{ "catalogue": [ { "definition": "Identification of the radar station from which the data is received.\n", "description": null, "name": "010", "remark": "Note:\n - The up-to-date list of SACs is published on the\n EUROCONTROL Web Site (http://www.eurocontrol.int/asterix).\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SAC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "System Area Code" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SIC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "System Identification Code" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Data Source Identifier" }, { "definition": "Type and properties of the target report.\n", "description": null, "name": "020", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. For Mode S aircraft, the SPI information is also contained in I048/230.\n 2. To bits 3/2 of extension 1 (FOE/FRI): IFF interrogators supporting a three level\n classification of the processing of the Mode 4 interrogation result\n shall encode the detailed response information in data item M4E of\n the Reserved Expansion Field of category 048. In this case the value\n for FOE/FRI in I048/020 shall be set to “00”.\n However, even those interrogators shall use I048/020 to encode the information “No reply”.\n 3. To bit 6 of extension 1 (XPP): This bit shall always be set when the X-pulse has\n been extracted, independent from the Mode it was extracted with.\n 4. To bit 7 of extension 1 (ERR): This bit set to “1” indicates that the range of the\n target is beyond the maximum range in data item I048/040.In this\n case – and this case only - the ERR Data Item in the Reserved\n Expansion Field shall provide the range value of the Measured\n Position in Polar Coordinates.\n 5. To Extension 2: The EUROCONTROL Specification for European Mode S Stations Edition 4.0\n (EMS 4.0) [Ref. 4] defines new functionalities that can use external data inputs.\n The possibilities described in EMS 4.0 cover the presence of target information acquired\n via the on-site ADS-B, the Surveillance Cluster Network or the Passive Acquisition Interface.\n The second extension provides information – per target – on whether such information is available\n supporting performance improvements, e.g. Passive Acquisition, and new features, e.g. detection\n of a potential IC Conflict.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "TYP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No detection" ], [ 1, "Single PSR detection" ], [ 2, "Single SSR detection" ], [ 3, "SSR + PSR detection" ], [ 4, "Single ModeS All-Call" ], [ 5, "Single ModeS Roll-Call" ], [ 6, "ModeS All-Call + PSR" ], [ 7, "ModeS Roll-Call +PSR" ] ] } }, "size": 3, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SIM", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Actual target report" ], [ 1, "Simulated target report" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "RDP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Report from RDP Chain 1" ], [ 1, "Report from RDP Chain 2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SPI", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Absence of SPI" ], [ 1, "Special Position Identification" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "RAB", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Report from aircraft transponder" ], [ 1, "Report from field monitor (fixed transponder)" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, null, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "TST", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Real target report" ], [ 1, "Test target report" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "ERR", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No Extended Range" ], [ 1, "Extended Range present" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "XPP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No X-Pulse present" ], [ 1, "X-Pulse present" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "ME", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No military emergency" ], [ 1, "Military emergency" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MI", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No military identification" ], [ 1, "Military identification" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "FOEFRI", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No Mode 4 interrogation" ], [ 1, "Friendly target" ], [ 2, "Unknown target" ], [ 3, "No reply" ] ] } }, "size": 2, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, null, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "ADSB", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "EP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "ADSB not populated" ], [ 1, "ADSB populated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "ADSB Element Populated Bit" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "VAL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Not available" ], [ 1, "Available" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "On-Site ADS-B Information" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "On-Site ADS-B Information" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SCN", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "EP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "SCN not populated" ], [ 1, "SCN populated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "SCN Element Populated Bit" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "VAL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Not available" ], [ 1, "Available" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Surveillance Cluster Network Information" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Surveillance Cluster Network Information" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "PAI", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "EP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "PAI not populated" ], [ 1, "PAI populated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "PAI Element Populated Bit" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "VAL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Not available" ], [ 1, "Available" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Passive Acquisition Interface Information" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Passive Acquisition Interface Information" }, { "length": 1, "spare": true }, null ], "type": "Extended" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Target Report Descriptor" }, { "definition": "Warning/error conditions detected by a radar station for the target report\ninvolved. Target Classification information for the target involved.