use asciirend::{ color::{ColorConvParams, TermColorMode}, dithering::XorShufDither, extra::{camera_controller::CameraController, create_transform, Ctx}, material::{Diffuse, Material}, *, }; use crossterm::{ cursor, event::{self, KeyboardEnhancementFlags}, style, terminal, QueueableCommand, }; use nalgebra as na; use std::io::{stdout, Write}; use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, Arc, }; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut buf: Vec<(style::Colors, u8)> = vec![]; let aspect = 16.0 / 9.0; let mut proj = na::Perspective3::new(1f32, 90f32.to_radians(), 0.1, 500.0); proj.set_aspect(aspect); let mut camera = Camera::new(proj.to_projective()); let mut bg = Background::default(); let mut renderer = Renderer::default(); // Just to be sure println!("Hello, world!"); let mut stdout = stdout(); stdout.queue(cursor::Hide)?; stdout.queue(event::EnableMouseCapture)?; stdout.queue(event::PushKeyboardEnhancementFlags( KeyboardEnhancementFlags::REPORT_EVENT_TYPES | KeyboardEnhancementFlags::REPORT_ALL_KEYS_AS_ESCAPE_CODES | KeyboardEnhancementFlags::REPORT_ALTERNATE_KEYS, ))?; // In case we get an outside sigterm/sigint, we want to gracefully shutdown without leaving the // terminal in raw mode. let stop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); signal_hook::flag::register(signal_hook::consts::SIGTERM, stop.clone())?; signal_hook::flag::register(signal_hook::consts::SIGINT, stop.clone())?; let mut frame = 0; let time = Instant::now(); let _color = bg.color; let materials: &mut [Box] = &mut [ Box::new(Diffuse::default()), Box::new(NormalShading::default()), ]; // Create 3 objects - 2 cubes and 1 line. // // First cube will rotate in place, second cube will rotate in place, and translate up and // down. // // The line endpoints will be set to the world space origin points of the cubes. let mut objects = [ Object { transform: Default::default(), material: 0, ty: ObjType::Cube { size: Vector3::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), }, text: Some("asciirend".into()), }, Object { transform: Default::default(), material: 1, ty: ObjType::Cube { size: Vector3::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), }, text: Some("Example 2".into()), }, Object { transform: Default::default(), material: 0, ty: ObjType::Primitive(Primitive::Line(Line::default())), text: None, }, ]; terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; let (tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel(); let _ = std::thread::spawn(move || { while let Ok(e) = event::read() { if tx.send(e).is_err() { break; } } }); let mut evts = 0; let mut levt = None; let mut ctx = Ctx::default(); let mut cam_control = CameraController::default(); cam_control.dist = 30.0; // Dithering enables perceptually smoother color transitions by quantizing output color // values with different noise offsets, depending on different pixels. let mut dithering = XorShufDither::default(); while !stop.load(Ordering::SeqCst) && !ctx.should_stop { let start = time.elapsed(); let (x, y) = term_char_aspect(); let (w, _h) = terminal::size()?; let w = w as usize; let h = (((w * x) as f32) / (aspect * y as f32)) as usize; // Process events const Y_OFF: u16 = 3; ctx.new_frame(0, Y_OFF, w as _, h as _); while let Ok(e) = rx.try_recv() { evts += 1; levt = Some(e.clone()); ctx.event(e); } cam_control.update(&mut ctx); let events = time.elapsed(); // Shift through the background color let color2 = colorsys::Hsl::new((start.as_secs_f64() * 30.0) % 360.0, 1.0, 5.0, None); let color = colorsys::Rgb::from(&color2); let color = Vector3::new( as f32, as f32, as f32, ) / 255.0; bg.color = color; // Update object and camera transformations camera.transform = cam_control.transform(); // Just