# Bahnblogstelle.com # German language railway news, mostly short stories # # author: HolgerAusB version 2023-07-03 # get complete site feed with: # https://bahnblogstelle.com/feed/ # get feed for just one theme/category (German: Rubrik), e.g. 'Bahnverkehr': # https://bahnblogstelle.com/category/bahnverkehr/feed/ body: //main[@id='main'] title: //h1[@class="entry-title"] # user agent needed to strip an extra line 'zuerst veröffentlicht' / 'first posted on' bahnblogstelle.com http_header(user-agent): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0 # strip article source / citation /adv paceholder text strip: //p/span[@style='font-size: small;'] strip: //h6 # strip teaser or links to next/previous article strip: //div[contains(@class, 'vlp-link-container')] strip_id_or_class: post-navigation strip_id_or_class: wp-embedded-content # common cleanup strip: //hr strip: //header ################# test_url: https://bahnblogstelle.com/category/bahnverkehr/feed/ test_url: https://bahnblogstelle.com/188019/spd-in-nrw-dringt-auf-nachfolgemodell-fuer-9-euro-ticket/