# Roadmap ## Version 0.0.3 - Visitor Pattern for Result - Implement a small visitor pattern to extract results from provided lines of code. ## Version 0.1.0 - CLI & REPL - Develop a Command-Line Interface (CLI) and a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) to make the library usable from the command line. ## Version 0.2 - Variable Types (const, let, mut) - Introduce variable support, starting with integers and floating-point numbers. No typing required, similar to JavaScript. > aka: let x = 5; > x = 5.6; - Extend variable functionality to include different types like constants (const), let-bindings (let), and mutable variables (mut). ## Version 0.3 - Additional Variable Types, Conditionals, and Loops - Add more variable types (e.g., strings, boolean) to enhance the language capabilities. - Implement conditional statements and loop constructs to enable more complex programs. ## Version 0.4 - Functions and Core Library - Introduce functions and create a small core library with functions like print(), read(), and others to enhance the language's utility. > read() will return what was typed in by the user in the console. ## Version 0.5 - Objects (Structs and Arrays) - Add support for structured data with objects like structs and arrays. > to be defined. NB: This is only a roadmap featuring each step of the development of this project with proof of concept. If you want a more clearer roadmap about what happened in the `atlas-core` itself, please refer to the `atlas-core` project in GitHub. > Not everything is in the project as of now, because the Roadmap isn't clear too for myself yet.