70~{? 0 0 0 D)\2;[in5hَpwHĢT6U#*,&H(AQ q@JT*d! let input = InputStream::new(vec![]); } mod write { mod com00)] fn multiple_members() { assert_eq!(trailer, &[7, 8, 9, 10][..meout(1000)] fn trailer() { let decod result = read::poll_read(encoder, &mut output); est::timeout(1000)] fn empty() mod $impl { mod bufread { { limited::Limited::new(self, limit) _cases; pub mod algos; pub mod impls; pub use seure = "tokio")] mod tokio_ext; mod track_closed; m ready!(self.as_mut().do_poll_flush(cx))?; ?; decoder.shutdown().await?; Ok(decoder.ihutdown` #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")th the following command in a terminal: //! //! `` &mut self.buffer.as_mut()[self.index..] }, index: usize, } impl> Partiaync>() {} #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Pacompress.total_out(); let status = , } impl FlateDecoder { pub(crate) fn new(zli_args!("{}/{}", self.buffered, self.buf.len()), s.buffered += len; Poll::Ready(Ok(len) } } if *this.written > 0d]) { Poll::Pending =>ufWriter` with the specified buffersyncWrite; const DEFAULTe] mod utils; test_cases!(deflate); // Originally fn produce(self: Pin<&mut Self>, amt: usize); } his function is a lower-level call. It needs nderlying IO when possible. /// /// This ffull. /// /// On success, returns `Poll::R output.advance(len); Ok(bytes_left == 0) tten_mut())?; input.advance(status.bytes_rate) fn new_with_dict(dictionary: &[u8]) -> io::Reshared::Unshared, util::PartialBuffer}; use libzstader(_) | State::Footer(_) | State::Done => returnlt()); self.header = Header::default(); ter(footer) => { footer.copy_u.state { State::Header(parser) => } } fn process, O: AsRef let crc_sum = crc.sum().to_le_bytes(); le2::Crc; #[derive(Debug)] enum State { Header(, level), } } } impl Encode for LzmaElBuffer::new(&[][..]), output, Action::Finish)? { othing much to report. Status::Ok => u Ok(status) } } impl Encode for BzEnc /// equivalent to using the default value of 30. r over a wide range of /// circumstances. /// a factor of three, but always behaves reader { /// Creates a new stream prepared for coerwise we'll just keep writing // out sync AsRef<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>>, flush: FlushCw(level, zlib_header), flushed: true, d::io::Result; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LzmaDebytes, so it must be invalid // paddin*count == 0 { *count = 4; Kind, Result}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct XzDeco { pub(crate) fn new(level: Compression) -> Seut Self>, amt: usize) { self.project().0.c } Poll::Ready(Ok(0)) er, eof } = Pin::into_inner(self); (Pin::n inner: R, eof: bool, } impl TrackEa from the given stream /// and emState::Encoding => { if self.i true } State::Encoding => self.iitten().is_empty() { return Ok(()).state { State::Header(header) => ty(8); output.extend(&self.crc.sum().to_lx08, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, level_byte, 0xff] } impl Gzip crc: Crc, state: State, } fn header(level://! Implementations for IO traits exported by [`fute /// when reaching the end of a comp// This structure implements an [`AsyncRead`](tokiate) use self::{decoder::XzDecoder, encoder::XzEnc match status { Status::Ok | Status pub fn new(format: Xz2FileFormat, level: u32) fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> FmtResult } State::Crc(data) e(len) = memchr::memchr(0, input.unwritten()) { self.state = State::Comment(<_>::d if !self.header.flags.extra { t self.state { State::Fixed(data) ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid gzip header")); { if input[0..3] != [0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08] { { ascii: bool, crc: bool, extra: bool impl AsyncRead for En #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Encoder Err? { BrotliResult::ResultSuccess | Brot_len, out_buf, &mut 0, let mut out_buf = output.unwritten_mut(); . state: Box Self { Self(LdmHashRateLog(valSelf { Self(EnableLongDistanceMatchinghing mode to look for and emit long-distance refer } /// Number of search attempts (as antation](https://facebook.github.io/zstd/zstd_manuty) => quality.try_into().unwrap_or(0).min(9), bzstd::compression_level_range().into_inner(); fn into_flate2(self) -> flate2::Compression { ch self { Self::Fastest => fastest, this depends on the algorithm chosen /// and tressed with. #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(Clone, Copkio")] pub mod tokio; mod unshared; mod util; #[ doc = "`zlib` | [`ZlibEncoder`](?search=ZlibEncarch=LzmaEncoder), [`LzmaDecoder`](?search=LzmaDec | [`GzipEncoder`](?search=GzipEncoder), [`GzipDec(?search=BzEncoder), [`BzDecoder`](?search=BzDecodcWrite`" )] //! //! ## Compression algorithm //! ion, `#![rustfmt::skip::attributes(cfg_attlection of algorithms //! `all-algorithms` | Acti which can each be individually selected via Cargo } } } //! Adaptors between compression c #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Decoder SeParams, encode::{ BrotliEncoderCompres algos!(@algo xz ["xz"] XzDecoder XzEncodhe dictionary used must be the same as the one }) } } { @dec on. /// /// # Errors ::new_with_params(level.into_zstd(), params), // // TODO: remove panic note on nex and parameters, which /// will read uinner, crate::codec::ZlibE algos!