# AssociativePositionalList (Rust crate) AssociativePositionalList is a positional container in which each value is associated with an index, starting at 0 for the first element. Values can be `insert`ed and `remove`d at any index (with logarithmic time complexity). The value at any index can be accessed with `get`. But unlike other list containers such as `Vec`, the association between index and value is reversible, and the index for a value may be determined using `find`. * [crates.io page](https://crates.io/crates/associative_positional_list) * [Documentation at docs.rs](https://docs.rs/associative_positional_list) * [Source code on Github](https://github.com/jwhitham/associative_positional_list) ## Notes Items in AssociativePositionalList must be unique so that `find` is unambiguous. They must also be `Clone`able and `Hash`able. This crate was developed by a relative newcomer to Rust as part of a learning exercise. It may not be very efficient. Some of the interfaces you may expect as part of a list container (or a set) are not present. Aside from the [tests](tests) within the crate source code, a complete usage example can be found [here](https://github.com/jwhitham/aoc/tree/master/2022/20).