use assemblage_db::{ data::{Layout, Node, Parent, SpanStyle}, tx, Db, }; use assemblage_kv::test; use assemblage_view::{ model::{Block, Branch, PreviewLink, Span}, styles, DbView, Result, }; use std::collections::HashSet; #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test_configure!(run_in_browser); test! { async fn tile_with_shared_blocks(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("A")).await?); let b_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("B")).await?); let c_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("C")).await?); let shared_parent_of_b = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![b_id])).await?); let ancestor1_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![shared_parent_of_b])).await?); let _ancestor2_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![shared_parent_of_b])).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, ancestor1_id, c_id])).await? }); let snapshot = &db.current().await; let ancestors = snapshot.ancestor_path(b_id).await?; assert_eq!(ancestors.len(), 1); let t = db.current().await.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(t.sections.len(), 3); assert!(!t.sections[0].has_multiple_parents); assert!(t.sections[1].has_multiple_parents); assert!(!t.sections[2].has_multiple_parents); } } test! { async fn tile_with_link_as_first_block(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("A")).await?); let page_of_a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id])).await?); let link_of_a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![page_of_a_id])).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![link_of_a_id])).await? }); let t = db.current().await.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(t.sections.len(), 1); assert_eq!(t.sections[0].subsections.len(), 1); match &t.sections[0].subsections[0].block { Block::Text { styles: _, spans } => { assert_eq!(spans.len(), 1); match &spans[0] { Span::Link { styles: _, link } => { assert_eq!(link.descendant, PreviewLink { id: page_of_a_id, block: Block::text(vec![Span::text("A")]), }); } _ => panic!("Expected link span, found: {:?}", spans[0]), }; }, b => panic!("Unexpected block: {:?}", b) } } } test! { async fn tile_with_forks(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("A")).await?); let b_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("B")).await?); let c_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("C")).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, b_id, c_id])).await? }); let x_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("X")).await?); let page2_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, b_id, x_id])).await? }); tx!(|db| -> Result<_, Error> { let tile = db.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(tile.sections.len(), 3); for i in 0..2 { let section = &tile.sections[i]; assert_eq!(section.subsections.len(), 1); let block = §ion.subsections[0]; assert_eq!(block.before.len(), 0); if i == 1 { assert_eq!(block.after.len(), 1); match &block.after[0] { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_eq!(, page2_id); } }; let parents_of_b = db.parents(; assert_eq!(parents_of_b.len(), 2); let mut expected_parents = HashSet::new(); expected_parents.insert(Parent::new(page1_id, 1)); expected_parents.insert(Parent::new(page2_id, 1)); assert_eq!(parents_of_b, expected_parents); } else { assert_eq!(block.after.len(), 0); } } }) } } test! { async fn tile_with_multiple_same_children(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("A")).await?); let b_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("B")).await?); let c_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("C")).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, b_id, a_id, c_id])).await? }); tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, b_id, a_id, c_id])).await? }); tx!(|db| -> Result<_, Error> { let tile = db.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(tile.sections.len(), 4); for i in 0..3 { let section = &tile.sections[i]; assert_eq!(section.subsections.len(), 1); let block = §ion.subsections[0]; assert_eq!(block.before.len(), 0); assert_eq!(block.after.len(), 0); } }); } } test! { async fn tile_with_skipped_blank_siblings_as_before_branch(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("A")).await?); let b_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("B")).await?); let c_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("C")).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, b_id, c_id])).await? }); let blank1_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::List(Layout::Chain, vec![])).await?); let blank2_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text(" ")).await?); let x_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("X")).await?); let page2_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![x_id, blank1_id, blank2_id, a_id, b_id])).await? }); tx!(|db| -> Result<_, Error> { let tile = db.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(tile.sections.len(), 3); for i in 0..2 { let section = &tile.sections[i]; assert_eq!(section.subsections.len(), 1); let block = §ion.subsections[0]; assert_eq!(block.after.len(), 0); if i == 0 { assert_eq!(block.before.len(), 1); match &block.before[0] { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_eq!(, page2_id); } }; let parents_of_a = db.parents(; assert_eq!(parents_of_a.len(), 2); let mut expected_parents = HashSet::new(); expected_parents.insert(Parent::new(page1_id, 0)); expected_parents.insert(Parent::new(page2_id, 3)); assert_eq!