use assemblage_kv::{ storage, storage::Storage, test, timestamp::timestamp_now_monotonic, Error, KvStore, Result, }; use crc32fast::Hasher; #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test_configure!(run_in_browser); const SLOT_0: u8 = 0; test! { async fn timestamps(storage) -> Result<()> { let store_name = String::from(; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, "key foo", "foo")?; t.commit().await?; sleep(1).await; let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, "key bar", "foo")?; t.commit().await?; let current = store.current().await; let t1 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; let t2 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key bar").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert!(t1 < t2); assert_eq!( current .versions(SLOT_0, &"key does not exist") .await? .last(), None ); let storage = storage::open(&store_name).await?; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let current = store.current().await; assert_eq!( current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp, t1 ); assert_eq!( current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key bar").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp, t2 ); assert_eq!( current .versions(SLOT_0, &"key does not exist") .await? .last(), None ); } } test! { async fn get_versions(storage) -> Result<()> { let store_name = String::from(; let mut store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; { let mut current = store.current().await; current.insert(SLOT_0, &"key foo", 1)?; current.commit().await?; } sleep(10).await; { let mut current = store.current().await; current.insert(SLOT_0, &"key foo", 2)?; current.commit().await?; } sleep(10).await; { let mut current = store.current().await; current.remove(SLOT_0, &"key foo")?; current.commit().await?; } sleep(10).await; { let mut current = store.current().await; current.insert(SLOT_0, &"key foo", 4)?; current.commit().await?; } { let current = store.current().await; let versions = current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?; assert_eq!(versions.len(), 4); assert_eq!(current.get_version(SLOT_0, &"key foo", versions[0]).await?, Some(1)); assert_eq!(current.get_version(SLOT_0, &"key foo", versions[1]).await?, Some(2)); assert_eq!(current.get_version::<_, u32>(SLOT_0, &"key foo", versions[2]).await?, None); assert_eq!(current.get_version(SLOT_0, &"key foo", versions[3]).await?, Some(4)); } store.merge().await?; let storage = storage::open(&store_name).await?; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; { let current = store.current().await; let versions = current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?; assert_eq!(versions.len(), 1); assert_eq!(current.get(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?, Some(4)); } } } test! { async fn most_recent_keys(storage) -> Result<()> { let store_name = String::from(; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let current = store.current().await; assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?, None); let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, &"key foo", "foo")?; let t_foo = t.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert_eq!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t_foo); t.insert(SLOT_0, &"key bar", "bar")?; let t_bar = t.versions(SLOT_0, &"key bar").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert_eq!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t_bar); assert_eq!(t_foo, t_bar); t.commit().await?; let current = store.current().await; let t_foo1 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t_foo1); let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, &"key foo", "foo")?; let t_foo = t.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert_eq!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t_foo); t.commit().await?; let current = store.current().await; let t_foo2 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &"key foo").await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t_foo2); assert_ne!(t_foo1, t_foo2); let storage = storage::open(&store_name).await?; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let current = store.current().await; assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t_foo2); } } test! { async fn use_same_timestamp_for_whole_transaction(storage) -> Result<()> { let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, &1, "foo")?; sleep(1).await; t.insert(SLOT_0, &2, "bar")?; sleep(1).await; t.insert(SLOT_0, &3, "baz")?; sleep(1).await; t.commit().await?; let current = store.current().await; let t1 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &1).await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; let t2 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &2).await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; let t3 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &3).await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert!(t1 > 0); assert_eq!(t1, t2); assert_eq!(t2, t3); } } test! { async fn most_recent_timestamp(storage) -> Result<()> { let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let key1 = vec![1, 2, 3]; let value1 = vec![6, 7]; let current = store.current().await; assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?, None); let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, key1.clone(), value1.clone())?; assert_eq!