ReconnectingWebSocket ===================== A small JavaScript library that decorates the WebSocket API to provide a WebSocket connection that will automatically reconnect if the connection is dropped. It is API compatible, so when you have: ```javascript var ws = new WebSocket('ws://....'); ``` you can replace with: ```javascript var ws = new ReconnectingWebSocket('ws://....'); ``` Minified library with gzip compression is less than 600 bytes. How reconnections occur ----------------------- With the standard `WebSocket` API, the events you receive from the WebSocket instance are typically: onopen onmessage onmessage onmessage onclose // At this point the WebSocket instance is dead. With a `ReconnectingWebSocket`, after an `onclose` event is called it will automatically attempt to reconnect. In addition, a connection is attempted repeatedly (with a small pause) until it succeeds. So the events you receive may look something more like: onopen onmessage onmessage onmessage onclose // ReconnectingWebSocket attempts to reconnect onopen onmessage onmessage onmessage onclose // ReconnectingWebSocket attempts to reconnect onopen onmessage onmessage onmessage onclose This is all handled automatically for you by the library. ## Parameters ```javascript var socket = new ReconnectingWebSocket(url, protocols, options); ``` #### `url` - The URL you are connecting to. - #### `protocols` - Optional string or array of protocols per the WebSocket spec. - [ #### `options` - Options (see below) ## Options Options can either be passed as the 3rd parameter upon instantiation or set directly on the object after instantiation: ```javascript var socket = new ReconnectingWebSocket(url, null, {debug: true, reconnectInterval: 3000}); ``` or ```javascript var socket = new ReconnectingWebSocket(url); socket.debug = true; socket.timeoutInterval = 5400; ``` #### `debug` - Whether this instance should log debug messages or not. Debug messages are printed to `console.debug()`. - Accepts `true` or `false` - Default value: `false` #### `automaticOpen` - Whether or not the websocket should attempt to connect immediately upon instantiation. The socket can be manually opened or closed at any time using and ws.close(). - Accepts `true` or `false` - Default value: `true` #### `reconnectInterval` - The number of milliseconds to delay before attempting to reconnect. - Accepts `integer` - Default: `1000` #### `maxReconnectInterval` - The maximum number of milliseconds to delay a reconnection attempt. - Accepts `integer` - Default: `30000` ####`reconnectDecay` - The rate of increase of the reconnect delay. Allows reconnect attempts to back off when problems persist. - Accepts `integer` or `float` - Default: `1.5` #### `timeoutInterval` - The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to succeed before closing and retrying. - Accepts `integer` - Default: `2000` #### `maxReconnectAttempts` - The maximum number of reconnection attempts that will be made before giving up. If null, reconnection attempts will be continue to be made forever. - Accepts `integer` or `null`. - Default: `null` --- ## Methods #### `` - Open the Reconnecting Websocket #### `ws.close(code, reason)` - Closes the WebSocket connection or connection attempt, if any. If the connection is already CLOSED, this method does nothing. - `code` is optional the closing code (default value 1000). []( - `reason` is the optional reason that the socket is being closed. []( #### `ws.refresh()` - Refresh the connection if still open (close and then re-open it). #### `ws.send(data)` - Transmits data to the server over the WebSocket connection. - Accepts @param data a text string, ArrayBuffer or Blob Like this? Check out [websocketd]( for the simplest way to create WebSocket backends from any programming language. [Follow @joewalnes]( [![Bitdeli Badge](]( "Bitdeli Badge")