(parents_of_a, expected_parents); } else { assert_eq!(block.before.len(), 0); } } }) } } test! { async fn tile_with_links_as_branches(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; for layout in vec![Layout::Chain, Layout::Page].into_iter() { let a_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("A")).await?); let b_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("B")).await?); let c_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("C")).await?); let x_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("X")).await?); let x_as_block_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![x_id])).await?); let x_wrapped_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::list(layout, vec![x_as_block_id])).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![a_id, b_id, c_id, x_wrapped_id])).await? }); tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![x_id, b_id, c_id])).await? }); tx!(|db| -> Result<_, Error> { let tile = db.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(tile.sections.len(), 4); for i in 0..3 { let section = &tile.sections[i]; assert_eq!(section.subsections.len(), 1); let block = §ion.subsections[0]; assert_eq!(block.after.len(), 0); if i == 1 && layout == Layout::Chain { assert_eq!(block.before.len(), 1); match &block.before[0] { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_eq!(, x_id); } }; } else { assert_eq!(block.before.len(), 0); } } }); } } } test! { async fn tile_with_chain_sibling(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let foo_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::styled(SpanStyle::Bold, Node::text("foo"))).await?); let bar_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("bar")).await?); let chain_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![foo_id, bar_id])).await? }); let shared_text_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("shared")).await?); let page1_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![shared_text_id])).await? }); let page2_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![chain_id, shared_text_id])).await? }); let unrelated_text_id = tx!(|db| db.add(Node::text("unrelated")).await?); // The sibling search should walk up only until a block is found and no // further. This is why the following page should not be the branch, // even though it is a unique ancestor of the chain that contains foo // and bar. let page_containing_page2_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![unrelated_text_id, page2_id])).await? }); let current = db.current().await; let t = current.tile(page1_id).await?; assert_eq!(t.sections.len(), 1); assert_eq!(t.sections[0].subsections.len(), 1); assert_eq!(t.sections[0].subsections[0].before.len(), 1); let before = &t.sections[0].subsections[0].before[0]; match before { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_ne!(, page_containing_page2_id); assert_eq!(, page2_id); assert_eq!( link.descendant.block, Block::text(vec![ Span::Text { styles: styles![SpanStyle::Bold], text: "foo".to_string(), }, Span::text("bar"), ]) ); } } } } test! { async fn tile_with_parent_branches(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("some text") ])).await? }); let parent_of_page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("Parent page"), Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![page_id]) ])).await? }); let current = db.current().await; let t = current.tile(page_id).await?; assert_eq!(t.branches.len(), 1); match t.branches.first().unwrap() { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_eq!(link.ancestor.as_ref().unwrap().id, parent_of_page_id); } } } } test! { async fn tile_with_parent_branches_up_until_link(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("some text"), ])).await? }); let parent_of_page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("Parent page"), Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![page_id]), ])).await? }); let _parent_of_parent_of_page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("Parent of parent page"), Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![parent_of_page_id]), ])).await? }); let current = db.current().await; let t = current.tile(page_id).await?; assert_eq!(t.branches.len(), 1); match t.branches.first().unwrap() { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_eq!(link.ancestor.as_ref().unwrap().id, parent_of_page_id); } } } } test! { async fn tile_with_ancestor_branches_up_until_link(storage) -> Result<()> { let db = Db::open(storage).await?; let page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("some text"), ])).await? }); let parent1_of_page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ page_id, ])).await? }); let parent2_of_page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("Parent page"), Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![page_id]), ])).await? }); let _parent_of_parent_of_page_id = tx!(|db| { db.add(Node::list(Layout::Page, vec![ Node::text("Parent of parent page"), Node::list(Layout::Chain, vec![parent2_of_page_id]), ])).await? }); let current = db.current().await; let t = current.tile(parent1_of_page_id).await?; assert_eq!(t.sections.len(), 1); assert_eq!(t.sections[0].subsections.len(), 1); assert_eq!(t.sections[0].subsections[0].before.len(), 1); let before = &t.sections[0].subsections[0].before[0]; match before { Branch::Sibling { link, .. } => { assert_eq!(link.ancestor, None); assert_eq!(, parent2_of_page_id); } } } }