{ "type": "item", "version": "13.9.1", "basic": { "name": "", "rune": { "isrune": false, "tier": 1, "type": "red" }, "gold": { "base": 0, "total": 0, "sell": 0, "purchasable": false }, "group": "", "description": "", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "", "consumed": false, "stacks": 1, "depth": 1, "consumeOnFull": false, "from": [], "into": [], "specialRecipe": 0, "inStore": true, "hideFromAll": false, "requiredChampion": "", "requiredAlly": "", "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 0, "rFlatHPModPerLevel": 0, "FlatMPPoolMod": 0, "rFlatMPModPerLevel": 0, "PercentHPPoolMod": 0, "PercentMPPoolMod": 0, "FlatHPRegenMod": 0, "rFlatHPRegenModPerLevel": 0, "PercentHPRegenMod": 0, "FlatMPRegenMod": 0, "rFlatMPRegenModPerLevel": 0, "PercentMPRegenMod": 0, "FlatArmorMod": 0, "rFlatArmorModPerLevel": 0, "PercentArmorMod": 0, "rFlatArmorPenetrationMod": 0, "rFlatArmorPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentArmorPenetrationMod": 0, "rPercentArmorPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 0, "rFlatPhysicalDamageModPerLevel": 0, "PercentPhysicalDamageMod": 0, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 0, "rFlatMagicDamageModPerLevel": 0, "PercentMagicDamageMod": 0, "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 0, "rFlatMovementSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0, "rPercentMovementSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "FlatAttackSpeedMod": 0, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0, "rPercentAttackSpeedModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatDodgeMod": 0, "rFlatDodgeModPerLevel": 0, "PercentDodgeMod": 0, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0, "rFlatCritChanceModPerLevel": 0, "PercentCritChanceMod": 0, "FlatCritDamageMod": 0, "rFlatCritDamageModPerLevel": 0, "PercentCritDamageMod": 0, "FlatBlockMod": 0, "PercentBlockMod": 0, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 0, "rFlatSpellBlockModPerLevel": 0, "PercentSpellBlockMod": 0, "FlatEXPBonus": 0, "PercentEXPBonus": 0, "rPercentCooldownMod": 0, "rPercentCooldownModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatTimeDeadMod": 0, "rFlatTimeDeadModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentTimeDeadMod": 0, "rPercentTimeDeadModPerLevel": 0, "rFlatGoldPer10Mod": 0, "rFlatMagicPenetrationMod": 0, "rFlatMagicPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "rPercentMagicPenetrationMod": 0, "rPercentMagicPenetrationModPerLevel": 0, "FlatEnergyRegenMod": 0, "rFlatEnergyRegenModPerLevel": 0, "FlatEnergyPoolMod": 0, "rFlatEnergyModPerLevel": 0, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0, "PercentSpellVampMod": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "1": true, "8": true, "10": true, "12": true } }, "data": { "1001": { "name": "Boots", "description": "25 Move Speed
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Move Speed", "into": [ "3158", "3006", "3009", "3020", "3047", "3111", "3117" ], "image": { "full": "1001.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": true, "total": 300, "sell": 210 }, "tags": [ "Boots" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 25 } }, "1004": { "name": "Faerie Charm", "description": "50% Base Mana Regen
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Mana Regen", "into": [ "3114", "4642" ], "image": { "full": "1004.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 250, "purchasable": true, "total": 250, "sell": 175 }, "tags": [ "ManaRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1006": { "name": "Rejuvenation Bead", "description": "100% Base Health Regen
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Health Regen", "into": [ "3109", "3801" ], "image": { "full": "1006.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": true, "total": 300, "sell": 120 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1011": { "name": "Giant's Belt", "description": "350 Health
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Health", "from": [ "1028" ], "into": [ "3075", "3084", "3083", "3116", "3143", "3748", "4637", "8001" ], "image": { "full": "1011.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 900, "sell": 630 }, "tags": [ "Health" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 350 }, "depth": 2 }, "1018": { "name": "Cloak of Agility", "description": "15% Critical Strike Chance
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases critical strike chance", "into": [ "3124", "6676", "3086", "3031", "3033", "3036", "3072", "3095", "3139", "3508", "6671", "6672", "6673", "6675" ], "image": { "full": "1018.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 600, "purchasable": true, "total": 600, "sell": 420 }, "tags": [ "CriticalStrike" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.15 } }, "1026": { "name": "Blasting Wand", "description": "40 Ability Power
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Ability Power", "into": [ "3115", "3116", "6655", "3135", "3152", "4633", "4637", "6657" ], "image": { "full": "1026.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 850, "purchasable": true, "total": 850, "sell": 595 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 } }, "1027": { "name": "Sapphire Crystal", "description": "250 Mana
", "colloq": ";blue", "plaintext": "Increases Mana", "into": [ "3024", "3803", "3802" ], "image": { "full": "1027.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 350, "sell": 245 }, "tags": [ "Mana" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 250 } }, "1028": { "name": "Ruby Crystal", "description": "150 Health
", "colloq": ";red", "plaintext": "Increases Health", "into": [ "6035", "6609", "1011", "3066", "3067", "3803", "3044", "3053", "3211", "3814", "3119", "6664", "6665", "3145", "3742", "3748", "3801", "4401", "4635", "6660", "6667" ], "image": { "full": "1028.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 280 }, "tags": [ "Health" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150 } }, "1029": { "name": "Cloth Armor", "description": "15 Armor
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Armor", "into": [ "1031", "3082", "3076", "3193", "3191", "3024", "3047", "3105" ], "image": { "full": "1029.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": true, "total": 300, "sell": 210 }, "tags": [ "Armor" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatArmorMod": 15 } }, "1031": { "name": "Chain Vest", "description": "40 Armor
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Armor", "from": [ "1029" ], "into": [ "3068", "3026", "3742", "6333", "6662" ], "image": { "full": "1031.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "Armor" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "depth": 2 }, "1033": { "name": "Null-Magic Mantle", "description": "25 Magic Resist
", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Magic Resist", "into": [ "3091", "1057", "3193", "3105", "3211", "3111", "3140", "3155", "4632" ], "image": { "full": "1033.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 315 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 25 } }, "1035": { "name": "Emberknife", "description": "
  • Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  • Challenging Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Smite to Challenging Smite and increases its damage to monsters. Challenging Smite marks champions. During this time, you deal bonus true damage to them on hit and take reduced damage from them.
  • Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  • Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    Consuming this item grants all item effects permanently and increases Smite damage to monsters. If you have gained more gold from minions than jungle monsters, gold and experience from minions is heavily reduced. Healing is not reduced on AoE attacks. If two levels behind the average champion level of the game, monster kills grant bonus experience.

    Only attacks and abilities apply Challenging Smite's burn
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1035.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": false, "total": 350, "sell": 140 }, "tags": [ "LifeSteal", "SpellVamp", "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "60", "Effect2Amount": "25", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "8" } }, "1036": { "name": "Long Sword", "description": "10 Attack Damage
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Attack Damage", "into": [ "3071", "1053", "3004", "3179", "3035", "3044", "3046", "3051", "3814", "3123", "3133", "3134", "3155", "3156", "6670" ], "image": { "full": "1036.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 350, "sell": 245 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 10 } }, "1037": { "name": "Pickaxe", "description": "25 Attack Damage
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Attack Damage", "into": [ "6035", "3077", "3091", "6676", "3031", "3053", "3139", "3153", "3156", "6029", "3181", "6333", "6671", "6672", "6675", "6695" ], "image": { "full": "1037.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 875, "purchasable": true, "total": 875, "sell": 613 }, "tags": [ "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 25 } }, "1038": { "name": "B. F. Sword", "description": "40 Attack Damage
    ", "colloq": ";bf", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Damage", "into": [ "3026", "3031", "3072", "3095", "3161", "4403" ], "image": { "full": "1038.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1300, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 40 } }, "1039": { "name": "Hailblade", "description": "
  • Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  • Chilling Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Smite to Chilling Smite and increases its damage to monsters. When smiting champions Chilling Smite deals true damage and steals their Move Speed.
  • Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  • Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    Consuming this item grants all item effects permanently and increases Smite damage to monsters. If you have gained more gold from minions than jungle monsters, gold and experience from minions is heavily reduced. Healing is not reduced on AoE attacks. If two levels behind the average champion level of the game, monster kills grant bonus experience.

    ", "colloq": ";jungle;Jungle", "plaintext": "Provides damage against Monsters and Mana Regen in the Jungle", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1039.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": false, "total": 350, "sell": 140 }, "tags": [ "LifeSteal", "SpellVamp", "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "60", "Effect2Amount": "25", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "8" } }, "1040": { "name": "Obsidian Edge", "description": "
  • Sear: Damaging Monsters burns them over time.
  • Auto Path: Smiting 5 times consumes this item upgrade your Attack-Smite, increasing its damage to monsters.
  • Huntsman: Killing Large Monsters grants bonus experience.
  • Recoup: Regen mana when in the Jungle or River.

    Consuming this item grants all item effects permanently and increases Smite damage to monsters. If you have gained more gold from minions than jungle monsters, gold and experience from minions is heavily reduced. Healing is not reduced on AoE attacks. If two levels behind the average champion level of the game, monster kills grant bonus experience.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "image": { "full": "1040.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 350, "sell": 140 }, "tags": [ "LifeSteal", "SpellVamp", "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "60", "Effect2Amount": "25", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "8" } }, "1042": { "name": "Dagger", "description": "12% Attack Speed
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Attack Speed", "into": [ "1043", "3124", "6677", "3085", "2015", "3086", "3006", "3051", "6670" ], "image": { "full": "1042.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": true, "total": 300, "sell": 210 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.12 } }, "1043": { "name": "Recurve Bow", "description": "25% Attack Speed
  • Steeltipped: Attacks apply physical damage On-Hit.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Attack Speed", "from": [ "1042", "1042" ], "into": [ "3115", "3153" ], "image": { "full": "1043.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.25 }, "depth": 2 }, "1052": { "name": "Amplifying Tome", "description": "20 Ability Power
    ", "colloq": ";amptome", "plaintext": "Slightly increases Ability Power", "into": [ "6616", "3191", "3108", "3113", "3116", "3145", "3152", "3165", "3504", "3802", "4632", "3916", "4629", "4630", "4635", "4636", "4637", "4642", "4644", "6656", "6657" ], "image": { "full": "1052.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 435, "purchasable": true, "total": 435, "sell": 305 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 20 } }, "1053": { "name": "Vampiric Scepter", "description": "15 Attack Damage
    7% Life Steal

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Basic attacks restore Health", "from": [ "1036" ], "into": [ "3072", "3074", "3153", "4403", "6673" ], "image": { "full": "1053.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 550, "purchasable": true, "total": 900, "sell": 630 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "LifeSteal" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 15, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.07 }, "depth": 2 }, "1054": { "name": "Doran's Shield", "description": "80 Health
  • Focus: Attacks deal additional damage to minions.
  • Recovery: Restores Health over time.
  • Endure: Restores Health after taking damage from a champion, large jungle monster, or epic jungle monster. Restoration increases when you are low Health.

    Endure 66% effective when owned by Ranged champions or when taking damage from area of effect or periodic damage sources.
    ", "colloq": ";dshield", "plaintext": "Good defensive starting item", "image": { "full": "1054.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 180 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 80, "FlatHPRegenMod": 0.8 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "8", "Effect2Amount": "5", "Effect3Amount": "40", "Effect4Amount": "0.66" } }, "1055": { "name": "Doran's Blade", "description": "8 Attack Damage
    80 Health

  • Warmonger: Gain Omnivamp.

    Omnivamp is only 33% effective when dealing area of effect damage or damage through pets.
    ", "colloq": ";dblade", "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "image": { "full": "1055.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 180 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "SpellVamp", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 8, "FlatHPPoolMod": 80 } }, "1056": { "name": "Doran's Ring", "description": "15 Ability Power
    70 Health

  • Focus: Attacks deal additional damage to minions.
  • Drain: Restore Mana every second. Damaging an enemy champion increases this amount. If you can't gain Mana, regenerate Health instead.
    ", "colloq": ";dring", "plaintext": "Good starting item for casters", "image": { "full": "1056.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Lane", "ManaRegen", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 70, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 15 } }, "1057": { "name": "Negatron Cloak", "description": "50 Magic Resist
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Moderately increases Magic Resist", "from": [ "1033" ], "into": [ "6664", "3222", "4401" ], "image": { "full": "1057.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 900, "sell": 630 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 50 }, "depth": 2 }, "1058": { "name": "Needlessly Large Rod", "description": "60 Ability Power
    ", "colloq": ";nlr", "plaintext": "Greatly increases Ability Power", "into": [ "3003", "3089", "4403", "4645" ], "image": { "full": "1058.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1250, "purchasable": true, "total": 1250, "sell": 875 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 60 } }, "1082": { "name": "Dark Seal", "description": "15 Ability Power
    40 Health

  • Glory: Gain 2 stacks for a champion kill or 1 stack for an assist (up to 10 stacks total). Lose 5 stacks on death.
  • Dread: Grants 4 Ability Power per stack of Glory.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Mejai's Soulstealer.
    ", "colloq": ";Noxian", "plaintext": "Provides Ability Power and Mana. Increases in power as you kill enemies.", "into": [ "3041" ], "image": { "full": "1082.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 350, "sell": 140 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 40, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 15 } }, "1083": { "name": "Cull", "description": "7 Attack Damage
  • Attacks restore Health per hit.
  • Reap: Killing a lane minion grants 1 additional gold. Killing 100 lane minions grants an additional 350 bonus gold immediately and disables Reap.

