// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /** Copyright (c) 2020 Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG */ #pragma once #if defined(USE_TWINCAT_ROUTER) #include "TwinCAT/AdsLib.h" #else #include "standalone/AdsLib.h" #endif /** * Reads data synchronously from an ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[in] indexGroup Index Group. * @param[in] indexOffset Index Offset. * @param[in] bufferLength Length of the data in bytes. * @param[out] buffer Pointer to a data buffer that will receive the data. * @param[out] bytesRead pointer to a variable. If successful, this variable will return the number of actually read data bytes. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncReadReqEx2(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint32_t indexGroup, uint32_t indexOffset, uint32_t bufferLength, void* buffer, uint32_t* bytesRead); /** * Reads the identification and version number of an ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[out] devName Pointer to a character string of at least 16 bytes, that will receive the name of the ADS device. * @param[out] version Address of a variable of type AdsVersion, which will receive the version number, revision number and the build number. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncReadDeviceInfoReqEx(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, char* devName, AdsVersion* version); /** * Reads the ADS status and the device status from an ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[out] adsState Address of a variable that will receive the ADS status (see data type [ADSSTATE](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadsdll2/html/tcadsdll_enumadsstate.htm?id=2714257434501002224). * @param[out] devState Address of a variable that will receive the device status. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncReadStateReqEx(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint16_t* adsState, uint16_t* devState); /** * Writes data synchronously into an ADS server and receives data back from the ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[in] indexGroup Index Group. * @param[in] indexOffset Index Offset. * @param[in] readLength Length, in bytes, of the read buffer readData. * @param[out] readData Buffer for data read from the ADS server. * @param[in] writeLength Length of the data, in bytes, send to the ADS server. * @param[in] writeData Buffer with data send to the ADS server. * @param[out] bytesRead pointer to a variable. If successful, this variable will return the number of actually read data bytes. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncReadWriteReqEx2(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint32_t indexGroup, uint32_t indexOffset, uint32_t readLength, void* readData, uint32_t writeLength, const void* writeData, uint32_t* bytesRead); /** * Writes data synchronously to an ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[in] indexGroup Index Group. * @param[in] indexOffset Index Offset. * @param[in] bufferLength Length of the data, in bytes, send to the ADS server. * @param[in] buffer Buffer with data send to the ADS server. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncWriteReqEx(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint32_t indexGroup, uint32_t indexOffset, uint32_t bufferLength, const void* buffer); /** * Changes the ADS status and the device status of an ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[in] adsState New ADS status. * @param[in] devState New device status. * @param[in] bufferLength Length of the additional data, in bytes, send to the ADS server. * @param[in] buffer Buffer with additional data send to the ADS server. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncWriteControlReqEx(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint16_t adsState, uint16_t devState, uint32_t bufferLength, const void* buffer); /** * A notification is defined within an ADS server (e.g. PLC). When a * certain event occurs a function (the callback function) is invoked in * the ADS client (C program). * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[in] indexGroup Index Group. * @param[in] indexOffset Index Offset. * @param[in] pAttrib Pointer to the structure that contains further information. * @param[in] pFunc Pointer to the structure describing the callback function. * @param[in] hUser 32-bit value that is passed to the callback function. * @param[out] pNotification Address of the variable that will receive the handle of the notification. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncAddDeviceNotificationReqEx(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint32_t indexGroup, uint32_t indexOffset, const AdsNotificationAttrib* pAttrib, PAdsNotificationFuncEx pFunc, uint32_t hUser, uint32_t* pNotification); /** * A notification defined previously is deleted from an ADS server. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[in] pAddr Structure with NetId and port number of the ADS server. * @param[in] hNotification Address of the variable that contains the handle of the notification. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncDelDeviceNotificationReqEx(long port, const AmsAddr* pAddr, uint32_t hNotification); /** * Read the configured timeout for the ADS functions. The standard value is 5000 ms. * @param[in] port port number of an Ads port that had previously been opened with AdsPortOpenEx(). * @param[out] timeout Buffer to store timeout value in ms. * @return [ADS Return Code](https://infosys.beckhoff.com/content/1031/tcadscommon/html/ads_returncodes.htm?id=1666172286265530469) */ long AdsSyncGetTimeoutEx(long port, uint32_t* timeout);