use std::fs::File; use arrow2::array::Array; use arrow2::chunk::Chunk; use arrow2::datatypes::Schema; use arrow2::error::Result; use arrow2::io::ipc::read; use arrow2::io::print; /// Simplest way: read all record batches from the file. This can be used e.g. for random access. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] fn read_chunks(path: &str) -> Result<(Schema, Vec>>)> { let mut file = File::open(path)?; // read the files' metadata. At this point, we can distribute the read whatever we like. let metadata = read::read_file_metadata(&mut file)?; let schema = metadata.schema.clone(); // Simplest way: use the reader, an iterator over batches. let reader = read::FileReader::new(file, metadata, None, None); let chunks = reader.collect::>>()?; Ok((schema, chunks)) } /// Random access way: read a single record batch from the file. This can be used e.g. for random access. fn read_batch(path: &str) -> Result<(Schema, Chunk>)> { let mut file = File::open(path)?; // read the files' metadata. At this point, we can distribute the read whatever we like. let metadata = read::read_file_metadata(&mut file)?; let schema = metadata.schema.clone(); // advanced way: read the dictionary let dictionaries = read::read_file_dictionaries(&mut file, &metadata, &mut Default::default())?; // and the chunk let chunk_index = 0; let chunk = read::read_batch( &mut file, &dictionaries, &metadata, None, None, chunk_index, &mut Default::default(), &mut Default::default(), )?; Ok((schema, chunk)) } fn main() -> Result<()> { use std::env; let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let file_path = &args[1]; let (schema, chunks) = read_chunks(file_path)?; let names = schema.fields.iter().map(|f| &>(); println!("{}", print::write(&chunks, &names)); let (schema, chunk) = read_batch(file_path)?; let names = schema.fields.iter().map(|f| &>(); println!("{}", print::write(&[chunk], &names)); Ok(()) }