use async_zmq::{subscribe, xpublish, Context, Message, Result, StreamExt}; use std::vec::IntoIter; #[async_std::test] async fn xpublish_subscribe() -> Result<()> { let uri = "inproc://xpub_xsub"; let context = Context::new(); let mut xpublish = xpublish::, Message>(uri)? .with_context(&context) .bind()?; let subscribe = subscribe(uri)?.with_context(&context).connect()?; let topic = "Topic"; subscribe.set_subscribe(topic)?; // It uses StreamExt trait method here simply we want to make sure `MessageBuf` works. // It probably makes more sense to call the method from raw zmq socket. let event =; assert_eq!(&event[0][0], &1); let expected = std::str::from_utf8(&event[0][1..]).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, topic); Ok(()) }