_EF_B1
  02B670h 1x28    PAD__11
  02B68Ch 4       BB_TXIQCAL_STATUS_B1
  02B690h 1x352   PAD__12
  02B7F0h 4       BB_TABLES_INTF_ADDR_B1
  02B7F4h 4       BB_TABLES_INTF_DATA_B1

bb_reg.h (9) - bb_chn3_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02C800h 4x256   BB_DUMMY1[0..255]

bb_reg.h (10) - bb_agc3_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02CE00h 4       BB_DUMMY
  02CE04h 1x380   PAD__0
  02CF80h 4       BB_RSSI_B3

bb_reg.h (11) - bb_sm3_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02D200h 4x384   BB_DUMMY2[0..383]

bb_reg.h (12) - mit_local_reg_map, aka bb_mit_reg_map (hw6.0)
  02D800h 4       BB_MIT_RF_CNTL
  02D804h 4       BB_MIT_CCA_CNTL
  02D808h 4       BB_MIT_RSSI_CNTL_1
  02D80Ch 4       BB_MIT_RSSI_CNTL_2
  02D810h 4       BB_MIT_TX_CNTL
  02D814h 4       BB_MIT_RX_CNTL
  02D818h 4       BB_MIT_OUT_CNTL
  02D81Ch 4       BB_MIT_SPARE_CNTL

wmac_pcu_reg.h (2) (hw6.0)
  02E000h 4x2048  MAC_PCU_BUF[0..2047]

efuse_wlan_reg.h (hw6.0)
  030000h 4       EFUSE_WR_ENABLE_REG
  030004h 4       EFUSE_INT_ENABLE_REG
  030008h 4       EFUSE_INT_STATUS_REG
  03000Ch 4       BITMASK_WR_REG
  030010h 4       VDDQ_SETTLE_TIME_REG
  030014h 4       VDDQ_HOLD_TIME_REG
  030018h 4       RD_STROBE_PW_REG
  03001Ch 4       PG_STROBE_PW_REG
  030020h 4       PGENB_SETUP_HOLD_TIME_REG
  030028h 4       CSB_ADDR_LOAD_SETUP_HOLD_REG
  03002Ch 1x2004  PAD0
  030800h 4x512   EFUSE_INTF0[0..511]
  031000h 4x512   EFUSE_INTF1[0..511]

stereo_reg.h (hw6.0)
  034000h 4       STEREO0_CONFIG              ;\Stereo 0
  034004h 4       STEREO0_VOLUME              ;/
  034008h 4       STEREO_MASTER_CLOCK         ;-Stereo Master
  03400Ch 4       STEREO0_TX_SAMPLE_CNT_LSB   ;\
  034010h 4       STEREO0_TX_SAMPLE_CNT_MSB   ; Stereo 0
  034014h 4       STEREO0_RX_SAMPLE_CNT_LSB   ;
  034018h 4       STEREO0_RX_SAMPLE_CNT_MSB   ;/

chk_sum_seg_acc_reg.h (hw6.0)
  035000h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_CONTROL0
  035004h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_CONTROL1
  035008h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_CONTROL2
  035010h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_DESC0
  035014h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_DESC1
  035018h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_DESC2
  03501Ch 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_DESC3
  035024h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMATX_ARB_CFG
  035028h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_RR_PKTCNT01
  03502Ch 4       CHKSUM_ACC_RR_PKTCNT23
  035030h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_TXST_PKTCNT
  035034h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMARX_CONTROL
  035038h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_DMARX_DESC
  035040h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_INTR
  035044h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_IMASK
  035048h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_ARB_BURST
  03504Ch 1x4     PAD__0
  035050h 4       CHKSUM_ACC_RESET_DMA
  035054h 4       CHKSUM_CONFIG

mmac_reg.h (hw6.0)
  038000h 4       RX_FRAME0
  038004h 4       RX_FRAME_0
  038008h 4       RX_FRAME1
  03800Ch 4       RX_FRAME_1
  038010h 4       MMAC_INTERRUPT_RAW
  038014h 4       MMAC_INTERRUPT_EN
  038018h 4       RX_PARAM1
  03801Ch 4       RX_PARAM0
  038020h 4       TX_COMMAND0
  038024h 4       TX_COMMAND
  038028h 4       TX_PARAM
  03802Ch 4       BEACON_PARAM
  038030h 4       BEACON
  038034h 4       TSF_L
  038038h 4       TSF_U

fpga_reg.h (hw6.0)
  039000h 4       FPGA_REG1
  039004h 4       FPGA_REG2
  039008h 4       FPGA_REG4

bridge_intr_reg.h (hw6.0)
  040000h 4       INTERRUPT
  040004h 4       INTERRUPT_MASK

mii_reg.h (hw6.0)
  040100h 4       MII0_CNTL
  040104h 4       STAT_CNTL

mdio_reg.h (hw6.0)
  040200h 4x8     MDIO_REG[0..7]
  040220h 4       MDIO_ISR
  040224h 4       PHY_ADDR

bridge_chain_gmac_0_rx_reg.h (hw6.0)
  040800h 4       GMAC_RX_0_DESC_START_ADDRESS
  040804h 4       GMAC_RX_0_DMA_START
  040808h 4       GMAC_RX_0_BURST_SIZE
  04080Ch 4       GMAC_RX_0_PKT_OFFSET
  040810h 4       GMAC_RX_0_CHECKSUM
  040814h 4       GMAC_RX_0_DBG_RX
  040818h 4       GMAC_RX_0_DBG_RX_CUR_ADDR
  04081Ch 4       GMAC_RX_0_DATA_SWAP

bridge_chain_gmac_0_tx_reg.h (hw6.0)
  040C00h 4       GMAC_TX_0_DESC_START_ADDRESS
  040C04h 4       GMAC_TX_0_DMA_START
  040C08h 4       GMAC_TX_0_INTERRUPT_LIMIT
  040C0Ch 4       GMAC_TX_0_BURST_SIZE
  040C10h 4       GMAC_TX_0_DBG_TX
  040C14h 4       GMAC_TX_0_DBG_TX_CUR_ADDR
  040C18h 4       GMAC_TX_0_DATA_SWAP

usb_cast_reg.h (hw6.0)
  054000h 4       ENDP0
  054004h 1x4     PAD0
  054008h 4       OUT1ENDP
  05400Ch 4       IN1ENDP
  054010h 4       OUT2ENDP
  054014h 4       IN2ENDP
  054018h 4       OUT3ENDP
  05401Ch 4       IN3ENDP
  054020h 4       OUT4ENDP
  054024h 4       IN4ENDP
  054028h 4       OUT5ENDP
  05402Ch 4       IN5ENDP
  054030h 1x92    PAD1
  05408Ch 4       USBMODESTATUS
  054090h 1x248   PAD2
  054188h 4       EPIRQ
  05418Ch 4       USBIRQ
  054190h 1x4     PAD3
  054194h 4       EPIEN
  054198h 4       PIEN
  05419Ch 1x8     PAD4
  0541A4h 4       FNCTRL
  0541A8h 1x20    PAD5
  0541BCh 4       OTGREG
  0541C0h 1x12    PAD6
  0541CCh 4       DMASTART
  0541D0h 4       DMASTOP
  0541D4h 1x556   PAD7
  054400h 4       EP0DMAADDR
  054404h 1x28    PAD8
  054420h 4       EP1DMAADDR
  054424h 1x8     PAD9
  05442Ch 4       OUT1DMACTRL
  054430h 1x16    PAD10
  054440h 4       EP2DMAADDR
  054444h 1x8     PAD11
  05444Ch 4       OUT2DMACTRL
  054450h 1x16    PAD12
  054460h 4       EP3DMAADDR
  054464h 1x8     PAD13
  05446Ch 4       OUT3DMACTRL
  054470h 1x16    PAD14
  054480h 4       EP4DMAADDR
  054484h 1x8     PAD15
  05448Ch 4       OUT4DMACTRL
  054490h 1x16    PAD16
  0544A0h 4       EP5DMAADDR
  0544A4h 1x8     PAD17
  0544ACh 4       OUT5DMACTRL
  0544B0h 1x539472 PAD18            ;pad to BASE + 84000h
  0D8000h 4       USB_IP_BASE

rdma_reg.h (formerly at 00030100h in hw4.0) (hw6.0)
  054D00h 4       DMA_CONFIG
  054D04h 4       DMA_CONTROL
  054D08h 4       DMA_SRC
  054D0Ch 4       DMA_DEST
  054D10h 4       DMA_LENGTH
  054D14h 4       VMC_BASE
  054D18h 4       INDIRECT_REG
  054D1Ch 4       INDIRECT_RETURN
  054D20h 4x16    RDMA_REGION_(0..15)_
  054DA0h 4       DMA_STATUS
  054DA4h 4       DMA_INT_EN

athrI2cSlaveApbCsr.h (hw6.0)
  054E00h 4       I2CFIFOCONTROL
  054E04h 4       I2CFIFOREADPTR
  054E08h 4       I2CFIFOREADUPDATE
  054E10h 4       I2CFIFOWRITEPTR
  054E14h 4       I2CFIFOWRITEUPDATE
  054E1Ch 4       I2CMEMCONTROL
  054E20h 4       I2CMEMBASEADDR
  054E24h 4       I2CREGREADDATA
  054E28h 4       I2CREGWRITEDATA
  054E2Ch 4       I2CREGCONTROL
  054E30h 4       I2CCSRREADDATA
  054E34h 4       I2CCSRWRITEDATA
  054E38h 4       I2CCSRCONTROL
  054E3Ch 4       I2CFILTERSIZE
  054E40h 4       I2CADDR
  054E44h 4       I2CINT
  054E48h 4       I2CINTEN
  054E4Ch 4       I2CINTCSR

mbox_i2s_reg.h (hw6.0)
  055000h 4x1     MBOX_FIFO    ;<-- defined as array of ONE word (?)
  055004h 4       MBOX_FIFO_STATUS
  055008h 4       MBOX_DMA_POLICY
  055010h 4       MBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL
  055014h 4       MBOX0_DMA_TX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE
  055018h 4       MBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL
  05501Ch 4       MBOX_FRAME
  055020h 4       FIFO_TIMEOUT
  055024h 4       MBOX_INT_STATUS
  055028h 4       MBOX_INT_ENABLE
  05502Ch 4       MBOX_FIFO_RESET
  055030h 4       MBOX_DEBUG_CHAIN0
  055034h 4       MBOX_DEBUG_CHAIN1
  055038h 4       MBOX_DEBUG_CHAIN0_SIGNALS

map_rf_reg.h (hw6.0)
  xxx000h 4x256   RAM1[0..255]
  xxx400h 4x12    INT_PENDING[0..11]
  xxx430h 4       BB_WR_MASK_0                ;\
  xxx434h 4       BB_WR_MASK_1                ; BB Write Mask 0..3
  xxx438h 4       BB_WR_MASK_2                ;
  xxx43Ch 4       BB_WR_MASK_3                ;/
  xxx440h 4       RF_WR_MASK_0                ;\RF Write Mask 0..1
  xxx444h 4       RF_WR_MASK_1                ;/
  xxx448h 4       BB_RD_MASK_0                ;\
  xxx44Ch 4       BB_RD_MASK_1                ; BB Read Mask 0..3
  xxx450h 4       BB_RD_MASK_2                ;
  xxx454h 4       BB_RD_MASK_3                ;/
  xxx458h 4       RF_RD_MASK_0                ;\RF Read Mask 0..1
  xxx45Ch 4       RF_RD_MASK_1                ;/
  xxx460h 4       INT_SRC
  xxx464h 1x924   PAD__0
  xxx800h 4x128   RAM2[0..127]

odin_reg.h (hw6.0)
  xxx000h 4       PHY_CTRL0
  xxx004h 4       PHY_CTRL1
  xxx008h 4       PHY_CTRL2
  xxx00Ch 4       PHY_CTRL3
  xxx010h 4       PHY_CTRL4
  xxx014h 4       PHY_CTRL5
  xxx018h 4       PHY_CTRL6
  xxx01Ch 4       PHY_STATUS

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - Unknown and Unused Registers (hw2)

hw4.0 would have the following extra registers
  00D000h - DBG_UART Registers   ;\don't exist in hw2.0 ?
  00E000h - UMBOX Registers      ;/
  020000h - WMAC DMA and IRQ     ;\
  020800h - WMAC QCU Queue       ; these MIGHT EXIST in hw2.0, too ?
  021000h - WMAC DCU             ; (not defined in hw2.0 source code though)
  029800h - BB/LC Registers      ;/
  030100h - RDMA Registers       ;\don't exist in hw2.0 ?
  031000h - EFUSE Registers      ;/

some partial hw2.0 memory dump...
  000000 Deadc0de
  004000 sth (01 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00)                        ;"RTC"
  005000 Deadc0de
  008000 sth (00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00)                        ;"VMC?"
  009000 Deadc0de           ;should contain UART etc. (maybe disabled?)
  014000 sth (00 00 00 00, 00 00 00 00) (--crash-- at 0140cx)  ;"GPIO?"
  015000 Deadc0de
  018000 sth (00 01 0E 00, 00 01 0E 00)                        ;\MBOX
  019000 sth (00 01 0E 00, 00 01 0E 00)                        ;/
  01A000 sth (00 01 0E 00, 00 01 0E 00)                        ;\MBOX:HOST_IF?
  01B000 sth (--crash-- at 01B00x)                             ;/
  01C000 sth (00 00 14 00, D8 48 45 0E)                        ;-ANALOG?
  01D000 Deadc0de
  020000 sth (00's)                                            ;\DMA?
  021000 sth (01 00 00 00, 02 00 00 00)                        ;/
  022000 sth (00's)                                            ;\   ;\same as
  023000 sth (01 00 00 00, 02 00 00 00)                        ;    ;/DMA?
  024000 sth (00's)                                            ; ??
  025000 sth (00's)                                            ;
  026000 sth (00's)                                            ;
  027000 sth (00's)                                            ;/
  028000 sth (<--- mac addr ---> 86 38)            ;\MAC_PCU?     mac_pcu.h ?
  029000 sth (14 E1 38 8A, 80 73 00 00)            ;/          ;\
  02A000 sth (00's)                                            ; BB at 29800h?
  02B000 sth (00's)                                            ;/
  02C000 sth (00's)                                            ;-
  02D000 sth (00's)                                            ;-
  02E000 sth (00's)                                            ;-
  02F000 sth (00's)                                            ;-
  030000 Deadc0de              ;RDMA?? and (not?) EFUSE??
  040000 Deadbeef        ;\
  050000 Deadbeef        ;
  060000 Deadbeef        ;
  070000 Deadbeef        ;/
  080000 004F1B74        ;\
  090000 004F1B74        ;
  0A0000 004F1B74        ; mirror of ROM word at [0F3FF8] (second-last-word)
  0B0000 004F1B74        ;
  0C0000 004F1B74        ;
  0D0000 004F1B74        ;/
  0E0000 sth (06 10 00 00, 21 22 22 22)   ;\80K ROM (14000h bytes)
  0F0000 sth (00 00 05 60, FF DF FF FF)   ;/
  0F4000 004F1B74        ;-mirror of ROM word at [0F3FF8] (second-last-word)
  100000 sth (48 0F 8E 00, 70 14 50 00)   ;\
  110000 sth                              ; 184K RAM (2E000h bytes)
  120000 sth                              ;/
  12E000 98A8A2AA        ;\
  ...                    ;
  1FF000 98A8A2AA        ;/
  200000 Deadbeef        ;\
  300000 Deadbeef        ;/
  00400000 looks like mirror of 000000
  0041B000 looks like mirror of 01B000 --crash--
  ...      probably more mirrors...
  FFC00000 looks like mirror of 000000
  FFC1B000 looks like mirror of 01B000 --crash--
  ...      probably more mirrors till FFFFFFFF

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 004000h - RTC/Clock SOC (hw2/hw4/hw6)

ATH:004000h - WLAN/SOC_RESET_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      SI0_RST
  1      UART_RST
  2      MBOX_RST
  3      -
  4      hw2/hw4: MAC_WARM_RST  ;-moved to 005000h.bit0 in hw6  ;\hw2/hw4 only
  5      hw2/hw4: MAC_COLD_RST  ;-moved to 005000h.bit1 in hw6  ;/
  6      CPU_WARM_RST
  7      hw2/hw4: WARM_RST      ;-moved to 005000h.bit2 in hw6  ;-hw2/hw4 only
  8      COLD_RST               ;-also in 005000h.bit3 in hw6
  9      RST_OUT
  10     hw2/hw4: VMC_REMAP_RESET   ;removed in hw6             ;-hw2/hw4 only
  12     hw4: BB_WARM_RST       ;-moved to 005000h.bit4 in hw6  ;\hw4 only
  13     hw4: BB_COLD_RST       ;-moved to 005000h.bit5 in hw6  ; (not hw2, and
  14     hw4: DEBUG_UART_RST    ;-moved to bit16 in hw6         ;/moved in hw6)
  12     hw6: MIT_ADAPTOR_RST                           ;\
  13     hw6: MIT_REG_MAPPING_RST                       ;
  14-15  hw6: -                                         ;
  16     hw6: DEBUG_UART_RST ;<-- moved from old bit14  ;
  17     hw6: UART2_RST                                 ;
  18     hw6: CHECKSUM_ACC_RST                          ;
  19     hw6: I2S_MBOX_RST                              ;
  20     hw6: I2S_RST                                   ;
  21     hw6: GE0_RST                                   ;
  22     hw6: MDIO_RST                                  ; hw6
  23     hw6: MMAC_RST                                  ;
  24     hw6: USB_RST                                   ;
  25     hw6: USB_PHY_RST                               ;
  26     hw6: USB_PHY_ARST                              ;
  27     hw6: I2C_SLAVE_RST                             ;
  28     hw6: I2S_1_MBOX_RST                            ;
  29     hw6: I2S_1_RST                                 ;
  30     hw6: SPI2_RST                                  ;
  31     hw6: SDIO2_RST                                 ;/

ATH:004008h - WLAN_TCXO_DETECT ;hw2/hw4 at this address
ATH:004004h - SOC_TCXO_DETECT ;hw6 at this address (unlike hw2/hw4)
  0      PRESENT

ATH:00400Ch - WLAN_XTAL_TEST ;hw2/hw4 at this address
ATH:004008h - SOC_XTAL_TEST ;hw6 at this address (unlike hw2/hw4)
  0      NOTCXODET

ATH:004020h - WLAN/SOC_CPU_CLOCK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-1    STANDARD

ATH:004028h - WLAN/SOC_CLOCK_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      SI0_CLK
  1      hw2: UART_CLK      ;0=enable?    ;<-- hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
  2      LF_CLK32

 ______________________________ Watchdog Timer ______________________________

ATH:004030h - WLAN/SOC_WDT_CONTROL - Watchdog Timer Control ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-2    ACTION

ATH:004034h - WLAN/SOC_WDT_STATUS - Watchdog Interrupt Status ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      INTERRUPT

ATH:004038h - WLAN/SOC_WDT - Watchdog Timer Target ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-21   TARGET

ATH:00403Ch - WLAN/SOC_WDT_COUNT - Watchdog Timer Count ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-21   VALUE

ATH:004040h - WLAN/SOC_WDT_RESET - Watchdog Timer Reset ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      VALUE

 _____________________________ Interrupt Status _____________________________

ATH:004044h - WLAN/SOC_INT_STATUS ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      WDT_INT        ;-Watchdog Timer
  1      ERROR
  2      UART           ;-Serial UART
  3      GPIO           ;-GPIO
  4      SI             ;-Serial I2C/SPI
  5      KEYPAD
  6      LF_TIMER0      ;\
  7      LF_TIMER1      ; Low-Freq Timer 0..3
  8      LF_TIMER2      ; and
  9      LF_TIMER3      ; High-Freq Timer
  10     HF_TIMER       ;/
  11     RTC_ALARM      ;-Real-Time Clock Alarm
  12     MAILBOX
  13     MAC            ;-maybe this is "MAC's INTA#" (see WMAC IRQ) ?
  14     RTC_POWER
  15     hw4/hw6: BTCOEX   ;Bluetooth Coex      ;\
  16     hw4/hw6: RDMA                          ;
  17     hw4/hw6: GENERIC_MBOX  (aka GMBOX)     ; hw4/hw6
  18     hw4/hw6: UART_MBOX                     ;
  19     hw4/hw6: EFUSE_OVERWRITE               ;
  20     hw4/hw6: THERM                         ;
  21     hw4/hw6: HCI_UART                      ;/
  22     hw6: MODE_SWITCH                       ;\
  23     hw6: RF_SLEEP_RISING                   ;
  24     hw6: BBP_SLEEP_RISING                  ;
  25     hw6: FLIGHT_MODE                       ;
  26     hw6: MIT_REG_ACCESS                    ; hw6 only
  27     hw6: MMAC                              ;
  28     hw6: USBIP                             ;
  29     hw6: USBDMA                            ;
  30     hw6: SDIO2_MBOX                        ;
  31     hw6: STE_MBOX                          ;/

  0      MAC_1                                  ;\
  1      MAC_2                                  ;
  2      MAC_3                                  ;
  3      MAC_4                                  ; hw6 only
  4      CKSUM                                  ; (additional bits, extending
  5      I2C_S                                  ; the bits in port 004044h)
  6      GMAC                                   ;
  7      MDIO                                   ;
  8      I2S                                    ;
  9      I2S_1                                  ;/

 __________________ Low-Freq Timer 0-3 and High-Freq Timer __________________

ATH:004048h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER0 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004058h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004068h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004078h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER3 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004088h - WLAN/SOC_HF_TIMER ;hw2/hw4/hw6
 For LF Timer 0-3:
  0-31   TARGET
 For HF Timer:
  12-31  TARGET      ;<-- not bit0-31 for HF timer

ATH:00404Ch - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT0 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:00405Ch - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:00406Ch - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:00407Ch - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_COUNT3 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:00408Ch - WLAN/SOC_HF_TIMER_COUNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
 For LF Timer 0-3:
  0-31   VALUE
 For HF Timer:
  12-31  VALUE       ;<-- not bit0-31 for HF timer

ATH:004090h - WLAN/SOC_HF_LF_COUNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE       ;<-- extra for HF timer

ATH:004050h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL0 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004060h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004070h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004080h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_CONTROL3 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004094h - WLAN/SOC_HF_TIMER_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
 For both LF and HF:
  0      RESET
 For LF Timer 0-3:
  2      ENABLE
 For HF Timer:
  2      ON          ;<-- extra bit for HF timer
  3      ENABLE      ;<-- moved to bit3

ATH:004054h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS0 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004064h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004074h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004084h - WLAN/SOC_LF_TIMER_STATUS3 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:004098h - WLAN/SOC_HF_TIMER_STATUS ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      INTERRUPT

 _____________________________ Real-Time Clock _____________________________

The DSi does have a battery-backed RTC accessed via Port 4000138h on ARM7 side. Below SOC_RTC would offer a second RTC, but it isn't actually used in DSi (the SOC_RTC registers aren't battery-backed, and the DSi firmware isn't initializing them from the ARM7 time either).

ATH:00409Ch - WLAN/SOC_RTC_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      LOAD_ALARM
  1      LOAD_RTC
  2      ENABLE

ATH:0040A0h - WLAN/SOC_RTC_TIME ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0040A8h - WLAN/SOC_RTC_SET_TIME ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-6    SECOND
  8-14   MINUTE
  16-21  HOUR
  24-26  WEEK_DAY

ATH:0040A4h - WLAN/SOC_RTC_DATE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0040ACh - WLAN/SOC_RTC_SET_DATE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-5    MONTH_DAY
  8-12   MONTH
  16-23  YEAR

ATH:0040B0h - WLAN/SOC_RTC_SET_ALARM ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-6    SECOND
  8-14   MINUTE
  16-21  HOUR

ATH:0040B4h - WLAN/SOC_RTC_CONFIG ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      DSE
  1      TWELVE_HOUR
  2      BCD

ATH:0040B8h - WLAN/SOC_RTC_ALARM_STATUS ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      INTERRUPT
  1      ENABLE

 _________________________________ Chip ID _________________________________

ATH:0040ECh - WLAN_CHIP_ID ;hw2/hw4 - single ID in hw2/hw4
ATH:0040ECh - LEGACY_SOC_CHIP_ID ;hw6 - first/legacy/old ID in hw6
ATH:0040F0h - SOC_CHIP_ID ;hw6 - second/actual/new ID in hw6
  0-3    VERSION_ID (4bit, usually 0 or 1)
  4-15   CONFIG_ID (12bit, usually 0)
  16-31  DEVICE_ID (16bit, usually xx00h or xx01h for AR60xx, eg. 0D00h=AR6013)
The DSi Wifi Firmware file contains a list of supported ID(s) for each chip:
  AR6002: 02010001h or 02000001h (the latter one being actually used in DSi)
  AR6013: 0D000000h or 0D000001h (unknown which one is actually used in DSi)
Whereas, the DSi is using that value only for verification, not for actually detecting the installed chip type (that is done by a byte in SPI FLASH).
Note: There's also a "BB_D2_CHIP_ID" register in the Baseband section.

 ___________________________________ Misc ___________________________________

ATH:0040BCh - WLAN/SOC_UART_WAKEUP ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      ENABLE

ATH:0040C0h - WLAN/SOC_RESET_CAUSE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-2    Cause of most recent Reset event (LAST)
Possible values are (according to AR6001 datasheet - might be different in hw2/hw4/hw6):
  00h = SYS_RST_L pin was asserted
  01h = Host wrote to the SDIO reset register
  02h = Software wrote RTC_CONTROL_COLD_RST register (aka COLD_RST bit?)
  03h = Software wrote RTC_CONTROL_WARM_RST register (aka WARM_RST bit?)
  04h = Software wrote RTC_CONTROL_CPU_RST register  (aka CPU_WARM_RST bit?)
  05h = Watchdog Timer has expired
  06h..07h = Reserved

ATH:0040C4h - WLAN/SOC_SYSTEM_SLEEP ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      DISABLE
  1      LIGHT
  2      MAC_IF
  3      MBOX
  4      HOST_IF
  5      hw6: MCI                               ;-hw6 only

ATH:0040C8h - WLAN/SOC_SDIO_WRAPPER ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      ON
  1      SOC_ON
  2      WAKEUP
  3      SLEEP

ATH:004110h - WLAN/SOC_POWER_REG - located here in hw2
ATH:00410Ch - WLAN/SOC_POWER_REG - located here in hw4/hw6
  0      POWER_EN
  1      WLAN_PWD_EN
  2      hw2: WLAN_SCALE_EN             ;\
  2      hw4: WLAN_ISO_EN               ; hw2/hw4 (renamed from hw2:SCALE
  3      hw2: SOC_SCALE_EN              ; to hw4:ISO, and removed in hw6)
  3      hw4: SOC_ISO_EN                ;/
  4      RADIO_PWD_EN
  5      hw2/hw4: WLAN_ISO_CNTL         ;\hw2/hw4 (removed? in hw6)
  6      hw2/hw4: WLAN_ISO_DIS          ;/
  8-11   hw2/hw4: VLVL                  ;-hw2/hw4 (removed? in hw6)
  12     hw4/hw6: WLAN_MAC_PWD_EN       ;\
  13     hw4/hw6: WLAN_BB_PWD_EN        ; hw4/hw6
  14     hw4/hw6: DEBUG_EN              ;/
  15     hw4: SLEEP_MAKE_N_BREAK_EN     ;\hw4+hw6, but changed/renamed?
  15     hw6: DEEP_SLEEP_EN             ;/
  16     hw6: DISCON_MODE_EN            ;\hw6
  17     hw6: SWREG_VS_EN               ;/

ATH:004114h - WLAN/SOC_CORE_CLK_CTRL - located here in hw2
ATH:004110h - WLAN/SOC_CORE_CLK_CTRL - located here in hw4/hw6
  0-2    DIV

ATH:0041C0h - WLAN/SOC_GPIO_WAKEUP_CONTROL - located here in hw2
ATH:004114h - WLAN/SOC_GPIO_WAKEUP_CONTROL - located here in hw4/hw6
  0      ENABLE

ATH:004214h - SLEEP_RETENTION ;hw4/hw6
  0      ENABLE
  1      MODE
  2-9    TIME

 ___________________________________ LPO ___________________________________

ATH:0040D4h - WLAN/SOC_LPO_CAL_TIME ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-13   LENGTH

  0-23   VALUE

  0-10   VALUE

ATH:0040E0h - WLAN/SOC_LPO_CAL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-19   COUNT
  20     ENABLE

ATH:0040E4h - WLAN/SOC_LPO_CAL_TEST_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-4    hw2/hw4: RTC_CYCLES (5bit)     ;\hw2/hw4 (5bit)
  5      hw2/hw4: ENABLE                ;/
  0-15   hw6:     RTC_CYCLES (16bit)    ;\hw6 (expanded to 16bit)
  16     hw6:     ENABLE                ;/(and moved enable flag)

ATH:0040E8h - WLAN/SOC_LPO_CAL_TEST_STATUS ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   COUNT
  16     READY

 __________________________ below in hw4/hw6 only __________________________

ATH:004284h - LP_PERF_COUNTER ;hw4/hw6
  0      EN

ATH:004288h - LP_PERF_LIGHT_SLEEP ;hw4/hw6
ATH:00428Ch - LP_PERF_DEEP_SLEEP ;hw4/hw6
ATH:004290h - LP_PERF_ON - hw4 only
  0-31   CNT

 ___________________________________ MISC ___________________________________

ATH:0042A8h - CHIP_MODE ;hw4/hw6
  0-1    BIT

ATH:0042ACh - CLK_REQ_FALL_EDGE ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    DELAY
  31     EN

 ___________________________________ OTP ___________________________________

ATH:0042B0h - OTP ;hw4/hw6
  0      VDD12_EN
  1      LDO25_EN

ATH:0042B4h - OTP_STATUS ;hw4/hw6
  0      VDD12_EN_READY
  1      LDO25_EN_READY

 ___________________________________ PMU ___________________________________

ATH:0042B8h - PMU ;hw4/hw6

ATH:0042C0h..42C4h - PMU_CONFIG[0..1] ;hw4
  0-15   VALUE ... whatever... (2x16bit)
  16-31  -
Maybe this arrary entries are equivalent/similar to the PMU_CONFIG and PMU_PAREG registers in hw6? The hw4 source code is claiming the array entries to be 16bit wide each, which doesn't match up with the two 5bit/3bit registers on hw6 though.

ATH:0042BCh - PMU_CONFIG ;hw6
  0-4    VALUE
Maybe equivalent/similar to one of the PMU_CONFIG[0..1] entries in hw4?

ATH:0042C0h - PMU_PAREG ;hw6
  0-2    LVL_CTR
Maybe equivalent/similar to one of the PMU_CONFIG[0..1] entries in hw4?

ATH:0042C8h - PMU_BYPASS ;hw4 at this address
ATH:0042C4h - PMU_BYPASS ;hw6 at this address (unlike hw4)
  0      hw4/hw6: PAREG                         ;-hw4/hw6 ;\
  1      hw4: DREG      ;-removed in hw6        ;\hw4     ; hw4/hw6 only
  2      hw4: SWREG     ;-moved to bit1 in hw6  ;/        ; (not hw2)
  1      hw6: SWREG     ;-formerly in bit2      ;-hw6     ;/

 ________________________________ THERM CTRL ________________________________

ATH:0042DCh - THERM_CTRL1 ;hw4/hw6
  0      INT_STATUS
  1      INT_EN
  2      MEASURE
  3-4    TYPE
  5-11   WIDTH
  16     BYPASS

ATH:0042E0h - THERM_CTRL2 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    LOW
  8-15   HIGH
  16-23  SAMPLE
  24     ADC_ON
  25     ADC_OFF

ATH:0042E4h - THERM_CTRL3 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    ADC_OFFSET
  8-16   ADC_GAIN

 ____________________________ below in hw6 only ____________________________

ATH:0042E8h - LISTEN_MODE1 ;hw6
  0      ENABLE
  1      CLOCK_GATE
  19     TIMER_CLEAR

ATH:0042ECh - LISTEN_MODE2 ;hw6

  0-3    REFDIV
  4      BYPASS
  5      PLLPWD
  12-14  EXT_DIV
  31     UPDATING

  0      START
  1-6    TGT_DIV_INT
  11-28  TGT_DIV_FRAC

  0-3    UPDATE_CNT
  4-13   INT
  14-31  FRAC

  1-6    INT
  10-27  FRAC

ATH:004300h - ETH_PLL_CONFIG ;hw6
  0-4    REFDIV
  5      BYPASS
  6      PLLPWD
  7-9    OUTDIV
  12-17  INT
  18-27  FRAC
  28     RANGE
  29     GE0
  30     GE0_MASTER

ATH:004304h - CPU_PLL_CONFIG ;hw6
  0-4    REFDIV
  6      PLLPWD
  7-9    OUTDIV
  12-17  INT
  20-25  FRAC
  28     RANGE

ATH:004308h - BB_PLL_CONFIG ;hw6
  0-17   FRAC

ATH:00430Ch - ETH_XMII ;hw6
  0-7    PHASE0_COUNT
  8-15   PHASE1_COUNT
  25     GIGE
  26-27  TX_DELAY
  28-29  RX_DELAY
  30     GIGE_QUAD
  31     TX_INVERT

ATH:004310h - USB_PHY_CONFIG ;hw6
  0      HOSTMODE
  1      PLL_PWD
  2      TESTMODE
  3      REFDIV
  4-7    REFCLK_SEL

ATH:004314h - MITSUMI_INT_CONTROL_REG ;Mitsumi Interrupt Enable ;hw6
ATH:004318h - MITSUMI_INT_STATUS_REG ;Mitsumi Interrupt Status ;hw6
  0      MODE_SWITCH
  1      RF_SLEEP
  2      BBP_SLEEP
  3      FLIGHT_MODE
Maybe this is related to the Nintendo DSi's backwards compatibilty mode (in which, the Atheros chip is simulating a Mitsume BB/RF chip for use with older NDS games)?

  0      VALUE

ATH:004320h - RTC_SLEEP_COUNT ;hw6
  0-5    THRESHOLD

ATH:004324h - MIT2_VAP ;hw6
  0      MODE

ATH:004328h - SECOND_HOST_INFT ;hw6
  0      SDIO_MODE

ATH:00432Ch - SDIO_HOST ;hw6
  0      RESET

  4      CH_10MHZ_DISABLE
  5      CH_5MHZ_DISABLE

ATH:004334h - RTC_DEBUG_BUS ;hw6
  0      SEL

ATH:004338h - RTC_EXT_CLK_BUF ;hw6
  0      EN

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - RTC/Clock WLAN (hw2/hw4/hw6)

ATH:004004h/004004h/005004h - WLAN_XTAL_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      TCXO

ATH:004010h/004010h/005010h - WLAN_QUADRATURE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-1    hw2/hw4: DAC (2bit)   ;\expanded DAC from 2bit (hw2/hw4) to 3bit (hw6)
  0-2    hw6:     DAC (3bit)   ; (and removed SEL bit in hw6)
  2      hw2/hw4: SEL          ;/
  4-5    hw2:     ADC (2bit)   ;\expanded ADC from 2bit (hw2) to 4bit (hw4)
  4-7    hw4/hw6: ADC (4bit)   ;/

ATH:004014h/004014h/005014h - WLAN_PLL_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-9    DIV
  12-15  hw2/hw4: REFDIV (4bit)
  10-13  hw6:     REFDIV (4bit, now here)
  14-15  hw6:     CLK_SEL ;<-- maybe replaces removed "CLK" in WLAN_QUADRATURE?
  16     BYPASS
  17     UPDATING                       (R)
  18     NOPWD
  20     DIG_TEST_CLK

ATH:004018h/004018h/005018h - WLAN_PLL_SETTLE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-11   hw2/hw4: TIME (12bit)          ;\decreased from 12bit to 11bit in hw6
  0-10   hw6:     TIME (11bit)          ;/

ATH:00401Ch/00401Ch/00501Ch - WLAN_XTAL_SETTLE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-7    hw2/hw4: TIME (8bit)           ;\decreased from 8bit to 7bit in hw6
  0-6    hw6:     TIME (7bit)           ;/

ATH:004020h/004020h/005020h - WLAN_CLOCK_OUT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-3    hw2/hw4: SELECT (4bit)         ;\raised from 4bit to 5bit in hw6,
  0-4    hw6:     SELECT (5bit)         ; and added new DELAY field in hw6
  5-7    hw6:     DELAY (3bit, new)     ;/

ATH:00402Ch/00402Ch/005024h - WLAN_BIAS_OVERRIDE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      ON

ATH:0040CCh/0040CCh/005030h - WLAN_MAC_SLEEP_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-1    hw2/hw4: ENABLE                ;\
  0      hw6:     ENABLE                ; reduced from 2bit to 1bit in hw6
  1      hw6:     RESERVED              ;/
  2      hw6:     HSEL_WMAC_ENABLE      ;-new in hw6

ATH:0040D0h/0040D0h/005034h - WLAN_KEEP_AWAKE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-7    COUNT

ATH:0040F0h/0040F0h/005038h - WLAN_DERIVED_RTC_CLK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  1-15   PERIOD
  16-17  hw2/hw4: FORCE                 ;-hw2/hw4 only (removed in hw6)
  18     EXTERNAL_DETECT            (R)

 ________________________ SLP or SLOP or SLEEP or so ________________________

ATH:0040F4h/0040F4h/00503Ch - MAC_PCU_SLP32_MODE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028244h (mirror of 0040F4h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_MODE (ini:10F424h) ;hw2
  20     ENABLE    ;<-- see hw2 note    ;-hw2/hw4/hw6 (on hw2 in mirror only)
  21     hw2:     TSF_WRITE_PENDING     ;\changed/renamed in hw2/hw4
  21     hw4/hw6: TSF_WRITE_STATUS  (R) ;/
  22     hw4/hw6: DISABLE_32KHZ         ;\
  23     hw4/hw6: FORCE_BIAS_BLOCK_ON   ; hw4/hw6 only (unspecified in hw2)
  24     hw4/hw6: TSF2_WRITE_STATUS (R) ;/
In hw2, this register appears to be mirrored to 0040F4h (without ENABLE flag in bit20) and 028244h (bit ENABLED flag in bit20).

ATH:0040F8h/0040F8h/005040h - MAC_PCU_SLP32_WAKE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028248h (mirror of 0040F8h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_WAKE (ini:07EFh) ;hw2
  0-15   XTL_TIME

ATH:0040FCh/0040FCh/005044h - MAC_PCU_SLP32_INC ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:02824Ch (mirror of 0040FCh) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_TSF_INC (ini:1E848h) ;hw2
  0-19   TSF_INC

ATH:004100h/004100h/005048h - MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028250h (mirror of 004100h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB1 ;hw2
  0-31   SLEEP_CNT

ATH:004104h/004104h/00504Ch - MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028254h (mirror of 004104h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB2 ;hw2
  0-31   CYCLE_CNT

ATH:004108h/004108h/005050h - MAC_PCU_SLP_MIB3 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028258h (mirror of 004108h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB3 ;hw2
  0      CLR_CNT
  1      PENDING                    (R)
In hw2, this register appears to be mirrored to 004108h (with bit1 called "PENDING") and 028258h (with bit1 called "PEND" for whatever reason).

ATH:0280D4h/004204h/0050C0h - MAC_PCU_SLP1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-18   hw2: outcommented: NEXT_DTIM)   (hw2: ini:2AAAAh) ;\outcommented
  20     hw2: outcommented: ENH_SLEEP_ENABLE) (hw2: ini:1) ;/
  0-4    hw2/hw6: CAB_TIMEOUT_EXT             (hw2: ini:0) ;-hw2/hw6
  0-15   hw4: CAB_TIMEOUT                                  ;-hw4
  19     ASSUME_DTIM                          (hw2: ini:0) ;-hw2/hw4/hw6
  20     hw6: BUG_59985_FIX_ENABLE                         ;-hw6
  21-31  hw2/hw6: CAB_TIMEOUT                 (hw2: ini:5) ;-hw2/hw6

ATH:0280D8h/004208h/0050C4h - MAC_PCU_SLP2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-18   hw2: outcommented: NEXT_TIM  (hw2: ini:55555h) ;-outcommented
  0-15   hw4: BEACON_TIMEOUT                            ;-hw4
  0-4    hw2/hw6: BEACON_TIMEOUT_EXT  (hw2: ini:0)      ;\hw2/hw6
  21-31  hw2/hw6: BEACON_TIMEOUT      (hw2: ini:2)      ;/

ATH:0280DCh - (outcommented) ;aka MAC_PCU_REG_SLP3 ;hw2 (but outcommented)
  0-15   hw2: outcommented: TIM_PERIOD  (hw2: ini:2)    ;\outcommented
  16-31  hw2: outcommented: DTIM_PERIOD (hw2: ini:3)    ;/

ATH:028260h/0050C8h - MAC_PCU_SLP3 ;hw2/hw6
  0-15   hw2/hw6: CAB_AWAKE_DUR        (hw2: ini:0005h) ;\hw2/hw6
  16     hw2/hw6: CAB_AWAKE_ENABLE     (hw2: ini:0)     ;/

ATH:0050CCh - MAC_PCU_SLP4 ;hw6
  0-15   hw6: BEACON2_TIMEOUT
  16-30  hw6: CAB2_TIMEOUT
  31     hw6: ASSUME_DTIM2

 ______________________________ Generic Timers ______________________________

ATH:028200h..02821Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_GNRCTMR_N[0..7] ;hw2
ATH:028220h..02823Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_GNRCTMR_P[0..7] ;hw2
ATH:004140h..417Ch/005064h..50A0h - MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS[0..15] ;hw4/hw6
ATH:0041C0h..41FCh/0050DCh..5118h - MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS2[0..15] ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   hw2, for "GNRCTMR_N" entries: GNRCTMR_N (32bit)
  0-27   hw2, for "GNRCTMR_P" entries: GNRCTMR_P (only 28bit here)
  0-31   hw4/hw6: DATA (32bit)
Unknown how that stuff is related...
  - hw2   has "8xTMR_N"  plus "8xTMR_P"
  - hw4/6 has "16xTIMER" plus "16xTIMER2"
maybe TIMER and TIMER2 are equivalent to TMR_N and TMR_P, or maybe TIMER is meant to contain "eight N+P pairs" (and TIMER2 another eight pairs), or maybe the "N" and "P" stuff was completely dropped in hw4/hw6. The ENABLE bits are also weird:
  - hw2 has 1x8 ENABLE bits  (for 8+8 timer entries)
  - hw4 has 2x16 ENABLE bits (for 16+16 timer entries)
  - hw6 has 2x8 ENABLE bits  (for 16+16 timer entries, too)
Note that hw2 has the generic timers in the WMAC PCU area at 028xxxh.

ATH:028240h/004180h/0050BCh - MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS_MODE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   hw4: ENABLE         (16bit)            ;\hw4 (the other bits are
  16-31  hw4: -                                 ;/moved to "MODE3" in hw4)
  0-7    hw6: ENABLE         (8bit)             ;\
  8-10   hw6: OVERFLOW_INDEX (3bit)        (R)  ; hw2/hw6
  11     hw6: -                                 ;
  12-31  hw6: THRESH         (20bit)            ;/

ATH:004200h/005134h - MAC_PCU_GENERIC_TIMERS_MODE2 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-15   hw4: ENABLE          (16bit)           ;-hw4
  0-7    hw6: ENABLE          (8bit)            ;\
  8-11   hw6: OVERFLOW_INDEX  (4bit)        (R) ; hw6
  12-15  hw6: OVERFLOW_INDEX2 (4bit)        (R) ;/

  0-19   hw4: THRESH                    ;\hw4 only (in hw2/hw6 this stuff is
  24-27  hw4: OVERFLOW_INDEX            ;/located in "MODE" instead of "MODE3")

  0-15   VALUE

 __________________________ below in hw4/hw6 only __________________________

ATH:004118h/005148h - WLAN_HT (aka HT) ;hw4/hw6
  0      MODE

ATH:00411Ch/005054h - MAC_PCU_TSF_L32 ;hw4/hw6 (hw2: see REG_TSF_L32)
ATH:004120h/005058h - MAC_PCU_TSF_U32 ;hw4/hw6
  0-63   VALUE

ATH:0042CCh/0050D4h - MAC_PCU_TSF2_L32 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:0042D0h/0050D8h - MAC_PCU_TSF2_U32 ;hw4/hw6
  0-63   VALUE

ATH:00505Ch - MAC_PCU_WBTIMER_0 ;hw6
  0      ENABLE                                 ;-hw6 only

ATH:004124h/005060h - MAC_PCU_WBTIMER_1 (aka MAC_PCU_WBTIMER) ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE

ATH:00420Ch/0050D0h - MAC_PCU_RESET_TSF ;hw4/hw6
  24     ONE_SHOT    ;aka "one shot RESET_TSF"   ;<-- see "REG_BEACON" in hw2
  25     ONE_SHOT2

ATH:00427Ch/005154h - MAC_PCU_BMISS_TIMEOUT ;hw4/hw6
ATH:005158h - MAC_PCU_BMISS2_TIMEOUT ;hw6 only
  0-23   VALUE  (aka BMISS_TIMEOUT)

 ____________________________ below in hw2 only ____________________________

ATH:00410Ch - MAC_PCU_SLP_BEACON - hw2 only (removed or renamed in hw4)
ATH:028264h (mirror of 00410Ch) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP5 (ini: 0FFFFFFh) ;hw2
  0-23   hw2: BMISS_TIMEOUT                  ;\hw2 only
  24     hw2: BMISS_TIMEOUT_ENABLE           ;/
See also: - MAC_PCU_BMISS_TIMEOUT <--- is that equivalent on hw4/hw6!?!

ATH:004120h..413Ch - SDIO_SETUP_CIRCUIT[8] - hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
ATH:004160h..417Ch - CPU_SETUP_CIRCUIT[8] - hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
ATH:0041A0h..41BCh - BB_SETUP_CIRCUIT[8] - hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
  0-7    hw2: VECTOR

ATH:004140h - SDIO_SETUP_CONFIG - hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
ATH:004144h - CPU_SETUP_CONFIG - hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
ATH:004180h - BB_SETUP_CONFIG - hw2 only (removed in hw4/hw6)
  0      hw2: CLEAR
  1      hw2: ENABLE

 ____________________________ below in hw4 only ____________________________

ATH:004210h - MAC_PCU_TSF_ADD_PLL ;hw4
  0-7    hw4: VALUE

ATH:004280h - MAC_PCU_CAB_AWAKE ;hw4
  0-15   hw4: DURATION
  16     hw4: ENABLE

  0      hw4: AP_STA_ENABLE
  1      hw4: AP_TSF_1_2_SEL
  2      hw4: STA_TSF_1_2_SEL

ATH:004218h..004278h - Bluetooth Coex related ;hw4
ATH:004294h..0042A4h - Bluetooth Coex related, too? ;hw4
These hw4 ports have been moved to 007xxxh in hw6. See Bluetooth Coex chapter for details.

 ____________________________ below in hw6 only ____________________________

  0      MAC_WARM_RST           ;-moved from 004000h.bit4   ;\
  1      MAC_COLD_RST           ;-moved from 004000h.bit5   ;
  2      WARM_RST               ;-moved from 004000h.bit7   ;
  3      COLD_RST               ;-also in 004000h.bit8      ;
  4      BB_WARM_RST            ;-moved from 004000h.bit12  ;
  5      BB_COLD_RST            ;-moved from 004000h.bit13  ;/
  6      RADIO_SRESET           ;-new hw6 bit               ;\
  7      MCI_RESET              ;-new hw6 bit               ;/

ATH:005008h - WLAN_REG_CONTROL0 ;hw6
  0-31   SWREG_BITS

ATH:00500Ch - WLAN_REG_CONTROL1 ;hw6
  1-2    OTPREG_LVL

ATH:005028h - WLAN_RESET_CAUSE ;hw6 ;<--- mirror of SOC_RESET_CAUSE?
  0-2    LAST                           (R)

ATH:00502Ch - WLAN_SYSTEM_SLEEP ;hw6 ;<--partial mirror of SOC_SYSTEM_SLEEP?
  0      DISABLE
  1      LIGHT
  2      MAC_IF                         (R)

ATH:00515Ch - RTC_AXI_AHB_BRIDGE ;hw6 only
  0-1    hw6: MAX_BEATS

ATH:005160h - UNIFIED_MAC_REVID (R) ;hw6 only
  0-31   hw6: VALUE                          (R)

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 0xx240h - RTC/Clock SYNC (hw6)

  0      RESET_L

  0      SHUTDOWN_STATE                 (R)
  1      ON_STATE                       (R)
  2      SLEEP_STATE                    (R)
  3      WAKEUP_STATE                   (R)
  4      WRESET                         (R)
  5      PLL_CHANGING                   (R)

  0      BYPASS
  1      FORCE
  2      FORCE_SWREG_PWD                (W)
  3      FORCE_LPO_PWD                  (W)

  0      ENABLE                         (R)
  1      INTR

  1      ON_STATE
  2      SLEEP_STATE

  1      ON_STATE
  2      SLEEP_STATE

  1      ON_STATE
  2      SLEEP_STATE

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 006000h - WLAN Coex (MCI) (hw6)

ATH:006000h - MCI_COMMAND0 ;hw6
  0-7    HEADER
  8-12   LEN

ATH:006004h - MCI_COMMAND1 ;hw6
  0-31   ADDR

ATH:006008h - MCI_COMMAND2 ;hw6
  0      RESET_TX
  1      RESET_RX

ATH:00600Ch - MCI_RX_CTRL ;hw6

ATH:006010h - MCI_TX_CTRL ;hw6
  0-1    CLK_DIV

  0-15   CHECKSUM_EN
  16-31  INVALID_HDR

ATH:006018h - MCI_SCHD_TABLE_0 ;hw6
  0-31   BASE_ADDR

ATH:00601Ch - MCI_SCHD_TABLE_1 ;hw6
  0-15   OWN
  16-31  SW_REQ_OWN

ATH:006020h - MCI_GPM_0 ;hw6
  0-31   START_ADDR

ATH:006024h - MCI_GPM_1 ;hw6
  0-15   LEN
  16-31  WRITE_PTR                      (R)

ATH:006028h - MCI_INTERRUPT_RAW ;Interrupt Flags ;hw6
ATH:00602Ch - MCI_INTERRUPT_EN ;Interrupt Enable ;hw6
  0      SW_MSG_DONE
  1      CPU_INT_MSG
  2      RX_CKSUM_FAIL
  4      RX_HW_MSG_FAIL
  5      RX_SW_MSG_FAIL
  7      TX_HW_MSG_FAIL
  8      TX_SW_MSG_FAIL
  9      RX_MSG
  11-26  BT_PRI
  27     BT_PRI_THRESH
  28     BT_FREQ
  29     BT_STOMP

ATH:006030h - MCI_REMOTE_CPU_INT ;Flags ;hw6
ATH:006034h - MCI_REMOTE_CPU_INT_EN ;Enable ;hw6
  0-31   BODY

ATH:006038h - MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_RAW ;Flags ;hw6
ATH:00603Ch - MCI_INTERRUPT_RX_MSG_EN ;Enable ;hw6
  1      LNA_CTRL
  2      CONT_NACK
  3      CONT_INFO
  4      CONT_RST
  5      SCHD_INFO
  6      CPU_INT
  8      GPM
  9      LNA_INFO
  11     SYS_WAKING
  12     REQ_WAKE

ATH:006040h - MCI_CPU_INT ;hw6
  0-31   MSG

ATH:006044h - MCI_RX_STATUS ;hw6
  8-11   SCHD_MSG_INDEX                 (R)
  12     REMOTE_SLEEP                   (R)

ATH:006048h - MCI_CONT_STATUS ;hw6
  0-7    RSSI_POWER                     (R)
  8-15   PRIORITY                       (R)
  16     TX                             (R)
  17-20  LINKID                         (R)
  21-27  CHANNEL                        (R)
  28-31  OWNER                          (R)

ATH:00604Ch - MCI_BT_PRI0 ;hw6
ATH:006050h - MCI_BT_PRI1 ;hw6
ATH:006054h - MCI_BT_PRI2 ;hw6
ATH:006058h - MCI_BT_PRI3 ;hw6
  0-7    VAL0
  8-15   VAL1
  16-23  VAL2
  24-31  VAL3

ATH:00605Ch - MCI_BT_PRI ;hw6
  0-7    THRESH

ATH:006060h - MCI_WL_FREQ0 ;hw6
  0-31   MASK

ATH:006064h - MCI_WL_FREQ1 ;hw6
  0-31   MASK

ATH:006068h - MCI_WL_FREQ2 ;hw6
  0-15   MASK

ATH:00606Ch - MCI_GAIN ;hw6
  0-7    OFFSET1
  8-15   OFFSET2

ATH:006070h - MCI_WBTIMER1 ;hw6
ATH:006074h - MCI_WBTIMER2 ;hw6
ATH:006078h - MCI_WBTIMER3 ;hw6
ATH:00607Ch - MCI_WBTIMER4 ;hw6
  0-31   TARGET

ATH:006080h - MCI_MAXGAIN ;hw6
  0-7    GAIN1
  8-15   GAIN2
  16-23  GAIN3
  24-31  GAIN4

ATH:0060ACh - BTCOEX_CTRL ;hw6

ATH:00614Ch - BTCOEX_CTRL2 ;hw6
  0-7    RESERVED2
  8-10   OBS_SEL

ATH:006254h - BTCOEX_DBG ;hw6
  0-31   OBS                            (R)

ATH:006258h - MCI_LAST_HW_MSG_HDR ;hw6
  0-7    HDR                            (R)
  8-10   LEN                            (R)

ATH:00625Ch - MCI_LAST_HW_MSG_BDY ;hw6
  0-31   BDY                            (R)

ATH:006260h - MCI_MAXGAIN_RST ;hw6
  0-31   TARGET

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - Bluetooth Coex (hw4/hw6)

ATH:004218h/007000h - BTCOEXCTRL - hw4/hw6
  0-7    GAP
  8      CLK_CNT_EN
  9      FRAME_CNT_EN
  10     IDLE_CNT_EN
  11     SYNC_DET_EN
  18-22  FREQ_TIME
  23-24  PTA_MODE
  26     hw4: WBTIMER_ENABLE            ;hw4 only
  27     unspecified
  28     hw6: RFGAIN_VALID_SRC          ;hw6 only

ATH:004228h/007010h - BTCOEX0 ;SYNC_DUR - hw4/hw6
  0-7    SYNC_DUR

ATH:00422Ch/007014h - BTCOEX1 ;CLK_THRES - hw4/hw6
  0-20   CLK_THRES

ATH:004230h/007018h - BTCOEX2 ;FRAME_THRES - hw4/hw6
  0-7    FRAME_THRES

ATH:004234h/00701Ch - BTCOEX3 ;CLK_CNT - hw4/hw6
  0-20   CLK_CNT

ATH:004238h/007020h - BTCOEX4 ;FRAME_CNT - hw4/hw6
  0-7    FRAME_CNT

ATH:00423Ch/007024h - BTCOEX5 ;IDLE_CNT - hw4/hw6
  0-15   IDLE_CNT

ATH:004240h/007028h - BTCOEX6 ;IDLE_RESET_LVL_BITMAP - hw4/hw6

ATH:004244h/00702Ch - LOCK - hw4/hw6
  24-31  TLOCK_SLAVE

ATH:00421Ch/007004h - WBSYNC_PRIORITY1 - hw4/hw6
ATH:004220h/007008h - WBSYNC_PRIORITY2 - hw4/hw6
ATH:004224h/00700Ch - WBSYNC_PRIORITY3 - hw4/hw6
ATH:004248h/007030h - NOLOCK_PRIORITY - hw4/hw6
  0-31   BITMAP

ATH:00424Ch/007034h - WBSYNC - hw4/hw6
ATH:004250h/007038h - WBSYNC1 - hw4/hw6
ATH:004254h/00703Ch - WBSYNC2 - hw4/hw6
ATH:004258h/007040h - WBSYNC3 - hw4/hw6
  0-31   BTCLOCK                        (R) (read-only, according to hw6)

ATH:00425Ch/007044h - WB_TIMER_TARGET - hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE

ATH:004260h/007048h - WB_TIMER_SLOP - hw4/hw6
  0-9    VALUE

ATH:004264h/00704Ch - BTCOEX_INT_EN - hw4/hw6
ATH:004268h/007050h - BTCOEX_INT_STAT - hw4/hw6
  0      CLK_CNT
  1      FRAME_CNT
  2      END
  3      SYNC
  4      NOSYNC
  5      BTPRIORITY       ;<-- for INT_STAT (but, N/A for INT_EN)       (R)
  6      BTPRIORITY_STOMP ;<-- for INT_STAT (but, N/A for INT_EN)       (R)
  7      WB_TIMER
  8      I2C_MESG_RECV    ;<-- for INT_STAT  (but, "ST_MESG_RECV" for INT_EN?)
  9      I2C_MESG_SENT
  10     I2C_TX_FAILED

ATH:00426Ch/007054h - BTPRIORITY_INT_EN - hw4/hw6
ATH:004270h/007058h - BTPRIORITY_INT_STAT - hw4/hw6
  0-31   BITMAP

ATH:004274h/00705Ch - BTPRIORITY_STOMP_INT_EN - hw4/hw6
ATH:004278h/007060h - BTPRIORITY_STOMP_INT_STAT - hw4/hw6
  0-31   BITMAP

ATH:004294h/007064h - ST_64_BIT - hw4/hw6
  0      MODE
  6      CLOCK_GATE
  7      DRIVE_MODE
  9-26   TIMEOUT

ATH:004298h/007068h - MESSAGE_WR - hw4/hw6
ATH:0042A0h/007070h - MESSAGE_RD - hw4/hw6
  0-31   TYPE

ATH:00429Ch/00706Ch - MESSAGE_WR_P - hw4/hw6
ATH:0042A4h/007074h - MESSAGE_RD_P - hw4/hw6
  0-31   PARAMETER

 _________ below hw6 only _________

ATH:007078h - BTPRIORITY_INT - hw6 only
  0-7    DELAY

ATH:00707Ch - SCO_PARAMS - hw6 only
  0-13   PERIOD
  14-23  SLOP

ATH:007080h - SCO_PRIORITY - hw6 only
  0-31   BITMAP

ATH:007084h - SCO_SYNC - hw6 only
  0-31   BTCLOCK

ATH:007088h - BTCOEX_RAW_STAT - hw6 only
  0      CLK_CNT
  1      FRAME_CNT
  2      END
  3      SYNC
  4      NOSYNC
  7      WB_TIMER

ATH:00708Ch - BTPRIORITY_RAW_STAT - hw6 only
  0-31   BITMAP

ATH:007090h - BTPRIORITY_STOMP_RAW_STAT - hw6 only
  0-31   BITMAP

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - Memory Control (hw2/hw4/hw6)

TCAM/BCAM (Ternary/Binary Content Addressable Memory) (ROM Patches)
TCAM/BCAM registers are allowing to patch ROM (in a similar fashion as Game Genie cheat devices). The ROM patches can be initialized via BMI commands:
DSi Atheros Wifi - BMI Bootloader Commands
Many ROM functions are called via a Table in RAM, which can be patched without needing the TCAM/BCAM feature (actually, the DSi's AR6002 firmware is patching only three of that RAM Table entries, and leaves the TCAM feature completely unused).

 ______________________ hw2 ROM Patches (TCAM) ______________________

ATH:008000h..807Ch - (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_VALID[0..31] ;hw2
  0      BIT    (?=Patch Enable)

ATH:008080h..80FCh - (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_MASK[0..31] ;hw2
  0-2    SIZE   (... patch area, selectable 32-bytes or bigger or so?)
The eight size settings are probably 20h,40h,80h,100h,200h,400h,800h,1000h.

ATH:008100h..817Ch - (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_COMPARE[0..31] ;hw2
  5-21   KEY    (Patch ROM Address in 32-byte steps) (probably 0E0000h and up?)

ATH:008180h..81FCh - (WLAN_)MC_TCAM_TARGET[0..31] ;hw2
  5-21   ADDR   (Patch RAM Address in 32-byte steps) (probably 100000h and up?)

 ______________________ hw4 ROM Patches (BCAM) ______________________

The hw4 ROM patching is done in 32bit Data units, but 16bit/24bit Xtensa opcodes aren't neccessarily 32bit aligned, so one may need 1-2 patch slots per opcode.

ATH:008000h..0081FCh - WLAN_MC_BCAM_VALID[0..127] ;hw4
  0      BIT    some "bit" (128 x 1bit)    (?=Patch Enable)
  1-31   -

ATH:008200h..0083FCh - WLAN_MC_BCAM_COMPARE[0..127] ;hw4
  0-1    -
  2-19   KEY    some "key" (128 x 18bit)   (Patch Address in 4-byte steps)
  20-31  -

ATH:008400h..0085FCh - WLAN_MC_BCAM_TARGET[0..127] ;hw4
  0-31   INST   some "inst" (128 x 32bit)  (Patch Data)

  0      DPORT_FLAG
  1      IPORT_FLAG
  2-31   -

 _______________________ hw6 ROM Patches (?) _______________________

Unknown if or how ROM Patches are supported on hw6 (the hw6 source code doesn't define any TCAM/BCAM registers).

 ______________________ ADDR_ERROR Registers ______________________

  0      ENABLE
  1      QUAL_ENABLE
  2-31   -

  0-24   ADDRESS
  25     WRITE
  26-31  -

  0      ENABLE
  1-31   -

  0-23   ADDRESS
  24-29  -
  30     MBOX
  31     MAC

 ______________________ hw4 MISC Registers ______________________

ATH:008614h - WLAN_CPU_PERF_CNT ;hw4
  0      EN
  1-31   -

ATH:008618h - WLAN_CPU_INST_FETCH ;hw4
  0-31   CNT

  0-11   CNT
  12-31  -

 ______________________ hw6 MISC Registers ______________________

ATH:010028h - WLAN_AHB_CONFIG ;hw6
  0      MAX_BURST_4
  1      MAX_BURST_8
  2      MAX_BURST_16

ATH:01002Ch - WLAN_MEMORY_MAP ;hw6
  0      ONE_IRAM_BANK

 ______________________ Xtensa CPU ______________________

Xtensa Region/MMU (hw2)
The Xtensa CPU is additionally having a Region/MMU unit with ITLB and DTLB. The AR6002 ROM is doing some basic initialization via mmu-opcodes:
  set ITLB[(0..7)*20000000h] to values (1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
  set DTLB[(0..7)*20000000h] to values (1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
Alongsides, it's issuing an "isync" opcode after setting the first ITLB entry, and a "dsync" opcode after setting the last DTLB entry. After that initialization, the ROM and Firmware aren't using any further mmu-opcodes.

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00C000h - Serial UART (hw2/hw4/hw6)

The UART_xxx registers are used to output TTY messages (ASCII strings) when enabled in the "Host Interest" area:
  targaddr[14h] hi_serial_enable --> enable additional TTY msg's during BMI
  targaddr[60h] hi_desired_baud_rate --> for TTY/UART (default=9600 decimal)
  targaddr[C4h] hi_console_flags - whatever, UART related, maybe newer firmware

 ______________________ hw2 UART Registers ______________________

Texas Instruments TL16C550AN - Asynchronous Communications Element (ACE)
The hw2 UART is based on the TL16C550AN chip (which is also found in the SNES "Exertainment Bicycle" add-on).

ATH:00C000h (when DLAB=0) - (WLAN_UART_)RBR - RX Data FIFO (R) ;hw2
ATH:00C020h (when DLAB=0) - (WLAN_UART_)SRBR (mirror of RBR?) ;hw2
  0-7  Data (with 16-byte FIFO)

ATH:00C000h (when DLAB=0) - (WLAN_UART_)THR - TX Data FIFO (W) ;hw2
  0-7  Data (with 16-byte FIFO)

ATH:00C004h (when DLAB=0) - (WLAN_UART_)IER - Interrupt Control (R/W) ;hw2
  0    ERBFI Received Data Available Interrupt            (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1    ETBEI Transmitter Holding Register Empty Interrupt (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  2    ELSI  Receiver Line Status Interrupt               (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  3    EDDSI Modem Status Interrupt                       (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  4-7  -     Not used (always zero)

ATH:00C000h (when DLAB=1) - (WLAN_UART_)DLL - Baudrate Divisor LSB (R/W) ;hw2
ATH:00C004h (when DLAB=1) - (WLAN_UART_)DLH - Baudrate Divisor MSB (R/W) ;hw2
  0-7  Divisor Latch LSB/MSB, should be set to "divisor = XIN / (baudrate*16)"

ATH:00C008h - (WLAN_UART_)IIR - Interrupt Status (R) ;hw2
ATH:00C028h - (WLAN_UART_)SIIR (mirror or IIR?) ;hw2
  0    Interrupt Pending Flag (0=Pending, 1=None)                       ;\IID
  1-3  Interrupt ID, 3bit     (0..7=see below) (always 00h when Bit0=1) ;/
  4-5  Not used (always zero)
  6    FIFOs Enabled (always zero in TL16C450 mode) ;\these bits have same
  7    FIFOs Enabled (always zero in TL16C450 mode) ;/value as "FIFO Enable"
The 3bit Interrupt ID can have following values:
  ID Prio Expl.
  00h 4   Handshaking inputs CTS,DSR,RI,DCD have changed      (Ack: Read MSR)
  01h 3   Transmitter Holding Register Empty     (Ack: Write THR or Read IIR)
  02h 2   RX FIFO has reached selected trigger level          (Ack: Read RBR)
  03h 1   RX Overrun/Parity/Framing Error, or Break Interrupt (Ack: Read LSR)
  06h 2   RX FIFO non-empty & wasn't processed for longer time(Ack: Read RBRh)
Interrupt ID values 04h,05h,07h are not used.

ATH:00C008h - (WLAN_UART_)FCR - FIFO Control (W) ;hw2
  0    FIFO Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Enables access to FIFO related bits)
  1    Receiver FIFO Reset      (0=No Change, 1=Clear RX FIFO) (RCVR_FIFO_RST)
  2    Transmitter FIFO Reset   (0=No Change, 1=Clear TX FIFO) (XMIT_FIFO_RST)
  3    DMA Mode Select (Mode for /RXRDY and /TXRDY) (0=Mode 0, 1=Mode 1)
  4-5  Not used (should be zero)
  6-7  Receiver FIFO Trigger    (0..3 = 1,4,8,14 bytes) (RCVR_TRIG)

ATH:00C00Ch - (WLAN_UART_)LCR - Character Format Control (R/W) ;hw2
  0-1  Character Word Length    (0..3 = 5,6,7,8 bits) (CLS)
  2    Number of Stop Bits      (0=1bit, 1=2bit; for 5bit chars: only 1.5bit)
  3    Parity Enable (PEN)      (0=None, 1=Enable Parity or 9th data bit)
  4    Parity Type/9th Data bit (0=Odd, 1=Even) (EPS)
  5    Unused in hw2? ;for TL16C550AN: Bit4-5 can be 2=Set9thBit, 3=Clear9thBit
  6    Set Break                (0=Normal, 1=Break, Force SOUT to Low)
  7    Divisor Latch Access     (0=Normal I/O, 1=Divisor Latch I/O) (DLAB)

ATH:00C010h - (WLAN_UART_)MCR - Handshaking Control (R/W) ;hw2
  0    DTR  Output Level for /DTR pin  (Data Terminal Ready) (0=High, 1=Low)
  1    RTS  Output Level for /RTS pin  (Request to Send)     (0=High, 1=Low)
  2    OUT1 Output Level for /OUT1 pin (General Purpose)     (0=High, 1=Low)
  3    OUT2 Output Level for /OUT2 pin (General Purpose)     (0=High, 1=Low)
  4/5? LOOP Loopback Mode (0=Normal, 1=Testmode, loopback TX to RX)
  5-7  Not used (always zero)
The Loopback bit should be Bit4 (according to TL16C550AN datasheet), but hw2 source code claims it to be in bit5.

ATH:00C014h - (WLAN_UART_)LSR - RX/TX Status (R) (W=don't do) ;hw2
ATH:00C034h - (WLAN_UART_)SLSR (mirror of LSR?) ;hw2
  0    RX Data Ready (DR)       (0=RX FIFO Empty, 1=RX Data Available)
  1    RX Overrun Error (OE)    (0=Okay, 1=Error) (RX when RX FIFO Full)
  2    RX Parity Error (PE)     (0=Okay, 1=Error) (RX parity bad)
  3    RX Framing Error (FE)    (0=Okay, 1=Error) (RX stop bit bad)
  4    RX Break Interrupt (BI)  (0=Normal, 1=Break) (RX line LOW for long time)
  5    Transmitter Holding Register (THRE) (1=TX FIFO is empty)
  6    Transmitter Empty (TEMT) (0=No, 1=Yes, TX FIFO and TX Shift both empty)
  7    At least one Overrun/Parity/Framing Error in RX FIFO (0=No, 1=Yes/Error)
Bit7 is always zero in TL16C450 mode. Bit1-3 are automatically cleared after reading. In FIFO mode, bit2-3 reflect to status of the current (=oldest) character in the FIFO (unknown/unclear if bit2-3 are also auto-cleared when in FIFO mode).
Note: The AR6002 BIOS ROM is using "SLSR" (instead of "LSR") for testing bit0,5,6. And, before each read from SLSR register, the AR6002 BIOS BIOS does first write 0 to SLSR (for whatever unknown purpose).
Basically, "SLSR" (and other "Sxxx" registers) seems to be some sort of a mirror of "LSR" (and other "xxx" registers)? Maybe one of them omits automatic IRQ acknowledge or so?

ATH:00C018h - (WLAN_UART_)MSR - Handshaking Status (R) (W=don't do) ;hw2
ATH:00C038h - (WLAN_UART_)SMSR (mirror or MSR?) ;hw2
  0    DCTS Change flag for /CTS pin ;ClearToSend       ;\change flags (0=none,
  1    DDSR Change flag for /DSR pin ;DataSetReady      ; 1=changed since last
  2    TERI Change flag for /RI pin  ;RingIndicator     ; read) (automatically
  3    DDCD Change flag for /DCD pin ;DataCarrierDetect ;/cleared after read)
  4    CTS  Input Level on /CTS pin ;ClearToSend        ;\
  5    DSR  Input Level on /DSR pin ;DataSetReady       ; current levels
  6    RI   Input Level on /RI pin  ;RingIndicator      ; (inverted ?)
  7    DCD  Input Level on /DCD pin ;DataCarrierDetect  ;/

ATH:00C01Ch - (WLAN_UART_)SCR - Scratch (R/W) ;hw2
  0-7  General Purpose Storage (eg. read/write-able for UART chip detection)

ATH:00C02Ch - (WLAN_UART_?)MWR ;whatever "M Write Register?" ;hw2
ATH:00C03Ch - (WLAN_UART_?)MRR ;whatever "M Read Register?" ;hw2
  0-31 whatever... 32bit wide (unlike other UART registers) (?) (UART related?)

 ______________________ hw4/hw6 UART Registers ______________________

Multiple UARTs ;hw4/hw6
There appear to be multiple hw4/hw6 UARTs: one normal, one for debug, one for hw6:
  WLAN_UART_BASE_ADDRESS     = 0000C000h ;hw4/hw6
  WLAN_DBG_UART_BASE_ADDRESS = 0000D000h ;hw4/hw6
  WLAN_UART2_BASE_ADDRESS    = 00054C00h ;hw6
Maybe the UARTs are all using the same register format with differerent base?

ATH:00C000h - UART_DATA ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    TXRX_DATA
  8      RX_CSR
  9      TX_CSR

ATH:00C004h - UART_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  0      PARITY_EVEN
  2      IFC_DCE
  3      IFC_ENABLE
  4      FLOW_INVERT
  5      FLOW_ENABLE
  6      DMA_ENABLE
  10     RX_BREAK
  11     TX_BREAK
  12     HOST_INT
  14     TX_BUSY
  15     RX_BUSY

ATH:00C008h - UART_CLKDIV ;hw4/hw6
  0-15   CLK_STEP
  16-23  CLK_SCALE

ATH:00C00Ch - UART_INT ;hw4/hw6
ATH:00C010h - UART_INT_EN ;hw4/hw6
  0      RX_VALID_INT
  1      TX_READY_INT
  6      RX_BREAK_ON_INT
  8      RX_FULL_INT
  9      TX_EMPTY_INT

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00E000h - UMBOX Registers (hw4/hw6)

ATH:00E000h..00E004h - UMBOX_FIFO[0..1]
  0-8    DATA   ... uh, twice[0..1], with 9bit each ?

  0      RX_FULL
  1      RX_EMPTY
  2      TX_FULL
  3      TX_EMPTY

  0      RX_ORDER
  1      RX_QUANTUM
  2      TX_ORDER
  3      TX_QUANTUM

  2-27   ADDRESS

  0      STOP
  1      START
  2      RESUME

  0-7    VALUE
  8      ENABLE_SET

  0      RX_NOT_FULL
  1      TX_NOT_EMPTY
  3      TX_OVERFLOW

  0-2    SEL

  0      INIT

  0-1    CONFIG_MODE
  2      OVERFLOW
  3      UNDERFLOW
  4      SYNC_ERROR
  5      ENABLE

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 010000h - Serial I2C/SPI (hw2/hw4/hw6)

These registers are providing a general purpose I2C/SPI serial bus. The SI_xxx registers are exactly same in hw2/hw4/hw6.
In the DSi, they are used in I2C mode - for reading wifi calibration data:
DSi Atheros Wifi I2C EEPROM

ATH:010000h - SI_CONFIG
  0-3    DIVIDER            (probably transfer rate, should be 6 on DSi)
  4      INACTIVE_CLK       (whatever, should be 1 for I2C)
  5      INACTIVE_DATA      (whatever, should be 1 for I2C)
  6      POS_DRIVE          (whatever, should be zero for I2C)
  7      POS_SAMPLE         (whatever, should be 1 for I2C)
  8-15   -
  16     I2C                (0=SPI, 1=I2C)
  17     -
  18     BIDIR_OD_DATA      (whatever, should be 1 for I2C)
  19     ERR_INT            (whatever, enable or status?)
On DSi, this is register is set to 500B6h.

ATH:010004h - SI_CS
  0-3    TX_CNT    Number of TX bytes (0..8) (should be 1..8 for I2C device)
  4-7    RX_CNT    Number of RX bytes (0..8)
  8      START     Write 1 to start transfer
  9      DONE_INT  Status (0=Busy, 1=Done/Okay)
  10     DONE_ERR  Status (1=Error)
  11-13  BIT_CNT_IN_LAST_BYTE (0=Normal/8bit, 1..7=whatever)
For I2C with TX_CNT and RX_CNT both nonzero: TX data is transferred first.
Unknown when the DONE flags are cleared (possibly when writing 0 to bit9,10, or when writing 1 to bit8, or maybe automatically after reading).

ATH:010008h..01000Ch - SI_TX_DATA0/SI_TX_DATA1
  0-7    DATA0  1st TX byte (device number in case of I2C mode)
  8-15   DATA1  2nd TX byte (if any)
  16-23  DATA2  ...
  24-31  DATA3  ..
  32-39  DATA4
  40-47  DATA5
  48-55  DATA6
  56-63  DATA7

ATH:010010h..010014h - SI_RX_DATA0/SI_RX_DATA1
  0-7    DATA0  1st RX byte (if any)
  8-15   DATA1  2nd RX byte (if any)
  16-23  DATA2  ...
  24-31  DATA3  ..
  32-39  DATA4
  40-47  DATA5
  48-55  DATA6
  56-63  DATA7

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 014000h - GPIO 18/26/57 pin (hw2/hw4/hw6)

ATH:014000h/014000h/014000h - WLAN_GPIO_OUT ;GPIO Data Out ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014004h/014004h/014004h - WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TS ;Write-1-to-Set ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014008h/014008h/014008h - WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TC ;Write-1-to-Clr ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:01400Ch - WLAN_GPIO_OUT_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
ATH:014010h - WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TS_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
ATH:014014h - WLAN_GPIO_OUT_W1TC_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
  0-17   hw2: DATA (for pin 0..17)
  0-25   hw4: DATA (for pin 0..25)
  0-63   hw6: DATA (for pin 0..56) (and bit57-63=unused or so?)

ATH:01400Ch/01400Ch/014018h - WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE ;GPIO Out Enable ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014010h/014010h/01401Ch - WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS ;Wr-1-to-Set ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014014h/014014h/014020h - WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC ;Wr-1-to-Clr ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014024h - WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
ATH:014028h - WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
ATH:01402Ch - WLAN_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TC_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
  0-17   hw2: DATA (for pin 0..17)
  0-25   hw4: DATA (for pin 0..25)
  0-63   hw6: DATA (for pin 0..56) (and bit57-63=unused or so?)

ATH:014018h/014018h/014030h - WLAN_GPIO_IN - GPIO Data In ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014038h - WLAN_GPIO_IN_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
  0-17   hw2: DATA (for pin 0..17)
  0-25   hw4: DATA (for pin 0..25)
  0-63   hw6: DATA (for pin 0..56) (and bit57-63=unused or so?)

ATH:01401Ch/01401Ch/014034h - WLAN_GPIO_STATUS - GPIO Interrupt ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014020h/014020h/014040h - WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TS - Write-1-to-Set ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:014024h/014024h/014044h - WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TC - Write-1-to-Clear ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:01403Ch - WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
ATH:014048h - WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TS_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
ATH:01404Ch - WLAN_GPIO_STATUS_W1TC_HIGH ;for pin32 and up ;hw6
  0-17   hw2: INTERRUPT (for pin 0..17)
  0-25   hw4: INTERRUPT (for pin 0..25)
  0-63   hw6: INTERRUPT (for pin 0..56) (and bit57-63=unused or so?)

 ______________________________ hw2 GPIO ports ______________________________

ATH:014028h - GPIO_PIN0 ;GPIO0 Bluetooth coex BT_PRIORITY
ATH:01402Ch - GPIO_PIN1 ;GPIO1 Bluetooth coex WLAN_ACTIVE
ATH:014030h - GPIO_PIN2 ;GPIO2 Bluetooth coex BT_FREQUENCY
ATH:014034h - GPIO_PIN3 ;GPIO3 Bluetooth coex BT_ACTIVE
ATH:014038h - GPIO_PIN4 ;GPIO4 SDIO/GSPI interface select
ATH:01403Ch - GPIO_PIN5 ;GPIO5 SDIO/GSPI interface select
ATH:014040h - GPIO_PIN6 ;GPIO6 -
ATH:014044h - GPIO_PIN7 ;GPIO7 TRST for JTAG debug
ATH:014048h - GPIO_PIN8 ;GPIO8 external 32kHz clock in
ATH:014050h - GPIO_PIN10 ;GPIO10 I2C SDA or SPI MISO
ATH:014058h - GPIO_PIN12 ;GPIO12 UART TXD or SPI /CS
ATH:01405Ch - GPIO_PIN13 ;GPIO13 Reset in for JTAG debug
ATH:014068h - GPIO_PIN16 ;GPIO16 -
ATH:01406Ch - GPIO_PIN17 ;GPIO17 -
  0      SOURCE
  1      -
  2      PAD_DRIVER
  3-6    -
  7-9    INT_TYPE
  11-12  CONFIG

 ______________________________ hw4 GPIO ports ______________________________

ATH:014028h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN0 ;GPIO0 Bluetooth coex BT_FREQUENCY
ATH:01402Ch - WLAN_GPIO_PIN1 ;GPIO1 Bluetooth coex WLAN_ACTIVE
ATH:014030h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN2 ;GPIO2 Bluetooth coex BT_ACTIVE ;I2C SCL
ATH:014034h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN3 ;GPIO3 Bluetooth coex BT_PRIORITY ;I2C SDA
ATH:014038h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN4 ;GPIO4 -
ATH:014040h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN6 ;GPIO6 JTAG TCK input
ATH:014044h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN7 ;GPIO7 JTAG TDI input
ATH:014048h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN8 ;GPIO8 JTAG TDO output
ATH:014074h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN19 ;GPIO19 SDIO/GSPI interface select
ATH:014078h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN20 ;GPIO20 SDIO/GSPI interface select
ATH:01407Ch - WLAN_GPIO_PIN21 ;GPIO21 external input sleep clock
ATH:014080h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN22 ;GPIO22 wake on wireless input (WOW)
ATH:014084h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN23 ;GPIO23 reference clk output to BT chip
ATH:014088h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN24 ;GPIO24 request clk from BT chip
ATH:01408Ch - WLAN_GPIO_PIN25 ;GPIO25 request reference clk (CLK_REQ)
  0      SOURCE
  1      -
  2      PAD_DRIVER
  3-4    PAD_STRENGTH   ;\pull/strength supported for PIN0..PIN22 only
  5-6    PAD_PULL       ;/(bit3-6 are unused in PIN23..PIN25 registers)
  7-9    INT_TYPE
  11-13  CONFIG
AR6003 datasheet assigns only the above stuff with a single UART, although the AR6003 should additionally support a DBG_UART.

 ______________________________ hw6 GPIO ports ______________________________

ATH:014054h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN1 ;GPIO1 or SDIO_D3
ATH:014058h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN2 ;GPIO2 or SDIO_D2
ATH:014060h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN4 ;GPIO4 or SDIO_D0
ATH:014068h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN6
ATH:014070h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN8
ATH:014074h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN9
ATH:014078h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN10
ATH:014080h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN12
ATH:014084h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN13
ATH:014088h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN14
ATH:014090h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN16
ATH:014094h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN17
ATH:014098h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN18
ATH:014100h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN44
ATH:014104h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN45
ATH:014108h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN46
ATH:014110h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN48
ATH:014114h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN49
ATH:014118h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN50
ATH:014120h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN52
ATH:014124h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN53
ATH:014128h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN54
ATH:014130h - WLAN_GPIO_PIN56
  0      SOURCE
  1      -
  2      PAD_DRIVER
  5-6    PAD_PULL
  7-9    INT_TYPE
  11-14  CONFIG
AR6004 datasheet assigns only six SDIO signals to GPIO pins. However, signals similar as on AR6002/AR6003 should exist (I2C/SPI, UART, etc.), plus TWO additional UARTs).

 _____________________________ hw2/hw4/hw6 stuff _____________________________

ATH:014078h/01409Ch/01413Ch - WLAN_SIGMA_DELTA ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-7    TARGET
  8-15   PRESCALAR      ;uh, scalar?
  16     ENABLE

ATH:01407Ch/0140A8h/01414Ch - WLAN_DEBUG_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      ENABLE                 ;-hw2/hw4/hw6
  1      hw2: OBS_OE_L          ;-hw2 only (bit1 removed in hw4/hw6)

ATH:014080h/0140ACh/014150h - WLAN_DEBUG_INPUT_SEL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-3    SRC                    ;-hw2/hw4/hw6
  4-5    hw4/hw6: SHIFT         ;-hw4/hw6

ATH:014084h/0140B0h/014154h - WLAN_DEBUG_OUT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-17   DATA (whatever) (always 18bit, no matter if GPIO with 18,25,57 pins)

ATH:0140F0h/0140B4h/014158h - WLAN_RESET_TUPLE_STATUS ;hw2/hw4/hw6

 _______________________________ hw4/hw6 stuff _______________________________

ATH:014090h/014134h - SDIO ;hw4/hw6
ATH:014160h - SDIO2 ;hw6
ATH:014164h - SDHC ;hw6
  0      PINS_EN

ATH:014098h/014138h - WL_SOC_APB ;hw4/hw6
  0      TOGGLE

ATH:0140A0h/014140h - WL_BOOTSTRAP ;hw4/hw6
  0-22   hw4: STATUS (23bit) ;maybe for pin 0..22 (but not pin 23-25 ?)
  0-11   hw6: STATUS (12bit) ;maybe for pin 0..57 (with below "CORE_BOOTSTRAP")
  12     hw6: CPU_MBIST_EN

  0-31   hw6: STATUS (32bit) (extra bits, expanding STATUS in "WL_BOOTSTRAP"?)

  0-12   hw6: STATUS (13bit) (extra bits, expanding STATUS in "WL_BOOTSTRAP"?)

