pub(crate) mod options; pub(crate) mod predict; pub(crate) mod prep; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, num::NonZeroU32, }; use itertools::{izip, Itertools}; use options::ProphetOptions; use prep::{ComponentColumns, Modes, Preprocessed, Scales}; use crate::{ optimizer::{InitialParams, OptimizeOpts, OptimizedParams, Optimizer}, Error, EstimationMode, FeaturePrediction, IncludeHistory, PredictionData, Predictions, Regressor, Seasonality, TimestampSeconds, TrainingData, }; /// The Prophet time series forecasting model. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Prophet { /// Options to be used for fitting. opts: ProphetOptions, /// Extra regressors. regressors: HashMap, /// Custom seasonalities. seasonalities: HashMap, // TODO: move all of the below into a separate struct. // That way we minimize the number of fields in this struct // and the number of permutations of optional fields, // so it's harder to accidentally get into an invalid state. /// Scaling factors for the data. /// /// This is calculated during fitting, and is used to scale the data /// before fitting. scales: Option, /// The changepoints for the model. changepoints: Option>, /// The time of the changepoints. changepoints_t: Option>, /// The modes of the components. component_modes: Option, /// The component columns used for training. train_component_columns: Option, /// The names of the holidays that were seen in the training data. train_holiday_names: Option>, /// The optimizer to use. optimizer: O, /// The processed data used for fitting. processed: Option, /// The initial parameters passed to optimization. init: Option, /// The optimized model, if it has been fit. optimized: Option, } // All public methods should live in this `impl` even if they call // lots of functions in private modules, so that Rustdoc shows them // all in a single block. impl Prophet { /// Create a new Prophet model with the given options and optimizer. pub fn new(opts: ProphetOptions, optimizer: O) -> Self { Self { opts, regressors: HashMap::new(), seasonalities: HashMap::new(), scales: None, changepoints: None, changepoints_t: None, component_modes: None, train_component_columns: None, train_holiday_names: None, optimizer, processed: None, init: None, optimized: None, } } /// Add a custom seasonality to the model. pub fn add_seasonality( &mut self, name: String, seasonality: Seasonality, ) -> Result<&mut Self, Error> { if self.seasonalities.contains_key(&name) { return Err(Error::DuplicateSeasonality(name)); } self.seasonalities.insert(name, seasonality); Ok(self) } /// Add a regressor to the model. pub fn add_regressor(&mut self, name: String, regressor: Regressor) -> &mut Self { self.regressors.insert(name, regressor); self } /// Return `true` if the model has been fit, or `false` if not. pub fn is_fitted(&self) -> bool { self.optimized.is_some() } /// Predict using the Prophet model. /// /// # Errors /// /// Returns an error if the model has not been fit. pub fn predict(&self, data: impl Into>) -> Result { let Self { processed: Some(processed), optimized: Some(params), changepoints_t: Some(changepoints_t), scales: Some(scales), .. } = self else { return Err(Error::ModelNotFit); }; let data = data.into(); let df = data .map(|data| { let training_data = TrainingData { n: data.n, ds: data.ds.clone(), y: vec![], cap: data.cap.clone(), floor: data.floor.clone(), seasonality_conditions: data.seasonality_conditions.clone(), x: data.x.clone(), }; self.setup_dataframe(training_data, Some(scales.clone())) .map(|(df, _)| df) }) .transpose()? .unwrap_or_else(|| processed.history.clone()); let mut trend = self.predict_trend( &df.t, &df.cap_scaled, &df.floor, changepoints_t, params, scales.y_scale, )?; let features = self.make_all_features(&df)?; let seasonal_components = self.predict_features(&features, params, scales.y_scale)?; let yhat_point = izip!