    ", "colloq": ";dblade", "plaintext": "Provides damage and Life Steal on hit - Killing minions grant bonus Gold", "image": { "full": "1083.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 180 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "OnHit", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 7 } }, "1101": { "name": "Scorchclaw Pup", "description": "
  • Jungle Companions: Summon an Scorchclaw to assist you in the jungle.
  • Scorchclaw's Slash: When fully grown your companion periodically imbues your next damaging effect to Slow and damage enemy champions.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "image": { "full": "1101.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 180 }, "tags": [ "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "60", "Effect2Amount": "25", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "8" } }, "1102": { "name": "Gustwalker Hatchling", "description": "
  • Jungle Companions: Summon a Gustwalker to assist you while in the jungle.
  • Gustwalker's Gait: When fully grown your companion grants Move Speed after entering brush or killing monsters.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "image": { "full": "1102.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 180 }, "tags": [ "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "60", "Effect2Amount": "25", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "8" } }, "1103": { "name": "Mosstomper Seedling", "description": "
  • Jungle Companions: Summon a Mosstomper to assist you while in the jungle.
  • Mosstomper's Courage: When fully grown your companion grants a permanent shield that regenerates either after killing monsters or out of combat. While the shield holds gain 20% Tenacity and Slow Resist.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "image": { "full": "1103.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 450, "sell": 180 }, "tags": [ "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "60", "Effect2Amount": "25", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "8" } }, "1104": { "name": "Eye of the Herald", "description": "Active - Consume: Crush the Eye of the Herald, summoning Rift Herald. The Herald will proceed down the nearest lane and deal massive damage to any turrets in the way.

    Glimpse of the Void: Grants Empowered Recall.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "consumed": true, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1104.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Trinket", "Active" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "240", "Effect2Amount": "1", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "180" } }, "1500": { "name": "Penetrating Bullets", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1500.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.3", "Effect2Amount": "0.4", "Effect3Amount": "1.2", "Effect4Amount": "3" } }, "1501": { "name": "Fortification", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1501.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "5", "Effect3Amount": "0.35" } }, "1502": { "name": "Reinforced Armor", "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Reinforced Armor: Reduces incoming damage by 0% and becomes immune to True Damage when no enemy minions are nearby.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1502.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "66.66" } }, "1503": { "name": "Warden's Eye", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1503.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "1000" } }, "1504": { "name": "Vanguard", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1504.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "30", "Effect2Amount": "30", "Effect3Amount": "30", "Effect4Amount": "300" } }, "1505": { "name": "Lightning Rod", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1505.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1506": { "name": "Reinforced Armor", "description": "UNIQUE Passive - Base Turret Reinforced Armor: Reduces incoming damage by 0% and becomes immune to True Damage when no enemy minions are nearby. Base turrets have health regeneration, but cannot regenerate past their current segment. Base turrets are segmented at 33%, 66% and 100% health.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1506.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "66", "Effect2Amount": "66" } }, "1507": { "name": "Overcharged", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1507.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "75", "Effect2Amount": "75" } }, "1508": { "name": "Anti-tower Socks", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1508.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1509": { "name": "Gusto", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1509.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1510": { "name": "Phreakish Gusto", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1510.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1511": { "name": "Super Mech Armor", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1511.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1512": { "name": "Super Mech Power Field", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1512.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "1515": { "name": "Turret Plating", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1515.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "40", "Effect2Amount": "175", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "45", "Effect5Amount": "0.17" } }, "1516": { "name": "Structure Bounty", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1516.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.3", "Effect2Amount": "0.4", "Effect3Amount": "1.2", "Effect4Amount": "3" } }, "1517": { "name": "Structure Bounty", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1517.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.3", "Effect2Amount": "0.4", "Effect3Amount": "1.2", "Effect4Amount": "3" } }, "1518": { "name": "Structure Bounty", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1518.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.3", "Effect2Amount": "0.4", "Effect3Amount": "1.2", "Effect4Amount": "3" } }, "1519": { "name": "Structure Bounty", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1519.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.3", "Effect2Amount": "0.4", "Effect3Amount": "1.2", "Effect4Amount": "3" } }, "1520": { "name": "OvererchargedHA", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1520.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "75", "Effect2Amount": "75" } }, "1521": { "name": "Fortification", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1521.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.3", "Effect2Amount": "60", "Effect3Amount": "0.35" } }, "1522": { "name": "Tower Power-Up", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "1522.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3", "Effect2Amount": "3", "Effect3Amount": "0", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "40", "Effect6Amount": "40", "Effect7Amount": "9", "Effect8Amount": "12" } }, "2003": { "name": "Health Potion", "description": "Active - Consume: Drink the potion to restore 120 Health over 15 seconds.

    You may carry up to 5 Health Potions.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Consume to restore Health over time", "stacks": 5, "consumed": true, "image": { "full": "2003.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 50, "purchasable": true, "total": 50, "sell": 20 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "Consumable", "Lane", "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "2010": { "name": "Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will", "description": "Active - Consume: Eat the biscuit to restore 8% missing Health and Mana over 5 seconds. Consuming or selling a biscuit permanently grants 40 maximum Mana.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "", "stacks": 10, "consumed": true, "inStore": false, "hideFromAll": true, "image": { "full": "2010.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 50, "purchasable": false, "total": 50, "sell": 5 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "10" } }, "2015": { "name": "Kircheis Shard", "description": "15% Attack Speed
  • Energized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.
  • Jolt: Energized Attacks gain additional magic damage.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Attack speed and a chargable magic hit", "from": [ "1042" ], "into": [ "3094", "3095" ], "image": { "full": "2015.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 700, "sell": 490 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.15 }, "depth": 2 }, "2031": { "name": "Refillable Potion", "description": "Active - Consume: Consumes a charge to restore 100 Health over 12 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Restores Health over time. Refills at shop.", "into": [ "2033" ], "image": { "full": "2031.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 150, "purchasable": true, "total": 150, "sell": 60 }, "tags": [ "HealthRegen", "Consumable", "Active", "Lane", "Jungle" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "2033": { "name": "Corrupting Potion", "description": "Active - Consume: Consumes a charge to restore 100 Health and 75 Mana over 12 seconds. During this time, damaging Abilities and Attacks burn enemy champions for 15 (20 if you cannot gain Mana) magic damage over 3 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges and refills upon visiting the shop.

    Corrupting damage is reduced to 50% when triggered by area of effect or periodic damage.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Restores Health and Mana over time and boosts combat power - Refills at Shop", "from": [ "2031" ], "image": { "full": "2033.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 500, "sell": 200 }, "tags": [ "Active", "Consumable", "HealthRegen", "Lane", "ManaRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "depth": 2 }, "2051": { "name": "Guardian's Horn", "description": "150 Health
  • Recovery: Restores Health over time.
  • Undaunted: Blocks damage from attacks and spells from champions.
  • Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    ", "colloq": "Golden Arm of Kobe;Golden Bicep of Kobe;Horn; Horn of the ManWolf; ManWolf", "plaintext": "Good starting item for tanks", "image": { "full": "2051.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 950, "purchasable": true, "total": 950, "sell": 665 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": true, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150, "FlatHPRegenMod": 4 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "15", "Effect2Amount": "0.25" } }, "2052": { "name": "Poro-Snax", "description": "Active - Consume: Serves a scrumptious scoop to a nearby Poro, causing it to grow in size.

    This savory blend of free-range, grass-fed Avarosan game hens and organic, non-ZMO Freljordian herbs contains the essential nutrients necessary to keep your Poro purring with pleasure.

    All proceeds will be donated towards fighting Noxian animal cruelty.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "", "stacks": 2, "consumed": true, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "2052.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "2055": { "name": "Control Ward", "description": "Active - Consume: Places a powerful Control Ward that grants vision of the surrounding area. This device will also reveal Invisible traps, reveal Camouflaged enemies, and reveal (and disable) enemy Stealth Wards.

    You may carry up to 2 Control Wards. Control Wards do not disable other Control Wards.

    ", "colloq": "orange;", "plaintext": "Used to disable wards and invisible traps in an area.", "stacks": 2, "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "image": { "full": "2055.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 75, "purchasable": true, "total": 75, "sell": 30 }, "tags": [ "Consumable", "Lane", "Stealth", "Vision" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "1", "Effect2Amount": "2" } }, "2065": { "name": "Shurelya's Battlesong", "description": "40 Ability Power
    200 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    100% Base Mana Regen

    Active - Inspire: Grants nearby allies Move Speed.
  • Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste.

    ", "colloq": ";shurelya;reverie;", "plaintext": "Activate to speed up nearby allies.", "from": [ "3067", "4642" ], "into": [ "7020" ], "image": { "full": "2065.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 }, "depth": 3 }, "2138": { "name": "Elixir of Iron", "description": "Active - Consume: Drink to gain 300 Health, 25% Tenacity, and increased champion size for 3 minutes. While active, moving leaves a path behind that boosts allied champions' Move Speed by 15%.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    ", "colloq": ";white", "plaintext": "Temporarily increases defenses. Leaves a trail for allies to follow.", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "image": { "full": "2138.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 500, "sell": 200 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Consumable", "NonbootsMovement", "Tenacity" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "300", "Effect2Amount": "0.25", "Effect3Amount": "3", "Effect4Amount": "0.15", "Effect5Amount": "0.15", "Effect6Amount": "0", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "9" } }, "2139": { "name": "Elixir of Sorcery", "description": "Active - Consume: Drink to gain 50 Ability Power and 15% Mana Regen for 3 minutes. While active, damaging a champion or turret deals 25 bonus true damage (5s cooldown).

    Champion level 9 or greater required to purchase. Elixir of Sorcery's true damage effect has no cooldown when attacking turrets. Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    ", "colloq": ";blue", "plaintext": "Temporarily grants Ability Power and Bonus Damage to champions and turrets.", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "image": { "full": "2139.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 500, "sell": 200 }, "tags": [ "Consumable", "ManaRegen", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "50", "Effect2Amount": "50", "Effect3Amount": "25", "Effect4Amount": "3", "Effect5Amount": "5", "Effect6Amount": "3", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "9" } }, "2140": { "name": "Elixir of Wrath", "description": "Active - Consume: Drink to gain 30 Attack Damage and 12% Physical Vamp (against champions) for 3 minutes.

    Drinking a different Elixir will replace the existing one's effects.

    ", "colloq": ";red", "plaintext": "Temporarily grants Attack Damage and heals you when dealing physical damage to champions.", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "image": { "full": "2140.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 500, "sell": 200 }, "tags": [ "Consumable", "Damage", "LifeSteal", "SpellVamp" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "30", "Effect2Amount": "30", "Effect3Amount": "0.12", "Effect4Amount": "3", "Effect5Amount": "0", "Effect6Amount": "0", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "9" } }, "2403": { "name": "Minion Dematerializer", "description": "Active - Consume: Kill target lane minion (10s ).
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "", "stacks": 10, "consumed": true, "inStore": false, "hideFromAll": true, "image": { "full": "2403.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "2419": { "name": "Commencing Stopwatch", "description": "
  • Transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes. Takedowns reduce this timer by 2 minutes. That Stopwatch contributes 250 gold to the items it builds into.

    Stopwatch normally contributes 750 gold
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "into": [ "2420", "3157", "3026" ], "image": { "full": "2419.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Active" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "2420": { "name": "Stopwatch", "description": "Active - Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).
    ", "colloq": ";zhg;zonyas", "plaintext": "Activate to become invincible but unable to take actions", "into": [ "3026", "3157" ], "image": { "full": "2420.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 750, "sell": 300 }, "tags": [ "Active" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "2.5" } }, "2421": { "name": "Broken Stopwatch", "description": "
  • Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Upgrades to stopwatch", "hideFromAll": true, "into": [ "3157", "3026" ], "image": { "full": "2421.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 750, "sell": 300 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "0", "Effect3Amount": "0", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "300" } }, "2422": { "name": "Slightly Magical Footwear", "description": "25 Move Speed
  • Grants an additional 10 Move Speed. Boots that build from Slightly Magical Footwear retain this bonus Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "into": [ "3006", "3047", "3020", "3158", "3111", "3117", "3009" ], "image": { "full": "2422.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": false, "total": 300, "sell": 90 }, "tags": [ "Boots" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 25 } }, "2423": { "name": "Perfectly Timed Stopwatch", "description": "Active - Stasis: Use one time only to become Invulnerable and Untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time (transforms into a Broken Stopwatch).
    ", "colloq": ";zhg;zonyas", "plaintext": "Activate to become invincible but unable to take actions", "inStore": false, "into": [ "3157", "3026" ], "image": { "full": "2423.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": false, "total": 750, "sell": 300 }, "tags": [ "Active" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "2.5" } }, "2424": { "name": "Broken Stopwatch", "description": "
  • Shattered Time: Stopwatch is broken, but can still be upgraded.

