# assembly-pack This crate contains the pack/archives related file formats of the [assembly](https://crates.io/crates/assembly) library. ## Examples This crate comes with some example binaries ### Installation ```shell $ cargo install --examples assembly-pack ``` ### `sd0-decode` Decompress sd0 streams ```shell $ sd0-decode infile.sd0 outfile ``` ### `sd0-encode` Compress sd0 streams ```shell $ sd0-encode infile outfile.sd0 ``` ### `pk-crc` Calculate the Cyclic-Redundancy-Code (CRC) for a relative file path ```shell $ pk-crc client/res/data.xml ``` ### `pk-entries` List all entries in a PK file ```shell $ pk-entries data.pk ``` ### `pk-file` Print a single entry from a PK file given the numeric CRC value ```shell $ pk-file data.pk crc ``` ### `pki-find` Find a specific CRC in the PKI file ```shell $ pki-find primary.pki crc ``` ### `pki-list` List all entries in a PKI file ```shell # List all files $ pki-find -f primary.pki # List all PK archives $ pki-find -p primary.pki ``` ### `md5-sum` Calculate the md5sum of a file ```shell md5-sum file ```