use arrow2::array::*; use arrow2::datatypes::*; use arrow2_convert::deserialize::arrow_array_deserialize_iterator_as_type; use arrow2_convert::deserialize::*; use arrow2_convert::field::{LargeBinary, I128}; use arrow2_convert::serialize::*; use arrow2_convert::{ field::{FixedSizeBinary, FixedSizeVec, LargeString, LargeVec}, ArrowDeserialize, ArrowField, ArrowSerialize, }; use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::f32::INFINITY; use std::sync::Arc; #[test] fn test_nested_optional_struct_array() { #[derive(Debug, Clone, ArrowField, ArrowSerialize, ArrowDeserialize, PartialEq)] struct Top { child_array: Vec>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, ArrowField, ArrowSerialize, ArrowDeserialize, PartialEq)] struct Child { a1: i64, } let original_array = vec![ Top { child_array: vec![ Some(Child { a1: 10 }), None, Some(Child { a1: 12 }), Some(Child { a1: 14 }), ], }, Top { child_array: vec![None, None, None, None], }, Top { child_array: vec![None, None, Some(Child { a1: 12 }), None], }, ]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); } #[test] fn test_large_string() { let strs = vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]; let b: Box = strs.try_into_arrow_as_type::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(b.data_type(), &DataType::LargeUtf8); let round_trip: Vec = b.try_into_collection_as_type::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, strs); } #[test] fn test_large_string_nested() { let strs = [vec!["1".to_string(), "2".to_string()]]; let b: Box = strs.try_into_arrow_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!( b.data_type(), &DataType::List(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::LargeUtf8, false))) ); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, strs); } #[test] fn test_large_binary() { let strs = [b"abc".to_vec()]; let b: Box = strs.try_into_arrow_as_type::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(b.data_type(), &DataType::LargeBinary); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection_as_type::().unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, strs); } #[test] fn test_large_binary_nested() { let strs = [vec![b"abc".to_vec(), b"abd".to_vec()]]; let b: Box = strs.try_into_arrow_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!( b.data_type(), &DataType::List(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::LargeBinary, false))) ); let round_trip: Vec>> = b.try_into_collection_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, strs); } #[test] fn test_fixed_size_binary() { let strs = [b"abc".to_vec()]; let b: Box = strs.try_into_arrow_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!(b.data_type(), &DataType::FixedSizeBinary(3)); let round_trip: Vec> = b .try_into_collection_as_type::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, strs); } #[test] fn test_large_vec() { let ints = vec![vec![1, 2, 3]]; let b: Box = ints.try_into_arrow_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!( b.data_type(), &DataType::LargeList(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::Int32, false))) ); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, ints); } #[test] fn test_large_vec_nested() { let strs = [vec![b"abc".to_vec(), b"abd".to_vec()]]; let b: Box = strs .try_into_arrow_as_type::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( b.data_type(), &DataType::LargeList(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::LargeBinary, false))) ); let round_trip: Vec>> = b .try_into_collection_as_type::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, strs); } #[test] fn test_fixed_size_vec() { let ints = vec![vec![1, 2, 3]]; let b: Box = ints .try_into_arrow_as_type::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( b.data_type(), &DataType::FixedSizeList(Box::new(Field::new("item", DataType::Int32, false)), 3) ); let round_trip: Vec> = b .try_into_collection_as_type::>() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(round_trip, ints); } #[test] fn test_primitive_type_vec() { macro_rules! test_int_type { ($t:ty) => { let original_array = vec![1 as $t, 2, 3]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec<$t> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(1 as $t), None, Some(3)]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(1 as $t), None, Some(3)]; let b: Arc = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection_as_type::>().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); }; } macro_rules! test_float_type { ($t:ty) => { let original_array = vec![1 as $t, 2., 3.]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec<$t> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(1 as $t), None, Some(3.)]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(1 as $t), None, Some(3.)]; let b: Arc = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); }; } test_int_type!(i8); test_int_type!(i16); test_int_type!(i32); test_int_type!(i64); test_int_type!(u8); test_int_type!(u16); test_int_type!(u32); test_int_type!(u64); test_float_type!(f32); test_float_type!(f64); // `arrow2::types::f16` isn't a native type so we can't just use `as` { let original_array: Vec = vec![1.0, 2.5, 47800.0, 0.000012, -0.0, 0.0, INFINITY] .iter() .map(|f| arrow2::types::f16::from_f32(*f)) .collect(); let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array: Vec> = vec![Some(1.), None, Some(3.)] .iter() .map(|f| .collect(); let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array: Vec> = vec![Some(1.), None, Some(3.)] .iter() .map(|f| .collect(); let b: Arc = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); }; // i128 // i128 is special since we need to require precision and scale so the TryIntoArrow trait // is not implemented for Vec. let original_array = vec![1_i128, 2, 3]; let b: Box = arrow_serialize_to_mutable_array::<_, I128<32, 32>, _>(&original_array) .unwrap() .as_box(); let round_trip: Vec = arrow_array_deserialize_iterator_as_type::<_, I128<32, 32>>(b.borrow()) .unwrap() .collect(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(1_i128), None, Some(3)]; let b: Box = arrow_serialize_to_mutable_array::<_, Option>, _>(&original_array) .unwrap() .as_box(); let round_trip: Vec> = arrow_array_deserialize_iterator_as_type::<_, Option>>(b.borrow()) .unwrap() .collect(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); // bool let original_array = vec![false, true, false]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(false), Some(true), None]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); let original_array = vec![Some(b"aa".to_vec()), None]; let b: Box = original_array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let round_trip: Vec>> = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(original_array, round_trip); } #[test] fn test_escaped_name() { #[derive(ArrowField, ArrowSerialize, ArrowDeserialize, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] struct EscapedName { r#type: bool, } let array = [EscapedName { r#type: true }, EscapedName { r#type: false }]; let b: Box = array.try_into_arrow().unwrap(); let ty = b.data_type(); match ty { DataType::Struct(s) => { assert_eq!(s[0].name, "type"); } _ => unreachable!(), } let round_trip: Vec = b.try_into_collection().unwrap(); assert_eq!(array.as_slice(), round_trip.as_slice()); }