# AsciiArena *AsciiArena* is a terminal multiplayer deatchmatch game. Choose an ascii character and use your arcade skills to be the last one in the arena!

The game is made in [rust][rust], and built on top of [tui][tui] for rendering into the terminal and [message-io][message-io] to connect clients and server. **Currently under development:** - [x] Menu - [x] Game demo - [ ] Full featured game *(working...)* ## Install it *AsciiArena* is multiplatform, you can play it in Linux, MacOS or Windows. You can download [here](https://github.com/lemunozm/asciiarena/releases) the last release version from your OS. Also, you can use the [cargo][cargo] package manager in order to install it and keep it updated easily: ``` $ cargo install asciiarena ``` If you have `~/.cargo/bin` in your PATH (or similar in your OS), you will be able to use *asciiarena* everywhere in your computer! Of course, you can download the repository and compile it by yourself using `cargo`. ## Try it! *AsciiArena* application contains both the server and the client. - To launch the server: ```sh asciiarena server -p ``` - To launch the client: ```sh asciiarena client ``` Both application modes has several CLI flags and options to select the host, ports, enable logs, etc... ### Manual Use ``, ``, ``, `` to move the player in the map. Use `` for cast the skill. *NOTE: The following keys are used for demo. The final game will include a lot of skills with custom keys configuration.* [cargo]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html [rust]: https://www.rust-lang.org/ [tui]: https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs [message-io]: https://github.com/lemunozm/message-io