use arrow2::{ datatypes::{DataType, Field}, error::Error, io::avro, io::avro::avro_schema::file::Block, io::avro::avro_schema::schema::{Field as AvroField, Schema}, }; fn read_schema_id(reader: &mut R) -> Result { let mut header = [0; 5]; reader.read_exact(&mut header)?; if header[0] != 0 { return Err(Error::ExternalFormat( "Avro requires the first byte to be a zero".to_string(), )); } Ok(u32::from_be_bytes(header[1..].try_into().unwrap())) } fn read_block(reader: &mut R, block: &mut Block) -> Result<(), Error> { // (we could lump multiple records together by extending the block instead of clearing); reader.read_to_end(&mut; block.number_of_rows = 1; Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { // say we received the event from Kafka let data = &[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 115, 99, 105, 6, 109, 97, 115]; let mut stream = std::io::Cursor::new(data); // we can fetch its schema_id from the registry via: let _schema_id = read_schema_id(&mut stream)?; // say that from the registry we concluded that this schema has fields let avro_fields = vec![ AvroField::new("first_name", Schema::String(None)), AvroField::new("last_name", Schema::String(None)), ]; // (which we map to arrow fields as) let fields = vec![ Field::new("first_name", DataType::Utf8, false), Field::new("last_name", DataType::Utf8, false), ]; // the below allow us to read it to arrow (a chunk of a single element) let mut block = Block::default(); read_block(&mut stream, &mut block)?; let chunk = avro::read::deserialize(&block, &fields, &avro_fields, &[true, true])?; println!("{chunk:?}"); Ok(()) }