This is a minimal interface for the [Kraken exchange REST API]( using the [async-std]( runtime. Being a minimal interface for the API there is just a single method which takes the endpoint name and the parameters as a [Value]( object from [serde_json]( When querying a private endpoint this library will handle and properly sing the petition to Kraken. # Prerequisites To use the **```private```** endpoints you will need to generate an **```API-Key```** and an **```API-Secret```** to authenticate to the desired Kraken account. [How to generate an API key pair?]( # Usage Create the ``KrakenClient`` object with ``new()`` or ``with_credentials(key, secret)`` based on your needs. Then call ``api_request(endpoint_name, payload)``. It will return a JSON for you to handle or an error message. You can read about the payload for each endpoint and the returned JSON in the [API documentation]( Available **Public** Endpoint Names: [Time](, [SystemStatus](, [Assets](, [AssetPairs](, [Ticker](, [OHLC](, [Depth](, [Trades](, [Spread]( Available **Private** Endpoint Names: *User Data* [Balance](, [TradeBalance](, [OpenOrders](, [ClosedOrders](, [QueryOrders](, [TradesHistory](, [QueryTrades](, [OpenPositions](, [Ledgers](, [QueryLedgers](, [TradeVolume](, [AddExport](, [ExportStatus](, [RetrieveExport](, [RemoveExport]( *User Trading* [AddOrder]( [CancelOrder]( [CancellAll]( [CancelAllOrdersAfter]( *User Funding* [DepositMethods](, [DepositAddresses](, [DepositStatus](, [WithdrawInfo](, [Withdraw](, [WithdrawStatus](, [WithdrawCancel](, [WalletTransfer]( *Websocket Auth* [GetWebSocketsToken]( # Example ```rust use async_kraken::client::KrakenClient; fn get_keys() -> (String, String) { let content = std::fs::read_to_string("key").expect("File not found"); let lines: Vec<&str> = content.lines().collect(); let key = String::from(lines[0]); let secret = String::from(lines[1]); (key, secret) } #[async_std::main] async fn main() { // # Only public endpoints // let k = KrakenClient::new(); // # Public and private enpoints let (key, secret) = get_keys(); let k = KrakenClient::with_credentials(key, secret); match k.api_request("Time", serde_json::json!({})).await { Ok(json) => println!("{:?}", json), Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e), }; match k.api_request("OHLC", serde_json::json!({"pair":"doteur", "interval":30, "since":0})).await { Ok(json) => println!("{:?}", json), Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e), }; match k.api_request("Balance", serde_json::json!({})).await { Ok(json) => println!("{:?}", json), Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e), }; } ``` # Disclaimer This software comes without any kind of warranties. You are the sole responsible of your gains or loses.