[package] name = "atelier_assembler" description = "Implements the Smithy model assembler pattern, to merge files into a single in-memory Model." version = "0.1.4" authors = ["Simon Johnston "] edition = "2018" documentation = "https://docs.rs/atelier_assembler/" repository = "https://github.com/johnstonskj/rust-atelier.git" license = "MIT" readme = "README.md" publish = true [package.metadata.docs.rs] # This sets the default target to `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` # and only builds that target for documentation. targets = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"] all-features = true [dependencies] atelier_core = { version = "~0.2", path = "../atelier-core" } atelier_json = { version = "~0.2", path = "../atelier-json" } atelier_smithy = { version = "~0.2", path = "../atelier-smithy" } atelier_test = { version = "~0.1", path = "../atelier-test" } log = "0.4" [dev-dependencies] pretty_env_logger = "0.4"