use asciicker_rs::y6::prelude::*; const RADIUS: f32 = 4f32; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let bot = Bot::new("player", "ws://", true); let (threads, data) = match { Err(e) => panic!("Failed to run the bot: {:?}", e), Ok(stuff) => stuff, }; let mut i = 0f32; loop { match *threads.0.is_finished.lock().await { true => { println!("{:?}", threads.0.thread.await); return; } _ => {} }; let mut bot = data.0.lock().await; let x = i.cos() * RADIUS; let y = i.sin() * RADIUS; bot.pose.position = [x, y, 300f32]; i += 0.00001; if i >= std::f32::consts::PI * 2f32 { i = 0f32; } } }