\n", "description": null, "name": "030", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. It has to be stressed that a series of one or more codes can\n be reported per target report.\n 2. Data conveyed in this item are of secondary importance, and\n can generally also be derived from the processing of mandatory items.\n 3. As of Edition 1.28 of this specification it is possible to indicate specific\n Transponder Anomalies by means of dedicated Codes (such as Codes 33 and 34).\n Code 15 is kept for backwards compatibility. It needs to be understood that\n ASTERIX Encoders implementing Category 048 in line with Edition 1.27 or earlier\n of this specification cannot indicate specific Transponder Anomalies.\n 4. Values 25 to 30 have been defined to comply with the updated\n European Mode S Specification (EMS) and to provide the possibility\n to report the following information:\n\n - Code 25: the maximum number of permitted re-interrogations to\n acquire the surveillance information has been reached;\n - Code 26: the maximum number of permitted re-interrogations to\n extract BDS Registers has been reached;\n - Code 27: inconsistency detected between the contents of the\n message and the BDS register overlayed;\n - Code 28: a BDS swap has been detected and the respective information\n has been discarded;\n - Code 29: the track has been updated while being in the zenithal\n gap (also referred to as “Cone of Silence”);\n - Code 30: the radar had lost track of an aircraft and subsequently\n re-acquired it.\n - Code 31: ???\n - Code 32: the transponder has used a wrong Downlink Format.\n - Code 33 & 34: reporting specific Transponder Anomalies.\n - Code 35 indicates that a plot has been obtained despite a high probability\n of an IC Conflict with another interrogator.\n - Code 36 indicates that a plot is in a configuration that it would be possible\n to detect an IC Conflict with another interrogator. Currently no potential IC\n Conflict has been detected.\n NOTE: Although implementation dependent, the use of this code should\n be limited to the target acquisition phase.\n\n 5. Together with Codes 35 and 36 the possibility to communicate the area within which\n the detection of an IC Conflict is possible was implemented in the Category 034\n Specification Ref. [5] by means of Message Type 008.\n 6. The use of this Data Item is implementation specific and shall be described in the ICD\n of the system generating the Category 048 target reports.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rep": { "type": "Fx" }, "type": "Repetitive", "variation": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Not defined; never used" ], [ 1, "Multipath Reply (Reflection)" ], [ 2, "Reply due to sidelobe interrogation/reception" ], [ 3, "Split plot" ], [ 4, "Second time around reply" ], [ 5, "Angel" ], [ 6, "Slow moving target correlated with road infrastructure (terrestrial vehicle)" ], [ 7, "Fixed PSR plot" ], [ 8, "Slow PSR target" ], [ 9, "Low quality PSR plot" ], [ 10, "Phantom SSR plot" ], [ 11, "Non-Matching Mode-3/A Code" ], [ 12, "Mode C code / Mode S altitude code abnormal value compared to the track" ], [ 13, "Target in Clutter Area" ], [ 14, "Maximum Doppler Response in Zero Filter" ], [ 15, "Transponder anomaly detected" ], [ 16, "Duplicated or Illegal Mode S Aircraft Address" ], [ 17, "Mode S error correction applied" ], [ 18, "Undecodable Mode C code / Mode S altitude code" ], [ 19, "Birds" ], [ 20, "Flock of Birds" ], [ 21, "Mode-1 was present in original reply" ], [ 22, "Mode-2 was present in original reply" ], [ 23, "Plot potentially caused by Wind Turbine" ], [ 24, "Helicopter" ], [ 25, "Maximum number of re-interrogations reached (surveillance information)" ], [ 26, "Maximum number of re-interrogations reached (BDS Extractions)" ], [ 27, "BDS Overlay Incoherence" ], [ 28, "Potential BDS Swap Detected" ], [ 29, "Track Update in the Zenithal Gap" ], [ 30, "Mode S Track re-acquired" ], [ 31, "Duplicated Mode 5 Pair NO/PIN detected" ], [ 32, "Wrong DF reply format detected" ], [ 33, "Transponder anomaly (MS XPD replies with Mode A/C to Mode A/C-only all-call)" ], [ 34, "Transponder anomaly (SI capability report wrong)" ], [ 35, "Potential IC Conflict" ], [ 36, "IC Conflict detection possible-no conflict currently detected" ] ] } }, "size": 7, "type": "Element" } } }, "spare": false, "title": "Warning/Error Conditions and Target Classification" }, { "definition": "Measured position of an aircraft in local polar co-ordinates.\n", "description": null, "name": "040", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. In case of no detection, the extrapolated position expressed in slant\n polar co-ordinates may be sent, except for a track cancellation message.\n No detection is signalled by the TYP field set to zero in I048/020\n Target Report Descriptor.\n 2. This item represents the measured target position of the plot, even\n if associated with a track, for the present antenna scan. It is\n expressed in polar co-ordinates in the local reference system,\n centred on the radar station.\n 3. In case of combined detection by a PSR and an SSR, then the SSR\n position is sent.\n 4. For targets having a range beyond the maximum range the data item\n “Extended Range Report” has been added to the Reserved Expansion\n Field of category 048. The presence of this data item is indicated\n by the ERR bit set to one in data item I048/020, first extension.\n The ERR data item shall only be sent if the value of RHO is equal\n to or greater than 256NM.\n Please note that if this data item is used, the Encoding Rule to\n data item I048/040 still applies, meaning that the extra item in\n the Reserved Expansion Field shall be transmitted in addition to\n data item I048/040.\n If the Extended Range Report item in the Reserved Expansion Field\n is used, it is recommended to set the value of RHO in data item\n I048/040 to its maximum, meaning bits 32/17 all set to 1.