    After breaking one Stopwatch, the shopkeeper will only sell you Broken Stopwatches.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "inStore": false, "hideFromAll": true, "into": [ "3157", "3026" ], "image": { "full": "2424.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": false, "total": 750, "sell": 300 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "0", "Effect3Amount": "0", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "300" } }, "3001": { "name": "Evenshroud", "description": "200 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    30 Armor
    30 Magic Resist

  • Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy Champions to take increased damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor and Magic Resist
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Nearby enemies take more magic damage", "from": [ "3067", "3105" ], "into": [ "7023" ], "image": { "full": "3001.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30, "FlatArmorMod": 30 }, "depth": 3 }, "3003": { "name": "Archangel's Staff", "description": "70 Ability Power
    500 Mana
    200 Health
    10 Ability Haste

  • Awe: Gain Ability Power equal to bonus Mana.
  • Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Seraph's Embrace.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power based on maximum Mana", "from": [ "3070", "3067", "1058" ], "image": { "full": "3003.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 550, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "Active", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMPPoolMod": 500, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 3 }, "3004": { "name": "Manamune", "description": "35 Attack Damage
    500 Mana
    15 Ability Haste

  • Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage equal to your max Mana.
  • Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Muramana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage based on maximum Mana", "from": [ "3070", "3133", "1036" ], "image": { "full": "3004.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1050, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 35, "FlatMPPoolMod": 500 }, "depth": 3 }, "3006": { "name": "Berserker's Greaves", "description": "35% Attack Speed
    45 Move Speed

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Enhances Move Speed and Attack Speed", "from": [ "1001", "1042" ], "image": { "full": "3006.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed", "Boots" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 45, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.35 }, "depth": 2 }, "3009": { "name": "Boots of Swiftness", "description": "60 Move Speed
  • The strength of movement slowing effects is reduced by 25%.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Enhances Move Speed and reduces the effect of slows", "from": [ "1001" ], "image": { "full": "3009.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 600, "purchasable": true, "total": 900, "sell": 630 }, "tags": [ "Boots" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 60 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.25" }, "depth": 2 }, "3011": { "name": "Chemtech Putrifier", "description": "40 Ability Power
    8% Heal and Shield Power
    100% Base Mana Regen
    15 Ability Haste

  • Puffcap Toxin: Dealing damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3916", "3114" ], "image": { "full": "3011.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 }, "depth": 3 }, "3020": { "name": "Sorcerer's Shoes", "description": "18 Magic Penetration
    45 Move Speed

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Enhances Move Speed and magic damage", "from": [ "1001" ], "image": { "full": "3020.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Boots", "MagicPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 45 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "18" }, "depth": 2 }, "3024": { "name": "Glacial Buckler", "description": "20 Armor
    250 Mana
    10 Ability Haste

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Armor and Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "1027", "1029" ], "into": [ "3050", "3110" ], "image": { "full": "3024.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 250, "purchasable": true, "total": 900, "sell": 630 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 250, "FlatArmorMod": 20 }, "depth": 2 }, "3026": { "name": "Guardian Angel", "description": "45 Attack Damage
    40 Armor

  • Saving Grace: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% base Health and 30% max Mana after 4 seconds of stasis (300s cooldown).
    ", "colloq": ";ga", "plaintext": "Periodically revives champion upon death", "from": [ "1038", "1031", "2420" ], "image": { "full": "3026.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 150, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 1200 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 45, "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "4", "Effect3Amount": "300", "Effect4Amount": "0.3" }, "depth": 3 }, "3031": { "name": "Infinity Edge", "description": "70 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance

  • Perfection: If you have at least 40% Critical Strike Chance, gain35% Critical Strike Damage.
    ", "colloq": ";ie", "plaintext": "Massively enhances critical strikes", "from": [ "1038", "1037", "1018" ], "image": { "full": "3031.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 625, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "CriticalStrike", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 70, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2 }, "depth": 2 }, "3033": { "name": "Mortal Reminder", "description": "35 Attack Damage
    30% Armor Penetration
    20% Critical Strike Chance

  • Sepsis: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": ";grievous", "plaintext": "Overcomes enemies with high Health recovery and Armor", "from": [ "3123", "3035", "1018" ], "image": { "full": "3033.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 150, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 35, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2 }, "depth": 3 }, "3035": { "name": "Last Whisper", "description": "20 Attack Damage
    18% Armor Penetration

    ", "colloq": ";lw", "plaintext": "Overcomes enemies with high Armor", "from": [ "1036", "1036" ], "into": [ "3033", "3036", "6694" ], "image": { "full": "3035.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 1450, "sell": 1015 }, "tags": [ "ArmorPenetration", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 20 }, "depth": 2 }, "3036": { "name": "Lord Dominik's Regards", "description": "35 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    30% Armor Penetration

  • Giant Slayer: Deal bonus physical damage against champions with greater max Health than you.
    ", "colloq": ";lw", "plaintext": "Overcomes enemies with high health and armor", "from": [ "3035", "1018" ], "image": { "full": "3036.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 950, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 35, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.2" }, "depth": 3 }, "3040": { "name": "Seraph's Embrace", "description": "70 Ability Power
    860 Mana
    200 Health
    10 Ability Haste

  • Awe: Gain Ability Power based on Mana.
  • Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30%, gain a Shield based on your current Mana.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3003, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3040.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 3000, "purchasable": false, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMPPoolMod": 860, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 } }, "3041": { "name": "Mejai's Soulstealer", "description": "20 Ability Power
    100 Health

  • Glory: Gain 4 stacks for a champion kill or 2 stacks for an assist (up to 25 stacks total). Lose 10 stacks on death.
  • Dread: Grants 5 Ability Power per stack of Glory. Gain 10% Move Speed if you have at least 10 stacks.

    Obtained Glory stacks are preserved between this item and Dark Seal.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants Ability Power for kills and assists", "from": [ "1082" ], "image": { "full": "3041.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1250, "purchasable": true, "total": 1600, "sell": 1120 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 100, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 20 }, "depth": 2 }, "3042": { "name": "Muramana", "description": "35 Attack Damage
    860 Mana
    15 Ability Haste

  • Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage based on Mana.
  • Shock: Attacks against champions deal additional physical damage.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3004, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3042.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 3000, "purchasable": false, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 35, "FlatMPPoolMod": 860 } }, "3044": { "name": "Phage", "description": "15 Attack Damage
    200 Health

  • Sturdy: After you deal physical damage to a champion, restore Health over time.

    Restoration reduced for Ranged users.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Attacks and kills give a small burst of speed", "from": [ "1028", "1036" ], "into": [ "3053", "3181" ], "image": { "full": "3044.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 15, "FlatHPPoolMod": 200 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "20", "Effect2Amount": "2", "Effect3Amount": "60", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "0", "Effect6Amount": "0", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "8" }, "depth": 2 }, "3046": { "name": "Phantom Dancer", "description": "20 Attack Damage
    25% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    7% Move Speed

  • Spectral Waltz: Attacks grant Ghosting and stacking increased Move Speed. In addition, Attacking 4 times causes Spectral Waltz to also grant Attack Speed.

    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    ", "colloq": ";pd", "plaintext": "Move faster while attacking enemies and gain a shield when on low health.", "from": [ "1036", "3086", "1036" ], "image": { "full": "3046.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 850, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 20, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.07, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.25 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.24", "Effect2Amount": "10", "Effect3Amount": "550", "Effect4Amount": "0.1", "Effect5Amount": "0.3", "Effect6Amount": "2.5", "Effect7Amount": "90", "Effect8Amount": "240", "Effect9Amount": "600", "Effect10Amount": "40", "Effect11Amount": "5", "Effect12Amount": "0.3", "Effect13Amount": "0.7", "Effect14Amount": "3", "Effect15Amount": "300", "Effect16Amount": "1", "Effect17Amount": "0.4", "Effect18Amount": "9" }, "depth": 3 }, "3047": { "name": "Plated Steelcaps", "description": "20 Armor
    45 Move Speed

  • Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by 12%.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Enhances Move Speed and reduces incoming basic attack damage", "from": [ "1001", "1029" ], "image": { "full": "3047.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "Boots" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 45, "FlatArmorMod": 20 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.12" }, "depth": 2 }, "3050": { "name": "Zeke's Convergence", "description": "250 Health
    35 Armor
    250 Mana
    20 Ability Haste

    Active - Conduit: Designate an Accomplice.
  • Convergence: After you Immobilize an enemy, your Accomplice's Attacks and Ability hits apply additional damage to that enemy.

    Champions can only be linked by one Zeke's Convergence at a time.
    ", "colloq": ";haroldandkumar", "plaintext": "Grants you and your ally bonuses when you cast your ultimate.", "from": [ "3067", "3024" ], "image": { "full": "3050.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 2400, "sell": 1680 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor", "Mana", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMPPoolMod": 250, "FlatArmorMod": 35 }, "depth": 3 }, "3051": { "name": "Hearthbound Axe", "description": "15 Attack Damage
    15% Attack Speed

  • Nimble: Attacking a unit grants Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1042", "1036" ], "into": [ "3078", "6631", "3091" ], "image": { "full": "3051.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 15, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.15 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "20", "Effect2Amount": "2", "Effect3Amount": "60" }, "depth": 2 }, "3053": { "name": "Sterak's Gage", "description": "400 Health
  • The Claws that Catch: Gain base AD as bonus Attack Damage.
  • Lifeline: Upon taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30%, gain a Shield, decaying over time.
    ", "colloq": ";juggernaut;primal", "plaintext": "Shields against large bursts of damage", "from": [ "1037", "3044", "1028" ], "image": { "full": "3053.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 725, "purchasable": true, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400 }, "depth": 3 }, "3057": { "name": "Sheen", "description": "
  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants a bonus to next attack after spell cast", "into": [ "3078", "3100", "3508", "6632", "6662" ], "image": { "full": "3057.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 700, "sell": 490 }, "tags": [ "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3065": { "name": "Spirit Visage", "description": "450 Health
    50 Magic Resist
    10 Ability Haste
    100% Base Health Regen

  • Boundless Vitality: Increases all Healing and Shielding effectiveness on you.
    ", "colloq": ";sv", "plaintext": "Increases Health and healing effects", "from": [ "3211", "3067" ], "image": { "full": "3065.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 850, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "HealthRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 450, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "3066": { "name": "Winged Moonplate", "description": "150 Health
  • Flight: Grants 5% Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1028" ], "into": [ "3742", "4401" ], "image": { "full": "3066.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "Health", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150 }, "depth": 2 }, "3067": { "name": "Kindlegem", "description": "200 Health
    10 Ability Haste

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Health and Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "1028" ], "into": [ "3065", "3071", "3084", "3083", "2065", "6630", "6617", "3190", "3001", "3003", "3050", "3078", "3107", "3109", "3119", "6664", "6665", "3161", "4005", "4403", "4644", "6631", "6632", "6656", "6662", "6667", "8001" ], "image": { "full": "3067.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "Health", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200 }, "depth": 2 }, "3068": { "name": "Sunfire Aegis", "description": "500 Health
    50 Armor

  • Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing (15 + 1.75% bonus Health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions) for 3 seconds. Damaging Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by 10% for 5 seconds (max stacks 6).

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "High armor. Constantly deals damage to nearby enemies. Immobilize enemies to release a wave of damaging flame", "from": [ "6660", "1031" ], "image": { "full": "3068.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 900, "purchasable": true, "total": 2700, "sell": 1890 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor", "Aura" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 500, "FlatArmorMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "3070": { "name": "Tear of the Goddess", "description": "240 Mana
  • Focus: Attacks deal additional physical damage to Minions.
  • Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Increases maximum Mana as Mana is spent", "into": [ "3003", "3004", "3119" ], "image": { "full": "3070.png", "sprite": "item0.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 280 }, "tags": [ "Mana", "ManaRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 240 } }, "3071": { "name": "Black Cleaver", "description": "50 Attack Damage
    400 Health
    30 Ability Haste

  • Carve: Dealing physical damage to a champion applies a stack of Armor reduction.
  • Rage: Dealing physical damage to a champion grants Move Speed per stack of Carve on them.
    ", "colloq": ";bc", "plaintext": "Dealing physical damage to enemy champions reduces their Armor", "from": [ "3133", "3067", "1036" ], "image": { "full": "3071.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 850, "purchasable": true, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 50, "FlatHPPoolMod": 400 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "-0.2", "Effect2Amount": "0.05", "Effect3Amount": "6", "Effect4Amount": "6", "Effect5Amount": "0.3", "Effect6Amount": "0", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "0", "Effect9Amount": "0", "Effect10Amount": "0.01" }, "depth": 3 }, "3072": { "name": "Bloodthirster", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    15% Life Steal

  • Ichorshield: Life Steal from Attacks can now overheal you. Excess Health is stored as a Shield that decays slowly if you haven't dealt or taken damage.
    ", "colloq": ";bt", "plaintext": "Grants Attack Damage, Life Steal and Life Steal now overheals", "from": [ "1038", "1018", "1053" ], "image": { "full": "3072.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "LifeSteal" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.15 }, "depth": 3 }, "3074": { "name": "Ravenous Hydra", "description": "65 Attack Damage
    25 Ability Haste
    10% Life Steal

  • Cleave: Attacks and Abilities deal physical damage to other nearby enemies.
  • Carnivorous: Gain AD whenever you kill a minion and 2 times that amount when you kill a Champion, Large Monster, or Siege Minion. Lose 60% of your stacks on death.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Melee attacks hit nearby enemies, dealing damage and restoring Health", "from": [ "3077", "1053", "3133" ], "image": { "full": "3074.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 200, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "LifeSteal", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 65, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.1 }, "depth": 3 }, "3075": { "name": "Thornmail", "description": "350 Health
    70 Armor

  • Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal damage to the attacker and apply 40% Grievous Wounds if they are a champion.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3076", "1011" ], "image": { "full": "3075.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1000, "purchasable": true, "total": 2700, "sell": 1890 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 350, "FlatArmorMod": 70 }, "depth": 3 }, "3076": { "name": "Bramble Vest", "description": "30 Armor
  • Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal damage to the attacker and apply 40% Grievous Wounds if they are a champion.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1029", "1029" ], "into": [ "3075" ], "image": { "full": "3076.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 200, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "Armor" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatArmorMod": 30 }, "depth": 2 }, "3077": { "name": "Tiamat", "description": "25 Attack Damage
  • Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to other nearby enemies.

    Cleave does not trigger on structures.

    Item performance differs for melee and ranged users.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Melee attacks hit nearby enemies", "from": [ "1037" ], "into": [ "3074", "3748" ], "image": { "full": "3077.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 325, "purchasable": true, "total": 1200, "sell": 840 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 25 }, "depth": 2 }, "3078": { "name": "Trinity Force", "description": "35 Attack Damage
    30% Attack Speed
    300 Health
    20 Ability Haste

  • Threefold Strike: Attacks grant Move Speed. If the target is a champion, increase your base Attack Damage, stacking.
  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": ";triforce;tons of damage", "plaintext": "Tons of Damage", "from": [ "3057", "3051", "3067" ], "into": [ "7018" ], "image": { "full": "3078.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 833, "purchasable": true, "total": 3333, "sell": 2333 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 35, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.3 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "25", "Effect2Amount": "60", "Effect3Amount": "2", "Effect4Amount": "1.5", "Effect5Amount": "1.5" }, "depth": 3 }, "3082": { "name": "Warden's Mail", "description": "40 Armor
  • Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1029", "1029" ], "into": [ "3110", "3143" ], "image": { "full": "3082.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "Armor" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "depth": 2 }, "3083": { "name": "Warmog's Armor", "description": "800 Health
    10 Ability Haste
    200% Base Health Regen

  • Warmog's Heart: If you have at least 1100 bonus Health, restore max Health per second if damage hasn't been taken within 6 seconds.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants massive Health and Health Regen", "from": [ "1011", "3067", "3801" ], "image": { "full": "3083.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 800 }, "depth": 3 }, "3084": { "name": "Heartsteel", "description": "800 Health
    200% Base Health Regen
    20 Ability Haste

  • Colossal Consumption: Charge up a powerful attack against a champion over 3s while within 700 range of them. The charged attack deals 125 + 6% of your max Health as bonus physical damage, and grants you 10% of that amount as permanent max Health. (30s) cooldown per target.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 1% Increased Health & 6% Champion Size.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Restores Health on kill or assist", "from": [ "1011", "3067", "3801" ], "into": [ "7025" ], "image": { "full": "3084.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 800 }, "depth": 3 }, "3085": { "name": "Runaan's Hurricane", "description": "45% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    7% Move Speed

  • Wind's Fury: When Attacking, bolts are fired at up to 2 enemies near the target. Bolts apply On-Hit effects and can Critically Strike.

