[package] name = "ascii-webcam" version = "0.1.1" edition = "2021" license = "MIT" description = "A webcam that visualizes its output as ASCII art directly in the terminal" homepage = "https://github.com/nubilfi/ascii-webcam" documentation = "https://docs.rs/ascii-webcam/latest/ascii-webcam" repository = "https://github.com/nubilfi/ascii-webcam" keywords = ["ASCII", "opencv", "ratatui"] readme = "README.md" exclude = [ ".github/*", ".gitignore", "assets/*", "benches/*", ] [dependencies] color-eyre = "0.6.3" crossbeam-channel = "0.5.13" crossterm = { version = "0.28.1", features = ["event-stream"] } lazy_static = "1.5.0" opencv = { version = "0.93.0", features = ["videoio", "imgproc"] } ratatui = "0.28.1" thiserror = "1.0.63" [lib] name = "ascii_webcam" path = "src/lib.rs" [[bin]] name = "ascii-webcam" path = "src/main.rs" [profile.release] opt-level = "z" codegen-units = 1 lto = true panic = "abort" [dev-dependencies] criterion = { version = "0.5.1", features = ["html_reports"] } [package.metadata.release] sign-commit = true sign-tag = true tag-message = "v{{version}}" pre-release-commit-message = "v{{version}}" pre-release-hook = ["just", "_release-prepare", "{{version}}"] [package.metadata.binstall] pkg-url = "{repo}/releases/download/v{version}/{name}-{version}-{target}.tar.gz" bin-dir = "{bin}{binary-ext}" pkg-fmt = "tgz" [[bench]] name = "ascii_conversion" harness = false