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "RHO", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [ { "type": "<", "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": 256 } } ], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 8, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "THETA", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 16, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 360 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "°" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Measured Position in Polar Co-ordinates" }, { "definition": "Calculated position of an aircraft in Cartesian co-ordinates.\n", "description": null, "name": "042", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "X", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [ { "type": ">=", "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": -256 } }, { "type": "<=", "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": 256 } } ], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 7, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "X-Component" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "Y", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [ { "type": ">=", "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": -256 } }, { "type": "<=", "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": 256 } } ], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 7, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "X-Component" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Calculated Position in Cartesian Co-ordinates" }, { "definition": "Reply to Mode-2 interrogation.\n", "description": null, "name": "050", "remark": "Note:\n - Bit 15 has no meaning in the case of a smoothed Mode-2 and is set\n to 0 for a calculated track.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "V", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Code validated" ], [ 1, "Code not validated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "G", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Default" ], [ 1, "Garbled code" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "L", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Mode-2 code as derived from the reply of the transponder" ], [ 1, "Smoothed Mode-2 code as provided by a local tracker" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "length": 1, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MODE2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "String", "variation": "StringOctal" } }, "size": 12, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-2 Code in Octal Representation" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-2 Code in Octal Representation" }, { "definition": "Reply to Mode-1 interrogation.\n", "description": null, "name": "055", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. Bit 7 has no meaning in the case of a smoothed Mode-1 and is set\n to 0 for a calculated track.\n 2. The values of the bits for V, G, L, A4, A2, A1, B2 and B1 shall be\n identical to the values of the corresponding bits in subfield #5\n of data item “MD5 – Mode 5 Reports” and in subfield #5 of data\n item “MD5 – Mode 5 Reports, New Format” in the Reserved Expansion Field.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "V", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Code validated" ], [ 1, "Code not validated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "G", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Default" ], [ 1, "Garbled code" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "L", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Mode-1 code as derived from the reply of the transponder" ], [ 1, "Smoothed Mode-1 code as provided by a local tracker" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MODE1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 5, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-1 Code" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-1 Code in Octal Representation" }, { "definition": "Confidence level for each bit of a Mode-2 reply as provided by a monopulse SSR station.\n", "description": null, "name": "060", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "length": 4, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA4", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A4" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A4" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QB4", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse B4" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse B4" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QB2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse B2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse B2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QB1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse B1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse B1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QC4", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", 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provided by a monopulse SSR station.\n", "description": null, "name": "065", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "length": 3, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA4", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A4" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A4" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": 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"remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. Bit 15 has no meaning in the case of a smoothed Mode-3/A code and\n is set to 0 for a calculated track. For Mode S, it is set to one\n when an error correction has been attempted.\n 2. For Mode S, bit 16 is normally set to zero, but can exceptionally\n be set to one to indicate a non-validated Mode-3/A code (e.g. alert\n condition detected, but new Mode-3/A code not successfully extracted).\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "V", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Code validated" ], [ 1, "Code not validated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "G", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Default" ], [ 1, "Garbled code" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "L", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Mode-3/A code derived from the reply of the transponder" ], [ 1, "Mode-3/A code not extracted during the last scan" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "length": 1, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MODE3A", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "String", "variation": "StringOctal" } }, "size": 12, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-3/A Reply in Octal Representation" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-3/A Code in Octal Representation" }, { "definition": "Confidence level for each bit of a Mode-3/A reply as provided by a monopulse SSR station.