use anyhow::Result; use asciidoctrine::reader::asciidoc::AsciidocReader; use asciidoctrine::{self, *}; use clap::Parser; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[test] fn parse_empty_document() -> Result<()> { let ast = AST { content: "", elements: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse("", &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_whitespace_only() -> Result<()> { let ast = AST { content: " ", elements: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(" ", &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Headers // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn parse_basic_header() -> Result<()> { let ast = AST { content: "= test\n", elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "= test", element: Element::Title { level: 1 }, start: 0, end: 6, start_line: 1, start_col: 1, end_line: 1, end_col: 7, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: vec![Attribute { key: "name".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("test"), }], }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); //assert_eq!(ast, asciidoc::parse_ast("= test")); // TODO let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse("= test\n", &opts, &mut env)?); // TODO author_info, attributes, etc Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_title_with_anchor() -> Result<()> { let ast = AST { content: "[[test-anchor]]\n== test\n", elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "[[test-anchor]]\n== test", element: Element::Title { level: 2 }, start: 0, end: 23, start_line: 1, start_col: 1, end_line: 2, end_col: 8, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: vec![ Attribute { key: "anchor".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("test-anchor"), }, Attribute { key: "name".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("test"), }, ], }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!( ast, reader.parse("[[test-anchor]]\n== test\n", &opts, &mut env)? ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_atx_header() -> Result<()> { let ast = AST { content: "== test\n", elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "== test", element: Element::Title { level: 2 }, start: 0, end: 7, start_line: 1, start_col: 1, end_line: 1, end_col: 8, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: vec![Attribute { key: "name".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("test"), }], }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse("== test\n", &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_setext_header() -> Result<()> { let ast = AST { content: "test\n====\n", elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "test\n====", element: Element::Title { level: 1 }, start: 0, end: 9, start_line: 1, start_col: 1, end_line: 2, end_col: 5, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: vec![Attribute { key: "name".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("test"), }], }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse("test\n====\n", &opts, &mut env)?); // TODO Andere Titel Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delimited blocks // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn parse_code() -> Result<()> { let input = r#" [source, lua] .this is a test snippet ---------------------------------------- require "mytestmodule" ---------------------------------------- "#; let code = r#"require "mytestmodule" "#; let ast = AST { content: input, elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: input.trim(), element: Element::TypedBlock { kind: BlockType::Listing, }, start: 1, end: 144, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 7, end_col: 41, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: vec![AttributeValue::Ref("source"), AttributeValue::Ref("lua")], attributes: vec![ Attribute { key: "title".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("this is a test snippet"), }, Attribute { key: "content".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref(code), }, ], }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(input, &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_embedded_code_block() -> Result<()> { let input = r#" [source, asciidoc] .this is a test snippet .... this is an embedded asciidoc snippet [source, lua] .this is a embedded snippet ---------------------------------------- require "mytestmodule" ---------------------------------------- asciidoctrine dont sees it. .... "#; let code = r#"this is an embedded asciidoc snippet [source, lua] .this is a embedded snippet ---------------------------------------- require "mytestmodule" ---------------------------------------- asciidoctrine dont sees it."#; let ast = AST { content: input, elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: input.trim(), element: Element::TypedBlock { kind: BlockType::Listing, }, start: 1, end: 268, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 15, end_col: 5, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: vec![ AttributeValue::Ref("source"), AttributeValue::Ref("asciidoc"), ], attributes: vec![ Attribute { key: "title".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("this is a test snippet"), }, Attribute { key: "content".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref(code), }, ], }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(input, &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Paragraphs // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn parse_basic_paragraph_with_links_and_references() -> Result<()> { let input = r#" This is a basic paragraph. It has a link to[A test website] and it has an internal <>. Both should be parsed. "#; let ast = AST { content: input, elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: input.trim(), element: Element::Paragraph, start: 1, end: 148, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 3, end_col: 57, children: vec![ ElementSpan { source: None, content: "This is a basic paragraph. It has a link to ", element: Element::Text, start: 1, end: 45, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 2, end_col: 45, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "[A test website]", element: Element::Link, start: 45, end: 87, start_line: 2, start_col: 45, end_line: 2, end_col: 87, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: vec![AttributeValue::Ref("A test website")], attributes: vec![ Attribute { key: "url".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref(""), }, Attribute { key: "protocol".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("https"), }, ], }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: " and\nit has an internal ", element: Element::Text, start: 87, end: 111, start_line: 2, start_col: 87, end_line: 3, end_col: 20, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "<>", element: Element::XRef, start: 111, end: 124, start_line: 3, start_col: 20, end_line: 3, end_col: 33, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: vec![Attribute { key: "id".