BC.cond Branch consistent conditionally This instruction branches conditionally to a label at a PC-relative offset, with a hint that this branch will behave very consistently and is very unlikely to change direction. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 BC.<cond> <label> if !IsFeatureImplemented(FEAT_HBC) then UNDEFINED; constant bits(64) offset = SignExtend(imm19:'00', 64); constant bits(4) condition = cond; <cond> Is one of the standard conditions, encoded in the standard way, and cond <cond> 0000 EQ 0001 NE 0010 CS 0011 CC 0100 MI 0101 PL 0110 VS 0111 VC 1000 HI 1001 LS 1010 GE 1011 LT 1100 GT 1101 LE 1110 AL 1111 NV
<label> Is the program label to be conditionally branched to. Its offset from the address of this instruction, in the range +/-1MB, is encoded as "imm19" times 4.
constant boolean branch_conditional = TRUE; if ConditionHolds(condition) then BranchTo(PC64 + offset, BranchType_DIR, branch_conditional); else BranchNotTaken(BranchType_DIR, branch_conditional);