use std::mem; use std::thread::available_parallelism; use async_executor::{Executor, StaticExecutor}; use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use futures_lite::{future, prelude::*}; const TASKS: usize = 300; const STEPS: usize = 300; const LIGHT_TASKS: usize = 25_000; static EX: Executor<'_> = Executor::new(); static STATIC_EX: StaticExecutor = StaticExecutor::new(); fn run(f: impl FnOnce(), multithread: bool) { let limit = if multithread { available_parallelism().unwrap().get() } else { 1 }; let (s, r) = async_channel::bounded::<()>(1); easy_parallel::Parallel::new() .each(0..limit, |_| future::block_on( .finish(move || { let _s = s; f() }); } fn run_static(f: impl FnOnce(), multithread: bool) { let limit = if multithread { available_parallelism().unwrap().get() } else { 1 }; let (s, r) = async_channel::bounded::<()>(1); easy_parallel::Parallel::new() .each(0..limit, |_| future::block_on( .finish(move || { let _s = s; f() }); } fn create(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("executor::create", |b| { b.iter(|| { let ex = Executor::new(); let task = ex.spawn(async {}); future::block_on(; }) }); } fn running_benches(c: &mut Criterion) { for (prefix, with_static) in [("executor", false), ("static_executor", true)] { for (group_name, multithread) in [("single_thread", false), ("multi_thread", true)].iter() { let mut group = c.benchmark_group(group_name.to_string()); group.bench_function(format!("{}::spawn_one", prefix), |b| { if with_static { run_static( || { b.iter(|| { future::block_on(async { STATIC_EX.spawn(async {}).await }); }); }, *multithread, ); } else { run( || { b.iter(|| { future::block_on(async { EX.spawn(async {}).await }); }); }, *multithread, ); } }); if !with_static { group.bench_function("executor::spawn_batch", |b| { run( || { let mut handles = vec![]; b.iter(|| { EX.spawn_many((0..250).map(|_| future::yield_now()), &mut handles); }); handles.clear(); }, *multithread, ) }); } group.bench_function(format!("{}::spawn_many_local", prefix), |b| { if with_static { run_static( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..LIGHT_TASKS { tasks.push(STATIC_EX.spawn(async {})); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ); } else { run( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..LIGHT_TASKS { tasks.push(EX.spawn(async {})); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ); } }); group.bench_function(format!("{}::spawn_recursively", prefix), |b| { #[allow(clippy::manual_async_fn)] fn go(i: usize) -> impl Future + Send + 'static { async move { if i != 0 { EX.spawn(async move { let fut = go(i - 1).boxed(); fut.await; }) .await; } } } #[allow(clippy::manual_async_fn)] fn go_static(i: usize) -> impl Future + Send + 'static { async move { if i != 0 { STATIC_EX .spawn(async move { let fut = go_static(i - 1).boxed(); fut.await; }) .await; } } } if with_static { run_static( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..TASKS { tasks.push(STATIC_EX.spawn(go_static(STEPS))); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ); } else { run( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..TASKS { tasks.push(EX.spawn(go(STEPS))); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ); } }); group.bench_function(format!("{}::yield_now", prefix), |b| { if with_static { run_static( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..TASKS { tasks.push(STATIC_EX.spawn(async move { for _ in 0..STEPS { future::yield_now().await; } })); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ); } else { run( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..TASKS { tasks.push(EX.spawn(async move { for _ in 0..STEPS { future::yield_now().await; } })); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ); } }); group.bench_function(format!