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One of `api_error`, `card_error`, `idempotency_error`, or `invalid_request_error`", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of error returned. One of \u003Ccode\u003Eapi_error\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_error\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eidempotency_error\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Einvalid_request_error\u003C/code\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" }, "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For card errors, the ID of the failed charge.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For card errors, the ID of the failed charge." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "charge", "less_common": true }, "code": { "name": "code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the [error code](/docs/error-codes) reported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/error-codes\"\u003Eerror code\u003C/a\u003E reported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "code" }, "decline_code": { "name": "decline_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string indicating the [card issuer's reason for the decline](/docs/declines#issuer-declines) if they provide one.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string indicating the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/declines#issuer-declines\"\u003Ecard issuer’s reason for the decline\u003C/a\u003E if they provide one." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "decline_code" }, "doc_url": { "name": "doc_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A URL to more information about the [error code](/docs/error-codes) reported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A URL to more information about the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/error-codes\"\u003Eerror code\u003C/a\u003E reported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "doc_url", "less_common": true }, "message": { "name": "message", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "message" }, "param": { "name": "param", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "param" }, "payment_intent": { "name": "payment_intent", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The PaymentIntent object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The PaymentIntent object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "payment_intent", "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.", "undocumented": false, "html": "String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "object", "less_common": true }, "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit](/docs/currencies#zero-decimal) (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency](/docs/currencies#minimum-and-maximum-charge-amounts). The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/currencies#zero-decimal\"\u003Esmallest currency unit\u003C/a\u003E (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or \u003Ca href=\"/docs/currencies#minimum-and-maximum-charge-amounts\"\u003Eequivalent in charge currency\u003C/a\u003E. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" }, "amount_capturable": { "name": "amount_capturable", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_capturable", "less_common": true }, "amount_details": { "name": "amount_details", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Details about items included in the amount", "undocumented": false, "html": "Details about items included in the amount" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "tip": { "name": "tip", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Portion of the amount that corresponds to a tip.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Portion of the amount that corresponds to a tip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Portion of the amount that corresponds to a tip.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Portion of the amount that corresponds to a tip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" } }, "object_type": "tip" } }, "object_type": "amount_details", "less_common": true }, "amount_received": { "name": "amount_received", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_received", "less_common": true }, "application": { "name": "application", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the Connect application that created the PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the Connect application that created the PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["application"], "object_type": "application", "less_common": true }, "application_fee_amount": { "name": "application_fee_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](/docs/payments/connected-accounts).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/connected-accounts\"\u003Euse case for connected accounts\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_fee_amount", "less_common": true }, "automatic_payment_methods": { "name": "automatic_payment_methods", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the [Stripe Dashboard](https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/payment_methods)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Settings to configure compatible payment methods from the \u003Ca href=\"https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/payment_methods\"\u003EStripe Dashboard\u003C/a\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Automatically calculates compatible payment methods", "undocumented": false, "html": "Automatically calculates compatible payment methods" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "object_type": "automatic_payment_methods" }, "canceled_at": { "name": "canceled_at", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Populated when `status` is `canceled`, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Populated when \u003Ccode\u003Estatus\u003C/code\u003E is \u003Ccode\u003Ecanceled\u003C/code\u003E, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "canceled_at", "less_common": true }, "cancellation_reason": { "name": "cancellation_reason", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `requested_by_customer`, or `abandoned`) or generated by Stripe internally (`failed_invoice`, `void_invoice`, or `automatic`).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (\u003Ccode\u003Eduplicate\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efraudulent\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequested_by_customer\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eabandoned\u003C/code\u003E) or generated by Stripe internally (\u003Ccode\u003Efailed_invoice\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evoid_invoice\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eautomatic\u003C/code\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cancellation_reason", "less_common": true }, "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "(Default) Stripe automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(Default) Stripe automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment." } }, "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but [don't capture the funds until later](/docs/payments/capture-later). (Not all payment methods support this.)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/capture-later\"\u003Edon’t capture the funds until later\u003C/a\u003E. (Not all payment methods support this.)" } } }, "object_type": "capture_method", "less_common": true }, "client_secret": { "name": "client_secret", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key. \n\nThe client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.\n\nRefer to our docs to [accept a payment](/docs/payments/accept-a-payment?ui=elements) and learn about how `client_secret` should be handled.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key. \u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EThe client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003ERefer to our docs to \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/accept-a-payment?ui=elements\"\u003Eaccept a payment\u003C/a\u003E and learn about how \u003Ccode\u003Eclient_secret\u003C/code\u003E should be handled." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "client_secret" }, "confirmation_method": { "name": "confirmation_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "", "undocumented": false, "html": "" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "(Default) PaymentIntent can be confirmed using a publishable key. After `next_action`s are handled, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(Default) PaymentIntent can be confirmed using a publishable key. After \u003Ccode\u003Enext_action\u003C/code\u003Es are handled, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment." } }, "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All payment attempts must be made using a secret key. The PaymentIntent returns to the `requires_confirmation` state after handling `next_action`s, and requires your server to initiate each payment attempt with an explicit confirmation.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All payment attempts must be made using a secret key. The PaymentIntent returns to the \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E state after handling \u003Ccode\u003Enext_action\u003C/code\u003Es, and requires your server to initiate each payment attempt with an explicit confirmation." } } }, "object_type": "confirmation_method", "less_common": true }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": "currency", "validation": "currency", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "currency" }, "customer": { "name": "customer", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists.\n\nPayment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this PaymentIntent.\n\nIf present in combination with [setup_future_usage](#payment_intent_object-setup_future_usage), this PaymentIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer after the PaymentIntent has been confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EPayment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this PaymentIntent.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIf present in combination with \u003Ca href=\"#payment_intent_object-setup_future_usage\"\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/a\u003E, this PaymentIntent’s payment method will be attached to the Customer after the PaymentIntent has been confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["customer"], "object_type": "customer" }, "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "invoice": { "name": "invoice", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the invoice that created this PaymentIntent, if it exists.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the invoice that created this PaymentIntent, if it exists." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["invoice"], "object_type": "invoice", "less_common": true }, "last_payment_error": { "name": "last_payment_error", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation. It will be cleared if the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation. It will be cleared if the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For card errors, the ID of the failed charge.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For card errors, the ID of the failed charge." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "charge", "less_common": true }, "code": { "name": "code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the [error code](/docs/error-codes) reported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/error-codes\"\u003Eerror code\u003C/a\u003E reported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "code" }, "decline_code": { "name": "decline_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string indicating the [card issuer's reason for the decline](/docs/declines#issuer-declines) if they provide one.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string indicating the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/declines#issuer-declines\"\u003Ecard issuer’s reason for the decline\u003C/a\u003E if they provide one." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "decline_code" }, "doc_url": { "name": "doc_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A URL to more information about the [error code](/docs/error-codes) reported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A URL to more information about the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/error-codes\"\u003Eerror code\u003C/a\u003E reported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "doc_url", "less_common": true }, "message": { "name": "message", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "message" }, "param": { "name": "param", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "param" }, "payment_method": { "name": "payment_method", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. 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You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "institution_number": { "name": "institution_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Institution number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Institution number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "institution_number" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "transit_number": { "name": "transit_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transit number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transit number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "transit_number" } }, "object_type": "acss_debit", "less_common": true }, "affirm": { "name": "affirm", "check": "hash", 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\u003Ccode\u003EAfterpayClearpay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "afterpay_clearpay", "less_common": true }, "alipay": { "name": "alipay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `Alipay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003EAlipay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, 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You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" } }, "object_type": "au_becs_debit", "less_common": true }, "bacs_debit": { "name": "bacs_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ebacs_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "sort_code": { "name": "sort_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., `10-20-30`)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., \u003Ccode\u003E10-20-30\u003C/code\u003E)" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "sort_code" } }, "object_type": "bacs_debit", "less_common": true }, "bancontact": { "name": "bancontact", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ebancontact\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": 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href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": 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this is a `blik` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the BLIK payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eblik\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the BLIK payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "blik", "less_common": true }, "boleto": { "name": "boleto", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `boleto` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Boleto payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eboleto\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Boleto payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": 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null, "object_type": "tax_id" } }, "object_type": "boleto", "less_common": true }, "card": { "name": "card", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `card` PaymentMethod, this hash contains the user's card details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains the user’s card details." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "brand": { "name": "brand", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "checks": { "name": "checks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checks on Card address and CVC if provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Checks on Card address and CVC if provided." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "address_line1_check": { "name": "address_line1_check", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of \u003Ccode\u003Epass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efail\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunavailable\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunchecked\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "address_line1_check" }, "address_postal_code_check": { "name": "address_postal_code_check", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of \u003Ccode\u003Epass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efail\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunavailable\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunchecked\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "address_postal_code_check" }, "cvc_check": { "name": "cvc_check", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of \u003Ccode\u003Epass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efail\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunavailable\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunchecked\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cvc_check" } }, "object_type": "checks" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": "card_fingerprint_read", "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "generated_from": { "name": "generated_from", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": { "sdk_client_public": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "undocumented": true, "html": null } }, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Details of the original PaymentMethod that created this object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Details of the original PaymentMethod that created this object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The charge that created this object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The charge that created this object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "charge" }, "payment_method_details": { "name": "payment_method_details", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "card_present": { "name": "card_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "This hash contains the snapshot of the `card_present` transaction-specific details which generated this `card` payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "This hash contains the snapshot of the \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_present\u003C/code\u003E transaction-specific details which generated this \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount_authorized": { "name": "amount_authorized", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The authorized amount", "undocumented": false, "html": "The authorized amount" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_authorized" }, "brand": { "name": "brand", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "capture_before": { "name": "capture_before", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When using manual capture, a future timestamp after which the charge will be automatically refunded if uncaptured.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When using manual capture, a future timestamp after which the charge will be automatically refunded if uncaptured." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "capture_before" }, "cardholder_name": { "name": "cardholder_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813) format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "emv_auth_data": { "name": "emv_auth_data", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Authorization response cryptogram.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Authorization response cryptogram." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "emv_auth_data" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "generated_card": { "name": "generated_card", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "generated_card" }, "incremental_authorization_supported": { "name": "incremental_authorization_supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether this [PaymentIntent](/docs/api/payment_intents) is eligible for incremental authorizations. Request support using [request_incremental_authorization_support](/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_options-card_present-request_incremental_authorization_support).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether this \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents\"\u003EPaymentIntent\u003C/a\u003E is eligible for incremental authorizations. Request support using \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_options-card_present-request_incremental_authorization_support\"\u003Erequest_incremental_authorization_support\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "incremental_authorization_supported" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "network": { "name": "network", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecartes_bancaires\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Einterac\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "network" }, "overcapture_supported": { "name": "overcapture_supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not", "undocumented": false, "html": "Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "overcapture_supported" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" }, "receipt": { "name": "receipt", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "account_type": { "name": "account_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of account being debited or credited", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of account being debited or credited" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "credit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A credit account, as when using a credit card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A credit account, as when using a credit card" } }, "checking": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A checking account, as when using a debit card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A checking account, as when using a debit card" } }, "prepaid": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A prepaid account, as when using a debit gift card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A prepaid account, as when using a debit gift card" } }, "unknown": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An unknown account", "undocumented": false, "html": "An unknown account" } } }, "object_type": "account_type" }, "application_cryptogram": { "name": "application_cryptogram", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_cryptogram" }, "application_preferred_name": { "name": "application_preferred_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Mnenomic of the Application Identifier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_preferred_name" }, "authorization_code": { "name": "authorization_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Identifier for this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Identifier for this transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "authorization_code" }, "authorization_response_code": { "name": "authorization_response_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "authorization_response_code" }, "cardholder_verification_method": { "name": "cardholder_verification_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How the cardholder verified ownership of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How the cardholder verified ownership of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_verification_method" }, "dedicated_file_name": { "name": "dedicated_file_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "dedicated_file_name" }, "terminal_verification_results": { "name": "terminal_verification_results", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "terminal_verification_results" }, "transaction_status_information": { "name": "transaction_status_information", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "transaction_status_information" } }, "object_type": "receipt" } }, "object_type": "card_present" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of payment method transaction-specific details from the transaction that generated this `card` payment method. Always `card_present`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of payment method transaction-specific details from the transaction that generated this \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E payment method. Always \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_present\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "payment_method_details" }, "setup_attempt": { "name": "setup_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "setup_attempt" } }, "object_type": "generated_from" }, 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"hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "name": "three_d_secure_usage", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains details on how this Card may be used for 3D Secure authentication.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains details on how this Card may be used for 3D Secure authentication." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "supported": { "name": "supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card." }, 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"localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `amex_express_checkout` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eamex_express_checkout\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "amex_express_checkout" }, "apple_pay": { "name": "apple_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `apple_pay` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eapple_pay\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": 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The last four digits of the device account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "dynamic_last4" }, "google_pay": { "name": "google_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `google_pay` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egoogle_pay\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "google_pay" }, "masterpass": { "name": "masterpass", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `masterpass` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Emasterpass\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "billing_address": { "name": "billing_address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "city": { "name": "city", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "City, district, suburb, town, or village.", "undocumented": false, "html": "City, district, suburb, town, or village." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "city" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter country code (\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line2" }, "postal_code": { "name": "postal_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ZIP or postal code.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ZIP or postal code." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "postal_code" }, "state": { "name": "state", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "State, county, province, or region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "State, county, province, or region." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "state" } }, "object_type": "billing_address" }, "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "email" }, "name": { "name": "name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "name" }, "shipping_address": { "name": "shipping_address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. 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An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the card wallet, one of \u003Ccode\u003Eamex_express_checkout\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eapple_pay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Egoogle_pay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emasterpass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Esamsung_pay\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Evisa_checkout\u003C/code\u003E. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. 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They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "city": { "name": "city", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "City, district, suburb, town, or village.", "undocumented": false, "html": "City, district, suburb, town, or village." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "city" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter country code (\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line2" }, "postal_code": { "name": "postal_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ZIP or postal code.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ZIP or postal code." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "postal_code" }, "state": { "name": "state", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "State, county, province, or region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "State, county, province, or region." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "state" } }, "object_type": "billing_address" }, "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified email. 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May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" } }, "object_type": "card_present", "less_common": true }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "customer": { "name": "customer", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["customer"], "object_type": "customer" }, "customer_balance": { "name": "customer_balance", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `customer_balance` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ecustomer_balance\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "customer_balance", "less_common": true }, "eps": { "name": "eps", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eeps\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank": { "name": "bank", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `deutsche_bank_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank. 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Can be one of `affin_bank`, `agrobank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, `pb_enterprise`, or `bank_of_china`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank, if provided. Can be one of \u003Ccode\u003Eaffin_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eagrobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ealliance_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eambank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_islam\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_muamalat\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_rakyat\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebsn\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecimb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehong_leong_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehsbc\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ekfh\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emaybank2u\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eocbc\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Epublic_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erhb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Estandard_chartered\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Euob\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edeutsche_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emaybank2e\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Epb_enterprise\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_of_china\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank" } }, "object_type": "fpx", "less_common": true }, "giropay": { "name": "giropay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egiropay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "giropay", "less_common": true }, "grabpay": { "name": "grabpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egrabpay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "grabpay", "less_common": true }, "ideal": { "name": "ideal", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eideal\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank": { "name": "bank", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank, if provided. Can be one of \u003Ccode\u003Eabn_amro\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Easn_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebunq\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehandelsbanken\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eing\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eknab\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emoneyou\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erabobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eregiobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erevolut\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Esns_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Etriodos_bank\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Evan_lanschot\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank" }, "bic": { "name": "bic", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank, if the bank was provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Bank Identifier Code of the customer’s bank, if the bank was provided." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bic" } }, "object_type": "ideal", "less_common": true }, "interac_present": { "name": "interac_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Einterac_present\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "brand": { "name": "brand", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card brand. Can be `interac`, `mastercard` or `visa`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Einterac\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "cardholder_name": { "name": "cardholder_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813) format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "preferred_locales": { "name": "preferred_locales", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred_locales" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" } }, "object_type": "interac_present", "less_common": true }, "klarna": { "name": "klarna", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eklarna\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "dob": { "name": "dob", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": 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PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Link payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Account owner's email address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Account owner’s email address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "email" }, "persistent_token": { "name": "persistent_token", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Token used for persistent Link logins.", 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This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "oxxo": { "name": "oxxo", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eoxxo\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "oxxo", "less_common": 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See [Radar Session](/docs/radar/radar-session) for more information.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Options to configure Radar. See \u003Ca href=\"/docs/radar/radar-session\"\u003ERadar Session\u003C/a\u003E for more information." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "session": { "name": "session", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A [Radar Session](/docs/radar/radar-session) is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A \u003Ca href=\"/docs/radar/radar-session\"\u003ERadar Session\u003C/a\u003E is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "session" } }, "object_type": "radar_options", "less_common": true }, "sepa_debit": { "name": "sepa_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Esepa_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank_code": { "name": "bank_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank code of bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_code" }, "branch_code": { "name": "branch_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Branch code of bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "branch_code" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "generated_from": { "name": "generated_from", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["charge"], "object_type": "charge" }, "setup_attempt": { "name": "setup_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "setup_attempt" } }, "object_type": "generated_from" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four characters of the IBAN.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four characters of the IBAN." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" } }, "object_type": "sepa_debit", "less_common": true }, "sofort": { "name": "sofort", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Esofort\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" } }, "object_type": "sofort", "less_common": true }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "acss_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Pre-authorized debit payments](/docs/payments/acss-debit) are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS).", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/acss-debit\"\u003EPre-authorized debit payments\u003C/a\u003E are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS)." } }, "affirm": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Affirm](/docs/payments/affirm) is a buy now, pay later payment method in the US.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/affirm\"\u003EAffirm\u003C/a\u003E is a buy now, pay later payment method in the US." } }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Afterpay / Clearpay](/docs/payments/afterpay-clearpay) is a buy now, pay later payment method used in Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and the US.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/afterpay-clearpay\"\u003EAfterpay / Clearpay\u003C/a\u003E is a buy now, pay later payment method used in Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and the US." } }, "alipay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Alipay](/docs/payments/alipay) is a digital wallet payment method used in China.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/alipay\"\u003EAlipay\u003C/a\u003E is a digital wallet payment method used in China." } }, "au_becs_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[BECS Direct Debit](/docs/payments/au-becs-debit) is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS).", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/au-becs-debit\"\u003EBECS Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS)." } }, "bacs_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Bacs Direct Debit](/docs/payments/payment-methods/bacs-debit) is used to debit UK bank accounts.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/bacs-debit\"\u003EBacs Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit UK bank accounts." } }, "bancontact": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Bancontact](/docs/payments/bancontact) is a bank redirect payment method used in Belgium.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/bancontact\"\u003EBancontact\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Belgium." } }, "blik": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[BLIK](/docs/payments/blik) is a single-use payment method common in Poland.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/blik\"\u003EBLIK\u003C/a\u003E is a single-use payment method common in Poland." } }, "boleto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Boleto](/docs/payments/boleto) is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/boleto\"\u003EBoleto\u003C/a\u003E is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil." } }, "card": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Card payments](/docs/payments/payment-methods/overview#cards) are supported through many networks and card brands.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/overview#cards\"\u003ECard payments\u003C/a\u003E are supported through many networks and card brands." } }, "card_present": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Stripe Terminal](/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment) is used to collect in-person card payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment\"\u003EStripe Terminal\u003C/a\u003E is used to collect in-person card payments." } }, "customer_balance": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uses a customer’s [cash balance](/docs/payments/customer-balance) for the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uses a customer’s \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/customer-balance\"\u003Ecash balance\u003C/a\u003E for the payment." } }, "eps": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[EPS](/docs/payments/eps) is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/eps\"\u003EEPS\u003C/a\u003E is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "fpx": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[FPX](/docs/payments/fpx) is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/fpx\"\u003EFPX\u003C/a\u003E is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "giropay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[giropay](/docs/payments/giropay) is a German bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/giropay\"\u003Egiropay\u003C/a\u003E is a German bank redirect payment method." } }, "grabpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[GrabPay](/docs/payments/grabpay) is a digital wallet payment method used in Southeast Asia.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/grabpay\"\u003EGrabPay\u003C/a\u003E is a digital wallet payment method used in Southeast Asia." } }, "ideal": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[iDEAL](/docs/payments/ideal) is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/ideal\"\u003EiDEAL\u003C/a\u003E is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "interac_present": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Stripe Terminal](/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment) accepts [Interac](/docs/terminal/payments/regional?integration-country=CA#interac-payments) debit cards for in-person payments in Canada.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment\"\u003EStripe Terminal\u003C/a\u003E accepts \u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/regional?integration-country=CA#interac-payments\"\u003EInterac\u003C/a\u003E debit cards for in-person payments in Canada." } }, "klarna": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Klarna](/docs/payments/klarna) is a global buy now, pay later payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/klarna\"\u003EKlarna\u003C/a\u003E is a global buy now, pay later payment method." } }, "konbini": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Konbini](/docs/payments/konbini) is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Japan.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/konbini\"\u003EKonbini\u003C/a\u003E is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Japan." } }, "link": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Link](/docs/payments/link) allows customers to pay with their saved payment details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/link\"\u003ELink\u003C/a\u003E allows customers to pay with their saved payment details." } }, "oxxo": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[OXXO](/docs/payments/oxxo) is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Mexico.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/oxxo\"\u003EOXXO\u003C/a\u003E is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Mexico." } }, "p24": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Przelewy24](/docs/payments/p24) is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/p24\"\u003EPrzelewy24\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland." } }, "paynow": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[PayNow](/docs/payments/paynow) is a QR code payment method used in Singapore.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/paynow\"\u003EPayNow\u003C/a\u003E is a QR code payment method used in Singapore." } }, "pix": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Pix](/docs/payments/pix) is an instant bank transfer payment method in Brazil.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/pix\"\u003EPix\u003C/a\u003E is an instant bank transfer payment method in Brazil." } }, "promptpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[PromptPay](/docs/payments/promptpay) is an instant funds transfer service popular in Thailand.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/promptpay\"\u003EPromptPay\u003C/a\u003E is an instant funds transfer service popular in Thailand." } }, "sepa_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[SEPA Direct Debit](/docs/payments/sepa-debit) is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/sepa-debit\"\u003ESEPA Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region." } }, "sofort": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Sofort](/docs/payments/sofort) is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/sofort\"\u003ESofort\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe." } }, "us_bank_account": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[ACH Direct Debit](/docs/payments/ach-debit) is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/ach-debit\"\u003EACH Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system." } }, 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"account_holder_type" }, "account_type": { "name": "account_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Account type: checkings or savings. Defaults to checking if omitted.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Account type: checkings or savings. Defaults to checking if omitted." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "checking": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account type is checking", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account type is checking" } }, "savings": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account type is savings", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account type is savings" } } }, "object_type": "account_type" }, "bank_name": { "name": "bank_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The name of the bank.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The name of the bank." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_name" }, "financial_connections_account": { "name": "financial_connections_account", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Financial Connections Account used to create the payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Financial Connections Account used to create the payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "financial_connections_account" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" }, "supported": { "name": "supported", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All supported networks.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All supported networks." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "supported" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "routing_number": { "name": "routing_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Routing number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Routing number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "routing_number" } }, "object_type": "us_bank_account", "less_common": true }, "wechat_pay": { "name": "wechat_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Ewechat_pay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "wechat_pay", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "payment_method", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_type": { "name": "payment_method_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "payment_method_type", "less_common": true }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of error returned. One of `api_error`, `card_error`, `idempotency_error`, or `invalid_request_error`", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of error returned. 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This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. For more information, see the [documentation](/docs/payments/payment-intents/creating-payment-intents#storing-information-in-metadata).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. For more information, see the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-intents/creating-payment-intents#storing-information-in-metadata\"\u003Edocumentation\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "next_action": { "name": "next_action", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with 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If customer approval is required, they need to provide approval before this time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The time that payment will be attempted. If customer approval is required, they need to provide approval before this time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "charge_attempt_at" }, "customer_approval_required": { "name": "customer_approval_required", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For payments greater than INR 15000, the customer must provide explicit approval of the payment with their bank. For payments of lower amount, no customer action is required.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For payments greater than INR 15000, the customer must provide explicit approval of the payment with their bank. For payments of lower amount, no customer action is required." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "customer_approval_required" } }, "object_type": "card_await_notification" }, "display_bank_transfer_instructions": { "name": "display_bank_transfer_instructions", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains the bank transfer details necessary for the customer to complete the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains the bank transfer details necessary for the customer to complete the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount_remaining": { "name": "amount_remaining", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The remaining amount that needs to be transferred to complete the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The remaining amount that needs to be transferred to complete the payment." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_remaining" }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": "currency", "validation": "currency", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "currency" }, "financial_addresses": { "name": "financial_addresses", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A list of financial addresses that can be used to fund the customer balance", "undocumented": false, "html": "A list of financial addresses that can be used to fund the customer balance" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "iban": { "name": "iban", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", 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The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When confirming a PaymentIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this \u003Ctranslate\u003Edictionary\u003C/translate\u003E to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "use_stripe_sdk" }, "verify_with_microdeposits": { "name": "verify_with_microdeposits", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains details describing microdeposits verification flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains details describing microdeposits verification flow." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "arrival_date": { "name": "arrival_date", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "arrival_date" }, "hosted_verification_url": { "name": "hosted_verification_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "hosted_verification_url" }, "microdeposit_type": { "name": "microdeposit_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of the microdeposit sent to the customer. Used to distinguish between different verification methods.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the microdeposit sent to the customer. Used to distinguish between different verification methods." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "descriptor_code": { "documentation": null }, "amounts": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "microdeposit_type" } }, "object_type": "verify_with_microdeposits" }, "wechat_pay_display_qr_code": { "name": "wechat_pay_display_qr_code", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The field that contains WeChat Pay QR code info", "undocumented": false, "html": "The field that contains WeChat Pay QR code info" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, 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See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](/docs/payments/connected-accounts) for details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account (if any) for which the funds of the PaymentIntent are intended. See the PaymentIntents \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/connected-accounts\"\u003Euse case for connected accounts\u003C/a\u003E for details." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["account"], "object_type": "on_behalf_of", "less_common": true }, "payment_method": { "name": "payment_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["payment_method"], "object_type": "payment_method" }, "payment_method_options": { "name": "payment_method_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "acss_debit": { "name": "acss_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `acss_debit`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eacss_debit\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "mandate_options": { "name": "mandate_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Additional fields for Mandate creation", "undocumented": false, "html": "Additional fields for Mandate creation" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "custom_mandate_url": { "name": "custom_mandate_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A URL for custom mandate text", "undocumented": false, "html": "A URL for custom mandate text" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "custom_mandate_url" }, "interval_description": { "name": "interval_description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Description of the interval. Only required if the ‘payment_schedule’ parameter is ‘interval’ or ‘combined’." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval_description" }, "payment_schedule": { "name": "payment_schedule", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payment schedule for the mandate.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Payment schedule for the mandate." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "interval": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payments are initiated at a regular pre-defined interval", "undocumented": false, "html": "Payments are initiated at a regular pre-defined interval" } }, "sporadic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payments are initiated sporadically", "undocumented": false, "html": "Payments are initiated sporadically" } }, "combined": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payments can be initiated at a pre-defined interval or sporadically", "undocumented": false, "html": "Payments can be initiated at a pre-defined interval or sporadically" } } }, "object_type": "payment_schedule" }, "transaction_type": { "name": "transaction_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transaction type of the mandate.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transaction type of the mandate." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "personal": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transactions are made for personal reasons", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transactions are made for personal reasons" } }, "business": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transactions are made for business reasons", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transactions are made for business reasons" } } }, "object_type": "transaction_type" } }, "object_type": "mandate_options" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" }, "verification_method": { "name": "verification_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account verification method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account verification method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Instant verification with fallback to microdeposits.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Instant verification with fallback to microdeposits." } }, "instant": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Instant verification.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Instant verification." } }, "microdeposits": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Verification using microdeposits.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Verification using microdeposits." } } }, "object_type": "verification_method" } }, "object_type": "acss_debit" }, "affirm": { "name": "affirm", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `affirm`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eaffirm\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `manual` if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level `capture_method` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Emanual\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Ecapture_method\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "affirm" }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "name": "afterpay_clearpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `afterpay_clearpay`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eafterpay_clearpay\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `manual` if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level `capture_method` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Emanual\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Ecapture_method\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "reference": { "name": "reference", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Order identifier shown to the customer in Afterpay’s online portal. We recommend using a value that helps you answer any questions a customer might have about\nthe payment. The identifier is limited to 128 characters and may contain only letters, digits, underscores, backslashes and dashes.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Order identifier shown to the customer in Afterpay’s online portal. We recommend using a value that helps you answer any questions a customer might have about\nthe payment. The identifier is limited to 128 characters and may contain only letters, digits, underscores, backslashes and dashes." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "reference" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "afterpay_clearpay" }, "alipay": { "name": "alipay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `alipay`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ealipay\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "alipay" }, "au_becs_debit": { "name": "au_becs_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `au_becs_debit`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eau_becs_debit\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "au_becs_debit" }, "bacs_debit": { "name": "bacs_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `bacs_debit`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ebacs_debit\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "bacs_debit" }, "bancontact": { "name": "bancontact", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `bancontact`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ebancontact\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "preferred_language": { "name": "preferred_language", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred_language" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "bancontact" }, "blik": { "name": "blik", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `blik`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eblik\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "blik" }, "boleto": { "name": "boleto", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `boleto`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eboleto\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "expires_after_days": { "name": "expires_after_days", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto voucher will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of calendar days before a Boleto voucher expires. For example, if you create a Boleto voucher on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the Boleto voucher will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Sao_Paulo time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "expires_after_days" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "boleto" }, "card": { "name": "card", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `card`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `manual` if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level `capture_method` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Emanual\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Ecapture_method\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "installments": { "name": "installments", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).\n\nFor more information, see the [installments integration guide](/docs/payments/installments).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Installment details for this payment (Mexico only).\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EFor more information, see the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/installments\"\u003Einstallments integration guide\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available_plans": { "name": "available_plans", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Installment plans that may be selected for this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Installment plans that may be selected for this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "count": { "name": "count", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the number of installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For \u003Ccode\u003Efixed_count\u003C/code\u003E installment plans, this is the number of installment payments your customer will make to their credit card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "count" }, "interval": { "name": "interval", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.\nOne of `month`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "For \u003Ccode\u003Efixed_count\u003C/code\u003E installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.\nOne of \u003Ccode\u003Emonth\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Type of installment plan, one of `fixed_count`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Type of installment plan, one of \u003Ccode\u003Efixed_count\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "available_plans" }, "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether Installments are enabled for this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether Installments are enabled for this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "enabled" }, "plan": { "name": "plan", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Installment plan selected for this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Installment plan selected for this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "count": { "name": "count", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the number of installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For \u003Ccode\u003Efixed_count\u003C/code\u003E installment plans, this is the number of installment payments your customer will make to their credit card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "count" }, "interval": { "name": "interval", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.\nOne of `month`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "For \u003Ccode\u003Efixed_count\u003C/code\u003E installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.\nOne of \u003Ccode\u003Emonth\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Type of installment plan, one of `fixed_count`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Type of installment plan, one of \u003Ccode\u003Efixed_count\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "plan" } }, "object_type": "installments" }, "mandate_options": { "name": "mandate_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "positive_integer", "validation": "positive integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Amount to be charged for future payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Amount to be charged for future payments." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" }, "amount_type": { "name": "amount_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "One of `fixed` or `maximum`. If `fixed`, the `amount` param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If `maximum`, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the `amount` param.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "One of \u003Ccode\u003Efixed\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Emaximum\u003C/code\u003E. If \u003Ccode\u003Efixed\u003C/code\u003E, the \u003Ccode\u003Eamount\u003C/code\u003E param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If \u003Ccode\u003Emaximum\u003C/code\u003E, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the \u003Ccode\u003Eamount\u003C/code\u003E param." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_type" }, "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "end_date": { "name": "end_date", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "End date of the mandate or subscription. If not provided, the mandate will be active until canceled. If provided, end date should be after start date.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "End date of the mandate or subscription. If not provided, the mandate will be active until canceled. If provided, end date should be after start date." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "end_date" }, "interval": { "name": "interval", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies payment frequency. One of `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`, or `sporadic`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies payment frequency. One of \u003Ccode\u003Eday\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eweek\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emonth\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eyear\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Esporadic\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval" }, "interval_count": { "name": "interval_count", "check": "positive_integer", "validation": "positive integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of intervals between payments. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` indicates one payment every three months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks). This parameter is optional when `interval=sporadic`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of intervals between payments. For example, \u003Ccode\u003Einterval=month\u003C/code\u003E and \u003Ccode\u003Einterval_count=3\u003C/code\u003E indicates one payment every three months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks). This parameter is optional when \u003Ccode\u003Einterval=sporadic\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval_count" }, "reference": { "name": "reference", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the mandate or subscription.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the mandate or subscription." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "reference" }, "start_date": { "name": "start_date", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Start date of the mandate or subscription. Start date should not be lesser than yesterday.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Start date of the mandate or subscription. Start date should not be lesser than yesterday." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "start_date" }, "supported_types": { "name": "supported_types", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies the type of mandates supported. Possible values are `india`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies the type of mandates supported. Possible values are \u003Ccode\u003Eindia\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "supported_types" } }, "object_type": "mandate_options" }, "network": { "name": "network", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Selected network to process this payment intent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the payment intent. Can be only set confirm-time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Selected network to process this payment intent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the payment intent. Can be only set confirm-time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "network" }, "request_three_d_secure": { "name": "request_three_d_secure", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements](/docs/strong-customer-authentication). However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure](/docs/payments/3d-secure#manual-three-ds) for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.", "undocumented": false, "html": "We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003Eother requirements\u003C/a\u003E. However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: \u003Ccode\u003Eautomatic\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eany\u003C/code\u003E. If not provided, defaults to \u003Ccode\u003Eautomatic\u003C/code\u003E. Read our guide on \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/3d-secure#manual-three-ds\"\u003Emanually requesting 3D Secure\u003C/a\u003E for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "advanced", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "request_three_d_secure" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" }, "statement_descriptor_suffix_kana": { "name": "statement_descriptor_suffix_kana", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the Kana prefix (shortened Kana descriptor) or Kana statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters. On card statements, the *concatenation* of both prefix and suffix (including separators) will appear truncated to 22 characters.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the Kana prefix (shortened Kana descriptor) or Kana statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters. On card statements, the \u003Cem\u003Econcatenation\u003C/em\u003E of both prefix and suffix (including separators) will appear truncated to 22 characters." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "statement_descriptor_suffix_kana" }, "statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji": { "name": "statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the Kanji prefix (shortened Kanji descriptor) or Kanji statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 17 characters. On card statements, the *concatenation* of both prefix and suffix (including separators) will appear truncated to 17 characters.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the Kanji prefix (shortened Kanji descriptor) or Kanji statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 17 characters. On card statements, the \u003Cem\u003Econcatenation\u003C/em\u003E of both prefix and suffix (including separators) will appear truncated to 17 characters." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "statement_descriptor_suffix_kanji" } }, "object_type": "card" }, "card_present": { "name": "card_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `card_present`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_present\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "manual_preferred": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `manual_preferred` if you prefer `manual` capture_method but support falling back to `automatic` based on the presented payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Emanual_preferred\u003C/code\u003E if you prefer \u003Ccode\u003Emanual\u003C/code\u003E capture_method but support falling back to \u003Ccode\u003Eautomatic\u003C/code\u003E based on the presented payment method." } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "request_extended_authorization": { "name": "request_extended_authorization", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Request ability to capture this payment beyond the standard [authorization validity window](/docs/terminal/features/extended-authorizations#authorization-validity)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Request ability to capture this payment beyond the standard \u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/features/extended-authorizations#authorization-validity\"\u003Eauthorization validity window\u003C/a\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "request_extended_authorization" }, "request_incremental_authorization_support": { "name": "request_incremental_authorization_support", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Request ability to [increment](/docs/terminal/features/incremental-authorizations) this PaymentIntent if the combination of MCC and card brand is eligible. Check [incremental_authorization_supported](/docs/api/charges/object#charge_object-payment_method_details-card_present-incremental_authorization_supported) in the [Confirm](/docs/api/payment_intents/confirm) response to verify support.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Request ability to \u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/features/incremental-authorizations\"\u003Eincrement\u003C/a\u003E this PaymentIntent if the combination of MCC and card brand is eligible. Check \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/charges/object#charge_object-payment_method_details-card_present-incremental_authorization_supported\"\u003Eincremental_authorization_supported\u003C/a\u003E in the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents/confirm\"\u003EConfirm\u003C/a\u003E response to verify support." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "request_incremental_authorization_support" } }, "object_type": "card_present" }, "customer_balance": { "name": "customer_balance", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `customer_balance`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ecustomer_balance\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank_transfer": { "name": "bank_transfer", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for the bank transfer funding type, if the `funding_type` is set to `bank_transfer`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for the bank transfer funding type, if the \u003Ccode\u003Efunding_type\u003C/code\u003E is set to \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_transfer\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "eu_bank_transfer": { "name": "eu_bank_transfer", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for eu_bank_transfer", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for eu_bank_transfer" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The desired country code of the bank account information. Permitted values include: `BE`, `DE`, `ES`, `FR`, `IE`, or `NL`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The desired country code of the bank account information. Permitted values include: \u003Ccode\u003EBE\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003EDE\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003EES\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003EFR\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003EIE\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003ENL\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" } }, "object_type": "eu_bank_transfer" }, "requested_address_types": { "name": "requested_address_types", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "List of address types that should be returned in the financial_addresses response. If not specified, all valid types will be returned.\n\nPermitted values include: `sort_code`, `zengin`, `iban`, or `spei`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "List of address types that should be returned in the financial_addresses response. If not specified, all valid types will be returned.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EPermitted values include: \u003Ccode\u003Esort_code\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ezengin\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eiban\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Espei\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "sort_code": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "sort_code bank account address type", "undocumented": false, "html": "sort_code bank account address type" } }, "zengin": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "zengin bank account address type", "undocumented": false, "html": "zengin bank account address type" } }, "sepa": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "sepa bank account address type", "undocumented": false, "html": "sepa bank account address type" } }, "spei": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "spei bank account address type", "undocumented": false, "html": "spei bank account address type" } }, "iban": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "iban bank account address type", "undocumented": false, "html": "iban bank account address type" } } }, "object_type": "requested_address_types" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The bank transfer type that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use for funding Permitted values include: `eu_bank_transfer`, `gb_bank_transfer`, `jp_bank_transfer`, or `mx_bank_transfer`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The bank transfer type that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use for funding Permitted values include: \u003Ccode\u003Eeu_bank_transfer\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Egb_bank_transfer\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejp_bank_transfer\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Emx_bank_transfer\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "eu_bank_transfer": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A bank transfer of type eu_bank_transfer", "undocumented": false, "html": "A bank transfer of type eu_bank_transfer" } }, "gb_bank_transfer": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A bank transfer of type gb_bank_transfer", "undocumented": false, "html": "A bank transfer of type gb_bank_transfer" } }, "jp_bank_transfer": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A bank transfer of type jp_bank_transfer", "undocumented": false, "html": "A bank transfer of type jp_bank_transfer" } }, "mx_bank_transfer": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A bank transfer of type mx_bank_transfer", "undocumented": false, "html": "A bank transfer of type mx_bank_transfer" } } }, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "bank_transfer" }, "funding_type": { "name": "funding_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The funding method type to be used when there are not enough funds in the customer balance. Permitted values include: `bank_transfer`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The funding method type to be used when there are not enough funds in the customer balance. Permitted values include: \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_transfer\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding_type" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "customer_balance" }, "eps": { "name": "eps", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `eps`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eeps\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "eps" }, "fpx": { "name": "fpx", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `fpx`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Efpx\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "fpx" }, "giropay": { "name": "giropay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `giropay`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Egiropay\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "giropay" }, "grabpay": { "name": "grabpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `grabpay`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Egrabpay\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "grabpay" }, "ideal": { "name": "ideal", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `ideal`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eideal\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "ideal" }, "interac_present": { "name": "interac_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `interac_present`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Einterac_present\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "interac_present" }, "klarna": { "name": "klarna", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `klarna`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eklarna\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `manual` if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level `capture_method` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Emanual\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Ecapture_method\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "preferred_locale": { "name": "preferred_locale", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Preferred locale of the Klarna checkout page that the customer is redirected to.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Preferred locale of the Klarna checkout page that the customer is redirected to." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred_locale" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "klarna" }, "konbini": { "name": "konbini", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `konbini`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ekonbini\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "confirmation_number": { "name": "confirmation_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An optional 10 to 11 digit numeric-only string determining the confirmation code at applicable convenience stores.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An optional 10 to 11 digit numeric-only string determining the confirmation code at applicable convenience stores." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "confirmation_number" }, "expires_after_days": { "name": "expires_after_days", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of calendar days (between 1 and 60) after which Konbini payment instructions will expire. For example, if a PaymentIntent is confirmed with Konbini and `expires_after_days` set to 2 on Monday JST, the instructions will expire on Wednesday 23:59:59 JST.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of calendar days (between 1 and 60) after which Konbini payment instructions will expire. For example, if a PaymentIntent is confirmed with Konbini and \u003Ccode\u003Eexpires_after_days\u003C/code\u003E set to 2 on Monday JST, the instructions will expire on Wednesday 23:59:59 JST." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "expires_after_days" }, "expires_at": { "name": "expires_at", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The timestamp at which the Konbini payment instructions will expire. Only one of `expires_after_days` or `expires_at` may be set.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The timestamp at which the Konbini payment instructions will expire. Only one of \u003Ccode\u003Eexpires_after_days\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eexpires_at\u003C/code\u003E may be set." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "expires_at" }, "product_description": { "name": "product_description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A product descriptor of up to 22 characters, which will appear to customers at the convenience store.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A product descriptor of up to 22 characters, which will appear to customers at the convenience store." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "product_description" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "konbini" }, "link": { "name": "link", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `link`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Elink\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `manual` if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level `capture_method` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Emanual\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to place the funds on hold and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Ecapture_method\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "persistent_token": { "name": "persistent_token", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Token used for persistent Link logins.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Token used for persistent Link logins." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "persistent_token" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "link" }, "oxxo": { "name": "oxxo", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `oxxo`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eoxxo\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "expires_after_days": { "name": "expires_after_days", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of calendar days before an OXXO invoice expires. For example, if you create an OXXO invoice on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of calendar days before an OXXO invoice expires. For example, if you create an OXXO invoice on Monday and you set expires_after_days to 2, the OXXO invoice will expire on Wednesday at 23:59 America/Mexico_City time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "expires_after_days" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "oxxo" }, "p24": { "name": "p24", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `p24`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ep24\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "p24" }, "paynow": { "name": "paynow", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `paynow`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Epaynow\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "paynow" }, "pix": { "name": "pix", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `pix`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Epix\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "expires_after_seconds": { "name": "expires_after_seconds", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of seconds (between 10 and 1209600) after which Pix payment will expire.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of seconds (between 10 and 1209600) after which Pix payment will expire." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "expires_after_seconds" }, "expires_at": { "name": "expires_at", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The timestamp at which the Pix expires.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The timestamp at which the Pix expires." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "expires_at" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "pix" }, "promptpay": { "name": "promptpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `promptpay`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Epromptpay\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "promptpay" }, "sepa_debit": { "name": "sepa_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `sepa_debit`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Esepa_debit\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "mandate_options": { "name": "mandate_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Additional fields for Mandate creation", "undocumented": false, "html": "Additional fields for Mandate creation" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "mandate_options" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "sepa_debit" }, "sofort": { "name": "sofort", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `sofort`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Esofort\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "preferred_language": { "name": "preferred_language", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred_language" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "sofort" }, "us_bank_account": { "name": "us_bank_account", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `us_bank_account`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eus_bank_account\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "financial_connections": { "name": "financial_connections", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Additional fields for Financial Connections Session creation", "undocumented": false, "html": "Additional fields for Financial Connections Session creation" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "permissions": { "name": "permissions", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of permissions to request. The `payment_method` permission must be included.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The list of permissions to request. The \u003Ccode\u003Epayment_method\u003C/code\u003E permission must be included." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "payment_method": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows the creation of a payment method from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows the creation of a payment method from the account." } }, "balances": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows accessing balance data from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows accessing balance data from the account." } }, "transactions": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows accessing transactions data from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows accessing transactions data from the account." } }, "ownership": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows accessing ownership data from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows accessing ownership data from the account." } } }, "object_type": "permissions" } }, "object_type": "financial_connections" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" }, "verification_method": { "name": "verification_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account verification method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account verification method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Instant verification with fallback to microdeposits.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Instant verification with fallback to microdeposits." } }, "instant": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Instant verification only.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Instant verification only." } }, "microdeposits": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Verification using microdeposits. Cannot be used with Stripe Checkout or Hosted Invoices.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Verification using microdeposits. Cannot be used with Stripe Checkout or Hosted Invoices." } } }, "object_type": "verification_method" } }, "object_type": "us_bank_account" }, "wechat_pay": { "name": "wechat_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `wechat_pay`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ewechat_pay\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each payment attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "app_id": { "name": "app_id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "app_id" }, "client": { "name": "client", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The client type that the end customer will pay from", "undocumented": false, "html": "The client type that the end customer will pay from" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "web": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The end customer will pay from web browser", "undocumented": false, "html": "The end customer will pay from web browser" } }, "ios": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The end customer will pay from an iOS app", "undocumented": false, "html": "The end customer will pay from an iOS app" } }, "android": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The end customer will pay from an Android app", "undocumented": false, "html": "The end customer will pay from an Android app" } } }, "object_type": "client" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `none` if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level `setup_future_usage` value for this payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E if you do not intend to reuse this payment method and want to override the top-level \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E value for this payment method." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "wechat_pay" } }, "object_type": "payment_method_options", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_types": { "name": "payment_method_types", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "payment_method_types" }, "processing": { "name": "processing", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "card": { "name": "card", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the PaymentIntent's payment_method_types includes `card`, this hash contains the details on the `processing` state of the payment.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the PaymentIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the details on the \u003Ccode\u003Eprocessing\u003C/code\u003E state of the payment." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "customer_notification": { "name": "customer_notification", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For recurring payments of Indian cards, this hash contains details on whether customer approval is required, and until when the payment will be in `processing` state", "undocumented": false, "html": "For recurring payments of Indian cards, this hash contains details on whether customer approval is required, and until when the payment will be in \u003Ccode\u003Eprocessing\u003C/code\u003E state" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "approval_requested": { "name": "approval_requested", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether customer approval has been requested for this payment. For payments greater than INR 15000 or mandate amount, the customer must provide explicit approval of the payment with their bank.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether customer approval has been requested for this payment. For payments greater than INR 15000 or mandate amount, the customer must provide explicit approval of the payment with their bank." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "approval_requested" }, "completes_at": { "name": "completes_at", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If customer approval is required, they need to provide approval before this time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If customer approval is required, they need to provide approval before this time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "completes_at" } }, "object_type": "customer_notification" } }, "object_type": "card" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Type of the payment method for which payment is in `processing` state, one of `card`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Type of the payment method for which payment is in \u003Ccode\u003Eprocessing\u003C/code\u003E state, one of \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "processing", "less_common": true }, "receipt_email": { "name": "receipt_email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If `receipt_email` is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your [email settings](https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/emails).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If \u003Ccode\u003Ereceipt_email\u003C/code\u003E is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your \u003Ca href=\"https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/emails\"\u003Eemail settings\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "receipt_email" }, "review": { "name": "review", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the review associated with this PaymentIntent, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the review associated with this PaymentIntent, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["review"], "object_type": "review", "less_common": true }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.\n\nProviding this parameter will [attach the payment method](/docs/payments/save-during-payment) to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached](/docs/api/payment_methods/attach) to a Customer after the transaction completes.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](/docs/strong-customer-authentication).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent’s payment method.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EProviding this parameter will \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/save-during-payment\"\u003Eattach the payment method\u003C/a\u003E to the PaymentIntent’s Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_methods/attach\"\u003Eattached\u003C/a\u003E to a Customer after the transaction completes.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Stripe also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003ESCA\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" }, "shipping": { "name": "shipping", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Shipping information for this PaymentIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "address": { "name": "address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Shipping address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Shipping address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "city": { "name": "city", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "City, district, suburb, town, or village.", "undocumented": false, "html": "City, district, suburb, town, or village." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "city" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter country code (\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line2" }, "postal_code": { "name": "postal_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ZIP or postal code.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ZIP or postal code." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "postal_code" }, "state": { "name": "state", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "State, county, province, or region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "State, county, province, or region." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "state" } }, "object_type": "address" }, "carrier": { "name": "carrier", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "carrier" }, "name": { "name": "name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Recipient name.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Recipient name." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "name" }, "phone": { "name": "phone", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Recipient phone (including extension).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Recipient phone (including extension)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "phone" }, "tracking_number": { "name": "tracking_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "tracking_number" } }, "object_type": "shipping" }, "statement_descriptor": { "name": "statement_descriptor", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers’ statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers’ statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "statement_descriptor" }, "statement_descriptor_suffix": { "name": "statement_descriptor_suffix", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "statement_descriptor_suffix" }, "status": { "name": "status", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Status of this PaymentIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `requires_capture`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`. Read more about each PaymentIntent [status](/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Status of this PaymentIntent, one of \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_payment_method\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_action\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprocessing\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_capture\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecanceled\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Esucceeded\u003C/code\u003E. Read more about each PaymentIntent \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses\"\u003Estatus\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "status" }, "transfer_data": { "name": "transfer_data", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment is finalized. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](/docs/payments/connected-accounts) for details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment is finalized. See the PaymentIntents \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/connected-accounts\"\u003Euse case for connected accounts\u003C/a\u003E for details." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the [smallest currency unit](/docs/currencies#zero-decimal) (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or [equivalent in charge currency](/docs/currencies#minimum-and-maximum-charge-amounts). The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/currencies#zero-decimal\"\u003Esmallest currency unit\u003C/a\u003E (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or \u003Ca href=\"/docs/currencies#minimum-and-maximum-charge-amounts\"\u003Eequivalent in charge currency\u003C/a\u003E. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" }, "destination": { "name": "destination", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax\nreporting, and where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon\npayment success.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax\nreporting, and where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon\npayment success." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["account"], "object_type": "destination" } }, "object_type": "transfer_data", "less_common": true }, "transfer_group": { "name": "transfer_group", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts](/docs/payments/connected-accounts) for details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/connected-accounts\"\u003Euse case for connected accounts\u003C/a\u003E for details." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "transfer_group", "less_common": true } } }, "payment_method": { "name": "payment_method", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. 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You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "institution_number": { "name": "institution_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Institution number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Institution number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "institution_number" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], 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You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" } }, "object_type": "au_becs_debit", "less_common": true }, "bacs_debit": { "name": "bacs_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ebacs_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. 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(e.g., `10-20-30`)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Sort code of the bank account. 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Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "checks": { "name": "checks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checks on Card address and CVC if provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Checks on Card address and CVC if provided." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "address_line1_check": { "name": "address_line1_check", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of \u003Ccode\u003Epass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efail\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunavailable\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunchecked\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "address_line1_check" }, "address_postal_code_check": { "name": "address_postal_code_check", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of \u003Ccode\u003Epass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efail\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunavailable\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunchecked\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "address_postal_code_check" }, "cvc_check": { "name": "cvc_check", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of \u003Ccode\u003Epass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Efail\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunavailable\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunchecked\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cvc_check" } }, "object_type": "checks" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": "card_fingerprint_read", "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "generated_from": { "name": "generated_from", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": { "sdk_client_public": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "undocumented": true, "html": null } }, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Details of the original PaymentMethod that created this object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Details of the original PaymentMethod that created this object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The charge that created this object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The charge that created this object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "charge" }, "payment_method_details": { "name": "payment_method_details", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transaction-specific details of the payment method used in the payment." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "card_present": { "name": "card_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "This hash contains the snapshot of the `card_present` transaction-specific details which generated this `card` payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "This hash contains the snapshot of the \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_present\u003C/code\u003E transaction-specific details which generated this \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount_authorized": { "name": "amount_authorized", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The authorized amount", "undocumented": false, "html": "The authorized amount" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_authorized" }, "brand": { "name": "brand", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card brand. Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "capture_before": { "name": "capture_before", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When using manual capture, a future timestamp after which the charge will be automatically refunded if uncaptured.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When using manual capture, a future timestamp after which the charge will be automatically refunded if uncaptured." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "capture_before" }, "cardholder_name": { "name": "cardholder_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813) format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "emv_auth_data": { "name": "emv_auth_data", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Authorization response cryptogram.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Authorization response cryptogram." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "emv_auth_data" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "generated_card": { "name": "generated_card", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "generated_card" }, "incremental_authorization_supported": { "name": "incremental_authorization_supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether this [PaymentIntent](/docs/api/payment_intents) is eligible for incremental authorizations. Request support using [request_incremental_authorization_support](/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_options-card_present-request_incremental_authorization_support).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether this \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents\"\u003EPaymentIntent\u003C/a\u003E is eligible for incremental authorizations. Request support using \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_options-card_present-request_incremental_authorization_support\"\u003Erequest_incremental_authorization_support\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "incremental_authorization_supported" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "network": { "name": "network", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecartes_bancaires\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Einterac\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "network" }, "overcapture_supported": { "name": "overcapture_supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not", "undocumented": false, "html": "Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "overcapture_supported" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" }, "receipt": { "name": "receipt", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "account_type": { "name": "account_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of account being debited or credited", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of account being debited or credited" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "credit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A credit account, as when using a credit card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A credit account, as when using a credit card" } }, "checking": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A checking account, as when using a debit card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A checking account, as when using a debit card" } }, "prepaid": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A prepaid account, as when using a debit gift card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A prepaid account, as when using a debit gift card" } }, "unknown": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An unknown account", "undocumented": false, "html": "An unknown account" } } }, "object_type": "account_type" }, "application_cryptogram": { "name": "application_cryptogram", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_cryptogram" }, "application_preferred_name": { "name": "application_preferred_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Mnenomic of the Application Identifier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_preferred_name" }, "authorization_code": { "name": "authorization_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Identifier for this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Identifier for this transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "authorization_code" }, "authorization_response_code": { "name": "authorization_response_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "authorization_response_code" }, "cardholder_verification_method": { "name": "cardholder_verification_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How the cardholder verified ownership of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How the cardholder verified ownership of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_verification_method" }, "dedicated_file_name": { "name": "dedicated_file_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "dedicated_file_name" }, "terminal_verification_results": { "name": "terminal_verification_results", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "terminal_verification_results" }, "transaction_status_information": { "name": "transaction_status_information", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "transaction_status_information" } }, "object_type": "receipt" } }, "object_type": "card_present" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of payment method transaction-specific details from the transaction that generated this `card` payment method. Always `card_present`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of payment method transaction-specific details from the transaction that generated this \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E payment method. Always \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_present\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "payment_method_details" }, "setup_attempt": { "name": "setup_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "setup_attempt" } }, "object_type": "generated_from" }, 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"hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "name": "three_d_secure_usage", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains details on how this Card may be used for 3D Secure authentication.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains details on how this Card may be used for 3D Secure authentication." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "supported": { "name": "supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card." }, 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"localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `amex_express_checkout` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eamex_express_checkout\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "amex_express_checkout" }, "apple_pay": { "name": "apple_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `apple_pay` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eapple_pay\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": 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The last four digits of the device account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "dynamic_last4" }, "google_pay": { "name": "google_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `google_pay` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egoogle_pay\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "google_pay" }, "masterpass": { "name": "masterpass", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `masterpass` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Emasterpass\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "billing_address": { "name": "billing_address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified billing address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "city": { "name": "city", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "City, district, suburb, town, or village.", "undocumented": false, "html": "City, district, suburb, town, or village." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "city" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter country code (\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line2" }, "postal_code": { "name": "postal_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ZIP or postal code.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ZIP or postal code." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "postal_code" }, "state": { "name": "state", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "State, county, province, or region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "State, county, province, or region." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "state" } }, "object_type": "billing_address" }, "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified email. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "email" }, "name": { "name": "name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified full name. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "name" }, "shipping_address": { "name": "shipping_address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Owner’s verified shipping address. Values are verified or provided by the wallet directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. 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An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the card wallet, one of \u003Ccode\u003Eamex_express_checkout\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eapple_pay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Egoogle_pay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emasterpass\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Esamsung_pay\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Evisa_checkout\u003C/code\u003E. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. 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They cannot be set or mutated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "city": { "name": "city", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "City, district, suburb, town, or village.", "undocumented": false, "html": "City, district, suburb, town, or village." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "city" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter country code (\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line2" }, "postal_code": { "name": "postal_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ZIP or postal code.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ZIP or postal code." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "postal_code" }, "state": { "name": "state", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "State, county, province, or region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "State, county, province, or region." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "state" } }, "object_type": "billing_address" }, "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified email. 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May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" } }, "object_type": "card_present", "less_common": true }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "customer": { "name": "customer", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["customer"], "object_type": "customer" }, "customer_balance": { "name": "customer_balance", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `customer_balance` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ecustomer_balance\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "customer_balance", "less_common": true }, "eps": { "name": "eps", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eeps\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank": { "name": "bank", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `deutsche_bank_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank. 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Can be one of `affin_bank`, `agrobank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, `pb_enterprise`, or `bank_of_china`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank, if provided. Can be one of \u003Ccode\u003Eaffin_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eagrobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ealliance_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eambank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_islam\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_muamalat\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_rakyat\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebsn\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecimb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehong_leong_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehsbc\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ekfh\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emaybank2u\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eocbc\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Epublic_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erhb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Estandard_chartered\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Euob\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edeutsche_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emaybank2e\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Epb_enterprise\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_of_china\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank" } }, "object_type": "fpx", "less_common": true }, "giropay": { "name": "giropay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egiropay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "giropay", "less_common": true }, "grabpay": { "name": "grabpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egrabpay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "grabpay", "less_common": true }, "ideal": { "name": "ideal", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eideal\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank": { "name": "bank", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank, if provided. Can be one of \u003Ccode\u003Eabn_amro\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Easn_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebunq\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehandelsbanken\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eing\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eknab\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emoneyou\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erabobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eregiobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erevolut\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Esns_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Etriodos_bank\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Evan_lanschot\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank" }, "bic": { "name": "bic", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank, if the bank was provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Bank Identifier Code of the customer’s bank, if the bank was provided." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bic" } }, "object_type": "ideal", "less_common": true }, "interac_present": { "name": "interac_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Einterac_present\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "brand": { "name": "brand", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card brand. Can be `interac`, `mastercard` or `visa`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Einterac\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "cardholder_name": { "name": "cardholder_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813) format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "preferred_locales": { "name": "preferred_locales", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred_locales" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" } }, "object_type": "interac_present", "less_common": true }, "klarna": { "name": "klarna", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eklarna\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "dob": { "name": "dob", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": 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PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Link payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Account owner's email address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Account owner’s email address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "email" }, "persistent_token": { "name": "persistent_token", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Token used for persistent Link logins.", 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This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "oxxo": { "name": "oxxo", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eoxxo\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "oxxo", "less_common": 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See [Radar Session](/docs/radar/radar-session) for more information.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Options to configure Radar. See \u003Ca href=\"/docs/radar/radar-session\"\u003ERadar Session\u003C/a\u003E for more information." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "session": { "name": "session", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A [Radar Session](/docs/radar/radar-session) is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A \u003Ca href=\"/docs/radar/radar-session\"\u003ERadar Session\u003C/a\u003E is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "session" } }, "object_type": "radar_options", "less_common": true }, "sepa_debit": { "name": "sepa_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Esepa_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank_code": { "name": "bank_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank code of bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_code" }, "branch_code": { "name": "branch_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Branch code of bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "branch_code" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "generated_from": { "name": "generated_from", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["charge"], "object_type": "charge" }, "setup_attempt": { "name": "setup_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "setup_attempt" } }, "object_type": "generated_from" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four characters of the IBAN.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four characters of the IBAN." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" } }, "object_type": "sepa_debit", "less_common": true }, "sofort": { "name": "sofort", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Esofort\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" } }, "object_type": "sofort", "less_common": true }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "acss_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Pre-authorized debit payments](/docs/payments/acss-debit) are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS).", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/acss-debit\"\u003EPre-authorized debit payments\u003C/a\u003E are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS)." } }, "affirm": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Affirm](/docs/payments/affirm) is a buy now, pay later payment method in the US.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/affirm\"\u003EAffirm\u003C/a\u003E is a buy now, pay later payment method in the US." } }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Afterpay / Clearpay](/docs/payments/afterpay-clearpay) is a buy now, pay later payment method used in Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and the US.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/afterpay-clearpay\"\u003EAfterpay / Clearpay\u003C/a\u003E is a buy now, pay later payment method used in Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and the US." } }, "alipay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Alipay](/docs/payments/alipay) is a digital wallet payment method used in China.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/alipay\"\u003EAlipay\u003C/a\u003E is a digital wallet payment method used in China." } }, "au_becs_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[BECS Direct Debit](/docs/payments/au-becs-debit) is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS).", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/au-becs-debit\"\u003EBECS Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS)." } }, "bacs_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Bacs Direct Debit](/docs/payments/payment-methods/bacs-debit) is used to debit UK bank accounts.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/bacs-debit\"\u003EBacs Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit UK bank accounts." } }, "bancontact": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Bancontact](/docs/payments/bancontact) is a bank redirect payment method used in Belgium.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/bancontact\"\u003EBancontact\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Belgium." } }, "blik": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[BLIK](/docs/payments/blik) is a single-use payment method common in Poland.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/blik\"\u003EBLIK\u003C/a\u003E is a single-use payment method common in Poland." } }, "boleto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Boleto](/docs/payments/boleto) is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/boleto\"\u003EBoleto\u003C/a\u003E is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil." } }, "card": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Card payments](/docs/payments/payment-methods/overview#cards) are supported through many networks and card brands.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/overview#cards\"\u003ECard payments\u003C/a\u003E are supported through many networks and card brands." } }, "card_present": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Stripe Terminal](/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment) is used to collect in-person card payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment\"\u003EStripe Terminal\u003C/a\u003E is used to collect in-person card payments." } }, "customer_balance": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uses a customer’s [cash balance](/docs/payments/customer-balance) for the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uses a customer’s \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/customer-balance\"\u003Ecash balance\u003C/a\u003E for the payment." } }, "eps": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[EPS](/docs/payments/eps) is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/eps\"\u003EEPS\u003C/a\u003E is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "fpx": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[FPX](/docs/payments/fpx) is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/fpx\"\u003EFPX\u003C/a\u003E is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "giropay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[giropay](/docs/payments/giropay) is a German bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/giropay\"\u003Egiropay\u003C/a\u003E is a German bank redirect payment method." } }, "grabpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[GrabPay](/docs/payments/grabpay) is a digital wallet payment method used in Southeast Asia.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/grabpay\"\u003EGrabPay\u003C/a\u003E is a digital wallet payment method used in Southeast Asia." } }, "ideal": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[iDEAL](/docs/payments/ideal) is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/ideal\"\u003EiDEAL\u003C/a\u003E is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "interac_present": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Stripe Terminal](/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment) accepts [Interac](/docs/terminal/payments/regional?integration-country=CA#interac-payments) debit cards for in-person payments in Canada.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment\"\u003EStripe Terminal\u003C/a\u003E accepts \u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/regional?integration-country=CA#interac-payments\"\u003EInterac\u003C/a\u003E debit cards for in-person payments in Canada." } }, "klarna": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Klarna](/docs/payments/klarna) is a global buy now, pay later payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/klarna\"\u003EKlarna\u003C/a\u003E is a global buy now, pay later payment method." } }, "konbini": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Konbini](/docs/payments/konbini) is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Japan.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/konbini\"\u003EKonbini\u003C/a\u003E is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Japan." } }, "link": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Link](/docs/payments/link) allows customers to pay with their saved payment details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/link\"\u003ELink\u003C/a\u003E allows customers to pay with their saved payment details." } }, "oxxo": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[OXXO](/docs/payments/oxxo) is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Mexico.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/oxxo\"\u003EOXXO\u003C/a\u003E is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Mexico." } }, "p24": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Przelewy24](/docs/payments/p24) is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/p24\"\u003EPrzelewy24\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland." } }, "paynow": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[PayNow](/docs/payments/paynow) is a QR code payment method used in Singapore.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/paynow\"\u003EPayNow\u003C/a\u003E is a QR code payment method used in Singapore." } }, "pix": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Pix](/docs/payments/pix) is an instant bank transfer payment method in Brazil.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/pix\"\u003EPix\u003C/a\u003E is an instant bank transfer payment method in Brazil." } }, "promptpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[PromptPay](/docs/payments/promptpay) is an instant funds transfer service popular in Thailand.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/promptpay\"\u003EPromptPay\u003C/a\u003E is an instant funds transfer service popular in Thailand." } }, "sepa_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[SEPA Direct Debit](/docs/payments/sepa-debit) is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/sepa-debit\"\u003ESEPA Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region." } }, "sofort": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Sofort](/docs/payments/sofort) is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/sofort\"\u003ESofort\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe." } }, "us_bank_account": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[ACH Direct Debit](/docs/payments/ach-debit) is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/ach-debit\"\u003EACH Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system." } }, 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Defaults to checking if omitted.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Account type: checkings or savings. Defaults to checking if omitted." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "checking": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account type is checking", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account type is checking" } }, "savings": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account type is savings", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account type is savings" } } }, "object_type": "account_type" }, "bank_name": { "name": "bank_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The name of the bank.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The name of the bank." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_name" }, "financial_connections_account": { "name": "financial_connections_account", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Financial Connections Account used to create the payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Financial Connections Account used to create the payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "financial_connections_account" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" }, "supported": { "name": "supported", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All supported networks.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All supported networks." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "supported" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "routing_number": { "name": "routing_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Routing number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Routing number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "routing_number" } }, "object_type": "us_bank_account", "less_common": true }, "wechat_pay": { "name": "wechat_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Ewechat_pay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "wechat_pay", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "payment_method", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_type": { "name": "payment_method_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "payment_method_type", "less_common": true }, "request_log_url": { "name": "request_log_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A URL to the request log entry in your dashboard.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A URL to the request log entry in your dashboard." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "request_log_url", "less_common": true }, "setup_intent": { "name": "setup_intent", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The SetupIntent object for errors returned on a request involving a SetupIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The SetupIntent object for errors returned on a request involving a SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "setup_intent", "less_common": true, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.", "undocumented": false, "html": "String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "object", "less_common": true }, "application": { "name": "application", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the Connect application that created the SetupIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the Connect application that created the SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["application"], "object_type": "application", "less_common": true }, "attach_to_self": { "name": "attach_to_self", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If present, the SetupIntent's payment method will be attached to the in-context Stripe Account.\n\nIt can only be used for this Stripe Account’s own money movement flows like InboundTransfer and OutboundTransfers. It cannot be set to true when setting up a PaymentMethod for a Customer, and defaults to false when attaching a PaymentMethod to a Customer.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If present, the SetupIntent’s payment method will be attached to the in-context Stripe Account.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIt can only be used for this Stripe Account’s own money movement flows like InboundTransfer and OutboundTransfers. It cannot be set to true when setting up a PaymentMethod for a Customer, and defaults to false when attaching a PaymentMethod to a Customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "attach_to_self", "less_common": true }, "cancellation_reason": { "name": "cancellation_reason", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Reason for cancellation of this SetupIntent, one of `abandoned`, `requested_by_customer`, or `duplicate`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Reason for cancellation of this SetupIntent, one of \u003Ccode\u003Eabandoned\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequested_by_customer\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eduplicate\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cancellation_reason", "less_common": true }, "client_secret": { "name": "client_secret", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The client secret of this SetupIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.\n\nThe client secret can be used to complete payment setup from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The client secret of this SetupIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EThe client secret can be used to complete payment setup from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "client_secret" }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "customer": { "name": "customer", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the Customer this SetupIntent belongs to, if one exists.\n\nIf present, the SetupIntent's payment method will be attached to the Customer on successful setup. Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this SetupIntent.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the Customer this SetupIntent belongs to, if one exists.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIf present, the SetupIntent’s payment method will be attached to the Customer on successful setup. Payment methods attached to other Customers cannot be used with this SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["customer"], "object_type": "customer" }, "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "flow_directions": { "name": "flow_directions", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates the directions of money movement for which this payment method is intended to be used.\n\nInclude `inbound` if you intend to use the payment method as the origin to pull funds from. Include `outbound` if you intend to use the payment method as the destination to send funds to. You can include both if you intend to use the payment method for both purposes.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates the directions of money movement for which this payment method is intended to be used.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EInclude \u003Ccode\u003Einbound\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to use the payment method as the origin to pull funds from. Include \u003Ccode\u003Eoutbound\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to use the payment method as the destination to send funds to. You can include both if you intend to use the payment method for both purposes." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "flow_directions", "less_common": true }, "last_setup_error": { "name": "last_setup_error", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The error encountered in the previous SetupIntent confirmation.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The error encountered in the previous SetupIntent confirmation." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "code": { "name": "code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the [error code](/docs/error-codes) reported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/error-codes\"\u003Eerror code\u003C/a\u003E reported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "code" }, "decline_code": { "name": "decline_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string indicating the [card issuer's reason for the decline](/docs/declines#issuer-declines) if they provide one.", "undocumented": false, "html": "For card errors resulting from a card issuer decline, a short string indicating the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/declines#issuer-declines\"\u003Ecard issuer’s reason for the decline\u003C/a\u003E if they provide one." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "decline_code" }, "doc_url": { "name": "doc_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A URL to more information about the [error code](/docs/error-codes) reported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A URL to more information about the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/error-codes\"\u003Eerror code\u003C/a\u003E reported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "doc_url", "less_common": true }, "message": { "name": "message", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "message" }, "param": { "name": "param", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "param" }, "payment_method": { "name": "payment_method", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.", "undocumented": false, "html": "String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "object", "less_common": true }, "acss_debit": { "name": "acss_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `acss_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eacss_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the ACSS Debit payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank_name": { "name": "bank_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Name of the bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Name of the bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_name" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "institution_number": { "name": "institution_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Institution number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Institution number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "institution_number" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "transit_number": { "name": "transit_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Transit number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Transit number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "transit_number" } }, "object_type": "acss_debit", "less_common": true }, "affirm": { "name": "affirm", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `affirm` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Affirm payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eaffirm\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Affirm payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "affirm", "less_common": true }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "name": "afterpay_clearpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `AfterpayClearpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003EAfterpayClearpay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "afterpay_clearpay", "less_common": true }, "alipay": { "name": "alipay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `Alipay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003EAlipay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Alipay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, 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"undocumented": false, "html": "Six-digit number identifying bank and branch associated with this bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bsb_number" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" } }, "object_type": "au_becs_debit", "less_common": true }, "bacs_debit": { "name": "bacs_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `bacs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ebacs_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bacs Direct Debit bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "sort_code": { "name": "sort_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., `10-20-30`)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Sort code of the bank account. (e.g., \u003Ccode\u003E10-20-30\u003C/code\u003E)" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "sort_code" } }, "object_type": "bacs_debit", "less_common": true }, "bancontact": { "name": "bancontact", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `bancontact` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ebancontact\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": 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href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "line1": { "name": "line1", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "line1" }, "line2": { "name": "line2", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": 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You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": "card_fingerprint_read", "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. 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Can be `amex`, `diners`, `discover`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "capture_before": { "name": "capture_before", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When using manual capture, a future timestamp after which the charge will be automatically refunded if uncaptured.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When using manual capture, a future timestamp after which the charge will be automatically refunded if uncaptured." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "capture_before" }, "cardholder_name": { "name": "cardholder_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813) format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "emv_auth_data": { "name": "emv_auth_data", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Authorization response cryptogram.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Authorization response cryptogram." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "emv_auth_data" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "generated_card": { "name": "generated_card", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of a card PaymentMethod generated from the card_present PaymentMethod that may be attached to a Customer for future transactions. Only present if it was possible to generate a card PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "generated_card" }, "incremental_authorization_supported": { "name": "incremental_authorization_supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether this [PaymentIntent](/docs/api/payment_intents) is eligible for incremental authorizations. Request support using [request_incremental_authorization_support](/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_options-card_present-request_incremental_authorization_support).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether this \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents\"\u003EPaymentIntent\u003C/a\u003E is eligible for incremental authorizations. Request support using \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_intents/create#create_payment_intent-payment_method_options-card_present-request_incremental_authorization_support\"\u003Erequest_incremental_authorization_support\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "incremental_authorization_supported" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "network": { "name": "network", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Eamex\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecartes_bancaires\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediners\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ediscover\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Einterac\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ejcb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eunionpay\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "network" }, "overcapture_supported": { "name": "overcapture_supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not", "undocumented": false, "html": "Defines whether the authorized amount can be over-captured or not" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "overcapture_supported" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" }, "receipt": { "name": "receipt", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "account_type": { "name": "account_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of account being debited or credited", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of account being debited or credited" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "credit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A credit account, as when using a credit card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A credit account, as when using a credit card" } }, "checking": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A checking account, as when using a debit card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A checking account, as when using a debit card" } }, "prepaid": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A prepaid account, as when using a debit gift card", "undocumented": false, "html": "A prepaid account, as when using a debit gift card" } }, "unknown": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An unknown account", "undocumented": false, "html": "An unknown account" } } }, "object_type": "account_type" }, "application_cryptogram": { "name": "application_cryptogram", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_cryptogram" }, "application_preferred_name": { "name": "application_preferred_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Mnenomic of the Application Identifier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_preferred_name" }, "authorization_code": { "name": "authorization_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Identifier for this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Identifier for this transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "authorization_code" }, "authorization_response_code": { "name": "authorization_response_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 8A. A code returned by the card issuer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "authorization_response_code" }, "cardholder_verification_method": { "name": "cardholder_verification_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How the cardholder verified ownership of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How the cardholder verified ownership of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_verification_method" }, "dedicated_file_name": { "name": "dedicated_file_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 84. Similar to the application identifier stored on the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "dedicated_file_name" }, "terminal_verification_results": { "name": "terminal_verification_results", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The outcome of a series of EMV functions performed by the card reader." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "terminal_verification_results" }, "transaction_status_information": { "name": "transaction_status_information", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An indication of various EMV functions performed during the transaction." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "transaction_status_information" } }, "object_type": "receipt" } }, "object_type": "card_present" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of payment method transaction-specific details from the transaction that generated this `card` payment method. Always `card_present`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of payment method transaction-specific details from the transaction that generated this \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E payment method. Always \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_present\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "payment_method_details" }, "setup_attempt": { "name": "setup_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "setup_attempt" } }, "object_type": "generated_from" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "three_d_secure_usage": { "name": "three_d_secure_usage", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains details on how this Card may be used for 3D Secure authentication.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains details on how this Card may be used for 3D Secure authentication." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "supported": { "name": "supported", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "supported" } }, "object_type": "three_d_secure_usage" }, "wallet": { "name": "wallet", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amex_express_checkout": { "name": "amex_express_checkout", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `amex_express_checkout` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eamex_express_checkout\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "amex_express_checkout" }, "apple_pay": { "name": "apple_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `apple_pay` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eapple_pay\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "apple_pay" }, "dynamic_last4": { "name": "dynamic_last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "(For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "dynamic_last4" }, "google_pay": { "name": "google_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `google_pay` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egoogle_pay\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "google_pay" }, "masterpass": { "name": "masterpass", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `masterpass` card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Emasterpass\u003C/code\u003E card wallet, this hash contains details about the wallet." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "billing_address": { "name": "billing_address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Owner's verified billing address. 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May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" } }, "object_type": "card_present", "less_common": true }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "customer": { "name": "customer", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Customer to which this PaymentMethod is saved. This will not be set when the PaymentMethod has not been saved to a Customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["customer"], "object_type": "customer" }, "customer_balance": { "name": "customer_balance", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `customer_balance` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Ecustomer_balance\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "customer_balance", "less_common": true }, "eps": { "name": "eps", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eeps\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank": { "name": "bank", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `deutsche_bank_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank. 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Can be one of `affin_bank`, `agrobank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, `pb_enterprise`, or `bank_of_china`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank, if provided. Can be one of \u003Ccode\u003Eaffin_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eagrobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ealliance_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eambank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_islam\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_muamalat\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_rakyat\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebsn\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecimb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehong_leong_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehsbc\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ekfh\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emaybank2u\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eocbc\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Epublic_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erhb\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Estandard_chartered\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Euob\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edeutsche_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emaybank2e\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Epb_enterprise\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Ebank_of_china\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank" } }, "object_type": "fpx", "less_common": true }, "giropay": { "name": "giropay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `giropay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egiropay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Giropay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "giropay", "less_common": true }, "grabpay": { "name": "grabpay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `grabpay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Egrabpay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the GrabPay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "grabpay", "less_common": true }, "ideal": { "name": "ideal", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eideal\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank": { "name": "bank", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The customer’s bank, if provided. Can be one of \u003Ccode\u003Eabn_amro\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Easn_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ebunq\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ehandelsbanken\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eing\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eknab\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emoneyou\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erabobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eregiobank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erevolut\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Esns_bank\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Etriodos_bank\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Evan_lanschot\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank" }, "bic": { "name": "bic", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank, if the bank was provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Bank Identifier Code of the customer’s bank, if the bank was provided." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bic" } }, "object_type": "ideal", "less_common": true }, "interac_present": { "name": "interac_present", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `interac_present` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Einterac_present\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Interac Present payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "brand": { "name": "brand", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card brand. Can be `interac`, `mastercard` or `visa`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card brand. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Einterac\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emastercard\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Evisa\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "brand" }, "cardholder_name": { "name": "cardholder_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in [ISO 7813](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813) format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (`/`). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The cardholder name as read from the card, in \u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_7813\"\u003EISO 7813\u003C/a\u003E format. May include alphanumeric characters, special characters and first/last name separator (\u003Ccode\u003E/\u003C/code\u003E). In some cases, the cardholder name may not be available depending on how the issuer has configured the card. Cardholder name is typically not available on swipe or contactless payments, such as those made with Apple Pay and Google Pay." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "cardholder_name" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you’ve collected." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "exp_month": { "name": "exp_month", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-digit number representing the card’s expiration month." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_month" }, "exp_year": { "name": "exp_year", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Four-digit number representing the card’s expiration year." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "exp_year" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\n\n*Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.*\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EStarting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card — one for India and one for the rest of the world.\u003C/em\u003E" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "funding": { "name": "funding", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Card funding type. Can be `credit`, `debit`, `prepaid`, or `unknown`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Card funding type. Can be \u003Ccode\u003Ecredit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Edebit\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprepaid\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunknown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "funding" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The last four digits of the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The last four digits of the card." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about card networks that can be used to process the payment." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "available": { "name": "available", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All available networks for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All available networks for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "available" }, "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network for the card.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network for the card." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "preferred_locales": { "name": "preferred_locales", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip.", "undocumented": false, "html": "EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred_locales" }, "read_method": { "name": "read_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "How card details were read in this transaction.", "undocumented": false, "html": "How card details were read in this transaction." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "contact_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Inserting a chip card into the card reader." } }, "contactless_emv": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Tapping a contactless-enabled chip card or mobile wallet." } }, "magnetic_stripe_track2": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Swiping a card using the magnetic stripe reader." } }, "magnetic_stripe_fallback": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When inserting a chip card fails three times in a row, fallback to a magnetic stripe read." } }, "contactless_magstripe_mode": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Older standard for contactless payments that emulated a magnetic stripe read." } } }, "object_type": "read_method" } }, "object_type": "interac_present", "less_common": true }, "klarna": { "name": "klarna", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `klarna` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Eklarna\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Klarna payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "dob": { "name": "dob", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": 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PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the Link payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "email": { "name": "email", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Account owner's email address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Account owner’s email address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "email" }, "persistent_token": { "name": "persistent_token", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Token used for persistent Link logins.", 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This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "oxxo": { "name": "oxxo", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `oxxo` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Eoxxo\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the OXXO payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "oxxo", "less_common": 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See [Radar Session](/docs/radar/radar-session) for more information.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Options to configure Radar. See \u003Ca href=\"/docs/radar/radar-session\"\u003ERadar Session\u003C/a\u003E for more information." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "session": { "name": "session", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A [Radar Session](/docs/radar/radar-session) is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A \u003Ca href=\"/docs/radar/radar-session\"\u003ERadar Session\u003C/a\u003E is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "session" } }, "object_type": "radar_options", "less_common": true }, "sepa_debit": { "name": "sepa_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Esepa_debit\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "bank_code": { "name": "bank_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank code of bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank code of bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_code" }, "branch_code": { "name": "branch_code", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Branch code of bank associated with the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Branch code of bank associated with the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "branch_code" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "generated_from": { "name": "generated_from", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Information about the object that generated this PaymentMethod." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "charge": { "name": "charge", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Charge that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["charge"], "object_type": "charge" }, "setup_attempt": { "name": "setup_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the SetupAttempt that generated this PaymentMethod, if any." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "setup_attempt" } }, "object_type": "generated_from" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four characters of the IBAN.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four characters of the IBAN." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" } }, "object_type": "sepa_debit", "less_common": true }, "sofort": { "name": "sofort", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is a \u003Ccode\u003Esofort\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" } }, "object_type": "sofort", "less_common": true }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "acss_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Pre-authorized debit payments](/docs/payments/acss-debit) are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS).", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/acss-debit\"\u003EPre-authorized debit payments\u003C/a\u003E are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS)." } }, "affirm": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Affirm](/docs/payments/affirm) is a buy now, pay later payment method in the US.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/affirm\"\u003EAffirm\u003C/a\u003E is a buy now, pay later payment method in the US." } }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Afterpay / Clearpay](/docs/payments/afterpay-clearpay) is a buy now, pay later payment method used in Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and the US.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/afterpay-clearpay\"\u003EAfterpay / Clearpay\u003C/a\u003E is a buy now, pay later payment method used in Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Spain, the UK, and the US." } }, "alipay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Alipay](/docs/payments/alipay) is a digital wallet payment method used in China.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/alipay\"\u003EAlipay\u003C/a\u003E is a digital wallet payment method used in China." } }, "au_becs_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[BECS Direct Debit](/docs/payments/au-becs-debit) is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS).", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/au-becs-debit\"\u003EBECS Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS)." } }, "bacs_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Bacs Direct Debit](/docs/payments/payment-methods/bacs-debit) is used to debit UK bank accounts.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/bacs-debit\"\u003EBacs Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit UK bank accounts." } }, "bancontact": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Bancontact](/docs/payments/bancontact) is a bank redirect payment method used in Belgium.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/bancontact\"\u003EBancontact\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Belgium." } }, "blik": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[BLIK](/docs/payments/blik) is a single-use payment method common in Poland.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/blik\"\u003EBLIK\u003C/a\u003E is a single-use payment method common in Poland." } }, "boleto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Boleto](/docs/payments/boleto) is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/boleto\"\u003EBoleto\u003C/a\u003E is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil." } }, "card": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Card payments](/docs/payments/payment-methods/overview#cards) are supported through many networks and card brands.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/overview#cards\"\u003ECard payments\u003C/a\u003E are supported through many networks and card brands." } }, "card_present": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Stripe Terminal](/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment) is used to collect in-person card payments.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment\"\u003EStripe Terminal\u003C/a\u003E is used to collect in-person card payments." } }, "customer_balance": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uses a customer’s [cash balance](/docs/payments/customer-balance) for the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uses a customer’s \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/customer-balance\"\u003Ecash balance\u003C/a\u003E for the payment." } }, "eps": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[EPS](/docs/payments/eps) is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/eps\"\u003EEPS\u003C/a\u003E is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "fpx": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[FPX](/docs/payments/fpx) is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/fpx\"\u003EFPX\u003C/a\u003E is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "giropay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[giropay](/docs/payments/giropay) is a German bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/giropay\"\u003Egiropay\u003C/a\u003E is a German bank redirect payment method." } }, "grabpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[GrabPay](/docs/payments/grabpay) is a digital wallet payment method used in Southeast Asia.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/grabpay\"\u003EGrabPay\u003C/a\u003E is a digital wallet payment method used in Southeast Asia." } }, "ideal": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[iDEAL](/docs/payments/ideal) is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/ideal\"\u003EiDEAL\u003C/a\u003E is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method." } }, "interac_present": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Stripe Terminal](/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment) accepts [Interac](/docs/terminal/payments/regional?integration-country=CA#interac-payments) debit cards for in-person payments in Canada.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/collect-payment\"\u003EStripe Terminal\u003C/a\u003E accepts \u003Ca href=\"/docs/terminal/payments/regional?integration-country=CA#interac-payments\"\u003EInterac\u003C/a\u003E debit cards for in-person payments in Canada." } }, "klarna": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Klarna](/docs/payments/klarna) is a global buy now, pay later payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/klarna\"\u003EKlarna\u003C/a\u003E is a global buy now, pay later payment method." } }, "konbini": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Konbini](/docs/payments/konbini) is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Japan.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/konbini\"\u003EKonbini\u003C/a\u003E is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Japan." } }, "link": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Link](/docs/payments/link) allows customers to pay with their saved payment details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/link\"\u003ELink\u003C/a\u003E allows customers to pay with their saved payment details." } }, "oxxo": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[OXXO](/docs/payments/oxxo) is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Mexico.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/oxxo\"\u003EOXXO\u003C/a\u003E is a cash-based voucher payment method used in Mexico." } }, "p24": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Przelewy24](/docs/payments/p24) is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/p24\"\u003EPrzelewy24\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland." } }, "paynow": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[PayNow](/docs/payments/paynow) is a QR code payment method used in Singapore.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/paynow\"\u003EPayNow\u003C/a\u003E is a QR code payment method used in Singapore." } }, "pix": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Pix](/docs/payments/pix) is an instant bank transfer payment method in Brazil.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/pix\"\u003EPix\u003C/a\u003E is an instant bank transfer payment method in Brazil." } }, "promptpay": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[PromptPay](/docs/payments/promptpay) is an instant funds transfer service popular in Thailand.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/promptpay\"\u003EPromptPay\u003C/a\u003E is an instant funds transfer service popular in Thailand." } }, "sepa_debit": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[SEPA Direct Debit](/docs/payments/sepa-debit) is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/sepa-debit\"\u003ESEPA Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region." } }, "sofort": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Sofort](/docs/payments/sofort) is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/sofort\"\u003ESofort\u003C/a\u003E is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe." } }, "us_bank_account": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[ACH Direct Debit](/docs/payments/ach-debit) is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/ach-debit\"\u003EACH Direct Debit\u003C/a\u003E is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system." } }, 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"account_holder_type" }, "account_type": { "name": "account_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Account type: checkings or savings. Defaults to checking if omitted.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Account type: checkings or savings. Defaults to checking if omitted." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "checking": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account type is checking", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account type is checking" } }, "savings": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account type is savings", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account type is savings" } } }, "object_type": "account_type" }, "bank_name": { "name": "bank_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The name of the bank.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The name of the bank." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "bank_name" }, "financial_connections_account": { "name": "financial_connections_account", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Financial Connections Account used to create the payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Financial Connections Account used to create the payment method." }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "financial_connections_account" }, "fingerprint": { "name": "fingerprint", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "fingerprint" }, "last4": { "name": "last4", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Last four digits of the bank account number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Last four digits of the bank account number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "last4" }, "networks": { "name": "networks", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "preferred": { "name": "preferred", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The preferred network.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The preferred network." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preferred" }, "supported": { "name": "supported", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "All supported networks.", "undocumented": false, "html": "All supported networks." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "supported" } }, "object_type": "networks" }, "routing_number": { "name": "routing_number", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Routing number of the bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Routing number of the bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "routing_number" } }, "object_type": "us_bank_account", "less_common": true }, "wechat_pay": { "name": "wechat_pay", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If this is an \u003Ccode\u003Ewechat_pay\u003C/code\u003E PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "wechat_pay", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "payment_method", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_type": { "name": "payment_method_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "payment_method_type", "less_common": true }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of error returned. One of `api_error`, `card_error`, `idempotency_error`, or `invalid_request_error`", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of error returned. One of \u003Ccode\u003Eapi_error\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecard_error\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eidempotency_error\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Einvalid_request_error\u003C/code\u003E" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" } }, "object_type": "last_setup_error" }, "latest_attempt": { "name": "latest_attempt", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The most recent SetupAttempt for this SetupIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The most recent SetupAttempt for this SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["setup_attempt"], "object_type": "latest_attempt", "less_common": true }, "livemode": { "name": "livemode", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Has the value \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in live mode or the value \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in test mode." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "livemode", "less_common": true }, "mandate": { "name": "mandate", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the multi use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the multi use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["mandate"], "object_type": "mandate", "less_common": true }, "metadata": { "name": "metadata", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set of [key-value pairs](/docs/api/metadata) that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "next_action": { "name": "next_action", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to continue payment setup.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to continue payment setup." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "redirect_to_url": { "name": "redirect_to_url", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains instructions for authenticating a payment by redirecting your customer to another page or application.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains instructions for authenticating a payment by redirecting your customer to another page or application." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "return_url": { "name": "return_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected to this specified URL after completion.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the customer does not exit their browser while authenticating, they will be redirected to this specified URL after completion." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "return_url" }, "url": { "name": "url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The URL you must redirect your customer to in order to authenticate." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "url" } }, "object_type": "redirect_to_url" }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Type of the next action to perform, one of `redirect_to_url`, `use_stripe_sdk`, `alipay_handle_redirect`, `oxxo_display_details`, or `verify_with_microdeposits`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Type of the next action to perform, one of \u003Ccode\u003Eredirect_to_url\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Euse_stripe_sdk\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ealipay_handle_redirect\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eoxxo_display_details\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Everify_with_microdeposits\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" }, "use_stripe_sdk": { "name": "use_stripe_sdk", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When confirming a SetupIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this \u003Ctranslate\u003Edictionary\u003C/translate\u003E to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When confirming a SetupIntent with Stripe.js, Stripe.js depends on the contents of this \u003Ctranslate\u003Edictionary\u003C/translate\u003E to invoke authentication flows. The shape of the contents is subject to change and is only intended to be used by Stripe.js." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "use_stripe_sdk" }, "verify_with_microdeposits": { "name": "verify_with_microdeposits", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Contains details describing microdeposits verification flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Contains details describing microdeposits verification flow." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "arrival_date": { "name": "arrival_date", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The timestamp when the microdeposits are expected to land." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "arrival_date" }, "hosted_verification_url": { "name": "hosted_verification_url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The URL for the hosted verification page, which allows customers to verify their bank account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "hosted_verification_url" }, "microdeposit_type": { "name": "microdeposit_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The type of the microdeposit sent to the customer. Used to distinguish between different verification methods.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The type of the microdeposit sent to the customer. Used to distinguish between different verification methods." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "descriptor_code": { "documentation": null }, "amounts": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "microdeposit_type" } }, "object_type": "verify_with_microdeposits" } }, "object_type": "next_action" }, "on_behalf_of": { "name": "on_behalf_of", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The account (if any) for which the setup is intended.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account (if any) for which the setup is intended." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": 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"html": "Payment-method-specific configuration for this SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "acss_debit": { "name": "acss_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the SetupIntent's payment_method_types includes `acss_debit`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the SetupIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eacss_debit\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, 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'subscription' must also be provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Enables payments for Stripe Invoices. ‘subscription’ must also be provided." } }, "subscription": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Enables payments for Stripe Subscriptions. 'invoice' must also be provided.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Enables payments for Stripe Subscriptions. ‘invoice’ must also be provided." } } }, "object_type": "default_for" }, "interval_description": { "name": "interval_description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Description of the interval. Only required if the ‘payment_schedule’ parameter is ‘interval’ or ‘combined’." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval_description" }, "payment_schedule": { "name": "payment_schedule", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payment schedule for the mandate.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Payment schedule for the mandate." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "interval": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Payments are initiated at a regular pre-defined interval", "undocumented": 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contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the SetupIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eblik\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "mandate_options": { "name": "mandate_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Details of the reusable mandate.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Details of the reusable mandate." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, 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`card`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the SetupIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Ecard\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "mandate_options": { "name": "mandate_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration options for setting up an eMandate for cards issued in India." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, 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If `fixed`, the `amount` param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If `maximum`, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the `amount` param.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "One of \u003Ccode\u003Efixed\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Emaximum\u003C/code\u003E. If \u003Ccode\u003Efixed\u003C/code\u003E, the \u003Ccode\u003Eamount\u003C/code\u003E param refers to the exact amount to be charged in future payments. If \u003Ccode\u003Emaximum\u003C/code\u003E, the amount charged can be up to the value passed for the \u003Ccode\u003Eamount\u003C/code\u003E param." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_type" }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": "currency", "validation": "currency", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "currency" }, "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A description of the mandate or subscription that is meant to be displayed to the customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "end_date": { "name": "end_date", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "End date of the mandate or subscription. If not provided, the mandate will be active until canceled. If provided, end date should be after start date.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "End date of the mandate or subscription. If not provided, the mandate will be active until canceled. If provided, end date should be after start date." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "end_date" }, "interval": { "name": "interval", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies payment frequency. One of `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`, or `sporadic`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies payment frequency. One of \u003Ccode\u003Eday\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eweek\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emonth\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eyear\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Esporadic\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval" }, "interval_count": { "name": "interval_count", "check": "positive_integer", "validation": "positive integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of intervals between payments. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` indicates one payment every three months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks). This parameter is optional when `interval=sporadic`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of intervals between payments. For example, \u003Ccode\u003Einterval=month\u003C/code\u003E and \u003Ccode\u003Einterval_count=3\u003C/code\u003E indicates one payment every three months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks). This parameter is optional when \u003Ccode\u003Einterval=sporadic\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval_count" }, "reference": { "name": "reference", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the mandate or subscription.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the mandate or subscription." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "reference" }, "start_date": { "name": "start_date", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Start date of the mandate or subscription. Start date should not be lesser than yesterday.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Start date of the mandate or subscription. Start date should not be lesser than yesterday." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "start_date" }, "supported_types": { "name": "supported_types", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies the type of mandates supported. Possible values are `india`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies the type of mandates supported. Possible values are \u003Ccode\u003Eindia\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "supported_types" } }, "object_type": "mandate_options" }, "network": { "name": "network", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Selected network to process this SetupIntent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the setup intent. Can be only set confirm-time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Selected network to process this SetupIntent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the setup intent. Can be only set confirm-time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "network" }, "request_three_d_secure": { "name": "request_three_d_secure", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements](/docs/strong-customer-authentication). However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure](/docs/payments/3d-secure#manual-three-ds) for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.", "undocumented": false, "html": "We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and \u003Ca href=\"/docs/strong-customer-authentication\"\u003Eother requirements\u003C/a\u003E. However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: \u003Ccode\u003Eautomatic\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eany\u003C/code\u003E. If not provided, defaults to \u003Ccode\u003Eautomatic\u003C/code\u003E. Read our guide on \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/3d-secure#manual-three-ds\"\u003Emanually requesting 3D Secure\u003C/a\u003E for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "advanced", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "request_three_d_secure" } }, "object_type": "card" }, "link": { "name": "link", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the SetupIntent's payment_method_types includes `link`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the SetupIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Elink\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "persistent_token": { "name": "persistent_token", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Token used for persistent Link logins.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Token used for persistent Link logins." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "persistent_token" } }, "object_type": "link" }, "sepa_debit": { "name": "sepa_debit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the SetupIntent's payment_method_types includes `sepa_debit`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the SetupIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Esepa_debit\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "mandate_options": { "name": "mandate_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Additional fields for Mandate creation", "undocumented": false, "html": "Additional fields for Mandate creation" }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": {}, "object_type": "mandate_options" } }, "object_type": "sepa_debit" }, "us_bank_account": { "name": "us_bank_account", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If the SetupIntent's payment_method_types includes `us_bank_account`, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If the SetupIntent’s payment_method_types includes \u003Ccode\u003Eus_bank_account\u003C/code\u003E, this hash contains the configurations that will be applied to each setup attempt of that type." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "financial_connections": { "name": "financial_connections", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Additional fields for Financial Connections Session creation", "undocumented": false, "html": "Additional fields for Financial Connections Session creation" }, "gate": true, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "permissions": { "name": "permissions", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of permissions to request. The `payment_method` permission must be included.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The list of permissions to request. The \u003Ccode\u003Epayment_method\u003C/code\u003E permission must be included." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "payment_method": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows the creation of a payment method from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows the creation of a payment method from the account." } }, "balances": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows accessing balance data from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows accessing balance data from the account." } }, "transactions": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows accessing transactions data from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows accessing transactions data from the account." } }, "ownership": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Allows accessing ownership data from the account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Allows accessing ownership data from the account." } } }, "object_type": "permissions" } }, "object_type": "financial_connections" }, "verification_method": { "name": "verification_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Bank account verification method.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Bank account verification method." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Instant verification with fallback to microdeposits.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Instant verification with fallback to microdeposits." } }, "instant": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Instant verification only.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Instant verification only." } }, "microdeposits": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Verification using microdeposits. Cannot be used with Stripe Checkout or Hosted Invoices.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Verification using microdeposits. Cannot be used with Stripe Checkout or Hosted Invoices." } } }, "object_type": "verification_method" } }, "object_type": "us_bank_account" } }, "object_type": "payment_method_options", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_types": { "name": "payment_method_types", "check": "string_array", "validation": "array containing strings", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this SetupIntent is allowed to set up.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this SetupIntent is allowed to set up." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "payment_method_types" }, "single_use_mandate": { "name": "single_use_mandate", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "ID of the single_use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent.", "undocumented": false, "html": "ID of the single_use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["mandate"], "object_type": "single_use_mandate", "less_common": true }, "status": { "name": "status", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[Status](/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses) of this SetupIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`. ", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses\"\u003EStatus\u003C/a\u003E of this SetupIntent, one of \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_payment_method\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Erequires_action\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eprocessing\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Ecanceled\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Esucceeded\u003C/code\u003E. " }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "status" }, "usage": { "name": "usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future.\n\nUse `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when the customer is in your checkout flow. Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be in your checkout flow. If not provided, this value defaults to `off_session`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EUse \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when the customer is in your checkout flow. Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be in your checkout flow. If not provided, this value defaults to \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": "retrievable with publishable key", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "usage" } } }, "source": { "name": "source", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The source object for errors returned on a request involving a source.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The source object for errors returned on a request involving a source." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "source", "less_common": true } }, "status_codes": { "200 - OK": "Everything worked as expected.", "400 - Bad Request": "The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required\n parameter.", "401 - Unauthorized": "No valid API key provided.", "402 - Request Failed": "The parameters were valid but the request failed.", "403 - Forbidden": "The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.", "404 - Not Found": "The requested resource doesn't exist.", "409 - Conflict": "The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to\n using the same idempotent key).", "429 - Too Many Requests": "Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an\n exponential backoff of your requests.", "500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors": "Something went wrong on Stripe's end. (These are rare.)" }, "error_types": { "api_error": "API errors cover any other type of problem (e.g., a temporary\n problem with Stripe's servers), and are extremely\n uncommon.", "card_error": "Card errors are the most common type of error you should\n expect to handle. They result when the user enters a card that\n can't be charged for some reason.", "idempotency_error": "Idempotency errors occur when an `Idempotency-Key`\n is re-used on a request that does not match the first request's\n API endpoint and parameters.", "invalid_request_error": "Invalid request errors arise when your request has invalid\n parameters." }, "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "errors", "version": null } }, "error_handling": { "title": "Handling errors", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "error_handling", "section_anchor": "errors", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/errors/handling", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "catching_errors": "# Select a client library to see examples of handling different kinds of errors.", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "error_handling", "version": null } }, "expanding_objects": { "title": "Expanding Responses", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "expanding_objects", "section_anchor": "expanding_objects", "subsection_anchors": [], "path": "/expanding_objects", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "request": "curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges/ch_3MWb7X2eZvKYlo2C1KB2kTo6 \\\n -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \\\n -d \"expand[]\"=customer \\\n -d \"expand[]\"=\"invoice.subscription\" \\\n -G \n", "response": "{\n \"id\": \"ch_3MWb7X2eZvKYlo2C1KB2kTo6\",\n \"object\": \"charge\",\n \"customer\": {\n \"id\": \"cu_14HOtK2eZvKYlo2CPM0hlYU6\",\n \"object\": \"customer\",\n ...\n },\n \"invoice\": {\n \"id\": \"in_1MWb7X2eZvKYlo2CyCNOr7gc\",\n \"object\": \"invoice\",\n \"subscription\": {\n \"id\": \"su_1MWTmm2eZvKYlo2CljDPJAXI\",\n \"object\": \"subscription\",\n ...\n },\n ...\n },\n ...\n}\n", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "expanding_objects", "version": null } }, "idempotent_requests": { "title": "Idempotent Requests", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "idempotent_requests", "section_anchor": "idempotent_requests", "subsection_anchors": [], "path": "/idempotent_requests", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "request": "curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges \\\n -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \\\n -H \"Idempotency-Key: CT8tudz1NP1rlrBL\" \\\n -d amount=2000 \\\n -d currency=usd \\\n -d description=\"My First Test Charge (created for API docs at https://www.stripe.com/docs/api)\" \\\n -d source=tok_amex\n", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "idempotent_requests", "version": null } }, "metadata": { "title": "Metadata", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "metadata", "section_anchor": "metadata", "subsection_anchors": [], "path": "/metadata", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "max_metadata_hash_length": 50, "max_metadata_key_length": 40, "max_metadata_val_length": 500, "request": "curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges \\\n -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \\\n -d amount=2000 \\\n -d currency=usd \\\n -d source=tok_mastercard \\\n -d \"metadata[order_id]\"=6735\n", "response": "{\n \"id\": \"ch_3MWb7X2eZvKYlo2C1KB2kTo6\",\n \"object\": \"charge\",\n \"amount\": 100,\n \"amount_captured\": 0,\n \"amount_refunded\": 0,\n \"application\": null,\n \"application_fee\": null,\n \"application_fee_amount\": null,\n \"balance_transaction\": \"txn_1032HU2eZvKYlo2CEPtcnUvl\",\n \"billing_details\": {\n \"address\": {\n \"city\": null,\n \"country\": null,\n \"line1\": null,\n \"line2\": null,\n \"postal_code\": null,\n \"state\": null\n },\n \"email\": null,\n \"name\": \"Jenny Rosen\",\n \"phone\": null\n },\n \"calculated_statement_descriptor\": null,\n \"captured\": false,\n \"created\": 1675237963,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"customer\": null,\n \"description\": \"My First Test Charge (created for API docs)\",\n \"disputed\": false,\n \"failure_balance_transaction\": null,\n \"failure_code\": null,\n \"failure_message\": null,\n \"fraud_details\": {\n },\n \"invoice\": null,\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"order_id\": \"6735\"\n },\n \"on_behalf_of\": null,\n \"outcome\": null,\n \"paid\": true,\n \"payment_intent\": null,\n \"payment_method\": \"card_19yUNL2eZvKYlo2CNGsN6EWH\",\n \"payment_method_details\": {\n \"card\": {\n \"brand\": \"visa\",\n \"checks\": {\n \"address_line1_check\": null,\n \"address_postal_code_check\": null,\n \"cvc_check\": \"unchecked\"\n },\n \"country\": \"US\",\n \"exp_month\": 12,\n \"exp_year\": 2020,\n \"fingerprint\": \"Xt5EWLLDS7FJjR1c\",\n \"funding\": \"credit\",\n \"installments\": null,\n \"last4\": \"4242\",\n \"mandate\": null,\n \"moto\": null,\n \"network\": \"visa\",\n \"three_d_secure\": null,\n \"wallet\": null\n },\n \"type\": \"card\"\n },\n \"receipt_email\": null,\n \"receipt_number\": null,\n \"receipt_url\": \"https://pay.stripe.com/receipts/payment/CAcaFwoVYWNjdF8xMDMyRDgyZVp2S1lsbzJDKMu06J4GMgZ4ImztWGw6LBYRWL0yYgVbwr5-BuvCWt-87N58fiDJrNN9KIJ_pXcMXf3ZCnM4EgEKjLVd\",\n \"redaction\": null,\n \"refunded\": false,\n \"refunds\": {\n \"object\": \"list\",\n \"data\": [\n\n ],\n \"has_more\": false,\n \"url\": \"/v1/charges/ch_3MWb7X2eZvKYlo2C1KB2kTo6/refunds\"\n },\n \"review\": null,\n \"shipping\": null,\n \"source_transfer\": null,\n \"statement_descriptor\": null,\n \"statement_descriptor_suffix\": null,\n \"status\": \"succeeded\",\n \"transfer_data\": null,\n \"transfer_group\": null\n}", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "metadata", "version": null } }, "pagination": { "title": "Pagination", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "pagination", "section_anchor": "pagination", "subsection_anchors": ["search_pagination", "auto_pagination"], "path": "/pagination", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "example_auto_pagination": "# The auto-pagination feature is specific to Stripe's\n # libraries and cannot be used directly with curl.\n", "request_data": { "test_key": "sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc", "action_type": "list", "action_name": null, "action_path": null, "resource_name": "customer", "parent_resource_name": null, "namespace": null, "test_helper": false, "request_params": { "limit": 3 }, "url_params": {}, "overridden_languages": [], "preamble_comment": null }, "response": "{\n \"object\": \"list\",\n \"url\": \"/v1/customers\",\n \"has_more\": false,\n \"data\": [\n {\n \"id\": \"cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU\",\n \"object\": \"customer\",\n \"address\": null,\n \"balance\": 0,\n \"created\": 1405641986,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"default_source\": \"card_14HOtJ2eZvKYlo2CD2lt4r4W\",\n \"delinquent\": true,\n \"description\": \"someone@example.com for Coderwall\",\n \"discount\": null,\n \"email\": \"namedaa4a2aa-1ff9-4235-a8a8-3896844a1c54@test.com\",\n \"invoice_prefix\": \"93EC0E1\",\n \"invoice_settings\": {\n \"custom_fields\": null,\n \"default_payment_method\": null,\n \"footer\": null,\n \"rendering_options\": null\n },\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"CustomerReferenceId\": \"16527612\",\n \"CustomerReferenceType\": \"reedonline\",\n \"tag-key\": \"tag-value\",\n \"meta-key\": \"meta-value\",\n \"order_id\": \"6735\",\n \"order_id_1\": \"6735\"\n },\n \"name\": \"priyal26\",\n \"next_invoice_sequence\": 572508,\n \"phone\": null,\n \"preferred_locales\": [\n \n ],\n \"shipping\": null,\n \"tax_exempt\": \"none\",\n \"test_clock\": null\n },\n {...},\n {...}\n ]\n}\n", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "pagination", "version": null } }, "search_pagination": { "title": "Search", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "search_pagination", "section_anchor": "pagination", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/pagination/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "section_type": "override", "title": "Search customers", "description": "Search for customers you’ve previously created using Stripe’s \u003Ca href=\"/docs/search#search-query-language\"\u003ESearch Query Language\u003C/a\u003E.\nDon’t use search in read-after-write flows where strict consistency is necessary. Under normal operating\nconditions, data is searchable in less than a minute. Occasionally, propagation of new or updated data can be up\nto an hour behind during outages. Search functionality is not available to merchants in India.", "top_level_changes": [], "changes": {}, "version": null, "returns": "A dictionary with a \u003Ccode\u003Edata\u003C/code\u003E property that contains an array of up to \u003Ccode\u003Elimit\u003C/code\u003E customers. If no objects match the\nquery, the resulting array will be empty. See the related guide on \u003Ca href=\"/docs/expand#lists\"\u003Eexpanding properties in lists\u003C/a\u003E.", "section_tag": "search_pagination", "specs": { "query": { "name": "query", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The search query string. See [search query language](/docs/search#search-query-language) and the list of supported [query fields for customers](/docs/search#query-fields-for-customers).", "undocumented": false, "html": "The search query string. See \u003Ca href=\"/docs/search#search-query-language\"\u003Esearch query language\u003C/a\u003E and the list of supported \u003Ca href=\"/docs/search#query-fields-for-customers\"\u003Equery fields for customers\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "query" }, "limit": { "name": "limit", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "limit" }, "page": { "name": "page", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don't include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A cursor for pagination across multiple pages of results. Don’t include this parameter on the first call. Use the next_page value returned in a previous response to request subsequent results." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "page" } }, "supported_languages": null, "action": "method", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/search", "request": "curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers/search \\\n -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \\\n --data-urlencode query=\"name:'fakename' AND metadata['foo']:'bar'\" \\\n -G\n", "request_data": { "test_key": "sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc", "action_type": "custom", "action_name": "search", "action_path": "search", "resource_name": "customer", "parent_resource_name": null, "namespace": null, "test_helper": false, "request_params": { "query": "name:'fakename' AND metadata['foo']:'bar'" }, "url_params": {}, "overridden_languages": ["curl", "java", "go"], "preamble_comment": null }, "response": "{\n \"object\": \"search_result\",\n \"url\": \"/v1/customers/search\",\n \"has_more\": false,\n \"data\": [\n {\n \"id\": \"cus_4QFOF3xrvBT2nU\",\n \"object\": \"customer\",\n \"address\": null,\n \"balance\": 0,\n \"created\": 1405641986,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"default_source\": \"card_14HOtJ2eZvKYlo2CD2lt4r4W\",\n \"delinquent\": true,\n \"description\": \"someone@example.com for Coderwall\",\n \"discount\": null,\n \"email\": \"namedaa4a2aa-1ff9-4235-a8a8-3896844a1c54@test.com\",\n \"invoice_prefix\": \"93EC0E1\",\n \"invoice_settings\": {\n \"custom_fields\": null,\n \"default_payment_method\": null,\n \"footer\": null,\n \"rendering_options\": null\n },\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": {\n \"foo\": \"bar\"\n },\n \"name\": \"fakename\",\n \"next_invoice_sequence\": 572508,\n \"phone\": null,\n \"preferred_locales\": [\n \n ],\n \"shipping\": null,\n \"tax_exempt\": \"none\",\n \"test_clock\": null\n },\n {...},\n {...}\n ]\n}\n" } }, "auto_pagination": { "title": "Auto-pagination", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "auto_pagination", "section_anchor": "pagination", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/pagination/auto", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "request": "# The auto-pagination feature is specific to Stripe's\n # libraries and cannot be used directly with curl.\n", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "auto_pagination", "version": null } }, "request_ids": { "title": "Request IDs", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "request_ids", "section_anchor": "request_ids", "subsection_anchors": [], "path": "/request_ids", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "request": "curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers \\\n -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \\\n -D \"-\" \\\n -X POST\n", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "request_ids", "version": null } }, "versioning": { "title": "Versioning", "group_title": "Topics", "group_anchor": "topics", "anchor": "versioning", "section_anchor": "versioning", "subsection_anchors": [], "path": "/versioning", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "current_version": "2022-11-15", "example_version_on_request": "", "merchant": false, "request": "curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges \\\n -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \\\n -H \"Stripe-Version: 2022-11-15\"\n", "section_type": "override", "section_tag": "versioning", "version": null } }, "balance": { "title": "Balance", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "balance", "section_anchor": "balance", "subsection_anchors": ["balance_object", "retrieve_balance"], "path": "/balance", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Balance", "description": "This is an object representing your Stripe balance. You can retrieve it to see\nthe balance currently on your Stripe account.\n\nYou can also retrieve the balance history, which contains a list of\n[transactions](/docs/reporting/balance-transaction-types) that contributed to the balance\n(charges, payouts, and so forth).\n\nThe available and pending amounts for each currency are broken down further by\npayment source types.\n\nRelated guide: [Understanding Connect Account Balances](/docs/connect/account-balances).\n", "section_tag": "balance", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "balance_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_balance", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/balance" } ] } }, "balance_object": { "title": "The balance object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "balance_object", "section_anchor": "balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/balance/balance_object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_balance": { "title": "Retrieve balance", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_balance", "section_anchor": "balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/balance/balance_retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "balance_transactions": { "title": "Balance Transactions", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "balance_transactions", "section_anchor": "balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": [ "balance_transaction_object", "balance_transaction_retrieve", "balance_transaction_list" ], "path": "/balance_transactions", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Balance Transactions", "description": "Balance transactions represent funds moving through your Stripe account.\nThey're created for every type of transaction that comes into or flows out of your Stripe account balance.\n\nRelated guide: [Balance Transaction Types](/docs/reports/balance-transaction-types).\n", "section_tag": "balance_transactions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "balance_transaction_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "balance_transaction_retrieve", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/balance_transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "balance_transaction_list", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/balance_transactions" } ] } }, "balance_transaction_object": { "title": "The balance transaction object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "balance_transaction_object", "section_anchor": "balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/balance_transactions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "balance_transaction_retrieve": { "title": "Retrieve a balance transaction", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "balance_transaction_retrieve", "section_anchor": "balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/balance_transactions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "balance_transaction_list": { "title": "List all balance transactions", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "balance_transaction_list", "section_anchor": "balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/balance_transactions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "charges": { "title": "Charges", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "charges", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": [ "charge_object", "create_charge", "retrieve_charge", "update_charge", "capture_charge", "list_charges", "search_charges" ], "path": "/charges", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Charges", "description": "To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a `Charge` object. You can\nretrieve and refund individual charges as well as list all charges. Charges\nare identified by a unique, random ID.\n\nRelated guide: [Accept a payment with the Charges API](/docs/payments/accept-a-payment-charges).\n", "section_tag": "charges", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "charge_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_charge", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/charges" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_charge", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/charges/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_charge", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/charges/:id" }, { "anchor": "capture_charge", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/charges/:id/capture" }, { "anchor": "list_charges", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/charges" }, { "anchor": "search_charges", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/charges/search" } ] } }, "charge_object": { "title": "The charge object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "charge_object", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_charge": { "title": "Create a charge", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_charge", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_charge": { "title": "Retrieve a charge", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_charge", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_charge": { "title": "Update a charge", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_charge", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "capture_charge": { "title": "Capture a charge", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "capture_charge", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/capture", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_charges": { "title": "List all charges", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_charges", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "search_charges": { "title": "Search charges", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "search_charges", "section_anchor": "charges", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/charges/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customers": { "title": "Customers", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "customers", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": [ "customer_object", "create_customer", "retrieve_customer", "update_customer", "delete_customer", "list_customers", "search_customers" ], "path": "/customers", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Customers", "description": "This object represents a customer of your business. It lets you create recurring charges and track payments that belong to the same customer.\n\nRelated guide: [Save a card during payment](/docs/payments/save-during-payment).\n", "section_tag": "customers", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "customer_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_customer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_customer", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_customer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_customer", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/customers/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_customers", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers" }, { "anchor": "search_customers", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/search" } ] } }, "customer_object": { "title": "The customer object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "customer_object", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_customer": { "title": "Create a customer", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_customer", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_customer": { "title": "Retrieve a customer", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_customer", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_customer": { "title": "Update a customer", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_customer", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_customer": { "title": "Delete a customer", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "delete_customer", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_customers": { "title": "List all customers", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_customers", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "search_customers": { "title": "Search customers", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "search_customers", "section_anchor": "customers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customers/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "disputes": { "title": "Disputes", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "disputes", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": [ "dispute_object", "dispute_evidence_object", "retrieve_dispute", "update_dispute", "close_dispute", "list_disputes" ], "path": "/disputes", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Disputes", "description": "A dispute occurs when a customer questions your charge with their card issuer.\nWhen this happens, you're given the opportunity to respond to the dispute with\nevidence that shows that the charge is legitimate. You can find more\ninformation about the dispute process in our [Disputes and\nFraud](/docs/disputes) documentation.\n\nRelated guide: [Disputes and Fraud](/docs/disputes).\n", "section_tag": "disputes", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "dispute_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "dispute_evidence_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_dispute", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/disputes/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_dispute", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/disputes/:id" }, { "anchor": "close_dispute", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/disputes/:id/close" }, { "anchor": "list_disputes", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/disputes" } ] } }, "dispute_object": { "title": "The dispute object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "dispute_object", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/disputes/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "dispute_evidence_object": { "title": "The dispute evidence object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "dispute_evidence_object", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/disputes/evidence_object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_dispute": { "title": "Retrieve a dispute", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_dispute", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/disputes/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_dispute": { "title": "Update a dispute", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_dispute", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/disputes/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "close_dispute": { "title": "Close a dispute", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "close_dispute", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/disputes/close", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_disputes": { "title": "List all disputes", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_disputes", "section_anchor": "disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/disputes/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "events": { "title": "Events", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "events", "section_anchor": "events", "subsection_anchors": ["event_object", "retrieve_event", "list_events", "event_types"], "path": "/events", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Events", "description": "Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in\nyour account. When an interesting event occurs, we create a new `Event`\nobject. For example, when a charge succeeds, we create a `charge.succeeded`\nevent; and when an invoice payment attempt fails, we create an\n`invoice.payment_failed` event. Note that many API requests may cause multiple\nevents to be created. For example, if you create a new subscription for a\ncustomer, you will receive both a `customer.subscription.created` event and a\n`charge.succeeded` event.\n\nEvents occur when the state of another API resource changes. The state of that\nresource at the time of the change is embedded in the event's data field. For\nexample, a `charge.succeeded` event will contain a charge, and an\n`invoice.payment_failed` event will contain an invoice.\n\nAs with other API resources, you can use endpoints to retrieve an\n[individual event](#retrieve_event) or a [list of events](#list_events)\nfrom the API. We also have a separate\n[webhooks](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webhook) system for sending the\n`Event` objects directly to an endpoint on your server. Webhooks are managed\nin your\n[account settings](https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/webhooks),\nand our [Using Webhooks](/docs/webhooks) guide will help you get set up.\n\nWhen using [Connect](/docs/connect), you can also receive notifications of\nevents that occur in connected accounts. For these events, there will be an\nadditional `account` attribute in the received `Event` object.\n\n**NOTE:** Right now, access to events through the [Retrieve Event API](#retrieve_event) is\nguaranteed only for 30 days.\n", "section_tag": "events", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "event_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_event", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/events/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_events", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/events" }, { "anchor": "event_types", "curl_definition": null } ] } }, "event_object": { "title": "The event object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "event_object", "section_anchor": "events", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/events/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_event": { "title": "Retrieve an event", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_event", "section_anchor": "events", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/events/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_events": { "title": "List all events", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_events", "section_anchor": "events", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/events/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "event_types": { "title": "Types of events", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "event_types", "section_anchor": "events", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/events/types", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "files": { "title": "Files", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "files", "section_anchor": "files", "subsection_anchors": ["file_object", "create_file", "retrieve_file", "list_files"], "path": "/files", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Files", "description": "This is an object representing a file hosted on Stripe's servers. The\nfile may have been uploaded by yourself using the [create file](#create_file)\nrequest (for example, when uploading dispute evidence) or it may have\nbeen created by Stripe (for example, the results of a [Sigma scheduled\nquery](#scheduled_queries)).\n\nRelated guide: [File Upload Guide](/docs/file-upload).\n", "section_tag": "files", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "file_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_file", "curl_definition": "POST https://files.stripe.com/v1/files" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_file", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/files/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_files", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/files" } ] } }, "file_object": { "title": "The file object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "file_object", "section_anchor": "files", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/files/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_file": { "title": "Create a file", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_file", "section_anchor": "files", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/files/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_file": { "title": "Retrieve a file", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_file", "section_anchor": "files", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/files/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_files": { "title": "List all files", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_files", "section_anchor": "files", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/files/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "file_links": { "title": "File Links", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "file_links", "section_anchor": "file_links", "subsection_anchors": [ "file_link_object", "create_file_link", "retrieve_file_link", "update_file_link", "list_file_links" ], "path": "/file_links", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "File Links", "description": "To share the contents of a `File` object with non-Stripe users, you can\ncreate a `FileLink`. `FileLink`s contain a URL that can be used to\nretrieve the contents of the file without authentication.\n", "section_tag": "file_links", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "file_link_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_file_link", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/file_links" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_file_link", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/file_links/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_file_link", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/file_links/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_file_links", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/file_links" } ] } }, "file_link_object": { "title": "The file link object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "file_link_object", "section_anchor": "file_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/file_links/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_file_link": { "title": "Create a file link", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_file_link", "section_anchor": "file_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/file_links/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_file_link": { "title": "Retrieve a file link", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_file_link", "section_anchor": "file_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/file_links/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_file_link": { "title": "Update a file link", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_file_link", "section_anchor": "file_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/file_links/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_file_links": { "title": "List all file links", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_file_links", "section_anchor": "file_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/file_links/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "mandates": { "title": "Mandates", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "mandates", "section_anchor": "mandates", "subsection_anchors": ["mandate_object", "retrieve_mandate"], "path": "/mandates", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Mandates", "description": "A Mandate is a record of the permission a customer has given you to debit their payment method.\n", "section_tag": "mandates", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "mandate_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_mandate", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/mandates/:id" } ] } }, "mandate_object": { "title": "The Mandates object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "mandate_object", "section_anchor": "mandates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/mandates/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_mandate": { "title": "Retrieve a Mandate", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_mandate", "section_anchor": "mandates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/mandates/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "payment_intents": { "title": "PaymentIntents", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "payment_intents", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": [ "payment_intent_object", "create_payment_intent", "retrieve_payment_intent", "update_payment_intent", "confirm_payment_intent", "capture_payment_intent", "cancel_payment_intent", "list_payment_intents", "increment_authorization", "search_payment_intents", "verify_microdeposits_payment_intent", "apply_customer_balance" ], "path": "/payment_intents", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "PaymentIntents", "description": "A PaymentIntent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer.\nWe recommend that you create exactly one PaymentIntent for each order or\ncustomer session in your system. You can reference the PaymentIntent later to\nsee the history of payment attempts for a particular session.\n\nA PaymentIntent transitions through\n[multiple statuses](/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses)\nthroughout its lifetime as it interfaces with Stripe.js to perform\nauthentication flows and ultimately creates at most one successful charge.\n\nRelated guide: [Payment Intents API](/docs/payments/payment-intents).\n", "section_tag": "payment_intents", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "payment_intent_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_intents/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id" }, { "anchor": "confirm_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id/confirm" }, { "anchor": "capture_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id/capture" }, { "anchor": "cancel_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "list_payment_intents", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_intents" }, { "anchor": "increment_authorization", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id/increment_authorization" }, { "anchor": "search_payment_intents", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_intents/search" }, { "anchor": "verify_microdeposits_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id/verify_microdeposits" }, { "anchor": "apply_customer_balance", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_intents/:id/apply_customer_balance" } ] } }, "payment_intent_object": { "title": "The PaymentIntent object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "payment_intent_object", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_payment_intent": { "title": "Create a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_payment_intent": { "title": "Retrieve a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_payment_intent": { "title": "Update a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "confirm_payment_intent": { "title": "Confirm a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "confirm_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/confirm", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "capture_payment_intent": { "title": "Capture a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "capture_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/capture", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_payment_intent": { "title": "Cancel a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "cancel_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_payment_intents": { "title": "List all PaymentIntents", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_payment_intents", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "increment_authorization": { "title": "Increment an authorization", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "increment_authorization", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/increment_authorization", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "search_payment_intents": { "title": "Search PaymentIntents", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "search_payment_intents", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "verify_microdeposits_payment_intent": { "title": "Verify microdeposits on a PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "verify_microdeposits_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/verify_microdeposits", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "apply_customer_balance": { "title": "Reconcile a customer_balance PaymentIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "apply_customer_balance", "section_anchor": "payment_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_intents/apply_customer_balance", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "setup_intents": { "title": "SetupIntents", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "setup_intents", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": [ "setup_intent_object", "create_setup_intent", "retrieve_setup_intent", "update_setup_intent", "confirm_setup_intent", "cancel_setup_intent", "list_setup_intents", "verify_microdeposits_setup_intent" ], "path": "/setup_intents", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "SetupIntents", "description": "A SetupIntent guides you through the process of setting up and saving a customer's payment credentials for future payments.\nFor example, you could use a SetupIntent to set up and save your customer's card without immediately collecting a payment.\nLater, you can use [PaymentIntents](#payment_intents) to drive the payment flow.\n\nCreate a SetupIntent as soon as you're ready to collect your customer's payment credentials.\nDo not maintain long-lived, unconfirmed SetupIntents as they may no longer be valid.\nThe SetupIntent then transitions through multiple [statuses](/docs/payments/intents#intent-statuses) as it guides\nyou through the setup process.\n\nSuccessful SetupIntents result in payment credentials that are optimized for future payments.\nFor example, cardholders in [certain regions](/guides/strong-customer-authentication) may need to be run through\n[Strong Customer Authentication](/docs/strong-customer-authentication) at the time of payment method collection\nin order to streamline later [off-session payments](/docs/payments/setup-intents).\nIf the SetupIntent is used with a [Customer](#setup_intent_object-customer), upon success,\nit will automatically attach the resulting payment method to that Customer.\nWe recommend using SetupIntents or [setup_future_usage](#payment_intent_object-setup_future_usage) on\nPaymentIntents to save payment methods in order to prevent saving invalid or unoptimized payment methods.\n\nBy using SetupIntents, you ensure that your customers experience the minimum set of required friction,\neven as regulations change over time.\n\nRelated guide: [Setup Intents API](/docs/payments/setup-intents).\n", "section_tag": "setup_intents", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "setup_intent_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/setup_intents" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/setup_intents/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/setup_intents/:id" }, { "anchor": "confirm_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/setup_intents/:id/confirm" }, { "anchor": "cancel_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/setup_intents/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "list_setup_intents", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/setup_intents" }, { "anchor": "verify_microdeposits_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/setup_intents/:id/verify_microdeposits" } ] } }, "setup_intent_object": { "title": "The SetupIntent object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "setup_intent_object", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_setup_intent": { "title": "Create a SetupIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_setup_intent": { "title": "Retrieve a SetupIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_setup_intent": { "title": "Update a SetupIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "confirm_setup_intent": { "title": "Confirm a SetupIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "confirm_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/confirm", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_setup_intent": { "title": "Cancel a SetupIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "cancel_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_setup_intents": { "title": "List all SetupIntents", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_setup_intents", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "verify_microdeposits_setup_intent": { "title": "Verify microdeposits on a SetupIntent", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "verify_microdeposits_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "setup_intents", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_intents/verify_microdeposits", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "setup_attempts": { "title": "SetupAttempts", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "setup_attempts", "section_anchor": "setup_attempts", "subsection_anchors": ["setup_attempt_object", "list_setup_attempts"], "path": "/setup_attempts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "SetupAttempts", "description": "A SetupAttempt describes one attempted confirmation of a SetupIntent,\nwhether that confirmation was successful or unsuccessful. You can use\nSetupAttempts to inspect details of a specific attempt at setting up a\npayment method using a SetupIntent.\n", "section_tag": "setup_attempts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "setup_attempt_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "list_setup_attempts", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/setup_attempts" } ] } }, "setup_attempt_object": { "title": "The SetupAttempt object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "setup_attempt_object", "section_anchor": "setup_attempts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_attempts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_setup_attempts": { "title": "List all SetupAttempts", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_setup_attempts", "section_anchor": "setup_attempts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/setup_attempts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "payouts": { "title": "Payouts", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "payouts", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": [ "payout_object", "create_payout", "retrieve_payout", "update_payout", "list_payouts", "cancel_payout", "reverse_payout", "payout_failures" ], "path": "/payouts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Payouts", "description": "A `Payout` object is created when you receive funds from Stripe, or when you\ninitiate a payout to either a bank account or debit card of a [connected\nStripe account](/docs/connect/bank-debit-card-payouts). You can retrieve individual payouts,\nas well as list all payouts. Payouts are made on [varying\nschedules](/docs/connect/manage-payout-schedule), depending on your country and\nindustry.\n\nRelated guide: [Receiving Payouts](/docs/payouts).\n", "section_tag": "payouts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "payout_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_payout", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payouts" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_payout", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payouts/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_payout", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payouts/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_payouts", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payouts" }, { "anchor": "cancel_payout", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payouts/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "reverse_payout", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payouts/:id/reverse" }, { "anchor": "payout_failures", "curl_definition": null } ] } }, "payout_object": { "title": "The payout object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "payout_object", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_payout": { "title": "Create a payout", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_payout", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_payout": { "title": "Retrieve a payout", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_payout", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_payout": { "title": "Update a payout", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_payout", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_payouts": { "title": "List all payouts", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_payouts", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_payout": { "title": "Cancel a payout", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "cancel_payout", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "reverse_payout": { "title": "Reverse a payout", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "reverse_payout", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/reverse", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "payout_failures": { "title": "Types of payout failures", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "payout_failures", "section_anchor": "payouts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payouts/failures", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "refunds": { "title": "Refunds", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "refunds", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": [ "refund_object", "create_refund", "retrieve_refund", "update_refund", "cancel_refund", "list_refunds" ], "path": "/refunds", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Refunds", "description": "`Refund` objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created\nbut not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that\nwas originally charged.\n\nRelated guide: [Refunds](/docs/refunds).\n", "section_tag": "refunds", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "refund_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_refund", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/refunds" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_refund", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/refunds/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_refund", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/refunds/:id" }, { "anchor": "cancel_refund", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/refunds/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "list_refunds", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/refunds" } ] } }, "refund_object": { "title": "The refund object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "refund_object", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/refunds/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_refund": { "title": "Create a refund", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_refund", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/refunds/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_refund": { "title": "Retrieve a refund", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_refund", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/refunds/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_refund": { "title": "Update a refund", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "update_refund", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/refunds/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_refund": { "title": "Cancel a refund", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "cancel_refund", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/refunds/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_refunds": { "title": "List all refunds", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "list_refunds", "section_anchor": "refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/refunds/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "tokens": { "title": "Tokens", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "tokens", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": [ "token_object", "create_card_token", "create_bank_account_token", "create_pii_token", "create_account_token", "create_person_token", "create_cvc_update_token", "retrieve_token" ], "path": "/tokens", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Tokens", "description": "Tokenization is the process Stripe uses to collect sensitive card or bank\naccount details, or personally identifiable information (PII), directly from\nyour customers in a secure manner. A token representing this information is\nreturned to your server to use. You should use our\n[recommended payments integrations](/docs/payments) to perform this process\nclient-side. This ensures that no sensitive card data touches your server,\nand allows your integration to operate in a PCI-compliant way.\n\nIf you cannot use client-side tokenization, you can also create tokens using\nthe API with either your publishable or secret API key. Keep in mind that if\nyour integration uses this method, you are responsible for any PCI compliance\nthat may be required, and you must keep your secret API key safe. Unlike with\nclient-side tokenization, your customer's information is not sent directly to\nStripe, so we cannot determine how it is handled or stored.\n\nTokens cannot be stored or used more than once. To store card or bank account\ninformation for later use, you can create [Customer](/docs/api#customers)\nobjects or [Custom accounts](/docs/api#external_accounts). Note that\n[Radar](/docs/radar), our integrated solution for automatic fraud protection,\nperforms best with integrations that use client-side tokenization.\n\nRelated guide: [Accept a payment](/docs/payments/accept-a-payment-charges#web-create-token)\n", "section_tag": "tokens", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "token_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_card_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tokens" }, { "anchor": "create_bank_account_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tokens" }, { "anchor": "create_pii_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tokens" }, { "anchor": "create_account_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tokens" }, { "anchor": "create_person_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tokens" }, { "anchor": "create_cvc_update_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tokens" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_token", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/tokens/:id" } ] } }, "token_object": { "title": "The token object", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "token_object", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_card_token": { "title": "Create a card token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_card_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/create_card", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_bank_account_token": { "title": "Create a bank account token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_bank_account_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/create_bank_account", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_pii_token": { "title": "Create a PII token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_pii_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/create_pii", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_account_token": { "title": "Create an account token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_account_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/create_account", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_person_token": { "title": "Create a person token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_person_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/create_person", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_cvc_update_token": { "title": "Create a CVC update token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "create_cvc_update_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/create_cvc_update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_token": { "title": "Retrieve a token", "group_title": "Core Resources", "group_anchor": "core_resources", "anchor": "retrieve_token", "section_anchor": "tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tokens/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "payment_methods": { "title": "PaymentMethods", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "payment_methods", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": [ "payment_method_object", "create_payment_method", "retrieve_payment_method", "retrieve_customer_payment_method", "update_payment_method", "list_payment_methods", "list_customer_payment_methods", "customer_attach_payment_method", "customer_detach_payment_method" ], "path": "/payment_methods", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "PaymentMethods", "description": "PaymentMethod objects represent your customer's payment instruments.\nYou can use them with [PaymentIntents](/docs/payments/payment-intents) to collect payments or save them to\nCustomer objects to store instrument details for future payments.\n\nRelated guides: [Payment Methods](/docs/payments/payment-methods) and [More Payment Scenarios](/docs/payments/more-payment-scenarios).\n", "section_tag": "payment_methods", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "payment_method_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_payment_method", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_methods" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_payment_method", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_methods/:id" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_customer_payment_method", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:customer/payment_methods/:payment_method" }, { "anchor": "update_payment_method", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_methods/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_payment_methods", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_methods" }, { "anchor": "list_customer_payment_methods", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:customer/payment_methods" }, { "anchor": 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"retrieve_payment_method", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_customer_payment_method": { "title": "Retrieve a Customer's PaymentMethod", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "retrieve_customer_payment_method", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/customer", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_payment_method": { "title": "Update a PaymentMethod", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "update_payment_method", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_payment_methods": { "title": "List PaymentMethods", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "list_payment_methods", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_customer_payment_methods": { "title": "List a Customer's PaymentMethods", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "list_customer_payment_methods", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/customer_list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_attach_payment_method": { "title": "Attach a PaymentMethod to a Customer", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_attach_payment_method", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/attach", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_detach_payment_method": { "title": "Detach a PaymentMethod from a Customer", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_detach_payment_method", "section_anchor": "payment_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_methods/detach", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "bank_accounts": { "title": "Bank Accounts", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "bank_accounts", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": [ "customer_bank_account_object", "customer_create_bank_account", "customer_retrieve_bank_account", "customer_update_bank_account", "customer_verify_bank_account", "customer_delete_bank_account", "customer_list_bank_accounts" ], "path": "/customer_bank_accounts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Bank Accounts", "description": "These bank accounts are payment methods on `Customer` objects.\n\nOn the other hand [External Accounts](/docs/api#external_accounts) are transfer\ndestinations on `Account` objects for [Custom accounts](/docs/connect/custom-accounts).\nThey can be bank accounts or debit cards as well, and are documented in the links above.\n\nRelated guide: [Bank Debits and Transfers](/docs/payments/bank-debits-transfers).\n", "section_tag": "bank_accounts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "customer_bank_account_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "customer_create_bank_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/sources" }, { "anchor": "customer_retrieve_bank_account", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "customer_update_bank_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "customer_verify_bank_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id/verify" }, { "anchor": "customer_delete_bank_account", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "customer_list_bank_accounts", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/sources?object=bank_account" } ] } }, "customer_bank_account_object": { "title": "The bank account object", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_bank_account_object", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_create_bank_account": { "title": "Create a bank account", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_create_bank_account", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_retrieve_bank_account": { "title": "Retrieve a bank account", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_retrieve_bank_account", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_update_bank_account": { "title": "Update a bank account", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_update_bank_account", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_verify_bank_account": { "title": "Verify a bank account", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_verify_bank_account", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/verify", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_delete_bank_account": { "title": "Delete a bank account", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_delete_bank_account", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_list_bank_accounts": { "title": "List all bank accounts", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_list_bank_accounts", "section_anchor": "bank_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_bank_accounts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cash_balance": { "title": "Cash Balance", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "cash_balance", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": [ "cash_balance_object", "retrieve_cash_balance", "update_cash_balance", "customer_cash_balance_transaction_object", "retrieve_cash_balance_transaction", "list_cash_balance_transactions", "fund_cash_balance" ], "path": "/cash_balance", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Cash balance", "description": "A customer's `Cash balance` represents real funds. Customers can add funds to their cash balance by sending a bank transfer. These funds can be used for payment and can eventually be paid out to your bank account.\n", "section_tag": "cash_balance", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "cash_balance_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_cash_balance", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/cash_balance" }, { "anchor": "update_cash_balance", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/cash_balance" }, { "anchor": "customer_cash_balance_transaction_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_cash_balance_transaction", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/cash_balance_transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_cash_balance_transactions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/cash_balance_transactions" }, { "anchor": "fund_cash_balance", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/customers/{:customer}/fund_cash_balance" } ] } }, "cash_balance_object": { "title": "The cash balance object", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "cash_balance_object", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_cash_balance": { "title": "Retrieve a cash balance", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "retrieve_cash_balance", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance/retrieve", "gate": true, "display_on_load": false }, "update_cash_balance": { "title": "Update a cash balance's settings", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "update_cash_balance", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance/update", "gate": true, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_cash_balance_transaction_object": { "title": "The cash balance transaction object", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "customer_cash_balance_transaction_object", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance_transactions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_cash_balance_transaction": { "title": "Retrieve a cash balance transaction", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "retrieve_cash_balance_transaction", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance_transactions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_cash_balance_transactions": { "title": "List cash balance transactions", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "list_cash_balance_transactions", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance_transactions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "fund_cash_balance": { "title": "Fund a test mode cash balance", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "fund_cash_balance", "section_anchor": "cash_balance", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cash_balance_transactions/fund_cash_balance", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cards": { "title": "Cards", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "cards", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": [ "card_object", "create_card", "retrieve_card", "update_card", "delete_card", "list_cards" ], "path": "/cards", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Cards", "description": "You can store multiple cards on a customer in order to charge the customer\nlater. You can also store multiple debit cards on a recipient in order to\ntransfer to those cards later.\n\nRelated guide: [Card Payments with Sources](/docs/sources/cards).\n", "section_tag": "cards", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "card_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/sources" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_card", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_card", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_cards", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/sources?object=card" } ] } }, "card_object": { "title": "The card object", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "card_object", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cards/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_card": { "title": "Create a card", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "create_card", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cards/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_card": { "title": "Retrieve a card", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "retrieve_card", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cards/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_card": { "title": "Update a card", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "update_card", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cards/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_card": { "title": "Delete a card", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "delete_card", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cards/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_cards": { "title": "List all cards", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "list_cards", "section_anchor": "cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/cards/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "sources": { "title": "Sources", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "sources", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": [ "source_object", "create_source", "retrieve_source", "update_source", "attach_source", "detach_source" ], "path": "/sources", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Sources", "description": "`Source` objects allow you to accept a variety of payment methods. They\nrepresent a customer's payment instrument, and can be used with the Stripe API\njust like a `Card` object: once chargeable, they can be charged, or can be\nattached to customers.\n\nStripe doesn't recommend using the deprecated [Sources API](/docs/api/sources).\nWe recommend that you adopt the [PaymentMethods API](/docs/api/payment_methods).\nThis newer API provides access to our latest features and payment method types.\n\nRelated guides: [Sources API](/docs/sources) and [Sources \u0026 Customers](/docs/sources/customers).\n", "section_tag": "sources", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "source_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_source", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/sources" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_source", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_source", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/sources/:id" }, { "anchor": "attach_source", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/sources" }, { "anchor": "detach_source", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/customers/:id/sources/:id" } ] } }, "source_object": { "title": "The source object", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "source_object", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sources/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_source": { "title": "Create a source", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "create_source", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sources/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_source": { "title": "Retrieve a source", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "retrieve_source", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sources/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_source": { "title": "Update a source", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "update_source", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sources/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "attach_source": { "title": "Attach a source", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "attach_source", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sources/attach", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "detach_source": { "title": "Detach a source", "group_title": "Payment Methods", "group_anchor": "payment_methods_heading", "anchor": "detach_source", "section_anchor": "sources", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sources/detach", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "products": { "title": "Products", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "products", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": [ "product_object", "create_product", "retrieve_product", "update_product", "list_products", "delete_product", "search_products" ], "path": "/products", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Products", "description": "Products describe the specific goods or services you offer to your customers.\nFor example, you might offer a Standard and Premium version of your goods or service; each version would be a separate Product.\nThey can be used in conjunction with [Prices](#prices) to configure pricing in Payment Links, Checkout, and Subscriptions.\n\nRelated guides: [Set up a subscription](/docs/billing/subscriptions/set-up-subscription),\n[share a Payment Link](/docs/payments/payment-links/overview),\n[accept payments with Checkout](/docs/payments/accept-a-payment#create-product-prices-upfront),\nand more about [Products and Prices](/docs/products-prices/overview)\n", "section_tag": "products", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "product_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_product", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/products" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_product", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/products/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_product", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/products/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_products", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/products" }, { "anchor": "delete_product", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/products/:id" }, { "anchor": "search_products", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/products/search" } ] } }, "product_object": { "title": "The product object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "product_object", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_product": { "title": "Create a product", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "create_product", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_product": { "title": "Retrieve a product", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "retrieve_product", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_product": { "title": "Update a product", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "update_product", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_products": { "title": "List all products", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "list_products", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_product": { "title": "Delete a product", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "delete_product", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "search_products": { "title": "Search products", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "search_products", "section_anchor": "products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/products/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "prices": { "title": "Prices", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "prices", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": [ "price_object", "create_price", "retrieve_price", "update_price", "list_prices", "search_prices" ], "path": "/prices", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Prices", "description": "Prices define the unit cost, currency, and (optional) billing cycle for both recurring and one-time purchases of products.\n[Products](#products) help you track inventory or provisioning, and prices help you track payment terms. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by prices. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.\n\nFor example, you might have a single \"gold\" product that has prices for $10/month, $100/year, and €9 once.\n\nRelated guides: [Set up a subscription](/docs/billing/subscriptions/set-up-subscription), [create an invoice](/docs/billing/invoices/create), and more about [products and prices](/docs/products-prices/overview).\n", "section_tag": "prices", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "price_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_price", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/prices" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_price", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/prices/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_price", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/prices/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_prices", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/prices" }, { "anchor": "search_prices", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/prices/search" } ] } }, "price_object": { "title": "The price object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "price_object", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/prices/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_price": { "title": "Create a price", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "create_price", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/prices/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_price": { "title": "Retrieve a price", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "retrieve_price", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/prices/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_price": { "title": "Update a price", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "update_price", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/prices/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_prices": { "title": "List all prices", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "list_prices", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/prices/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "search_prices": { "title": "Search prices", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "search_prices", "section_anchor": "prices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/prices/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "coupons": { "title": "Coupons", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "coupons", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": [ "coupon_object", "create_coupon", "retrieve_coupon", "update_coupon", "delete_coupon", "list_coupons" ], "path": "/coupons", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Coupons", "description": "A coupon contains information about a percent-off or amount-off discount you\nmight want to apply to a customer. Coupons may be applied to [subscriptions](#subscriptions), [invoices](#invoices),\n[checkout sessions](/docs/api/checkout/sessions), [quotes](#quotes), and more. Coupons do not work with conventional one-off [charges](#create_charge) or [payment intents](/docs/api/payment_intents).\n", "section_tag": "coupons", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "coupon_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_coupon", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/coupons" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_coupon", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/coupons/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_coupon", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/coupons/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_coupon", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/coupons/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_coupons", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/coupons" } ] } }, "coupon_object": { "title": "The coupon object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "coupon_object", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/coupons/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_coupon": { "title": "Create a coupon", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "create_coupon", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/coupons/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_coupon": { "title": "Retrieve a coupon", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "retrieve_coupon", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/coupons/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_coupon": { "title": "Update a coupon", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "update_coupon", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/coupons/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_coupon": { "title": "Delete a coupon", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "delete_coupon", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/coupons/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_coupons": { "title": "List all coupons", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "list_coupons", "section_anchor": "coupons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/coupons/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "promotion_codes": { "title": "Promotion Codes", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "promotion_codes", "section_anchor": "promotion_codes", "subsection_anchors": [ "promotion_code_object", "create_promotion_code", "update_promotion_code", "retrieve_promotion_code", "list_promotion_code" ], "path": "/promotion_codes", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Promotion Code", "description": "A Promotion Code represents a customer-redeemable code for a [coupon](#coupons). It can be used to\ncreate multiple codes for a single coupon.\n", "section_tag": "promotion_codes", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "promotion_code_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_promotion_code", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/promotion_codes" }, { "anchor": "update_promotion_code", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/promotion_codes/:id" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_promotion_code", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/promotion_codes/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_promotion_code", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/promotion_codes" } ] } }, "promotion_code_object": { "title": "The promotion code object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "promotion_code_object", "section_anchor": "promotion_codes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/promotion_codes/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_promotion_code": { "title": "Create a promotion code", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": 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null, "path": "/promotion_codes/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "discounts": { "title": "Discounts", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "discounts", "section_anchor": "discounts", "subsection_anchors": ["discount_object", "delete_discount", "delete_subscription_discount"], "path": "/discounts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Discounts", "description": "A discount represents the actual application of a [coupon](#coupons) or [promotion code](#promotion_codes).\nIt contains information about when the discount began, when it will end, and what it is applied to.\n\nRelated guide: [Applying Discounts to Subscriptions](/docs/billing/subscriptions/discounts).\n", "section_tag": "discounts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "discount_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "delete_discount", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/customers/:id/discount" }, { "anchor": "delete_subscription_discount", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/subscriptions/:id/discount" } ] } }, "discount_object": { "title": "The discount object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "discount_object", "section_anchor": "discounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/discounts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_discount": { "title": "Delete a customer discount", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "delete_discount", "section_anchor": "discounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/discounts/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_subscription_discount": { "title": "Delete a subscription discount", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "delete_subscription_discount", "section_anchor": "discounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/discounts/subscription_delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "tax_codes": { 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false }, "list_tax_codes": { "title": "List all tax codes", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "list_tax_codes", "section_anchor": "tax_codes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tax_codes/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_taxcode": { "title": "Retrieve a tax code", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "retrieve_taxcode", "section_anchor": "tax_codes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tax_codes/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "tax_rates": { "title": "Tax Rates", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "tax_rates", "section_anchor": "tax_rates", "subsection_anchors": [ "tax_rate_object", "create_tax_rate", "retrieve_tax_rate", "update_tax_rate", "list_tax_rates" ], "path": "/tax_rates", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Tax Rate", "description": "Tax rates can be applied to [invoices](/docs/billing/invoices/tax-rates), [subscriptions](/docs/billing/subscriptions/taxes) and [Checkout Sessions](/docs/payments/checkout/set-up-a-subscription#tax-rates) to collect tax.\n\nRelated guide: [Tax Rates](/docs/billing/taxes/tax-rates).\n", "section_tag": "tax_rates", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "tax_rate_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_tax_rate", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tax_rates" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_tax_rate", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/tax_rates/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_tax_rate", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/tax_rates/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_tax_rates", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/tax_rates" } ] } }, "tax_rate_object": { "title": "The tax rate object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "tax_rate_object", "section_anchor": "tax_rates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/tax_rates/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_tax_rate": { "title": "Create a 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"/tax_rates/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "shipping_rates": { "title": "Shipping Rates", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "shipping_rates", "section_anchor": "shipping_rates", "subsection_anchors": [ "shipping_rate_object", "create_shipping_rate", "retrieve_shipping_rate", "update_shipping_rate", "list_shipping_rates" ], "path": "/shipping_rates", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Shipping Rates", "description": "Shipping rates describe the price of shipping presented to your customers and can be\napplied to [Checkout Sessions](/docs/payments/checkout/shipping)\nand [Orders](/docs/orders/shipping) to collect shipping costs.\n", "section_tag": "shipping_rates", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "shipping_rate_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_shipping_rate", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/shipping_rates" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_shipping_rate", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/shipping_rates/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_shipping_rate", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/shipping_rates/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_shipping_rates", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/shipping_rates" } ] } }, "shipping_rate_object": { "title": "The shipping rate object", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "shipping_rate_object", "section_anchor": "shipping_rates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/shipping_rates/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_shipping_rate": { "title": "Create a shipping rate", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "create_shipping_rate", "section_anchor": "shipping_rates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/shipping_rates/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_shipping_rate": { "title": "Retrieve a shipping rate", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "retrieve_shipping_rate", "section_anchor": "shipping_rates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/shipping_rates/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_shipping_rate": { "title": "Update a shipping rate", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "update_shipping_rate", "section_anchor": "shipping_rates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/shipping_rates/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_shipping_rates": { "title": "List all shipping rates", "group_title": "Products", "group_anchor": "products_section", "anchor": "list_shipping_rates", "section_anchor": "shipping_rates", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/shipping_rates/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "checkout_sessions": { "title": "Checkout Sessions", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "checkout_sessions", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": [ "checkout_session_object", "create_checkout_session", 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We recommend creating a\nnew Session each time your customer attempts to pay.\n\nOnce payment is successful, the Checkout Session will contain a reference\nto the [Customer](/docs/api/customers), and either the successful\n[PaymentIntent](/docs/api/payment_intents) or an active\n[Subscription](/docs/api/subscriptions).\n\nYou can create a Checkout Session on your server and pass its ID to the\nclient to begin Checkout.\n\nRelated guide: [Checkout Quickstart](/docs/checkout/quickstart).\n", "section_tag": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "checkout_session_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_checkout_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/checkout/sessions" }, { "anchor": "expire_checkout_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/checkout/sessions/:id/expire" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_checkout_session", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/checkout/sessions/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_checkout_sessions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/checkout/sessions" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_checkout_session_line_items", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/checkout/sessions/:id/line_items" } ] } }, "checkout_session_object": { "title": "The Checkout Session object", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "checkout_session_object", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/checkout/sessions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_checkout_session": { "title": "Create a Checkout Session", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "create_checkout_session", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/checkout/sessions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "expire_checkout_session": { "title": "Expire a Checkout Session", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "expire_checkout_session", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/checkout/sessions/expire", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_checkout_session": { "title": "Retrieve a Checkout Session", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "retrieve_checkout_session", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/checkout/sessions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_checkout_sessions": { "title": "List all Checkout Sessions", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "list_checkout_sessions", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/checkout/sessions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_checkout_session_line_items": { "title": "Retrieve a Checkout Session's line items", "group_title": "Checkout", "group_anchor": "checkout", "anchor": "retrieve_checkout_session_line_items", "section_anchor": "checkout_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/checkout/sessions/line_items", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "payment_links": { "title": "Payment Links", "group_title": "Payment Links", "group_anchor": "payment_links_section", "anchor": "payment_links", "section_anchor": "payment_links", "subsection_anchors": [ "payment_link_object", "create_payment_link", "retrieve_payment_link", "update_payment_link", "list_payment_link", "retrieve_payment_link_line_items" ], "path": "/payment_links/payment_links", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Payment Link", "description": "A payment link is a shareable URL that will take your customers to a hosted payment page. A payment link can be shared and used multiple times.\n\nWhen a customer opens a payment link it will open a new [checkout session](/docs/api/checkout/sessions) to render the payment page. You can use [checkout session events](/docs/api/events/types#event_types-checkout.session.completed) to track payments through payment links.\n\nRelated guide: [Payment Links API](/docs/payments/payment-links/api)\n", "section_tag": "payment_links", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "payment_link_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_payment_link", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_links" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_payment_link", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_links/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_payment_link", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/payment_links/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_payment_link", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_links" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_payment_link_line_items", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/payment_links/:id/line_items" } ] } }, "payment_link_object": { "title": "The payment link object", "group_title": "Payment Links", "group_anchor": "payment_links_section", "anchor": "payment_link_object", "section_anchor": "payment_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_links/payment_links/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "section_type": "response", "section_tag": "payment_link_object", "doc_object_type": "payment_link", "object_type": "payment_link", "title": "The payment link object", "specs": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. 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", "undocumented": false, "html": "The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account. " }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_fee_amount", "less_common": true }, "application_fee_percent": { "name": "application_fee_percent", "check": "decimal", "validation": "decimal", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "application_fee_percent", "less_common": true }, "automatic_tax": { "name": "automatic_tax", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration details for automatic tax collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration details for automatic tax collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If `true`, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer's location.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer’s location." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "object_type": "automatic_tax", "less_common": true }, "billing_address_collection": { "name": "billing_address_collection", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for collecting the customer's billing address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for collecting the customer’s billing address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "auto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will only collect the billing address when necessary.", "undocumented": false, "badge_text": "Default", "html": "Checkout will only collect the billing address when necessary." } }, "required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will always collect the customer's billing address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Checkout will always collect the customer’s billing address." } } }, "object_type": "billing_address_collection", "less_common": true }, "consent_collection": { "name": "consent_collection", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When set, provides configuration to gather active consent from customers.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When set, provides configuration to gather active consent from customers." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "promotions": { "name": "promotions", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If set to `auto`, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If set to \u003Ccode\u003Eauto\u003C/code\u003E, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "promotions" }, "terms_of_service": { "name": "terms_of_service", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If set to `required`, it requires cutomers to accept the terms of service before being able to pay. If set to `none`, customers won't be shown a checkbox to accept the terms of service.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If set to \u003Ccode\u003Erequired\u003C/code\u003E, it requires cutomers to accept the terms of service before being able to pay. If set to \u003Ccode\u003Enone\u003C/code\u003E, customers won’t be shown a checkbox to accept the terms of service." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "terms_of_service" } }, "object_type": "consent_collection", "less_common": true }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": "currency", "validation": "currency", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "currency", "less_common": true }, "custom_text": { "name": "custom_text", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Display additional text for your customers using custom text. ", "undocumented": false, "html": "Display additional text for your customers using custom text. " }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "shipping_address": { "name": "shipping_address", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside shipping address collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside shipping address collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "message": { "name": "message", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "message" } }, "object_type": "shipping_address" }, "submit": { "name": "submit", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside the payment confirmation button.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside the payment confirmation button." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "message": { "name": "message", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "message" } }, "object_type": "submit" } }, "object_type": "custom_text", "less_common": true }, "customer_creation": { "name": "customer_creation", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for Customer creation during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for Customer creation during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "if_required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will only create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers) if it is required for Session confirmation.\nCurrently, only `subscription` mode Sessions require a Customer.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will only create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E if it is required for Session confirmation.\nCurrently, only \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription\u003C/code\u003E mode Sessions require a Customer." } }, "always": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will always create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers) when a Session confirmation is attempted.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will always create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E when a Session confirmation is attempted." } } }, "object_type": "customer_creation", "less_common": true }, "line_items": { "name": "line_items", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The line items representing what is being sold.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The line items representing what is being sold." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": true, "subspec": { "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value \u003Ccode\u003Elist\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "object" }, "data": { "name": "data", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Details about each object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Details about each object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. 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If no discounts were applied, defaults to 0." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_discount" }, "amount_subtotal": { "name": "amount_subtotal", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Total before any discounts or taxes are applied.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Total before any discounts or taxes are applied." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_subtotal" }, "amount_tax": { "name": "amount_tax", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Total tax amount applied. If no tax was applied, defaults to 0.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Total tax amount applied. If no tax was applied, defaults to 0." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_tax" }, "amount_total": { "name": "amount_total", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Total after discounts and taxes.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Total after discounts and taxes." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount_total" }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": "currency", "validation": "currency", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "currency" }, "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Defaults to product name.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Defaults to product name." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "discounts": { "name": "discounts", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The discounts applied to the line item.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The discounts applied to the line item." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": true, "subspec": { "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The amount discounted.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The amount discounted." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" }, "discount": { "name": "discount", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The discount applied.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The discount applied." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "resource_type": "discount", "resource_type_link": "#discount_object", "object_type": "discount" } }, "object_type": "discounts" }, "price": { "name": "price", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The price used to generate the line item.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The price used to generate the line item." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.", "undocumented": false, "html": "String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "object", "less_common": true }, "active": { "name": "active", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Whether the price can be used for new purchases.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether the price can be used for new purchases." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "active" }, "billing_scheme": { "name": "billing_scheme", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for prices with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for prices with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Describes how to compute the price per period. Either \u003Ccode\u003Eper_unit\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Etiered\u003C/code\u003E. \u003Ccode\u003Eper_unit\u003C/code\u003E indicates that the fixed amount (specified in \u003Ccode\u003Eunit_amount\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eunit_amount_decimal\u003C/code\u003E) will be charged per unit in \u003Ccode\u003Equantity\u003C/code\u003E (for prices with \u003Ccode\u003Eusage_type=licensed\u003C/code\u003E), or per unit of total usage (for prices with \u003Ccode\u003Eusage_type=metered\u003C/code\u003E). \u003Ccode\u003Etiered\u003C/code\u003E indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the \u003Ccode\u003Etiers\u003C/code\u003E and \u003Ccode\u003Etiers_mode\u003C/code\u003E attributes." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "billing_scheme", "less_common": true }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": "currency", "validation": "currency", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "currency" }, "currency_options": { "name": "currency_options", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Prices defined in each available currency option. Each key must be a three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html) and a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies). For example, to get your price in `eur`, fetch the value of the `eur` key in `currency_options`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Prices defined in each available currency option. Each key must be a three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E and a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E. For example, to get your price in \u003Ccode\u003Eeur\u003C/code\u003E, fetch the value of the \u003Ccode\u003Eeur\u003C/code\u003E key in \u003Ccode\u003Ecurrency_options\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": true, "map_key_name_for_docs": "currency", "subspec": { "custom_unit_amount": { "name": "\u003Ccurrency\u003E.custom_unit_amount", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When set, provides configuration for the amount to be adjusted by the customer during Checkout Sessions and Payment Links.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When set, provides configuration for the amount to be adjusted by the customer during Checkout Sessions and Payment Links." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "maximum": { "name": "maximum", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The maximum unit amount the customer can specify for this item.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The maximum unit amount the customer can specify for this item." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "maximum" }, "minimum": { "name": "minimum", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The minimum unit amount the customer can specify for this item. Must be at least the minimum charge amount.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The minimum unit amount the customer can specify for this item. Must be at least the minimum charge amount." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "minimum" }, "preset": { "name": "preset", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The starting unit amount which can be updated by the customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The starting unit amount which can be updated by the customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preset" } }, "object_type": "custom_unit_amount", "less_common": true }, "tax_behavior": { "name": "\u003Ccurrency\u003E.tax_behavior", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of \u003Ccode\u003Einclusive\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eexclusive\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunspecified\u003C/code\u003E. Once specified as either \u003Ccode\u003Einclusive\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eexclusive\u003C/code\u003E, it cannot be changed." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "tax_behavior", "less_common": true }, "tiers": { "name": "\u003Ccurrency\u003E.tiers", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme\u003C/code\u003E to be set to \u003Ccode\u003Etiered\u003C/code\u003E. See also the documentation for \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": true, "subspec": { "flat_amount": { "name": "flat_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Price for the entire tier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Price for the entire tier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "flat_amount" }, "flat_amount_decimal": { "name": "flat_amount_decimal", "check": "decimal_string", "validation": "decimal string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Same as `flat_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Same as \u003Ccode\u003Eflat_amount\u003C/code\u003E, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "flat_amount_decimal" }, "unit_amount": { "name": "unit_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Per unit price for units relevant to the tier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Per unit price for units relevant to the tier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount" }, "unit_amount_decimal": { "name": "unit_amount_decimal", "check": "decimal_string", "validation": "decimal string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Same as \u003Ccode\u003Eunit_amount\u003C/code\u003E, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount_decimal" }, "up_to": { "name": "up_to", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Up to and including to this quantity will be contained in the tier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Up to and including to this quantity will be contained in the tier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "up_to" } }, "object_type": "tiers", "less_common": true }, "unit_amount": { "name": "\u003Ccurrency\u003E.unit_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": ["currency_sub_unit"], "markdown": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme=per_unit\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount" }, "unit_amount_decimal": { "name": "\u003Ccurrency\u003E.unit_amount_decimal", "check": "decimal_string", "validation": "decimal string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": ["currency_sub_unit"], "markdown": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme=per_unit\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount_decimal", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "currency_options", "less_common": true }, "custom_unit_amount": { "name": "custom_unit_amount", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When set, provides configuration for the amount to be adjusted by the customer during Checkout Sessions and Payment Links.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When set, provides configuration for the amount to be adjusted by the customer during Checkout Sessions and Payment Links." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "maximum": { "name": "maximum", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The maximum unit amount the customer can specify for this item.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The maximum unit amount the customer can specify for this item." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "maximum" }, "minimum": { "name": "minimum", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The minimum unit amount the customer can specify for this item. Must be at least the minimum charge amount.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The minimum unit amount the customer can specify for this item. Must be at least the minimum charge amount." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "minimum" }, "preset": { "name": "preset", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The starting unit amount which can be updated by the customer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The starting unit amount which can be updated by the customer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "preset" } }, "object_type": "custom_unit_amount", "less_common": true }, "livemode": { "name": "livemode", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Has the value \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in live mode or the value \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in test mode." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "livemode", "less_common": true }, "lookup_key": { "name": "lookup_key", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A lookup key used to retrieve prices dynamically from a static string. This may be up to 200 characters.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A lookup key used to retrieve prices dynamically from a static string. This may be up to 200 characters." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "lookup_key", "less_common": true }, "metadata": { "name": "metadata", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set of [key-value pairs](/docs/api/metadata) that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "nickname": { "name": "nickname", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A brief description of the price, hidden from customers." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "nickname" }, "product": { "name": "product", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the product this price is associated with.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the product this price is associated with." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["product"], "object_type": "product" }, "recurring": { "name": "recurring", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The recurring components of a price such as \u003Ccode\u003Einterval\u003C/code\u003E and \u003Ccode\u003Eusage_type\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "aggregate_usage": { "name": "aggregate_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for prices of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for prices of \u003Ccode\u003Eusage_type=metered\u003C/code\u003E. Allowed values are \u003Ccode\u003Esum\u003C/code\u003E for summing up all usage during a period, \u003Ccode\u003Elast_during_period\u003C/code\u003E for using the last usage record reported within a period, \u003Ccode\u003Elast_ever\u003C/code\u003E for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or \u003Ccode\u003Emax\u003C/code\u003E which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to \u003Ccode\u003Esum\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "aggregate_usage", "less_common": true }, "interval": { "name": "interval", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of \u003Ccode\u003Eday\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eweek\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Emonth\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eyear\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "month": { "documentation": null }, "year": { "documentation": null }, "week": { "documentation": null }, "day": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "interval" }, "interval_count": { "name": "interval_count", "check": "positive_integer", "validation": "positive integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The number of intervals (specified in the \u003Ccode\u003Einterval\u003C/code\u003E attribute) between subscription billings. For example, \u003Ccode\u003Einterval=month\u003C/code\u003E and \u003Ccode\u003Einterval_count=3\u003C/code\u003E bills every 3 months." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "interval_count", "less_common": true }, "usage_type": { "name": "usage_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either \u003Ccode\u003Emetered\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Elicensed\u003C/code\u003E. \u003Ccode\u003Elicensed\u003C/code\u003E automatically bills the \u003Ccode\u003Equantity\u003C/code\u003E set when adding it to a subscription. \u003Ccode\u003Emetered\u003C/code\u003E aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to \u003Ccode\u003Elicensed\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "metered": { "documentation": null }, "licensed": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "usage_type", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "recurring" }, "tax_behavior": { "name": "tax_behavior", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of \u003Ccode\u003Einclusive\u003C/code\u003E, \u003Ccode\u003Eexclusive\u003C/code\u003E, or \u003Ccode\u003Eunspecified\u003C/code\u003E. Once specified as either \u003Ccode\u003Einclusive\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Eexclusive\u003C/code\u003E, it cannot be changed." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "tax_behavior", "less_common": true }, "tiers": { "name": "tiers", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme\u003C/code\u003E to be set to \u003Ccode\u003Etiered\u003C/code\u003E. See also the documentation for \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": true, "subspec": { "flat_amount": { "name": "flat_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Price for the entire tier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Price for the entire tier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "flat_amount" }, "flat_amount_decimal": { "name": "flat_amount_decimal", "check": "decimal_string", "validation": "decimal string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Same as `flat_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Same as \u003Ccode\u003Eflat_amount\u003C/code\u003E, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "flat_amount_decimal" }, "unit_amount": { "name": "unit_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Per unit price for units relevant to the tier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Per unit price for units relevant to the tier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount" }, "unit_amount_decimal": { "name": "unit_amount_decimal", "check": "decimal_string", "validation": "decimal string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Same as \u003Ccode\u003Eunit_amount\u003C/code\u003E, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount_decimal" }, "up_to": { "name": "up_to", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Up to and including to this quantity will be contained in the tier.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Up to and including to this quantity will be contained in the tier." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "up_to" } }, "object_type": "tiers", "less_common": true }, "tiers_mode": { "name": "tiers_mode", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Defines if the tiering price should be \u003Ccode\u003Egraduated\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Evolume\u003C/code\u003E based. In \u003Ccode\u003Evolume\u003C/code\u003E-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In \u003Ccode\u003Egraduated\u003C/code\u003E tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "tiers_mode", "less_common": true }, "transform_quantity": { "name": "transform_quantity", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with \u003Ccode\u003Etiers\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "divide_by": { "name": "divide_by", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Divide usage by this number.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Divide usage by this number." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "divide_by" }, "round": { "name": "round", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "After division, either round the result \u003Ccode\u003Eup\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Edown\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "up": { "documentation": null }, "down": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "round" } }, "object_type": "transform_quantity", "less_common": true }, "type": { "name": "type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "One of `one_time` or `recurring` depending on whether the price is for a one-time purchase or a recurring (subscription) purchase.", "undocumented": false, "html": "One of \u003Ccode\u003Eone_time\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Erecurring\u003C/code\u003E depending on whether the price is for a one-time purchase or a recurring (subscription) purchase." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "type" }, "unit_amount": { "name": "unit_amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": ["currency_sub_unit"], "markdown": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme=per_unit\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount" }, "unit_amount_decimal": { "name": "unit_amount_decimal", "check": "decimal_string", "validation": "decimal string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": ["currency_sub_unit"], "markdown": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The unit amount in sen to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if \u003Ccode\u003Ebilling_scheme=per_unit\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "unit_amount_decimal", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "price" }, "quantity": { "name": "quantity", "check": "nonnegative_integer", "validation": "positive integer or zero", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The quantity of products being purchased.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The quantity of products being purchased." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "quantity" }, "taxes": { "name": "taxes", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The taxes applied to the line item.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The taxes applied to the line item." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": true, "subspec": { "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Amount of tax applied for this rate.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Amount of tax applied for this rate." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" }, "rate": { "name": "rate", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The tax rate applied.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The tax rate applied." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Unique identifier for the object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Unique identifier for the object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "id" }, "object": { "name": "object", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.", "undocumented": false, "html": "String representing the object’s type. Objects of the same type share the same value." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "object", "less_common": true }, "active": { "name": "active", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Defaults to `true`. When set to `false`, this tax rate cannot be used with new applications or Checkout Sessions, but will still work for subscriptions and invoices that already have it set.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Defaults to \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E. When set to \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E, this tax rate cannot be used with new applications or Checkout Sessions, but will still work for subscriptions and invoices that already have it set." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "active" }, "country": { "name": "country", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Two-letter country code ([ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Two-letter country code (\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2\"\u003EISO 3166-1 alpha-2\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "country" }, "created": { "name": "created", "check": "timestamp", "validation": "timestamp", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "created", "less_common": true }, "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An arbitrary string attached to the tax rate for your internal use only. It will not be visible to your customers.", "undocumented": false, "html": "An arbitrary string attached to the tax rate for your internal use only. It will not be visible to your customers." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "display_name": { "name": "display_name", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The display name of the tax rates as it will appear to your customer on their receipt email, PDF, and the hosted invoice page.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The display name of the tax rates as it will appear to your customer on their receipt email, PDF, and the hosted invoice page." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "display_name" }, "inclusive": { "name": "inclusive", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "This specifies if the tax rate is inclusive or exclusive.", "undocumented": false, "html": "This specifies if the tax rate is inclusive or exclusive." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "inclusive" }, "jurisdiction": { "name": "jurisdiction", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The jurisdiction for the tax rate. You can use this label field for tax reporting purposes. It also appears on your customer’s invoice.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The jurisdiction for the tax rate. You can use this label field for tax reporting purposes. It also appears on your customer’s invoice." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "jurisdiction" }, "livemode": { "name": "livemode", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Has the value \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in live mode or the value \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in test mode." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "livemode", "less_common": true }, "metadata": { "name": "metadata", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set of [key-value pairs](/docs/api/metadata) that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "percentage": { "name": "percentage", "check": "decimal", "validation": "decimal", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "This represents the tax rate percent out of 100.", "undocumented": false, "html": "This represents the tax rate percent out of 100." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "percentage" }, "state": { "name": "state", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "[ISO 3166-2 subdivision code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:US), without country prefix. For example, \"NY\" for New York, United States.", "undocumented": false, "html": "\u003Ca href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:US\"\u003EISO 3166-2 subdivision code\u003C/a\u003E, without country prefix. For example, “NY” for New York, United States." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "state" }, "tax_type": { "name": "tax_type", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The high-level tax type, such as `vat` or `sales_tax`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The high-level tax type, such as \u003Ccode\u003Evat\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Esales_tax\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "tax_type", "less_common": true } }, "object_type": "tax_rate" } }, "object_type": "taxes" } }, "object_type": "item" }, "has_more": { "name": "has_more", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.", "undocumented": false, "html": "True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "has_more" }, "url": { "name": "url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The URL where this list can be accessed.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The URL where this list can be accessed." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "url" } }, "object_type": "list" }, "livemode": { "name": "livemode", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Has the value \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in live mode or the value \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E if the object exists in test mode." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "livemode", "less_common": true }, "metadata": { "name": "metadata", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set of [key-value pairs](/docs/api/metadata) that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "metadata" }, "on_behalf_of": { "name": "on_behalf_of", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The account on behalf of which to charge. See the [Connect documentation](https://support.stripe.com/questions/sending-invoices-on-behalf-of-connected-accounts) for details.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account on behalf of which to charge. See the \u003Ca href=\"https://support.stripe.com/questions/sending-invoices-on-behalf-of-connected-accounts\"\u003EConnect documentation\u003C/a\u003E for details." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["account"], "object_type": "on_behalf_of", "less_common": true }, "payment_intent_data": { "name": "payment_intent_data", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates the parameters to be passed to PaymentIntent creation during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates the parameters to be passed to PaymentIntent creation during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "(Default) Stripe automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(Default) Stripe automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment." } }, "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but [don't capture the funds until later](/docs/payments/capture-later). (Not all payment methods support this.)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/capture-later\"\u003Edon’t capture the funds until later\u003C/a\u003E. (Not all payment methods support this.)" } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with the payment method collected during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to make future payments with the payment method collected during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "object_type": "payment_intent_data", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_collection": { "name": "payment_method_collection", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for collecting a payment method during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for collecting a payment method during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "enum_values": { "always": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will always collect a PaymentMethod.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will always collect a PaymentMethod." } }, "if_required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will only collect a PaymentMethod if there is an amount due.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will only collect a PaymentMethod if there is an amount due." } } }, "object_type": "payment_method_collection", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_types": { "name": "payment_method_types", "check": "array", "validation": "array", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of payment method types that customers can use. 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There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use `subscription_data`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription_data\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "description": { "name": "description", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The subscription's description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store an explanation of the subscription.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The subscription’s description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store an explanation of the subscription." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "description" }, "trial_period_days": { "name": "trial_period_days", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "trial_period_days" } }, "object_type": "subscription_data", "less_common": true }, "tax_id_collection": { "name": "tax_id_collection", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Details on the state of tax ID collection for the payment link.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Details on the state of tax ID collection for the payment link." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": "boolean", "validation": "boolean", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates whether tax ID collection is enabled for the session.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates whether tax ID collection is enabled for the session." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "object_type": "tax_id_collection", "less_common": true }, "transfer_data": { "name": "transfer_data", "check": "hash", "validation": "hash", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "subspec": { "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": "integer", "validation": "integer", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": ["currency_sub_unit"], "markdown": "The amount in sen that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The amount in sen that will be transferred to the destination account. By default, the entire amount is transferred to the destination." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "amount" }, "destination": { "name": "destination", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The connected account receiving the transfer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The connected account receiving the transfer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "user_expandable": ["account"], "object_type": "destination" } }, "object_type": "transfer_data", "less_common": true }, "url": { "name": "url", "check": "string", "validation": "string", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The public URL that can be shared with customers.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The public URL that can be shared with customers." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": null, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "includable": null, "object_type": "url" } }, "snippets": [ { "prefix": "", "code": "{\n \"id\": \"plink_1MWb7e2eZvKYlo2CTAnxRZDR\",\n \"object\": \"payment_link\",\n \"active\": true,\n \"after_completion\": {\n \"hosted_confirmation\": {\n \"custom_message\": null\n },\n \"type\": \"hosted_confirmation\"\n },\n \"allow_promotion_codes\": false,\n \"application_fee_amount\": null,\n \"application_fee_percent\": null,\n \"automatic_tax\": {\n \"enabled\": false\n },\n \"billing_address_collection\": \"auto\",\n \"consent_collection\": null,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"custom_text\": {\n \"shipping_address\": null,\n \"submit\": null\n },\n \"customer_creation\": \"always\",\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"metadata\": {\n },\n \"on_behalf_of\": null,\n \"payment_intent_data\": null,\n \"payment_method_collection\": \"always\",\n \"payment_method_types\": null,\n \"phone_number_collection\": {\n \"enabled\": false\n },\n \"shipping_address_collection\": null,\n \"shipping_options\": [\n\n ],\n \"submit_type\": \"auto\",\n \"subscription_data\": null,\n \"tax_id_collection\": {\n \"enabled\": false\n },\n \"transfer_data\": null,\n \"url\": \"https://buy.stripe.com/test_5kAcPyarJaIPaQg4gg\"\n}" } ], "top_level_changes": [], "changes": {}, "version": null } }, "create_payment_link": { "title": "Create a payment link", "group_title": "Payment Links", "group_anchor": "payment_links_section", "anchor": "create_payment_link", "section_anchor": "payment_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_links/payment_links/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "section_type": "request", "title": "Create a payment link", "description": "Creates a payment link.", "top_level_changes": [], "changes": {}, "version": null, "returns": "Returns the payment link.", "section_tag": "create_payment_link", "specs": { "line_items": { "name": "line_items", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The line items representing what is being sold. Each line item represents an item being sold. Up to 20 line items are supported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The line items representing what is being sold. Each line item represents an item being sold. Up to 20 line items are supported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "array_contents_spec": { "price": { "name": "price", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the [Price](/docs/api/prices) or [Plan](/docs/api/plans) object.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/prices\"\u003EPrice\u003C/a\u003E or \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/plans\"\u003EPlan\u003C/a\u003E object." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "price" }, "quantity": { "name": "quantity", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The quantity of the line item being purchased.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The quantity of the line item being purchased." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "quantity" }, "adjustable_quantity": { "name": "adjustable_quantity", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When set, provides configuration for this item’s quantity to be adjusted by the customer during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When set, provides configuration for this item’s quantity to be adjusted by the customer during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set to true if the quantity can be adjusted to any non-negative Integer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set to true if the quantity can be adjusted to any non-negative Integer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "enabled" }, "maximum": { "name": "maximum", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The maximum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 99. You can specify a value up to 999.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The maximum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 99. You can specify a value up to 999." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "maximum" }, "minimum": { "name": "minimum", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The minimum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 0. If there is only one item in the cart then that item's quantity cannot go down to 0.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The minimum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 0. If there is only one item in the cart then that item’s quantity cannot go down to 0." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "minimum" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "adjustable_quantity" } }, "object_type": "line_items" }, "after_completion": { "name": "after_completion", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Behavior after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Behavior after the purchase is complete." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "type": { "name": "type", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The specified behavior after the purchase is complete. Either `redirect` or `hosted_confirmation`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The specified behavior after the purchase is complete. Either \u003Ccode\u003Eredirect\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Ehosted_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "redirect": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Redirects the customer to the specified `url` after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Redirects the customer to the specified \u003Ccode\u003Eurl\u003C/code\u003E after the purchase is complete." } }, "hosted_confirmation": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Displays a message on the hosted surface after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Displays a message on the hosted surface after the purchase is complete." } } }, "object_type": "type" }, "hosted_confirmation": { "name": "hosted_confirmation", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration when `type=hosted_confirmation`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration when \u003Ccode\u003Etype=hosted_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "custom_message": { "name": "custom_message", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A custom message to display to the customer after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A custom message to display to the customer after the purchase is complete." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "custom_message" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "hosted_confirmation" }, "redirect": { "name": "redirect", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration when `type=redirect`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration when \u003Ccode\u003Etype=redirect\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "url": { "name": "url", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The URL the customer will be redirected to after the purchase is complete. You can embed `{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}` into the URL to have the `id` of the completed [checkout session](/docs/api/checkout/sessions/object#checkout_session_object-id) included.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The URL the customer will be redirected to after the purchase is complete. You can embed \u003Ccode\u003E{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}\u003C/code\u003E into the URL to have the \u003Ccode\u003Eid\u003C/code\u003E of the completed \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/checkout/sessions/object#checkout_session_object-id\"\u003Echeckout session\u003C/a\u003E included." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "url" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "redirect" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "after_completion", "less_common": true }, "allow_promotion_codes": { "name": "allow_promotion_codes", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Enables user redeemable promotion codes.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Enables user redeemable promotion codes." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "allow_promotion_codes", "less_common": true }, "application_fee_amount": { "name": "application_fee_amount", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. Can only be applied when there are no line items with recurring prices.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account. Can only be applied when there are no line items with recurring prices." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "application_fee_amount", "less_common": true }, "application_fee_percent": { "name": "application_fee_percent", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. There must be at least 1 line item with a recurring price to use this field.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A non-negative decimal between 0 and 100, with at most two decimal places. This represents the percentage of the subscription invoice subtotal that will be transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account. There must be at least 1 line item with a recurring price to use this field." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "application_fee_percent", "less_common": true }, "automatic_tax": { "name": "automatic_tax", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for automatic tax collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for automatic tax collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If `true`, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer's location.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer’s location." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "automatic_tax", "less_common": true }, "billing_address_collection": { "name": "billing_address_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for collecting the customer's billing address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for collecting the customer’s billing address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "auto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will only collect the billing address when necessary.", "undocumented": false, "badge_text": "Default", "html": "Checkout will only collect the billing address when necessary." } }, "required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will always collect the customer's billing address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Checkout will always collect the customer’s billing address." } } }, "object_type": "billing_address_collection", "less_common": true }, "consent_collection": { "name": "consent_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configure fields to gather active consent from customers.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configure fields to gather active consent from customers." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "promotions": { "name": "promotions", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If set to `auto`, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications. The Checkout\nSession will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional communication\nfrom the merchant depending on the customer's locale. Only available to US merchants.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If set to \u003Ccode\u003Eauto\u003C/code\u003E, enables the collection of customer consent for promotional communications. The Checkout\nSession will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional communication\nfrom the merchant depending on the customer’s locale. Only available to US merchants." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "auto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Enable the collection of customer consent for promotional communications.\nThe Checkout Session will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional\ncommunication from the merchant depending on if a customer is provided, and if that customer\nhas consented to receiving promotional communications from the merchant in the past.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Enable the collection of customer consent for promotional communications.\nThe Checkout Session will determine whether to display an option to opt into promotional\ncommunication from the merchant depending on if a customer is provided, and if that customer\nhas consented to receiving promotional communications from the merchant in the past." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will not collect customer consent for promotional communications.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Checkout will not collect customer consent for promotional communications." } } }, "object_type": "promotions" }, "terms_of_service": { "name": "terms_of_service", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If set to `required`, it requires customers to check a terms of service checkbox before being able to pay.\nThere must be a valid terms of service URL set in your [Dashboard settings](https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/public).\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If set to \u003Ccode\u003Erequired\u003C/code\u003E, it requires customers to check a terms of service checkbox before being able to pay.\nThere must be a valid terms of service URL set in your \u003Ca href=\"https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/public\"\u003EDashboard settings\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Displays a checkbox for the terms of service agreement which requires customer to check before being able to pay.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Displays a checkbox for the terms of service agreement which requires customer to check before being able to pay." } }, "none": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Does not display checkbox for the terms of service agreement.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Does not display checkbox for the terms of service agreement." } } }, "object_type": "terms_of_service" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "consent_collection", "less_common": true }, "currency": { "name": "currency", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Three-letter [ISO currency code](https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html), in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](https://stripe.com/docs/currencies) and supported by each line item's price.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Three-letter \u003Ca href=\"https://www.iso.org/iso-4217-currency-codes.html\"\u003EISO currency code\u003C/a\u003E, in lowercase. Must be a \u003Ca href=\"https://stripe.com/docs/currencies\"\u003Esupported currency\u003C/a\u003E and supported by each line item’s price." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "currency", "less_common": true }, "custom_text": { "name": "custom_text", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Display additional text for your customers using custom text. ", "undocumented": false, "html": "Display additional text for your customers using custom text. " }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "shipping_address": { "name": "shipping_address", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside shipping address collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside shipping address collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "message": { "name": "message", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "message" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "shipping_address" }, "submit": { "name": "submit", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside the payment confirmation button.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside the payment confirmation button." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "message": { "name": "message", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "message" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "submit" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "custom_text", "less_common": true }, "customer_creation": { "name": "customer_creation", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configures whether [checkout sessions](/docs/api/checkout/sessions) created by this payment link create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configures whether \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/checkout/sessions\"\u003Echeckout sessions\u003C/a\u003E created by this payment link create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "if_required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will only create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers) if it is required for Session confirmation.\nCurrently, only `subscription` mode Sessions require a Customer.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will only create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E if it is required for Session confirmation.\nCurrently, only \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription\u003C/code\u003E mode Sessions require a Customer." } }, "always": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will always create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers) when a Session confirmation is attempted.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will always create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E when a Session confirmation is attempted." } } }, "object_type": "customer_creation", "less_common": true }, "metadata": { "name": "metadata", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set of [key-value pairs](/docs/api/metadata) that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`. Metadata associated with this Payment Link will automatically be copied to [checkout sessions](/docs/api/checkout/sessions) created by this payment link.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to \u003Ccode\u003Emetadata\u003C/code\u003E. Metadata associated with this Payment Link will automatically be copied to \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/checkout/sessions\"\u003Echeckout sessions\u003C/a\u003E created by this payment link." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "metadata" }, "on_behalf_of": { "name": "on_behalf_of", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The account on behalf of which to charge.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account on behalf of which to charge." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "on_behalf_of", "less_common": true }, "payment_intent_data": { "name": "payment_intent_data", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A subset of parameters to be passed to PaymentIntent creation for Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A subset of parameters to be passed to PaymentIntent creation for Checkout Sessions in \u003Ccode\u003Epayment\u003C/code\u003E mode." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "capture_method": { "name": "capture_method", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer’s account." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "automatic": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "(Default) Stripe automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment.", "undocumented": false, "html": "(Default) Stripe automatically captures funds when the customer authorizes the payment." } }, "manual": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but [don't capture the funds until later](/docs/payments/capture-later). (Not all payment methods support this.)", "undocumented": false, "html": "Place a hold on the funds when the customer authorizes the payment, but \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/capture-later\"\u003Edon’t capture the funds until later\u003C/a\u003E. (Not all payment methods support this.)" } } }, "object_type": "capture_method" }, "setup_future_usage": { "name": "setup_future_usage", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Indicates that you intend to [make future payments](/docs/payments/payment-intents#future-usage) with the payment method collected by this Checkout Session.\n\nWhen setting this to `on_session`, Checkout will show a notice to the customer that their payment details will be saved.\n\nWhen setting this to `off_session`, Checkout will show a notice to the customer that their payment details will be saved and used for future payments.\n\nIf a Customer has been provided or Checkout creates a new Customer,Checkout will attach the payment method to the Customer.\n\nIf Checkout does not create a Customer, the payment method is not attached to a Customer. To reuse the payment method, you can retrieve it from the Checkout Session's PaymentIntent.\n\nWhen processing card payments, Checkout also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Indicates that you intend to \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-intents#future-usage\"\u003Emake future payments\u003C/a\u003E with the payment method collected by this Checkout Session.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen setting this to \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E, Checkout will show a notice to the customer that their payment details will be saved.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen setting this to \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E, Checkout will show a notice to the customer that their payment details will be saved and used for future payments.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIf a Customer has been provided or Checkout creates a new Customer,Checkout will attach the payment method to the Customer.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIf Checkout does not create a Customer, the payment method is not attached to a Customer. To reuse the payment method, you can retrieve it from the Checkout Session’s PaymentIntent.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen processing card payments, Checkout also uses \u003Ccode\u003Esetup_future_usage\u003C/code\u003E to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "on_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eon_session\u003C/code\u003E if you intend to only reuse the payment method when your customer is present in your checkout flow." } }, "off_session": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Use \u003Ccode\u003Eoff_session\u003C/code\u003E if your customer may or may not be present in your checkout flow." } } }, "object_type": "setup_future_usage" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "payment_intent_data", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_collection": { "name": "payment_method_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specify whether Checkout should collect a payment method. When set to `if_required`, Checkout will not collect a payment method when the total due for the session is 0.This may occur if the Checkout Session includes a free trial or a discount.\n\nCan only be set in `subscription` mode.\n\nIf you'd like information on how to collect a payment method outside of Checkout, read the guide on [configuring subscriptions with a free trial](/docs/payments/checkout/free-trials).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specify whether Checkout should collect a payment method. When set to \u003Ccode\u003Eif_required\u003C/code\u003E, Checkout will not collect a payment method when the total due for the session is 0.This may occur if the Checkout Session includes a free trial or a discount.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003ECan only be set in \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription\u003C/code\u003E mode.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you’d like information on how to collect a payment method outside of Checkout, read the guide on \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/checkout/free-trials\"\u003Econfiguring subscriptions with a free trial\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "always": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will always collect a PaymentMethod.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will always collect a PaymentMethod." } }, "if_required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will only collect a PaymentMethod if there is an amount due.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will only collect a PaymentMethod if there is an amount due." } } }, "object_type": "payment_method_collection", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_types": { "name": "payment_method_types", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of payment method types that customers can use. If no value is passed, Stripe will dynamically show relevant payment methods from your [payment method settings](https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/payment_methods) (20+ payment methods [supported](/docs/payments/payment-methods/integration-options#payment-method-product-support)).", "undocumented": false, "html": "The list of payment method types that customers can use. If no value is passed, Stripe will dynamically show relevant payment methods from your \u003Ca href=\"https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/payment_methods\"\u003Epayment method settings\u003C/a\u003E (20+ payment methods \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/payment-methods/integration-options#payment-method-product-support\"\u003Esupported\u003C/a\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "enum_values": { "card": { "documentation": null }, "affirm": { "documentation": null }, "promptpay": { "documentation": null }, "bacs_debit": { "documentation": null }, "bancontact": { "documentation": null }, "blik": { "documentation": null }, "boleto": { "documentation": null }, "eps": { "documentation": null }, "fpx": { "documentation": null }, "giropay": { "documentation": null }, "grabpay": { "documentation": null }, "ideal": { "documentation": null }, "klarna": { "documentation": null }, "konbini": { "documentation": null }, "oxxo": { "documentation": null }, "p24": { "documentation": null }, "paynow": { "documentation": null }, "pix": { "documentation": null }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "documentation": null }, "alipay": { "documentation": null }, "au_becs_debit": { "documentation": null }, "sepa_debit": { "documentation": null }, "sofort": { "documentation": null }, "us_bank_account": { "documentation": null }, "wechat_pay": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "payment_method_types" }, "phone_number_collection": { "name": "phone_number_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls phone number collection settings during checkout.\n\nWe recommend that you review your privacy policy and check with your legal contacts.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls phone number collection settings during checkout.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EWe recommend that you review your privacy policy and check with your legal contacts." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set to `true` to enable phone number collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set to \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E to enable phone number collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "phone_number_collection", "less_common": true }, "shipping_address_collection": { "name": "shipping_address_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for collecting the customer's shipping address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for collecting the customer’s shipping address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "allowed_countries": { "name": "allowed_countries", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for\nshipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for\nshipping locations. Unsupported country codes: \u003Ccode\u003EAS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "enum_values": { "AC": { "documentation": null }, "AD": { "documentation": null }, "AE": { "documentation": null }, "AF": { "documentation": null }, "AG": { "documentation": null }, "AI": { "documentation": null }, "AL": { "documentation": null }, "AM": { "documentation": null }, "AO": { "documentation": null }, "AQ": { "documentation": null }, "AR": { "documentation": null }, "AT": { "documentation": null }, "AU": { "documentation": null }, "AW": { "documentation": null }, "AX": { "documentation": null }, "AZ": { "documentation": null }, "BA": { "documentation": null }, "BB": { "documentation": null }, "BD": { "documentation": null }, "BE": 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null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "array_contents_spec": { "shipping_rate": { "name": "shipping_rate", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of the Shipping Rate to use for this shipping option.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of the Shipping Rate to use for this shipping option." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "shipping_rate" } }, "object_type": "shipping_options", "less_common": true }, "submit_type": { "name": "submit_type", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Describes the type of transaction being performed in order to customize relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. Changing this value will also affect the hostname in the [url](/docs/api/payment_links/payment_links/object#url) property (example: `donate.stripe.com`).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Describes the type of transaction being performed in order to customize relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. Changing this value will also affect the hostname in the \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/payment_links/payment_links/object#url\"\u003Eurl\u003C/a\u003E property (example: \u003Ccode\u003Edonate.stripe.com\u003C/code\u003E)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "auto": { "documentation": null }, "pay": { "documentation": null }, "book": { "documentation": null }, "donate": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "submit_type", "less_common": true }, "subscription_data": { "name": "subscription_data", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use `subscription_data`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When creating a subscription, the specified configuration data will be used. There must be at least one line item with a recurring price to use \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription_data\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "description": { "name": "description", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The subscription's description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store an explanation of the subscription.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The subscription’s description, meant to be displayable to the customer. Use this field to optionally store an explanation of the subscription." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "description" }, "trial_period_days": { "name": "trial_period_days", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time. Has to be at least 1.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time. Has to be at least 1." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "trial_period_days" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "subscription_data", "less_common": true }, "tax_id_collection": { "name": "tax_id_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Controls tax ID collection during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Controls tax ID collection during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set to `true` to enable tax ID collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set to \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E to enable tax ID collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "tax_id_collection", "less_common": true }, "transfer_data": { "name": "transfer_data", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The account (if any) the payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": "Connect only", "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "destination": { "name": "destination", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If specified, successful charges will be attributed to the destination\naccount for tax reporting, and the funds from charges will be transferred\nto the destination account. The ID of the resulting transfer will be\nreturned on the successful charge's `transfer` field.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "If specified, successful charges will be attributed to the destination\naccount for tax reporting, and the funds from charges will be transferred\nto the destination account. The ID of the resulting transfer will be\nreturned on the successful charge’s \u003Ccode\u003Etransfer\u003C/code\u003E field." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "destination" }, "amount": { "name": "amount", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The amount that will be transferred automatically when a charge succeeds.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The amount that will be transferred automatically when a charge succeeds." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "amount" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "transfer_data", "less_common": true } }, 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If `false`, customers visiting the URL will be shown a page saying that the link has been deactivated.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Whether the payment link’s \u003Ccode\u003Eurl\u003C/code\u003E is active. If \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E, customers visiting the URL will be shown a page saying that the link has been deactivated." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "active" }, "after_completion": { "name": "after_completion", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Behavior after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Behavior after the purchase is complete." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "type": { "name": "type", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The specified behavior after the purchase is complete. Either `redirect` or `hosted_confirmation`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The specified behavior after the purchase is complete. Either \u003Ccode\u003Eredirect\u003C/code\u003E or \u003Ccode\u003Ehosted_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "redirect": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Redirects the customer to the specified `url` after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Redirects the customer to the specified \u003Ccode\u003Eurl\u003C/code\u003E after the purchase is complete." } }, "hosted_confirmation": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Displays a message on the hosted surface after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Displays a message on the hosted surface after the purchase is complete." } } }, "object_type": "type" }, "hosted_confirmation": { "name": "hosted_confirmation", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration when `type=hosted_confirmation`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration when \u003Ccode\u003Etype=hosted_confirmation\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "custom_message": { "name": "custom_message", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A custom message to display to the customer after the purchase is complete.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A custom message to display to the customer after the purchase is complete." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "custom_message" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "hosted_confirmation" }, "redirect": { "name": "redirect", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration when `type=redirect`.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration when \u003Ccode\u003Etype=redirect\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "url": { "name": "url", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The URL the customer will be redirected to after the purchase is complete. You can embed `{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}` into the URL to have the `id` of the completed [checkout session](/docs/api/checkout/sessions/object#checkout_session_object-id) included.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The URL the customer will be redirected to after the purchase is complete. You can embed \u003Ccode\u003E{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}\u003C/code\u003E into the URL to have the \u003Ccode\u003Eid\u003C/code\u003E of the completed \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/checkout/sessions/object#checkout_session_object-id\"\u003Echeckout session\u003C/a\u003E included." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "url" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "redirect" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "after_completion", "less_common": true }, "allow_promotion_codes": { "name": "allow_promotion_codes", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Enables user redeemable promotion codes.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Enables user redeemable promotion codes." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "allow_promotion_codes", "less_common": true }, "automatic_tax": { "name": "automatic_tax", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for automatic tax collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for automatic tax collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "If `true`, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer's location.", "undocumented": false, "html": "If \u003Ccode\u003Etrue\u003C/code\u003E, tax will be calculated automatically using the customer’s location." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "enabled" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "automatic_tax", "less_common": true }, "billing_address_collection": { "name": "billing_address_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for collecting the customer's billing address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for collecting the customer’s billing address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "auto": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will only collect the billing address when necessary.", "undocumented": false, "badge_text": "Default", "html": "Checkout will only collect the billing address when necessary." } }, "required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Checkout will always collect the customer's billing address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Checkout will always collect the customer’s billing address." } } }, "object_type": "billing_address_collection", "less_common": true }, "custom_text": { "name": "custom_text", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Display additional text for your customers using custom text. ", "undocumented": false, "html": "Display additional text for your customers using custom text. " }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "shipping_address": { "name": "shipping_address", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside shipping address collection.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside shipping address collection." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "message": { "name": "message", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "message" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "shipping_address" }, "submit": { "name": "submit", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside the payment confirmation button.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Custom text that should be displayed alongside the payment confirmation button." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "message": { "name": "message", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Text may be up to 1000 characters in length." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "message" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "submit" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "custom_text", "less_common": true }, "customer_creation": { "name": "customer_creation", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configures whether [checkout sessions](/docs/api/checkout/sessions) created by this payment link create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configures whether \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/checkout/sessions\"\u003Echeckout sessions\u003C/a\u003E created by this payment link create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "if_required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will only create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers) if it is required for Session confirmation.\nCurrently, only `subscription` mode Sessions require a Customer.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will only create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E if it is required for Session confirmation.\nCurrently, only \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription\u003C/code\u003E mode Sessions require a Customer." } }, "always": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will always create a [Customer](/docs/api/customers) when a Session confirmation is attempted.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will always create a \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/customers\"\u003ECustomer\u003C/a\u003E when a Session confirmation is attempted." } } }, "object_type": "customer_creation", "less_common": true }, "line_items": { "name": "line_items", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The line items representing what is being sold. Each line item represents an item being sold. Up to 20 line items are supported.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The line items representing what is being sold. Each line item represents an item being sold. Up to 20 line items are supported." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "array_contents_spec": { "id": { "name": "id", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The ID of an existing line item on the payment link.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The ID of an existing line item on the payment link." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "id" }, "adjustable_quantity": { "name": "adjustable_quantity", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "When set, provides configuration for this item’s quantity to be adjusted by the customer during checkout.", "undocumented": false, "html": "When set, provides configuration for this item’s quantity to be adjusted by the customer during checkout." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "enabled": { "name": "enabled", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set to true if the quantity can be adjusted to any non-negative Integer.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set to true if the quantity can be adjusted to any non-negative Integer." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "enabled" }, "maximum": { "name": "maximum", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The maximum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 99. You can specify a value up to 999.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The maximum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 99. You can specify a value up to 999." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "maximum" }, "minimum": { "name": "minimum", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The minimum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 0. If there is only one item in the cart then that item's quantity cannot go down to 0.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The minimum quantity the customer can purchase. By default this value is 0. If there is only one item in the cart then that item’s quantity cannot go down to 0." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "minimum" } }, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "adjustable_quantity" }, "quantity": { "name": "quantity", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The quantity of the line item being purchased.", "undocumented": false, "html": "The quantity of the line item being purchased." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "quantity" } }, "object_type": "line_items" }, "metadata": { "name": "metadata", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Set of [key-value pairs](/docs/api/metadata) that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`. Metadata associated with this Payment Link will automatically be copied to [checkout sessions](/docs/api/checkout/sessions) created by this payment link.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Set of \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/metadata\"\u003Ekey-value pairs\u003C/a\u003E that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to \u003Ccode\u003Emetadata\u003C/code\u003E. Metadata associated with this Payment Link will automatically be copied to \u003Ca href=\"/docs/api/checkout/sessions\"\u003Echeckout sessions\u003C/a\u003E created by this payment link." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "metadata" }, "payment_method_collection": { "name": "payment_method_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Specify whether Checkout should collect a payment method. When set to `if_required`, Checkout will not collect a payment method when the total due for the session is 0.This may occur if the Checkout Session includes a free trial or a discount.\n\nCan only be set in `subscription` mode.\n\nIf you'd like information on how to collect a payment method outside of Checkout, read the guide on [configuring subscriptions with a free trial](/docs/payments/checkout/free-trials).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Specify whether Checkout should collect a payment method. When set to \u003Ccode\u003Eif_required\u003C/code\u003E, Checkout will not collect a payment method when the total due for the session is 0.This may occur if the Checkout Session includes a free trial or a discount.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003ECan only be set in \u003Ccode\u003Esubscription\u003C/code\u003E mode.\u003C/p\u003E\n\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you’d like information on how to collect a payment method outside of Checkout, read the guide on \u003Ca href=\"/docs/payments/checkout/free-trials\"\u003Econfiguring subscriptions with a free trial\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "enum_values": { "always": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will always collect a PaymentMethod.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will always collect a PaymentMethod." } }, "if_required": { "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The Checkout Session will only collect a PaymentMethod if there is an amount due.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "The Checkout Session will only collect a PaymentMethod if there is an amount due." } } }, "object_type": "payment_method_collection", "less_common": true }, "payment_method_types": { "name": "payment_method_types", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "The list of payment method types that customers can use. Pass an empty string to enable automatic payment methods that use your [payment method settings](https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/payment_methods).", "undocumented": false, "html": "The list of payment method types that customers can use. Pass an empty string to enable automatic payment methods that use your \u003Ca href=\"https://dashboard.stripe.com/settings/payment_methods\"\u003Epayment method settings\u003C/a\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "enum_values": { "card": { "documentation": null }, "affirm": { "documentation": null }, "promptpay": { "documentation": null }, "bacs_debit": { "documentation": null }, "bancontact": { "documentation": null }, "blik": { "documentation": null }, "boleto": { "documentation": null }, "eps": { "documentation": null }, "fpx": { "documentation": null }, "giropay": { "documentation": null }, "grabpay": { "documentation": null }, "ideal": { "documentation": null }, "klarna": { "documentation": null }, "konbini": { "documentation": null }, "oxxo": { "documentation": null }, "p24": { "documentation": null }, "paynow": { "documentation": null }, "pix": { "documentation": null }, "afterpay_clearpay": { "documentation": null }, "alipay": { "documentation": null }, "au_becs_debit": { "documentation": null }, "sepa_debit": { "documentation": null }, "sofort": { "documentation": null }, "us_bank_account": { "documentation": null }, "wechat_pay": { "documentation": null } }, "object_type": "payment_method_types" }, "shipping_address_collection": { "name": "shipping_address_collection", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Configuration for collecting the customer's shipping address.", "undocumented": false, "html": "Configuration for collecting the customer’s shipping address." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "subspec": { "allowed_countries": { "name": "allowed_countries", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for\nshipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.\n", "undocumented": false, "html": "An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for\nshipping locations. Unsupported country codes: \u003Ccode\u003EAS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI\u003C/code\u003E." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": true, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "enum_values": { "AC": { "documentation": null }, "AD": { "documentation": null }, "AE": { "documentation": null }, "AF": { "documentation": null }, "AG": { "documentation": null }, "AI": { "documentation": null }, "AL": { "documentation": null }, "AM": { "documentation": null }, "AO": { "documentation": null }, "AQ": { "documentation": null }, "AR": { "documentation": null }, "AT": { "documentation": null }, "AU": { "documentation": null }, "AW": { "documentation": null }, "AX": { "documentation": null }, "AZ": { "documentation": null }, "BA": { "documentation": null }, "BB": { "documentation": null }, "BD": { "documentation": null }, "BE": 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\"url\": \"https://buy.stripe.com/test_5kAcPyarJaIPaQg4gg\"\n}" } }, "list_payment_link": { "title": "List all payment links", "group_title": "Payment Links", "group_anchor": "payment_links_section", "anchor": "list_payment_link", "section_anchor": "payment_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/payment_links/payment_links/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": true, "data": { "section_type": "request", "title": "List all payment links", "description": "Returns a list of your payment links.", "top_level_changes": [], "changes": {}, "version": null, "returns": "A dictionary with a \u003Ccode\u003Edata\u003C/code\u003E property that contains an array of up to \u003Ccode\u003Elimit\u003C/code\u003E payment links, starting after payment link \u003Ccode\u003Estarting_after\u003C/code\u003E. Each entry in the array is a separate payment link object. If no more payment links are available, the resulting array will be empty. This request should never return an error.", "section_tag": "list_payment_link", "specs": { "active": { "name": "active", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "Only return payment links that are active or inactive (e.g., pass `false` to list all inactive payment links).", "undocumented": false, "html": "Only return payment links that are active or inactive (e.g., pass \u003Ccode\u003Efalse\u003C/code\u003E to list all inactive payment links)." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "active" }, "ending_before": { "name": "ending_before", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A cursor for use in pagination. \u003Ccode\u003Eending_before\u003C/code\u003E is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with \u003Ccode\u003Eobj_bar\u003C/code\u003E, your subsequent call can include \u003Ccode\u003Eending_before=obj_bar\u003C/code\u003E in order to fetch the previous page of the list." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "deprecated_allow_empty": false, "object_type": "ending_before", "less_common": true }, "limit": { "name": "limit", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "limit", "less_common": true }, "starting_after": { "name": "starting_after", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A cursor for use in pagination. \u003Ccode\u003Estarting_after\u003C/code\u003E is an object ID that defines your place in the list. 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There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.", "top_level_changes": [], "changes": {}, "version": null, "returns": "A dictionary with a \u003Ccode\u003Edata\u003C/code\u003E property that contains an array of up to \u003Ccode\u003Elimit\u003C/code\u003E payment link line items, starting after Line Item \u003Ccode\u003Estarting_after\u003C/code\u003E. Each entry in the array is a separate Line Item object. If no more line items are available, the resulting array will be empty. ", "section_tag": "retrieve_payment_link_line_items", "specs": { "ending_before": { "name": "ending_before", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. 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Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10." }, "gate": false, "hide_unset_desc": false, "required": false, "default": null, "badge_text": null, "requirement_text": null, "permission": null, "hide_nil": null, "is_country_specific": false, "object_type": "limit", "less_common": true }, "starting_after": { "name": "starting_after", "check": null, "validation": "", "documentation": { "gate_specific": {}, "localize_terms": [], "markdown": "A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.", "undocumented": false, "html": "A cursor for use in pagination. \u003Ccode\u003Estarting_after\u003C/code\u003E is an object ID that defines your place in the list. 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\"li_1MWb7e2eZvKYlo2CouWkOJkL\",\n \"object\": \"item\",\n \"amount_discount\": 0,\n \"amount_subtotal\": 0,\n \"amount_tax\": 0,\n \"amount_total\": 0,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"description\": \"Gold Special\",\n \"price\": {\n \"id\": \"price_1MWXoV2eZvKYlo2CxNVrmRLD\",\n \"object\": \"price\",\n \"active\": true,\n \"billing_scheme\": \"per_unit\",\n \"created\": 1675225251,\n \"currency\": \"usd\",\n \"custom_unit_amount\": null,\n \"livemode\": false,\n \"lookup_key\": null,\n \"metadata\": {\n },\n \"nickname\": null,\n \"product\": \"prod_NH60TC6ig2RLb2\",\n \"recurring\": null,\n \"tax_behavior\": \"unspecified\",\n \"tiers_mode\": null,\n \"transform_quantity\": null,\n \"type\": \"one_time\",\n \"unit_amount\": 2000,\n \"unit_amount_decimal\": \"2000\"\n },\n \"quantity\": 1\n },\n {...},\n {...}\n ]\n}\n" } }, "credit_notes": { "title": "Credit Notes", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "credit_notes", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": [ "credit_note_object", "credit_note_line_item_object", "preview_credit_note", "create_credit_note", "retrieve_credit_note", "update_credit_note", "credit_note_lines", "credit_note_preview_lines", "void_credit_note", "list_credit_notes" ], "path": "/credit_notes", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Credit Note", "description": "Issue a credit note to adjust an invoice's amount after the invoice is finalized.\n\nRelated guide: [Credit Notes](/docs/billing/invoices/credit-notes).\n", "section_tag": "credit_notes", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "credit_note_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "credit_note_line_item_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "preview_credit_note", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/credit_notes/preview" }, { "anchor": "create_credit_note", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/credit_notes" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_credit_note", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/credit_notes/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_credit_note", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/credit_notes/:id" }, { "anchor": "credit_note_lines", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/credit_notes/:credit_note/lines" }, { "anchor": "credit_note_preview_lines", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/credit_notes/preview/lines" }, { "anchor": "void_credit_note", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/credit_notes/:id/void" }, { "anchor": "list_credit_notes", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/credit_notes" } ] } }, "credit_note_object": { "title": "The credit note object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "credit_note_object", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "credit_note_line_item_object": { "title": "The (Credit Note) line item object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "credit_note_line_item_object", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/line_item", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "preview_credit_note": { "title": "Preview a credit note", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "preview_credit_note", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/preview", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_credit_note": { "title": "Create a credit note", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_credit_note", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_credit_note": { "title": "Retrieve a credit note", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_credit_note", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_credit_note": { "title": "Update a credit note", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "update_credit_note", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "credit_note_lines": { "title": "Retrieve a credit note's line items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "credit_note_lines", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/lines", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "credit_note_preview_lines": { "title": "Retrieve a credit note preview's line items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "credit_note_preview_lines", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/preview_lines", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "void_credit_note": { "title": "Void a credit note", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "void_credit_note", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/void", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_credit_notes": { "title": "List all credit notes", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_credit_notes", "section_anchor": "credit_notes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/credit_notes/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_balance_transactions": { "title": "Customer Balance Transactions", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "section_anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": [ "customer_balance_transaction_object", "create_customer_balance_transaction", "retrieve_customer_balance_transaction", "update_customer_balance_transaction", "list_customer_balance_transactions" ], "path": "/customer_balance_transactions", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Customer Balance Transaction", "description": "Each customer has a [`balance`](/docs/api/customers/object#customer_object-balance) value,\nwhich denotes a debit or credit that's automatically applied to their next invoice upon finalization.\nYou may modify the value directly by using the [update customer API](/docs/api/customers/update),\nor by creating a Customer Balance Transaction, which increments or decrements the customer's `balance` by the specified `amount`.\n\nRelated guide: [Customer Balance](/docs/billing/customer/balance) to learn more.\n", "section_tag": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "customer_balance_transaction_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_customer_balance_transaction", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/balance_transactions" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_customer_balance_transaction", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/balance_transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_customer_balance_transaction", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/balance_transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_customer_balance_transactions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/balance_transactions" } ] } }, "customer_balance_transaction_object": { "title": "The customer balance transaction object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "customer_balance_transaction_object", "section_anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_balance_transactions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_customer_balance_transaction": { "title": "Create a customer balance transaction", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_customer_balance_transaction", "section_anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_balance_transactions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_customer_balance_transaction": { "title": "Retrieve a customer balance transaction", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_customer_balance_transaction", "section_anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_balance_transactions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_customer_balance_transaction": { "title": "Update a customer credit balance transaction", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "update_customer_balance_transaction", "section_anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_balance_transactions/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_customer_balance_transactions": { "title": "List customer balance transactions", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_customer_balance_transactions", "section_anchor": "customer_balance_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_balance_transactions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_portal": { "title": "Customer Portal", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "customer_portal", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": [ "portal_session_object", "portal_configuration_object", "create_portal_session", "create_portal_configuration", "update_portal_configuration", "retrieve_portal_configuration", "all_portal_configurations" ], "path": "/customer_portal", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Customer Portal", "description": "The Billing customer portal is a Stripe-hosted UI for subscription and\nbilling management.\n\nA portal configuration describes the functionality and features that you\nwant to provide to your customers through the portal.\n\nA portal session describes the instantiation of the customer portal for\na particular customer. By visiting the session's URL, the customer\ncan manage their subscriptions and billing details. For security reasons,\nsessions are short-lived and will expire if the customer does not visit the URL.\nCreate sessions on-demand when customers intend to manage their subscriptions\nand billing details.\n\nLearn more in the [integration guide](/docs/billing/subscriptions/integrating-customer-portal).\n", "section_tag": "customer_portal", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "portal_session_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "portal_configuration_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_portal_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/billing_portal/sessions" }, { "anchor": "create_portal_configuration", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/billing_portal/configurations" }, { "anchor": "update_portal_configuration", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/billing_portal/configurations/:id" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_portal_configuration", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/billing_portal/configurations/:id" }, { "anchor": "all_portal_configurations", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/billing_portal/configurations" } ] } }, "portal_session_object": { "title": "The portal session object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "portal_session_object", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/session", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "portal_configuration_object": { "title": "The portal configuration object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "portal_configuration_object", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/configuration", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_portal_session": { "title": "Create a portal session", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_portal_session", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/sessions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_portal_configuration": { "title": "Create a portal configuration", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_portal_configuration", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/configurations/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_portal_configuration": { "title": "Update a portal configuration", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "update_portal_configuration", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/configurations/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_portal_configuration": { "title": "Retrieve a portal configuration", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_portal_configuration", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/configurations/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "all_portal_configurations": { "title": "List portal configurations", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "all_portal_configurations", "section_anchor": "customer_portal", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_portal/configurations/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "customer_tax_ids": { "title": "Customer Tax IDs", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "section_anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_anchors": [ "tax_id_object", "create_tax_id", "retrieve_tax_id", "delete_tax_id", "list_tax_ids" ], "path": "/customer_tax_ids", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Customer Tax IDs", "description": "You can add one or multiple tax IDs to a [customer](/docs/api/customers).\nA customer's tax IDs are displayed on invoices and credit notes issued for the customer.\n\nRelated guide: [Customer Tax Identification Numbers](/docs/billing/taxes/tax-ids).\n", "section_tag": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "tax_id_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_tax_id", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_tax_id", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_tax_id", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_tax_ids", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/customers/:id/tax_ids" } ] } }, "tax_id_object": { "title": "The tax ID object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "tax_id_object", "section_anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_tax_ids/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_tax_id": { "title": "Create a tax ID", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_tax_id", "section_anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_tax_ids/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_tax_id": { "title": "Retrieve a tax ID", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_tax_id", "section_anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_tax_ids/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_tax_id": { "title": "Delete a tax ID", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "delete_tax_id", "section_anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_tax_ids/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_tax_ids": { "title": "List all tax IDs", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_tax_ids", "section_anchor": "customer_tax_ids", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/customer_tax_ids/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "invoices": { "title": "Invoices", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "invoices", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": [ "invoice_object", "invoice_line_item_object", "create_invoice", "retrieve_invoice", "update_invoice", "delete_invoice", "finalize_invoice", "pay_invoice", "send_invoice", "void_invoice", "mark_uncollectible_invoice", "invoice_lines", "upcoming_invoice", "upcoming_invoice_lines", "list_invoices", "search_invoices" ], "path": "/invoices", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Invoices", "description": "Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either\ngenerated one-off, or generated periodically from a subscription.\n\nThey contain [invoice items](#invoiceitems), and proration adjustments\nthat may be caused by subscription upgrades/downgrades (if necessary).\n\nIf your invoice is configured to be billed through automatic charges,\nStripe automatically finalizes your invoice and attempts payment. Note\nthat finalizing the invoice,\n[when automatic](/docs/billing/invoices/workflow/#auto_advance), does\nnot happen immediately as the invoice is created. Stripe waits\nuntil one hour after the last webhook was successfully sent (or the last\nwebhook timed out after failing). If you (and the platforms you may have\nconnected to) have no webhooks configured, Stripe waits one hour after\ncreation to finalize the invoice.\n\nIf your invoice is configured to be billed by sending an email, then based on your\n[email settings](https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/billing/automatic),\nStripe will email the invoice to your customer and await payment. These\nemails can contain a link to a hosted page to pay the invoice.\n\nStripe applies any customer credit on the account before determining the\namount due for the invoice (i.e., the amount that will be actually\ncharged). If the amount due for the invoice is less than Stripe's [minimum allowed charge\nper currency](/docs/currencies#minimum-and-maximum-charge-amounts), the\ninvoice is automatically marked paid, and we add the amount due to the\ncustomer's credit balance which is applied to the next invoice.\n\nMore details on the customer's credit balance are\n[here](/docs/billing/customer/balance).\n\nRelated guide: [Send Invoices to Customers](/docs/billing/invoices/sending).\n", "section_tag": "invoices", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "invoice_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "invoice_line_item_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_invoice", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/invoices" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_invoice", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/invoices/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_invoice", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/invoices/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_invoice", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/invoices/:id" }, { "anchor": "finalize_invoice", "curl_definition": 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"group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "send_invoice", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/send", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "void_invoice": { "title": "Void an invoice", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "void_invoice", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/void", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "mark_uncollectible_invoice": { "title": "Mark an invoice as uncollectible", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "mark_uncollectible_invoice", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/mark_uncollectible", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "invoice_lines": { "title": "Retrieve an invoice's line items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "invoice_lines", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/invoice_lines", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "upcoming_invoice": { "title": "Retrieve an upcoming invoice", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "upcoming_invoice", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/upcoming", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "upcoming_invoice_lines": { "title": "Retrieve an upcoming invoice's line items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "upcoming_invoice_lines", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/upcoming_invoice_lines", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_invoices": { "title": "List all invoices", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_invoices", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "search_invoices": { "title": "Search invoices", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "search_invoices", "section_anchor": "invoices", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoices/search", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "invoiceitems": { "title": "Invoice Items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "invoiceitems", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": [ "invoiceitem_object", "create_invoiceitem", "retrieve_invoiceitem", "update_invoiceitem", "delete_invoiceitem", "list_invoiceitems" ], "path": "/invoiceitems", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Invoice Items", "description": "Sometimes you want to add a charge or credit to a customer, but actually\ncharge or credit the customer's card only at the end of a regular billing\ncycle. This is useful for combining several charges (to minimize\nper-transaction fees), or for having Stripe tabulate your usage-based billing\ntotals.