#[doc = "Register `IDR` writer"] pub type W = crate::W<IdrSpec>; #[doc = "Field `EOC0` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 0"] pub type Eoc0W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC1` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 1"] pub type Eoc1W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC2` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 2"] pub type Eoc2W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC3` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 3"] pub type Eoc3W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC4` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 4"] pub type Eoc4W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC5` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 5"] pub type Eoc5W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC6` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 6"] pub type Eoc6W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC7` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 7"] pub type Eoc7W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC8` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 8"] pub type Eoc8W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC9` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 9"] pub type Eoc9W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC10` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 10"] pub type Eoc10W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC11` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 11"] pub type Eoc11W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC12` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 12"] pub type Eoc12W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC13` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 13"] pub type Eoc13W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC14` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 14"] pub type Eoc14W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `EOC15` writer - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 15"] pub type Eoc15W<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `DRDY` writer - Data Ready Interrupt Disable"] pub type DrdyW<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `GOVRE` writer - General Overrun Error Interrupt Disable"] pub type GovreW<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `COMPE` writer - Comparison Event Interrupt Disable"] pub type CompeW<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `ENDRX` writer - End of Receive Buffer Interrupt Disable"] pub type EndrxW<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; #[doc = "Field `RXBUFF` writer - Receive Buffer Full Interrupt Disable"] pub type RxbuffW<'a, REG> = crate::BitWriter<'a, REG>; impl W { #[doc = "Bit 0 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 0"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc0(&mut self) -> Eoc0W<IdrSpec> { Eoc0W::new(self, 0) } #[doc = "Bit 1 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 1"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc1(&mut self) -> Eoc1W<IdrSpec> { Eoc1W::new(self, 1) } #[doc = "Bit 2 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 2"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc2(&mut self) -> Eoc2W<IdrSpec> { Eoc2W::new(self, 2) } #[doc = "Bit 3 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 3"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc3(&mut self) -> Eoc3W<IdrSpec> { Eoc3W::new(self, 3) } #[doc = "Bit 4 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 4"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc4(&mut self) -> Eoc4W<IdrSpec> { Eoc4W::new(self, 4) } #[doc = "Bit 5 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 5"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc5(&mut self) -> Eoc5W<IdrSpec> { Eoc5W::new(self, 5) } #[doc = "Bit 6 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 6"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc6(&mut self) -> Eoc6W<IdrSpec> { Eoc6W::new(self, 6) } #[doc = "Bit 7 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 7"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc7(&mut self) -> Eoc7W<IdrSpec> { Eoc7W::new(self, 7) } #[doc = "Bit 8 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 8"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc8(&mut self) -> Eoc8W<IdrSpec> { Eoc8W::new(self, 8) } #[doc = "Bit 9 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 9"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc9(&mut self) -> Eoc9W<IdrSpec> { Eoc9W::new(self, 9) } #[doc = "Bit 10 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 10"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc10(&mut self) -> Eoc10W<IdrSpec> { Eoc10W::new(self, 10) } #[doc = "Bit 11 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 11"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc11(&mut self) -> Eoc11W<IdrSpec> { Eoc11W::new(self, 11) } #[doc = "Bit 12 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 12"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc12(&mut self) -> Eoc12W<IdrSpec> { Eoc12W::new(self, 12) } #[doc = "Bit 13 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 13"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc13(&mut self) -> Eoc13W<IdrSpec> { Eoc13W::new(self, 13) } #[doc = "Bit 14 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 14"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc14(&mut self) -> Eoc14W<IdrSpec> { Eoc14W::new(self, 14) } #[doc = "Bit 15 - End of Conversion Interrupt Disable 15"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn eoc15(&mut self) -> Eoc15W<IdrSpec> { Eoc15W::new(self, 15) } #[doc = "Bit 24 - Data Ready Interrupt Disable"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn drdy(&mut self) -> DrdyW<IdrSpec> { DrdyW::new(self, 24) } #[doc = "Bit 25 - General Overrun Error Interrupt Disable"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn govre(&mut self) -> GovreW<IdrSpec> { GovreW::new(self, 25) } #[doc = "Bit 26 - Comparison Event Interrupt Disable"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn compe(&mut self) -> CompeW<IdrSpec> { CompeW::new(self, 26) } #[doc = "Bit 27 - End of Receive Buffer Interrupt Disable"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn endrx(&mut self) -> EndrxW<IdrSpec> { EndrxW::new(self, 27) } #[doc = "Bit 28 - Receive Buffer Full Interrupt Disable"] #[inline(always)] #[must_use] pub fn rxbuff(&mut self) -> RxbuffW<IdrSpec> { RxbuffW::new(self, 28) } } #[doc = "Interrupt Disable Register\n\nYou can [`write_with_zero`](crate::generic::Reg::write_with_zero) this register using [`idr::W`](W). See [API](https://docs.rs/svd2rust/#read--modify--write-api)."] pub struct IdrSpec; impl crate::RegisterSpec for IdrSpec { type Ux = u32; } #[doc = "`write(|w| ..)` method takes [`idr::W`](W) writer structure"] impl crate::Writable for IdrSpec { type Safety = crate::Unsafe; const ZERO_TO_MODIFY_FIELDS_BITMAP: u32 = 0; const ONE_TO_MODIFY_FIELDS_BITMAP: u32 = 0; }