  0-4    hw4: ENABLE   (5bit)           ;\
  5-9    hw4: VALUE    (5bit)           ; hw4 "ANTENNA_SLEEP_CONTROL"
  10-14  hw4: OVERRIDE (5bit)           ;/
  0-3    hw6: ENABLE   (4bit)           ;\
  4-7    hw6: VALUE    (4bit)           ;
  8-11   hw6: OVERRIDE (4bit)           ;
  12-13  hw6: LED_SEL  (2bit)           ; hw6 "ANTENNA_CONTROL"
  14     hw6: SPI_MODE                  ;
  15     hw6: SPI_CS                    ;
  16     hw6: RX_CLEAR                  ;/

 _________________________________ hw6 stuff _________________________________

ATH:014168h - AMBA_DEBUG_BUS ;hw6
  0-4    SEL

ATH:01416Ch - CPU_MBIST ;hw6
  0      DONE
  1      GLOBAL_FAIL
  2-10   BLOCK_FAIL

 _________________________________ hw4 stuff _________________________________

ATH:014094h - FUNC_BUS ;hw4
  0-21   OE_L
  22     GPIO_MODE

ATH:0140A4h - CLOCK_GPIO ;hw4
  0      hw4: BT_CLK_OUT_EN
  1      hw4: BT_CLK_REQ_EN
  2      hw4: CLK_REQ_OUT_EN

 ____________________________ hw2 GPIO PIN config ____________________________

ATH:0140D4h - ANTD_PIN - Config: Pad Pull ;hw2
ATH:0140DCh - GPIO_H_PIN - Config: Pad Pull ;hw2
ATH:0140E4h - BT_WLAN_PIN - Config: Pad Pull ;hw2
ATH:0140ECh - CLK32K_PIN - Config: Pad Pull ;hw2
  0-1    hw2: PAD_PULL

ATH:014070h - SDIO_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength ;hw2
ATH:0140D0h - ANT_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength ;hw2
ATH:0140D8h - GPIO_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength ;hw2
ATH:0140E0h - BT_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength ;hw2
ATH:0140E8h - SI_UART_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength ;hw2
  0-1    hw2: PAD_STRENGTH
  2-3    hw2: PAD_PULL

ATH:014074h - CLK_REQ_PIN - Config: Pad Pull/Strength/AteOeLow ;hw2
  0-1    hw2: PAD_STRENGTH
  2-3    hw2: PAD_PULL
  4      hw2: ATE_OE_L

 _______________________________ hw2 LA stuff _______________________________

ATH:014088h - LA_CONTROL ;hw2
  0      hw2: TRIGGERED
  1      hw2: RUN

ATH:01408Ch - LA_CLOCK ;hw2
  0-7    hw2: DIV

ATH:014090h - LA_STATUS ;hw2
  0      hw2: INTERRUPT

ATH:014094h - LA_TRIGGER_SAMPLE ;hw2
  0-15   hw2: COUNT

  0-15   hw2: VALUE

ATH:01409Ch - LA_PRE_TRIGGER ;hw2
ATH:0140A0h - LA_POST_TRIGGER ;hw2
  0-15   hw2: COUNT

  0      hw2: DELTA

ATH:0140A8h - LA_FILTER_DATA ;hw2
  0-17   hw2: MATCH                 ... maybe related to GPIO_PIN0..17 ?

ATH:0140C0h - LA_TRIGGER ;hw2
  0-2    hw2: EVENT

ATH:0140C4h - LA_FIFO ;hw2
  0      hw2: EMPTY
  1      hw2: FULL

ATH:0140C8h..0140CCh - LA[0..1] ;hw2
  0-17   hw2: DATA

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 018000h - MBOX Registers (hw2/hw4/hw6)

These registers are same in hw2/hw4/hw6, except that:
  GMBOX registers exist in hw4/hw6 only
  STE_MODE register exists in hw6 only
  WLAN_MBOX_INT_xxx bit18,19 exist in hw6 only
And, register names didn't have had the "WLAN_" prefix in hw2.

 ___________________________ Manual MBOX Transfer ___________________________

ATH:018000h..01800Ch - WLAN_MBOX_FIFO[0..3]
  8-11   DATA: zero?
  12-15  DATA: zero? maybe copy of MBOX_FIFO_STATUS bit12-15 ? (FULL)
  16-19  DATA: looks like copy of MBOX_FIFO_STATUS bit16-19 ?  (EMPTY)
  20-31  -
READ: Allows to read incoming MBOX data; before reading this register, the data MUST be manually copied to this register via WLAN_MBOX_TXFIFO_POP[n], then read this register, and check the EMPTY flag; this requires "double indexing" as so: for MBOX(n), test "WLAN_MBOX_FIFO[n].bit(16+n)", if the bit is zero, then bit0-7 contains valid data.
WRITE: Allows to send outgoing MBOX data (write the databyte, with zeroes in bit8-31); before doing so, one SHOULD check if the FIFO is full via WLAN_MBOX_FIFO_STATUS.

ATH:0180F0h..0180FCh - WLAN_MBOX_TXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  0      DATA  ... uh 4x1bit ?   for MBOX0..3 ?
  1-31   -
Writing 0 to WLAN_MBOX_TXFIFO_POP[n] does remove the oldest "TXFIFO" entry (the data transmitted from SDIO side to xtensa side via MBOXn), and stores that value (and a copy of the WLAN_MBOX_FIFO_STATUS bits) in WLAN_MBOX_FIFO[n].

ATH:018100h..01810Ch - WLAN_MBOX_RXFIFO_POP[0..3]
  0      DATA  ... uh 4x1bit ?   for MBOX0..3 ?
  1-31   -
Probably similar as above, but for opposite direction (ie. allowing to read data that was "sent-to-the-host"; normally such data should be read by the host, so one would use this feature only if one wants to screw up the normal transfer flow).

 ____________________________ DMA MBOX Transfer ____________________________

  0      RX_ORDER
  1      RX_QUANTUM
  2      TX_ORDER
  3      TX_QUANTUM
  4-31   -

ATH:018114h - WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_RX_DESCRIPTOR_BASE - hw4/hw6 only
  0-1    -
  2-27   ADDRESS
  28-31  -

ATH:018118h - WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_RX_CONTROL - hw4/hw6 only
ATH:018120h - WLAN_GMBOX0_DMA_TX_CONTROL - hw4/hw6 only
  0      STOP
  1      START
  2      RESUME
  3-31   -

 __________________________________ Status __________________________________

  0-11   -
  12-15  FULL flags for MBOX 0..3
  16-19  EMPTY flags for MBOX 0..3
  20-31  -

  0-7    HOST           Interrupt 0..7 from Host        ;SDIO 1:00472h.bit0..7
  8-11   RX_NOT_FULL    MBOX0..3 RX FIFO Not Full
  12-15  TX_NOT_EMPTY   MBOX0..3 TX FIFO Not Empty
  16     RX_UNDERFLOW   MBOX RX Underflow (tried to read from empty fifo)
  17     TX_OVERFLOW    MBOX TX Overflow (tried to write to full fifo)
  18     hw6: FRAME_DONE                            ;\hw6.0 only
  19     hw6: NO_RX_MBOX_DATA_AVA                   ;/
  20-23  TX_DMA_COMPLETE      MBOX0..3 TX DMA Complete
  24-27  TX_DMA_EOM_COMPLETE  MBOX0..3 TX DMA Complete .. End of message?
  28-31  RX_DMA_COMPLETE      MBOX0..3 RX DMA Complete

ATH:018124h - WLAN_GMBOX_INT_STATUS - hw4/hw6 only
ATH:018128h - WLAN_GMBOX_INT_ENABLE - hw4/hw6 only
  0      RX_NOT_FULL
  1      TX_NOT_EMPTY
  6      TX_OVERFLOW
  7-31   -

 ______________________________ SDIO Handshake ______________________________

  0-7    VECTOR   Interrupt 0..7 to Host                ;SDIO 1:00401h.bit0..7
  8-31   -

ATH:018080h..01809Ch - WLAN_LOCAL_COUNT[0..7]
ATH:0180A0h..0180BCh - WLAN_COUNT_INC[0..7]
  0-7    VALUE (credit counter)                         ;SDIO 1:00420h..00427h
  8-31   -

ATH:0180C0h..0180DCh - WLAN_LOCAL_SCRATCH[0..7]
  0-7    VALUE (scratch)                                ;SDIO 1:00460h..00467h
  8-31   -

  0      PIN_INIT       ;whatever, maybe PCI bus related (non-SDIO) ?
  1-31   -

  0      CCCR_IOR1       ;SDIO Func I/O Ready bit1 ?    ;SDIO 0:00002h.bit1
  1-31   -

ATH:01A000h..01BFFCh - WLAN_HOST_IF_WINDOW[0..2047]
  0-7    DATA                                           ;SDIO 1:00000h..007FFh
  8-31   -
Allows to access the SDIO Host registers via Internal registers, should be done only for testing purposes.

 ___________________________________ Misc ___________________________________

  0-2    SEL
  3-31   -

  0      INIT
  1-31   -

  0-3    SEL
  4-31   -

ATH:01812Ch - STE_MODE - hw6.0 only
  0      SEL
  1-2    PHA_POL
  3      SEL_16BIT
  4      SWAP
  5      RST
  6      SPI_CTRL_EN

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 01C000h - Analog Intf (hw2)

  3      MONITOR_FB_DIV2
  4      MONITOR_REF
  5      MONITOR_FB
  6      PWUP_LOBUF5G_PD
  7      PWUP_LOMIX_PD
  8      PWUP_LODIV_PD
  13     CON_IVCOBUF
  14     CON_IVCOREG
  16     SPARE_PWD
  17     SLIDINGIF
  23     PWD_LOBUF5G
  24     FORCE_LO_ON
  25     PWD_LOMIX
  26     PWD_LODIV
  27     PWD_PRESC
  28     PWD_VCO
  29     PWD_VCMON
  30     PWD_CP
  31     PWD_BIAS

ATH:01C004h - SYNTH_SYNTH2 ;aka - PHY_ANALOG_SYNTH2 (one part)
  0-2    SPARE_BITS
  3-4    LOOP_CS
  5-9    LOOP_RS
  10-14  LOOP_CP
  15-19  LOOP_3RD_ORDER_R
  20-22  VC_LOW_REF
  23-25  VC_MID_REF
  26-28  VC_HI_REF
  29-31  VC_CAL_REF

  0-5    WAIT_VC_CHECK
  6-11   WAIT_CAL_LIN
  12-17  WAIT_CAL_BIN
  18-23  WAIT_PWRUP
  30     SEL_CLK_DIV2
  31     DIS_CLK_XTAL

  2-3    SPARE_MISC
  6-7    SDM_DITHER
  8      SDM_MODE
  9      SDM_DISABLE
  10     RESET_PRESC
  11-12  PRESCSEL
  13     PFD_DISABLE
  14     PFDDELAY
  15-16  REFDIVSEL
  18-25  VCOCAP_OVR
  27     FORCE_PINVC
  30     DIS_LOSTVC

ATH:01C010h - SYNTH_SYNTH5 ;aka - PHY_ANALOG_SYNTH2 (other part)
  0-1    SPARE
  5-8    CAPRANGE3
  9-12   CAPRANGE2
  13-16  CAPRANGE1
  21     CPLOWLK
  23-24  CPBIAS
  25-27  SLOPE_IP
  28-31  LOOP_IP0

  0-2    SPARE_BIAS
  5-7    ICVCO
  8-10   ICSPAREB
  11-13  ICSPAREA
  14-16  ICLOMIX
  17-19  ICLODIV
  20-22  ICPRESC
  23-25  IRSPARE
  26-28  IRVCMON
  29-31  IRCP

ATH:01C018h - SYNTH_SYNTH7 ;aka "PHY_ANALOG_SYNTH6" (six) on later hw
  0-2    SPARE_READ
  3-4    LOBUF5GTUNE
  5-8    LOOP_IP
  9      VC2LOW
  10     VC2HIGH
  11     RESET_SDM_B
  13     RESET_PFD
  14     RESET_RFD
  15     SHORT_R
  16-23  VCO_CAP_ST
  24     PIN_VC
  26     CAP_SEARCH
  31     SYNTH_ON

ATH:01C01Ch - SYNTH_SYNTH8 ;aka "PHY_ANALOG_SYNTH7" (seven) on later hw
  1-17   CHANFRAC
  18-26  CHANSEL
  27     SPARE
  30     FRACMODE

ATH:01C020h - RF5G_RF5G1
  0-1    SPARE
  2      REGLO_BYPASS5
  3      LO5CONTROL
  4-6    LO5_ATB_SEL
  7      PDREGLO5
  8      PDLO5AGC
  9      PDQBUF5
  10     PDLO5MIX
  11     PDLO5DIV
  12-14  TX5_ATB_SEL
  15-17  OB5
  18-20  DB5
  21-23  PWDTXPKD
  24-26  TUNE_PADRV5
  27     PDPAOUT5
  28     PDPADRV5
  29     PDTXBUF5
  30     PDTXMIX5
  31     PDTXLO5

ATH:01C024h - RF5G_RF5G2
  0-1    SPARE
  2-4    TUNE_LO
  5      ENABLE_PCA
  8      REGFE_BYPASS5
  9-11   BVGM5
  12-14  BCSLNA5
  15-17  BRFVGA5
  18-20  TUNE_RFVGA5
  21     PDREGFE5
  22     PDRFVGA5
  23     PDCSLNA5
  24     PDVGM5
  25     PDCMOSLO5
  26-28  RX5_ATB_SEL
  29-31  AGCLO_B

ATH:01C028h - RF2G_RF2G1
  0-4    SPARE
  5      SHORTLNA2
  6      LOCONTROL
  7      SELLNA
  8-10   RF_ATB_SEL
  11-13  FE_ATB_SEL
  14-16  OB
  17-19  DB
  20-22  BLNA2
  23-25  BLNA1BUF
  26-28  BLNA1F
  29-31  BLNA1

ATH:01C02Ch - RF2G_RF2G2
  0-16   SPARE
  17     ENABLE_PCB
  20     PDTXMIX
  21     PDTXLO
  22     PDRXLO
  23     PDRFGM
  24     PDREGLO
  25     PDREGLNA
  26     PDPAOUT
  27     PDPADRV
  28     PDDIV
  29     PDCSLNA
  31     PDCGLNA

ATH:01C030h - TOP_GAIN
  0      SPARE
  8-10   RFGMGN
  11-12  RFVGA5GAIN
  13-16  LNAGAIN
  17     LNAON
  18-20  PAOUT2GN
  21-23  PADRVGN
  24     PABUF5GN
  25-26  TXV2IGAIN

ATH:01C034h - TOP_TOP
  0      FORCE_XPAON
  1      INT2GND
  2      PAD2GND
  3      INTH2PAD
  4      INT2PAD
  5-7    REVID
  10     PDBIAS
  13     OSCON
  14     PWDCLKIN
  15     LOCALXTAL
  16     PWDDAC
  17     PWDADC
  18     PWDPLL
  20     CALTX
  21     PAON
  22     TXON
  23     RXON
  24     SYNTHON
  25     BMODE
  26     CAL_RESIDUE
  27     CALDC
  28     CALFC
  29     LOCALMODE

  0      PWD_ICLDO25
  1-3    PWD_ICTXPC25
  4-6    PWD_ICTSENS25
  7-9    PWD_ICXTAL25
  13     PWD_ICCPLL25
  20     SPARE
  21-24  SEL_SPARE
  25-30  SEL_BIAS
  31     PADON

  0-1    SPARE
  2-4    PWD_IC5GMIXQ25
  5-7    PWD_IC5GQB25
  8-10   PWD_IC5GTXBUF25
  11-13  PWD_IC5GTXPA25
  14     PWD_IC5GRXRF25
  17-19  PWD_IC2GLNAREG25
  20-22  PWD_IC2GLOREG25
  23-25  PWD_IC2GRFFE25
  26-28  PWD_IC2GVGM25
  29-31  PWD_ICDAC2BB25

ATH:01C040h - BIAS_BIAS2
  0-2    PWD_IR5GRFVREF2525
  3-5    PWD_IR2GLNAREG25
  6-8    PWD_IR2GLOREG25
  9-11   PWD_IR2GTXMIX25
  12     PWD_IRLDO25
  13-15  PWD_IRTXPC25
  16-18  PWD_IRTSENS25
  19-21  PWD_IRXTAL25
  22     PWD_IRPLL25
  23-25  PWD_IC5GLOREG25
  26-28  PWD_IC5GDIV25
  29-31  PWD_IC5GMIXI25

ATH:01C044h - BIAS_BIAS3
  0      SPARE
  1-3    PWD_ICDACREG12P5
  4-6    PWD_IR25SPARE2
  7-9    PWD_IR25SPARE1
  10-12  PWD_IC25SPARE2
  13-15  PWD_IC25SPARE1
  16     PWD_IRBB50
  17     PWD_IRSYNTH50
  18-20  PWD_IC2GDIV50
  21     PWD_ICBB50
  22     PWD_ICSYNTH50
  23-25  PWD_ICDAC50
  26-28  PWD_IR5GAGC25
  29-31  PWD_IR5GTXMIX25

  0-1    ATBSEL
  2      SELCOUNT
  3-4    SELINIT
  6-13   N
  14-15  TSMODE
  16     SELCMOUT
  17     SELMODREF
  18     CLKDELAY
  19     NEGOUT
  20     CURHALF
  21     TESTPWDPC
  22-27  TESTDAC
  28-29  TESTGAIN
  30     TEST
  31     SELINTPD

  0-5    SPARE
  6-7    XTALDIV
  8-17   DECOUT
  18-20  SPARE_A
  21     SELTSN
  22     SELTSP
  23     LOCALBIAS2X
  24     LOCALBIAS
  25     PWDXINPAD
  26     PWDCLKIND
  27     NOTCXODET
  28     LDO_TEST_MODE
  29-30  LEVEL
  31     FLIPBMODE

  0      PDHIQ
  1      PDLOQ
  2      PDOFFSETI2V
  5      PDRXTXBB
  6      PDI2V
  7      PDV2I
  6-16   SEL_ATB
  17-18  FNOTCH
  19-31  SPARE

  1      PATH1LOQ_EN
  2      PATH2LOQ_EN
  3      PATH3LOQ_EN
  4      PATH1HIQ_EN
  5      PATH2HIQ_EN
  8-12   FILTERFC
  13-14  CMSEL
  15     SEL_I2V_TEST
  16     SEL_HIQ_TEST
  17     SEL_LOQ_TEST
  18     SEL_DAC_TEST
  19     SELBUFFER
  21-22  SPARE
  23-25  IBN_37P5_OSI2V_CTRL
  26-28  IBN_37P5_OSLO_CTRL
  29-31  IBN_37P5_OSHI_CTRL

  0-2    IBN_100U_TEST_CTRL
  3-5    IBRN_12P5_CM_CTRL
  6-8    IBN_25U_LO2_CTRL
  9-11   IBN_25U_LO1_CTRL
  12-14  IBN_25U_HI2_CTRL
  15-17  IBN_25U_HI1_CTRL
  18-20  IBN_25U_I2V_CTRL
  21-23  IBN_25U_BKV2I_CTRL
  27-31  SPARE

  31     SPARE

ATH:01C060h - ADDAC_ADDAC1 ;aka "A/D and D/A Converter"
  0-5    SPARE
  7-8    CM_SEL
  9      INV_CLK160_ADC
  12     PWDDAC
  13     PWDADC
  14     PWDPLL
  15-22  PLL_FILTER
  23-25  PLL_ICP
  26-27  PLL_ATB
  28-30  PLL_SCLAMP
  31     PLL_SVREG

  0      ENABLE

ATH:01C084h - SIN_VAL
  0      SIN

ATH:01C088h - SW_SCLK
  0      SW_SCLK

  0      SW_SOUT
  1      SW_SUPDATE
  2      SW_SCAPTURE

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 01C000h - Analog Intf (hw4/hw6)

These registers are same in hw4/hw6, except for some small differences:
  0001C050h  one new bit in hw6.0
  0001C148h  several new bits in hw6.0
  0001C740h  added/removed/renumbered bits in hw6.0
  0001C744h  two changed/renamed bits in hw6.0

  0      SPARE
  1-3    PWD_IR25SPARE
  4-6    PWD_IR25LO18
  7-9    PWD_IC25LO36
  10-12  PWD_IC25MXR2_5GH
  13-15  PWD_IC25MXR5GH
  16-18  PWD_IC25VGA5G
  19-21  PWD_IC75LNA5G
  22-24  PWD_IR25LO24
  25-27  PWD_IC25MXR2GH
  28-30  PWD_IC75LNA2G
  31     PWD_BIAS

  0      SPARE
  1-3    PKEN
  4-6    VCMVALUE
  7      PWD_VCMBUF
  8-10   PWD_IR25SPAREH
  11-13  PWD_IR25SPARE
  14-16  PWD_IC25LNABUF
  17-19  PWD_IR25AGCH
  20-22  PWD_IR25AGC
  23-25  PWD_IC25AGC
  26-28  PWD_IC25VCMBUF
  29-31  PWD_IR25VCM

  0      SPARE
  1      LNAON_CALDC
  2-3    VGA5G_CAP
  4-5    LNA5G_CAP
  7      PWD_LO5G
  8      PWD_VGA5G
  9      PWD_MXR5G
  10     PWD_LNA5G
  11-12  LNA2G_CAP
  14     LNA2G_LP
  15     PWD_LO2G
  16     PWD_MXR2G
  17     PWD_LNA2G
  18-19  MXR5G_GAIN_OVR
  20-22  VGA5G_GAIN_OVR
  23-25  LNA5G_GAIN_OVR
  26-27  MXR2G_GAIN_OVR
  28-30  LNA2G_GAIN_OVR
  31     RX_OVERRIDE

  2      AGC_OUT                        (R)
  5      PWD_LNABUF
  6-8    AGC_FALL_CTRL
  15-18  AGC5G_DBDAC_OVR
  25-28  AGC2G_DBDAC_OVR
  29     AGC_CAL_OVR
  30     AGC_ON_OVR

  0      PDLOBUF5G
  1      PDLODIV5G
  4-7    PADRV2GN5G
  8-11   PADRV3GN5G
  12-15  PADRV4GN5G
  17     PDOUT2G
  18     PDDR2G
  19     PDMXR2G
  20     PDLOBUF2G
  21     PDLODIV2G
  24-30  PADRVGN2G

  0-2    D3B5G
  3-5    D4B5G
  6-8    OCAS2G
  9-11   DCAS2G
  12-14  OB2G_PALOFF
  15-17  OB2G_QAM
  18-20  OB2G_PSK
  21-23  OB2G_CCK
  24-26  DB2G
  27-30  PDOUT5G
  31     PDMXR5G

  0-1    FILTR2G
  2      PWDFB2_2G
  3      PWDFB1_2G
  4      PDFB2G
  5-6    RDIV5G
  7-9    CAPDIV5G
  10     PDPREDIST5G
  11-12  RDIV2G
  13     PDPREDIST2G
  14-16  OCAS5G
  17-19  D2CAS5G
  20-22  D3CAS5G
  23-25  D4CAS5G
  26-28  OB5G
  29-31  D2B5G

  0-1    PK1B2G_CCK
  2-4    MIOB2G_QAM
  5-7    MIOB2G_PSK
  8-10   MIOB2G_CCK
  11-13  COMP2G_QAM
  14-16  COMP2G_PSK
  17-19  COMP2G_CCK
  20-22  AMP2B2G_QAM
  23-25  AMP2B2G_PSK
  26-28  AMP2B2G_CCK
  29-31  AMP2CAS2G

  0      hw4: SPARE5
  0      hw6: TXMODPALONLY      ;-hw6.0 only
  1      PAL_LOCKED                     (R)
  2      FBHI2G                         (R)
  3      FBLO2G                         (R)
  4      NOPALGAIN2G
  5      ENPACAL2G
  6-12   OFFSET2G
  14-16  REFHI2G
  17-19  REFLO2G
  20-21  PALCLAMP2G
  22-23  PK2B2G_QAM
  24-25  PK2B2G_PSK
  26-27  PK2B2G_CCK
  28-29  PK1B2G_QAM
  30-31  PK1B2G_PSK

  12-14  GAINSTEP2G
  16-19  CAPDIV_I2G
  27-30  CAPDIV2G
  31     CAPDIV2GOVR

  0-1    SPARE7
  2-7    PADRVGNTAB_4
  8-13   PADRVGNTAB_3
  14-19  PADRVGNTAB_2
  20-25  PADRVGNTAB_1
  26-31  PADRVGNTAB_0

  0-1    SPARE8
  2-7    PADRVGNTAB_9
  8-13   PADRVGNTAB_8
  14-19  PADRVGNTAB_7
  20-25  PADRVGNTAB_6
  26-31  PADRVGNTAB_5

  0-1    SPARE9
  2-7    PADRVGNTAB_14
  8-13   PADRVGNTAB_13
  14-19  PADRVGNTAB_12
  20-25  PADRVGNTAB_11
  26-31  PADRVGNTAB_10

  0-2    SPARE10
  3      PDOUT5G_3CALTX
  4-6    D3B5GCALTX
  7-9    D4B5GCALTX
  17-19  DB2GCALTX
  22-27  PADRVGN2G_SMOUT                (R)
  28-31  PADRVGN_INDEX2G_SMOUT          (R)

  0-1    SPARE11
  2-4    PWD_IR25MIXDIV5G
  5-7    PWD_IR25PA2G
  8-10   PWD_IR25MIXBIAS2G
  11-13  PWD_IR25MIXDIV2G
  14-16  PWD_ICSPARE
  17-19  PWD_IC25TEMPSEN
  20-22  PWD_IC25PA5G2
  23-25  PWD_IC25PA5G1
  26-28  PWD_IC25MIXBUF5G
  29-31  PWD_IC25PA2G

  0-7    SPARE12_2                      (R)
  8-9    SPARE12_1
  10-13  ATBSEL5G
  14-16  ATBSEL2G
  17-19  PWD_IRSPARE
  20-22  PWD_IR25TEMPSEN
  23-25  PWD_IR25PA5G2
  26-28  PWD_IR25PA5G1
  29-31  PWD_IR25MIXBIAS5G

  3-5    SEL_VCOABUS
  9      MONITOR_FB_DIV2
  10     MONITOR_REF
  11     MONITOR_FB
  13-15  PWUP_PD
  16     PWD_VCOBUF
  22     PWUP_LOREF
  23     PWD_LOMIX
  24     PWD_LODIV
  25     PWD_LOBUF5G
  26     PWD_LOBUF2G
  27     PWD_PRESC
  28     PWD_VCO
  29     PWD_VCMON
  30     PWD_CP
  31     PWD_BIAS

  0-3    CAPRANGE3
  4-7    CAPRANGE2
  8-11   CAPRANGE1
  18-19  CPBIAS_INTN
  20-22  VC_LOW_REF
  23-25  VC_MID_REF
  26-28  VC_HI_REF
  29-31  VC_CAL_REF

  0-5    WAIT_VC_CHECK
  6-11   WAIT_CAL_LIN
  12-17  WAIT_CAL_BIN
  18-23  WAIT_PWRUP
  30     SEL_CLK_DIV2
  31     DIS_CLK_XTAL

  6-7    SDM_DITHER1
  8      SDM_MODE
  9      SDM_DISABLE
  10     RESET_PRESC
  11-12  PRESCSEL
  13     PFD_DISABLE
  15     FORCE_LO_ON
  18-25  VCOCAP_OVR
  27     FORCE_PINVC
  30     DIS_LOSTVC

  0-1    VCOBIAS
  2-4    PWDB_ICLOBUF5G50
  5-7    PWDB_ICLOBUF2G50
  8-10   PWDB_ICVCO25
  11-13  PWDB_ICVCOREG25
  14     PWDB_IRVCOREG50
  18-20  PWDB_ICLODIV50
  21-23  PWDB_ICPRESC50
  24-26  PWDB_IRVCMON25
  30-31  SDM_DITHER2

  0-1    LOBUF5GTUNE                    (R)
  2-8    LOOP_IP                        (R)
  9      VC2LOW                         (R)
  10     VC2HIGH                        (R)
  11     RESET_SDM_B                    (R)
  12     RESET_PSCOUNTERS               (R)
  13     RESET_PFD                      (R)
  14     RESET_RFD                      (R)
  15     SHORT_R                        (R)
  16-23  VCO_CAP_ST                     (R)
  24     PIN_VC                         (R)
  25     SYNTH_LOCK_VC_OK               (R)
  26     CAP_SEARCH                     (R)
  27-30  SYNTH_SM_STATE                 (R)
  31     SYNTH_ON                       (R)

  2-18   CHANFRAC
  19-27  CHANSEL
  30     FRACMODE

  1-7    LOOP_ICPB
  8-11   LOOP_CSB
  12-16  LOOP_RSB
  17-21  LOOP_CPB
  22-26  LOOP_3RD_ORDER_RB
  27-31  REFDIVB

  1-3    SLOPE_ICPA0
  4-7    LOOP_ICPA0
  8-11   LOOP_CSA0
  12-16  LOOP_RSA0
  17-21  LOOP_CPA0
  22-26  LOOP_3RD_ORDER_RA
  27-31  REFDIVA

  0-1    SPARE10A
  2-4    PWDB_ICLOBIAS50
  5-7    PWDB_IRSPARE25
  8-10   PWDB_ICSPARE25
  11-13  SLOPE_ICPA1
  14-17  LOOP_ICPA1
  18-21  LOOP_CSA1
  22-26  LOOP_RSA1
  27-31  LOOP_CPA1

  0-4    SPARE11A
  6-7    LOREFSEL
  8-9    LOBUF2GTUNE
  11-13  SLOPE_ICPA2
  14-17  LOOP_ICPA2
  18-21  LOOP_CSA2
  22-26  LOOP_RSA2
  27-31  LOOP_CPA2

  0-9    SPARE12A
  18     STRCONT
  19-22  VREFMUL3
  23-26  VREFMUL2
  27-30  VREFMUL1

  0      SPARE13A

  0-1    SPARE14A
  2-3    LOBUF5GTUNE_3
  4-5    LOBUF2GTUNE_3
  6-7    LOBUF5GTUNE_2
  8-9    LOBUF2GTUNE_2
  10     PWD_LOBUF5G_3
  11     PWD_LOBUF2G_3
  12     PWD_LOBUF5G_2
  13     PWD_LOBUF2G_2
  14-16  PWUPLO23_PD
  17-19  PWDB_ICLOBUF5G50_3
  20-22  PWDB_ICLOBUF2G50_3
  23-25  PWDB_ICLOBUF5G50_2
  26-28  PWDB_ICLOBUF2G50_2

  0-6    SPARE1
  7-9    PWD_IC25V2IQ
  10-12  PWD_IC25V2II
  13-15  PWD_IC25BB
  16-18  PWD_IC25DAC
  19-21  PWD_IC25FIR
  22-24  PWD_IC25ADC
  25-31  BIAS_SEL

  0-4    SPARE2
  5-7    PWD_IC25XPA
  8-10   PWD_IC25XTAL
  11-13  PWD_IC25TXRF
  14-16  PWD_IC25RXRF
  17-19  PWD_IC25SYNTH
  20-22  PWD_IC25PLLREG
  23-25  PWD_IC25PLLCP2
  26-28  PWD_IC25PLLCP
  29-31  PWD_IC25PLLGM

  0-1    SPARE3
  2-4    PWD_IR25SAR
  5-7    PWD_IR25TXRF
  8-10   PWD_IR25RXRF
  11-13  PWD_IR25SYNTH
  14-16  PWD_IR25PLLREG
  17-19  PWD_IR25BB
  20-22  PWD_IR50DAC
  23-25  PWD_IR25DAC
  26-28  PWD_IR25FIR
  29-31  PWD_IR50ADC

  0-10   SPARE4
  11-13  PWD_IR25SPARED
  14-16  PWD_IR25SPAREC
  17-19  PWD_IR25SPAREB
  20-22  PWD_IR25XPA
  23-25  PWD_IC25SPAREC
  26-28  PWD_IC25SPAREB
  29-31  PWD_IC25SPAREA

  0      SCFIR_GAIN
  1      MANRXGAIN
  2-5    AGC_DBDAC
  6      OVR_AGC_DBDAC
  7      ENABLE_PAL
  9-11   TX1DB_BIQUAD
  12-13  TX6DB_BIQUAD
  15-18  PADRV2GN
  19-22  PADRV3GN5G
  23-26  PADRV4GN5G
  27-30  TXBB_GC
  31     MANTXGAIN

  0      BMODE
  1      BMODE_OVR
  2      SYNTHON
  3      SYNTHON_OVR
  4-5    BW_ST
  6      BW_ST_OVR
  7      TXON
  8      TXON_OVR
  9      PAON
  10     PAON_OVR
  11     RXON
  12     RXON_OVR
  13     AGCON
  14     AGCON_OVR
  15-17  TXMOD
  18     TXMOD_OVR
  19-21  RX1DB_BIQUAD
  22-23  RX6DB_BIQUAD
  24-25  MXRGAIN
  26-28  VGAGAIN
  29-31  LNAGAIN

  0-2    SPARE3
  3      SPURON
  6      ADCSHORT
  7      DACPWD
  8      DACPWD_OVR
  9      ADCPWD
  10     ADCPWD_OVR
  11-16  AGC_CALDAC
  17     AGC_CAL
  18     AGC_CAL_OVR
  22     CALFC
  23     CALFC_OVR
  24     CALTX
  25     CALTX_OVR
  28     CALPA
  29     CALPA_OVR
  30     TURBOADC

  0      I2V_CURR2X
  1      ENABLE_LOQ
  2      FORCE_LOQ
  4      FORCE_NOTCH
  8      FORCE_OSDAC
  9      ENABLE_V2I
  10     FORCE_V2I
  11     ENABLE_I2V
  12     FORCE_I2V
  13-15  CMSEL
  16-17  ATBSEL
  30-31  RANGE_OSDAC

  0-3    SPARE
  8-9    SEL_TEST
  16-19  FNOTCH
  21-25  FILTERFC
  27     I2V2RXOUT_EN
  28     BQ2RXOUT_EN
  29     RXIN2I2V_EN
  30     RXIN2BQ_EN

  0-7    SPARE
  8-15   hw4: SPARE
  8-9    hw6: SEL_OFST_READBK           ;\
  10     hw6: OVERRIDE_RXONLY_FILTERFC  ; hw6.0 only
  11-15  hw6: RXONLY_FILTERFC           ;/
  16-20  FILTERFC                       (R)
  21-25  OFSTCORRI2VQ                   (R)
  26-30  OFSTCORRI2VI                   (R)

  0      PWD_PLLSDM
  1      PWDPLL
  2-16   PLLFRAC
  17-20  REFDIV
  21-30  DIV
  31     LOCAL_PLL

  0-3    SPARE
  4      DACPWD
  5      ADCPWD
  6      LOCAL_ADDAC
  7-8    DAC_CLK_SEL
  9-12   ADC_CLK_SEL
  14     PLLBYPASS
  16-17  PLLATB
  18     PLL_SVREG
  19     HI_FREQ_EN
  20     RST_WARM_INT_L
  21     RST_WARM_OVR
  22-23  PLL_KVCO
  24-26  PLLICP
  27-31  PLLFILTER

  0-2    SPARE
  3      PWDBIAS
  5      XPAON2
  6      XPAON5
  12     XPABIAS_EN
  13     ATBSELECT
  14     LOCAL_XPA
  16     TEST_PADQ_EN
  17     TEST_PADI_EN
  18     TESTIQ_RSEL
  20     PAD2GND
  21     INTH2PAD
  22     INTH2GND
  23     INT2PAD
  24     INT2GND
  25     PWDPALCLK
  26     INV_CLK320_ADC
  27     FLIP_REFCLK40
  28     FLIP_PLLCLK320
  29     FLIP_PLLCLK160
  30-31  CLK_SEL

  0-2    LOREG_LVL
  3-5    RFREG_LVL
  6      SAR_ADC_DONE                   (R)
  7-14   SAR_ADC_OUT                    (R)
  24     SAR_ADCCAL_EN
  25-26  THERMSEL
  27     SAR_SLOW_EN
  30     THERMON
  31     LOCAL_THERM

  0-5    SPARE
  7      LOCALBIAS2X
  8      LOCAL_XTAL
  10     XTAL_OSCON
  14-15  XTAL_DRVSTR
  30     XTAL_BIAS2X
  31     TCXODET                        (R)

  17     ATE_ADC_CLK_INVERT             ;-newer revision only














  0-1    ATE_RXDAC_MUX

  0-4    ATE_RXDAC_I_HI
  8-12   ATE_RXDAC_Q_HI
  16-20  ATE_RXDAC_I_LOW
  24-28  ATE_RXDAC_Q_LOW




This register differs in hw4/hw6 (in hw6, bits are renumbered, new OVERRIDE bits are added, and the SREG_LVLCTR bit is removed):
  hw4    hw6    name
  0-10   0-3    SPARE                         ;-unused
  11     4      OTP_V25_PWD                   ;-OTP V25
  12     5      PAREGON_MAN                   ;\PA REG
  -      6      PAREGON_OVERRIDE_EN           ;/
  13     7      OTPREGON_MAN                  ;\OTP REG
  -      8      OTPREGON_OVERRIDE_EN          ;/
  14     9      DREGON_MAN                    ;\DREG
  -      10     DREGON_OVERRIDE_EN            ;/
  15     11     DISCONTMODEEN                 ;\DISCONT MODE
  -      12     SWREGDISCONT_OVERRIDE_EN      ;/
  16     13     SWREGON_MAN                   ;\
  -      14     SWREGON_OVERRIDE_EN           ;
  17-18  15-16  SWREG_FREQCUR                 ;
  19-21  17-19  SWREG_FREQCAP                 ; SW REG
  -      20     SWREGFREQ_OVERRIDE_EN         ;
  22-23  21-22  SWREG_LVLCTR                  ;
  -      23     SWREGLVL_OVERRIDE_EN          ;/
  24-25  -      hw4:SREG_LVLCTR               ;-SREG  ;<---- removed in hw6 (!)
  26-27  24-25  DREG_LVLCTR                   ;\DREG
  -      26     DREGLVL_OVERRIDE_EN           ;/
  28     27     PAREG_XPNP                    ;\
  29-31  28-30  PAREG_LVLCTR                  ; PA REG
  -      31     PAREGLVL_OVERRIDE_EN          ;/

  0-7    SPARE
  8      VBATT_1_3TOATB
  9      VBATT_1_2TOATB
  10     VBATT_2_3TOATB
  12     PWD_LFO_MAN
  13     VBATT_LT_3P2
  14     VBATT_LT_2P8
  15     VBATT_GT_4P2
  16     hw4: PMU_MAN_OVERRIDE_EN               ;\changed/renamed in hw4/hw6
  16     hw6: PMU_XPNP_OVERRIDE_EN              ;/
  25-27  SWREG2ATB
  28     OTPREG2ATB
  31     hw4: DREG_LVLCTR_MANOVR_EN             ;\changed/renamed in hw4/hw6
  31     hw6: OTPREG_LVLCTR_MANOVR_EN           ;/

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020000h - WMAC DMA (hw4/hw6)

ATH:020008h - MAC_DMA_CR - MAC Control Register
  0-1    -
  2      hw4: Receive enable (RXE)            (R)       ;\one bit in hw4,
  2      hw6: Receive LP enable (RXE_LP)      (R)       ; two bits in hw6
  3      hw6: Receive HP enable (RXE_HP)      (R)       ;/
  4      -
  5      Receive disable (RXD)
  6      One-shot software interrupt (SWI)    (R)

ATH:02000Ch - MAC_DMA_RXDP - MAC receive queue descriptor pointer ;hw4 only
  ..     Pointer                           <------------ HW4 ONLY

ATH:020014h - MAC_DMA_CFG - MAC configuration and status register
  0      Byteswap TX descriptor words (BE_MODE_XMIT_DESC)
  1      Byteswap TX data buffer words (BE_MODE_XMIT_DATA)
  2      Byteswap RX descriptor words (BE_MODE_RCV_DESC)
  3      Byteswap RX data buffer words (BE_MODE_RCV_DATA)
  4      Byteswap register access data words (BE_MODE_MMR)
  5      AP/adhoc indication (ADHOC) (0=AP, 1=Adhoc)
  6-7    -
  8      PHY OK status (PHY_OK)                    (R)
  9      hw6: EEPROM_BUSY                          (R)  ;-hw6 only
  10     Clock gating disable (CLKGATE_DIS)
  11     hw6: HALT_REQ                                  ;\
  12     hw6: HALT_ACK                             (R)  ;
  13-16  -                                              ;
  17-18  hw6: REQ_Q_FULL_THRESHOLD                      ; hw6 only
  19     hw6: MISSING_TX_INTR_FIX_ENABLE                ;
  20     hw6: LEGACY_INT_MIT_MODE_ENABLE                ;
  21     hw6: RESET_INT_MIT_CNTRS                       ;/

ATH:020018h - MAC_DMA_RXBUFPTR_THRESH ;hw6 only
  0-3    hw6: HP_DATA                                   ;\hw6 only
  8-14   hw6: LP_DATA                                   ;/

ATH:02001Ch - MAC_DMA_TXDPPTR_THRESH ;hw6 only
  0-3    DATA                                           ;-hw6 only

ATH:020020h - MAC_DMA_MIRT - Maximum rate threshold register
  0-15   Threshold (RATE_THRESH)

ATH:020024h - MAC_DMA_IER aka MAC_DMA_GLOBAL_IER - MAC Interrupt enable
  0      Global interrupt enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

ATH:020028h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_0 - Transmit Interrupt Mitigation Threshold
ATH:02002Ch - MAC_DMA_RIMT - Receive Interrupt Mitigation Threshold
  0-15   Last packet threshold (LAST_PKT_THRESH)
  16-31  First packet threshold (FIRST_PKT_THRESH)

ATH:020030h - MAC_DMA_TXCFG - MAC Transmit DMA size config register
In hw4, most bits are left undefined, however, hw4 DOES refer to the register as "MAC tx DMA size config", so one may assume that at least the SIZE value in bit0-2 does exist in hw4, too.
  0-2    hw6: DMA_SIZE (maybe as in RXCFG below?)       ;-hw6 only (???)
  3      -
  4-9    Frame trigger level (TRIGLVL)
  10     hw6: JUMBO_EN                                  ;-hw6 only (??)
  12     hw6: ATIM_DEFER_DIS                            ;\
  13     -                                              ;
  14     hw6: RTCI_DIS                                  ; hw6 only (?)
  15-16  -                                              ;
  17     hw6: DIS_RETRY_UNDERRUN                        ;
  18     hw6: DIS_CW_INC_QUIET_COLL                     ;
  19     hw6: RTS_FAIL_EXCESSIVE_RETRIES                ;/
  MAC_DMA_FTRIG_IMMED = 0x00000000 ;bytes in PCU TX FIFO before air
  MAC_DMA_FTRIG_64B   = 0x00000010 ;default
  MAC_DMA_FTRIG_128B  = 0x00000020
  MAC_DMA_FTRIG_192B  = 0x00000030
  MAC_DMA_FTRIG_256B  = 0x00000040 ;5 bits total

ATH:020034h - MAC_DMA_RXCFG - MAC rx DMA size config register
  0-2    DMA Size (0..7 = 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 bytes)
  3-4    hw6: ZERO_LEN_DMA_EN                           ;-hw6: two bits?
  4      hw4: Enable DMA of zero-length frame           ;-hw4: one bit?
  5      hw6: JUMBO_EN                                  ;\
  6      hw6: JUMBO_WRAP_EN                             ; hw6 only (?)
  7      hw6: SLEEP_RX_PEND_EN                          ;/
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_4B   = 0x00000000 ;DMA size 4 bytes (TXCFG + RXCFG)
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_8B   = 0x00000001 ;DMA size 8 bytes
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_16B  = 0x00000002 ;DMA size 16 bytes
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_32B  = 0x00000003 ;DMA size 32 bytes
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_64B  = 0x00000004 ;DMA size 64 bytes
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_128B = 0x00000005 ;DMA size 128 bytes
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_256B = 0x00000006 ;DMA size 256 bytes
  MAC_DMA_RXCFG_DMASIZE_512B = 0x00000007 ;DMA size 512 bytes

ATH:020038h - MAC_DMA_RXJLA (R) ;hw6 only
  31-2   DATA                                       (R) ;-hw6 only

ATH:020040h - MAC_DMA_MIBC - MAC MIB control register
  0     counter overflow warning (WARNING)          (R)
  1     freeze MIB counters (FREEZE)
  2     clear MIB counters (CLEAR)
  3     MIB counter strobe, increment all (STROBE)  (R)

ATH:020044h - MAC_DMA_TOPS - MAC timeout prescale count
  0-15  Timeout prescale (TIMEOUT)

ATH:020048h - MAC_DMA_RXNPTO - MAC no frame received timeout
  0-9   No frame received timeout (TIMEOUT)

ATH:02004Ch - MAC_DMA_TXNPTO - MAC no frame trasmitted timeout
  0-9   No frame transmitted timeout (TIMEOUT)
  10-19 QCU Mask (QCU 0-9)  ;QCU's for which frame completions will cause
          a reset of the no frame xmit'd timeout

ATH:020050h - MAC_DMA_RPGTO - MAC receive frame gap timeout
  0-9   Receive frame gap timeout (TIMEOUT)

ATH:020054h - MAC_DMA_RPCNT - MAC receive frame count limit ;hw4 only
  0-4   Receive frame count limit                       ;-hw4 only

ATH:020058h - MAC_DMA_MACMISC - MAC miscellaneous control/status register
  4      hw6: FORCE_PCI_EXT                             ;-hw6 only
  5-8    DMA observation bus mux select (DMA_OBS_MUXSEL)
  9-11   MISC observation bus mux select (MISC_OBS_MUXSEL)
  12-14  MAC observation bus mux select (lsb) (MISC_F2_OBS_LOW_MUXSEL)
  15-17  MAC observation bus mux select (msb) (MISC_F2_OBS_HIGH_MUXSEL)

 ____________ below in hw6 only ____________

ATH:02005Ch - MAC_DMA_INTER ;hw6 only
  0      REQ
  1-2    MSI_RX_SRC
  3-4    MSI_TX_SRC

ATH:020060h - MAC_DMA_DATABUF ;hw6 only
  0-11   LEN

ATH:020064h - MAC_DMA_GTT ;hw6 only
ATH:02006Ch - MAC_DMA_CST ;hw6 only
  0-15   COUNT
  16-31  LIMIT

ATH:020068h - MAC_DMA_GTTM ;hw6 only
  0      USEC_STROBE

ATH:020070h - MAC_DMA_RXDP_SIZE ;hw6 only
  0-7    LP                             (R)
  8-12   HP                             (R)

ATH:020074h - MAC_DMA_RX_QUEUE_HP_RXDP ;hw6 only
ATH:020078h - MAC_DMA_RX_QUEUE_LP_RXDP ;hw6 only
  0-31   ADDR

ATH:0200E0h - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_0 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200E4h - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_1 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200E8h - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_2 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200ECh - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_3 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200F0h - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_4 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200F4h - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_5 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200F8h - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_6 (R) - hw6 only
ATH:0200FCh - MAC_DMA_DMADBG_7 (R) - hw6 only
  0-31   DATA                                      (R)  ;-hw6 only

ATH:020100h - MAC_DMA_QCU_TXDP_REMAINING_QCU_7_0 (R) ;hw6 only
ATH:020104h - MAC_DMA_QCU_TXDP_REMAINING_QCU_9_8 (R) ;hw6 only
  0-39   For QCU 0-9 (4bits each)                  (R)  ;\hw6 only
  40-63  -                                              ;/

(see above) - MAC_DMA_TIMT_0 - hw4/hw6
ATH:020108h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_1 - hw6 only
ATH:02010Ch - MAC_DMA_TIMT_2 - hw6 only
ATH:020110h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_3 - hw6 only
ATH:020114h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_4 - hw6 only
ATH:020118h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_5 - hw6 only
ATH:02011Ch - MAC_DMA_TIMT_6 - hw6 only
ATH:020120h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_7 - hw6 only
ATH:020124h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_8 - hw6 only
ATH:020128h - MAC_DMA_TIMT_9 - hw6 only

ATH:02012Ch - MAC_DMA_CHKACC - hw6 only
  0      CHKSUM_SEL

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020080h - WMAC IRQ Interrupt (hw4/hw6)

ATH:020080h - MAC_DMA_ISR(_P) - MAC Primary interrupt status register
ATH:0200A0h - MAC_DMA_IMR(_P) - MAC Primary interrupt mask register
ATH:0200C0h - MAC_DMA_ISR(_P)_RAC - MAC Primary interrupt read-and-clear
Interrupt Status Registers
Only the bits in the ISR_P register and the IMR_P registers control whether the MAC's INTA# output is asserted. The bits in the secondary interrupt status/mask registers control what bits are set in the primary interrupt status register; however the IMR_S* registers DO NOT determine whether INTA# is asserted. That is INTA# is asserted only when the logical AND of ISR_P and IMR_P is non-zero. The secondary interrupt mask/status registers affect what bits are set in ISR_P but they do not directly affect whether INTA# is asserted.
Interrupt Mask Registers
Only the bits in the IMR control whether the MAC's INTA# output will be asserted. The bits in the secondary interrupt mask registers control what bits get set in the primary interrupt status register; however the IMR_S* registers DO NOT determine whether INTA# is asserted.
Read-and-Clear Registers
The read-and-clear registers are read-only (R) "shadow copies" of the interrupt status registers, with read-and-clear access.
  0     At least one frame received sans errors  ;\
  1     Receive interrupt request                ;
  2     Receive error interrupt                  ; RX
  3     No frame received within timeout clock   ;
  4     Received descriptor empty interrupt      ;
  5     Receive FIFO overrun interrupt           ;/
  6     Transmit okay interrupt                  ;\       ;<-- ISR_S0.Bit0..9
  7     Transmit interrupt request               ;
  8     Transmit error interrupt                 ; TX     ;<-- ISR_S1.Bit0..9
  9     No frame transmitted interrupt           ;
  10    Transmit descriptor empty interrupt      ;
  11    Transmit FIFO underrun interrupt         ;/       ;<-- ISR_S2.Bit0..9
  12    MIB interrupt - see MIBC
  13    Software interrupt
  14    PHY receive error interrupt
  15    Key-cache miss interrupt
  16    Beacon rssi high threshold interrupt  ;aka Beacon rssi hi threshold
  17    Beacon threshold interrupt            ;aka Beacon rssi lo threshold
  18    Beacon missed interrupt
  19    Maximum transmit interrupt rate
  20    Beacon not ready interrupt            ;aka BNR interrupt
  21    An unexpected bus error has occurred
  22    -
  23    Beacon Misc (TIM, CABEND, DTIMSYNC, BCNTO)        ;<-- ISR_S2.Bit24..27
  24    Maximum receive interrupt rate
  25    QCU CBR overflow interrupt                        ;<-- ISR_S3.Bit0..9
  26    QCU CBR underrun interrupt                        ;<-- ISR_S3.Bit16..27
  27    QCU scheduling trigger interrupt                  ;<-- ISR_S4.Bit0..9
  28    GENTMR interrupt (aka GENERIC_TIMERS... and/or ISR_S5?)
  29    HCFTO interrupt
  30    Transmit completion mitigation interrupt
  31    Receive completion mitigation interrupt

ATH:020084h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S0 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 0 Stat TX OK/DESC
ATH:0200A4h - MAC_DMA_IMR_S0 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 0 Mask TX OK/DESC
ATH:0200C4h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S0_S - MAC Secondary Interrupt 0 Read-and-Clear
  0-9   TXOK (QCU 0-9)                                   ;--> Primary_ISR.Bit6
  16-27 TXDESC (QCU 0-9)                                 ;--> Primary_ISR. ??

ATH:020088h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S1 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 1 Stat TX ERR/EOL
ATH:0200A8h - MAC_DMA_IMR_S1 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 1 Mask TX ERR/EOL
ATH:0200C8h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S1_S - MAC Secondary Interrupt 1 Read-and-Clear
  0-9   TXERR (QCU 0-9)                                  ;--> Primary_ISR.Bit8
  16-27 TXEOL (QCU 0-9)

ATH:02008Ch - MAC_DMA_ISR_S2 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 2 Stat TX URN/MISC
ATH:0200ACh - MAC_DMA_IMR_S2 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 2 Mask TX URN/MISC
ATH:0200CCh (hw6:000200D0h?) - MAC_DMA_ISR_S2_S - MAC .. 2 Read-and-Clear
  0-9   TXURN (QCU 0-9)                                  ;--> Primary_ISR.Bit11
  10    -
  11    RX_INT                  ;RX
  12    WL_STOMPED
  13    RX_PTR_BAD              ;RX
  16    BB_PANIC_IRQ
  17    BT_STOMPED
  22    CST
  23    GTT
  24    TIM                                 ;\
  25    CABEND                              ; Beacon Misc --> Primary_ISR.Bit23
  26    DTIMSYNC                            ;
  27    BCNTO                               ;/
  28    CABTO
  29    DTIM
  30    TSFOOR
  31    -

ATH:020090h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S3 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 3 Stat QCBR OVF/URN
ATH:0200B0h - MAC_DMA_IMR_S3 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 3 Mask QCBR OVF/URN
ATH:0200D0h (hw6:000200D4h?) - MAC_DMA_ISR_S3_S - MAC .. 3 Read-and-Clear
  0-9   QCBROVF (QCU 0-9)                                ;--> Primary_ISR.Bit25
  16-27 QCBRURN (QCU 0-9)                                ;--> Primary_ISR.Bit26

ATH:020094h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S4 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 4 Stat QTRIG
ATH:0200B4h - MAC_DMA_IMR_S4 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 4 Mask QTRIG
ATH:0200D4h (hw6:000200D8h?) - MAC_DMA_ISR_S4_S - MAC .. 4 Read-and-Clear
  0-9   QTRIG (QCU 0-9)                                  ;--> Primary_ISR.Bit27

ATH:020098h - MAC_DMA_ISR_S5 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 5 Stat TIMERS
ATH:0200B8h - MAC_DMA_IMR_S5 - MAC Secondary Interrupt 5 Mask TIMERS
ATH:0200D8h (hw6:000200DCh?) - MAC_DMA_ISR_S5_S - MAC .. 5 Read-and-Clear
  0     TBTT_TIMER_TRIGGER              ;-TBTT timer
  1     DBA_TIMER_TRIGGER               ;\
  2     SBA_TIMER_TRIGGER               ;
  3     HCF_TIMER_TRIGGER               ;
  4     TIM_TIMER_TRIGGER               ; timer's
  5     DTIM_TIMER_TRIGGER              ;
  6     QUIET_TIMER_TRIGGER             ;
  7     NDP_TIMER_TRIGGER               ;
  8-15  GENERIC_TIMER2_TRIGGER          ;/
  16    TIMER_OVERFLOW                  ;<-- which timer overflow ?
  17    DBA_TIMER_THRESHOLD             ;\
  18    SBA_TIMER_THRESHOLD             ;
  19    HCF_TIMER_THRESHOLD             ;
  20    TIM_TIMER_THRESHOLD             ; threshold's
  21    DTIM_TIMER_THRESHOLD            ;
  22    QUIET_TIMER_THRESHOLD           ;
  23    NDP_TIMER_THRESHOLD             ;
  24-31 GENERIC_TIMER2_THRESHOLD        ;/

ATH:02009Ch - MAC_DMA_ISR_S6 - hw6 only ;Interrupt 6 Stat UNKNOWN(?)
ATH:0200BCh - MAC_DMA_IMR_S6 - hw6 only ;Interrupt 6 Mask UNKNOWN(?)
ATH:0200CCh (hw6:really?) - MAC_DMA_ISR_S6_S (R) shadow - hw6 only
  0-31   ?? (probably related to the new "hw6" registers in MAC DMA chapter)
Note: According to hw6.0 source code, "S6_S" has been accidently inserted between "S1_S" and "S2_S" (thus smashing the old hw4-style port numbering for "S2_S thru S5_S") (not checked if that's a source code bug, or if it's actually implemented as so in real hardware).
The hw6.0 source code leaves ALL primary and secondary IRQ bits undocumented, thw above descriptions are based on hw4 (but hw6 might have some added/changed bits here and there).

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020800h - WMAC QCU Queue (hw4/hw6)

ATH:020800h..020824h - MAC_QCU_TXDP[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_TXDP
  0-31   DATA  ...   unspecified     ;MAC Transmit Queue descriptor pointer

ATH:020840h - MAC_QCU_TXE aka MAC_DMA_Q_TXE - MAC Transmit Queue enable (R)
ATH:020880h - MAC_QCU_TXD aka MAC_DMA_Q_TXD - MAC Transmit Queue disable
  0-9    DATA

ATH:0208C0h..0208E4h - MAC_QCU_CBR[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_CBRCFG
  0-23  CBR interval (us)      (INTERVAL)       ;\MAC CBR configuration
  24-31 CBR overflow threshold (OVF_THRESH)     ;/

ATH:020900h..020924h - MAC_QCU_RDYTIME[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_RDYTIMECFG
  0-23  CBR interval (us)      (DURATION)       ;\MAC ReadyTime configuration
  24    CBR enable             (EN)             ;/

MAC OneShotArm set/clear control
  0-9    SET/CLEAR

ATH:0209C0h..0209E4h - MAC_QCU_MISC[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_MISC
MAC Miscellaneous QCU settings
  0-3   Frame Scheduling Policy mask (FSP):
          0=ASAP                    ;\
          1=CBR                     ; defined as so for
          2=DMA Beacon Alert gated  ; hw4 (maybe same
          3=TIM gated               ; for hw6)
          4=Beacon-sent-gated       ;/
  4     OneShot enable (ONESHOT_EN)
  5     CBR expired counter disable incr (NOFR, empty q)
  6     CBR expired counter disable incr (NOBCNFR, empty beacon q)
  7     Beacon use indication (IS_BCN)
  8     CBR expired counter limit enable (CBR_EXP_INC_LIMIT)
  9     Enable TXE cleared on ReadyTime expired or VEOL (TXE_CLR_ON_CBR_END)
  10    CBR expired counter reset (MMR_CBR_EXP_CNT_CLR_EN)
  11    FR_ABORT_REQ_EN         DCU frame early termination request control

ATH:020A00h..020A24h - MAC_QCU_CNT[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_Q(0..9)_STS
  0-1    FR_PEND: Pending Frame Count (R)        ;\MAC Misc QCU status/counter
  8-15   CBR_EXP: CBR expired counter (R)        ;/

  0-9    SHUTDOWN: MAC ReadyTimeShutdown status (flags for QCU 0-9 ?)

 _____________ below in hw6 only _____________

ATH:020830h - MAC_QCU_STATUS_RING_START ;hw6 only
  0-31   ADDR

ATH:020834h - MAC_QCU_STATUS_RING_END ;hw6 only
  0-31   ADDR

ATH:020838h - MAC_QCU_STATUS_RING_CURRENT (R) ;hw6 only
  0-31   ADDRESS                        (R)

ATH:020A44h - MAC_QCU_DESC_CRC_CHK ;hw6 only
  0      EN

ATH:020A48h - MAC_QCU_EOL ;hw6 only
  0-9    DUR_CAL_EN

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 021000h - WMAC DCU (hw4/hw6)

ATH:021000h..021024h - MAC_DCU_QCUMASK[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_QCUMASK
The "DCU_QCU" Mask is some two-dimensional array: An array of ten DCU registers, each containing an array of ten QCU bits.
  0-9   QCU Mask (QCU 0-9)

  0-15   DURATION                       ;-DCU global SIFS settings

ATH:021040h..021064h - MAC_DCU_LCL_IFS[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_LCL_IFS
  0-9    CW_MIN                                 ;\
  10-19  CW_MAX                                 ; MAC DCU-specific IFS settings
  20-27  AIFS                                   ;
  28     hw6: LONG_AIFS     ;-hw6 only          ;
  29-31  -                                      ;/
Note: Even though this field is 8 bits wide the maximum supported AIFS value is FCh. Setting the AIFS value to FDh,FEh,FFh will not work correctly and will cause the DCU to hang (said to be so; at least for hw4).

  0-15   DURATION       ;DC global slot interval

ATH:021080h..0210A4h - MAC_DCU_RETRY_LIMIT[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_RETR..
  0-3   frame RTS failure limit (FRFL)          ;\
  4-7   -                                       ; MAC Retry limits
  8-13  station RTS failure limit (SRFL)        ;
  14-19 station short retry limit (SDFL)        ;
  20-31 -                                       ;/

  0-15   DURATION                               ;-DCU global EIFS setting

ATH:0210C0h..0210E4h - MAC_DCU_CHANNEL_TIME[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_CH..
  0-15  ChannelTime duration (us) (DURATION)    ;\MAC ChannelTime settings
  16    ChannelTime enable        (ENABLE)      ;/

  0-2    LFSR slice select (LFSR_SLICE_SEL)       ;\
  3      Turbo mode indication (TURBO_MODE)       ;
  4-9    hw6: SIFS_DUR_USEC           ;-hw6 only  ;
  10-19  -                                        ;
  20-21  DCU arbiter delay (ARB_DLY)              ; DCU global misc.
  22     hw6: SIFS_RST_UNCOND         ;\          ; IFS settings
  23     hw6: AIFS_RST_UNCOND         ;           ;
  24     hw6: LFSR_SLICE_RANDOM_DIS   ; hw6 only  ;
  25-26  hw6: CHAN_SLOT_WIN_DUR       ;           ;
  27     hw6: CHAN_SLOT_ALWAYS        ;/          ;
  28     IGNORE_BACKOFF                           ;
  29     hw6: SLOT_COUNT_RST_UNCOND   ;-hw6 only  ;
  30-31  -                                        ;/

ATH:021100h..021124h - MAC_DCU_MISC[0..9] aka MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_MISC
  0-5    BKOFF_THRESH                   ;\
  6      SFC_RST_AT_TS_END_EN           ;
  7      CW_RST_AT_TS_END_DIS           ;
  8      FRAG_BURST_WAIT_QCU_EN         ;
  9      FRAG_BURST_BKOFF_EN            ; MAC Miscellaneous
  10     -                              ; DCU-specific settings
  11     HCF_POLL_EN                    ;
  12     BKOFF_PF                       ; (specified as so for hw6)
  13     -                              ; (hw4 bit numbers are undocumented,
  14-15  VIRT_COLL_POLICY               ; although... actually the SAME bits
  16     IS_BCN                         ; ARE documented, but for the "EOL"
  17     ARB_LOCKOUT_IF_EN              ; registers instead of for "MISC"...?)
  18     LOCKOUT_GBL_EN                 ;
  19     LOCKOUT_IGNORE                 ;
  20     SEQNUM_FREEZE                  ;
  21     POST_BKOFF_SKIP                ;
  22     VIRT_COLL_CW_INC_EN            ;
  23     RETRY_ON_BLOWN_IFS_EN          ;
  25-31  -                              ;/

ATH:021140h - MAC_DCU_SEQ aka MAC_DMA_D_SEQNUM - MAC Frame sequence number
  0-31   NUM
BUG: The original hw4 header file used sorted addresses, but it's been having 00021140h placed between 000211A4h and 00021230h... either it's just mis-sorted, or the address is mis-spelled? Probably just mis-sorted, because hw6 does confirm the address.

  0-9    REQUEST                      ;\DCU transmit pause control/status
  16     STATUS               (R)     ;/

 _____________ below in hw4 only _____________

ATH:021230h - MAC_DMA_D_FPCTL - DCU frame prefetch settings - hw4 only?
  ...   unspecified

ATH:021180h..021xx4h - MAC_DMA_D(0..9)_EOL - hw4 only (removed in hw6)
;BUG: entry D(8..9) are officially at 21200h..21204h ;\which is implemented
;BUG: entry D(8..9) are *intended* at 211A0h..211A4h ;/in actual hardware?
;BUG: below bits are probably meant to be "MISC" (not "EOL") ?
  0-5   Backoff threshold
  6     End of transmission series station RTS/data failure count reset policy
  7     End of transmission series CW reset policy
  8     Fragment Starvation Policy
  9     Backoff during a frag burst
  10    -
  11    HFC poll enable
  12    Backoff persistence factor setting
  14-15 Mask for Virtual collision handling policy
          (0=Normal, 1=Ignore, 2..3=Unspecified)
  16    Beacon use indication
  17-18 Mask for DCU arbiter lockout control
          (0=No Lockout, 1=Intra-frame, 2=Global, 3=Unspecified)
  19    DCU arbiter lockout ignore control
  20    Sequence number increment disable
  21    Post-frame backoff disable
  22    Virtual coll. handling policy
  23    Blown IFS handling policy
  24-31 -
BUG: The official source code assigns incorrect "BCD-style" values to MAC_DMA_D8_EOL and MAC_DMA_D9_EOL, the source code does also have a MAC_DMA_DEOL_ADDRESS(i) macro function; that function would work okay even with i=8..9.

 _____________ below in hw6 only _____________

ATH:0212B0h - MAC_DCU_WOW_KACFG - hw6 only
  0      TX_EN
  1      TIM_EN
  4-11   BCN_CNT

ATH:0212F0h - MAC_DCU_TXSLOT - hw6 only
  0-15   MASK

ATH:02143Ch - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_CLEAR - hw6 only
  0-31   DATA

ATH:02147Ch - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_SET - hw6 only
  0-31   DATA

ATH:021038h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_31_0 - hw6 only
ATH:021078h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_63_32 - hw6 only
ATH:0210B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_95_64 - hw6 only
ATH:0210F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU0_127_96 - hw6 only
  0-31   DATA

ATH:02103Ch - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:02107Ch - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0210BCh - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0210FCh - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU8_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021138h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021178h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0211B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0211F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU1_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:02113Ch - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:02117Ch - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0211BCh - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0211FCh - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU9_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021238h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021278h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0212B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0212F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU2_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021338h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021378h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0213B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0213F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU3_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021438h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021478h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0214B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0214F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU4_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021538h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021578h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0215B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0215F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU5_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021638h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021678h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0216B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0216F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU6_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

ATH:021738h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_31_0 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:021778h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_63_32 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0217B8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_95_64 - hw6 only (R)
ATH:0217F8h - MAC_DCU_TXFILTER_DCU7_127_96 - hw6 only (R)
  0-31   DATA                           (R)

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 028000h - WMAC PCU (hw2/hw4/hw6)

ATH:028000h - MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_L32 (aka hw2: REG_STA_ID0) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028004h - MAC_PCU_STA_ADDR_U16 (aka hw2: REG_STA_ID1) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-47   ADDR (called STA_ADDR in hw2) (local MAC address)
  48     STA_AP (called AP in hw2)
  49     ADHOC
  50     PW_SAVE (called PWR_SV in hw2)
  51     KEYSRCH_DIS (called NO_KEYSRCH in hw2)
  52     PCF
  53     USE_DEFANT (called USE_DEF_ANT in hw2)
  54     DEFANT_UPDATE (called DEF_ANT_UPDATE in hw2)
  55     RTS_USE_DEF (called RTS_DEF_ANT in hw2)
  56     ACKCTS_6MB
  57     BASE_RATE_11B (called RATE_11B in hw2)
  60     KSRCH_MODE

ATH:028008h - MAC_PCU_BSSID_L32 (aka hw2: REG_BSS_ID0) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:02800Ch - MAC_PCU_BSSID_U16 (aka hw2: REG_BSS_ID1) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-47   ADDR (called BSSID in hw2)
  48-58  AID (11bit, although claimed to be 16bit wide, bit48-63 in hw2)

ATH:0282B0h/02839Ch/028398h - MAC_PCU_BSSID2_L32 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0282B4h/0283A0h/02839Ch - MAC_PCU_BSSID2_U16 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-47   ADDR    (hw2: SEC_BSSID, ini:0)                ;\hw2/hw4/hw6
  48     ENABLE  (hw2: SEC_BSSID_ENABLE, ini:0)         ;/
  49-51  -
  52-62  hw6: AID                                       ;-hw 6 only
  63     -
Observe that hw2/hw6 port addresses are different here (unlike as usually).

ATH:028010h - MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_AVE (aka hw2:BCNRSSI) (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-11   AVE_VALUE (aka hw2:BCN_RSSI_AVE ini:800h) (R)  ;-hw2/hw4/hw6
  16-27  hw6: AVE_VALUE2                           (R)  ;-hw6 only

ATH:028014h - MAC_PCU_ACK_CTS_TIMEOUT (aka hw2:REG_TIME_OUT) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-13   ACK_TIMEOUT (aka 16bit wide, bit0-15: ACK_TIME_OUT in hw2)
  16-29  CTS_TIMEOUT (aka 16bit wide, bit16-31: CTS_TIME_OUT in hw2)

ATH:028018h - MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_CTL (aka hw2:BCNSIG) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-7    RSSI_LOW_THRESH  (aka hw2: BCN_RSSI_LO_THR, ini:0)
  8-15   MISS_THRESH      (aka hw2: BCN_MISS_THR, ini:FFh)
  16-23  RSSI_HIGH_THRESH (aka hw2: BCN_RSSI_HI_THR, ini:7Fh)
  24-28  WEIGHT           (aka hw2: BCN_RSSI_WEIGHT, ini:0)
  29     RESET            (aka hw2: BCN_RSSI_RESET)

ATH:02801Ch - MAC_PCU_USEC_LATENCY (aka hw2:REG_USEC) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  <-- hw2 (REG_USEC) -->    <--- hw4/hw6 ---------->
  0-6    USEC     (7bit)    0-7    USEC       (8bit)
  7-13   USEC32   (7bit)    8-13   -          (-)
  14-18  TX_DELAY (5bit)    14-22  TX_LATENCY (9bit)
  19-24  RX_DELAY (6bit)    23-28  RX_LATENCY (6bit)

ATH:02803Ch/028024h/02803Ch - MAC_PCU_RX_FILTER ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      UNICAST
  1      MULTICAST
  2      BROADCAST
  3      CONTROL
  4      BEACON
  6      XR_POLL
  7      PROBE_REQ
  8      hw2: outcommented: SYNC        ;\hw4 and hw6 (outcommented in hw2)
  8      hw4/hw6: SYNC_FRAME            ;/
  9      MY_BEACON
  10     hw4/hw6: COMPRESSED_BAR        ;\
  11     hw4/hw6: COMPRESSED_BA         ;
  12     hw4/hw6: UNCOMPRESSED_BA_BAR   ; hw4 and hw6
  13     hw4/hw6: ASSUME_RADAR          ;
  14     hw4/hw6: PS_POLL               ;
  15     hw4/hw6: MCAST_BCAST_ALL       ;
  16     hw4/hw6: RST_DLMTR_CNT_DISABLE ;/
  17     hw4: FROM_TO_DS                ;\
  18-23  hw4: GENERIC_FTYPE             ; hw4 only (moved to bit20-28 in hw6)
  24-25  hw4: GENERIC_FILTER            ;/
  17     hw6: HW_BCN_PROC_ENABLE        ;\
  18     hw6: MGMT_ACTION_MCAST         ; hw6 only
  19     hw6: CONTROL_WRAPPER           ;
  20     hw6: FROM_TO_DS                ;   ;\these bits were formerly
  21-26  hw6: GENERIC_FTYPE             ;   ; in bit17-25 in hw4)
  27-28  hw6: GENERIC_FILTER            ;   ;/
  29     hw6: MY_BEACON2                ;/

ATH:028040h/028028h/028040h - MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_L32 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028044h/02802Ch/028044h - MAC_PCU_MCAST_FILTER_U32 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-63   VALUE (aka hw2: unspecified)

ATH:028048h/028030h/028048h - MAC_PCU_DIAG_SW ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      INVALID_KEY_NO_ACK        (aka hw2:DIS_WEP_ACK          ;ini:0)
  1      NO_ACK                    (aka hw2:DIS_ACK              ;ini:0)
  2      NO_CTS                    (aka hw2:DIS_CTS              ;ini:0)
  3      NO_ENCRYPT                (aka hw2:DIS_ENC              ;ini:0)
  4      NO_DECRYPT                (aka hw2:DIS_DEC              ;ini:0)
  5      HALT_RX                   (aka hw2:DIS_RX               ;ini:0)
  6      LOOP_BACK                 (aka hw2:LOOP_BACK            ;ini:0)
  7      CORRUPT_FCS               (aka hw2:CORR_FCS             ;ini:0)
  8      DUMP_CHAN_INFO            (aka hw2:CHAN_INFO            ;ini:0)
  9-16   - (aka hw2: RESERVED)     (aka hw2:RESERVED             ;ini:0)
  17     ACCEPT_NON_V0             (aka hw2:ACCEPT_NONV0         ;ini:0)
  18-19  OBS_SEL_1_0               (aka hw2:OBS_SEL_0_1          ;ini:0)
  20     RX_CLEAR_HIGH             (aka hw2:RXCLR_HIGH           ;ini:0)
  21     IGNORE_NAV                (aka hw2:IGNORE_NAV           ;ini:0)
  22     CHAN_IDLE_HIGH            (aka hw2:CHANIDLE_HIGH        ;ini:0)
  23     PHYERR_ENABLE_EIFS_CTL    (aka hw2:PHYERR_ENABLE_NEW    ;ini:0)
  24     DUAL_CHAIN_CHAN_INFO      (aka hw2:DUAL_CHAIN_CHAN_INFO ;ini:0)
  25     FORCE_RX_ABORT            (aka hw2:FORCE_RX_ABORT       ;ini:0)
  26     SATURATE_CYCLE_CNT        (aka hw2:SATURATE_CYCLE_CNT   ;ini:0)
  27     OBS_SEL_2                 (aka hw2:OBS_SEL_2            ;ini:0)
  28     hw4/hw6: RX_CLEAR_CTL_LOW              ;\
  29     hw4/hw6: RX_CLEAR_EXT_LOW              ; hw4/hw6 only
  30-31  hw4/hw6: DEBUG_MODE                    ;/

ATH:028054h/028034h/028054h - MAC_PCU_TST_ADDAC ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      hw2: TEST_MODE                 ;\
  1      hw2: TEST_LOOP                 ; hw2 (moved to bit1-14 in hw4/hw6)
  2-12   hw2: LOOP_LEN                  ;
  13     hw2: TEST_UPPER_8B             ;/
  14     hw2: TEST_MSB                  ;-hw2 only
  15     hw2: TEST_CAPTURE              ;-hw2 (moved to bit19 in hw4/hw6)
Differently arranged in hw4/hw6:
  0      hw4/hw6: CONT_TX               ;-hw4/hw6 only
  1      hw4/hw6: TESTMODE              ;\
  2      hw4/hw6: LOOP                  ; hw4/hw6 (formerly bit0-13 in hw2)
  3-13   hw4/hw6: LOOP_LEN              ;
  14     hw4/hw6: UPPER_8B              ;/
  15     hw6:     SAMPLE_SIZE_2K        ;-hw6 only
  16     hw4/hw6: TRIG_SEL              ;\
  17     hw4/hw6: TRIG_POLARITY         ; hw4/hw6 only
  18     hw4/hw6: CONT_TEST         (R) ;/
  19     hw4/hw6: TEST_CAPTURE          ;-hw4/hw6 (formerly bit15 in hw2)
  20     hw4/hw6: TEST_ARM              ;-hw4/hw6 only

ATH:028058h/028038h/028058h - MAC_PCU_DEF_ANTENNA ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-23   VALUE                          ;\hw4/hw6 (and maybe hw2, too)
  24     TX_DEF_ANT_SEL                 ;/
  25     hw6: SLOW_TX_ANT_EN            ;\
  26     hw6: TX_CUR_ANT                ; hw6 only
  27     hw6: FAST_DEF_ANT              ;/
  28     RX_LNA_CONFIG_SEL              ;-hw4/hw6 (and maybe hw2, too)
  29     hw6: FAST_TX_ANT_EN            ;\
  30     hw6: RX_ANT_EN                 ; hw6 only
  31     hw6: RX_ANT_DIV_ON             ;/

ATH:02805Ch/02803Ch/02805Ch - MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_0 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   FC      (hw2: ini:C7FFh)
  16-31  QOS     (hw2: ini:FFFFh)

ATH:028060h/028040h/028060h - MAC_PCU_AES_MUTE_MASK_1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   SEQ     (hw2: ini:000Fh)
  16-31  FC_MGMT (hw2: ini:E7FFh)

ATH:028064h/028044h/028064h - MAC_PCU_GATED_CLKS ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      -         (aka hw2: outcommented: SYNC, ini:1)
  1      GATED_TX  (aka hw2: TX, ini:0)
  2      GATED_RX  (aka hw2: RX, ini:0)
  3      GATED_REG (aka hw2: REG, ini:0)

ATH:028068h/028048h/028068h - MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_2 (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-17   VALUE (aka hw2: OBS_BUS)               (R)  ;-hw2/hw4/hw6
  18-21  hw6: WCF_STATE                         (R)  ;\
  22     hw6: WCF0_FULL                         (R)  ;
  23     hw6: WCF1_FULL                         (R)  ; hw6 only
  24-28  hw6: WCF_COUNT                         (R)  ;
  29     hw6: MACBB_ALL_AWAKE                   (R)  ;/

ATH:02806Ch/02804Ch/02806Ch - MAC_PCU_OBS_BUS_1 (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      PCU_DIRECTED                           (R)
  1      PCU_RX_END                             (R)
  2      RX_WEP                                 (R)
  3      RX_MY_BEACON                           (R)
  4      FILTER_PASS                            (R)
  5      TX_HCF                                 (R)
  6      TM_QUIET_TIME    (aka hw2: QUIET_TIME) (R)
  7      PCU_CHANNEL_IDLE (aka hw2: CHAN_IDLE)  (R)
  8      TX_HOLD                                (R)
  9      TX_FRAME                               (R)
  10     RX_FRAME                               (R)
  11     RX_CLEAR                               (R)
  12-17  WEP_STATE                              (R)
  20-23  hw2: RX_STATE (4bit)                   (R)  ;\hw2 (less bits)
  24-28  hw2: TX_STATE (5bit)                   (R)  ;/
  20-24  hw4/hw6: RX_STATE (5bit)               (R)  ;\hw4/hw6 (one more
  25-30  hw4/hw6: TX_STATE (6bit)               (R)  ;/bit than hw2 each)

ATH:028080h/028054h/028080h - MAC_PCU_LAST_BEACON_TSF (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028664h - MAC_PCU_LAST_BEACON2_TSF ;extra beacon (R) ;hw6 only
  0-31   VALUE (hw2: unspecified/LAST_TSTP)          (R)

ATH:028084h/028058h/028084h - MAC_PCU_NAV ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-25   VALUE (hw2: unspecified/NAV)

ATH:028088h/02805Ch/028088h - MAC_PCU_RTS_SUCCESS_CNT (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:02808Ch/028060h/02808Ch - MAC_PCU_RTS_FAIL_CNT (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028090h/028064h/028090h - MAC_PCU_ACK_FAIL_CNT (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028094h/028068h/028094h - MAC_PCU_FCS_FAIL_CNT (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028098h/02806Ch/028098h - MAC_PCU_BEACON_CNT (R) ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:02809Ch - MAC_PCU_BEACON2_CNT (R) ;hw6 only
  0-15   VALUE (COUNT or so?) (hw2: unspecified)     (R)

ATH:0280C0h/028070h/0280C0h - MAC_PCU_XRMODE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-5    POLL_TYPE             (hw2: ini:1Ah)
  7      WAIT_FOR_POLL         (hw2: ini:0)
  20-31  FRAME_HOLD            (hw2: ini:680 decimal)

ATH:0280C4h/028074h/0280C4h - MAC_PCU_XRDEL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   SLOT_DELAY            (hw2: ini:360 (decimal)
  16-31  CHIRP_DATA_DELAY      (hw2: ini:1680 decimal)

ATH:0280C8h/028078h/0280C8h - MAC_PCU_XRTO ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   CHIRP_TIMEOUT         (hw2: ini:7200 decimal)
  16-31  POLL_TIMEOUT          (hw2: ini:5000 decimal)

ATH:0280CCh/02807Ch/0280CCh - MAC_PCU_XRCRP ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      SEND_CHIRP            (hw2: ini:0)
  16-31  CHIRP_GAP             (hw2: ini:500 decimal)

ATH:0280D0h/028080h/0280D0h - MAC_PCU_XRSTMP ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      RX_ABORT_RSSI         (hw2: ini:0)
  1      RX_ABORT_BSSID        (hw2: ini:0)
  2      TX_STOMP_RSSI         (hw2: ini:0)
  3      TX_STOMP_BSSID        (hw2: ini:0)
  4      TX_STOMP_DATA         (hw2: ini:0)
  5      RX_ABORT_DATA         (hw2: ini:0)
  8-15   TX_STOMP_RSSI_THRESH  (hw2: ini:25h)
  16-23  RX_ABORT_RSSI_THRESH  (hw2: ini:25h)

ATH:0280E0h/028084h/0280E0h - MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_L32 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0280E4h/028088h/0280E4h - MAC_PCU_ADDR1_MASK_U16 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-47   VALUE   (aka hw2:BSSID_MASK, ini:FFFFFFFFFFFFh)
This should be 48bit (as so in hw2/hw6, though hw4 claims 64bit, bit0-63).

ATH:0280E8h/02808Ch/0280E8h - MAC_PCU_TPC ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-5    ACK_PWR   (hw2: ini:3Fh)
  8-13   CTS_PWR   (hw2: ini:3Fh)
  16-21  CHIRP_PWR (hw2: ini:3Fh)
  24-29  hw6: RPT_PWR                                   ;-hw6 only

ATH:0280ECh/028090h/0280ECh - MAC_PCU_TX_FRAME_CNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0280F0h/028094h/0280F0h - MAC_PCU_RX_FRAME_CNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0280F4h/028098h/0280F4h - MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_CNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:0280F8h/02809Ch/0280F8h - MAC_PCU_CYCLE_CNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE (aka COUNT or so?) (aka hw2: CNT, ini:0)

ATH:0280FCh/0280A0h/0280FCh - MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   hw2: NEXT_QUIET   (hw2: ini:0)                ;\hw2 only (not hw4/hw6)
  16     hw2: QUIET_ENABLE (hw2: ini:0)                ;/
  17     ACK_CTS_ENABLE    (hw2: ini:1)                ;-hw2/hw4/hw6

ATH:028100h/0280A4h/028100h - MAC_PCU_QUIET_TIME_2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   hw2: QUIET_PERIOD            (hw2: ini:0002h) ;\differs in
  0-15   hw4: -                                        ; hw2, hw4, hw6
  0-15   hw6: DURATION2         ;-hw6 only             ;/
  16-31  DURATION (aka hw2: QUIET_DURATION, ini:0001h) ;-hw2/hw/hw6

ATH:028108h/0280A8h/028108h - MAC_PCU_QOS_NO_ACK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-3    TWO_BIT_VALUES (hw2: NOACK_2_BIT_VALUES, ini:2)
  4-6    BIT_OFFSET     (hw2: NOACK_BIT_OFFSET, ini:5)
  7-8    BYTE_OFFSET    (hw2: NOACK_BYTE_OFFSET, ini:0)

ATH:02810Ch/0280ACh/02810Ch - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE          (hw2: PHYERR_MASK, ini:0)

ATH:028110h/0280B0h/028110h - MAC_PCU_XRLAT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-11   VALUE          (hw2: XR_TX_DELAY, ini:168h)

ATH:0280B4h/028114h - MAC_PCU_RXBUF ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-10   HIGH_PRIORITY_THRSHD                          ;\hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  11     REG_RD_ENABLE                                 ;/
Note: hw2 does have a "MAC_PCU_REG_TSF" register in this place, which seems to be something different than the hw4/hw6 stuff (unless the hw4/hw6 "RXBUF" is related to the hw2 "ACKSIFSMEM" array?).