( &trend.point, &seasonal_components.additive.point, &seasonal_components.multiplicative.point ) .map(|(t, a, m)| t * (1.0 + m) + a) .collect(); let mut yhat = FeaturePrediction { point: yhat_point, lower: None, upper: None, }; if self.opts.uncertainty_samples > 0 { self.predict_uncertainty( &df, &features, params, changepoints_t, &mut yhat, &mut trend, scales.y_scale, )?; } Ok(Predictions { ds: df.ds, yhat, trend, cap: df.cap, floor: scales.logistic_floor.then_some(df.floor), additive: seasonal_components.additive, multiplicative: seasonal_components.multiplicative, holidays: seasonal_components.holidays, seasonalities: seasonal_components.seasonalities, regressors: seasonal_components.regressors, }) } /// Create dates to use for predictions. /// /// # Parameters /// /// - `horizon`: The number of days to predict forward. /// - `include_history`: Whether to include the historical dates in the /// future dataframe. /// /// # Errors /// /// Returns an error if the model has not been fit. pub fn make_future_dataframe( &self, horizon: NonZeroU32, include_history: IncludeHistory, ) -> Result { let Some(Preprocessed { history_dates, .. }) = &self.processed else { return Err(Error::ModelNotFit); }; let freq = Self::infer_freq(history_dates)?; let last_date = *history_dates.last().ok_or(Error::NotEnoughData)?; let n = (horizon.get() as u64 + 1) as TimestampSeconds; let dates = (last_date..last_date + n * freq) .step_by(freq as usize) .filter(|ds| *ds > last_date) .take(horizon.get() as usize); let ds = if include_history == IncludeHistory::Yes { history_dates.iter().copied().chain(dates).collect() } else { dates.collect() }; Ok(PredictionData::new(ds)) } fn infer_freq(history_dates: &[TimestampSeconds]) -> Result { const INFER_N: usize = 5; let get_tried = || { history_dates .iter() .rev() .take(INFER_N) .copied() .collect_vec() }; // Calculate diffs between the last 5 dates in the history, and // create a map from diffs to counts. let diff_counts = history_dates .iter() .rev() .take(INFER_N) .tuple_windows() .map(|(a, b)| a - b) .counts(); // Find the max count, and return the corresponding diff, provided there // is exactly one diff with that count. let max = diff_counts .values() .copied() .max() .ok_or_else(|| Error::UnableToInferFrequency(get_tried()))?; diff_counts .into_iter() .filter(|(_, v)| *v == max) .map(|(k, _)| k) .exactly_one() .map_err(|_| Error::UnableToInferFrequency(get_tried())) } } impl Prophet { /// Fit the Prophet model to some training data. pub fn fit(&mut self, data: TrainingData, mut opts: OptimizeOpts) -> Result<(), Error> { let preprocessed = self.preprocess(data)?; let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&self.opts)?; // TODO: call `sample` if `self.opts.estimation == EstimationMode::Mcmc`. // We'll first need to add a `sample` method to the Optimizer trait, then accept // a different set of options in `opts`, and also update `OptimizedParams` to // include every MCMC sample. if opts.jacobian.is_none() { let use_jacobian = self.opts.estimation == EstimationMode::Map; opts.jacobian = Some(use_jacobian); } self.optimized = Some( self.optimizer .optimize(&init, &, &opts) .map_err(|e| Error::OptimizationFailed(e.to_string()))?, ); self.processed = Some(preprocessed); self.init = Some(init); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_trend { use std::f64::consts::PI; use augurs_testing::assert_approx_eq; use chrono::{NaiveDate, TimeDelta}; use itertools::Itertools; use super::*; use crate::{ optimizer::mock_optimizer::MockOptimizer, testdata::{daily_univariate_ts, train_test_split}, util::FloatIterExt, GrowthType, IncludeHistory, Scaling, TrainingData, }; #[test] fn growth_init() { let mut data = daily_univariate_ts().head(468); let max = data.y.iter().copied().nanmax(true); data = data.with_cap(vec![max; 468]).unwrap(); let mut opts = ProphetOptions::default(); let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts.clone(), MockOptimizer::new()); let preprocessed = prophet.preprocess(data.clone()).unwrap(); let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&opts).unwrap(); assert_approx_eq!(init.k, 0.3055671); assert_approx_eq!(init.m, 0.5307511); opts.growth = GrowthType::Logistic; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts.clone(), MockOptimizer::new()); let preprocessed = prophet.preprocess(data).unwrap(); let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&opts).unwrap(); assert_approx_eq!(init.k, 1.507925); assert_approx_eq!(init.m, -0.08167497); opts.growth = GrowthType::Flat; let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&opts).unwrap(); assert_approx_eq!(init.k, 0.0); assert_approx_eq!