( t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t.versions(SLOT_0, &key1).await?.last().unwrap().timestamp ); t.commit().await?; let current = store.current().await; let t1 = current.versions(SLOT_0, &key1).await?.last().unwrap().timestamp; assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), t1); } } test! { async fn monotonically_increasing_timestamps(storage) -> Result<()> { let store_name = String::from(; let now_plus_10_minutes = timestamp_now_monotonic(0) + 600_000; insert_transaction_manually(&mut storage, now_plus_10_minutes).await?; sleep(100).await; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let mut t = store.current().await; assert!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap() > timestamp_now_monotonic(0)); assert_eq!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), now_plus_10_minutes); t.insert(SLOT_0, vec![5], vec![8])?; t.commit().await?; sleep(100).await; let t_after_transaction = timestamp_now_monotonic(0); let current = store.current().await; assert!(current.last_updated().await?.unwrap() > t_after_transaction); assert_eq!(current.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), now_plus_10_minutes); let storage = storage::open(&store_name).await?; let mut store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let mut t = store.current().await; assert_eq!(t.get::<_, Vec>(SLOT_0, &[5]).await?.unwrap(), vec![8]); assert!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap() > timestamp_now_monotonic(0)); assert_eq!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), now_plus_10_minutes); t.insert(SLOT_0, vec![5], vec![9])?; t.commit().await?; sleep(100).await; store.merge().await?; let storage = storage::open(&store_name).await?; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let t = store.current().await; assert_eq!(t.get::<_, Vec>(SLOT_0, &[5]).await?.unwrap(), vec![9]); assert!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap() > timestamp_now_monotonic(0)); assert_eq!(t.last_updated().await?.unwrap(), now_plus_10_minutes); t.commit().await?; } } test! { async fn timestamped_snapshot_ordering(storage) -> Result<()> { // to ensure that all transactions "happen" at the same millisecond let now_plus_10_minutes = timestamp_now_monotonic(0) + 600_000; insert_transaction_manually(&mut storage, now_plus_10_minutes).await?; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let snapshot = store.current().await; let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, vec![5, 6, 7], vec![8, 9, 10])?; t.commit().await?; assert_eq!(snapshot.get::<_, Vec>(SLOT_0, &[5, 6, 7]).await?, None); let snapshot = store.current().await; assert_eq!(snapshot.get::<_, Vec>(SLOT_0, &[5, 6, 7]).await?.unwrap(), vec![8, 9, 10]); } } test! { async fn timestamped_transaction_isolation(storage) -> Result<()> { // to ensure that all transactions "happen" at the same millisecond let now_plus_10_minutes = timestamp_now_monotonic(0) + 600_000; insert_transaction_manually(&mut storage, now_plus_10_minutes).await?; let store = KvStore::open(storage).await?; let mut t = store.current().await; t.insert(SLOT_0, vec![5, 6, 7], vec![8, 9, 10])?; { let mut t = store.current().await; assert_eq!(t.get::<_, Vec>(SLOT_0, &[5, 6, 7]).await?, None); t.insert(SLOT_0, vec![11, 12], vec![13, 14])?; t.commit().await?; } assert_eq!(t.get::<_, Vec>(SLOT_0, &[11, 12]).await?, None); match t.commit().await { Err(Error::TransactionConflict) => {}, instead => panic!("Expected a transaction conflict, but found {:?}", instead), }; } } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] async fn sleep(millis: u64) { let promise = js_sys::Promise::new(&mut |yes, _| { let win = web_sys::window().unwrap(); win.set_timeout_with_callback_and_timeout_and_arguments_0(&yes, millis as i32) .unwrap(); }); let js_fut = wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture::from(promise); js_fut.await.unwrap(); } #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] async fn sleep(millis: u64) { tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(millis)).await; } const BYTES_TIMESTAMP: usize = 6; const BYTES_CRC: usize = 4; async fn insert_transaction_manually(storage: &mut S, t: u64) -> storage::Result<()> { let mut buf_timestamp = [0; BYTES_TIMESTAMP]; buf_timestamp.copy_from_slice(&t.to_le_bytes()[0..BYTES_TIMESTAMP]); let slot = SLOT_0; let k = 1; let v = 2; let mut manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future = [ 0b0000_1001, // header for kv write, bytes key size = 1, bytes val size = 1 2, // key size 1, // val size k, // key slot, // slot v, // value 0b0000_0001, // header for commit, bytes key size = 0, bytes val size = 1 BYTES_TIMESTAMP as u8, // val size buf_timestamp[0], buf_timestamp[1], buf_timestamp[2], buf_timestamp[3], buf_timestamp[4], buf_timestamp[5], 0, // for crc, 0, // for crc, 0, // for crc, 0, // for crc, ]; let mut buf_crc = [0; BYTES_CRC]; let mut crc = Hasher::new(); let len_without_crc = manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future.len() - BYTES_CRC; crc.update(&manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future[..len_without_crc]); buf_crc.copy_from_slice(&crc.finalize().to_le_bytes()[0..BYTES_CRC]); manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future[len_without_crc] = buf_crc[0]; manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future[len_without_crc + 1] = buf_crc[1]; manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future[len_without_crc + 2] = buf_crc[2]; manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future[len_without_crc + 3] = buf_crc[3]; storage .write(&manual_transaction_with_timestamp_in_the_future) .await?; storage.flush().await?; Ok(()) }