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("reference"), }], }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: ". Both should be parsed.", element: Element::Text, start: 124, end: 148, start_line: 3, start_col: 33, end_line: 3, end_col: 57, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(input, &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_basic_paragraph_with_inline_anchor() -> Result<()> { let input = r#" This is a basic paragraph. It has an inline [[myanchor]]`anchor`. "#; let ast = AST { content: input, elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: input.trim(), element: Element::Paragraph, start: 1, end: 66, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 2, end_col: 66, children: vec![ ElementSpan { source: None, content: "This is a basic paragraph. It has an inline ", element: Element::Text, start: 1, end: 45, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 2, end_col: 45, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "[[myanchor]]`anchor`", element: Element::Styled, start: 45, end: 65, start_line: 2, start_col: 45, end_line: 2, end_col: 65, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![ Attribute { key: "style".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("monospaced"), }, Attribute { key: "content".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::String("anchor".to_string()), }, Attribute { key: "anchor".to_string(), value: AttributeValue::Ref("myanchor"), }, ], }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: ".", element: Element::Text, start: 65, end: 66, start_line: 2, start_col: 65, end_line: 2, end_col: 66, children: Vec::new(), positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(input, &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } // TODO Link, References // TODO Links mit Leerzeichen in der Attribut Liste (Würde ich das auch in anderen Attribut Listen zulassen?) // TODO bold, italian, auch ob es in einem Wort ignoriert wird // Attributliste oder Anchor zu Beginn eines Paragraphs // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lists // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[test] fn parse_bullet_list() -> Result<()> { let input = r#" * Item 1 * Item 2 * Item 3 "#; let ast = AST { content: input, elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: input.trim_start(), element: Element::List(ListType::Bullet), start: 1, end: 28, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 5, end_col: 1, children: vec![ ElementSpan { source: None, content: "* Item 1\n", element: Element::ListItem(1), start: 1, end: 10, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 3, end_col: 1, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 1", start: 3, end: 9, start_line: 2, start_col: 3, end_line: 2, end_col: 9, element: Element::Paragraph, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 1", start: 3, end: 9, start_line: 2, start_col: 3, end_line: 2, end_col: 9, element: Element::Text, children: vec![], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "* Item 2\n", element: Element::ListItem(1), start: 10, end: 19, start_line: 3, start_col: 1, end_line: 4, end_col: 1, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 2", start: 12, end: 18, start_line: 3, start_col: 3, end_line: 3, end_col: 9, element: Element::Paragraph, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 2", start: 12, end: 18, start_line: 3, start_col: 3, end_line: 3, end_col: 9, element: Element::Text, children: vec![], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "* Item 3\n", element: Element::ListItem(1), start: 19, end: 28, start_line: 4, start_col: 1, end_line: 5, end_col: 1, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 3", start: 21, end: 27, start_line: 4, start_col: 3, end_line: 4, end_col: 9, element: Element::Paragraph, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 3", start: 21, end: 27, start_line: 4, start_col: 3, end_line: 4, end_col: 9, element: Element::Text, children: vec![], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(input, &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_nested_bullet_list() -> Result<()> { let input = r#" * Item 1 *** Item 2 ** Item 3 "#; let ast = AST { content: input, elements: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: input.trim_start(), element: Element::List(ListType::Bullet), start: 1, end: 31, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 5, end_col: 1, children: vec![ ElementSpan { source: None, content: "* Item 1\n", element: Element::ListItem(1), start: 1, end: 10, start_line: 2, start_col: 1, end_line: 3, end_col: 1, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 1", start: 3, end: 9, start_line: 2, start_col: 3, end_line: 2, end_col: 9, element: Element::Paragraph, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 1", start: 3, end: 9, start_line: 2, start_col: 3, end_line: 2, end_col: 9, element: Element::Text, children: vec![], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "*** Item 2\n", element: Element::ListItem(3), start: 10, end: 21, start_line: 3, start_col: 1, end_line: 4, end_col: 1, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 2", start: 14, end: 20, start_line: 3, start_col: 5, end_line: 3, end_col: 11, element: Element::Paragraph, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 2", start: 14, end: 20, start_line: 3, start_col: 5, end_line: 3, end_col: 11, element: Element::Text, children: vec![], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ElementSpan { source: None, content: "** Item 3\n", element: Element::ListItem(2), start: 21, end: 31, start_line: 4, start_col: 1, end_line: 5, end_col: 1, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 3", start: 24, end: 30, start_line: 4, start_col: 4, end_line: 4, end_col: 10, element: Element::Paragraph, children: vec![ElementSpan { source: None, content: "Item 3", start: 24, end: 30, start_line: 4, start_col: 4, end_line: 4, end_col: 10, element: Element::Text, children: vec![], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: vec![], attributes: vec![], }], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }, ], positional_attributes: Vec::new(), attributes: Vec::new(), }], attributes: Vec::new(), }; let reader = AsciidocReader::new(); let opts = options::Opts::parse_from(vec![""].into_iter()); let mut env = util::Env::Cache(util::Cache::new()); assert_eq!(ast, reader.parse(input, &opts, &mut env)?); Ok(()) } // Bullet Lists, Numbered Lists, Attribute Lists, Checked Lists // List Continuation, Blocks in Lists // TODO Tables // TODO Include // with anchor