\n", "description": null, "name": "080", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "length": 4, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA4", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A4" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A4" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QA1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse A1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse A1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QB4", 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"type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse C4" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse C4" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QC2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse C2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse C2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QC1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse C1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse C1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QD4", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse D4" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse D4" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QD2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse D2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse D2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QD1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse D1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse D1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-3/A Code Confidence Indicator" }, { "definition": "Flight Level converted into binary representation.\n", "description": null, "name": "090", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. When Mode C code / Mode S altitude code is present but not decodable,\n the “Undecodable Mode C code / Mode S altitude code” Warning/Error\n should be sent in I048/030.\n 2. When local tracking is applied and the received Mode C code / Mode S\n altitude code corresponds to an abnormal value (the variation with\n the previous plot is estimated too important by the tracker),\n the “Mode C code / Mode S altitude code abnormal value compared\n to the track“ Warning/Error should be sent in I048/030.\n 3. The value shall be within the range described by ICAO Annex 10\n 4. For Mode S, bit 15 (G) is set to one when an error correction has\n been attempted.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "V", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Code validated" ], [ 1, "Code not validated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "G", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Default" ], [ 1, "Garbled code" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "FL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 2, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "FL" } }, "size": 14, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Flight Level in Binary Representation" }, { "definition": "Mode-C height in Gray notation as received from the transponder together\nwith the confidence level for each reply bit as provided by a MSSR/Mode S station.\n", "description": null, "name": "100", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. For Mode S, D1 is also designated as Q, and is used to denote either\n 25ft or 100ft reporting.\n 2. For Mode S, bit-31 (G) is set when an error correction has been attempted.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "V", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Code validated" ], [ 1, "Code not validated" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "G", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Default" ], [ 1, "Garbled code" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "length": 2, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MODEC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 12, "type": "Element" } }, 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"Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QB1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse B1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse B1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QD1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse D1" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse D1" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "QB2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "High quality pulse B2" ], [ 1, "Low quality pulse B2" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": 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"type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-C Code and Code Confidence Indicator" }, { "definition": "Height of a target as measured by a 3D radar. The height shall use mean\nsea level as the zero reference level.\n", "description": null, "name": "110", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "length": 2, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "3DH", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 25 }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "ft" } }, "size": 14, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "3D Height, in Binary Notation. Negative Values Are Expressed in Two's Complement" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Height Measured by a 3D Radar" }, { "definition": "Information on the Doppler Speed of the target report.\n", "description": null, "name": "120", "remark": "Notes:\n\n - Although the meaning of a positive or negative value is implementation\n dependent and shall be described in the ICD of the system generating\n the ASTERIX record, it is recommended to transmit a positive value for\n targets moving away from the radar.