(@algo gzip ["gzip"] GzipDener, crate::codec::Deflate algos!(@algo bzip2 ["bzip2"] BzDecoder BzEncoBrotliEncoder::new(level.into_brotli(params)), t!("A ", $algo_s, " encoder, or compressor.")] algos!(futures::bufread); macro_rules! algos {rue) } } //! Types which operate over [`AsyncBushOk => unreachable!(), // THe Run a let prior_in = self.decompress.total_in(); ompress.total_out() ) } } impl BzDeco::Decode, util::PartialBuffer}; use std::fmt; use inner: crate::tokio::write::Decoder Err(std::io::Error::new( std::i) -> Result<()> { *self = Self::new(); der { stream: Stream, } impl Debug for Xz2Decnts an [`AsyncWrite`](tokio::io::AsyncWrite) inter } } #[macro_use] mod utils; test_cases!(bzip2); next = Pin::new(&mut self.inner).poll_flush(cx); tokio::io::AsyncWrite for InterleavePending { self::{decoder::BzDecoder, encoder::BzEncoder}; usmember/frame and expect either EOF or another ssed stream. pub fn new(read: R) -> $nyncRead) interface and will /// read c Pin::new(&mut this.reader).consume(i); let buffer = ready!(Pin::new(&mut this.reader).pwriter: &'a mut W, amt: u64, } impl Futopy_buf(reader: R, writer: &mut W) -> CopyBuin::new(&mut self.inner).poll_write(cx, buf) } match Pin::new(&mut self.inner).poll_close(cx) { Write for TrackClosed { fn poll_write(mut s} } pub fn is_closed(&self) -> bool { tdown before finishing input", ))) ck_on(decoder.read_to_end(&mut output)).is_err());t input = InputStream::from(vec![compressed]); [][..]); let input = InputStream::from(vec![c)] use utils::{algos::xz::sync, InputStream}; #[cten to and should /// be sent. As such, this fs buffer, so they should be /// written out tok(buf))`. /// /// If the buffer is full anrs { this.decoder.rein } State::Flushing = *this.multiple_members = fals) { self.multiple_members = enabled; }e> Decoder { pub fn new(reader: R, decod(Debug)] enum State { Decoding, Flushing, whether the end of the stream has been read f buffers are flushed fn flush(&mut self, outpu)] pub(crate) use self::zlib::{ZlibDecoder, ZlibEnpub(crate) use self::flate::{FlateDecoder, FlateEn "lzma")] mod lzma; #[cfg(feature = "xz")] mod xz;f_write::AsyncBufWrite, buf_writer::BufWriter, { /// Seek to the offset, in bytes, in the unt::Result { f.debug_struct("BufWriter") )?; self.project().inner.poll_close(cx) .*this.buffered + len].copy_from_slice(&buf[..len]t this = self.as_mut().project(); if buf.lthe underlying writer. /// /// Note that aReady(ret) } else if *this.buffered == 0 {.written += n, Poll::Ready(Err(e))ed]) { Poll::Pending =pacity. pub fn with_capacity(cap: usize, innertures_io::{AsyncSeek, AsyncWrite, SeekFrom}; use p // the `AsyncBufWrite` impl can access its intern } } mod decompity( input, ).as_ref(), |input| { te::Encoder::with_quality(input, Level::Best)), ress { use crate::utils::{ let output = read::to_vec(decoder); sync::compress(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), let trailer = read::to_vec(reader) let output = bufread::decompress(&mut reader);::timeout(1000)] fn zeros() { let compressed = sync::compress(&[]); ::$variant::{ sync, Level::Precise(0), am()), Level::Best, ::compress(bufread::from(&one_to_six_stream())); let mut output = []; let mut input: &[u8] = &[]; tokio::io::AsyncWrite> AsyncWriteTestExt for T {} ending; mod limited; pub use copy_buf::copy_buf; :{future::Future, io::Result, iter::FromIterator, erent tests use a different subset of functions mlf.as_mut().project().state { *self.asn compress(in_data: &[u8]) -> Result> { tures="tokio,zlib" //! "example" //! ``` use $ cargo run --example zlib_tokio_write --features = std::cmp::min(self.unwritten().len(), other.unwf.index] } pub(crate) fn unwritten(&self) } } } pub fn _assert_send() {} pub fw(&[][..]), output, FlushDsMut<[u8]>>, flush: FlushDecompress, )ress, Status}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct FlateD .field( "buffer", ush_buf(cx))?; self.project().inner.poll_st len = min(this.buf.len() - *this.buffered, buf.lwere Pending, so our waker was already queued t W> { self.project().inner > *this.written += n, Err(e) => { :Ready(ret) } else { ret?; } Poll::Ready(Ok(n)) => *t: vec![0; cap].into(), written: 0, Self::with_capacity(DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, inner) } efficient // with those methods. use super::Asyn ready!(self.project().writer.as_mut().poll_cle::Finishing | State::Done => panic!("Flush after ; use crate::{ codec::Encode, futures::wrbuf` method to /// function properly. This fun `Poll::Pending` and /// arranges for the currcrate) trait AsyncBufWrite { /// Attempt to ret_buf)?; let len = out_buf.as_slice().len( .get_mut() .run_on_buffers(inputcoder = Decoder::with_dictionary(dictionary)?; "unexpected end of file", )) flushed all the data out before we get here Header(_) | State::Footer(_) | State::Done => retuimpl Decode for GzipDecwritten().is_empty() { che self.state = State::Footer(vec![0; 8].into()) r, &mut PartialBuffer) -> Result, if bytes_read != input[4..8] { } fn check_footer(crc: &Crc, input: &[u8]) -> Re codec::{ gzip::header::{self, Header}, >, ) -> Result { // Flush on LZM inner: crate::codec::Xz2Encoder, } impl LzmaEn // Decompression went fine, nothing much to repoBuffer::new(&[][..]), output, Action::Flush)? { atch self.encode(input, output, Action::Run)? { unwritten(), output.unwritten_mut(), action) u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>>, action: Action, )rd /// algorithm will expend before resorting presented with worst case, highly repetitive, inpu write!( f, "BzEncoduse] mod decoder; #[macro_use] mod encoder; use crd_len = output.written().len(); self.e // We need to keep track of whether we've alreOk => Ok(()), Status::StreamEnd => unren_mut(), flush)?; input.advance((self.coesult}; use flate2::{Compress, Compression, Flush inner: crate::codec::Xz2Decoder, } impl LzmaDe "stream padding was not a multiple of 4 bytelet Some(ref mut count) = self.skip_padding { padding = Some(4); self.inner.reinit() er: crate::codec::FlateEncoder::new(level, false),cBufRead for TrackEof { fn poll_fill_buf(sePoll::Ready(Ok(())) => { if buf.fi } Poll::Ready(Ok(buf)) text) -> Poll> { let (inner,yncRead + Unpin> futures::io::AsyncRead for TrackE Self { inner, eof: false } } pub fn proj } } impl<$inner: futurAsyncBufRead> $name<$inner> { $( from an underlying stream and emit a stream of comitten().is_empty() { return Ok(fal self.state = State::Footer(self.footer().into( } State::Done => true, output.copy_unwritten_from(&mut *fooState::Done => panic!("encode after complete"), self.state = State::Encoding; level).into()), } } fn footer(&mu 0x02 } else if level.level() <= CompreBuffer>), Encoding, Footer(Partiallt> { let limit = self.limit; o`](::futures_io). pub mod bufread; pub mod write<'_>, buf: &mut tokio::io::ReadBuf /// compressed member/frame to follow it in the sethods)*)* /// Configure multi-member inner: crate::tokio::bufread::Decoder $({ $($inherent_methods:tt)* })*) => { [], output.unwritten_mut(), Action::SyncFlush)?; out() as usize - previous_out); elf.stream.total_in() as usize - previous_in); :new_lzma_encoder(&LzmaOptions::new_preset(level). panic!("parser used after done"); f.header.flags.crc { input.advance(input.unwritten().len()); self.state = State::Crc(<_>::d:default()); continue; } State::Extra(data) self.state = State::Filename(<_>::AsRef<[u8]>>, ) -> Result> { Ok(Header { flags }) } } impl Parser { e, header: Header, } impl Header { fn parol, filename: bool, comment: bool, } #[de let mut output = PartialBuffer::new(buf); ume(len); State::Encoding t); this.encoder.encode(&m, } } impl Encodeelf.project().writer.as_mut().poll_shutdown(cx))?; } fn do_poll_shutdown(self: alBuffer::new(output); let done = matncoding => { this.encoder.encoive(Debug)] pub struct Encoder {of, "reached unexpected EOF", sMoreOutput => , BrotliResult::NeedsMoreOutput | Brot } status => status, let status = match BrotliDecompressStream( liState` is very large (over 2kb) which is why we'stream::raw::CParameter { self.0 :with_quality_and_params()` calls. // // Emit a dictionary ID when using a custom dictio power of two) pub fn ldm_hash_rate_log(va pub fn enable_long_distance_matching(valueength modifier pub fn target_length(value:ue: u32) -> Self { Self(HashLog(value)ession parameter for zstd. This is a stable wrappe Self::Default => libzstd::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVelf) -> i32 { let (fastest, best) = libzst let best = flate2::Compression::best(); ::Compression::new( quality g it. /// Qualities are implicitly clamped to ession algorithm. Default, /// Precise quarn( missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms, mi doc = "`zstd` | [`ZstdEncoder`](?search=ZstdEnce = "xz"), doc = "`xz` (*inactive*) | `XzEncodoc = "`deflate` | [`DeflateEncoder`](?search=Deflac = "`brotli` (*inactive*) | `BrotliEncoder`, `Broable choices, these determine which types will be fg_attr)]` should do it, but // that's unstable #!s that have corresponding top-level modules: //! tes and Rust's modern asynchronous IO types. //! utput = PartialBuffer::new(buf.initialize_unfilled> State::Done, State::Next => { if *this.multiple_members { f the reader // has return self.reader } pub fn mulf>) -> Pin<&mut R> { self.project().readert; use tokio::io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncRead, ReadBuk(BrotliEncoderIsFinished(&self.state) == 1) } Ok(BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput(&self.state) == Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "brotli error")); out_buf, &mut output_len, iEncoderStateStruct, } impl BrotlirKind, Result}, }; use brotli::enc::{ backwar inner, crate::codec::Lzma crate::codec::ZstdDecoder::new_with_dict(diction /// be present during decompression. The dictiohe given stream and emit an /// uncompReturns error when `dictionary` is not valid. ::Level, params: &[crate::zstd::CParameter]) -> Se /// the `zstdmt` crate feature is _not_ enabled. pressed data from the given stream and emit a compbEncoder <$inner> { @enc algos!(@algo zlib ["zlib"] ZlibDecoder ZlibEnc; algos!(@algo deflate ["deflate"] Deflatcodec::BzEncoder::new(level.into_bzip2(), 0), lgos!(@algo brotli ["brotli"] BrotliDecoder Brotlithods)* } } }; ($($mod:ident)::+ (@algo $algo:ident [$algo_s:expr] $decoder:idend`](futures_io::AsyncBufRead) streams, both encodede(&mut PartialBuffer::new(&[][..]), output)?; ut. Status::StreamEnd => Ok(true), .advance((self.decompress.total_out() - prio::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?; s: Decompress, } impl fmt::Debug for Bz; } } mod decoder; mod encoder; mod header; p } fn poll_shutdown( x, buf) } fn poll_flush( o_inner() } } impl>, ) -> Result { let prev Status, Stream}; pub struct Xz2Decoder { str_assert_send::<$name, buf: &[u8], /// Consumes this epin::Pin<&mut Self>) -> std::pin::Pin<&mut $inner> /// Creates a new encoder which will take iecoder, encoder::ZlibEncoder}; macro_rules! encode: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { inner: T, pended: ssert_send::<$name futures_io::AsyncRead for $ndecoder state /// when reaching the enDecoder::new(read, crate::codec::$name::new()), macro_rules! decod this.amt += i as u64; Output> { let this = &mut *self; Unpin + ?Sized, { CopyBuf { reader, ncWrite}; pub fn copy_buf(reader: R, writerure = "tokio")] impl, cx: &mut Context, buf: uct TrackClosed { inner: W, closed: boo) } else { Poll::Ready(Err(Erresult<()>> { if let State::Decoding = self impl AsyncWrite for Deut)? { (State::Done, falsetput)? { State::Finishing , D> { pub fn new(writer: W, decoder: D) -> Seembers(true); let mut output = Vec::new(); 1][..]); } #[test] #[ntest::timeout(1000)] #[cfg(bers_with_padding() { let compressed = [ unused)] use futures::{executor::block_on, io::Asy/ The `amt` must be `<=` the number of bytes in thunction does not perform any I/O, it simply informcurrent task context (`cx`) to receive a notificat, &mut output)? { Poll::Pending if outbers { this.decoder.re, output)?; let len = inpupty() { // Avoid attemptin>, output: &mut PartialBuffer<&mut [u8]>, Decoding, multiple_members: false, y; use futures_io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncRead}; use u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>>) -> Result; are flushed and the end of the stream is written ZstdDecoder, ZstdEncoder}; pub trait Encode { pub(crate) use self::brotli::{BrotliDecoder, Brotlate")] mod deflate; #[cfg(feature = "flate2")] mods; mod generic; mod buf_write; mod buf_writer; u ) .field("written", &self.writte&mut [u8]>> { ready!(self.as_mut().partialResult<()>> { ready!(self.as_mut().flush_buld have returned with // `this.buf buf.len() >= this.buf.len() { if *th &mut self.inner } /// Gets a pin/ Gets a reference to the underlying writer. pfered])) { Ok(0) => { *this.buffered { match ready!(this Err(e)) => { ret = Err(e); (Ok(0)) => { ret = Err(io::Errefault is currently 8 KB, /// but may change ioject; use std::{ cmp::min, fmt, io, pds to be redefined locally so that // the `AsyncBu:timeout(1000)] fn long_chunks::timeout(1000)] fn short() { = write::decompress(input.as_ref(), 65_536); one_to_six, InputStream, Box::pin(write::Encoder::with_quality( coder::with_quality(input, Level::Precise(0))) |input| Box::pin(write::Encoder::new(input)), sed = write::to_vec( pressed = write::compress(input.as_ref(), 20); let input = InputStream::new(vec![ e::compress(one_to_six_stream().as_ref(), 2); mpress(one_to_six_stream().as_ref(), 65_536); t(1000)] fn empty_chunk() { mpress { use crate::utils::{ utput, &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1][..]);m(compressed.chunks(1024)); = (0..65_536).map(|_| rand::random()).collect(); :timeout(1000)] fn long() { compressed.extend_from_slice(&[7, 8, 9, 10]);(1000)] fn short_chunks() { assert_eq!(output, &[0; 10][..]); let result = read::poll_read(decoder, &mut meout(1000)] fn to_full_output $impl::{bufread, read}, test] fn with_level_max() { #[test] fn with_level_0() { t] fn with_level_default() { ed = bufread::compress(bufread::from(&input)); ndom()).collect(), ]); let input = InputStream::new(vec![vec![]]); assert!(matches!(result, Ok(0))); _six, one_to_six_stream, InputStream, Level, ($impl:ident, $variant:ident) => { mod $ Self: Sized + Unpin, { limited::LimirackClosed, track_eof::TrackEof}; pub use async_co#![allow(dead_code, unused_macros)] // Different tas_mut().project().state = State::Finishing; if input.written().is_empty() => Poll::Pending, State::Done => (State::Done, true), put)? { (State::Done, fals else { State::Decoding pl DecodesyncWrite; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; #[dr::new(Vec::new()); decoder.write_all(in_data) println!("{:?}", String::from_utf8(de_compres std::mem::replace(self, Self::new(B::defauitten_from>(&mut self, other: &mut Buffer { pub(crate) fn new(buffer: B) -> Seruct PartialBuffer> { buffer: B); self.decode( &mut Pdecode(input, output, FlushDecompress::None)? { Ok(status) } } impl Decode for FlateDec self.decompress .decompub enum Xz2FileFormat { Xz, Lzma, } pub(cize) { *self.project().buffered += amt; l::Ready(Ok(&mut this.buf[*this.buffered..])) [*this.buffered..*this.buffered + len].copy_from_s// The only way that `partial_flush_buf` would haveftover data in the internal buffer is lost. p&W { &self.inner } /// Gets a mutthis.buffered, 0); *this.buffered -= *this } } fn flush_buf(self: ten > 0 { this.buf.copy_within(*this.w .as_mut() .poll_w self.project(); let mut ret = Ok(()); a new `BufWriter` with a default buffer capacity.nternals, and changed a bit to make it more effici_mut().do_poll_close(cx))?; ready!(self.prpty() { return Poll::Ready(Ok(0)); roduced); if let State::Done = this.s } } } fn do_poll_close(self: } } fn do_poll_flush(self: | State::Done => panic!("Write after close"), ject(); loop { let output = r, E> { pub fn new(writer: W, encoder: E) -> Sell_flush_buf`. fn produce(self:ush_buf` isn't /// called before calling it. when the object /// becomes readable or is clot to the inner reader if /// it is full. / mut out_buf = zstd_safe::OutBuffer::around(output_written); Ok(status.remaining == 0) }ecoder: Unshared::new(Decoder::new().unwrap()), ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "unexp> { // Because of the footer we have to haDecoding => { let prior = outprocess(input, output, |this, input, output| { if input.unwritten().is_empty() || output self.crc.update(&output.written()[prior..]); r: impl Fn(&mut Self, &mut PartialBuffer, &mut "amount of bytes read does not match", t bytes_read = crc.amount().to_le_bytes(); if Decode, }, util::PartialBuffer, }; us fn flush( &mut self, _output:r::new(crate::codec::Xz2FileFormat::Lzma, level), Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "out of memory")), => unreachable!(), // The Run actionest, but otherwise everything went normally. atus::FlushOk => Ok(false), // The Rus been met, meaning that no more data can be inputompression went ok. Status::RunOk => O let prior_out = self.compress.total_out(); to 250 inclusive. 0 is a special case, /// eqefault value of 30 gives reasonable behaviour overr than the standard algorithm by perhaps /// a for compression. /// /// The `work_factor FlushCompress::Finish, )? { self.flushed = true; Ok(!output.sync blocks continuously and probably never comple>, ) -> Result<()> { self.flushed = faelf.compress.total_in() - prior_in) as usize); ate) fn new(level: Compression, zlib_header: bool)coder::new(), } } } impl Decode for Lnon-padding then it cannot start with null bytes, while input.unwritten().first() == Some(&0) { on, } impl XzDecoder { pub fn new() -> Se>, ) -> Result { self.inner.fini inner: crate::codec::FlateEncoder, } impl Deflatll_buf(cx) { Poll::Ready(Ok(buf)) => {.filled().len() == len && buf.remaining() > 0 { f buf.is_empty() { *eof = trueContext) -> Poll> { let (inneof); match inner.poll_read(cx, buf) { g_attr(not(feature = "all-implementations"), allow use futures_io::AsyncBufRead; (self) -> $inner { self.inner.into /// may otherwise confuse this encoder. . pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &$inner $($inherent_methods)* )* l /// read uncompressed data from an u } State::Done => {} &mut *header); if header.unwr } else { false ut *footer); if footer.unwritFooter(_) | State::Done => panic!("encode after coelf.crc.update(&input.written()[prior_written..]);c::with_capacity(8); output.extend(&self.ression) -> Vec { let level_byte = if leve crate::codec::FlateEncoder, crc: Crc, stacx, &buf[..std::cmp::min(limit, buf.len())]) } fn new(io: Io, limit: usize) -> Limited { + Send>>>>(); _assert_sync::<$nam } impl tokios this decoder returning the underlying reader. o avoid tampering with the state of the reader whiressed member/frame and expect either EOF or anothber/frame decoding, if enabled this will reset theream and emit a stream of uncompressed data. d encoder; pub(crate) use self::{decoder::XzDecod&[], output.unwritten_mut(), Action::Finish)?; => panic!("Unexpected lzma integrity check"), Kind::Other, "out of memory", revious_in = self.stream.total_in() as usize; ew_easy_encoder(level, Check::Crc64).unwrap(), esult; use xz2::stream::{Action, Check, LzmaOptionen_from(input); if data.unwri input.advance(len + 1); } State::Comment(data) => { Some(len) = memchr::memchr(0, input.unwritten()) ra(vec![0; usize::from(len)].into()); let len = u16::from_le_bytes(data.ta self.header = Header::parse(&data.take().into_i flag = input[3]; let flags = Flags { Buffer>), Filename(Vec), Commeefault)] pub(super) struct Header { flags: Flax: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut [u8], ) }; if let State::Done = *this. let mut input = PartialBuffer::new(input) pub fn into_inner(self) -> R { self.r[pin] reader: R, encoder: E, ::Ready(Ok(())) } fn poll_shutdown(mut seontext<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> PocWrite for Encoder { fn poll_write(self: State::Encoding | State::Finishing => e::Encoding => this.encoder.flush(&mut output)?, State::Done => panic!("Write after shutdown"), xt<'_>, input: &mut PartialBuffer<&[u8]>, ate { Encoding, Finishing, Done, } pi"decompress", &"") .finish()? { BrotliResult::ResultSuccess => Ok(self.decode(&mut PartialBuffer::new(&[][..]), outpself) -> Result<()> { self.state = Box::neadvance(input_len); output.advance(output_ -> Result { let in_buf = inBox::new(BrotliState::new( Standar// If set to 0, zstd selects a job size based on c feature guarded fn on next breaking release } /// Number of threads to spawn. /// Emit the size of the content (default: true /// This increases the default window size. /// Minimum size of matches searched for f the initial probe table in 4-byte entries (as a /// type, to abstract over different versions ofspecific types for async-compression. pub mod zstd .try_into() .unwrap_or(0) .clamp(fastest.level(), best.level()), ature = "bzip2")] fn into_bzip2(self) -> bzip2ise(quality) => params.quality = quality.clamp(0, lity of compression, usually produces bigger size. "bzip2", feature = "flate2", feature = "xz2"))] ur`" )] //! #![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_c feature = "lzma", doc = "`lzma` | [`LzmaEncure = "gzip"), doc = "`gzip` (*inactive*) | `G=BrotliEncoder), [`BrotliDecoder`](?search=BrotliDsupport, there are currently a few //! available c doc = "[`futures-io`](crate::futures) | [`futurntation //! //! The first division is which underl: //! //! Feature | Does //! ---------|------ //nfilled()); match self.do_poll_read(cx, &m&mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut ReadBuf<'_>, State::Next this.reader.as_mut().consume(len);returned EOF. *this.multipol) { self.multiple_members = enabled; et_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R { &mut self.re decoder: D, state: State, multipesult { f.debug_struct("BrotliEncoder") tliEncoderOperation::BROTLI_OPERATION_FLUSH, _, _| (), ) <= 0 { &mut in_buf.len(), in_buf, StandardAlloc::default()); state.params = EncoderCreateInstance, BrotliEncoderHasMoreOutput, crate::codec::XzEncoder::new(level.into_xz2()), ?, ), }) /// Dictionaries provide better compression ratw_with_dict(level.into_zstd(), dictionary)?, n ratios for small files, but are required to and pre-trained /// dictionary, which eter::nb_workers()`]: crate::zstd::CParameter specified compression level and parameters, which algos!(@algo zstd ["zstd"] ZstdDecoder ZstdEncDecoder GzipEncoder <$inner> { @enc h_quality(inner: $inner, level: crate::Level) -> S{ @dec } ); algos!(@algo bzip2 ["tli::enc::backward_references::BrotliEncoderParams #[doc = concat!("A ", $algo_s, " encoder, or ($encoder_methods:tt)* } { @dec $($decoderufRead`](futures_io::AsyncBufRead) streams, both e // There was insufficient memory in th Status::FinishOk => unreachable!(), self.decompress = Decompress::new(false); .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::i "BzDecoder {{total_in: {}, total_out: {}}}", ; use bzip2::{Decompress, Status}; pub struct Bz use crate::util::{_assert_send, _asserncWrite> tokio::io::AsyncWrite for $name &mut W { self.inner.get_mut() ) } /// Acquires a mutabl W) -> $name<$inner> { $name { te::pin_project! { $(#[$attr])* .advance(self.stream.total_out() as usize - previo "More memory needed", )), tatus::GetCheck => panic!("Unexpected lzma integri stream: Stream::new_auto_decoder(u64::max_ve std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Result as FmtResultin; use tokio::io::AsyncWrite; &mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Cote of this encoder, so care should be taken avoid tampering with the state of the writer whic the underlying writer that this encoder is wrappi write it /// compressed to the gi /// take in uncompressed data and write it comprl_shutdown(cx); if next.is_ready() { cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); ded = false; } next fRead + Sync>>>>(); } }; }rt_sync}; use core::pin::Pin; ote that this may discard internal state of this dpin::Pin<&mut Self>) -> std::pin::Pin<&mut R> { /// may otherwise confuse this decoder. $($($inherent_methods)*)* eam and /// emit a uncompressed streamecoder { ($(#[$attr:meta])* $name:ident<$inner>, ) -> Result<()> { self.inner.encodee std::io::Result; use flate2::Compression; #[deeady!(Pin::new(&mut this.writer).poll_flush(cx))?; W> Future for CopyBuf<'_, R, W> where R: Asyn())) => { self.closed = true; cWrite + Unpin> tokio::io::AsyncWrite for TrackClout self.inner).poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs) }Result> { assert!(!self.closed); allow(unused))] use std::{ io::Result, pi "Attempt to shutdown before finishing input" _ => Poll::Ready(Ok(input.written().len())), match self.do_poll_write(cx, &mut input)? }; *this.state = state; new(output); let (state, done) = matc State::Done => panic!("Write after e if this.decoder.decode(input, &mut ouf>) -> Pin<&mut W> { self.project().writer(&self) -> &W { self.writer.get_ref() sult}; use crate::{ codec::Decode, tokio:es-io")] fn bufread_multiple_members_with_invalid_, vec![0, 0, 0, 0], ] .join(&[][..riter, generic::{Decoder, Encoder}, }; algos!/! Types which operate over [`AsyncWrite`](tokio::uffer that `amt` bytes have been written to its bull and cannot be flushed, the method returns `PollBufRead, D: Decode> AsyncRead for Decoder { ill_buf(cx))?; if input.is_empone => State::Done, State::Next = let done = this.decoder.decode(&mut input,tempting to reinitialise the decoder if the reader fn multiple_members(&mut self, enabled: bool) { _members: bool, } } impl fmt::Debug for BufWriter { fn poll_partial_flush_buf( ffered != 0` is if it were Pending, so our waker w ) -> Poll> { let this that any leftover data in the internal buffer is /// It is inadvisable to directly write to th Ok(n) => *this.written += n, this.written; *this.written = 0; io::ErrorKind::WriteZero, ady(Ok(0)) => { ret = Err(io::ange in the future. pub fn new(inner: W) -> SeFAULT_BUF_SIZE: usize = 8192; pin_project! { ginally sourced from `futures_util::io::buf_writer assert_eq!(output, bytes); let compressed = sync::compress(&bytes); put = InputStream::from(compressed.chunks(2)); let output = write::decom assert_eq!(output, &[][..]); algos::$variant::{sync, $impl::write}, Level::Precise(i32::max_value()), one_to_six_stream().as_ref(), 65_536, ); |input| Box::pin(write::Enctest] fn with_level_best() { :timeout(1000)] fn long_chunk_ec![ (0..32_768).map(|)] fn short_chunk_output() { assert_eq!(output, input.bytes()); ssed = write::compress(input.as_ref(), 65_536); let mut decoder = bufread::Decoder::new(bufrea sync::compress(&[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]), { let bytes: Vec = (0.> = (0..65_536).map(|_| rand::random()).collect();&input); let output = bufr= bufread::decompress(bufread::from(&input)); pressed = sync::compress(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); let compressed = sync::compress(&[0; 10]); et input = InputStream::new(vec![compressed]); }, one_to_six, one_t bufread::from(&one_to_six_stream()), let encoder = bufread::Encoder::with_quality( let compressed = read::to_vec(encoder); let output = sync::decompress(&compressed); assert_eq!(output, one_to_six()); let compressed = bufread::compress(bufread::fromimeout(1000)] fn empty_chunk() #[test] #[ntest::timeout(er, encoder::FlateEncoder}; macro_rules! io_test_c interleave_pending::InterleavePending w; pub fn one_to_six_stream() -> InputStream { d input_stream; #[cfg(feature = "tokio")] mod tokif let State::Done = self.as_mut().project().state Poll::Pending if input.written().is_empty() => Pol (State::Finishing, false) (State::Decoding, done) after end of stream"), tput)? { State::Done self.writer.into_inner() } fn do_poller { pub fn new(writer: W, decoder: D) -Debug)] pub struct Decoder { ?; Ok(encoder.into_inner()) } async fn decompmpress(&compressed_data).await?; assert_eq!(delen]); self.advance(len); other.a-> B { self.buffer } } impl &[u8] { &self.buffer.as_ref()[self.indexssert_sync() {} #[derive(Debug, Default)press::None, )?; if output> Ok(true), Status::BufError => Err(Er self.decompress.reset(self.zlib_header); decompress: Decompress::new(zlib_header), d, Result}; use flate2::{Decompress, FlushDecomprer") .field("writer", &self.inner) AsyncBufWrite for BufWriter { Ok(len)) } } fn poll_flush(mut seuffered + buf.len() > this.buf.len() { er } /// Consumes this `BufWriter`, returet_pin_mut(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Pin<&mut W> { "failed to write the buffered data", this .inner .as_mu:Ready(ret) } else if *this.buffered == 0 e(cx, &this.buf[*this.written..*this.buffered]) ; while *this.written < *this.buffered { <[u8]>, written: usize, buffered: core::ready; use pin_project_lite::pin_project; usll::Ready(Ok(())) } fn poll_close(mut selalBuffer::new(buf); match self.do_poll_wr { if this.encoder.finish(&mut }; let produced = outp) -> Poll> { let mut this = sel this.writer.as_mut().produce(produced); let mut output = PartialBuffer::new(output); ter: BufWriter::new(writer), encoder, res::write::{AsyncBufWrite, BufWriter}, util:: some amount of its buffer, returned from `poll_fl ) -> Poll>; /// Tellsternal buffer to write to, flushing data out to thbytes_left = self.decoder.get_mut().flush(&mut out output.advance(status.bytes_written); lf.decoder.get_mut().reinit()?; Ok(()) truct ZstdDecoder { decoder: Unshared Ok(()), () - prior_out) as usize); Ok(status) esult { let prior_in = self.compree fallback. You should set /// this parameter o matter how bad the /// input. /// //, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { new(ErrorKind::Other, "unexpected BufError")), ().len() == old_len { break; FlushCompress::Sync, )?; h self.encode(input, output, FlushCompress::None)?ess .compress(input.unwritten(), outpu{ compress: Compress, flushed: bool, } imec::Encode, util::PartialBuffer}; use std::io::{Ere for LzmaDecoder { fn reinit(&mut self) -> Reool> { if self.skip_padding.is_some() { ErrorKind::InvalidData, *count -= 1; if *count == 0 { codec::Xz2Decoder, skip_padding: Option, }sult { self.inner.flush(output) t().0.consume(amt) } } use crate::{codec::Enco other => other, } } fn const!(!*eof); let len = buf.filled().len(); fn consume(self: Pin<&mut Self>, amt: usize) { -io")] impl inner, eof) = self.project(); assert!(!*eol}, }; pub struct TrackEof { inner: R, const _: () = { fn _assert() { internal state of this encoder, so care should be /// Acquires a pinned mutable refereder that this encoder is /// wrapping. inner: crate::futures::bufread::Encoder<$inner,`](futures_io::AsyncRead) interface and will self.state = State::Done; output.copy_unwritten_from(&mut *header); if done { return Ok(true); ut)?, State::Footer(footer) => { ; } } } fn flush( tate::Encoding => { let prior_sult<()> { loop { match &mut sGzipEncoder { pub(crate) fn new(level: Compres.poll_shutdown(cx) } } mod decoder; mod encode Pin::new(&mut self.io).poll_write(cx, &buf[.or Limited { fn poll_write( mut sel _assert_send::<$name $({ $($inherent_methods:tt)* })*) => let status = self .stream e), Status::StreamEnd => Ok(true), Status::MemNeeded => Err(std::io::Error::et previous_out = self.stream.total_out() as usize} } impl Encode for Xz2Encoder { fn encode( ncoder { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) urn Ok(Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.header))); data.extend_from_slice(input.unwritten()); if !self.header.flags.comment { extend_from_slice(&input.unwritten()[..len]); se { return Ok(None); data.copy_unwritten_from(input); self.state = State::ExtraLen(<_>::default()); ascii: (flag & 0b0000_0001) != 0, Buffer<[u8; 2]>), Done, } impl Default for St _ => Poll::Ready(Ok(output.written().len())ll> { if buf.is_empty() { e::Done, }; if let State:op { *this.state = match this.state { (&self) -> &R { &self.reader } puEncoder { pub fn new(reader: R, encoder::Encode, util::PartialBuffer}; use futures_core::rult<()>> { ready!(self.as_mut().do_poll_fl} impl AsyncWrite for Eoject(); loop { let output = tate::Finishing | State::Done => panic!("Flush aft Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll &W { self.writer.get_ #[pin] writer: BufWriter, task::{Context, Poll}, }; use std::io::Result; BrotliResult::ResultFailure => unreachable!(), | BrotliResult::NeedsMoreInput => Ok(false), t { match self.decode(input, output) &mut self.state, ) { Brotliuf = input.unwritten(); let mut out_buf = tandardAlloc, BrotliDecompressStream, BrotliResult} pub(crate) fn as_zstd(&self) -> libzstd otherwise it will cause a panic /// when ). pub fn checksum_flag(value: bool) -> Se /// Size of each bucket in the LDM hash table fohe long-distance matching table (as a power of two Self(MinMatch(value)) } /// St of two) pub fn hash_log(value: u32) -> Se)] pub struct CParameter(libzstd::stream::raw: } } #[cfg(feature = "zstd")] /// This module co Self::Best => best, Self::Precise(qualf::Default => bzip2::Compression::default(), let fastest = bzip2::Compression::fast(); match self { Self::Fastest => params.qebug)] pub enum Level { /// Fastest quality ofnto; #[macro_use] mod macros; mod codec; #[cfg(f"`zlib` (*inactive*) | `ZlibEncoder`, `ZlibDecoderXzEncoder), [`XzDecoder`](?search=XzDecoder)" )] #er`, `DeflateDecoder`" )] #![cfg_attr( featurep2", doc = "`bzip2` | [`BzEncoder`](?search=Bztokio` (*inactive*) | `tokio::io::AsyncBufRead`, `)" )] #![cfg_attr( not(feature = "futures-io")tations, needs to be paired with a selection of al` | Activates all implementations and algorithmsoll> { if buf.remaining() == 0 { return Poll::Ready(Ok(())); poll_fill_buf(cx))?; if input. if this.decoder.finish(output)? { State::Flushing } else { let input = ready!(this.reader.as_mut().poll_fidecoder, state: State::Decoding, #[derive(Debug)] enum State { Decoding, inish() } } use core::{ pin::Pin, taskialBuffer::new(&[][..]), output, return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "br let mut input_len = 0; let mut output_len &mut self, input: &mut PartialBuffer { Ok(Self { codec::ZstdEncoder::new_with_dict(level.into_zstd( dictionary: &[u8]) -> ::std::io::Result { /// Creates a new encoder, using the specified if this function is called with a [`CParameter::n uncompressed data from the given stream and emit pub fn with_quality(inner: $inner, level: crate(level.into_flate2()), ), lateDecoder DeflateEncoder <$inner> { @encner: crate::$($mod::)+generic::Encoder::new( crate::codec::BrotliEncoder::new(level.into_ Self::with_quality(inner, crate::Level::Default #[cfg(feature = $algo_s)] decoder! {nwritten().is_empty()) } fn finish( p { let old_len = output.written().len // The Finish action on compression went ok. ) } } impl Decode for BzDecoder { fn rein input.advance((self.decompress.total_in() - p } } fn decode( &mut self, ; pub(crate) use self::{decoder::GzipDecoder, enc self.project().inner.poll_flush(cx) self.project().inner.poll_write(cx, buf) d. pub fn into_inner(self) -> W { be taken to avoid tampering with the state of the erence to the underlying reader that this decoder inner: crate::tokio::write::Decoder::new(read, c) => { pin_project_lite::pin_project! { .process(&[], output.unwritten_mut(), Actiof<[u8]> + AsMut<[u8]>>, ) -> Result { ut); match status { Status::Oer>, output: &mut Partial::{codec::Decode, util::PartialBuffer}; use std::rt() { use crate::util::{_assert_sask::Context<'_>, buf: &[u8], his encoder returning the underlying writer. self.project().inner.get_pin_mut() pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $inner { impl<$inner: tokio::io::AsyncWrite> $name< compressed to an underlying stream. # Poll::Pending } } } #[macro_uset<()>> { if self.pended { let mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Self { Self { inner, ) -> std::task::Poll fn poll_read( self: s pub fn get_pin_mut(self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Selapping. /// /// Note that self.inner.multiple_members(enabled); :codec::$name>, } } iug)] pub struct $name<$inner> {