pub mod libs; pub use libs::{ command::{ChannelCommand, ServerCommand}, connector::create_connector, frame::Frame, listener::create_listener, }; use log::{debug, error, info, warn}; use queues::{IsQueue, Queue}; use std::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc}; use tokio::{ io, sync::{ mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender}, Mutex, }, time::Instant, }; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct QueuedMessage { pub content: String, hit_count: u32, } impl QueuedMessage { pub fn new(content: String) -> Self { Self { content, hit_count: 0, } } } pub struct ChannelInfo { last_write: Instant, messages: Queue, } impl ChannelInfo { pub fn new(message: String) -> Self { let mut messages: Queue = Queue::new(); messages.add(QueuedMessage::new(message)).unwrap(); Self { last_write: Instant::now(), messages, } } /// Add element into a queue. pub fn enqueue(&mut self, message: String) { self.messages.add(QueuedMessage::new(message)).unwrap(); } /// Get head element of a queue, this doesn't remove it from queue. /// /// Any elements that has been visited more than 16 times will be forced to /// dequeue. pub fn head(&mut self) -> Option { if let Ok(mut val) = self.messages.peek() { if val.hit_count >= 16 { return if self.messages.size() > 1 { self.dequeue(); self.head() } else { None }; } val.hit_count += 1; Some(val.content) } else { None } } pub fn update_instant(&mut self) { self.last_write = Instant::now(); } /// You should call head to get the head element and then call this method /// to remove it from queue. pub fn dequeue(&mut self) -> bool { self.messages.remove().is_ok() } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.messages.size() } } pub struct Server { socket_map: Arc>>>, rx_upstream: Arc>)>>>, tx_upstream: Sender<(String, Option>)>, rx_control: Arc>>, uri: String, server_started: Arc>, flag_interrupt: Arc>, } impl Server { pub fn new(uri: String, rx_ctrl: Receiver) -> Self { let (tx, rx) = channel(1024); Self { uri, socket_map: Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::>::new())), rx_upstream: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx)), tx_upstream: tx, server_started: Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)), flag_interrupt: Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)), rx_control: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx_ctrl)), } } pub async fn start(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { let rx_upstream = self.rx_upstream.clone(); let socket_map = self.socket_map.clone(); let flag_int = self.flag_interrupt.clone(); let rx_control = self.rx_control.clone(); let message_queue: Arc>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new())); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { let flag_int_guard = flag_int.lock().await; if *flag_int_guard == true { break; } drop(flag_int_guard); let mut rx_upstream_guard = rx_upstream.lock().await; if let Ok((channel_id, sender)) = rx_upstream_guard.try_recv() { match sender { None => { debug!(target: "atc-listener", "Removing {} from socket map", channel_id); socket_map.lock().await.remove(&channel_id); } Some(sender) => { debug!(target: "atc-listener", "Adding {} to socket map", channel_id); socket_map.lock().await.insert(channel_id.clone(), sender); } }; } drop(rx_upstream_guard); // Handle queued messages. // For each channel with queued messages, only one message will // be sent to the channel. let mut message_queue_guard = message_queue.lock().await; let socket_map_guard = socket_map.lock().await; let mut should_drop_channel_ids = vec![]; for (channel_id, channel_info) in message_queue_guard.iter_mut() { if channel_info.last_write.elapsed().as_secs() > 60 { // Last write operation was 60 seconds ago, should not // queue this anymore, drop all existing messages. should_drop_channel_ids.push(channel_id.clone()); warn!(target: "atc-listener", "Message queue of channel (`{}`) will be dropped due to inactivity for more than 60 seconds", channel_id); continue; } if channel_info.len() > 128 { // Too many queued messages, drop all existing messages. should_drop_channel_ids.push(channel_id.clone()); warn!(target: "atc-listener", "Message queue of channel (`{}`) will be dropped due to exceeds 128 message limit", channel_id); continue; } if socket_map_guard.contains_key(channel_id) && channel_info.len() > 0 { // Should try send message. let oldest_msg = channel_info.head().unwrap(); let sender = socket_map_guard.get(channel_id).unwrap().clone(); if let Ok(_) = sender .send(ChannelCommand::ChannelMessage(( channel_id.clone(), oldest_msg, ))) .await { channel_info.dequeue(); channel_info.update_instant(); debug!(target: "atc-listener", "One queued message sent to existing channel `{}`.", channel_id); } else { warn!(target: "atc-listener", "One queued message not sent to existing channel `{}`.", channel_id); } } } should_drop_channel_ids.iter().for_each(|id| { message_queue_guard.remove(id); }); drop(socket_map_guard); drop(message_queue_guard); let mut rx_control_guard = rx_control.lock().await; if let Ok(server_cmd) = rx_control_guard.try_recv() { if let ServerCommand::Terminate = server_cmd.clone() { let mut flag_int_guard = flag_int.lock().await; *flag_int_guard = true; drop(flag_int_guard); return; } let (target_channel_id, msg) = match server_cmd.clone() { ServerCommand::Message(t, m) => (t, m), _ => { panic!