ATH:028118h/0280B8h/028118h - MAC_PCU_MIC_QOS_CONTROL ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   VALUE_0..7 (2bit each)  (aka hw2: MICQOSCTL, ini:00AAh)
  16     ENABLE                  (aka hw2: MICQOSCTL_ENABLE, ini:1)

ATH:02811Ch/0280BCh/02811Ch - MAC_PCU_MIC_QOS_SELECT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE_0..7 (4bit each)  (aka hw2: MICQOSSEL, ini:00003210h)

ATH:028124h/0280C4h/028124h - MAC_PCU_FILTER_OFDM_CNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028128h/0280C8h/028128h - MAC_PCU_FILTER_CCK_CNT ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-23   VALUE (count or so?)    (hw2: CNT, ini:0)

ATH:02812Ch/0280CCh/02812Ch - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028134h/0280D4h/028134h - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028168h/0280E4h/028168h - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-23   VALUE (count or so?)    (hw2: PHYCNT, ini:0)

ATH:028130h/0280D0h/028130h - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_1_MASK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:028138h/0280D8h/028138h - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_2_MASK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
ATH:02816Ch/0280E8h/02816Ch - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_3_MASK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE (mask or so?)     (hw2: PHYCNTMASK, ini:0)

ATH:02813Ch/0280DCh/005144h - MAC_PCU_TSF_THRESHOLD ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   VALUE                   (hw2: TSFTHRESH, ini:FFFFh)
Observe that hw2/hw6 port addresses are different here (unlike as usually).

ATH:028144h/0280E0h/028144h - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_EIFS_MASK ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-31   VALUE                   (hw2: MASK, ini:0)

 ________________________________ Misc Mode ________________________________

ATH:028120h/0280C0h/028120h - MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      BSSID_MATCH_FORCE              (hw2: ini:0)
  1      hw2: ACKSIFS_MEMORY_RESERVED   (hw2: ini:0)
  1      hw4/hw6: DEBUG_MODE_AD
  2      MIC_NEW_LOCATION(_ENABLE)      (hw2: ini:0)
  3      TX_ADD_TSF                     (hw2: ini:0)
  4      CCK_SIFS_MODE                  (hw2: ini:0)
  5      hw2: BFCOEF_MODE_RESERVED      (hw2: ini:0)
  6      hw2: BFCOEF_ENABLE             (hw2: ini:0)
  7      hw2: BFCOEF_UPDATE_SELF_GEN    (hw2: ini:1)
  8      hw2: BFCOEF_MCAST              (hw2: ini:1)
  9      hw2: DUAL_CHAIN_ANT_MODE       (hw2: ini:0)
  10     hw2: FALCON_DESC_MODE          (hw2: ini:0)
  5-8    hw4: -
  5      hw6: RXSM2SVD_PRE_RST
  7-8    hw6: -
  9      hw4/hw6: DEBUG_MODE_BA_BITMAP
  10     hw4/hw6: DEBUG_MODE_SIFS
  11     KC_RX_ANT_UPDATE               (hw2: ini:1)
  12     TXOP_TBTT_LIMIT(_ENABLE)       (hw2: ini:0)
  13     hw2: FALCON_BB_INTERFACE       (hw2: ini:0)
  14     MISS_BEACON_IN_SLEEP           (hw2: ini:1)
  15-16  -
  17     hw2: BUG_12306_FIX_ENABLE      (hw2: ini:1)
  18     FORCE_QUIET_COLLISION          (hw2: ini:0)
  19     hw2: BUG_12549_FORCE_TXBF      (hw2: ini:0)
  20     BT_ANT_PREVENTS_RX             (hw2: ini:1)
  21     TBTT_PROTECT                   (hw2: ini:1)
  22     HCF_POLL_CANCELS_NAV           (hw2: ini:1)
  23     RX_HCF_POLL_ENABLE             (hw2: ini:1)
  24     CLEAR_VMF                      (hw2: ini:0)
  25     CLEAR_FIRST_HCF                (hw2: ini:0)
  26     hw2: ADHOC_MCAST_KEYID_ENABLE  (hw2: ini:0)
  27     hw2: ALLOW_RAC                 (hw2: ini:0)
  28-31  hw2: -
  26     hw4/hw6: CLEAR_BA_VALID
  27     hw4/hw6: SEL_EVM
  29     hw4/hw6: USE_EOP_PTR_FOR_DMA_WR
  30-31  hw4/hw6: DEBUG_MODE

ATH:02825Ch/028144h/028344h - MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0      hw2: MGMT_CRYPTO_ENABLE        (ini:0) ;moved to bit1 in hw4 ;\
  1      hw2: NO_CRYPTO_FOR_NON_DATA_PKT(ini:0) ;moved to bit2 in hw4 ; hw2
  2-7    hw2: RESERVED                                                ;/
  0      hw4/hw6: BUG_21532_FIX_ENABLE                                ;\
  1      hw4/hw6: MGMT_CRYPTO_ENABLE                                  ; hw4/hw6
  2      hw4/hw6: NO_CRYPTO_FOR_NON_DATA_PKT                          ;/
  3      hw4: RESERVED
  3      hw6: BUG_58603_FIX_ENABLE                                    ;-hw6
  4      hw6 and hw4.2: BUG_58057_FIX_ENABLE ;-hw4.2 and up (not hw2 and hw4.0)
  5      hw4/hw6: RESERVED                                            ;\
  6      hw4/hw6: ADHOC_MCAST_KEYID_ENABLE                            ; hw4/hw6
  7      hw4/hw6: CFP_IGNORE                                          ;/
  8-15   MGMT_QOS                                                     ;-all hw
  16     hw2: BC_MC_WAPI_MODE          (ini:0) ;moved to bit18 in hw4 ;\
  17     hw2: IGNORE_TXOP_FOR_1ST_PKT  (ini:0) ;moved to bit22 in hw4 ; hw2
  18     hw2: IGNORE_TXOP_IF_ZERO      (ini:0) ;moved to bit23 in hw4 ;
  19-31  hw2_ RESERVED                                                ;/
  16     hw4/hw6: ENABLE_LOAD_NAV_BEACON_DURATION                     ;\
  17     hw4/hw6: AGG_WEP                                             ;
  18     hw4/hw6: BC_MC_WAPI_MODE                                     ;
  19     hw4/hw6: DUR_ACCOUNT_BY_BA                                   ; hw4/hw6
  20     hw4/hw6: BUG_28676                                           ;
  21     hw4/hw6: CLEAR_MORE_FRAG                                     ;
  22     hw4/hw6: IGNORE_TXOP_1ST_PKT                                 ;/
  23     hw4: IGNORE_TXOP_IF_ZERO  ;moved to MISC_MODE3.bit22 in hw6  ;\
  24     hw4: PM_FIELD_FOR_DAT     ;moved to MISC_MODE3.bit24 in hw6  ;
  25     hw4: PM_FIELD_FOR_MGMT    ;moved to MISC_MODE3.bit25 in hw6  ; hw4
  26     hw4: BEACON_FROM_TO_DS    ;moved to MISC_MODE3.bit23 in hw6? ;
  27     hw4: RCV_TIMESTAMP_FIX    ;moved to bit25 in hw6             ;
  28-31  hw4: RESERVED                                                ;/
  23     hw6: MPDU_DENSITY_STS_FIX                                    ;\
  24     hw6: MPDU_DENSITY_WAIT_WEP                                   ;
  25     hw6: RCV_TIMESTAMP_FIX    ;moved from bit27 in hw4           ;
  27     hw6: DECOUPLE_DECRYPTION                                     ; hw6
  28     hw6: H_TO_SW_DEBUG_MODE                                      ;
  29     hw6: TXBF_ACT_RPT_DONE_PASS                                  ;
  30     hw6: PCU_LOOP_TXBF                                           ;
  31     hw6: CLEAR_WEP_TXBUSY_ON_TXURN                               ;/
Observe that hw2/hw6 port addresses are different here (unlike as usually).

ATH:0283D0h - MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE3 ;hw6
  0      BUG_55702_FIX_ENABLE
  1      AES_3STREAM
  3      BUG_58011_FIX_ENABLE
  4      BUG_56991_FIX_ENABLE
  6      BUG_61936_FIX_ENABLE
  18     BB_LDPC_EN
  21     ALLOW_RAC
  22     IGNORE_TXOP_IF_ZER0  ;uh, ZerNull or Zero?   ;moved from MODE2.bit23
  23     BEACON_FROM_TO_DS_CHECK                      ;moved from MODE2.bit26?
  24     PM_FIELD_FOR_DAT                             ;moved from MODE2.bit24
  25     PM_FIELD_FOR_MGMT                            ;moved from MODE2.bit25
  26     PM_FIELD2_FOR_CTL
  27     PM_FIELD2_FOR_DAT
  28     PM_FIELD2_FOR_MGT
  29     KEY_MISS_FIX

ATH:0283D4h - MAC_PCU_MISC_MODE4 ;hw6
  0      BC_MC_WAPI_MODE2_EN
  1      BC_MC_WAPI_MODE2

 ______________________________ Basic Rate Set ______________________________

ATH:0282A4h - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET0 ;hw2 (other as in hw4/hw6)
ATH:0282A8h - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET1 ;hw2 (other as in hw4/hw6)
ATH:0282ACh - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET2 ;hw2 (other as in hw4/hw6)
 Bitfields for hw2 RATE_SET0 register:
  0-4    BRATE_1MB_L             (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_1Mb_L)
  5-9    BRATE_2MB_L             (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_2Mb_L)
  10-14  BRATE_2MB_S             (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_2Mb_S)
  15-19  BRATE_5_5MB_L           (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_5_5Mb_L)
  20-24  BRATE_5_5MB_S           (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_5_5Mb_S)
  25-29  BRATE_11MB_L            (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_11Mb_L)
 Bitfields for hw2 RATE_SET1 register:
  0-4    BRATE_11MB_S            (hw2: ini:#CCK_RATE_11Mb_S)
  5-9    BRATE_6MB               (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_6Mb)
  10-14  BRATE_9MB               (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_6Mb, too?)
  15-19  BRATE_12MB              (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_12Mb)
  20-24  BRATE_18MB              (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_12Mb, too?)
  25-29  BRATE_24MB              (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_24Mb)
 Bitfields for hw2 RATE_SET2 register:
  0-4    BRATE_36MB              (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_24Mb, too?)
  5-9    BRATE_48MB              (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_24Mb, too?)
  10-14  BRATE_54MB              (hw2: ini:#OFDM_RATE_24Mb, too?)
Alongsides, hw2 source code defines following "Rate" values:
  OFDM_RATE_6Mb    = 0Bh     CCK_RATE_1Mb_L   = 1Bh      XR_RATE_0_25Mb   = 03h
  OFDM_RATE_9Mb    = 0Fh     CCK_RATE_2Mb_L   = 1Ah      XR_RATE_0_5Mb    = 07h
  OFDM_RATE_12Mb   = 0Ah     CCK_RATE_2Mb_S   = 1Eh      XR_RATE_1Mb      = 02h
  OFDM_RATE_18Mb   = 0Eh     CCK_RATE_5_5Mb_L = 19h      XR_RATE_2Mb      = 06h
  OFDM_RATE_24Mb   = 09h     CCK_RATE_5_5Mb_S = 1Dh      XR_RATE_3Mb      = 01h
  OFDM_RATE_36Mb   = 0Dh     CCK_RATE_11Mb_L  = 18h      (the XR_stuff might be
  OFDM_RATE_48Mb   = 08h     CCK_RATE_11Mb_S  = 1Ch      unrelated to RATE_SET)
  OFDM_RATE_54Mb   = 0Ch
Note: The hw2 RATE_SET registers contain 75bit (30+30+15bit), hw4/hw6 has similar RATE_SET registers with 100bit (4x25bit), that registers may have similar functions - but their content is obviously differently arranged.

ATH:028328h/0283E0h - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET0 ;hw4/hw6 (other as in hw2)
ATH:02832Ch/0283E4h - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET1 ;hw4/hw6 (other as in hw2)
ATH:028330h/0283E8h - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET2 ;hw4/hw6 (other as in hw2)
ATH:028334h/0283ECh - MAC_PCU_BASIC_RATE_SET3 ;hw4/hw6 (new in hw4/hw6)
  0-24   VALUE (maybe this 25bit value is meant to contain 5 rates of 5bit ?)
Note: The hw4/hw6 RATE_SET registers contain 100bit (4x25bit), hw2 has similar RATE_SET registers with 75bit (30+30+15bit), that registers may have similar functions - but their content is obviously differently arranged.

 ______________________________ Bluetooth Mode ______________________________

ATH:028170h/0280ECh/028170h - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-7    TIME_EXTEND            (hw2: ini:20h)
  8      TX_STATE_EXTEND        (hw2: ini:1)
  9      TX_FRAME_EXTEND        (hw2: ini:1)
  10-11  MODE                   (hw2: ini:3)
  12     QUIET                  (hw2: ini:1)
  13-16  QCU_THRESH             (hw2: ini:1)
  17     RX_CLEAR_POLARITY      (hw2: ini:0)
  18-23  PRIORITY_TIME          (hw2: ini:05h)
  24-31  FIRST_SLOT_TIME        (hw2: ini:9Bh)

ATH:02817Ch/0280F4h/02817Ch - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE2 ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-7    BCN_MISS_THRESH (hw2: ini:0)
  8-15   BCN_MISS_CNT                           (R)
  16     HOLD_RX_CLEAR (hw2: ini:0)
  18     hw2: RESPOND_TO_BT_ACTIVE (hw2: ini:0)                 ;-hw2 only
  19     PROTECT_BT_AFTER_WAKEUP (hw2: ini:0)
  20     DISABLE_BT_ANT (hw2: ini:0)
  21     hw4/hw6: QUIET_2_WIRE                                  ;\
  22-23  hw4/hw6: WL_ACTIVE_MODE                                ;
  24     hw4/hw6: WL_TXRX_SEPARATE                              ;
  25     hw4/hw6: RS_DISCARD_EXTEND                             ; hw4/hw6 only
  26-27  hw4/hw6: TSF_BT_ACTIVE_CTRL                            ;
  28-29  hw4/hw6: TSF_BT_PRIORITY_CTRL                          ;
  30     hw4/hw6: INTERRUPT_ENABLE                              ;
  31     hw4/hw6: PHY_ERR_BT_COLL_ENABLE                        ;/

ATH:028164h/0281D4h - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE3 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-7    WL_ACTIVE_TIME                                ;\
  8-15   WL_QC_TIME                                    ;
  16-19  ALLOW_CONCURRENT_ACCESS                       ;
  20     hw4: SHARED_RX                      ;<-- hw4  ;
  20     hw6: AGC_SATURATION_CNT_ENABLE      ;<-- hw6  ; hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  21     WL_PRIORITY_OFFSET_EN                         ;
  22     RFGAIN_LOCK_SRC                               ;
  23     DYNAMIC_PRI_EN                                ;
  24     DYNAMIC_TOGGLE_WLA_EN                         ;
  25-26  SLOT_SLOP                                     ;
  27     BT_TX_ON_EN                                   ;
  28-31  BT_PRIORITY_EXTEND_THRES                      ;/

ATH:028168h/0281D8h - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE4 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-15   BT_ACTIVE_EXTEND                              ;\hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  16-31  BT_PRIORITY_EXTEND                            ;/

ATH:0281DCh - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_MODE5 ;hw6 (not hw2/hw4)
  0-2    MCI_WL_LEVEL_MULT                             ;\
  3      TX_ON_SRC                                     ;
  4-19   TIMER_TARGET                                  ; hw6 only (not hw2/hw4)
  20     SHARED_RX                                     ;
  21     USE_BTP_EXT                                   ;/

ATH:028174h/0280F0h/0281E0h - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_WEIGHTS ;hw2/hw4/hw6
  0-15   BT_WEIGHT              (hw2: ini:FA50h)
  16-31  WL_WEIGHT              (hw2: ini:FAA4h)
Observe that hw2/hw6 port addresses are different here (unlike as usually).
For hw4 only: There's also a "WL_WEIGHT_CONTD" in a "WEIGHTS" register.

ATH:028158h - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_WEIGHTS2 ;hw4 only (not hw2/hw6)
  16-31  WL_WEIGHT_CONTD (extends "WL_WEIGHT" or so)   ;-hw4 only (not hw2/hw6)

 _______________________________ hw2/hw6 only _______________________________

ATH:028178h/028154h/028178h - MAC_PCU_HCF_TIMEOUT ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
  0-15   VALUE      (hw2: TIMEOUT, ini:100h)           ;-hw2/hw6 only (not hw4)

ATH:0281D0h/0280F8h/0281D0h - MAC_PCU_TXSIFS ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
  0-7    SIFS_TIME               (hw2: ini: 16 decimal)
  8-11   TX_LATENCY              (hw2: ini:2)
  12-14  ACK_SHIFT               (hw2: ini:3)

ATH:0281ECh/0280FCh/0281ECh - MAC_PCU_TXOP_X ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
  0-7    VALUE                   (hw2: TXOP_X, ini:0)

ATH:0281F0h/028100h/0281F0h - MAC_PCU_TXOP_0_3 ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
ATH:0281F4h/028104h/0281F4h - MAC_PCU_TXOP_4_7 ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
ATH:0281F8h/028108h/0281F8h - MAC_PCU_TXOP_8_11 ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
ATH:0281FCh/02810Ch/0281FCh - MAC_PCU_TXOP_12_15 ;hw2/hw6 (not hw4)
  0-7    TXOP_0 / TXOP_4 / TXOP_8  / TXOP_12   (hw2: ini:0)
  8-15   TXOP_1 / TXOP_5 / TXOP_9  / TXOP_13   (hw2: ini:0)
  16-23  TXOP_2 / TXOP_6 / TXOP_10 / TXOP_14   (hw2: ini:0)
  24-31  TXOP_3 / TXOP_7 / TXOP_11 / TXOP_15   (hw2: ini:0)

 _______________________________ hw4/hw6 only _______________________________

ATH:028304h/028024h - MAC_PCU_BT_WL_1 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:028308h/028028h - MAC_PCU_BT_WL_2 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02830Ch/02802Ch - MAC_PCU_BT_WL_3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:028310h/028030h - MAC_PCU_BT_WL_4 ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   WEIGHT

ATH:028314h/028034h - MAC_PCU_COEX_EPTA ;hw4/hw6 only
  0-5    LINKID
  6-12   WT_IDX

ATH:028300h/0281E4h - MAC_PCU_BT_BT_ASYNC ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-3    TXHP_WEIGHT                            ;\
  4-7    TXLP_WEIGHT                            ; hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  8-11   RXHP_WEIGHT                            ;
  12-15  RXLP_WEIGHT                            ;/

ATH:028110h/028264h - MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0      HOLD                                   ;\
  1      CLEAR                                  ;
  2      STATE                          (R)     ; hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  3      ENABLE                                 ;
  4-7    QCU_SEL                                ;
  8-17   INT_ADDR                       (R)     ;
  18-31  DIAG_MODE                              ;/

ATH:028114h/028268h - MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER_32L ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
ATH:028118h/02826Ch - MAC_PCU_LOGIC_ANALYZER_16U ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-47   MASK                                   ;\hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  48-31  -                                      ;/

ATH:02815Ch/0281C8h - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_TSF_BT_ACTIVE ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-31   VALUE                          (R)     ;-hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)

ATH:028160h/0281CCh - MAC_PCU_BLUETOOTH_TSF_BT_PRIORITY ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-31   VALUE                          (R)     ;-hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)

ATH:028318h/028150h - MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN1 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
ATH:02831Ch/028154h - MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN2 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
ATH:028320h/028158h - MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN3 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
ATH:028324h/02815Ch - MAC_PCU_COEX_LNAMAXGAIN4 ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-7    MAXGAIN1     ;\that are 4 gain value          ;\
  8-15   MAXGAIN2     ; for each of the 4 registers    ; hw4/hw6 only (not hw2)
  16-23  MAXGAIN3     ; (ie. 16 values in total)       ;
  24-31  MAXGAIN4     ;/                               ;/

ATH:028050h/028070h - MAC_PCU_DYM_MIMO_PWR_SAVE ;hw4/hw6 only
  0      hw4/hw6: USE_MAC_CTRL                          ;\
  1      hw4/hw6: HW_CTRL_EN                            ;
  2      hw4/hw6: SW_CHAIN_MASK_SEL                     ; hw4/hw6 only
  4-6    hw4/hw6: LOW_PWR_CHAIN_MASK                    ;
  8-10   hw4/hw6: HI_PWR_CHAIN_MASK                     ;/

ATH:02811Ch/02829Ch - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERR_CNT_MASK_CONT ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-7    MASK1
  8-15   MASK2
  16-23  MASK3

ATH:028120h/028300h - MAC_PCU_AZIMUTH_MODE ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  1      KEY_SEARCH_AD1
  4      CLK_EN
  5      TX_DESC_EN
  7      BA_USES_AD1
  8      hw6: WMAC_CLK_SEL
  9      hw6: FILTER_PASS_HOLD

ATH:02814Ch/028314h - MAC_PCU_AZIMUTH_TIME_STAMP ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-31   VALUE

ATH:028124h/028318h - MAC_PCU_20_40_MODE ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  2      TX_HT20_ON_EXT_BUSY
  4-15   PIFS_CYCLES

ATH:028128h/028328h - MAC_PCU_RX_CLEAR_DIFF_CNT ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-31   VALUE

ATH:02812Ch/02832Ch - MAC_PCU_SELF_GEN_ANTENNA_MASK ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-2    VALUE
  3      hw6: ONE_RESP_EN
  4      hw6: FORCE_CHAIN_0

ATH:028130h/028330h - MAC_PCU_BA_BAR_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)

ATH:028134h/028334h - MAC_PCU_LEGACY_PLCP_SPOOF ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  8-12   MIN_LENGTH

ATH:028138h/028338h - MAC_PCU_PHY_ERROR_MASK_CONT ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-7    MASK_VALUE
  16-23  EIFS_VALUE
  24-31  hw6: AIFS_VALUE

ATH:02813Ch/02833Ch - MAC_PCU_TX_TIMER ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  0-14   TX_TIMER
  16-19  RIFS_TIMER
  20-24  QUIET_TIMER

ATH:028140h/028340h - MAC_PCU_TXBUF_CTRL ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)

ATH:028148h/028348h - MAC_PCU_ALT_AES_MUTE_MASK ;hw4/hw6 (not hw2)
  16-31  QOS

ATH:028338h/028600h - MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS0 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    FRAME_CONTROL_L                (R)
  8-15   FRAME_CONTROL_H                (R)
  16-23  DURATION_L                     (R)
  24-31  DURATION_H                     (R)

ATH:02833Ch/028604h - MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-17   VALUE                          (R)

ATH:028340h/028608h - MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS2 ;hw4/hw6
  0-26   VALUE                          (R)

ATH:028344h/02860Ch - MAC_PCU_RX_INT_STATUS3 ;hw4/hw6
  0-23   VALUE                          (R)

ATH:028348h/028610h - HT_HALF_GI_RATE1 ;MCS0..3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02834Ch/028614h - HT_HALF_GI_RATE2 ;MCS4..7 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    MCS0 / MCS4
  8-15   MCS1 / MCS5
  16-23  MCS2 / MCS6
  24-31  MCS3 / MCS7

ATH:028350h/028618h - HT_FULL_GI_RATE1 ;MCS0..3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:028354h/02861Ch - HT_FULL_GI_RATE2 ;MCS4..7 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    MCS0 / MCS4
  8-15   MCS1 / MCS5
  16-23  MCS2 / MCS6
  24-31  MCS3 / MCS7

ATH:028358h/028620h - LEGACY_RATE1 ;RATE 8..12 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02835Ch/028624h - LEGACY_RATE2 ;RATE 13..15 and RATE 24..25 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:028360h/028628h - LEGACY_RATE3 ;RATE 26..30 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    RATE8  / RATE13 / RATE26
  6-11   RATE9  / RATE14 / RATE27
  12-17  RATE10 / RATE15 / RATE28
  18-23  RATE11 / RATE24 / RATE29
  24-29  RATE12 / RATE25 / RATE30

ATH:028364h/02862Ch - RX_INT_FILTER ;hw4/hw6
  0      ENABLE
  1      DIRECTED
  2      BCAST
  3      MCAST
  4      RTS
  5      ACK
  6      CTS
  7      RETRY
  8      MORE_DATA
  9      MORE_FRAG
  10     RATE_HIGH
  11     RATE_LOW
  12     RSSI
  13     LENGTH_HIGH
  14     LENGTH_LOW
  15     EOSP
  16     AMPDU
  17     hw4.2: BEACON                  ;-hw6 and newer "hw4.2" revision only
  18     hw6:   RSSI_HIGH               ;-hw6 only

ATH:028368h/028630h - RX_INT_OVERFLOW ;hw4/hw6
  0      STATUS

ATH:02836Ch/028634h - RX_FILTER_THRESH0 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    RATE_HIGH
  8-15   RATE_LOW
  16-23  RSSI_LOW
  24-31  hw6: RSSI_HIGH

ATH:028370h/028638h - RX_FILTER_THRESH1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-11   LENGTH_HIGH
  12-23  LENGTH_LOW

ATH:028374h/02863Ch - RX_PRIORITY_THRESH0 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    RATE_HIGH
  8-15   RATE_LOW
  16-23  RSSI_HIGH
  24-31  RSSI_LOW

ATH:028378h/028640h - RX_PRIORITY_THRESH1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-11   LENGTH_HIGH
  12-23  LENGTH_LOW

ATH:02837Ch/028644h - RX_PRIORITY_THRESH2 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:028380h/028648h - RX_PRIORITY_THRESH3 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:028384h/02864Ch - RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET0 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    PHY_RATE_HIGH
  6-11   PHY_RATE_LOW
  12-17  RSSI_HIGH
  18-23  RSSI_LOW

ATH:028388h/028650h - RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    LENGTH_HIGH
  6-11   LENGTH_LOW
  18-23  RETX
  24-29  RTS

ATH:02838Ch/028654h - RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET2 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    XCAST
  6-11   PRESP
  12-17  ATIM
  18-23  MGMT
  24-29  BEACON

ATH:028390h/028658h - RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET3 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    MORE
  6-11   EOSP
  12-17  AMPDU
  18-23  AMSDU
  24-29  PS_POLL

ATH:028394h/02865Ch - RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET4 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    PREQ
  6-11   NULL
  12-17  BEACON_SSID

ATH:028398h/028660h - RX_PRIORITY_OFFSET5 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:028200h..0282FCh - MAC_PCU_BT_BT[0..63] ;hw4 (at 028200h)
ATH:028500h..0285FCh - MAC_PCU_BT_BT[0..63] ;hw6 (at 028500h)
  0-31   WEIGHT

ATH:028400h..0284FCh - MAC_PCU_TXBUF_BA[0..63] ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   DATA

ATH:028800h..028BFCh - MAC_PCU_KEY_CACHE_1[0..255] ;hw4 (256 words)
ATH:028800h..028FFCh - MAC_PCU_KEY_CACHE[0..511] ;hw6 (512 words)
  0-31   DATA

ATH:02E000h..02E7FCh - MAC_PCU_BUF[0..511] ;hw4 (512 words)
ATH:02E000h..02FFFCh - MAC_PCU_BUF[0..2047] ;hw6 (2048 words)
  0-31   DATA

 _________________________________ hw6 only _________________________________

ATH:0280A0h - MAC_PCU_BASIC_SET ;hw6 only
  0-31   MCS                                            ;-hw6 only

ATH:0280A4h - MAC_PCU_MGMT_SEQ ;hw6 only
  0-11   MIN                                            ;\hw6 only
  16-27  MAX                                            ;/

ATH:0280A8h - MAC_PCU_BF_RPT1 ;hw6 only
  0-7    V_ACTION_VALUE                                 ;\
  8-15   CV_ACTION_VALUE                                ; hw6 only
  16-23  CATEGORY_VALUE                                 ;
  24-27  FRAME_SUBTYPE_VALUE                            ;
  28-29  FRAME_TYPE_VALUE                               ;/

ATH:0280ACh - MAC_PCU_BF_RPT2 ;hw6 only
  0-3    FRAME_SUBTYPE_VALUE                            ;-hw6 only

ATH:0280B0h - MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_1 ;hw6 only
ATH:0280B4h - MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_2 ;hw6 only
ATH:0280B8h - MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_3 ;hw6 only
ATH:0280BCh - MAC_PCU_TX_ANT_4 ;hw6 only
  0-31   VALUE                                          ;-hw6 only

ATH:028038h - MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR ;hw6 only (merged two hw4 registers here)
  0-15   VALUE                     ;-formerly bit0-15 of "PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR"
  16-19  USEC_FRAC_NUMERATOR       ;-formerly bit0-3 of "MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR"
  24-27  USEC_FRAC_DENOMINATOR     ;-formerly bit4-7 of "MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR"

ATH:028020h - MAC_PCU_BCN_RSSI_CTL2 ;hw6 only
  29     RESET2

  0-2    MMSS                                           ;\
  3-4    CEC                                            ; hw6 only
  5      STAGGER_SOUNDING                               ;/

ATH:02831Ch - MAC_PCU_H_XFER_TIMEOUT ;hw6 only
  0-4    VALUE                                          ;\
  5      DISABLE                                        ;
  6      EXTXBF_IMMEDIATE_RESP                          ; hw6 only
  7      DELAY_EXTXBF_ONLY_UPLOAD_H                     ;
  8      EXTXBF_NOACK_NORPT                             ;/

  0-31   VALUE

  0-31   VALUE

  0-15   VALUE

ATH:028284h - PCU_1US ;hw6
  0-6    SCALER

ATH:028288h - PCU_KA ;hw6
  0-11   DEL

ATH:028350h - ASYNC_FIFO_REG1 ;hw6
  0-29   DBG

ATH:028354h - ASYNC_FIFO_REG2 ;hw6
  0-27   DBG

ATH:028358h - ASYNC_FIFO_REG3 ;hw6
  0-9    DBG
  31     SFT_RST_N

  0      ENABLE

  0-31   VALUE

  0      TSF2_ENABLE
  1      TS_TSF_SEL
  2      TSF1_UPDATE
  3      TSF2_UPDATE
  8-31   RESERVED

ATH:0283A4h - MAC_PCU_TID_TO_AC ;hw6
  0-31   DATA

ATH:0283A8h - MAC_PCU_HP_QUEUE ;hw6
  0      ENABLE
  1      AC_MASK_BE
  2      AC_MASK_BK
  3      AC_MASK_VI
  4      AC_MASK_VO
  5      HPQON_UAPSD
  8-9    FRAME_TYPE0
  20     UAPSD_EN
  21     PM_CHANGE
  22     NON_UAPSD_EN

  0-31   VALUE

ATH:0283C8h - MAC_PCU_HW_BCN_PROC1 ;hw6
  0      CRC_ENABLE
  1      RESET_CRC
  5      EXCLUDE_ELM0
  6      EXCLUDE_ELM1
  7      EXCLUDE_ELM2
  8-15   ELM0_ID
  16-23  ELM1_ID
  24-31  ELM2_ID

  2      EXCLUDE_ELM3
  16-23  ELM3_ID

  0      ENABLE

  0      MASK_ENABLE

  0-31   VALUE

  0-7    AVE_VALUE
  11     ENABLE
  12     RESET

ATH:028674h - MAC_PCU_TBD_FILTER ;hw6

  0-15   CNT

 _____________________ Wake on Wireless (WOW) hw6 only _____________________

ATH:02825Ch - MAC_PCU_WOW1 ;WOW Misc ;hw6
  8-15   PATTERN_DETECT                 (R)
  17     MAGIC_DETECT                   (R)
  18     INTR_ENABLE
  19     INTR_DETECT                    (R)
  20     KEEP_ALIVE_FAIL                (R)
  21     BEACON_FAIL                    (R)
  28-31  CW_BITS

  0-7    AIFS
  8-15   SLOT
  16-23  TRY_CNT

ATH:028270h - MAC_PCU_WOW3_BEACON_FAIL ;WOW Beacon Fail Enable ;hw6
  0      ENABLE

ATH:028274h - MAC_PCU_WOW3_BEACON ;WOW Beacon Timeout ;hw6
ATH:028278h - MAC_PCU_WOW3_KEEP_ALIVE ;WOW Keep-Alive Timeout ;hw6
  0-31   TIMEOUT

ATH:028370h - MAC_PCU_WOW4 ;WOW Pattern Enable/Detect ;hw6
  8-15   PATTERN_DETECT                 (R)

ATH:02835Ch - MAC_PCU_WOW5 ;WOW RX Abort Enable ;hw6

ATH:02834Ch - MAC_PCU_WOW6 (R) ;WOW RX Buf Start Addr ;hw6
  0-15   RXBUF_START_ADDR               (R)

ATH:02827Ch - MAC_PCU_WOW_KA ;WOW Auto/Fail/BkoffCs Enable/Disable ;hw6

ATH:028294h - PCU_WOW4 ;WOW Offset 0..3 ;hw6
ATH:028298h - PCU_WOW5 ;WOW Offset 4..7 ;hw6
ATH:028378h - PCU_WOW6 ;WOW Offset 8..11 ;hw6
ATH:02837Ch - PCU_WOW7 ;WOW Offset 12..15 ;hw6
  0-7    OFFSET0 / OFFSET4 / OFFSET8  / OFFSET12        ;<-- 1st offset in LSBs
  8-15   OFFSET1 / OFFSET5 / OFFSET9  / OFFSET13
  16-23  OFFSET2 / OFFSET6 / OFFSET10 / OFFSET14
  24-31  OFFSET3 / OFFSET7 / OFFSET11 / OFFSET15

ATH:028360h - MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH1 ;WOW Pattern 0..3 ;hw6
ATH:028364h - MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH2 ;WOW Pattern 4..7 ;hw6
ATH:028380h - MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH3 ;WOW Pattern 8..11 ;hw6
ATH:028384h - MAC_PCU_WOW_LENGTH4 ;WOW Pattern 12..15 ;hw6
  0-7    PATTERN_3 / PATTERN_7 / PATTERN_11 / PATTERN_15
  8-15   PATTERN_2 / PATTERN_6 / PATTERN_10 / PATTERN_14
  16-23  PATTERN_1 / PATTERN_5 / PATTERN_9  / PATTERN_13
  24-31  PATTERN_0 / PATTERN_4 / PATTERN_8  / PATTERN_12   ;1st pattern in MSBs

ATH:02828Ch - WOW_EXACT ;WOW Exact Length/Offset 1 ;hw6
ATH:028374h - WOW2_EXACT ;WOW Exact Length/Offset 2 ;hw6
  0-7    LENGTH
  8-15   OFFSET

  0-15   EN

 _________________________________ hw4 only _________________________________

ATH:028020h - PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR ;hw4 only
  0-15   VALUE
Note: This register does have (almost) the same name as the register below, but without the "MAC_" prefix. In hw6, these two registers have been merged into a single register (called MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR). In hw2, registers REG_CFP_PERIOD and REG_CFP_DUR might be equivalent?

ATH:028150h - MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR ;hw4 only
Note: See "PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR" (other register with similar name, but without "MAC_" prefix).

ATH:0283A4h - MAC_PCU_TSF1_STATUS_L32 ;hw4 only
ATH:0283A8h - MAC_PCU_TSF1_STATUS_U32 ;hw4 only
  0-63   VALUE

ATH:0283ACh - MAC_PCU_TSF2_STATUS_L32 ;hw4 only
ATH:0283B0h - MAC_PCU_TSF2_STATUS_U32 ;hw4 only
  0-63   VALUE

ATH:029800h..029FFCh - MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_0[0..511] ;hw4
ATH:02A000h..02BFFCh - MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_1[0..2047] ;hw4
  0-31   DATA
These two "MAC_PCU" areas are just placeholders for the Baseband Registers at 029800h and up (see BB chapter for details).

ATH:02C000h..02CFFCh - MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_2[0..1023] ;hw4
ATH:02D000h..02DFFCh - MAC_PCU_BASEBAND_3[0..1023] ;hw4
  0-31   DATA
Unknown what these two "MAC_PCU" areas are intended for.

 _________________________________ hw2 only _________________________________

ATH:028500h.. (140h..17Fh) - MAC_PCU_REG_FTYPE[0..3Fh] ;hw2

ATH:028020h - REG_BEACON ;hw2 only
  16-22  TIM_OFFSET
  23     unspecified
  24     RESET_TSF           <--- related to hw4/hw6: see MAC_PCU_RESET_TSF ?

ATH:028024h - REG_CFP_PERIOD ;hw2 only
ATH:028038h - REG_CFP_DUR ;hw2 only
These two hw2 registers have unspecified content and purpose. Going by the names, they might be similar or equivalent to "MAC_PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR" and "PCU_MAX_CFP_DUR" on hw4 (although if so, unknown which one would be which).

ATH:028028h - REG_TIMER0 ;hw2 only
ATH:02802Ch - REG_TIMER1 ;hw2 only
ATH:028030h - REG_TIMER2 ;hw2 only
ATH:028034h - REG_TIMER3 ;hw2 only
  unspecified         ;MAYBE related to MAC_PCU_BT_WL_1..4 or so in hw4/hw6 (?)

ATH:02804Ch - REG_TSF_L32 ;hw2 only ... aka MAC_PCU_TSF_L32 ?
ATH:028050h - REG_TSF_U32 ;hw2 only ... aka MAC_PCU_TSF_U32 ?

ATH:028104h - MAC_PCU_REG_TSF ;hw2 only ;aka MAC_PCU_TSF_ADD_PLL on hw4?
  0-7    TSF_INCREMENT          (hw2: ini:1)                    ;-hw2 only

  0-7    ACKSIFS_INCREMENT_RESERVED     (hw2: ini:0)            ;-hw2 only
Related to the "MAC_PCU_REG_ACKSIFSMEM_RESERVED[0..1Fh]" array?

ATH:028680h.. (1A0h..1BFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_ACKSIFSMEM_RESERVED[0..1Fh] ;hw2

ATH:028700h.. (1C0h..1DFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_DUR[0..1Fh] ;hw2

ATH:0287C0h.. (1F0h..1F7h) - MAC_PCU_REG_RTD[0..7] ;hw2
  0-4    RTD_RATE_TO_DB_0
  8-12   RTD_RATE_TO_DB_1
  16-20  RTD_RATE_TO_DB_2
  24-28  RTD_RATE_TO_DB_3

ATH:0287E0h.. (1F8h..1FFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_DTR[0..7] ;hw2
  0-4    DTR_DB_TO_RATE_0
  8-12   DTR_DB_TO_RATE_1
  16-20  DTR_DB_TO_RATE_2
  24-28  DTR_DB_TO_RATE_3

ATH:028800h.. (200h..5FFh) - MAC_PCU_REG_KC[0..3FFh] ;hw2
Below bitfields are supposedly somehow stored in multiple words...?
  0-31   KC_KEY_31_0                ;aka byte 00h..03h ?
  0-15   KC_KEY_47_32               ;aka byte 04h..05h (and 06h..07h unused?) ?
  0-31   KC_KEY_79_48               ;aka byte 08h..0Bh ?
  0-15   KC_KEY_95_80               ;aka byte 0Ch..0Dh (and 0Eh..0Fh unused?) ?
  0-31   KC_KEY_127_96              ;aka byte 10h..13h ?
  0-2    KC_KEY_TYPE                ;\
  3      KC_LAST_ANTENNA            ;
  4-8    KC_ASYNC_ACK_OFFSET        ;
  9      KC_UPDATE_BEAM_FORMING     ;aka byte 14h..15h (and 16h..17h unused?) ?
  10     KC_RX_CHAIN_0_ACK_ANT      ;
  11     KC_RX_CHAIN_1_ACK_ANT      ;
  12     KC_TX_CHAIN_0_ANT_SEL      ;
  13     KC_TX_CHAIN_1_ANT_SEL      ;
  14     KC_TX_CHAIN_SEL            ;/
  0-31   KC_ADDR_32_1               ;aka byte 18h..1Bh ? (no bit 0 ?)
  0-14   KC_ADDR_47_33              ;aka byte 1Ch..1Dh (and 1Eh..1Fh unused?) ?
  1      KC_VALID                   ;aka byte 20h      (and 21h..xxh unused?) ?

ATH:028180h..02819Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_BFCOEF1[0..7] ;hw2
  0-23   TSF
  24-30  KEYIDX
  31     KEY_VALID                    (hw2: ini:0)

ATH:0281C0h - MAC_PCU_REG_BFCOEF2 ;hw2
  0-22   THRESH                       (hw2: ini:0)
  23     unspecified
  24-31  LOCK                         (hw2: ini:0)

  0-15   KCMASK_47_32                 (hw2: ini:0000h)
  16     KCMASK_31_0                  (hw2: ini:0)

 ___________________________ hw2 "MCI" registers ___________________________

Below "MCIxxx" registers exist on hw2 only. Purpose is unknown. There seems to be nothing equivalent in hw4. However, hw6 is having several "MCI_xxx" registers (see WLAN Coex section; unknown if that's related to hw2 MCI stuff).

ATH:028268h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCICTL ;Control ;hw2
  0      MCI_ENABLE              (hw2: ini:0)
  1      OLA_ENABLE              (hw2: ini:1)
  2      PREEMPT_ENABLE          (hw2: ini:1)
  3      CHANNEL_BUSY_ENABLE     (hw2: ini:1)
  4-9    EARLY_NOTIFY_DELAY      (hw2: ini:5)
  10     BMISS_FORCE_WL          (hw2: ini:0)
  11     SLEEP_FORCE_BT          (hw2: ini:1)
  12     HP_QCU_STOMP_BT         (hw2: ini:0)
  31     MCI_BUSY

ATH:02826Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIISR ;Interrupt Status ;hw2
ATH:028270h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIIER ;Interrupt Enable ;hw2
  0      ACT_RPT_RCV_INT         (hw2: stat and enable: ini:0)
  1      ACT_DEN_RCV_INT         (hw2: stat and enable: ini:0)
  2      FRQ_RPT_RCV_INT         (hw2: stat and enable: ini:0)
  3      QOS_RPT_RCV_INT         (hw2: stat and enable: ini:0)
  4      GEN_RPT_RCV_INT         (hw2: stat and enable: ini:0)

ATH:028274h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIWLP ;WLP ?? ;hw2 (hw2: ini:0)

ATH:028278h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIARW ;AR Write? ;hw2 (hw2: ini:0)
ATH:02827Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIARR ;AR Read? ;hw2
ATH:028280h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIADW ;AD Write? ;hw2 (hw2: ini:0)
ATH:028284h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIADR ;AD Read? ;hw2
ATH:028288h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIFRW ;FR Write? ;hw2 (hw2: ini:0)
ATH:02828Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIFRR ;FR Read? ;hw2
ATH:028290h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIQRW ;QR Write? ;hw2 (hw2: ini:0)
ATH:028294h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIQRR ;QR Read? ;hw2
ATH:028298h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIGRW ;GR Write? ;hw2 (hw2: ini:0)
ATH:02829Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_MCIGRR ;GR Read? ;hw2

ATH:0282A0h - MAC_PCU_REG_MCISTAT ;Status (counters?) ;hw2
  0-7    ACT_RPT_RCV_CNT         (hw2: ini:0)
  8-15   QC_CNT                  (hw2: ini:0)
  16-23  OLA_CNT                 (hw2: ini:0)
  24-31  PREEMPT_CNT             (hw2: ini:0)

 ___________ hw2 MAC_PCU registers (moved to RTC WLAN in hw4/hw6) ___________

ATH:028200h..02821Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_GNRCTMR_N[0..7] ;hw2
ATH:028220h..02823Ch - MAC_PCU_REG_GNRCTMR_P[0..7] ;hw2
ATH:0280D4h - MAC_PCU_SLP1 ;aka MAC_PCU_REG_SLP1 ;hw2
ATH:0280D8h - MAC_PCU_SLP2 ;aka MAC_PCU_REG_SLP2 ;hw2
ATH:0280DCh - (outcommented) ;aka MAC_PCU_REG_SLP3 ;hw2 (but outcommented)
ATH:028260h - MAC_PCU_SLP3 ;aka old name: MAC_PCU_REG_SLP4 (four) ;hw2
This stuff is located in "WMAC PCU" at 028xxxh in hw2 only. Later versions have it moved to the "RTC WLAN" area (at 004xxxh or 005xxxh), see there for details.

ATH:028244h (mirror of 0040F4h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_MODE (ini:10F424h) ;hw2
ATH:028248h (mirror of 0040F8h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_WAKE (ini:07EFh) ;hw2
ATH:02824Ch (mirror of 0040FCh) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP32_TSF_INC (ini:1E848h) ;hw2
ATH:028250h (mirror of 004100h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB1 ;hw2
ATH:028254h (mirror of 004104h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB2 ;hw2
ATH:028258h (mirror of 004108h) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLPMIB3 ;hw2
ATH:028264h (mirror of 00410Ch) - MAC_PCU_REG_SLP5 (ini: 0FFFFFFh) ;hw2
These hw2 registers seem to be just mirrors of other hw2 registers in the RTC area at 004xxxh (see RTC WLAN chapter for details).
In hw4/hw6, the mirrors at 028xxxh are removed (and only the registers at 004xxxh are kept; whereas, in hw6 that part moved to 005xxxh).

 __________________________ outcommented hw2 stuff __________________________

Below outcommented stuff is found in hw2 source code, maybe it was used in older hw2 revisions (in case there multiple hw2 revisions), or maybe it was used in even older pre-hw2 chips, or maybe it's just some experimental stuff that was never implemented in hardware.

ATH:028140h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_TSFCAL ;Misc ;hw2
  0-3    outcommented:COUNT          (hw2: ini:8)       ;\
  4-7    outcommented:INTERVAL       (hw2: ini:0Ah)     ; hw2 only
  8      outcommented:ENABLE         (hw2: ini:1)       ; (although it's
  9      outcommented:AUTO_CAL       (hw2: ini:1)       ; outcommented even
  10     outcommented:VALUE_WE       (hw2: ini:0)       ; in hw2 source code)
  16-31  outcommented:VALUE          (hw2: ini:8000h)   ;/

ATH:02814Ch - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC2 ;Misc ;hw2
  0-7    outcommented:TIME_OFFSET     (hw2: ini:0)
  8      outcommented:MASTER          (hw2: ini:0)
  9      outcommented:REPLACE         (hw2: ini:0)
  10     outcommented:TUNE            (hw2: ini:0)
  11     outcommented:CLEAR           (hw2: ini:0)
  16-31  outcommented:INTR_THRESH     (hw2: ini:FFFFh)

ATH:028148h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC1 ;Time (ini:0) ;hw2
ATH:028158h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC5 ;RX Time ;hw2
ATH:028160h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC7 ;Last Time ;hw2
ATH:028164h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC8 ;Updated Time ;hw2
  0-30   outcommented:TIME
  31     -

ATH:028150h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC3 ;MCAST Addr_L ;hw2
ATH:028154h - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC4 ;MCAST Addr_U ;hw2
  0-47   outcommented:MCAST_ADDR      (hw2: ini:0)
  48-63  -

ATH:02815Ch - outcommented:MAC_PCU_REG_SYNC6 ;INC ;hw2
  0-31   outcommented:INC

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 029800h - BB Baseband (hw4/hw6)

ATH:029800h/02A360h - BB_TEST_CONTROLS ;hw4/hw6
  4      CF_TSTTRIG
  10     CLKOUT_IS_CLK32
  17     SLOW_CLK160
  18     AGC_OBS_SEL_3
  19-22  CF_BBB_OBS_SEL
  23     RX_OBS_SEL_5TH_BIT
  24     AGC_OBS_SEL_4

ATH:029804h/02A204h - BB_GEN_CONTROLS ;hw4/hw6
  0      TURBO
  1      CF_SHORT20
  2      DYN_20_40
  3      DYN_20_40_PRI_ONLY
  4      DYN_20_40_PRI_CHN
  5      DYN_20_40_EXT_CHN
  6      HT_ENABLE
  9      hw4: CF_SINGLE_HT_LTF1                         ;-hw4
  9      hw6: CF_3_CHAINS_USE_WALSH                     ;-hw6
  10     GF_ENABLE
  11     hw4: BYPASS_DAC_FIFO_N                         ;-hw4
  11     hw6: ENABLE_DAC_ASYNC_FIFO                     ;\
  14     hw6: BOND_OPT_CHAIN_SEL                        ;
  15     hw6: STATIC20_MODE_HT40_PACKET_HANDLING        ;
  16     hw6: STATIC20_MODE_HT40_PACKET_ERROR_RPT       ; hw6
  17     hw6: ENABLE_CSD_PHASE_DITHERING                ;
  18-24  hw6: UNSUPP_HT_RATE_THRESHOLD                  ;
  25     hw6: EN_ERR_TX_CHAIN_MASK_ZERO                 ;
  26     hw6: IS_MCKINLEY_TPC                           ;/

ATH:029808h/02A364h - BB_TEST_CONTROLS_STATUS ;hw4/hw6
  0      CF_TSTDAC_EN
  2-4    CF_TX_OBS_SEL
  5-6    CF_TX_OBS_MUX_SEL
  8      CF_TSTADC_EN
  10-13  RX_OBS_SEL
  15     RESET_A2
  16-18  AGC_OBS_SEL
  27     DISABLE_AGC_TO_A2

ATH:02980Ch/029800h - BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-6    STE_THR
  7-12   STE_TO_LONG1
  20-21  HT_FINE_PPM_QAM
  25-26  FALSE_ALARM
  31     FFT_SCALING

ATH:029810h/029804h - BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_2 ;hw4/hw6
  30     TRACEBACK128

ATH:029814h/029808h - BB_TIMING_CONTROLS_3 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029818h/02A200h - BB_D2_CHIP_ID (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    OLD_ID            (R)
  8-31   ID                (R)

ATH:02981Ch/02A20Ch - BB_ACTIVE ;hw4/hw6
  0      CF_ACTIVE

ATH:029820h/02A258h - BB_TX_TIMING_1 ;hw4/hw6
  8-15   TX_FRAME_TO_A2_RX_OFF
  24-31  TX_FRAME_TO_A2_TX_ON

ATH:029824h/02A25Ch - BB_TX_TIMING_2 ;hw4/hw6
  8-15   TX_FRAME_TO_PA_ON
  16-23  TX_END_TO_PA_OFF
  24-31  TX_END_TO_A2_TX_OFF

ATH:029828h/02A260h - BB_TX_TIMING_3 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    TX_END_TO_DAC_OFF
  16-23  TX_END_TO_A2_RX_ON
  24-31  TX_END_TO_ADC_ON

ATH:02982Ch/02A350h - BB_ADDAC_PARALLEL_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  13     OFF_PWDDAC
  15     OFF_PWDADC
  29     ON_PWDDAC
  31     ON_PWDADC

ATH:029834h/02A264h - BB_XPA_TIMING_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029838h/02A280h - BB_MISC_PA_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  2      ENABLE_XPAA
  3      ENABLE_XPAB

ATH:02983Ch/0298A4h - BB_TSTDAC_CONSTANT ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029840h/029820h - BB_FIND_SIGNAL_LOW ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    RELSTEP_LOW
  6-11   FIRSTEP_LOW
  12-19  FIRPWR_LOW
  20-23  YCOK_MAX_LOW

ATH:029844h/029E00h - BB_SETTLING_TIME ;hw4/hw6
  14-19  ADCSAT_THRL
  20-25  ADCSAT_THRH

ATH:029848h/029E04h - BB_GAIN_FORCE_MAX_GAINS_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A848h/02AE04h - BB_GAIN_FORCE_MAX_GAINS_B1 ;hw4/hw6
  7-13   hw4: XATTEN1_HYST_MARGIN_0/1   ;\      ;\separate settings in B0/B1
  14-20  hw4: XATTEN2_HYST_MARGIN_0/1   ; hw4   ;/
  21     hw4: GAIN_FORCE                ;       ;\global setting (not in B1)
  31     hw4: ENABLE_SHARED_RX          ;/      ;/
  0-7    hw6: RF_GAIN_F_0/1             ;\      ;\
  8-15   hw6: MB_GAIN_F_0/1             ;       ;
  16     hw6: XATTEN1_SW_F_0/1          ; hw6   ; separate settings in B0/B1
  17     hw6: XATTEN2_SW_F_0/1          ;       ;
  18-24  hw6: XATTEN1_HYST_MARGIN_0/1   ;       ;
  25-31  hw6: XATTEN2_HYST_MARGIN_0/1   ;/      ;/

ATH:029E08h - BB_GAINS_MIN_OFFSETS ;hw6 (only global setting for B0 and B1)
  0-6    OFFSETC1                       ;\              ;\global setting
  7-11   OFFSETC2                       ; hw4/hw6       ; (not in B1 register)
  12-16  OFFSETC3                       ;/              ;/
  17-24  hw4: RF_GAIN_F_0/1             ;\              ;\separate settings
  25     hw4: XATTEN1_SW_F_0/1          ; hw4           ; in B0/B1 registers
  26     hw4: XATTEN2_SW_F_0/1          ;/              ;/
  17     hw6: GAIN_FORCE                ;\              ;\
  18     hw6: CF_AGC_HIST_ENABLE        ;               ; global setting
  19     hw6: CF_AGC_HIST_GC            ; hw6           ; (hw6 doesn't have
  20     hw6: CF_AGC_HIST_VOTING        ;               ; a B1 register at all)
  21     hw6: CF_AGC_HIST_PHY_ERR       ;/              ;/

ATH:029850h/029E0Ch - BB_DESIRED_SIGSIZE ;hw4/hw6
  31     ENA_INIT_GAIN

ATH:029854h/029C00h - BB_TIMING_CONTROL_3A ;hw4/hw6
  0-6    STE_THR_HI_RSSI                        ;-hw4/hw6
  7      hw6: USE_HTSIG1_20_40_BW_VALUE         ;-hw6

ATH:029858h/029E10h - BB_FIND_SIGNAL ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    RELSTEP
  6-11   RELPWR
  12-17  FIRSTEP
  18-25  FIRPWR
  26-31  M1COUNT_MAX

ATH:02985Ch/029E14h - BB_AGC ;hw4/hw6
  7-14   COARSE_LOW
  15-21  COARSE_HIGH
  22-29  QUICK_DROP

ATH:029860h/02A2C4h - BB_AGC_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  6-9    YCOK_MAX
  11     CAL_ENABLE
  19     CLC_SUCCESS                    (R)

ATH:029864h/029E1Ch - BB_CCA_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02AE1Ch - BB_CCA_B1 ;hw6
  0-8    CF_MAXCCAPWR_0                         ;-separate settings (on hw6)
  9-11   CF_CCA_COUNT_MAXC                      ;\global setting (not in B1)
  12-19  CF_THRESH62                            ;/
  20-28  MINCCAPWR_0                        (R) ;-separate settings (on hw6)

ATH:029868h/029824h - BB_SFCORR ;hw4/hw6
  0-4    M2COUNT_THR
  17-23  M1_THRES
  24-30  M2_THRES

ATH:02986Ch/029828h - BB_SELF_CORR_LOW ;hw4/hw6
  1-7    M1COUNT_MAX_LOW
  8-13   M2COUNT_THR_LOW
  14-20  M1_THRESH_LOW
  21-27  M2_THRESH_LOW

ATH:029874h/02A340h - BB_SYNTH_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  17-25  RFCHANNEL
  29     RFBMODE

ATH:029878h/02A344h - BB_ADDAC_CLK_SELECT ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02987Ch/02A348h - BB_PLL_CNTL ;hw4/hw6
  0-9    BB_PLL_DIV
  10-13  BB_PLL_REFDIV
  14-15  BB_PLL_CLK_SEL

ATH:029900h/02A220h - BB_VIT_SPUR_MASK_A ;CF_PUNC_MASK_A ;hw4/hw6
ATH:029904h/02A224h - BB_VIT_SPUR_MASK_B ;CF_PUNC_MASK_B ;hw4/hw6
  0-9    CF_PUNC_MASK_A     / CF_PUNC_MASK_B

ATH:029908h/029C0Ch - BB_PILOT_SPUR_MASK ;CF_PILOT_MASK_A/B ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02990Ch/029C10h - BB_CHAN_SPUR_MASK ;CF_CHAN_MASK_A/B ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029910h/02A228h - BB_SPECTRAL_SCAN ;hw4/hw6
  31     hw6: SPECTRAL_SCAN_COMPRESSED_RPT      ;-hw6

ATH:02A248h - BB_SPECTRAL_SCAN_2 ;hw6
  0      hw6: SPECTRAL_SCAN_RPT_MODE            ;\hw6
  1-8    hw6: SPECTRAL_SCAN_NOISE_FLOOR_REF     ;/

ATH:029914h/02A254h - BB_ANALOG_POWER_ON_TIME ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029918h/02A230h - BB_SEARCH_START_DELAY ;hw4/hw6
  14     hw6: RX_SOUNDING_ENABLE
  15     hw6: RM_HCSD4SVD

ATH:02991Ch/02A234h - BB_MAX_RX_LENGTH ;hw4/hw6
  0-11   MAX_RX_LENGTH
  12-29  MAX_HT_LENGTH

ATH:029920h/02980Ch - BB_TIMING_CONTROL_4 ;hw4/hw6
  16     DO_GAIN_DC_IQ_CAL

ATH:029924h/029810h - BB_TIMING_CONTROL_5 ;hw4/hw6
  1-7    CYCPWR_THR1
  16-22  RSSI_THR1A

ATH:029928h/02A7D0h - BB_PHYONLY_WARM_RESET ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02992Ch/02A7D4h - BB_PHYONLY_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  0      RX_DRAIN_RATE

ATH:02993Ch/02A3F0h - BB_POWERTX_MAX ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029940h/02983Ch - BB_EXTENSION_RADAR ;hw4/hw6
  23-30  RADAR_LB_DC_CAP

ATH:029944h/02A238h - BB_FRAME_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  3-5    CF_TX_CLIP
  8-15   TX_END_ADJUST
  19     hw4: EN_ERR_XR_POWER_RATIO
  19     hw6: EN_ERR_STATIC20_MODE_HT40_PACKET
  22     EN_ERR_TIM_LONG1
  28     hw4: EN_ERR_HT_SERVICE
  28     hw6: NO_6MBPS_SERVICE_ERR
  31     EN_ERR_RX_ABORT

ATH:029948h/029814h - BB_TIMING_CONTROL_6 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02994Ch/02981Ch - BB_SPUR_MASK_CONTROLS ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029950h/0298DCh - BB_RX_IQ_CORR_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A8DCh - BB_RX_IQ_CORR_B1 ;hw6
  0-6    RX_IQCORR_Q_Q_COFF_0/1         ;\separate settings (on hw6)
  7-13   RX_IQCORR_Q_I_COFF_0/1         ;/
  14     RX_IQCORR_ENABLE               ;-global setting (not in B1)
  15-21  LOOPBACK_IQCORR_Q_Q_COFF_0/1   ;\separate settings (on hw6)
  22-28  LOOPBACK_IQCORR_Q_I_COFF_0/1   ;/
  29     LOOPBACK_IQCORR_ENABLE         ;-global setting (not in B1)

ATH:029954h/029834h - BB_RADAR_DETECTION ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029958h/029838h - BB_RADAR_DETECTION_2 ;hw4/hw6
  22     RADAR_USE_FIRPWR_128

ATH:02995Ch/0298D0h - BB_TX_PHASE_RAMP_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A8D0h - BB_TX_PHASE_RAMP_B1 ;hw6

ATH:029960h/02A284h - BB_SWITCH_TABLE_CHN_B0 ;hw4/hw6
  8-9    SWITCH_TABLE_RX12

ATH:029964h/02A288h - BB_SWITCH_TABLE_COM1 ;hw4/hw6
  16-19  hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_IDLE_ALT         ;\hw6
  20-23  hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_SPDT             ;/

ATH:029968h/029E20h - BB_CCA_CTRL_2_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02AE20h - BB_CCA_CTRL_2_B1 ;hw6
  0-8    MINCCAPWR_THR_0/1              ;-separate settings (on hw6)
  9      ENABLE_MINCCAPWR_THR           ;-global setting (not in B1)
  10-17  NF_GAIN_COMP_0/1               ;-separate settings (on hw6)
  18     THRESH62_MODE                  ;-global setting (not in B1)

ATH:02996Ch/02A28Ch - BB_SWITCH_TABLE_COM2 ;hw4/hw6
  0-3    hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA1NXAL1         ;\
  4-7    hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA2NXAL1         ;
  8-11   hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA1XAL1          ;
  12-15  hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA2XAL1          ; hw4
  16-19  hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA1NXAL2         ;
  20-23  hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA2NXAL2         ;
  24-27  hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA1XAL2          ;
  28-31  hw4: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA2XAL2          ;/
  0-3    hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA1L1            ;\
  4-7    hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA2L1            ;
  8-11   hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA1L2            ; hw6
  12-15  hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA2L2            ;
  16-19  hw6: SWITCH_TABLE_COM_RA12             ;/

ATH:029970h/029E24h - BB_RESTART ;hw4/hw6
  31     RESTART_MODE_BW40

ATH:029978h/02A390h - BB_SCRAMBLER_SEED ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02997Ch/02A23Ch - BB_RFBUS_REQUEST ;hw4/hw6

ATH:0299A0h/029818h - BB_TIMING_CONTROL_11 ;hw4/hw6
  20-29  SPUR_FREQ_SD

ATH:0299A4h/02A2A0h - BB_MULTICHAIN_ENABLE ;hw4/hw6
  0-2    RX_CHAIN_MASK

ATH:0299A8h/029880h - BB_MULTICHAIN_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  1-7    FORCED_GAIN_DIFF_01
  10-20  CF_SHORT_SAT
  22-28  FORCED_GAIN_DIFF_02

ATH:0299ACh/029E28h - BB_MULTICHAIN_GAIN_CTRL ;hw4/hw6

ATH:0299B4h/0298D4h - BB_ADC_GAIN_DC_CORR_B0 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    ADC_GAIN_CORR_Q_COEFF_0/1      ;\
  6-11   ADC_GAIN_CORR_I_COEFF_0/1      ; separate settings (on hw6)
  12-20  ADC_DC_CORR_Q_COEFF_0/1        ;
  21-29  ADC_DC_CORR_I_COEFF_0/1        ;/
  30     ADC_GAIN_CORR_ENABLE           ;\global setting (not in B1)
  31     ADC_DC_CORR_ENABLE             ;/

ATH:0299B8h/029E2Ch - BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    THRESH62_EXT

ATH:0299BCh/029830h - BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_2_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A830h - BB_EXT_CHAN_PWR_THR_2_B1 ;hw6
  0-8    CF_MAXCCAPWR_EXT_0/1           ;-separate settings (on hw6)
  9-15   CYCPWR_THR1_EXT                ;-global setting (not in B1)
  16-24  MINCCAPWR_EXT_0/1         (R)  ;-separate settings (on hw6)

ATH:0299C0h/02982Ch - BB_EXT_CHAN_SCORR_THR ;hw4/hw6
  0-6    M1_THRES_EXT
  7-13   M2_THRES_EXT
  14-20  M1_THRES_LOW_EXT
  21-27  M2_THRES_LOW_EXT

ATH:0299C4h/029E30h - BB_EXT_CHAN_DETECT_WIN ;hw4/hw6
  13-15  DET_20H_COUNT

ATH:0299C8h/029E34h - BB_PWR_THR_20_40_DET ;hw4/hw6
  5-10   BLOCKER40_MAX
  11-15  DET40_PWRSTEP_MAX
  16-23  DET40_THR_SNR
  24-28  DET40_PRI_BIAS
  29     PWRSTEP40_ENA
  30     LOWSNR40_ENA

ATH:0299D0h/029C14h - BB_SHORT_GI_DELTA_SLOPE ;hw4/hw6

ATH:0299DCh/02A370h - BB_CHANINFO_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  3      hw6: CHANINFOMEM_S2_READ

ATH:0299E0h/02A3A4h - BB_HEAVY_CLIP_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  9      PRE_EMP_HT40_ENABLE
  10-17  hw6: HEAVY_CLIP_FACTOR_XR   ;-hw6 (moved from hw4's BB_RIFS_SRCH)

ATH:0299E4h/02A3A8h - BB_HEAVY_CLIP_20 ;FACTOR_0..3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:0299E8h/02A3ACh - BB_HEAVY_CLIP_40 ;FACTOR_4..7 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:0299ECh/029E38h - BB_RIFS_SRCH ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    hw4: HEAVY_CLIP_FACTOR_XR   ;-hw4 (moved to BB_HEAVY_CLIP_CTRL in hw6)

ATH:0299F0h/02A2C8h - BB_IQ_ADC_CAL_MODE ;hw4/hw6

ATH:0299FCh/029884h - BB_PER_CHAIN_CSD ;hw4/hw6
  0-4    CSD_CHN1_2CHAINS
  5-9    CSD_CHN1_3CHAINS
  10-14  CSD_CHN2_3CHAINS

ATH:029A00h..029BFCh - BB_RX_OCGAIN[0..127] (W) ;hw4
ATH:02A000h..02A1FCh - BB_RX_OCGAIN[0..127] (R/W?) ;hw6
ATH:02AA00h..02ABFCh - BB_RX_OCGAIN2[0..127] (W) ;hw4
ATH:02B000h..02B1FCh - BB_RX_OCGAIN2[0..127] (R/W?) ;hw6
  0-31   GAIN_ENTRY

ATH:029C00h/0298A0h - BB_TX_CRC (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0-15   TX_CRC                         (R)

ATH:029C10h/0298C0h - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_0_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
ATH:029C14h/0298C4h - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_1_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
ATH:029C18h/0298C8h - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_2_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
ATH:029C1Ch/0298CCh - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_3_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A8C0h - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_0_B1 (R) ;hw6
ATH:02A8C4h - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_1_B1 (R) ;hw6
ATH:02A8C8h - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_2_B1 (R) ;hw6
ATH:02A8CCh - BB_IQ_ADC_MEAS_3_B1 (R) ;hw6
  0-31   GAIN_DC_IQ_CAL_MEAS            (R)

ATH:029C20h/02A240h - BB_RFBUS_GRANT (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0      RFBUS_GRANT                    (R)
  1      BT_ANT                         (R)

ATH:029C24h/029C20h - BB_TSTADC (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0-9    TSTADC_OUT_Q                   (R)
  10-19  TSTADC_OUT_I                   (R)

ATH:029C28h/02A368h - BB_TSTDAC (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0-9    TSTDAC_OUT_Q                   (R)
  10-19  TSTDAC_OUT_I                   (R)

ATH:029C30h/02A3B0h - BB_ILLEGAL_TX_RATE (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0      ILLEGAL_TX_RATE                (R)

ATH:029C34h/0298A8h - BB_SPUR_REPORT_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A8A8h - BB_SPUR_REPORT_B1 (R) ;hw6
  0-7    SPUR_EST_I                     (R)
  8-15   SPUR_EST_Q                     (R)
  16-31  POWER_WITH_SPUR_REMOVED        (R)

ATH:029C38h/02A36Ch - BB_CHANNEL_STATUS (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0      BT_ACTIVE                      (R)
  1      RX_CLEAR_RAW                   (R)
  2      RX_CLEAR_MAC                   (R)
  3      RX_CLEAR_PAD                   (R)
  4-5    BB_SW_OUT_0                    (R)
  6-7    BB_SW_OUT_1                    (R)
  8-9    BB_SW_OUT_2                    (R)
  10-13  BB_SW_COM_OUT                  (R)
  14-16  ANT_DIV_CFG_USED               (R)

ATH:029C3Ch/029F80h - BB_RSSI_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02AF80h - BB_RSSI_B1 (R) ;hw6
ATH:02CF80h - BB_RSSI_B3 (R) ;hw6
  0-7    RSSI                           (R)
  8-15   RSSI_EXT                       (R)

ATH:029C40h/029F84h - BB_SPUR_EST_CCK_REPORT_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    SPUR_EST_SD_I_CCK              (R)
  8-15   SPUR_EST_SD_Q_CCK              (R)
  16-23  SPUR_EST_I_CCK                 (R)
  24-31  SPUR_EST_Q_CCK                 (R)

ATH:029CF0h/029CACh/02A374h - BB_CHAN_INFO_NOISE_PWR ;hw4/hw4.2/hw6
  0-11   NOISE_POWER                    (R)

ATH:029CF4h/029CB0h/02A378h - BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_DIFF ;hw4/hw4.2/hw6
  0-11   FINE_PPM                       (R)
  12-18  hw6: ANALOG_GAIN_DIFF_01       (R)     ;-hw6

ATH:029CF8h/029CB4h/02A37Ch - BB_CHAN_INFO_FINE_TIMING ;hw4/hw4.2/hw6
  0-11   COARSE_PPM                     (R)
  12-21  FINE_TIMING                    (R)

ATH:029CFCh/029CB8h/02A380h - BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_B0 ;hw4/hw4.2/hw6
ATH:02B380h - BB_CHAN_INFO_GAIN_B1 ;hw6
  0-7    CHAN_INFO_RSSI                 (R)
  8-15   CHAN_INFO_RF_GAIN              (R)
  16     hw4: CHAN_INFO_XATTEN1_SW      (R)     ;\hw4 (and hw4.2)
  17     hw4: CHAN_INFO_XATTEN2_SW      (R)     ;/
  16-22  hw6: CHAN_INFO_MB_GAIN         (R)     ;\
  23     hw6: CHAN_INFO_XATTEN1_SW      (R)     ; hw6
  24     hw6: CHAN_INFO_XATTEN2_SW      (R)     ;/

ATH:029D00h.. - BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B0[0..59] ;hw4
ATH:029CBCh.. - BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B0[0..59] ;hw4.2
ATH:029B00h.. - BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B0[0..59] ;hw6
ATH:02AB00h.. - BB_CHAN_INFO_CHAN_TAB_B1[0..59] ;hw6
  0-5    hw4: MAN_Q_0    ;\             (R)     ;\
  6-11   hw4: MAN_I_0    ; aka B0 ?     (R)     ;
  12-15  hw4: EXP_0      ;/             (R)     ; hw4 (and hw4.2)
  16-21  hw4: MAN_Q_1    ;\             (R)     ;
  22-27  hw4: MAN_I_1    ; aka B1 ?     (R)     ;
  28-31  hw4: EXP_1      ;/             (R)     ;/
  0-31   hw6: CHANINFO_WORD             (R)     ;-hw6

ATH:02A000h/029E3Ch - BB_PEAK_DET_CTRL_1 ;hw4/hw6
  1      USE_PEAK_DET

ATH:02A004h/029E40h - BB_PEAK_DET_CTRL_2 ;hw4/hw6
  10-14  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_LOW(_0)
  15-19  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_MED(_0)
  20-24  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_HIGH(_0)
  25-29  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_NON(_0)

ATH:02A008h/029E44h - BB_RX_GAIN_BOUNDS_1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    RX_MAX_MB_GAIN
  16-23  RX_MAX_RF_GAIN
  24     RX_OCGAIN_SEL_2G
  25     RX_OCGAIN_SEL_5G

ATH:02A00Ch/029E48h - BB_RX_GAIN_BOUNDS_2 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    GC_RSSI_LOW_DB

ATH:02A010h/029E4Ch - BB_PEAK_DET_CAL_CTRL ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A014h/029E50h - BB_AGC_DIG_DC_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  0      USE_DIG_DC
  10     hw6: DIG_DC_SWITCH_CCK         ;-hw6

ATH:02A018h/029F88h - BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_I_B0 (R) ;DIG_DC RES_I_0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A01Ch/029F8Ch - BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_Q_B0 (R) ;DIG_DC RES_Q_0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02AF88h - BB_AGC_DIG_DC_STATUS_I_B1 (R) ;hw6
  0-8    DIG_DC_C1 RES_I_0 / RES_Q_0 / RES_I_1 / RES_Q_1    (R)
  9-17   DIG_DC_C2 RES_I_0 / RES_Q_0 / RES_I_1 / RES_Q_1    (R)
  18-26  DIG_DC_C3 RES_I_0 / RES_Q_0 / RES_I_1 / RES_Q_1    (R)

ATH:02A1F4h/02A398h - BB_BBB_TXFIR_0 ;TXFIR_COEFF_H0..H3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A1F8h/02A39Ch - BB_BBB_TXFIR_1 ;TXFIR_COEFF_H4..H7 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A1FCh/02A3A0h - BB_BBB_TXFIR_2 ;TXFIR_COEFF_H8..H11 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    TXFIR COEFF_H0 (4bit) / COEFF_H4 (6bit) / COEFF_H8 (8bit)
  8-15   TXFIR COEFF_H1 (4bit) / COEFF_H5 (6bit) / COEFF_H9 (8bit)
  16-23  TXFIR COEFF_H2 (5bit) / COEFF_H6 (7bit) / COEFF_H10 (8bit)
  24-31  TXFIR COEFF_H3 (5bit) / COEFF_H7 (7bit) / COEFF_H11 (8bit)
Note: The entries are aligned to 8bit boundaries, but not all entries are 8bit wide (eg. COEFF H0 and H1 are located in bit0-3 and bit8-11, with bit4-7 left unused).

ATH:02A200h/02A208h - BB_MODES_SELECT ;hw4/hw6
  0      CCK_MODE
  7      MAC_CLK_MODE
  9      hw6: SVD_HALF_RATE_MODE        ;\hw6
  10     hw6: DISABLE_DYN_FAST_ADC      ;/

ATH:02A204h/02A394h - BB_BBB_TX_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  6-8    TX_CCK_DELAY_1
  9-11   TX_CCK_DELAY_2

ATH:02A208h/029FC0h - BB_BBB_SIG_DETECT ;hw4/hw6
  14     LB_ALPHA_128_CCK
  19     CYC256_FINE_DC_EST_CCK
  23     hw6: BBB_MRC_OFF_NO_SWAP               ;\hw6
  24     hw6: SWAP_DEFAULT_CHAIN_CCK            ;/

ATH:02A20Ch/029E18h - BB_EXT_ATTEN_SWITCH_CTL_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B20Ch/02AE18h - BB_EXT_ATTEN_SWITCH_CTL_B1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    XATTEN1_DB
  6-11   XATTEN2_DB
  22-26  hw6: XLNA_GAIN_DB                      ;-hw6

ATH:02A210h/029D00h - BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_1 ;hw4/hw6
  11-15  MAX_BAL_LONG
  16-20  MAX_BAL_SHORT
  24-30  SB_CHECK_WIN
  31     EN_RX_ABORT_CCK

ATH:02A214h/029D04h - BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_2 ;hw4/hw6
  6-11   CHAN_AVG_LONG

ATH:02A218h/029D08h - BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_3 ;hw4/hw6
  16-23  TIMER_N_SFD

ATH:02A21Ch/029D0Ch - BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_4 ;hw4/hw6
  0-3    TIMER_N_SYNC
  31     hw6: USE_MRC_WEIGHT                    ;-hw6

ATH:02A220h/029D10h - BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_5 ;hw4/hw6
  16-20  LOOP_COEF_CCK_C1
  21-26  LOOP_COEF_CCK_C2

ATH:02A224h/029D14h - BB_BBB_RX_CTRL_6 ;hw4/hw6
  10     MAP_1S_TO_2S
  21     hw6: USE_MCORR_WEIGHT                  ;\
  22     hw6: USE_BKPWR_FOR_CENTER_INDEX        ;
  23     hw6: CCK_SEL_CHAIN_BY_EO               ; hw6
  24     hw6: FORCE_CCK_SEL_CHAIN               ;
  25     hw6: FORCE_CENTER_INDEX                ;/

ATH:02A228h/029FC4h - BB_BBB_DAGC_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  18-23  FIRSTEP_2
  28-29  hw6: FORCE_RX_CHAIN_CCK_0              ;\hw6
  30-31  hw6: FORCE_RX_CHAIN_CCK_1              ;/

ATH:02A22Ch/029D18h - BB_FORCE_CLKEN_CCK ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A230h/02A250h - BB_RX_CLEAR_DELAY ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A240h/029FCCh - BB_CCK_SPUR_MIT ;hw4/hw6
  1-8    SPUR_RSSI_THR
  9-28   CCK_SPUR_FREQ

  3      hw4: (PANIC_)WATCHDOG_DET_HANG         ;-hw4
  3      hw6: (PANIC_)WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT          ;-hw6



ATH:02A250h/029FC8h - BB_IQCORR_CTRL_CCK ;hw4/hw6
  21     hw4.2: CF_CLC_PAL_MODE         ;-hw4.2 only (removed again in hw6)

ATH:02A254h/02A7CCh - BB_BLUETOOTH_CNTL ;hw4/hw6
  0      BT_BREAK_CCK_EN
  2      hw6:ENABLE_RFBUS_GRANT_WAKEUP          ;-hw6

ATH:02A258h/02A3F8h - BB_TPC_1 ;hw4/hw6
  14-15  NUM_PD_GAIN

ATH:02A25Ch/02A3FCh - BB_TPC_2 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A260h/02A400h - BB_TPC_3 ;hw4/hw6
  8-15   TX_END_TO_PD_ACC_ON

ATH:02A264h/02A404h - BB_TPC_4_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B404h - BB_TPC_4_B1 ;hw6
  0      PD_AVG_VALID_0/1               (R)     ;\
  1-8    PD_AVG_OUT_0/1                 (R)     ;
  9-13   DAC_GAIN_0/1                   (R)     ; separate settings (on hw6)
  14-19  TX_GAIN_SETTING_0/1            (R)     ;
  20-24  RATE_SENT_0/1                  (R)     ;/
  25-30  ERROR_EST_UPDATE_POWER_THRESH          ;-global setting (not in B1)

ATH:02A268h/02A34Ch - BB_ANALOG_SWAP ;hw4/hw6
  6      SWAP_ALT_CHN

ATH:02A26Ch/02A408h - BB_TPC_5_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B408h - BB_TPC_5_B1 ;hw6
  0-3    PD_GAIN_OVERLAP                        ;-global setting (not in B1)
  4-9    PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_1_0/1                 ;\
  10-15  PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_2_0/1                 ; separate settings (on hw6)
  16-21  PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_3_0/1                 ;
  22-27  PD_GAIN_BOUNDARY_4_0/1                 ;/

ATH:02A270h/02A40Ch - BB_TPC_6_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B40Ch - BB_TPC_6_B1 ;hw6
  0-5    PD_DAC_SETTING_1
  6-11   PD_DAC_SETTING_2
  12-17  PD_DAC_SETTING_3
  18-23  PD_DAC_SETTING_4

ATH:02A274h/02A410h - BB_TPC_7 ;hw4/hw6
  12     EN_CL_GAIN_MOD
  13     USE_TX_PD_IN_XPA

ATH:02A280h..02A2FCh - BB_PDADC_TAB_B0[0..31] (W) ;hw4
ATH:02A480h..02A4FCh - BB_PDADC_TAB_B0[0..31] (W) ;hw6
ATH:02B480h..02B4FCh - BB_PDADC_TAB_B1[0..31] (W) ;hw6
  0-31   TAB_ENTRY                      (W)

ATH:02A300h..02A33Ch - BB_CL_TAB_B0[0..15] ;hw4
ATH:02A300h..02A33Ch - BB_CL_TAB_B0[0..15] ;hw6
ATH:02B300h..02B33Ch - BB_CL_TAB_B1[0..15] ;hw6 only (B1)
  0-4    CL_GAIN_MOD
  5-15   CARR_LK_DC_ADD_Q
  16-26  CARR_LK_DC_ADD_I
  27-30  BB_GAIN

ATH:02A340h/02A2DCh - BB_CL_MAP_0_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A344h/02A2E0h - BB_CL_MAP_1_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A348h/02A2E4h - BB_CL_MAP_2_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A34Ch/02A2E8h - BB_CL_MAP_3_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B2DCh - BB_CL_MAP_0_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B2E0h - BB_CL_MAP_1_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B2E4h - BB_CL_MAP_2_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B2E8h - BB_CL_MAP_3_B1 ;hw6
  0-31   CL_MAP

ATH:02A358h/02A2D8h - BB_CL_CAL_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  22-29  CF_ADC_BOUND
  31     CL_MAP_HW_GEN

ATH:02A388h/02A244h - BB_RIFS ;hw4/hw6

ATH:029934h/02A3C0h - BB_POWERTX_RATE1 ;Power TX_0..3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:029938h/02A3C4h - BB_POWERTX_RATE2 ;Power TX_4..7 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A234h/02A3C8h - BB_POWERTX_RATE3 ;Power TX_1L,2L,2S ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A238h/02A3CCh - BB_POWERTX_RATE4 ;Power TX_55L,55S,11L,11S ;hw4/hw6
  8-13   POWERTX_1 / POWERTX_5 / -          / POWERTX_55S

ATH:02A38Ch/02A3D0h - BB_POWERTX_RATE5 ;Power TX HT20_0..3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A390h/02A3D4h - BB_POWERTX_RATE6 ;Power TX HT20_4..7 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3CCh/02A3E4h - BB_POWERTX_RATE10 ;Power TX HT20_8..11 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3D0h/02A3E8h - BB_POWERTX_RATE11 ;Power TX HT20/40_12/13 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    POWERTX HT20_0 / HT20_4 / HT20_8  / HT20_12
  8-13   POWERTX HT20_1 / HT20_5 / HT20_9  / HT20_13
  16-21  POWERTX HT20_2 / HT20_6 / HT20_10 / HT40_12
  24-29  POWERTX HT20_3 / HT20_7 / HT20_11 / HT40_13

ATH:02A3C0h/02A3D8h - BB_POWERTX_RATE7 ;Power TX HT40_0..3 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3C4h/02A3DCh - BB_POWERTX_RATE8 ;Power TX HT40_4..7 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3D4h/02A3ECh - BB_POWERTX_RATE12 ;Power TX HT40_8..11 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3C8h/02A3E0h - BB_POWERTX_RATE9 ;PowerTX DUP40/EXT20_CCK/OFDM ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    POWERTX HT40_0 / HT40_4 / HT40_8  / DUP40_CCK
  8-13   POWERTX HT40_1 / HT40_5 / HT40_9  / DUP40_OFDM
  16-21  POWERTX HT40_2 / HT40_6 / HT40_10 / EXT20_CCK
  24-29  POWERTX HT40_3 / HT40_7 / HT40_11 / EXT20_OFDM

ATH:02A3BCh/02A3F4h - BB_POWERTX_SUB ;Power TX Sub_for_2chain ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A278h/02A414h - BB_TPC_8 ;DESIRED_SCALE_0..5 ;hw4/hw6
  0-4    DESIRED_SCALE_0
  5-9    DESIRED_SCALE_1
  10-14  DESIRED_SCALE_2
  15-19  DESIRED_SCALE_3
  20-24  DESIRED_SCALE_4
  25-29  DESIRED_SCALE_5

ATH:02A27Ch/02A418h - BB_TPC_9 ;DESIRED_SCALE_6,7,CCK and MISC ;hw4/hw6
  0-4    DESIRED_SCALE_6
  5-9    DESIRED_SCALE_7

ATH:02A394h/02A41Ch - BB_TPC_10 ;DESIRED_SCALE HT20_0..5 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3E4h/02A42Ch - BB_TPC_14 ;DESIRED_SCALE HT20_8..13 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3DCh/02A424h - BB_TPC_12 ;DESIRED_SCALE HT40_0..5 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3E0h/02A428h - BB_TPC_13 ;DESIRED_SCALE HT40_6..7 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A3E8h/02A430h - BB_TPC_15 ;DESIRED_SCALE HT40_8..13 ;hw4/hw6
  0-4    DESIRED_SCALE HT20_0 / HT20_8  / HT40_0 / HT40_6 / HT40_8
  5-9    DESIRED_SCALE HT20_1 / HT20_9  / HT40_1 / HT40_7 / HT40_9
  10-14  DESIRED_SCALE HT20_2 / HT20_10 / HT40_2 / -      / HT40_10
  15-19  DESIRED_SCALE HT20_3 / HT20_11 / HT40_3 / -      / HT40_11
  20-24  DESIRED_SCALE HT20_4 / HT20_12 / HT40_4 / -      / HT40_12
  25-29  DESIRED_SCALE HT20_5 / HT20_13 / HT40_5 / -      / HT40_13

ATH:02A398h/02A420h - BB_TPC_11_B0 ;DESIRED_SCALE HT20_6..7 and OLPC ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B420h - BB_TPC_11_B1 ;hw6
  0-4    DESIRED_SCALE HT20_6                   ;\global setting (not in B1)
  5-9    DESIRED_SCALE HT20_7                   ;/
  16-23  OLPC_GAIN_DELTA_0/1                    ;\
  24-31  hw4: OLPC_GAIN_DELTA_0/1_PAL_ON  ;-hw4 ; separate settings (on hw6)
  24-25  hw6: OLPC_GAIN_DELTA_0/1_LSB_EXT ;-hw6 ;/

ATH:02A39Ch/02A2C0h - BB_CAL_CHAIN_MASK ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A3D8h/02A358h - BB_FORCE_ANALOG ;hw4/hw6
  0      FORCE_XPAON

ATH:02A3ECh/02A434h - BB_TPC_16 ;hw4/hw6
  24-29  PDADC_PAR_CORR_HT40

ATH:02A3F0h/02A438h - BB_TPC_17 ;hw4/hw6
  0      ENABLE_PAL
  2      ENABLE_PAL_OFDM_20
  3      ENABLE_PAL_OFDM_40

ATH:02A3F4h/02A43Ch - BB_TPC_18 ;hw4/hw6
  17-22  hw6: MIN_POWER_THERM_VOLT_GAIN_CORR    ;-hw6

ATH:02A3F8h/02A440h - BB_TPC_19/BB_TPC_19_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B440h - BB_TPC_19_B1 ;hw6
  0-7    ALPHA_THERM
  16-20  ALPHA_VOLT

ATH:02A3FCh/02A444h - BB_TPC_20 ;hw4/hw6
  0-23   ENABLE_PAL_MCS_0..23

ATH:02A518h..02A554h - BB_CALTX_GAIN_SET_(0,2,4,6,..,28,30) ;hw4
ATH:02A600h..02A63Ch - BB_CALTX_GAIN_SET_(0,2,4,6,..,28,30) ;hw6
Contains 32 table entries (numbered 0..31), with two 14bit entries per word.
  0-13   CALTX_GAIN_SET_nn   table entry 0,2,4,6,...,28,30 accordingly
  14-27  CALTX_GAIN_SET_nn   table entry 1,3,5,7,...,29,31 accordingly
  28-31  -

ATH:02A400h..02A47Ch - BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_(1..32) ;hw4
ATH:02A500h..02A57Ch - BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_(1..32) ;hw6
Contains 32 table entries (numbered 1..32), with one 32bit entry per word.
  0-31   TG_TABLE entry   entry 1..32 accordingly
On hw6, the 32bit entries are expanded to 34bit size (with extra 2bits in the BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_xxx_LSB_EXT registers).