(init.m, 0.49335657); } #[test] fn growth_init_minmax() { let mut data = daily_univariate_ts().head(468); let max = data.y.iter().copied().nanmax(true); data = data.with_cap(vec![max; 468]).unwrap(); let mut opts = ProphetOptions { scaling: Scaling::MinMax, ..ProphetOptions::default() }; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts.clone(), MockOptimizer::new()); let preprocessed = prophet.preprocess(data.clone()).unwrap(); let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&opts).unwrap(); assert_approx_eq!(init.k, 0.4053406); assert_approx_eq!(init.m, 0.3775322); opts.growth = GrowthType::Logistic; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts.clone(), MockOptimizer::new()); let preprocessed = prophet.preprocess(data).unwrap(); let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&opts).unwrap(); assert_approx_eq!(init.k, 1.782523); assert_approx_eq!(init.m, 0.280521); opts.growth = GrowthType::Flat; let init = preprocessed.calculate_initial_params(&opts).unwrap(); assert_approx_eq!(init.k, 0.0); assert_approx_eq!(init.m, 0.32792770); } #[test] fn flat_growth_absmax() { let opts = ProphetOptions { growth: GrowthType::Flat, scaling: Scaling::AbsMax, ..ProphetOptions::default() }; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new()); let x = (0..50).map(|x| x as f64 * PI * 2.0 / 50.0); let y =|x| 30.0 + (x * 8.0).sin()).collect_vec(); let ds = (0..50) .map(|x| { (NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2020, 1, 1).unwrap() + TimeDelta::days(x)) .and_hms_opt(0, 0, 0) .unwrap() .and_utc() .timestamp() as TimestampSeconds }) .collect_vec(); let data = TrainingData::new(ds, y).unwrap();, Default::default()).unwrap(); let future = prophet .make_future_dataframe(10.try_into().unwrap(), IncludeHistory::Yes) .unwrap(); let _predictions = prophet.predict(future).unwrap(); } #[test] fn get_changepoints() { let (data, _) = train_test_split(daily_univariate_ts(), 0.5); let optimizer = MockOptimizer::new(); let mut prophet = Prophet::new(ProphetOptions::default(), optimizer); let preprocessed = prophet.preprocess(data).unwrap(); let history = preprocessed.history; let changepoints_t = prophet.changepoints_t.as_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(changepoints_t.len() as u32, prophet.opts.n_changepoints,); // Assert that the earliest changepoint is after the first point. assert!(changepoints_t.iter().copied().nanmin(true) > 0.0); // Assert that the changepoints are less than the 80th percentile of `t`. let cp_idx = (history.ds.len() as f64 * 0.8).ceil() as usize; assert!(changepoints_t.iter().copied().nanmax(true) <= history.t[cp_idx]); let expected = &[ 0.03504043, 0.06738544, 0.09433962, 0.12938005, 0.16442049, 0.1967655, 0.22371968, 0.25606469, 0.28301887, 0.3180593, 0.35040431, 0.37735849, 0.41239892, 0.45013477, 0.48247978, 0.51752022, 0.54447439, 0.57681941, 0.61185984, 0.64150943, 0.67924528, 0.7115903, 0.74663073, 0.77358491, 0.80592992, ]; for (a, b) in changepoints_t.iter().zip(expected) { assert_approx_eq!(a, b); } } #[test] fn get_changepoints_range() { let (data, _) = train_test_split(daily_univariate_ts(), 0.5); let opts = ProphetOptions { changepoint_range: 0.4.try_into().unwrap(), ..ProphetOptions::default() }; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new()); let preprocessed = prophet.preprocess(data).unwrap(); let history = preprocessed.history; let changepoints_t = prophet.changepoints_t.as_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(changepoints_t.len() as u32, prophet.opts.n_changepoints,); // Assert that the earliest changepoint is after the first point. assert!(changepoints_t.iter().copied().nanmin(true) > 0.0); // Assert that the changepoints are less than the 80th percentile of `t`. let cp_idx = (history.ds.len() as f64 * 0.4).ceil() as usize; assert!(changepoints_t.iter().copied().nanmax(true) <= history.t[cp_idx]); let expected = &[ 0.01617251, 0.03504043, 0.05121294, 0.06738544, 0.08355795, 0.09433962, 0.11051213, 0.12938005, 0.14555256, 0.16172507, 0.17789757, 0.18867925, 0.20754717, 0.22371968, 0.23989218, 0.25606469, 0.2722372, 0.28301887, 0.30188679, 0.3180593, 0.33423181, 0.35040431, 0.36657682, 0.37735849, 0.393531, ]; for (a, b) in changepoints_t.iter().zip(expected) { assert_approx_eq!(a, b); } } #[test] fn get_zero_changepoints() { let (data, _) = train_test_split(daily_univariate_ts(), 0.5); let opts = ProphetOptions { n_changepoints: 0, ..ProphetOptions::default() }; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new()); prophet.preprocess(data).unwrap(); let changepoints_t = prophet.changepoints_t.as_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(changepoints_t.len() as u32, 1); assert_eq!