# Auth headers [![pipeline status][badge-pipeline-img]][badge-pipeline-url] [![coverage report][badge-coverage-img]][badge-coverage-url] [![docs main][badge-docs-main-img]][badge-docs-main-url] [badge-pipeline-img]: https://gitlab.com/famedly/company/backend/libraries/auth-headers/badges/main/pipeline.svg [badge-pipeline-url]: https://gitlab.com/famedly/company/backend/libraries/auth-headers/-/commits/main [badge-coverage-img]: https://gitlab.com/famedly/company/backend/libraries/auth-headers/badges/main/coverage.svg [badge-coverage-url]: https://gitlab.com/famedly/company/backend/libraries/auth-headers/-/commits/main [badge-docs-main-img]: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-main-blue [badge-docs-main-url]: https://famedly.gitlab.io/company/backend/libraries/auth-headers/project_name/index.html Simple library for authorization header parsing / creation Usage: ```rust use auth_headers::AuthorizationHeader; use http::header::HeaderMap; let auth = AuthorizationHeader::basic("aladdin", "opensesame"); let header: HeaderMap = auth.try_into().unwrap(); ``` ```rust use auth_headers::AuthorizationHeader; use http::header::HeaderMap; let mut header_map = HeaderMap::new(); header_map.insert(http::header::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l".parse().unwrap()); let auth = AuthorizationHeader::try_from(&header_map).unwrap(); ``` ## Pre-commit usage 1. If not installed, install with your package manager, or `pip install --user pre-commit` 2. Run `pre-commit autoupdate` to update the pre-commit config to use the newest template 3. Run `pre-commit install` to install the pre-commit hooks to your local environment --- # Famedly **This project is part of the source code of Famedly.** We think that software for healthcare should be open source, so we publish most parts of our source code at [gitlab.com/famedly](https://gitlab.com/famedly/company). Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. For licensing information of this project, have a look at the [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) file within the repository. If you compile the open source software that we make available to develop your own mobile, desktop or embeddable application, and cause that application to connect to our servers for any purposes, you have to aggree to our Terms of Service. In short, if you choose to connect to our servers, certain restrictions apply as follows: - You agree not to change the way the open source software connects and interacts with our servers - You agree not to weaken any of the security features of the open source software - You agree not to use the open source software to gather data - You agree not to use our servers to store data for purposes other than the intended and original functionality of the Software - You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any and all updates to your software No license is granted to the Famedly trademark and its associated logos, all of which will continue to be owned exclusively by Famedly GmbH. Any use of the Famedly trademark and/or its associated logos is expressly prohibited without the express prior written consent of Famedly GmbH. For more information take a look at [Famedly.com](https://famedly.com) or contact us by [info@famedly.com](mailto:info@famedly.com?subject=[GitLab]%20More%20Information%20)