# Logic programming in Rust
Ascent is a logic programming language (similar to Datalog) embedded in Rust via macros.
For more information, check out [the CC paper](https://s-arash.github.io/ascent/cc22main-p95-seamless-deductive-inference-via-macros.pdf) on Ascent.
In addition, [this OOPSLA paper](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3622840) describes the "Bring Your Own Data Structures to Datalog" aspect of Ascent.
## Examples
### Computing all the connected nodes in a graph
ascent! {
relation edge(i32, i32);
relation path(i32, i32);
path(x, y) <-- edge(x, y);
path(x, z) <-- edge(x, y), path(y, z);
## Using Ascent
1. [Install Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install).
2. Make a new Rust project:
cargo new my-ascent-project
cd my-ascent-project
3. Add `ascent` as a dependency in `Cargo.toml`:
ascent = "*"
4. Write some Ascent code in `main.rs`. Here is a complete example:
use ascent::ascent;
ascent! {
relation edge(i32, i32);
relation path(i32, i32);
path(x, y) <-- edge(x, y);
path(x, z) <-- edge(x, y), path(y, z);
fn main() {
let mut prog = AscentProgram::default();
prog.edge = vec![(1, 2), (2, 3)];
println!("path: {:?}", prog.path);
5. Run the program:
cargo run
## Examples
See the [ascent/examples](ascent/examples) directory for a more complete set of examples.
## Features
### Lattices
Ascent supports computing fixed points of user-defined lattices. The `lattice` keyword defines a lattice in Ascent. The type of the final column of a `lattice` must implement the `Lattice` trait. A `lattice` is like a relation, except that when a new `lattice` fact (v1, v2, ..., v(n-1), vn) is discovered, and a fact (v1, v2, ..., v(n-1), v'n) is already present in the database, vn and v'n are `join`ed together to produce a single fact.
This feature enables writing programs not expressible in Datalog. For example we can use this feature to compute the lengths of shortest paths between nodes in a graph.
ascent! {
lattice shortest_path(i32, i32, Dual);
relation edge(i32, i32, u32);
shortest_path(x, y, Dual(*w)) <-- edge(x, y, w);
shortest_path(x, z, Dual(w + l)) <--
edge(x, y, w),
shortest_path(y, z, ?Dual(l));
In this example, `Dual` is the dual of the lattice `T`. We use `Dual` because we are interested in shortest paths, given two path lengths `l1` and `l2` for any given pair of nodes, we only store `min(l1, l2)`.
### Parallel Ascent
Ascent is capable of producing parallel code. The macros `ascent_par!` and `ascent_run_par!` produce parallelized code.
Naturally, column types must be `Send + Sync` to work in parallel Ascent.
Parallel Ascent utilizes [`rayon`](https://crates.io/crates/rayon), so the parallelism level can be controlled either via `rayon`'s [`ThreadPoolBuilder`](https://docs.rs/rayon/latest/rayon/struct.ThreadPoolBuilder.html) or using the `RAYON_NUM_THREADS` environment variable (see [here](https://github.com/rayon-rs/rayon/blob/master/FAQ.md#how-many-threads-will-rayon-spawn) for more info).
[![ascent-byods-rels on crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ascent-byods-rels?label=ascent-byods-rels&color=blue)](https://crates.io/crates/ascent-byods-rels)
BYODS (short for [Bring Your Own Data Structures to Datalog](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3622840)) is a feature of Ascent that enables relations to be backed by custom data structures. This feature allows improving the algorithmic complexity of Ascent programs by optimizing the data structures used to back relations. For example, a program that requires transitive closure computation of a large graph could improve its performance by choosing a union-find based data structure `trrel_uf` (defined in [`ascent-byods-rels`](https://crates.io/crates/ascent-byods-rels)) for the transitive closure relation:
in `Cargo.toml`:
ascent-byods-rels = "*"
ascent = "*"
use ascent_byods_rels::trrel_uf;
ascent! {
relation edge(Node, Node);
#[ds(trrel_uf)] // Makes the relation transitive
relation path(Node, Node);
path(x, y) <-- edge(x, y);
The `#[ds(trrel_uf)]` attribute directs the Ascent compiler to use the data structure provider defined in the module `trrel_uf` for the `path` relation.
