use atelier_core::io::write_model_to_string; use atelier_core::model::Model; use atelier_describe::document::writer::DocumentationWriter; use atelier_test::parts; pub fn write_model(model: Model, expected: &[&str]) { let mut writer = DocumentationWriter::default(); let out_str: Vec = write_model_to_string(&mut writer, &model) .unwrap() .split('\n') .map(str::to_string) .filter(|s| !s.trim().is_empty()) .collect(); println!("{:#?}", out_str); assert_eq!(out_str, expected) } #[test] fn namespace_only() { let model = parts::namespace_only(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", ], ); } #[test] fn simple_shape_only() { let model = parts::simple_shape_only(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", "# Namespace smithy.waiters", "## WaiterDelay (integer)", ], ); } #[test] fn simple_shape_with_block_text() { let model = parts::namespace_only(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", ], ); } #[test] fn simple_shape_with_block_text_2() { let model = parts::simple_shape_with_block_text_2(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", "# Namespace", "## FooDelay (integer)", "Do empty \"\" quotes work too?", ], ); } #[test] fn simple_shape_with_traits() { let model = parts::simple_shape_with_traits(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", "# Namespace smithy.waiters", "## WaiterDelay (integer)", "", "", "", "", "
Trait IDPathValue
", ], ); } #[test] fn simple_shape_with_traits_and_comments() { let model = parts::simple_shape_with_traits_and_comments(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", "# Namespace smithy.waiters", "## WaiterDelay (integer)", "", "", "", "", "
Trait IDPathValue
", ], ); } #[test] fn simple_shape_with_traits_and_documentation() { let model = parts::simple_shape_with_traits_and_documentation(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", "# Namespace smithy.waiters", "## WaiterName (string)", "The name, or identifier, of a waiter.", "", "", "", "
Trait IDPathValue
", ], ); } #[test] fn service_with_renames() { let model = parts::service_with_renames(); write_model( model.model, &[ "[_metadata_:title]:- \"Smithy Model\"", "Smithy Version: 1.0", "# Namespace smithy.example", "## GetSomething (operation)", "## MyService (service)", "**Service version**: 2017-02-11", "### Operations", "> * [GetSomething](#shape:GetSomething)", "> ", "### Renames", "> * `foo.example#Widget` renamed to `FooWidget`", "> ", ], ); }