("Need to be handled before entering this LOC") } }; // Check if target channel id exists in `socket_map`, or // Add to queue and wait for a while. if let Some(target_channel_id) = target_channel_id { let socket_map_guard = socket_map.lock().await; if socket_map_guard.contains_key(&target_channel_id) { let sender = socket_map_guard.get(&target_channel_id).unwrap().clone(); if let Err(e) = sender .send(ChannelCommand::ChannelMessage(( target_channel_id.clone(), msg.clone(), ))) .await { warn!(target: "atc-listener", "Error sending to message channel [will be queued]: {:?}", e); // Put to message queue. let mut queue = message_queue.lock().await; if queue.contains_key(&target_channel_id) { queue.get_mut(&target_channel_id).unwrap().enqueue(msg); } else { queue.insert(target_channel_id, ChannelInfo::new(msg)); } drop(queue); } else { debug!(target: "atc-listener", "Message sent to `{}`", target_channel_id); }; } else { // Channel ID doesn't exist, put into queue. let mut queue = message_queue.lock().await; if queue.contains_key(&target_channel_id) { queue.get_mut(&target_channel_id).unwrap().enqueue(msg); } else { queue.insert(target_channel_id, ChannelInfo::new(msg)); } drop(queue); } drop(socket_map_guard); } else { // Note: messages without target channel id will not be // queued. } } drop(rx_control_guard); } }); let uri = self.uri.clone(); let server_started = self.server_started.clone(); let tx_upstream = self.tx_upstream.clone(); info!(target: "atc-listener", "Ready to start server `{}`:", uri.clone()); *server_started.lock().await = true; if let Err(e) = create_listener(uri.clone(), tx_upstream, self.flag_interrupt.clone()).await { error!(target: "atc-listener", "Unable to bind to `{}`: `{:?}`", uri.clone(), e ); *server_started.lock().await = false; } Ok(()) } } pub struct Client { rx_control: Arc>>, tx_control: Sender, rx_message: Arc>>, tx_message: Sender, rx_outer_control: Arc>>, uri: String, pub id: String, callback_handler: Arc>>, flag_interupt: Arc>, should_reconnect: bool, } pub enum ClientCallbackHandler { Closure(Box), Channel(Sender<(String, String)>), } impl Client { pub fn new(uri: String, id: String, rx_outer_ctrl: Receiver) -> Self { let (tx_ctrl, rx_ctrl) = channel::(1); let (tx_msg, rx_msg) = channel::(1); Self { rx_control: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx_ctrl)), tx_control: tx_ctrl, rx_message: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx_msg)), tx_message: tx_msg, uri, id: id, callback_handler: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)), rx_outer_control: Arc::new(Mutex::new(rx_outer_ctrl)), flag_interupt: Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)), should_reconnect: false, } } pub fn reconnect(self, should_reconnect: bool) -> Self { Self { should_reconnect, ..self } } pub async fn callback(self, cb: impl FnMut(String, String) + Send + 'static) -> Self { *self.callback_handler.lock().await = Some(ClientCallbackHandler::Closure(Box::new(cb))); self } pub async fn sender(self, sender: Sender<(String, String)>) -> Self { *self.callback_handler.lock().await = Some(ClientCallbackHandler::Channel(sender)); self } pub async fn connect(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { // Create another async task that always execute. // Move the message channel receiver and move a clone of control channel // sender into the task let tx_ctrl = self.tx_control.clone(); let rx_msg = self.rx_message.clone(); let rx_outer_ctrl = self.rx_outer_control.clone(); let callback_handler = self.callback_handler.clone(); let flag_int = self.flag_interupt.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { let mut last_ping = Instant::now(); loop { { if *flag_int.lock().await == true { return; } } if last_ping.elapsed().as_secs() >= 5 { match tx_ctrl.send(ChannelCommand::Ping).await { Ok(_) => { last_ping = Instant::now(); } Err(e) => { error!(target: "atc-connector", "Unable to initualize PING command: {:?}", e); return; } }; } { if let Ok(data) = rx_outer_ctrl.lock().await.try_recv() { if data == ServerCommand::Terminate { *flag_int.lock().await = true; return; } else if let ServerCommand::Identify(id) = data { tx_ctrl.send(ChannelCommand::Identify(id)).await.unwrap(); } } } { if let Ok(data) = rx_msg.lock().await.try_recv() { if let ChannelCommand::ChannelMessage((channel_id, message)) = data.clone() { if let Some(handler) = callback_handler.lock().await.as_mut() { match handler { ClientCallbackHandler::Closure(closure) => { closure(channel_id, message) } ClientCallbackHandler::Channel(sender) => { sender.send((channel_id, message)).await.unwrap() } } } } }; } } }); let mut reconnect_attempts = 0; loop { let id =; let rx_ctrl = self.rx_control.clone(); let tx_msg = self.tx_message.clone(); let uri = self.uri.clone(); let flag_int_clone = self.flag_interupt.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = create_connector(uri.clone(), id, rx_ctrl, tx_msg, flag_int_clone).await { error!(target: "atc-connector", "Unable to connect to remote server `{}`: {:?}",uri, e); } }).await.unwrap(); if !self.should_reconnect || *self.flag_interupt.lock().await { warn!(target: "atc-connector", "Reconnect not enabled or user requested termination from client side."); break; } if reconnect_attempts > 8 { warn!(target: "atc-connector", "No more reconnecting after 8 attempts."); break; } // `should_reconnect` flag set to true, and interrupt flag not set // will restart another connection. info!(target: "atc-connector", "Client connection restarting"); reconnect_attempts += 1; } Ok(()) } }