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "fspec": null, "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "CAL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "D", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Doppler speed is valid" ], [ 1, "Doppler speed is doubtful" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "" }, { "length": 5, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "CAL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "m/s" } }, "size": 10, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Calculated Doppler Speed, Coded in Two's Complement" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Calculated Doppler Speed" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "RDS", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rep": { "size": 8, "type": "Regular" }, "type": "Repetitive", "variation": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "DOP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "m/s" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Doppler Speed" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "AMB", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "m/s" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Ambiguity Range" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "FRQ", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "MHz" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Transmitter Frequency" } ], "type": "Group" } } }, "spare": false, "title": "Raw Doppler Speed" } ], "type": "Compound" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Radial Doppler Speed" }, { "definition": "Additional information on the quality of the target report.\n", "description": null, "name": "130", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. The total range covered is therefore from 0 to 11.21 °.\n 2. Negative values are coded in two's complement form.\n 3. The total range covered is therefore from 0 to 11.21 °.\n 4. Negative values are coded in two's complement form.\n 5. Negative values are coded in two's complement form.\n 6. The covered range difference is +/- 0.5 NM.\n 7. Sending the maximum value means that the difference in range\n is equal or greater than the maximum value.\n 8. Negative values are coded in two's complement form.\n 9. The covered azimuth difference is +/-360/2 7 = +/- 2.8125 °.\n 10. Sending the maximum value means that the difference in range\n is equal or greater than the maximum value.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "fspec": null, "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": "SSR plot runlength, expressed as a positive binary value.\n", "name": "SRL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 13, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 360 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "°" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "SSR Plot Runlength" }, { "definition": null, "description": "Number of Received Replies for (M)SSR\n", "name": "SRR", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "signed": false, "type": "Integer" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Number of Received Replies for (M)SSR" }, { "definition": null, "description": "Amplitude of (M)SSR Reply\n", "name": "SAM", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "dBm" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Amplitude of (M)SSR Reply" }, { "definition": null, "description": "Primary Plot Runlength, expressed as positive binary value\n", "name": "PRL", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 13, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 360 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "°" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Primary Plot Runlength" }, { "definition": null, "description": "Amplitude of Primary Plot\n", "name": "PAM", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "dBm" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Amplitude of Primary Plot" }, { "definition": null, "description": "Range (PSR-SSR)\n", "name": "RPD", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 8, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Difference in Range Between PSR and SSR Plot" }, { "definition": null, "description": "Azimuth (PSR-SSR)\n", "name": "APD", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 14, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 360 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": true, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "°" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Difference in Azimuth Between PSR and SSR Plot" } ], "type": "Compound" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Radar Plot Characteristics" }, { "definition": "Absolute time stamping expressed as Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC).\n", "description": null, "name": "140", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. The time of day value is reset to 0 each day at midnight.\n 2. Every radar station using ASTERIX should be equipped with at least\n one synchronised time source\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [ { "type": "<", "value": { "type": "Integer", "value": 86400 } } ], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 7, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "s" } }, "size": 24, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Time of Day" }, { "definition": "An integer value representing a unique reference to a track record within\na particular track file.\n", "description": null, "name": "161", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "length": 4, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "TRN", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 12, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Track Number" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Track Number" }, { "definition": "Status of monoradar track (PSR and/or SSR updated).