# author: HolgerAusB version 2024-08-08 # # @infrago.de site # no native feed, try to generate feed: # https://createfeed.fivefilters.org/ # with item= .pgSlide or .aktuelles or .featured # item_title= h3 or h2 # item_date= time body: //div[@id='main']//div[contains(@id, 'article-')] date: //time/@datetime strip_id_or_class: copytxt strip_id_or_class: imgSrc strip_id_or_class: back strip: //h1[1] strip: //div[@id='right'] # strip date from body strip: //p[@class='info'] # fix source-links of images [wallabag] find_string: src="files/ replace_string: src="/files/ find_string: href="files/ replace_string: href="/files/ find_string: src="assets/ replace_string: src="/assets/ find_string: href="assets/ replace_string: href="/assets/ #replace embeded video with link to video: replace_string(
replace_string(): Link zum Video
# don't show article with timeline, which is an article that only shows teasers to other articles native_ad_clue: //div[contains(@id, 'loadTreeLine')] # transform image galery to single images strip: //ol[@class='carousel-indicators'] find_string: