CMUdict ------- CMUdict (the Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary) is a free pronouncing dictionary of English, suitable for uses in speech technology and is maintained by the Speech Group in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. The Carnegie Mellon Speech Group does not guarantee the accuracy of this dictionary, nor its suitability for any specific purpose. In fact, we expect a number of errors, omissions and inconsistencies to remain in the dictionary. We intend to continually update the dictionary by correction existing entries and by adding new ones. From time to time a new major version will be released. We welcome input from users: Please send email to Alex Rudnicky ( The Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary, in its current and previous versions is Copyright (C) 1993-2014 by Carnegie Mellon University. Use of this dictionary for any research or commercial purpose is completely unrestricted. If you make use of or redistribute this material we request that you acknowledge its origin in your descriptions, as per the license information included in the dictionary file (a Simplified BSD lincense). If you add words to or correct entries in your version of this dictionary, we would appreciate it if you could send these additions and corrections to us ( for consideration in a subsequent version. All submissions will be reviewed and approved by the current maintainer, Alex Rudnicky at Carnegie Mellon University. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The current version of cmudict is now cmudict-0.7b [First released November 19, 2014] Note that the first '.' in the file name has changed to a '-' as it was observed that file systems occasionally get confused about the scope of the extension. Please note that the dictionary is modified incrementally, to correct errors are incorporate new words. If you require a unique version, be sure to specify a revision when you check it out. cmudict-0.7b includes various systematic fixes and additional words. As always please let us know if you see a problem or want to suggest a word. ----------------------------------------------------------------------