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Matched: {}", angle_1.degrees(), angle_2.degrees(), result.aspect(), result.distance(), result.target(), result.orb(), result.matched(), ); /// Should read: 74.7º and 164.4º are 89.7º apart, -0.3 from the target aspect of 90.0º with an orb of 2.0. Match: true ``` ### Find the first aspect match from many options ```rust let lng_1 = 98.202928; let lng_2 = 249.325729; let angle_1 = lng_1.to_360(); let angle_2 = lng_2.to_360(); // List target aspect as pairs of target angles and orbs let targets = [ (0.0, 8.0), // conjunction (90.0, 5.0), // square (120.0, 3.0), // trine (180.0, 4.0) // opposition ].to_aspect_orbs(); // cast the tuple pairs to a vector of AspectOrb structs let aspect_match_opt = angle_1.find_aspect(&angle_2, &targets); if let Some(aspect_match) = aspect_match_opt { println!( "{:.6}º and {:.6}º have an an aspect match of {:.0}º within {:.6}º", angle_1, angle_2, aspect_match.target(), aspect_match.distance(), ); // Should read: 98.202928º and 249.325729º have an an aspect match of 150º within 1.122801º } ``` ## Find the best matched aspect where aspect definitions may overlap In practice, where aspect definitions cannot overlap, the find_aspect() method will be more efficient as it will return the first matched AspectOrb object. However, when definitions overlap (e.g. a sextile is only around 8.57º away from septile), the first match may not be the best match as the example below illustrates. ```rust let lng_1 = 192.928202; let lng_2 = 249.325729; let angle_1 = lng_1.to_360(); let angle_2 = lng_2.to_360(); let targets = [ (30.0, 5.0), // semisextile (45.0, 8.0), // semisquare (360.0 / 7.0, 9.0), // septile 360/7 = approx. 51.428571 (60.0, 8.0), // sextile (90.0, 8.0), // square (120.0, 8.0), // trine (150.0, 10.0) // quincunx ].to_aspect_orbs(); // cast to a vector of AspectOrb structs let aspect_matches = angle_1.find_aspects(&angle_2, &targets); println!("{} aspects have been matched within the specified ranges", aspect_matches.len()); // yields a vector with 2 matched AspectResults // Two aspects are matched. let first_match = angle_1.find_aspect(&angle_2, &targets); // yields the first matched aspect even if it's not best aspect. In this case a septile with a wide orb of 9.0 println!("The first match is {}º from the target aspect of {}º", first_match.unwrap().divergence(), first_match.unwrap().target()); // prints: The first match is 4.968955571428566º from the target aspect of 51.42857142857143º // However, the best match is sextile and not septile, which would have been matched first let best_aspect_match = angle_1.find_best_aspect(&angle_2, &targets); // Yields a sextile println!("The best match is {}º from the target aspect of {}º", best_aspect_match.unwrap().divergence(), best_aspect_match.unwrap().target()); // prints: The best match is 3.6024730000000034º from the target aspect of 60º ``` ## Structs ### AspectResult #### Instance Methods - *aspect()-> f64* The aspect of the two angle irrespective of whether they match or not. - *distance()-> f64* Angular distance from the target aspect. May yield negative values - *divergence()-> f64* Absolute angular distance from the target aspect. May only yield zero or positive values - *target()-> f64* Target aspect, which is always symmetrical, e.g. 90º will match ±90 or ±270 - *matched()-> bool* True if the angles are aspected with the target within the specified orb. - *orb() -> f64* The tolerance of the aspect match #### AspectOrb A simple tuple struct with the target aspect and an orb, both 64-bit floats. Any array or vector of tuple pairs with f64 values representing target angles and orbs can be converted to AspectOrb objects via ```to_aspect_orbs()```. ### Instance Methods - *target()-> f64* The target aspect - *orb() -> f64* The tolerance of the aspect match ## Traits ### Aspect360 This trait is implemented only for *Ring360*, but any 64-bit float can be cast to a Ring360 via the *.to_360()* extension method and variant methods ending in *_f64* accept normal f64 values as comparison angles, which will be normalised within the 0º to º360 range. - *calc_aspect(other: &Ring360, target: f64, orb: f64) -> AspectResult* - *is_aspected(other: &Ring360, target: f64, orb: f64) -> bool* - *calc_aspect_f64(other: f64, target: f64, orb: f64) -> AspectResult* - *find_aspect(other: &Ring360, targets: &[AspectOrb]) -> Option - *find_aspects(other: &Ring360, targets: &[AspectOrb]) -> Vec - *find_best_aspect(other: &Ring360, targets: &[AspectOrb]) -> Option - *is_aspected_f64(other: f64, target: f64, orb: f64) -> bool* ### Dev notes Version 0.1.4 introduced two new methods find_aspects() and find_best_aspect() deal with situations where aspect definitions (AspectOrb) may overlap. Version 0.1.7 adds a new trait ```ToAspectOrb``` witb a ```to_aspect_orbs``` method to convert an array of simple (f64, f64) tuples into a vector of AspectOrb() structs for use with ```find_aspect()```, ```find_best_aspect()``` and ```find_aspects()```. This reduces boilerplate code.