    Item is for Ranged champions only.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Ranged attacks fire two bolts at nearby enemies", "from": [ "1042", "3086", "1042" ], "image": { "full": "3085.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 950, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.07, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.45 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "40", "Effect3Amount": "2", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "40", "Effect6Amount": "1" }, "depth": 3 }, "3086": { "name": "Zeal", "description": "18% Attack Speed
    15% Critical Strike Chance

  • Zealous: Gain 7% Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Slight bonuses to Critical Strike Chance, Move Speed and Attack Speed", "from": [ "1018", "1042" ], "into": [ "3085", "3046", "3094", "4403" ], "image": { "full": "3086.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 150, "purchasable": true, "total": 1050, "sell": 735 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed", "CriticalStrike", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.15, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.18 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.07" }, "depth": 2 }, "3089": { "name": "Rabadon's Deathcap", "description": "120 Ability Power
  • Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by 35%.
    ", "colloq": ";dc;banksys;hat", "plaintext": "Massively increases Ability Power", "from": [ "1058", "1058" ], "image": { "full": "3089.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1100, "purchasable": true, "total": 3600, "sell": 2520 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 120 }, "depth": 2 }, "3091": { "name": "Wit's End", "description": "40 Attack Damage
    40% Attack Speed
    40 Magic Resist

  • Fray: Attacks apply magic damage On-Hit and grant Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Resist magic damage and claw your way back to life.", "from": [ "3051", "1033", "1037" ], "image": { "full": "3091.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 775, "purchasable": true, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 40, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.4 }, "depth": 3 }, "3094": { "name": "Rapid Firecannon", "description": "35% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    7% Move Speed

  • Energized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.
  • Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack applies bonus damage. In addition, Energized attacks gain Attack Range.

    Attack Range cannot increase more than 150 units.
    ", "colloq": ";canon;rapidfire;rfc", "plaintext": "Movement builds charges that release a sieging fire attack on release", "from": [ "3086", "2015" ], "image": { "full": "3094.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.07, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.35 }, "depth": 3 }, "3095": { "name": "Stormrazor", "description": "45 Attack Damage
    15% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance

  • Energized: Moving and Attacking will generate an Energized Attack.
  • Paralyze: Your Energized Attack gains bonus magic damage. In addition, Energized Attacks slow enemies.

    ", "colloq": ";Windblade", "plaintext": "Tremendously empower other Energized effects.", "from": [ "1038", "1018", "2015" ], "image": { "full": "3095.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 100, "purchasable": true, "total": 2700, "sell": 1890 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "Slow" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 45, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.15 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "120", "Effect2Amount": "120", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "0.35", "Effect5Amount": "0.75", "Effect6Amount": "0.5" }, "depth": 3 }, "3100": { "name": "Lich Bane", "description": "85 Ability Power
    15 Ability Haste
    8% Move Speed

  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional magic damage.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants a bonus to next attack after spell cast", "from": [ "3057", "3113", "3108" ], "image": { "full": "3100.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 550, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.08, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 85 }, "depth": 3 }, "3102": { "name": "Banshee's Veil", "description": "80 Ability Power
    45 Magic Resist
    10 Ability Haste

  • Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.

    Item cooldown is restarted if you take damage from champions before it is completed.
    ", "colloq": ";bv", "plaintext": "Periodically blocks enemy abilities", "from": [ "3108", "4632" ], "image": { "full": "3102.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 45, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 80 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "40", "Effect2Amount": "45", "Effect3Amount": "10", "Effect4Amount": "-0.1", "Effect5Amount": "8", "Effect6Amount": "2" }, "depth": 3 }, "3105": { "name": "Aegis of the Legion", "description": "30 Armor
    30 Magic Resist
    10 Ability Haste

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants Armor and Magic Resistance", "from": [ "1033", "1029" ], "into": [ "3190", "3193", "3001", "6665", "4403", "6667" ], "image": { "full": "3105.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 1200, "sell": 840 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "Armor", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30, "FlatArmorMod": 30 }, "depth": 2 }, "3107": { "name": "Redemption", "description": "16% Heal and Shield Power
    200 Health
    15 Ability Haste
    100% Base Mana Regen

    Active - Intervention: Target an area within. After 2.5 seconds, call down a beam of light to restore Health to allies and damage enemy champions.

    Item can be activated whilst dead. Damage and healing reduced by 50% if the target has recently been affected by another Intervention. Strength of level-scaling effects are based on the ally's level.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Activate to heal allies and damage enemies in an area", "from": [ "3067", "3114" ], "image": { "full": "3107.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "Health", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200 }, "depth": 3 }, "3108": { "name": "Fiendish Codex", "description": "35 Ability Power
    10 Ability Haste

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "1052" ], "into": [ "3100", "3102", "3115", "6653", "3157", "4628", "4629", "4636" ], "image": { "full": "3108.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 465, "purchasable": true, "total": 900, "sell": 630 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 35 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "-0.1" }, "depth": 2 }, "3109": { "name": "Knight's Vow", "description": "400 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    200% Base Health Regen

    Active - Pledge: Designate an ally who is Worthy..
  • Sacrifice: While your Worthy ally is nearby, redirect damage they take to you and heal based on the damage dealt by your Worthy ally to Champions.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Partner with an ally to protect each other", "from": [ "3801", "3067", "1006" ], "image": { "full": "3109.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Aura", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400 }, "depth": 3 }, "3110": { "name": "Frozen Heart", "description": "90 Armor
    400 Mana
    20 Ability Haste

  • Winter's Caress: Reduces the Attack Speed of nearby enemies.
  • Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
    ", "colloq": ";fh", "plaintext": "Massively increases Armor and slows enemy basic attacks", "from": [ "3082", "3024" ], "image": { "full": "3110.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 2700, "sell": 1890 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "Mana", "Aura", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 400, "FlatArmorMod": 90 }, "depth": 3 }, "3111": { "name": "Mercury's Treads", "description": "25 Magic Resist
    45 Move Speed
    30% Tenacity

    Tenacity reduces the duration of Stun, Slow, Taunt, Fear, Silence, Blind, Polymorph and Immobilizing effects. It has no effect on Airborne or Suppression.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Move Speed and reduces duration of disabling effects", "from": [ "1001", "1033" ], "image": { "full": "3111.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Boots", "SpellBlock", "Tenacity" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 45, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 25 }, "depth": 2 }, "3112": { "name": "Guardian's Orb", "description": "50 Ability Power
    150 Health

  • Recovery: Restores Mana over time. If you can't gain mana, restores Health instead.
  • Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Good starting item for mages", "image": { "full": "3112.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 950, "purchasable": true, "total": 950, "sell": 665 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": true, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 50 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3" } }, "3113": { "name": "Aether Wisp", "description": "30 Ability Power
  • Glide: Gain 5% Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power and Move Speed", "from": [ "1052" ], "into": [ "3100", "4629" ], "image": { "full": "3113.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 415, "purchasable": true, "total": 850, "sell": 595 }, "tags": [ "NonbootsMovement", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 30 }, "depth": 2 }, "3114": { "name": "Forbidden Idol", "description": "50% Base Mana Regen
    8% Heal and Shield Power

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Heal and Shield Power, Mana Regeneration, and Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "1004" ], "into": [ "6616", "3011", "3107", "3222", "3504" ], "image": { "full": "3114.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 550, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "ManaRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "depth": 2 }, "3115": { "name": "Nashor's Tooth", "description": "100 Ability Power
    50% Attack Speed
    15 Ability Haste

  • Icathian Bite: Attacks apply magic damage On-Hit.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Speed, Ability Power, and Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "1043", "1026", "3108" ], "image": { "full": "3115.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed", "SpellDamage", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 100, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.5 }, "depth": 3 }, "3116": { "name": "Rylai's Crystal Scepter", "description": "75 Ability Power
    400 Health

  • Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Abilities slow enemies", "from": [ "1026", "1011", "1052" ], "image": { "full": "3116.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 415, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Slow" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 75 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "-0.3", "Effect2Amount": "-0.3", "Effect3Amount": "-0.3", "Effect4Amount": "1", "Effect5Amount": "1", "Effect6Amount": "1" }, "depth": 3 }, "3117": { "name": "Mobility Boots", "description": "25 Move Speed
  • When out of combat for at least 5 seconds, increase this item's effect to 115.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Greatly enhances Move Speed when out of combat", "from": [ "1001" ], "image": { "full": "3117.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "Boots" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 115 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "0", "Effect3Amount": "0", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "0", "Effect6Amount": "0", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "25" }, "depth": 2 }, "3119": { "name": "Winter's Approach", "description": "400 Health
    500 Mana
    15 Ability Haste

  • Awe: Gain bonus Health equal to Total Mana.
  • Mana Charge: Strike a target with an Ability or Attack to consume a charge and gain 3 bonus Mana, doubled if the target is a champion. Grants a maximum of 360 Mana at which point this item transforms into Fimbulwinter.

    Gain a new Mana Charge every 8 seconds (max 4).
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3070", "3067", "1028" ], "image": { "full": "3119.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1000, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Mana", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatMPPoolMod": 500 }, "depth": 3 }, "3121": { "name": "Fimbulwinter", "description": "400 Health
    860 Mana
    15 Ability Haste
  • Awe: Gain bonus Health based on Mana.
  • Everlasting: Immobilizing or Slowing an enemy champion consumes current Mana and grants a Shield. The Shield is increased if more than one enemy is nearby.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3119, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3121.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 2700, "purchasable": false, "total": 2700, "sell": 1890 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Mana", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatMPPoolMod": 860 } }, "3123": { "name": "Executioner's Calling", "description": "15 Attack Damage
  • Rend: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": ";grievous", "plaintext": "Overcomes enemies with high health gain", "from": [ "1036" ], "into": [ "6609", "3033" ], "image": { "full": "3123.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 15 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3" }, "depth": 2 }, "3124": { "name": "Guinsoo's Rageblade", "description": "45% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance

  • Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into On-Hit damage. Gain 40 On-Hit for each 20% Critical Strike Chance converted.
  • Seething Strike: Every third Attack applies your On-Hit effects twice.

    Wrath cannot benefit from more than 100% Critical Strike Chance. Wrath's On-Hit damage conversion is affected by Critical Strike damage modifiers.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6677", "1018", "1042" ], "image": { "full": "3124.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 900, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.45 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.08", "Effect2Amount": "2.5", "Effect3Amount": "2.5", "Effect4Amount": "5", "Effect5Amount": "6", "Effect6Amount": "0.1", "Effect7Amount": "0.1", "Effect8Amount": "15", "Effect9Amount": "1", "Effect10Amount": "3", "Effect11Amount": "0", "Effect12Amount": "0", "Effect13Amount": "3" }, "depth": 3 }, "3133": { "name": "Caulfield's Warhammer", "description": "25 Attack Damage
    10 Ability Haste

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Attack Damage and Cooldown Reduction", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1036", "1036" ], "into": [ "6609", "3071", "3004", "6630", "3074", "3142", "3161", "3508", "6333", "6632", "6675", "6691", "6692", "6693", "6694", "6696" ], "image": { "full": "3133.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 25 }, "depth": 2 }, "3134": { "name": "Serrated Dirk", "description": "30 Attack Damage
  • Gouge: Gain 10 Lethality.
    ", "colloq": ";lethality", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage and Lethality", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1036", "1036" ], "into": [ "3142", "6676", "3179", "3814", "6691", "6692", "6693", "6695", "6696" ], "image": { "full": "3134.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 30 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "10" }, "depth": 2 }, "3135": { "name": "Void Staff", "description": "65 Ability Power
    40% Magic Penetration

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases magic damage", "from": [ "4630", "1026" ], "image": { "full": "3135.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "MagicPenetration", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 65 }, "depth": 3 }, "3139": { "name": "Mercurial Scimitar", "description": "40 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    40 Magic Resist

    Active - Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs and gain Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Activate to remove all crowd control debuffs and grant massive Move Speed", "from": [ "3140", "1018", "1037" ], "image": { "full": "3139.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 225, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "Active", "NonbootsMovement", "Tenacity" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 40, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "1.5", "Effect3Amount": "90" }, "depth": 3 }, "3140": { "name": "Quicksilver Sash", "description": "30 Magic Resist

    Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne).

    ", "colloq": ";qss", "plaintext": "Activate to remove all crowd control debuffs", "from": [ "1033" ], "into": [ "6035", "3139" ], "image": { "full": "3140.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 850, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "Active", "SpellBlock" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30 }, "depth": 2 }, "3142": { "name": "Youmuu's Ghostblade", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    18 Lethality
    15 Ability Haste

    Active - Wraith Step: Gain Move Speed and Ghosting.
  • Haunt: Gain Move Speed out of combat.

    Ghosted units ignore collision with other units.
    ", "colloq": ";lethality", "plaintext": "Activate to greatly increase Move Speed", "from": [ "3134", "3133" ], "image": { "full": "3142.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Active", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "45", "Effect2Amount": "18", "Effect3Amount": "0.2", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "6", "Effect6Amount": "40" }, "depth": 3 }, "3143": { "name": "Randuin's Omen", "description": "400 Health
    60 Armor

    Active - Humility: Slow nearby enemies.
  • Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
  • Critical Resilience: Critical Strikes deal 20% less damage to you.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Greatly increases defenses, activate to slow nearby enemies", "from": [ "3082", "1011" ], "image": { "full": "3143.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1100, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor", "Active", "Slow" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatArmorMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "3145": { "name": "Hextech Alternator", "description": "25 Ability Power
    150 Health

  • Revved: Damaging a champion deals additional damage.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Ability Power. Deal bonus magic damage on attack periodically.", "from": [ "1052", "1028" ], "into": [ "3152", "3165", "4628", "4636", "4645" ], "image": { "full": "3145.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 215, "purchasable": true, "total": 1050, "sell": 735 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 25 }, "depth": 2 }, "3152": { "name": "Hextech Rocketbelt", "description": "90 Ability Power
    6 Magic Penetration
    250 Health
    15 Ability Haste

    Active - Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal damage. Then, gain Move Speed towards enemy champions.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Magic Penetration.

    ", "colloq": "rocket belt;", "plaintext": "Activate to dash forward and unleash a fiery explosion", "from": [ "1026", "3145", "1052" ], "into": [ "7011" ], "image": { "full": "3152.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 865, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "MagicPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 90 }, "depth": 3 }, "3153": { "name": "Blade of The Ruined King", "description": "40 Attack Damage
    25% Attack Speed
    8% Life Steal

  • Mist's Edge: Attacks apply physical damage based off of the target's current Health.
  • Siphon: Attacking a champion 3 times deals magic damage and steals Move Speed.

    Item performance differs for melee and ranged users.
    ", "colloq": ";brk;bork;bork;bork;botrk", "plaintext": "Deals damage based on target's Health, can steal Move Speed", "from": [ "1053", "1043", "1037" ], "image": { "full": "3153.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 525, "purchasable": true, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "LifeSteal", "Slow", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 40, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.25, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.08 }, "depth": 3 }, "3155": { "name": "Hexdrinker", "description": "25 Attack Damage
    35 Magic Resist

  • Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, gain a magic damage Shield.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Attack Damage and Magic Resist", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1036", "1033" ], "into": [ "3156" ], "image": { "full": "3155.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "SpellBlock" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 25, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 35 }, "depth": 2 }, "3156": { "name": "Maw of Malmortius", "description": "65 Attack Damage
    50 Magic Resist

  • Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, gain a magic damage Shield. When Lifeline triggers, gain Omnivamp until the end of combat.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants bonus Attack Damage when Health is low", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1037", "3155", "1036" ], "image": { "full": "3156.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 375, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 65, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "3157": { "name": "Zhonya's Hourglass", "description": "80 Ability Power
    45 Armor
    15 Ability Haste

    Active - Stasis: You become Invulnerable and Untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but are prevented from taking any other actions during this time.

    ", "colloq": ";zhg;zonyas", "plaintext": "Activate to become invincible but unable to take actions", "from": [ "3191", "3108", "2420" ], "image": { "full": "3157.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 350, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "SpellDamage", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 80, "FlatArmorMod": 45 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "2.5", "Effect3Amount": "120" }, "depth": 3 }, "3158": { "name": "Ionian Boots of Lucidity", "description": "20 Ability Haste
    45 Move Speed

  • Gain 12 Summoner Spell Haste.

    ''This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.'
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Increases Move Speed and Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "1001" ], "image": { "full": "3158.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 650, "purchasable": true, "total": 950, "sell": 665 }, "tags": [ "Boots", "CooldownReduction" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMovementSpeedMod": 45 }, "depth": 2 }, "3161": { "name": "Spear Of Shojin", "description": "65 Attack Damage
    300 Health
    20 Ability Haste

  • Dragonforce: Your Non-Ultimate spells gain (8 (+0.08 per 100 Bonus AD) | 6 (+0.06 per 100 Bonus AD)) Ability Haste, reduced to (4 (+0.04 per 100 Bonus AD) | 3 (+0.03 per 100 Bonus AD))) Ability Haste for Immobilizing spells.
  • Exigency: Gain up to (0.15 | 0.1) increased move speed, based on your missing health (Maxed when below 33% Health).

    Item performance differs for melee and ranged users.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Reduce damage taken from champions by a flat amount. Attack while near multiple enemy champions to increase this amount for a short time.", "from": [ "3133", "1038", "3067" ], "image": { "full": "3161.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 200, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 65, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300 }, "depth": 3 }, "3165": { "name": "Morellonomicon", "description": "90 Ability Power
    200 Health
    10 Magic Penetration

  • Affliction: Dealing magic damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": ";nmst;grievous", "plaintext": "Increases magic damage", "from": [ "3916", "3145", "1052" ], "image": { "full": "3165.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 715, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "MagicPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 90 }, "depth": 3 }, "3177": { "name": "Guardian's Blade", "description": "30 Attack Damage
    150 Health
    15 Ability Haste

  • Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    ", "colloq": ";dblade", "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "image": { "full": "3177.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 950, "purchasable": true, "total": 950, "sell": 665 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "Lane", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": true, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 30, "FlatHPPoolMod": 150 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "10" } }, "3179": { "name": "Umbral Glaive", "description": "50 Attack Damage
    10 Lethality
    15 Ability Haste

  • Blackout: When spotted by an enemy Ward, reveal traps and disable Wards around you. Your Attacks do increased damage to Wards.
    ", "colloq": ";lethality", "plaintext": "Provides trap and ward detection periodically", "from": [ "1036", "3134", "1036" ], "image": { "full": "3179.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Vision", "CooldownReduction", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 50 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "10", "Effect2Amount": "8", "Effect3Amount": "50" }, "depth": 3 }, "3181": { "name": "Hullbreaker", "description": "50 Attack Damage
    400 Health
    150% Base Health Regen

  • Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby you gain Armor and Magic Resist and Attacks deal increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain Armor and Magic Resist and increased damage to towers.

    Boarding Party's resistances decay over 3 seconds when an ally gets too close.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1037", "3044" ], "image": { "full": "3181.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 825, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "Damage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 50, "FlatHPPoolMod": 400 }, "depth": 3 }, "3184": { "name": "Guardian's Hammer", "description": "25 Attack Damage
    150 Health
    7% Life Steal

  • Legendary: This item counts as a Legendary item.
    ", "colloq": ";dblade", "plaintext": "Good starting item for attackers", "image": { "full": "3184.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 950, "purchasable": true, "total": 950, "sell": 665 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "LifeSteal", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": true, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 25, "FlatHPPoolMod": 150, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.07 } }, "3190": { "name": "Locket of the Iron Solari", "description": "200 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    30 Armor
    30 Magic Resist

    Active - Devotion: Grant nearby allies a Shield, decaying over time.
  • Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor and Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Activate to shield nearby allies from damage", "from": [ "3067", "3105" ], "into": [ "7019" ], "image": { "full": "3190.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "Aura", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30, "FlatArmorMod": 30 }, "depth": 3 }, "3191": { "name": "Seeker's Armguard", "description": "30 Ability Power
    15 Armor

  • Witch's Path: Killing a unit grants 0.5 Armor (max 15).
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Increases Armor and Ability Power", "from": [ "1052", "1029" ], "into": [ "3157" ], "image": { "full": "3191.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 265, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 30, "FlatArmorMod": 15 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "15" }, "depth": 2 }, "3193": { "name": "Gargoyle Stoneplate", "description": "60 Armor
    60 Magic Resist
    15 Ability Haste

    Active - Unbreakable: Gain a Shield that decays and grow in size.
  • Fortify: Taking damage from a champion grants a stack of bonus Armor and bonus Magic Resist.

    Max 5 stacks; 1 per champion.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Greatly increases defense near multiple enemies.", "from": [ "1029", "3105", "1033" ], "image": { "full": "3193.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1250, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "Armor", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 60, "FlatArmorMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "3211": { "name": "Spectre's Cowl", "description": "250 Health
    25 Magic Resist

  • Incorporeal: After taking damage from a champion, Regenerate Health.
    ", "colloq": ";hat", "plaintext": "Improves defense and grants regeneration upon being damaged", "from": [ "1028", "1033" ], "into": [ "3065", "8020" ], "image": { "full": "3211.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 1250, "sell": 875 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "SpellBlock" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 25 }, "depth": 2 }, "3222": { "name": "Mikael's Blessing", "description": "16% Heal and Shield Power
    50 Magic Resist
    15 Ability Haste
    100% Base Mana Regen

    Active - Purify: Restore Health and Remove all crowd control debuffs (except Knockups and Suppression) from an ally champion.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Activate to remove all disabling effects from an allied champion", "from": [ "3114", "1057" ], "image": { "full": "3222.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 600, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "ManaRegen", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "Tenacity", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "3330": { "name": "Scarecrow Effigy", "description": "
    Active - Trinket: Places an effigy that appears exactly as Fiddlesticks does to enemies. Stores up to a maximum of 2 charges.

    Enemy champions approaching an effigy will activate it, causing the effigy to fake a random action, after which the effigy will fall apart.

    ", "colloq": "yellow; totem; trinket", "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "requiredChampion": "FiddleSticks", "image": { "full": "3330.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": true, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Active", "Jungle", "Lane", "Trinket", "Vision" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "90", "Effect2Amount": "240", "Effect3Amount": "120", "Effect4Amount": "120", "Effect5Amount": "2", "Effect6Amount": "9", "Effect7Amount": "30", "Effect8Amount": "120" } }, "3340": { "name": "Stealth Ward", "description": "Active - Trinket: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 2 Stealth Wards.
    ", "colloq": "yellow; totem; trinket", "plaintext": "Periodically place a Stealth Ward", "image": { "full": "3340.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": true, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Active", "Jungle", "Lane", "Trinket", "Vision" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "90", "Effect2Amount": "210", "Effect3Amount": "120", "Effect4Amount": "120", "Effect5Amount": "2", "Effect6Amount": "9", "Effect7Amount": "30", "Effect8Amount": "120" } }, "3363": { "name": "Farsight Alteration", "description": "Active - Trinket: Reveals an area and places a visible, fragile Ward up to 4000 units away.
    ", "colloq": "blue; totem; trinket", "plaintext": "Grants increased range and reveals the targetted area", "image": { "full": "3363.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": true, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Active", "Trinket", "Vision" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "4000", "Effect2Amount": "2", "Effect3Amount": "5", "Effect4Amount": "198", "Effect5Amount": "60", "Effect6Amount": "9", "Effect7Amount": "30", "Effect8Amount": "120", "Effect9Amount": "6.5", "Effect10Amount": "198", "Effect11Amount": "99", "Effect12Amount": "60", "Effect13Amount": "180", "Effect14Amount": "10", "Effect15Amount": "45" } }, "3364": { "name": "Oracle Lens", "description": "Active - Trinket: Scans around you, warning against hidden enemy units, revealing invisible traps and revealing (and temporarily disabling) enemy Stealth Wards.
    ", "colloq": "red; lens; trinket", "plaintext": "Disables nearby invisible wards and traps for a duration", "image": { "full": "3364.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": true, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Active", "Trinket", "Vision" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "6", "Effect2Amount": "10", "Effect3Amount": "120", "Effect4Amount": "60", "Effect5Amount": "0", "Effect6Amount": "1", "Effect7Amount": "30", "Effect8Amount": "120", "Effect9Amount": "60" } }, "3400": { "name": "Your Cut", "description": "Active - Consume: Gain 0 gold.

    Bonus gold given to an ally when Pyke executes an enemy champion using his Ultimate Ability. If no ally was involved in the kill, Pyke gets to keep the Cut!

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "consumed": true, "inStore": false, "hideFromAll": true, "image": { "full": "3400.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Consumable", "GoldPer" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3504": { "name": "Ardent Censer", "description": "60 Ability Power
    8% Heal and Shield Power
    100% Base Mana Regen

  • Sanctify: Healing or Shielding another ally enhances you both, granting Attack Speed and magic damage On-Hit.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Shield and heal effects on other units grant both of you Attack Speed and their attacks deal additional on-hit magic damage.", "from": [ "1052", "3114", "1052" ], "image": { "full": "3504.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 630, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "3508": { "name": "Essence Reaver", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    20 Ability Haste

  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals additional damage and restores Mana.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3057", "3133", "1018" ], "image": { "full": "3508.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2 }, "depth": 3 }, "3513": { "name": "Eye of the Herald", "description": "Active - Consume: Crush the Eye of the Herald, summoning Rift Herald. The Herald will proceed down the nearest lane and deal massive damage to any turrets in the way.

    Glimpse of the Void: Grants Empowered Recall.

    ", "colloq": ";Herald's Eye", "plaintext": "Eye of the Herald - a Gift of the Void.", "consumed": true, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3513.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Trinket", "Active" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": {}, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "240", "Effect2Amount": "1", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "180" } }, "3599": { "name": "Kalista's Black Spear", "description": "Active - Consume: Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.
    ", "colloq": ";spear", "plaintext": "Kalista's spear that binds an Oathsworn Ally.", "requiredChampion": "Kalista", "image": { "full": "3599.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": true, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Consumable" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3600": { "name": "Kalista's Black Spear", "description": "Active - Consume: Bind with an ally for the remainder of the game, becoming Oathsworn Allies. Oathsworn empowers you both while near one another.

    Required to use Kalista's Ultimate Ability.

    ", "colloq": ";spear", "plaintext": "Kalista's spear that binds an Oathsworn Ally.", "requiredChampion": "Sylas", "image": { "full": "3600.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": true, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [ "Consumable" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3742": { "name": "Dead Man's Plate", "description": "300 Health
    45 Armor
    5% Move Speed
  • Shipwrecker: While moving, build up Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal damage. If dealt by a Melee champion at top speed, the Attack also Slows the target.

