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And of course the spec! Checkout that out [here](https://github.com/wphicks/Esopo/blob/master/AshPaper/informal_specs.txt). ## Installation ### CLI ```bash cargo install --features="cli" ashpaper-plus ``` #### With JIT Compilation ```bash cargo install --features="cli jit" ashpaper-plus ``` ### Library add this to your `cargo.toml` ```toml ashpaper-plus = "0.5" ``` #### With JIT Compilation ```toml ashpaper-plus = { version = "0.5", features = ["jit"] } ``` ## Usage ### From the CLI ```bash # execute a program ashpaper-plus poems/lovely-poem.eso # prints 24 # jit execute a program ashpaper-plus --jit poems/lovely-poem.eso # prints 24 # count syllables ashpaper-plus -s "hello world, born to think and not to feel" # prints 10 ``` ### As a Library ```rust use std::fs; use ashpaper_plus as ashpaper; pub fn main() { let fname = "lovely-poem.eso"; let contents = fs::read_to_string(fname).expect("Something went wrong reading input file!"); print!("{}", ashpaper::program::execute(&contents)); // or for jit compilation: print!("{}", ashpaper::program::jit_execute(&contents).unwrap()) } ``` Will produce the following String: ```txt 24 ``` ## How it works Poetry is your program. You have two registers at your disposal, r0 and r1 which store signed integers (`i64`). You also have an stack which can store signed integers (bounds are only that of `Vec` (`isize::MAX = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807`), or 128 for the JIT). The register is chosen based on if a line is indented - if so, r1 and if not r0 Here are the instructions at your disposal (in order of precedence): - *End rhyme with previous line*:If register 0 < register 1, push the number of syllables present in the previous line to the stack. Otherwise, push the number of syllables in the current line to the stack. - *Line contains `/`*: If the value in the active register is greater than the number of syllables in the line, go to the line number that corresponds to the value in the **non-active** register. If abs(n) <= lines then n, else n % lines. - *Capital letter appears inside a word*: Negate the active register. - *Capital letter appears at the beginning of a word*: Multiply registers and store result in the active register. - *Line contains the words 'like' or 'as'*: Add registers and store in the active register. - *Line contains `?`*: Print ASCII character associated with value of the active register. If abs(n) <= u8::MAX n, else n % u8::MAX. - *Line contains `.`*: Print integer value of the active register. - *Line contains `,`*: Pop from the stack and store in the active register. - *Line contains `-`*: Push the value of the active register to the stack. - *Alleteration of consecutive words*: Goto line indicated by active register - *Blank line*: no-op. - *Everything else*: Store number of syllables in the line to the active register. Let's take this poem in a file called `lovely-poem.eso`. This poem-program (poegram‽) calculates factorials and input in the number of syllables in the title. (I learned a lot from reading the poem "other woodwork" by William Hicks) ```txt lovely poem it is a calculator, like a poem, is a poem, and finds factori- als The input is the syllAbles in the title, count them, as one counts (q) what other poem, programs can be writ (a) anything a Turing machine-machine-machine would do re/cur sion works too, in poems, programs, and this a lovely. poem or a calculator or nothing how lovely can it be? ``` When `RUST_LOG=info` is set in the envrionment varables for the cli, you can get at program evaluation info. Here's what `lovely-poem.eso` looks like. ```txt instruction | r0 | r1 | stack --------------------------------------------------- | ---- | ---- | ------- lovely poem | 4 | 0 | [] | 4 | 0 | [] it is a calculator, like a | 4 | 4 | [] poem, is a poem, and finds | 4 | 4 | [] factori- | 4 | 4 | [4] als | 4 | 1 | [4] The input is the syllAbles | 4 | -1 | [4] in the title, count them, as one counts | 3 | -1 | [4] (q) what other poem, programs can be writ | 3 | 4 | [] (a) anything a Turing | 3 | 12 | [] machine-machine-machine | 3 | 12 | [12] would do | 3 | 2 | [12] it is a calculator, like a | 3 | 5 | [12] poem, is a poem, and finds | 3 | 12 | [] factori- | 3 | 12 | [12] als | 3 | 1 | [12] The input is the syllAbles | 3 | -1 | [12] in the title, count them, as one counts | 2 | -1 | [12] (q) what other poem, programs can be writ | 2 | 12 | [] (a) anything a Turing | 2 | 24 | [] machine-machine-machine | 2 | 24 | [24] would do | 2 | 2 | [24] re/cur | 2 | 2 | [24] sion works too, in poems, programs, and this | 2 | 24 | [] a lovely. | 2 | 24 | [] poem or calculator or nothing | 10 | 24 | [] how lovely can it be? | 10 | 24 | [] ``` ## Caveat about compliance with the informal spec - It is possible at this point that my implementation deviates from the spec in unintended ways. If you spot anything like that, please raise an issue :heart: :heart: