use async_datachannel_wasm::{Message, PeerConnection, RtcConfig}; use futures::{ channel::mpsc, future, io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}, StreamExt, }; use log::{debug, info, Level}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use wasm_bindgen_test::{wasm_bindgen_test, wasm_bindgen_test_configure}; wasm_bindgen_test_configure!(run_in_browser); #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct SignalingMessage { // id of the peer this messaged is supposed for id: String, payload: Message, } #[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn smoke() { console_log::init_with_level(Level::Trace).unwrap(); let (tx_0, rx_0) = mpsc::channel(32); let (tx_1, rx_1) = mpsc::channel(32); let a = "initiator".to_string(); let b = "franky".to_string(); let f_0 = run(a.clone(), b.clone(), true, (tx_0, rx_1)); let f_1 = run(b, a, false, (tx_1, rx_0)); future::try_join(f_0, f_1).await.unwrap(); } async fn run( my_id: String, other_peer: String, initiator: bool, (mut write, mut read): ( mpsc::Sender, mpsc::Receiver, ), ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let ice_servers: Vec = vec!["".into()]; let (tx_sig_outbound, mut rx_sig_outbound) = mpsc::channel(32); let (mut tx_sig_inbound, rx_sig_inbound) = mpsc::channel(32); let listener = PeerConnection::new( &RtcConfig::new(&ice_servers), (tx_sig_outbound, rx_sig_inbound), )?; debug!("Starting up {}", my_id); let other_peer_c = other_peer.clone(); let f_write = async move { while let Some(m) = { let m = SignalingMessage { payload: m, id: other_peer_c.clone(), }; debug!("Sending {:?}", m); write.try_send(m).unwrap(); } anyhow::Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }; let f_read = async move { while let Some(c) = { println!("Received {:?}", c); if tx_sig_inbound.try_send(c.payload).is_err() { //panic!() } } anyhow::Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }; let ping_pong = async move { let mut buf = [0; 10]; if initiator { let mut dc = listener.dial("whatever").await?; info!("dial succeed"); dc.write_all(b"Ping").await?; info!("wrote ping, waiting for pong"); let n = buf).await?; assert_eq!(b"Pong", &buf[..n]); } else { debug!("Waiting for inbound connection"); let mut dc = listener.accept().await?; info!("accept succeed"); let n = buf).await?; assert_eq!(b"Ping", &buf[..n]); info!("received ping, sending pong"); dc.write_all(b"Pong").await?; }; anyhow::Result::<_, anyhow::Error>::Ok(()) }; future::try_join3(f_write, f_read, ping_pong).await?; Ok(()) }