\n", "description": null, "name": "170", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "CNF", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Confirmed Track" ], [ 1, "Tentative Track" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Confirmed Vs. Tentative Track" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "RAD", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Combined Track" ], [ 1, "PSR Track" ], [ 2, "SSR/Mode S Track" ], [ 3, "Invalid" ] ] } }, "size": 2, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Type of Sensor(s) Maintaining Track" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "DOU", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Normal confidence" ], [ 1, "Low confidence in plot to track association" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Signals Level of Confidence in Plot to Track Association Process" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MAH", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No horizontal man.sensed" ], [ 1, "Horizontal man. sensed" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Manoeuvre Detection in Horizontal Sense" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "CDM", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Maintaining" ], [ 1, "Climbing" ], [ 2, "Descending" ], [ 3, "Unknown" ] ] } }, "size": 2, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Climbing / Descending Mode" }, null, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "TRE", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Track still alive" ], [ 1, "End of track lifetime(last report for this track)" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Signal for End_of_Track" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "GHO", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "True target track" ], [ 1, "Ghost target track" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Ghost Vs. True Target" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SUP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No" ], [ 1, "Yes" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Track Maintained with Track Information from Neighbouring Node B on the Cluster, or Network" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "TCC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "Tracking performed in so-called 'Radar Plane', i.e. neither slant range correction nor stereographical projection was applied" ], [ 1, "Slant range correction and a suitable projection technique are used to track in a 2D.reference plane, tangential to the earth model at the Radar Site co-ordinates" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Type of Plot Coordinate Transformation Mechanism:" }, { "length": 3, "spare": true }, null ], "type": "Extended" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Track Status" }, { "definition": "Calculated track velocity expressed in polar co-ordinates.\n", "description": null, "name": "200", "remark": "Notes:\n\n - The calculated heading is related to the geographical North at the\n aircraft position.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "GSP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 14, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM/s" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Calculated Groundspeed" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "HDG", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 16, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 360 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "°" } }, "size": 16, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Calculated Heading" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Calculated Track Velocity in Polar Co-ordinates" }, { "definition": "Track quality in the form of a vector of standard deviations.\n", "description": null, "name": "210", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. The standard deviation is per definition a positive value, hence\n the range covered is : 0<= Sigma(X)<2 NM\n 2. The standard deviation is per definition a positive value, hence\n the range covered is : 0<= Sigma(Y)<2 NM\n 3. The standard deviation is per definition a positive value, hence\n the range covered is: 0<=Sigma (V)<56.25 Kt\n 4. The standard deviation is per definition a positive value; hence\n the range covered is: 0 <= sigma (H) < 22.5 degrees.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SIGX", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 7, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Sigma (X)) Standard Deviation on the Horizontal Axis of the Local Grid System" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SIGY", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 7, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Sigma (Y)) Standard Deviation on the Vertical Axis of the Local Grid System" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SIGV", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 14, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 1 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "NM/s" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Sigma (V)) Standard Deviation on the Groundspeed Within the Local Grid System" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SIGH", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "constraints": [], "lsb": { "denominator": { "base": 2, "exponent": 12, "type": "Pow" }, "numerator": { "type": "Integer", "value": 360 }, "type": "Div" }, "signed": false, "type": "Quantity", "unit": "°" } }, "size": 8, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Sigma (H)) Standard Deviation on the Heading Within the Local Grid System" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Track Quality" }, { "definition": "Aircraft address (24-bits Mode S address) assigned uniquely to each aircraft.\n", "description": null, "name": "220", "remark": "Note:\n - The Encoding Rule for Data Item I048/220 has been relaxed in Edition\n 1.30 for the “End of Track Message”. In order to prevent interoperability\n problems it is recommended that systems sending I048/220 in an “End\n of Track Message” continue to do so.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 24, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Aircraft Address" }, { "definition": "Communications capability of the transponder, capability of the on-board\nACAS equipment and flight status.\n", "description": null, "name": "230", "remark": "Note:\n - This item shall be present in every ASTERIX record conveying\n data related to a Mode S target, except for an “End of Track\n Message” (i.e. I048/170, First Extension, Bit 8 is set to “1”) in which\n this Data Item is optional. If the datalink capability has not been\n extracted yet, bits 16/14 shall be set to zero.