# assetinfo-db ## About assetinfo is a tool to watch for versions of assets and their end-of-life date. This repository contains the database for all supported assets. ## Installation ## Usage ## Contributing Right now, I sadly do not have the time to accept contributions. But I greatly appreciate feedback and hope this might change in the future. ## Authors and Acknowledgment This README is inspired by [makeareadme.com][makeareadme]. ## License The code of this project is licensed under the **AGPL 3.0 or later**. The documentation is licensed under **CC-BY-SA 4.0**. Some small configuration files (which probably do not reach the [**threshold of originality**][ threshold]) are given a license with no conditions under **CC0 1.0**. See [LICENSES](LICENSES) for more information. [makeareadme]: https://www.makeareadme.com/ [threshold]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threshold_of_originality