to push positions that are used to help the line renderer let mut positions = vec![]; for (i, obj) in objects.iter_mut().enumerate() { if let ObjType::Primitive(Primitive::Line(line)) = &mut obj.ty { line.start = positions[positions.len() - 2]; line.end = positions[positions.len() - 1]; obj.transform = create_transform( Default::default(), na::UnitQuaternion::identity(), na::vector![1.0, 1.0, 1.0], ); } else { let pos = na::vector![ (i as f32) * 250.0, (i as f32) * -75.0, -2.0 - 5.5 * (i as f32) * (f32::sin(start.as_secs_f32())) ]; positions.push(Vector4::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0)); obj.transform = create_transform( pos, na::UnitQuaternion::from_euler_angles(0.0, 0.0, start.as_secs_f32() * 0.5), na::vector![30.1, 30.1, 30.1], ); } } // We are able to set how colors will be represented on the terminal let color_conv = ColorConvParams { colors: TermColorMode::Col256, }; let conv_params = (color_conv, ()); let updates = time.elapsed(); // Perform actual rendering renderer.clear_screen(&bg, &conv_params, &mut dithering, &mut buf, w, h); renderer.render( &camera, &conv_params, materials, &objects, &mut dithering, &mut buf, ); renderer.text_pass(&objects, &mut buf); let rendered = time.elapsed(); for (y, row) in buf.chunks(w).enumerate() { stdout.queue(cursor::MoveTo(0 as u16, y as u16 + Y_OFF))?; for (_x, (cols, val)) in row.iter().enumerate() { stdout.queue(style::SetColors(*cols))?; stdout.queue(style::Print(*val as char))?; } stdout.queue(style::Print('\n'))?; } let drawn = time.elapsed(); if Y_OFF > 0 { stdout.queue(cursor::MoveTo(0, Y_OFF))?; stdout.queue(terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::FromCursorUp))?; } stdout.queue(cursor::MoveTo(0, 0))?; stdout.queue(style::SetColors(style::Colors { background: None, foreground: Some(style::Color::White), }))?; let v = format!( "{frame} {:.02}FPS ({:.02} => {:.02} + {:.02} + {:.02} + {:.02}) @ {cam_control:?} + {evts} ({levt:?})", 1.0 / (drawn - start).as_secs_f32(), (drawn - start).as_secs_f32() * 1000.0, (updates - events).as_secs_f32() * 1000.0, (rendered - updates).as_secs_f32() * 1000.0, (rendered - updates).as_secs_f32() * 1000.0, (drawn - rendered).as_secs_f32() * 1000.0, ); stdout.queue(style::Print(v))?; stdout.flush()?; let drawn = time.elapsed(); let drawn_delta = drawn - start; let frametime_target = Duration::from_millis(0); if drawn_delta < frametime_target { std::thread::sleep(frametime_target - drawn_delta); } let _slept = time.elapsed(); frame += 1; } terminal::disable_raw_mode()?; stdout.queue(style::ResetColor)?; stdout.queue(event::PopKeyboardEnhancementFlags)?; stdout.queue(event::DisableMouseCapture)?; stdout.queue(cursor::Show)?; stdout.flush()?; Ok(()) } /// Simple shader that represents world-space vertext normals as fragment colors. #[derive(Default)] struct NormalShading { normals: Vec>, } impl Material for NormalShading { fn new_frame(&mut self) { self.normals.clear(); } fn primitive_shade( &mut self, mut pri: Primitive, proj: na::Matrix4, model: na::Matrix4, ) -> (usize, Primitive) { let idx = self.normals.len(); let normal = match &mut pri { Primitive::Triangle(Triangle { a, b, c }) => { *a = model * *a; *b = model * *b; *c = model * *c; let e1 = -; let e2 = -; let n = e1.cross(&e2).normalize(); *a = proj * *a; *b = proj * *b; *c = proj * *c; n } Primitive::Line(Line { start, end }) => { *start = model * proj * *start; *end = model * proj * *end; Default::default() } }; self.normals.push(normal); (idx, pri) } fn fragment_shade(&self, triangle: usize, _pos: Vector2, _: f32) -> Option> { let color = (self.normals[triangle] + na::vector![1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * 0.5; Some(na::vector![color.x, color.y, color.z, 1.0]) } }