You can find a complete example of BYODS dramatically speeding up Ascent computations [here](./byods/ascent-byods-rels/examples/steensgaard/main.rs).
See [BYODS.MD](BYODS.MD) for more information on BYODS.
### `ascent_run!`
In addition to `ascent!`, we provide the `ascent_run!` macro. Unlike `ascent!`, this macro evaluates the ascent program when invoked. The main advantage of `ascent_run!` is that local variables are in scope inside the Ascent program. For example, we can define a function for discovering the (optionally reflexive) transitive closure of a relation like so:
fn tc(r: Vec<(i32, i32)>, reflexive: bool) -> Vec<(i32, i32)> {
ascent_run! {
relation r(i32, i32) = r;
relation tc(i32, i32);
tc(x, y) <-- r(x, y);
tc(x, z) <-- r(x, y), tc(y, z);
tc(x, x), tc(y, y) <-- if reflexive, r(x, y);
In the above example, we initialize the relation `r` directly to shorten the program.
We also provide `ascent_run_par!`, the parallel version of `ascent_run!`.
### Conditions and Generative Clauses
The syntax is designed to be familiar to Rust users. In this example, `edge` is populated with non-reflexive edges from `node`. Note that any type that implements `Clone + Eq + Hash` can be used as a relation column.
ascent! {
relation node(i32, Rc>);
relation edge(i32, i32);
edge(x, y) <--
node(x, neighbors),
for &y in neighbors.iter(),
if x != y;
### Negation and Aggregation
Ascent supports stratified negation and aggregation. Aggregators are defined in `ascent::aggregators`. You can find `sum`, `min`, `max`, `count`, and `mean` there.
In the following example, the average grade of students is stored in `avg_grade`:
use ascent::aggregators::mean;
type Student = u32;
type Course = u32;
type Grade = u16;
ascent! {
relation student(Student);
relation course_grade(Student, Course, Grade);
relation avg_grade(Student, Grade);
avg_grade(s, avg as Grade) <--
agg avg = mean(g) in course_grade(s, _, g);
You can define your own aggregators if the provided aggregators are not sufficient. For example, an aggregator for getting the 2nd highest value of a column can have the following signature:
fn second_highest<'a, N: 'a>(inp: impl Iterator- ) -> impl Iterator
where N: Ord + Clone
Aggregators can even be parameterized! For an example of a parameterized aggregator, lookup the definition of `percentile` in [`ascent::aggregators`](./ascent/src/aggregators.rs).
### Macro definitions
It may be useful to define macros that expand to either body items or head items. Ascent allows you to do this.
You can find more about macros in Ascent macros [here](MACROS.MD).
### Misc
- **`#![measure_rule_times]`** causes execution times of individual rules to be measured. Example:
ascent! {
// ...
let mut prog = AscentProgram::default();
println!("{}", prog.scc_times_summary());
Note that **`scc_times_summary()`** is generated for all Ascent programs. With `#![measure_rule_times]`
it reports execution times of individual rules too.
- With **`#![generate_run_timeout]`**, a `run_timeout` function is generated that stops after
the given amount of time.
- The feature **`wasm-bindgen`** allows Ascent programs to run in WASM environments.
- **`struct`** declarations can be added to the top of `ascent!` definitions. This allows changing the
name and visibility of the generated type and introduction of type/lifetime parameters and constraints.
ascent! {
struct GenericTC;
relation edge(N, N);
// ...
*Hint*: If you get a "private type ... in public interface (error E0446)" warning, you can fix it by
making the generated Ascent type private, as done in the above example.