\n\nRelated guide: [Subscription Invoices](/docs/billing/invoices/subscription#adding-upcoming-invoice-items).\n", "section_tag": "invoiceitems", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "invoiceitem_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_invoiceitem", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/invoiceitems" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_invoiceitem", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/invoiceitems/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_invoiceitem", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/invoiceitems/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_invoiceitem", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/invoiceitems/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_invoiceitems", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/invoiceitems" } ] } }, "invoiceitem_object": { "title": "The invoiceitem object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "invoiceitem_object", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoiceitems/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_invoiceitem": { "title": "Create an invoice item", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_invoiceitem", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoiceitems/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_invoiceitem": { "title": "Retrieve an invoice item", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_invoiceitem", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoiceitems/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_invoiceitem": { "title": "Update an invoice item", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "update_invoiceitem", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoiceitems/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_invoiceitem": { "title": "Delete an invoice item", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "delete_invoiceitem", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoiceitems/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_invoiceitems": { "title": "List all invoice items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_invoiceitems", "section_anchor": "invoiceitems", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/invoiceitems/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "plans": { "title": "Plans", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "plans", "section_anchor": "plans", "subsection_anchors": [ "plan_object", "create_plan", "retrieve_plan", "update_plan", "delete_plan", "list_plans" ], "path": "/plans", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Plans", "description": "You can now model subscriptions more flexibly using the [Prices API](#prices). It replaces the Plans API and is backwards compatible to simplify your migration.\n\nPlans define the base price, currency, and billing cycle for recurring purchases of products.\n[Products](#products) help you track inventory or provisioning, and plans help you track pricing. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by plans. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.\n\nFor example, you might have a single \"gold\" product that has plans for $10/month, $100/year, €9/month, and €90/year.\n\nRelated guides: [Set up a subscription](/docs/billing/subscriptions/set-up-subscription) and more about [products and prices](/docs/products-prices/overview).\n", "section_tag": "plans", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "plan_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_plan", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/plans" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_plan", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/plans/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_plan", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/plans/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_plan", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/plans/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_plans", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/plans" } ] } }, "plan_object": { "title": "The plan object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "plan_object", "section_anchor": "plans", "subsection_anchors": 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"title": "List all subscription items", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_subscription_items", "section_anchor": "subscription_items", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_items/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "subscription_schedules": { "title": "Subscription Schedules", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "subscription_schedules", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": [ "subscription_schedule_object", "create_subscription_schedule", "retrieve_subscription_schedule", "update_subscription_schedule", "cancel_subscription_schedule", "release_subscription_schedule", "list_subscription_schedules" ], "path": "/subscription_schedules", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Subscription Schedule", "description": "A subscription schedule allows you to create and manage the lifecycle of a subscription by predefining expected changes.\n\nRelated guide: [Subscription Schedules](/docs/billing/subscriptions/subscription-schedules).\n", "section_tag": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "subscription_schedule_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_subscription_schedule", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/subscription_schedules" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_subscription_schedule", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/subscription_schedules/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_subscription_schedule", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/subscription_schedules/:id" }, { "anchor": "cancel_subscription_schedule", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/subscription_schedules/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "release_subscription_schedule", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/subscription_schedules/:id/release" }, { "anchor": "list_subscription_schedules", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/subscription_schedules" } ] } }, "subscription_schedule_object": { "title": "The schedule object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "subscription_schedule_object", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_subscription_schedule": { "title": "Create a schedule", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_subscription_schedule", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_subscription_schedule": { "title": "Retrieve a schedule", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_subscription_schedule", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_subscription_schedule": { "title": "Update a schedule", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "update_subscription_schedule", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_subscription_schedule": { "title": "Cancel a schedule", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "cancel_subscription_schedule", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "release_subscription_schedule": { "title": "Release a schedule", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "release_subscription_schedule", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/release", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_subscription_schedules": { "title": "List all schedules", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_subscription_schedules", "section_anchor": "subscription_schedules", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/subscription_schedules/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_clocks": { "title": "Test Clocks", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "test_clocks", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": [ "test_clock_object", "create_test_clock", "retrieve_test_clock", "delete_test_clock", "advance_test_clock", "list_test_clocks" ], "path": "/test_clocks", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Test Clocks", "description": "A test clock enables deterministic control over objects in testmode. With a test clock, you can create\nobjects at a frozen time in the past or future, and advance to a specific future time to observe webhooks and state changes. After the clock advances,\nyou can either validate the current state of your scenario (and test your assumptions), change the current state of your scenario (and test more complex scenarios), or keep advancing forward in time.\n", "section_tag": "test_clocks", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "test_clock_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_test_clock", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/test_clocks" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_test_clock", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/test_helpers/test_clocks/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_test_clock", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/test_helpers/test_clocks/:id" }, { "anchor": "advance_test_clock", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/test_clocks/:id/advance" }, { "anchor": "list_test_clocks", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/test_helpers/test_clocks" } ] } }, "test_clock_object": { "title": "The test clock object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "test_clock_object", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/test_clocks/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_test_clock": { "title": "Create a test clock", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "create_test_clock", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/test_clocks/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_test_clock": { "title": "Retrieve a test clock", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "retrieve_test_clock", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/test_clocks/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_test_clock": { "title": "Delete a test clock", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "delete_test_clock", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/test_clocks/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "advance_test_clock": { "title": "Advance a test clock", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "advance_test_clock", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/test_clocks/advance", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_test_clocks": { "title": "List all test clocks", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "list_test_clocks", "section_anchor": "test_clocks", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/test_clocks/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "usage_records": { "title": "Usage Records", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "usage_records", "section_anchor": "usage_records", "subsection_anchors": [ "usage_record_object", "usage_record_create", "usage_record_summary_all" ], "path": "/usage_records", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Usage Records", "description": "Usage records allow you to report customer usage and metrics to Stripe for\nmetered billing of subscription prices.\n\nRelated guide: [Metered Billing](/docs/billing/subscriptions/metered-billing).\n", "section_tag": "usage_records", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "usage_record_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "usage_record_create", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/subscription_items/:id/usage_records" }, { "anchor": "usage_record_summary_all", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/subscription_items/:id/usage_record_summaries" } ] } }, "usage_record_object": { "title": "The usage record object", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "usage_record_object", "section_anchor": "usage_records", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/usage_records/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "usage_record_create": { "title": "Create a usage record", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "usage_record_create", "section_anchor": "usage_records", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/usage_records/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "usage_record_summary_all": { "title": "List all subscription item period summaries", "group_title": "Billing", "group_anchor": "billing", "anchor": "usage_record_summary_all", "section_anchor": "usage_records", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/usage_records/subscription_item_summary_list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "accounts": { "title": "Accounts", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "accounts", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": [ "account_object", "create_account", "retrieve_account", "update_account", "delete_account", "reject_account", "list_accounts", "login_link_object", "create_login_link" ], "path": "/accounts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Accounts", "description": "This is an object representing a Stripe account. You can retrieve it to see\nproperties on the account like its current e-mail address or if the account is\nenabled yet to make live charges.\n\nSome properties, marked below, are available only to platforms that want to\n[create and manage Express or Custom accounts](/docs/connect/accounts).\n", "section_tag": "accounts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "account_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_account", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_account", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "reject_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/reject" }, { "anchor": "list_accounts", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts" }, { "anchor": "login_link_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_login_link", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/login_links" } ] } }, "account_object": { "title": "The account object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_object", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/accounts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_account": { "title": "Create an account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_account", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/accounts/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_account": { "title": "Retrieve account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_account", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/accounts/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_account": { "title": "Update an account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_account", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/accounts/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_account": { "title": "Delete an account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "delete_account", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/accounts/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "reject_account": { "title": "Reject an account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "reject_account", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account/reject", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_accounts": { "title": "List all connected accounts", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_accounts", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/accounts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "login_link_object": { "title": "The login link object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "login_link_object", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account/login_link", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_login_link": { "title": "Create a login link", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_login_link", "section_anchor": "accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account/create_login_link", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_links": { "title": "Account Links", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_links", "section_anchor": "account_links", "subsection_anchors": ["account_link_object", "create_account_link"], "path": "/account_links", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Account Links", "description": "Account Links are the means by which a Connect platform grants a connected account permission to access\nStripe-hosted applications, such as Connect Onboarding.\n\nRelated guide: [Connect Onboarding](/docs/connect/connect-onboarding).\n", "section_tag": "account_links", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "account_link_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_account_link", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/account_links" } ] } }, "account_link_object": { "title": "The account link object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_link_object", "section_anchor": "account_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account_links/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_account_link": { "title": "Create an account link", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_account_link", "section_anchor": "account_links", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account_links/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_sessions": { "title": "Account Sessions", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_sessions", "section_anchor": "account_sessions", "subsection_anchors": ["account_session_object", "create_account_session"], "path": "/account_sessions", "gate": true, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Account Session", "description": "An AccountSession allows a Connect platform to grant access to a connected account in Connect embedded UIs.\n\nWe recommend that you create an AccountSession each time you need to display an embedded UI\nto your user. Do not save AccountSessions to your database as they expire relatively\nquickly, and cannot be used more than once.\n\nRelated guide: [Connect embedded UIs](/docs/connect/get-started-connect-embedded-uis).\n", "section_tag": "account_sessions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "account_session_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_account_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/account_sessions" } ] } }, "account_session_object": { "title": "The account session object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_session_object", "section_anchor": "account_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account_sessions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_account_session": { "title": "Create an Account Session", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_account_session", "section_anchor": "account_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/account_sessions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "application_fees": { "title": "Application Fees", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "application_fees", "section_anchor": "application_fees", "subsection_anchors": [ "application_fee_object", "retrieve_application_fee", "list_application_fees" ], "path": "/application_fees", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Application Fees", "description": "When you collect a transaction fee on top of a charge made for your user\n(using [Connect](/docs/connect)), an `Application Fee` object is created in\nyour account. You can list, retrieve, and refund application fees.\n\nRelated guide: [Collecting Application Fees](/docs/connect/direct-charges#collecting-fees).\n", "section_tag": "application_fees", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "application_fee_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_application_fee", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/application_fees/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_application_fees", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/application_fees" } ] } }, "application_fee_object": { "title": "The application fee object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "application_fee_object", "section_anchor": "application_fees", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/application_fees/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_application_fee": { "title": "Retrieve an application fee", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_application_fee", "section_anchor": "application_fees", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/application_fees/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_application_fees": { "title": "List all application fees", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_application_fees", "section_anchor": "application_fees", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/application_fees/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "fee_refunds": { "title": "Application Fee Refunds", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "fee_refunds", "section_anchor": "fee_refunds", "subsection_anchors": [ "fee_refund_object", "create_fee_refund", "retrieve_fee_refund", "update_fee_refund", "list_fee_refunds" ], "path": "/fee_refunds", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Application Fee Refunds", "description": "`Application Fee Refund` objects allow you to refund an application fee that\nhas previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to\nthe Stripe account from which the fee was originally collected.\n\nRelated guide: [Refunding Application Fees](/docs/connect/destination-charges#refunding-app-fee).\n", "section_tag": "fee_refunds", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "fee_refund_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_fee_refund", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/application_fees/:id/refunds" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_fee_refund", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/application_fees/:id/refunds/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_fee_refund", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/application_fees/:id/refunds/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_fee_refunds", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/application_fees/:id/refunds" } ] } }, "fee_refund_object": { "title": "The application fee refund object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "fee_refund_object", "section_anchor": "fee_refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/fee_refunds/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_fee_refund": { "title": "Create an application fee refund", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_fee_refund", "section_anchor": "fee_refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/fee_refunds/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_fee_refund": { "title": "Retrieve an application fee refund", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_fee_refund", "section_anchor": "fee_refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/fee_refunds/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_fee_refund": { "title": "Update an application fee refund", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_fee_refund", "section_anchor": "fee_refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/fee_refunds/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_fee_refunds": { "title": "List all application fee refunds", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_fee_refunds", "section_anchor": "fee_refunds", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/fee_refunds/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "capabilities": { "title": "Capabilities", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "capabilities", "section_anchor": "capabilities", "subsection_anchors": [ "capability_object", "retrieve_capability", "update_capability", "list_capability" ], "path": "/capabilities", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Capabilities", "description": "This is an object representing a capability for a Stripe account.\n\nRelated guide: [Account capabilities](/docs/connect/account-capabilities).\n", "section_tag": "capabilities", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "capability_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_capability", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/capabilities/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_capability", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/capabilities/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_capability", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/capabilities" } ] } }, "capability_object": { "title": "The capability object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "capability_object", "section_anchor": "capabilities", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/capabilities/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_capability": { "title": "Retrieve an Account Capability", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_capability", "section_anchor": "capabilities", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/capabilities/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_capability": { "title": "Update an Account Capability", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_capability", "section_anchor": "capabilities", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/capabilities/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_capability": { "title": "List all account capabilities", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_capability", "section_anchor": "capabilities", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/capabilities/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "country_specs": { "title": "Country Specs", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "country_specs", "section_anchor": "country_specs", "subsection_anchors": ["country_spec_object", "list_country_specs", "retrieve_country_spec"], "path": "/country_specs", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Country Specs", "description": "Stripe needs to collect certain pieces of information about each account\ncreated. These requirements can differ depending on the account's country. The\nCountry Specs API makes these rules available to your integration.\n\nYou can also view the information from this API call as [an online\nguide](/docs/connect/required-verification-information).\n", "section_tag": "country_specs", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "country_spec_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "list_country_specs", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/country_specs" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_country_spec", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/country_specs/:id" } ] } }, "country_spec_object": { "title": "The country spec object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "country_spec_object", "section_anchor": "country_specs", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/country_specs/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_country_specs": { "title": "List Country Specs", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_country_specs", "section_anchor": "country_specs", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/country_specs/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_country_spec": { "title": "Retrieve a Country Spec", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_country_spec", "section_anchor": "country_specs", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/country_specs/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "external_accounts": { "title": "External Accounts", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "external_accounts", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": [ "account_bank_account_object", "account_create_bank_account", "account_retrieve_bank_account", "account_update_bank_account", "account_delete_bank_account", "account_list_bank_accounts", "account_card_object", "account_create_card", "account_retrieve_card", "account_update_card", "account_delete_card", "account_list_cards" ], "path": "/external_accounts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "External Accounts", "description": "External Accounts are transfer destinations on `Account` objects for\n[connected accounts](/docs/connect/accounts). They can be bank accounts or\ndebit cards.\n\n[Bank accounts](/docs/api#customer_bank_account_object) and [debit\ncards](/docs/api#card_object) can also be used as payment sources\non regular charges, and are documented in the links above.\n\nRelated guide: [Setting Bank and Debit Card Payouts](/docs/connect/bank-debit-card-payouts).\n", "section_tag": "external_accounts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "account_bank_account_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "account_create_bank_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts" }, { "anchor": "account_retrieve_bank_account", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "account_update_bank_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "account_delete_bank_account", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "account_list_bank_accounts", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts?object=bank_account" }, { "anchor": "account_card_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "account_create_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts" }, { "anchor": "account_retrieve_card", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "account_update_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "account_delete_card", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "account_list_cards", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/external_accounts?object=card" } ] } }, "account_bank_account_object": { "title": "The (account) bank account object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_bank_account_object", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_bank_accounts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_create_bank_account": { "title": "Create a bank account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_create_bank_account", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_bank_accounts/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_retrieve_bank_account": { "title": "Retrieve a bank account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_retrieve_bank_account", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_bank_accounts/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_update_bank_account": { "title": "Update a bank account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_update_bank_account", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_bank_accounts/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_delete_bank_account": { "title": "Delete a bank account", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_delete_bank_account", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_bank_accounts/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_list_bank_accounts": { "title": "List all bank accounts", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_list_bank_accounts", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_bank_accounts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_card_object": { "title": "The (account) card object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_card_object", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_cards/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_create_card": { "title": "Create a card", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_create_card", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_cards/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_retrieve_card": { "title": "Retrieve a card", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_retrieve_card", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_cards/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_update_card": { "title": "Update a card", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_update_card", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_cards/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_delete_card": { "title": "Delete a card", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_delete_card", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_cards/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "account_list_cards": { "title": "List all cards", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "account_list_cards", "section_anchor": "external_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/external_account_cards/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "persons": { "title": "Persons", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "persons", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": [ "person_object", "create_person", "retrieve_person", "update_person", "delete_person", "list_person" ], "path": "/persons", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Person", "description": "This is an object representing a person associated with a Stripe account.\n\nA platform cannot access a Standard or Express account's persons after the account starts onboarding, such as after generating an account link for the account.\nSee the [Standard onboarding](/docs/connect/standard-accounts) or [Express onboarding documentation](/docs/connect/express-accounts) for information about platform pre-filling and account onboarding steps.\n\nRelated guide: [Handling Identity Verification with the API](/docs/connect/identity-verification-api#person-information).\n", "section_tag": "persons", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "person_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_person", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/persons" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_person", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/persons/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_person", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/accounts/:id/persons/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_person", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/accounts/:id/persons/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_person", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/accounts/:id/persons" } ] } }, "person_object": { "title": "The person object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "person_object", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/persons/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_person": { "title": "Create a person", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_person", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/persons/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_person": { "title": "Retrieve a person", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_person", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/persons/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_person": { "title": "Update a person", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_person", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/persons/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_person": { "title": "Delete a person", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "delete_person", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/persons/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_person": { "title": "List all persons", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_person", "section_anchor": "persons", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/persons/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "topups": { "title": "Top-ups", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "topups", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": [ "topup_object", "create_topup", "retrieve_topup", "update_topup", "list_topups", "cancel_topup" ], "path": "/topups", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Top-ups", "description": "To top up your Stripe balance, you create a top-up object. You can retrieve\nindividual top-ups, as well as list all top-ups. Top-ups are identified by a\nunique, random ID.\n\nRelated guide: [Topping Up your Platform Account](/docs/connect/top-ups).\n", "section_tag": "topups", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "topup_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_topup", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/topups" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_topup", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/topups/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_topup", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/topups/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_topups", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/topups" }, { "anchor": "cancel_topup", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/topups/:id/cancel" } ] } }, "topup_object": { "title": "The top-up object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "topup_object", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/topups/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_topup": { "title": "Create a top-up", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_topup", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/topups/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_topup": { "title": "Retrieve a top-up", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_topup", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/topups/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_topup": { "title": "Update a top-up", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_topup", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/topups/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_topups": { "title": "List all top-ups", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_topups", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/topups/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_topup": { "title": "Cancel a top-up", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "cancel_topup", "section_anchor": "topups", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/topups/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "transfers": { "title": "Transfers", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "transfers", "section_anchor": "transfers", "subsection_anchors": [ "transfer_object", "create_transfer", "retrieve_transfer", "update_transfer", "list_transfers" ], "path": "/transfers", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Transfers", "description": "A `Transfer` object is created when you move funds between Stripe accounts as\npart of Connect.\n\nBefore April 6, 2017, transfers also represented movement of funds from a\nStripe account to a card or bank account. This behavior has since been split\nout into a [Payout](#payout_object) object, with corresponding payout endpoints. For more\ninformation, read about the\n[transfer/payout split](/docs/transfer-payout-split).\n\nRelated guide: [Creating Separate Charges and Transfers](/docs/connect/charges-transfers).\n", "section_tag": "transfers", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "transfer_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/transfers" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_transfer", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/transfers/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/transfers/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_transfers", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/transfers" } ] } }, "transfer_object": { "title": "The transfer object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "transfer_object", "section_anchor": "transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfers/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_transfer": { "title": "Create a transfer", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_transfer", "section_anchor": "transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfers/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_transfer": { "title": "Retrieve a transfer", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_transfer", "section_anchor": "transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfers/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_transfer": { "title": "Update a transfer", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_transfer", "section_anchor": "transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfers/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_transfers": { "title": "List all transfers", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_transfers", "section_anchor": "transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfers/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "transfer_reversals": { "title": "Transfer Reversals", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "transfer_reversals", "section_anchor": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_anchors": [ "transfer_reversal_object", "create_transfer_reversal", "retrieve_transfer_reversal", "update_transfer_reversal", "list_transfer_reversals" ], "path": "/transfer_reversals", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Transfer Reversals", "description": "[Stripe Connect](/docs/connect) platforms can reverse transfers made to a\nconnected account, either entirely or partially, and can also specify whether\nto refund any related application fees. Transfer reversals add to the\nplatform's balance and subtract from the destination account's balance.\n\nReversing a transfer that was made for a [destination\ncharge](/docs/connect/destination-charges) is allowed only up to the amount of\nthe charge. It is possible to reverse a\n[transfer_group](/docs/connect/charges-transfers#transfer-options)\ntransfer only if the destination account has enough balance to cover the\nreversal.\n\nRelated guide: [Reversing Transfers](/docs/connect/charges-transfers#reversing-transfers).\n", "section_tag": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "transfer_reversal_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_transfer_reversal", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/transfers/:id/reversals" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_transfer_reversal", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/transfers/:id/reversals/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_transfer_reversal", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/transfers/:id/reversals/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_transfer_reversals", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/transfers/:id/reversals" } ] } }, "transfer_reversal_object": { "title": "The transfer reversal object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "transfer_reversal_object", "section_anchor": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfer_reversals/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_transfer_reversal": { "title": "Create a transfer reversal", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "create_transfer_reversal", "section_anchor": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfer_reversals/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_transfer_reversal": { "title": "Retrieve a reversal", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "retrieve_transfer_reversal", "section_anchor": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfer_reversals/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_transfer_reversal": { "title": "Update a reversal", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "update_transfer_reversal", "section_anchor": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfer_reversals/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_transfer_reversals": { "title": "List all reversals", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_transfer_reversals", "section_anchor": "transfer_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/transfer_reversals/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "secret_management": { "title": "Secret Management", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "secret_management", "section_anchor": "secret_management", "subsection_anchors": [ "secret_object", "set_secret", "find_secret", "delete_secret", "list_secret" ], "path": "/secret_management", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Secrets", "description": "Secret Store is an API that allows Stripe Apps developers to securely persist secrets for use by UI Extensions and app backends.\n\nThe primary resource in Secret Store is a `secret`. Other apps can't view secrets created by an app. Additionally, secrets are scoped to provide further permission control.\n\nAll Dashboard users and the app backend share `account` scoped secrets. Use the `account` scope for secrets that don't change per-user, like a third-party API key.\n\nA `user` scoped secret is accessible by the app backend and one specific Dashboard user. Use the `user` scope for per-user secrets like per-user OAuth tokens, where different users might have different permissions.\n\nRelated guide: [Store data between page reloads](/docs/stripe-apps/store-auth-data-custom-objects).\n", "section_tag": "secret_management", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "secret_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "set_secret", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/apps/secrets" }, { "anchor": "find_secret", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/apps/secrets/find" }, { "anchor": "delete_secret", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/apps/secrets/delete" }, { "anchor": "list_secret", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/apps/secrets" } ] } }, "secret_object": { "title": "The Secret object", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "secret_object", "section_anchor": "secret_management", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/apps/secret_store/secret_resource", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "set_secret": { "title": "Set a secret", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "set_secret", "section_anchor": "secret_management", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/apps/secret_store/set", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "find_secret": { "title": "Find a secret", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "find_secret", "section_anchor": "secret_management", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/apps/secret_store/find", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_secret": { "title": "Delete a secret", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "delete_secret", "section_anchor": "secret_management", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/apps/secret_store/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_secret": { "title": "List secrets", "group_title": "Connect", "group_anchor": "connect", "anchor": "list_secret", "section_anchor": "secret_management", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/apps/secret_store/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "early_fraud_warnings": { "title": "Early Fraud Warnings", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "early_fraud_warnings", "section_anchor": "early_fraud_warnings", "subsection_anchors": [ "early_fraud_warning_object", "retrieve_early_fraud_warning", "list_early_fraud_warnings" ], "path": "/radar/early_fraud_warnings", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Early Fraud Warning", "description": "An early fraud warning indicates that the card issuer has notified us that a\ncharge may be fraudulent.\n\nRelated guide: [Early Fraud Warnings](/docs/disputes/measuring#early-fraud-warnings).\n", "section_tag": "early_fraud_warnings", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "early_fraud_warning_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_early_fraud_warning", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/radar/early_fraud_warnings/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_early_fraud_warnings", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/radar/early_fraud_warnings" } ] } }, "early_fraud_warning_object": { "title": "The early fraud warning object", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "early_fraud_warning_object", "section_anchor": "early_fraud_warnings", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/early_fraud_warnings/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_early_fraud_warning": { "title": "Retrieve an early fraud warning", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "retrieve_early_fraud_warning", "section_anchor": "early_fraud_warnings", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/early_fraud_warnings/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_early_fraud_warnings": { "title": "List all early fraud warnings", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "list_early_fraud_warnings", "section_anchor": "early_fraud_warnings", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/early_fraud_warnings/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "reviews": { "title": "Reviews", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "reviews", "section_anchor": "reviews", "subsection_anchors": ["review_object", "approve_review", "retrieve_review", "list_reviews"], "path": "/radar/reviews", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Reviews", "description": "Reviews can be used to supplement automated fraud detection with human expertise.\n\nLearn more about [Radar](/radar) and reviewing payments\n[here](/docs/radar/reviews).\n", "section_tag": "reviews", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "review_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "approve_review", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/reviews/:id/approve" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_review", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/reviews/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_reviews", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/reviews" } ] } }, "review_object": { "title": "The review object", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "review_object", "section_anchor": "reviews", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/reviews/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "approve_review": { "title": "Approve a review", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "approve_review", "section_anchor": "reviews", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/reviews/approve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_review": { "title": "Retrieve a review", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "retrieve_review", "section_anchor": "reviews", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/reviews/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_reviews": { "title": "List all open reviews", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "list_reviews", "section_anchor": "reviews", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/reviews/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "value_lists": { "title": "Value Lists", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "value_lists", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": [ "radar_value_list_object", "create_value_list", "retrieve_value_list", "update_value_list", "delete_value_list", "list_value_lists" ], "path": "/radar/value_lists", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Value Lists", "description": "Value lists allow you to group values together which can then be referenced in rules.\n\nRelated guide: [Default Stripe Lists](/docs/radar/lists#managing-list-items).\n", "section_tag": "value_lists", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "radar_value_list_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_value_list", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/radar/value_lists" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_value_list", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/radar/value_lists/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_value_list", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/radar/value_lists/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_value_list", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/radar/value_lists/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_value_lists", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/radar/value_lists" } ] } }, "radar_value_list_object": { "title": "The value list object", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "radar_value_list_object", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_lists/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_value_list": { "title": "Create a value list", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "create_value_list", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_lists/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_value_list": { "title": "Retrieve a value list", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "retrieve_value_list", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_lists/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_value_list": { "title": "Update a value list", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "update_value_list", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_lists/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_value_list": { "title": "Delete a value list", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "delete_value_list", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_lists/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_value_lists": { "title": "List all value lists", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "list_value_lists", "section_anchor": "value_lists", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_lists/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "value_list_items": { "title": "Value List Items", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "value_list_items", "section_anchor": "value_list_items", "subsection_anchors": [ "radar_value_list_item_object", "create_value_list_item", "retrieve_value_list_item", "delete_value_list_item", "list_value_list_items" ], "path": "/radar/value_list_items", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Value List Items", "description": "Value list items allow you to add specific values to a given Radar value list, which can then be used in rules.\n\nRelated guide: [Managing List Items](/docs/radar/lists#managing-list-items).\n", "section_tag": "value_list_items", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "radar_value_list_item_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_value_list_item", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/radar/value_list_items" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_value_list_item", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/radar/value_list_items/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_value_list_item", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/radar/value_list_items/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_value_list_items", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/radar/value_list_items" } ] } }, "radar_value_list_item_object": { "title": "The value list item object", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "radar_value_list_item_object", "section_anchor": "value_list_items", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_list_items/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_value_list_item": { "title": "Create a value list item", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "create_value_list_item", "section_anchor": "value_list_items", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_list_items/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_value_list_item": { "title": "Retrieve a value list item", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "retrieve_value_list_item", "section_anchor": "value_list_items", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_list_items/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_value_list_item": { "title": "Delete a value list item", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "delete_value_list_item", "section_anchor": "value_list_items", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_list_items/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_value_list_items": { "title": "List all value list items", "group_title": "Fraud", "group_anchor": "fraud", "anchor": "list_value_list_items", "section_anchor": "value_list_items", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/radar/value_list_items/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "issuing_authorizations": { "title": "Authorizations", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_authorizations", "section_anchor": "issuing_authorizations", "subsection_anchors": [ "issuing_authorization_object", "retrieve_issuing_authorization", "update_issuing_authorization", "approve_issuing_authorization", "decline_issuing_authorization", "list_issuing_authorizations" ], "path": "/issuing/authorizations", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Authorizations", "description": "When an [issued card](/docs/issuing) is used to make a purchase, an Issuing `Authorization`\nobject is created. [Authorizations](/docs/issuing/purchases/authorizations) must be approved for the\npurchase to be completed successfully.\n\nRelated guide: [Issued Card Authorizations](/docs/issuing/purchases/authorizations).\n", "section_tag": "issuing_authorizations", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "issuing_authorization_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_authorization", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/authorizations/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_issuing_authorization", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/authorizations/:id" }, { "anchor": "approve_issuing_authorization", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/authorizations/:id/approve" }, { "anchor": "decline_issuing_authorization", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/authorizations/:id/decline" }, { "anchor": "list_issuing_authorizations", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/authorizations" } ] } }, "issuing_authorization_object": { "title": "The Authorization object", "group_title": "Issuing", 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"section_anchor": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_anchors": [ "issuing_cardholder_object", "create_issuing_cardholder", "retrieve_issuing_cardholder", "update_issuing_cardholder", "list_issuing_cardholders" ], "path": "/issuing/cardholders", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Cardholders", "description": "An Issuing `Cardholder` object represents an individual or business entity who is [issued](/docs/issuing) cards.\n\nRelated guide: [How to create a Cardholder](/docs/issuing/cards#create-cardholder)\n", "section_tag": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "issuing_cardholder_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_issuing_cardholder", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/cardholders" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_cardholder", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/cardholders/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_issuing_cardholder", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/cardholders/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_issuing_cardholders", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/cardholders" } ] } }, "issuing_cardholder_object": { "title": "The Cardholder object", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_cardholder_object", "section_anchor": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cardholders/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_issuing_cardholder": { "title": "Create a cardholder", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "create_issuing_cardholder", "section_anchor": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cardholders/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_issuing_cardholder": { "title": "Retrieve a cardholder", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_cardholder", "section_anchor": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cardholders/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_issuing_cardholder": { "title": "Update a cardholder", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "update_issuing_cardholder", "section_anchor": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cardholders/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_issuing_cardholders": { "title": "List all cardholders", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "list_issuing_cardholders", "section_anchor": "issuing_cardholders", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cardholders/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "issuing_cards": { "title": "Cards", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_cards", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": [ "issuing_card_object", "create_issuing_card", "retrieve_issuing_card", "update_issuing_card", "list_issuing_cards", "test_mode_ship_physical_card", "test_mode_deliver_physical_card", "test_mode_return_physical_card", "test_mode_fail_physical_card" ], "path": "/issuing/cards", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Cards", "description": "You can [create physical or virtual cards](/docs/issuing/cards) that are issued to cardholders.", "section_tag": "issuing_cards", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "issuing_card_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_issuing_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/cards" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_card", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/cards/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_issuing_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/cards/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_issuing_cards", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/cards" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_ship_physical_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/issuing/cards/{:card}/shipping/ship" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_deliver_physical_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/issuing/cards/{:card}/shipping/deliver" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_return_physical_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/issuing/cards/{:card}/shipping/return" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_fail_physical_card", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/issuing/cards/{:card}/shipping/fail" } ] } }, "issuing_card_object": { "title": "The Card object", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_card_object", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_issuing_card": { "title": "Create a card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "create_issuing_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_issuing_card": { "title": "Retrieve a card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_issuing_card": { "title": "Update a card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "update_issuing_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_issuing_cards": { "title": "List all cards", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "list_issuing_cards", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_ship_physical_card": { "title": "Ship a testmode card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "test_mode_ship_physical_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/test_mode_ship", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_deliver_physical_card": { "title": "Deliver a testmode card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "test_mode_deliver_physical_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/test_mode_deliver", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_return_physical_card": { "title": "Return a testmode card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "test_mode_return_physical_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/test_mode_return", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_fail_physical_card": { "title": "Fail a testmode card", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "test_mode_fail_physical_card", "section_anchor": "issuing_cards", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/cards/test_mode_fail", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "issuing_disputes": { 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"issuing", "anchor": "submit_issuing_dispute", "section_anchor": "issuing_disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/dispute/submit", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_issuing_dispute": { "title": "Retrieve a dispute", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_dispute", "section_anchor": "issuing_disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/disputes/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_issuing_dispute": { "title": "Update a dispute", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "update_issuing_dispute", "section_anchor": "issuing_disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/disputes/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_issuing_disputes": { "title": "List all disputes", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "list_issuing_disputes", "section_anchor": "issuing_disputes", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/disputes/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "issuing_funding_instructions": { "title": "Funding Instructions", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions", "section_anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions", "subsection_anchors": [ "issuing_funding_instructions_object", "create_issuing_funding_instructions", "list_issuing_funding_instructions", "fund_issuing_funding_instruction" ], "path": "/issuing/funding_instructions", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Funding Instructions", "description": "Funding Instructions contain reusable bank account and routing information. Push funds\nto these addresses via bank transfer to [top up Issuing Balances](/docs/issuing/funding/balance).