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It is designed to be reliable and reasonable fast without getting too large or sacrificing too much comfort. To achieve this, `asn1_der` makes extensive use of the [`no-panic`](https://crates.io/crates/no-panic) crate and offers slice-based object views to avoid allocations and unnecessary copies. ## Example ```ignore use asn1_der::{ DerObject, typed::{ DerEncodable, DerDecodable } }; fn main() { /// An ASN.1-DER encoded integer `7` const INT7: &'static[u8] = b"\x02\x01\x07"; // Decode an arbitrary DER object let object = DerObject::decode(INT7).expect("Failed to decode object"); // Encode an arbitrary DER object let mut encoded_object = Vec::new(); object.encode(&mut encoded_object).expect("Failed to encode object"); // Decode a `u8` let number = u8::decode(INT7).expect("Failed to decode number"); assert_eq!(number, 7); // Encode a new `u8` let mut encoded_number = Vec::new(); 7u8.encode(&mut encoded_number).expect("Failed to encode number"); } ``` For the (de-)serialization of structs and similar via `derive`, see [`serde_asn1_der`](https://crates.io/crates/serde_asn1_der). ## Typed Implementations There are also some direct `DerDecodable`/`DerDecodable` implementations for native Rust type equivalents: - The ASN.1-`BOOLEAN` type as Rust-`bool` - The ASN.1-`INTEGER` type as Rust-[`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `usize`] - The ASN.1-`NULL` type as either `()` or `Option::None` (which allows the encoding of optionals) - The ASN.1-`OctetString` type as `Vec` - The ASN.1-`SEQUENCE` type as `SequenceVec(Vec)` - The ASN.1-`UTF8String` type as `String` ## No-Panic `asn1_der` is designed to be as panic-free as possible. To ensure that, nearly every function is attributed with `#[no_panic]`, which forces the compiler to prove that a function cannot panic in the given circumstances. However since `no_panic` can cause a lot of false-positives, it is currently only used by the CI-tests and disabled by default in normal builds. If you want to use this crate with `no_panic` enabled, you can do so by specifying the `no_panic` feature. ### What No-Panic Does Not Cover It is important to know that `no_panic` is no silver bullet and does not help against certain kinds of errors that can also happen in this crate. This especially includes: - Dynamic memory allocation errors: Since it is not possible to predict memory allocation errors, everything that requires dynamic memory allocation is mutually exclusive to `no_panic` and will be omitted if `no_panic` is enabled. This crate might allocate memory in the following circumstances: - When writing to a dynamically allocating sink (e.g. `Vec`, `VecBacking(Vec)`) - When decoding a native owned type such as `Vec`, `SequenceVec(Vec)` or `String` - During error propagation If the crate is compiled without `std` enabled, it does performy any dynamic memory allocation directly by itself – however for foreign implementations passed to this crate may still allocate memory and fail (e.g. a custom `Sink` implementation). - Stack overflows: Since the stack size is not necessarily known during compile time, it is not possible to predict stack overflow errors e.g. caused by recursion. - Calls to `abort` or similar: Since calls to `abort` or similar do not trigger stack unwinding, they can also no be detected by `no_panic`. __This also means that `no_panic` does not work for builds that use `panic = "abort"` in their config.__ This crate by itself does never call `abort` directly. Due to the limitations described above, the following functions are mutually exclusive to `no_panic` and disabled if `no_panic` is set: - Error stacking/propagation (`propagate` is a no-op if compiled with `no_panic`) - The sink implementation for a byte vector (`impl Sink for Vec`) - The `VecBacking(Vec)` type - The native OctetString type which uses `Vec` (`impl<'a> DerDecodable<'a> for Vec` and `impl DerEncodable for Vec`) - The native Sequence type wrapper `SequenceVec` since it is based upon `Vec` - The native Utf8String type based upon `String` (`impl<'a> DerDecodable<'a> for String` and `impl DerEncodable for String`) ## Zero-Copy The crate is designed to be as much zero-copy as possible. In fact this means that the `DerObject` type and all typed views are zero-copy views over the underlying slice. Of course, zero-copy is not always reasonable: The `new`-constructors are not zero-copy because they construct a new object into a sink and the native type implementations are not zero-copy because they are either `Copy`-types (e.g. `u128`) or owned (e.g. `String`). ## What happened to `asn1_der_derive`? Since version 0.7.0, the `asn1_der_derive`-crates has been deprecated in favor of [`serde_asn1_der`](https://crates.io/crates/serde_asn1_der). If you have a specific use-case why you cannot use `serde`, let me know; it's probably not that hard to revive `asn1_der_derive` 😊