    ''There's only one way you'll get this armor from me...'' - forgotten namesake
    ", "colloq": ";juggernaut;dreadnought", "plaintext": "Build momentum as you move around then smash into enemies.", "from": [ "3066", "1028", "1031" ], "image": { "full": "3742.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 900, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor", "Slow", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.05, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatArmorMod": 45 }, "depth": 3 }, "3748": { "name": "Titanic Hydra", "description": "30 Attack Damage
    500 Health

  • Colossus: Gain bonus Attack Damage based off of bonus Health.
  • Cleave: Attacks apply additional damage On-Hit, creating a shockwave that deals damage to enemies behind the target.
    ", "colloq": ";juggernaut", "plaintext": "Deals area of effect damage based on owner's health", "from": [ "3077", "1028", "1011" ], "image": { "full": "3748.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "Damage", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 30, "FlatHPPoolMod": 500 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "40", "Effect3Amount": "0", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "0.1", "Effect6Amount": "0", "Effect7Amount": "0", "Effect8Amount": "0", "Effect9Amount": "0", "Effect10Amount": "5" }, "depth": 3 }, "3801": { "name": "Crystalline Bracer", "description": "200 Health
    100% Base Health Regen

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Grants Health and Health Regen", "from": [ "1028", "1006" ], "into": [ "3084", "3083", "3109" ], "image": { "full": "3801.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 100, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200 }, "depth": 2 }, "3802": { "name": "Lost Chapter", "description": "40 Ability Power
    300 Mana
    10 Ability Haste

  • Enlighten: Upon levelling up, restores 20% max Mana over 3 seconds.
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Restores Mana upon levelling up.", "from": [ "1052", "1027", "1052" ], "into": [ "6655", "6653", "4644", "6656" ], "image": { "full": "3802.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 80, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "Mana", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 }, "depth": 2 }, "3803": { "name": "Catalyst of Aeons", "description": "300 Health
    300 Mana

  • Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 7% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and Health equal to 25% of Mana spent, up to 20 Health per cast, per second.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1028", "1027" ], "into": [ "8020", "6657" ], "image": { "full": "3803.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 550, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "Mana", "ManaRegen" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMPPoolMod": 300 }, "depth": 2 }, "3814": { "name": "Edge of Night", "description": "50 Attack Damage
    10 Lethality
    325 Health

  • Annul: Gain a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.

    Item's cooldown is restarted if you take damage before it is completed.
    ", "colloq": ";lethality", "plaintext": "Periodically blocks enemy abilities", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1036", "3134", "1028" ], "image": { "full": "3814.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1050, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 50, "FlatHPPoolMod": 325 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0", "Effect2Amount": "0", "Effect3Amount": "0", "Effect4Amount": "40" }, "depth": 3 }, "3850": { "name": "Spellthief's Edge", "description": "8 Ability Power
    10 Health
    25% Base Mana Regen
    2 Gold Per 10 Seconds

  • Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 36 seconds.
  • Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Frostfang, gaining Active - Warding.

    This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Gain gold and upgrade by damaging enemy champions", "image": { "full": "3850.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "Vision", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 10, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 8 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "2", "Effect2Amount": "20", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "500", "Effect5Amount": "12", "Effect6Amount": "3", "Effect7Amount": "2000" } }, "3851": { "name": "Frostfang", "description": "15 Ability Power
    70 Health
    50% Base Mana Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 3 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

  • Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  • Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Shard of True Ice.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3850, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3851.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "GoldPer", "Lane", "ManaRegen", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 70, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 15 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3", "Effect2Amount": "20", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "1000", "Effect5Amount": "12", "Effect6Amount": "3", "Effect7Amount": "2000" } }, "3853": { "name": "Shard of True Ice", "description": "40 Ability Power
    75 Health
    100% Base Mana Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3851, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3853.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "GoldPer", "Lane", "ManaRegen", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 75, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3" } }, "3854": { "name": "Steel Shoulderguards", "description": "3 Attack Damage
    30 Health
    50% Base Health Regen
    2 Gold Per 10 Seconds
  • Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below (50% for Melee Users | 30% for Ranged Users) of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  • Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Runesteel Spaulders, gaining Active - Warding.

    This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Gain gold and upgrade by executing minions alongside allies", "image": { "full": "3854.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "Damage", "Vision", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 3, "FlatHPPoolMod": 30 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "2", "Effect2Amount": "0.5", "Effect3Amount": "0.3", "Effect4Amount": "500", "Effect5Amount": "35", "Effect6Amount": "3" } }, "3855": { "name": "Runesteel Spaulders", "description": "6 Attack Damage
    100 Health
    75% Base Health Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 3 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
  • Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below 50% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  • Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3854, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3855.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 336, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 6, "FlatHPPoolMod": 100 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3", "Effect2Amount": "0.5", "Effect3Amount": "0.5", "Effect4Amount": "1000", "Effect5Amount": "35", "Effect6Amount": "3" } }, "3857": { "name": "Pauldrons of Whiterock", "description": "15 Attack Damage
    250 Health
    100% Base Health Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3855, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3857.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 15, "FlatHPPoolMod": 250 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3" } }, "3858": { "name": "Relic Shield", "description": "5 Ability Power
    30 Health
    50% Base Health Regen
    2 Gold Per 10 Seconds
  • Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below (50% for Melee Users | 30% for Ranged Users) of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  • Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Targon's Buckler, gaining Active - Warding.

    This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Gain gold and upgrade by executing minions alongside allies", "image": { "full": "3858.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "SpellDamage", "Vision", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 30, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 5 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "2", "Effect2Amount": "0.5", "Effect3Amount": "0.3", "Effect4Amount": "500", "Effect5Amount": "35", "Effect6Amount": "3" } }, "3859": { "name": "Targon's Buckler", "description": "10 Ability Power
    100 Health
    75% Base Health Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 3 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
  • Spoils of War: While nearby an allied champion, Attacks execute minions below 50% of their max Health. Killing a minion grants the same kill gold to the nearest allied champion. These effects recharge every 35 seconds (Max 3 charges).
  • Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Bulwark of the Mountain.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3858, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3859.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 100, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 10 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3", "Effect2Amount": "0.5", "Effect3Amount": "0.5", "Effect4Amount": "1000", "Effect5Amount": "35", "Effect6Amount": "3" } }, "3860": { "name": "Bulwark of the Mountain", "description": "20 Ability Power
    250 Health
    100% Base Health Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3859, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3860.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 20 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3" } }, "3862": { "name": "Spectral Sickle", "description": "5 Attack Damage
    10 Health
    25% Base Mana Regen
    2 Gold Per 10 Seconds

  • Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 30 seconds.
  • Quest: Earn 500 gold from this item to transform it into Harrowing Crescent, gaining Active - Warding.

    This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Gain gold and upgrade by damaging enemy champions", "image": { "full": "3862.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "ManaRegen", "Vision", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 5, "FlatHPPoolMod": 10 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "2", "Effect2Amount": "20", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "500", "Effect5Amount": "12", "Effect6Amount": "3", "Effect7Amount": "2000" } }, "3863": { "name": "Harrowing Crescent", "description": "10 Attack Damage
    60 Health
    50% Base Mana Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
  • Tribute: While nearby an ally champion, damaging Abilities and Attacks against champions or buildings grant 20 gold. This can occur up to 3 times every 36 seconds.
  • Quest: Earn 1000 gold from this item to transform it into Black Mist Scythe.

    This item grants reduced gold from minions if you kill excessive numbers of them.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3862, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3863.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "ManaRegen", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 10, "FlatHPPoolMod": 60 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3", "Effect2Amount": "20", "Effect3Amount": "20", "Effect4Amount": "1000", "Effect5Amount": "12", "Effect6Amount": "3", "Effect7Amount": "2000" } }, "3864": { "name": "Black Mist Scythe", "description": "20 Attack Damage
    75 Health
    100% Base Mana Regen
    3 Gold Per 10 Seconds

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 4 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "specialRecipe": 3863, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "3864.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": false, "total": 400, "sell": 160 }, "tags": [ "Health", "ManaRegen", "GoldPer", "Lane" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 20, "FlatHPPoolMod": 75 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "3" } }, "3901": { "name": "Fire at Will
    500 Silver Serpents", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Cannon Barrage fires at an increasing rate over time (additional 6 waves over the duration).", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "inStore": false, "requiredChampion": "Gangplank", "image": { "full": "3901.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3902": { "name": "Death's Daughter
    500 Silver Serpents", "description": "Cannon Barrage additionally fires a mega-cannonball at the center of the Barrage, dealing 300% true damage and Slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Cannon Barrage additionally fires a mega-cannonball at the center of the Barrage, dealing 300% true damage and Slowing them by 60% for 1.5 seconds.", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "inStore": false, "requiredChampion": "Gangplank", "image": { "full": "3902.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3903": { "name": "Raise Morale
    500 Silver Serpents", "description": "Allies in the Cannon Barrage gain 30% Move Speed for 2 seconds.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Allies in the Cannon Barrage gain 30% Move Speed for 2 seconds.", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "inStore": false, "requiredChampion": "Gangplank", "image": { "full": "3903.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 384, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "3916": { "name": "Oblivion Orb", "description": "30 Ability Power
  • Cursed: Dealing magic damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to champions for 3 seconds.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Increases magic damage", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1052" ], "into": [ "3011", "3165" ], "image": { "full": "3916.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 365, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 30 }, "depth": 2 }, "4005": { "name": "Imperial Mandate", "description": "40 Ability Power
    200 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    100% Base Mana Regen

  • Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal bonus damage and mark them. Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing additional damage and granting you both Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Power.

    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "Defer damage until later.", "from": [ "3067", "4642" ], "into": [ "7022" ], "image": { "full": "4005.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 }, "depth": 3 }, "4401": { "name": "Force of Nature", "description": "350 Health
    70 Magic Resist
    5% Move Speed

  • Absorb: Taking magic damage from enemy Champions grants a stack of Steadfast. Enemy Immobilizing effects grant additional stacks.
  • Dissipate: While at max stacks of Steadfast, take reduced magic damage and gain increased Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": ";fon", "plaintext": "Move Speed, Magic Resist, and max Health Regeneration", "from": [ "1057", "1028", "3066" ], "image": { "full": "4401.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 2900, "sell": 2030 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.05, "FlatHPPoolMod": 350, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 70 }, "depth": 3 }, "4403": { "name": "The Golden Spatula", "description": "70 Attack Damage
    120 Ability Power
    50% Attack Speed
    30% Critical Strike Chance
    250 Health
    30 Armor
    30 Magic Resist
    250 Mana
    20 Ability Haste
    10% Move Speed
    10% Life Steal
    100% Base Health Regen
    100% Base Mana Regen

  • Doing Something: You are permanently On Fire!
    ", "colloq": ";", "plaintext": "It does EVERYTHING!", "from": [ "1038", "1053", "3086", "1058", "3067", "3105" ], "image": { "full": "4403.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 687, "purchasable": true, "total": 7187, "sell": 5031 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "HealthRegen", "Armor", "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "LifeSteal", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": false, "12": false, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 70, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.3, "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.1, "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30, "FlatMPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 120, "FlatArmorMod": 30, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.5, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.1 }, "depth": 3 }, "4628": { "name": "Horizon Focus", "description": "100 Ability Power
    150 Health
    15 Ability Haste

  • Hypershot: Damaging a champion with a non-targeted Ability at over 700 range or Slowing or Immobilizing them Reveals them and increases their damage taken from you.

    The Ability that triggers Hypershot also benefits from the damage increase. Pets and non-immobilizing traps do not trigger this effect. Only the initial placement of zone Abilities will trigger this effect. Distance is measured from the Ability cast position.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Immobilizing a champion causes lightning to strike them", "from": [ "3145", "3108" ], "image": { "full": "4628.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1050, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 100 }, "depth": 3 }, "4629": { "name": "Cosmic Drive", "description": "100 Ability Power
    30 Ability Haste
    5% Move Speed

  • Spelldance: Damaging a champion generates a stack of 2.5% Move Speed every 1.5 seconds for the next 5 seconds up to 10% Move Speed. At 4 stacks, gain an additional 10% Move Speed (20% Move Speed total). Dealing damage refreshes this effect.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Massive amounts of Cooldown Reduction", "from": [ "3108", "3113", "1052" ], "image": { "full": "4629.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 815, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentMovementSpeedMod": 0.05, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 100 }, "depth": 3 }, "4630": { "name": "Blighting Jewel", "description": "25 Ability Power
    13% Magic Penetration

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1052" ], "into": [ "3135" ], "image": { "full": "4630.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 815, "purchasable": true, "total": 1250, "sell": 875 }, "tags": [ "MagicPenetration", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 25 }, "depth": 2 }, "4632": { "name": "Verdant Barrier", "description": "20 Ability Power
    25 Magic Resist

  • Adaptive: Killing a unit grants 0.3 Magic Resist (max 9).

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1033", "1052" ], "into": [ "3102" ], "image": { "full": "4632.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 115, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "SpellBlock", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatSpellBlockMod": 25, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 20 }, "depth": 2 }, "4633": { "name": "Riftmaker", "description": "70 Ability Power
    300 Health
    15 Ability Haste
    7% Omnivamp

  • Void Corruption: For each second damaging enemy champions, deal bonus damage. At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Omnivamp and Ability Power.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "4635", "1026" ], "into": [ "7009" ], "image": { "full": "4633.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1050, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "SpellVamp", "MagicPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 3 }, "4635": { "name": "Leeching Leer", "description": "20 Ability Power
    250 Health
    5% Omnivamp

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1028", "1052" ], "into": [ "4633" ], "image": { "full": "4635.png", "sprite": "item1.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 432, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 465, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "SpellVamp" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 20 }, "depth": 2 }, "4636": { "name": "Night Harvester", "description": "90 Ability Power
    300 Health
    25 Ability Haste

  • Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals additional magic damage and grants you Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3145", "3108", "1052" ], "into": [ "7010" ], "image": { "full": "4636.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 815, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 90 }, "depth": 3 }, "4637": { "name": "Demonic Embrace", "description": "75 Ability Power
    350 Health

  • Azakana's Gaze: Dealing Ability damage burns enemies for max Health magic damage every second.
  • Dark Pact: Gain bonus Health as Ability Power.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1026", "1011", "1052" ], "image": { "full": "4637.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 815, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 350, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 75 }, "depth": 3 }, "4638": { "name": "Watchful Wardstone", "description": "150 Health
    10 Ability Haste

  • Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.

    After completing the Support Quest and reaching Level 13, transforms into Vigilant Wardstone.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "into": [ "4643" ], "image": { "full": "4638.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1100, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "SpellDamage", "Vision", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150 } }, "4641": { "name": "Stirring Wardstone", "description": "100 Health
    10 Ability Haste
  • Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.
  • Blooming Empire: This item transforms into Watchful Wardstone once 15 Stealth Wards have been placed.

    Stealth Wards are placed from the Stealth Ward Trinket and the upgraded Unique: Support items.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "4641.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1200, "purchasable": false, "total": 1200, "sell": 480 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 100 } }, "4642": { "name": "Bandleglass Mirror", "description": "20 Ability Power
    10 Ability Haste
    50% Base Mana Regen

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1004", "1052" ], "into": [ "2065", "6617", "4005" ], "image": { "full": "4642.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 265, "purchasable": true, "total": 950, "sell": 665 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 20 }, "depth": 2 }, "4643": { "name": "Vigilant Wardstone", "description": "150 Health
    15 Ability Haste

  • Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.
  • Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by 1.
  • Blessing of Ixtal: Grants a 12% increase to bonus Health, bonus Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Ability Power.

    Upgrades from Watchful Sightstone.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "4638" ], "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "4643.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Vision", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": false, "21": false, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 150 }, "depth": 2 }, "4644": { "name": "Crown of the Shattered Queen", "description": "70 Ability Power
    250 Health
    600 Mana
    20 Ability Haste

  • Divine Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage. Safeguard persists for 1.5 seconds after taking champion damage.
  • Holy Gift: While Safeguarded and for 3 seconds after it is broken, gain Ability Power.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Move Speed and Ability Power.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3067", "3802", "1052" ], "into": [ "7024" ], "image": { "full": "4644.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 265, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMPPoolMod": 600, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 3 }, "4645": { "name": "Shadowflame", "description": "100 Ability Power
    200 Health

  • Cinderbloom: Damage to champions benefits from additional Magic Penetration based on their current Health. If the target was recently affected by Shields, gain the maximum benefit against that target.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3145", "1058" ], "image": { "full": "4645.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "MagicPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 100 }, "depth": 3 }, "6029": { "name": "Ironspike Whip", "description": "30 Attack Damage

    Active - Crescent: Deal damage to nearby enemies.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1037" ], "into": [ "6630", "6631" ], "image": { "full": "6029.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 225, "purchasable": true, "total": 1100, "sell": 770 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Active" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 30 }, "depth": 2 }, "6035": { "name": "Silvermere Dawn", "description": "40 Attack Damage
    300 Health
    40 Magic Resist

    Active - Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs and gain Tenacity and Slow Resistance.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3140", "1037", "1028" ], "image": { "full": "6035.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 0, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 425, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Damage", "Active", "Tenacity" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 40, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "1", "Effect3Amount": "90" }, "depth": 3 }, "6333": { "name": "Death's Dance", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    15 Ability Haste
    45 Armor

  • Ignore Pain: Damage taken is dealt to you over time instead.
  • Defy: Champion takedowns cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and restore Health over time.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "stacks": 0, "from": [ "1037", "1031", "3133" ], "image": { "full": "6333.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 525, "purchasable": true, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Armor", "Damage", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55, "FlatArmorMod": 45 }, "depth": 3 }, "6609": { "name": "Chempunk Chainsword", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    250 Health
    25 Ability Haste

  • Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.

    Grievous Wounds reduces the effectiveness of Healing and Regeneration effects.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3123", "1028", "3133" ], "image": { "full": "6609.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 500, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55, "FlatHPPoolMod": 250 }, "depth": 3 }, "6616": { "name": "Staff of Flowing Water", "description": "50 Ability Power
    8% Heal and Shield Power
    100% Base Mana Regen

  • Rapids: Healing or Shielding another ally grants you both Ability Power and Ability Haste.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Your heals and shields reduce crowd control and grant Move Speed", "from": [ "1052", "3114", "1052" ], "image": { "full": "6616.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 630, "purchasable": true, "total": 2300, "sell": 1610 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMagicDamageMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "6617": { "name": "Moonstone Renewer", "description": "40 Ability Power
    200 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    100% Base Mana Regen

  • Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore Health to the most wounded nearby ally. Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items an increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Your heals and shields cool down faster and have greater effect on low health allies", "from": [ "3067", "4642" ], "into": [ "7021" ], "image": { "full": "6617.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 750, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 200, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 40 }, "depth": 3 }, "6630": { "name": "Goredrinker", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    300 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    8% Omnivamp

    Active - Thirsting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies. Restore Health for each champion hit.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Health and Ability Haste.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6029", "3133", "3067" ], "into": [ "7015" ], "image": { "full": "6630.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": true, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "LifeSteal", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "SpellVamp", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300 }, "depth": 3 }, "6631": { "name": "Stridebreaker", "description": "50 Attack Damage
    20% Attack Speed
    300 Health
    20 Ability Haste

    Active - Halting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them. Can be cast while moving.
  • Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6029", "3051", "3067" ], "into": [ "7016" ], "image": { "full": "6631.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 400, "purchasable": true, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 50, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.2 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "0", "Effect3Amount": "90", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "10" }, "depth": 3 }, "6632": { "name": "Divine Sunderer", "description": "40 Attack Damage
    300 Health
    20 Ability Haste
  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage On-Hit. If the target is a champion, also heal.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3133", "3057", "3067" ], "into": [ "7017" ], "image": { "full": "6632.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "MagicPenetration", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 40, "FlatHPPoolMod": 300 }, "depth": 3 }, "6653": { "name": "Liandry's Anguish", "description": "80 Ability Power
    600 Mana
    20 Ability Haste

  • Agony: Deal bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health.
  • Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn over time.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Charge up in combat to deal high damage over time, especially against durable enemies", "from": [ "3802", "3108" ], "into": [ "7012" ], "image": { "full": "6653.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1000, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 600, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 80 }, "depth": 3 }, "6655": { "name": "Luden's Tempest", "description": "80 Ability Power
    6 Magic Penetration
    600 Mana
    20 Ability Haste

  • Echo: Damaging Abilities deal magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you Move Speed. Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Magic Penetration.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "High burst damage, good against fragile foes", "from": [ "3802", "1026" ], "into": [ "7013" ], "image": { "full": "6655.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 1050, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "MagicPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 600, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 80 }, "depth": 3 }, "6656": { "name": "Everfrost", "description": "70 Ability Power
    250 Health
    600 Mana
    20 Ability Haste

    Active - Glaciate: Deal damage in a cone, Slowing enemies hit. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Power.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3067", "3802", "1052" ], "into": [ "7014" ], "image": { "full": "6656.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 48, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 265, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 250, "FlatMPPoolMod": 600, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 3 }, "6657": { "name": "Rod of Ages", "description": "60 Ability Power
    400 Health
    400 Mana

    This item gains 20 Health, 20 Mana and 4 Ability Power every 60 seconds up to 10 times, for a maximum of 200 Health, 200 Mana, and 40 Ability Power. Upon reaching max stacks, gain a level and all effects of Eternity are increased by 50%.
  • Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 7% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and Health equal to 25% of Mana spent, up to 20 Health per cast, per second. For every 200 Health or Mana restored this way, gain 35% Decaying Move Speed for 3 seconds.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1026", "3803", "1052" ], "into": [ "7028" ], "image": { "full": "6657.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 215, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatMPPoolMod": 400, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "6660": { "name": "Bami's Cinder", "description": "300 Health
  • Immolate : Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased against minions and monsters).
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1028", "1028" ], "into": [ "3068" ], "image": { "full": "6660.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 200, "purchasable": true, "total": 1000, "sell": 700 }, "tags": [ "Health" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300 }, "depth": 2 }, "6662": { "name": "Iceborn Gauntlet", "description": "400 Health
    50 Armor
    20 Ability Haste

  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage and creates a frost field for 2.5s. Enemies that move across the field are Slowed. Your primary target is crippled, applying a 100% stronger slow on them and reducing their damage by 10% against you for 2.5s. (1.5s ).

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 50 Health, 5% Tenacity, and 5% Slow Resist.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "High Magic Resist.Passively slow nearby enemies. When spells are cast near you, release a wave of energy that damages and slows.", "from": [ "3057", "3067", "1031" ], "into": [ "7005" ], "image": { "full": "6662.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatArmorMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "6664": { "name": "Turbo Chemtank", "description": "500 Health
    50 Magic Resist
    10 Ability Haste

    Active - Supercharged: Grants Move Speed towards enemies or enemy turrets. Once near an enemy (or after 4 seconds) a shockwave is emitted that Slows nearby champions.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "Immobilize enemies to gain a shield. Activate to run faster at opponents.", "from": [ "3067", "1057", "1028" ], "image": { "full": "6664.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 700, "purchasable": true, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "NonbootsMovement", "MagicResist", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 500, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 50 }, "depth": 3 }, "6665": { "name": "Jak'Sho, The Protean", "description": "400 Health
    30 Armor
    30 Magic Resist
    20 Ability Haste

  • Voidborn Resilience: For each second in champion combat gain a stack granting Armor and Magic Resist, up to 8 stacks max. At max stacks become empowered, instantly draining enemies around you for magic damage, healing yourself, and increasing your bonus resist until end of combat.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor and Magic Resist.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3105", "3067", "1028" ], "into": [ "7026" ], "image": { "full": "6665.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "CooldownReduction", "MagicResist", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30, "FlatArmorMod": 30 }, "depth": 3 }, "6667": { "name": "Radiant Virtue", "description": "400 Health
    30 Armor
    30 Magic Resist
    20 Ability Haste

  • Guiding Light: Upon casting your Ultimate you Transcend, increasing your Max Health. While Transcended you and allies heal over time.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Health.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3105", "3067", "1028" ], "into": [ "7027" ], "image": { "full": "6667.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "Aura", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 30, "FlatArmorMod": 30 }, "depth": 3 }, "6670": { "name": "Noonquiver", "description": "30 Attack Damage
    15% Attack Speed

  • Precision: Attacks deal additional damage to Minions and Monsters.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1036", "1042", "1036" ], "into": [ "6671", "6672", "6673" ], "image": { "full": "6670.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 300, "purchasable": true, "total": 1300, "sell": 910 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 30, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.15 }, "depth": 2 }, "6671": { "name": "Galeforce", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    20% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance

    Active - Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination. Deals damage, increased against low Health targets.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6670", "1018", "1037" ], "into": [ "7006" ], "image": { "full": "6671.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 625, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "Active", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.2 }, "depth": 3 }, "6672": { "name": "Kraken Slayer", "description": "65 Attack Damage
    25% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance

  • Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals additional true damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Attack Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6670", "1018", "1037" ], "into": [ "7007" ], "image": { "full": "6672.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 625, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 65, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.25 }, "depth": 3 }, "6673": { "name": "Immortal Shieldbow", "description": "50 Attack Damage
    20% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    7% Life Steal

  • Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below 30% Health, gain a Shield. In addition, gain Attack Damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Attack Damage and Health.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6670", "1018", "1053" ], "into": [ "7008" ], "image": { "full": "6673.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 96, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 600, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "LifeSteal" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 50, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.2, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.07 }, "depth": 3 }, "6675": { "name": "Navori Quickblades", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    20 Ability Haste

  • Transcendence: If you have at least 40% Critical Strike Chance, your Attacks reduce your non-Ultimate Ability cooldowns.
  • Impermanence: Your abilities deal increased damage based on Critical Strike Chance.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3133", "1037", "1018" ], "image": { "full": "6675.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 825, "purchasable": true, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "1", "Effect3Amount": "90" }, "depth": 3 }, "6676": { "name": "The Collector", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    12 Lethality

  • Death and Taxes: Dealing damage that would leave an enemy champion below 5% Health executes them. Champion kills grant an additional 25 gold.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3134", "1037", "1018" ], "image": { "full": "6676.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 425, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2 }, "depth": 3 }, "6677": { "name": "Rageknife", "description": "25% Attack Speed
  • Wrath: Your Critical Strike Chance is converted into On-Hit damage. Gain 35 On-Hit for each 20% Critical Strike Chance converted.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "1042", "1042" ], "into": [ "3124" ], "image": { "full": "6677.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 200, "purchasable": true, "total": 800, "sell": 560 }, "tags": [ "AttackSpeed", "OnHit" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.25 }, "depth": 2 }, "6691": { "name": "Duskblade of Draktharr", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    18 Lethality
    20 Ability Haste

  • Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals additional damage. If dealt by a Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target. When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste and Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3134", "3133" ], "into": [ "7002" ], "image": { "full": "6691.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 900, "purchasable": true, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Stealth", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "6692": { "name": "Eclipse", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    12 Lethality
    15 Ability Haste

  • Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 1.5 seconds deals additional damage, grants you Move Speed and a Shield.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor Penetration and Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3134", "3133" ], "into": [ "7001" ], "image": { "full": "6692.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 900, "purchasable": true, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "6693": { "name": "Prowler's Claw", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    18 Lethality
    20 Ability Haste

    Active - Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing damage. You deal increased damage to the target.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Lethality and Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3134", "3133" ], "into": [ "7000" ], "image": { "full": "6693.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 900, "purchasable": true, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60 }, "depth": 3 }, "6694": { "name": "Serylda's Grudge", "description": "45 Attack Damage
    30% Armor Penetration
    20 Ability Haste

  • Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3133", "3035" ], "image": { "full": "6694.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 650, "purchasable": true, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 45 }, "depth": 3 }, "6695": { "name": "Serpent's Fang", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    12 Lethality

  • Shield Reaver: Dealing damage to an enemy champion reduces any shields they gain. When you damage an enemy who is unaffected by Shield Reaver, reduce all shields on them.

    Item performance differs for melee and ranged users.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3134", "1037" ], "image": { "full": "6695.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 625, "purchasable": true, "total": 2600, "sell": 1820 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55 }, "depth": 3 }, "6696": { "name": "Axiom Arc", "description": "55 Attack Damage
    18 Lethality
    25 Ability Haste

  • Flux: Whenever a Champion dies within 3 seconds of you having damaged them, refund 20% of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3134", "3133" ], "image": { "full": "6696.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 55 }, "depth": 3 }, "7000": { "name": "Sandshrike's Claw", "description": "75 Attack Damage
    26 Lethality
    25 Ability Haste

    Active - Sandswipe: Dash through target enemy champion, dealing damage. You deal increased damage to the target.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Lethality and Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6693" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7000.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 144, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 75 }, "depth": 4 }, "7001": { "name": "Syzygy", "description": "80 Attack Damage
    20 Lethality
    20 Ability Haste

  • Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 1.5 seconds deals additional damage, grants you Move Speed and a Shield.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor Penetration and Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6692" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7001.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 80 }, "depth": 4 }, "7002": { "name": "Draktharr's Shadowcarver", "description": "75 Attack Damage
    26 Lethality
    25 Ability Haste

  • Nightstalker: Attacking a champion deals additional damage. If dealt by a Melee champion, this Attack also Slows the target. When a champion that you have damaged within the last 3 seconds dies, this cooldown is refreshed and you become Invisible.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste and Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6691" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7002.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3100, "sell": 2170 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "Stealth", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "NonbootsMovement", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 75 }, "depth": 4 }, "7005": { "name": "Frozen Fist", "description": "550 Health
    70 Armor
    25 Ability Haste

  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage and creates a frost field for 2.5s. Enemies that move across the field are Slowed. Your primary target is crippled, applying a 100% stronger slow on them and reducing their damage by 10% against you for 2.5s. (1.5s ).