ATH:02A58Ch - BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_1_16_LSB_EXT ;hw6
ATH:02A590h - BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_17_32_LSB_EXT ;hw6
Contains 32 table entries (numbered 1..32), with sixteen 2bit entries per word.
  0-31   TG_TABLE_LSB_EXT  (sixteen 2bit entries per word)
These 2bit values are used to expand the 32bit entries in BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_(1..32) to 34bit size.

ATH:02A6DCh/02A644h - BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_0 ;hw4/hw6
  1-6    BASE_TX_TONE_DB
  30     hw6: ENABLE_COMBINED_CARR_IQ_CAL       ;\hw6
  31     hw6: ENABLE_TXIQ_CALIBRATE             ;/

ATH:02A6E0h/02A648h - BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    RX_INIT_GAIN_DB
  6-11   MAX_RX_GAIN_DB
  12-17  MIN_RX_GAIN_DB

ATH:02A6E4h/02A64Ch - BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_2 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A6E8h/0298B0h - BB_TXIQCAL_CONTROL_3 ;hw4/hw6
  0-5    PWR_HIGH_DB
  6-11   PWR_LOW_DB
  22-23  DC_EST_LEN
  24     ADC_SAT_LEN
  25-26  ADC_SAT_SEL
  31     TX_IQCORR_EN

ATH:02A6ECh/02A650h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_01_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A6F0h/02A654h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_23_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A6F4h/02A658h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_45_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A6F8h/02A65Ch - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_67_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A6FCh/02A660h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_89_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A700h/02A664h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_AB_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A704h/02A668h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_CD_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A708h/02A66Ch - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_EF_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B650h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_01_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B654h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_23_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B658h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_45_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B65Ch - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_67_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B660h - BB_TXIQ_CORR_COEFF_89_B1 ;hw6
The B0 (and B1) table each contain 16 entries (numbered 0..F), with two 14bit entries per word.
  0-13   IQC_COEFF_TABLE_n      ;table entry (n=0,2,4,6,8,A,C,E) accordingly
  14-27  IQC_COEFF_TABLE_n      ;table entry (n=1,3,5,7,9,B,D,F) accordingly
  28-31  -

ATH:02A70Ch/02A670h - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A710h/02A674h - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_4 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A714h/02A678h - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_8 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A718h/02A67Ch - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_12 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A71Ch/02A680h - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_16 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A720h/02A684h - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_20 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02A724h/02A688h - BB_CAL_RXBB_GAIN_TBL_24 ;hw4/hw6
Contains 25 table entries (numbered 0..24), with four 6bit entries per word (except, only one entry in the last word).
  0-5    TXCAL_RX_BB_GAIN_TABLE_n   ;table entry (n=0,4, 8,12,16,20,24)
  6-11   TXCAL_RX_BB_GAIN_TABLE_n   ;table entry (n=1,5, 9,13,17,21)
  12-17  TXCAL_RX_BB_GAIN_TABLE_n   ;table entry (n=2,6,10,14,18,22)
  18-23  TXCAL_RX_BB_GAIN_TABLE_n   ;table entry (n=3,7,11,15,19,23)
  24-31  -

ATH:02A728h/02A68Ch - BB_TXIQCAL_STATUS_B0 (R) ;hw4/hw6
  0      TXIQCAL_FAILED                 (R)
  1-5    CALIBRATED_GAINS               (R)
  6-11   TONE_GAIN_USED                 (R)
  12-17  RX_GAIN_USED                   (R)
  18-24  hw4: LAST_MEAS_ADDR (7bit)     (R)     ;-hw4
  18-23  hw6: LAST_MEAS_ADDR (6bit)     (R)     ;-hw6

ATH:02A7D8h/02A2CCh - BB_FCAL_1 ;hw4/hw6
  0-9    FLC_PB_FSTEP
  10-19  FLC_SB_FSTEP
  20-24  FLC_PB_ATTEN
  25-29  FLC_SB_ATTEN

ATH:02A7DCh/02A2D0h - BB_FCAL_2_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B2D0h - BB_FCAL_2_B1 ;hw6
  0-2    FLC_PWR_THRESH                         ;-global setting (not in B1)
  3-7    FLC_SW_CAP_VAL_0/1                     ;-separate settings (on hw6)
  8-9    FLC_BBMISCGAIN                         ;\
  10-12  FLC_BB1DBGAIN                          ;
  13-14  FLC_BB6DBGAIN                          ; global setting (not in B1)
  15     FLC_SW_CAP_SET                         ;
  16-18  FLC_MEAS_WIN                           ;/
  20-24  FLC_CAP_VAL_STATUS_0/1         (R)     ;-separate settings (on hw6)

ATH:02A7E0h/02A22Ch - BB_RADAR_BW_FILTER ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A7E4h/02A2D4h - BB_DFT_TONE_CTRL_B0 ;hw4/hw6
ATH:02B2D4h - BB_DFT_TONE_CTRL_B1 ;hw6
  0      DFT_TONE_EN

ATH:02A7E8h/02A448h - BB_THERM_ADC_1 ;hw4/hw6
  29     hw6: THERM_MEASURE_RESET                         ;/

ATH:02A7ECh/02A44Ch - BB_THERM_ADC_2 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A7F0h/02A450h - BB_THERM_ADC_3 ;hw4/hw6

ATH:02A7F4h/02A454h - BB_THERM_ADC_4 ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    LATEST_THERM_VALUE             (R)
  8-15   LATEST_VOLT_VALUE              (R)
  16-23  LATEST_ATB_VALUE               (R)
  24     hw6: FORCE_THERM_CHAIN                           ;\hw6
  25-27  hw6: PREFERRED_THERM_CHAIN                       ;/

ATH:02A7F8h/02A458h - BB_TX_FORCED_GAIN ;hw4/hw6
  0      FORCE_TX_GAIN
  25-27  hw6: FORCED_OB                         ;\
  28-30  hw6: FORCED_DB                         ; hw6
  31     hw6: FORCED_GREEN_PAPRD_ENABLE         ;/

ATH:02A7FCh/02A7DCh - BB_ECO_CTRL ;hw4/hw6
  0-7    ECO_CTRL

 ______________ below in hw4.2 and hw6 only (not original hw4) ______________

ATH:029DE4h/0298E4h - BB_PAPRD_AM2AM_MASK ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-24   PAPRD_AM2AM_MASK                       ;-newer revision only

ATH:029DE8h/0298E8h - BB_PAPRD_AM2PM_MASK ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-24   PAPRD_AM2PM_MASK                       ;-newer revision only

ATH:029DECh/0298ECh - BB_PAPRD_HT40_MASK ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-24   PAPRD_HT40_MASK                        ;-newer revision only

ATH:029DF0h - BB_PAPRD_CTRL0 ;hw4.2 (not original hw4)
ATH:0298F0h - BB_PAPRD_CTRL0_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02A8F0h - BB_PAPRD_CTRL0_B1 ;hw6
  0      PAPRD_ENABLE                           ;\
  1      PAPRD_ADAPTIVE_USE_SINGLE_TABLE        ; newer revision only
  2-26   PAPRD_VALID_GAIN                       ;
  27-31  PAPRD_MAG_THRSH                        ;/

ATH:029DF4h - BB_PAPRD_CTRL1 ;hw4.2 (not original hw4)
ATH:0298F4h - BB_PAPRD_CTRL1_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02A8F4h - BB_PAPRD_CTRL1_B1 ;hw6
  1      PAPRD_ADAPTIVE_AM2AM_ENABLE            ;
  2      PAPRD_ADAPTIVE_AM2PM_ENABLE            ; newer revision only
  3-8    PAPRD_POWER_AT_AM2AM_CAL               ;
  9-16   PA_GAIN_SCALE_FACTOR                   ;
  17-26  PAPRD_MAG_SCALE_FACTOR                 ;
  27     PAPRD_TRAINER_IANDQ_SEL                ;/

ATH:029DF8h - BB_PA_GAIN123 ;hw4.2 (not original hw4)
ATH:0298F8h - BB_PA_GAIN123_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02A8F8h - BB_PA_GAIN123_B1 ;hw6
  0-9    PA_GAIN1                               ;\
  10-19  PA_GAIN2                               ; newer revision only
  20-29  PA_GAIN3                               ;/

ATH:029DFCh - BB_PA_GAIN45 ;hw4.2 (not original hw4)
ATH:0298FCh - BB_PA_GAIN45_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02A8FCh - BB_PA_GAIN45_B1 ;hw6
  0-9    PA_GAIN4                               ;\
  10-19  PA_GAIN5                               ; newer revision only
  20-24  PAPRD_ADAPTIVE_TABLE_VALID             ;/

ATH:029E00h..029E1Ch - BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_(0..7) ;hw4.2 (not hw4)
ATH:029900h..02991Ch - BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_(0..7)_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02A900h..02A91Ch - BB_PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALE_(0..7)_B1 ;hw6
  0-17   PAPRD_PRE_POST_SCALING                 ;-newer revision only

ATH:029E20h.. - BB_PAPRD_MEM_TAB[......] ;hw4.2 (not original hw4)
ATH:029920h.. - BB_PAPRD_MEM_TAB_B0[0..119] ;hw6
ATH:02A920h.. - BB_PAPRD_MEM_TAB_B1[0..119] ;hw6
  0-21   PAPRD_MEM                              ;-newer revision only

ATH:02A35Ch/02A2ECh - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_0_B0 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
ATH:02A360h/02A2F0h - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_1_B0 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
ATH:02A364h/02A2F4h - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_2_B0 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
ATH:02A368h/02A2F8h - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_3_B0 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
ATH:02B2ECh - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_0_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B2F0h - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_1_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B2F4h - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_2_B1 ;hw6
ATH:02B2F8h - BB_CL_MAP_PAL_3_B1 ;hw6
  0-31   CL_MAP_PAL

ATH:02A72Ch/02A690h - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL1 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0      CF_PAPRD_TRAIN_ENABLE                  ;\
  1-7    CF_PAPRD_AGC2_SETTLING                 ;
  8      CF_PAPRD_IQCORR_ENABLE                 ; newer revision only
  9      CF_PAPRD_RX_BB_GAIN_FORCE              ;
  10     CF_PAPRD_TX_GAIN_FORCE                 ;
  11     CF_PAPRD_LB_ENABLE                     ;
  12-18  CF_PAPRD_LB_SKIP                       ;/

ATH:02A730h/02A694h - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL2 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-31   CF_PAPRD_INIT_RX_BB_GAIN               ;-newer revision only

ATH:02A734h/02A698h - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL3 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-5    CF_PAPRD_ADC_DESIRED_SIZE              ;\
  6-11   CF_PAPRD_QUICK_DROP                    ;
  12-16  CF_PAPRD_MIN_LOOPBACK_DEL              ;
  17-19  CF_PAPRD_NUM_CORR_STAGES               ; newer revision only
  20-23  CF_PAPRD_COARSE_CORR_LEN               ;
  24-27  CF_PAPRD_FINE_CORR_LEN                 ;/
  28     hw4.2: CF_PAPRD_BBTXMIX_DISABLE        ;-hw4.2
  28     hw6: CF_PAPRD_REUSE_CORR               ;\hw6
  29     hw6: CF_PAPRD_BBTXMIX_DISABLE          ;/

ATH:02A738h/02A69Ch - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_CNTL4 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-11   CF_PAPRD_MIN_CORR                      ;\
  12-15  CF_PAPRD_SAFETY_DELTA                  ; newer revision only
  16-25  CF_PAPRD_NUM_TRAIN_SAMPLES             ;/

ATH:02A73Ch/02A6A0h - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT1 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0      PAPRD_TRAIN_DONE                       ;\
  1      PAPRD_TRAIN_INCOMPLETE         (R)     ;
  2      PAPRD_CORR_ERR                 (R)     ; newer revision only
  3      PAPRD_TRAIN_ACTIVE             (R)     ;
  4-8    PAPRD_RX_GAIN_IDX              (R)     ;
  9-16   PAPRD_AGC2_PWR                 (R)     ;/

ATH:02A740h/02A6A4h - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT2 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-15   PAPRD_FINE_VAL                 (R)     ;\
  16-20  PAPRD_COARSE_IDX               (R)     ; newer revision only
  21-22  PAPRD_FINE_IDX                 (R)     ;/

ATH:02A744h/02A6A8h - BB_PAPRD_TRAINER_STAT3 ;hw4.2/hw6 (not original hw4)
  0-19   PAPRD_TRAIN_SAMPLES_CNT        (R)     ;-newer revision only

 ____________________________ below on hw4 only ____________________________

ATH:02A480h..02A4FCh - BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_PAL_(1..32) ;hw4 only (not hw6)
Contains 32 table entries (numbered 1..32), with one 32bit entry per word.
  0-31   TG_TABLE_PAL_ON   entry 1..32 accordingly
Seems to be some extra table, alternately to "BB_TX_GAIN_TAB_(1..32)". In hw6, this has been replaced by the "LSB_EXT" feature (see BB_TPC_11).

ATH:02A558h..02A6D4h - BB_TXIQCAL_MEAS_B0[0..95] (R) ;hw4 only (not hw6)
  0-11   TXIQC_MEAS_DATA0_0             (R)   ;entry 0,2,4,...,190 (?)
  12-23  TXIQC_MEAS_DATA1_0             (R)   ;entry 1,3,5,...,191 (?)
  24-31  -

ATH:02A6D8h - BB_TXIQCAL_START ;hw4 only (not hw6)
  0      DO_TX_IQCAL

 ____________________________ below on hw6 only ____________________________

ATH:029C04h - BB_LDPC_CNTL1 ;hw6

ATH:029C08h - BB_LDPC_CNTL2 ;hw6

ATH:029C18h - BB_ML_CNTL1 ;hw6

ATH:029C1Ch - BB_ML_CNTL2 ;hw6

ATH:029E54h - BB_BT_COEX_1 ;hw6
  15-19  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_LOW_1
  20-24  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_MED_1

ATH:029E58h - BB_BT_COEX_2 ;hw6
  15-19  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_LOW_2
  20-24  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_MED_2
  30-31  RFSAT_RX_RX

ATH:029E5Ch - BB_BT_COEX_3 ;hw6
  18-22  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_NON_1
  23-27  RF_GAIN_DROP_DB_NON_2

ATH:029E60h - BB_BT_COEX_4 ;RFGAIN_EQV_LNA_0..3 ;hw6
ATH:029E64h - BB_BT_COEX_5 ;RFGAIN_EQV_LNA_4..7 ;hw6

ATH:029E68h - BB_REDPWR_CTRL_1 ;hw6
  0-1    REDPWR_MODE
  4-8    GAIN_CORR_DB2
  18     BYPASS_FIR_F
  19     ADC_HALF_REF_F

ATH:029E6Ch - BB_REDPWR_CTRL_2 ;hw6
  0-6    SC01_SW_INDEX
  7-13   SC10_SW_INDEX
  14-20  LAST_SC0_INDEX

ATH:029FD0h - BB_MRC_CCK_CTRL ;hw6
  0      BBB_MRC_EN


ATH:02A384h - BB_SM_HIST ;hw6
  0      SM_REC_EN
  1      SM_REC_MODE
  2-3    SM_REC_TIME_RES
  4-11   SM_REC_PART_EN
  12-14  SM_REC_CHN_EN
  15-18  SM_REC_DATA_NUM
  19     SM_REC_AGC_SEL
  20-22  SM_REC_MAC_TRIG
  24-29  SM_REC_LAST_ADDR               (R)

ATH:02A580h - BB_RTT_CTRL ;hw6

  1      GREEN_CASES

ATH:02D800h - BB_MIT_RF_CNTL ;hw6

ATH:02D804h - BB_MIT_CCA_CNTL ;hw6
  3-20   MIT_CCA_COUNT

ATH:02D808h - BB_MIT_RSSI_CNTL_1 ;hw6
  0-5    MIT_RSSI_TH
  6-11   MIT_RX_RF_ATT_TH_H
  12-17  MIT_RX_RF_ATT_TH_L
  24-29  MIT_AGC_LIMIT

ATH:02D80Ch - BB_MIT_RSSI_CNTL_2 ;hw6
  0      MIT_AGC_SEL
  1-11   MIT_RSSI_BASE

ATH:02D810h - BB_MIT_TX_CNTL ;hw6
  0-7    MIT_TX_STA_CNT

ATH:02D814h - BB_MIT_RX_CNTL ;hw6

ATH:02D818h - BB_MIT_OUT_CNTL ;hw6

  0-30   MIT_SPARE_IN
  31     MIT_SPARE_OUT                  (R)

ATH:029F90h - BB_DC_CAL_STATUS_B0 (R) ;hw6
ATH:02AF90h - BB_DC_CAL_STATUS_B1 (R) ;hw6
  0-4    OFFSETC1I                      (R)
  5-9    OFFSETC1Q                      (R)
  10-14  OFFSETC2I                      (R)
  15-19  OFFSETC2Q                      (R)
  20-24  OFFSETC3I                      (R)
  25-29  OFFSETC3Q                      (R)

ATH:02A584h - BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02B584h - BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_B1 ;hw6

ATH:02A588h - BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_1_B0 ;hw6
ATH:02B588h - BB_RTT_TABLE_SW_INTF_1_B1 ;hw6

  2-17   TABLES_ADDR

  0-31   TABLES_DATA

ATH:02CE00h - BB_DUMMY (R) ;hw6
ATH:02C800h - BB_DUMMY1[0..255] (R) ;hw6
ATH:02D200h - BB_DUMMY2[0..383] (R) ;hw6
  0      DUMMY                          (R)
Whatever "dummy" registers, maybe intended only for padding purposes; to get the three BB_RSSI_B0/B1/B3 registers mapped to 029F80h+(0,1,3)*1000h on hw6.

 _______________________ missing B1 registers in hw4 _______________________

hw4 does have only a few "B1" registers defined, although it does have a lot of "B0" registers - which would suggest the presence of corresponding "B1" registers, but those seem to exist only on hw6.
Maybe the hw4 designed was already aimed at adding "B1" registers in future.
Or maybe the "B1" registers DO EXIST even on hw4, being accessd by using something like "address of B0 register PLUS some offset", or by using the so-called "BASEBAND_2" and/or "BASEBAND_3" regions - and without mentioning that anywhere in hw4 source code?

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 0xxx00h - RDMA Registers (hw4/hw6)

These registers are same in hw4/hw6, except that:
 - base address changed from 30100h (hw4) to 54D00h (hw6)
 - number of regions has increased from 16 (hw4) to 32 (hw6)
 - accordingly, index for STATUS and INT_EN has has changed

ATH:030100h/054D00h - DMA_CONFIG ;hw4/hw6
  0      DMA_TYPE
  3      WLMAC_PWD_EN
  4      WLBB_PWD_EN
  5-31   -

ATH:030104h/054D04h - DMA_CONTROL ;hw4/hw6
  0      STOP
  1      START
  2-31   -

ATH:030108h/054D08h - DMA_SRC ;hw4/hw6
ATH:03010Ch/054D0Ch - DMA_DEST ;hw4/hw6
  0-1    -
  2-31   ADDR

ATH:030110h/054D10h - DMA_LENGTH ;hw4/hw6
  0-11   WORDS
  12-31  -

ATH:030114h/054D14h - VMC_BASE ;hw4/hw6
  0-1    -
  2-31   ADDR

ATH:030118h/054D18h - INDIRECT_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0-1    -
  2-31   ID

ATH:03011Ch/054D1Ch - INDIRECT_RETURN ;hw4/hw6
  0-1    -
  2-31   ADDR

ATH:030120h..3015Ch - RDMA_REGION_(0..15)_ - located here in hw4, 16 regions
ATH:054D20h..54D9Ch - RDMA_REGION_(0..31)_ - located here in hw6, 32 regions
  0      NEXT
  1      INDI
  2-12   LENGTH
  13-31  ADDR

ATH:030160h/054DA0h - DMA_STATUS ;hw4/hw6
ATH:030164h/054DA4h - DMA_INT_EN ;hw4/hw6
  0      RUNNING       ;STATUS only (not INT_EN)
  1      STOPPED
  2      DONE
  3      ERROR
  4-14   ERROR_CODE    ;STATUS only (not INT_EN)
  15-31  -

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 03x000h - EFUSE Registers (hw4/hw6)

EFUSE exists in hw4/hw6, with some differences
 - base address changed from 31000h (hw4) to 30000h (hw6)
 - the single INTF region (hw4) replaced by two INTF regions (hw6)
 - four new registers added in hw6
 - indices for the two STROBE registers have changed

ATH:031000h/030000h - EFUSE_WR_ENABLE_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0      V
  1-31   -

ATH:031004h/030004h - EFUSE_INT_ENABLE_REG ;hw4/hw6
ATH:031008h/030008h - EFUSE_INT_STATUS_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0      V
  1-31   -

ATH:03100Ch/03000Ch - BITMASK_WR_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   V

ATH:031010h/030010h - VDDQ_SETTLE_TIME_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   V

ATH:031014h/030018h - RD_STROBE_PW_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   V

ATH:031018h/03001Ch - PG_STROBE_PW_REG ;hw4/hw6
  0-31   V

ATH:031800h..031FFCh - EFUSE_INTF[0..511] - only one single area in hw4
ATH:030800h..030FFCh - EFUSE_INTF0[0..511] - first area in hw6 here
ATH:031000h..0317FCh - EFUSE_INTF1[0..511] - second area in hw6 here
  0-31   R

ATH:030014h - VDDQ_HOLD_TIME_REG ;hw6 only
  0-31   V

ATH:030020h - PGENB_SETUP_HOLD_TIME_REG ;hw6 only
  0-31   V

  0-31   V

ATH:030028h - CSB_ADDR_LOAD_SETUP_HOLD_REG ;hw6 only
  0-31   V

  DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 034000h - More Stuff (hw6)

 __________________________________ STEREO __________________________________

  0-7    POSEDGE
  8      MASTER
  10     MCK_SEL
  11     I2S_WORD_SIZE
  14-15  STEREO_MONO
  16     MIC_WORD_SIZE
  17     PCM_SWAP
  18     I2S_DELAY
  19     RESET
  20     MIC_RESET
  21     ENABLE
  22     REFCLK_SEL

  0-4    CHANNEL0
  8-12   CHANNEL1

  0      MCK_SEL

  0-15   CH0
  16-31  CH1

 ________________________________ CHKSUM SEG ________________________________

  0      TXEN

  0-31   ADDR

  0      UNDERRUN0
  1      UNDERRUN1
  2      UNDERRUN2
  3      UNDERRUN3
  4      BUSERROR
  5-8    DESC_INTR
  16-23  PKTCNT0
  24-25  CHAIN_NUM                      (R)

  0      RRMODE
  8-13   WGT0
  14-19  WGT1
  20-25  WGT2
  26-31  WGT3

  0-8    PKTCNT0 / PKTCNT2   ;9bit each
  16-24  PKTCNT1 / PKTCNT3

  0-7    N/A ?
  8-15   PKTCNT1             ;8bit each
  16-23  PKTCNT2
  24-31  PKTCNT3

  0      RXEN

  0-31   ADDR

  0      OVERFLOW
  1      BUSERROR
  2      DESC_INTR
  16-23  PKTCNT

ATH:035040h - CHKSUM_ACC_INTR (R) ;ACC Interrupt (readonly)
ATH:035044h - CHKSUM_ACC_IMASK ;ACC Interrupt Mask
  0-3    RX_VAL
  4-16   TX_VAL

  0-9    MAX_TX
  10     INCR16_EN
  11     INCR8_EN
  16-25  MAX_RX

  0      TX
  1      RX

  0      CHKSUM_SWAP
  4-9    TXFIFO_MAX_TH
  16-21  TXFIFO_MIN_TH
  22-31  SPARE

 ___________________________________ MMAC ___________________________________

ATH:038000h - RX_FRAME0
ATH:038008h - RX_FRAME1
  0      OWN
  1-12   LEN                            (R)
  13-14  SEQ_NUM                        (R)

ATH:038004h - RX_FRAME_0
ATH:03800Ch - RX_FRAME_1
  0-31   ADDR

  0      RX_DONE0
  1      RX_CRC_FAIL0
  2      ACK_RESP_FAIL0
  3      RX_DONE1
  4      RX_CRC_FAIL1
  5      ACK_RESP_FAIL1
  7      TX_DONE
  10     TX_ERROR

ATH:038018h - RX_PARAM1
  0-31   VAP_ADDR_L

ATH:03801Ch - RX_PARAM0
  0-15   VAP_ADDR_U
  16-21  SIFS
  24-26  TYPE_FILTER
  27     LIVE_MODE

ATH:038020h - TX_COMMAND0
  0-11   LEN
  12     CRC
  13     EXP_ACK

ATH:038024h - TX_COMMAND
  0-31   ADDR

ATH:038028h - TX_PARAM
  0      ACK_MODE_EN
  1-6    ACK_TIMEOUT
  7-14   BACKOFF
  16-23  ACKF_RSSI

  0-15   INTERVAL
  16-27  LEN
  28     EN
  29     CRC
  30     RESET_TS

ATH:038030h - BEACON
  0-31   ADDR

ATH:038034h - TSF_L
ATH:038038h - TSF_U
  0-31   COUNT

 ___________________________________ FPGA ___________________________________

ATH:039000h - FPGA_REG1
  2      DCM_RELEASE
  21-30  SPARE_FPGA_REG1

ATH:039004h - FPGA_REG2
  14-31  FPGA_SPARE

ATH:039008h - FPGA_REG4
  0      RADIO_0_TCK
  1      RADIO_0_TDI
  2      RADIO_0_TMS
  3      RADIO_0_TDO

 _______________________________ BRIDGE INTR _______________________________

  0-7    RX_(0..7)_COMPLETE
  8-15   RX_(0..7)_END
  16-23  TX_(0..7)_COMPLETE
  24-31  TX_(0..7)_END

 ___________________________________ MII ___________________________________

ATH:040100h - MII0_CNTL
  0-1    SELECT
  2      MASTER
  4-5    SPEED
  8-9    RGMII_DELAY

ATH:040104h - STAT_CNTL (whatever, MII related?)
  0      AUTOZ
  1      CLRCNT
  2      STEN
  3      GIG

 ___________________________________ MDIO ___________________________________

ATH:040200h - MDIO_REG[0..7]
  0-15   VALUE

ATH:040220h - MDIO_ISR
  0-7    REGS
  8-15   MASK

ATH:040224h - PHY_ADDR (whatever, MDIO related?)
  0-2    VAL

 _______________________________ BRIDGE RX/TX _______________________________

  0-31   ADDRESS

  0      START
  4      RESTART

  0-3    COUNT
  4-15   TIMEOUT

  0-1    BURST

  0-7    OFFSET

  0      TCP
  1      UDP

ATH:040814h - GMAC_RX_0_DBG_RX
  0-3    STATE

ATH:040C10h - GMAC_TX_0_DBG_TX
  0-2    STATE

  0-31   ADDR

  0      SWAP
  1      SWAPD

 _________________________________ USB CAST _________________________________

ATH:054000h - ENDP0
  0-7    MAXP
  16     STALL
  17     HSNAK
  20     DSTALL
  23     CHGSETUP

ATH:054008h - OUT1ENDP
ATH:054010h - OUT2ENDP
ATH:054018h - OUT3ENDP
ATH:054020h - OUT4ENDP
ATH:054028h - OUT5ENDP
ATH:05400Ch - IN1ENDP
ATH:054014h - IN2ENDP
ATH:05401Ch - IN3ENDP
ATH:054024h - IN4ENDP
ATH:05402Ch - IN5ENDP
  0-10   MAXP
  18-19  TYPE
  20-21  ISOD
  22     STALL
  23     VAL
  24     ISOERR
  28     HCSET          ;<-- for INxENDP registers only (not OUTxENDP)

  0      LS
  1      FS
  2      HS
  4      HOST
  5      DEVICE

ATH:054188h - EPIRQ ;Endpoint Interrupt Request
ATH:054194h - EPIEN ;Endpoint Interrupt Enable
  0-15   IN 0..15
  16-31  OUT 0..15

ATH:05418Ch - USBIRQ ;USB Interrupt Request
ATH:054198h - PIEN ;P Interrupt Enable
  0      SUDAV          IR
  1      SOF            IR
  2      SUTOK          IR
  3      SUSP           IR
  4      URES           IR
  5      HSPEED         IR
  6      OVERFLOW       IR
  7      LPM            IR
  16-31  OUTP           NGIRQ ?

ATH:0541A4h - FNCTRL
  0-2    MFR
  3-7    FRMNR0
  8-13   FRMNR1
  16-22  FNADDR
  24-31  CLKGATE

  8-11   OTGSTATE

  0-15   IN 0..15
  16..31 OUT 0..15

ATH:054400h - EP0DMAADDR ;what is Endpoint 0, normal are 1..5, not 0?
ATH:054420h - EP1DMAADDR
ATH:054440h - EP2DMAADDR
ATH:054460h - EP3DMAADDR
ATH:054480h - EP4DMAADDR
  2-31   ADDR

  2-15   RINGSIZ
  16     ENDIAN
  17     DMASTOP
  18     DMASTART
  20     DMATUNLIM
  21     DMANINCR
  22     DMARING
  25     HLOCK
  26-27  HSIZE
  28-31  HRPROT


 ________________________________ I2C SLAVE ________________________________

  0      FIFO RESET

ATH:054E04h - I2CFIFOREADPTR ;FIFO Read WR+RD Pointers
ATH:054E10h - I2CFIFOWRITEPTR ;FIFO Write WR+RD Pointers
  0-9    WR PTR                         (R)
  16-25  RD PTR                         (R)

  0-10   UPDATE

  0-31   BASE

ATH:054E1Ch - I2CMEMCONTROL ;Mem Control
  0      RESET
  1      FLUSH

ATH:054E20h - I2CMEMBASEADDR ;Mem Base Address
  0-31   BASE

ATH:054E24h - I2CREGREADDATA ;Reg Read Data
ATH:054E28h - I2CREGWRITEDATA ;Reg Write Data (R) ;uh, write is read-only?
  0-31   DATA

ATH:054E2Ch - I2CREGCONTROL ;Reg Control
  0      RESET
  1      READ STALL
  2      WRITE STALL
  3-5    READ COUNT                (R)
  6-8    WRITE COUNT               (R)
  9      READ EMPTY                (R)
  10     WRITE FULL                (R)

ATH:054E30h - I2CCSRREADDATA ;Csr Read Data
ATH:054E34h - I2CCSRWRITEDATA ;Csr Write Data (R) ;uh, write is read-only?
  0-5    DATA (6bit, what is that?)

ATH:054E38h - I2CCSRCONTROL ;Csr Control
  0-7    READDELAY

ATH:054E3Ch - I2CFILTERSIZE ;Filter Size
  0-7    SDA RX SIZE
  8-15   SCL RX SIZE

ATH:054E40h - I2CADDR ;Address
  0-6    FIFO ADDR
  8-14   MEM ADDR
  16-22  REG ADDR
  24-30  CSR ADDR

ATH:054E44h - I2CINT ;Interrupt Status
ATH:054E48h - I2CINTEN ;Interrupt Enable
  0      FIFO READ START INT            ;\
  1      FIFO READ FINISH INT           ;
  2      FIFO WRITE START INT           ;
  3      FIFO WRITE FINISH INT          ; R/W
  4      REG READ START INT             ;
  5      REG READ FINISH INT            ;
  6      REG WRITE START INT            ;
  7      REG WRITE FINISH INT           ;/
  8      FIFO READ EMPTY INT            ;\
  9      FIFO WRITE FULL INT            ; For Status: R
  10     FIFO READ THRESHOLD INT        ; For Enable: R/W
  11     FIFO WRITE THRESHOLD INT       ;/
  12     CSR INT                        ;-R/W

ATH:054E4Ch - I2CINTCSR ;Int Csr
  0      INT    ;Status            (R)
  1      INTEN  ;Enable

 _________________________________ MAP I2S _________________________________

ATH:055000h - MBOX_FIFO
  0-19   DATA

  0      FULL
  2      EMPTY

  0      RX_ORDER
  1      RX_QUANTUM
  2      TX_ORDER
  3      TX_QUANTUM
  4-7    TX_FIFO_THRESH0

  2-27   ADDRESS

  0      STOP
  1      START
  2      RESUME

  0      RX_SOM
  2      RX_EOM

  0-7    VALUE
  8      ENABLE

  0      RX_NOT_FULL
  2      TX_NOT_EMPTY
  5      TX_OVERFLOW

  0      TX_INIT
  2      RX_INIT

  0-31   ADDRESS


 __________________________________ MAP RF __________________________________

ATH:xxx400h - INT_PENDING[0..11]
  0-31   REG (32bit x 12 entries)

ATH:xxx460h - INT_SRC (R)
  0-11   REG (12bit)    (R)

ATH:xxx430h - BB_WR_MASK_0
ATH:xxx434h - BB_WR_MASK_1
ATH:xxx438h - BB_WR_MASK_2
ATH:xxx43Ch - BB_WR_MASK_3
ATH:xxx448h - BB_RD_MASK_0
ATH:xxx44Ch - BB_RD_MASK_1
ATH:xxx450h - BB_RD_MASK_2
ATH:xxx454h - BB_RD_MASK_3
  0-10   REG (11bit)

ATH:xxx440h - RF_WR_MASK_0
ATH:xxx444h - RF_WR_MASK_1
ATH:xxx458h - RF_RD_MASK_0
ATH:xxx45Ch - RF_RD_MASK_1
  0-8    REG (9bit)

ATH:xxx000h - RAM1[0..255]
  0-7    DATA (8bit)
  8-31   -

ATH:xxx800h - RAM2[0..127]
  0-6    DATA (7bit)
  7-31   -

 ___________________________________ ODIN ___________________________________

ATH:xxx000h - PHY_CTRL0
  0-2    PLL_ICP
  3-5    PLL_RS
  6-14   PLL_DIV
  15-17  PLL_MOD
  18     PLL_OVERIDE
  20     RX_PATTERN_EN
  21     TX_PATTERN_EN
  24-31  LOOPBACK_ERR_CNT   (R)

ATH:xxx004h - PHY_CTRL1
  0-1    RX_FILBW_SEL
  3      RX_BYPASSEQ
  4      RX_LOWR_PDET
  5-6    RX_SELIR_100M
  7      RX_SELVREF0P6
  8      RX_SELVREF0P25
  9-11   RX_RSVD
  12     NO_PLL_PWD
  23-25  CLKOBS_SEL
  31     PLL_OBS_MODE_N

ATH:xxx008h - PHY_CTRL2
  2-7    PWD_IPLL
  8-13   PWD_ISP
  20     TX_CAL_EN
  21     TX_CAL_SEL
  22-25  TX_MAN_CAL
  26     TX_LCKDET_OVR
  27-30  TX_RSVD
  31     PWD_EXTBIAS

ATH:xxx00Ch - PHY_CTRL3
  0-18   PWD_ITX
  22-24  TX_SELTEST
  25     TX_STARTCAL

ATH:xxx010h - PHY_CTRL4
  0-11   PWD_IRX

ATH:xxx014h - PHY_CTRL5
  0-6    TX_BIAS_DELAY
  13     FORCE_IDDQ
  14     FORCE_TEST_J
  15     FORCE_TEST_K
  18-19  XCVR_SEL
  20     TERM_SEL
  21     SUSPEND_N
  22     DP_PULLDOWN
  23     DM_PULLDOWN

ATH:xxx018h - PHY_CTRL6
  0      AVALID
  1      BVALID
  2      VBUSVALID
  3      SESSEND
  4      IDDIG

ATH:xxx01Ch - PHY_STATUS (R)
  0-3    TX_CAL      (R)

  DSi GPIO Registers

4004C00h DSi7 - GPIO Data In (R) (even in DS mode)
  0     GPIO18[0]   ;\maybe 1.8V signals? (1=normal)
  1     GPIO18[1]   ; (maybe these are the three "NC" pins on CPU,
  2     GPIO18[2]   ;/near to the other GPIO pins)
  3     Unused (0)
  4     GPIO33[0] Probably "GPIO330" test point on mainboard
  5     GPIO33[1] Headphone connect (HP#SP) (0=None, 1=Connected)
  6     GPIO33[2] Powerbutton interrupt (0=Short Keydown Pulse, 1=Normal)
  7     GPIO33[3] Maybe the "via" near GPIO330 test point    (TSC related?)
One of the above is probably the "IRQ_O" signal on mainboard (possibly the "power button" bit; if so, then that bit might be some general interrupt from the "BPTWL" chip, rather than being solely related to the power button).
Bit0-2 might be unused "NC" pins. Bit4 might be GPIO330, which might be just a test point without other connection. Bit7 might be connected to one of unknown vias, and which might connect to somewhere (the cooking coach cart sets interrupt edge select bit7; which hints that the pin could be used for something; the interrupt isn't actually enabled though).
Some bits seem to be floating high-z (when switching from output/low to input they won't <instantly> get high).

4004C00h DSi7 - GPIO Data Out (W)
  0-2   GPIO18[0-2] Data Output (0=Low, 1=High)
  3     Unused (0)
  4-7   GPIO33[0-3] Data Output (0=Low, 1=High)
Used only when below is set to direction=out.

4004C01h DSi7 - GPIO Data Direction (R/W)
  0-2   GPIO18[0-2] Data Direction (0=Normal/Input, 1=Output)
  3     Unused (0)
  4-7   GPIO33[0-3] Data Direction (0=Normal/Input, 1=Output)
Should be usually set to 00h=Input. When using output direction, the "Data In" register will return the "Data Out" value ANDed with external inputs.

Observe that HP#SP could be used as Output (output/low will probably cause the DSi to believe that there is no headphone connected, thus forcing the internal speakers to be enabled; possible with/without disabling the headphones?).

4004C02h DSi7 - GPIO Interrupt Edge Select (R/W)
  0-2   GPIO18[0-2] Interrupt Edge Select (0=Falling, 1=Rising)
  3     Unused (0)
  4-7   GPIO33[0-3] Interrupt Edge Select (0=Falling, 1=Rising)

4004C03h DSi7 - GPIO Interrupt Enable (R/W)
  0-2   GPIO18[0-2] Interrupt Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  3     Unused (0)
  4-7   GPIO33[0-3] Interrupt Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)

  DSi Console IDs

The DSi contains several unique per-console numbers:
  CPU/Console ID     - Found in Port 4004D00h, in AES Keys, and in Files
  eMMC CID Register  - Found in Main RAM, and in eMMC CID register
  Serial/Barcode     - Found in Main RAM, and on stickers, and in HWINFO_S.dat
  Wifi MAC Address   - Found in Main RAM, and in Wifi FLASH
  Nintendo WFC ID    - Found in Wifi FLASH

4004D00h - DSi7 - CPU/Console ID Code (64bit)
  0-63  CPU/Console ID Code
This appears to be a PROM inside of the CPU TWL chip. The value is used to initialize KEY_X values for eMMC encryption/decryption. Common 64bit settings are:
  08A20nnnnnnnn1nnh  for DSi
  08A19???????????h  for some other DSi
  08A15???????????h  for some other DSi
  08201nnnnnnnn1nnh  for DSi XL
  6B27D20002000000h  for n3DS
The "n" digits appear to be always in BCD range (0..9), the other digits appear to be fixed (on all known consoles; ie. on three DSi's and two DSi XL's and null 3DS's). For 3DS it's unknown if 4004D00h exists in DSi mode (though there's probably a similar register in 3DS mode). The 64bit value is also stored as 16-byte ASCII string in "". And, the ASCII string is also stored in footer of "Tad Files on SD Cards".
Port 4004D00h should be read only if the flag in 4004D08h is zero. Moreover, Port 4004D00h can be read only by firmware, and get's disabled for all known games, so exploits will only see zeroes in 4004D00h..4004D08h.
Easiest way to obtain the 64bit value would be extracting it from SD Card (using modified "DSi SRL Extract" source code).
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on External SD Card (.bin aka Tad Files)
Obtaining the 64bit value by DSi software is working only indirectly:
With sudokuhax it can be simply "read" from 40044E0h (LSW) and 40044ECh (MSW). Whereas, that ports are write-only, so it needs some small efforts to "read" them.
With other exploits it's a bit more difficult: The values at 40044D4h..40044FBh are destroyed, but 40044D0h..40044D3h is left intact, which can be used to compute the original MSW value at 40044ECh, using a bunch of constants and maths operations (caution: the result may depend on carry-in from unknown LSBs, eg. the MSW may appear as 08A2nnnnh or 08E2nnnnh). Next, one can simply brute-force the LSW (there should be only 10 million combinations (assuming it to be a BCD number with one fixed digit), which could be scanned within less than 6 minutes using the DSi AES hardware).

4004D08h - DSi7 - CPU/Console ID Flag (1bit)
  0     CPU/Console ID Flag (0=Okay, 1=Bad)
  1-15  Unknown/Unused (0)
Some flag that indicates whether one can read the CPU/Console ID from Port 4004D00h. The flag should be usually zero (unknown when it could be nonzero, maybe when the internal PROM wasn't programmed yet; which should never happen in retail units).

eMMC CID Register
The CID can be read via SD/MMC commands, and it's also stored at 2FFD7BCh in RAM; the RAM value is little-endian 120bit (ie. without the CRC7 byte), zeropadded to 16-bytes (with 00h in MSB); the value looks as so;
  MY ss ss ss ss 03 4D 30 30 46 50 41 00 00 15 00  ;DSi CID KMAPF0000M-S998
  MY ss ss ss ss 32 57 37 31 36 35 4D 00 01 15 00  ;DSi CID KLM5617EFW-B301
  MY ss ss ss ss 03 47 31 30 43 4D 4D 00 01 11 00  ;3DS CID
The value is used to initialize AES_IV register for eMMC encryption/decryption.
The "MY" byte contains month/year; with Y=0Bh..0Dh for 2008..2010 (Y=0Eh..0Fh would be 2011..2012, but there aren't any known DSi/3DS consoles using that values) (unknown how 2013 and up would be assigned; JEDEC didn't seem to mind to define them yet). The "ss" digits are a 32bit serial number (or actually it looks more like a 32bit random number, not like a incrementing serial value).
Without a working exploit (for reading RAM at 2FFD7BCh), the CID could be obtained by connecting wires to the eMMC chip. However, this might require whatever custom hardware/software setup (unknown if any standard tools like PC card readers are able to read the CID value).

The barcode is found on a sticker on the bottom of console (and on an identical sticker underneath of the battery). It's also stored as ASCII string in HWINFO_S.dat file, and at 2FFFD71h in RAM. The barcode contains 2-3 letters, followed by 9 decimal digits. Known barcodes are:
  TEFnnnnnnnnn   DSi    (europe)
  TEHnnnnnnnnn   DSi    (europe)
  TWnnnnnnnnn    DSi    (us)
  WEFnnnnnnnnn   DSi XL (europe)
  WWnnnnnnnnn    DSi XL (us)
  VJNnnnnnnnnn   DSi    (debugger)
3DS are CWnnnnnnnnn according to Nintendo (or maybe with 3 letters in europe).
Unknown if the barcode is internally used for any purposes (such like encryption, or network identification).
The last digit is probably a checksum (at least, that would be common for general barcodes).
This file contains another "TWxxxxxxxx" ID (with "xxxxxxxx" being a 32bit lowercase hex number), this 32bit Console ID is also used in .tik files (except in tickets for free system updated).

Wifi MAC Address - Found in Main RAM, Wifi FLASH, and Wifi EEPROM
The MAC is a unique 48bit number needed for Wifi communications. The MAC is stored in SPI bus Wifi FLASH, and it's also stored at 2FFFCF4h in RAM. The same MAC value is also stored in I2C bus Wifi EEPROM. The MAC can be also viewed in Firmware (see System Settings, Internet, Options, System Information). Common values for DSi are:
  00 22 4C xx xx xx    ;seen in DSi XL
  00 23 CC xx xx xx    ;seen in DSi
  00 24 1E xx xx xx    ;seen in DSi
  00 27 09 xx xx xx    ;seen in DSi
The value isn't used for eMMC encryption (the eMMC is still accessible when swapping the Wifi daughterboard). However, the MAC value is included in game ".bin" files stored on SD card (unknown if that is causing any issues when loading those games on a console with swapped Wifi daughterboard).

Nintendo WFC ID
This is some unknown purpose value stored in Wifi FLASH. The value can be viewed in Firmware (see System Settings, Internet, Options, System Information). The firmware does only show the lower 43bit of the value, in decimal format, multiplied by 1000, whilst the actual WFC in FLASH seems to be about 14 bytes (112bit). The firmware does also allow to "delete" and "transfer" the "WFC Configuration" (whatever that means).

Flipnote Studio ID
This ID consists of a 16-digit HEX number (can be viewed by clicking the "tool" symbol in upper right of Flipnote's main menu).
The first 8-digits have unknown meaning. The last 8-digits are same as the last 8-digits of the wifi MAC address.

  DSi Unknown Registers

40021A0h ... second NDS cart slot, DSi prototype relict (?)
  ARM9: Can be set to 00000000h or 0000E043h
  ARM7: Can be set to 00000000h or 0000E043h

40021A4h ... second NDS cart slot, DSi prototype relict (?)
  ARM9: Can be set to 20000000h or FF7F7FFFh
  ARM7: Can be set to 00000000h or FF7F7FFFh
Can be all-zero on arm7, uh, or is that due to port being disabled somehow?

4004600h - DSi7 - MIC_CNT - Microphone Control (can be 0000E10Fh)
  0-1   Bits per sample? Or "stereo"? (0..2, 3=None)    (R/W)
  2-3   Sampling Rate  (0..3=F/1, F/2, F/3, F/4)        (R/W)
  4-7   Unknown/Unused (0)                              (0?)
  8     Status...    (1=Empty?)                         (R)
  9     Status...    (1=Not empty?)                     (R)
  10    Status...    (1=More data?)                     (R)
  11    Status...    (1=Overrun?)                       (R)
  12    Reset? (maybe clear MIC_DATA fifo?)             (W?)
  13    IRQ Enable      ?  ;\maybe one is not-empty and (R/W)
  14    IRQ Enable, too ?  ;/half-full or overrun ?     (R/W)
  15    Enable                                          (R/W)
The Sampling Rate depends on the I2S frequency in SNDEXCNT.Bit13,
  I2S=32.73kHz --> F/1=32.73kHz, F/2=16.36kHz, F/3=10.91kHz, F/4=8.18kHz
  I2S=47.61kHz --> F/1=47.61kHz, F/2=23.81kHz, F/3=15.87kHz, F/4=11.90kHz
The Sampling Rate becomes zero (no data arriving) when SNDEXCNT.Bit15=0, or when MIC_CNT.bit0-1=3... and probably also when MIC_CNT.bit15=0 ?

4004604h - DSi7 - MIC_DATA - Microphone Data (R?)
  0-31  Data
Currently, this is always returning 00000000h or FFFFFFFFh. Theoretically, it should contain two 16bit samples (or four 8bit samples in case 8bit is also supported). Appears to be required to enable the external A/D converter, probably via Touchscreen SPI commands (there might be a MIC enable flag, there should be a Gain setting with at least 120 possible selections, and there might be also some other stuff like BIAS for signed/unsigned data selection).

4004C04h - DSi7 - GPIO? Unknown - usually zero? or used as input?
4004C05h - DSi7 - GPIO? Unknown - usually toggled every 1-2 seconds?
  0     Unknown
  1-7   Zero
Maybe GPIO related, or something else.
The firmware is somewhat forwarding bit0 from 4004C04h/input to 4004C05h/output.

Dead Registers
The 4004000h-40040FFh System Control registers are disabled in all current exploits on ARM7-side (though ARM9-side isn't disabled), accordingly, there isn't much known about them since they cannot be used/tested yet.

  DSi Notes

DSi Detection
Cartridges are using the same executable for NDS and DSi mode, the executable must thus detect whether it is running on a NDS console or DSi console. At ARM9 this is usually done as follows:
  if ([4004000h] AND 03h)=01h then DSi_mode else NDS_mode
On ARM7 side, the executables are attempting to do the same thing, but they are (maybe accidently) skipping the detection depending on a 2nd I/O port:
  ;Caution: Below detection won't work with DSi exploits (because they are
  ;  usually having the ARM7 SCFG registers disabled - it would be thus better
  ;  to do the dection only on ARM9 side as described above, and then forward
  ;  the result to ARM7 side).
  if ([4004008h] AND 80000000h)=0 then skip_detection_and_assume_NDS_mode
  else if ([4004000h] AND 03h)=01h then DSi_mode else NDS_mode
In DSi_mode, the game can use additional hardware features, and it must be also aware of some changed BIOS SWI functions.
In NDS_mode, the game can use only old hardware features, in case of DSi-exclusive games: The cartridge must contain a small NDS function that displays a message saying that the game will work only on DSi consoles.

DSi Executables
The boot executables & entrypoints are always defined in the ARM9/ARM7 entries in cartridge header, regardless of whether the game is running on a NDS console or DSi console. The ARM9/ARM7 executables are thus restricted to max 2MByte size (for not violating the NDS memory limit). The ARM9i/ARM7i entries are allowing to load additional code or data, presumably to addresses (almost) anywhere within the DSi's 16MByte memory space. Of course, if you want to use separate executables for NDS and DSi mode, then you can put some small bootstrap loader into the ARM9/ARM7 area, which will then load the actual main executables.

DSi Official Games
There are only a few DSi-Exclusive games, and quite a lot of DSi-Enhanced games. The package of that games doesn't seem bear any DSi-logos, so it's hard to tell if a game contains DSi features (except via inofficial databases).

DSi Homebrew Games
These are extremly rare, hard to find, and practically non-existant yet. Most webpages are mis-offering NDS games as "homebrew DSi games" (which, well, they may work on DSi, but only in NDS mode).
There are a few "real" DSi homebrew games/emus/demos: Atari 5200 EMU, Atari 7800 EMU, CQuake, DSx86, GBA Emulator, Project Legends DS, Sandbox Engine, StellaDS, Zoomx3 - most or all of them seem to require weird DSi exploits (probably CycloDS iEvolution flashcarts), the games appear to be completely lacking DSi cartridge headers, without even setting the DSi flag in cartheader[012h].bit1 (and instead they do contain pre-historic NDS-passme headers for booting from GBA slot, which is definetely incompatible with real DSi consoles).

  DSi Exploits

DSi executables require RSA signatures (signed with Nintendo's private key), which is making it impossible to run any unlicensed/homebrew code, except via exploits (eg. modified .sav data for tweaking licensed games into booting unlicensed code).

DSiware Exploits (DSi shop downloads)
Installing DSiware exploits requires downgrading the firmware (and in case of sudoku: also downgrading the game). Downgrading can be done by soldering a few wires to the eMMC chip and then using utilities like "TWLTool". Most recommended title would be Sudoku (it's cheapest and doesn't require any menu navigation; apart from getting through a "touch to start" screen).
  Region       Price Title
  US,EU/AU     $2    Sudoku (Electronic Arts)   (updated version in DSi shop)
  US,EU/AU     $5    Fieldrunners        (original version still in DSi shop)
  US,EU/AU     $5    Guitar Rock Tour ("grtpwn")      (no longer in DSi shop)
  US,EU/AU,JP  $8    Legends of Exidia   (original version still in DSi shop)
  US,...?      Free  Zelda 4 Swords                   (no longer in DSi shop)
Once when installed, the exploits will boot a file called "boot.nds" from SD card (eg. rename dslink to that name for wifi boot).
Legally buying DSiware can be quite expensive (ie. buying a $15 wii/dsi point card works, but you cannot resell or reuse the remaining dsi points on other consoles).
Note: Originally, dsiwarehax were installed via SD card without soldering, but that works only when having downloaded the exploitable games prior to release of firmware 1.4.2.
As of 2017, the DSi shop is closing (one cannot add new DSi points to the shop account, but can still use old DSi points that are already on the account for a few months). When still having spare DSi points, it would be recommended to download an exploitable game before the shop closes completely. Apart from legal issues, it should be also possible to copy DSiware titles from one console to another (with some tweaking on the .tik file).

DSi Cartridge Exploits
Exploitable DSi cartridges have been mass-produced as gifts for fat, senile or unhealthy family members, and naturally most people will be glad to get rid of such games for less than $5 (including shipping).
  Biggest Loser (US,EU) (works with firmware 1.4.5) (=on all DSi's, as of 2015)
  Cooking Coach (US,EU) (blocked in firmware 1.4.4 and up)
  Classic Word Games (US,EU) (blocked in firmware 1.4.4 and up) (uncomfortable)
The cartridge contain rather small EEPROMs, barely enough to boot actual code via wifi. Wintermute's "dslink" utility is solving EEPROM size limits by storing extra boot code in the Wifi FLASH memory on DWM-W015 daughterboard (later DSi's with DWM-W024 daughterboards have small Wifi FLASH; workarounds would be to install a bigger FLASH chip in the daughterboard, or to try to squeeze the whole bootcode into the cartridge EEPROM). The different cartridges, and their localized titles are:
Biggest Loser (fitness game for fat people with dead animal food):
  TWL-VBLV-EUU  Biggest Loser USA (UK)  ;(European title has "USA" suffix)
  TWL-VBLE-USA  Biggest Loser (US)      ;(US title doesn't have "USA" suffix)
Cooking Coach (make healthy food with dead animals):
  TWL-VCKE-USA  My Healthy Cooking Coach (US)
  TWL-VCKV-UKV  My Cooking Coach - Prepare Healthy Recipes (UK)
  TWL-VCKS-SPA  Mi Experto en Cocina - Comida Saludable (ES)
  TWL-VCKF-FRA  Mon Coach Personnel - Mes Recettes Plaisir et Ligne (FR)
  TWL-VCKI-ITA  Il Mio Coach di Cucina - Prepara Cibi Sani e Gustosi (IT)
  TWL-VCKD-NOE  Mein Koch-Coach - Gesund und Lecker Kochen (DE)
Classic Word Games (crossword game) (more expensive, and less comfortable to use than Cooking Coach and Biggest Loser):
  TWL-VCWE-USA Classic Word Games (US)
  TWL-VCWV-UKV Classic Word Games (UK/EU)
The UK, ES, FR, IT, DE versions are working on all european consoles.

DSi Exploit Restrictions
Initial memory content and register settings may be changed by the exploited game (and/or by the exploit's boot code), so the DSi won't be in the same state as when booting real licensed games.
Exploits are booted with some hardware features disabled:
  ARM7 cannot access to SCFG/MBK configuration and Console ID registers
  For DSiware Exploits: Cannot access DS Cartridge slot
  For Cartridge Exploits: Cannot access SD/MMC registers
Currently, the only known way to get control of that hardware features would be using scanlime's Main Memory Hack (ie. soldering about 50 wires to the DSi mainboard).

DSi Flashcarts
The majority of DSi Flashcarts are "DSi compatible", which does barely mean that they can boot DS games on DSi consoles in DS mode (but cannot run DSi software in DSi mode). The only flashcart with "DSi mode" support is/was CycloDS iEvolution (based on Cooking Coach exploit, without support for newer firmwares).
Essentially, flashcarts aren't of too much use: Booting from built-in SD Card slot would also work without flashcarts, and Wifi boot would be more comfortable anyways.

  DSi Regions

There are six DSi regions. Half of them are still unknown, although info about them could be easily found in the corresponding DSi Firmwares:
  Go to "System Settings"
  Check the firmware version on upper screen (eg. "Ver 1.4E" for Europe)
  Check the "Language" option, that should list languages for your region.
  Check the "Country" option, that should list all countries of your region.

JP Region
Languages: Unknown (supposedly Japanese, and maybe English or so)
Contries: Unknown (supposedly including Japan)

Chinese Region
Languages: Unknown (supposedly Chinese, and maybe English or so)
Contries: Unknown (supposedly including China or Taiwan)

Korean Region
Languages: Unknown (supposedly Korean, and maybe English or so)
Contries: Unknown (supposedly including North or South Korea)

Australia Region - 2 countries, 1 language (as of DSi Firmware Ver 1.4.5A)
  English (only english, there is no language option at all)
  New Zealand

US Region - 47 countries, 3 languages (as of DSi Firmware Ver 1.3U)
  Francais (=French)
  Espanol  (=Spanish)
  Antigua and Barbuda
  British Virgin Islands
  Cayman Islands
  Costa Rica
  Dominican Republic
  El Salvador
  French Guiana
  Netherlands Antilles
  Saint Kitts and Nevis
  Saint Lucia
  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  The Bahamas
  Trinidad and Tobago
  Turks and Caicos Islands
  United Arab Emirates
  United States
  US Virgin Islands

Europe Region - 47 countries, 5 languages (as of DSi Firmware Ver 1.4E)
  Francais (=French)
  Deutsch  (=German)
  Espanol  (=Spanish)
  Italiano (=Italian)
  Bosnia and Herzegovnia
  Czech Republic
  South Africa
  United Kindgom

Note that Nintendo might expand those regions (for example, newer 'european' firmware versions might include additional african countries; unless those missing countries are already part of other/unknown regions).
The purpose of the "Country" option is unknown (maybe Nintendo has servers in different countries for online games). One known effect is that the Age Ratings in "Parental Controls" are localized per country (eg. "USK ab 18" for germany, or "18'TM" for france/finland).
The "Language" option affects the Firmware GUI, and the game title (from Icon/Title structure). Some games are also (trying to) adopt the Firmware's language setting for choosing the in-game language; but that can fail badly if the game doesn't support the selected language.

  ARM CPU Reference

General ARM7TDMI Information
ARM CPU Overview
ARM CPU Register Set
ARM CPU Flags & Condition Field (cond)
ARM CPU 26bit Memory Interface
ARM CPU Exceptions
ARM CPU Memory Alignments

ARM 32bit Instruction Set (ARM Code)
ARM Instruction Summary
ARM Opcodes: Branch and Branch with Link (B, BL, BX, BLX, SWI, BKPT)
ARM Opcodes: Data Processing (ALU)
ARM Opcodes: Multiply and Multiply-Accumulate (MUL, MLA)
ARM Opcodes: Special ARM9 Instructions (CLZ, QADD/QSUB)
ARM Opcodes: PSR Transfer (MRS, MSR)
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Transfer (LDR, STR, PLD)
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Halfword, Doubleword, and Signed Data Transfer
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Block Data Transfer (LDM, STM)
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Swap (SWP)
ARM Opcodes: Coprocessor Instructions (MRC/MCR, LDC/STC, CDP, MCRR/MRRC)

ARM 16bit Instruction Set (THUMB Code)
When operating in THUMB state, cut-down 16bit opcodes are used.
THUMB is supported on T-variants of ARMv4 and up, ie. ARMv4T, ARMv5T, etc.
THUMB Instruction Summary
THUMB Opcodes: Register Operations (ALU, BX)
THUMB Opcodes: Memory Load/Store (LDR/STR)
THUMB Opcodes: Memory Addressing (ADD PC/SP)
THUMB Opcodes: Memory Multiple Load/Store (PUSH/POP and LDM/STM)
THUMB Opcodes: Jumps and Calls

Switching between ARM and THUMB state can be done by using the Branch and Exchange (BX) instruction.

Further Information
ARM Pseudo Instructions and Directives
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor
ARM CPU Instruction Cycle Times
ARM CPU Versions
ARM CPU Data Sheet

  ARM CPU Overview

The ARM7TDMI is a 32bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) CPU, designed by ARM (Advanced RISC Machines), and designed for both high performance and low power consumption.

Fast Execution
Depending on the CPU state, all opcodes are sized 32bit or 16bit (that's counting both the opcode bits and its parameters bits) providing fast decoding and execution. Additionally, pipelining allows - (a) one instruction to be executed while (b) the next instruction is decoded and (c) the next instruction is fetched from memory - all at the same time.

Data Formats
The CPU manages to deal with 8bit, 16bit, and 32bit data, that are called:
   8bit - Byte
  16bit - Halfword
  32bit - Word

The two CPU states
As mentioned above, two CPU states exist:
- ARM state: Uses the full 32bit instruction set (32bit opcodes)
- THUMB state: Uses a cutdown 16bit instruction set (16bit opcodes)
Regardless of the opcode-width, both states are using 32bit registers, allowing 32bit memory addressing as well as 32bit arithmetic/logical operations.

When to use ARM state
Basically, there are two advantages in ARM state:
 - Each single opcode provides more functionality, resulting
   in faster execution when using a 32bit bus memory system
   (such like opcodes stored in GBA Work RAM).
 - All registers R0-R15 can be accessed directly.
The downsides are:
 - Not so fast when using 16bit memory system
   (but it still works though).
 - Program code occupies more memory space.

When to use THUMB state
There are two major advantages in THUMB state:
 - Faster execution up to approx 160% when using a 16bit bus
   memory system (such like opcodes stored in GBA GamePak ROM).
 - Reduces code size, decreases memory overload down to approx 65%.
The disadvantages are:
 - Not as multi-functional opcodes as in ARM state, so it will
   be sometimes required use more than one opcode to gain a
   similar result as for a single opcode in ARM state.
 - Most opcodes allow only registers R0-R7 to be used directly.

Combining ARM and THUMB state
Switching between ARM and THUMB state is done by a normal branch (BX) instruction which takes only a handful of cycles to execute (allowing to change states as often as desired - with almost no overload).

Also, as both ARM and THUMB are using the same register set, it is possible to pass data between ARM and THUMB mode very easily.

The best memory & execution performance can be gained by combining both states: THUMB for normal program code, and ARM code for timing critical subroutines (such like interrupt handlers, or complicated algorithms).

Note: ARM and THUMB code cannot be executed simultaneously.

Automatic state changes
Beside for the above manual state switching by using BX instructions, the following situations involve automatic state changes:
- CPU switches to ARM state when executing an exception
- User switches back to old state when leaving an exception

  ARM CPU Register Set

The following table shows the ARM7TDMI register set which is available in each mode. There's a total of 37 registers (32bit each), 31 general registers (Rxx) and 6 status registers (xPSR).
Note that only some registers are 'banked', for example, each mode has it's own R14 register: called R14, R14_fiq, R14_svc, etc. for each mode respectively.
However, other registers are not banked, for example, each mode is using the same R0 register, so writing to R0 will always affect the content of R0 in other modes also.

  System/User FIQ       Supervisor Abort     IRQ       Undefined
  R0          R0        R0         R0        R0        R0
  R1          R1        R1         R1        R1        R1
  R2          R2        R2         R2        R2        R2
  R3          R3        R3         R3        R3        R3
  R4          R4        R4         R4        R4        R4
  R5          R5        R5         R5        R5        R5
  R6          R6        R6         R6        R6        R6
  R7          R7        R7         R7        R7        R7
  R8          R8_fiq    R8         R8        R8        R8
  R9          R9_fiq    R9         R9        R9        R9
  R10         R10_fiq   R10        R10       R10       R10
  R11         R11_fiq   R11        R11       R11       R11
  R12         R12_fiq   R12        R12       R12       R12
  R13 (SP)    R13_fiq   R13_svc    R13_abt   R13_irq   R13_und
  R14 (LR)    R14_fiq   R14_svc    R14_abt   R14_irq   R14_und
  R15 (PC)    R15       R15        R15       R15       R15
  CPSR        CPSR      CPSR       CPSR      CPSR      CPSR
  --          SPSR_fiq  SPSR_svc   SPSR_abt  SPSR_irq  SPSR_und

R0-R12 Registers (General Purpose Registers)
These thirteen registers may be used for whatever general purposes. Basically, each is having same functionality and performance, ie. there is no 'fast accumulator' for arithmetic operations, and no 'special pointer register' for memory addressing.
However, in THUMB mode only R0-R7 (Lo registers) may be accessed freely, while R8-R12 and up (Hi registers) can be accessed only by some instructions.

R13 Register (SP)
This register is used as Stack Pointer (SP) in THUMB state. While in ARM state the user may decided to use R13 and/or other register(s) as stack pointer(s), or as general purpose register.
As shown in the table above, there's a separate R13 register in each mode, and (when used as SP) each exception handler may (and MUST!) use its own stack.

R14 Register (LR)
This register is used as Link Register (LR). That is, when calling to a sub-routine by a Branch with Link (BL) instruction, then the return address (ie. old value of PC) is saved in this register.
Storing the return address in the LR register is obviously faster than pushing it into memory, however, as there's only one LR register for each mode, the user must manually push its content before issuing 'nested' subroutines.
Same happens when an exception is called, PC is saved in LR of new mode.
Note: In ARM mode, R14 may be used as general purpose register also, provided that above usage as LR register isn't required.

R15 Register (PC)
R15 is always used as program counter (PC). Note that when reading R15, this will usually return a value of PC+nn because of read-ahead (pipelining), whereas 'nn' depends on the instruction and on the CPU state (ARM or THUMB).

CPSR and SPSR (Program Status Registers) (ARMv3 and up)
The current condition codes (flags) and CPU control bits are stored in the CPSR register. When an exception arises, the old CPSR is saved in the SPSR of the respective exception-mode (much like PC is saved in LR).
For details refer to chapter about CPU Flags.

  ARM CPU Flags & Condition Field (cond)

ARM Condition Field {cond}
The opcode {cond} suffixes can be used for conditionally executed code based on the C,N,Z,V flags in CPSR register. For example: BEQ = Branch if Equal, MOVMI = Move if Signed.
In ARM mode, {cond} can be used with all opcodes (except for a few newer ARMv5 instructions: BKPT, PLD, CDP2, LDC2, MCR2, MRC2, STC2, and BLX_imm are nonconditional; however BLX_reg can be conditional).
In THUMB mode, {cond} can be used only for branch opcodes.
  Code Suffix Flags         Meaning
  0:   EQ     Z=1           equal (zero) (same)
  1:   NE     Z=0           not equal (nonzero) (not same)
  2:   CS/HS  C=1           unsigned higher or same (carry set)
  3:   CC/LO  C=0           unsigned lower (carry cleared)
  4:   MI     N=1           negative (minus)
  5:   PL     N=0           positive or zero (plus)
  6:   VS     V=1           overflow (V set)
  7:   VC     V=0           no overflow (V cleared)
  8:   HI     C=1 and Z=0   unsigned higher
  9:   LS     C=0 or Z=1    unsigned lower or same
  A:   GE     N=V           greater or equal
  B:   LT     N<>V          less than
  C:   GT     Z=0 and N=V   greater than
  D:   LE     Z=1 or N<>V   less or equal
  E:   AL     -             always (the "AL" suffix can be omitted)
  F:   NV     -             never (ARMv1,v2 only) (Reserved ARMv3 and up)
Execution Time: If condition=false: 1S cycle. Otherwise: as specified for the respective opcode.

Current Program Status Register (CPSR)
  Bit   Expl.
  31    N - Sign Flag       (0=Not Signed, 1=Signed)               ;\
  30    Z - Zero Flag       (0=Not Zero, 1=Zero)                   ; Condition
  29    C - Carry Flag      (0=Borrow/No Carry, 1=Carry/No Borrow) ; Code Flags
  28    V - Overflow Flag   (0=No Overflow, 1=Overflow)            ;/
  27    Q - Sticky Overflow (1=Sticky Overflow, ARMv5TE and up only)
  26-8  Reserved            (For future use) - Do not change manually!
  7     I - IRQ disable     (0=Enable, 1=Disable)                     ;\
  6     F - FIQ disable     (0=Enable, 1=Disable)                     ; Control
  5     T - State Bit       (0=ARM, 1=THUMB) - Do not change manually!; Bits
  4-0   M4-M0 - Mode Bits   (See below)                               ;/

Bit 31-28: Condition Code Flags (N,Z,C,V)
These bits reflect results of logical or arithmetic instructions. In ARM mode, it is often optionally whether an instruction should modify flags or not, for example, it is possible to execute a SUB instruction that does NOT modify the condition flags.
In ARM state, all instructions can be executed conditionally depending on the settings of the flags, such like MOVEQ (Move if Z=1). While In THUMB state, only Branch instructions (jumps) can be made conditionally.

Bit 27: Sticky Overflow Flag (Q) - ARMv5TE and ARMv5TExP and up only
Used by QADD, QSUB, QDADD, QDSUB, SMLAxy, and SMLAWy only. These opcodes set the Q-flag in case of overflows, but leave it unchanged otherwise. The Q-flag can be tested/reset by MSR/MRS opcodes only.

Bit 27-8: Reserved Bits (except Bit 27 on ARMv5TE and up, see above)
These bits are reserved for possible future implementations. For best forwards compatibility, the user should never change the state of these bits, and should not expect these bits to be set to a specific value.

Bit 7-0: Control Bits (I,F,T,M4-M0)
These bits may change when an exception occurs. In privileged modes (non-user modes) they may be also changed manually.
The interrupt bits I and F are used to disable IRQ and FIQ interrupts respectively (a setting of "1" means disabled).
The T Bit signalizes the current state of the CPU (0=ARM, 1=THUMB), this bit should never be changed manually - instead, changing between ARM and THUMB state must be done by BX instructions.
The Mode Bits M4-M0 contain the current operating mode.
  Binary Hex Dec  Expl.
  0xx00b 00h 0  - Old User       ;\26bit Backward Compatibility modes
  0xx01b 01h 1  - Old FIQ        ; (supported only on ARMv3, except ARMv3G,
  0xx10b 02h 2  - Old IRQ        ; and on some non-T variants of ARMv4)
  0xx11b 03h 3  - Old Supervisor ;/
  10000b 10h 16 - User (non-privileged)
  10001b 11h 17 - FIQ
  10010b 12h 18 - IRQ
  10011b 13h 19 - Supervisor (SWI)
  10111b 17h 23 - Abort
  11011b 1Bh 27 - Undefined
  11111b 1Fh 31 - System (privileged 'User' mode) (ARMv4 and up)
Writing any other values into the Mode bits is not allowed.

Saved Program Status Registers (SPSR_<mode>)
Additionally to above CPSR, five Saved Program Status Registers exist:
SPSR_fiq, SPSR_svc, SPSR_abt, SPSR_irq, SPSR_und
Whenever the CPU enters an exception, the current status register (CPSR) is copied to the respective SPSR_<mode> register. Note that there is only one SPSR for each mode, so nested exceptions inside of the same mode are allowed only if the exception handler saves the content of SPSR in memory.
For example, for an IRQ exception: IRQ-mode is entered, and CPSR is copied to SPSR_irq. If the interrupt handler wants to enable nested IRQs, then it must first push SPSR_irq before doing so.

  ARM CPU 26bit Memory Interface

The 26bit Memory Interface was used by ARMv1 and ARMv2. The 32bit interface is used by ARMv3 and newer, however, 26bit backward compatibility was included in all ARMv3 (except ARMv3G), and optionally in some non-T variants of ARMv4.

Format of R15 in 26bit Mode (Program Counter Register)
  Bit   Name     Expl.
  31-28 N,Z,C,V  Flags (Sign, Zero, Carry, Overflow)
  27-26 I,F      Interrupt Disable bits (IRQ, FIQ) (1=Disable)
  25-2  PC       Program Counter, 24bit, Step 4 (64M range)
  1-0   M1,M0    Mode (0=User, 1=FIQ, 2=IRQ, 3=Supervisor)
Branches with +/-32M range wrap the PC register, and can reach all 64M memory.

Reading from R15
If R15 is specified in bit16-19 of an opcode, then NZCVIF and M0,1 are masked (zero), otherwise the full 32bits are used.

Writing to R15
ALU opcodes with S=1, and LDM opcodes with PSR=1 can write to all 32bits in R15 (in 26bit mode, that is allowed even in user mode, though it does then affect only NZCF, not the write protected IFMM bits ???), other opcodes which write to R15 will modify only the program counter bits. Also, special CMP/CMN/TST/TEQ{P} opcodes can be used to write to the PSR bits in R15 without modifying the PC bits.

SWIs, Reset, Data/Prefetch Aborts and Undefined instructions enter Supervisor mode. Interrupts enter IRQ and FIQ mode. Additionally, a special 26bit Address Exception exists, which enters Supervisor mode on accesses to memory addresses>=64M as follows:
  R14_svc = PC ($+8, including old PSR bits)
  M1,M0 = 11b = supervisor mode, F=same, I=1, PC=14h,
  to continue at the fault location, return by SUBS PC,LR,8.
32bit CPUs with 26bit compatibility mode can be configured to switch into 32bit mode when encountering exceptions.

  ARM CPU Exceptions

Exception Vectors
The following are the exception vectors in memory. That is, when an exception arises, CPU is switched into ARM state, and the program counter (PC) is loaded by the respective address.
  Address  Prio  Exception                  Mode on Entry      Interrupt Flags
  BASE+00h 1     Reset                      Supervisor (_svc)  I=1, F=1
  BASE+04h 7     Undefined Instruction      Undefined  (_und)  I=1, F=unchanged
  BASE+08h 6     Software Interrupt (SWI)   Supervisor (_svc)  I=1, F=unchanged
  BASE+0Ch 5     Prefetch Abort             Abort      (_abt)  I=1, F=unchanged
  BASE+10h 2     Data Abort                 Abort      (_abt)  I=1, F=unchanged
  BASE+14h ??    Address Exceeds 26bit      Supervisor (_svc)  I=1, F=unchanged
  BASE+18h 4     Normal Interrupt (IRQ)     IRQ        (_irq)  I=1, F=unchanged
  BASE+1Ch 3     Fast Interrupt (FIQ)       FIQ        (_fiq)  I=1, F=1
BASE is normally 00000000h, but may be optionally FFFF0000h in some ARM CPUs. Priority for simultaneously occuring exceptions ranges from Prio=1=Highest to Prio=7=Lowest.
As there's only space for one ARM opcode at each of the above addresses, it'd be usually recommended to deposit a Branch opcode into each vector, which'd then redirect to the actual exception handlers address.

Actions performed by CPU when entering an exception
  - R14_<new mode>=PC+nn   ;save old PC, ie. return address
  - SPSR_<new mode>=CPSR   ;save old flags
  - CPSR new T,M bits      ;set to T=0 (ARM state), and M4-0=new mode
  - CPSR new I bit         ;IRQs disabled (I=1), done by ALL exceptions
  - CPSR new F bit         ;FIQs disabled (F=1), done by Reset and FIQ only
  - PC=exception_vector    ;see table above
Above "PC+nn" depends on the type of exception. Basically, in ARM state that nn-offset is caused by pipelining, and in THUMB state an identical ARM-style 'offset' is generated (even though the 'base address' may be only halfword-aligned).

Required user-handler actions when returning from an exception
Restore any general registers (R0-R14) which might have been modified by the exception handler. Use return-instruction as listed in the respective descriptions below, this will both restore PC and CPSR - that automatically involves that the old CPU state (THUMB or ARM) as well as old state of FIQ and IRQ disable flags are restored.
As mentioned above (see action on entering...), the return address is always saved in ARM-style format, so that exception handler may use the same return-instruction, regardless of whether the exception has been generated from inside of ARM or THUMB state.

FIQ (Fast Interrupt Request)
This interrupt is generated by a LOW level on the nFIQ input. It is supposed to process timing critical interrupts at a high priority, as fast as possible.
Additionally to the common banked registers (R13_fiq,R14_fiq), five extra banked registers (R8_fiq-R12_fiq) are available in FIQ mode. The exception handler may freely access these registers without modifying the main programs R8-R12 registers (and without having to save that registers on stack).
In privileged (non-user) modes, FIQs may be also manually disabled by setting the F Bit in CPSR.

IRQ (Normal Interrupt Request)
This interrupt is generated by a LOW level on the nIRQ input. Unlike FIQ, the IRQ mode is not having its own banked R8-R12 registers.
IRQ is having lower priority than FIQ, and IRQs are automatically disabled when a FIQ exception becomes executed. In privileged (non-user) modes, IRQs may be also manually disabled by setting the I Bit in CPSR.
To return from IRQ Mode (continuing at following opcode):
  SUBS PC,R14,4   ;both PC=R14_irq-4, and CPSR=SPSR_irq

Software Interrupt
Generated by a software interrupt instruction (SWI). Recommended to request a supervisor (operating system) function. The SWI instruction may also contain a parameter in the 'comment field' of the opcode:
In case that your main program issues SWIs from both inside of THUMB and ARM states, then your exception handler must separate between 24bit comment fields in ARM opcodes, and 8bit comment fields in THUMB opcodes (if necessary determine old state by examining T Bit in SPSR_svc); However, in Little Endian mode, you could use only the most significant 8bits of the 24bit ARM comment field (as done in the GBA, for example) - the exception handler could then process the BYTE at [R14-2], regardless of whether it's been called from ARM or THUMB state.
To return from Supervisor Mode (continuing at following opcode):
  MOVS PC,R14   ;both PC=R14_svc, and CPSR=SPSR_svc
Note: Like all other exceptions, SWIs are always executed in ARM state, no matter whether it's been caused by an ARM or THUMB state SWI instruction.

Undefined Instruction Exception (supported by ARMv3 and up)
This exception is generated when the CPU comes across an instruction which it cannot handle. Most likely signalizing that the program has locked up, and that an errormessage should be displayed.
However, it might be also used to emulate custom functions, ie. as an additional 'SWI' instruction (which'd use R14_und and SPSR_und though, and it'd thus allow to execute the Undefined Instruction handler from inside of Supervisor mode without having to save R14_svc and SPSR_svc).
To return from Undefined Mode (continuing at following opcode):
  MOVS PC,R14   ;both PC=R14_und, and CPSR=SPSR_und
Note that not all unused opcodes are necessarily producing an exception, for example, an ARM state Multiply instruction with Bit6=1 would be blindly accepted as 'legal' opcode.

Abort (supported by ARMv3 and up)
Aborts (page faults) are mostly supposed for virtual memory systems (ie. not used in GBA, as far as I know), otherwise they might be used just to display an error message. Two types of aborts exists:
- Prefetch Abort (occurs during an instruction prefetch)
- Prefetch Abort (also occurs on BKPT opcodes, ARMv5 and up)
- Data Abort (occurs during a data access)
A virtual memory systems abort handler would then most likely determine the fault address: For prefetch abort that's just "R14_abt-4". For Data abort, the THUMB or ARM instruction at "R14_abt-8" needs to be 'disassembled' in order to determine the addressed data in memory.
The handler would then fix the error by loading the respective memory page into physical memory, and then retry to execute the SAME instruction again, by returning as follows:
  prefetch abort: SUBS PC,R14,#4   ;PC=R14_abt-4, and CPSR=SPSR_abt
  data abort:     SUBS PC,R14,#8   ;PC=R14_abt-8, and CPSR=SPSR_abt
Separate exception vectors for prefetch/data abort exists, each should use the respective return instruction as shown above.

Address Exceeds 26bit
This exception can occur only on old ARM CPUs with 26bit address scheme (or in 26bit backwards compatibility mode).

Forces PC=VVVV0000h, and forces control bits of CPSR to T=0 (ARM state), F=1 and I=1 (disable FIQ and IRQ), and M4-0=10011b (Supervisor mode).

  ARM CPU Memory Alignments

The CPU does NOT support accessing mis-aligned addresses (which would be rather slow because it'd have to merge/split that data into two accesses).
When reading/writing code/data to/from memory, Words and Halfwords must be located at well-aligned memory address, ie. 32bit words aligned by 4, and 16bit halfwords aligned by 2.

Mis-aligned STR,STRH,STM,LDM,LDRD,STRD,PUSH,POP (forced align)
The mis-aligned low bit(s) are ignored, the memory access goes to a forcibly aligned (rounded-down) memory address.
For LDRD/STRD, it isn't clearly defined if the address must be aligned by 8 (on the NDS, align-4 seems to be okay) (align-8 may be required on other CPUs with 64bit databus).

Mis-aligned LDR,SWP (rotated read)
Reads from forcibly aligned address "addr AND (NOT 3)", and does then rotate the data as "ROR (addr AND 3)*8". That effect is internally used by LDRB and LDRH opcodes (which do then mask-out the unused bits).
The SWP opcode works like a combination of LDR and STR, that means, it does read-rotated, but does write-unrotated.

Mis-aligned LDRH,LDRSH (does or does not do strange things)
On ARM9 aka ARMv5 aka NDS9:
  LDRH Rd,[odd]   -->  LDRH Rd,[odd-1]        ;forced align
  LDRSH Rd,[odd]  -->  LDRSH Rd,[odd-1]       ;forced align
On ARM7 aka ARMv4 aka NDS7/GBA:
  LDRH Rd,[odd]   -->  LDRH Rd,[odd-1] ROR 8  ;read to bit0-7 and bit24-31
  LDRSH Rd,[odd]  -->  LDRSB Rd,[odd]         ;sign-expand BYTE value

Mis-aligned PC/R15 (branch opcodes, or MOV/ALU/LDR with Rd=R15)
For ARM code, the low bits of the target address should be usually zero, otherwise, R15 is forcibly aligned by clearing the lower two bits.
For THUMB code, the low bit of the target address may/should/must be set, the bit is (or is not) interpreted as thumb-bit (depending on the opcode), and R15 is then forcibly aligned by clearing the lower bit.
In short, R15 will be always forcibly aligned, so mis-aligned branches won't have effect on subsequent opcodes that use R15, or [R15+disp] as operand.

  ARM Instruction Summary

Modification of CPSR flags is optional for all {S} instructions.

Logical ALU Operations
  Instruction                      Cycles   Flags  Expl.
  MOV{cond}{S} Rd,Op2              1S+x+y    NZc-  Rd = Op2
  MVN{cond}{S} Rd,Op2              1S+x+y    NZc-  Rd = NOT Op2
  ORR{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZc-  Rd = Rn OR Op2
  EOR{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZc-  Rd = Rn XOR Op2
  AND{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZc-  Rd = Rn AND Op2
  BIC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZc-  Rd = Rn AND NOT Op2
  TST{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2           1S+x      NZc-  Void = Rn AND Op2
  TEQ{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2           1S+x      NZc-  Void = Rn XOR Op2
Add x=1I cycles if Op2 shifted-by-register. Add y=1S+1N cycles if Rd=R15.
Carry flag affected only if Op2 contains a non-zero shift amount.

Arithmetic ALU Operations
  Instruction                      Cycles   Flags  Expl.
  ADD{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZCV  Rd = Rn+Op2
  ADC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZCV  Rd = Rn+Op2+Cy
  SUB{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZCV  Rd = Rn-Op2
  SBC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZCV  Rd = Rn-Op2+Cy-1
  RSB{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZCV  Rd = Op2-Rn
  RSC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2           1S+x+y    NZCV  Rd = Op2-Rn+Cy-1
  CMP{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2           1S+x      NZCV  Void = Rn-Op2
  CMN{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2           1S+x      NZCV  Void = Rn+Op2
Add x=1I cycles if Op2 shifted-by-register. Add y=1S+1N cycles if Rd=R15.

