use core::ffi::{c_char, CStr}; use core::mem; use ash::extensions::khr; use ash::vk; use ash_layer::*; use dashmap::DashMap; use once_cell::sync::{Lazy, OnceCell}; macro_rules! function { () => {{ fn f() {} fn type_name_of(_: T) -> &'static str { std::any::type_name::() } let name = type_name_of(f); // Find and cut the rest of the path match &name[ - 3].rfind(':') { Some(pos) => &name[pos + - 3], None => &name[ - 3], } }}; } macro_rules! log { ($($arg:tt)+) => (eprintln!("[Ash Layer Dummy][{}] {}", function!(), format_args!($($arg)*))); } #[allow(dead_code)] struct LayerInstance { ash_instance: ash::Instance, khr_surface: khr::Surface, } #[allow(dead_code)] struct LayerDevice { instance: vk::Instance, ash_device: ash::Device, khr_swapchain: khr::Swapchain, } static GIPA: OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); static GPHYPA: OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); static ENTRY: OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); // DashMap ensures thread-safely and can be consider as faster mutex guarded HashMap static INSTANCE_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| DashMap::new()); static PHY_TO_INSTANCE_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| DashMap::new()); static GDPA_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| DashMap::new()); static DEVICE_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| DashMap::new()); #[no_mangle] #[doc = ""] pub unsafe extern "system" fn vkNegotiateLoaderLayerInterfaceVersion( p_version_struct: *mut NegotiateLayerInterface, ) -> vk::Result { let version_struct = &mut *p_version_struct; log!( "loader LayerInterfaceVersion: {}", version_struct.loader_layer_interface_version, ); version_struct.loader_layer_interface_version = 2; // Only vkGetInstanceProcAddr and vkCreateInstance are mandatory to intercept version_struct.pfn_get_instance_proc_addr = Some(dummy_vkGetInstanceProcAddr); // pfn_get_device_proc_addr and pfn_get_physical_device_proc_addr are optional // and can be cleared with related functions & match branches if not needed version_struct.pfn_get_device_proc_addr = Some(dummy_vkGetDeviceProcAddr); version_struct.pfn_get_physical_device_proc_addr = Some(dummy_vk_layerGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr); vk::Result::SUCCESS } const _: PFN_vkNegotiateLoaderLayerInterfaceVersion = vkNegotiateLoaderLayerInterfaceVersion; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance: vk::Instance, p_name: *const c_char, ) -> vk::PFN_vkVoidFunction { let name = CStr::from_ptr(p_name); loop { let pfn: *const () = match name.to_bytes() { b"vkGetInstanceProcAddr" => dummy_vkGetInstanceProcAddr as _, b"vkCreateInstance" => dummy_vkCreateInstance as _, b"vkDestroyInstance" => dummy_vkDestroyInstance as _, b"vkGetDeviceProcAddr" => dummy_vkGetDeviceProcAddr as _, b"vkCreateDevice" => dummy_vkCreateDevice as _, b"vkDestroyDevice" => dummy_vkDestroyDevice as _, b"vk_layerGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr" => dummy_vk_layerGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr as _, _ => break, }; log!("intercept {}: {:?}", name.to_string_lossy(), pfn); return ::core::mem::transmute(pfn); } let gipa = GIPA.get()?; gipa(instance, p_name) } const _: vk::PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr = dummy_vkGetInstanceProcAddr; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vkGetDeviceProcAddr( device: vk::Device, p_name: *const c_char, ) -> vk::PFN_vkVoidFunction { let name = CStr::from_ptr(p_name); loop { let pfn: *const () = match name.to_bytes() { b"vkGetDeviceProcAddr" => dummy_vkGetDeviceProcAddr as _, b"vkCreateDevice" => dummy_vkCreateDevice as _, b"vkDestroyDevice" => dummy_vkDestroyDevice as _, _ => break, }; log!("intercept {}: {:?}", name.to_string_lossy(), pfn); return ::core::mem::transmute(pfn); } let gdpa = GDPA_MAP.get(&device)?; gdpa(device, p_name) } const _: vk::PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr = dummy_vkGetDeviceProcAddr; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vkCreateInstance( p_create_info: *const vk::InstanceCreateInfo, p_allocator: *const vk::AllocationCallbacks, p_instance: *mut vk::Instance, ) -> vk::Result { let create_info =; let chain_info = get_instance_chain_info(&create_info, LayerFunction::LAYER_LINK_INFO); let chain_info = if let Some(mut v) = chain_info { v.as_mut() } else { return vk::Result::ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; }; let layer_info =; chain_info.u.p_layer_info = layer_info.p_next; let gipa = layer_info .pfn_next_get_instance_proc_addr .expect("broken layer info"); let _ = GPHYPA.set( layer_info .pfn_next_get_physical_device_proc_addr .expect("broken layer info"), ); let name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"vkCreateInstance\0"); let create_instance: vk::PFN_vkCreateInstance = mem::transmute(gipa(vk::Instance::null(), name.as_ptr())); let res = create_instance(p_create_info, p_allocator, p_instance); if res != vk::Result::SUCCESS { return res; } assert!(!p_instance.is_null()); let instance = *p_instance; // IMPORTANT: this should be put before any code executing dispatch_next_vkGetInstanceProcAddr // i.e. ash::Instance::load and khr::Surface::new let _ = GIPA.set(gipa); let entry = ash::Entry::from_static_fn(vk::StaticFn { // IMPORTANT: this make sure the layer provided device specific vkGetDeviceProcAddr is used instead of // the instance specific one get from vkGetInstanceProcAddr, as the later would somehow crashes on execution. get_instance_proc_addr: dispatch_next_vkGetInstanceProcAddr, }); let _ = ENTRY.set(entry.clone()); let ash_instance = ash::Instance::load(entry.static_fn(), instance); let khr_surface = khr::Surface::new(&entry, &ash_instance); log!