(changepoints_t[0], 0.0); } #[test] fn get_n_changepoints() { let data = daily_univariate_ts().head(20); let opts = ProphetOptions { n_changepoints: 15, ..ProphetOptions::default() }; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new()); prophet.preprocess(data).unwrap(); let changepoints_t = prophet.changepoints_t.as_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(prophet.opts.n_changepoints, 15); assert_eq!(changepoints_t.len() as u32, 15); } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_seasonal { use augurs_testing::assert_approx_eq; use super::*; use crate::testdata::daily_univariate_ts; #[test] fn fourier_series_weekly() { let data = daily_univariate_ts(); let mat = Prophet::<()>::fourier_series(&data.ds, 7.0.try_into().unwrap(), 3.try_into().unwrap()); let expected = &[ 0.7818315, 0.6234898, 0.9749279, -0.2225209, 0.4338837, -0.9009689, ]; assert_eq!(mat.len(), expected.len()); let first = mat.iter().map(|row| row[0]); for (a, b) in { assert_approx_eq!(a, b); } } #[test] fn fourier_series_yearly() { let data = daily_univariate_ts(); let mat = Prophet::<()>::fourier_series( &data.ds, 365.25.try_into().unwrap(), 3.try_into().unwrap(), ); let expected = &[ 0.7006152, -0.7135393, -0.9998330, 0.01827656, 0.7262249, 0.6874572, ]; assert_eq!(mat.len(), expected.len()); let first = mat.iter().map(|row| row[0]); for (a, b) in { assert_approx_eq!(a, b); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_custom_seasonal { use std::collections::HashMap; use chrono::NaiveDate; use itertools::Itertools; use crate::{ optimizer::mock_optimizer::MockOptimizer, prophet::prep::{FeatureName, Features}, testdata::daily_univariate_ts, FeatureMode, Holiday, ProphetOptions, Seasonality, SeasonalityOption, }; use super::Prophet; #[test] fn custom_prior() { let holiday_dates = ["2017-01-02"] .iter() .map(|s| { s.parse::() .unwrap() .and_hms_opt(0, 0, 0) .unwrap() .and_utc() .timestamp() }) .collect(); let opts = ProphetOptions { holidays: [( "special day".to_string(), Holiday::new(holiday_dates).with_prior_scale(4.0.try_into().unwrap()), )] .into(), seasonality_mode: FeatureMode::Multiplicative, yearly_seasonality: SeasonalityOption::Manual(false), ..Default::default() }; let data = daily_univariate_ts(); let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new()); prophet .add_seasonality( "monthly".to_string(), Seasonality::new(30.0.try_into().unwrap(), 5.try_into().unwrap()) .with_prior_scale(2.0.try_into().unwrap()) .with_mode(FeatureMode::Additive), ) .unwrap();, Default::default()).unwrap(); prophet.predict(None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(prophet.seasonalities["weekly"].mode, None); assert_eq!( prophet.seasonalities["monthly"].mode, Some(FeatureMode::Additive) ); let Features { features, prior_scales, component_columns, .. } = prophet .make_all_features(&prophet.processed.as_ref().unwrap().history) .unwrap(); assert_eq!( component_columns.seasonalities["monthly"] .iter() .sum::(), 10 ); assert_eq!( component_columns.holidays["special day"] .iter() .sum::(), 1 ); assert_eq!( component_columns.seasonalities["weekly"] .iter() .sum::(), 6 ); assert_eq!(component_columns.additive.iter().sum::(), 10); assert_eq!(component_columns.multiplicative.iter().sum::(), 7); if features.names[0] == (FeatureName::Seasonality { name: "monthly".to_string(), _id: 1, }) { assert_eq!( component_columns.seasonalities["monthly"], &[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ); assert_eq!( component_columns.seasonalities["weekly"], &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], ); let expected_prior_scales = [ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 4.0, ] .map(|x| x.try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(&prior_scales, &expected_prior_scales); } else { assert_eq!( component_columns.seasonalities["monthly"], &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], ); assert_eq!( component_columns.seasonalities["weekly"], &[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ); let expected_prior_scales = [ 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, ] .map(|x| x.try_into().unwrap()); assert_eq!