  Instruction                      Cycles   Flags  Expl.
  MUL{cond}{S} Rd,Rm,Rs            1S+mI     NZx-  Rd = Rm*Rs
  MLA{cond}{S} Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn         1S+mI+1I  NZx-  Rd = Rm*Rs+Rn
  UMULL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs   1S+mI+1I  NZx-  RdHiLo = Rm*Rs
  UMLAL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs   1S+mI+2I  NZx-  RdHiLo = Rm*Rs+RdHiLo
  SMULL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs   1S+mI+1I  NZx-  RdHiLo = Rm*Rs
  SMLAL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs   1S+mI+2I  NZx-  RdHiLo = Rm*Rs+RdHiLo
  SMLAxy{cond}  Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn     ARMv5TE(xP)  ----q Rd=HalfRm*HalfRs+Rn
  SMLAWy{cond}  Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn     ARMv5TE(xP)  ----q Rd=(Rm*HalfRs)/10000h+Rn
  SMULWy{cond}  Rd,Rm,Rs        ARMv5TE(xP)  ----  Rd=(Rm*HalfRs)/10000h
  SMLALxy{cond} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs ARMv5TE(xP)  ----  RdHiLo=RdHiLo+HalfRm*HalfRs
  SMULxy{cond}  Rd,Rm,Rs        ARMv5TE(xP)  ----  Rd=HalfRm*HalfRs

Memory Load/Store
  Instruction                      Cycles    Flags  Expl.
  LDR{cond}{B}{T} Rd,<Address>     1S+1N+1I+y ----  Rd=[Rn+/-<offset>]
  LDR{cond}H      Rd,<Address>     1S+1N+1I+y ----  Load Unsigned halfword
  LDR{cond}D      Rd,<Address>                ----  Load Dword ARMv5TE
  LDR{cond}SB     Rd,<Address>     1S+1N+1I+y ----  Load Signed byte
  LDR{cond}SH     Rd,<Address>     1S+1N+1I+y ----  Load Signed halfword
  LDM{cond}{amod} Rn{!},<Rlist>{^} nS+1N+1I+y ----  Load Multiple
  STR{cond}{B}{T} Rd,<Address>     2N         ----  [Rn+/-<offset>]=Rd
  STR{cond}H      Rd,<Address>     2N         ----  Store halfword
  STR{cond}D      Rd,<Address>                ----  Store Dword ARMv5TE
  STM{cond}{amod} Rn{!},<Rlist>{^} (n-1)S+2N  ----  Store Multiple
  SWP{cond}{B}    Rd,Rm,[Rn]       1S+2N+1I   ----  Rd=[Rn], [Rn]=Rm
  PLD             <Address>        1S         ----  Prepare Cache ARMv5TE
For LDR/LDM, add y=1S+1N if Rd=R15, or if R15 in Rlist.

Jumps, Calls, CPSR Mode, and others
  Instruction                  Cycles  Flags  Expl.
  B{cond}   label              2S+1N    ----  PC=$+8+/-32M
  BL{cond}  label              2S+1N    ----  PC=$+8+/-32M, LR=$+4
  BX{cond}  Rn                 2S+1N    ----  PC=Rn, T=Rn.0 (THUMB/ARM)
  BLX{cond} Rn                 2S+1N    ----  PC=Rn, T=Rn.0, LR=PC+4, ARM9
  BLX       label              2S+1N    ----  PC=PC+$+/-32M, LR=$+4, T=1, ARM9
  MRS{cond} Rd,Psr             1S       ----  Rd=Psr
  MSR{cond} Psr{_field},Op     1S      (psr)  Psr[field]=Op
  SWI{cond} Imm24bit           2S+1N    ----  PC=8, ARM Svc mode, LR=$+4
  BKPT      Imm16bit           ???      ----  PC=C, ARM Abt mode, LR=$+4 ARM9
  The Undefined Instruction    2S+1I+1N ----  PC=4, ARM Und mode, LR=$+4
  cond=false                   1S       ----  Any opcode with condition=false
  NOP                          1S       ----  R0=R0

  CLZ{cond} Rd,Rm              ???      ----    Count Leading Zeros ARMv5
  QADD{cond} Rd,Rm,Rn                   ----q   Rd=Rm+Rn       ARMv5TE(xP)
  QSUB{cond} Rd,Rm,Rn                   ----q   Rd=Rm-Rn       ARMv5TE(xP)
  QDADD{cond} Rd,Rm,Rn                  ----q   Rd=Rm+Rn*2     ARMv5TE(xP)
  QDSUB{cond} Rd,Rm,Rn                  ----q   Rd=Rm-Rn*2     ARMv5TE(xP)

Coprocessor Functions (if any)
  Instruction                         Cycles  Flags  Expl.
  CDP{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Cd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>} 1S+bI   ----  Coprocessor specific
  STC{cond}{L} Pn,Cd,<Address>         (n-1)S+2N+bI  [address] = CRd
  LDC{cond}{L} Pn,Cd,<Address>         (n-1)S+2N+bI  CRd = [address]
  MCR{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>} 1S+bI+1C      CRn = Rn {<op> CRm}
  MRC{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>} 1S+(b+1)I+1C  Rn = CRn {<op> CRm}
  CDP2,STC2,LDC2,MCR2,MRC2 - ARMv5 Extensions similar above, without {cond}
  MCRR{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Rn,Cm  ;write Rd,Rn to coproc ARMv5TE
  MRRC{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Rn,Cm  ;read Rd,Rn from coproc ARMv5TE

ARM Binary Opcode Format
  |..3 ..................2 ..................1 ..................0|
  |_Cond__|0_0_0|___Op__|S|__Rn___|__Rd___|__Shift__|Typ|0|__Rm___| DataProc
  |_Cond__|0_0_0|___Op__|S|__Rn___|__Rd___|__Rs___|0|Typ|1|__Rm___| DataProc
  |_Cond__|0_0_1|___Op__|S|__Rn___|__Rd___|_Shift_|___Immediate___| DataProc
  |_Cond__|0_0_1_1_0|P|1|0|_Field_|__Rd___|_Shift_|___Immediate___| PSR Imm
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_1_0|P|L|0|_Field_|__Rd___|0_0_0_0|0_0_0_0|__Rm___| PSR Reg
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_1_0_0_1_0_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1|0_0|L|1|__Rn___| BX,BLX
  |1_1_1_0|0_0_0_1_0_0_1_0|_____immediate_________|0_1_1_1|_immed_| BKPT ARM9
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_1_0_1_1_0_1_1_1_1|__Rd___|1_1_1_1|0_0_0_1|__Rm___| CLZ  ARM9
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_1_0|Op_|0|__Rn___|__Rd___|0_0_0_0|0_1_0_1|__Rm___| QALU ARM9
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_0_0_0|A|S|__Rd___|__Rn___|__Rs___|1_0_0_1|__Rm___| Multiply
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_0_1|U|A|S|_RdHi__|_RdLo__|__Rs___|1_0_0_1|__Rm___| MulLong
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_1_0|Op_|0|Rd/RdHi|Rn/RdLo|__Rs___|1|y|x|0|__Rm___| MulHalfARM9
  |_Cond__|0_0_0_1_0|B|0_0|__Rn___|__Rd___|0_0_0_0|1_0_0_1|__Rm___| TransSwp12
  |_Cond__|0_0_0|P|U|0|W|L|__Rn___|__Rd___|0_0_0_0|1|S|H|1|__Rm___| TransReg10
  |_Cond__|0_0_0|P|U|1|W|L|__Rn___|__Rd___|OffsetH|1|S|H|1|OffsetL| TransImm10
  |_Cond__|0_1_0|P|U|B|W|L|__Rn___|__Rd___|_________Offset________| TransImm9
  |_Cond__|0_1_1|P|U|B|W|L|__Rn___|__Rd___|__Shift__|Typ|0|__Rm___| TransReg9
  |_Cond__|0_1_1|________________xxx____________________|1|__xxx__| Undefined
  |_Cond__|1_0_0|P|U|S|W|L|__Rn___|__________Register_List________| BlockTrans
  |_Cond__|1_0_1|L|___________________Offset______________________| B,BL,BLX
  |_Cond__|1_1_0|P|U|N|W|L|__Rn___|__CRd__|__CP#__|____Offset_____| CoDataTrans
  |_Cond__|1_1_0_0_0_1_0|L|__Rn___|__Rd___|__CP#__|_CPopc_|__CRm__| CoRR ARM9
  |_Cond__|1_1_1_0|_CPopc_|__CRn__|__CRd__|__CP#__|_CP__|0|__CRm__| CoDataOp
  |_Cond__|1_1_1_0|CPopc|L|__CRn__|__Rd___|__CP#__|_CP__|1|__CRm__| CoRegTrans
  |_Cond__|1_1_1_1|_____________Ignored_by_Processor______________| SWI

  ARM Opcodes: Branch and Branch with Link (B, BL, BX, BLX, SWI, BKPT)

Branch and Branch with Link (B, BL, BLX_imm)
Branch (B) is supposed to jump to a subroutine. Branch with Link is meant to be used to call to a subroutine, return address is then saved in R14.
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition (must be 1111b for BLX)
  27-25  Must be "101" for this instruction
  24     Opcode (0-1) (or Halfword Offset for BLX)
          0: B{cond} label    ;branch            PC=PC+8+nn*4
          1: BL{cond} label   ;branch/link       PC=PC+8+nn*4, LR=PC+4
          H: BLX label ;ARM9  ;branch/link/thumb PC=PC+8+nn*4+H*2, LR=PC+4, T=1
  23-0   nn - Signed Offset, step 4      (-32M..+32M in steps of 4)
Branch with Link can be used to 'call' to a sub-routine, which may then 'return' by MOV PC,R14 for example.
Execution Time: 2S + 1N
Return: No flags affected.

Branch and Exchange (BX, BLX_reg)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-8   Must be "0001.0010.1111.1111.1111" for this instruction
  7-4    Opcode
          0001b: BX{cond}  Rn    ;PC=Rn, T=Rn.0  (ARMv4T and ARMv5 and up)
          0011b: BLX{cond} Rn    ;PC=Rn, T=Rn.0, LR=PC+4    (ARMv5 and up)
  3-0    Rn - Operand Register  (R0-R14)
Switching to THUMB Mode: Set Bit 0 of the value in Rn to 1, program continues then at Rn-1 in THUMB mode.
Results in undefined behaviour if using R15 (PC+8 itself) as operand. Using BLX R14 is possible (sets PC=Old_LR, and New_LR=retadr).
Execution Time: 2S + 1N
Return: No flags affected.

Branch via ALU, LDR, LDM
Most ALU, LDR, LDM opcodes can also change PC/R15.

Software Interrupt (SWI/BKPT) (svc/abt exceptions)
SWI supposed for calls to the operating system - Enter Supervisor mode (SVC) in ARM state. BKPT intended for debugging - enters Abort mode in ARM state via Prefetch Abort vector.
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition (must be 1110b for BKPT, ie. Condition=always)
  27-24  Opcode
          1111b: SWI{cond} nn   ;software interrupt
          0001b: BKPT      nn   ;breakpoint (ARMv5 and up)
  For SWI:
   23-0   nn - Comment Field, ignored by processor (24bit value)
  For BKPT:
   23-20  Must be 0010b for BKPT
   19-8   nn - upper 12bits of comment field, ignored by processor
   7-4    Must be 0111b for BKPT
   3-0    nn - lower 4bits of comment field, ignored by processor
Execution Time: 2S+1N
The exception handler may interprete the SWI Comment Field by examining the lower 24bit of the 32bit opcode opcode at [R14_svc-4]. If your are also using SWI's from inside of THUMB, then the SWI handler must examine the T Bit SPSR_svc in order to determine whether it's been a THUMB SWI - and if so, examine the lower 8bit of the 16bit opcode opcode at [R14_svc-2].
For Returning from SWI use "MOVS PC,R14", that instruction does restore both PC and CPSR, ie. PC=R14_svc, and CPSR=SPSR_svc.
Nesting SWIs: SPSR_svc and R14_svc should be saved on stack before either invoking nested SWIs, or (if the IRQ handler uses SWIs) before enabling IRQs.
Execution SWI/BKPT:
  R14_svc=PC+4     R14_abt=PC+4   ;save return address
  SPSR_svc=CPSR    SPSR_abt=CPSR  ;save CPSR flags
  CPSR=<changed>   CPSR=<changed> ;Enter svc/abt, ARM state, IRQs disabled
  PC=VVVV0008h     PC=VVVV000Ch   ;jump to SWI/PrefetchAbort vector address

Undefined Instruction (und exception)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-25  Must be 011b for this instruction
  24-5   Reserved for future use
  4      Must be 1b for this instruction
  3-0    Reserved for future use
No assembler mnemonic exists, following bitstreams are (not) reserved.
  cond011xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxx - reserved for future use (except below).
  cond01111111xxxxxxxxxxxx1111xxxx - free for user.
Execution time: 2S+1I+1N.

  ARM Opcodes: Data Processing (ALU)

Opcode Format
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-26  Must be 00b for this instruction
  25     I - Immediate 2nd Operand Flag (0=Register, 1=Immediate)
  24-21  Opcode (0-Fh)               ;*=Arithmetic, otherwise Logical
           0: AND{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2    ;AND logical       Rd = Rn AND Op2
           1: EOR{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2    ;XOR logical       Rd = Rn XOR Op2
           2: SUB{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2 ;* ;subtract          Rd = Rn-Op2
           3: RSB{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2 ;* ;subtract reversed Rd = Op2-Rn
           4: ADD{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2 ;* ;add               Rd = Rn+Op2
           5: ADC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2 ;* ;add with carry    Rd = Rn+Op2+Cy
           6: SBC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2 ;* ;sub with carry    Rd = Rn-Op2+Cy-1
           7: RSC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2 ;* ;sub cy. reversed  Rd = Op2-Rn+Cy-1
           8: TST{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2    ;test            Void = Rn AND Op2
           9: TEQ{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2    ;test exclusive  Void = Rn XOR Op2
           A: CMP{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2 ;* ;compare         Void = Rn-Op2
           B: CMN{cond}{P}    Rn,Op2 ;* ;compare neg.    Void = Rn+Op2
           C: ORR{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2    ;OR logical        Rd = Rn OR Op2
           D: MOV{cond}{S} Rd,Op2       ;move              Rd = Op2
           E: BIC{cond}{S} Rd,Rn,Op2    ;bit clear         Rd = Rn AND NOT Op2
           F: MVN{cond}{S} Rd,Op2       ;not               Rd = NOT Op2
  20     S - Set Condition Codes (0=No, 1=Yes) (Must be 1 for opcode 8-B)
  19-16  Rn - 1st Operand Register (R0..R15) (including PC=R15)
              Must be 0000b for MOV/MVN.
  15-12  Rd - Destination Register (R0..R15) (including PC=R15)
              Must be 0000b (or 1111b) for CMP/CMN/TST/TEQ{P}.
  When above Bit 25 I=0 (Register as 2nd Operand)
    When below Bit 4 R=0 - Shift by Immediate
      11-7   Is - Shift amount   (1-31, 0=Special/See below)
    When below Bit 4 R=1 - Shift by Register
      11-8   Rs - Shift register (R0-R14) - only lower 8bit 0-255 used
      7      Reserved, must be zero  (otherwise multiply or undefined opcode)
    6-5    Shift Type (0=LSL, 1=LSR, 2=ASR, 3=ROR)
    4      R - Shift by Register Flag (0=Immediate, 1=Register)
    3-0    Rm - 2nd Operand Register (R0..R15) (including PC=R15)
  When above Bit 25 I=1 (Immediate as 2nd Operand)
    11-8   Is - ROR-Shift applied to nn (0-30, in steps of 2)
    7-0    nn - 2nd Operand Unsigned 8bit Immediate

Second Operand (Op2)
This may be a shifted register, or a shifted immediate. See Bit 25 and 11-0.
Unshifted Register: Specify Op2 as "Rm", assembler converts to "Rm,LSL#0".
Shifted Register: Specify as "Rm,SSS#Is" or "Rm,SSS Rs" (SSS=LSL/LSR/ASR/ROR).
Immediate: Specify as 32bit value, for example: "#000NN000h", assembler should automatically convert into "#0NNh,ROR#0ssh" as far as possible (ie. as far as a section of not more than 8bits of the immediate is non-zero).

Zero Shift Amount (Shift Register by Immediate, with Immediate=0)
  LSL#0: No shift performed, ie. directly Op2=Rm, the C flag is NOT affected.
  LSR#0: Interpreted as LSR#32, ie. Op2 becomes zero, C becomes Bit 31 of Rm.
  ASR#0: Interpreted as ASR#32, ie. Op2 and C are filled by Bit 31 of Rm.
  ROR#0: Interpreted as RRX#1 (RCR), like ROR#1, but Op2 Bit 31 set to old C.
In source code, LSR#32, ASR#32, and RRX#1 should be specified as such - attempts to specify LSR#0, ASR#0, or ROR#0 will be internally converted to LSL#0 by the assembler.

Using R15 (PC)
When using R15 as Destination (Rd), note below CPSR description and Execution time description.
When using R15 as operand (Rm or Rn), the returned value depends on the instruction: PC+12 if I=0,R=1 (shift by register), otherwise PC+8 (shift by immediate).

Returned CPSR Flags
If S=1, Rd<>R15, logical operations (AND,EOR,TST,TEQ,ORR,MOV,BIC,MVN):
  V=not affected
  C=carryflag of shift operation (not affected if LSL#0 or Rs=00h)
  Z=zeroflag of result
  N=signflag of result (result bit 31)
If S=1, Rd<>R15, arithmetic operations (SUB,RSB,ADD,ADC,SBC,RSC,CMP,CMN):
  V=overflowflag of result
  C=carryflag of result
  Z=zeroflag of result
  N=signflag of result (result bit 31)
IF S=1, with unused Rd bits=1111b, {P} opcodes (CMPP/CMNP/TSTP/TEQP):
  R15=result  ;modify PSR bits in R15, ARMv2 and below only.
  In user mode only N,Z,C,V bits of R15 can be changed.
  In other modes additionally I,F,M1,M0 can be changed.
  The PC bits in R15 are left unchanged in all modes.
If S=1, Rd=R15; should not be used in user mode:
  CPSR = SPSR_<current mode>
  PC = result
  For example: MOVS PC,R14  ;return from SWI (PC=R14_svc, CPSR=SPSR_svc).
If S=0: Flags are not affected (not allowed for CMP,CMN,TEQ,TST).

The instruction "MOV R0,R0" is used as "NOP" opcode in 32bit ARM state.
Execution Time: (1+p)S+rI+pN. Whereas r=1 if I=0 and R=1 (ie. shift by register); otherwise r=0. And p=1 if Rd=R15; otherwise p=0.

  ARM Opcodes: Multiply and Multiply-Accumulate (MUL, MLA)

Opcode Format
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-25  Must be 000b for this instruction
  24-21  Opcode
          0000b: MUL{cond}{S}   Rd,Rm,Rs        ;multiply   Rd = Rm*Rs
          0001b: MLA{cond}{S}   Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn     ;mul.& accumulate Rd = Rm*Rs+Rn
          0100b: UMULL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs ;multiply   RdHiLo=Rm*Rs
          0101b: UMLAL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs ;mul.& acc. RdHiLo=Rm*Rs+RdHiLo
          0110b: SMULL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs ;sign.mul.  RdHiLo=Rm*Rs
          0111b: SMLAL{cond}{S} RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs ;sign.m&a.  RdHiLo=Rm*Rs+RdHiLo
          1000b: SMLAxy{cond}   Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn     ;Rd=HalfRm*HalfRs+Rn
          1001b: SMLAWy{cond}   Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn     ;Rd=(Rm*HalfRs)/10000h+Rn
          1001b: SMULWy{cond}   Rd,Rm,Rs        ;Rd=(Rm*HalfRs)/10000h
          1010b: SMLALxy{cond}  RdLo,RdHi,Rm,Rs ;RdHiLo=RdHiLo+HalfRm*HalfRs
          1011b: SMULxy{cond}   Rd,Rm,Rs        ;Rd=HalfRm*HalfRs
  20     S - Set Condition Codes (0=No, 1=Yes) (Must be 0 for Halfword mul)
  19-16  Rd (or RdHi) - Destination Register (R0-R14)
  15-12  Rn (or RdLo) - Accumulate Register  (R0-R14) (Set to 0000b if unused)
  11-8   Rs - Operand Register               (R0-R14)
  For Non-Halfword Multiplies
    7-4  Must be 1001b for these instructions
  For Halfword Multiplies
    7    Must be 1 for these instructions
    6    y - Rs Top/Bottom flag (0=B=Lower 16bit, 1=T=Upper 16bit)
    5    x - Rm Top/Bottom flag (as above), or 0 for SMLAW, or 1 for SMULW
    4    Must be 0 for these instructions
  3-0    Rm - Operand Register               (R0-R14)

Multiply and Multiply-Accumulate (MUL, MLA)
Restrictions: Rd may not be same as Rm. Rd,Rn,Rs,Rm may not be R15.
Note: Only the lower 32bit of the internal 64bit result are stored in Rd, thus no sign/zero extension is required and MUL and MLA can be used for both signed and unsigned calculations!
Execution Time: 1S+mI for MUL, and 1S+(m+1)I for MLA. Whereas 'm' depends on whether/how many most significant bits of Rs are all zero or all one. That is m=1 for Bit 31-8, m=2 for Bit 31-16, m=3 for Bit 31-24, and m=4 otherwise.
Flags (if S=1): Z=zeroflag, N=signflag, C=destroyed (ARMv4 and below) or C=not affected (ARMv5 and up), V=not affected. MUL/MLA supported by ARMv2 and up.

Multiply Long and Multiply-Accumulate Long (MULL, MLAL)
Optionally supported, INCLUDED in ARMv3M, EXCLUDED in ARMv4xM/ARMv5xM.
Restrictions: RdHi,RdLo,Rm must be different registers. R15 may not be used.
Execution Time: 1S+(m+1)I for MULL, and 1S+(m+2)I for MLAL. Whereas 'm' depends on whether/how many most significant bits of Rs are "all zero" (UMULL/UMLAL) or "all zero or all one" (SMULL,SMLAL). That is m=1 for Bit31-8, m=2 for Bit31-16, m=3 for Bit31-24, and m=4 otherwise.
Flags (if S=1): Z=zeroflag, N=signflag, C=destroyed (ARMv4 and below) or C=not affected (ARMv5 and up), V=destroyed??? (ARMv4 and below???) or V=not affected (ARMv5 and up).

Signed Halfword Multiply (SMLAxy,SMLAWy,SMLALxy,SMULxy,SMULWy)
Supported by E variants of ARMv5 and up, ie. ARMv5TE(xP).
Q-flag gets set on 32bit SMLAxy/SMLAWy addition overflows, however, the result is NOT truncated (as it'd be done with QADD opcodes).
Q-flag is NOT affected on (rare) 64bit SMLALxy addition overflows.
SMULxy/SMULWy cannot overflow, and thus leave Q-flag unchanged as well.
NZCV-flags are not affected by Halfword multiplies.
Execution Time: 1S+Interlock (SMULxy,SMLAxy,SMULWx,SMLAWx)
Execution Time: 1S+1I+Interlock (SMLALxy)

  ARM Opcodes: Special ARM9 Instructions (CLZ, QADD/QSUB)

Count Leading Zeros (CLZ)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-16  Must be 0001.0110.1111b for this instruction
         Opcode (fixed)
           CLZ{cond} Rd,Rm  ;Rd=Number of leading zeros in Rm
  15-12  Rd - Destination Register              (R0-R14)
  11-4   Must be 1111.0001b for this instruction
  3-0    Rm - Source Register                   (R0-R14)
CLZ supported by ARMv5 and up. Execution time: 1S.
Return: No Flags affected. Rd=0..32.

Opcode Format (QADD/QSUB)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-24  Must be 0001b for this instruction
  23-20  Opcode
          0000b: QADD{cond}  Rd,Rm,Rn    ;Rd=Rm+Rn
          0010b: QSUB{cond}  Rd,Rm,Rn    ;Rd=Rm-Rn
          0100b: QDADD{cond} Rd,Rm,Rn    ;Rd=Rm+Rn*2 (doubled)
          0110b: QDSUB{cond} Rd,Rm,Rn    ;Rd=Rm-Rn*2 (doubled)
  19-16  Rn - Second Source Register            (R0-R14)
  15-12  Rd - Destination Register              (R0-R14)
  11-4   Must be 00000101b for this instruction
  3-0    Rm - First Source Register             (R0-R14)
Supported by E variants of ARMv5 and up, ie. ARMv5TE(xP).
Execution time: 1S+Interlock.
Results truncated to signed 32bit range in case of overflows, with the Q-flag being set (and being left unchanged otherwise). NZCV flags are not affected.
Note: Rn*2 is internally processed first, and may get truncated - even if the final result would fit into range.

  ARM Opcodes: PSR Transfer (MRS, MSR)

Opcode Format
These instructions occupy an unused area (TEQ,TST,CMP,CMN with S=0) of ALU opcodes.
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-26  Must be 00b for this instruction
  25     I - Immediate Operand Flag  (0=Register, 1=Immediate) (Zero for MRS)
  24-23  Must be 10b for this instruction
  22     Psr - Source/Destination PSR  (0=CPSR, 1=SPSR_<current mode>)
  21     Opcode
           0: MRS{cond} Rd,Psr          ;Rd = Psr
           1: MSR{cond} Psr{_field},Op  ;Psr[field] = Op
  20     Must be 0b for this instruction (otherwise TST,TEQ,CMP,CMN)
  For MRS:
    19-16   Must be 1111b for this instruction (otherwise SWP)
    15-12   Rd - Destination Register  (R0-R14)
    11-0    Not used, must be zero.
  For MSR:
    19      f  write to flags field     Bit 31-24 (aka _flg)
    18      s  write to status field    Bit 23-16 (reserved, don't change)
    17      x  write to extension field Bit 15-8  (reserved, don't change)
    16      c  write to control field   Bit 7-0   (aka _ctl)
    15-12   Not used, must be 1111b.
  For MSR Psr,Rm (I=0)
    11-4    Not used, must be zero. (otherwise BX)
    3-0     Rm - Source Register <op>  (R0-R14)
  For MSR Psr,Imm (I=1)
    11-8    Shift applied to Imm   (ROR in steps of two 0-30)
    7-0     Imm - Unsigned 8bit Immediate
    In source code, a 32bit immediate should be specified as operand.
    The assembler should then convert that into a shifted 8bit value.
MSR/MRS and CPSR/SPSR supported by ARMv3 and up.
ARMv2 and below contained PSR flags in R15, accessed by CMP/CMN/TST/TEQ{P}.
The field mask bits specify which bits of the destination Psr are write-able (or write-protected), one or more of these bits should be set, for example, CPSR_fsxc (aka CPSR aka CPSR_all) unlocks all bits (see below user mode restriction though).
In non-privileged mode (user mode): only condition code bits of CPSR can be changed, control bits can't.
Only the SPSR of the current mode can be accessed; In User and System modes no SPSR exists.
The T-bit may not be changed; for THUMB/ARM switching use BX instruction.
Unused Bits in CPSR are reserved for future use and should never be changed (except for unused bits in the flags field).
Execution Time: 1S.

Note: The A22i assembler recognizes MOV as alias for both MSR and MRS because it is practically not possible to remember whether MSR or MRS was the load or store opcode, and/or whether it does load to or from the Psr register.

  ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Transfer (LDR, STR, PLD)

Opcode Format
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition (Must be 1111b for PLD)
  27-26  Must be 01b for this instruction
  25     I - Immediate Offset Flag (0=Immediate, 1=Shifted Register)
  24     P - Pre/Post (0=post; add offset after transfer, 1=pre; before trans.)
  23     U - Up/Down Bit (0=down; subtract offset from base, 1=up; add to base)
  22     B - Byte/Word bit (0=transfer 32bit/word, 1=transfer 8bit/byte)
  When above Bit 24 P=0 (Post-indexing, write-back is ALWAYS enabled):
    21     T - Memory Management (0=Normal, 1=Force non-privileged access)
  When above Bit 24 P=1 (Pre-indexing, write-back is optional):
    21     W - Write-back bit (0=no write-back, 1=write address into base)
  20     L - Load/Store bit (0=Store to memory, 1=Load from memory)
          0: STR{cond}{B}{T} Rd,<Address>   ;[Rn+/-<offset>]=Rd
          1: LDR{cond}{B}{T} Rd,<Address>   ;Rd=[Rn+/-<offset>]
         (1: PLD <Address> ;Prepare Cache for Load, see notes below)
          Whereas, B=Byte, T=Force User Mode (only for POST-Indexing)
  19-16  Rn - Base register               (R0..R15) (including R15=PC+8)
  15-12  Rd - Source/Destination Register (R0..R15) (including R15=PC+12)
  When above I=0 (Immediate as Offset)
    11-0   Unsigned 12bit Immediate Offset (0-4095, steps of 1)
  When above I=1 (Register shifted by Immediate as Offset)
    11-7   Is - Shift amount      (1-31, 0=Special/See below)
    6-5    Shift Type             (0=LSL, 1=LSR, 2=ASR, 3=ROR)
    4      Must be 0 (Reserved, see The Undefined Instruction)
    3-0    Rm - Offset Register   (R0..R14) (not including PC=R15)

Instruction Formats for <Address>
An expression which generates an address:
  <expression>                  ;an immediate used as address
  ;*** restriction: must be located in range PC+/-4095+8, if so,
  ;*** assembler will calculate offset and use PC (R15) as base.
Pre-indexed addressing specification:
  [Rn]                          ;offset = zero
  [Rn, <#{+/-}expression>]{!}   ;offset = immediate
  [Rn, {+/-}Rm{,<shift>} ]{!}   ;offset = register shifted by immediate
Post-indexed addressing specification:
  [Rn], <#{+/-}expression>      ;offset = immediate
  [Rn], {+/-}Rm{,<shift>}       ;offset = register shifted by immediate
  <shift>  immediate shift such like LSL#4, ROR#2, etc. (see ALU opcodes).
  {!}      exclamation mark ("!") indicates write-back (Rn will be updated).

Shift amount 0 has special meaning, as described for ALU opcodes.
When writing a word (32bit) to memory, the address should be word-aligned.
When reading a byte from memory, upper 24 bits of Rd are zero-extended.
LDR PC,<op> on ARMv4 leaves CPSR.T unchanged.
LDR PC,<op> on ARMv5 sets CPSR.T to <op> Bit0, (1=Switch to Thumb).

When reading a word from a halfword-aligned address (which is located in the middle between two word-aligned addresses), the lower 16bit of Rd will contain [address] ie. the addressed halfword, and the upper 16bit of Rd will contain [Rd-2] ie. more or less unwanted garbage. However, by isolating lower bits this may be used to read a halfword from memory. (Above applies to little endian mode, as used in GBA.)

In a virtual memory based environment (ie. not in the GBA), aborts (ie. page faults) may take place during execution, if so, Rm and Rn should not specify the same register when post-indexing is used, as the abort-handler might have problems to reconstruct the original value of the register.

Return: CPSR flags are not affected.
Execution Time: For normal LDR: 1S+1N+1I. For LDR PC: 2S+2N+1I. For STR: 2N.

PLD <Address> ;Prepare Cache for Load
PLD must use following settings cond=1111b, P=1, B=1, W=0, L=1, Rd=1111b, the address may not use post-indexing, and may not use writeback, the opcode is encoded identical as LDRNVB R15,<Address>.
PLD signalizes to the memory system that a specific memory address will be soon accessed, the memory system may use this hint to prepare caching/pipelining, aside from that, PLD does not have any affect to the program logic, and behaves identical as NOP.
PLD supported by ARMv5TE only, not ARMv5, not ARMv5TExP.

  ARM Opcodes: Memory: Halfword, Doubleword, and Signed Data Transfer

Opcode Format
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-25  Must be 000b for this instruction
  24     P - Pre/Post (0=post; add offset after transfer, 1=pre; before trans.)
  23     U - Up/Down Bit (0=down; subtract offset from base, 1=up; add to base)
  22     I - Immediate Offset Flag (0=Register Offset, 1=Immediate Offset)
  When above Bit 24 P=0 (Post-indexing, write-back is ALWAYS enabled):
    21     Not used, must be zero (0)
  When above Bit 24 P=1 (Pre-indexing, write-back is optional):
    21     W - Write-back bit (0=no write-back, 1=write address into base)
  20     L - Load/Store bit (0=Store to memory, 1=Load from memory)
  19-16  Rn - Base register                (R0-R15) (Including R15=PC+8)
  15-12  Rd - Source/Destination Register  (R0-R15) (Including R15=PC+12)
  11-8   When above Bit 22 I=0 (Register as Offset):
           Not used. Must be 0000b
         When above Bit 22 I=1 (immediate as Offset):
           Immediate Offset (upper 4bits)
  7      Reserved, must be set (1)
  6-5    Opcode (0-3)
         When Bit 20 L=0 (Store) (and Doubleword Load/Store):
          0: Reserved for SWP instruction
          1: STR{cond}H  Rd,<Address>  ;Store halfword   [a]=Rd
          2: LDR{cond}D  Rd,<Address>  ;Load Doubleword  R(d)=[a], R(d+1)=[a+4]
          3: STR{cond}D  Rd,<Address>  ;Store Doubleword [a]=R(d), [a+4]=R(d+1)
         When Bit 20 L=1 (Load):
          0: Reserved.
          1: LDR{cond}H  Rd,<Address>  ;Load Unsigned halfword (zero-extended)
          2: LDR{cond}SB Rd,<Address>  ;Load Signed byte (sign extended)
          3: LDR{cond}SH Rd,<Address>  ;Load Signed halfword (sign extended)
  4      Reserved, must be set (1)
  3-0    When above Bit 22 I=0:
           Rm - Offset Register            (R0-R14) (not including R15)
         When above Bit 22 I=1:
           Immediate Offset (lower 4bits)  (0-255, together with upper bits)
STRH,LDRH,LDRSB,LDRSH supported on ARMv4 and up.
STRD/LDRD supported on ARMv5TE only, not ARMv5, not ARMv5TExP.
STRD/LDRD: base writeback: Rn should not be same as R(d) or R(d+1).
STRD: index register: Rm should not be same as R(d) or R(d+1).
STRD/LDRD: Rd must be an even numbered register (R0,R2,R4,R6,R8,R10,R12).
STRD/LDRD: Address must be double-word aligned (multiple of eight).

Instruction Formats for <Address>
An expression which generates an address:
  <expression>                  ;an immediate used as address
  ;*** restriction: must be located in range PC+/-255+8, if so,
  ;*** assembler will calculate offset and use PC (R15) as base.
Pre-indexed addressing specification:
  [Rn]                          ;offset = zero
  [Rn, <#{+/-}expression>]{!}   ;offset = immediate
  [Rn, {+/-}Rm]{!}              ;offset = register
Post-indexed addressing specification:
  [Rn], <#{+/-}expression>      ;offset = immediate
  [Rn], {+/-}Rm                 ;offset = register
  {!}      exclamation mark ("!") indicates write-back (Rn will be updated).

Return: No Flags affected.
Execution Time: For Normal LDR, 1S+1N+1I. For LDR PC, 2S+2N+1I. For STRH 2N.

  ARM Opcodes: Memory: Block Data Transfer (LDM, STM)

Opcode Format
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-25  Must be 100b for this instruction
  24     P - Pre/Post (0=post; add offset after transfer, 1=pre; before trans.)
  23     U - Up/Down Bit (0=down; subtract offset from base, 1=up; add to base)
  22     S - PSR & force user bit (0=No, 1=load PSR or force user mode)
  21     W - Write-back bit (0=no write-back, 1=write address into base)
  20     L - Load/Store bit (0=Store to memory, 1=Load from memory)
          0: STM{cond}{amod} Rn{!},<Rlist>{^}  ;Store (Push)
          1: LDM{cond}{amod} Rn{!},<Rlist>{^}  ;Load  (Pop)
          Whereas, {!}=Write-Back (W), and {^}=PSR/User Mode (S)
  19-16  Rn - Base register                (R0-R14) (not including R15)
  15-0   Rlist - Register List
  (Above 'offset' is meant to be the number of words specified in Rlist.)
Return: No Flags affected.
Execution Time: For normal LDM, nS+1N+1I. For LDM PC, (n+1)S+2N+1I. For STM (n-1)S+2N. Where n is the number of words transferred.

Addressing Modes {amod}
The IB,IA,DB,DA suffixes directly specify the desired U and P bits:
  IB  increment before          ;P=1, U=1
  IA  increment after           ;P=0, U=1
  DB  decrement before          ;P=1, U=0
  DA  decrement after           ;P=0, U=0
Alternately, FD,ED,FA,EA could be used, mostly to simplify mnemonics for stack transfers.
  ED  empty stack, descending   ;LDM: P=1, U=1  ;STM: P=0, U=0
  FD  full stack,  descending   ;     P=0, U=1  ;     P=1, U=0
  EA  empty stack, ascending    ;     P=1, U=0  ;     P=0, U=1
  FA  full stack,  ascending    ;     P=0, U=0  ;     P=1, U=1
Ie. the following expressions are aliases for each other:
Note: The equivalent THUMB functions use fixed organization:
  PUSH/POP: full descending     ;base register SP (R13)
  LDM/STM:  increment after     ;base register R0..R7
Descending is common stack organization as used in 80x86 and Z80 CPUs, SP is decremented when pushing/storing data, and incremented when popping/loading data.

When S Bit is set (S=1)
If instruction is LDM and R15 is in the list: (Mode Changes)
  While R15 loaded, additionally: CPSR=SPSR_<current mode>
Otherwise: (User bank transfer)
  Rlist is referring to User Bank Registers, R0-R15 (rather than
  register related to the current mode, such like R14_svc etc.)
  Base write-back should not be used for User bank transfer.
  Caution - When instruction is LDM:
  If the following instruction reads from a banked register (eg. R14_svc),
  then CPU might still read R14 instead; if necessary insert a dummy NOP.

The base address should be usually word-aligned.
LDM Rn,...,PC on ARMv4 leaves CPSR.T unchanged.
LDR Rn,...,PC on ARMv5 sets CPSR.T to <op> Bit0, (1=Switch to Thumb).

Transfer Order
The lowest Register in Rlist (R0 if its in the list) will be loaded/stored to/from the lowest memory address.
Internally, the rlist register are always processed with INCREASING addresses (ie. for DECREASING addressing modes, the CPU does first calculate the lowest address, and does then process rlist with increasing addresses; this detail can be important when accessing memory mapped I/O ports).

Strange Effects on Invalid Rlist's
Empty Rlist: R15 loaded/stored (ARMv4 only), and Rb=Rb+/-40h (ARMv4-v5).
Writeback with Rb included in Rlist: Store OLD base if Rb is FIRST entry in Rlist, otherwise store NEW base (STM/ARMv4), always store OLD base (STM/ARMv5), no writeback (LDM/ARMv4), writeback if Rb is "the ONLY register, or NOT the LAST register" in Rlist (LDM/ARMv5).

  ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Swap (SWP)

Opcode Format
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-23  Must be 00010b for this instruction
         Opcode (fixed)
           SWP{cond}{B} Rd,Rm,[Rn]      ;Rd=[Rn], [Rn]=Rm
  22     B - Byte/Word bit (0=swap 32bit/word, 1=swap 8bit/byte)
  21-20  Must be 00b for this instruction
  19-16  Rn - Base register                     (R0-R14)
  15-12  Rd - Destination Register              (R0-R14)
  11-4   Must be 00001001b for this instruction
  3-0    Rm - Source Register                   (R0-R14)
SWP/SWPB supported by ARMv2a and up.
Swap works properly including if Rm and Rn specify the same register.
R15 may not be used for either Rn,Rd,Rm. (Rn=R15 would be MRS opcode).
Upper bits of Rd are zero-expanded when using Byte quantity. For info about byte and word data memory addressing, read LDR and STR opcode description.
Execution Time: 1S+2N+1I. That is, 2N data cycles, 1S code cycle, plus 1I.

  ARM Opcodes: Coprocessor Instructions (MRC/MCR, LDC/STC, CDP, MCRR/MRRC)

Coprocessor Register Transfers (MRC, MCR) (with ARM Register read/write)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition (or 1111b for MRC2/MCR2 opcodes on ARMv5 and up)
  27-24  Must be 1110b for this instruction
  23-21  CP Opc - Coprocessor operation code         (0-7)
  20     ARM-Opcode (0-1)
          0: MCR{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>}   ;move from ARM to CoPro
          0: MCR2      Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>}   ;move from ARM to CoPro
          1: MRC{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>}   ;move from CoPro to ARM
          1: MRC2      Pn,<cpopc>,Rd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>}   ;move from CoPro to ARM
  19-16  Cn     - Coprocessor source/dest. Register  (C0-C15)
  15-12  Rd     - ARM source/destination Register    (R0-R15)
  11-8   Pn     - Coprocessor number                 (P0-P15)
  7-5    CP     - Coprocessor information            (0-7)
  4      Reserved, must be one (1) (otherwise CDP opcode)
  3-0    Cm     - Coprocessor operand Register       (C0-C15)
MCR/MRC supported by ARMv2 and up, MCR2/MRC2 by ARMv5 and up.
A22i syntax allows to use MOV with Rd specified as first (dest), or last (source) operand. Native MCR/MRC syntax uses Rd as middle operand, <cp> can be ommited if <cp> is zero.
When using MCR with R15: Coprocessor will receive a data value of PC+12.
When using MRC with R15: Bit 31-28 of data are copied to Bit 31-28 of CPSR (ie. N,Z,C,V flags), other data bits are ignored, CPSR Bit 27-0 are not affected, R15 (PC) is not affected.
Execution time: 1S+bI+1C for MCR, 1S+(b+1)I+1C for MRC.
Return: For MRC only: Either R0-R14 modified, or flags affected (see above).
For details refer to original ARM docs. The opcodes irrelevant for GBA/NDS7 because no coprocessor exists (except for a dummy CP14 unit). However, NDS9 includes a working CP15 unit.
ARM CP14 ICEbreaker Debug Communications Channel
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor

Coprocessor Data Transfers (LDC, STC) (with Memory read/write)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition (or 1111b for LDC2/STC2 opcodes on ARMv5 and up)
  27-25  Must be 110b for this instruction
  24     P - Pre/Post (0=post; add offset after transfer, 1=pre; before trans.)
  23     U - Up/Down Bit (0=down; subtract offset from base, 1=up; add to base)
  22     N - Transfer length (0-1, interpretation depends on co-processor)
  21     W - Write-back bit (0=no write-back, 1=write address into base)
  20     Opcode (0-1)
          0: STC{cond}{L} Pn,Cd,<Address>  ;Store to memory (from coprocessor)
          0: STC2{L}      Pn,Cd,<Address>  ;Store to memory (from coprocessor)
          1: LDC{cond}{L} Pn,Cd,<Address>  ;Read from memory (to coprocessor)
          1: LDC2{L}      Pn,Cd,<Address>  ;Read from memory (to coprocessor)
          whereas {L} indicates long transfer (Bit 22: N=1)
  19-16  Rn     - ARM Base Register              (R0-R15)     (R15=PC+8)
  15-12  Cd     - Coprocessor src/dest Register  (C0-C15)
  11-8   Pn     - Coprocessor number             (P0-P15)
  7-0    Offset - Unsigned Immediate, step 4     (0-1020, in steps of 4)
LDC/STC supported by ARMv2 and up, LDC2/STC2 by ARMv5 and up.
Execution time: (n-1)S+2N+bI, n=number of words transferred.
For details refer to original ARM docs, irrelevant in GBA because no coprocessor exists.

Coprocessor Data Operations (CDP) (without Memory or ARM Register operand)
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition (or 1111b for CDP2 opcode on ARMv5 and up)
  27-24  Must be 1110b for this instruction
         ARM-Opcode (fixed)
           CDP{cond} Pn,<cpopc>,Cd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>}
           CDP2      Pn,<cpopc>,Cd,Cn,Cm{,<cp>}
  23-20  CP Opc - Coprocessor operation code       (0-15)
  19-16  Cn     - Coprocessor operand Register     (C0-C15)
  15-12  Cd     - Coprocessor destination Register (C0-C15)
  11-8   Pn     - Coprocessor number               (P0-P15)
  7-5    CP     - Coprocessor information          (0-7)
  4      Reserved, must be zero (otherwise MCR/MRC opcode)
  3-0    Cm     - Coprocessor operand Register     (C0-C15)
CDP supported by ARMv2 and up, CDP2 by ARMv5 and up.
Execution time: 1S+bI, b=number of cycles in coprocessor busy-wait loop.
Return: No flags affected, no ARM-registers used/modified.
For details refer to original ARM docs, irrelevant in GBA because no coprocessor exists.

Coprocessor Double-Register Transfer (MCRR, MRRC) - ARMv5TE only
  Bit    Expl.
  31-28  Condition
  27-21  Must be 1100010b for this instruction
  20     L - Opcode (Load/Store)
          0: MCRR{cond} Pn,opcode,Rd,Rn,Cm  ;write Rd,Rn to coproc
          1: MRRC{cond} Pn,opcode,Rd,Rn,Cm  ;read Rd,Rn from coproc
  19-16  Rn - Second source/dest register      (R0-R14)
  15-12  Rd - First source/dest register       (R0-R14)
  11-8   Pn     - Coprocessor number           (P0-P15)
  7-4    CP Opc - Coprocessor operation code   (0-15)
  3-0    Cm     - Coprocessor operand Register (C0-C15)
Supported by ARMv5TE only, not ARMv5, not ARMv5TExP.

  THUMB Instruction Summary

The table below lists all THUMB mode instructions with clock cycles, affected CPSR flags, Format/chapter number, and description.
Only register R0..R7 can be used in thumb mode (unless R8-15,SP,PC are explicitly mentioned).

Logical Operations
  Instruction        Cycles Flags Format Expl.
  MOV Rd,Imm8bit      1S     NZ--  3   Rd=nn
  MOV Rd,Rs           1S     NZ00  2   Rd=Rs+0
  MOV R0..14,R8..15   1S     ----  5   Rd=Rs
  MOV R8..14,R0..15   1S     ----  5   Rd=Rs
  MOV R15,R0..15      2S+1N  ----  5   PC=Rs
  MVN Rd,Rs           1S     NZ--  4   Rd=NOT Rs
  AND Rd,Rs           1S     NZ--  4   Rd=Rd AND Rs
  TST Rd,Rs           1S     NZ--  4 Void=Rd AND Rs
  BIC Rd,Rs           1S     NZ--  4   Rd=Rd AND NOT Rs
  ORR Rd,Rs           1S     NZ--  4   Rd=Rd OR Rs
  EOR Rd,Rs           1S     NZ--  4   Rd=Rd XOR Rs
  LSL Rd,Rs,Imm5bit   1S     NZc-  1   Rd=Rs SHL nn
  LSL Rd,Rs           1S+1I  NZc-  4   Rd=Rd SHL (Rs AND 0FFh)
  LSR Rd,Rs,Imm5bit   1S     NZc-  1   Rd=Rs SHR nn
  LSR Rd,Rs           1S+1I  NZc-  4   Rd=Rd SHR (Rs AND 0FFh)
  ASR Rd,Rs,Imm5bit   1S     NZc-  1   Rd=Rs SAR nn
  ASR Rd,Rs           1S+1I  NZc-  4   Rd=Rd SAR (Rs AND 0FFh)
  ROR Rd,Rs           1S+1I  NZc-  4   Rd=Rd ROR (Rs AND 0FFh)
  NOP                 1S     ----  5   R8=R8
Carry flag affected only if shift amount is non-zero.

Arithmetic Operations and Multiply
  Instruction        Cycles Flags Format Expl.
  ADD Rd,Rs,Imm3bit   1S     NZCV  2   Rd=Rs+nn
  ADD Rd,Imm8bit      1S     NZCV  3   Rd=Rd+nn
  ADD Rd,Rs,Rn        1S     NZCV  2   Rd=Rs+Rn
  ADD R0..14,R8..15   1S     ----  5   Rd=Rd+Rs
  ADD R8..14,R0..15   1S     ----  5   Rd=Rd+Rs
  ADD R15,R0..15      2S+1N  ----  5   PC=Rd+Rs
  ADD Rd,PC,Imm8bit*4 1S     ---- 12   Rd=(($+4) AND NOT 2)+nn
  ADD Rd,SP,Imm8bit*4 1S     ---- 12   Rd=SP+nn
  ADD SP,Imm7bit*4    1S     ---- 13   SP=SP+nn
  ADD SP,-Imm7bit*4   1S     ---- 13   SP=SP-nn
  ADC Rd,Rs           1S     NZCV  4   Rd=Rd+Rs+Cy
  SUB Rd,Rs,Imm3Bit   1S     NZCV  2   Rd=Rs-nn
  SUB Rd,Imm8bit      1S     NZCV  3   Rd=Rd-nn
  SUB Rd,Rs,Rn        1S     NZCV  2   Rd=Rs-Rn
  SBC Rd,Rs           1S     NZCV  4   Rd=Rd-Rs-NOT Cy
  NEG Rd,Rs           1S     NZCV  4   Rd=0-Rs
  CMP Rd,Imm8bit      1S     NZCV  3 Void=Rd-nn
  CMP Rd,Rs           1S     NZCV  4 Void=Rd-Rs
  CMP R0-15,R8-15     1S     NZCV  5 Void=Rd-Rs
  CMP R8-15,R0-15     1S     NZCV  5 Void=Rd-Rs
  CMN Rd,Rs           1S     NZCV  4 Void=Rd+Rs
  MUL Rd,Rs           1S+mI  NZx-  4   Rd=Rd*Rs

Jumps and Calls
  Instruction        Cycles    Flags Format Expl.
  B disp              2S+1N     ---- 18  PC=$+/-2048
  BL disp             3S+1N     ---- 19  PC=$+/-4M, LR=$+5
  B{cond=true} disp   2S+1N     ---- 16  PC=$+/-0..256
  B{cond=false} disp  1S        ---- 16  N/A
  BX R0..15           2S+1N     ----  5  PC=Rs, ARM/THUMB (Rs bit0)
  SWI Imm8bit         2S+1N     ---- 17  PC=8, ARM SVC mode, LR=$+2
  BKPT Imm8bit        ???       ---- 17  ??? ARM9 Prefetch Abort
  BLX disp            ???       ---- ??? ??? ARM9
  BLX R0..R14         ???       ---- ??? ??? ARM9
  POP {Rlist,}PC   (n+1)S+2N+1I ---- 14
  MOV R15,R0..15      2S+1N     ----  5  PC=Rs
  ADD R15,R0..15      2S+1N     ----  5  PC=Rd+Rs
The thumb BL instruction occupies two 16bit opcodes, 32bit in total.

Memory Load/Store
  Instruction        Cycles    Flags Format Expl.
  LDR  Rd,[Rb,5bit*4] 1S+1N+1I  ----  9  Rd = WORD[Rb+nn]
  LDR  Rd,[PC,8bit*4] 1S+1N+1I  ----  6  Rd = WORD[PC+nn]
  LDR  Rd,[SP,8bit*4] 1S+1N+1I  ---- 11  Rd = WORD[SP+nn]
  LDR  Rd,[Rb,Ro]     1S+1N+1I  ----  7  Rd = WORD[Rb+Ro]
  LDRB Rd,[Rb,5bit*1] 1S+1N+1I  ----  9  Rd = BYTE[Rb+nn]
  LDRB Rd,[Rb,Ro]     1S+1N+1I  ----  7  Rd = BYTE[Rb+Ro]
  LDRH Rd,[Rb,5bit*2] 1S+1N+1I  ---- 10  Rd = HALFWORD[Rb+nn]
  LDRH Rd,[Rb,Ro]     1S+1N+1I  ----  8  Rd = HALFWORD[Rb+Ro]
  LDSB Rd,[Rb,Ro]     1S+1N+1I  ----  8  Rd = SIGNED_BYTE[Rb+Ro]
  LDSH Rd,[Rb,Ro]     1S+1N+1I  ----  8  Rd = SIGNED_HALFWORD[Rb+Ro]
  STR  Rd,[Rb,5bit*4] 2N        ----  9  WORD[Rb+nn] = Rd
  STR  Rd,[SP,8bit*4] 2N        ---- 11  WORD[SP+nn] = Rd
  STR  Rd,[Rb,Ro]     2N        ----  7  WORD[Rb+Ro] = Rd
  STRB Rd,[Rb,5bit*1] 2N        ----  9  BYTE[Rb+nn] = Rd
  STRB Rd,[Rb,Ro]     2N        ----  7  BYTE[Rb+Ro] = Rd
  STRH Rd,[Rb,5bit*2] 2N        ---- 10  HALFWORD[Rb+nn] = Rd
  STRH Rd,[Rb,Ro]     2N        ----  8  HALFWORD[Rb+Ro]=Rd
  PUSH {Rlist}{LR}    (n-1)S+2N ---- 14
  POP  {Rlist}{PC}              ---- 14  (ARM9: with mode switch)
  STMIA Rb!,{Rlist}   (n-1)S+2N ---- 15
  LDMIA Rb!,{Rlist}   nS+1N+1I  ---- 15

THUMB Binary Opcode Format
This table summarizes the position of opcode/parameter bits for THUMB mode instructions, Format 1-19.

 __6_|_0___1___0___0___1_|____Rd_____|_____________Word______________|LDR PC
 _11_|_1___0___0___1_|Op_|____Rd_____|_____________Word______________|"" SP
 _12_|_1___0___1___0_|Op_|____Rd_____|_____________Word______________|ADD PC/SP
 _13_|_1___0___1___1___0___0___0___0_|_S_|___________Word____________|ADD SP,nn
 _17_|_1___0___1___1___1___1___1___0_|___________User_Data___________|BKPT ARM9

Further UNDEFS ??? ARM9?
 1011 0001 xxxxxxxx (reserved)
 1011 0x1x xxxxxxxx (reserved)
 1011 10xx xxxxxxxx (reserved)
 1011 1111 xxxxxxxx (reserved)
 1101 1110 xxxxxxxx (free for user)

  THUMB Opcodes: Register Operations (ALU, BX)

THUMB.1: move shifted register
  15-13  Must be 000b for 'move shifted register' instructions
  12-11  Opcode
           00b: LSL Rd,Rs,#Offset   (logical/arithmetic shift left)
           01b: LSR Rd,Rs,#Offset   (logical    shift right)
           10b: ASR Rd,Rs,#Offset   (arithmetic shift right)
           11b: Reserved (used for add/subtract instructions)
  10-6   Offset                     (0-31)
  5-3    Rs - Source register       (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Destination register  (R0..R7)
Example: LSL Rd,Rs,#nn ; Rd = Rs << nn ; ARM equivalent: MOVS Rd,Rs,LSL #nn
Zero shift amount is having special meaning (same as for ARM shifts), LSL#0 performs no shift (the the carry flag remains unchanged), LSR/ASR#0 are interpreted as LSR/ASR#32. Attempts to specify LSR/ASR#0 in source code are automatically redirected as LSL#0, and source LSR/ASR#32 is redirected as opcode LSR/ASR#0.
Execution Time: 1S
Flags: Z=zeroflag, N=sign, C=carry (except LSL#0: C=unchanged), V=unchanged.

THUMB.2: add/subtract
  15-11  Must be 00011b for 'add/subtract' instructions
  10-9   Opcode (0-3)
           0: ADD Rd,Rs,Rn   ;add register        Rd=Rs+Rn
           1: SUB Rd,Rs,Rn   ;subtract register   Rd=Rs-Rn
           2: ADD Rd,Rs,#nn  ;add immediate       Rd=Rs+nn
           3: SUB Rd,Rs,#nn  ;subtract immediate  Rd=Rs-nn
         Pseudo/alias opcode with Imm=0:
           2: MOV Rd,Rs      ;move (affects cpsr) Rd=Rs+0
  8-6    For Register Operand:
           Rn - Register Operand (R0..R7)
         For Immediate Operand:
           nn - Immediate Value  (0-7)
  5-3    Rs - Source register       (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Destination register  (R0..R7)
Return: Rd contains result, N,Z,C,V affected (including MOV).
Execution Time: 1S

THUMB.3: move/compare/add/subtract immediate
  15-13  Must be 001b for this type of instructions
  12-11  Opcode
           00b: MOV Rd,#nn      ;move     Rd   = #nn
           01b: CMP Rd,#nn      ;compare  Void = Rd - #nn
           10b: ADD Rd,#nn      ;add      Rd   = Rd + #nn
           11b: SUB Rd,#nn      ;subtract Rd   = Rd - #nn
  10-8   Rd - Destination Register  (R0..R7)
  7-0    nn - Unsigned Immediate    (0-255)
ARM equivalents for MOV/CMP/ADD/SUB are MOVS/CMP/ADDS/SUBS same format.
Execution Time: 1S
Return: Rd contains result (except CMP), N,Z,C,V affected (for MOV only N,Z).

THUMB.4: ALU operations
  15-10  Must be 010000b for this type of instructions
  9-6    Opcode (0-Fh)
           0: AND Rd,Rs     ;AND logical       Rd = Rd AND Rs
           1: EOR Rd,Rs     ;XOR logical       Rd = Rd XOR Rs
           2: LSL Rd,Rs     ;log. shift left   Rd = Rd << (Rs AND 0FFh)
           3: LSR Rd,Rs     ;log. shift right  Rd = Rd >> (Rs AND 0FFh)
           4: ASR Rd,Rs     ;arit shift right  Rd = Rd SAR (Rs AND 0FFh)
           5: ADC Rd,Rs     ;add with carry    Rd = Rd + Rs + Cy
           6: SBC Rd,Rs     ;sub with carry    Rd = Rd - Rs - NOT Cy
           7: ROR Rd,Rs     ;rotate right      Rd = Rd ROR (Rs AND 0FFh)
           8: TST Rd,Rs     ;test            Void = Rd AND Rs
           9: NEG Rd,Rs     ;negate            Rd = 0 - Rs
           A: CMP Rd,Rs     ;compare         Void = Rd - Rs
           B: CMN Rd,Rs     ;     Void = Rd + Rs
           C: ORR Rd,Rs     ;OR logical        Rd = Rd OR Rs
           D: MUL Rd,Rs     ;multiply          Rd = Rd * Rs
           E: BIC Rd,Rs     ;bit clear         Rd = Rd AND NOT Rs
           F: MVN Rd,Rs     ;not               Rd = NOT Rs
  5-3    Rs - Source Register       (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Destination Register  (R0..R7)
ARM equivalent for NEG would be RSBS.
Return: Rd contains result (except TST,CMP,CMN),
Affected Flags:
  N,Z,C   for  LSL,LSR,ASR,ROR (carry flag unchanged if zero shift amount)
  N,Z,C   for  MUL on ARMv4 and below: carry flag destroyed
  N,Z     for  MUL on ARMv5 and above: carry flag unchanged
Execution Time:
  1S+1I   for  LSL,LSR,ASR,ROR
  1S+mI   for  MUL on ARMv4 (m=1..4; depending on MSBs of incoming Rd value)
  1S+mI   for  MUL on ARMv5 (m=3; fucking slow, no matter of MSBs of Rd value)

THUMB.5: Hi register operations/branch exchange
  15-10  Must be 010001b for this type of instructions
  9-8    Opcode (0-3)
           0: ADD Rd,Rs   ;add        Rd = Rd+Rs
           1: CMP Rd,Rs   ;compare  Void = Rd-Rs  ;CPSR affected
           2: MOV Rd,Rs   ;move       Rd = Rs
           2: NOP         ;nop        R8 = R8
           3: BX  Rs      ;jump       PC = Rs     ;may switch THUMB/ARM
           3: BLX Rs      ;call       PC = Rs     ;may switch THUMB/ARM (ARM9)
  7      MSBd - Destination Register most significant bit (or BL/BLX flag)
  6      MSBs - Source Register most significant bit
  5-3    Rs - Source Register        (together with MSBs: R0..R15)
  2-0    Rd - Destination Register   (together with MSBd: R0..R15)
Restrictions: For ADD/CMP/MOV, MSBs and/or MSBd must be set, ie. it is not allowed that both are cleared.
When using R15 (PC) as operand, the value will be the address of the instruction plus 4 (ie. $+4). Except for BX R15: CPU switches to ARM state, and PC is auto-aligned as (($+4) AND NOT 2).
For BX, MSBs may be 0 or 1, MSBd must be zero, Rd is not used/zero.
For BLX, MSBs may be 0 or 1, MSBd must be set, Rd is not used/zero.
For BX/BLX, when Bit 0 of the value in Rs is zero:
  Processor will be switched into ARM mode!
  If so, Bit 1 of Rs must be cleared (32bit word aligned).
  Thus, BX PC (switch to ARM) may be issued from word-aligned address
  only, the destination is PC+4 (ie. the following halfword is skipped).
BLX may not use R15. BLX saves the return address as LR=PC+3 (with thumb bit).
Using BLX R14 is possible (sets PC=Old_LR, and New_LR=retadr).
Assemblers/Disassemblers should use MOV R8,R8 as NOP (in THUMB mode).
Return: Only CMP affects CPSR condition flags!
Execution Time:
 1S     for ADD/MOV/CMP
 2S+1N  for ADD/MOV with Rd=R15, and for BX

  THUMB Opcodes: Memory Load/Store (LDR/STR)

THUMB.6: load PC-relative (for loading immediates from literal pool)
  15-11  Must be 01001b for this type of instructions
  N/A    Opcode (fixed)
           LDR Rd,[PC,#nn]      ;load 32bit    Rd = WORD[PC+nn]
  10-8   Rd - Destination Register   (R0..R7)
  7-0    nn - Unsigned offset        (0-1020 in steps of 4)
The value of PC will be interpreted as (($+4) AND NOT 2).
Return: No flags affected, data loaded into Rd.
Execution Time: 1S+1N+1I

THUMB.7: load/store with register offset
  15-12  Must be 0101b for this type of instructions
  11-10  Opcode (0-3)
          0: STR  Rd,[Rb,Ro]   ;store 32bit data  WORD[Rb+Ro] = Rd
          1: STRB Rd,[Rb,Ro]   ;store  8bit data  BYTE[Rb+Ro] = Rd
          2: LDR  Rd,[Rb,Ro]   ;load  32bit data  Rd = WORD[Rb+Ro]
          3: LDRB Rd,[Rb,Ro]   ;load   8bit data  Rd = BYTE[Rb+Ro]
  9      Must be zero (0) for this type of instructions
  8-6    Ro - Offset Register              (R0..R7)
  5-3    Rb - Base Register                (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Source/Destination Register  (R0..R7)
Return: No flags affected, data loaded either into Rd or into memory.
Execution Time: 1S+1N+1I for LDR, or 2N for STR

THUMB.8: load/store sign-extended byte/halfword
  15-12  Must be 0101b for this type of instructions
  11-10  Opcode (0-3)
          0: STRH Rd,[Rb,Ro]  ;store 16bit data          HALFWORD[Rb+Ro] = Rd
          1: LDSB Rd,[Rb,Ro]  ;load sign-extended 8bit   Rd = BYTE[Rb+Ro]
          2: LDRH Rd,[Rb,Ro]  ;load zero-extended 16bit  Rd = HALFWORD[Rb+Ro]
          3: LDSH Rd,[Rb,Ro]  ;load sign-extended 16bit  Rd = HALFWORD[Rb+Ro]
  9      Must be set (1) for this type of instructions
  8-6    Ro - Offset Register              (R0..R7)
  5-3    Rb - Base Register                (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Source/Destination Register  (R0..R7)
Return: No flags affected, data loaded either into Rd or into memory.
Execution Time: 1S+1N+1I for LDR, or 2N for STR

THUMB.9: load/store with immediate offset
  15-13  Must be 011b for this type of instructions
  12-11  Opcode (0-3)
          0: STR  Rd,[Rb,#nn]  ;store 32bit data   WORD[Rb+nn] = Rd
          1: LDR  Rd,[Rb,#nn]  ;load  32bit data   Rd = WORD[Rb+nn]
          2: STRB Rd,[Rb,#nn]  ;store  8bit data   BYTE[Rb+nn] = Rd
          3: LDRB Rd,[Rb,#nn]  ;load   8bit data   Rd = BYTE[Rb+nn]
  10-6   nn - Unsigned Offset              (0-31 for BYTE, 0-124 for WORD)
  5-3    Rb - Base Register                (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Source/Destination Register  (R0..R7)
Return: No flags affected, data loaded either into Rd or into memory.
Execution Time: 1S+1N+1I for LDR, or 2N for STR

THUMB.10: load/store halfword
  15-12  Must be 1000b for this type of instructions
  11     Opcode (0-1)
          0: STRH Rd,[Rb,#nn]  ;store 16bit data   HALFWORD[Rb+nn] = Rd
          1: LDRH Rd,[Rb,#nn]  ;load  16bit data   Rd = HALFWORD[Rb+nn]
  10-6   nn - Unsigned Offset              (0-62, step 2)
  5-3    Rb - Base Register                (R0..R7)
  2-0    Rd - Source/Destination Register  (R0..R7)
Return: No flags affected, data loaded either into Rd or into memory.
Execution Time: 1S+1N+1I for LDR, or 2N for STR

THUMB.11: load/store SP-relative
  15-12  Must be 1001b for this type of instructions
  11     Opcode (0-1)
          0: STR  Rd,[SP,#nn]  ;store 32bit data   WORD[SP+nn] = Rd
          1: LDR  Rd,[SP,#nn]  ;load  32bit data   Rd = WORD[SP+nn]
  10-8   Rd - Source/Destination Register  (R0..R7)
  7-0    nn - Unsigned Offset              (0-1020, step 4)
Return: No flags affected, data loaded either into Rd or into memory.
Execution Time: 1S+1N+1I for LDR, or 2N for STR

  THUMB Opcodes: Memory Addressing (ADD PC/SP)

THUMB.12: get relative address
  15-12  Must be 1010b for this type of instructions
  11     Opcode/Source Register (0-1)
          0: ADD  Rd,PC,#nn    ;Rd = (($+4) AND NOT 2) + nn
          1: ADD  Rd,SP,#nn    ;Rd = SP + nn
  10-8   Rd - Destination Register         (R0..R7)
  7-0    nn - Unsigned Offset              (0-1020, step 4)
Return: No flags affected, result in Rd.
Execution Time: 1S

THUMB.13: add offset to stack pointer
  15-8   Must be 10110000b for this type of instructions
  7      Opcode/Sign
          0: ADD  SP,#nn       ;SP = SP + nn
          1: ADD  SP,#-nn      ;SP = SP - nn
  6-0    nn - Unsigned Offset    (0-508, step 4)
Return: No flags affected, SP adjusted.
Execution Time: 1S

  THUMB Opcodes: Memory Multiple Load/Store (PUSH/POP and LDM/STM)

THUMB.14: push/pop registers
  15-12  Must be 1011b for this type of instructions
  11     Opcode (0-1)
          0: PUSH {Rlist}{LR}   ;store in memory, decrements SP (R13)
          1: POP  {Rlist}{PC}   ;load from memory, increments SP (R13)
  10-9   Must be 10b for this type of instructions
  8      PC/LR Bit (0-1)
          0: No
          1: PUSH LR (R14), or POP PC (R15)
  7-0    Rlist - List of Registers (R7..R0)
In THUMB mode stack is always meant to be 'full descending', ie. PUSH is equivalent to 'STMFD/STMDB' and POP to 'LDMFD/LDMIA' in ARM mode.
 PUSH {R0-R3}     ;push R0,R1,R2,R3
 PUSH {R0,R2,LR}  ;push R0,R2,LR
 POP  {R4,R7}     ;pop R4,R7
 POP  {R2-R4,PC}  ;pop R2,R3,R4,PC
Note: When calling to a sub-routine, the return address is stored in LR register, when calling further sub-routines, PUSH {LR} must be used to save higher return address on stack. If so, POP {PC} can be later used to return from the sub-routine.
POP {PC} ignores the least significant bit of the return address (processor remains in thumb state even if bit0 was cleared), when intending to return with optional mode switch, use a POP/BX combination (eg. POP {R3} / BX R3).
ARM9: POP {PC} copies the LSB to thumb bit (switches to ARM if bit0=0).
Return: No flags affected, SP adjusted, registers loaded/stored.
Execution Time: nS+1N+1I (POP), (n+1)S+2N+1I (POP PC), or (n-1)S+2N (PUSH).

THUMB.15: multiple load/store
  15-12  Must be 1100b for this type of instructions
  11     Opcode (0-1)
          0: STMIA Rb!,{Rlist}   ;store in memory, increments Rb
          1: LDMIA Rb!,{Rlist}   ;load from memory, increments Rb
  10-8   Rb - Base register (modified) (R0-R7)
  7-0    Rlist - List of Registers     (R7..R0)
Both STM and LDM are incrementing the Base Register.
The lowest register in the list (ie. R0, if it's in the list) is stored/loaded at the lowest memory address.
 STMIA R7!,{R0-R2}  ;store R0,R1,R2
 LDMIA R0!,{R1,R5}  ;store R1,R5
Return: No flags affected, Rb adjusted, registers loaded/stored.
Execution Time: nS+1N+1I for LDM, or (n-1)S+2N for STM.

Strange Effects on Invalid Rlist's
Empty Rlist: R15 loaded/stored (ARMv4 only), and Rb=Rb+40h (ARMv4-v5).
Writeback with Rb included in Rlist: Store OLD base if Rb is FIRST entry in Rlist, otherwise store NEW base (STM/ARMv4), always store OLD base (STM/ARMv5), no writeback (LDM/ARMv4/ARMv5; at this point, THUMB opcodes work different than ARM opcodes).

  THUMB Opcodes: Jumps and Calls

THUMB.16: conditional branch
  15-12  Must be 1101b for this type of instructions
  11-8   Opcode/Condition (0-Fh)
          0: BEQ label        ;Z=1         ;equal (zero) (same)
          1: BNE label        ;Z=0         ;not equal (nonzero) (not same)
          2: BCS/BHS label    ;C=1         ;unsigned higher or same (carry set)
          3: BCC/BLO label    ;C=0         ;unsigned lower (carry cleared)
          4: BMI label        ;N=1         ;negative (minus)
          5: BPL label        ;N=0         ;positive or zero (plus)
          6: BVS label        ;V=1         ;overflow (V set)
          7: BVC label        ;V=0         ;no overflow (V cleared)
          8: BHI label        ;C=1 and Z=0 ;unsigned higher
          9: BLS label        ;C=0 or Z=1  ;unsigned lower or same
          A: BGE label        ;N=V         ;greater or equal
          B: BLT label        ;N<>V        ;less than
          C: BGT label        ;Z=0 and N=V ;greater than
          D: BLE label        ;Z=1 or N<>V ;less or equal
          E: Undefined, should not be used
          F: Reserved for SWI instruction (see SWI opcode)
  7-0    Signed Offset, step 2 ($+4-256..$+4+254)
Destination address must by halfword aligned (ie. bit 0 cleared)
Return: No flags affected, PC adjusted if condition true
Execution Time:
  2S+1N   if condition true (jump executed)
  1S      if condition false

See also THUMB.5: BX Rs, and ADD/MOV PC,Rs.

THUMB.18: unconditional branch
  15-11  Must be 11100b for this type of instructions
  N/A    Opcode (fixed)
          B label   ;branch (jump)
  10-0   Signed Offset, step 2 ($+4-2048..$+4+2046)
Return: No flags affected, PC adjusted.
Execution Time: 2S+1N

THUMB.19: long branch with link
This may be used to call (or jump) to a subroutine, return address is saved in LR (R14).
Unlike all other THUMB mode instructions, this instruction occupies 32bit of memory which are split into two 16bit THUMB opcodes.
 First Instruction - LR = PC+4+(nn SHL 12)
  15-11  Must be 11110b for BL/BLX type of instructions
  10-0   nn - Upper 11 bits of Target Address
 Second Instruction - PC = LR + (nn SHL 1), and LR = PC+2 OR 1 (and BLX: T=0)
  15-11  Opcode
          11111b: BL label   ;branch long with link
          11101b: BLX label  ;branch long with link switch to ARM mode (ARM9)
  10-0   nn - Lower 11 bits of Target Address (BLX: Bit0 Must be zero)
The destination address range is (PC+4)-400000h..+3FFFFEh, ie. PC+/-4M.
Target must be halfword-aligned. As Bit 0 in LR is set, it may be used to return by a BX LR instruction (keeping CPU in THUMB mode).
Return: No flags affected, PC adjusted, return address in LR.
Execution Time: 3S+1N (first opcode 1S, second opcode 2S+1N).
Note: Exceptions may or may not occur between first and second opcode, this is "implementation defined" (unknown how this is implemented in GBA and NDS).
Using only the 2nd half of BL as "BL LR+imm" is possible (for example, Mario Golf Advance Tour for GBA uses opcode F800h as "BL LR+0").

THUMB.17: software interrupt and breakpoint
SWI supposed for calls to the operating system - Enter Supervisor mode (SVC) in ARM state. BKPT intended for debugging - enters Abort mode in ARM state via Prefetch Abort vector.
  15-8   Opcode
          11011111b: SWI nn   ;software interrupt
          10111110b: BKPT nn  ;software breakpoint (ARMv5 and up)
  7-0    nn - Comment Field, ignored by processor (8bit value) (0-255)
Execution Time: 2S+1N
The exception handler may interprete the SWI Comment Field by examining the lower 8bit of the 16bit opcode opcode at [R14_svc-2].
If your are also using SWI's from inside of ARM mode, then the SWI handler must examine the T Bit SPSR_svc in order to determine whether it's been a ARM SWI - and if so, examine the lower 24bit of the 32bit opcode opcode at [R14_svc-4].
For Returning from SWI use "MOVS PC,R14", that instruction does restore both PC and CPSR, ie. PC=R14_svc, and CPSR=SPSR_svc, and (as called from THUMB mode), it'll also restore THUMB mode.
Nesting SWIs: SPSR_svc and R14_svc should be saved on stack before either invoking nested SWIs, or (if the IRQ handler uses SWIs) before enabling IRQs.
Execution SWI/BKPT:
  R14_svc=PC+2     R14_abt=PC+4   ;save return address
  SPSR_svc=CPSR    SPSR_abt=CPSR  ;save CPSR flags
  CPSR=<changed>   CPSR=<changed> ;Enter svc/abt, ARM state, IRQs disabled
  PC=VVVV0008h     PC=VVVV000Ch   ;jump to SWI/PrefetchAbort vector address

  ARM Pseudo Instructions and Directives

ARM Pseudo Instructions
  nop              mov r0,r0
  ldr Rd,=Imm      ldr Rd,[r15,disp] ;use .pool as parameter field
  add Rd,=addr     add/sub Rd,r15,disp
  adr Rd,addr      add/sub Rd,r15,disp
  adrl Rd,addr     two add/sub opcodes with disp=xx00h+00yyh
  mov Rd,Imm       mvn Rd,NOT Imm    ;or vice-versa
  and Rd,Rn,Imm    bic Rd,Rn,NOT Imm ;or vice-versa
  cmp Rd,Rn,Imm    cmn Rd,Rn,-Imm    ;or vice-versa
  add Rd,Rn,Imm    sub Rd,Rn,-Imm    ;or vice-versa
All above opcodes may be made conditional by specifying a {cond} field.

THUMB Pseudo Instructions
  nop              mov r8,r8
  ldr Rd,=Imm      ldr Rd,[r15,disp] ;use .pool as parameter field
  add Rd,=addr     add Rd,r15,disp
  adr Rd,addr      add Rd,r15,disp
  mov Rd,Rs        add Rd,Rs,0       ;with Rd,Rs in range r0-r7 each

A22i Directives
  org  adr     assume following code from this address on
  .gba         indicate GBA program
  .nds         indicate NDS program
  .dsi         indicate DSi program
  .fix         fix GBA/NDS/DSi header checksum
  .ereader_create_bmp      create GBA e-Reader dotcode .BMP file(s) (bitmaps)
  .ereader_create_raw      create GBA e-Reader dotcode .RAW file (useless)
  .ereader_create_bin      create GBA e-Reader dotcode .BIN file (smallest)
  .ereader_japan_plus      japanese/plus     (default is non-japanese)
  .ereader_japan_original  japanese/original (with Z80-stub for GBA-code)
  .title 'Txt' defines a title (used for e-Reader dotcodes)
  .teak        select TeakLiteII instruction set (for DSi DSP)
  .xtensa      select Xtensa instruction set (for DSi Atheros Wifi)
  .norewrite   do not delete existing output file (keep following data in file)
  .data?       following defines RAM data structure (assembled to nowhere)
  .code        following is normal ROM code/data (assembled to ROM image)
  .include     includes specified source code file (no nesting/error handling)
  .import      imports specified binary file (optional parameters: ,begin,len)
  .radix nn    changes default numeric format (nn=2,8,10,16 = bin/oct/dec/hex)
  .errif expr  generates an error message if expression is nonzero
  .if expr     assembles following code only if expression is nonzero
  .else        invert previous .if condition
  .endif       terminate .if/.ifdef/.ifndef
  .ifdef sym   assemble following only if symbol is defined
  .ifndef sym  assemble following only if symbol is not defined
  .align nn    aligns to an address divisible-by-nn, inserts 00's
  .msg         defines a no$gba debugmessage string, such like .msg 'Init Okay'
  .brk         defines a no$gba source code break opcode
  l equ n      l=n
  l:   [cmd]   l=$   (global label)
  @@l: [cmd]   @@l=$ (local label, all locals are reset at next global label)
  end          end of source code
  db ...       define 8bit data (bytes)
  dw ...       define 16bit data (halfwords)
  dd ...       define 32bit data (words)
  defs nn      define nn bytes space (zero-filled)
  ;...         defines a comment (ignored by the assembler)
  //           alias for CRLF, eg. allows <db 'Text',0 // dw addr> in one line

A22i Alias Directives (for compatibility with other assemblers)
  align        .align 4          code16    .thumb
  align nn     .align nn         .code 16  .thumb
  % nn         defs nn           code32    .arm
  .space nn    defs nn           .code 32  .arm
  ..ds nn      defs nn           ltorg     .pool
  x=n          x equ n           .ltorg    .pool
  .equ x,n     x equ n           ..ltorg   .pool
  .define x n  x equ n           dcb       db (8bit data)
  incbin       .import           defb      db (8bit data)
  @@@...       ;comment          .byte     db (8bit data)
  @ ...        ;comment          .ascii    db (8bit string)
  @*...        ;comment          dcw       dw (16bit data)
  @...         ;comment          defw      dw (16bit data)
  .text        .code             .hword    dw (16bit data)
  .bss         .data?            dcd       dd (32bit data)
  .global      (ignored)         defd      dd (32bit data)
  .extern      (ignored)         .long     dd (32bit data)
  .thumb_func  (ignored)         .word     dw/dd, don't use
  #directive   .directive        .end      end
  .fill nn,1,0 defs nn

Alias Conditions, Opcodes, Operands
  hs   cs   ;condition higher or same = carry set
  lo   cc   ;condition lower = carry cleared
  asl  lsl  ;arithmetic shift left = logical shift left

A22i Numeric Formats & Dialects
  Type          Normal       Alias
  Decimal       85           #85  &d85
  Hexadecimal   55h          #55h  0x55  #0x55  $55  &h55
  Octal         125o         0o125  &o125
  Ascii         'U'          "U"
  Binary        01010101b    %01010101  0b01010101  &b01010101
  Roman         &rLXXXV      (very useful for arrays of kings and chapters)
Note: The default numeric format can be changed by the .radix directive (usually 10=decimal). For example, with radix 16, values like "85" and "0101b" are treated as hexadecimal numbers (in that case, decimal and binary numbers can be still defined with prefixes &d and &b).

A22i Numeric Operators Priority
  Prio  Operator           Aliases
  8     (,) brackets
  7     +,- sign
  6     *,/,MOD,SHL,SHR    MUL,DIV,<<,>>
  5     +,- operation
  4     EQ,GE,GT,LE,LT,NE  =,>=,>,<=,<,<>,==,!=
  3     NOT
  2     AND
  1     OR,XOR             EOR
Operators of same priority are processed from left to right.
Boolean operators (priority 4) return 1=TRUE, 0=FALSE.

A22i Nocash Syntax
Even though A22i does recognize the official ARM syntax, it's also allowing to use friendly code:
  mov   r0,0ffh         ;no C64-style "#", and no C-style "0x" required
  stmia [r7]!,r0,r4-r5  ;square [base] brackets, no fancy {rlist} brackets
  mov   r0,cpsr         ;no confusing MSR and MRS (whatever which is which)
  mov   r0,p0,0,c0,c0,0 ;no confusing MCR and MRC (whatever which is which)
  ldr   r0,[score]      ;allows to use clean brackets for relative addresses
  push  rlist           ;alias for stmfd [r13]!,rlist (and same for pop/ldmfd)
  label:                ;label definitions recommended to use ":" colons

[A22i is the no$gba debug version's built-in source code assembler.]

  ARM CP14 ICEbreaker Debug Communications Channel

The ICEbreaker aka EmbeddedICE module may be found in ARM7TDMI and possibly also in other ARM processors. The main functionality of the module relies on external inputs (BREAKPT signal, etc.) being controlled by external debugging hardware. At software side, ICEbreaker contains a Debug Communications Channel (again to access external hardware), which can be accessed as coprocessor 14 via following opcodes:
  MRC{cond} P14,0,Rd,C0,C0,0  ;Read Debug Comms Control Register
  MRC{cond} P14,0,Rd,C1,C0,0  ;Read Debug Comms Data Register
  MRC{cond} P14,0,Rd,C2,C0,0  ;Read Debug Comms Status Register
  MCR{cond} P14,0,Rd,C1,C0,0  ;Write Debug Comms Data Register
  MCR{cond} P14,0,Rd,C2,C0,0  ;Write Debug Comms Status Register
The Control register consists of Bit31-28=ICEbreaker version (0001b for ARM7TDMI), Bit27-2=Not specified, Bit0/Bit1=Data Read/Write Status Flags.

The NDS7 and GBA allow to access CP14 (unlike as for CP0..CP13 & CP15, access to CP14 doesn't generate any exceptions), however, the ICEbreaker module appears to be disabled (or completely unimplemented), any reads from P14,0,Rd,C0,C0,0 through P14,7,Rd,C15,C15,7 are simply returning the prefetched opcode value from [$+8]. ICEbreaker might be eventually used and enabled in Nintendo's hardware debuggers, although external breakpoints are reportedly implemented via /FIQ input rather than via ICEbreaker hardware.
The NDS9 doesn't include a CP14 unit (or it is fully disabled), any attempts to access it are causing invalid instruction exceptions.

  ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor

ARM CP15 Overview
ARM CP15 ID Codes
ARM CP15 Control Register
ARM CP15 Memory Managment Unit (MMU)
ARM CP15 Protection Unit (PU)
ARM CP15 Cache Control
ARM CP15 Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
ARM CP15 Misc

  ARM CP15 Overview

In many ARM CPUs, particulary such with memory control facilities, coprocessor number 15 (CP15) is used as built-in System Control Coprocessor.
CPUs without memory control functions typically don't include a CP15 at all, in that case even an attempt to read the Main ID register will cause an Undefined Instruction exception.

CP15 Opcodes
CP15 can be accessed via MCR and MRC opcodes, with Pn=P15, and <cpopc>=0.
  MCR{cond} P15,0,Rd,Cn,Cm,<cp>   ;move from ARM to CP15
  MRC{cond} P15,0,Rd,Cn,Cm,<cp>   ;move from CP15 to ARM
Rd can be any ARM register in range R0-R14, R15 should not be used with P15.
Cn,Cm,<cp> are used to select a CP15 register, eg. C0,C0,0 = Main ID Register.
Other coprocessor opcodes (CDP, LDC, STC) cannot be used with P15.

CP15 Register List
  Register     Expl.
  C0,C0,0      Main ID Register (R)
  C0,C0,1      Cache Type and Size (R)
  C0,C0,2      TCM Physical Size (R)
  C1,C0,0      Control Register (R/W, or R=Fixed)
  C2,C0,0      PU Cachability Bits for Data/Unified Protection Region
  C2,C0,1      PU Cachability Bits for Instruction Protection Region
  C3,C0,0      PU Write-Bufferability Bits for Data Protection Regions
  C5,C0,0      PU Access Permission Data/Unified Protection Region
  C5,C0,1      PU Access Permission Instruction Protection Region
  C5,C0,2      PU Extended Access Permission Data/Unified Protection Region
  C5,C0,3      PU Extended Access Permission Instruction Protection Region
  C6,C0..C7,0  PU Protection Unit Data/Unified Region 0..7
  C6,C0..C7,1  PU Protection Unit Instruction Region 0..7
  C7,Cm,Op2    Cache Commands and Halt Function (W)
  C9,C0,0      Cache Data Lockdown
  C9,C0,1      Cache Instruction Lockdown
  C9,C1,0      TCM Data TCM Base and Virtual Size
  C9,C1,1      TCM Instruction TCM Base and Virtual Size
  C13,Cm,Op2   Misc Process ID registers
  C15,Cm,Op2   Misc Implementation Defined and Test/Debug registers

Data/Unified Registers
Some Cache/PU/TCM registers are declared as "Data/Unified".
That registers are used for Data accesses in case that the CPU contains separate Data and Instruction registers, otherwise the registers are used for both (unified) Data and Instruction accesses.

  ARM CP15 ID Codes

C0,C0,0 - Main ID Register (R)
  12-15 ARM Era (0=Pre-ARM7, 7=ARM7, other=Post-ARM7)
Post-ARM7 Processors
  0-3   Revision Number
  4-15  Primary Part Number (Bit12-15 must be other than 0 or 7)
        (eg. 946h for ARM946)
  16-19 Architecture        (1=v4, 2=v4T, 3=v5, 4=v5T, 5=v5TE)
  20-23 Variant Number
  24-31 Implementor         (41h=ARM, 44h=Digital Equipment Corp, 69h=Intel)
ARM7 Processors
  0-3   Revision Number
  4-15  Primary Part Number (Bit12-15 must be 7)
  16-22 Variant Number
  23    Architecture        (0=v3, 1=v4T)
  24-31 Implementor         (41h=ARM, 44h=Digital Equipment Corp, 69h=Intel)
Pre-ARM7 Processors
  0-3   Revision Number
  4-11  Processor ID LSBs (30h=ARM3/v2, 60h,61h,62=ARM600,610,620/v3)
  12-31 Processor ID MSBs (fixed, 41560h)
Note: On the NDS9, this register is 41059461h. NDS7 and GBA don't have CP15s.

C0,C0,1 - Cache Type Register (R)
  0-11  Instruction Cache (bits 0-1=len, 2=m, 3-5=assoc, 6-8=size, 9-11=zero)
  12-23 Data Cache        (bits 0-1=len, 2=m, 3-5=assoc, 6-8=size, 9-11=zero)
  24    Separate Cache Flag (0=Unified, 1=Separate Data/Instruction Caches)
  25-28 Cache Type (0,1,2,6,7=see below, other=reserved)
         Type Method         Cache cleaning         Cache lock-down
         0    Write-through  Not needed             Not supported
         1    Write-back     Read data block        Not supported
         2    Write-back     Register 7 operations  Not supported
         6    Write-back     Register 7 operations  Format A
         7    Write-back     Register 7 operations  Format B
  29-31 Reserved (zero)
The 12bit Instruction/Data values are decoded as shown below,
  Cache Absent  = (ASSOC=0 and M=1)       ;in that case overriding below
  Cache Size    = 200h+(100h*M) shl SIZE  ;min 0.5Kbytes, max 96Kbytes
  Associativity = (1+(0.5*M)) shl ASSOC   ;min 1-way,     max 192-way
  Line Length   = 8 shl LEN               ;min 8 bytes,   max 64 bytes
For Unified cache (Bit 24=0), Instruction and Data values are identical.

C0,C0,2 - Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM) Size Register (R)
  0-1   Reserved    (0)
  2     ITCM Absent (0=Present, 1=Absent)
  3-5   Reserved    (0)
  6-9   ITCM Size   (Size = 512 SHL N) (or 0=None)
  10-13 Reserved    (0)
  14    DTCM Absent (0=Present, 1=Absent)
  15-17 Reserved    (0)
  18-21 DTCM Size   (Size = 512 SHL N) (or 0=None)
  22-31 Reserved    (0)

C0,C0,3..7 - Reserved (R)
Unused/Reserved registers, containing the same value as C0,C0,0.

  ARM CP15 Control Register

C1,C0,0 - Control Register (R/W, or R=Fixed)
  0  MMU/PU Enable         (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Fixed 0 if none)
  1  Alignment Fault Check (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Fixed 0/1 if none/always on)
  2  Data/Unified Cache    (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Fixed 0/1 if none/always on)
  3  Write Buffer          (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (Fixed 0/1 if none/always on)
  4  Exception Handling    (0=26bit, 1=32bit)    (Fixed 1 if always 32bit)
  5  26bit-address faults  (0=Enable, 1=Disable) (Fixed 1 if always 32bit)
  6  Abort Model (pre v4)  (0=Early, 1=Late Abort) (Fixed 1 if ARMv4 and up)
  7  Endian                (0=Little, 1=Big)     (Fixed 0/1 if fixed)
  8  System Protection bit (MMU-only)
  9  ROM Protection bit    (MMU-only)
  10 Implementation defined
  11 Branch Prediction     (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  12 Instruction Cache     (0=Disable, 1=Enable) (ignored if Unified cache)
  13 Exception Vectors     (0=00000000h, 1=FFFF0000h)
  14 Cache Replacement     (0=Normal/PseudoRandom, 1=Predictable/RoundRobin)
  15 Pre-ARMv5 Mode        (0=Normal, 1=Pre ARMv5; LDM/LDR/POP_PC.Bit0/Thumb)
  16 DTCM Enable           (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  17 DTCM Load Mode        (0=R/W, 1=DTCM Write-only)
  18 ITCM Enable           (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  19 ITCM Load Mode        (0=R/W, 1=ITCM Write-only)
  20-31 Reserved           (keep these bits unchanged) (usually zero)
Various bits in this register may be read-only (fixed 0 if unsupported, or fixed 1 if always activated).
On the NDS bit0,2,7,12..19 are R/W, Bit3..6 are always set, all other bits are always zero.

  ARM CP15 Memory Managment Unit (MMU)

Function of some registers depends on whether the CPU contains a MMU or PU.
MMU handles virtual addressing tables.
  C2,Cm,Op2  MMU Translation Table Base
  C3,Cm,Op2  MMU Domain Access Control
  C5,Cm,Op2  MMU Fault Status
  C6,Cm,Op2  MMU Fault Address
  C8,Cm,Op2  MMU TLB Control
  C10,Cm,Op2 MMU TLB Lockdown
The GBA, and Nintendo DS do not have a MMU.

  ARM CP15 Protection Unit (PU)

Protection Unit can be enabled in Bit0 of C1,C0,0 (Control Register).

C2,C0,0 - Cachability Bits for Data/Unified Protection Region (R/W)
C2,C0,1 - Cachability Bits for Instruction Protection Region (if any) (R/W)
  0-7  Cachable (C) bits for region 0-7
  8-31 Reserved/zero

C3,C0,0 - Write-Bufferability Bits for Data Protection Regions (R/W)
  0-7  Bufferable (B) bits for region 0-7
  8-31 Reserved/zero
Instruction fetches are, obviously, always read-operations. So, there are no write-bufferability bits for Instruction Protection Regions.

C5,C0,0 - Access Permission Data/Unified Protection Region (R/W)
C5,C0,1 - Access Permission Instruction Protection Region (if any) (R/W)
C5,C0,2 - Extended Access Permission Data/Unified Protection Region (R/W)
C5,C0,3 - Extended Access Permission Instruction Protection Region (if any) (R/W)
For C5,C0,0 and C5,C0,1:
  0-15  Access Permission (AP) bits for region 0-7 (Bits 0-1=AP0, 2-3=AP1, etc)
  16-31 Reserved/zero
For C5,C0,2 and C5,C0,3 (Extended):
  0-31  Access Permission (AP) bits for region 0-7 (Bits 0-3=AP0, 4-7=AP1, etc)
The possible AP settings (0-3 for C5,C0,0..1, or 0-15 for C5,C0,2..3) are:
  AP  Privileged User
  0   -          -
  1   R/W        -
  2   R/W        R
  3   R/W        R/W
  5   R          -
  6   R          R
Settings 5,6 only for Extended Registers, settings 4,7..15 are Reserved.

C6,C0..C7,0 - Protection Unit Data/Unified Region 0..7 (R/W)
C6,C0..C7,1 - Protection Unit Instruction Region 0..7 (R/W) if any
  0     Protection Region Enable (0=Disable, 1=Enable)
  1-5   Protection Region Size   (2 SHL X) ;min=(X=11)=4KB, max=(X=31)=4GB
  6-11  Reserved/zero
  12-31 Protection Region Base address (Addr = Y*4K; must be SIZE-aligned)
Overlapping Regions are allowed, Region 7 is having highest priority, region 0 lowest priority.

Background Region
Additionally, any memory areas outside of the eight Protection Regions are handled as Background Region, this region has neither Read nor Write access.

Unified Region Note
On the NDS, the Region registers are unified (C6,C0..C7,1 are read/write-able mirrors of C6,C0..C7,0). Nethertheless, the Cachabilty and Permission registers are NOT unified (separate registers exists for code and data settings).

  ARM CP15 Cache Control

Cache enabled/controlled by Bit 2,3,12,14 in Control Register.
Cache type detected in Cache Type Register.

C7,C0..C15,0..7 - Cache Commands (W)
Write-only Cache Command Register. Cm,Op2 operands used to select a specific command, with parameter value in Rd.
  Cn,Cm,Op2 Rd   ARM9 Command
  C7,C0,4   0    Yes  Wait For Interrupt (Halt)
  C7,C5,0   0    Yes  Invalidate Entire Instruction Cache
  C7,C5,1   VA   Yes  Invalidate Instruction Cache Line
  C7,C5,2   S/I  -    Invalidate Instruction Cache Line
  C7,C5,4   0    -    Flush Prefetch Buffer
  C7,C5,6   0    -    Flush Entire Branch Target Cache
  C7,C5,7   IMP? -    Flush Branch Target Cache Entry
  C7,C6,0   0    Yes  Invalidate Entire Data Cache
  C7,C6,1   VA   Yes  Invalidate Data Cache Line
  C7,C6,2   S/I  -    Invalidate Data Cache Line
  C7,C7,0   0    -    Invalidate Entire Unified Cache
  C7,C7,1   VA   -    Invalidate Unified Cache Line
  C7,C7,2   S/I  -    Invalidate Unified Cache Line
  C7,C8,2   0    Yes  Wait For Interrupt (Halt), alternately to C7,C0,4
  C7,C10,1  VA   Yes  Clean Data Cache Line
  C7,C10,2  S/I  Yes  Clean Data Cache Line
  C7,C10,4  0    -    Drain Write Buffer
  C7,C11,1  VA   -    Clean Unified Cache Line
  C7,C11,2  S/I  -    Clean Unified Cache Line
  C7,C13,1  VA   Yes  Prefetch Instruction Cache Line
  C7,C14,1  VA   Yes  Clean and Invalidate Data Cache Line
  C7,C14,2  S/I  Yes  Clean and Invalidate Data Cache Line
  C7,C15,1  VA   -    Clean and Invalidate Unified Cache Line
  C7,C15,2  S/I  -    Clean and Invalidate Unified Cache Line
Parameter values (Rd) formats:
  0    Not used, should be zero
  VA   Virtual Address
  S/I  Set/index; Bit 31..(32-A) = Index, Bit (L+S-1)..L = Set ?

C9,C0,0 - Data Cache Lockdown
C9,C0,1 - Instruction Cache Lockdown
(Width (W) of index field depends on cache ASSOCIATIVETY.)
Format A:
  0..(31-W)  Reserved/zero
  (32-W)..31 Lockdown Block Index
Format B:
  0..(W-1)   Lockdown Block Index
  W..30      Reserved/zero
  31         L

Cache/Write-buffer should not be enabled for the whole 4GB memory area, high-speed TCM memory doesn't require caching, and caching would have fatal results on I/O ports. So, cache can be used only in combination with the Protection Unit, which allows to enable/disable caching in specified regions.

ARMv5 instruction set supports a Cache Prepare for Load opcode (PLD), see
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Transfer (LDR, STR, PLD)

  ARM CP15 Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)

TCM is high-speed memory, directly contained in the ARM CPU core.

TCM doesn't use the ARM bus. A minor disadvantage is that TCM cannot be accessed by DMA. However, the main advantage is that, when using TCM, the CPU can be kept running without any waitstates even while the bus is used for DMA transfers. Operation during DMA works only if all code/data is located in TCM, waitstates are generated if any code/data outside TCM is accessed; in worst case (if there are no gaps in the DMA) then the CPU is halted until the DMA finishes.

TCM and DMA and IRQ
No idea if/how IRQs are handled during DMA? Eventually (unlikely) code in TCM is kept executed until DMA finishes (ie. until the IRQ vector can be accessed. Eventually the IRQ vector is instantly accessed (causing to halt the CPU until DMA finishes). In both cases: Assuming that IRQs are enabled, and that the IRQ vector and/or IRQ handler are located outside TCM.

Separate Instruction (ITCM) and Data (DTCM) Memory
DTCM can be used only for Data accesses, typically used for stacks and other frequently accessed data.
ITCM is primarily intended for instruction accesses, but it can be also used for Data accesses (among others allowing to copy code to ITCM), however, performance isn't optimal when simultaneously accessing ITCM for code and data (such like opcodes in ITCM that use literal pool values in ITCM).

TCM Enable, TCM Load Mode
CP15 Control Register allows to enable ITCM and DTCM, and to switch ITCM/DTCM into Load Mode. In Load Mode (when TCM is enabled), TCM becomes write-only; this allows to read data from source addresses in main memory, and to write data to destination addresses in TCM by using the same addresses; useful for initializing TCM with overlapping source/dest addresses; Load mode works with all Load/Store opcodes, it does NOT work with SWP/SWPB opcodes.

TCM Physical Size can be detected in 3rd ID Code Register. (C0,C0,2)

C9,C1,0 - Data TCM Size/Base (R/W)
C9,C1,1 - Instruction TCM Size/Base (R/W)
  0     Reserved     (0)
  1-5   Virtual Size (Size = 512 SHL N) ;min=(N=3)=4KB, max=(N=23)=4GB
  6-11  Reserved     (0)
  12-31 Region Base  (Base = X SHL 12)  ;Base must be Size-aligned
The Virtual size settings should be normally same as the Physical sizes (see C0,C0,2). However, smaller sizes are allowed (using only the 1st some KB), as well as bigger sizes (TCM area is then filled with mirrors of physical TCM).
The ITCM region base may be fixed (read-only), for example, on the NDS, ITCM base is always 00000000h, nethertheless the virtual size may be changed (allowing to mirror ITCM to higher addresses).
If DTCM and ITCM do overlap, then ITCM appears to have priority.

TCM and PU
TCM can be used without Protection Unit.
When the protection unit is enabled, TCM is controlled by the PU just like normal memory, the PU should provide R/W Access Permission for TCM regions; cache and write-buffer are not required for high-speed TCM (so both should be disabled for TCM regions).

  ARM CP15 Misc

C13,C0,0 - Process ID for Fast Context Switch Extension (FCSE) (R/W)
  0-24  Reserved/zero
  25-31 Process ID (PID) (0-127) (0=Disable)
The FCSE allows different processes (each assembled with ORG 0) to be located at virtual addresses in the 1st 32MB area. The FCSE splits the total 4GB address space into blocks of 32MB, accesses to Block(0) are redirected to Block(PID):
  IF addr<32M then addr=addr+PID*32M
  Respectively, with PID=0, the address remains unchanged (FCSE disabled).
The CPU-to-Memory address handling is shown below:
  1. CPU outputs a virtual address (VA)
  2. FCSE adjusts the VA to a modified virtual address (MVA)
  3. Cache hits determined by examining the MVA, continue below if no hit
  4. MMU translates MVA to physical address (PA) (if no MMU present: PA=MVA)
  5. Memory access occurs at PA
The FCSE allows limited virtual addressing even if no MMU is present.
If the MMU is present, then either the FCSE and/or the MMU can be used for virtual addressing; the advantage of using the FCSE (a single write to C13,C0,0) is less overload; using the MMU for the same purpose would require to change virtual address translation table in memory, and to flush the cache.
The NDS doesn't have a FCSE (the FCSE register is read-only, always zero).

C13,C0,1 - Trace Process ID (R/W)
C13,C1,1 - Trace Process ID (Mirror) (R/W)
This value is output to ETMPROCID pins (if any), allowing to notify external hardware about the currently executed process within multi-tasking programs.
  0-31  Process ID
C13,C1,1 is a mirror of C13,C0,1 (for compatibility with other ARM processors).
Both registers are read/write-able on NDS9, but there are no external pin-outs.

Unlike for all other CP15 registers, the <cpopc> operand of the MRC/MCR opcodes isn't always zero for below registers, so below registers are using "cpopc,Cn,Cm,op2" notation (instead of the normal "Cn,Cm,op2" notation).

Built-In-Self-Test (BIST)
Allows to test internal memory (ie. TCM, Cache Memory, and Cache TAGs). The tests are filling (and verifying) the selected memory region thrice (once with the fillvalue, then with the inverted fillvalue, and then again with the fillvalue). The BIST functions are intended for diagnostics purposes only, not for use in normal program code (ARM doesn't guarantee future processors to have backwards compatible BIST functions).

0,C15,C0,1 - BIST TAG Control Register (R/W)
1,C15,C0,1 - BIST TCM Control Register (R/W)
2,C15,C0,1 - BIST Cache Control Register (R/W)
  0-15  Data Control (see below)
  16-31 Instruction Control (see below)
The above 16bit control values are:
  0     Start bit     (Write: 1=Start) (Read: 1=Busy)
  1     Pause bit     (1=Pause)
  2     Enable bit    (1=Enable)
  3     Fail Flag     (1=Error) (Read Only)
  4     Complete Flag (1=Ready) (Read Only)
  5-15  Size (2^(N+2) bytes) (min=N=1=8bytes, max=N=24=64MB)
Size and Pause are not supported in all implementations.
Caution: While and as long as the Enable bit is set, the corresponding memory region(s) will be disabled. Eg. when testing <either> DTCM <and/or> ITCM, <both> DTCM <and> ITCM are forcefully disabled in C1,C0,0 (Control Register), after the test the software must first clear the BIST enable bit, and then restore DTCM/ITCM bits in C1,C0,0. And of course, the content of the tested memory region must be restored when needed.

0,C15,C0,2 - BIST Instruction TAG Address (R/W)
1,C15,C0,2 - BIST Instruction TCM Address (R/W)
2,C15,C0,2 - BIST Instruction Cache Address (R/W)
0,C15,C0,6 - BIST Data TAG Address (R/W)
1,C15,C0,6 - BIST Data TCM Address (R/W)
2,C15,C0,6 - BIST Data Cache Address (R/W)
  0-31  Word-aligned Destination Address within Memory Block (eg. within ITCM)
On the NDS9, bit0-1, and bit21-31 are always zero.

0,C15,C0,3 - BIST Instruction TAG Fillvalue (R/W)
1,C15,C0,3 - BIST Instruction TCM Fillvalue (R/W)
2,C15,C0,3 - BIST Instruction Cache Fillvalue (R/W)
0,C15,C0,7 - BIST Data TAG Fillvalue (R/W)
1,C15,C0,7 - BIST Data TCM Fillvalue (R/W)
2,C15,C0,7 - BIST Data Cache Fillvalue (R/W)
  0-31  Fillvalue for BIST
After BIST, the selected memory region is filled by that value. That is, on the NDS9 at least, all words will be filled with the SAME value (ie. NOT with increasing or randomly generated numbers).

0,C15,C0,0 - Cache Debug Test State Register (R/W)
  0-8    Reserved (zero)
  9      Disable Instruction Cache Linefill
  10     Disable Data Cache Linefill
  11     Disable Instruction Cache Streaming
  12     Disable Data Cache Streaming
  13-31  Reserved (zero/unpredictable)

3,C15,C0,0 - Cache Debug Index Register (R/W)
  0..1    Reserved (zero)
  2..4    Word Address
  5..N    Index
  N+1..29 Reserved (zero)
  30..31  Segment

3,C15,C1,0 - Cache Debug Instruction TAG (R/W)
3,C15,C2,0 - Cache Debug Data TAG (R/W)
3,C15,C3,0 - Cache Debug Instruction Cache (R/W)
3,C15,C4,0 - Cache Debug Data Cache (R/W)
  0..1    Set
  2..3    Dirty Bits
  4       Valid
  5..N    Index
  N+1..31 TAG Address

  ARM CPU Instruction Cycle Times

Instruction Cycle Summary

  Instruction      Cycles      Additional
  ALU              1S          +1S+1N if R15 loaded, +1I if SHIFT(Rs)
  MSR,MRS          1S
  LDR              1S+1N+1I    +1S+1N if R15 loaded
  STR              2N
  LDM              nS+1N+1I    +1S+1N if R15 loaded
  STM              (n-1)S+2N
  SWP              1S+2N+1I
  BL (THUMB)       3S+1N
  B,BL             2S+1N
  SWI,trap         2S+1N
  MUL              1S+ml
  MLA              1S+(m+1)I
  MULL             1S+(m+1)I
  MLAL             1S+(m+2)I
  CDP              1S+bI
  LDC,STC          (n-1)S+2N+bI
  MCR              1N+bI+1C
  MRC              1S+(b+1)I+1C
  {cond} false     1S

  Q{D}ADD/SUB      1S+Interlock.
  CLZ              1S.
  LDR              1S+1N+1L
  LDR PC ...
  STR              1S+1N        (not 2N, and both in parallel)
Execution Time: 1S+Interlock (SMULxy,SMLAxy,SMULWx,SMLAWx)
Execution Time: 1S+1I+Interlock (SMLALxy)

  n = number of words transferred
  b = number of cycles spent in coprocessor busy-wait loop
  m = depends on most significant byte(s) of multiplier operand
Above 'trap' is meant to be the execution time for exceptions. And '{cond} false' is meant to be the execution time for conditional instructions which haven't been actually executed because the condition has been false.

The separate meaning of the N,S,I,C cycles is:

N - Non-sequential cycle
Requests a transfer to/from an address which is NOT related to the address used in the previous cycle. (Called 1st Access in GBA language).
The execution time for 1N is 1 clock cycle (plus non-sequential access waitstates).

S - Sequential cycle
Requests a transfer to/from an address which is located directly after the address used in the previous cycle. Ie. for 16bit or 32bit accesses at incrementing addresses, the first access is Non-sequential, the following accesses are sequential. (Called 2nd Access in GBA language).
The execution time for 1S is 1 clock cycle (plus sequential access waitstates).

I - Internal Cycle
CPU is just too busy, not even requesting a memory transfer for now.
The execution time for 1I is 1 clock cycle (without any waitstates).

C - Coprocessor Cycle
The CPU uses the data bus to communicate with the coprocessor (if any), but no memory transfers are requested.

Memory Waitstates
Ideally, memory may be accessed free of waitstates (1N and 1S are then equal to 1 clock cycle each). However, a memory system may generate waitstates for several reasons: The memory may be just too slow. Memory is currently accessed by DMA, eg. sound, video, memory transfers, etc. Or when data is squeezed through a 16bit data bus (in that special case, 32bit access may have more waitstates than 8bit and 16bit accesses). Also, the memory system may separate between S and N cycles (if so, S cycles would be typically faster than N cycles).

Memory Waitstates for Different Memory Areas
Different memory areas (eg. ROM and RAM) may have different waitstates. When executing code in one area which accesses data in another area, then the S+N cycles must be split into code and data accesses: 1N is used for data access, plus (n-1)S for LDM/STM, the remaining S+N are code access. If an instruction jumps to a different memory area, then all code cycles for that opcode are having waitstate characteristics of the NEW memory area (except Thumb BL which still executes 1S in OLD area).

  ARM CPU Versions

Version Numbers
ARM CPUs are distributed by name ARM#, and are described as ARMv# in specifications, whereas "#" is NOT the same than "v#", for example, ARM7TDMI is ARMv4TM. That is so confusing, that ARM didn't even attempt to clarify the relationship between the various "#" and "v#" values.

Version Variants
Suffixes like "M" (long multiply), "T" (Thumb support), "E" (Enhanced DSP) indicate presence of special features, additionally to the standard instruction set of a given version, or, when preceded by an "x", indicate the absence of that features.

ARMv1 aka ARM1
Some sort of a beta version, according to ARM never been used in any commercial products.

ARMv2 and up
SWP/SWPB (ARMv2a and up only)
Two new FIQ registers

ARMv3 and up
MRS,MSR opcodes (instead CMP/CMN/TST/TEQ{P} opcodes)
CPSR,SPSR registers (instead PSR bits in R15)
Removed never condition, cond=NV no longer valid
32bit addressing (instead 26bit addressing in older versions)
26bit addressing backwards comptibility mode (except v3G)
Abt and Und modes (instead handling aborts/undefined in Svc mode)

ARMv4 aka ARM7 and up
Sys mode (privileged user mode)
BX (only ARMv4T, and any ARMv5 or ARMv5T and up)
THUMB code (only T variants, ie. ARMv4T, ARMv5T)

ARMv5 aka ARM9 and up
LDM/LDR/POP PC with mode switch (POP PC also in THUMB mode)
CDP2,LDC2,MCR2,MRC2,STC2 (new coprocessor opcodes)
C-flag unchanged by MUL (instead undefined flag value)
changed instruction cycle timings / interlock ??? or not ???
QADD,QDADD,QDSUB,QSUB opcodes, CPSR.Q flag (v5TE and V5TExP only)
SMLAxy,SMLALxy,SMLAWy,SMULxy,SMULWy (v5TE and V5TExP only)
LDRD,STRD,PLD,MCRR,MRRC (v5TE only, not v5, not v5TExP)

No public specifications available.

A Milestone in Computer History
Original ARMv2 has been used in the relative rare and expensive Archimedes deluxe home computers in the late eighties, the Archimedes has caught a lot of attention, particularly for being the first home computer that used a BIOS being programmed in BASIC language - which has been a absolutely revolutionary decadency at that time.
Inspired, programmers all over the world have successfully developed even slower and much more inefficient programming languages, which are nowadays consequently used by nearly all ARM programmers, and by most non-ARM programmers as well.

  ARM CPU Data Sheet

This present document is an attempt to supply a brief ARM7TDMI reference, hopefully including all information which is relevant for programmers.

Some details that I have treated as meaningless for GBA programming aren't included - such like Big Endian format, and Virtual Memory data aborts, and most of the chapters listed below.

Have a look at the complete data sheet (URL see below) for more detailed verbose information about ARM7TDMI instructions. That document also includes:

- Signal Description
  Pins of the original CPU, probably other for GBA.
- Memory Interface
  Optional virtual memory circuits, etc. not for GBA.
- Coprocessor Interface
  As far as I know, none such in GBA.
- Debug Interface
  For external hardware-based debugging.
- ICEBreaker Module
  For external hardware-based debugging also.
- Instruction Cycle Operations
  Detailed: What happens during each cycle of each instruction.
- DC Parameters (Power supply)
- AC Parameters (Signal timings)

The official ARM7TDMI data sheet can be downloaded from ARMs webpage,
Be prepared for bloated PDF Format, approx 1.3 MB, about 200 pages.

  BIOS Functions

The BIOS includes several System Call Functions which can be accessed by SWI instructions. Incoming parameters are usually passed through registers R0,R1,R2,R3. Outgoing registers R0,R1,R3 are typically containing either garbage, or return value(s). All other registers (R2,R4-R14) are kept unchanged.

When invoking SWIs from inside of ARM state specify SWI NN*10000h, instead of SWI NN as in THUMB state.

BIOS Function Summary
BIOS Differences between GBA and NDS functions

All Functions Described
BIOS Arithmetic Functions
BIOS Rotation/Scaling Functions
BIOS Decompression Functions
BIOS Memory Copy
BIOS Halt Functions
BIOS Reset Functions
BIOS Misc Functions
BIOS Multi Boot (Single Game Pak)
BIOS Sound Functions
BIOS SHA1 Functions (DSi only)
BIOS RSA Functions (DSi only)

RAM Usage, BIOS Dumps
BIOS Dumping

How BIOS Processes SWIs
SWIs can be called from both within THUMB and ARM mode. In ARM mode, only the upper 8bit of the 24bit comment field are interpreted.
Each time when calling a BIOS function 4 words (SPSR, R11, R12, R14) are saved on Supervisor stack (_svc). Once it has saved that data, the SWI handler switches into System mode, so that all further stack operations are using user stack.
In some cases the BIOS may allow interrupts to be executed from inside of the SWI procedure. If so, and if the interrupt handler calls further SWIs, then care should be taken that the Supervisor Stack does not overflow.

  BIOS Function Summary

  GBA  NDS7 NDS9 DSi7 DSi9 Basic Functions
  00h  00h  00h  -    -    SoftReset
  01h  -    -    -    -    RegisterRamReset
  02h  06h  06h  06h  06h  Halt
  03h  07h  -    07h  -    Stop/Sleep
  04h  04h  04h  04h  04h  IntrWait       ;DSi7/DSi9: both bugged?
  05h  05h  05h  05h  05h  VBlankIntrWait ;DSi7/DSi9: both bugged?
  06h  09h  09h  09h  09h  Div
  07h  -    -    -    -    DivArm
  08h  0Dh  0Dh  0Dh  0Dh  Sqrt
  09h  -    -    -    -    ArcTan
  0Ah  -    -    -    -    ArcTan2
  0Bh  0Bh  0Bh  0Bh  0Bh  CpuSet
  0Ch  0Ch  0Ch  0Ch  0Ch  CpuFastSet
  0Dh  -    -    -    -    GetBiosChecksum
  0Eh  -    -    -    -    BgAffineSet
  0Fh  -    -    -    -    ObjAffineSet
  GBA  NDS7 NDS9 DSi7 DSi9 Decompression Functions
  10h  10h  10h  10h  10h  BitUnPack
  11h  11h  11h  11h  11h  LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite8bit   ;"Wram"
  12h  -    -    -    -    LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite16bit  ;"Vram"
  -    -    -    01h  01h  LZ77UnCompReadByCallbackWrite8bit
  -    12h  12h  02h  02h  LZ77UnCompReadByCallbackWrite16bit
  -    -    -    19h  19h  LZ77UnCompReadByCallbackWrite16bit (same as above)
  13h  -    -    -    -    HuffUnCompReadNormal
  -    13h  13h  13h  13h  HuffUnCompReadByCallback
  14h  14h  14h  14h  14h  RLUnCompReadNormalWrite8bit     ;"Wram"
  15h  -    -    -    -    RLUnCompReadNormalWrite16bit    ;"Vram"
  -    15h  15h  15h  15h  RLUnCompReadByCallbackWrite16bit
  16h  -    16h  -    16h  Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit       ;"Wram"
  17h  -    -    -    -    Diff8bitUnFilterWrite16bit      ;"Vram"
  18h  -    18h  -    18h  Diff16bitUnFilter
  GBA  NDS7 NDS9 DSi7 DSi9 Sound (and Multiboot/HardReset/CustomHalt)
  19h  08h  -    08h  -    SoundBias
  1Ah  -    -    -    -    SoundDriverInit
  1Bh  -    -    -    -    SoundDriverMode
  1Ch  -    -    -    -    SoundDriverMain
  1Dh  -    -    -    -    SoundDriverVSync
  1Eh  -    -    -    -    SoundChannelClear
  1Fh  -    -    -    -    MidiKey2Freq
  20h  -    -    -    -    SoundWhatever0
  21h  -    -    -    -    SoundWhatever1
  22h  -    -    -    -    SoundWhatever2
  23h  -    -    -    -    SoundWhatever3
  24h  -    -    -    -    SoundWhatever4
  25h  -    -    -    -    MultiBoot
  26h  -    -    -    -    HardReset
  27h  1Fh  -    1Fh  -    CustomHalt
  28h  -    -    -    -    SoundDriverVSyncOff
  29h  -    -    -    -    SoundDriverVSyncOn
  2Ah  -    -    -    -    SoundGetJumpList
  GBA  NDS7 NDS9 DSi7 DSi9 New NDS Functions
  -    03h  03h  03h  03h  WaitByLoop
  -    0Eh  0Eh  0Eh  0Eh  GetCRC16
  -    0Fh  0Fh  -    -    IsDebugger
  -    1Ah  -    1Ah  -    GetSineTable
  -    1Bh  -    1Bh  -    GetPitchTable (DSi7: bugged)
  -    1Ch  -    1Ch  -    GetVolumeTable
  -    1Dh  -    1Dh  -    GetBootProcs (DSi7: only 1 proc)
  -    -    1Fh  -    1Fh  CustomPost
  GBA  NDS7 NDS9 DSi7 DSi9 New DSi Functions (RSA/SHA1)
  -    -    -    20h  20h  RSA_Init_crypto_heap
  -    -    -    21h  21h  RSA_Decrypt
  -    -    -    22h  22h  RSA_Decrypt_Unpad
  -    -    -    23h  23h  RSA_Decrypt_Unpad_OpenPGP_SHA1
  -    -    -    24h  24h  SHA1_Init
  -    -    -    25h  25h  SHA1_Update
  -    -    -    26h  26h  SHA1_Finish
  -    -    -    27h  27h  SHA1_Init_update_fin
  -    -    -    28h  28h  SHA1_Compare_20_bytes
  -    -    -    29h  29h  SHA1_Random_maybe
  GBA  NDS7 NDS9 DSi7 DSi9 Invalid Functions
  2Bh+ 20h+ 20h+ -    -    Crash (SWI xxh..FFh do jump to garbage addresses)
  -    xxh  xxh  -    -    Jump to 0   (on any SWI numbers not listed above)
  -    -    -    12h  12h  No function (ignored)
  -    -    -    2Bh  2Bh  No function (ignored)
  -    -    -    40h+ 40h+ Mirror      (SWI 40h..FFh mirror to 00h..3Fh)
  -    -    -    xxh  xxh  Hang        (on any SWI numbers not listed above)
Invalid NDS functions: NDS7 SWI 01h, 02h, 0Ah, 16h-19h, 1Eh, and NDS9 SWI 01h, 02h, 07h, 08h, 0Ah, 17h, 19h-1Eh will jump to zero (ie. to the NDS7 reset vector, or to NDS9 unused (usually PU-locked ITCM) memory, which will be both redirected to the debug handler, if any).
Invalid DSi functions: DSi9 SWI 00h, 07h-08h, 0Ah, 0Fh, 17h, 1Ah-1Eh, 2Ah, 2Ch-3Fh do hang in endless loop.

  BIOS Differences between GBA and NDS functions

Differences between GBA and NDS BIOS functions
- SoftReset uses different addresses
- SWI numbers for Halt, Stop/Sleep, Div, Sqrt have changed
- Halt destroys r0 on NDS9, IntrWait bugged on NDS9
- CpuFastSet allows 4-byte blocks (nice), but...
- CpuFastSet works very SLOW because of a programming bug (uncool)
- Some of the decompression functions are now using callbacks
- SoundBias uses new delay parameter
And, a number of GBA functions have been removed, and some new NDS functions have been added, see:
BIOS Function Summary

  BIOS Arithmetic Functions


SWI 06h (GBA) or SWI 09h (NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - Div
Signed Division, r0/r1.
  r0  signed 32bit Number
  r1  signed 32bit Denom
  r0  Number DIV Denom ;signed
  r1  Number MOD Denom ;signed
  r3  ABS (Number DIV Denom) ;unsigned
For example, incoming -1234, 10 should return -123, -4, +123.
The function usually gets caught in an endless loop upon division by zero.
Note: The NDS9 and DSi9 additionally support hardware division, by math coprocessor, accessed via I/O Ports, however, the SWI function is a raw software division.

SWI 07h (GBA) - DivArm
Same as above (SWI 06h Div), but incoming parameters are exchanged, r1/r0 (r0=Denom, r1=number). For compatibility with ARM's library. Slightly slower (3 clock cycles) than SWI 06h.

SWI 08h (GBA) or SWI 0Dh (NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - Sqrt
Calculate square root.
  r0   unsigned 32bit number
  r0   unsigned 16bit number
The result is an integer value, so Sqrt(2) would return 1, to avoid this inaccuracy, shift left incoming number by 2*N as much as possible (the result is then shifted left by 1*N). Ie. Sqrt(2 shl 30) would return 1.41421 shl 15.
Note: The NDS9 and DSi9 additionally support hardware square root calculation, by math coprocessor, accessed via I/O Ports, however, the SWI function is a raw software calculation.

SWI 09h (GBA) - ArcTan
Calculates the arc tangent.
  r0   Tan, 16bit (1bit sign, 1bit integral part, 14bit decimal part)
  r0   "-PI/2<THETA/<PI/2" in a range of C000h-4000h.
Note: there is a problem in accuracy with "THETA<-PI/4, PI/4<THETA".

SWI 0Ah (GBA) - ArcTan2
Calculates the arc tangent after correction processing.
Use this in normal situations.
  r0   X, 16bit (1bit sign, 1bit integral part, 14bit decimal part)
  r1   Y, 16bit (1bit sign, 1bit integral part, 14bit decimal part)
  r0   0000h-FFFFh for 0<=THETA<2PI.

  BIOS Rotation/Scaling Functions


SWI 0Eh (GBA) - BgAffineSet
Used to calculate BG Rotation/Scaling parameters.
  r0   Pointer to Source Data Field with entries as follows:
        s32  Original data's center X coordinate (8bit fractional portion)
        s32  Original data's center Y coordinate (8bit fractional portion)
        s16  Display's center X coordinate
        s16  Display's center Y coordinate
        s16  Scaling ratio in X direction (8bit fractional portion)
        s16  Scaling ratio in Y direction (8bit fractional portion)
        u16  Angle of rotation (8bit fractional portion) Effective Range 0-FFFF
  r1   Pointer to Destination Data Field with entries as follows:
        s16  Difference in X coordinate along same line
        s16  Difference in X coordinate along next line
        s16  Difference in Y coordinate along same line
        s16  Difference in Y coordinate along next line
        s32  Start X coordinate
        s32  Start Y coordinate
  r2   Number of Calculations
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

SWI 0Fh (GBA) - ObjAffineSet
Calculates and sets the OBJ's affine parameters from the scaling ratio and angle of rotation.
The affine parameters are calculated from the parameters set in Srcp.
The four affine parameters are set every Offset bytes, starting from the Destp address.
If the Offset value is 2, the parameters are stored contiguously. If the value is 8, they match the structure of OAM.
When Srcp is arrayed, the calculation can be performed continuously by specifying Num.
  r0   Source Address, pointing to data structure as such:
        s16  Scaling ratio in X direction (8bit fractional portion)
        s16  Scaling ratio in Y direction (8bit fractional portion)
        u16  Angle of rotation (8bit fractional portion) Effective Range 0-FFFF
  r1   Destination Address, pointing to data structure as such:
        s16  Difference in X coordinate along same line
        s16  Difference in X coordinate along next line
        s16  Difference in Y coordinate along same line
        s16  Difference in Y coordinate along next line
  r2   Number of calculations
  r3   Offset in bytes for parameter addresses (2=continuous, 8=OAM)
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

For both Bg- and ObjAffineSet, Rotation angles are specified as 0-FFFFh (covering a range of 360 degrees), however, the GBA BIOS recurses only the upper 8bit; the lower 8bit may contain a fractional portion, but it is ignored by the BIOS.

  BIOS Decompression Functions


Decompression Read/Write Variants
  ReadNormal:      Fast (src must be memory mapped)
  ReadByCallback:  Slow (src can be non-memory, eg. serial Firmware SPI bus)
  Write8bitUnits:  Fast (dest must support 8bit writes, eg. not VRAM)
  Write16bitUnits: Slow (dest must be halfword-aligned) (for VRAM)

BitUnPack - SWI 10h (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9)
Used to increase the color depth of bitmaps or tile data. For example, to convert a 1bit monochrome font into 4bit or 8bit GBA tiles. The Unpack Info is specified separately, allowing to convert the same source data into different formats.
  r0  Source Address      (no alignment required)
  r1  Destination Address (must be 32bit-word aligned)
  r2  Pointer to UnPack information:
       16bit  Length of Source Data in bytes     (0-FFFFh)
       8bit   Width of Source Units in bits      (only 1,2,4,8 supported)
       8bit   Width of Destination Units in bits (only 1,2,4,8,16,32 supported)
       32bit  Data Offset (Bit 0-30), and Zero Data Flag (Bit 31)
      The Data Offset is always added to all non-zero source units.
      If the Zero Data Flag was set, it is also added to zero units.
Data is written in 32bit units, Destination can be Wram or Vram. The size of unpacked data must be a multiple of 4 bytes. The width of source units (plus the offset) should not exceed the destination width.
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

Diff8bitUnFilterWrite8bit (Wram) - SWI 16h (GBA/NDS9/DSi9)
Diff8bitUnFilterWrite16bit (Vram) - SWI 17h (GBA)
Diff16bitUnFilter - SWI 18h (GBA/NDS9/DSi9)
These aren't actually real decompression functions, destination data will have exactly the same size as source data. However, assume a bitmap or wave form to contain a stream of increasing numbers such like 10..19, the filtered/unfiltered data would be:
  unfiltered:   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19
  filtered:     10  +1  +1  +1  +1  +1  +1  +1  +1  +1
In this case using filtered data (combined with actual compression algorithms) will obviously produce better compression results.
Data units may be either 8bit or 16bit used with Diff8bit or Diff16bit functions respectively.
  r0  Source address (must be aligned by 4) pointing to data as follows:
       Data Header (32bit)
         Bit 0-3   Data size (must be 1 for Diff8bit, 2 for Diff16bit)
         Bit 4-7   Type (must be 8 for DiffFiltered)
         Bit 8-31  24bit size after decompression
       Data Units (each 8bit or 16bit depending on used SWI function)
         Data0          ;original data
         Data1-Data0    ;difference data
         Data2-Data1    ;...
  r1  Destination address
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

HuffUnCompReadNormal - SWI 13h (GBA)
HuffUnCompReadByCallback - SWI 13h (NDS/DSi)
The decoder starts in root node, the separate bits in the bitstream specify if the next node is node0 or node1, if that node is a data node, then the data is stored in memory, and the decoder is reset to the root node. The most often used data should be as close to the root node as possible. For example, the 4-byte string "Huff" could be compressed to 6 bits: 10-11-0-0, with root.0 pointing directly to data "f", and root.1 pointing to a child node, whose nodes point to data "H" and data "u".
Data is written in units of 32bits, if the size of the compressed data is not a multiple of 4, please adjust it as much as possible by padding with 0.
Align the source address to a 4Byte boundary.
  r0  Source Address, aligned by 4, pointing to:
       Data Header (32bit)
         Bit0-3   Data size in bit units (normally 4 or 8)
         Bit4-7   Compressed type (must be 2 for Huffman)
         Bit8-31  24bit size of decompressed data in bytes
       Tree Size (8bit)
         Bit0-7   Size of Tree Table/2-1 (ie. Offset to Compressed Bitstream)
       Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node)
        Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are:
         Bit0-5   Offset to next child node,
                  Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2
                  Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1
         Bit6     Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
         Bit7     Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
        Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node):
         Bit0-7   Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8)
       Compressed Bitstream (stored in units of 32bits)
         Bit0-31  Node Bits (Bit31=First Bit)  (0=Node0, 1=Node1)
  r1  Destination Address
  r2  Callback temp buffer      ;\for NDS/DSi "ReadByCallback" variants only
  r3  Callback structure        ;/(see Callback notes below)
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite8bit (Wram) - SWI 11h (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9)
LZ77UnCompReadNormalWrite16bit (Vram) - SWI 12h (GBA)
LZ77UnCompReadByCallbackWrite8bit - SWI 01h (DSi7/DSi9)
LZ77UnCompReadByCallbackWrite16bit - SWI 12h (NDS), SWI 02h or 19h (DSi)
Expands LZ77-compressed data. The Wram function is faster, and writes in units of 8bits. For the Vram function the destination must be halfword aligned, data is written in units of 16bits.
CAUTION: Writing 16bit units to [dest-1] instead of 8bit units to [dest] means the reading from [dest-1] won't work, ie. the "Vram" function works only with disp=001h..FFFh, but not with disp=000h.
If the size of the compressed data is not a multiple of 4, please adjust it as much as possible by padding with 0. Align the source address to a 4-Byte boundary.
  r0  Source address, pointing to data as such:
       Data header (32bit)
         Bit 0-3   Reserved
         Bit 4-7   Compressed type (must be 1 for LZ77)
         Bit 8-31  Size of decompressed data
       Repeat below. Each Flag Byte followed by eight Blocks.
       Flag data (8bit)
         Bit 0-7   Type Flags for next 8 Blocks, MSB first
       Block Type 0 - Uncompressed - Copy 1 Byte from Source to Dest
         Bit 0-7   One data byte to be copied to dest
       Block Type 1 - Compressed - Copy N+3 Bytes from Dest-Disp-1 to Dest
         Bit 0-3   Disp MSBs
         Bit 4-7   Number of bytes to copy (minus 3)
         Bit 8-15  Disp LSBs
  r1  Destination address
  r2  Callback parameter        ;\for NDS/DSi "ReadByCallback" variants only
  r3  Callback structure        ;/(see Callback notes below)
Return: No return value.

RLUnCompReadNormalWrite8bit (Wram) - SWI 14h (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9)
RLUnCompReadNormalWrite16bit (Vram) - SWI 15h (GBA)
RLUnCompReadByCallbackWrite16bit - SWI 15h (NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9)
Expands run-length compressed data. The Wram function is faster, and writes in units of 8bits. For the Vram function the destination must be halfword aligned, data is written in units of 16bits.
If the size of the compressed data is not a multiple of 4, please adjust it as much as possible by padding with 0. Align the source address to a 4Byte boundary.
  r0  Source Address, pointing to data as such:
       Data header (32bit)
         Bit 0-3   Reserved
         Bit 4-7   Compressed type (must be 3 for run-length)
         Bit 8-31  Size of decompressed data
       Repeat below. Each Flag Byte followed by one or more Data Bytes.
       Flag data (8bit)
         Bit 0-6   Expanded Data Length (uncompressed N-1, compressed N-3)
         Bit 7     Flag (0=uncompressed, 1=compressed)
       Data Byte(s) - N uncompressed bytes, or 1 byte repeated N times
  r1  Destination Address
  r2  Callback parameter        ;\for NDS/DSi "ReadByCallback" variants only
  r3  Callback structure        ;/(see Callback notes below)
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

NDS/DSi Decompression Callbacks
On NDS and DSi, the "ReadByCallback" variants are reading source data from callback functions (rather than directly from memory). The callback functions may read normal data from memory, or from other devices, such like directly from the gamepak bus, without storing the source data in memory. The downside is that the callback mechanism makes the function very slow, furthermore, NDS7/NDS9 SWI 12h, 13h, 15h are using THUMB code, and variables on stack, alltogether that makes the whole shit very-very-very slow.
  r2 = user defined callback parameter (passed on to Open function)
        (or, for Huffman: pointer to temp buffer, max 200h bytes needed)
  r3 = pointer to callback structure
Callback structure (five 32bit pointers to callback functions)
  Open_and_get_32bit (eg. LDR r0,[r0], get header)
  Close              (optional, 0=none)
  Get_8bit           (eg. LDRB r0,[r0])
  Get_16bit          (not used)
  Get_32bit          (used by Huffman only)
All functions may use ARM or THUMB code (indicated by address bit0). The current source address (r0) is passed to all callback functions. Additionally, the initial destination address (r1), and a user defined parameter (r2) are passed to the Open function. For Huffman r2 must point to a temp buffer (max 200h bytes needed, internally used by the SWI function to make a copy of the huffman tree; needed for random-access to the tree, which wouldn't work with the sequentially reading callbacks).
All functions have return values in r0. The Open function normally returns the first word (containing positive length and type), alternatively it may return a negative error code to abort/reject decompression. The Close function, if it is defined, should return zero (or any positive value), or a negative errorcode. The other functions return raw data, without errorcodes. The SWI returns the length of decompressed data, or the signed errorcode from the Open/Close functions.

  BIOS Memory Copy


SWI 0Ch (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - CpuFastSet
Memory copy/fill in units of 32 bytes. Memcopy is implemented as repeated LDMIA/STMIA [Rb]!,r2-r9 instructions. Memfill as single LDR followed by repeated STMIA [Rb]!,r2-r9.
After processing all 32-byte-blocks, the NDS/DSi additonally processes the remaining words as 4-byte blocks. BUG: The NDS/DSi uses the fast 32-byte-block processing only for the first N bytes (not for the first N words), so only the first quarter of the memory block is FAST, the remaining three quarters are SLOWLY copied word-by-word.
The length is specifed as wordcount, ie. the number of bytes divided by 4.
On the GBA, the length should be a multiple of 8 words (32 bytes) (otherwise the GBA is forcefully rounding-up the length). On NDS/DSi, the length may be any number of words (4 bytes).
  r0    Source address        (must be aligned by 4)
  r1    Destination address   (must be aligned by 4)
  r2    Length/Mode
          Bit 0-20  Wordcount (GBA: rounded-up to multiple of 8 words)
          Bit 24    Fixed Source Address (0=Copy, 1=Fill by WORD[r0])
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

SWI 0Bh (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - CpuSet
Memory copy/fill in units of 4 bytes or 2 bytes. Memcopy is implemented as repeated LDMIA/STMIA [Rb]!,r3 or LDRH/STRH r3,[r0,r5] instructions. Memfill as single LDMIA or LDRH followed by repeated STMIA [Rb]!,r3 or STRH r3,[r0,r5].
The length must be a multiple of 4 bytes (32bit mode) or 2 bytes (16bit mode). The (half)wordcount in r2 must be length/4 (32bit mode) or length/2 (16bit mode), ie. length in word/halfword units rather than byte units.
  r0    Source address        (must be aligned by 4 for 32bit, by 2 for 16bit)
  r1    Destination address   (must be aligned by 4 for 32bit, by 2 for 16bit)
  r2    Length/Mode
          Bit 0-20  Wordcount (for 32bit), or Halfwordcount (for 16bit)
          Bit 24    Fixed Source Address (0=Copy, 1=Fill by {HALF}WORD[r0])
          Bit 26    Datasize (0=16bit, 1=32bit)
Return: No return value, Data written to destination address.

Note: On GBA, NDS7 and DSi7, these two functions will silently reject to do anything if the source start or end addresses are reaching into the BIOS area. The NDS9 and DSi9 don't have such read-proctections.

  BIOS Halt Functions


SWI 02h (GBA) or SWI 06h (NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - Halt
Halts the CPU until an interrupt request occurs. The CPU is switched into low-power mode, all other circuits (video, sound, timers, serial, keypad, system clock) are kept operating.
Halt mode is terminated when any enabled interrupts are requested, that is when (IE AND IF) is not zero, the GBA locks up if that condition doesn't get true. However, the state of CPUs IRQ disable bit in CPSR register, and the IME register are don't care, Halt passes through even if either one has disabled interrupts.
On GBA and NDS7/DSi7, Halt is implemented by writing to HALTCNT, Port 4000301h. On NDS9/DSi9, Halt is implemted by writing to System Control Coprocessor (mov p15,0,c7,c0,4,r0 opcode), this opcode hangs if IME=0.
No parameters, no return value.
(GBA/NDS7/DSi7: all registers unchanged, NDS9/DSi9: R0 destroyed)

SWI 04h (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - IntrWait ;DSi7/DSi9=bugged?
Continues to wait in Halt state until one (or more) of the specified interrupt(s) do occur. The function forcefully sets IME=1. When using multiple interrupts at the same time, this function is having less overhead than repeatedly calling the Halt function.
  r0    0=Return immediately if an old flag was already set (NDS9: bugged!)
        1=Discard old flags, wait until a NEW flag becomes set
  r1    Interrupt flag(s) to wait for (same format as IE/IF registers)
  r2    DSi7 only: Extra flags (same format as DSi7's IE2/IF2 registers)
Caution: When using IntrWait or VBlankIntrWait, the user interrupt handler MUST update the BIOS Interrupt Flags value in RAM; when acknowleding processed interrupt(s) by writing a value to the IF register, the same value should be also ORed to the BIOS Interrupt Flags value, at following memory location:
  Host     GBA (16bit)  NDS7 (32bit)  NDS9 (32bit)  DSi7-IF2 (32bit)
  Address  [3007FF8h]   [380FFF8h]    [DTCM+3FF8h]  [380FFC0h]
NDS9: BUG: No Discard (r0=0) doesn't work. The function always waits for at least one IRQ to occur (no matter which, including IRQs that are not selected in r1), even if the desired flag was already set. NB. the same bug is also found in the GBA/NDS7 functions, but it's compensated by a second bug, ie. the GBA/NDS7 functions are working okay because their "bug doesn't work".
Return: No return value, the selected flag(s) are automatically reset in BIOS Interrupt Flags value in RAM upon return.
DSi9: BUG: The function tries to enter Halt state via Port 4000301h (which would be okay on ARM7, but it's probably ignored on ARM9, which should normally use CP15 to enter Halt state; if Port 4000301h is really ignored, then the function will "successfully" wait for interrupts, but without actually entering any kind of low power mode).
DSi7: BUG: The function tries to wait for IF and IF2 interrupts, but it does accidently ignore the old IF interrupts, and works only with new IF2 ones.

SWI 05h (GBA/NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - VBlankIntrWait ;DSi7/DSi9=bugged?
Continues to wait in Halt status until a new V-Blank interrupt occurs.
The function sets r0=1 and r1=1 (plus r2=0 on DSi7) and does then execute IntrWait (SWI 04h), see IntrWait for details.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 03h (GBA) - Stop
Switches the GBA into very low power mode (to be used similar as a screen-saver). The CPU, System Clock, Sound, Video, SIO-Shift Clock, DMAs, and Timers are stopped.
Stop state can be terminated by the following interrupts only (as far as enabled in IE register): Joypad, Game Pak, or General-Purpose-SIO.
"The system clock is stopped so the IF flag is not set."
Preparation for Stop:
Disable Video before implementing Stop (otherwise Video just freezes, but still keeps consuming battery power). Possibly required to disable Sound also? Obviously, it'd be also recommended to disable any external hardware (such like Rumble or Infra-Red) as far as possible.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 07h (NDS7/DSi7) - Sleep
No info, probably similar as GBA SWI 03h (Stop). Sleep is implemented for ARM7 only, not for ARM9. But maybe the ARM7 function does stop <both> ARM7 and ARM9 (?)

SWI 27h (GBA) or SWI 1Fh (NDS7/DSi7) - CustomHalt (Undocumented)
Writes the 8bit parameter value to HALTCNT, below values are equivalent to Halt and Stop/Sleep functions, other values reserved, purpose unknown.
  r2  8bit parameter (GBA: 00h=Halt, 80h=Stop) (NDS7/DSi7: 80h=Halt, C0h=Sleep)
No return value.

  BIOS Reset Functions


SWI 00h (GBA/NDS7/NDS9) - SoftReset
Clears 200h bytes of RAM (containing stacks, and BIOS IRQ vector/flags), initializes system, supervisor, and irq stack pointers, sets R0-R12, LR_svc, SPSR_svc, LR_irq, and SPSR_irq to zero, and enters system mode.
Note that the NDS9 stack registers are hardcoded (the DTCM base should be set to the default setting of 0800000h). The NDS9 function additionally flushes caches and write buffer, and sets the CP15 control register to 12078h.
  Host  sp_svc    sp_irq    sp_sys    zerofilled area       return address
  GBA   3007FE0h  3007FA0h  3007F00h  [3007E00h..3007FFFh]  Flag[3007FFAh]
  NDS7  380FFDCh  380FFB0h  380FF00h  [380FE00h..380FFFFh]  Addr[27FFE34h]
  NDS9  0803FC0h  0803FA0h  0803EC0h  [DTCM+3E00h..3FFFh]   Addr[27FFE24h]
The NDS7/NDS9 return addresses at [27FFE34h/27FFE24h] are usually containing copies of Cartridge Header [034h/024h] entry points, which may select ARM/THUMB state via bit0. The GBA return address 8bit flag is interpreted as 00h=8000000h (ROM), or 01h-FFh=2000000h (RAM), entered in ARM state.
Note: The reset is applied only to the CPU that has executed the SWI (ie. on the NDS, the other CPU will remain unaffected).
Return: Does not return to calling procedure, instead, loads the above return address into R14, and then jumps to that address by a "BX R14" opcode.

SWI 01h (GBA) - RegisterRamReset
Resets the I/O registers and RAM specified in ResetFlags. However, it does not clear the CPU internal RAM area from 3007E00h-3007FFFh.
  r0  ResetFlags
       Bit   Expl.
       0     Clear 256K on-board WRAM  ;-don't use when returning to WRAM
       1     Clear 32K on-chip WRAM    ;-excluding last 200h bytes
       2     Clear Palette
       3     Clear VRAM
       4     Clear OAM              ;-zerofilled! does NOT disable OBJs!
       5     Reset SIO registers    ;-switches to general purpose mode!
       6     Reset Sound registers
       7     Reset all other registers (except SIO, Sound)
Return: No return value.
Bug: LSBs of SIODATA32 are always destroyed, even if Bit5 of R0 was cleared.
The function always switches the screen into forced blank by setting DISPCNT=0080h (regardless of incoming R0, screen becomes white).

SWI 26h (GBA) - HardReset (Undocumented)
This function reboots the GBA (including for getting through the time-consuming nintendo intro, which is making the function particularly useless and annoying).
Parameters: None. Return: Never/Reboot.
Execution Time: About 2 seconds (!)

  BIOS Misc Functions


SWI 0Dh (GBA) - GetBiosChecksum (Undocumented)
Calculates the checksum of the BIOS ROM (by reading in 32bit units, and adding up these values). IRQ and FIQ are disabled during execution.
The checksum is BAAE187Fh (GBA and GBA SP), or BAAE1880h (DS in GBA mode, whereas the only difference is that the byte at [3F0Ch] is changed from 00h to 01h, otherwise the BIOS is 1:1 same as GBA BIOS, it does even include multiboot code).
Parameters: None. Return: r0=Checksum.

SWI 03h (NDS7/NDS9/DSi7/DSi9) - WaitByLoop
Performs a "LOP: SUB R0,1 / BGT LOP" wait loop, the loop is executed in BIOS memory, which provides reliable timings (regardless of the memory waitstates & cache state of the calling procedure). Intended only for short delays (eg. flash memory programming cycles).
  r0  Delay value (should be in range 1..7FFFFFFFh)
Execution Time: NDS7: R0*4 cycles, plus some overload on SWI handling.
Execution Time: NDS9: R0*2 (cache on), or R0*8 (cache off), plus overload.
Note: Both NDS7 and NDS9 timings are counted in 33.51MHz units.
Return: No return value.

SWI 0Eh (NDS7/NDS9) - GetCRC16
  r0  Initial CRC value (16bit, usually FFFFh)
  r1  Start Address   (must be aligned by 2)
  r2  Length in bytes (must be aligned by 2)
CRC16 checksums can be calculated as such:
  val[0..7] = C0C1h,C181h,C301h,C601h,CC01h,D801h,F001h,A001h
  for i=start to end
    crc=crc xor byte[i]
    for j=0 to 7
      crc=crc shr 1:if carry then crc=crc xor (val[j] shl (7-j))
    next j
  next i
  r0  Calculated 16bit CRC Value
Additionally, if the length is nonzero, r3 contains the last processed halfword at [addr+len-2]. Unlike most other NDS7/DSi7 SWI functions (which do reject reading from BIOS memory), this allows to dump the NDS7/DSi7 BIOS (except for the memory region that is locked via BIOSPROT Port 4000308h).

SWI 0Fh (NDS7/NDS9) - IsDebugger
Detects if 4MB (normal) or 8MB (debug version) Main RAM installed.
Caution: Fails on ARM9 when cache is enabled (always returns 8MB state).
Return: r0 = result (0=normal console 4MB, 1=debug version 8MB)
Destroys halfword at [27FFFFAh] (NDS7) or [27FFFF8h] (NDS9)!
The SWI 0Fh function doesn't work stable if it gets interrupted by an interrupt which is calling SWI 0Fh, which would destroy the above halfword scratch value (unless the IRQ handler has saved/restored the halfword).

SWI 1Ah (NDS7/DSi7) - GetSineTable
  r0  Index (0..3Fh) (must be in that range, otherwise returns garbage)
Return: r0 = Desired Entry (0000h..7FF5h) ;SIN(0 .. 88.6 degrees)*8000h

SWI 1Bh (NDS7/DSi7) - GetPitchTable (DSi7: bugged)
  r0  Index (0..2FFh) (must be in that range, otherwise returns garbage)
BUG: DSi7 accidently reads from SineTable instead of PitchTable, as workaround for obtaining PitchTable values, one can set "r0=(0..2FFh)-46Ah" on DSi.
Return: r0 = Desired Entry (0000h..FF8Ah) (unsigned)

SWI 1Ch (NDS7/DSi7) - GetVolumeTable
  r0  Index (0..2D3h) (must be in that range, otherwise returns garbage)
Return: r0 = Desired Entry (00h..7Fh) (unsigned)

SWI 1Fh (NDS9/DSi7) - CustomPost
Writes to the POSTFLG register, probably for use by Firmware boot procedure.
  r0  32bit value, to be written to POSTFLG, Port 4000300h
Return: No return value.

SWI 1Dh (NDS7/DSi7) - GetBootProcs
Returns addresses of Gamecart boot procedure/interrupt handler, probably for use by Firmware boot procedure. Most of the returned NDS7 functions won't work if the POSTFLG register is set.
The return values are somewhat XORed by each other (on DSi7 most of the values are zero; which does rather negate the XORing effect, and, as a special gimmick, one of the zero values is XORed by incoming r2).

  BIOS Multi Boot (Single Game Pak)


SWI 25h (GBA) - MultiBoot
This function uploads & starts program code to slave GBAs, allowing to launch programs on slave units even if no cartridge is inserted into the slaves (this works because all GBA BIOSes contain built-in download procedures in ROM).
However, the SWI 25h BIOS upload function covers only 45% of the required Transmission Protocol, the other 55% must be coded in the master cartridge (see Transmission Protocol below).
  r0  Pointer to MultiBootParam structure
  r1  Transfer Mode (undocumented)
       0=256KHz, 32bit, Normal mode    (fast and stable)
       1=115KHz, 16bit, MultiPlay mode (default, slow, up to three slaves)
       2=2MHz,   32bit, Normal mode    (fastest but maybe unstable)
  Note: HLL-programmers that are using the MultiBoot(param_ptr) macro cannot
  specify the transfer mode and will be forcefully using MultiPlay mode.
  r0  0=okay, 1=failed
See below for more details.

Multiboot Parameter Structure
Size of parameter structure should be 4Ch bytes (the current GBA BIOS uses only first 44h bytes though). The following entries must be set before calling SWI 25h:
  Addr Size Name/Expl.
  14h  1    handshake_data (entry used for normal mode only)
  19h  3    client_data[1,2,3]
  1Ch  1    palette_data
  1Eh  1    client_bit (Bit 1-3 set if child 1-3 detected)
  20h  4    boot_srcp  (typically 8000000h+0C0h)
  24h  4    boot_endp  (typically 8000000h+0C0h+length)
The transfer length (excluding header data) should be a multiple of 10h, minimum length 100h, max 3FF40h (ca. 256KBytes). Set palette_data as "81h+color*10h+direction*8+speed*2", or as "0f1h+color*2" for fixed palette, whereas color=0..6, speed=0..3, direction=0..1. The other entries (handshake_data, client_data[1-3], and client_bit) must be same as specified in Transmission Protocol (see below hh,cc,y).

Multiboot Transfer Protocol
Below describes the complete transfer protocol, normally only the Initiation part must be programmed in the master cartridge, the main data transfer can be then performed by calling SWI 25h, the slave program is started after SWI 25h completion.
The ending handshake is normally not required, when using it, note that you will need custom code in BOTH master and slave programs.
  Times  Send   Receive  Expl.
  -----------------------Required Transfer Initiation in master program
  ...    6200   FFFF     Slave not in multiplay/normal mode yet
  1      6200   0000     Slave entered correct mode now
  15     6200   720x     Repeat 15 times, if failed: delay 1/16s and restart
  1      610y   720x     Recognition okay, exchange master/slave info
  60h    xxxx   NN0x     Transfer C0h bytes header data in units of 16bits
  1      6200   000x     Transfer of header data completed
  1      620y   720x     Exchange master/slave info again
  ...    63pp   720x     Wait until all slaves reply 73cc instead 720x
  1      63pp   73cc     Send palette_data and receive client_data[1-3]
  1      64hh   73uu     Send handshake_data for final transfer completion
  -----------------------Below is SWI 25h MultiBoot handler in BIOS
  DELAY  -      -        Wait 1/16 seconds at master side
  1      llll   73rr     Send length information and receive random data[1-3]
  LEN    yyyy   nnnn     Transfer main data block in units of 16 or 32 bits
  1      0065   nnnn     Transfer of main data block completed, request CRC
  ...    0065   0074     Wait until all slaves reply 0075 instead 0074
  1      0065   0075     All slaves ready for CRC transfer
  1      0066   0075     Signalize that transfer of CRC follows
  1      zzzz   zzzz     Exchange CRC must be same for master and slaves
  -----------------------Optional Handshake (NOT part of master/slave BIOS)
  ...    ....   ....     Exchange whatever custom data
Legend for above Protocol
  y     client_bit, bit(s) 1-3 set if slave(s) 1-3 detected
  x     bit 1,2,or 3 set if slave 1,2,or 3
  xxxx  header data, transferred in 16bit (!) units (even in 32bit normal mode)
  nn    response value for header transfer, decreasing 60h..01h
  pp    palette_data
  cc    random client_data[1..3] from slave 1-3, FFh if slave not exists
  hh    handshake_data, 11h+client_data[1]+client_data[2]+client_data[3]
  uu    random data, not used, ignore this value
Below automatically calculated by SWI 25h BIOS function (don't care about)
  llll  download length/4-34h
  rr    random data from each slave for encryption, FFh if slave not exists
  yyyy  encoded data in 16bit (multiplay) or 32bit (normal mode) units
  nnnn  response value, lower 16bit of destadr in GBA memory (00C0h and up)
  zzzz  16bit download CRC value, must be same for master and slaves
Pseudo Code for SWI 25h Transfer with Checksum and Encryption calculations
  if normal_mode    then c=C387h:x=C37Bh:k=43202F2Fh
  if multiplay_mode then c=FFF8h:x=A517h:k=6465646Fh
  for ptr=000000C0h to (file_size-4) step 4
    c=c xor data[ptr]:for i=1 to 32:c=c shr 1:if carry then c=c xor x:next
    send_32_or_2x16 (data[ptr] xor (-2000000h-ptr) xor m xor k)
  c=c xor f:for i=1 to 32:c=c shr 1:if carry then c=c xor x:next
  wait_all_units_ready_for_checksum:send_32_or_1x16 (c)
Whereas, explained: c=chksum,x=chkxor,f=chkfin,k=keyxor,m=keymul

Multiboot Communication
In Multiplay mode, master sends 16bit data, and receives 16bit data from each slave (or FFFFh if none). In Normal mode, master sends 32bit data (upper 16bit zero, lower 16bit as for multiplay mode), and receives 32bit data (upper 16bit as for multiplay mode, and lower 16bit same as lower 16bit previously sent by master). Because SIODATA32 occupies same addresses as SIOMULTI0-1, the same transfer code can be used for both multiplay and normal mode (in normal mode SIOMULTI2-3 should be forced to FFFFh though). After each transfer, master should wait for Start bit cleared in SIOCNT register, followed by a 36us delay.
Note: The multiboot slave would also recognize data being sent in Joybus mode, however, master GBAs cannot use joybus mode (because GBA hardware cannot act as master in joybus mode).

Multiboot Slave Header
The transferred Header block is written to 2000000-20000BFh in slave RAM, the header must contain valid data (identically as for normal ROM-cartridge headers, including a copy of the Nintendo logo, correct header CRC, etc.), in most cases it'd be recommended just to transfer a copy of the master cartridges header from 8000000h-80000BFh.

Multiboot Slave Program/Data
The transferred main program/data block is written to 20000C0h and up (max 203FFFFh) in slave RAM, note that absolute addresses in the program must be then originated at 2000000h rather than 8000000h. In case that the master cartridge is 256K or less, it could just transfer a copy of the whole cartridge at 80000C0h and up, the master should then copy & execute its own ROM data into RAM as well.

Multiboot Slave Extended Header
For Multiboot slaves, separate Entry Point(s) must be defined at the beginning of the Program/Data block (the Entry Point in the normal header is ignored), also some reserved bytes in this section are overwritten by the Multiboot procedure. For more information see chapter about Cartridge Header.

Multiboot Slave with Cartridge
Beside for slaves without cartridge, multiboot can be also used for slaves which do have a cartridge inserted, if so, SELECT and START must be kept held down during power-on in order to switch the slave GBA into Multiboot mode (ie. to prevent it from starting the cartridge as normally).
The general idea is to enable newer programs to link to any existing older GBA programs, even if these older programs originally didn't have been intended to support linking.
The uploaded program may access the slaves SRAM, Flash ROM, or EEPROM (if any, allowing to read out or modify slave game positions), as well as cartridge ROM at 80000A0h-8000FFFh (the first 4KBytes, excluding the nintendo logo, allowing to read out the cartridge name from the header, for example).
The main part of the cartridge ROM is meant to be locked out in order to prevent software pirates from uploading "intruder" programs which would send back a copy of the whole cartridge to the master, however, for good or evil, at present time, current GBA models and GBA carts do not seem to contain any such protection.

Uploading Programs from PC
Beside for the ability to upload a program from one GBA to another, this feature can be also used to upload small programs from a PC to a GBA. For more information see chapter about External Connectors.

Nintendo DS
The GBA multiboot function requires a link port, and so, works on GBA and GBA SP only. The Nintendo DS in GBA mode does include the multiboot BIOS function, but it won't be of any use as the DS doesn't have a link port.

  BIOS Sound Functions


SWI 1Fh (GBA) - MidiKey2Freq
Calculates the value of the assignment to ((SoundArea)sa).vchn[x].fr when playing the wave data, wa, with the interval (MIDI KEY) mk and the fine adjustment value (halftones=256) fp.
  r0  WaveData* wa
  r1  u8 mk
  r2  u8 fp
  r0  u32
This function is particularly popular because it allows to read from BIOS memory without copy protection range checks. The formula to read one byte (a) from address (i, 0..3FFF) is:
a = (MidiKey2Freq(i-(((i AND 3)+1)OR 3), 168, 0) * 2) SHR 24

SWI 19h (GBA) or SWI 08h (NDS7/DSi7) - SoundBias
Increments or decrements the current level of the SOUNDBIAS register (with short delays) until reaching the desired new level. The upper bits of the register are kept unchanged.
  r0   BIAS level (0=Level 000h, any other value=Level 200h)
  r1   Delay Count (NDS/DSi only) (GBA uses a fixed delay count of 8)
Return: No return value.

SWI 1Eh (GBA) - SoundChannelClear
Clears all direct sound channels and stops the sound.
This function may not operate properly when the library which expands the sound driver feature is combined afterwards. In this case, do not use it.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 1Ah (GBA) - SoundDriverInit
Initializes the sound driver. Call this only once when the game starts up.
It is essential that the work area already be secured at the time this function is called.
You cannot execute this driver multiple times, even if separate work areas have been prepared.
  r0  Pointer to work area for sound driver, SoundArea structure as follows:
       SoundArea (sa) Structure
        u32    ident      Flag the system checks to see whether the
                          work area has been initialized and whether it
                          is currently being accessed.
        vu8    DmaCount   User access prohibited
        u8     reverb     Variable for applying reverb effects to direct sound
        u16    d1         User access prohibited
        void   (*func)()  User access prohibited
        int    intp       User access prohibited
        void*  NoUse      User access prohibited
        SndCh  vchn[MAX]  The structure array for controlling the direct
                          sound channels (currently 8 channels are
                          available). The term "channel" here does
                          not refer to hardware channels, but rather to
                          virtual constructs inside the sound driver.
        s8     pcmbuf[PCM_BF*2]
       SoundChannel Structure
        u8         sf     The flag indicating the status of this channel.
                          When 0 sound is stopped.
                          To start sound, set other parameters and
                          then write 80h to here.
                          To stop sound, logical OR 40h for a
                          release-attached off (key-off), or write zero
                          for a pause. The use of other bits is
        u8         r1     User access prohibited
        u8         rv     Sound volume output to right side
        u8         lv     Sound volume output to left side
        u8         at     The attack value of the envelope. When the
                          sound starts, the volume begins at zero and
                          increases every 1/60 second. When it
                          reaches 255, the process moves on to the
                          next decay value.
        u8         de     The decay value of the envelope. It is
                          multiplied by "this value/256" every 1/60
                          sec. and when sustain value is reached, the
                          process moves to the sustain condition.
        u8         su     The sustain value of the envelope. The
                          sound is sustained by this amount.
                          (Actually, multiplied by rv/256, lv/256 and
                          output left and right.)
        u8         re     The release value of the envelope. Key-off
                          (logical OR 40h in sf) to enter this state.
                          The value is multiplied by "this value/256"
                          every 1/60 sec. and when it reaches zero,
                          this channel is completely stopped.
        u8         r2[4]  User access prohibited
        u32        fr     The frequency of the produced sound.
                          Write the value obtained with the
                          MidiKey2Freq function here.
        WaveData*  wp     Pointer to the sound's waveform data. The waveform
                          data can be generated automatically from the AIFF
                          file using the tool (aif2agb.exe), so users normally
                          do not need to create this themselves.
        u32        r3[6]  User access prohibited
        u8         r4[4]  User access prohibited
       WaveData Structure
        u16   type    Indicates the data type. This is currently not used.
        u16   stat    At the present time, non-looped (1 shot) waveform
                      is 0000h and forward loop is 4000h.
        u32   freq    This value is used to calculate the frequency.
                      It is obtained using the following formula:
                      sampling rate x 2^((180-original MIDI key)/12)
        u32   loop    Loop pointer (start of loop)
        u32   size    Number of samples (end position)
        s8    data[]  The actual waveform data. Takes (number of samples+1)
                      bytes of 8bit signed linear uncompressed data. The last
                      byte is zero for a non-looped waveform, and the same
                      value as the loop pointer data for a looped waveform.
Return: No return value.

SWI 1Ch (GBA) - SoundDriverMain
Main of the sound driver.
Call every 1/60 of a second. The flow of the process is to call SoundDriverVSync, which is explained later, immediately after the V-Blank interrupt.
After that, this routine is called after BG and OBJ processing is executed.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 1Bh (GBA) - SoundDriverMode
Sets the sound driver operation mode.
  r0  Sound driver operation mode
       Bit    Expl.
       0-6    Direct Sound Reverb value (0-127, default=0) (ignored if Bit7=0)
       7      Direct Sound Reverb set (0=ignore, 1=apply reverb value)
       8-11   Direct Sound Simultaneously-produced (1-12 channels, default 8)
       12-15  Direct Sound Master volume (1-15, default 15)
       16-19  Direct Sound Playback Frequency (1-12 = 5734,7884,10512,13379,
              15768,18157,21024,26758,31536,36314,40137,42048, def 4=13379 Hz)
       20-23  Final number of D/A converter bits (8-11 = 9-6bits, def. 9=8bits)
       24-31  Not used.
Return: No return value.

SWI 1Dh (GBA) - SoundDriverVSync
An extremely short system call that resets the sound DMA. The timing is extremely critical, so call this function immediately after the V-Blank interrupt every 1/60 second.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 28h (GBA) - SoundDriverVSyncOff
Due to problems with the main program if the V-Blank interrupts are stopped, and SoundDriverVSync cannot be called every 1/60 a second, this function must be used to stop sound DMA.
Otherwise, even if you exceed the limit of the buffer the DMA will not stop and noise will result.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 29h (GBA) - SoundDriverVSyncOn
This function restarts the sound DMA stopped with the previously described SoundDriverVSyncOff.
After calling this function, have a V-Blank occur within 2/60 of a second and call SoundDriverVSync.
No parameters, no return value.

SWI 20h..24h (GBA) - SoundWhatever0..4 (Undocumented)
Whatever undocumented sound-related BIOS functions.

SWI 2Ah (GBA) - SoundGetJumpList (Undocumented)
Receives pointers to 36 additional sound-related BIOS functions.
  r0  Destination address (must be aligned by 4) (120h bytes buffer)

  BIOS SHA1 Functions (DSi only)


SWI 24h (DSi9/DSi7) - SHA1_Init(struct)
Initializes a 64h-byte structure for SHA1 calculations:
  [struct+00h] = 67452301h      ;\
  [struct+04h] = EFCDAB89h      ;
  [struct+08h] = 98BADCFEh      ; initial SHA1 checksum value
  [struct+0Ch] = 10325476h      ;
  [struct+10h] = C3D2E1F0h      ;/
  [struct+14h] = 00000000h ;lsw ;\total len in bits, initially zero
  [struct+18h] = 00000000h ;msw ;/
  [struct+1Ch] = uninitialzed   ;-buffer for incomplete fragment (40h bytes)
  [struct+5Ch] = 00000000h      ;-incomplete fragment size
  if [struct+60h] = 00000000h then [struct+60h] = SHA1_Default_Callback
Observe that the incoming [struct+60h] value should be 00000000h, otherwise the default callback isn't installed (using a different callback doesn't make too much sense, and it's probably not done by any DSi programs) (the callback feature might be intended to mount hardware accelleration, or to hook, customize, encrypt, or replace the SHA1 functionality).

SWI 25h (DSi9/DSi7) - SHA1_Update(struct,src,srclen)
This function should be placed between Init and Finish. The Update function can be called multiple times if the source data is split into separate blocks. There's no alignment requirement (though the function works faster if src is 4-byte aligned).
  [struct+14h]=[struct+14h]+len*8  ;64bit value ;-raise total len in bits
  if [struct+5Ch]<>0 and [struct+5Ch]+len>=40h  ;\
    for i=[struct+5Ch] to 3Fh                   ; merge old incomplete chunk
      [struct+1Ch+i]=[src], src=src+1, len=len-1; with new data and process it
    SHA1_Callback(struct,struct+1Ch,40h)        ; (if it gives a full chunk)
    [struct+5Ch]=0                              ;/
  if len>=40h then                              ;\process full 40h-byte chunks
    SHA1_Callback(struct,src,len AND NOT 3Fh)   ; (if src isn't 4-byte aligned
    src=src+(len AND NOT 3Fh)                   ; then the DSi BIOS internally
    len=len AND 3Fh                             ;/copies all chunks to struct)
  if len>0 then                                 ;\
    for i=[struct+5Ch] to [struct+5Ch]+len-1    ; memorize remaining bytes
      [struct+1Ch+i]=[src], src=src+1, len=len-1; as incomplete chunk
      [struct+5Ch]=[struct+5Ch]+1               ;/

SWI 26h (DSi9/DSi7) - SHA1_Finish(dst,struct)
  [total_len]=bswap8byte([struct+14h]) ;get total len in bits in big-endian
  SHA1_Update(struct,value_80h,1)                            ;append end byte
  while [struct+5Ch]<>38h do SHA1_Update(struct,value_00h,1) ;append padding
  SHA1_Update(struct,total_len,8)                            ;append 64bit len
  [struct+14h]=bswap8byte([total_len]) ;restore total len, exclude above update
  [dst+00h]=bswap([struct+00h]  ;msw   ;\
  [dst+04h]=bswap([struct+04h]         ; store SHA1 result at dst
  [dst+08h]=bswap([struct+08h]         ; (in big-endian)
  [dst+0Ch]=bswap([struct+0Ch]         ;
  [dst+10h]=bswap([struct+10h]  ;lsw   ;/

  for j=1 to len/40h
    a=[struct+0], b=[struct+4], c=[struct+8], d=[struct+0Ch], e=[struct+10h]
    for i=0 to 79
      if i=0..15  then w[i] = bswap([src]), src=src+4
      if i=16..79 then w[i] = (w[i-3] xor w[i-8] xor w[i-14] xor w[i-16]) rol 1
      if i=0..19  then f=5A827999h + e + (d xor (b and (c xor d)))
      if i=20..39 then f=6ED9EBA1h + e + (b xor c xor d)
      if i=40..59 then f=8F1BBCDCh + e + ((b and c) or (d and (b or c)))
      if i=60..79 then f=CA62C1D6h + e + (b xor c xor d)
      e=d, d=c, c=(b ror 2), b=a, a=f + (a rol 5) + w[i]
    [struct+0]=[struct+0]+a, [struct+4]=[struct+4]+b, [struct+8]=[struct+8]+c
    [struct+0Ch]=[struct+0Ch]+d, [struct+10h]=[struct+10h]+e

SWI 27h (DSi9/DSi7) - SHA1_Init_Update_Finish(dst,src,srclen)
  [struct+60h]=00000000h  ;want Init to install the default SHA1 callback
Always returns r0=1.

SWI 29h (DSi9/DSi7) - SHA1_Init_Update_Finish_Mess(dst,dstlen,src,srclen)
  if dst=0 then exit(r0=1)  ;uh, that's same return value as when okay
  if src=0 and srclen<>0 then exit(r0=0)
  [struct+60h]=00000000h                ;\
  SHA1_Init(struct)                     ; first compute normal SHA1
  SHA1_Update(struct,src,srclen)        ; (same as SHA1_Init_Update_Finish)
  SHA1_Finish(first_sha1,struct)        ;/
  i=13h  ;start with LSB of big-endian 20-byte value  ;\increment SHA1 value
 @@lop2:                                              ; by one (with somewhat
  [first_sha1+i]=[first_sha1+i]+1, i=i-1              ; uncommon/bugged carry-
  if i>=0 and [first_sha1+i+1]=01h then goto @@lop2   ;/out to higher bytes)
  SHA1_Update(struct,first_sha1,14h)    ;\compute 2nd SHA1 across 1st SHA1,
  SHA1_Finish(second_sha1,struct)       ;/done without re-initializing struct
  for i=0 to min(14h,dstlen)-1, [dst]=[second_sha1+i], dst=dst+1
  if dstlen<>0 then goto @@lop1 else exit(r0=1)

  if len(key)>40h then key=SHA1(key) ;convert LONG keys to 14h-bytes length
  if len(key)<40h then zero-pad key to 40h-bytes length
  for i=0 to 3Fh, [inner_key+i]=[key+i] xor 36h ;\
  [struct+60h]=00000000h                        ;
  SHA1_Init(struct)                             ; compute 1st SHA1
  SHA1_Update(struct,inner_key,40h)             ; across inner key and data
  SHA1_Update(struct,src,srclen)                ;
  SHA1_Finish(first_sha1,struct)                ;/
  for i=0 to 3Fh, [outer_key+i]=[key+i] xor 5Ch ;\
  [struct+60h]=00000000h                        ;
  SHA1_Init(struct)                             ; compute final SHA1
  SHA1_Update(struct,outer_key,40h)             ; across outer key and 1st SHA1
  SHA1_Update(struct,first_sha1,14h)            ;
  SHA1_Finish(dst,struct)                       ;/

SWI 28h (DSi9/DSi7) - SHA1_Compare_20_Bytes(src1,src2)
Out: r0=1=match, r0=0=mismatch/error (error occurs if src1=0 or src2=0).

  BIOS RSA Functions (DSi only)


RSA is important because the DSi cartridge header and system files do contain RSA signatures. Which makes it impossible to create unlicensed software (without knowing Nintendo's private key).
BIOS RSA Pseudo Code

SWI 20h (DSi9/DSi7) - RSA_Init_crypto_heap(heap_nfo,heap_start,heap_size)
Initializes the heap for use with SWI 21h..23h. heap_nfo is a 0Ch-byte structure, which gets set to:
  [heap_nfo+0] = heap_start (rounded-up to 4-byte boundary)
  [heap_nfo+4] = heap_end   (start+size, rounded-down to 4-byte boundary)
  [heap_nfo+8] = heap_size  (matched to above rounded values)
heap_start should point to a free memory block which will be used as heap, heap_size should be usually 1000h.

