/** Copyright (c) 2015 Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef AMSHEADER_H #define AMSHEADER_H #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) #include "AdsDef.h" #include "wrap_endian.h" #include #include #include #pragma pack (push, 1) struct AmsTcpHeader { AmsTcpHeader(const uint8_t* frame) { memcpy(this, frame, sizeof(*this)); } AmsTcpHeader(const uint32_t numBytes = 0) : reserved(0), leLength(qToLittleEndian(numBytes)) { UNUSED(reserved); } uint32_t length() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leLength); } private: uint16_t reserved; uint32_t leLength; }; struct AoERequestHeader { static const uint32_t SDO_UPLOAD = 0xF302; AoERequestHeader(uint16_t sdoIndex, uint8_t sdoSubIndex, uint32_t dataLength) : AoERequestHeader(SDO_UPLOAD, ((uint32_t)sdoIndex) << 16 | sdoSubIndex, dataLength) {} AoERequestHeader(uint32_t indexGroup, uint32_t indexOffset, uint32_t dataLength) : leGroup(qToLittleEndian(indexGroup)), leOffset(qToLittleEndian(indexOffset)), leLength(qToLittleEndian(dataLength)) {} private: const uint32_t leGroup; const uint32_t leOffset; const uint32_t leLength; }; struct AoEReadWriteReqHeader : AoERequestHeader { AoEReadWriteReqHeader(uint32_t indexGroup, uint32_t indexOffset, uint32_t readLength, uint32_t writeLength) : AoERequestHeader(indexGroup, indexOffset, readLength), leWriteLength(qToLittleEndian(writeLength)) {} private: const uint32_t leWriteLength; }; struct AdsWriteCtrlRequest { AdsWriteCtrlRequest(uint16_t ads, uint16_t dev, uint32_t dataLength) : leAdsState(qToLittleEndian(ads)), leDevState(qToLittleEndian(dev)), leLength(qToLittleEndian(dataLength)) {} private: const uint16_t leAdsState; const uint16_t leDevState; const uint32_t leLength; }; struct AdsAddDeviceNotificationRequest { AdsAddDeviceNotificationRequest(uint32_t __group, uint32_t __offset, uint32_t __length, uint32_t __mode, uint32_t __maxDelay, uint32_t __cycleTime) : leGroup(qToLittleEndian(__group)), leOffset(qToLittleEndian(__offset)), leLength(qToLittleEndian(__length)), leMode(qToLittleEndian(__mode)), leMaxDelay(qToLittleEndian(__maxDelay)), leCycleTime(qToLittleEndian(__cycleTime)), reserved() { UNUSED(reserved); } private: const uint32_t leGroup; const uint32_t leOffset; const uint32_t leLength; const uint32_t leMode; const uint32_t leMaxDelay; const uint32_t leCycleTime; const std::array reserved; }; struct AoEHeader { static const uint16_t AMS_REQUEST = 0x0004; static const uint16_t AMS_RESPONSE = 0x0005; static const uint16_t AMS_UDP = 0x0040; static const uint16_t INVALID = 0x0000; static const uint16_t READ_DEVICE_INFO = 0x0001; static const uint16_t READ = 0x0002; static const uint16_t WRITE = 0x0003; static const uint16_t READ_STATE = 0x0004; static const uint16_t WRITE_CONTROL = 0x0005; static const uint16_t ADD_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION = 0x0006; static const uint16_t DEL_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION = 0x0007; static const uint16_t DEVICE_NOTIFICATION = 0x0008; static const uint16_t READ_WRITE = 0x0009; AoEHeader() : leTargetPort(0), leSourcePort(0), leCmdId(0), leStateFlags(0), leLength(0), leErrorCode(0), leInvokeId(0) {} AoEHeader(const AmsNetId& __targetAddr, uint16_t __targetPort, const AmsNetId& __sourceAddr, uint16_t __sourcePort, uint16_t __cmdId, uint32_t __length, uint32_t __invokeId) : targetNetId(__targetAddr), leTargetPort(qToLittleEndian(__targetPort)), sourceNetId(__sourceAddr), leSourcePort(qToLittleEndian(__sourcePort)), leCmdId(qToLittleEndian(__cmdId)), leStateFlags(qToLittleEndian(AMS_REQUEST)), leLength(qToLittleEndian(__length)), leErrorCode(qToLittleEndian(0)), leInvokeId(qToLittleEndian(__invokeId)) {} AoEHeader(const uint8_t* frame) { memcpy(this, frame, sizeof(*this)); } uint16_t cmdId() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leCmdId); } uint32_t errorCode() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leErrorCode); } uint32_t invokeId() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leInvokeId); } uint32_t length() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leLength); } AmsAddr sourceAms() const { return AmsAddr { sourceAddr(), sourcePort() }; } AmsNetId sourceAddr() const { return sourceNetId; } uint16_t sourcePort() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leSourcePort); } uint16_t stateFlags() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leStateFlags); } AmsNetId targetAddr() const { return targetNetId; } uint16_t targetPort() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leTargetPort); } private: AmsNetId targetNetId; uint16_t leTargetPort; AmsNetId sourceNetId; uint16_t leSourcePort; uint16_t leCmdId; uint16_t leStateFlags; uint32_t leLength; uint32_t leErrorCode; uint32_t leInvokeId; }; struct AoEResponseHeader { AoEResponseHeader() : leResult(0) {} AoEResponseHeader(const uint8_t* frame) { memcpy(this, frame, sizeof(*this)); } uint32_t result() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leResult); } private: uint32_t leResult; }; struct AoEReadResponseHeader : AoEResponseHeader { AoEReadResponseHeader() : leReadLength(0) {} AoEReadResponseHeader(const uint8_t* frame) { memcpy(this, frame, sizeof(*this)); } uint32_t readLength() const { return qFromLittleEndian((const uint8_t*)&leReadLength); } private: uint32_t leReadLength; }; #pragma pack (pop) #endif // AMSHEADER_H