pub mod astroport_integration_tests; use astroport_integration_tests::test_balancing_provide_liquidity; use astroport_liquidity_helper::math::constant_product_formula; use cosmwasm_std::{Decimal, Uint128}; use cw_it::astroport::astroport::factory::PairType; use proptest::prelude::*; use proptest::proptest; fn astroport_pair_type() -> impl Strategy { prop_oneof![ Just(PairType::Xyk {}), Just(PairType::Stable {}), // Just(PairType::Custom("concentrated".to_string())), // Errors with `newton_d is not // converging` Just(PairType::Custom("astroport-pair-xyk-sale-tax".to_string())), ] } proptest! { #![proptest_config(ProptestConfig { cases: 10, max_local_rejects: 100000, max_global_rejects: 100000, max_shrink_iters: 5, ..ProptestConfig::default() })] #[test] fn balancing_provide_liquidity( asset_amount_1 in 1..Decimal::MAX.to_uint_ceil().u128(), // cw_dex_astroport::pool::swap overflows on line 235 with larger values... asset_amount_2 in 1..100_000_000_000_000u128, reserve_1 in 1..1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000u128, reserve_2 in 1..100_000_000_000_000u128, pair_type in astroport_pair_type()) { let reserves = [Uint128::new(reserve_1), Uint128::new(reserve_2)]; let assets = [Uint128::new(asset_amount_1), Uint128::new(asset_amount_2)]; let is_xyk = match &pair_type { PairType::Xyk {} => true, PairType::Custom(t) if t == "astroport-pair-xyk-sale-tax" => true, _ => false, }; let should_swap = if is_xyk { // Get ratio of reserves and provided assets let reserve_ratio = Decimal::from_ratio(reserves[0], reserves[1]); let asset_ratio = if assets[1].is_zero() { Decimal::MAX } else { Decimal::from_ratio(assets[0], assets[1]) }; // Check which asset to swap let (offer_idx, ask_idx) = if { (0, 1) } else { (1, 0) }; let offer_reserve = reserves[offer_idx]; let ask_reserve = reserves[ask_idx]; let offer_amount = assets[offer_idx]; let fee = Decimal::permille(30); let tax_rate = if matches!(pair_type, PairType::Xyk{}) { Decimal::percent(3) } else { Decimal::percent(0) }; let return_amount = constant_product_formula(offer_reserve, ask_reserve, offer_amount, fee, tax_rate).unwrap(); return_amount > Uint128::zero() } else { true }; test_balancing_provide_liquidity( assets, reserves, pair_type, should_swap ); } }