## Contributors **[Chat on gitter](https://gitter.im/artifact-app/Lobby)** To set up a build environment and run tests, simply run: ```bash git clone git@github.com:vitiral/artifact.git && cd artifact source env # installs environment to `target/env` just test-all ``` Note: `source env` will take a while as it (locally) installs build/test/lint/fmt toolchains for rust, node.js and python from scratch. It does not touch ANYTHING in your global environment. A quick source code overview: - `justfile` contains build/test/etc scripts - design documents are in `design/` - rust source code is in `src/` - elm source code (html frontend) is in `web-ui/src/` - selenium (end-to-end web) tests are in `web-ui/sel_tests/`