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 50 Health, 5% Tenacity, and 5% Slow Resist.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6662" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7005.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Armor", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "OnHit", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 550, "FlatArmorMod": 70 }, "depth": 4 }, "7006": { "name": "Typhoon", "description": "80 Attack Damage
    35% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance

    Active - Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination. Deals damage, increased against low Health targets.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Move Speed.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6671" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7006.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "Active", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 80, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.35 }, "depth": 4 }, "7007": { "name": "Wyrmfallen Sacrifice", "description": "85 Attack Damage
    40% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance

  • Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals additional true damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Attack Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6672" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7007.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "OnHit", "ArmorPenetration" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 85, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.4 }, "depth": 4 }, "7008": { "name": "Bloodward", "description": "65 Attack Damage
    30% Attack Speed
    20% Critical Strike Chance
    8% Life Steal

  • Lifeline: When taking damage that would reduce you below 30% Health, gain a Shield. In addition, gain Attack Damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Attack Damage and Health.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6673" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7008.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3400, "sell": 2380 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "CriticalStrike", "AttackSpeed", "LifeSteal" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 65, "FlatCritChanceMod": 0.2, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.3, "PercentLifeStealMod": 0.08 }, "depth": 4 }, "7009": { "name": "Icathia's Curse", "description": "90 Ability Power
    450 Health
    20 Ability Haste
    8% Omnivamp

  • Void Corruption: For each second damaging enemy champions, deal bonus damage. At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Omnivamp and Ability Power.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "4633" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7009.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "SpellVamp", "MagicPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 450, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 90 }, "depth": 4 }, "7010": { "name": "Vespertide", "description": "120 Ability Power
    400 Health
    30 Ability Haste

  • Soulrend: Damaging a champion deals additional magic damage and grants you Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "4636" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7010.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 120 }, "depth": 4 }, "7011": { "name": "Upgraded Aeropack", "description": "120 Ability Power
    10 Magic Penetration
    350 Health
    20 Ability Haste

    Active - Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing an arc of magic missiles that deal damage. Then, gain Move Speed towards enemy champions.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Magic Penetration.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3152" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7011.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "MagicPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 350, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 120 }, "depth": 4 }, "7012": { "name": "Liandry's Lament", "description": "110 Ability Power
    800 Mana
    25 Ability Haste

  • Agony: Deal bonus magic damage to Champions based on the target's bonus Health.
  • Torment: Dealing damage with Abilities causes enemies to burn over time.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6653" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7012.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 192, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 800, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 110 }, "depth": 4 }, "7013": { "name": "Eye of Luden", "description": "100 Ability Power
    10 Magic Penetration
    800 Mana
    25 Ability Haste

  • Echo: Damaging Abilities deal magic damage to the target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you Move Speed. Dealing ability damage to Champions reduces this item's cooldown.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Magic Penetration.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6655" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7013.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "SpellDamage", "Mana", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "MagicPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatMPPoolMod": 800, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 100 }, "depth": 4 }, "7014": { "name": "Eternal Winter", "description": "90 Ability Power
    350 Health
    800 Mana
    25 Ability Haste

    Active - Glaciate: Deal damage in a cone, Slowing enemies hit. Enemies at the center of the cone are Rooted instead.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Power.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6656" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7014.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 350, "FlatMPPoolMod": 800, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 90 }, "depth": 4 }, "7015": { "name": "Ceaseless Hunger", "description": "70 Attack Damage
    450 Health
    25 Ability Haste
    12% Omnivamp

    Active - Thirsting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies. Restore Health for each champion hit.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Health and Ability Haste.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6630" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7015.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "LifeSteal", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "SpellVamp", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 70, "FlatHPPoolMod": 450 }, "depth": 4 }, "7016": { "name": "Dreamshatter", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    30% Attack Speed
    400 Health
    25 Ability Haste

    Active - Halting Slash: Deal damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them. Can be cast while moving.
  • Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6631" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7016.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "Slow", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60, "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.3 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "0.5", "Effect2Amount": "0", "Effect3Amount": "90", "Effect4Amount": "0", "Effect5Amount": "10" }, "depth": 4 }, "7017": { "name": "Deicide", "description": "60 Attack Damage
    450 Health
    25 Ability Haste
  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage On-Hit. If the target is a champion, also heal.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6632" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7017.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3300, "sell": 2310 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "MagicPenetration", "ArmorPenetration", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 60, "FlatHPPoolMod": 450 }, "depth": 4 }, "7018": { "name": "Infinity Force", "description": "45 Attack Damage
    40% Attack Speed
    400 Health
    25 Ability Haste

  • Threefold Strike: Attacks grant Move Speed. If the target is a champion, increase your base Attack Damage, stacking.
  • Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack is enhanced with additional damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Attack Damage, Ability Haste, and Move Speed.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3078" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7018.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3333, "sell": 2333 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Damage", "AttackSpeed", "CooldownReduction", "OnHit", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatPhysicalDamageMod": 45, "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "PercentAttackSpeedMod": 0.4 }, "effect": { "Effect1Amount": "25", "Effect2Amount": "60", "Effect3Amount": "2", "Effect4Amount": "1.5", "Effect5Amount": "1.5" }, "depth": 4 }, "7019": { "name": "Reliquary of the Golden Dawn", "description": "400 Health
    25 Ability Haste
    40 Armor
    40 Magic Resist

    Active - Devotion: Grant nearby allies a Shield, decaying over time.
  • Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor and Magic Resist increase to Consecrate.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3190" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7019.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "Aura", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40, "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "depth": 4 }, "7020": { "name": "Shurelya's Requiem", "description": "70 Ability Power
    300 Health
    25 Ability Haste
    200% Base Mana Regen

    Active - Inspire: Grants nearby allies Move Speed.
  • Motivate: Empowering or Protecting another ally Champion grants both allies Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Haste.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "2065" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7020.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 4 }, "7021": { "name": "Starcaster", "description": "70 Ability Power
    300 Health
    25 Ability Haste
    200% Base Mana Regen

  • Starlit Grace: When affecting champions with Attacks or Abilities in combat, restore Health to the most wounded nearby ally. Each second spent in combat with champions increases your Heal and Shield Power.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items an increase to Starlit Grace's Heal.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6617" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7021.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 4 }, "7022": { "name": "Seat of Command", "description": "70 Ability Power
    300 Health
    25 Ability Haste
    200% Base Mana Regen

  • Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal bonus damage and mark them. Ally champion damage detonates the mark, dealing additional damage and granting you both Move Speed.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Ability Power.

    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "4005" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7022.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 432, "y": 240, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "NonbootsMovement" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 300, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 70 }, "depth": 4 }, "7023": { "name": "Equinox", "description": "400 Health
    25 Ability Haste
    40 Armor
    40 Magic Resist

  • Coruscation: After Immobilizing champions or being Immobilized, cause that target and all nearby enemy Champions to take increased damage.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor and Magic Resist
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3001" ], "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "7023.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 0, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 400, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40, "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "depth": 4 }, "7024": { "name": "Caesura", "description": "90 Ability Power
    350 Health
    800 Mana
    25 Ability Haste

  • Divine Safeguard: You are Safeguarded, reducing incoming champion damage. Safeguard persists for 1.5 seconds after taking champion damage.
  • Holy Gift: While Safeguarded and for 3 seconds after it is broken, gain Ability Power.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Move Speed and Ability Power.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "4644" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7024.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 48, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "NonbootsMovement", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 350, "FlatMPPoolMod": 800, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 90 }, "depth": 4 }, "7025": { "name": "Leviathan", "description": "1050 Health
    300% Base Health Regen
    25 Ability Haste

  • Colossal Consumption: Charge up a powerful attack against a champion over 3s while within 700 range of them. The charged attack deals 125 + 6% of your max Health as bonus physical damage, and grants you 10% of that amount as permanent max Health. (30s) cooldown per target.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 1% Increased Health & 6% Champion Size.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3084" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7025.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 96, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 1050 }, "depth": 4 }, "7026": { "name": "The Unspoken Parasite", "description": "550 Health
    40 Armor
    40 Magic Resist
    25 Ability Haste

  • Voidborn Resilience: For each second in champion combat gain a stack granting Armor and Magic Resist, up to 8 stacks max. At max stacks become empowered, instantly draining enemies around you for magic damage, healing yourself, and increasing your bonus resist until end of combat.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Armor and Magic Resist.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6665" ], "inStore": false, "requiredAlly": "Ornn", "image": { "full": "7026.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 144, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "CooldownReduction", "MagicResist", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 550, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40, "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "depth": 4 }, "7027": { "name": "Primordial Dawn", "description": "550 Health
    40 Armor
    40 Magic Resist
    25 Ability Haste

  • Guiding Light: Upon casting your Ultimate you Transcend, increasing your Max Health. While Transcended you and allies heal over time.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items Health.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6667" ], "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "7027.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 192, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 3200, "sell": 2240 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "Armor", "Aura", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 550, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40, "FlatArmorMod": 40 }, "depth": 4 }, "7028": { "name": "Infinite Convergence", "description": "80 Ability Power
    550 Health
    550 Mana

    This item gains 20 Health, 20 Mana and 4 Ability Power every 60 seconds up to 10 times, for a maximum of 200 Health, 200 Mana, and 40 Ability Power. Upon reaching max stacks, gain a level and all effects of Eternity are increased by 50%.
  • Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 7% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and Health equal to 25% of Mana spent, up to 20 Health per cast, per second. For every 200 Health or Mana restored this way, gain 35% Decaying Move Speed for 3 seconds.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 5 Ability Haste.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "6657" ], "inStore": false, "image": { "full": "7028.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 240, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 2800, "sell": 1960 }, "tags": [ "Health", "HealthRegen", "SpellDamage", "Mana", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 550, "FlatMPPoolMod": 550, "FlatMagicDamageMod": 80 }, "depth": 4 }, "7050": { "name": "Gangplank Placeholder", "description": "", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "New Gangplank interface coming soon!", "stacks": 0, "consumed": true, "consumeOnFull": true, "inStore": false, "requiredChampion": "Gangplank", "hideFromAll": true, "image": { "full": "7050.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 288, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 0, "purchasable": false, "total": 0, "sell": 0 }, "tags": [], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": {} }, "8001": { "name": "Anathema's Chains", "description": "650 Health
    20 Ability Haste

    Active - Vow: Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta (90s).
  • Vendetta: Take reduced damage from your Nemesis, increasing per Vendetta stack. You gain stacks over time, and reach the maximum number of stacks after 60 seconds.
  • Vengeance: At maximum stacks, your Nemesis has reduced Tenacity while near you.

    Active can be cast while dead and at global range. Stacks reset upon choosing a new target. Cannot be cast for 15 seconds while in-combat with champions.

    \"She swore to dedicate her life to his destruction. The gauntlets heard.\"
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3067", "1011" ], "image": { "full": "8001.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 336, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 800, "purchasable": true, "total": 2500, "sell": 1750 }, "tags": [ "Health", "Active", "CooldownReduction", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 650 }, "depth": 3 }, "8020": { "name": "Abyssal Mask", "description": "550 Health
    300 Mana
    40 Magic Resist
    10 Ability Haste

  • Eternity: Restore Mana equal to 7% of premitigation damage taken from champions, and Health equal to 25% of Mana spent, up to 20 Health per cast, per second.
  • Unmake: Curse nearby enemy champions, reducing their Magic Resist. For each Cursed enemy, gain Magic Resist.
    ", "colloq": "", "plaintext": "", "from": [ "3803", "3211" ], "image": { "full": "8020.png", "sprite": "item2.png", "group": "item", "x": 384, "y": 288, "w": 48, "h": 48 }, "gold": { "base": 450, "purchasable": true, "total": 3000, "sell": 2100 }, "tags": [ "Health", "SpellBlock", "HealthRegen", "Mana", "ManaRegen", "CooldownReduction", "MagicPenetration", "MagicResist", "AbilityHaste" ], "maps": { "11": true, "12": true, "21": true, "22": false }, "stats": { "FlatHPPoolMod": 550, "FlatSpellBlockMod": 40, "FlatMPPoolMod": 300 }, "depth": 3 } }, "groups": [ { "id": "HuntersTalismanGroup", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "HuntersMacheteGroup", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "AHCapstone", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "BaseJungleItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "Boots", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "BootsOfSpeed", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "BootsWithoutActives", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "BuildsFromStopwatchGroup", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { 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"ItemGroupSwapToSummonerSmite", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "ItemGroupSwapToSummonerTeleport", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "JungleEnchantments", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "JungleItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "LastWhisper", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "LegendaryClearingItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "LifelineItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "MarksmanCapstone", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "MythicItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "NewDoransItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "NonItem", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "OdysseySustainItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "-1" }, { "id": "OrnnItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "PerksElixir", "MaxGroupOwnable": "0" }, { "id": "PerksElixirAdvanced", "MaxGroupOwnable": "0" }, { "id": "Potion", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "Quicksilver", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "SLIMEStarterItems", "MaxGroupOwnable": "1" }, { "id": "SRIChampItemDisabledGroup", 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"SPELLBLOCK" ] }, { "header": "ATTACK", "tags": [ "LIFESTEAL", "CRITICALSTRIKE", "ATTACKSPEED", "DAMAGE" ] }, { "header": "MAGIC", "tags": [ "MANA", "SPELLDAMAGE", "COOLDOWNREDUCTION", "MANAREGEN" ] }, { "header": "MOVEMENT", "tags": [ "BOOTS", "NONBOOTSMOVEMENT" ] }, { "header": "UNCATEGORIZED", "tags": [ "ACTIVE", "MAGICPENETRATION", "ARMORPENETRATION", "AURA", "ONHIT", "TRINKET", "SLOW", "STEALTH", "SPELLVAMP", "TENACITY" ] } ] }