("{}::channels", prefix), |b| { if with_static { run_static( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { // Create channels. let mut tasks = Vec::new(); let (first_send, first_recv) = async_channel::bounded(1); let mut current_recv = first_recv; for _ in 0..TASKS { let (next_send, next_recv) = async_channel::bounded(1); let current_recv = mem::replace(&mut current_recv, next_recv); tasks.push(STATIC_EX.spawn(async move { // Send a notification on to the next task. for _ in 0..STEPS { current_recv.recv().await.unwrap(); next_send.send(()).await.unwrap(); } })); } for _ in 0..STEPS { first_send.send(()).await.unwrap(); current_recv.recv().await.unwrap(); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ) } else { run( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { // Create channels. let mut tasks = Vec::new(); let (first_send, first_recv) = async_channel::bounded(1); let mut current_recv = first_recv; for _ in 0..TASKS { let (next_send, next_recv) = async_channel::bounded(1); let current_recv = mem::replace(&mut current_recv, next_recv); tasks.push(EX.spawn(async move { // Send a notification on to the next task. for _ in 0..STEPS { current_recv.recv().await.unwrap(); next_send.send(()).await.unwrap(); } })); } for _ in 0..STEPS { first_send.send(()).await.unwrap(); current_recv.recv().await.unwrap(); } for task in tasks { task.await; } }); }); }, *multithread, ) } }); group.bench_function(format!("{}::web_server", prefix), |b| { if with_static { run_static( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let (db_send, db_recv) = async_channel::bounded::>( TASKS / 5, ); let mut db_rng = fastrand::Rng::with_seed(0x12345678); let mut web_rng = db_rng.fork(); // This task simulates a database. let db_task = STATIC_EX.spawn(async move { loop { // Wait for a new task. let incoming = match db_recv.recv().await { Ok(incoming) => incoming, Err(_) => break, }; // Process the task. Maybe it takes a while. for _ in 0..db_rng.usize(..10) { future::yield_now().await; } // Send the data back. incoming.send(db_rng.usize(..)).await.ok(); } }); // This task simulates a web server waiting for new tasks. let server_task = STATIC_EX.spawn(async move { for i in 0..TASKS { // Get a new connection. if web_rng.usize(..=16) == 16 { future::yield_now().await; } let mut web_rng = web_rng.fork(); let db_send = db_send.clone(); let task = STATIC_EX.spawn(async move { // Check if the data is cached... if web_rng.bool() { //'s in cache! future::yield_now().await; return; } // Otherwise we have to make a DB call or two. for _ in 0..web_rng.usize(STEPS / 2..STEPS) { let (resp_send, resp_recv) = async_channel::bounded(1); db_send.send(resp_send).await.unwrap(); criterion::black_box( resp_recv.recv().await.unwrap(), ); } // Send the data back... for _ in 0..web_rng.usize(3..16) { future::yield_now().await; } }); task.detach(); if i & 16 == 0 { future::yield_now().await; } } }); // Spawn and wait for it to stop. server_task.await; db_task.await; }); }) }, *multithread, ) } else { run( || { b.iter(move || { future::block_on(async { let (db_send, db_recv) = async_channel::bounded::>( TASKS / 5, ); let mut db_rng = fastrand::Rng::with_seed(0x12345678); let mut web_rng = db_rng.fork(); // This task simulates a database. let db_task = EX.spawn(async move { loop { // Wait for a new task. let incoming = match db_recv.recv().await { Ok(incoming) => incoming, Err(_) => break, }; // Process the task. Maybe it takes a while. for _ in 0..db_rng.usize(..10) { future::yield_now().await; } // Send the data back. incoming.send(db_rng.usize(..)).await.ok(); } }); // This task simulates a web server waiting for new tasks. let server_task = EX.spawn(async move { for i in 0..TASKS { // Get a new connection. if web_rng.usize(..=16) == 16 { future::yield_now().await; } let mut web_rng = web_rng.fork(); let db_send = db_send.clone(); let task = EX.spawn(async move { // Check if the data is cached... if web_rng.bool() { //'s in cache! future::yield_now().await; return; } // Otherwise we have to make a DB call or two. for _ in 0..web_rng.usize(STEPS / 2..STEPS) { let (resp_send, resp_recv) = async_channel::bounded(1); db_send.send(resp_send).await.unwrap(); criterion::black_box( resp_recv.recv().await.unwrap(), ); } // Send the data back... for _ in 0..web_rng.usize(3..16) { future::yield_now().await; } }); task.detach(); if i & 16 == 0 { future::yield_now().await; } } }); // Spawn and wait for it to stop. server_task.await; db_task.await; }); }) }, *multithread, ) } }); } } } criterion_group!(benches, create, running_benches); criterion_main!(benches);