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`#![no_std]` crate for parsing AT commands ([Hayes command set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayes_command_set))
A driver support crate for AT-command based serial modules.
## AT Best practices
This crate attempts to work from these AT best practices:
> - The DTE shall flush the AT channel (i.e. check if there are data waiting to be read) before sending a new AT command
> - The DTE shall detect/process complete lines (see the S3, S4 and V0/V1 settings), so they can be processed with a function that handles responses
> - The DTE shall handle the case of unexpected spaces or line endings
> - The DTE shall handle all the URCs: it can simply ignore them (not suggested) or, better, take a proper action
> - The DTE shall know what answer is expected and shall wait until it is received (i.e. final result code only or informationtext response + final result code)
> - The final result code marks the end of an AT command and can be OK, ERROR or ABORTED: when the final result is an error, be sure to handle it before continuing with the next AT command
> - The information text response format is command specific. The DTE will need explicit handling for each one. It is suggested to consult the u-blox AT Commands Manual [1]
> - It is suggested not to strictly parse information text responses but to checkif they contain interesting keywords and/or parameters
> - The DTE shall know if the issued AT command can be aborted or not
> - Some AT commands could output the final result code after some seconds, in this case check on AT manual for the suggested estimated response time. If the timeout expires then a decision should be taken accordingly: e.g. if the command can be aborted then try to abort it, etc ...
> - It is very useful, for debugging an application, to log all the command lines sent to the DCE and what is received from it
> - Create a state machine for the AT parser (i.e. idle, waiting_response, data_mode)
> - The DTE shall wait some time (the recommended value is at least 20 ms) after the reception of an AT command final response or URC before issuing a new AT commandto give the module the opportunity to transmit the buffered URCs. Otherwise the collision of the URCs with the subsequent AT command is still possible
> - The DTE shall be aware that, when using a serial port without HW flow control, the first character is used to wake up the module from power saving
## [Documentation](https://docs.rs/atat/latest)
## Tests
> The crate is covered by tests. These tests can be run by `cargo test --tests`, and are run by the CI on every push.
## Examples
The crate has examples for usage with [embassy] for `#![no_std]` and [tokio] for `std`.
The samples can be built using `cargo +nightly run --bin embassy --features embedded --target thumbv6m-none-eabi` and `cargo +nightly run --example std-tokio --features std`.
Furthermore the crate has been used to build initial drivers for U-Blox cellular modules ([ublox-cellular-rs]) and U-Blox short-range modules ([ublox-short-range-rs])
[embassy]: https://crates.io/crates/embassy-executor
[tokio]: https://crates.io/crates/tokio
[ublox-short-range-rs]: https://github.com/BlackbirdHQ/ublox-short-range-rs
[ublox-cellular-rs]: https://github.com/BlackbirdHQ/ublox-cellular-rs
## Releasing to crates.io
This workspace uses `cargo-release` to do workspace releases to crates.io. It can be installed through cargo with `cargo install cargo-release`. The steps involved in a new release are:
1. Run `cargo release --dry-run -- major|minor|patch`, and verify the output
2. Run `cargo release -- major|minor|patch`, to release
## About
- Minimum rustc version 1.79
- Tested and built using stable toolchain
## Supported Crates
The following dependent crates provide platform-agnostic device drivers built on `embedded-hal` which also implement this crate's traits:
| Device Name | Description | Crate + Docs |
| [ublox-short-range-rs] | Driver crate for U-Blox host-based short range devices (wifi and BT) with AT-command interface | [![crates.io][ublox-short-range-rs-crate-img]][ublox-short-range-rs] [![docs.rs][ublox-short-range-rs-docs-img]][ublox-short-range-rs-docs] |
| [ublox-cellular-rs] | Driver crate for U-Blox host-based cellular devices with AT-command interface | [![crates.io][ublox-cellular-rs-crate-img]][ublox-cellular-rs-crates] [![docs.rs][ublox-cellular-rs-docs-img]][ublox-cellular-rs-docs] |
| [esp-at-nal] | ESP-AT network layer driver for no_std | [![crates.io][esp-at-nal-crate-img]][esp-at-nal-crate] [![docs.rs][esp-at-nal-docs-img]][esp-at-nal-docs] |
| [moko-mkl62ba] | Driver crate for the Moko MKL62BA LoRaWAN module | [![crates.io][moko-mkl62ba-crate-img]][moko-mkl62ba-crate] [![docs.rs][moko-mkl62ba-docs-img]][moko-mkl62ba-docs] |
| [seeed-lora-e5] | Driver crate for the Seeed Lora-E5 LoRaWAN module | [![crates.io][seeed-lora-e5-crate-img]][seeed-lora-e5-crate] [![docs.rs][seeed-lora-e5-docs-img]][seeed-lora-e5-docs] |
[ublox-short-range-rs]: https://github.com/BlackbirdHQ/ublox-short-range-rs
[ublox-short-range-rs-crate-img]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ublox-short-range-rs.svg
[ublox-short-range-rs-docs-img]: https://docs.rs/ublox-short-range-rs/badge.svg
[ublox-short-range-rs-docs]: https://docs.rs/ublox-short-range-rs/
[ublox-cellular-rs]: https://github.com/BlackbirdHQ/ublox-cellular-rs
[ublox-cellular-rs-crate-img]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ublox-cellular-rs.svg
[ublox-cellular-rs-crates]: https://crates.io/crates/ublox-cellular-rs
[ublox-cellular-rs-docs-img]: https://docs.rs/ublox-cellular-rs/badge.svg
[ublox-cellular-rs-docs]: https://docs.rs/ublox-cellular-rs/
[espresso]: https://github.com/dbrgn/espresso
[esp-at-nal]: https://github.com/pegasus-aero/rt-esp-at-nal
[esp-at-nal-crate-img]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/esp-at-nal.svg
[esp-at-nal-crate]: https://crates.io/crates/esp-at-nal
[esp-at-nal-docs-img]: https://docs.rs/esp-at-nal/badge.svg
[esp-at-nal-docs]: https://docs.rs/esp-at-nal/
[moko-mkl62ba]: https://github.com/mvniekerk/moko-mkl62ba-at-commands-rs
[moko-mkl62ba-crate]: https://crates.io/crates/moko-mkl62ba-at-commands-rs
[moko-mkl62ba-crate-img]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/moko-mkl62ba-at-commands.svg
[moko-mkl62ba-docs-img]: https://docs.rs/moko-mkl62ba-at-commands/badge.svg
[moko-mkl62ba-docs]: https://docs.rs/moko-mkl62ba-at-commands/
[seeed-lora-e5]: https://github.com/mvniekerk/seeed-lora-e5-at-commands
[seeed-lora-e5-crate]: https://crates.io/crates/seeed-lora-e5-at-commands
[seeed-lora-e5-crate-img]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/seeed-lora-e5-at-commands.svg
[seeed-lora-e5-docs-img]: https://docs.rs/seeed-lora-e5-at-commands/badge.svg
[seeed-lora-e5-docs]: https://docs.rs/seeed-lora-e5-at-commands/
## Features
- `derive`: Enabled by default. Re-exports `atat_derive` to allow deriving `Atat__` traits.
- `bytes`: Enabled by default. Re-exports `serde-bytes` & `heapless-bytes` to allow serializing & deserializing non-quoted byte slices correctly.
- `log`: Disabled by default. Enable log statements on various log levels to aid debugging. Powered by `log`.
- `defmt`: Disabled by default. Enable defmt log statements on various log levels to aid debugging. Powered by `defmt`.
- `custom-error-messages`: Disabled by default. Allows errors to contain custom error messages up to 64 characters, parsed by `AtDigest::custom_error`.
- `hex_str_arrays`: Disabled by default. Needs `#![feature(generic_const_exprs)]` Nightly feature. This allows for hex strings to be serialized to a fix-width byte array.
- `heapless`: Enable heapless feature on `serde_at`. This enables heapless support and adds some specialized parsing structs.
## Chat / Getting Help
If you have questions on the development of ATAT or want to write a driver
based on it, feel free to join our matrix room at `#atat:matrix.org`!
## License
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
[test]: https://github.com/BlackbirdHQ/atat/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg
[crates-io]: https://crates.io/crates/atat
[chat]: https://matrix.to/#/!ocRyOwQJhEWrphujkM:matrix.org?via=chat.berline.rs&via=matrix.org
[chat-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-atat%3Amatrix.org-brightgreen
[crates-io-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/atat.svg?maxAge=3600
[crates-io-download]: https://crates.io/crates/atat
[crates-io-download-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/d/atat.svg?maxAge=3600
[no-std-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/no__std-yes-blue