(&prior_scales, &expected_prior_scales); } } #[test] fn conditional_custom_seasonality() { // Set up data. let mut data = daily_univariate_ts(); let condition_col = [[false; 255], [true; 255]].concat(); let conditions = HashMap::from([("is_conditional_week".to_string(), condition_col.clone())]); data = data.with_seasonality_conditions(conditions).unwrap(); // Set up Prophet model. let opts = ProphetOptions { yearly_seasonality: SeasonalityOption::Manual(false), weekly_seasonality: SeasonalityOption::Manual(false), ..Default::default() }; let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new()); prophet .add_seasonality( "conditional_weekly".to_string(), Seasonality::new(7.0.try_into().unwrap(), 3.try_into().unwrap()) .with_prior_scale(2.0.try_into().unwrap()) .with_condition("is_conditional_week".to_string()) .with_mode(FeatureMode::Additive), ) .unwrap() .add_seasonality( "normal_monthly".to_string(), Seasonality::new(30.5.try_into().unwrap(), 5.try_into().unwrap()) .with_prior_scale(2.0.try_into().unwrap()) .with_mode(FeatureMode::Additive), ) .unwrap();, Default::default()).unwrap(); prophet.predict(None).unwrap(); let Features { features, .. } = prophet .make_all_features(&prophet.processed.as_ref().unwrap().history) .unwrap(); let condition_features = features .names .iter() .zip(& .filter(|(name, _)| { matches!(name, FeatureName::Seasonality { name, .. } if name == "conditional_weekly") }) .collect_vec(); // Check that each of the condition features is zero everywhere except // where the condition column is true. for (_, condition_feature) in condition_features { assert_eq!(condition_col.len(), condition_feature.len()); for (cond, f) in condition_col.iter().zip(condition_feature) { assert_eq!(*f != 0.0, *cond); } } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_holidays { use chrono::NaiveDate; use crate::{ optimizer::mock_optimizer::MockOptimizer, testdata::daily_univariate_ts, Holiday, Prophet, ProphetOptions, }; #[test] fn fit_predict_holiday() { let holiday_dates = ["2012-10-09", "2013-10-09"] .iter() .map(|s| { s.parse::() .unwrap() .and_hms_opt(0, 0, 0) .unwrap() .and_utc() .timestamp() }) .collect(); let opts = ProphetOptions { holidays: [( "bens-bday".to_string(), Holiday::new(holiday_dates) .with_lower_window(vec![0, 0]) .unwrap() .with_upper_window(vec![1, 1]) .unwrap(), )] .into(), ..Default::default() }; let data = daily_univariate_ts(); let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, MockOptimizer::new());, Default::default()).unwrap(); prophet.predict(None).unwrap(); } } #[cfg(test)] mod test_fit { use augurs_testing::assert_all_close; use itertools::Itertools; use crate::{ optimizer::{mock_optimizer::MockOptimizer, InitialParams}, testdata::{daily_univariate_ts, train_test_splitn}, util::FloatIterExt, Prophet, ProphetOptions, TrendIndicator, }; /// This test is extracted from the `fit_predict` test of the Python Prophet /// library. Since we don't want to depend on an optimizer, this just ensures /// that we're correctly getting the data ready for Stan, by recording the data /// that's sent to the configured optimizer. /// /// There is a similar test in `` which patches the returned /// optimized parameters and ensures predictions look sensible. #[test] fn fit_absmax() { let test_days = 30; let (train, _) = train_test_splitn(daily_univariate_ts(), test_days); let opts = ProphetOptions { scaling: crate::Scaling::AbsMax, ..Default::default() }; let opt = MockOptimizer::new(); let mut prophet = Prophet::new(opts, opt);, Default::default()).unwrap(); // Make sure our optimizer was called correctly. let opt: &MockOptimizer = &prophet.optimizer; let call = opt.take_call().unwrap(); assert_eq!( call.init, InitialParams { beta: vec![0.0; 6], delta: vec![0.0; 25], k: 0.29834791059280863, m: 0.5307510759405802, sigma_obs: 1.0.try_into().unwrap(), } ); assert_eq!(, 480); assert_eq!(, 25); assert_eq!(, 6); assert_eq!(*, 0.05); assert_eq!(, TrendIndicator::Linear); assert_eq!(, 1.0); assert_all_close( &[0..5], &[0.530751, 0.472442, 0.430376, 0.444259, 0.458559], ); assert_eq!(, train.y.len()); assert_all_close( &[0..5], &[0.0, 0.004298, 0.005731, 0.007163, 0.008596], ); assert_eq!(, train.y.len()); assert_eq!(&, &[0.0; 480]); assert_eq!( &|x| **x).collect_vec(), &[10.0; 6] ); assert_eq!(&, &[1; 6]); assert_eq!(&, &[0; 6]); assert_eq!(, 6 * 480); let first = &[..6]; assert_all_close( first, &[0.781831, 0.623490, 0.974928, -0.222521, 0.433884, -0.900969], ); } }