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "COM", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No communications capability (surveillance only)" ], [ 1, "Comm. A and Comm. B capability" ], [ 2, "Comm. A, Comm. B and Uplink ELM" ], [ 3, "Comm. A, Comm. B, Uplink ELM and Downlink ELM" ], [ 4, "Level 5 Transponder capability" ] ] } }, "size": 3, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Communications Capability of the Transponder" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "STAT", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No alert, no SPI, aircraft airborne" ], [ 1, "No alert, no SPI, aircraft on ground" ], [ 2, "Alert, no SPI, aircraft airborne" ], [ 3, "Alert, no SPI, aircraft on ground" ], [ 4, "Alert, SPI, aircraft airborne or on ground" ], [ 5, "No alert, SPI, aircraft airborne or on ground" ], [ 7, "Unknown" ] ] } }, "size": 3, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Flight Status" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "SI", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "SI-Code Capable" ], [ 1, "II-Code Capable" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "SI/II Transponder Capability" }, { "length": 1, "spare": true }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MSSC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No" ], [ 1, "Yes" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode-S Specific Service Capability" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "ARC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "100 ft resolution" ], [ 1, "25 ft resolution" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Altitude Reporting Capability" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "AIC", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Table", "values": [ [ 0, "No" ], [ 1, "Yes" ] ] } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Aircraft Identification Capability" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "B1A", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 1, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "BDS 1,0 Bit 16" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "B1B", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 4, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "BDS 1,0 Bits 37/40" } ], "type": "Group" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Communications/ACAS Capability and Flight Status" }, { "definition": "Aircraft identification (in 8 characters) obtained from an aircraft\nequipped with a Mode S transponder.\n", "description": null, "name": "240", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. This data item contains the flight identification as available in\n the respective Mode S transponder registers.\n 2. The Encoding Rule for Data Item I048/240 has been relaxed in Edition\n 1.30 for the “End of Track Message”. In order to prevent interoperability\n problems it is recommended that systems sending I048/240 in an “End of\n Track Message” continue to do so.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "String", "variation": "StringICAO" } }, "size": 48, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Aircraft Identification" }, { "definition": "BDS Register Data as extracted from the aircraft transponder.\n", "description": null, "name": "250", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. For the transmission of BDS Register 2,0, Data Item I048/240 is used.\n 2. For the transmission of BDS Register 3,0, Data Item I048/260 is used. In\n case of ACAS Xu (as defined in [3]), the Resolution Advisory consists of two\n parts (BDS Register 3,0 and BDS Register 3,1). BDS Register 3,1 will be\n transmitted using Data Item I048/250. For the detailed definition of BDS\n Register 3,0 and 3,1please refer to [2] Tables B-3-48a and B-3-49.\n 3. In case of data extracted via Comm-B broadcast, all bits of fields BDS1 and\n BDS2 are set to 0; in case of data extracted via GICB requests, the fields\n BDS1 and BDS2 correspond to the GICB register number.\n 4. The Encoding Rule for Data Item I048/250 has been relaxed in Edition 1.30\n for the “End of Track Message”. In order to prevent interoperability problems\n it is recommended that systems sending I048/250 in an “End of Track\n Message” continue to do so.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rep": { "size": 8, "type": "Regular" }, "type": "Repetitive", "variation": { "items": [ { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "MBDATA", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 56, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Mode S Comm B Message Data" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "BDS1", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 4, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Comm B Data Buffer Store 1 Address" }, { "definition": null, "description": null, "name": "BDS2", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 4, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Comm B Data Buffer Store 2 Address" } ], "type": "Group" } } }, "spare": false, "title": "BDS Register Data" }, { "definition": "Currently active Resolution Advisory (RA), if any, generated by the ACAS\nassociated with the transponder transmitting the report and threat identity data.\n", "description": null, "name": "260", "remark": "Notes:\n\n 1. Refer to ICAO Draft SARPs for ACAS for detailed explanations.\n 2. In case of ACAS Xu, the Resolution Advisory consists of two parts (BDS30\n and BDS31). BDS31 will be transmitted using item 250.\n", "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "type": "Raw" } }, "size": 56, "type": "Element" } }, "spare": false, "title": "ACAS Resolution Advisory Report" }, { "definition": "Expansion\n", "description": null, "name": "RE", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "expl": "RE", "type": "Explicit" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Reserved Expansion Field" }, { "definition": "Special Purpose Field\n", "description": null, "name": "SP", "remark": null, "rule": { "type": "ContextFree", "value": { "expl": "SP", "type": "Explicit" } }, "spare": false, "title": "Special Purpose Field" } ], "date": { "day": 3, "month": 10, "year": 2022 }, "edition": { "major": 1, "minor": 31 }, "number": 48, "preamble": "Surveillance data exchange.\n", "title": "Monoradar Target Reports", "type": "Basic", "uap": { "items": [ "010", "140", "020", "040", "070", "090", "130", "220", "240", "250", "161", "042", "200", "170", "210", "030", "080", "100", "110", "120", "230", "260", "055", "050", "065", "060", "SP", "RE" ], "type": "uap" } }