# arwggplot arwggplot is part of the gguppy plotting library, but can also be used on its own to create images. - 🛠️ Minimalist svg backend for `gguppy` in `no_std` Rust - 🛠️ Features vector backends to svg, eps, and more - 🛠️ Features raster backends to bmp, png, and more ## Module Structure - **src** - [lib.rs](src/lib.rs) - `mod` and `re-export` - **svg** - non-exhaustive implementation of the svg specification in `no_std` Rust Heavily inspired by and but not a drop-in replacement for either of them - [mod.rs](src/svg/mod.rs) - `mod` and `re-export` - [attribute.rs](src/svg/attribute.rs) - SVG attributes - [element.rs](src/svg/element.rs) - SVG elements