# aSmCaHlIgZaMaze *Schizm and amalgamation of adventurer's probability distribution across multiverse 2D maze on a single screen*. You assume the role of the adventurer who seeks an exit from a maze. Each maze consists of square cells of classical, for the most part, types: you do not move if you try to step to a wall, you die if you step to a hole, and you become free if you step to an exit. Enter splitters: if you step to one, you are immediately moved to all free adjacent cells simultaneously and equiprobably. That is, what you see then is a superposition of all possible worlds where you made some step from a splitter. The opacity of adventurer's picture is proportional to corresponding probability or its logarithm. Remember: you control not the single adventurer in a single universe, but the probability distribution of adventurers across a multiverse. At the top of the screen is the total distribution of 3 adventurer's states: dead (fallen into a hole), still roaming the maze, and free (reached an exit). --- This project uses [SDL2](https://www.libsdl.org/). The project homepage [sunkware.org/asmcahligzamaze](https://sunkware.org/asmcahligzamaze/index.php) contains demo video. Compiled binary or symlink to it should be placed into a dir with game data and launched. Download the data and some precompiled binaries from [sunkware.org/asmcahligzamaze/download](https://sunkware.org/asmcahligzamaze/download.php). Build with the `release` profile to optimise performance. ![9-screenshots-poster](https://sunkware.org/asmcahligzamaze/img/asmcahligzamaze_9scr_poster_crates.io.png)