SWI 21h (DSi9/DSi7) - RSA_Decrypt(heap_nfo,ptr_nfo,len_dest)
  [ptr_nfo+0] = dst (usually 7Fh bytes, max 80h bytes)
  [ptr_nfo+4] = src (80h bytes)
  [ptr_nfo+8] = key (80h bytes)
This is a subfunction for SWI 22h/23h. It's returning raw decrypted data without unpadding (aside from stripping leading 00h bytes; most (or all) signatures are containing one leading 00h byte, so the returned [len_dest] value will be usually 7Fh).
Return value (r0) is: 0=failed, 1=okay. The length of the decrypted data is returned at [len_dest].

SWI 22h (DSi9/DSi7) - RSA_Decrypt_Unpad(heap_nfo,dst,src,key)
Same as SWI 21h, and additionally removes the "01h,min eight FFh,00h" padding. src,dst,key should be 80h-bytes. The output at dst can be theoretically max 80h-bytes (or shorter due to removed padding). In practice, the DSi is often using only the first 14h-bytes at dst (aka the last 14h-bytes from src) as SHA1 or SHA1-HMAC value (RSA-SHA1). Return value (r0) is: 0=failed, 1=okay.

SWI 23h (DSi9/DSi7) - RSA_Decrypt_Unpad_OpenPGP_SHA1(heap_nfo,dst,src,key)
Same as SWI 22h, but with some extra processing for extracting a SHA1 value from an OpenPGP header: The data must consist of five chunks (with IDs 30h,30h,06h,05h,04h), the last chunk (with ID=04h) must be 14h bytes in size, and the 14h-byte chunk data is then copied to dst. The other four chunks must exist, but their content is just skipped.
  00h 1    Leading zero       (00h)                           ;\
  01h 1    Block type         (01h)                           ; padding
  02h 5Ah  Padding Bytes      (FFh-filled)                    ;
  5Ch 1    Padding End        (00h)                           ;/
  5Dh 2    30h,junk(1)        (30h,21h)                       ;-whatever
  5Fh 2    30h,junk(1)        (30h,09h)                       ;-whatever
  61h 7    06h,len,junk(len)  (06h,05h, 2Bh,0Eh,03h,02h,1Ah)  ;-OID for SHA1
  68h 2    05h,junk(1)        (05h,00h)                       ;-whatver
  6Ah 16h  04h,len,sha1(len)  (04h,14h, sha1[14h bytes])      ;-SHA1
The "junk" bytes aren't actually used/verified by the DSi. Handling chunks with len>7Fh looks quite weird/bugged. The DSi firmware contains some functions where it could optionally use SWI 22h or SWI 23h for RSA signatures (although, there aren't any know cases where it would actually use SWI 23h). Note: The DSi's Flipnote ".ppm" files are using the SWI 23h style SHA1 format (but Flipnote contains it's own RSA functions instead of using the BIOS SWI functions). DS Download Play (and equivalent code in NDS Firmware) is SWI 23h style, too (but also uses its own RSA function instead of the BIOS SWI).
Note: The format is based on the OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880), that format allows to use similar headers for MD5, SHA256, etc. (the DSi supports only SHA1 though).

Unencrypted Signatures
Emulators can hook the RSA BIOS functions to copy unencrypted signatures as-is (instead of trying to decrypt them). That allows to create "authentic" files that are fully compatible with the DSi firmware, and which would be actually working on real hardware (when knowing the private key).
Unencrypted 80h-byte signatures should be stored in following format (as defined in RFC 2313):
  00h   1      "00" Leading zero (00h)
  01h   1      "BT" Block type (always 01h on DSi)
  02h   8+n    "PS" Padding (FFh-filled, min 8 bytes, usually 69h bytes on DSi)
  0Ah+n 1      "00" Padding end (00h)
  0Bh+n 75h-n  "D"  Data (max 75h bytes, usually a 14h-byte SHA1 value on DSi)
If the hooked BIOS function sees a RSA source to contain "00h, 01h, at least eight FFh, followed by 00h", then it could treat it as unencrypted data (it's nearly impossible that an encrypted signature could contain those values).

The DSi BIOS contains two different RSA core modes (either one of them is used, depending on whether BIT0 of the FIRST BYTE of the "key" is set or cleared). The purpose & difference between those two modes is unknown. Also, dunno if that BIT0 thing is something common in the RSA world?

DSi Public RSA Keys (for verifying signatures)
  TWL_FIRM       (F1,F5,1A,FF..) eMMC Boot Info (same key for retail+debug)
  BIOS:FFFF87F4h (C3,02,93,DE..) Key0: System Menu (Launcher) of Retail version
  BIOS:FFFF8874h (B6,18,D8,61..) Key1: System Fun Tools and Wifi Firmware
  BIOS:FFFF88F4h (DA,94,09,01..) Key2: System Base Tools (Settings, Shop)
  BIOS:FFFF8974h (95,6F,79,0D..) Key3: DSiWare and DSi ROM Cartridges
  BIOS:FFFF89F4h (D4,30,E3,7D..) Key4: Unknown ;\probably more/unused RSA keys
  BIOS:FFFF8A74h (BD,29,02,38..) Key5: Unknown ; (DSi only)
  BIOS:FFFF8AF4h (CF,8A,4B,15..) Key6: Unknown ; (doesn't exist on 3DS)
  BIOS:FFFF8B74h (A3,BC,C1,7C..) Key7: Unknown ;/
  BIOS:FFFF9920h (30,33,26,D5..) Unknown (probably NOT a RSA key)
  Launcher       (BA,F1,98,A4..) HWINFO_S.dat (with RSA-SHA1-HMAC)
  Launcher       (9F,80,BC,5F..) Version Data and TWLFontTable.dat
  Launcher       (C7,F4,1D,27..) DS Cart Whitelist (missing RSA in v1.4E)
  Launcher+NDS   (9E,C1,CC,C0..) For wifi-booted NDS titles (DsDownloadPlay)
  Flipnote       (C2,3C,BC,13..) Public key for Flipnote .ppm files
  Unknown        (?)             HWID.sgn
  Unknown        (?)             Newer NDS ROM Cartridges (have RSA, too?)
  DSi Shop       (9D,69,36,28..) Unknown, seems to be RSA        (100h bytes)
  Launcher       (F8,24,6C,58..) Root key for cert.sys CA00000001(200h bytes)
  cert.sys       (B2,79,C9,E2..) CA00000001 key for cert.sys keys(100h bytes)
  cert.sys       (93,BC,0D,1F..) CP00000007 key for tmd's        (100h bytes)
  cert.sys       (AD,07,A9,37..) XS00000003 key for shop-tickets (100h bytes)
  cert.sys       (92,FF,96,40..) XS00000006 key for free-tickets (100h bytes)
  cert.sys       (...)           MS00000008 key for       (ECC, non-RSA)         (per-console)   TWxxxxxxxx... key for tad files (ECC, non-RSA)
  Launcher+Boot  (BC,FD,A1,FF..) Debug0: System Menu (Launcher, Debug version)
  Launcher       (E9,9E,A7,9F..) Debug1:
  Launcher       (A7,9F,54,A0..) Debug2:
  Launcher       (AC,93,BB,3C..) Debug3: Public key for Debug DSiware/ROMs
  Debug Updater  (E5,1C,BF,C7..) Debug Public key for HWInfo
  Debug Updater  (C8,4B,38,2C..) Debug Public key for HWID.sgn    (100h bytes)
  Launcher       (D0,1F,E1,00..) Debug Root key for CA00000002 key(200h bytes)
  debug cert.sys (...)           Debug CA00000002 key for cert.sys(100h bytes)
  debug cert.sys (...)           Debug CP00000005 key for ...?    (100h bytes)
  debug cert.sys (...)           Debug CP00000007 key for ...     (100h bytes)
  debug cert.sys (...)           Debug XS00000006 key for ...     (100h bytes)
  verdata        (...)           Public keys in Version Data file?
  Unknown        (?)             further keys...?

DSi Private RSA Keys (for creating signatures)
Nintendo's private keys should be known only by Nintendo. However, the console does have a few "own" private keys (for sending signed data to Nintendo (verdata), for storing signed data on SD card (flipnote), plus some more keys for the developer's debug version).
  Flipnote       (26,A7,53,7E..) Private key for Flipnote .ppm files         (per-console)   TWxxxxxxxx... key for tad files (ECC, non-RSA)
  verdata        (...)           Private keys in Version Data file?
  Debug Updater  (77,FC,77,9E..) Private key for Debug HWID.sgn (100h bytes)
  Debug Updater  (B5,7C,C2,85..) Private key for Debug HWInfo
  Debug SDK      (95,DC,C8,18..) Private key for Debug DSiware/ROMs (Debug3)
  Unknown        (?)             further keys...?
The private keys are usually stored in DER format; that's including entries for the public key/exponent, and the original prime numbers that the key was generated from, plus some numbers that were temporarily used during key creation, and with all entries preceeded by tag/length values, whereas values with MSB set are preceeded by a 00h byte to make them "unsigned" (eg. most 80h-byte keys will occupy 81h bytes in DER format).

  BIOS RSA Basics

RSA Basics
The RSA formulas are quite simple: Applying an exponent and modulus to the source data. There are two formulas used for encryption/decryption. The first formula requires only the Public Key (and an exponent, which is usually some fixed constant; on the DSi it's always 10001h aka 65537 decimal). The second formula is almost same, but requires the Private Key instead of the constant exponent (and also requires the Public Key as modulus):
  Public Key formula:      dest = src^10001h mod pubkey
  Private Key formula:     dest = src^prvkey mod pubkey
That formulas can be used for encrypting secret messages, as so:
  Recipient's Public Key   --> Encrypt a message
  Recipient's Private Key  --> Decrypt a message
Or, using the formulas the other way around, to create digital signatures:
  Sender's Private Key     --> Encrypt/create a signature
  Sender's Public Key      --> Decrypt/verify a signature
The overall idea is that only the owner of the Private Key can decrypt messages, or create signatures. The Public Key can be shared freely, so that everybody can encrypt messages, or verify signatures.

RSA Big Number Maths
The exponent/modulus can be implemented with simple unsigned multiply/divide operations. However, RSA requires dealing with big 1024bit integers (or even bigger numbers when using larger keys), this does usually require some software functions since regular CPUs cannot directly deal with such large numbers.

RSA Byte Order
The DSi is storing all RSA keys and signatures in Big-Endian format, so one will need to reverse the byte order before doing the actual maths on Little-Endian CPUs.

RSA Signatures (used on DSi)
Digital signatures can be used for signing documents or other binaries. The signature does usually consist of a secure checksum (SHA-1, MD5, SHA256, etc.) computed on the document/binary, and then encrypted via the RSA Private Key formula.
The checksum can be then decrypted via Public Key, if the decrypted checksum does match up, then one can be sure that the document/binary hasn't been modified, and that it was really created by the Private Key owner.

RSA Encrypted Messages (not used on DSi)
Encrypted RSA messages are restricted to the size of the Public Key (eg. with a 1024bit key, the message should be smaller than 128 bytes). For bigger messages, one could either split the message into smaller snippets, or, one could combine RSA with some other encryption mechanism (eg. store an AES key in the RSA message, and decrypt the actual document via AES; that would add private/public key security to AES).

RSA Padding
RSA can be weak if the message is a small number (especially very small values like "0" or "1" obviously wouldn't work well with the "msg^exp" maths; other small values can be also weak, eg. with the common/small public exponent 10001h). To avoid that problem, the MSBs of the message should be padded with nonzero bytes, typically as so (as defined in RFC 2313):
  00h   1      "00" Leading zero (00h)
  01h   1      "BT" Block type (always 01h on DSi)
  02h   8+n    "PS" Padding (FFh-filled, min 8 bytes, usually 69h bytes on DSi)
  0Ah+n 1      "00" Padding end (00h)
  0Bh+n 75h-n  "D"  Data (max 75h bytes, usually a 14h-byte SHA1 value on DSi)
That, for 80h-byte messages. For other sizes replace "75h" by "F5h, 1F5h, etc."

RSA Key Generation
Generating a RSA key pair is more difficult than the encryption/decryption part. First of, one needs two unsigned random prime numbers; for a 1024bit key, that would be usually two large 512bit prime numbers (whereas, finding real prime numbers is complicated, and it's more common to use values that have a "high probability" of being prime numbers).
The public key is then simply generated by multiplying the two prime numbers (P and Q) with each other:
  pubkey = P * Q
The private key is also based on the same prime numbers, but the maths there are more complicated (and not described here).
When knowing one prime number, one could theoretically compute the other as "Q=pubkey/P", however, prime numbers aren't as rare as one might think, and it's quite impossible to guess (or brute-force) one of the prime numbers.

  BIOS RSA Pseudo Code

rsa_mpi_pow_mod(dst,src,pubkey,exp,num_exp_bits) ;[dst]=[src]^[exp] mod [key]
  base(rsa__number_size), bigbuf(_number_size*2)
  [base]=[src], [dst]=1, pow8bit=01h                ;-init base, result, powbit
  for i=1 to num_exp_bits
    if [exp] AND pow8bit then rsa_mpi_mul_mod(dst,base)   ;-mul result
    rsa_mpi_mul_mod(base,base)                            ;-square base
    pow8bit=pow8bit ROL 1, exp=exp+carry                  ;-next exp bit
  next i
This is the RSA main function. The exponent is applied by squaring the "src" several times, and, if the corresponding exponent bit is set, multiplying the result by the squared value. To avoid the numbers to become incredible large, the modulus is applied after each multiplication (rather than applying it only on the final result).
  For the Private Key formula: Use exp=prvkey, num_exp_bits=rsa_number_size*8
  For the Public Key formula:  Use exp=ptr_to_10001h, num_exp_bits=17
The parameters and result for "rsa_mpi_pow_mod" must be in little-endian. Ie. for DSi, reverse byte the byte order of the incoming/outgoing values. And, on DSi, use rsa__number_size=80h (aka 128 bytes, aka for 1024bit RSA).

  rsa_mpi_mul(bigbuf,dst,src)           ;-multiply
  rsa_mpi_mod(bigbuf,pubkey)            ;-modulus
  [dst]=[bigbuf+0..rsa_number_size-1]   ;-copy to dst

rsa_mpi_mul(dst,src1,src2): ;[dst]=[src1]*[src2]
  [dst+0]=0, oldmsw=0                   ;-init first word and oldmsw
  for i=0 to rsa_number_size-4 step 4   ;\
    call @@inner_loop                   ; compute LSWs of destination
    src2=src2+4                         ;
  next i                                ;/
  for i=rsa_number_size-8 to 0 step -4  ;\
    src1=src1+4                         ; compute MSWs of destination
    call @@inner_loop                   ;
  next i                                ;/
  [dst+4]=oldmsw, oldmsw=0
  for j=0 to i step 4
    msw:lsw = [src1+j]*[src2-j]
  next j

rsa_mpi_mod(dst,src): ;[dst]=[dst] mod [src] ;aka division remainder
;Double/Single -> Single modulo division (mpi/mpi)
;Divisor's MSW must be >= 80000000h
  ebx=rsa_number_size, dst=dst+ebx, i=ebx+4
 @@type0_lop:                                                           ;\
  if [dst+ebx-4]=0 then goto @@type0_next                               ;
  rsa_mpi_cmp(dst,src), if borrow then goto @@type1_next                ; type0
  rsa_mpi_sub(dst,src), if [dst+ebx-4]<>0 then goto @@type1_next        ; loop
 @@type0_next:                                                          ;
  dst=dst-4, i=i-4, if i>0 then goto @@type0_lop                        ;/
  goto @@done
 ;--- --- ---
 @@type1_lop:                                                           ;\
  lsw=[dst+ebx-4], msw=[dst+ebx-0]                                      ;
  if msw>=[src+ebx-4] then fac=FFFFFFFFh else fac=msw:lsw / [src+ebx-4] ;
  rsa_mpi_mulsub(dst,src,fac), if carry=0 then goto @@skip_add          ; type1
 @@add_more:                                                            ; loop
  rsa_mpi_add(dst,src)                                                  ;
  [dst+ebx]=[dst+ebx]+carry, if carry=0 then goto @@add_more            ;
 @@skip_add:                                                            ;
  if [dst+ebx-4]=0 then goto @@type0_next                               ;
 @@type1_next:                                                          ;
  dst=dst-4, i=i-4, if i>0 then goto @@type1_lop                        ;/

rsa_mpi_mulsub(dst,src,fac): ;[dst]=[dst]-[src]*fac
  oldborrow=0, oldmsw=0                                       ;\
  for i=0 to rsa_number_size-4 step 4                         ; process
    msw:lsw = [src+i]*fac, lsw=lsw+oldmsw, oldmsw=msw+carry   ; rsa_number_size
    [dst+i]=[dst+i]-lsw-oldborrow, oldborrow=borrow           ; bytes, plus...
  next i                                                      ;/
  [dst+rsa_number_size]=[dst+rsa_number_size]-oldmsw-oldborrow ;-one extra word
  return borrow   ;(unlike "rsa_embedded" which returns INVERTED borrow)

rsa_mpi_add(dst,src): ;out: [dst]=[dst]+[src], carry
  carry = 0
  for i=0 to rsa_number_size-4 step 4
  next i
  return carry

rsa_mpi_sub(dst,src): ;out: [dst]=[dst]-[src], borrow/unused
  borrow = 0
  for i=0 to rsa_number_size-4 step 4
  next i
  return borrow

rsa_mpi_cmp[dst,src]: ;compare [dst]-[src], out: borrow
  for i=rsa_number_size-4 to 0 step -4
    temp=[dst+i]-[src+i], if not equal then return borrow
  next i
  return borrow
This is about same as "sub", but faster (because it can abort the loop upon first difference).

  BIOS RAM Usage

Below contains info about RAM contents at cartridge boot time (as initialized by the BIOS/Firmware), plus info about RAM locations used by IRQ handlers and SWI functions.

Below memory at 3007Fxxh is often accessed directly, or via mirrors at 3FFFFxxh.
  3000000h 7F00h User Memory and User Stack              (sp_usr=3007F00h)
  3007F00h A0h   Default Interrupt Stack (6 words/time)  (sp_irq=3007FA0h)
  3007FA0h 40h   Default Supervisor Stack (4 words/time) (sp_svc=3007FE0h)
  3007FE0h 10h   Debug Exception Stack (4 words/time)    (sp_xxx=3007FF0h)
  3007FF0h 4     Pointer to Sound Buffer (for SWI Sound functions)
  3007FF4h 3     Reserved (unused)
  3007FF7h 1     Reserved (intro/nintendo logo related)
  3007FF8h 2     IRQ IF Check Flags (for SWI IntrWait/VBlankIntrWait functions)
  3007FFAh 1     Soft Reset Re-entry Flag (for SWI SoftReset function)
  3007FFBh 1     Reserved (intro/multiboot slave related)
  3007FFCh 4     Pointer to user IRQ handler (to 32bit ARM code)

Below memory at 27FFxxxh is mirrored to 23FFxxxh (on retail consoles with 4MB RAM), however, it should be accessed via address 27FFxxxh (for compatibility with debug consoles with 8MB RAM). Accessing it via mirrors at 2FFFxxxh is also valid (this is done by DSi enhanced games; even when running in non-DSi mode; this allows DSi games to use the same memory addresses in NDS and DSi mode).
  2000000h ...   ARM7 and ARM9 bootcode can be loaded here (2000000h..23BFDFFh)
  2400000h ...   Debug bootcode can be loaded here (2400000h..27BFDFFh)
  23FEE00h 168h  Fragments of NDS9 firmware boot code
  27FF800h 4     NDS Gamecart Chip ID 1
  27FF804h 4     NDS Gamecart Chip ID 2
  27FF808h 2     NDS Cart Header CRC (verified)            ;hdr[15Eh]
  27FF80Ah 2     NDS Cart Secure Area CRC (not verified ?) ;hdr[06Ch]
  27FF80Ch 2     NDS Cart Missing/Bad CRC (0=Okay, 1=Missing/Bad)
  27FF80Eh 2     NDS Cart Secure Area Bad (0=Okay, 1=Bad)
  27FF810h 2     Boot handler task number (usually FFFFh at cart boot time)
  27FF812h 2     Secure disable (0=Normal, 1=Disable; Cart[078h]=BIOS[1088h])
  27FF814h 2     SIO Debug Connection Exists (0=No, 1=Yes)
  27FF816h 2     RTC Status?                 (0=Okay, 1=Bad)
  27FF818h 1     Random RTC    ;random LSB from SIO debug detect handshake
  27FF819h 37h   Zerofilled by firmware
  27FF850h 2     NDS7 BIOS CRC (5835h)
  27FF860h 4     Somewhat copy of Cart[038h], nds7 ram addr (?)
  27FF864h 4     Wifi FLASH User Settings Bad (0=Okay, 1=Bad)
  27FF868h 4     Wifi FLASH User Settings FLASH Address (fmw[20h]*8)
                   maybe recommended to use above RAM cell instead FLASH entry?
  27FF86Ch 4     Whatever (seems to be zero at cart boot time)
  27FF870h 4     Whatever (seems to be zero at cart boot time)
  27FF874h 2     Wifi FLASH firmware part5 crc16 (359Ah) (fmw[026h])
  27FF876h 2     Wifi FLASH firmware part3/part4 crc16 (fmw[004h] or ZERO)
                   Above is usually ZERO at cart boot (set to fmw[004h] only
                   when running pictochat, or maybe also when changing user
  27FF878h 08h   Not used
  27FF880h 4     Message from NDS9 to NDS7  (=7 at cart boot time)
  27FF884h 4     NDS7 Boot Task (also checked by NDS9) (=6 at cart boot time)
  27FF888h ..    Whatever (seems to be zero at cart boot time)
  27FF890h 4     Somewhat boot flags (somewhat B0002A22h)
                   bit10 part3/part4 loaded/decoded (bit3 set if bad crc)
                   bit28 part5 loaded/decoded with good crc
  27FF894h 36Ch  Not used (zero)
  27FFC00h 4     NDS Gamecart Chip ID 1   (copy of 27FF800h)
  27FFC04h 4     NDS Gamecart Chip ID 2   (copy of 27FF804h)
  27FFC08h 2     NDS Cart Header CRC      (copy of 27FF808h)
  27FFC0Ah 2     NDS Cart Secure Area CRC (copy of 27FF80Ah)
  27FFC0Ch 2     NDS Cart Missing/Bad CRC (copy of 27FF80Ch)
  27FFC0Eh 2     NDS Cart Secure Area Bad (copy of 27FF80Eh)
  27FFC10h 2     NDS7 BIOS CRC (5835h)    (copy of <27FF850h>)
  27FFC12h 2     Secure Disable           (copy of 27FF812h)
  27FFC14h 2     SIO Debug Exist          (copy of 27FF814h)
  27FFC16h 1     RTC Status?              (<8bit> copy of 27FF816h)
  27FFC17h 1     Random 8bit              (copy of <27FF818h>)
  27FFC18h 18h   Not used (zero)
  27FFC30h 2     GBA Cartridge Header[BEh], Reserved
  27FFC32h 3     GBA Cartridge Header[B5h..B7h], Reserved
  27FFC35h 1     Whatever flags ?
  27FFC36h 2     GBA Cartridge Header[B0h], Maker Code
  27FFC38h 4     GBA Cartridge Header[ACh], Gamecode
  27FFC3Ch 4     Frame Counter (eg. 00000332h in no$gba with original firmware)
  27FFC40h 2     Boot Indicator (0001h=normal; required for some NDS games)
  27FFC42h 3Eh   Not used (zero)
  27FFC80h 70h   Wifi FLASH User Settings (fmw[newest_user_settings])
  27FFCF0h 10h   Not used (zero)
  27FFDxxh ..    NDS9 Debug Exception Stack (stacktop=27FFD9Ch)
  27FFD9Ch 4     NDS9 Debug Exception Vector (0=None)
  27FFDA0h ..    ...
  27FFE00h 170h  NDS Cart Header at 27FFE00h+0..16Fh
  27FFF70h ..    Not used (zerofilled at cart boot time)
  27FFFF8h 2     NDS9 Scratch addr for SWI IsDebugger check
  27FFFFAh 2     NDS7 Scratch addr for SWI IsDebugger check
  27FFFFCh ..    ...
  27FFFFEh 2     Main Memory Control (on-chip power-down I/O port)
  DTCM+3FF8h 4   NDS9 IRQ IF Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address)
  DTCM+3FFCh 4   NDS9 IRQ Handler (hardcoded RAM address)
  37F8000h FE00h ARM7 bootcode can be loaded here (37F8000h..3807DFFh)
  380F700h 1D4h  Fragments of NDS7 firmware boot code
  380F980h 4     Unknown/garbage (set to FBDD37BBh, purpose unknown)
                   NOTE: Cooking Coach is doing similar crap at 37FCF1Ch ?!?!
  380FFC0h 4     DSi7 IRQ IF2 Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address) (DSi only)
  380FFDCh ..    NDS7 Debug Stacktop / Debug Vector (0=None)
  380FFF8h 4     NDS7 IRQ IF Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address)
  380FFFCh 4     NDS7 IRQ Handler (hardcoded RAM address)
  summary of nds memory used at cartridge boot time:
  (all other memory zero-filled unless containing cartridge data)
  37F8000h..3807E00h  ;cartridge area (nds7 only)
  2000000h..23BFE00h  ;cartridge area (nds9 and nds7)
  2400000h..27BFE00h  ;cartridge area (debug ver)
  23FEE00h..23FEF68h  ;fragments of NDS9 firmware boot code
  27FF800h..27FF85Fh  ;various values (from BIOS boot code)
  27FF860h..27FF893h  ;various values (from Firmware boot code)
  27FFC00h..27FFC41h  ;various values (from Firmware boot code)
  27FFC80h..27FFCE6h  ;firmware user settings
  27FFE00h..27FFF6Fh  ;cart header
  380F700h..380F8D4h  ;fragments of NDS7 firmware boot code
  380F980h            ;set to FBDD37BBh
  register settings at cartridge boot time:
  nds9 r0..r11     = zero
  nds9 r12,r14,r15 = entrypoint
  nds9 r13         = 3002F7Ch (!)
  nds9 r13_irq     = 3003F80h
  nds9 r13_svc     = 3003FC0h
  nds9 r14/spsr_irq= zero
  nds9 r14/spsr_svc= zero
  nds7 r0..r11     = zero
  nds7 r12,r14,r15 = entrypoint
  nds7 r13         = 380FD80h
  nds7 r13_irq     = 380FF80h
  nds7 r13_svc     = 380FFC0h
  nds7 r14/spsr_irq= zero
  nds7 r14/spsr_svc= zero
  Observe that SWI SoftReset applies different stack pointers:
  Host  sp_svc    sp_irq    sp_sys    zerofilled area       return address
  NDS7  380FFDCh  380FFB0h  380FF00h  [380FE00h..380FFFFh]  Addr[27FFE34h]
  NDS9  0803FC0h  0803FA0h  0803EC0h  [DTCM+3E00h..3FFFh]   Addr[27FFE24h]

  2000300h 5   Warmboot ID ("TLNC",00h) (also requires BPTWL[70h]=01h)
  2000305h 1   Warmboot Length of data at 2000308h (01h..18h, for CRC)
  2000306h 2   Warmboot CRC16 of data at 2000308h (with initial value FFFFh)
  2000308h 8   Warmboot Unknown                     ;-rarely used
  2000310h 8   Warmboot Title ID                    ;-often used
  2000318h 4   Warmboot Flags (bit0, 1-3, 4, 5,6,7) ;-usually 16bit, once 32bit
  200031Ch 4   Warmboot Unused
  2000400h 128h  System Settings from TWLCFGn.dat file (bytes 088h..1AFh)
  20005E0h 1     WlFirm Type (1=DWM-W015, 2=DWM-W024) (as wifi_flash[1FDh])
  20005E1h 1     WlFirm Unknown (zero)
  20005E2h 2     WlFirm CRC16 with initial value FFFFh on [20005E4h..20005EFh]
  20005E4h 0Ch   WlFirm Version? RAM_area? (as from "Wifi Firmware" file)
  20005F0h 10h   WlFirm Unknown (zero)
  2000600h 14h   Hexvalues from HWINFO_N.dat
  23FEE00h 200h  DSi9 bootstrap relict
  2FEE120h 4     "nand"   <--- passed as so to launcher
  2FF8Dxxh       ... Wifi MAC address, channel mask, etc.
  2FF9208h       FBDD37BBh (that odd "garbage" value occurs also on NDS)
  2FFA680h 12    02FD4D80h,00000000h,00001980h
  2FFA68Ch ..    Zerofilled
  2FFC000h 1000h Full Cart Header (as at 2FFE000h, but, FOR NDS ROM CARTRIDGE)
  2FFD000h 7B0h  Zerofilled
  2FFD7B0h 8+1   Version Data Filename (eg. 30,30,30,30,30,30,30,34,00)
  2FFD7B9h 1     Version Data Region   (eg. 50h="P"=Europe)
  2FFD7BAh 1     Unknown  (00)   ;bit0 = warmboot-flag-related
  2FFD7BBh 1     Unknown  (00)
  2FFD7BCh 15+1  eMMC CID (dd,ss,ss,ss,ss,03,4D,30,30,46,50,41,00,00,15), 00
  2FFD7CCh 15+1  eMMC CSD (40,40,96,E9,7F,DB,F6,DF,01,59,0F,2A,01,26,90), 00
  2FFD7DCh 4     eMMC OCR (80,80,FF,80)                                  ;20h
  2FFD7E0h 8     eMMC SCR (00,04,00,00,00,00,00,00) (uh for MMC = what?) ;24h
  2FFD7E8h 2     eMMC RCA (01,00)                                        ;2Ch
  2FFD7EAh 2     eMMC Typ (01,00) (0=SD Card, 1=MMC Card)                ;2Eh
  2FFD7ECh 2     eMMC HCS (00,00) ;copy of OCR.bit30 (sector addressing) ;30h
  2FFD7EEh 2     eMMC ?   (00,00)                                        ;32h
  2FFD7F0h 4     eMMC ?   (00,00,00,00)                                  ;34h
  2FFD7F4h 4     eMMC CSR (00,09,00,00)   ;card status (state=tran)      ;38h
  2FFD7F8h 2     eMMC Port 4004824h setting  (00,01)  ;SD_CARD_CLK_CTL   ;3Ch
  2FFD7FAh 2     eMMC Port 4004828h setting  (E0,40)  ;SD_CARD_OPTION    ;3Eh
  2FFD7FCh 2     eMMC ?   (00,00)                                        ;40h
  2FFD7FEh 2     eMMC Device (usually 0001h=eMMC) (0000h=SD/MMC Slot?)   ;42h
  2FFD800h 1     Unknown 05h (maybe number of IDs at 2FFD850h?)
  2FFD801h 2Fh   Zerofilled
  2FFD830h 1     Unknown 1Fh
  2FFD831h 1Fh   Zerofilled
  2FFD850h 5x8   Five Title IDs (ROM Cart, and HNBP, HNDA, HNEA, HNGP) why?
  2FFD878h 788h  Zerofilled
  2FFE000h 1000h DSi Full Cart Header (additionally to short headers)
  2FFF000h 0Ch   Zerofilled
  2FFF00Ch 4     ? 0000007Fh
  2FFF010h 4     ? 550E25B8h
  2FFF014h 4     ? 02FF4000h
  2FFF018h A68h  Zerofilled
  2FFFA80h 160h  Short Cart header (as at 2FFFE00h, but, FOR NDS ROM CARTRIDGE)
  2FFFBE0h 20h   Zerofilled
Below resembles NDS area at 27FFC00h (with added/removed stuff)...
  2FFFC00h 4     NDS Gamecart Chip ID
  2FFFC04h 20h   Zerofilled
  2FFFC24h 5     ? (04 00 73 01 03)
  2FFFC29h 7     Zerofilled
  2FFFC30h 12    GBA Cartridge Header (FF FF FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF)
  2FFFC3Ch 4     Frame Counter maybe? (eg. 1F 01 00 00 in cooking coach)
  2FFFC40h 2     Boot Indicator (0001h=normal; required for some NDS games)
  2FFFC42h 3Eh   Not used (zero)
  2FFFC80h 70h   Wifi FLASH User Settings (fmw[newest_user_settings])
  2FFFCF0h 4     ?           (3D 00 01 6E) (update counter and crc16 ?)
  2FFFCF4h 6     Wifi MAC Address (00 23 CC xx xx xx)              (fmw[036h])
  2FFFCFAh 2     Wifi Channels (usually 1041h = ch1+7+13) (based on fmw[03Ch])
  2FFFCFCh 4     Zero
  2FFFD00h 68h   Zerofilled
  2FFFD68h 4     Bitmask for Supported Languages (3Eh for Europe);\
  2FFFD6Ch 4     Unknown (00,00,00,00)                           ; from
  2FFFD70h 1     Console Region (0=JP,1=US,2=EU,3=AU,4=CHN,5=KOR); HWINFO_S.dat
  2FFFD71h 12    Serial/Barcode (ASCII, 11-12 characters)        ;
  2FFFD7Dh 3     ? (00 00 3C)                                    ;/
  2FFFD80h 0Ch   Zerofilled
  2FFFD8Ch 10h   ARM9 debug exception stack (stacktop 2FFFD9Ch)
  2FFFD9Ch 4     ARM9 debug exception vector (020D3E64h)
  2FFFDA0h 4     02F80000h                                ;\
  2FFFDA4h 4     02FFA674h                                ;
  2FFFDA8h 4     00000000h zero                           ; start addresses?
  2FFFDACh 4     01FF86E0h itcm?                          ;
  2FFFDB0h 4     027C00C0h                                ;
  2FFFDB4h 4     02FFF000h                                ;
  2FFFDB8h 4     03040000h wram?                          ;
  2FFFDBCh 4     03800000h wram?                          ;
  2FFFDC0h 4     0380C3B4h wram?                          ;/
  2FFFDC4h 4     02F80000h                                ;\
  2FFFDC8h 4     02FFC000h ptr to DSi Full Cart Header    ;
  2FFFDCCh 4     00000000h zero                           ; end addresses?
  2FFFDD0h 4     02000000h ram bottom?                    ; (for above nine
  2FFFDD4h 4     027C0780h                                ; start addresses)
  2FFFDD8h 4     02FFF680h                                ;
  2FFFDDCh 4     03040000h wram?                          ;
  2FFFDE0h 4     03800000h wram?                          ;
  2FFFDE4h 4     0380F780h wram?                          ;/
  2FFFDE8h 4     RTC Date at Boot (BCD) (yy,mm,dd,XX) (XX=maybe day-of-week?)
  2FFFDECh 4     RTC Time at Boot (BCD) (hh,ss,mm,0) (hh.bit6=maybe PM or 24h?)
  2FFFDF0h 4     Initial ARM7 Port 4004008h bits (13FBFB06h) (SCFG_EXT)
  2FFFDF4h 1     Initial ARM7 Port 40040xxh bits (C4h)       (SCFG_xxx)
  2FFFDF5h 1     Initial ARM7 Port 400400xh bits (F0h)       (SCFG_xxx)
  2FFFDF6h 2+2   Zerofilled
  2FFFDFAh 1     Warmboot Flag (bptwl[70h] OR 80h, ie. 80h=cold or 81h=warm)
  2FFFDFBh 1     01h
  2FFFDFCh 4     Pointer to TWLCFGn.dat (usually 2000400h) (or 0=2000400h)
  2FFFE00h 160h  Short Cart header (unlike NDS, only 160h, not 170h)
  2FFFF60h A0h   Zerofilled
 37FA414h       "nand:/title/"  <-- [1D4h]+3C0h  (without Device List!)
 380C400h 22E4h BIOS Keys (as from Boot Stage 1, see there)
  380F010h 10h   AES key for (E5,CC,5A,8B,...) (optional/for launcher)
  380F600h 200h  DSi7 bootstrap relict (at 3FFF600h aka mirrored to 380F600h)
  380FFC0h 4     DSi7 IRQ IF2 Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address) (DSi only)
  380FFC4h 4     DSi7 SCFG_EXT setting
  380FFC8h 2     DSi7 SCFG_misc bits
  380FFDCh ..    DSi7 Debug Stacktop / Debug Vector (0=None)
  380FFF8h 4     DSi7 IRQ IF Check Bits (hardcoded RAM address)
  380FFFCh 4     DSi7 IRQ Handler (hardcoded RAM address)
  xxxxxxxh ?     ARM7i and ARM9 bootcode can be loaded WHERE and WHERE?
  cart_header[1D4h] 400h SD/MMC Device List ARM7 RAM; initialized by firmware
Initial state after DSi BIOS ROM bootcode (when starting eMMC bootcode) requires only a few memory blocks in ITCM, ARM7 WRAM, and AES keyslots:
  1FFC400h 400h  BIOS Keys from FFFF87F4h (C3 02 93 DE ..) Whatever, 8x80h RSA?
  1FFC800h 80h   BIOS Keys from FFFF9920h (30 33 26 D5 ..) Whatever
  1FFC880h 14h   Whatever, should/may be zerofilled?
  1FFC894h 1048h BIOS Keys from FFFF99A0h (99 D5 20 5F ..) Blowfish/NDS-mode
  1FFD8DCh 1048h BIOS Keys from FFFFA9E8h (D8 18 FA BF ..) Blowfish/unused?
  3FFC400h 200h  BIOS Keys from 00008188h (CA 13 31 79 ..) Whatever, 32x10h AES?
  3FFC600h 40h   BIOS Keys from 0000B5D8h (AF 1B F5 16 ..) Whatever, AES?
  3FFC640h 14h   Whatever, must be zerofilled
  3FFC654h 1048h BIOS Keys from 0000C6D0h (59 AA 56 8E ..) Blowfish/DSi-mode
  3FFD69Ch 1048h BIOS Keys from 0000D718h (54 86 13 3B ..) Blowfish/unused?
  3FFE6E4h 44h   eMMC Info (to be relocated to 2FFD7BCh, see there for details)
  4004450h 8     AES Key0.X ("Nintendo") for modcrypt
  4004480h 10h   AES Key1.X (CPU/Console ID and constants) for and Tad
  40044xxh ?     AES Key2... (?)
  40044E0h 1Ch   AES Key3.X/Y (CPU/Console ID and constants) for eMMC
  2000300h 20h   Warmboot Info (optional, passed on to Launcher)

  BIOS Dumping

  GBA BIOS 16K  (fully dumpable)
  NDS7 BIOS 16K (fully dumpable)
  NDS9 BIOS 4K  (fully dumpable)
  DSi7 BIOS 64K (about 41K dumpable)
  DSi9 BIOS 64K (about 41K dumpable)
  DSiWifi BIOS 80K on older DSi (fully dumpable)
  DSiWifi BIOS Unknown size on newer DSi (probably fully dumpable)

Contains SWI Functions and Bootcode (for starting cartridges, or booting via Serial Port). The GBA BIOS can be read only by opcodes executed in BIOS area, for example, via the MidiKey2Freq function (most other SWI Functions (like CpuSet) are refusing source addresses within BIOS area).

Contains SWI Functions and Bootcode (for booting from SPI Bus Firmware FLASH memory). The NDS9 BIOS can be dumped without restrictions (eg. via CpuSet, or via LDR opcodes in RAM). The NDS7 BIOS has same restrictions as GBA, ie. reading works only by BIOS opcodes, and not by functions like CpuSet. The GetCRC16 functions does work though (at least for memory at 1204h..3FFFh). As an additional obstacle, memory at 0000h..1203h can be dumped only by opcodes within 0000h..1203h (that memory does mainly contain data, but some of the data values can serve as THUMB LDR opcodes). For details see:
DS Memory Control - BIOS
Note: DSi consoles are containing a copy of the NDS BIOSes, but with BIOSPROT set to 0020h (even when running in NDS mode), so the first 20h bytes of the DSi's NDS7 BIOS aren't dumpable (except via tracing, see below), that 20h bytes should be just same as on original NDS7 though.

DSi BIOSes - Lower 32K-halves (SWI Functions)
The lower 32K of DSi9 doesn't have any restricions. The lower 32K of DSi7 has similar restrictions as NDS7, but with BIOSPROT set to 0020h (instead of 1204h), this is making it more easy to dump memory at 0020h..7FFFh (eg. via GetCRC16), but makes it impossible to dump the exception vectors at 0000h..001Fh, however, they can be deduced by tracing (with timer IRQs):
  ROM:00000000h  EA000006  b 20h   ;dsi7_reset_vector
  ROM:00000004h  EA000006  b 24h   ;dsi7_undef_handler
  ROM:00000008h  EA00001F  b 8Ch   ;dsi7_swi_handler
  ROM:0000000Ch  EA000004  b 24h   ;dsi7_prefetch_abort_handler
  ROM:00000010h  EA000003  b 24h   ;dsi7_data_abort_handler
  ROM:00000014h  EAFFFFFE  b 14h   ;reserved_vector
  ROM:00000018h  EA000013  b 6Ch   ;dsi7_irq_handler
  ROM:0000001Ch  EA000000  b 24h   ;dsi7_fiq_handler
Aside from branch opcodes, above could theoretically contain ALU opcodes that modify R15 (but that would be very unlikely, and would make no difference).

DSi BIOSes - Upper 32K-halves (Bootcode, for booting from eMMC memory)
The upper 32K of the DSi9 and DSi7 BIOSes are locked at some point during booting, and there's no known way to dump them directly. However, portions of that memory are relocated to RAM/TCM before locking, and that relocated copies can be dumped.
On a DSi, the following DSi ROM data can be dumped (via Main Memory hacks, ie. with complex external hardware soldered to the mainboard):
  ROM:FFFF87F4h / TCM:1FFC400h (400h)  (C3 02 93 DE ..) Whatever, 8x80h RSA?
  ROM:FFFF9920h / TCM:1FFC800h (80h)   (30 33 26 D5 ..) Whatever
  ROM:FFFF99A0h / TCM:1FFC894h (1048h) (99 D5 20 5F ..) Blowfish/NDS-mode
  ROM:FFFFA9E8h / TCM:1FFD8DCh (1048h) (D8 18 FA BF ..) Blowfish/unused?
  ROM:00008188h / RAM:3FFC400h (200h)  (CA 13 31 79 ..) Whatever, 32x10h AES?
  ROM:0000B5D8h / RAM:3FFC600h (40h)   (AF 1B F5 16 ..) Whatever, "common key"?
  ROM:0000C6D0h / RAM:3FFC654h (1048h) (59 AA 56 8E ..) Blowfish/DSi-mode
  ROM:0000D718h / RAM:3FFD69Ch (1048h) (54 86 13 3B ..) Blowfish/unused?
On a 3DS, the following "DSi ROM data" can be dumped from the 2470h-byte DSi key area in 3DS memory at ARM9 ITCM 01FFD000h..01FFF46F (via 3DS exploits that are capable of executing code on ARM9 side):
  ROM:FFFF87F4h / 3DS:01FFD000h  200h  RSA key 0..3
  ROM:00008308h / 3DS:01FFD200h  80h   some AES keys
  ROM:FFFF9920h / 3DS:01FFD280h  80h   whatever
  ROM:0000B5D8h / 3DS:01FFD300h  40h   AES keys and values (common etc)
  ROM:?         / 3DS:01FFD340h  A0h   misc "Nintendo" string etc.
  ROM:0000C6D0h / 3DS:01FFD3E0h  1048h Blowfish for DSi-mode
  ROM:FFFF99A0h / 3DS:01FFE428h  1048h Blowfish for DS-mode
The 3DS does have only half of the DSi keys (the extra keys might be used for DSi debug version, but aren't needed for normal DSi software).
The 40h-byte area for ROM:0000B5D8h can be fully dumped from 3DS ITCM, the same vales should also exist in DSi ITCM, but the DSi zerofills a 10h-byte fraction of that area after initialization, and it doesn't seem be possible to read that values via Main Memory hacks (most of that erased values can be found in AES keyslots though).
The A0h-byte area is found only in 3DS ITCM, it should also exist somewhere in DSi ROM, but isn't relocated to DSi ITCM (however, the relevant values can be found in AES keyslots, eg. the "Nintendo" string).

Checksums for BiosDSi.rom (20000h bytes)
  Offset Size  CRC32
  00000h 8000h 5434691Dh                ;\
  08000h 188h  ?                        ;
  08188h 180h  E5632151h  (not 3ds)     ;
  08308h 80h   64515306h                ;
  08388h 3250h ?                        ;
  0B5D8h 20h   85BE2749h                ; ARM7
  0B5F8h 10h   180DF59Bh  (3ds only)    ;
  0B608h 10h   E882B9A9h                ;
  0B618h 10B8h ?                        ;
  0C6D0h 1048h 3B5CDF06h                ;
  0D718h 1048h 5AC363F9h  (not 3ds)     ;
  0E860h 18A0h ?                        ;/
  10000h 8000h 11E7C1EAh                ;\
  18000h 7F4h  ?                        ;
  187F4h 200h  4405D4BAh                ;
  189F4h 200h  2A32F2E7h  (not 3ds)     ;
  18BF4h D2Ch  ?                        ; ARM9
  19920h 80h   2699A10Fh                ;
  199A0h 1048h A8F58AE7h                ;
  1A9E8h 1048h E94759ACh  (not 3ds)     ;
  1BA30h 45D0h ?                        ;/
  ?      A0h   180DF59Bh  (3ds only)    ;-whatever, "Nintendo" string etc.
  ?      80h   ........h  (TWL-FIRM)    ;-RSA key for eMMC boot info
Checksums for the 'whole' 20000h-byte file (with unknown/missing areas zerofilled):
  180DF59Bh (tcm/ram dump)  (missing 10h bytes)
  03A21235h (3ds dump)      (missing 180h+200h+1048h+1048h bytes)
  CDAA8FF6h (combined dump) (missing only the unknown "?" areas)

The Wifi BIOS can be dumped by using the WINDOW_DATA register via SDIO CMD53.

Further DSi BIOSes
The DSi cameras and several other I2C/SPI devices are probably having BIOS ROMs, too. Unknown if/how that ROMs are dumpable.

  External Connectors

External Connectors
AUX GBA Game Pak Bus
AUX DS Game Card Slot
AUX Link Port
AUX Sound/Headphone Socket and Battery/Power Supply

Getting access to Internal Pins
AUX Opening the GBA
AUX Mainboard
AUX DSi Component Lists
AUX DSi Internal Connectors
AUX DSi Chipset Pinouts

More Internal Stuff
Pinouts - CPU - Signal Summary
Pinouts - CPU - Pinouts
Pinouts - Audio Amplifiers
Pinouts - LCD Cables
Pinouts - Power Switches, DC/DC Converters, Reset Generators
Pinouts - Wifi
Pinouts - Various

Xboo Multiboot Cable
AUX Xboo PC-to-GBA Multiboot Cable
AUX Xboo Flashcard Upload
AUX Xboo Burst Boot Backdoor
DS Xboo

  AUX GBA Game Pak Bus

Game Pak Bus - 32pin cartridge slot
The cartridge bus may be used for both CGB and GBA game paks. In GBA mode, it is used as follows:
 Pin    Name    Dir  Expl.
 1      VDD     O    Power Supply 3.3V DC
 2      PHI     O    System Clock (selectable none, 4.19MHz, 8.38MHz, 16.78MHz)
 3      /WR     O    Write Select    ;\latched address to be incremented on
 4      /RD     O    Read Select     ;/rising edges of /RD or /WR signals
 5      /CS     O    ROM Chip Select ;-A0..A15 to be latched on falling edge
 6-21   AD0-15  I/O  lower 16bit Address    and/or  16bit ROM-data (see below)
 22-29  A16-23  I/O  upper 8bit ROM-Address   or    8bit SRAM-data (see below)
 30     /CS2    O    SRAM Chip Select
 31     /REQ    I    Interrupt request (/IREQ) or DMA request (/DREQ)
 32     GND     O    Ground 0V
When accessing game pak SRAM, a 16bit address is output through AD0-AD15, then 8bit of data are transferred through A16-A23.
When accessing game pak ROM, a 24bit address is output through AD0-AD15 and A16-A23, then 16bit of data are transferred through AD0-AD15.
The 24bit address is formed from the actual 25bit memory address (byte-steps), divided by two (halfword-steps).
Pin Pitch is 1.5mm.

8bit-Gamepak-Switch (GBA, GBA SP only) (not DS)
A small switch is located inside of the cartridge slot, the switch is pushed down when an 8bit cartridge is inserted, it is released when a GBA cartridge is inserted (or if no cartridge is inserted).
The switch mechanically controls whether VDD3 or VDD5 are output at VDD35; ie. in GBA mode 3V power supply/signals are used for the cartridge slot and link port, while in 8bit mode 5V are used.
The switch additionally drags IN35 to 3V when an 8bit cart is inserted, the current state of IN35 can be determined in GBA mode via Port 4000204h (WAITCNT), if the switch is pushed, then CGB mode can be activated via Port 4000000h (DISPCNT.3), this bit can be set ONLY by opcodes in BIOS region (eg. via CpuSet SWI function).
In 8bit mode, the cartridge bus works much like for GBA SRAM, however, the 8bit /CS signal is expected at Pin 5, while GBA SRAM /CS2 at Pin 30 is interpreted as /RESET signal by the 8bit MBC chip (if any). In practice, this appears to result in 00h being received as data when attempting to read-out 8bit cartridges from inside of GBA mode.

  AUX DS Game Card Slot

  Pin    Dir  Name  Connection in cartridge
  1   >  -    GND   (ROM all unused Pins, EEPROM Pin 4 = VSS)
  2      Out  CLK   (4MB/s, ROM Pin 5, EEPROM Pin 6 = CLK)
  3   N  -    ?     (ROM Pin 17) (Seems to be not connected in console)
  4   i  Out  /CS1  (ROM Pin 44) ROM Chipselect
  5   n  Out  /RES  (ROM Pin 42) Reset, switches ROM to unencrypted mode
  6   t  Out  /CS2  (EPROM Pin 1) EEPROM Chipselect
  7   e  In   IRQ   (GND)
  8   n  -    3.3V  (ROM Pins 2, 23, EEPROM Pins 3,7,8 = /W,/HOLD,VCC)
  9   d  I/O  D0    (ROM Pin 18)
  10  o  I/O  D1    (ROM Pin 19)
  11     I/O  D2    (ROM Pin 20)
  12  C  I/O  D3    (ROM Pin 21)
  13  0  I/O  D4    (ROM Pin 24)
  14  1  I/O  D5    (ROM Pin 25)
  15  -  I/O  D6    (ROM Pin 26, EEPROM Pin 2 = Q = Data EEPROM to NDS)
  16  0  I/O  D7    (ROM Pin 27, EEPROM Pin 5 = D = Data NDS to EEPROM)
  17  1  -    GND   (ROM all unused Pins, EEPROM Pin 4 = VSS)

Chipselect High-to-Low transitions are invoking commands, which are transmitted through data lines during next following eight CLK pulses, after the command transmission, further CLK pulses are used to transfer data, the data transfer ends at chipselect Low-to-High transition.
Data should be stable during CLK=LOW period throughout CLK rising edge.
Note: Supply Pins (1,8,17) are slightly longer than other pins. Pin pitch is 1.5mm.

The DS does also have a 32pin cartridge slot, that slot is used to run GBA carts in GBA mode, it can be also used as expansion port in DS mode.

  AUX Link Port

Serial Link Port Pin-Out (GBA:"EXT" - GBA SP:"EXT.1")
  Pin  Name  Cable
  1    VDD35 N/A       GBA Socket     GBA Plug   Old "8bit" Plug
  2    SO    Red       ___________    _________    ___________
  3    SI    Orange   |  2  4  6  |  / 2  4  6 \  |  2  4  6  |
  4    SD    Brown     \_1_ 3 _5_/   \_1_ 3 _5_/   \_1__3__5_/
  5    SC    Green         '-'           '-'
  6    GND   Blue      Socket Outside View / Plug Inside View
  Shield     Shield
Note: The pin numbers and names are printed on the GBA mainboard, colors as used in Nintendo's AGB-005 and older 8bit cables.

Serial Link/Power Supply Port (GBA-Micro: "EXT.")
  1  In  DC (Supply 5.2VDC)  ___________________
  2  Out V3 (SIO 3.3VDC)    |  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  |
  3  I/O SO (SIO RCNT.3)    | ================= |
  4  I/O SI (SIO RCNT.2)     \_________________/
  5  I/O SD (SIO RCNT.1)
  6  I/O SC (SIO RCNT.0)
  8  In  DG (Supply GROUND)
  -  -   -  (Shield not connected)

Cable Diagrams (Left: GBA Cable, Right: 8bit Gameboy Cable)
  Big Plug  Middle Socket  Small Plug    Plug 1         Plug 2
   SI _________________     ____ SI       SI ______  ______SI
   SO ____________SO   |__ | ___ SO       SO ______><______SO
   GND____________GND______|____GND       GND_____________GND
   SD ____________SD____________ SD       SD               SD
   SC ____________SC____________ SC       SC _____________ SC
   Shield_______Shield_______Shield       Shield_______Shield

Normal Connection
Just connect the plugs to the two GBAs and leave the Middle Socket disconnected, in this mode both GBAs may behave as master or slave, regardless of whether using big or small plugs.
The GBA is (NOT ???) able to communicate in Normal mode with MultiPlay cables which do not have crossed SI/SO lines.

Multi-Play Connection
Connect two GBAs as normal, for each further GBAs connect an additional cable to the Middle socket of the first (or further) cable(s), up to four GBAs may be connected by using up to three cables.
The GBA which is connected to a Small Plug is master, the slaves are all connected to Large Plugs. (Only small plugs fit into the Middle Socket, so it's not possible to mess up something here).

Multi-Boot Connection
MultiBoot (SingleGamepak) is typically using Multi-Play communication, in this case it is important that the Small plug is connected to the master/sender (ie. to the GBA that contains the cartridge).

Non-GBA Mode Connection
First of all, it is not possible to link between 32bit GBA games and 8bit games, parts because of different cable protocol, and parts because of different signal voltages.
However, when a 8bit cartridge is inserted (the GBA is switched into 8bit compatibility mode) it may be connected to other 8bit games (monochrome gameboys, CGBs, or to other GBAs which are in 8bit mode also, but not to GBAs in 32bit mode).
When using 8bit link mode, an 8bit link cable must be used. The GBA link cables won't work, see below modification though.

Using a GBA 32bit cable for 8bit communication
Open the middle socket, and disconnect Small Plugs SI from GND, and connect SI to Large Plugs SO instead. You may also want to install a switch that allows to switch between SO and GND, the GND signal should be required for MultiPlay communication only though.
Also, cut off the plastic ledge from the plugs so that they fit into 8bit gameboy sockets.

Using a GBA 8bit cable for 32bit communication
The cable should theoretically work as is, as the grounded SI would be required for MultiPlay communication only. However, software that uses SD for Slave-Ready detection won't work unless when adding a SD-to-SD connection (the 8bit plugs probably do not even contain SD pins though).

  AUX Sound/Headphone Socket and Battery/Power Supply

GBA, GBA-Micro, NDS, and NDS-Lite: Stereo Sound Connector (3.5mm, female)
  Tip     Audio Left         ___ ___ _____+-----------+
  Middle  Audio Right       (___|___|_____|           |
  Base    Ground              L   R   GND +-----------+
The NDS socket doesn't fully match regular 3.5mm plugs, one needs to cut-off a portion of the DS case to be able to fully insert the plug, which still requires a lot of pressure, furthermore, when fully inserted, left/right become shortcut to mono, so one needs to pull-back the plug a bit to gain stereo output.

GBA SP and NDS - Power/Headphone Socket (EXT.2)
  Pin SP   NDS  Expl.
  1   P31  SL   Audio LOUT                          _____________
  2   P32  VIN  Supply Input (DC 5.2V)           SW| 5   ___   1 |SL
  3   P33  SR   Audio ROUT                         | ----   ---- |
  4   P34  SG   Audio GND (via 100uF to GND)       |_6__4   3__2_|
  5   P35  SW   Audio Speaker Disable (GND=Dis)    GND SG\_/SR VIN
  6        GND  Supply GND
  Shield        GND
External power input is used to charge the built-in battery, it cannot be used to run the SP without that battery.

NDS-Lite - Power Socket
  Pin  Expl.                                          __________
  1    Supply Input (DC 5.2V)                        /  ======  \
  2    Supply GND                                GND |___2__1___| VIN

GBA-Micro - Power Socket
Uses an 8pin socket (which combines SIO and Power), for pin-outs, see
AUX Link Port

External Power Supply
GBA: DC 3.3V (no separate power socket, requires 2xAA-battery-shaped adapter)
GBA-SP/NDS: DC 5.2V (or DC 5V) (special connector on power/headphone socket)
NDS-Lite: DC 5.2V (or DC 5V) (another special connector on power socket)

Internal Battery Supply
GBA: 2xAA (3V)
GBA-SP: Li-ion 3.7V, 600mAh (built-in, recharge-able)
GBA-Micro: Li-ion 3.8V, 460mAh (built-in, recharge-able)
NDS: Li-ion 3.7V, 850mAh (built-in, recharge-able)
NDS-Lite: Li-ion 3.7V, 1000mAh (built-in, recharge-able)

Using PC +5V DC as Power Supply
Developers whom are using a PC for GBA programming will probably want to use the PC power supply (gained from disk drive power supply cable) for the GBA as well rather than dealing with batteries or external power supplies.
GBA: To lower the voltage to approximately 3 Volts use two diodes, type 1N 4004 or similar, the ring printed onto the diodes points towards the GBA side, connected as such:
  PC +5V (red)   --------|>|---|>|--------  GBA BT+
  PC GND (black) -------------------------  GBA BT-
GBA SP, GBA Micro, NDS, and NDS-Lite: Works directly at +5V connected to EXT.2 socket (not to the internal battery pins), without any diodes.

  AUX DSi SD/MMC Pin-Outs

SD/MMC Transfer Modes
  Transfer Modes        SPI-Mode    1-bit-Bus  4-bit-Bus   SDIO
  MMC Cards             Optional    Yes        MMCplus     No
  SD Cards              Yes         Yes        Optional??  Optional
Note: SDIO is an extension to the SD protocol, allowing to access other non-memory-card hardware (such like cameras or network adaptors) via SD connectors.
Note: Original MMC cards don't support 4-bit bus, but there are revisions like MMCplus and MMCmobile (with extra pin rows) which do support 4-bit and 8bit bus.

SD/MMC Pin-Outs
  MMC  MMCplus SD  miniSD microSD SPI-Mode    1-bit-Bus   4-bit/8bit-Bus
  1    1       1   1      2       /CS         CardDetect  Data3
  2    2       2   2      3       DataIn      CMD/REPLY   CMD/REPLY
  3    3       3   3      --      GND         GND         GND
  4    4       4   4      4       VDD         VDD         VDD
  5    5       5   5      5       CLK         CLK         CLK
  6    6       6   6      6       GND         GND         GND
  7    7       7   7      7       DataOut     Data        Data0
  --   8       8   8      8       /IRQ (SDIO) /IRQ (SDIO) Data1 or /IRQ (SDIO)
  --   9       9   9      1       NC          NC          Data2
  --   10      --  --     --      NC          NC          Data4  ;\
  --   11      --  --     --      NC          NC          Data5  ; MMCplus
  --   12      --  --     --      NC          NC          Data6  ; 8bit
  --   13      --  --     --      NC          NC          Data7  ;/
  --   --      --  10     --      Reserved    Reserved    Reserved
  --   --      --  11     --      Reserved    Reserved    Reserved
Moreover, the card sockets (not the cards themselves) are usually containing a Card Detect switch, and, for SD card sockets, also a write protect switch:
  --   --      CD  CD     CD      Card Detect (senses if card is inserted)
  --   ---     WP  --     --      Write Protect (senses position of LOCK tab)
Note that the LOCK tab on SD cards is just a small piece of plastic without any electronics attached to it, the actual switch/sensor is located in the SD card socket (ie. the LOCK works much like the write-protect tabs on audio tapes, video tapes, and floppy discs).

SD/MMC Card Shapes
    /    __ __ __ __ __ __ __      |
   /    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     |
  |     | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|     |
  | MMC |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|     |
  |    ______________________________
  |   /    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _    |
  |  /  __|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |   |
  | |  |  | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|8|   | MMCplus:
  | |  | 9|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |   | pinout is same as 9pin SD cards,
  | |  |_ |_ __ __       __ __ | |   | with extra DAT4-7 on pin10-13
  | |    |  | 1| 1|     | 1| 1|  |   |
  | |MMC | 9| 0| 1|     | 2| 3| 8|   |
  | |plus|__|__|__|     |__|__|__|   |
  | |    ______________________________
  | |   /    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _    |
  | |  /  __|  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |   |
  | | |  |  | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7|8|   |
  | | |  | 9|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|_|   |
  | | '. |__| SD                      .'      SD Write Protect Tab
  | |  |  _________________________   |   <-- Unlock position
  | | .' |  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  |  |#  <-- LOCK position
  | | |  | | | | | |1|1| | | | | | |  '.
  | | |  | |9|1|2|3|0|1|4|5|6|7|8| |   |
  |_| |  | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |   |
    | |  |   miniSD                 \  |
    | |  |     _________________     | |
    | |  |    | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |    | |
    | |  |    || | | | | | | | ||    | |
    |_|  |    ||1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8||    | |
      |  |    ||_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_||    | |
      |  |   /                  |    | |
      |  |  |_  microSD         |    | |
      |  |    |                 |    | |
      |  |   /                  |    | |
      |  |  |                   |    | |
      |  |  |                   |    | |
      |  |_ |                   | ___| |
      |____ |___________________| _____|

SD/MMC Signals for on-board eMMC chip on DSi Mainboard "C/TWL-CPU-01"
Below are the required eMMC signals. Low-end hardware may get away with using Data0 as single data line (eg. small microprocessors with few I/O pins), but higher quality hardware should support 4bit data mode (eg. off-the-shelve SD card interfaces may insist on all four data lines being connected). Data3 (aka CardDetect) might be also needed even in 1bit data mode.
                         _______ CLK (SPI: CLK)    _______ Data3 (SPI: /CS)
                        |                         | ______ Data0 (SPI: DataOut)
                 <#>  <#>  <#>                    || _____ Data1
                EM14  R113 C130                   ||| ____ Data2
        .------------------------.                ||||
        |                        |          <#>  <####> #  #
        |                        |     U5   C57   RA4  C54 C55
        |  Shielding-plate       '---.  o .------------------.
        |                            |    |o                 |
        |                            |    |                  |
        |                            |    |  Samsung     834 |
        |                            |    |  KMAPF0000M-S998 |
        |  CPU              RAM      |    |                  |
        |                            |    |                  |
        |                            |    '------------------'
        '----------------------------'     R94 R54  C50 C51
             |                             <#> <#>  <#> <#>
             |                               |
             |___ shield = GND               |___ CMD/REPLY (SPI: DataIn)

The KMAPF0000M chip does probably NOT support SPI mode, and it does probably support only MMC protocol (not SD protocol). That, assuming that the chip does have similar capabilities as in KMCEN0000M datasheet (there's no KMAPF0000M datasheet online).

Soldering Notes
Connect CLK/CMD to the pins on right side of R113/R94 (as shown in the drawing). Connect Data3/0/1/2 to the LOWER pins of RA4 (unlike as shown in the drawing, ie. NOT to the upper pins), or alternately, connect them to the four vias below of RA4. Connect GND somewhere to shielding plate, for example.
My own setup is: A 8pin ribbon cable soldered to a spare SD-to-SDmicro adapter (used as connector for SD/MMC slots), the ribbon cable is wired to a small circuit board, which is soldered to the shielding of the DSi's game cartridge slot (just for mechanical stability). Next, some fragile wires are forwarded from the circuit board to the actual mainboard pins.

Software Notes
Remove the DSi wifiboard (not absolutely required, but doing so will hang the DSi before accessing the eMMC, which ensures that the eMMC won't be accessed simultaneously by the DSi and PC). Switch on the DSi. Connect it to SD/MMC card reader. Under Windows, the eMMC should show up as MMC-storagedevice in Windows Explorer (alongsides with your HDD drives), due to the encryption it isn't possible to access the filesystem or logical partitions of the chip. However, the physical sectors can be accessed.
For example, using HxD hex editor: Click Extras, Open Disk, and select the MMC (in HxD it shows up under Physical Discs: as Removeable Disk). Click Edit, Select All, Copy. Click File, New. Then Edit, Paste. And finally File, Save As for saving an image of the whole 240MByte FLASH chip.
I've tried accessing the eMMC on two PCs, one worked, the other didn't:
  Win98 with External Card reader: Windows didn't recognize the MMC chip
  Win7  with External Card reader: Okay (recognized as "unformatted" disk)
  Win7  with Internal Card reader: Okay (recognized as "unformatted" disk)
For testing the Operating System/Card Reader side: Connect a normal SD card to the card reader. If HxD is showing it as both Logical Disc and Physical Disc, then you are fine. If it shows up as Logical Disc only, then your setup won't work for accessing the eMMC chip.

  AUX Opening the GBA

Since Nintendo uses special screws with Y-shaped heads to seal the GBA (as well as older 8bit gameboys), it's always a bit difficult to loosen these screws.

Using Screwdrivers
One possible method is to use a small flat screwdriver, which might work, even though it'll most likely damage the screwdriver.
Reportedly, special Y-shaped screwdrivers for gameboys are available for sale somewhere (probably not at your local dealer, but you might find some in the internet or elsewhere).

Destroying the Screws
A more violent method is to take an electric drill, and drill-off the screw heads, this might also slightly damage the GBA plastic chase, also take care that the metal spoons from the destroyed screws don't produce shortcuts on the GBA mainboard.

Using a selfmade Screwdriver
A possible method is to take a larger screw (with a normal I-shaped, or X-shaped head), and to cut the screw-tip into Y-shape, you'll then end up with an "adapter" which can be placed in the middle between a normal screwdriver and gameboy screws.
Preferably, first cut the screw-tip into a shape like a "sharp three sided pyramid", next cut notches into each side. Access to a grinding-machine will be a great benefit, but you might get it working by using a normal metal-file as well.

Opening the GBA Micro
- open the case with appropriate screwdriver or drilling machine or whatever
- remove the plastic front-plate (there are two snap-ins inside at ONE side)
- remove the mainboard and screen and plastic skeleton from the metal case
- remove the start/select daughter-board from the plastic skeleton
- remove the plastic skeleton (move the screen through the skeleton)
- remove the screen (lift lcd socket front-side, backlight socket rear-side)

Opening the NDS-Lite
- open the case with appropriate screwdriver or drilling machine or whatever
- remove the RFU unit, and the 4-pin touch-screen cable (under the RFU unit)
- remove the mainboard together with the lower screen
- remove the upper/lower screen cables (on the rear-side of the mainboard)

  AUX Mainboard

Other possibly useful signals on the mainboard...

FIQ Signal
The FIQ (Fast Interrupt) signal (labeled FIQ on the mainboard) could be used as external interrupt (or debugging break) signal.
Caution: By default, the FIQ input is directly shortcut to VDD35 (+3V or +5V power supply voltage), this can be healed by scratching off the CL1 connection located close to the FIQ pin (FIQ still appears to have an internal pull-up, so that an external resistor is not required).
The GBA BIOS rejects FIQs if using normal ROM cartridge headers (or when no cartridge is inserted). When using a FIQ-compatible ROM header, Fast Interrupts can be then requested by pulling FIQ to ground, either by a push button, or by remote controlled signals.

RESET Signal
The RESET signal (found on the mainboard) could be used to reset the GBA by pulling the signal to ground for a few microseconds (or longer). The signal can be directly used (it is not shortcut to VDD35, unlike FIQ).
Note: A reset always launches Nintendo's time-consuming and annoying boot/logo procedure, so that it'd be recommend to avoid this "feature" when possible.

Joypad Signals
The 10 direction/button signals are each directly shortcut to ground when pressed, and pulled up high otherwise (unlike 8bit gameboys which used a 2x4 keyboard matrix), it'd be thus easy to connect a remote keyboard, keypad, joypad, or read-only 12bit parallel port.

  AUX DSi Component Lists

DSi Mainboard "C/TWL-CPU-01" Components
  U1 352pin   CPU TWL       (under shielding plate)                    ;\under
  U2   ?pin   RAM 8Mx16, Fujitsu MB82DBS08164D-70L, NEC uPD46128512AF1 ;/shield
  U3  56pin   "TexasIns 72071B0" or "Mitsumi 3317A" (powerman?) (right of NAND)
  U4  48pin   "AIC3000D, TI 89K, EXDK G4" (PAIC3 codec? above headphone socket)
  U5   ?pin   Samsung KMAPF0000M-S998 (eMMC, 256Mbyte NAND FLASH)
  U6  36pin   "BPTWL, K007K, 0902KM00D" (small/square, left of cartridge slot)
  U7   4pin   "AOK, S8BXS" (ISL95810, i2c potentiometer)         ;\on PCB
  U8   4pin   "7BDS" (PCA9306, i2c voltage translator)           ;/backside
  U9  12pin   "199A, 01IU" (Seiko S-35199A01) (RTC) ;under shielding plate (A)
  U10  4pin   "6800" or "688F" Hinge Magnet Sensor (PCB backside, near A/B/X/Y)
  U11 10pin   ",\\ 908, 335A" or "2005D, 8350" (right of cartridge slot)
  U12  5pin   "L8NX" or "C7JHN" (upper-right of PCB back-side) ;text layer (B)
  U13  5pin   Backlight 1, "U01" or "KER"  ;\lower-right board edge
  U14  5pin   Backlight 2, "U01" or "KER"  ;/see text-layer (B)
  U15  4pin   ",\\ T34" (near external power input)
  U16     -   N/A
  U17  6pin   "VY" or "Z198" (in lower-right, on PCB backside)
  U18  6pin   "YJ" (above headphone socket)
  U19  5pin   "E30H6" or "L2SX" (at lower right of cartridge slot)
  Q1   6pin   external power supply related
  Q2    pin   N/A ?
  Q3   6pin   ... above battery plug
  Q4   3pin   maybe MUTE for SR  ;\old TWL-CPU-01 mainboard only
  Q5   3pin   maybe MUTE for SL  ;/(replaced by Q17?/Q18? on newer boards)
  Q6   6pin   MC1_VDD power ON (supply)
  Q7   3pin   MC1_VDD power OFF (pulldown)
  Q8    pin   N/A ?
  Q9    pin   N/A ?
  Q10   pin   N/A ?
  Q11  3pin   BLUE (LED)   ;\LEDs (note: the other LEDs, ORANGE
  Q12  3pin   YELLOW (LED) ;      and YELLOW, are driven directly)
  Q13  3pin   CAM_LED      ;/
  Q14  3pin   not installed (above powerman chip)
  Q15  3pin   not installed (above powerman chip)
  Q16  3pin   VDD-5 related, near DPAD socket
  Q17? 6pin   maybe MUTE  ;\  ;\new TWL-CPU-10 mainboard only
  Q18? 6pin   maybe MUTE  ;/  ;/(formerly Q4/Q5 on older boards)
  X1   4pin   16.756  (rectangular oscillator)        ;\under shielding plate
  X2   4pin   CB837 or CB822 (long slim osc) for RTC? ;/text layer: see (A)
  F1   2pin   Fuse for external power input
  SW1  2pin   Button A (right)
  SW2  2pin   Button B (lower)
  SW3  2pin   Button X (upper)
  SW4  2pin   Button Y (left)
  SW5  2pin   Button Select (lower)
  SW6  2pin   Button Start  (upper)
  P1  19pin   NDS/DSi cartridge slot (17pin slot + 2pin switch at right side)
  P2      -   N/A
  P3      -   N/A
  P4   8pin   External microphone/headphone combo socket
  P5  50pin   Wifi-Daughterboard
  P6      -   N/A
  P7  47pin   To UPPER lcd screen (video+backlight+speakers) (on PCB backside)
  P8  37pin   To LOWER lcd screen (video signals)
  P9  25pin   To UPPER lcd screen (signals for both cameras, and camera led)
  P10  4pin   To LOWER lcd screen (touchpad X-,Y-,X+,Y+)
  P11  2pin   External Power Supply input (4.6V DC IN)
  P12     -   N/A
  P13     -   N/A
  P14     -   N/A
  P15 15pin   To battery/DPAD/PowerButton board (and onwards to 3xLEDs)
  P16 26pin   To bottom cover (SD Slot and L/R/VOL+/- buttons)
  P17  2pin   Battery cable (lower-right) ;see text-layer (B)
  P18  4pin   To LOWER lcd screen (backlight cathode/anode)
  P19  1pin   Shielding-Plate for CPU (lower clip)
  P20  1pin   Shielding-Plate for CPU (upper clip)
  P21  1pin   Shielding-Plate for CPU (right clip)
  P22     -   N/A
  P23  2pin   To Internal Microphone (via orange shielded wire)
DSi Front/bottom-Side Text Layer sections (in upper left of mainboard)
  (A)  For components underneath of shielding plate
  (B)  For components in lower-right board edge (near battery connector)
  (C)  For components at middle/right of cartridge slot
  (D)  For components left of U4 (left board edge)
  (E)  For components right of U4 (above headphone socket)
  (F)  For components at lower/right of cartridge slot
DSi Back/top-Side Text Layer sections (at various places)
  (A)  at top/middle,  for components at upper right edge
  (B)  at middle/left, for components near upper right edge
  (C)  at lower/left,  for components left of Y-button
  (D)  at lower/righz, for components at right edge

DSi Wifi Daughterboard (DWM-W015) (old DSi version)
PCB Text: "RU (S)-717V 01 ,\\" or "RU (S)-717V 03 ,\\" or "FK RU 06 ,\\"
  U   56pin "Mitsumi, Japan, 844L, MM3218" (same as in DS Lite)
  U  132pin "ROCm, Atheros, AR6002G-AC1B, E19077.1B, 0844, Taiwan"
  U    8pin I2C EEPROM "408F, B837" (HN58X2408F; 1Kx8 for atheros calibration)
  U    8pin SPI FLASH big chip "45PE10V6, HPASC VS, KOR 8364, ST"  ;\either one
  U    8pin SPI FLASH tiny chip "5A32, 8936?"                      ;/installed
  U    8pin "4P, K" or "S6, K" (odd 3+1+3+1 pin package, near antenna)
  U    4pin "3VP, OT" or "3VB, OS" (at board edge, near 50pin connector)
  X    4pin "26.000, 9848" (bigger oscillator, for atheros chip)
  X    4pin "22.000, xxxx" (smaller oscillator, for mitsumi chip)
  P   50pin Connector to Mainboard
  P    2pin Connector for Antenna (shielded white cable)
The "3VP/3VP" thing is some 1.2V voltage regulator (sth like LP3983 or TPS799xx or similar).
White PCB sticker (underneath of the black isolation sticker): "DWM-W015, IC:4250A-DWMW015, FCC ID:EW4DWMW015, [R]003WWA080444, [T]D080261003, MADE IN PHILIPINES, MITSUMI ELEC. CO., LTD."

DSi Wifi Daughterboard (DWM-W024) (new DSi XL version)
PCB Text: "FB RU 06 ,\\"
  U   76pin "ROCm, Atheros, AR6013G-AL1C" (or 80pin, with 4pins at edges?)
  U    8pin I2C EEPROM? "4DA?, D940?"   ;maybe i2c eeprom for atheros
  U    8pin SPI FLASH "5A32, 8937?"   ;FLASH (small solder pads)
  U    8pin SPI FLASH not installed (alternate bigger solder pads for FLASH?)
  U    4pin "?" (at board edge, near 50pin connector)
  X    4pin "??" (oscillator, near ROCm chip)
  P   50pin Connector to Mainboard
  P    2pin Connector for Antenna (shielded white cable)

3DS Wifi Daughterboard (DWM-W028)
Component list is unknown. The thing is said to use a "Atheros AR6014" chip.
Later 3DS models have the Wifi unit (with AR6014G chip) on the mainboard (instead of using a removeable DWM board).

DSi Battery/DPAD Daughterboard "C/TWL-SUB-01"
  TH1  2pin  Battery Thermal Sensor maybe? (about 10kOhm at room temperature)
  F1   2pin  Battery Fuse
  SW1  2pin  DPAD Up Button
  SW2  2pin  DPAD Down Button
  SW3  2pin  DPAD Left Button
  SW4  2pin  DPAD Right Button
  SW5  2pin  Power/Reset Button
  P1  15pin  To Mainboard (P15) (button/led signals) (wire "15P-01")
  P2   6pin  To 3xLEDs
  P3   3pin  To battery (TWL-003 3.6V 840mAh 3Wh C/TWL-A-BP, Li-ion 00"
  Wire 2pin  To Mainboard (P17) (battery supply) (red=vcc, black=gnd)

DSi LED Board/Foil "LED-01, (DF)"
  D    2pin  Left LED      ;-wifi
  D    2pin  Middle LED    ;-charge
  D    2pin  Right LED 1   ;\power "two-color-LED"
  D    2pin  Right LED 2   ;/composed of 2 single LEDs
  Wire 6pin  To Battery/DPAD Daughterboard

DSi Lower Screen with Touchpad
  Wire 4pin  Touchpad
  Wire 4pin  Backlight (actually 2pins, each 2 pins are same)
  Wire xxpin Video Signals
  LCD  "LS033A1DG48R, 8X16Q U0003986"

DSi Upper Screen with Speakers & Cameras & LED & Microphone
  Orange Ribbon Cable: Video Signals, Backlight, and Speakers
  Black Ribbon Cable: Cameras and Camera LED
  Shielded Orange 2pin Wire: Microphone
  Shielded White 2pin Wire: Wifi PCB Antenna
  LCD  "LS033A1DG38R, BX16Q L0005532"
  The speakers use red/black wires, which connect to the orange ribbon cable

DSi Upper Screen Area Extra Components: Speakers & Cameras & LED & Microphone

DSi Lower Case (SD Slot, L/R and VOL+/- Buttons, and screen calibration)
  Whatever, not checked yet

DSi Disassembly Notes
Bottom Cover Screws:
  7 screws (two are under battery cover)
Remove bottom cover, and:
  P16: To bottom cover (SD Slot and L/R/VOL+/-) --> pull (away from board)
Remove Wifi Daughterboard:
  P5:  Wifi-board (without cable)               --> pull (away from board)
  WHITE: Wifi-Antenna (shielded 2pin)           --> pull (away from wifi-board)
Remove mainboard:
  ORANGE P24 (shielded 2pin)  --> pull (away from board)
  WHITE SUPPLY                --> lift (use screwdriver & push away from board)
  3x bigger white/black connectors --> lift black lid (at cable-side)
  2x smaller black connectors      --> lift black lid (at cable-end) (!!!)
Turn mainboard over, then unlock the connector at back side:
  1x bigger white/black connector  --> lift black lid (at cable-side)
Remove Battery board:
  1x smaller black connector       --> lift black lid (at cable-end) (!!!)
  1x bigger white/black connectors --> lift black lid (at cable-side)
  (don't disconnect bigger connector if the other cable end is already
  disconnected from mainboard) (or if you did do, reassemble as follows:
  longer cable end to battery board, short cable end to mainboard)
  1x battery cable (disconnect at mainboard side, see there)
Top Cover Disassembly:
  Disconnect upper LCD and mic/antenna from mainboard (see above)
  Remove 4 screws (all hidden under square rubber pieces)
  slide rear bezel upwards by two millimeters?
  push metal hinge inwards by three millimeters (under LED unit)

  AUX DSi Internal Connectors

P1 19pin NDS/DSi cartridge slot (17pin slot + 2pin switch at right side)
  1   GND
  2   MC1_CLK
  3   -
  4   MC1_CS
  5   MC1_RES
  6   MC1_CS2
  7   MC1_IREQ
  8   MC1_VDD via Q6 to VDD33 (cpu signal preamplified from Q7)
  9   MC1_IO0
  10  MC1_IO1
  11  MC1_IO2
  12  MC1_IO3
  13  MC1_IO4
  14  MC1_IO5
  15  MC1_IO6
  16  MC1_IO7
  17  GND
  18  MC1_DET           ;\switch closed when cart inserted
  19  GND               ;/
  Shield GND

P4 8pin External microphone/headphone combo socket
  1  GND    ;\      ;\
  2  SL     ; head- ; headphone gnd/left/right
  3  SR     ; phone ;/
  4  GND    ;       ;\headphone/speaker switch (pin 4+5 shortcut with each
  5  HP#SP  ;/      ;/other when no headphone connected)
  6  MIC    ;\    ;\microphone switch (pin6+7 shortcut when no mic connected)
  7  Switch ; mic ;/(internal mic from P23 is then passed from pin7 to pin6)
  8  GND    ;/

P5 50pin Wifi-Daughterboard
                           GND   2  1   maybe SDIO ?   ;\
                         VDD18   4  3   GND            ; probably SDIO for
                         VDD18   6  5   maybe SDIO ?   ; Atheros Wifi
                           GND   8  7   maybe SDIO ?   ; (CLK, CMD, DATA0-3)
                         VDD33  10  9   maybe SDIO ?   ;
                         VDD33  12  11  maybe SDIO ?   ;
                           GND  14  13  maybe SDIO ?   ;/
                      ATH_TX_H  16  15  DSi: NC (connected at wifi side!!!)
                     /WIFI_RST  18  17  DSi: NC (connected at wifi side?)
  NC (connected at wifi side?)  20  19  GND
  NC (connected at wifi side?)  22  21  RTC_FOUT (or RTC_F32K?)  ;for Atheros?
  NC (connected at wifi side?)  24  23  GND
  IRQ? (goes near CPU irq pins) 26  25  DSi: NC (wifi: via 0 ohm MM3218.pin47)
               /FLASH_WP (R122) 28  27  SPI_CS2 (wifi FLASH memory)
                       SPI_SCK  30  29  ... to MM3218.pin42
                      SPI_MISO  32  31  ... to MM3218.pin41
                      SPI_MOSI  34  33  ... to MM3218.pin38
           to MM3218.pin15 ...  36  35  ... to MM3218.pin37
                       WL_RXPE  38  37  ... to MM3218.pin36
           to MM3218.pin19 ...  40  39  ... to MM3218.pin35
                           GND  42  41  ... to MM3218.pin34
           to MM3218.pin21 ...  44  43  ... to MM3218.pin28 (via 0 ohm) (+cap)
           to MM3218.pin18 ...  46  45  GND
                       WL_TXPE  48  47  ... to MM3218.pin23 (via XX and CLxx)
                         RESET  50  49  GND

P7 47pin To UPPER lcd screen (video+backlight+speakers) (on PCB backside)
                          BLA2   1  2   BLC2    ;-backlight
                          SPLN   3  4   SPLN    ;\left speaker
                          SPLP   5  6   SPLP    ;/
                          SPRN   7  8   SPRN    ;\right speaker
                          SPRP   9  10  SPRP    ;/
                         VDD-5  11  12  VDD10
                          VDD5  13  14  GND
                          VSHD  15  16  VSHD
                           INI  17  18  GSP
                           GCK  19  20  LDB20
                         LDB21  21  22  LDB22
                         LDB23  23  24  LDB24
                         LDB25  25  26  LDG20
                         LDG21  27  28  LDG22
                           GND  29  30  LDG23
                         LDG24  31  32  LDG25
                         LDR20  33  34  LDR21
                         LDR22  35  36  LDR23
                         LDR24  37  38  LDR25
                           GND  39  40  DCLK
                           SPL  41  42  LS
                           GND  43  44  via C79 to COM2
                           REV  45  46  GND
                          COM2  47

P8 37pin To LOWER lcd screen (video signals)
                         VDD-5   1  2   VDD10
                          VDD5   3  4   GND
                          VSHD   5  6   VSHD
                           INI   7  8   GSP
                           GCK   9  10  LDB10
                         LDB11  11  12  LDB12
                         LDB13  13  14  LDB14
                         LDB15  15  16  LDG10
                         LDG11  17  18  LDG12
                           GND  19  20  LDG13
                         LDG14  21  22  LDG15
                         LDR10  23  24  LDR11
                         LDR12  25  26  LDR13
                         LDR14  27  28  LDR15
                           GND  29  30  DCLK
                           SPL  31  32  LS
                           GND  33  34  via C93 to COM1
                           REV  35  36  GND
                          COM1  37

P9 25pin To UPPER lcd screen (signals for both cameras, and camera led)
                           GND   1  2   CAM_LED
                         VDD42   3  4   GND
                  R100    RCLK   5  6   GND
                           GND   7  8   HSYNC
                         VSYNC   9  10  CAM_D5  RA7
                   RA7  CAM_D6  11  12  CAM_D4  RA7
                       CAM_RST  13  14  SCL
                           SDA  15  16  CAM_D7  RA7
                   RA6  CAM_D0  17  18  CAM_D3  RA6
                   RA6  CAM_D1  19  20  CAM_D2  RA6
                         VDD28  21  22  GND
                           CKI  23  24  GND
                         VDD18  25

P10 4pin To LOWER lcd screen (touchpad X-,Y-,X+,Y+)
  1 X-
  2 Y-
  3 X+
  4 Y+

P11 2pin External Power Supply input (4.6V DC IN)
  1 VIN  (+4.6V)
  2 VGND (GND)
  Shield (GND)

P15 15pin To battery/DPAD/PowerButton board (and onwards to 3xLEDs)
  dpad up button      P06  1  2  ORANGE (LED)
  dpad right button   P04  3  4  BLUE (LED)
  dpad left button    P05  5  6  YELLOW (LED)
  dpad down button    P07  7  8  RED (LED)
                      GND  9  10 VDD42 (to LEDs)
                      GND 11  12 TH on DPAD board (via R102 to TH on main)
  middle battery pin  DET 13  14 GND
  power button       PWSW 15
Note: On Daughterboard, pins are mirrored (eg. PWSW=Pin1 instead Pin15)

P16 26pin To bottom cover (SD Slot and L/R/VOL+/- buttons)
                      GND  2  1  SD10_CLK                   ;\
               SD10_DATA0  4  3  SD10_VDD (aka VDD33)       ;
               SD10_DATA1  6  5  SD10_VDD (aka VDD33)       ; pin 1..18
                  SD10_WP  8  7  GND                        ; to RIGHT side:
                      GND 10  9  SD10_CMD                   ; R-button, and
  shoulder button R   P08 12  11 GND                        ; SD-card slot
                      GND 14  13 SD10_DATA3                 ;
                  SD10_CD 16  15 SD10_DATA2                 ;
                      GND 18  17 GND                        ;/
                      GND 20  19 GND                        ;\pin 19..20
  maybe display ;\   VDD5 22  21 VOLP (aka volume plus?)    ; to LEFT side:
  calibration?  ;    COM1 24  23 VOLN (aka volume minus?)   ; L-button, VOL +/-
  (at battery)  ;/   COM2 26  25 P09   shoulder button L    ;/and calibration

P17 2pin Battery cable (lower-right) ;see text-layer (B)
  + BT+ (plus) (red wire)
  - BT- (GND)  (black wire)

P18 4pin To LOWER lcd screen (backlight cathode/anode)
  1 BLC1  ;\both same
  2 BLC1  ;/
  3 BLA1  ;\both same
  4 BLA1  ;/

P19 1pin Shielding-Plate for CPU (lower clip)
P20 1pin Shielding-Plate for CPU (upper clip)
P21 1pin Shielding-Plate for CPU (right clip)
  Shield GND

P23 2pin To Internal Microphone (via orange shielded wire)
  Pin  MIC (from P4.Pin7, disconnected when external microphone connected)
  Shield GND

  2  BLUE
  4  GND   (for red+orange)
  5  RED
  6  VDD42 (for yellow+blue)

  AUX DSi Chipset Pinouts

A photo of the DSi mainboard (with extra text layer on vias and solderpads) can be found at:

DSi U1 - TWL-CPU (19x19 pin grid) (352 pins, aka 19x19 minus middle 3x3 pins)
       Wifi   MC2 maybe      MC1           SD/MMC  eMMC  SPI     RTC   IRQs
  +---'   |               |               |       |   |       |   .---'   '---+
  |       |               |               |       |   |       +---+---.   .---+
  |WIF WIF|NC  NC  NC  NC |D5  D1  PWR CS2|D2  CD |D1 |CS1 MOS|R00 R01|RTC|P09|
  |       '---.       .---+           .---'   .---'   '---.---+       '---'   |
  |WIF WIF WIF|NC  NC |V33|D4  D0  RES|D3  WP |D3  D2  CMD| ? |P08 P07 P06 P05|
  |           '---+---'   '-----------'-------'-----------'---+               |
  |WIF WIF RXP TXP|GND V12 V33 GND V12 V33 G?  V12 V33 GND V33|P04 P03 P02 P01|
  |               |                                           +-----------.   |
  |WIF WIF WIF ?  |GND V33 V12 GND GND GND V33 G?  GND V33 V12| ?  RES NC |P00|
  |               |                                           |           '---+
  +-----------.   |                                           '-----------.   |
  |V33 NC  GND|WIF|V12 GND V33 GND V12 V33 GND V33 V12 V12 V33 GND GND GND|X  |
  |           '---'               .-----------.               .-----------'   |
  |V33 NC  V33 V33 GND V33 GND V33|-   -   -  |GND GND GND GND|HP# IRQ ?   GND|
  +---.   .---.                   |           |               |               |
  |B15|V33|NC |V33 V12 GND V12 V12|-   -   -  |V12 V18 GND V12|NC  NC  NC  GP |
  |   '---'---'---.               |           |               +---------------+
  |B14 B13 B12 B11|V33 GND V33 GND|-   -   -  |V18 GND V18 GND|A1  D1  A0  D0 |
  |               |               '-----------'               |               |
  |B10 G15 G14 G13|GND V33 V12 GND V18 V12 V18 GND V18 V12 V18|A3  D3  A2  D2 |
  |               |                                           |               |
  |G12 G11 G10 R15|V33 V12 GND V12 GND V18 GND V12 GND V18 GND|A5  D5  A4  D4 |
  |               |                                           |               |
  |R14 R13 R12 R11|GND V33 V18 GND V18 V12 V18 GND V18 V12 V18|A7  D7  A6  D6 |
  +-----------.   |                                           |               |
  |DCK GSP SPL|R10|V33 V12 GND V18 GND V18 GND V12 GND V18 GND|A9  D9  A8  D8 |
  |       .---'---'-------.-------.---.---.-------.-----------'               |
  |LS  REV|B22 G24 G20 R22|D7  D3 |NC |RST|SCK WS |CE1 /OE A20 A11 D11 A10 D10|
  |   .---'               |       |   |   |       |                           |
  |GCK|B25 B21 G23 R25 R21|D6  D2 |NC |VSY|MCK SDO|NC  CE2 A19 A13 D13 A12 D12|
  |   |                   |       |   |   +---.   |                           |
  |INI|B24 B20 G22 R24 R20|D5  D1 |NC |HSY|SDA|SDI|/LB CLK A18 A21 A14 D15 D14|
  +---+               .---+       '---'   |   +---'                       .---+
  |NC |B23 G25 G21 R23|NC |D4  D0  CKI RCK|SCL|/UB ADV /WE A15 A17 A22 A16|NC |
          LCD                  CAM         I2C SND          RAM               o

DSi U2 - Main RAM (8Mx16) (Fujitsu MB82DBS08164, or NEC uPD46128512)
DSi mainboard solder pads (12x8 grid, within 14x10 grid):
       A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    J    K    L    M    N    P
  10   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
  9    -    NC   NC   -    A15  A21  A22  A16  NC   VSS  -    NC   NC   -
  8    -    NC   NC   A11  A12  A13  A14  NC   DQ15 DQ7  DQ14 NC   NC   -
  7    -    -    -    A8   A19  A9   A10  DQ6  DQ13 DQ12 DQ5  -    -    -
  6    -    -    -    /WE  CE2  A20  -    -    DQ4  VDD  NC   -    -    -
  5    -    -    -    CLK  /ADV (W)  -    -    DQ3  VDD  DQ11 -    -    -
  4    -    -    -    /LB  /UB  A18  A17  DQ1  DQ9  DQ10 DQ2  -    -    -
  3    -    NC   -    A7   A6   A5   A4   VSS  /OE  DQ0  DQ8  NC   NC   -
  2    -    NC   NC   -    A3   A2   A1   A0   NC   /CE1 -    NC   NC   -
  1 o  -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
DSi RAM - Fujitsu MB82DBS08164 (14x10 grid):
       A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    J    K    L    M    N    P
  10   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   VDD  VSS  NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
  9    NC   NC   NC   NC   A15  A21  A22  A16  NC   VSS  NC   NC   NC   NC
  8    -    -    NC   A11  A12  A13  A14  NC   DQ15 DQ7  DQ14 NC   -    -
  7    -    -    NC   A8   A19  A9   A10  DQ6  DQ13 DQ12 DQ5  NC   -    -
  6    -    -    NC   /WE  CE2  A20  NC   NC   DQ4  VDD  NC   NC   -    -
  5    -    -    NC   CLK  /ADV /WAI NC   VDD  DQ3  VDD  DQ11 VDD  -    -
  4    -    -    NC   /LB  /UB  A18  A17  DQ1  DQ9  DQ10 DQ2  VSS  -    -
  3    -    -    VSS  A7   A6   A5   A4   VSS  /OE  DQ0  DQ8  NC   -    -
  2    NC   NC   NC   NC   A3   A2   A1   A0   NC   /CE1 NC   NC   NC   NC
  1 o  NC   NC   -    NC   NC   NC   VDD  VSS  NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
DSi RAM - NEC uPD46128512 (14x10 grid):
       A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    J    K    L    M    N    P
  10   NC   NC   NC   -    -    -    NC   NC   -    -    -    NC   NC   NC
  9    -    NC   NC   -    A15  A21  A22  A16  NC   VSS  -    NC   NC   -
  8    -    -    NC   A11  A12  A13  A14  NC   DQ15 DQ7  DQ14 NC   -    -
  7    -    -    -    A8   A19  A9   A10  DQ6  DQ13 DQ12 DQ5  -    -    -
  6    -    -    NC   /WE  CE2  A20  NC   NC   DQ4  VCC  NC   NC   -    -
  5    -    -    NC   CLK  /ADV /WAI NC   NC   DQ3  VCC  DQ11 NC   -    -
  4    -    -    -    /LB  /UB  A18  A17  DQ1  DQ9  DQ10 DQ2  -    -    -
  3    -    -    NC   A7   A6   A5   A4   GND  /OE  DQ0  DQ8  NC   -    -
  2    -    NC   NC   NC   A3   A2   A1   A0   NC   /CE1 -    NC   NC   -
  1 o  NC   NC   NC   -    -    -    NC   NC   -    -    -    NC   NC   NC
The Fujitsu & NEC datasheets are specifing 14x10 grid (the chips are essentially pin-compatible, except that: NEC has removed some NC pins, changed some supply pins to NC, and (attempted to) rename VSS to GND).
However, the DSi mainboard has 12x8 grid solder pads (and the installed NEC/Fujitsu chip/packages are actually only 12x8, too).
The DSi debug version is said to have 32Mbyte RAM, there is no provision for that feature on DSi retail boards; dev boards are probably somewhere having an extra address line (or an extra chip select for a 2nd RAM chip).

DSi U3 - Power Managment (Texas Instruments 72071B0, or Mitsumi 3317A)
  1   GND (via CL9)
  2   ADPO
  3   EXTB+
  4   VDD33
  5   RESET         ;\
  6   SPI_SCK       ; main cpu bus
  7   SPI_MOSI      ; (reset and spi)
  8   SPI_MISO      ;
  9   SPI_CS1       ;/  <-- powerman (this does ALSO connect to U4)
  10  GND
  11  PMOFF
  12  PWSWO
  13  VCNT5
  14  PM_SLP
  15  B+
  16  VDD12 via L1
  17  VDD12
  18  GND
  19  BLC1          ;\
  20  BLA1 via U13  ; backlight 1+2
  21  BLA2 via U14  ; anode/cathode
  22  BLC2          ;/
  23  GND
  24  B+
  25  B+
  26  VDD18 via L2
  27  VDD18 via L2
  28  VDD18
  29  DET     ;\battery contacts
  30  BT+     ;/    ;\these are almost shortcut
  31  VDET-         ;/with each other (via 0 ohm R71)
  32  PVDD
  33  PWSW (when off: very few ohms to PVDD)
  34        ... via R104 (100K) to Q3 (B+ enable or so?)
  35  B+
  36        ... via to C18 to GND (seems to have no other connection)
  37  GND
  38  AOUT  ;\to U6
  39  GND   ;
  40  SCL1  ;   ;\secondary IC2 bus (to U6)
  41  SDA1  ;/  ;/
  42  VDD33
  43  GND via CL10
  44  VDD5 input (sense if VDD5/C16 has reached voltage)
  45  charge-pump for VDD5 (L7 and via DA3 to VDD5/C16)
  46  charge-pump for VDD5 (L5 and C14)
  47  VDD33 (via CL5)
  48  VDD33 (via L3)
  49  VDD33
  50  VDD33
  51  B+
  52  B+
  53  B+
  54  charge-pump for VDD42 (L7 and C23)
  55  charge-pump for VDD42 (L7 and via D3 to VDD42/C22)
  56  VDD42 input (sense if VDD42/C22 has reached voltage)

DSi U4 - Sound and Touchscreen controller (AIC3000D)
AIC3000D pinout is same as in TSC2117 datasheet (aside from GPIx/GPIOx pins).
  Pin TSC2117 AIC3000D
  1   MISO    SPI_MISO
  2   MOSI    SPI_MOSI
  3   /SS     SPI_CS1 (powerman, this does ALSO connect to U3)
  4   SCLK    SPI_SCLK
  5   GPIO1   SPI_CS3 (touchscreen)
  6   GPIO2   PENIRQ
  7   IOVSS   GND
  8   IOVDD   VDD33
  9   DVDD    VDD18
  10  SDOUT   SND_SDI              ;\
  11  SDIN    SND_SDO              ;
  12  WLCK    SND_WS               ; serial sound input from main cpu
  ---                              ; (and serial output? microphone maybe?)
  13  BCLK    SND_SCLK             ;
  14  MCLK    SND_MCLK             ;/
  15  SDA       ... via R107 to VDD18  ;\unused I2C bus (?)
  16  SCL       ... via R106 to VDD18  ;/
  17  VOL/M   wiper (sound volume, from i2c potentiometer) "VOL/MICDET?"
  18  MICBIAS   LIN-related-1 ... to 6pin U18
  19  MIC     LIN (aka MIC via C31)
  20  AUX1      LIN-related-2   ;\via 0ohm R108 to ... something on U18
  21  AUX2      LIN-related-2   ;/                     that is almost GND
  22  AVSS    GND
  23  AVDD    VDD33
  24  VBAT    GND
  25  VREF    VDD33
  26  TSVSS   GND
  27  YN      Y-                   ;\
  28  XN      X-                   ;
  29  DVSS    GND                  ; touchscreen input
  30  YP      Y+                   ;
  31  XP      X+                   ;/
  32  TSVDD   VDD33
  33  SPLN    SPLN                 ;\
  34  SLVSS   GND                  ;
  35  SLVDD   B+                   ; speaker output
  36  SPLP    SPLP                 ;
  ---                              ;
  37  SPRN    SPRN                 ;
  38  SRVDD   B+                   ;
  39  SRVSS   GND                  ;
  40  SPRP    SPRP                 ;/
  41  HPL     SL via CP2 and R88      ;\
  42  HVDD    VDD33                   ;
  43  HVSS    GND                     ; headphone output
  44  HPR     SR via CP3 and R89      ;
  45  GPI3    MUTE via Q4/Q5 to SR/SL ;
  46  GPI2    HP#SP switch            ;/
  47  GPI1    VCNT5

DSi U5 - 256Mbyte eMMC NAND (14x14 grid)
       1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   12   13   14
  o A  NC   NC   DAT0 DAT1 DAT2 NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
    B  NC   DAT3 DAT4 DAT5 DAT6 DAT7 NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
    C  NC   VDDI NC   VSSQ NC   VCCQ NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
    D  NC   NC   NC   NC   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    NC   NC   NC
    E  NC   NC   NC   -    NC   VCC  VSS  NC   NC   NC   -    NC   NC   NC
    F  NC   NC   NC   -    VCC  -    -    -    -    NC   -    NC   NC   NC
    G  NC   NC   NC   -    VSS  -    -    -    -    NC   -    NC   NC   NC
    H  NC   NC   NC   -    NC   -    -    -    -    VSS  -    NC   NC   NC
    J  NC   NC   NC   -    NC   -    -    -    -    VCC  -    NC   NC   NC
    K  NC   NC   NC   -    NC   NC   NC   VSS  VCC  NC   -    NC   NC   NC
    L  NC   NC   NC   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    NC   NC   NC
    M  NC   NC   NC   VCCQ CMD  CLK  NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
    N  NC   VSSQ NC   VCCQ VSSQ NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
    P  NC   NC   VCCQ VSSQ VCCQ VSSQ NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC   NC
Note: The pinout follows JEDEC's eMMC standard. The "NC" pins are GNDed in DSi, the "DAT4..DAT7" pins are not connected in DSi. The "VDDI" pin isn't wired to VDD, instead it goes to a capacitor (0.1uF min) "for internal power stability".

DSi U6 - "BPTWL" - I2C bus(ses), LEDs, volume, power, wifi (6x6 grid)
       GND         WL_TXPE     P02(button) SDA'33      ADPO        GND       o
       ATH_TX_H    BLUE(LED)   RED(LED)    SCL'33      V33         GND
       YELLOW(LED) VOLP button VOLN button PM_SLP      V33'        /WIFI_RST
       SDA1        RESET       SCL1        to C46      GND         to U17
       VDD28       GND         CAM_LED     PWSWO       mFE         /mRST
       GND         AOUT        mFE'(R79)   WL_RXPE     /IRQ_O      GND

DSi U7 - i2c bus potentiometer (ISL95810) (Device 50h)
  1  /WP (DSi: VDD33)  writeprotect
  2  SCL (DSi: SCL1)   i2c bus   ;\from U6
  3  SDA (DSi: SDA1)   i2c bus   ;/
  4  GND (DSi: GND)    ground
  5  RW  (DSi: wiper)  pot.wiper ;-to U4
  6  RL  (DSi: VDD18)  pot.L
  7  RH  (DSi: GND)    pot.H
  8  VCC (DSi: VDD33)  supply

DSi U8 - bidirectional i2c voltage translator (PCA9306)
  1  GND   (DSi: GND)
  2  VREF1 (DSi: VDD18)
  3  SCL1  (DSi: SCL)     ;\to U1 (CPU)
  4  SDA1  (DSi: SDA)     ;/
  5  SDA2  (DSi: SDA'33)  ;\to U6 (LED/stuff)
  6  SCL2  (DSi: SCL'33)  ;/
  7  VREF2 (DSi: VDD33)
  8  EN    (DSi: VDD33)

DSi U9 - RTC - Seiko S-35199A01 (4x3 grid)
       A    B    C    D
  3    CS   /SCK VDD  F32K

DSi U10 - Magnet Sensor (for hinge, aka shell opened/closed)
  1  VDD33
  2  R7 (HINGE)  ;to U1
  3  GND
  4  GND

DSi U11 - charge
  1  EXTB+
  2  Rosc
  3  ORANGE (via R2)              ;-charge LED
  4  GND
  5  TH' (via R76 to TH)          ;\thermal sensor
  6  TH  (via R102 to DPAD board) ;/for battery?
  7  B+  (?)
  8  RICHG
  9  BT+
  10 BT+
Note: Seems to resemble Mitsumi MM3358 datasheet.

DSi U12 - 5pin, VDD33 to VDD28 converter? (near upper screen socket)
DSi U13 - 5pin, Backlight 1, near power managment chip
DSi U14 - 5pin, Backlight 2, near power managment chip
DSi U15 - 4pin, something near external power input
DSi U16 - N/A
DSi U17 - 6pin, something near headphone socket, connects to U6, and MUTE
DSi U18 - 6pin, something near headphone socket, MIC/LIN related
DSi U19 - 5pin, something near dpad socket
Smaller misc chips.

  CAM_LED (via R68 and Q13)  ;\
  BLUE    (via R21 and Q11)  ; from U6
  YELLOW  (via R22 and Q12)  ;/
  RED     (via R20)          ;-from U6 (or to U6 ?)
  ORANGE  (via R2)           ;-from U11

DSi Wifi Daughterboard - MM3218 chip (same chip as in DS Lite)
  1  VDD18
  2  GND
  3  VDD18
  4  Antenna signal
  5  Antenna shield
  6  VDD18
  7  VDD18
  8  GND
  10 GND
  11 GND
  12 GND
  14 /RESET
  15 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 36
  16 WL_TXPE
  17 WL_RXPE
  18 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 46  !!!
  19 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 40
  20 VDD33
  21 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 44
  22 GND
  23 ... via nearby big component ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 47 ?
  24 VDD18
  26 22MHz
  27 22MHz'
  28 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 43 (with cap to GND and via 0 ohm)
  29 VDD33
  30 via capacitor to VDD33
  31 via 1K2 + 120K to GND (aka via 121.2K to GND)
  32 VDD18
  33 VDD18
  34 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 41
  35 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 39
  36 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 37
  37 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 35
  38 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 33
  39 GND
  40 VDD33
  41 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 31
  42 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 29
  43 VDD18
  44 ... shortcut to MM3218.pin50, and via resistor to MM3218.pin46
  45 VDD33
  46 ... via resistor to MM3218.pin44+50
  47 ... to DSi mainboard connector pin 25 (via 0 ohm) (+cap) (NC in DSi)
  48 VDD33
  49 GND
  50 ... shortcut to MM3218.pin44, and via resistor to MM3218.pin46
  51 ... via resistor to GND
  52 VDD18

DSi DWM-W015 Wifi Daughterboard - ROCm Atheros AR6002G-AC1B chip
   1     2     3     4     5     6     7    8    9     10    11    12    13
         OUTN  OUTP  INP   INN                   BIAS  XTAL  I     O     OUT
 B RF5   AGND  VDD18 VDD12 VDD12 BIAS  NC   NC   VDD12 VDD12 VDD18 BT_   DVDD12
   INP         FE    LNA   BIAS  REF             D_SYN BB    XTAL  CLKEN
 C RF5   VDD12 -     -     AGND  AGND  AGND AGND AGND  -     -     GPIO  GPIO
   INN   FE                                                        17    16
 D PA5   NC    -     -     -     -     -    -    -     -     -     GPIO  GPIO
   BIAS                                                            14    15
 E RF5   VDD18 AGND  -     AGND  AGND  AGND AGND DVSS  -     -     DVDD  DVDD
   OUT   VCO                                                       GPIO1 GPIO0
   TX5   SYNTH                                                     12    13
   BIAS2 BIAS5                                                     10    11
   M     OUT                                                       9     12
         ANT                                                       REQ   12
 K ANTC  ANTB  -     -     -     -     -    -    -     -     -     SYS_  CHIP_
                                                                   RST_L PWD_L
 L ANTD  ANTE  -     -     DVSS  DVSS  DVSS  DVSS DVSS -     -     DVDD  DVDD_
                                                                   12    SDIO
                     12                                      DATA3 DATA2 CLK
   12                BT                SDIO  12        SDIO  CMD   DATA1 DATA0

DSi DWM-W024 Wifi Daughterboard - Atheros AR6013 chip
3DS DWM-W028 Wifi Daughterboard - Atheros AR6014 chip
Pinouts unknown.

  Pinouts - CPU - Signal Summary

Advance Gameboy CPU Signal Summary
Cart Bus: D0-D7, A0-A15, /CS, /RD, /WR (different usage in GBA/DMG mode)
WRAM Bus: WA0-WA16, WD0-WD15, /WLB, /WUB, /WWE, /WOE (used in GBA mode only)
Joypad: TP0-3 (Buttons), TP4-7 (Directions), TP8-9 (L/R-Buttons, via R43/R44)
Serial Link: SC, SD (aka P14?), SI, SO - Audio: SO1-2, Vin
Other: CK1-2, PHI, IN35, VCNT5, /FIQ (via CL1 to VDD3), /RESET (IN), /RES (OUT)
Supply: VDD35, VDD3, VDD2, GND (some are probably undoc inputs)
GBA SP: Same as GBA, plus VDD1, plus duplicated supply pins, plus pin 152.

  Pinouts - CPU - Pinouts

Advance Gameboy CPU Pinouts (CPU AGB)
  1 VDD3  17 D0   33 A0    49 WA4   65 VDD2  81 WD9   97 LDB5   113 CK1
  2 IN35  18 A15  34 /CS   50 WA5   66 WD5   82 WD1   98 LDB4   114 CK2
  3 TP8   19 A14  35 /RD   51 WA6   67 WD13  83 /WOE  99 LDB3   115 VDD2
  4 TP0   20 A13  36 /WR   52 WA7   68 WD6   84 DCK   100 LDB2  116 GND
  5 TP1   21 A12  37 PHI   53 /WLB  69 WD14  85 LP    101 LDB1  117 VDD2
  6 SO1   22 A11  38 VDD35 54 /WUB  70 WD7   86 PS    102 GND   118 VCNT5
  7 SO2   23 A10  39 GND   55 /WWE  71 WD15  87 LDR5  103 VDD3  119 TP9
  8 Vin   24 A9   40 SC    56 WA8   72 WD8   88 LDR4  104 SPL   120 TP6
  9 /RES  25 A8   41 SD    57 WA9   73 WD16  89 LDR3  105 CLS   121 TP5
  10 D7   26 A7   42 SI    58 WA10  74 WA16  90 LDR2  106 SPS   122 TP7
  11 D6   27 A6   43 SO    59 WA11  75 WD12  91 LDR1  107 MOD   123 TP4
  12 D5   28 A5   44 VDD2  60 WA12  76 WD4   92 LDG5  108 REVC  124 /FIQ
  13 D4   29 A4   45 WA0   61 WA13  77 WD11  93 LDG4  109 GNDed 125 /RESET
  14 D3   30 A3   46 WA1   62 WA14  78 WD3   94 LDG3  110 GNDed 126 TP2
  15 D2   31 A2   47 WA2   63 WA15  79 WD10  95 LDG2  111 GNDed 127 TP3
  16 D1   32 A1   48 WA3   64 GND   80 WD2   96 LDG1  112 GNDed 128 GND

  1 IN35   21 D0    41 A0    61 WA4   81 WD13  101 GND   121 LDB4  141 GND
  2 TP8    22 A15   42 /CS   62 WA5   82 WD6   102 VDD1  122 LDB3  142 VDD3
  3 TP0    23 A14   43 /RD   63 WA6   83 WD14  103 GND   123 LDB2  143 GND
  4 TP1    24 A13   44 /WR   64 WA7   84 WD7   104 VDD3  124 LDB1  144 VCNT5
  5 SO1    25 A12   45 PHI   65 /WLB  85 WD15  105 DCK   125 GND   145 TP9
  6 SO2    26 A11   46 VDD35 66 /WUB  86 WD8   106 LP    126 VDD3  146 TP6
  7 Vin    27 GND   47 GND   67 GND   87 WD16  107 PS    127 SPL   147 TP5
  8 VDD1   28 VDD35 48 SC    68 VDD2  88 WA16  108 LDR5  128 CLS   148 TP7
  9 GND    29 A10   49 SD    69 /WWE  89 VDD2  109 LDR4  129 SPS   149 TP4
  10 VDD35 30 A9    50 SI    70 WA8   90 GND   110 LDR3  130 MOD   150 /FIQ
  11 /RES  31 A8    51 SO    71 WA9   91 WD12  111 LDR2  131 REVC  151 /RESET
  12 D7    32 A7    52 VDD35 72 WA10  92 WD4   112 LDR1  132 GND   152 ?
  13 D6    33 A6    53 GND   73 WA11  93 WD11  113 LDG5  133 GND   153 TP3
  14 D5    34 A5    54 VDD1  74 WA12  94 WD3   114 LDG4  134 GND   154 TP2
  15 D4    35 A4    55 GND   75 WA13  95 WD10  115 LDG3  135 GND   155 VDD3
  16 D3    36 GND   56 VDD2  76 WA14  96 WD2   116 LDG2  136 VDD1  156 GND
  17 D2    37 VDD35 57 WA0   77 WA15  97 WD9   117 LDG1  137 GND
  18 GND   38 A3    58 WA1   78 GND   98 WD1   118 GND   138 CK1
  19 VDD35 39 A2    59 WA2   79 VDD2  99 /WOE  119 VDD3  139 CK2
  20 D1    40 A1    60 WA3   80 WD5   100 VDD2 120 LDB5  140 VDD2
Pin 152 seems to be not connected on the mainboard, maybe an undoc output.

GBA-Micro, NDS, NDS-Lite, and DSi CPU Pinouts
Unknown. The CPU Pins are hidden underneath of the CPU. And, in NDS and NDS-Lite, the CPU itself hides underneath of the DS Cartridge Slot. In the DSi it's hidden underneath of a shielding plate (which is itself underneath of the removeable wifi daughterboard).

  Pinouts - Audio Amplifiers

Advance Gameboy Audio Amplifier (AMP AGB IR3R60N) (U6)
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12   13   14   15   16   17  18
SW=Headphone Switch (grounded when none connected).

GBA SP Audio Amplifier (uses AMB AGB IR3R60N, too) (U3)
Same connection as in GBA, except that pin14/16 connect to VR21 (instead VCC3), and pin1/9 connect to different capacitors.

NDS - National Semiconductor LM4880M Dual 250mW Audio Power Amplifier (U12)
  1-OUT A  2-IN A  3-BYPASS  4-GND  5-SHUTDOWN  6-IN B  7-OUT A  8-VDD.VQ5
NDS-Lite: No external amplifier (Mitsumi 3205B Powermanagment Device contains internal amplifier).

  Pinouts - LCD Cables

Advance Gameboy Display Socket
  1 ?     6 GND    11 LDR2   16 LDG2   21 LDB3   26 SPS     31 P2-VSS  36 V4
  2 VSHD  7 VSHD   12 LDR1   17 LDG1   22 LDB2   27 ?       32 P2-VCC  37 V3
  3 DCK   8 LDR5   13 LDG5   18 GND    23 LDB1   28 MOD     33 ?       38 V2
  4 LP    9 LDR4   14 LDG4   19 LDB5   24 SPL    29 VCOM    34 VDD5    39 V1
  5 PS    10 LDR3  15 LDG3   20 LDB4   25 CLS    30 P2-VEE  35 GND     40 V0

GBA SP Display Socket
  1 VSHD 5 VSHD  9 LDR3   13 LDG4  17 GND   21 LDB2  25 SPS   29 P2VSS 33 U83
  2 DCK  6 GND   10 LDR2  14 LDG3  18 LDB5  22 LDB1  26 MOD   30 COM   34 VDD5
  3 LP   7 LDR5  11 LDR1  15 LDG2  19 LDB4  23 SPL   27 REVC  31 VDD5
  4 PS   8 LDR4  12 LDG5  16 LDG1  20 LDB3  24 CLS   28 P2VDD 32 GND

GBA Micro Display Sockets
  __GBA Mirco display socket (P1)____________________________________
  1-PS    6-5bit  11-MD    16-5bit  21-5bit  26-CL             31-GND
  2-RV    7-5bit  12-SL    17-5bit  22-5bit  27-SS             32-GND
  3-GND   8-5bit  13-CK    18-5bit  23-5bit  28-via C5 to VR1  33-V10
  4-5bit  9-LP    14-GND   19-5bit  24-5bit  29-V5             34-V-5
  5-5bit  10-VD   15-5bit  20-GND   25-5bit  30-to VR1
  __GBA Mirco backlight socket (P3)__________________________________
  1-LC  2-LC  3-LA  4-LA

NDS Upper/Lower Display Sockets
  ___NDS upper screen/upper backlight/speakers socket (P3)_____________________
  1-SPLO 7-PS2   13-LDR2  19-GND   25-LDG2  31-LDB2  37-MOD2  43-VDD15  49-SPRO
  2-SPLO 8-REV2  14-LDR1  20-DCLK2 26-LDG1  32-LDB1  38-GND   44-VDD-5  50-GND
  3-SSC2 9-GND   15-LDR0  21-GND   27-LDG0  33-LDB0  39-VDD5  45-VDD-10 51-GND
  4-ASC2 10-LDR5 16-LS2   22-LDG5  28-LDB5  34-GCK2  40-VDD10 46-LEDC2
  5-GND  11-LDR4 17-VSHD  23-LDG4  29-LDB4  35-GSP2  41-COM2  47-LEDA2
  6-SPL2 12-LDR3 18-DISP1 24-LDG3  30-LDB3  36-GND   42-GND   48-SPRO
  ___NDS lower screen socket (P4)______________________________________________
  1-SSC1 6-REV1  11-LDR2  16-DISP0 21-LDG4  26-LDB5  31-LDB0  36-GND  41-VDD15
  2-ASC1 7-GND   12-LDR1  17-SPL1  22-LDG3  27-LDB4  32-GCK1  37-?    42-VDD10
  3-GND  8-LDR5  13-LDR0  18-DCLK1 23-LDG2  28-LDB3  33-GSP1  38-VDD5 43-GND
  4-?    9-LDR4  14-LS1   19-GND   24-LDG1  29-LDB2  34-VSHD  39-COM1 44-VDD-5
  5-PS1  10-LDR3 15-VSHD  20-LDG5  25-LDG0  30-LDB1  35-MOD1  40-GND  45-VDD-10
  ___NDS lower backlight socket (P5)____   ___NDS touchscreen socket (P6)______
  1:LEDA1  2:LEDA1  3:LEDC1  4:LEDC1       1:Y-    2:X-    3:Y+    4:X+

NDS-Lite Upper/Lower Display Sockets
  ___NDS-Lite upper screen/upper backlight/speakers socket (P3)________________
  1-VDD-5 6-MOD    11-LD2xx 16-LD2xx 21-LD2xx 26-LD2xx 31-LS   36-GND   41-SPRO
  2-VDD10 7-GSP    12-LD2xx 17-LD2xx 22-LD2xx 27-LD2xx 32-VSHD 37-COM2  42-SG
  3-VDD5  8-GCK    13-LD2xx 18-GND   23-LD2xx 28-GND   33-GND  38-LEDA2 43-SG
  4-GND   9-LD2xx  14-LD2xx 19-LD2xx 24-LD2xx 29-DCLK  34-xx2? 39-LEDC2 44-SPLO
  5-VSHD  10-LD2xx 15-LD2xx 20-LD2xx 25-LD2xx 30-SPL   35-REV  40-SPRO  45-SPLO
  ___NDS-Lite lower screen/lower backlight (P4)________________________________
  1-VDD-5 6-MOD    11-LD1xx 16-LD1xx 21-LD1xx 26-LD1xx 31-LS   36-GND
  2-VDD10 7-GSP    12-LD1xx 17-LD1xx 22-LD1xx 27-LD1xx 32-VSHD 37-COM1
  3-VDD5  8-GCK    13-LD1xx 18-GND   23-LD1xx 28-GND   33-GND  38-LEDA1
  4-GND   9-LD1xx  14-LD1xx 19-LD1xx 24-LD1xx 29-DCLK  34-xx1? 39-LEDC1
  5-VSHD  10-LD1xx 15-LD1xx 20-LD1xx 25-LD1xx 30-SPL   35-REV
  ___NDS-Lite touchscreen socket (P6)______   ___NDS-Lite white coax (P12)_____
  1:X-  2:Y-  3:X+  4:Y+                      Center:MICIN  Shield:GND

  Pinouts - Power Switches, DC/DC Converters, Reset Generators

Advance Gameboy Power Switch (2-position slider, with two common pins)
GBA SP Power Switch (same as GBA)
  1 via resistor to GND (OFF)
  2 VS (BT+) (ON)
  C VCC (to board)

GBA Micro Power Switch
Same as GBA and GBA SP, but Pin 1 and 2 exchanged.

Advance Gameboy Cartridge Slot Switch (integrated 4pin micro switch)
GBA SP Cartridge Slot Switch (separate 4pin micro switch)
  C1 VDD35  (to S2 when PRESSED, to S1 when RELEASED)
  S1 VDD3   (to C2 when PRESSED, to C1 when RELEASED)
  C2 IN35   (to S1 when PRESSED)
  S2 VDD5   (to C1 when PRESSED)
Pressed=8bit DMG/MGB/CGB cart, Released=32bit GBA cart (or no cart inserted)
GBA: switch integrated in cart socket, GBA-SP: separate switch next to socket.

Advance Gameboy Power Controller (M 121 514X) (U4)
  1-VIN    2-VOUT5  3-CSS5    4-VDRV5  5-GND    6-VDRV3    7-CSS3    8-VOUT3
  9-VCNT5  10-CSCP  11-REGEXT 12-VDD3  13-VDD2  14-/RESET  15-LOWBAT 16-VDD13
/RESET is passed to the CPU, and then forwarded to /RES pin on cart slot.

Advance Gameboy LCD Regulator (AGB-REG IR3E09N) (U3)
  1  2  3    4      5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12  13  14  15  16   17     18
  ?  ?  REVC U3-COM V0  V1  ?   ?   ?   GND  ?   V2  ?   V3  V4  VDD5 U3-VDD ?

GBA SP Power Controller 1 (S6403 AU227 9276) (U4)
  1-VCC    2-SCP1   3-SCP2 4-VDRV3 5-VOUT3/VDD3 6-VDD2  7-VOUT1/VDD1  8-VDRV1
  9-LOWBAT 10-VCNT5 11-LS5 12-?    13-GND       14-?    15-VOUT5/VDD5 16-VDRV5

GBA SP Power Controller 2 (2253B 2808) (U5)
  1-TIN     2-U5C3     3-ADJ  4-U5VDD  5-VIN   6-?    7-U57  8-?
  9-to-C29  10-to-C30  11-?   12-GND   13-VS   14-S-  15-S+  16-U5OUT

GBA Micro - Power Managment Device (U2)
 1 via C43 to GND
 2 via R24 to C34 to R25 back to U2.2
 3 via C35 to GND
 4 via C36 to GND
 6 ? (see BP)
 7   via C48 to GND
 8   via R21 to C46 to C47 to C38 to R23 to phones
 9  VL (to U4)
 10  via R27 to C33 to C44 to C49 to R22 to phones
 11  via C45 to GND
 12 ? (see BP)
 13  via C41 to GND
 14 phones (switch)
 15 phones (tip via R22)
 16 phones (mid via R23)
 17 VCS
 18 SP
 19 GND
 20 LB
 21 via C52 to GND
 22 via C53 to GND
 23 RS         (looks like RESET output)
 24 to R37/C56 (looks like RESET input)
 27 via C54 to V3
 28 V3
 29 GND
 30 V3
 31 VC
 32 to C58
 33 to R41/C58
 34 GND
 36 VC
 37 VC
 39 V5
 40 GND
 41 GND
 45 B+
 46 S-
 47 S+

GBA Micro - Volume/Backlight Level Up/Down Controller (U5)
  1-     5-GND  9-      13-XD      17-     21-     25-    29-
  2-     6-GND  10-     14-to U4.7 18-XR   22-CN   26-    30-
  3-     7-     11-XC   15-        19-V+   23-CNS  27-    31-BP
  4-LN   8-     12-GND  16-        20-V-   24-     28-V3  32-

NDS Powermanagment Device (Mitsumi 3152A) (U3)
  1 R50-EXTB+        17               33 LEDC1           49 VCNT5
  2 R39-ORANGE       18               34 GND             50
  3 GND              19 VQ5           35 LEDC2           51 RST
  4                  20               36                 52
  5 Rxx-Q4           21               37 U10-LEDA2       53
  6 INS+             22 GND           38                 54
  7 INS-             23 VQ5           39 MIC.C53-AIN     55 VQ5
  8                  24               40 MIC.TSC.AUX     56 R24-SR
  9 VDET             25 VDD3.3        41 GND             57
  10 PVDD            26 GND           42 R38-RED         58 R22-SL
  11                 27 CL60-VDD3.3   43 R37-GREEN       59 GND
  12 PWSW            28 VSHD          44 VDD3.3          60 VR3.PIN2
  13                 29               45 PWM.SPI.CLK     61
  14 GND             30 VDD5          46 PWM.SPI.D       62
  15 GND             31 U9-LEDA1      47 PWM.SPI.Q       63
  16 VQ5             32               48 PWM.SPI.SEL     64 GND

NDS-LITE Powermanagment Device (Mitsumi 3205B) (U3)
  1 SW               17               33 LEDC1           49 VCNT5
  2 R50-EXTB+        18               34 GND             50
  3 R39-ORANGE       19 VQ5           35 LEDC2           51 RST
  4 GND              20               36                 52
  5                  21               37 U10-LEDA2       53
  6 R30-Q4           22 GND           38                 54
  7 INS+             23 VQ5           39 MIC.C53-AIN     55 CL63-VQ5
  8 INS-             24               40 MIC.TSC.AUX     56 R24-SR
  9 VDET             25 VDD3.3        41 GND             57 SPRO
  10 PVDD            26 GND           42 R38-RED         58 SPLO
  11                 27 CL60-VDD3.3   43 R37-GREEN       59 R22-SL
  12 PWSW            28 VSHD          44 VDD3.3          60 GND
  13 GND             29               45 PWM.SPI.CLK     61 R79-VR3.PIN2
  14 GND             30 VDD5          46 PWM.SPI.D       62
  15 GND             31 U9-LEDA1      47 PWM.SPI.Q       63
  16 VQ5             32               48 PWM.SPI.SEL     64

NDS-LITE Power Switch
  1 PWSW (grounded when switch is pulled)
  2 GND
  3 GND
  4 NC? (grounded when switch is not pulled)

  Pinouts - Wifi

NDS RFU Daughter Board (Firmware FLASH, Wifi BB/RF Chips)
  1 N/A      6 FMW.CLK    11 ENABLE 16 RX.DTA? 21 BB./CS     26 22MHz   31 GND
  2 GND      7 FMW./SEL   12 GND    17 TX.MAIN 22 RF./CS     27 GND     32 GND
  3 high?    8 FMW.DTA.Q  13 GND    18 GND     23 BB.RF.CLK  28 VDD3.3  33 GND
  4 RXTX.ON  9 FMW.DTA.D  14 TX.ON  19 TX.CLK  24 BB.RF.RD   29 VDD1.8
  5 FMW./WP  10 FMW./RES  15 RX.ON  20 TX.DTA  25 BB.RF.WR   30 GND

NDS-Lite RFU Daughter Board (Firmware FLASH, Wifi BB/RF Chip)
  1 GND      6 GND      11 BB.RF.WR  16 VDD3.3  21 hi?       26 FMW.Q
  2 lo?      7 hi?      12 BB.RF.CLK 17 GND     22 FMW./RES  27 FMW./WP
  3 hi?      8 hi?      13 GND       18 RF./CS  23 GND       28 FMW./CS
  4 hi?      9 GND      14 hi?       19 hi?     24 FMW.CLK   29 hi?
  5 hi?      10 hi?     15 GND       20 BB./CS  25 FMW.D     30 GND

Wifi RF Chip: RF9008, 0441, E0121Q (32 pin)
  1       5       9       13      17         21 RF.CLK  25        29
  2       6       10      14 GND  18         22         26        30
  3       7       11      15      19 RF.RD   23         27        31
  4       8       12      16      20 RF./CS  24         28        32
Pin19 RF.RD (oops, should be WR, maybe I've exchanged RD-WR?)
Pin20 RF./CS (via 10ohm)
Pin21 RF.CLK (via 10ohm)

Wifi BB Chip: Mitsumi, Japan, 4418, MM3155 (48 pins)
  1 GND   7       13 GND     19      25       31         37 TX.MAIN 43
  2       8       14         20      26       32 BB./CS  38 RX.DTA? 44
  3       9       15 BB.CLK  21      27       33 TX.DTA  39 RX.ON   45 GND
  4       10      16 BB.WR   22      28 RST   34 RXTX.ON 40 TX.ON   46
  5       11      17 BB.RD   23      29       35 TX.CLK  41         47
  6       12      18 22MHz   24      30       36         42         48
Pin15 BB.CLK (via 10ohm to RFU.23)
Pin16 BB.WR (RFU.25)
Pin17 BB.RD (RFU.24)
Pin18 22MHz (via 50ohm)
Pin28 RST (same as FMW./RES)
Pin32 BB./CS (RFU.21)

NDS-LITE BB/RF-Chip Mitsumi MM3218 (56 pins)
  1-    8-GND   15-    22-GND 29-    36-    43-    50-
  2-GND 9-      16-    23-    30-    37-    44-    51-
  3-    10-GND  17-    24-    31-    38-    45-    52-
  4-    11-GND  18-    25-    32-    39-GND 46-    53-
  5-    12-GND  19-    26-    33-    40-    47-    54-
  6-    13-     20-    27-    34-    41-    48-    55-
  7-    14-     21-    28-    35-    42-    49-GND 56-
Note: Pinout should be same as in DSi (see DSi pinout for details).

TX Signal/Timing Chart (Host Game)
  RX.DTA?  __________________________________________________________
  RXTX.ON  __-----------------------_________________________________
  RX.ON    __---_______-------------_________________________________
  TX.ON    _____-------______________________________________________
  TX.MAIN  ________----______________________________________________
  TX.CLK   _____#__####______________________________________________
  TX.DTA   _____#__####______________________________________________
This example shows a host sending beacons. The pre-beacon receive period is probably to sense conflicts with other transmitters. The post-beacon receive period is to get responses from other players. The two transmit parts are: The hardware header, followed by inactivity on the tx pins during the rest of the preamble period, then followed by the actual IEEE frame. The rest of the time is spent in idle mode to reduce power consumption.

RX Signal/Timing Chart (Join Game)
  RX.DTA?  __________________________________________________________
  RXTX.ON  -----------------------------------------------______-----
  RX.ON    -----------------------------------------------_________--
  TX.ON    __________________________________________________________
  TX.MAIN  __________________________________________________________
  TX.CLK   __________________________________________________________
  TX.DTA   _______________________________________________---________
This example shows a client trying to receive beacons, so most of the time is spent in receive mode (the short idle periods are probably occuring when it is switching to another channel). Once when it has associated with a host, the client may spend more time in idle mode, and needs to be in receive mode only when expecting to receive beacons or other data.

  Pinouts - Various

Advance Gameboy 256Kbytes RAM 128Kx16bit (NEC D442012LGY-B85x-MJH) (wide)
GBA SP 256Kbytes RAM 128Kx16bit (F 82D12160-10FN) (square)
  1 A15   7 A9    13 IC    19 A6   25 A0   31 D2   37 VCC  43 D15
  2 A14   8 A8    14 /UB   20 A5   26 /CE1 32 D10  38 D5   44 D8
  3 A13   9 NC    15 /LB   21 A4   27 GND  33 D3   39 D13  45 D16
  4 A12   10 NC   16 NC    22 A3   28 /OE  34 D11  40 D6   46 GND
  5 A11   11 /WE  17 NC    23 A2   29 D1   35 D4   41 D14  47 NC
  6 A10   12 CE2  18 A7    24 A1   30 D9   36 D12  42 D7   48 A16
Connection in GBA and GBA SP: IC-GND, /CE1-GND, CE2-VDD2, VCC-VDD2, Pin16-VDD2, the other NC pins seem to be actually not connected, all other pins connect to the corresponding Wxx CPU pins. Note: Both GBA and GBA SP have soldering points for wide (12x18mm) and square (12x14mm) RAMs, so either could be used.
The GBA additionally contains 32K built-in WRAM, and built-in VRAM, so the above 256K RAM chip is probably not used in 8bit classic/color gameboy mode.
Note: In the GBA Micro, the 256K RAM are contained on-chip in the CPU.

Advance Gameboy Schematic Fragments
P2-VSS = VDD-15
VIN = VCC3 via R33
REGEXT (on my modified board, REGEXT underneath of my diodes)
/RES (OUT) (via R40)
/CS (via R39)
/WR (via R38)
SC (via Rxx)
SD (via Rxx)
SI (via Rxx)
SO (via Rxx)
DCK (via R36)
A-GND via CP4 (100uF) to GND (used speaker, and on headphone socket)

GBA SP Schematic Fragments
/RES via R46
/CS via R45
/WR via R44
DCK via R20
In my repaired GBA-SP: CK1 test-point is disconnected (instead GND'ed).
In my repaired GBA-SP: broken oscillator replaced
In my repaired GBA-SP: broken r1 1mOhm replaced (near oscillator)
In my repaired GBA-SP: broken EXT2 socket metal-spring/snapper removed
CL1 FIQ (near SW4)
CL2 ?
CL3 ?
CL4 VOUT1/VDD1 (near U4)
CL5 VOUT3/VDD3 (near U4)
CL6 VOUT5/VDD5 (near U4)
DL1-red (power low) ---R32--Q4--R6--
DL2-green (power good) ---Q6--LOWBAT/R34-VDD3
DL3-orange (charge) --R24--Q2--VIN/U57
S+ and S- are (almost) shortcut by R23 (1.0 ohm)
S+ via Q1 to VIN
VS via D1 to S-
A-GND via CP1 (100uF) to GND
U4 pin 12 to r6 (towards red led)
U4 pin 14 to D6---to U7
SC (CPU pin48) with R7 100K ohm pullup to VDD35
P35 via Q11 to SW (speaker disable)

GBA SP Backlight-Button Schematic (U6,U8,Q12)
        ______                _____
  GND--|1 U8 6|-- U85        |     |--VDD5
  U82--|2    5|-- U85    U61-| Q12 |         U83  ------> to display
  U83--|3____4|-- U82        |_____|--Q12B   Q12B <------ from button
  U61--|1 U6 8|--VDD5    (X)---R51--VDD5    (X)---C70--GND
  U62--|2    7|--VDD5    U62---R49--VDD5    U61---R40--GND
  U62--|3    6|--(X)     Q12B--R39--VDD5    U82---R38--GND
  GND--|4____5|--NC?     Q12B--C69--VDD5    U85---R50--U62

  AUX Xboo PC-to-GBA Multiboot Cable

Below describes how to connect a PC parallel port to the GBA link port, allowing to upload small programs (max 256 KBytes) from no$gba's Utility menu into real GBAs.

This is possible because the GBA BIOS includes a built-in function for downloading & executing program code even when no cartridge is inserted. The program is loaded to 2000000h and up in GBA memory, and must contain cartridge header information just as for normal ROM cartridges (nintendo logo, checksum, etc., plus some additional multiboot info).

Basic Cable Connection
The general connection is very simple (only needs four wires), the only problem is that you need a special GBA plug or otherwise need to solder wires directly to the GBA mainboard (see Examples below).
  GBA  Name  Color                 SUBD CNTR Name
  2    SO    Red     ------------- 10   10   /ACK
  3    SI    Orange  ------------- 14   14   /AUTOLF
  5    SC    Green   ------------- 1    1    /STROBE
  6    GND   Blue    ------------- 19   19   GND
Optionally, also connect the following signals (see notes below):
  4    SD    Brown   ------------- 17   36   /SELECT  (double speed burst)
  3    SI    Orange  ----[===]---- 2..9 2..9 D0..7    (pull-up, 560 Ohm)
  5    SC    Green   ----[===]---- 2..9 2..9 D0..7    (pull-up, 560 Ohm)
  4    SD    Brown   ----[===]---- 2..9 2..9 D0..7    (pull-up, 560 Ohm)
  START  (mainboard) -----|>|----- 16   31   /INIT    (auto-reset, 1N4148)
  SELECT (mainboard) -----|>|----- 16   31   /INIT    (auto-reset, 1N4148)
  RESET  (mainboard) -----||------ 16   31   /INIT    (auto-reset, 300nF)
Notes: The GBA Pins are arranged from left to right as 2,4,6 in upper row, and 1,3,5 in lower row; outside view of GBA socket; flat side of socket upside. The above "Colors" are as used in most or all standard Nintendo link cables, note that Red/Orange will be exchanged at one end in cables with crossed SO/SI lines. At the PC side, use the SUBD pin numbers when connecting to a 25-pin SUBD plug, or CNTR pin numbers for 36-pin Centronics plug.

Optional SD Connection (Double Speed Burst)
The SD line is used for Double Speed Burst transfers only, in case that you are using a gameboy link plug for the connection, and if that plug does not have a SD-pin (such like from older 8bit gameboy cables), then you may leave out this connection. Burst Boot will then only work half as fast though.

Optional Pull-Ups (Improves Low-to-High Transition Speed)
If your parallel port works only with medium or slow delay settings, try to connect 560 Ohm resistors to SI/SC/SD inputs each, and the other resistor pin to any or all of the parallel port data lines (no$gba outputs high to pins 2..9).

Optional Reset Connection (CAUTION: Connection changed September 2004)
The Reset connection allows to automatically reset & upload data even if a program in the GBA has locked up (or if you've loaded a program that does not support nocash burst boot), without having to reset the GBA manually by switching it off and on (and without having to press Start+Select if a cartridge is inserted).
The two diodes should be 1N4148 or similar, the capacitor should be 300nF (eg. three 100nF capacitors in parallel). The signals are labeled on the mainboard, and can be found at following names / CPU pin numbers: RESET/CPU.125, SELECT/TP2/CPU.126, START/TP3/CPU.127.

Optional Power Supply Connection
Also, you may want to connect the power supply to parallel port data lines, see chapter Power Supply for details.

Transmission Speed
The first transfer will be very slow, and the GBA BIOS will display the boot logo for at least 4 seconds, even if the transfer has completed in less time. Once when you have uploaded a program with burst boot backdoor, further transfers will be ways faster. The table below shows transfer times for 0KByte - 256KByte files:
  Boot Mode_____Delay 0_______Delay 1_______Delay 2_____
  Double Burst  0.1s - 1.8s   0.1s - 3.7s   0.1s - 5.3s
  Single Burst  0.1s - 3.6s   0.1s - 7.1s   0.1s - 10.6s
  Normal Bios   4.0s - 9.0s   4.0s - 12.7s  4.0s - 16.3s
All timings measured on a 66MHz computer, best possible transmission speed should be 150KBytes/second. Timings might slightly vary depending on the CPU speed and/or operating system. Synchronization is done by I/O waitstates, that should work even on faster computers. Non-zero delays are eventually required for cables without pull-ups.

Beside for the cable and plugs, no special requirements.
The cable should work with all parallel ports, including old-fashioned one-directional printer ports, as well as modern bi-directional EPP ports. Transfer timings should work stable regardless of the PCs CPU speed (see above though), and regardless of multitasking interruptions.
Both no$gba and the actual transmission procedure are using some 32bit code, so that either one currently requires 80386SX CPUs or above.

Connection Examples
As far as I can imagine, there are four possible methods how to connect the cable to the GBA. The first two methods don't require to open the GBA, and the other methods also allow to connect optional power supply and reset signal.
  1) Connect it to the GBA link port. Advantage: No need to
     open/modify the GBA. Disadvantage: You need a special plug,
     (typically gained by removing it from a gameboy link cable).
  2) Solder the cable directly to the GBA link port pins. Advantages:
     No plug required & no need to open the GBA. Disadvantages:
     You can't remove the cable, and the link port becomes unusable.
  3) Solder the cable directly to the GBA mainboard. Advantage: No
     plug required at the GBA side. Disadvantage: You'll always
     have a cable leaping out of the GBA even when not using it,
     unless you put a small standard plug between GBA and cable.
  4) Install a Centronics socket in the GBA (between power switch
     and headphone socket). Advantage: You can use a standard
     printer cable. Disadvantages: You need to cut a big hole into
     the GBAs battery box (which cannot be used anymore), the big
     cable might be a bit uncomfortable when holding the GBA.
Personally, I've decided to use the lastmost method as I don't like ending up with hundreds of special cables for different purposes, and asides, it's been fun to damage the GAB as much as possible.

The above used PC parallel port signals are typically using 5V=HIGH while GBA link ports deal with 3V=HIGH. From my experiences, the different voltages do not cause communication problems (and do not damage the GBA and/or PC hardware), and after all real men don't care about a handful of volts, however, use at own risk.

  AUX Xboo Flashcard Upload

Flashcard Upload
Allows to write data to flashcards which are plugged into GBA cartridge slot, cartridge is automatically started after writing. On initial power-up, hold down START+SELECT to prevent the GBA from booting the old program in the flashcard.
The Upload function in Utility menu uses flashcard mode for files bigger than 256KB (otherwise uses multiboot mode automatically). Also, there's a separate Upload to Flashcard function in Remote Access submenu, allowing to write files of 256KB or less to flashcard if that should be desired.

Supported Flashcards
Function currently tested with Visoly Flash Advance (FA) 256Mbit (32MB) Turbo cartridge. Should also work with older FA versions. Please let me know if you are using other flashcards which aren't yet supported.

Flashcard Performance
Writing to flashcards may become potentially slow because of chip erase/write times, cable transmission time, and the sheer size of larger ROM-images. However, developers whom are testing different builts of their project usually won't need to rewrite the complete flashcard, Xboo uses a highspeed checksum mechanism (16MB/sec) to determine which flashcard sector(s) have changed, and does then re-write only these sector(s).
To eliminate transmission time, data transfer takes place in the erase phases. Erase/write time depends on the flashcard type, should be circa 1-2 seconds per 256KB sector. Because the cartridge is programmed directly in the GBA there's no need to remove it from the GBA when writing to it.

Developers Advice
Locate your program fragments at fixed addresses, for example, code and data blocks each aligned to 64K memory boundaries, so that data remains at the same location even when the size of code changes. Fill any blank spaces by value FFh for faster write time. Reduce the size of your ROM-image by efficient memory use (except for above alignment trick). Include the burst boot backdoor in your program, allowing to re-write the flashcard directly without resetting the GBA.

Lamers Advice
Xboo Flashcard support does not mean to get lame & to drop normal multiboot support, if your program fits into 256KB then make it <both> flashcard <and> multiboot compatible - multiboot reduces upload time, increases your flashcard lifetime, and will also work for people whom don't own flashcards.

  AUX Xboo Burst Boot Backdoor

When writing Xboo compatible programs, always include a burst boot "backdoor", this will allow yourself (and other people) to upload programs much faster as when using the normal GBA BIOS multiboot function. Aside from the improved transmission speed, there's no need to reset the GBA each time (eventually manually if you do not have reset connect), without having to press Start+Select (if cartridge inserted), and, most important, the time-consuming nintendo-logo intro is bypassed.

The Burst Boot Protocol
In your programs IRQ handler, add some code that watches out for burst boot IRQ requests. When sensing a burst boot request, download the actual boot procedure, and pass control to that procedure.
  Send (PC)    Reply (GBA)
  "BRST"       "BOOT"        ;request burst, and reply <prepared> for boot
  <wait 1/16s> <process IRQ> ;long delay, allow slave to enter IRQ handler
  llllllll     "OKAY"        ;send length in bytes, reply <ready> to boot
  dddddddd     --------      ;send data in 32bit units, reply don't care
  cccccccc     cccccccc      ;exchange crc (all data units added together)
Use normal mode, 32bit, external clock for all transfers. The received highspeed loader (currently approx. 180h bytes) is to be loaded to and started at 3000000h, which will then handle the actual download operation.

Below is an example program which works with multiboot, burstboot, and as normal rom/flashcard. The source can be assembled with a22i (the no$gba built-in assembler, see no$gba utility menu). When using other/mainstream assemblers, you'll eventually have to change some directives, convert numbers from NNNh into 0xNNN format, and define the origin somewhere in linker/makefile instead of in source code.

 .arm            ;select 32bit ARM instruction set
 .gba            ;indicate that it's a gameboy advance program
 .fix            ;automatically fix the cartridge header checksum
 org 2000000h    ;origin in RAM for multiboot-cable/no$gba-cutdown programs
 ;cartridge header/multiboot header
  b     rom_start                ;-rom entry point
  dcb   ...insert logo here...   ;-nintento logo (156 bytes)
  dcb   'XBOO SAMPLE '           ;-title (12 bytes)
  dcb   0,0,0,0,  0,0            ;-game code (4 bytes), maker code (2 bytes)
  dcb   96h,0,0                  ;-fixed value 96h, main unit code, device type
  dcb   0,0,0,0,0,0,0            ;-reserved (7 bytes)
  dcb   0                        ;-software version number
  dcb   0                        ;-header checksum (set by .fix)
  dcb   0,0                      ;-reserved (2 bytes)
  b     ram_start                ;-multiboot ram entry point
  dcb   0,0                      ;-multiboot reserved bytes (destroyed by BIOS)
  dcb   0,0                      ;-blank padded (32bit alignment)
 irq_handler:  ;interrupt handler (note: r0-r3 are pushed by BIOS)
  mov    r1,4000000h             ;\get I/O base address,
  ldr    r0,[r1,200h] ;IE/IF     ; read IE and IF,
  and    r0,r0,r0,lsr 16         ; isolate occurred AND enabled irqs,
  add    r3,r1,200h   ;IF        ; and acknowledge these in IF
  strh   r0,[r3,2]               ;/
  ldrh   r3,[r1,-8]              ;\mix up with BIOS irq flags at 3007FF8h,
  orr    r3,r3,r0                ; aka mirrored at 3FFFFF8h, this is required
  strh   r3,[r1,-8]              ;/when using the (VBlank-)IntrWait functions
  and    r3,r0,80h ;IE/IF.7 SIO  ;\
  cmp    r3,80h                  ; check if it's a burst boot interrupt
  ldreq  r2,[r1,120h] ;SIODATA32 ; (if interrupt caused by serial transfer,
  ldreq  r3,[msg_brst]           ; and if received data is "BRST",
  cmpeq  r2,r3                   ; then jump to burst boot)
  beq    burst_boot              ;/
  ;... insert your own interrupt handler code here ...
  bx     lr                      ;-return to the BIOS interrupt handler
 burst_boot:     ;requires incoming r1=4000000h
  ;... if your program uses DMA, disable any active DMA transfers here ...
  ldr   r4,[msg_okay]            ;\
  bl    sio_transfer             ; receive transfer length/bytes & reply "OKAY"
  mov   r2,r0 ;len               ;/
  mov   r3,3000000h   ;dst       ;\
  mov   r4,0  ;crc               ;
 @@lop:                          ;
  bl    sio_transfer             ; download burst loader to 3000000h and up
  stmia [r3]!,r0      ;dst       ;
  add   r4,r4,r0      ;crc       ;
  subs  r2,r2,4       ;len       ;
  bhi   @@lop                    ;/
  bl    sio_transfer             ;-send crc value to master
  b     3000000h  ;ARM state!    ;-launch actual transfer / start the loader
 sio_transfer:  ;serial transfer subroutine, 32bit normal mode, external clock
  str   r4,[r1,120h]  ;siodata32 ;-set reply/send data
  ldr   r0,[r1,128h]  ;siocnt    ;\
  orr   r0,r0,80h                ; activate slave transfer
  str   r0,[r1,128h]  ;siocnt    ;/
 @@wait:                         ;\
  ldr   r0,[r1,128h]  ;siocnt    ; wait until transfer completed
  tst   r0,80h                   ;
  bne   @@wait                   ;/
  ldr   r0,[r1,120h]  ;siodata32 ;-get received data
  bx    lr
 msg_boot dcb 'BOOT'     ;\
 msg_okay dcb "OKAY"     ; ID codes for the burstboot protocol
 msg_brst dcb "BRST"     ;/
  mov  r0,8000000h  ;src/rom     ;\
  mov  r1,2000000h  ;dst/ram     ;
  mov  r2,40000h/16 ;length      ; transfer the ROM content
 @@lop:                          ; into RAM (done in units of 4 words/16 bytes)
  ldmia [r0]!,r4,r5,r6,r7        ; currently fills whole 256K of RAM,
  stmia [r1]!,r4,r5,r6,r7        ; even though the proggy is smaller
  subs  r2,r2,1                  ;
  bne   @@lop                    ;/
  sub   r15,lr,8000000h-2000000h ;-return (retadr rom/8000XXXh -> ram/2000XXXh)
  mov  r4,4000000h               ;-base address for below I/O registers
  ldr  r0,=irq_handler           ;\install IRQ handler address
  str  r0,[r4,-4]   ;IRQ HANDLER ;/at 3FFFFFC aka 3007FFC
  mov  r0,0008h                  ;\enable generating vblank irqs
  strh r0,[r4,4h]   ;DISPSTAT    ;/
  mrs  r0,cpsr                   ;\
  bic  r0,r0,80h                 ; cpu interrupt enable (clear i-flag)
  msr  cpsr,r0                   ;/
  mov  r0,0                      ;\
  str  r0,[r4,134h] ;RCNT        ; init SIO normal mode, external clock,
  ldr  r0,=5080h                 ; 32bit, IRQ enable, transfer started
  str  r0,[r4,128h] ;SIOCNT      ; output "BOOT" (indicate burst boot prepared)
  ldr  r0,[msg_boot]             ;
  str  r0,[r4,120h] ;SIODATA32   ;/
  mov  r0,1                      ;\interrupt master enable
  str  r0,[r4,208h] ;IME=1       ;/
  mov  r0,81h                    ;\enable execution of vblank IRQs,
  str  r0,[r4,200h] ;IE=81h      ;/and of SIO IRQs (burst boot)
  bx   lr
 rom_start:   ;entry point when booted from flashcart/rom
  bl   download_rom_to_ram       ;-download ROM to RAM (returns to ram_start)
 ram_start:   ;entry point for multiboot/burstboot
  mov  r0,0feh                   ;\reset all registers, and clear all memory
  swi  10000h ;RegisterRamReset  ;/(except program code in wram at 2000000h)
  bl   init_interrupts           ;-install burst boot irq handler
  mov  r4,4000000h               ;\enable video,
  strh r4,[r4,000h] ;DISPCNT     ;/by clearing the forced blank bit
  swi  50000h ;VBlankIntrWait    ;-wait one frame (cpu in low power mode)
  mov  r5,5000000h               ;\increment the backdrop palette color
  str  r8,[r5]                   ; (ie. display a blinking screen)
  add  r8,r8,1                   ;/
  b    @@mainloop

  About this Document

GBATEK written 2001-2014 by Martin Korth, programming specs for the GBA and NDS hardware, I've been trying to keep the specs both as short as possible, and as complete as possible. The document is part of the no$gba debuggers built-in help text.

The standalone docs in TXT and HTM format are updated when having added any major changes to the document. The no$gba built-in version will be updated more regularly, including for minor changes, along with all no$gba updates.

Homepage - no$gba emulator homepage (freeware) - no$gba debugger homepage - no$gba debugger screenshots
- gbatek html version - gbatek text version

If you find any information in this document to be misleading, incomplete, or incorrect, please say something! My spam-shielded email address is found at: - contact
Mail from programmers only, please. No gaming questions, thanks.

Thanks for GBATEK fixes, and for info about GBA and NDS hardware,
- Jasper Vijn
- Remi Veilleux (DS video details)
- Randy Linden
- Sebastian Rasmussen
- Stephen Stair (DS Wifi)
- Cue (DS Firmware bits and bytes)
- Tim Seidel (DS Wifi RF2958 datasheet)
- Damien Good (DS Bios Dumping, and lots of e-Reader info)
- Kenobi and Dualscreenman (lots of ARDS/CBDS cheat info)
- Flubba (GBA X/Y-Axis tilt sensor, and GBA Gameboy Player info)
- DarkFader (DS Key2)
- Dstek by neimod (DS Sound)
- Christian Auby
- Jeff Frohwein
- NDSTech Wiki, (lots of DS info)

TXT is 80 columns, TXT is 80 columns, TXT is 80 columns.
Don't trust anything else. Never.


GBA Reference
GBA Technical Data
GBA Memory Map
GBA LCD Video Controller
LCD I/O Display Control
LCD I/O Interrupts and Status
LCD I/O BG Control
LCD I/O BG Scrolling
LCD I/O BG Rotation/Scaling
LCD I/O Window Feature
LCD I/O Mosaic Function
LCD I/O Color Special Effects
LCD VRAM Overview
LCD VRAM Character Data
LCD VRAM BG Screen Data Format (BG Map)
LCD VRAM Bitmap BG Modes
LCD OBJ - Overview
LCD OBJ - OAM Attributes
LCD OBJ - OAM Rotation/Scaling Parameters
LCD OBJ - VRAM Character (Tile) Mapping
LCD Color Palettes
LCD Dimensions and Timings
GBA Sound Controller
GBA Sound Channel 1 - Tone & Sweep
GBA Sound Channel 2 - Tone
GBA Sound Channel 3 - Wave Output
GBA Sound Channel 4 - Noise
GBA Sound Channel A and B - DMA Sound
GBA Sound Control Registers
GBA Comparison of CGB and GBA Sound
GBA Timers
GBA DMA Transfers
GBA Communication Ports
SIO Normal Mode
SIO Multi-Player Mode
SIO General-Purpose Mode
SIO Control Registers Summary
GBA Wireless Adapter
GBA Wireless Adapter Games
GBA Wireless Adapter Login
GBA Wireless Adapter Commands
GBA Wireless Adapter Component Lists
GBA Infrared Communication
GBA Keypad Input
GBA Interrupt Control
GBA System Control
GBA GamePak Prefetch
GBA Cartridges
GBA Cartridge Header
GBA Cartridge ROM
GBA Cart Backup IDs
GBA Cart Backup EEPROM
GBA Cart Backup Flash ROM
GBA Cart Backup DACS
GBA Cart I/O Port (GPIO)
GBA Cart Real-Time Clock (RTC)
GBA Cart Solar Sensor
GBA Cart Tilt Sensor
GBA Cart Gyro Sensor
GBA Cart Rumble
GBA Cart e-Reader
GBA Cart e-Reader Overview
GBA Cart e-Reader I/O Ports
GBA Cart e-Reader Dotcode Format
GBA Cart e-Reader Data Format
GBA Cart e-Reader Program Code
GBA Cart e-Reader API Functions
GBA Cart e-Reader VPK Decompression
GBA Cart e-Reader Error Correction
GBA Cart e-Reader File Formats
GBA Cart Unknown Devices
GBA Cart Protections
GBA Flashcards
GBA Cheat Devices
GBA Cheat Codes - General Info
GBA Cheat Codes - Codebreaker/Xploder
GBA Cheat Codes - Gameshark/Action Replay V1/V2
GBA Cheat Codes - Pro Action Replay V3
GBA Gameboy Player
GBA Unpredictable Things
NDS Reference
DS Technical Data
DS I/O Maps
DS Memory Maps
DS Memory Control
DS Memory Control - Cache and TCM
DS Memory Control - Cartridges and Main RAM
DS Memory Control - WRAM
DS Memory Control - VRAM
DS Memory Control - BIOS
DS Memory Timings
DS Video
DS Video Stuff
DS Video BG Modes / Control
DS Video OBJs
DS Video Extended Palettes
DS Video Capture and Main Memory Display Mode
DS Video Display System Block Diagram
DS 3D Video
DS 3D Overview
DS 3D I/O Map
DS 3D Display Control
DS 3D Geometry Commands
DS 3D Matrix Load/Multiply
DS 3D Matrix Types
DS 3D Matrix Stack
DS 3D Matrix Examples (Projection)
DS 3D Matrix Examples (Rotate/Scale/Translate)
DS 3D Matrix Examples (Maths Basics)
DS 3D Polygon Attributes
DS 3D Polygon Definitions by Vertices
DS 3D Polygon Light Parameters
DS 3D Shadow Polygons
DS 3D Texture Attributes
DS 3D Texture Formats
DS 3D Texture Coordinates
DS 3D Texture Blending
DS 3D Toon, Edge, Fog, Alpha-Blending, Anti-Aliasing
DS 3D Status
DS 3D Tests
DS 3D Rear-Plane
DS 3D Final 2D Output
DS Sound
DS Sound Channels 0..15
DS Sound Control Registers
DS Sound Capture
DS Sound Block Diagrams
DS Sound Notes
DS System and Built-in Peripherals
DS DMA Transfers
DS Timers
DS Interrupts
DS Maths
DS Inter Process Communication (IPC)
DS Keypad
DS Absent Link Port
DS Real-Time Clock (RTC)
DS Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)
DS Touch Screen Controller (TSC)
DS Power Management
DS Main Memory Control
DS Backwards-compatible GBA-Mode
DS Debug Registers (Emulator/Devkits)
DS Cartridges, Encryption, Firmware
DS Cartridge Header
DS Cartridge Secure Area
DS Cartridge Icon/Title
DS Cartridge Protocol
DS Cartridge Backup
DS Cartridge I/O Ports
DS Cartridge NitroROM and NitroARC File Systems
DS Cartridge PassMe/PassThrough
DS Cartridge GBA Slot
DS Cart Rumble Pak
DS Cart Slider with Rumble
DS Cart Expansion RAM
DS Cart Unknown Extras
DS Cart Cheat Action Replay DS
DS Cart Cheat Codebreaker DS
DS Encryption by Gamecode/Idcode (KEY1)
DS Encryption by Random Seed (KEY2)
DS Firmware Serial Flash Memory
DS Firmware Header
DS Firmware Wifi Calibration Data
DS Firmware Wifi Internet Access Points
DS Firmware User Settings
DS Firmware Extended Settings
DS Wireless Communications
DS Wifi I/O Map
DS Wifi Control
DS Wifi Interrupts
DS Wifi Power-Down Registers
DS Wifi Receive Control
DS Wifi Receive Buffer
DS Wifi Receive Statistics
DS Wifi Transmit Control
DS Wifi Transmit Buffers
DS Wifi Transmit Errors
DS Wifi Status
DS Wifi Timers
DS Wifi Multiplay Master
DS Wifi Multiplay Slave
DS Wifi Configuration Ports
DS Wifi Baseband Chip (BB)
DS Wifi RF Chip
DS Wifi RF9008 Registers
DS Wifi Unknown Registers
DS Wifi Unused Registers
DS Wifi Initialization
DS Wifi Flowcharts
DS Wifi Hardware Headers
DS Wifi Multiboot
DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Frames
DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Managment Frames (Type=0)
DS Wifi IEEE802.11 Control and Data Frames (Type=1 and 2)
DS Xboo
DSi Reference
DSi Basic Differences to NDS
DSi I/O Map
DSi Control Registers (SCFG)
DSi XpertTeak (DSP)
DSi Teak Misc
DSi Teak I/O Ports (on ARM9 Side)
DSi Teak I/O Map (on Teak side)
DSi Teak I/O Ports (on Teak Side)
DSi Teak CPU Registers
DSi Teak CPU Control/Status Registers
DSi TeakLite II Instruction Set Encoding
DSi TeakLite II Operand Encoding
DSi New Shared WRAM (for ARM7, ARM9, DSP)
DSi SoundExt
DSi Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
DSi AES I/O Ports
DSi AES Little-Endian High Level Functions
DSi AES Little-Endian Core Function and Key Schedule
DSi AES Little-Endian Tables and Test Values
DSi AES Big-Endian High Level Functions
DSi AES Big-Endian Core Function and Key Schedule
DSi AES Big-Endian Tables and Test Values
DSi ES Block Encryption
DSi Cartridge Header
DSi Touchscreen/Sound Controller
DSi Touchscreen Access
DSi TSC, Register Summary
DSi TSC[0:00h..1Ah], Basic PLL and Timing Control
DSi TSC[0:1Bh..23h], Codec Control
DSi TSC[0:24h..32h], Status and Interrupt Flags
DSi TSC[0:33h..3Bh], Pin Control
DSi TSC[0:3Ch..55h], DAC/ADC and Beep
DSi TSC[0:56h..7Fh], AGC and ADC
DSi TSC[1:xxh], DAC and ADC Routing, PGA, Power-Controls and MISC Logic
DSi TSC[3:xxh], Touchscreen/SAR Control and TSC[FCh:xxh], Buffer
DSi TSC[04h..05h:xxh], ADC Digital Filter Coefficient RAM
DSi TSC[08h..0Fh:xxh], DAC Digital Filter Coefficient RAM
DSi TSC[20h..2Bh:xxh], TSC[40h..5Fh:xxh] ADC/DAC Instruction RAM
DSi I2C Bus
DSi I2C I/O Ports
DSi I2C Signals
DSi I2C Device 4Ah (BPTWL chip)
DSi Aptina Camera Initialization
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SYSCTL (0000h-0051h)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: RX_SS, FUSE, XDMA (0100h-099Fh)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: CORE (3000h-31FFh, 38xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SOC1 (3210h-33FDh)
DSi Aptina Camera Registers: SOC2 (3400h-3729h)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: RAM/SFR/MON (GPIO/Monitor) (MCU:0000h-20xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: SEQ (Sequencer) (MCU:21xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: AE (Auto Exposure) (MCU:22xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: AWB (Auto White Balance) (MCU:23xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: FD (Anti-Flicker) (MCU:24xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: MODE (Mode/Context) (MCU:27xxh)
DSi Aptina Camera Variables: HG (Histogram) (MCU:2Bxxh)
DSi Alternate Cameras from Unknown Manufacturer
DSi Cameras
DSi SD/MMC Protocol and I/O Ports
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Command/Param/Response/Data
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Interrupt/Status
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Control Registers
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Unknown/Unused Registers
DSi SD/MMC I/O Ports: Misc
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Command/Response/Register Summary
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: General Commands
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Block Read/Write Commands
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Special Extra Commands
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSR Register (32bit Card Status Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: SSR Register (512bit SD Status Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: OCR Register (32bit Operation Conditions Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CID Register (128bit Card Identification)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSD Register (128bit Card-Specific Data)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: CSD Register (128bit Card-Specific Data) Version 2.0
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: EXT_CSD Register (4096bit Extended CSD Register) (MMC)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: RCA Register (16bit Relative Card Address)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: DSR Register (16bit Driver Stage Register) (Optional)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: SCR Register (64bit SD Card Configuration Register)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: PWD Register (128bit Password plus 8bit Password len)
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: State
DSi SD/MMC Protocol: Signals
DSi SDIO Special SDIO Commands
DSi SDIO Memory and I/O Maps
DSi SDIO Common Control Registers (CCCR)
DSi SDIO Function Basic Registers (FBR)
DSi SDIO Card Information Structures (CIS)
DSi SD/MMC Filesystem
DSi SD/MMC Partition Table (aka Master Boot Record aka MBR)
DSi SD/MMC Filesystem (FAT)
DSi SD/MMC Internal NAND Layout
DSi SD/MMC Bootloader
DSi SD/MMC Device List
DSi SD/MMC Complete List of SD/MMC Files/Folders
DSi SD/MMC Summary of SD/MMC Files/Folders
DSi SD/MMC Images
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on Internal eMMC Storage
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files on External SD Card (.bin aka Tad Files)
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Files from Nintendo's Server
DSi SD/MMC DSiware Tickets and Title metadata
DSi SD/MMC Firmware and cert.sys Certificate Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Font File
DS Cartridge Nitro Font Resource Format
LZ Decompression Functions
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Log Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Misc Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Wifi Firmware
DSi SD/MMC Firmware System Settings Data Files
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Version Data File
DSi SD/MMC Firmware Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist File
DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - Overview
DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - JPEG's
DSi SD/MMC Camera Files - pit.bin
DSi SD/MMC Flipnote Files
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Interface
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Function 0 Register Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi SDIO Function 1 Register Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi - SDIO Function 1 I/O - mbox_wlan_host_reg
DSi Atheros Wifi Misc
DSi Atheros Wifi - Command Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi - Response Summary
DSi Atheros Wifi - Host Interest Area in RAM
DSi Atheros Wifi - BMI Bootloader Commands
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Misc Commands
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Misc Events
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Connect Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Channel and Cipher Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Scan Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Bit Rate Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Threshold Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Error, Retry and Debug Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Priority Stream Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Roam Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Power Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Statistics Function
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (older AR6002)
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI Wake on Wireless (WOW) Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - WMI General Purpose I/O (GPIO) Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Misc Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (newer AR6002)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Bluetooth Coexistence (AR6003)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI DataSet Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI AP Mode Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI DFS Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI P2P Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI WAC Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI RF Kill and Store/Recall Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI THIN Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi - Unimplemented WMI Pyxis Functions
DSi Atheros Wifi I2C EEPROM
DSi Atheros Wifi Internal Hardware
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Registers
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Core Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional General Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional Exception/Cache/MMU Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional Floating-Point Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Optional MAC16 Opcodes
DSi Atheros Wifi - Xtensa CPU Opcode Encoding Tables
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal Memory Map
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw2.0)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw4.0)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O Map Summary (hw6.0)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - Unknown and Unused Registers (hw2)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 004000h - RTC/Clock SOC (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - RTC/Clock WLAN (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 0xx240h - RTC/Clock SYNC (hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 006000h - WLAN Coex (MCI) (hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - Bluetooth Coex (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00x000h - Memory Control (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00C000h - Serial UART (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 00E000h - UMBOX Registers (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 010000h - Serial I2C/SPI (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 014000h - GPIO 18/26/57 pin (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 018000h - MBOX Registers (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 01C000h - Analog Intf (hw2)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 01C000h - Analog Intf (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020000h - WMAC DMA (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020080h - WMAC IRQ Interrupt (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 020800h - WMAC QCU Queue (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 021000h - WMAC DCU (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 028000h - WMAC PCU (hw2/hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 029800h - BB Baseband (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 0xxx00h - RDMA Registers (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 03x000h - EFUSE Registers (hw4/hw6)
DSi Atheros Wifi - Internal I/O - 034000h - More Stuff (hw6)
DSi GPIO Registers
DSi Console IDs
DSi Unknown Registers
DSi Notes
DSi Exploits
DSi Regions
ARM CPU Reference
ARM CPU Overview
ARM CPU Register Set
ARM CPU Flags & Condition Field (cond)
ARM CPU 26bit Memory Interface
ARM CPU Exceptions
ARM CPU Memory Alignments
ARM Instruction Summary
ARM Opcodes: Branch and Branch with Link (B, BL, BX, BLX, SWI, BKPT)
ARM Opcodes: Data Processing (ALU)
ARM Opcodes: Multiply and Multiply-Accumulate (MUL, MLA)
ARM Opcodes: Special ARM9 Instructions (CLZ, QADD/QSUB)
ARM Opcodes: PSR Transfer (MRS, MSR)
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Transfer (LDR, STR, PLD)
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Halfword, Doubleword, and Signed Data Transfer
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Block Data Transfer (LDM, STM)
ARM Opcodes: Memory: Single Data Swap (SWP)
ARM Opcodes: Coprocessor Instructions (MRC/MCR, LDC/STC, CDP, MCRR/MRRC)
THUMB Instruction Summary
THUMB Opcodes: Register Operations (ALU, BX)
THUMB Opcodes: Memory Load/Store (LDR/STR)
THUMB Opcodes: Memory Addressing (ADD PC/SP)
THUMB Opcodes: Memory Multiple Load/Store (PUSH/POP and LDM/STM)
THUMB Opcodes: Jumps and Calls
ARM Pseudo Instructions and Directives
ARM CP14 ICEbreaker Debug Communications Channel
ARM CP15 System Control Coprocessor
ARM CP15 Overview
ARM CP15 ID Codes
ARM CP15 Control Register
ARM CP15 Memory Managment Unit (MMU)
ARM CP15 Protection Unit (PU)
ARM CP15 Cache Control
ARM CP15 Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
ARM CP15 Misc
ARM CPU Instruction Cycle Times
ARM CPU Versions
ARM CPU Data Sheet
BIOS Functions
BIOS Function Summary
BIOS Differences between GBA and NDS functions
BIOS Arithmetic Functions
BIOS Rotation/Scaling Functions
BIOS Decompression Functions
BIOS Memory Copy
BIOS Halt Functions
BIOS Reset Functions
BIOS Misc Functions
BIOS Multi Boot (Single Game Pak)
BIOS Sound Functions
BIOS SHA1 Functions (DSi only)
BIOS RSA Functions (DSi only)
BIOS RSA Pseudo Code
BIOS Dumping
External Connectors
AUX GBA Game Pak Bus
AUX DS Game Card Slot
AUX Link Port
AUX Sound/Headphone Socket and Battery/Power Supply
AUX Opening the GBA
AUX Mainboard
AUX DSi Component Lists
AUX DSi Internal Connectors
AUX DSi Chipset Pinouts
Pinouts - CPU - Signal Summary
Pinouts - CPU - Pinouts
Pinouts - Audio Amplifiers
Pinouts - LCD Cables
Pinouts - Power Switches, DC/DC Converters, Reset Generators
Pinouts - Wifi
Pinouts - Various
AUX Xboo PC-to-GBA Multiboot Cable
AUX Xboo Flashcard Upload
AUX Xboo Burst Boot Backdoor
About this Document

[extracted from no$gba v2.8f documentation]