Copyright (c) 2024 Hemashushu , All rights reserved. This software (including source code, documentation, and attachments) is released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0, with the following additional terms. Additional Terms ================ In addition to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0, the following additional terms apply to this software: 1. You may not remove or modify the license and copyright notices contained in the software (including source code, documentation, and attachments). 2. You may not rename this software and redistribute it. 3. You may not simply repackage this software and release it as a new software. 4. You may not apply for patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights on this software, either in whole or in part. 5. You may not claim that this software was developed by you, nor may you claim ownership of the intellectual property rights to this software, nor may you use this software as a result of your research. 6. While the source code of this software is open, this does not mean that the software is not copyrighted. The author retains all copyrights. 7. Contributors to this software do not acquire any copyright in this software, either in whole or in part. 8. The author (copyright holder) of this software shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from your use or inclusion of this software, nor shall the author provide you with any technical support. 9. Again, this software is shared publicly only, and if you experience unexpected results due to using or including this software, you may not hold the author (copyright holder) liable, and you should immediately cease using or including this software. If you cannot guarantee this, please do not use or include this software in the first place. The term "you" in the above refers to individuals, teams, companies, and organizations. These additional terms are intended to protect the rights of the original developer and to ensure that the software is used in a manner consistent with the original developer's intent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hemashushu 版权所有 2024 该软件(包括源码、文档以及附件)根据 Mozilla Public License 2.0 许可证发布,并 附加以下条款。 附加条款 ======= 除了 Mozilla Public License 2.0 的条款之外,该软件还附加以下条款: 1. 你不能删除或修改该软件(包括源码、文档以及附件)中的协议和版权声明。 2. 你不能重新命名该软件并重新发布。 3. 你不能对该软件进行简单的封装然后以新的软件发布。 4. 你不能用该软件的整体或部分申请专利、版权及商标等。 5. 你不能声称该软件是你自主研发的,不能声称拥有该软件的知识产权(无论是部分还是完全), 不能将该软件作为你的科研成果。 6. 该软件的源码是开放的,并不意味着该软件没有版权,作者保留所有版权。 7. 该软件的参与者(贡献者)不能获得对该软件的全部或者部分版权。 8. 该软件的作者(版权拥有者)不会对你因使用或包含该软件而导致的结果负有任何责任, 也不会向你提供任何技术支持。 9. 再次强调,该软件仅作公开分享,如果你因为使用或者包含该软件而导致非预料的结果, 你不能要求作者(版权拥有者)负有任何责任,你应该立即停止使用或包含该软件。 如果你不能保证此点,请一开始就不要使用或包含该软件。 上述中的 “你” 泛指个体,团队,企业以及组织。 这些附加条款旨在保护原始开发者的权利,并确保该软件以符合原始开发者意图的方式使用。