("created {:?}", instance); let phy_devices = ash_instance.enumerate_physical_devices().unwrap(); for phy_device in phy_devices { PHY_TO_INSTANCE_MAP.insert(phy_device, instance); } INSTANCE_MAP.insert( instance, LayerInstance { ash_instance, khr_surface, }, ); vk::Result::SUCCESS } const _: vk::PFN_vkCreateInstance = dummy_vkCreateInstance; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vkDestroyInstance( instance: vk::Instance, p_allocator: *const vk::AllocationCallbacks, ) -> () { let layer_instance = INSTANCE_MAP.remove(&instance); let ash_instance = if let Some(v) = layer_instance { v.1.ash_instance } else { return; }; let phy_devices = ash_instance.enumerate_physical_devices().unwrap(); for phy_device in phy_devices { PHY_TO_INSTANCE_MAP.remove(&phy_device); } log!("destroying {:?}", instance); (ash_instance.fp_v1_0().destroy_instance)(instance, p_allocator); } const _: vk::PFN_vkDestroyInstance = dummy_vkDestroyInstance; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vkCreateDevice( physical_device: vk::PhysicalDevice, p_create_info: *const vk::DeviceCreateInfo, p_allocator: *const vk::AllocationCallbacks, p_device: *mut vk::Device, ) -> vk::Result { log!("physical_device {:?}", physical_device); let instance = *PHY_TO_INSTANCE_MAP.get(&physical_device).unwrap(); let layer_instance = INSTANCE_MAP.get(&instance).unwrap(); let ash_instance = &layer_instance.ash_instance; let instance_fn = ash_instance.fp_v1_0(); let create_info =; let chain_info = get_device_chain_info(&create_info, LayerFunction::LAYER_LINK_INFO); let chain_info = if let Some(mut v) = chain_info { v.as_mut() } else { return vk::Result::ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; }; let layer_info =; chain_info.u.p_layer_info = layer_info.p_next; let gdpa = layer_info .pfn_next_get_device_proc_addr .expect("broken layer info"); let res = (instance_fn.create_device)(physical_device, p_create_info, p_allocator, p_device); if res != vk::Result::SUCCESS { return res; } assert!(!p_device.is_null()); let device = *p_device; // IMPORTANT: this should be put before any code executing dispatch_next_vkGetDeviceProcAddr, // i.e. `ash::Device::load()` and `khr::Swapchain::new()` GDPA_MAP.insert(device, gdpa); let ash_device = ash::Device::load(&instance_fn, device); log!("created {:?}", device); let khr_swapchain = khr::Swapchain::new(ash_instance, &ash_device); DEVICE_MAP.insert( device, LayerDevice { instance, ash_device, khr_swapchain, }, ); vk::Result::SUCCESS } const _: vk::PFN_vkCreateDevice = dummy_vkCreateDevice; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vkDestroyDevice( device: vk::Device, p_allocator: *const vk::AllocationCallbacks, ) -> () { GDPA_MAP.remove(&device); let layer_device = DEVICE_MAP.remove(&device); let ash_device = if let Some(v) = layer_device { v.1.ash_device } else { return; }; log!("destroying {:?}", device); (ash_device.fp_v1_0().destroy_device)(device, p_allocator); } const _: vk::PFN_vkDestroyDevice = dummy_vkDestroyDevice; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dummy_vk_layerGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr( instance: vk::Instance, p_name: *const c_char, ) -> vk::PFN_vkVoidFunction { let name = CStr::from_ptr(p_name); loop { let pfn: *const () = match name.to_bytes() { b"vkCreateDevice" => dummy_vkCreateDevice as _, _ => break, }; return ::core::mem::transmute(pfn); } let gphypa = GPHYPA.get()?; gphypa(instance, p_name) } const _: PFN_vk_layerGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr = dummy_vk_layerGetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dispatch_next_vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance: vk::Instance, p_name: *const c_char, ) -> vk::PFN_vkVoidFunction { let name = CStr::from_ptr(p_name); loop { let pfn: *const () = match name.to_bytes() { b"vkGetInstanceProcAddr" => dispatch_next_vkGetInstanceProcAddr as _, b"vkGetDeviceProcAddr" => dispatch_next_vkGetDeviceProcAddr as _, // These would cause some layer (i.e. VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation) crashes if called down via vkGetInstanceProcAddr. // But as ash::Entry loads all the global functions, we need to force return null to workaround it. // If you really need calling down these functions, follow // b"vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties" => core::ptr::null(), b"vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties" => core::ptr::null(), b"vkEnumerateInstanceVersion" => core::ptr::null(), _ => break, }; return ::core::mem::transmute(pfn); } let gipa = GIPA.get()?; gipa(instance, p_name) } const _: vk::PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr = dispatch_next_vkGetInstanceProcAddr; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "system" fn dispatch_next_vkGetDeviceProcAddr( device: vk::Device, p_name: *const c_char, ) -> vk::PFN_vkVoidFunction { let name = CStr::from_ptr(p_name); loop { let pfn: *const () = match name.to_bytes() { b"vkGetDeviceProcAddr" => dispatch_next_vkGetDeviceProcAddr as _, _ => break, }; return ::core::mem::transmute(pfn); } let gdpa = GDPA_MAP.get(&device)?; gdpa(device, p_name) } const _: vk::PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr = dispatch_next_vkGetDeviceProcAddr;