\n", "section_tag": "issuing_funding_instructions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_issuing_funding_instructions", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/funding_instructions" }, { "anchor": "list_issuing_funding_instructions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/funding_instructions" }, { "anchor": "fund_issuing_funding_instruction", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/issuing/fund_balance" } ] } }, "issuing_funding_instructions_object": { "title": "The FundingInstruction object", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions_object", "section_anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/funding_instructions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_issuing_funding_instructions": { "title": "Create funding instructions", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "create_issuing_funding_instructions", "section_anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/funding_instructions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_issuing_funding_instructions": { "title": "List all funding instructions", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "list_issuing_funding_instructions", "section_anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/funding_instructions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "fund_issuing_funding_instruction": { "title": "Simulate a top up", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "fund_issuing_funding_instruction", "section_anchor": "issuing_funding_instructions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/funding_instructions/fund", "gate": 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"GET /v1/issuing/transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_issuing_transaction", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/issuing/transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_issuing_transactions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/issuing/transactions" } ] } }, "issuing_transaction_object": { "title": "The Transaction object", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "issuing_transaction_object", "section_anchor": "issuing_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/transactions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_issuing_transaction": { "title": "Retrieve a transaction", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "retrieve_issuing_transaction", "section_anchor": "issuing_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/transactions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_issuing_transaction": { "title": "Update a transaction", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "update_issuing_transaction", "section_anchor": "issuing_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/transactions/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_issuing_transactions": { "title": "List all transactions", "group_title": "Issuing", "group_anchor": "issuing", "anchor": "list_issuing_transactions", "section_anchor": "issuing_transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/issuing/transactions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "terminal_connection_tokens": { "title": "Connection Tokens", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_connection_tokens", "section_anchor": "terminal_connection_tokens", "subsection_anchors": ["terminal_connection_token_object", "create_terminal_connection_token"], "path": "/terminal/connection_tokens", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Connection Token", "description": "A Connection Token is used by the Stripe Terminal SDK to connect to a reader.\n\nRelated guide: [Fleet Management](/docs/terminal/fleet/locations).\n", "section_tag": "terminal_connection_tokens", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "terminal_connection_token_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_terminal_connection_token", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/connection_tokens" } ] } }, "terminal_connection_token_object": { "title": "The connection token object", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_connection_token_object", "section_anchor": "terminal_connection_tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/connection_tokens/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_terminal_connection_token": { "title": "Create a Connection Token", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "create_terminal_connection_token", "section_anchor": "terminal_connection_tokens", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/connection_tokens/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "terminal_locations": { "title": "Locations", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_locations", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": [ "terminal_location_object", "create_terminal_location", "retrieve_terminal_location", "update_terminal_location", "delete_terminal_location", "list_terminal_locations" ], "path": "/terminal/locations", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Location", "description": "A Location represents a grouping of readers.\n\nRelated guide: [Fleet Management](/docs/terminal/fleet/locations).\n", "section_tag": "terminal_locations", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "terminal_location_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_terminal_location", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/locations" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_location", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/locations/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_terminal_location", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/locations/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_terminal_location", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/terminal/locations/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_terminal_locations", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/locations" } ] } }, "terminal_location_object": { "title": "The location object", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_location_object", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/locations/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_terminal_location": { "title": "Create a Location", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "create_terminal_location", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/locations/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_terminal_location": { "title": "Retrieve a Location", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_location", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/locations/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_terminal_location": { "title": "Update a Location", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "update_terminal_location", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/locations/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_terminal_location": { "title": "Delete a Location", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "delete_terminal_location", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/locations/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_terminal_locations": { "title": "List all Locations", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "list_terminal_locations", "section_anchor": "terminal_locations", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/locations/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "terminal_readers": { "title": "Readers", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_readers", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": [ "terminal_reader_object", "create_terminal_reader", "retrieve_terminal_reader", "update_terminal_reader", "delete_terminal_reader", "list_terminal_reader", "process_payment_intent", "process_setup_intent", "set_reader_display", "cancel_action", "present_payment_method" ], "path": "/terminal/readers", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Reader", "description": "A Reader represents a physical device for accepting payment details.\n\nRelated guide: [Connecting to a Reader](/docs/terminal/payments/connect-reader).\n", "section_tag": "terminal_readers", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "terminal_reader_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_terminal_reader", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/readers" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_reader", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/readers/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_terminal_reader", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/readers/:id" }, { "anchor": "delete_terminal_reader", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/terminal/readers/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_terminal_reader", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/readers" }, { "anchor": "process_payment_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/readers/:id/process_payment_intent" }, { "anchor": "process_setup_intent", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/readers/:id/process_setup_intent" }, { "anchor": "set_reader_display", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/readers/:id/set_reader_display" }, { "anchor": "cancel_action", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/terminal/readers/:id/cancel_action" }, { "anchor": "present_payment_method", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/terminal/readers/:id/present_payment_method" } ] } }, "terminal_reader_object": { "title": "The reader object", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_reader_object", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_terminal_reader": { "title": "Create a Reader", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "create_terminal_reader", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_terminal_reader": { "title": "Retrieve a Reader", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_reader", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_terminal_reader": { "title": "Update a Reader", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "update_terminal_reader", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_terminal_reader": { "title": "Delete a Reader", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "delete_terminal_reader", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_terminal_reader": { "title": "List all Readers", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "list_terminal_reader", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "process_payment_intent": { "title": "Hand-off a PaymentIntent to a Reader", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "process_payment_intent", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/process_payment_intent", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "process_setup_intent": { "title": "Hand-off a SetupIntent to a Reader", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "process_setup_intent", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/process_setup_intent", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "set_reader_display": { "title": "Set reader display", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "set_reader_display", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/set_reader_display", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_action": { "title": "Cancel the current reader action", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "cancel_action", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/cancel_action", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "present_payment_method": { "title": "Simulate presenting a payment method", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "present_payment_method", "section_anchor": "terminal_readers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/readers/present_payment_method", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "terminal_hardware_products": { "title": "Hardware Products", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_hardware_products", "section_anchor": "terminal_hardware_products", "subsection_anchors": [ "terminal_hardware_product_object", "retrieve_terminal_hardware_product", "list_terminal_hardware_product" ], "path": "/terminal/hardware_products", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "TerminalHardwareProduct", "description": "A TerminalHardwareProduct is a category of hardware devices that are generally similar, but may have variations depending on the country it’s shipped to.\n\nTerminalHardwareSKUs represent variations within the same Product (for example, a country specific device). For example, WisePOS E is a TerminalHardwareProduct and a WisePOS E - US and WisePOS E - UK are TerminalHardwareSKUs.\n", "section_tag": "terminal_hardware_products", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "terminal_hardware_product_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_hardware_product", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/hardware_products/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_terminal_hardware_product", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/hardware_products" } ] } }, "terminal_hardware_product_object": { "title": "The Terminal Hardware Product object", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_hardware_product_object", "section_anchor": "terminal_hardware_products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/hardware_products/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_terminal_hardware_product": { "title": "Retrieve a Terminal Hardware Product", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_hardware_product", "section_anchor": "terminal_hardware_products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/hardware_products/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_terminal_hardware_product": { "title": "List all Terminal Hardware Products", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "list_terminal_hardware_product", "section_anchor": "terminal_hardware_products", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/hardware_products/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "terminal_hardware_shipping_methods": { "title": "Hardware Shipping Methods", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_hardware_shipping_methods", "section_anchor": "terminal_hardware_shipping_methods", "subsection_anchors": [ "terminal_hardware_shipping_method_object", "retrieve_terminal_hardware_shipping_method", "list_terminal_hardware_shipping_method" ], "path": "/terminal/hardware_shipping_methods", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "TerminalHardwareShippingMethod", "description": "A TerminalHardwareShipping represents a Shipping Method for Terminal hardware. A Shipping Method is a country-specific representation of a way to ship hardware, containing information such as the country, name, and expected delivery date.\n", "section_tag": "terminal_hardware_shipping_methods", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "terminal_hardware_shipping_method_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_terminal_hardware_shipping_method", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/hardware_shipping_methods/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_terminal_hardware_shipping_method", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/terminal/hardware_shipping_methods" } ] } }, "terminal_hardware_shipping_method_object": { "title": "The Terminal Hardware Shipping Method object", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_hardware_shipping_method_object", "section_anchor": "terminal_hardware_shipping_methods", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/hardware_shipping_methods/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, 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/v1/terminal/configurations" } ] } }, "terminal_configuration_object": { "title": "The Configuration object", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "terminal_configuration_object", "section_anchor": "terminal_configuration", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/configuration/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_configuration": { "title": "Create a Configuration", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "create_configuration", "section_anchor": "terminal_configuration", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/configuration/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_configuration": { "title": "Retrieve a Configuration", "group_title": "Terminal", "group_anchor": "terminal", "anchor": "retrieve_configuration", "section_anchor": "terminal_configuration", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/terminal/configuration/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, 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"update_financial_account", "section_anchor": "financial_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/financial_accounts/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_financial_account": { "title": "Retrieve a FinancialAccount", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_financial_account", "section_anchor": "financial_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/financial_accounts/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_financial_account": { "title": "List all FinancialAccounts", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_financial_account", "section_anchor": "financial_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/financial_accounts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_account_features": { "title": "FinancialAccount Features", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "financial_account_features", "section_anchor": "financial_account_features", "subsection_anchors": [ "financial_account_features_object", "update_financial_acccount_features", "retrieve_financial_account_features" ], "path": "/treasury/financial_account_features", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "FinancialAccount Features", "description": "Encodes whether a FinancialAccount has access to a particular Feature, with a `status` enum and associated `status_details`.\nStripe or the platform can control Features via the requested field.\n", "section_tag": "financial_account_features", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "financial_account_features_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "update_financial_acccount_features", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/financial_accounts/:id/features" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_financial_account_features", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/financial_accounts/:id/features" } ] } }, "financial_account_features_object": { "title": "The FinancialAccount Feature object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "financial_account_features_object", "section_anchor": "financial_account_features", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/financial_account_features/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_financial_acccount_features": { "title": "Update FinancialAccount Features", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "update_financial_acccount_features", "section_anchor": "financial_account_features", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/financial_account_features/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_financial_account_features": { "title": "Retrieve FinancialAccount Features", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_financial_account_features", "section_anchor": "financial_account_features", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/financial_account_features/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "transactions": { "title": "Transactions", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "transactions", "section_anchor": "transactions", "subsection_anchors": ["transaction_object", "retrieve_transaction", "list_transactions"], "path": "/treasury/transactions", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Transactions", "description": "Transactions represent changes to a [FinancialAccount's](#financial_accounts) balance.\n", "section_tag": "transactions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "transaction_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_transaction", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/transactions/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_transactions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/transactions" } ] } }, "transaction_object": { "title": "The Transaction object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "transaction_object", "section_anchor": "transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/transactions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_transaction": { "title": "Retrieve a Transaction", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_transaction", "section_anchor": "transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/transactions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_transactions": { "title": "List all Transactions", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_transactions", "section_anchor": "transactions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/transactions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "transaction_entries": { "title": "TransactionEntries", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "transaction_entries", "section_anchor": "transaction_entries", "subsection_anchors": [ "transaction_entry_object", "retrieve_transaction_entry", "list_transaction_entries" ], "path": "/treasury/transaction_entries", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "TransactionEntries", "description": "TransactionEntries represent individual units of money movements within a single [Transaction](#transactions).\n", "section_tag": "transaction_entries", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "transaction_entry_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_transaction_entry", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/transaction_entries/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_transaction_entries", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/transaction_entries" } ] } }, "transaction_entry_object": { "title": "The TransactionEntry object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "transaction_entry_object", "section_anchor": "transaction_entries", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/transaction_entries/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_transaction_entry": { "title": "Retrieve a TransactionEntry", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_transaction_entry", "section_anchor": "transaction_entries", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/transaction_entries/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_transaction_entries": { "title": "List all TransactionEntries", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_transaction_entries", "section_anchor": "transaction_entries", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/transaction_entries/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "outbound_transfers": { "title": "OutboundTransfers", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "outbound_transfers", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": [ "outbound_transfer_object", "create_outbound_transfer", "cancel_outbound_transfer", "retrieve_outbound_transfer", "list_outbound_transfers", "test_mode_post_outbound_transfer", "test_mode_return_outbound_transfer", "test_mode_fail_outbound_transfer" ], "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "OutboundTransfers", "description": "Use OutboundTransfers to transfer funds from a [FinancialAccount](#financial_accounts) to a PaymentMethod belonging to the same entity. To send funds to a different party, use [OutboundPayments](#outbound_payments) instead. You can send funds over ACH rails or through a domestic wire transfer to a user's own external bank account.\n\nSimulate OutboundTransfer state changes with the `/v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_transfers` endpoints. These methods can only be called on test mode objects.\n", "section_tag": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "outbound_transfer_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_outbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/outbound_transfers" }, { "anchor": "cancel_outbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/outbound_transfers/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_outbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/outbound_transfers/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_outbound_transfers", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/outbound_transfers" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_post_outbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_transfers/:id/post" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_return_outbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_transfers/:id/return" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_fail_outbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_transfers/:id/fail" } ] } }, "outbound_transfer_object": { "title": "The OutboundTransfer object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "outbound_transfer_object", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_outbound_transfer": { "title": "Create an OutboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "create_outbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_outbound_transfer": { "title": "Cancel an OutboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "cancel_outbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_outbound_transfer": { "title": "Retrieve an OutboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_outbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_outbound_transfers": { "title": "List all OutboundTransfers", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_outbound_transfers", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_post_outbound_transfer": { "title": "Test mode: Post an OutboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_post_outbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/test_mode_post", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_return_outbound_transfer": { "title": "Test mode: Return an OutboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_return_outbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/test_mode_return", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_fail_outbound_transfer": { "title": "Test mode: Fail an OutboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_fail_outbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "outbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_transfers/test_mode_fail", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "outbound_payments": { "title": "OutboundPayments", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "outbound_payments", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": [ "outbound_payment_object", "create_outbound_payment", "cancel_outbound_payment", "retrieve_outbound_payment", "list_outbound_payment", "test_mode_outbound_payment_post", "test_mode_outbound_payment_return", "test_mode_outbound_payment_fail" ], "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Outbound Payments", "description": "Use OutboundPayments to send funds to another party's external bank account or [FinancialAccount](#financial_accounts). To send money to an account belonging to the same user, use an [OutboundTransfer](#outbound_transfers).\n\nSimulate OutboundPayment state changes with the `/v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_payments` endpoints. These methods can only be called on test mode objects.\n", "section_tag": "outbound_payments", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "outbound_payment_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_outbound_payment", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/outbound_payments" }, { "anchor": "cancel_outbound_payment", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/outbound_payments/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_outbound_payment", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/outbound_payments/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_outbound_payment", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/outbound_payments" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_outbound_payment_post", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_payments/:id/post" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_outbound_payment_return", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_payments/:id/return" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_outbound_payment_fail", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/outbound_payments/:id/fail" } ] } }, "outbound_payment_object": { "title": "The OutboundPayment object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "outbound_payment_object", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_outbound_payment": { "title": "Create an OutboundPayment", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "create_outbound_payment", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_outbound_payment": { "title": "Cancel an OutboundPayment", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "cancel_outbound_payment", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_outbound_payment": { "title": "Retrieve an OutboundPayment", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_outbound_payment", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_outbound_payment": { "title": "List all OutboundPayments", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_outbound_payment", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_outbound_payment_post": { "title": "Test mode: Post an OutboundPayment", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_outbound_payment_post", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/test_mode_post", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_outbound_payment_return": { "title": "Test mode: Return an OutboundPayment", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_outbound_payment_return", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/test_mode_return", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_outbound_payment_fail": { "title": "Test mode: Fail an OutboundPayment", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_outbound_payment_fail", "section_anchor": "outbound_payments", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/outbound_payments/test_mode_fail", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "inbound_transfers": { "title": "InboundTransfers", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "inbound_transfers", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": [ "inbound_transfer_object", "create_inbound_transfer", "cancel_inbound_transfer", "retrieve_inbound_transfer", "list_inbound_transfer", "test_mode_inbound_transfer_fail", "test_mode_inbound_transfer_return", "test_mode_inbound_transfer_succeed" ], "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "InboundTransfers", "description": "Use [InboundTransfers](/docs/treasury/moving-money/financial-accounts/into/inbound-transfers) to add funds to your [FinancialAccount](#financial_accounts) via a PaymentMethod that is owned by you. The funds will be transferred via an ACH debit.\n", "section_tag": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "inbound_transfer_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_inbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/inbound_transfers" }, { "anchor": "cancel_inbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/inbound_transfers/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_inbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/inbound_transfers/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_inbound_transfer", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/inbound_transfers" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_inbound_transfer_fail", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/inbound_transfers/:id/fail" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_inbound_transfer_return", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/inbound_transfers/:id/return" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_inbound_transfer_succeed", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/inbound_transfers/:id/succeed" } ] } }, "inbound_transfer_object": { "title": "The InboundTransfer object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "inbound_transfer_object", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_inbound_transfer": { "title": "Create an InboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "create_inbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_inbound_transfer": { "title": "Cancel an InboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "cancel_inbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_inbound_transfer": { "title": "Retrieve an InboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_inbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_inbound_transfer": { "title": "List all InboundTransfers", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_inbound_transfer", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_inbound_transfer_fail": { "title": "Test mode: Fail an InboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_inbound_transfer_fail", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/test_mode_fail", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_inbound_transfer_return": { "title": "Test mode: Return an InboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_inbound_transfer_return", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/test_mode_return", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_inbound_transfer_succeed": { "title": "Test mode: Succeed an InboundTransfer", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_inbound_transfer_succeed", "section_anchor": "inbound_transfers", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/inbound_transfers/test_mode_succeed", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "received_credits": { "title": "ReceivedCredits", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "received_credits", "section_anchor": "received_credits", "subsection_anchors": [ "received_credit_object", "retrieve_received_credit", "list_received_credit", "test_mode_create_received_credit" ], "path": "/treasury/received_credits", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "ReceivedCredits", "description": "ReceivedCredits represent funds sent to a [FinancialAccount](#financial_accounts) (for example, via ACH or wire). These money movements are not initiated from the FinancialAccount.\n", "section_tag": "received_credits", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "received_credit_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_received_credit", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/received_credits/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_received_credit", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/received_credits" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_create_received_credit", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/received_credits" } ] } }, "received_credit_object": { "title": "The ReceivedCredit object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "received_credit_object", "section_anchor": "received_credits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_credits/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_received_credit": { "title": "Retrieve a ReceivedCredit", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_received_credit", "section_anchor": "received_credits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_credits/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_received_credit": { "title": "List all ReceivedCredits", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_received_credit", "section_anchor": "received_credits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_credits/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_create_received_credit": { "title": "Test mode: Create a ReceivedCredit", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_create_received_credit", "section_anchor": "received_credits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_credits/test_mode_create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "received_debits": { "title": "ReceivedDebits", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "received_debits", "section_anchor": "received_debits", "subsection_anchors": [ "received_debit_object", "retrieve_received_debit", "list_received_debit", "test_mode_create_received_debit" ], "path": "/treasury/received_debits", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "ReceivedDebits", "description": "ReceivedDebits represent funds pulled from a [FinancialAccount](#financial_accounts). These are not initiated from the FinancialAccount.\n", "section_tag": "received_debits", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "received_debit_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_received_debit", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/received_debits/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_received_debit", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/received_debits" }, { "anchor": "test_mode_create_received_debit", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/test_helpers/treasury/received_debits" } ] } }, "received_debit_object": { "title": "The ReceivedDebit object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "received_debit_object", "section_anchor": "received_debits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_debits/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_received_debit": { "title": "Retrieve a ReceivedDebit", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_received_debit", "section_anchor": "received_debits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_debits/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_received_debit": { "title": "List all ReceivedDebits", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_received_debit", "section_anchor": "received_debits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_debits/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "test_mode_create_received_debit": { "title": "Test mode: Create a ReceivedDebit", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "test_mode_create_received_debit", "section_anchor": "received_debits", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/received_debits/test_mode_create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "credit_reversals": { "title": "CreditReversals", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "credit_reversals", "section_anchor": "credit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": [ "credit_reversal_object", "create_credit_reversal", "retrieve_credit_reversal", "list_credit_reversal" ], "path": "/treasury/credit_reversals", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "CreditReversals", "description": "You can reverse some [ReceivedCredits](#received_credits) depending on their network and source flow. Reversing a ReceivedCredit leads to the creation of a new object known as a CreditReversal.\n", "section_tag": "credit_reversals", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "credit_reversal_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_credit_reversal", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/credit_reversals" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_credit_reversal", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/credit_reversals/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_credit_reversal", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/credit_reversals" } ] } }, "credit_reversal_object": { "title": "The CreditReversal object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "credit_reversal_object", "section_anchor": "credit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/credit_reversals/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_credit_reversal": { "title": "Create a CreditReversal", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "create_credit_reversal", "section_anchor": "credit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/credit_reversals/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_credit_reversal": { "title": "Retrieve a CreditReversal", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_credit_reversal", "section_anchor": "credit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/credit_reversals/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_credit_reversal": { "title": "List all CreditReversals", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_credit_reversal", "section_anchor": "credit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/credit_reversals/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "debit_reversals": { "title": "DebitReversals", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "debit_reversals", "section_anchor": "debit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": [ "debit_reversal_object", "create_debit_reversal", "retrieve_debit_reversal", "list_debit_reversal" ], "path": "/treasury/debit_reversals", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "DebitReversals", "description": "You can reverse some [ReceivedDebits](#received_debits) depending on their network and source flow. Reversing a ReceivedDebit leads to the creation of a new object known as a DebitReversal.\n", "section_tag": "debit_reversals", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "debit_reversal_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_debit_reversal", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/treasury/debit_reversals" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_debit_reversal", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/debit_reversals/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_debit_reversal", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/treasury/debit_reversals" } ] } }, "debit_reversal_object": { "title": "The DebitReversal object", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "debit_reversal_object", "section_anchor": "debit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/debit_reversals/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_debit_reversal": { "title": "Create a DebitReversal", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "create_debit_reversal", "section_anchor": "debit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/debit_reversals/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_debit_reversal": { "title": "Retrieve a DebitReversal", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "retrieve_debit_reversal", "section_anchor": "debit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/debit_reversals/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_debit_reversal": { "title": "List all DebitReversals", "group_title": "Treasury", "group_anchor": "treasury", "anchor": "list_debit_reversal", "section_anchor": "debit_reversals", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/treasury/debit_reversals/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "scheduled_queries": { "title": "Scheduled Queries", "group_title": "Sigma", "group_anchor": "sigma", "anchor": "scheduled_queries", "section_anchor": "scheduled_queries", "subsection_anchors": [ "scheduled_query_run_object", "retrieve_scheduled_query_run", "list_scheduled_query_run" ], "path": "/sigma/scheduled_queries", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Scheduled Queries", "description": "If you have [scheduled a Sigma query](/docs/sigma/scheduled-queries), you'll\nreceive a `sigma.scheduled_query_run.created` webhook each time the query\nruns. The webhook contains a `ScheduledQueryRun` object, which you can use to\nretrieve the query results.\n", "section_tag": "scheduled_queries", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "scheduled_query_run_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_scheduled_query_run", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/sigma/scheduled_query_runs/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_scheduled_query_run", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/sigma/scheduled_query_runs" } ] } }, "scheduled_query_run_object": { "title": "The scheduled query run object", "group_title": "Sigma", "group_anchor": "sigma", "anchor": "scheduled_query_run_object", "section_anchor": "scheduled_queries", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sigma/scheduled_queries/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_scheduled_query_run": { "title": "Retrieve a scheduled query run", "group_title": "Sigma", "group_anchor": "sigma", "anchor": "retrieve_scheduled_query_run", "section_anchor": "scheduled_queries", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sigma/scheduled_queries/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_scheduled_query_run": { "title": "List all scheduled query runs", "group_title": "Sigma", "group_anchor": "sigma", "anchor": "list_scheduled_query_run", "section_anchor": "scheduled_queries", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/sigma/scheduled_queries/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "reporting_report_run": { "title": "Report Runs", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "reporting_report_run", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_run", "subsection_anchors": [ "reporting_report_run_object", "create_reporting_report_run", "retrieve_reporting_report_run", "list_reporting_report_run" ], "path": "/reporting/report_run", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Report Runs", "description": "The Report Run object represents an instance of a report type generated with\nspecific run parameters. Once the object is created, Stripe begins processing the report.\nWhen the report has finished running, it will give you a reference to a file\nwhere you can retrieve your results. For an overview, see\n[API Access to Reports](/docs/reporting/statements/api).\n\nNote that certain report types can only be run based on your live-mode data (not test-mode\ndata), and will error when queried without a [live-mode API key](/docs/keys#test-live-modes).\n", "section_tag": "reporting_report_run", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "reporting_report_run_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_reporting_report_run", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/reporting/report_runs" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_reporting_report_run", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/reporting/report_runs/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_reporting_report_run", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/reporting/report_runs" } ] } }, "reporting_report_run_object": { "title": "The Report Run object", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "reporting_report_run_object", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_run", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_run/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_reporting_report_run": { "title": "Create a Report Run", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "create_reporting_report_run", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_run", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_run/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_reporting_report_run": { "title": "Retrieve a Report Run", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "retrieve_reporting_report_run", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_run", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_run/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_reporting_report_run": { "title": "List all Report Runs", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "list_reporting_report_run", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_run", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_run/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "reporting_report_type": { "title": "Report Types", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "reporting_report_type", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_type", "subsection_anchors": [ "reporting_report_type_object", "retrieve_reporting_report_type", "list_reporting_report_type" ], "path": "/reporting/report_type", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Report Types", "description": "The Report Type resource corresponds to a particular type of report, such as\nthe \"Activity summary\" or \"Itemized payouts\" reports. These objects are\nidentified by an ID belonging to a set of enumerated values. See\n[API Access to Reports documentation](/docs/reporting/statements/api)\nfor those Report Type IDs, along with required and optional parameters.\n\nNote that certain report types can only be run based on your live-mode data (not test-mode\ndata), and will error when queried without a [live-mode API key](/docs/keys#test-live-modes).\n", "section_tag": "reporting_report_type", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "reporting_report_type_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_reporting_report_type", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/reporting/report_types/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_reporting_report_type", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/reporting/report_types" } ] } }, "reporting_report_type_object": { "title": "The Report Type object", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "reporting_report_type_object", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_type", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_type/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_reporting_report_type": { "title": "Retrieve a Report Type", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "retrieve_reporting_report_type", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_type", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_type/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_reporting_report_type": { "title": "List all Report Types", "group_title": "Reporting", "group_anchor": "reporting", "anchor": "list_reporting_report_type", "section_anchor": "reporting_report_type", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/reporting/report_type/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_accounts": { "title": "Accounts", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": [ "financial_connections_account_object", "financial_connections_retrieve_account", "financial_connections_refresh_account", "financial_connections_subscribe_account", "financial_connections_unsubscribe_account", "financial_connections_disconnect_account", "financial_connections_list_accounts" ], "path": "/financial_connections/accounts", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Accounts", "description": "A Financial Connections Account represents an account that exists outside of Stripe, to which you have been granted some degree of access.\n", "section_tag": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "financial_connections_account_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_retrieve_account", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/financial_connections/accounts/:id" }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_refresh_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/financial_connections/accounts/:id/refresh" }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_subscribe_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/financial_connections/accounts/:id/subscribe" }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_unsubscribe_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/financial_connections/accounts/:id/unsubscribe" }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_disconnect_account", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/financial_connections/accounts/:id/disconnect" }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_list_accounts", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/financial_connections/accounts" } ] } }, "financial_connections_account_object": { "title": "The Account object", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_account_object", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_retrieve_account": { "title": "Retrieve an Account", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_retrieve_account", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_refresh_account": { "title": "Refresh Account data", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_refresh_account", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/refresh", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_subscribe_account": { "title": "Subscribe to data refreshes for an Account", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_subscribe_account", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/subscribe", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_unsubscribe_account": { "title": "Unsubscribe from data refreshes for an Account", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_unsubscribe_account", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/unsubscribe", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_disconnect_account": { "title": "Disconnect an Account", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_disconnect_account", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/disconnect", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_list_accounts": { "title": "List Accounts", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_list_accounts", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_accounts", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/accounts/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_ownership": { "title": "Account Ownership", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_ownership", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_ownership", "subsection_anchors": [ "financial_connections_ownership_object", "financial_connections_owner_object", "financial_connections_list_account_owners" ], "path": "/financial_connections/ownership", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Account Ownership", "description": "Describes a snapshot of the owners of an account at a particular point in time.", "section_tag": "financial_connections_ownership", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "financial_connections_ownership_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_owner_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_list_account_owners", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/financial_connections/accounts/:id/owners?ownership=:ownership_id" } ] } }, "financial_connections_ownership_object": { "title": "The Account Ownership object", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_ownership_object", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_ownership", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/ownership/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_owner_object": { "title": "The Account Owner object", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_owner_object", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_ownership", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/ownership/owner-object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_list_account_owners": { "title": "List Account Owners", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_list_account_owners", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_ownership", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/ownership/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_session": { "title": "Sessions", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_session", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_session", "subsection_anchors": [ "financial_connections_session_object", "financial_connections_create_session", "financial_connections_retrieve_session" ], "path": "/financial_connections/session", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Session", "description": "A Financial Connections Session is the secure way to programmatically launch the client-side Stripe.js modal that lets your users link their accounts.\n", "section_tag": "financial_connections_session", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "financial_connections_session_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_create_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/financial_connections/sessions" }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_retrieve_session", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/financial_connections/sessions/:id" } ] } }, "financial_connections_session_object": { "title": "The Session object", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_session_object", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_session", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/sessions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_create_session": { "title": "Create a Session", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_create_session", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_session", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/sessions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_retrieve_session": { "title": "Retrieve a Session", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_retrieve_session", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_session", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/sessions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_transaction": { "title": "Transactions", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_transaction", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_transaction", "subsection_anchors": [ "financial_connections_transaction_object", "financial_connections_list_transactions" ], "path": "/financial_connections/transaction", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Transactions", "description": "A Transaction represents a real transaction that affects a Financial Connections Account balance.\n", "section_tag": "financial_connections_transaction", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "financial_connections_transaction_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "financial_connections_list_transactions", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/financial_connections/transactions" } ] } }, "financial_connections_transaction_object": { "title": "The Transaction object", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_transaction_object", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_transaction", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/transactions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "financial_connections_list_transactions": { "title": "List Transactions", "group_title": "Financial Connections", "group_anchor": "financial_connections", "anchor": "financial_connections_list_transactions", "section_anchor": "financial_connections_transaction", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/financial_connections/transactions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "identity_verification_sessions": { "title": "VerificationSessions", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": [ "identity_verification_session_object", "create_identity_verification_session", "list_identity_verification_session", "retrieve_identity_verification_session", "update_identity_verification_session", "cancel_identity_verification_session", "redact_identity_verification_session" ], "path": "/identity/verification_sessions", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "VerificationSession", "description": "A VerificationSession guides you through the process of collecting and verifying the identities\nof your users. It contains details about the type of verification, such as what [verification\ncheck](/docs/identity/verification-checks) to perform. Only create one VerificationSession for\neach verification in your system.\n\nA VerificationSession transitions through [multiple\nstatuses](/docs/identity/how-sessions-work) throughout its lifetime as it progresses through\nthe verification flow. The VerificationSession contains the user's verified data after\nverification checks are complete.\n\nRelated guide: [The Verification Sessions API](/docs/identity/verification-sessions)\n", "section_tag": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "identity_verification_session_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_identity_verification_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/identity/verification_sessions" }, { "anchor": "list_identity_verification_session", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/identity/verification_sessions" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_identity_verification_session", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/identity/verification_sessions/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_identity_verification_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/identity/verification_sessions/:id" }, { "anchor": "cancel_identity_verification_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/identity/verification_sessions/:id/cancel" }, { "anchor": "redact_identity_verification_session", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/identity/verification_sessions/:id/redact" } ] } }, "identity_verification_session_object": { "title": "The VerificationSession object", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "identity_verification_session_object", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_identity_verification_session": { "title": "Create a VerificationSession", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "create_identity_verification_session", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_identity_verification_session": { "title": "List VerificationSessions", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "list_identity_verification_session", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_identity_verification_session": { "title": "Retrieve a VerificationSession", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "retrieve_identity_verification_session", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_identity_verification_session": { "title": "Update a VerificationSession", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "update_identity_verification_session", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "cancel_identity_verification_session": { "title": "Cancel a VerificationSession", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "cancel_identity_verification_session", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/cancel", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "redact_identity_verification_session": { "title": "Redact a VerificationSession", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "redact_identity_verification_session", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_sessions", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_sessions/redact", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "identity_verification_reports": { "title": "VerificationReports", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "identity_verification_reports", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_reports", "subsection_anchors": [ "identity_verification_report_object", "retrieve_identity_verification_report", "list_identity_verification_report" ], "path": "/identity/verification_reports", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "VerificationReport", "description": "A VerificationReport is the result of an attempt to collect and verify data from a user.\nThe collection of verification checks performed is determined from the `type` and `options`\nparameters used. You can find the result of each verification check performed in the\nappropriate sub-resource: `document`, `id_number`, `selfie`.\n\nEach VerificationReport contains a copy of any data collected by the user as well as\nreference IDs which can be used to access collected images through the [FileUpload](/docs/api/files)\nAPI. To configure and create VerificationReports, use the\n[VerificationSession](/docs/api/identity/verification_sessions) API.\n\nRelated guides: [Accessing verification results](/docs/identity/verification-sessions#results).\n", "section_tag": "identity_verification_reports", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "identity_verification_report_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "retrieve_identity_verification_report", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/identity/verification_reports/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_identity_verification_report", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/identity/verification_reports" } ] } }, "identity_verification_report_object": { "title": "The VerificationReport object", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "identity_verification_report_object", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_reports", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_reports/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_identity_verification_report": { "title": "Retrieve a VerificationReport", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "retrieve_identity_verification_report", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_reports", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_reports/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_identity_verification_report": { "title": "List VerificationReports", "group_title": "Identity", "group_anchor": "identity", "anchor": "list_identity_verification_report", "section_anchor": "identity_verification_reports", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/identity/verification_reports/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "webhook_endpoints": { "title": "Webhook Endpoints", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": [ "webhook_endpoint_object", "create_webhook_endpoint", "retrieve_webhook_endpoint", "update_webhook_endpoint", "list_webhook_endpoints", "delete_webhook_endpoints" ], "path": "/webhook_endpoints", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false, "data": { "section_type": "resource", "title": "Webhook Endpoints", "description": "You can configure [webhook endpoints](/docs/webhooks/) via the API to be\nnotified about events that happen in your Stripe account or connected\naccounts.\n\nMost users configure webhooks from [the dashboard](https://dashboard.stripe.com/webhooks), which provides a user interface for registering and testing your webhook endpoints.\n\nRelated guide: [Setting up Webhooks](/docs/webhooks/configure).\n", "section_tag": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_summaries": [ { "anchor": "webhook_endpoint_object", "curl_definition": null }, { "anchor": "create_webhook_endpoint", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/webhook_endpoints" }, { "anchor": "retrieve_webhook_endpoint", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/webhook_endpoints/:id" }, { "anchor": "update_webhook_endpoint", "curl_definition": "POST /v1/webhook_endpoints/:id" }, { "anchor": "list_webhook_endpoints", "curl_definition": "GET /v1/webhook_endpoints" }, { "anchor": "delete_webhook_endpoints", "curl_definition": "DELETE /v1/webhook_endpoints/:id" } ] } }, "webhook_endpoint_object": { "title": "The webhook endpoint object", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "webhook_endpoint_object", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/webhook_endpoints/object", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "create_webhook_endpoint": { "title": "Create a webhook endpoint", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "create_webhook_endpoint", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/webhook_endpoints/create", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "retrieve_webhook_endpoint": { "title": "Retrieve a webhook endpoint", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "retrieve_webhook_endpoint", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/webhook_endpoints/retrieve", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "update_webhook_endpoint": { "title": "Update a webhook endpoint", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "update_webhook_endpoint", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/webhook_endpoints/update", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "list_webhook_endpoints": { "title": "List all webhook endpoints", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "list_webhook_endpoints", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/webhook_endpoints/list", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false }, "delete_webhook_endpoints": { "title": "Delete a webhook endpoint", "group_title": "Webhooks", "group_anchor": "webhooks", "anchor": "delete_webhook_endpoints", "section_anchor": "webhook_endpoints", "subsection_anchors": null, "path": "/webhook_endpoints/delete", "gate": false, "display_on_load": false } }