import {ArtemisClient, Client, GetConference, Queries} from "../../target/pkg/artemis-test/artemis_test" import fetch from "node-fetch" const URL = "http://localhost:8080/graphql" let client: ArtemisClient | null | undefined beforeEach(() => { client = new Client({url: URL, fetch}) as any }) afterEach(() => { client = null }) it("returns a simple query", async () => { const variables = { id: "1" } let result = await client!.query(Queries.GetConference, variables) expect(result.errors).toBeUndefined() expect({ conference: { id: "1", name: "Nextbuild 2018", city: "Eindhoven", talks: [{ id: "22", title: "Software Architecture for Developers", speakers: [{ name: "Simon" }] }] } }) }) it("caches the same query", async () => { let result = await client!.query(Queries.GetConference, { id: "1" }) expect(result.errors).toBeUndefined() expect( expect(!.conference).toBeDefined() expect(result.debugInfo!.source).toEqual("Network") result = await client!.query(Queries.GetConference, { id: "1" }) expect(result.errors).toBeUndefined() expect( expect(!.conference).toBeDefined() expect(result.debugInfo!.source).toEqual("Cache") }) it("notifies a subscriber when the query returns", done => { client!.subscribe(Queries.GetConference, { id: "1" }, (ok, err) => { expect(err).toBeFalsy() expect(ok).toBeDefined() expect(ok!.data).toBeDefined() expect(ok!.data!.conference).toBeDefined() const conference = ok!.data!.conference! expect("1") done() }) }) it("invalidates the cache on a related query", async () => { let res = await client!.query(Queries.GetConference, { id: "1" }) expect(res.errors).toBeUndefined() expect( expect(!.conference).toBeDefined() expect(res.debugInfo!.source).toEqual("Network") await client!.query(Queries.AddConference, { name: "test", city: "test city" }) res = await client!.query(Queries.GetConference, { id: "1" }) expect(res.errors).toBeUndefined() expect( expect(!.conference).toBeDefined() expect(res.debugInfo!.source).toEqual("Network") }) it("reruns subscribed-to queries on invalidation", async (done) => { let calledTimes = 0 let callback = jest.fn(() => { calledTimes++ if(calledTimes > 1) done() }) let firstRun = new Promise(resolve => { (function wait() { if(calledTimes > 0) return resolve() setTimeout(wait, 2) })() }) client!.subscribe(Queries.GetConference, { id: "1" }, callback) await firstRun await client!.query(Queries.AddConference, { name: "test", city: "test city" }) })